
Typhoid Mary Mallon : Media Created Pariah? | Well, I Never 

Well, I Never
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Mary Mallon will forever be known as 'Typhoid Mary'. The Irish cook was responsible for over 50 cases of Typhoid with several people dying, but was her forced isolation on North Brother Island justified, or was she unjustly punished because of the media attention she drew?
In this episode, we look back through her history, the man who hunted her and the other carriers who were allowed to walk free.
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7 июл 2024




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@sylvienygaard1630 2 года назад
The fact that she left the moment there was an outbreak shows that she knew she was in some way responsible. Also, the fact that she returned to cooking and obviously didn’t wash her hands makes her in part responsable. She knowingly infected people. Makes it hard to feel sorry for her
@Astyanaz 2 года назад
On the other hand, most people would avoid an area where there was an outbreak of typhoid, or any other form of plague.
@duckygibson2075 2 года назад
@@Astyanaz but the problem with Mary, is that she changed locations often. I’m sure there weren’t outbreaks of typhoid in those locations originally, making ppl think it was safe. Then BAM…here comes fuckin Mary and her dirty ass.
@duckygibson2075 2 года назад
I agree completely. Three times? By then she KNEW something was happening and it was caused by her. She knowingly put others in danger. That many deaths around one person isn’t a mere coincidence and I’d like to think she wasn’t that fucking dense. And even after learning she had it….she still didn’t wash her fucking hands and began cooking again. She knowingly allowed ppl to be infected. All bc her dirty ass hands and lack of care for others. To put it nicely, she was a selfish jackass.
@forrestgreene1139 2 года назад
Ducky's right. It might be understandable the first couple times, but after she was quarantined and eventually had to promise not to cook again in order to be released, after that she cannot claim ignorance. She could have just continued living for free, but I suspect she knew exactly what she was doing. Er, I mean, she knew fucking exactly what her dirty ass was doing.
@lone6718 2 года назад
It’s more complicated that that. Typhoid was one of those illnesses that would crop up suddenly, like cholera. They were better versed at this time with germ theory and washing your hands, but a-symptomatic people were still new. She was also Irish which created a very complicated situation between her and the medical community. Anti-Irish signage and sentiments being what they were, the forced hospitalization - which led to forced tests and operations - meant she thought they were blaming her because she was Irish. There were at least 2 other people (men) who had death tolls that were close to if not in triple digits, but no one talks about them……
@acaciablossom558 2 года назад
Totally insane that she knew how to keep from spreading typhoid but didn’t just wash her damn hands and keep her fluids out of peoples food. I cannot imagine finding out I was responsible for people suffering and dying and then being economically forced to breach an agreement of my release, but not taking extreme measures to not kill anyone else. Obviously we can’t know her personally, but I feel she deserved to be permanently quarantined after proving she would not do even minimum hygiene to keep people from dying even after she knew. It’s insane
@lescobrandon8045 2 года назад
The messed up thing about life, is we're sick with things that haven't even been identified yet. "Where we go one, we go all." Mr.Germ
@tgbluewolf 2 года назад
"She knew how to keep from spreading typhoid"? Germ theory wasn't mainstream yet. Also at the time, anti-Irish bigotry was prevalent, so she could've thought that the insistence that she wash her hands was simply them thinking she was just dirty because of her heritage.
@retriever19golden55 2 года назад
Sounds like a bunch of people around here. I'm still masking and handwashing. If I get the 'Rona, I get it; if I die, then I die. But I'll be damned if I'm going to be responsible for other people dying.
@michaelwhisman7623 2 года назад
Wow. You actually are educated. Most people who force their opinions on us know zero.
@AnhPham-ld1cz 2 года назад
Interestingly my microbio professor said that even if she had kept up peak hygiene, she would continue to shed the pathogen at high rates because it was so prevalent in her body. So it would’ve been lose-lose either way
@britnyboo138 2 года назад
Oh I'm positive that's accurate but it does make you wonder what if still. Like what if she washed her hands more regularly? Probably would have just prolonged the inevitable,huh? Lol
@cherylschantz9893 2 года назад
Even doctors didn’t wash their hands regularly.
@cutethulu_xo 2 года назад
@@cherylschantz9893 yes, they killed so many people as a result. Especially mother's giving birth.
@kissarococo2459 2 года назад
@@dryb3301 She could have been a maid but it was not as well-paid and highly regarded as being a cook.
@ecthelion222 2 года назад
Which is why she should have stayed under quarantine. It’s a sad life to have to live but really if you know you’re the vector for all this death you should make the right decision. So it seems like she was more selfish than compassionate.
@Tahj-Leigh 2 года назад
I've heard the Story of Typhoid Mary many times and each time I get pissed all over again. I have no sympathy for her whatsoever.
@anastasiaphan4202 2 года назад
@kgoundan 2 года назад
If she were alive today she’d be all over Facebook and Twitter with her message on Covid being a scam
@rsolsjo 2 года назад
"she was a strong Irish woman however and it took five policemen to subdue her", I see that in my head as a comedic moment haha 😂 "Get her boys!" "we can't, she's a strong Irish woman!"
@BanishedSilentShadow3318 2 года назад
Be bad if the Irish theme starts playing then it would've taken almost the whole city policemen to take one Irish woman
@cpfs936 2 года назад
Add to that, some of the cops at the time were probably good Irish boys themselves, so they knew what they were getting into! 🤣 Can you imagine the conversation?
@queenofthecastle6916 2 года назад
It's so funny when people have the perfect name for their job.. Dr 'Soaper" the sanitation engineer 😆
@sharonrigs7999 2 года назад
My husband had his first prostate exam last month....performed by Dr. REACHER!
@queenofthecastle6916 2 года назад
@@sharonrigs7999 this is no joke.. my gynecologist is called "Mr M Divers!" He's a legend on the IOM 😂
@davidroddick91 2 года назад
The coroner in my city used to be a Dr. Deadman.
@ikazuchioni 2 года назад
Well, we used to have a Cardinal named Cardinal Sin.
@TXnine7nine 2 года назад
My dentist’s name is Dr. Smiley
@davidroddick91 2 года назад
I don't feel sorry for her isolation. She knew she was getting people sick and some were even dying, but as soon as the outbreak started, she'd take off for some other place knowing she would only start another outbreak there. Her life in quarantine would have been much better than the lives of others who had similar disregard for human lives and ended up in prison.
@AliciaNyblade 2 года назад
You could see why Mary wouldn't listen to doctors: Germ theory was still new, there was widespread prejudice against Irish immigrants in American society at the time, and her financial circumstances required her to move to the higher-paying job of cooking. That said, while Mary's perspective is understandable, I think the authorities did the right thing if she ultimately refused to do even the most basic health precautions, like hand-washing.
@trishayamada807 2 года назад
Nah, she knew she was a carrier after a bit, because she would leave once another person got typhoid. Then after her release, using fake names, and again quitting after someone fell ill, shows absolutely guilty behavior.
@AliciaNyblade 2 года назад
@@trishayamada807 When did I say she didn't know she was a carrier? She clearly did, and the authorities did the right thing by quarantining her after she refused to do even the most basic things to keep others healthy.
@AliciaNyblade 2 года назад
@Anna_. 2222 How?
@kristiskinner8542 2 года назад
@Anna_. 2222 Not at all. She's right, there was a lot of prejudice towards Irish Catholic immigrants in the late 1800s/early 1900s & germ theory was a somewhat new discovery. The authorities did do the right thing considering her continued actions of leaving when people started to get sick, hiring on elsewhere using different names etc. Nothing she said was "rubbish"
@ImCarolB 2 года назад
One of my grandmother's many stories of life in NYC when she was a young woman. Grandma was scrupulously clean and often insisted we washed our hands before touching anything. Her husband's father died of typhoid.
@bakielh229 4 месяца назад
You kind of made it seem like she killed him
@ImCarolB 4 месяца назад
@@bakielh229 How? By being clean? And he died before she was born.
@nopinout4651 2 года назад
I mean - she kept getting people sick. All she needed to do was stop getting families and their servants sick. Or would just wash her dang hands. Or not lie about her identity and then skip town after sickening tons of people - including patients at a goshdarn hospital. A MATERNITY hospital at that - I mean screw those babies I guess. Not like they need healthy mothers or anything.
@dianareintges4117 2 года назад
As my mother always said….soap and water is cheap.
@kissarococo2459 2 года назад
I get why people would have been upset with her. She was not told that she could not work, just that she should not cook. It's not as if they did not explain it to her. She just got Karen about it and doubled down.
@nopinout4651 2 года назад
@Kerrie Wilson Okay, so locking her up on an island away from vulnerable populations was not only the correct solution - it was the only solution. Thanks for that!
@savethofel8952 2 года назад
Mary believed she was being singled out because she was Irish, at a time when Irish immigrants were treated very poorly in America. I can't imagine how isolated she must have felt. Love your channel! Thank you for such a well researched program.
@pommiebears 2 года назад
I think she knew she was a typhoid super spreader, and blamed it on Irish prejudice. Or, she wouldn’t have kept leaving once people died. She knew she was infectious.
@incredibleflameboy 2 года назад
I recently read the terror by Dan Simmons and it seems that prejudice against the Irish was much worse than just in America. There are multiple references to the Irish being considered lower class but I get a feeling that it's in relation to Catholicism in the country. It's an excellent book by the way I highly recommend it
@savethofel8952 2 года назад
@@incredibleflameboy Thank you for the recommendation! I will check it out. Have you ever seen the signs that were hung in storefronts back then? If only humanity could learn that one never rises by stepping on another, we would all be better off.
@incredibleflameboy 2 года назад
@@savethofel8952 I haven't but I'm sure a little googling will find them. Yeah we don't have a fantastic track record of looking after each other do we and it seems we don't like to learn from our mistakes either. Maybe one day society will understand that it's incredibly stupid to treat each other like we do.
@savethofel8952 2 года назад
@@incredibleflameboy Comments sections like these where everyone shares ideas and is kind and civil give me hope, though. Have a great day, incredibleflameboy!
@IstvanThree 2 года назад
I think they reacted correctly, they isolated her the second time only because she went back to getting people sick - and at that time she clearly knew why it happened and what she could do against it. But decided against it. But it was also correct to not jail her but to give her the cottage, the job and "holidays" in the city. If we are honest, she had more than most people back in the day... PS: Pretty sure the other known asymptomatics just did not affect (or infect) the public in the same way!
@duckygibson2075 2 года назад
Yea because they weren’t selfish pricks. They went out of their way to prevent spreading it. Meanwhile, miss Mary is basically spitting in peoples mouths and going “uh oh silly me. I killed another person. Oopsies…..time to go to another family”
@jakual339 2 года назад
It seems as though the problem could have been solved by giving her a small stipend. She returned to work as a cook not out of malice, but out of economic need (as it was the only skillset she had that would pay a decent wage). Rather than spending the money to keep her in quarantine (isolating and against her will), they could have spent less supplementing her income, and having her report in on where she was working occasionally. It's easy to judge her in retrospect, but A) as pointed out, germ theory was not widely accepted by the public at the time, she probably didn't believe the doctors, and B) it's a really hard sell to ask someone to live in poverty and suffering themselves in order to theoretically protect others. It's one thing to take it on trust when there are no negative consequences, but hunger is a strong motivator.
@k.c1126 2 года назад
She was quarantined, but got a free house and a job out of it. Basically I think if she'd had better employment options from the get-go, she would have had fewer problems with authorities.
@sparxstreak02 2 года назад
If Mary made the effort to make herself scarce EVERY time those she worked for got sick, she must’ve known she had something in her system, even if she didn’t know about typhoid. She tried to get away with it & didn’t care how much lying she had to do or how many people she hurt 😤
@MzShonuff123 2 года назад
Right! People are saying she deserves our sympathy but she didn’t care about anyone but herself
@fly89 Год назад
or maybe she wS scared she would get one? we never know how much she knew..
@thegatorhator6822 Год назад
@@fly89 For years after she was informed she was doing it and offered to be allowed to return to society if she just agreed to find other work. She refused and continued to commit mass murder. She should gave been executed for her crimes.
@markusgorelli5278 Год назад
I wonder if being exposed to typhoid at birth resulted in her immune system tolerating the bacteria as "self" and wouldn't clear it from her system.
@fourhines 2 года назад
If she had cooperated with them from the beginning and followed their requests then she wouldn't have been isolated. I think they did the right thing in that time when they didn't know how to cure her and she was being completely unreasonable. I personally don't have any sympathy for her because she forced them to isolate her. Also even after knowing she was hurting people she didn't care.
@duckygibson2075 2 года назад
I 100% agree with your opinion! She doesn’t deserve sympathy from anyone. Knowingly putting families at risk…kids, mothers….I mean wow. And I know she wasn’t that dense…….she completely understood what she was doing. She literally forced them to isolate her bc she wouldn’t listen.
@RebelShell 2 года назад
The assumption that she knew she was responsible is just that, an assumption. The miasma theory was still prevalent and their aggressive treatment of her gave her no reason to trust what the authorities or medical professionals said. Yes, she did keep moving on, but she knew she couldn't get caught as a cook. And she had to earn a living the only way she knew how. We cannot know her thoughts though. So it is conjecture either way.
@tgbluewolf 2 года назад
Anti-Irish bigotry was prevalent at the time; that combined with the newness of germ theory could've just had her thinking that their treatment of her was due to assumption that Irish people were simply dirty.
@retriever19golden55 2 года назад
We really can't judge Mary, as there are millions of Americans right now who refuse to listen to doctors and take simple precautions.
@alice45-fgd-456drt 2 года назад
@@retriever19golden55 Oh, I can judge both Mary and the millions of imbeciles who still don't understand to not walk around with shit and snot on their hands.
@KittyNoodlesPPC 2 года назад
I agree with others - she kept leaving without leaving forwarding addresses the moment an outbreak flared up where she worked. There's caution, and then there's... that. That, and she was specifically told not to work as a cook after being released from quarantine, but went right back to her old ways the moment money got tight. There's only so much sympathy I can have for somebody; if she wasn't intentionally, knowingly endangering others for her own benefit, then it was only because she didn't understand or refused to believe what doctors had told her. If somebody's that eager to discount the words of medical professionals even with so much evidence in their favor, there's little else that can be done but locking them away from the rest of society.
@pameversole5886 2 года назад
Mary knew she shouldn’t have been a cook. She gambled with so many lives…And I believe ANY cook that doesn’t wash their hands should be held in isolation! Ya know?
@icarusbinns3156 2 года назад
I’m glad this popped up in my suggested list. I’ve long been curious about Mary, partly because I’m a carrier for a nasty disease. Not typhoid fever, thankfully, but mad cow disease. I found this out after a sample of blood was sent to London (big medical research program) and because of my diabetes diagnosis date, they ran the MCD test, and found inactive pathogens. So, if mad cow has an outbreak, I’m quarantining myself!
@jasonmason2471 Год назад
Are you a cow? No? Then it's more likely you carry Creutzfeld-Jakob desease, which is not infectios inless a cannibal would devour your brain. Even mad cow desease is not infectious: the poor animals get it because people mixed grinded cow bone and brain into cow food, turning them into cannibals. It's a man made desease, since we forced herbivores to eat what they would never digest otherwise. The ban of animal ingredients in cattle food made it dissappear again.
@icarusbinns3156 Год назад
@@jasonmason2471 either way, I do have this potentially-serious pathogen in my blood. It’s why I am forbidden from donating blood in any capacity. I was informed of this back in 2005, and because I was only a kid, the doctors simplified it a bit so I could better understand. Was it exact? Probably not. Did I understand what was meant? Mostly. Did I remember? Obviously
@AlexHider 7 дней назад
I really appreciate that you keep to older cases where the impact on living relatives is close to non-existent. It’s as close as you can get to ethical consumption of true crime. So many stories of recent crimes being used as RU-vid fodder, full of inaccuracies and wild speculation, and the surviving family reading it online, I cannot imagine the trauma this imparts.
@ksteed1167 2 года назад
Her continued refusal to work in a safer field, and her criminality after being released absolutely called for isolation. She could have been tried in court.
@jayleigh4642 2 года назад
Again a truly a Amazing story. I often wonder when eating out how many people wash their hands. 🤮🤮
@basedloser42 2 года назад
I worked in fast food and my co-workers used to make fun of me for washing my hands as directed by osha. Let that sink in.
@jayleigh4642 2 года назад
@@basedloser42 yeah, I think that's one of the main reasons I don't eat out anymore. Much prefer home-cooked. 👍🏻☺️
@lagatita1623 2 года назад
@Shastasnow 2 года назад
I work at a four star restaurant as a cook. We all wash our hands and use gloves. We go through so many gloves. However, the servers are the ones who are gross. They will touch the dirty dishes and not wash their hands. I told my boss this and she completely agreed with me. She would tell them often to wash after touching dirty dishes but talking to servers is like talking to brick walls sometimes.
@sarahsilverlight6161 2 года назад
Same, Jay!
@cleo8665 2 года назад
A cook who rarely washes her hands. Ugh 🤢
@limeycheesehead97 2 года назад
I'm starting from your oldest videos and working my way to present. You are an amazing presenter!
@catherinejohnson2235 2 года назад
Outstanding. And fun. And interesting. And your voice makes your channel perfect. Thank you!
@robwilgenhof4386 2 года назад
YOUR Versions of these Classic stories are by FAR THE BEST !!
@nancyharman4795 Месяц назад
I had heard the moniker Typhoid Mary for decades, but i knew nothing about her life, just that she infected people. Thank you for a fascinating education at long last.
@debbiepugh2055 3 года назад
Seems like Mary needed to learn the words to happy birthday to me and wash her hands more 🤔 😂 love this one! Keep them coming 👍🏻
@WellINever 3 года назад
Very true! More on the way
@josefina5421 2 года назад
Happy Birthday to Apu Nahasapeemapetalan might have covered her.
@katw.6519 2 года назад
She knew exactly what she was doing after she was detained and told about it; knew people were dying when she cooked her 'special Peach Ice Cream', knew and kept working in the kitchen. She was a certain kind of evil - she only cared about herself and not what she was inevitably going to do - those she would kill.
@ajsmith5295 2 года назад
I am obsessed with your programs I'm binge watching them now
@seymorestuff235 2 года назад
Recently discovered your channel and appreciate how clear and balanced you are presenting a subject
@Fretless99 Год назад
I have just recently discovered this channel, and I think it's wonderful, you're a cool guy and you post great content! Thank you so much, subscribed
@sophiefletcher1300 2 года назад
I love old stories this is great stuff 😊
@sasae5421 2 года назад
This story always fascinated me simply because it shows the level of denial she had in her involvement
@juliahenderson9421 Год назад
I love these videos, as well as intersting they are upbeat, so you're not bored.
@mikeyates7931 2 года назад
I'm a recent subscriber ; I very much enjoy your content , and I would like to say how much I appreciate the music you attach with your posts ; it puts me in mind of the music employed in the , Sherlock Holmes films starring , Robert Downey Jr and , Jude Law .
@deniseleplatt1616 Год назад
Just watched this video and found it so interesting that I had to order the book. I have subscribed. Wonderful work. Thank you
@RoxeeE 2 года назад
Great video, definitely subscribed
@joansmith1195 2 года назад
Thank you for such an interesting historical story. I heard the term Typhoid Mary but never knew the story behind it.
@laurabell48 2 года назад
Yes, I feel sorry for Mary, but the pain of losing loved ones is hard also.
@dwlopez57 2 года назад
How many of the other asymptomatic carriers insisted on going back to a job where the could kill people? If there were a lot, then yes, she was treated unfairly. On the other hand, if she was the only one then it seems she was treated quite fairly.
@noitcaerava 2 года назад
Its weird to justify by majority.
@dwlopez57 2 года назад
@@noitcaerava it's not about justifying, it's about treating everyone fairly. If s hundred people do wrong and 99 get their wrist slapped while one is locked up forever that's not justifying, but it's not justice. If equally guilty treat them all the same.
@marygrummer9189 Год назад
Great story! And I must add, that bow tie is fabulous!
@bekkakay8573 2 месяца назад
My friend and I were living in South America as bible teachers when my friend was diagnosed with typhoid. It was some time later that I discovered she had been working as a waitress back at home. We spoke and without delay she quit her waitressing job. She simply was not aware of how dangerous it could have been. No one became ill, but because we are so unfamiliar with such a disease in this country, she thought that once she was cured it would be alright. Once you have typhoid you always have it. It is always dangerous to work with food from then on.
@MirandaLovesPathology 2 года назад
Wow. Absolutely love your channel! You can tell that a great amount of care and research has been put into your videos! And your voice makes it even more interesting 😁
@greyjanna 2 года назад
Thank You for this content, Cery interesting and informative
@duckygibson2075 2 года назад
I think the first time she was sent there was borderline. They still weren’t very educated on diseases and illnesses. But Mary fucked up when she went back to being a cook. She knew better this time. You can’t tell me she didn’t see the correlation between her and the deaths that followed her around. Selfish and ignorant of her. Also tho??? WASH UR FUCKING HANDS MARY??? IS THAT SO HARD??? What cook just doesn’t wash their hands when cooking for OTHERS. I understand not if you’re cooking for yourself only. But cmon bruh?
@moonbeam2062 11 месяцев назад
People as far back as the Civil War used to come down with what they would refer to as, "Typho-Malaria fever". But it was actually just Typhoid. There was not actually any such hybrid disease as that. People just assumed it was a blend of the two diseases because the symptoms were similar. While doing some family genealogy, I actually ran across a case (through marriage, not blood related), of a woman that died from Typhoid in the late 1800s. In letters her family referred to her cause of death as "Typho-Malaria fever".
@chrissybarr7508 2 года назад
Yeah I think she knew it was her spreading the disease so many jobs were everyone is dropping like flys apart from her and she disappears immediately on to the next job I suppose she had to be quarantined
@peggymaystacy9358 2 года назад
Worse case of human imprisonment I have ever read. Poor dear.....what she must have gone through I can't even imagine!
@Banditmanuk 3 года назад
Really interesting, I've heard her name but didn't know the story.
@WellINever 3 года назад
Thanks! New episode here and over on OYB next week ;)
@Banditmanuk 3 года назад
@@WellINever Cheers, great vids, wish you success with the channels
@ronaldroller7176 3 года назад
Great video.
@WellINever 3 года назад
Thank you! And thanks for watching.
@lilscrowlie 3 месяца назад
Oh my, digging the mutton chops. New subscriber here!
@IttyBittyGuineaPigs 2 года назад
I'm just going to say, it's easier to judge when you're not the one in extreme poverty
@MelanieFromCanada 2 года назад
I have been in extreme poverty. And if I was told I was killing people by doing a particular job.... I would not go back that particular job.
@IttyBittyGuineaPigs 2 года назад
@@MelanieFromCanada then you are the lucky one fortunate to have a better choice instead of the "choice" of death/your familys death or the job
@krahvata 2 года назад
It's easier to judge from the perspective of our century, which we should never do, as we don't understand the mentality of the particular age we are judging, having never lived in it and we don't understand her mentality either.
@davidbates247 3 года назад
Very interesting 👍
@WellINever 3 года назад
Thank you, David!
@catherinegarrigan3579 2 года назад
I think this woman was in denial for much of her life. I think she was also running scared once it was discovered she was a carrier ! She lived a fearsome, lonely life and yes , it was very wrong of her to return to cooking but she paid the price for that as well she should have I I :m curious to see how they controlled Typhoid with 400 asymptomatic carriers in the city at the time of her death. Wonder how they were regulated ,if even ! Sad life !
@samdrummond7179 2 года назад
Go Mary! Nature has given you an academy award!
@Peace-tk3gr 2 года назад
5:30 Satie playing in the background 😊🎹
@saddaddrummer 2 года назад
Can you imagine having a poo, not washing your hands and then straight to kneading dough, that's why you should never eat free peanuts in a dish on a bar its like a petri dish ....people still go to the loo and walk straight out without washing.
@bessiemann7468 2 года назад
Always wash your hands even if you are not sick I hate public restrooms because people handle everything and don't wash their hands
@PetroicaRodinogaster264 2 года назад
To the people who comment about occupations and names matching like sanitation official called Soaper…the fact is many family / surnames in the English language actually originally come from a person’s occupation…Miller, Smith, Baker, Gardener, Farmer spring to mind.
@rhondasisco-cleveland2665 Год назад
I would say that the people she killed, knowing she had typhoid, would be the real victims. Circumstances were an influence, but she was: 1) told she had the disease. 2) got discharged by lying, then infected more, quite knowingly. 3) When they told her taking her gallbladder would cure her and she refused, she CHOSE to be quarantined. She was a victim of birth but she crossed a big line, more than once.
@biggemage1234 2 года назад
I and my wife have just finished watching your entire selection and look forward to rewatching them and watching new videos to come and have and will enjoy every second of your content keep up the amazing work, we have a few suggestions for future videos. - Mother Teresa - Momo Gaddafi- The Romanov family - The Devil's Footprints -Joan of Arc -Salem witch trial
@crowdedcrow3098 2 года назад
Sir, I'm not sure if such a show would appeal to your sense of humor... it surely doesn't wind everyone's clock, but you might enjoy Drunk History's Mary Mallon episode. I don't know, maybe not. I just remember laughing myself sore. Your content is marvelous, I'm so glad I found you during my ramblings. A handsome gent you are, to boot. A complimentary observation, free of charge.
@catherinesyme901 2 года назад
So the original track and tracer and an A-symptomatic carrier? Wow so much of this case certainly Sounds familiar
@MompreneurDiary 2 года назад
Despicable lady despicable. Even after being told wash your hands your spreading it. She still didn't
@terereynolds698 Год назад
This is so sad for the families 😢and Mary herself 😢
@AnnaAnna-uc2ff Год назад
Thank you.
@mmickle6191 2 года назад
What a creepy fate. Poor Mary. ...kudos for her needing 5 police to hold her down!😁
@user-ux8nr2ej9e 7 месяцев назад
God , that poor girl . What a horror her father was . As the mother of an autistic child who is doing so well at age 18 I can only imagine the happy life Rosemary could have had if it weren't for her father .
@ForgivenMan-jl7bp Год назад
Merry merry Quite Contrary where does your garden grow
@wendygreidanus8391 Год назад
While I don't blame Mary for being a carrier, I do blame her for recklessly putting others at risk. Initially, I thought that she must have been ignorant of her condition, but after several outbreaks occurred in places where she worked and lived, it had to be obvious, even to her. I'd heard the name "Typhoid Mary" over the years, but I'd never known the story. Cheers!
@cherylschantz9893 2 года назад
Mary was a poorly educated immigrant who mistrusted those in authority. One book I read stated she couldn’t understand why only some of those she cooked for got sick or died. She felt that it had to be bad food. This was very common, food hygiene in cities was horrendous. Rather than treating her like a pariah, authorities should have simply paid her not to cook.
@wasd____ 2 года назад
...You don't PAY someone to not kill people. That's called a hostage situation. Any decent person should simply not do things that hurt other people.
@patrickwolf5796 8 месяцев назад
I heard her peach desert was to DIE for! :)
@dianawatton7570 Год назад
At the turn of the 20th century my grandmother lost 7 sons to what was thought to be typhoid from well water that had been contaminated by the nearby river flooding.😔
@virgilicianame5808 Месяц назад
You know after she was allowed to leave, she wouldn’t have been quarantined again if she hadn’t demonstrated that she would disregard the warning not to cook for others. She was certainly in unfortunate circumstances when she went back to being a cook, but that doesn’t excuse her. There were so many people who suffered so much and died just because she chose that profession. If she had been warned against using arsenic as an ingredient and refused to believe it and poisoned all those people, she would have been in jail. Instead, it was typhoid she refused to believe she had, and she infected them. The suffering was the same either way. So quarantine seems like the only fair thing, when you also take into account justice for the people she unintentionally but nevertheless not unknowingly infected. Regardless of whether other known asymptomatic carriers were quarantined, Mary deserved to be.
@MelanieFromCanada 2 года назад
It's interesting that we would give her a pass because they didn't realize washing your hands before handling food was such a big deal. But I don't care what year it is....if you see someone pick their nose or scratch inside their pants, how can you not just revolt at the thought of eating the food they touched. They washed the dirt off vegetables didnt they?
@jaimeebidwell9305 2 года назад
Honestly, knowingly infecting people and having some die should have made her go to jail for manslaughter. I suppose the isolation was close, but she knowingly didn't wash her hands and continued to work in places that infect and killed others. While she didn't have the intent to kill people, she knew she had the ability and should have voluntarily gone into isolation. Regardless of germ theory, if I knew I was somehow linked to the death of many people, I'd be asking scientists to help me rather than running from them and more or less killing more people.
@jaimeebidwell9305 Год назад
@F**k KKKonservaturds! Very true, I suppose I mean more that she should have been done for manslaughter.
@kristineeuribe4357 Год назад
I live in Uganda where typhoid is common. But people seem to get it from bad water or other things . She really had to not be clean.
@snippyJ Год назад
I've watched a couple of videos about her and it seems that a lot of them try to make her into a sympathetic character. Yet she knew that she was spreading that disease and refused to follow anybody's directions and continue to cook for people. So she had the potential to be a serial killer since typhoid could kill people. I'm never going to understand how people can look at themselves in the mirror and brush things like that off. I don't feel one bit sorry for her at all.
@nikkicat254 2 года назад
Some are saying she must have known before, that's why she kept leaving after the outbreak happened, but would you leave a place that just had a breakout of Typhoid or any other deadly diseases? But, after she was told that it was her causing it, and she went back to working as a cook, well then she did need to be kept away from other people, since she couldn't be trusted to do what she was asked! I mean in some places they might have killed her and the others, rather then bother housing them somewhere else!
@deusvult7559 2 года назад
JUSTIFIED...They should have never released her the first time.
@jett8193 2 года назад
On an unrelated (to the video topic) note, after noticing your feathered bow tie, I said to myself, well, I never...!
@barb-jm7990 Год назад
It's too bad that she had to be kept in custody, but she was knowly not being careful and spreading a deadly disease. It seems like she should have been charged with manslaughter for that.
@k.c1126 2 года назад
Mary's problem was that she didn't want to do anything except cook... If she'd had the option of lab tech, with a reasonable pay, from the get go, she would have been fine.
@jonp3890 2 года назад
“The family clams”… There’s something a little unsettling about that.
@oregonwanderer Год назад
The fact that she knew what she had yet continued to expose the public to it, I think she got off easy.
@DJJ81 Год назад
She knew. There’s no way she didn’t. The question is how far were people willing to go to stop potential outbreaks from her in a time when this stuff wasn’t well understood? Tough choice to make.
@melodo80 2 года назад
Well, she was told NOT to cook and went back to that. Obviously she couldnt be trusted. Plus the story i had read said that it was children who became infected at the hospital during her last job in freedom.
@ShabanandHailey 2 года назад
There are both sides to this story she had to be isolated for the sake of others even though she was born with the disease sad that she was not given therapy
@beverlyreese6390 3 года назад
All who were carriers, should have been sequestered. Til no longer a danger to others. She was singled out.
@nopinout4651 2 года назад
All she had to do was stop cooking for folks - she was given multiple chances and she pissed them all away. No sympathy.
@cherylschantz9893 2 года назад
She couldn’t make enough money to survive doing other things. She was terrified of doctors and being forced to give samples only made her more so. After all, she was sick herself. She just didn’t understand.
@nopinout4651 2 года назад
@@cherylschantz9893 But she wasn't sick - that is the point. She was one of the first examples of an asymptomatic carrier. What she was, was callous and selfish - she skipped town when people got sick, she decided to work in a maternity hospital after being given a chance to run around free, she actually killed people including children. She either needed to learn a new skill or pick up multiple jobs - but endangering other people is not the way to go.
@cherylschantz9893 2 года назад
@@nopinout4651 The problem was, no one was willing to help her get a proper education or other skills. They simply let her out to starve or continue working as a cook. Not a choice for her. Remember, she had no schooling, came from another country where doctors were no more than quacks, and she was convinced they were trying to kill her. It may sound ludicrous today, but many people mistrusted doctors. Even doctors didn’t wash their hands after surgery. Germ studies were not yet universally recognized. She ended up spending her entire life alone and rejected by society. She once stated that she would have committed suicide except for her Catholic faith. Today we understand what causes illness and there are medications that she could have taken if she lived now. We can’t judge her by our standards, it’s not logical or reasonable to do so.
@nopinout4651 2 года назад
@@cherylschantz9893 No, she was at least a little bit aware - or she wouldn't have kept skipping town. It's easy to hand-wave her off as stupid or ignorant, but people are people - and people are selfish. There were more openings in those days for manual/unskilled labor - but she couldn't be bothered with that. So she kept on getting people sick. She gets no sympathy, not least because she did try washing clothes and then went back to cooking despite having an actual body count. A life is worth more than her spending money.
@dianawatton7570 Год назад
It is my thought the public would have been better served had Mary been forced to wash her hands under penalty of law before she touched any food.
@britnyboo138 2 года назад
How does this have so few views?!
@leaellis2198 2 года назад
@leslieannvanhumbeck7630 10 месяцев назад
At least they gave her a freaking job. I'm a mental patient. I looked for a job for years and I never found one. I never killed anyone either.
@TheSlong123 2 года назад
I wish you and Bailey Sarian could do a collab
@arwynjames 2 года назад
Omg that'd be bananas...that never would've occurred to me but now that I'm imagining it I'm here for it. It'd cut the line in my queue.
@kevinmott6205 2 месяца назад
She was a serial killer by other means and did not would not cooperate with the authorities. Justified i would say ❤
@versileejohnson8092 Год назад
@mrjones2721 Год назад
Fun fact: 1% to 6% of all people who get typhoid become asymptomatic carriers. Every mass typhoid breakout creates more carriers to cause more breakouts. Women are more likely to become carriers, which is convenient for typhoid, which spreads through food. Basically, it’s surprising that everybody didn’t have typhoid all the time.
@michelefritchie6198 Год назад
The isolation on North Brother Island was justifiable to protect the public. She refused to believe she was a carrier, and rarely washed her hands. She should've been kept there and not released.
@Silentgrace11 2 года назад
While I think they were justified, I don’t blame her for her actions either. We’re given the perspective of the “victors” after all - the medical community - and not her perspective to be able to say what she was truly thinking. Superstition took the place of science back then - frankly she could have very well thought bad luck was following her wherever she went, and she was leaving to keep herself safe, at least at first. There was a lot of anti-Irish sentiments at the time, and suddenly being told you’re a carrier of a disease when you do not feel ill and have been told you do not have it previously, then being held against your will for it and otherwise told keeping yourself clean when the societal sentiment is you’re dirty because you’re Irish…yeah, I can see not believing it, and actively doing what she could to avoid getting what she may have felt was scapegoating by the authorities. Add insult to injury that they’re saying you can’t do the only job you can effectively make a living on. Frankly, I think she was probably scared and felt she was cornered, and rather than trying to listen to the reason provided, went on her guard and tried to protect her own self. Much to the same sentiment that seems to be carried heavily nowadays during the pandemic. There are people who don’t understand what’s going on, and feel that the changing protocols and overflow of information is reason to believe the science is unreliable. Then, when people try to tell them what they should do and that they’re wrong for believing X, the response is to be defensive rather than to listen. As someone who has put a lot of time into researching the pandemic and the current health protocols, something I’m actively working on myself is taking the time to meet with others on equal footing, and then use that footing as leverage to reach understanding, and educate not only with the general information, but to ease their concerns about certain matters (one thing I’ve found helps a lot is falling back on peoples knowledge of the scientific method, since that’s really exemplified by the changing protocols as they occured). Because at the end of the day, making someone feel attacked and feel the need to attack isn’t helping anyone.
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