
Two FBI agents shot and killed while serving warrant in South Florida 

Miami Herald
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Two FBI agents were shot and killed and others injured while serving a warrant at a Sunrise home on Feb. 2, 2021.
Video by Matias J. Ocner and José A. Iglesias / Miami Herald
Read more: tinyurl.com/11dx5kuu
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@mopar21 3 года назад
Lol 😆 and they want to go door to door for gun confiscation?
@Jay_Hall 3 года назад
0118,,That is a RED LINE no one better cross!
@averyp3997 3 года назад
So, you'd shoot at law enforcement?
@Jay_Hall 3 года назад
@@averyp3997 Would "law enforcement" shoot at us, rob us, and violate the Constitution and Bill Of Rights???????????? Hmmm?
@averyp3997 3 года назад
@@Jay_Hall lol okay Timothy McVeigh. Dial it back a notch.
@Jay_Hall 3 года назад
@@averyp3997 What triggered McVeigh, do U have any idea? What triggered 911? Hello....
@kevinsanchun2052 3 года назад
They probably didn't see it coming because the FBI statistics led them to believe they weren't in any danger.Hopedully this won't effect future FBI "statistics ".My condolences to their families.
@wkdewok 3 года назад
Hunter$ stepped up his game..
@fattymcfatso1083 3 года назад
Well I guess they will not be violating anyone's constitutional rights again.
@Jiraiya360 3 года назад
I find it strange that a person who shot and killed FBI agents has not been identified to the public yet and yet when someone resists arrest and is shot and/ or killed.... you know their whole life story by the end of the day...you know the grade school they attended and a complete criminal history sheet of them...they must be creating a narrative for this person whoever they are.
@stevezrofsky8577 3 года назад
Or there are more arrests coming. Like everyone that was purchasing child porn from this group
@yolandabyers3543 3 года назад
@Jiraiya360 3 года назад
I have searched all over just for a name a who... nothing yet to the public.... however a resist arrester who could have been shot the same time....I wouldn't have to search to hard to find anything on them because like I said their whole life story is out there by the end of the day...this happened this morning...its past 1PM my time....let see how long it takes for a name to drop thats all I'm saying...people can say more arrest to come and giving his name could prevent that...anyone else who is going to be arrested knows this guy is dead and is running... the only people who don't know yet is the public and that means someone is creating a narrative for whoever this person is....its the world we live in now
@stevezrofsky8577 3 года назад
@@Jiraiya360 national cable news outlets are not touching this case for some reason. Can only find local outlets and newspapers.
@stevezrofsky8577 3 года назад
@@Jiraiya360 nothing will come out til a CNN NBC OR FOXNEWS cable networks can break the story for national ratings.
@fattymcfatso1083 3 года назад
No love here for the federal government.
@guesswho4944 3 года назад
Why haven’t they revealed the suspect? .... ummmm huh
@BillOtinger 3 года назад
Very Sad, However the FBI have Now LOST the RESPECT of the People
@bestbest632 3 года назад
Please don't take FBI meekness as a weakness.
@graciefreebush394 3 года назад
Why? Cuz they got shot?
@davidnierzwick2775 3 года назад
FBI runs free under Democrats.. kinda like their own secret police... Comey, Brennan all knew what they were doing to Trump. Fake dossier didn't matter.
@philippinepalestra 3 года назад
Why? They were supposed to be invincible to bullets?
@ironseabeelost1140 3 года назад
@@bestbest632 At the moment they are the best enforcers of the democrats leaderships desires!
@blackman9008 3 года назад
rest in peace... FLORIDA MAN. thank you for your service
@scoobtube5746 3 года назад
If we were living in a sane country, we'd pin a Congressional Medal of Honor on FLORIDA MAN's chest for his heroic actions.
@Knocktfout 3 года назад
I sure hope the truth starts being told and evil gets snuffed out. NO MATTER WHO IT IS!
@stevezrofsky8577 3 года назад
@robthehood2940 3 года назад
2 evils were killed 2 were wounded. It's believed that individual that saved his life took his life from the trauma from these Terrorist
@ericreed4535 3 года назад
The people going hands on for the FBI and getting pedos off the street, are nothing like their leadership (politicians). I thank these two agents for helping to make the world safer for children. Definitely heroes to us parents. Their mission was honorable and their loved ones can be very proud. I wish peace and comfort for their families. Protecting kids from monsters has a cost.
@TheChimerakiller 3 года назад
I wish to thank them as well. They died protecting our children and communities.
@jeanlucbaugniet 3 года назад
This is amazingly sad ! Read the comments hereunder : some are celebrating the deaths of FBI agents ! Where is this Country going when you have so much hatred ?
@jameymikels1886 3 года назад
Democrat Gestapo..... formally known as the FBI
@tomsuh1362 3 года назад
It going to be like a military dictatorship. Its funny how Kim from North Korea admitted that the policy of his government is not working.(try to say communist does not work for the people) and like China try to reform it with open market system while most Western nation are turning totalitarian with lock downs and crazy laws and mandates.
@jeanlucbaugniet 3 года назад
@@tomsuh1362 I am a rightist, NOT a republican, but I believe that TOO much freedom is NOT good !
@lostinpa-dadenduro7555 3 года назад
@@jeanlucbaugniet Define too much.
@kaliss7192 3 года назад
You're assuming you have to hate someone to want them dead? Naaaahhh.
@danielmccarthy1581 3 года назад
Scully and Mulder were seen near the area. They were seen getting into a black van with J and K ? hmmmm ?
@leonardoalbertolarios8053 3 года назад
Agent M was there too.
@ArtVandelayOfficial 3 года назад
Grow up, show some respect
@davidamoakomorgan1807 3 года назад
Why are they not showing the victims images??
@read85Soldierebook 3 года назад
I'm sorry, this skit was hilarious 😂
@Chainsnatcher 3 года назад
Wait till they try taking are guns.
@averyp3997 3 года назад
So, you'd resort to mass-murder, over some type of gun?
@averyp3997 3 года назад
@PhuQ Dummy What kind of things do you think I'm involved in to where I'd need a gun?
@Gods-bad-boy 3 года назад
Just a reminder at steam didn't kill himself
@robertconard7331 3 года назад
@Paradox G I agree. Definitely at steam!
@smoothtwh 3 года назад
@Paradox G E p s t e i n !!
@Gods-bad-boy 3 года назад
@@smoothtwh Thank you.
@Knocktfout 3 года назад
@Paradox G old jeffthro
@Gods-bad-boy 3 года назад
@John Thomas I don't give a fack about ya mate! You got the message
@JK-ry8fv 3 года назад
Jesus Christ saves from sin. Romans 3: 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Hebrews 9: 27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Isaiah 64: 6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. Revelation 21: 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Romans 5: 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. John 3: 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 14: 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Romans 10: 9-10. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Jesus said John 5: 24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. 1John 5: 10-13 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. Ephesians 2: 8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Romans 8: 1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 2 Corinthians 5: 21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. .................................................................................................................................................
@greghall9410 3 года назад
Remember Waco Remember Ruby Ridge Remember that the FBI tried to overthrow President Trump No tears here
@sandman7947 3 года назад
I was going to comment till I saw yours.I could not have said it better, bravo.
@dellmiller5082 3 года назад
Condolences to the families of the agents no one should have to lose your life for something ridiculous and serving a search warrant but those are the times we live in now
@blessingjohnson5744 3 года назад
Sad 😞 but I thought serving warrant is a police job.
@sabbybean5194 3 года назад
State yeah, not federal charges.
@Zay13378 3 года назад
Send them to the Marshals.
@graciefreebush394 3 года назад
Not federal warrants.
@paulhewson4600 3 года назад
They aren't saying everything,,,Plus it was a "Child Explotation" and other child related crimes Thats usually FBI
@Zay13378 3 года назад
@@paulhewson4600 I just wish they where more trained for a warrant execution, they don't get that extent of training even the Marshals get.
@theia1653 3 года назад
I'll think I'll have a drink to this in celebration.
@Blueveteran342 3 года назад
Agents being killed while serving a search warrant for violent crimes against children is a reason for you to celebrate? You hit rock bottom
@theia1653 3 года назад
@@Blueveteran342 I honestly don't care.
@kingvolt8694 3 года назад
typical disgust. prob a perv as well
@snooker1711 3 года назад
@@theia1653 I'm sure you don't because you're a miserable, vile human being.
@sheliashuck1633 3 года назад
Isnt it sttrange. On two other videos they had comments turned off but I would have asked them why when they showed up to pick up the bodies they had flag draped coffins to put the bodies in. Just happened to be in the neighborhood? Very dramatic
@sarathompson6343 3 года назад
American Flag draped over a coffin belongs only to the brave men and women who served in the military only!!!
@kar12894 3 года назад
2 fbi agents 2/2/2021
@averyp3997 3 года назад
2+2-2+0-2-1 wuuuuuut
@kar12894 3 года назад
@Alan Warburton The people who own you believe in it. So whether you do or not makes no difference.
@averyp3997 3 года назад
@@kar12894 It's all garbledeguk. Might as well be doing kau chim.
@thurstonpowell8687 3 года назад
This calls for beer and cookies
@harveyweinstein8937 3 года назад
Where were they when we needed them to investigate election irregularities? Oh yea, they were busy talking to jussie smollet and checking out bubba Wallace's loop knot.
@kassiwarcraft7633 3 года назад
🤣 yep
@smoothtwh 3 года назад
Seems a bit Fishy!!
@salvagemonster3612 3 года назад
So what rich politicians turned in his supplier ?
@everetthenderson5466 3 года назад
Prayers for their families!!!!
@dennyhutton4923 3 года назад
Those officials went there playing tough
@pauljamison3340 3 года назад
Oh well never mind!!! Over staffed anyway!!!!
@inkdredneck1776 3 года назад
@inkdredneck1776 3 года назад
@Augustine Montes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@bksalkrook8716 3 года назад
how come there not talking about WHY the raid was conducted ?
@Blueveteran342 3 года назад
5 seconds of research and you can find an answer: Search warrant for violent crimes against children and child p*rn*graphy.
@kevinsanchun2052 3 года назад
@@Blueveteran342 I was about to say I've seen at least dozen articles on why the FBI went there already.This person must've been living in a cave.
@lexxluther5589 3 года назад
I'm curious to know more on this story. FOX covered a whole 17 seconds on it and moved on. FBI are highly trained agents and not one but two were taken down. Who did they serve the warrant on? Jack Reacher?
@kaandeniz2997 3 года назад
Allahu akbar
@kassiwarcraft7633 3 года назад
Should have let the Broward County Sheriff deputies handle it.
@kibt5227 3 года назад
Would have been worse lmao
@stevezrofsky8577 3 года назад
Broward county is compromised. Complicit
@nicheleloh2893 3 года назад
That's what I was thinking 🤔🤔! Sounds fishy to me immediately foul play or intentional target!
@MrDanSchulte 3 года назад
Florida law enforcement is dirty.
@joevogliardo3131 3 года назад
@@MrDanSchulte Ft. Lauderdale sure is
@bluegrassnnawoods8198 3 года назад
anybody interested in believing the "official story" ?
@graciefreebush394 3 года назад
Where could I go to hear that?
@Knocktfout 3 года назад
@@graciefreebush394 YOU WON'T RIGHT AWAY ANYWHERE.
@thurstonpowell8687 3 года назад
sooo we're going to Sheriff Grady Judd?
@ber9313 3 года назад
@@thurstonpowell8687 Isn't he in California though?
@thurstonpowell8687 3 года назад
@@ber9313 Polk County Florida he'd have his kid arrested for stealing a cookie from the jar
@Hustler604 3 года назад
Lol play stupid games with stupid prizes
@crazychicSHENA 3 года назад
More 🌎stories out of Florida 🐍
@Mrchong405 3 года назад
Where do you live Atlanta? Lmao it’s no Better trust me full of fools
@averyp3997 3 года назад
@@Mrchong405 o.O
@thurstonpowell8687 3 года назад
Nothing out of an FBI agent's mouth is the truth, they are high caliber bs artist nothing more
@ANTHONYJOHNSON-ot6ck 3 года назад
Another one bites the dust
@thomasvelazquez9789 3 года назад
?? Explain
@willybeama1 3 года назад
FBI serves warrants for cp? Is that a thing. Seems there is more to this. Sad and unfortunate though. This world is just batshit crazy. This will be probably be politicized as well because politics consume all these days unfortunately. I miss the days when you could go a whole week without hearing a politicians name or controversial issue.
@alanmalcheski8882 3 года назад
Ding ding ding you're today's winning comment. I'm not trying to lighten the mood, we're talking about horrible death and evil people. Five children were shot in Oklahoma this morning, and I believe the suspect is also dead. Before you jump to gun control conspiracy theories, direct your attention to CPS.
@fezli8139 3 года назад
I've just looked it up and there are dozens of articles from years passed of the FBI arresting pedophiles with cp. If the FBI is monitoring certain criminal activity, like cp, don't you think it's possible for people to get caught in the act? Everything isn't a conspiracy.
@alanmalcheski8882 3 года назад
@@fezli8139 so why didn't you link one of them? That's easy, just show us what you mean.
@willybeama1 3 года назад
@@fezli8139 I mean yes. Fact is, I just don’t care anymore. 2020 has me a bit numb to whatever.
@fproszek 3 года назад
If the guy's car is there, flatten a tire, arrest him when he's busy with a jack.
@vanxl9 3 года назад
You should be in fbi. There are so many ways to catch someone with technology today or just common sense. Save the violence.
@moluz7648 3 года назад
No the two agents killed were probably lead to slaughter by higher ups for knowing to much plus notice mainstream media has aired this story once and never again
@neonnaughtsie4726 3 года назад
Every time a cop gets shot, a freedom angel gets its wings!
@fuckreligion6441 2 года назад
And Everytime a unarmed person gets shot freedom angles get their wings 🙂
@neonnaughtsie4726 2 года назад
@@fuckreligion6441 Good, you'll be easy pickings then, LOL!
@read85Soldierebook 3 года назад
All we know is they had on nice suits.
@sandman7947 3 года назад
I'm just waiting to see how trump is responsible for this?
@jewbradfford7049 3 года назад
Dam sucks can’t even be on the right side no more
@JesusSavesFromSin 3 года назад
Jesus Christ saves from sin. Romans 3: 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Hebrews 9: 27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Isaiah 64: 6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. Revelation 21: 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Romans 5: 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. John 3: 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 14: 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Romans 10: 9-10. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Jesus said John 5: 24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. 1John 5: 10-13 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. Ephesians 2: 8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Romans 8: 1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 2 Corinthians 5: 21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. ...............................................................................................................................................
@averyp3997 3 года назад
Welcome to Florida.
@johnburrows5119 3 года назад
Awesome news!!!
@benprouty8165 3 года назад
@fnyack 3 года назад
I’m sure they will blame this on Trump.
@jeanlucbaugniet 3 года назад
With all the rights...Trump is the criminal behind all this !
@gabrielbateca 3 года назад
@@jeanlucbaugniet LMAO
@fnyack 3 года назад
@@jeanlucbaugniet Could it be Trump in disguise pulling the trigger, maybe he’s getting even.
@jeanlucbaugniet 3 года назад
@@gabrielbateca nice to have one....
@jeanlucbaugniet 3 года назад
@@fnyack Too coward to do do things HIMSELF....he has plenty of cretins for that !
@johnburrows5119 3 года назад
Beautiful news. Glad to hear an American defended himself against intruders.
@Recks59 3 года назад
That's why you don't look for the devil at dawn .. Respect the Sunrise
@Cabbage22927 3 года назад
I hope it hurt.
@miken4987 3 года назад
I have no use for incorporated security guards! HOWEVER my heart goes out the the Slain Federal Agents an their families thank you for your service and thank you for going after a Horrible sick individual an any one connected. This is a sad day for Federal Agents.
@Knocktfout 3 года назад
Can we get the facts first?
@miken4987 3 года назад
@@Knocktfout if the Feds have a warrant for a child molester umm I’m sure the facts up to the point of entry is a Fact so chomo dead great job However very unfortunate for Feds today again my heart goes out to the Agents Family’s an the victims of this case trust me I don’t do not give out praise to incorporated security guards I do have some respect for Federal Agents it’s not hard to build a child pornography case the hard part is getting enough formation and evidence to put them away a long time otherwise 1-2 years later there back in business an we just can’t have that anywhere ever !!!!
@Knocktfout 3 года назад
Thats fine. What i will point out is public trust in government is at an all time low. Especially given this past election and facts that are available but not on mainstream media. Nobody is more hang em high on child abuse than i am
@Knocktfout 3 года назад
@@miken4987 second ago Thats fine. What i will point out is public trust in government is at an all time low. Especially given this past election and facts that are available but not on mainstream media. Nobody is more hang em high on child abuse than i am
@miken4987 3 года назад
@@Knocktfout yep I do not trust incorporated city or county security guards and my folks are FEDS they don’t like them either they say that incorporated city an county security guards are dangerous to quick to accuse an blame to quick to violate your rights an to quick to shoot and then really good at lying to cover there piss poor decisions ,choices an actions that lil tid bit came from a retired Federal Agent s mouth
@dennyhutton4923 3 года назад
@DomesticTruther 3 года назад
Dirt says that they were serving human trafficking warrants, gang related to be sure.... This isn't over
@stevezrofsky8577 3 года назад
Child exploitation warrants. No names released as of yet. Which could mean more to come.
@yodead369 3 года назад
Weak leadership of Joe biden's adminstration showing is colors.
@stevezrofsky8577 3 года назад
@@bbingtube lmao
@vickieanderson3045 3 года назад
@@yodead369 ain’t NOBODY weaker or scared than DUMB TRUMP
@Knocktfout 3 года назад
@@vickieanderson3045 Thats so ridiculous its hillarious!!! and i am middle of the row.
@filibuster_jpr 3 года назад
are we there yet? almost
@vincentconnolly3684 3 года назад
@vincentconnolly3684 3 года назад
@kingofalldishwashers2929 3 года назад
@Curtis-tx5hr 3 года назад
@0MN1Niburu 3 года назад
Biden's Gestapo !
@bigvaxmeanie925 3 года назад
Criminals. Not patriots
@bigvaxmeanie925 3 года назад
@Jimmy James your point? I saw an American flag being used to beat a cop in DC on January 6th. What does your gut tell you?
@bigvaxmeanie925 3 года назад
@Jimmy James they use the pole. But hey you clowns think its patriotic to attack the police. Blue lives matter?
@jamesshirrell3677 3 года назад
Get rid of warrants all together to many police officers are loosing there lives just to serve them its not worth there lives
@jack.bquick557 3 года назад
2 less lying tyrants walking around
@Jay_Hall 3 года назад
Jack,,they are liars,,but let us not wish death on any one. :)
@jack.bquick557 3 года назад
@@Jay_Hall so it's ok for them to do it to people, ruin there lives and murder people. KARMA it goes around and it caught up to these jokers
@Jay_Hall 3 года назад
@@jack.bquick557 Jack,,I understand,,but only the Creator can make that final, and decisive decision. Check your hate. :)
@KipGuitar1 3 года назад
Who’s seen that movie with the guy from taken . That’s what happened
@olugo999 3 года назад
Celebrating with a Lagavulin single malt. Hope the other 3 never fully recover from their injuries.
@janah2584 3 года назад
I live here it’s crazy
@ironseabeelost1140 3 года назад
It's locked step blue there!
@janah2584 3 года назад
It’s crazy because every day I’m walking in the morning with my daughter around that apt she didn’t feel good today we stayed home
@or9340 3 года назад
These people don't listen Why would you want to serve a warrant just like that Knowing that in the past it has Cause death It has to be a different way or a better way to do this My condolences to the Officers family Those pedophiles Need to get A Bullet in between the eyes
@thurstonpowell8687 3 года назад
Anyone seen saluting these basturds should turn in their badge
@wernersunkel 3 года назад
I mentioned C H I N A in comment and they deleted. Less FBI the better
@arrellehnisrael8229 3 года назад
I have to spell ellgeebeeteekew
@wernersunkel 3 года назад
@Mr Wonder try talking about J O E B i d e n and c h i n a in a negative way and mention how e v i l they are then watch how youtube deletes your cmments
@arrellehnisrael8229 3 года назад
@Mr. & Mrs. Laraunt the gates are ripped open by dems for everyone... all for voters who will undermine the Republic for any crumb that will legitimize the illegitimate. I guess some will sit back and watch and DO NOTHING... because there is so much fun to have. Yippee!
@robertmack8467 3 года назад
Never a good sign when the ME drives up. At :30 it looks like a guy with an injured leg. 55 degrees in Sunrise with a 20mph wind - no wonder everybody is wrapped up.
@jchapman8248 3 года назад
No particulars about this incident? I smell a cover up afoot!
@Blueveteran342 3 года назад
5 seconds of research and you would have the particulars: They were serving a search warrant for violent crimes against children and child p*rn*graphy.
@jchapman8248 3 года назад
@@Blueveteran342 The videos with the particulars were not posted at the time I looked it three hours ago, smart guy. No need to be a condescending pompous ass. Have a good evening.
@Blueveteran342 3 года назад
@@jchapman8248 The details have been out for at least 10 hours. I'm being condescending, because i can't stand people, who jump on the conspiracy train without even putting in the effort to gather the facts. Have a nice evening!
@jchapman8248 3 года назад
@@Blueveteran342 Hello my friend, I'd like to impart some friendly advice. You may or may not take it to heart. That's your call. Nevertheless here it is. Before you start having ulcers and other health related problems attributable to spasing out, you might want to check your attitude. If things bother you in the comments section then avoid them. If my speculations annoyed you, you easily could've ignored my comment, but you did not. And, yes, we're entitled to our views and opinions. It's part of the First Amendment. Nope, instead you chose to be condescending, pompous, rude and immature. In other words, a straight up asshat! The world is not your oyster my friend and you can go further with tact and diplomacy. Also, I don't think you'd talk like that to a complete stranger in the street like that, now would you? Especially to someone who would not put up with that crap. Unless, of course, you're looking to get checked with a justifiable smack down. And I don't know too many people who go out looking to get stomped in the course of their day. Listen, there are way too many trolls and immature people around who spew their ignorant and asinine vitriol while hiding behind anonymity. Man, don't be one of those people. Be better than that! I assume your folks raised you to be a good person and, no offense, not a dickhead. Imo, the best course of action in these comments sections is to be civil. Treat and speak to others in here as you would in public and as you'd want them to speak to you. Afterall, you are communicating on a public platform. If someone in the comments section writes something you find annoying ignore them. Why start up something unpleasant for both of you? Anyway, hopefully, some of what I've shared sinks in and you find use in it. My reply is not meant as a debate on right or wrong. It's honest and simple advice on the steadily disappearing art of social grace and manners. Be safe, be civil and take care.
@bbe3034 3 года назад
This is so sad! Save the children.
@bestbest632 3 года назад
very sad .
@Anicetus316 3 года назад
So who is the suspect like what’s the name of the suspect
@smoothtwh 3 года назад
This just happened and ALL this force, hmmm??
@graciefreebush394 3 года назад
They sent 6 cops to arrest a 9 year old...in other news.
@smoothtwh 3 года назад
@@graciefreebush394 E x a c t l y !! You get it!!
@tinalou3315 3 года назад
They walked in to a trap
@scoobtube5746 3 года назад
Not so much fun when the rabbit has the gun.
@chrisgray8539 3 года назад
@Freedomring-uk6yd 3 года назад
@gdvibes1 3 года назад
2 Down
@thurstonpowell8687 3 года назад
Send in the professionals, this is a job for Don Johnson
@bbingtube 3 года назад
All those saying what the warrant was for are lying. Hasn't been reported by the sources you claim.
@stevezrofsky8577 3 года назад
Every article I come across says this in first sentence nearly. What are you talking about
@bbingtube 3 года назад
@@stevezrofsky8577 please link me!! Thanks , I'm not seeing that anywhere but comments and no debrief or statement has been issued to that effect
@stevezrofsky8577 3 года назад
@@bbingtube ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-CvgJQP_u_Yo.html
@stevezrofsky8577 3 года назад
All I do is google 2 fbi agents killed sunrise florida.
@bbingtube 3 года назад
@@stevezrofsky8577 yeah I found it was sourced by an FBI agent at scene. Thanks man.
@robertbrown5470 3 года назад
Welcome to Joe Biden's America!!
@petermattei8510 3 года назад
Sure hope the perp took care of himself with a round to the head...really don't want to see him being protected by a public defender at this point.
@garazzoafrica6891 3 года назад
Bet it was Zoe Pound.
@JamesBrown-jb5qi 3 года назад
Zoe Pound is in Miami dude. This happened in broward.
@garazzoafrica6891 3 года назад
@@JamesBrown-jb5qi Zoe Pound is everywhere.....
@terrancebastarache4350 3 года назад
Thanks Peter look what happened stoke or what ever your last name is no respect for law
@albertcashier6206 3 года назад
What you reap you sow
@angrybutgoodbosniak9128 Год назад
Well I pray these 2 terrorists are in hell ,that’s justice.
@Denieseberry 3 года назад
As reported by Browning-Smith.
@Hatton-zg7ws 3 года назад
lol the views... no many care about the Just Us Department
@knoimsayn8366 3 года назад
This happened literally an hour ago. Give it some time bucko
@khalidatlas1548 3 года назад
my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time
@Blueveteran342 3 года назад
They died while trying to protect our children from predators and this comment section is full of conspiracy theories and disrespectful comments? Disgusting! May the agents rest in piece!
@corneillececil9437 3 года назад
How sad...
@sophiayates1530 3 года назад
Prayers for all involved!!!!!
@amen7271 3 года назад
Right to carry..,,.aha
@juandiyansukandar3821 3 года назад
@juandiyansukandar3821 3 года назад
polres sintang drunk... calling you ... patroli...
@briancorrigan6902 3 года назад
They should call for more backup
@stevezrofsky8577 3 года назад
2 dead, 3 wounded.
@thurstonpowell8687 3 года назад
It would all have been different if they were good at their job. They waste 4 years investigating a good president and now they want our tears.....tears aren't wasted on corrupted organization, most of America hates them.
@Cloud9MediaTv 3 года назад
Really did both of the agents passed 🤔
@tilias61 3 года назад
@kassiwarcraft7633 3 года назад
If you believe the news
@Cloud9MediaTv 3 года назад
@@kassiwarcraft7633 news said one killed
@RayR 3 года назад
Rest in piece and prayers for their family's.
@robertdesposito7993 3 года назад
BTW if your gonna criticize people then at least have the balls to use your real name.
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