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UCC Midland - Service of Worship - July 21, 2024 

United Church of Christ Midland
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Gathering Song NCH #604
Hush, Hush, the Somebody’ Calling My Name
Welcome to Worship
Announcements and Joys and Concerns
(Please note that all announcements and joys and concerns will be shared with those attending this service virtually.)
Prelude Begin Sweet World Bill Douglas
We Bring the Light of Christ into Our Midst
(Acolyte carries the Light to the Communion Table)
Call to Worship
One: Let the people of God take time to focus,
All: We join together and acknowledge that the people of God are sometimes troubled and confused.
One: We are invited to open our minds, bodies, and hearts to reassurance and discovery.
All: In the midst of summer, we shall commit ourselves to discovering and manifesting the joy of the risen Christ in our daily living.
* Hymn Sweet, Sweet Spirit NCH #293
* Unison Prayer
Oh, Holy God we live in a troubled time; the changes with which we are beset often leave us confused and uncertain. There are days when we don’t know what to make of our day. We bring, dear God, our uncertainty and our puzzlements to you this day. Grant that we may learn that our perplexity is an opportunity. Help us to trust your guidance and presence in a crazy world. May we use the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” to motivate our efforts to help make a better world and open society for everyone. In Christ’s name, Amen.
Children’s Moment
Musical Offering Aria from the G minor Concerto Bill Douglas
Jeremiah 23:1-6 Pew Bible, pages # 670-671
Ephesians 2:11-22 Pew Bible, pages #1017-1018
Mark 6:30-34 Pew Bible, page # 873

Sermon A Parable of First Responders
The Rev. Dr. Carl R. Gillett
* Hymn NCH # 461
Let Us Hope When Hope Seems Hopeless
Prayers of the People
The Lord’s Prayer (“Debts” and “Debtors”)
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, for ever.
* Hymn O for a World NCH # 575
* Benediction
* Benediction Response Doxology NCH #780
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God all creatures here below;
Praise God above, you heavenly host;
Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Postlude Feast Bill Douglas
( Because the Postlude is an integral part of the service
we invite you to remain seated in silence.)
We Carry the Light of Christ into the World
(Acolyte carries the Light from the Communion Table)
We welcome the Rev. Dr. Carl R. Gillett to the pulpit, Rev. Dr. Gillett is graciously filling in for our pastor, the Reverend Roger Pancost as he and Erica Meyer with five of our youth have been attending the Regional Youth Conference in Rock Island, Illinois.



20 июл 2024




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