Just wanna say I paused the video and thought about what I would do when you said say in the comments follow me or wide guard Happy to say I got it right
Glad to see Hitmonchan is usable if you are the goat at least haha I was thinking the other day about using Typhlosion with Talonflame to threaten both damage and support and i see you got murkrow this time around with sunny day. I was wondering what you think of dropping a move for sunny day on Talonflame,? probably upper hand or is that too greedy? haha
Hey Thatsa, I don't know if you have done this yet but how about Specs Talon? I used it with a lot of success, on Talons part, but I feel like I didn't build an effective team around it. You will need rain obviously. What do you think?
Ty for using Hitmonchan. Rather than request you to use a mon can I request that you remove a mon? Hitmonlee is nasty and disgusting looking and I don’t like seeing him and I’d appreciate if you eliminated him.