
Universal Atonement in 2 Peter 2:1 

Dr. Jordan B Cooper
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This is a response to comments made by James White on 2 Peter 2:1. I demonstrate that this text teaches universal atonement.



12 авг 2013




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Комментарии : 34   
@huntsman528 Год назад
Dude, you look so young! Excellent video!
@SonOfTheLion Год назад
Feels a bit like time travel, lol.
@waynecrook1290 9 лет назад
UNIVERSAL RECONCILIATION NOT UNIVERSAL SALVATION ,2 Peter 2:1. I demonstrate that this text teaches universal atonement. And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.1 John 2:2
@royedwards51 3 года назад
Universal Atonement IS Universal Salvation
@mathewlowrey2734 3 года назад
@@royedwards51 not necessarily, Universal atonement means that your sins have been propitiated, the price paid, justice fulfilled. This is spoken of in Lutheran theology as "objective justification" meaning, its a real, out side of you, extra nos, not subject dependent, justification. A real price was really paid, for your sins. That really happened. 2000 years ago. But this is distiiguished form "subjective justification"...the lutheran term referinng to how justification is applied to you, individually (as a subject...its not "subjective" as in "relative"). How one comes to have this objective (real/actual/not simply potential) justification applied to them, is by FAITH (which is a gift). So, that you are united to christs death and resurrection in baptism, so when you are graced with Faith, you are "in" christ, and wear the "robe of Christ" and the Father, will see Christ when He looks at you. In Faith, christs rightesounous becomes our rigteousness. BUT, not all come to Faith - and even, apparently, some have faith and then apostasize...make shipwreck of their faith. So, even though their sins WERE paid for, they have rejected that price....they are OUTSIDE, the covenant...they are not IN CHRIST, so they have chosen, to stand on their own merit...OUTSIDE of christ (who nevertheless did still pay for their sins...they are REJECTING that payment.) By rejecting the Son, they are rejecting His rightesnous being applied to them, so they stand in their own condemnation. So you see, Universal Atonement is not Universalism.....I'll blow your mind further...Lutherans also confess, like you, that salvation is grace alone....total depravity as you guys say...monergism...bondage of the will...dead in sins...ie, it is Christ who paid our ransom on the cross, and alos He who grants us faith, regenerates us...we are indeed "elected" unto grace. no free will decision precedes the gift of fatih..faith is not obtained by an act of the unregenerate free will. At the same time, we confess that you can fall away.. If you never have faith, or later reject faith, that is of your own doing...not Gods. There is no election unto damnation taught in the bible. how can this be, how can it be all gods doing if we be saved, but all mans doing if we be damned....and man not able to cooperate apart from grace, yet whollly responsible for his own damanation, EVEN THOUGH, his sins have been atoned? I can't explain it. I simply confess scripture.
@nicholascarter6543 Год назад
As well as 1 Timothy 4:10 WHICH IS EVEN MORE SPECIFIC AND WOULD LITERALLY REQUIRE SOME GYMNASTICS IN ORDER TO MAKE IT FIT THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT THEY “THINK” IT MEANS. He is (in a general sense,the Savior of all the world BUT “ESPECIALLY” those who BELIEVE!!! It’s so sad that they can’t see this wow 😢. Breaks my freaking heart 😢. It’s so clear and clearer than clear and then some...
@patrckhh20 10 лет назад
I must say I appreciate your respectful tone in this video. I think you sufficiently refuted the arguments regarded "despotes" and the meaning of "bought." These are definitely the most common answers Calvinists give, but I always thought they were very weak arguments, which is why I never used them. You should check out my video on 2 Peter 2:1.
@GoodNewsGospel777 9 лет назад
Good points.....
@Mr.Truxton 4 года назад
I think you did him dirty with that thumbnail.... As dirty as Leighton Flowers... Otherwise, cool video.
@huntsman528 Год назад
Leighton's thumbnails are epic. The Pope Leighton one was hilarious, after JW asked what he'd look like in robes.
@gumbyshrimp2606 Месяц назад
If so many words are mistranslated, you’d think the calvinists would make their own new Bible translation to clear up all of these troublesome passages.
@georgemoncayo8313 Год назад
1 Samuel 3:14 God said “Therefore I have sworn to the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli’s house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever.” That's Limited atonement. John 17:9. Jesus doesn't pray for the non elect. Romans 9:11-23.
@samckwong 4 месяца назад
? but Jesus did pray for those who put Him on the cross. 😢
@georgemoncayo8313 4 месяца назад
@samckwong some repented some were elect, I'm talking about the non elect he mentioned in John 17. He's isn't trying to save those long beforehand marked out for condemnation Jude 4.
@sinfulpirate 4 года назад
Peter is making reference to the redemption of Israel from Egypt. Notice he said amount the people then places the same reference to the church.. he’s comparing.. Peters man focus was to Jewish Christians not gentiles.. they would have know exactly what he meant. James white had the proper understanding. It amazes me how much ppl want so bad to keep control in the hands of man. Even Peter was clear that salvation is only the work of God for His elect. 1 Peter 1:3-5
@gumbyshrimp2606 Месяц назад
Are you sure? Peter was much more explicit when he tied baptism to the waters of the flood. In this passage there was no mention of the exodus.
@chipsmydog 5 лет назад
It should be embarrassing for Arminians to defend their ignorance of the scriptures, but it isn't since they truly believe they must be right to retain control over their eternal destiny. The stakes are just too high, as the alternative is simply a to terror those who live for control.
@andrewaulner4759 4 года назад
Lutherans aren't Arminians.
@jonwatson3271 4 года назад
Except.... Lutherans aren't Arminian.
@huntsman528 Год назад
Wow, too funny. Lutherans, Arminians, Traditionalists as well as John Calvin himself all believe Christ died for the whole entire world. And yeah, Lutherans are not Arminians...
@rwhite3831 11 месяцев назад
I dont understand why synergists die on this hill. If you are not an open theist than God knows who will believe and who will not. An universal atonement is just divine virtue signaling. Second of all, how does this work with scriptures that clearly teach false teachers were predestined or ordained to condemnation. So Christ dies for people he predestined to hell?
@fianchettando 11 месяцев назад
@Jonathan-jx3gb 4 года назад
I think you are missing the point of White saying that this passage is not about soteriology or universal atonement. This text is primarily a warning about the false teachers. In chapter 1, the prophetic word is referring to the O.T prophecies regarding the power and coming of Christ. The prophets of the O.T were men carried away by the Holy Spirit. However, in the O.T, false prophets arose immediately. Just look at the story of the Exodus. Immediately, after their escape, you have Jews worshipping false idols/golden calf. These men who worshipped false idols where men who were bought by the Triune God. It was not just the Father who rescued the O.T people but Christ himself since the blood on the doorpost was a foreshadow of the blood of Christ. The rebellious Jews who worshipped the golden calf had to have put blood on the door since they were alive. They were beneficiaries of the covenant God made with them but at the same time denied the Triune God. In the same way, these false prophets are arising in the church. They are no different than the false prophets of Old who rejected the God who bought them. The topic of Peter was not to give an exhaustive view of the accomplishments of redemption or universal atonement. The immediate context is comparing how O.T false prophets arose and how false prophets are arising - both denied the Lord that bought them. In minute 9 of your video, you reject the idea of "bought" referring to something other than the cross because you can't see how the Gentile church would connect that to the Deut. What you are missing is that Peter just finished talking about the O.T in chapter 1. He talked about the prophetic word (O.T) and how those prophets were carried a long by the Spirit. It would seem like the church would be familiar with Deut and the O.T since he brings them up. Peter also then brings up other O.T stories about Lot and Noah. This objection seems to no carry any weight.Though I do think "bought" is referring to "redemption", I don't your argument carries any weight. This passage is primarily a warning about false prophets and not "universal atonement". It would seem more likely that these false prophets were not ACTUALLY BOUGHT BY CHRIST because of their rejection of Christ. Though at first it seemed like it (2 Peter 2:21), Peter now know that these men were false converts since they are false prophets. They were apostates. They were not of true Israel. In 1 Peter 1:3-5, Peter mentions that God has caused the Christian to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Those who are truly saved will be actually in heaven because of God persevering them. These false prophets did not preserve which shows that they are denying the very faith they once claim and therefore false. This is a common theme throughout the O.T and the N.T. There are people who part of the covenant who are not truly of the covenant. There were people born in Israel and experience all the benefits of the covenant, yet were not truly Israelites. It is the same in the church. There are those who are in the church but because of their denial of the Lord it shows they were never of us. This has nothing to do about universal atonement.
@flamingooneleg77 3 года назад
Good job. I wonder if this guy even read your comment.. I don’t think it would make any difference. If you can’t see the truth you can’t see the truth.
@flamingooneleg77 3 года назад
You explained this better than J.W. Who are you? Super Christian? You should write a commentary on the whole Bible. Let me know if you do, so you can send me a copy. Waiting!
@yellowblackbird9000 2 года назад
Sperge sperge sperge. What I love about Calvinists is you can never read the clear meaning of scripture. You hate God's word and love your own ignorance.
@flamingooneleg77 3 года назад
White is right. To many people thinking, Expressing,
@webgold3408 8 месяцев назад
I have a different understanding of that passage.These false prophets are described according to their profession and judged thereby, just as Christ referred to the Pharisees "they that are righteous", they who profess to be righteous. I fine Universal Atonement as hard doctrine. It has Christ dying for some people who will not be saved. It has Christ dying for people who are already in Hell. It has Christ dying for those who committed the unpardonable sin.
@villarrealmarta6103 Год назад
James white is such a false teacher, this is completely soteriological and for him to deny it is ludicrous.
@paul.etedder2439 7 лет назад
James White is correct
@chipsmydog 5 лет назад
So is everyone else who believes that the scripture confirms itself. Let's start with the premise that Peter is not a schizo, double minded fisherman.........he is clear about the sovereignty of God and credits God Almighty that he was kept by God, and didn't end like Judas Iscariot.
@jonwatson3271 4 года назад
@yellowblackbird9000 2 года назад
@arthur6157 3 месяца назад
The comparison is between Israel and the Church. God purchased A PEOPLE out of Egypt, but each and every person IN ISRAEL was not PERSONALLY purchased by Christ on the cross. If you doubt this, review Israel's rebellions in the wilderness. False teachers were in Israel, and they will be in the Church. They DO deny the MASTER who purchased them out of slavery in Egypt/the World. They DO NOT deny the Lord who purchased them personally for eternal salvation - because He hasn't. This is about corporate purchase vs. personal, IMO.
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