
Ultimate Sacrifice (all origins) | Dragon Age: Origins 

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Differences in the Ultimate Sacrifice ending depending on the origin.
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17 сен 2024




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@thespacebat 7 лет назад
The companion I feel the worst for with this ending is my dog, the last thing I ever said to him was "be a good boy, okay?".
@beverlyarcher3744 5 лет назад
😭😭😭😭😭 that's what my warden did to 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@gmoney66 5 лет назад
That's sad, but Fergus might have him beat in terms of people to feel bad for lol
@leenhellemans 5 лет назад
holy lord if i got that I would refuse to end it that way. That dog deserves so much more ;-;
@Sciszm 5 лет назад
this kills me inside ;( ;( ;(
@deltasquad62 5 лет назад
I was holding in my tears cause I'm emotional then I read this now I'm crying why you do this!!!
@janisir4529 8 лет назад
"Mother was so shocked she's gone sober."
@MoonMoverGaming 10 лет назад
"What could we do to honor one such as this?" Well, you could try saying his name out loud, for one.
@Dordracnor 10 лет назад
@javiergarcia3228 10 лет назад
@dordracnor Heisenberg
@MoonMoverGaming 10 лет назад
Wow, this comment turned out to be more popular than any of my videos. You should all come to my channel for similar game-related snarkery. /opprotunism
@Chanelle208 9 лет назад
My name was bitch ass so maybe that's why?
@flipingboredcritic 7 лет назад
My dear friend.... "INSERT NAME HERE" xD
@MystiaSkye 9 лет назад
I can tell the loss really affected you Dwarven sister :p ...
@floweytheflower832 8 лет назад
I notice that too.
@masterblaster7953 7 лет назад
And the mother.
@NFrk97 5 лет назад
Her *casteless* sister is being considered as a posthumous Paragon, as a *casteless* Dwarf. That honor and the implications that come with it trumps the loss.
@DanteMoraes 5 лет назад
Not sure if was just bad acting or on propose, but I'd say dwarven culture is not as human or elven in facing death. Or maybe she is just a piece of shit
@Elmithian 4 года назад
@@DanteMoraes Nope, you are right in that dwarves don't treat death the same way. They treat *how you lived and how you died* as extremely important. Death is a certainty, what matters is how and what you contributed during your life and with your death. That's how they think about it. It is how they *have* to think about it considering they are the ones that constantly have to fight the darkspawns and death by age is a luxury.
@MicrowavedRamen 10 лет назад
Good thing I pounded Morrigan and had a super epic god dragon baby who's obviously going to rule the universe. I admit the ceremony was pretty epic though.
@kingkong381 10 лет назад
I did that too but I've been thinking about it's possible future implications and I'm now regretting not making the ultimate sacrifice. You see the origins of the darkspawn lie with the Old Gods (or more specifically Dumat who was the first Archdemon). Dumat (who like all the Old Gods was imprisoned beneath the earth) convinced the magisters of the Tevinter Imperium to enter the Fade and invade the Golden City, however, what happened next isn't entirely clear. The Chantry claims that the Maker cursed them and sent them back to Thedas as the first darkspawn, however, some claim that the Golden City was already blackened and corrupted when the mages arrived. Whatever the truth is, what happened next was that the darkspawn "heard" the call of Dumat and released him from his prison (unleashing the First Blight). My theory is that Dumat knew that the mages would become darkspawn but intentionally sent them there so that they would become darkspawn and thus able to hear him and release him from his prison. I think that the Old Gods aren't corrupted by the darkspawn but are already corrupted when the darkspawn find them. The result of this is that Morrigan's ritual won't do a damn bit of good because it's impossible to separate the soul of Urthemiel (the Archdemon in DA:O) from darkspawn corruption. Old Gods aren't turned into Archdemons: they have always been Archdemons. So what the ritual does is actually save the Archdemon from death by giving it a new home in the body of an unborn child. Therefore, all the ritual does is put the blight on hold. If we assume that the Old God baby matures at the same rate as normal humans that means that in around 20 years from the end of DA:O the Archdemon will return (in it's new body) to continue the Blight. What I want to know is whether or not Morrigan knows this. If she does then by preserving the Archdemon's soul she is betraying the Warden and, indeed all of Thedas, in the worst possible way by ensuring that the Blight isn't defeated. However, it is possible that Morrigan genuinely believes that the ritual will separate Old God and Archdemon. Morrigan claims she was taught the ritual by Flemeth which suggests that Flemeth at least knew the purpose of the ritual and maybe lied to Morrigan about what it would do.
@kingkong381 10 лет назад
***** The dragon being worshipped by the people of Haven is just a High Dragon it hasn't got anything to do with the Old Gods. The only thing the Old Gods have to do with dragons is that they have the physical form of dragons. Dragons are just animals the Old Gods/Archdemons are sentient. Flemeth is likely using the same shape-changing magic as Morrigan does when she turns into animals like spiders or bears. Of course to shape-change into any form a mage must (as Morrigan states) observe and study it. Flemeth (being ancient) likely did the same thing except instead of spiders, bears and other normal animals she studied the behaviour of dragons when they were much more common (according to the lore dragons were once more numerous than they are in the time of DA:O). This means that Morrigan could (like Flemeth) learn to transform into a dragon but simply hasn't had the opportunity.
@TheDistractingGamer 9 лет назад
WELL. It looks like that theory is out the window.
@MicrowavedRamen 9 лет назад
Lol, I wasn't serious. I doubt they'd hinge a series based on a god baby that may or may not have existed.
@Bacxaber 9 лет назад
I think Morrigan was possessed by Flemeth at that point, and wants to spawn a super-powerful child to reincarnate into, seeing as it would be one million times stronger than what Morrigan's body could ever be. Hence why I refused.
@filmwoodmedia 8 лет назад
I get all teary in the ultimate sacrifice on my play through where alistair says "Some of us were friends, companions." (Looks to leliana) "some of us even loved him." T_T
@vellanka9992 6 лет назад
Fabled Pictures Wait, really? I also romanced Leliana, and I didn't hear anything like that.
@filmwoodmedia 6 лет назад
XiaTheWolf yeah man, if you romanced her and you do the ultimate sacrifice leliana is mentioned (some of us even loved him)
@blakechandler167 6 лет назад
XiaTheWolf in the non canonical epilogue it states she commits suicide.
@Cheshiregrinn91 6 лет назад
but only if she wasn't hardened. It doesn't matter though she still came back for Inquisition.
@theusername4514 6 лет назад
But that is not Leliana I think in epilogue of DAI it states that it was a Spirit of sorts.
@taylorwilson1626 8 лет назад
I love the darkspawn at the end after the archdemon is killed. They're all running and he turns around with his arms up like "YEEEAAAHH PAAARTTEEEHH" then gets shot XD gets me every time
@VenomQuill 7 лет назад
Gets him every time, too! /shot
@ayylmaotv 7 лет назад
RIP partying genlock
@dendrien 4 года назад
Omg yes!! Why have I never noticed it before till now. 😂
@skeletonbuyingpealts7134 3 года назад
@luckygoblin9642 9 лет назад
God dammit, now I have to spend another 50 hours or so of my life replaying origins, again
@grandheresiarchdave3262 9 лет назад
***** FUCKING BIOWARE1!!! Why do your games have to be so good.....
@user-yi5mt2df5q 9 лет назад
Lol it took me 21 hours.
@notgoob 9 лет назад
Byron Dellas 21 and 50?? it took me 90
@blandtastes2409 7 лет назад
Commander Astrocat Cool my is 37hours
@guilhermeroyama8842 7 лет назад
Grand Heresiarch Dave Yeah... DAI and MEA kinda sucked. But DAO is really outstanding. Same goes to ME and ME2.
@WhiteScorpio2 3 года назад
I spared Loghain, so when I was told that someone has to sacrifice themselves I simply died laughing. Who could it be, I wonder... Whose life will we have to give up... Such a tough choice...
@gloriabaquera5434 6 лет назад
@bethkrager6529 4 года назад
Poor guy is probably DEVASTATED, lost his WHOLE family. And he gets like one reference in Inquisition. Shame.
@lisdraconis2212 3 года назад
I just hope we will see more of him in DA:4 or at least hear. He is the Teryn of Highever anyhow, so he just answers to Fereldens King/Queen. And I wonder if he remarried and had children.
@artorius4809 3 года назад
Killed me cause my first playthrough was a human noble who died,i instantly gave it to Morrigan-hard to see him again
@kingsboro1 2 года назад
Fergus is mention in awakening if you have high approval with Nathaniel in the epilogue it mentions that he saved him
@YoungMrBlue 2 года назад
When you get spoilers without expecting it
@jaspr1999 6 лет назад
I finally got some answers for anyone that is interested in why the Wardens' Dalish Clan was in DA-2 near Kirkwall. It seems that the clan split into two. Merithari went to Kirkwall per a promise to Flemeth while the rest went to the new homeland. The Kirkwall part was to meet back up with the others in Ferelden after the promise was fulfilled. However, the halla got sick and died stranding them. The situation with Merrill didn't help as the Keeper didn't want to leave until Merrill was safe. If the clan survives, they return to Ferelden and meet up with the remainder of their clan. The other half of the clan started to set up their base camp to start building and almost immediately had confrontations with nearby humans, and were almost wiped out. They would have been completely had the King/Queen not sent troops to protect them. The clan gave up on trusting the local humans and moved further into the Wilds to be pretty much lost until the occasional meeting of the clans.
@trla6505 3 года назад
Dam, makes sence for a common human and elf colonony is just competicion
@Toby-ou4gp 7 лет назад
Your Cousland Warden looks like Alistair's cousin or something lol
@RaylenSelzen 4 года назад
I was straight up confused.. like wait.. was that Alistair giving his own eulogy?
@heyjoji1954 4 года назад
Brandon Cobb lol “I was a great guy and I helped all of you so let us grieve me”
@NightOwl1515 4 года назад
King Maric certainly got around.
@UnnamedHero0922 4 года назад
It's the hair, this what happens when there is only a dozen and a half hair cuts.
@capitaoswordmen499 6 лет назад
When I see the keeper Merathori sayng " he was our son and our brother before he be your hero" I can only cry
@DarkKonvict 10 лет назад
@OnionChoppingNinja 10 лет назад
Just one of the many reasons why DA2 sucked so bad
@ventus12312 10 лет назад
she went to kirkwall due to a promise she owed to flemeth and she stayed due to the halla being killed and in hopes that merrill would come back
@k01dsv 10 лет назад
There were many things that didn't add up in DA2... I also let them take Anders in the beginning of Awakening to see what would happen in DA2.. The answer is nothing -.- He's just there, still a grey warden and still friends with Nathaniel Howe and knows about blackmarsh and everything, for absolutely no reason.. it's so dumb that they didn't even bother to explain it.. I mean, it wouldn't be hard to make it so he'd run away and maybe joined the warden after the events of awakening -.-
@MaskofPoesy 10 лет назад
here's the thing I've chopped her head off from Leliana, and killed Zevran the first chance i got... 'maker' brought them back, this is so bad, even telltale can brag about their 'decisions' in comparison TO A BLOODY RPG ARGH*
@RedWolfMoon666 10 лет назад
Tol Hydra That's the glory of Dragon Age: Keep. It'll be their method of preventing corrupt files to halt things like that from happening. I can't wait to try out the Keep! Fall is too long of a wait! D:
@Sierra_Ribbit 10 лет назад
I played my first Dragon Age game as a female Dalish Elf, I had no idea of how the endings played out and I had a morality complex where I despised Dark Magic. I dated Alistair, didn't do Morrigan's ritual and he died. I didn't know what to do, so I made a human noble, did the opposite of what I previously did, and ended my game happily. Then I went back to my original save file and made things right there. I absolutely love Alistair, and I can't imagine a DA game without him, even with his minor appearance in Dragon Age 2.
@thegoodnessness 4 года назад
My first play through was elf mage and when alistair sacrificed himself after telling me how much he loved me... omg I was unable to sleep that night. They really made such a great character and wonderfully voiced.
@mrpotatohead321 Год назад
You do know there's a way to not make a demon baby, and save Alistair right?
@Rottenberg666 8 лет назад
The scream before the final blow to the archdemon always sounds so fucking metal :-D
@applemauzel 8 лет назад
But we lost the choice of three colored beam of lights, now its just a single color~
@Deidara90430 6 лет назад
Alistair is the greatest friend I could ask for.
@Vectavist223 4 года назад
I'd choose sacrificing my bad ass character every time to allow Alister to live his thiry years as king, screw killing him off!
Exept for the moment when he leaves you despite blaming Loghain for the same thing.
@lisdraconis2212 7 лет назад
There is one more. When you sided with the Mages as a Mage Irwing will appear instead of Ser Gregor. But other than that this is so sad and nice. It's the proof that YOUR character had left realy a mark in the world even if he/she is dead. Rica is somehow not so sad as she should be. She is more happy to be a paragon now than grooming on her loss. Even Gregor and Irwing are more concerned and they are not even siblings of the Warden.
@VenomQuill 4 года назад
"Yeah, he was great," says the Knight-Commander. "Sad to see him go, honestly." Rica nods, "Yeah, so, I'm buying my son a room and inviting the family..."
@tywinlannister8015 4 года назад
I did the Ritual a few times. But even though I like importing my warden into Awakening -> Amgarak -> Witch Hunt and then the whole thing into DA2 ... damn, the sacrifice endings are good. The one that really tore me up was hardened Alistair going to be king, that had ousted Anora, and decided to end it with my warden (they were lovers) because the longer he'd wait it would be harder and he needed to further the Theirin line ... my warden understood. She tried to match him with Anora after all, for the greater good she was willing to give up her love. And then in the end, as they went up to Fort Drakon, she was ready to give her life for Alistair ... Until he swiped the kill from under her telling her it would be his best act as king. When told that wasn't the only reason he admitted - "You know the real reason" and then charged before his love could prevent him from killing the Archdemon. Fucking tears from that. Okay - it's silly from my pragmatic standpoint. Like mighty stupid. But then it's so romantic. I'm a sucker for stuff like that. Not crappy things, actual powerful moments like this.
@becciKeks 3 года назад
me being a teen and playing the game for the first time. Played a noble human, of course had to romance Alistair. I didn't do Morrigans ritual, because I didn't want Alistair to cheat on me and I planed to die for him. But I was so stupid and took him with me in the end fight, so he sacrificed himself and I couldn't prevent it. I cried and was heartbroken :D
@Dark_Voice 2 года назад
@@becciKeks Couldnt prevent it? You can always insist on the sacrifice.
@becciKeks 2 года назад
@@Dark_Voice I tried but he wouldn't let me. But it was my first playthrough so it could very well be that I missed the correct dialogue
@Erizedd 10 лет назад
The "dead" warden is totally faking his own death, you can see his eyelids moving just after 3:51. It's all a lie! ;P
@notahamster333 6 лет назад
I find it hard to imagine myself keeping up that act without cracking a smile.
@louis8487 4 года назад
The actor playing him just sucks at playing dead. Lots of actors have that issue in Hollywood it's really hard to keep your eyes closed when you're supposed to be playing a dead character. At least he kept his body still which is much harder to do.
@mimotshkae.2328 10 лет назад
At 1:42 Alistair is like "Zevran the fuck is going on"
@chairs5089 7 лет назад
mimotshka E. I love how you don't see him at the ceremony too
@wulf2863 7 лет назад
Young Lad he is at the ceremony dude are you blind?
@grelly_chan8401 5 лет назад
I felt bad sacrificing my Warden after seeing Leliana in Inquisition and how she sounded like she was on the verge of crying when talking about him
@mrjonched 9 лет назад
Kinda interesting how Alistair gives all this nice shit to all other origins except the dwarf commoner, human noble got arl howe's land, Dalish got ostagar, dwarf noble was forgiven for killing trian or accidentally killing him, but dwarf commoner is all like "k Srry give your king regards and he will be missed."
@Linkforlife199 9 лет назад
The Wardens get Howe's lands regardless of the Origin. With the Human Noble origin, Fergus ends up getting Castle Highever restored to him butr he gives the Arling of Amaranthine to the Wardens.
@Star-Commander-Vong 9 лет назад
Well, considering the Dwarf Commoner gets made into a Paragon, there's very little else that Alistair could give that could top such a reward.
@reznov316 9 лет назад
The Dwarf Commoner got the best tribute. He is now a venerated Ancestor among all in Orzammer. Like the sister said, her son will also have a clan of his own and with it a shitload of privileges for his future generations. The Commoner will be a more venerated Warden than Garehal, too...
@TheBrickMasterB 9 лет назад
reznov316 Still, Alistair could've at least pledged forces to Orzammar's darkspawn campaigns in the Dwarf Commoner ending as well, thereby adding to the Dwarf Commoner's legacy.
@Kareszkoma 4 года назад
Late.. but you can't give anything to a dwarf. A Ferelden King has nothing beside coin that could interest a dwarf, and even that would be shaming. Don't forget, a dwarf can't go outside without reason. Those who do are lost forever. And a Ferelden King owes nothing in Orzammar.
@TheIrishRushin 4 года назад
They are having this conversation while the arch demon just sits there patiently.
@VenomQuill 4 года назад
"Yeah, no, go one, dudes. I know how important friendship is. I'll just lay here dying. Don't mind me."
@SirCrusher 3 года назад
The archdemon is entirely fucked up in my playthrough... If the game were to show all the damage he had taken, he'd be like a porcupine with all the ballista bolts pierced into him.
@Kareszkoma 7 лет назад
Cyrion... dang it. I had my first playthrough with an alienage elf. My heart was broken so many times, but I feel like this sacrifice totally payed out. Now they can rebuild and live unharassed.
@XxHakumixX 9 лет назад
Good thing I can watch this on RU-vid, because I'm curious, but I could never do that to one of my wardens. Idk why I just can't
@kimberlyhaines107 8 лет назад
You become too attached. Especially with my elf mage Fawkes. I had him romance Zevran, and seeing the complete change in Zevran...Fawkes and Zevran went through so much I couldn't let Fawkes die. Especially as I just recently found out that if you romance Zevran, but make the ultimate sacrifice, he never sleeps with anyone again or falls in love even though he is propositioned many times. Considering what he was like before meeting the Warden, it shows how much he cared for your Warden if that is how he is after the events.
@AngryDalishElf 5 лет назад
XxHakumixX I think a lot of it to be honest, has do with our characters being a partial representation of ourselves. Or we have at least one character that we make most like us. I remember being so angry over morrigans dark ritual as my character romanced alistair but a necessity because I wanted my warden and him to live and tbh that’s how I’d approach it if it were real.
@isaacwilliaiii843 4 года назад
All Johnny Cage's movie always end with a happy ending
@pamjarvis8653 4 года назад
I had never done it by personal choice. One time that my game had glitch and game considered my Dalish Elf Grey Warden Thorn dead with very deeply sad romanced Zevran. The weird thing is I had done Dark Ritual with Morigan in the game as well but game had Thorn died. I had to go back two hours to replay ending again to correct the glitch.
@emrys1366 4 года назад
oh same. I romanced Alistair in my canon playthrough, and I could never let him die, but also don’t want to break his heart by dying myself. I’m curious to see how the scenes go if Alistair is romanced
@jessybwoy8677 4 года назад
been overlooking this game for years...decides to give it a try this week. i told myself: well, i could start a gameplay on my lunch break. Then arrived at character creation and said, well, im gonna stop here, im gonna need 4 hours just to create my character ! excellent !
@agentscott96 Месяц назад
4 hours??? It takes me 10 minutes
@ericahoh282 8 лет назад
Rica doesn't seem to distraught, I mean i think dwarves are allowed to grieve a little bit. She is too worried about how her son will benefit and how her siblings death will suite her. I mean at least try and pretend.
@GearGearRingLeader 8 лет назад
Maybe castless are just to used to people the care about dying.
@caballo18abrigo49 7 лет назад
Starseeker Erica Rica is sad on some parts but think, her sister did the greatest sacrifice, stopped the blight, killed the archdemon, became a hero, now Orzammar, the same ones who looked down at them are now wanting to make her a paragon (an ancestor no less), her son will live away from the horrible life they needed to bear with... She is really sad and happy at the same time
@Kennyboy0077 8 лет назад
If only Dragon Age Inquisition shows any of these decisions in play >_>
@prototypelq8574 8 лет назад
Yeah... But then it would take decades to write the scrilt for next game,considering *all these decisions and side quests done*
@Kennyboy0077 8 лет назад
They did it for Mass Effect 3 :P Kinda.. Dragon Age Keep has it's pro's and cons.
@davevd9944 7 лет назад
I mean it's possible some of them ( both dwarf options elven bahn etc ) aren't even able to show through Inquisition.
@biddytheboelegged7387 7 лет назад
Henry J it was to fucking boring because its side shit unless it was a main side story that was long as fuck and boring it had no effect on the main plot in DA:O the side story even small ones had great effects
@biddytheboelegged7387 7 лет назад
which made them worth doing and enjoyable
@darkman14563 4 года назад
I like how all important characters have a design overhaul in Da2 isabella went from cute potato to drop dead gorgeous and built up noticeable assests. Then marithari completely changed with a slider face to compliment and greyer skin
@lfc3908 9 лет назад
Probably the most Cinematic ending on the whole game.
@mranderson718 10 лет назад
All I know is Alistair better show up in Inquisition
@NerdExtrodinare 10 лет назад
***** If he's alive.
@CatroiOz 9 лет назад
He appeared for like 5 seconds in my inquisition game...
@briancrosby152 9 лет назад
CatroiOz did you make him king if so its short if he is a Warden still you get a quest with him
@CatroiOz 9 лет назад
***** yup, King Alistair is increasingly disapointing
@GhastlyWarcon 9 лет назад
CatroiOz Why is that? To me it seems like he is a rather resposible king that cares for his nation.
@moteroftruth8058 9 лет назад
Lol that scream at 1:18
@HDeppix101 6 лет назад
@zeroparasiempre9709 5 лет назад
"As you said" - The Wander
@Basilisk1976 4 года назад
Ah, thank you for this. I only did one death sequence and it was so sad. I'm glad I got to see them all. Thank you.
@TheCrimsonOne508 4 года назад
All I hear in my head is Monty Python: "This man is about to die."
@LoveLee_Dreamer 6 лет назад
Duncan. You're not allowed to narrate anymore. You're dead. Also, the Dvarven sister. "Yeah my sibling is dead and like, that sucks I guess, but I'M better off for it so. Really can't complain."
@VenomQuill 4 года назад
Well, dwarves die all the time. It's expected. But he/she did what no one in their family or friend group could do: he/she died with _honor._ He/she became a Paragon. She was grieving in her own way, but dwarves aren't like humans and elves. They face darkspawn every day, but the casteless are treated worse than the alienage elves. The Warden got to live at least a little while important and wanted as if he/she wasn't living garbage and then died with great honor.
@nintyfan1991 8 лет назад
The fact that you can avoid this in the main game... it's like Bioware took the criticisms of the infamous pre-Broken Steel "good" ending in Bethesda's Fallout 3 on what NOT to do.
@HanithSVK 3 года назад
And then they released Mass effect 3. Original, pre-DLC ending was the greatest middle finger they could've give to their fans.
@reja9298 10 лет назад
Is it me or does anyone else wanna see our Hero of Fereldan return in DAI? I mean I know it'll be hard for bioware to pull off but can you just imagine the inquisitor, Hawke and the HoF standing side by side and battling to victory. I don't think they'll include him/her but I can only hope.
@reja9298 10 лет назад
now that would be fun to see, would love to even put my dwarf in the game, though I don't think Leliana will like seeing him again
@reja9298 10 лет назад
Manuella Maia oh you poor thing, you know swooping is bad...
@reja9298 10 лет назад
Manuella Maia Talk about being a gold digger lol
@ManUtdBoy13 10 лет назад
This is something i want so badly for DA:I. Seriously, it would be so epic seeing my Noble Human return and not only because he's needed but because Morrigan has returned as well, and he follow her anywhere(ya, i did the Dark Ritual, but hey i romanced her anyway so win/win for me, i don't die and i got a last night with her, even when the whole "don't die" part was A LOT more important) My only fear now is if he did return, and i was forced to kill him or Morrigan was an enemy, then that would put some pretty shitty things for my action O_o
@salahad-din9168 9 лет назад
I saw on wikipedia that you would either meet your previous character or the baby they made with morrigan. Oh yes, the baby is not just a passing reference either.
@Hawaiian_Pizza_Enjoyer 3 года назад
01:51 this always reminds me of the effect “Dawnbreaker” has when fighting undead in Skyrim
@Kareszkoma 4 года назад
This is just so sad. It brakes my heart, all the people left behind. Especailly Alistair. For him there was only the warden left. For so many only the warden left, and he/she is no more.
@ertrilpitcher95 8 лет назад
A sober dwarf? I thort they were a myth :p
@tachikoma747 9 лет назад
Eff that. I let Loghain die and married and bonked Queen Anora. King Grey Warden ftw.
@grandheresiarchdave3262 9 лет назад
Screw Anora! She sold me out! Queen Grey Warden FTW!
@kinghorker8010 9 лет назад
@helioskitty9328 9 лет назад
Screw all of you, landed/entitled mistress Grey Warden FTW!
@canitomiguel 9 лет назад
tachikoma747 i was in a romance with alistair, and let him kill the archdemon.. was very sad, but worthy of a dramatic movie
@Whoami691 8 лет назад
+tachikoma747 Erm... BFF With Alistair?
@Monarch_943 5 лет назад
This game baffles me even to this day. It's on a whole other level. I would only think of the witcher 3 to compare to this
@AnnaelTallithiel 6 лет назад
I've played Origins for about 10 times. But I never sacrificed myself. Morrigan is sexy, you know .. :D
@Bubbles99718 6 лет назад
Annael Tallithiel Yeah, but the bitch leaves. Also prior, she cuts ya off. Kinda fun not giving her the satisfaction. Just rub one out later.
@Vectavist223 4 года назад
Nope when she did that to me, I stabbed her but sadly she didn't die.... I wish she did :(
@spideygamer1329 3 года назад
@@Vectavist223 but why did you stab her ? She laid out the terms in front of you and made it pretty clear that she would leave .
@Vectavist223 3 года назад
@@spideygamer1329 I don't trust her, that's why :)
@spideygamer1329 3 года назад
@@Vectavist223 oh well then you should have raised her approval coz I romanced her and yeah the trust builds up
@gh0stb0n3r 9 лет назад
Feels have gone over 9000. I'm such a chickenshit that I always have someone do the ritual. Should've died at least once. Also, wanted to slap Fergus the whole Cousland game for making me worry like that.
@Ashaasmith2 8 лет назад
Oh, my Cousland warden did not easily let go of things. She refused to believe her brother was dead (although there was always that feeling that he was and she was alone), and the happiest day of her life was the day she got to drive that sword through Howe for killing her family. (Closely followed by her marriage with Alistair)
@NFrk97 9 лет назад
Out of all of them I think the human noble sacrificing themselves is the most fitting. Because out of all the other origins, the Cousland has nothing left to live for. Their entire family is dead, they don't know that Fergus survived. And I highly doubt their possible romances are enough except for Alistair, maybe...
@1Drakorn 9 лет назад
NirvanaFrk97 Well, my female Cousland ended up living with Alistair as Queen of Ferelden and Warden-Commander, so she has that going for her, which is nice XD
@TheDarkSeren 7 лет назад
Yeah my Cousland is Queen and Warden-Commander also, have the husband and get to flirt with Anders, best of both worlds!!
@Bubbles99718 6 лет назад
Drakorn Yeah but she has to occasionally caddie for that bitch Anora.
@zachrobinson6801 5 лет назад
NirvanaFrk97 Being the last of your line is makes the HN have the MOST to live for. IMHO the Dwarf Commoner sacrificing him//herself is the most fitting because he/she made something of themselves at the end.
@NFrk97 5 лет назад
@@zachrobinson6801 The Human Noble can no longer be the Cousland heir after becoming a Grey Warden. As a Warden, the Human Noble has given up their inheritance.
@LosEagle 8 лет назад
To me there is only one ending. Warden dies a hero, Alistair becomes king and power hungry bitch Anora can rot in tower.
@Qunarr 8 лет назад
@LosEagle 8 лет назад
Caius Cosades
@heartoffire8481 7 лет назад
I'd rather be hero and king with dead anora
@anamilovac6202 7 лет назад
To me, there is also only one ending. Alistair doesn't have either the desire or experience to be king -so why make him the king? Anora is ambitious and knows she can do it well, and seems an OK person altogether - so let her be the queen. Everybody happy, and warden and Alistair sail into sunset, free.
@twiliblade 7 лет назад
+Ana Milovac harden alister through his personal quest and he will be ready
@wolfafe 7 лет назад
gotta love being a dwarf in da:o
@Drezdenez 3 года назад
I tried this game many times, but only 2 times I really finished it. First time I just that “most typical Human Noble Warrior Morrigan Romance Saving all Making Ritual”. I still consider this as most brutally 100% canonic for myself. 2nd time I finished game I played Female Human Mage with Romancing Alistair. I decided to refuse a ritual to see how Morrigan will react and how this will outcome. First Morrigan was in rage, but not because I refused to take part in ritual, but agreed to die. He herself confessed that I was like a sister to her, and I considered her ran away in rage as she couldn’t accept my choice to sacrifice myself as someone dear to her. Then when I declared that I will kill demon, Alistair claimed that he can’t accept it and game left me no choice but to watch how Alistair sacrifices himself. And Anora became solo queen after I spitted on her... It is 2021 but I still like variability of this game. Pity Dragon Age keep didn’t save my Mage girl. As well as Keep didn’t save my original Hawk story, leaving me no choice but making canon my Hawk lesbian mage girl...
@Predator19344556 9 лет назад
5:44 If you had named your character Mage Aushvich that would be really awkward xD.
@Bubbles99718 3 года назад
Just noticed the sound of lightening in the background when Allister talks in the beginning. Pretty kool
@nickolaskerria2963 3 года назад
that's one huge dragon soul he absorded, his sequal is the dragonborn
@darkphoenix6398 7 лет назад
Jesus Duncan u told me a 20 hour story damn!
@evilwizard3334 4 года назад
A hero was he Touching all our lives As if he lived and died In a single moment Great were his deeds All his words were true He lived and died A man of honor Manowar
@ginew07 6 лет назад
“Mother was so shocked she’s gone sober” I just started my Commoner a week ago, good ending
@WolfSpiritAD 2 года назад
Yeh I played dalish elf warden and he made the ultimate sacrifice. Think my only disappointment is his body being put in that tomb instead of a proper dalish 'burial'. He still saw himself as dalish even if his duty to the clan was to serve as a grey warden, away from the clan. Protecting them along with everyone else of fereldian and beyound, as a Warden and eventual leader against the blight. Among other things... Although I was also a bit disappointed that you can't properly use the world state of you warden's decisions in awakening, without him magically being alive... Edit: Just thought of something after posted this. If his body still had the taint in it then I guess a proper Dalish 'burial' , having a tree planted over remains probably would have been a bad idea.
@ArchCone 3 года назад
Alistair is such a great Bro.
@dantemigueljamorabo278 Год назад
I just realize when your character dies the faction which you come from become much better.
@highjim7778 3 года назад
if ever a game deserved a proper enhanced edition its this.
@valkorion8958 4 года назад
I always choose to sacrifice my Warden, it always seems inhumane to give an unborn child an unknown power and obligation he did not ask for. More so when you romanced Morrigan, who is already pregnant before mentioning the ritual. Not to mention it's pretty selfish of a Grey Warden to do such a thing, whom are already making a heavy sacrifice when drinking darkspawn blood.
@VenomQuill 4 года назад
I dunno man. Even aside from life or death of the Warden, some things are worth preserving.
After all the Warden has done he deserves a happy ending. In my case, with Morrigan.
@thehucklebillyfenn 8 лет назад
I wish da keep was specific enough to choose those options for your race. I was a Salish elf and wanted to give the hinterlands to the dalish, but in inquisition I went there and there wasn't even a dalish clan in the region to show evidence that my decision mattered. I even made it to where my warden dies, and Alistair always says gives the dalish hinterlands, but in inquisition still nothing. It really made me mad, because in da 2 where you straight up import your choice. It still doesn't do that. Your clan goes to the free marches and stays even though they now have land. Why DA WHYYYYY!
@PsPmoddedOUT 3 года назад
Nobody understands what paragonhood for a casteless actually means. As far as im aware thats never happened in dwarf history. Your sisters' son will not have to live in poverty and will instead be a noble of a house named after the character. Literal miracle was thrust upon them. They are sad but also happy
@mazariamonti 10 лет назад
Either, a Male warden romanced with morrigan going through the mirror to be retconned out in Dragon Age 3, or sacrifice yourself, it's the only way.
@FunnyGuyMont 10 лет назад
Your the Inquisitor in DA3 not the Warden and your previous characters won't make an appearance they will just be referenced the only thing that may be retconed is when Morrigan says the baby is a boy and the fact that you may be the God Child in DA3 who became the Inquistor and the he aged faster because of something I can't remeber what it was.
@FunnyGuyMont 10 лет назад
TheDarkSider *facepalm* I was saying that, that was going to be retconed
@JossLun 4 года назад
Well, you can play a female warden and ask Alistair or Loghain to accomplish the ritual for you
@dpkkmr424 5 лет назад
Death was calling him, gently stretching her hand and for some reason he couldn’t refuse. He wanted to, he couldn’t even see her. He didn’t wanted to go to with her. With all his will he thought of life, his life. The first time he told Morrigan about his love. The first time he kissed her and she replied hesitantly. The time he joined wardens , The time Alister called him a brother. All the darkspwan he had fought to be here. His family, his dog, his home, his mother. But they seemed distant now, like a vapor in the air dissolving. Their image breaking into motes, their memories fading from his mind. No, Nooo! He cried, he yelled but no one listened. He was alone. And although he couldn’t see her he knew the only one who hadn’t left him was Death. She was still waiting with her gentle hands stretched for him. Like she always has. Even when he was not on the crisp of death she was there. Close by, creeping behind him. He didn’t see her but he felt her every time he escaped her grasp. But there was no escaping now, she was standing right here in the darkness with him. No lights to follow, to show a path today. Today it was only him and her. She looked at him smiling slowly, softly. And he smiled back. He looked back one final time making sure that there was no one waiting for him, Calling him, needing him. Then he grabbed her hand. She responded by tightening her fist around his trembling one. They were walking now to a place he knows not where.
@Mars.95 9 лет назад
Oghren is amazing.
@locktock9 7 лет назад
you know this is kind of haunting.. with the heroes death everything couldn't be better, you dying makes everyone happier and better off, yet you living does not. jesus christ dragon age, encouraging much?
@funnyblog100 6 лет назад
Does it? Play Awakening. The Darkspawn become sentient and with fereldens greatest hero dead they have to turn to an orlesian. Not to mention there will be more blights in the future. It is actually pretty damn dark if the hero dies.
@bethkrager6529 4 года назад
Well, I doubt Fergus thinks he's better off with his last living family dying a hero. If Cousland lives at least he knows they are alive out there somewhere doing warden things.
@Kareszkoma 4 года назад
Ye.. but thats what Wardens do.. die. They hold the first line against the darkspawn. In every battle they are the Vanguard. All of the Wardens dying against the Archdemon is not exactly unheard of, especially if you know about the first blight, which was the worst. Also, if the Warden lives, he keeps doing things. If Alistair lives he keeps improving things. The Warden and Alistair will have a great impact on Ferelden. But if one of them dies.. well.. all of that is lost.
@Slay0r815 9 лет назад
I've been through the game several times,and i've just realized that I never let my PCs die. So this video is still new to me after all these years
@alejandroyava 4 года назад
I would love to see Gorim's face when Horrowmont refusses military help from the humans just for his dumb traditions. All that sacrifice, and the old fool just let more Dwarves die alone for nothing.
@jagwam 10 лет назад
This is by far one of,if bot The, best game I ever played. Such story, and making the final sacrifice...I almost shed a tear for real=) Never have a game or book or movie made me feel like this game did
@LeoIvanov 9 лет назад
I remember in my playthrough (I played for the first time actually) I went out of my way to have romance with Morrigan, and she was just stuck up on quitting and dropping the relationship no matter what I did (I raised the relationship up to +100 and did her personal quest). The thing that really got me was her speech before the last battle, where she warned me that it'll probably last time I'll see her, and that's where she said that "She'll never forget me" and called me her love. That was a very well done moment and piece of dialogue, sucks that you aren't able to play as Warden in the next two games :P
@jagwam 9 лет назад
Leo Ivanov yeah about the wardens. DA to me is all about being a Grey Warden, I also really miss all the cool combat finishers/executions. Combat feels a bit lame in DA:I without it.
@ValainaC 4 года назад
Ok. Serious guys, anyone noticing the bald elf at 3:33? Could it be... Our Special Companion from Inquisition?
@heartlacies 4 года назад
Nope, Solas/The Dread Wolf was asleep during this time.
@RedTunaRoll 4 года назад
playing as the dwarf commoner sucks. your only friend betrays you and your sister uses you as a political pawn. and then dying makes everyone happy since you become a paragon and create your own clan.
@IKolpikov 3 года назад
Well, great sacrifice and 15 ppl attending the king's speech. Sounds like happy familly with Morigan is a way better oportuninty.
@Evantrop 2 года назад
A hero was he Touching all our lives As if he lived and died In a single moment Great were his deeds All his words were true He lived and died A man of honor He paid with his life For his life was the price To pass the gates immortal
@MicheleOlivieri 10 лет назад
I hated the circle of Magi, and the Chantry too. DA is great because it shows how sick could be the society-machine.
@helioskitty9328 9 лет назад
Roue De Fortune I think I might find myself more inclined to agree with this position if we had better role models for apostates. But your only example for what apostates are like in Origins is freakin' *Morrigan* and the ones in DA II are mostly classholes as well. Inquisition does a little better of evening the scales, but then everybody looks like a dick in Inquisition.
@fabhatman5025 6 лет назад
We live in a society
@cinnamonbummer9504 4 года назад
@@fabhatman5025 wow, that says a lot about our society
@leandrotami Год назад
it's amazing how many different endings and substories this game has!
@Celdaric 5 лет назад
I made my dalish warrior sacrifice herself yesterday so I could get the Perfectionist-achiewment, that funeral was the saddest thing I have ever experienced in any game since Vesemir's death in Witcher 3 D;
@user-kq2gt6yy3o 3 года назад
Why would a landless dalish sacrifice her life&soul for the sake of ppl who hate elves and consider them as animals, tho?
@ludwigkruger1850 6 лет назад
Darkspawn chronicles - my favorite ending.
@VenomQuill 4 года назад
You know, I really liked that DLC.
@AB-ez4rm 9 лет назад
It's fun to watch a DA cutscene without fear of a frickin DirectX error like in DA:I
@themaskedman757 4 года назад
Can someone plz tell me if u can get that armor normally or is it a mod?
@notahamster333 4 года назад
lmao Bann Teagan and that choreographed swinging of sword!
@FFGirl76 11 лет назад
Thanks for putting this up. It was heartbreaking to see your Cousland, Mahariel, and Amell after watching so many of your AU stories with them.
@bakura306 6 лет назад
Idk, I think Noble dwarf is the coolest and best origin personally.
@ThatSilentGuy 4 года назад
The human noble warden looks a lot like Warden Carver Hawke.
@rockmatias 11 лет назад
And the Archdemon is standing in the rooftop thinking. "Wait a minute, are these fools talking about me, just kill me already. I have been stabbed a hundred times, and now they stop to talk! Maybe I should just leave?!"
@ksay6950 2 года назад
As many times as I had played the games, I always played a human female noble so I can kiss Alistair in front of Morrigan, lol. The first time I did the sacrifice ending, I CRIED (lol), and Alistair was so sad
@ssjineon7032 4 года назад
Its a good game. Im still replaying origin in 2020
@user-cz1ex7kf2g 6 лет назад
Your PC making the sacrifice is the best ending.
@nickclark89 8 лет назад
In my canon Alistair went demisexual only for my male mage Warden, just like Xena and Gabrielle, after a bunch of battles and experiences, the Hero of Ferelden sacrificed himself for the world and for his true and impossible love. Delightfully tragic. Rest in peace Ryllel Amell T__T I need a hug :(
@nickclark89 7 лет назад
and proud of :3
@Xylarxcode 5 лет назад
We're gonna build a new mage tower with the Chantry's money. Then after we've taken their money, we're totally kicking their asses out and letting the mages live on their own. Good job, Alistair. The Chantry is totally gonna go for that one...
@LaZyREBaL 10 лет назад
can the circle still be granted autonomy if you dont take the ultimate sacrifice.
@DanaDuchy 10 лет назад
Yes, you can ask Alistair to free the mages after his coronation.
@LaZyREBaL 10 лет назад
THank you i will do that
@mezzki1 10 лет назад
You can also ask Anora.
@Sfroula 10 лет назад
TheDarkSider Somone with my opinion, I hate the Chantry...
@Sfroula 10 лет назад
TheDarkSider It's the same as the church in real life. Like their "holy war" againts the elfs, because they worshiped different gods. I remember reading that in DAO. I'm not sure about the Inquisitor worship trough, I think he will be seen as a hero figure, but we will see :). I just want to free the mages, destroy the chantry and rule Thedas muhaha! :D
@TheMidnitetoker420 10 лет назад
Why any1 would kill them self in this game is beyond me especially when there are so many other options. Not to mention it would seem to negate damn near every dlc that has ever come out of it
@justin1594 10 лет назад
well its not like you would be playing them again in the next couple games. No appearance in DA2 and only a possible cameo in DA:I
@ChironTheWounded 11 лет назад
Imagine this with current gen graphics, bit particles and all.
@MoBot249 2 года назад
Wait a minute. Duncan? Issat you? Howrya.. you're darkspawn feces by now not narrator. Oh they wanted to hit us with all the feels.
@syakrikhalid 7 лет назад
alistair is regal af in these scenes
@Bubbles99718 6 лет назад
syakirkhalid Yeah, and he was whining like a bitch about being king as Loghain was still bleeding out on the floor.
@jesshogg6436 8 лет назад
It's so sad watching him struggle to pull the sword out :c
@hawketheenigma7865 10 лет назад
There Ain't no grave, that can hold (my WARDEN's) body down...
@3DTyrant 7 лет назад
You thought I was dead? Naaaaaah, just a flesh wound.
@shun2240 5 лет назад
man this game had such amazing endings, i wish DA4 can at least have half the choices for endings compared to this game
@Deokflsa 10 лет назад
I am... really confused. If you import a save that has a Dalish Warden making the ultimate sacrifice, then do Keeper Marethari and Clan Sabrae still show up in DA2?
@Mikito456 10 лет назад
For some reason, yes. Weird as it may be
@Sekulture 10 лет назад
Michael Irizarry I've tried to calculate it myself, DA2 starts of just as Lothering is being destroyed that means the hero has just finished their first recruitment, for me it was the circle, so we may suggest it's been two maybe three weeks since the blight began if not within a fifth of sixth week due to the warden having to reach the circle first, it must then take at least a week for Hawke and friends to reach Gwaren, then Varric mentioned the trip from Gwaren to Kirkwall took two weeks, so by this time we're looking at second to third month of the blight, Hawke then has to spend a year in servitude to either mercenaries or smugglers so we maybe able to assume that by the time Hawke meets Varric it's been at least a year and three months as I reckon they spent a few weeks on their own after the servitude was done before meeting Varic, now some say the blight lasted less than a year, that means it's possible the blight only lasted 11 months, it would be possible for the keeper to have been able to return a week or so before meeting Hawke as it gives the space of 4 months to get there and back. Personally I think human noble should have been default cannon, the adverts for DAO showed a human and he wasn't a mage so it was noble, and when you play DA2 it shows human noble origins background as default, I don't know why they bothered to change it. p.s. I only really made those calculations while trying to figure out how Anders was able to be in the game so soon.
@Ooriki 10 лет назад
The assumption is that *some* of the Dalish took over the hinterlands around Ostagar. For example, Ashalle (the Warden' mentor) will not appear in DA2 because she is still in Ostagar helping to manage the lands there (according to the writers). Why the rest of the Sabrae Clan decided to move the Free Marches while some remained in Ferelden isn't explained. If Merrill questions King Alistair about the Dalish Warden in Act III of DA2, he will say that "things didn't go well" in giving the Dalish the land there, implying some kind of conflict between the Dalish and the nearby humans.
@user-kq2gt6yy3o 3 года назад
@@Ooriki The more reasons for the warden to never sacrifice themselves for the sake of the ingrates & evil humans!
@Sifya 5 лет назад
Usually I did the dark ritual because my wanders trust morrigan. But my amell refused because he did not trust flemer. My amell saved loghain and make alistan married Arona, so alistan left with hate. But I was really surprised see alistan and loghain together in funeral it was so sad. Because loghain respected amell like a leader and he would die for him my amell think loghain is good against quinair and thinking a mathy mage will change the circle. I think the shock to alistan found out about ultimate sacrifice and understand amell action. Amell was his brother and he is gone knowing alistan hate. So Alistair make the same mistake again the same he did with arl earmon but he cannot fix it :it is too late. Only think he can do it is put outside his pride and went to funeral :(
@Brylicet 10 лет назад
what is funny is if you romance morigan and you live alistair is fucking pissed but if you die he is sad and he's a better ruler than all of the other options
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