
Utilitarianism: Bibliotheca Webinar 

Michael Sugrue
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You can find Mill's work here www.amazon.com/Basic-Writings...
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Dr. Michael Sugrue earned his BA at the University of Chicago and PhD at Columbia University.



26 июл 2022




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@username1235400 Год назад
Dr Sugrue - You have no idea how much you've helped level up my understanding of the great books. Thank you, good sir !
@Realist968 Год назад
Michael Sugrue is the best philosophical lecturer of all time.
@rocio8851 Год назад
There is a reason you got 28 likes. :) I agree!
@jokeer14 Год назад
@charleshowie2074 Год назад
Well he just said that there is no such thing as British happiness units. The man has never heard of chocolate digestives. 😜
@mattayoubi9829 Год назад
You have enriched my life, Dr Sugrue. Thank you.
@parkerstevens6005 Год назад
This channel has increasingly become something special to me. I really hope that is place remains a quaint haven of learning, separate from the inane and vacuous culture war that has swallowed every other space up. Above all, Dr. Sugrue is here to teach people ‘how’ to think, not ‘what’ to think. I can only pray ideologues remain ignorant of this channel.
@dr.michaelsugrue Год назад
Neo Nazi Gruypers and Antifa SJWs have occasionally landed here. I'm ok with that because I think the only hope for them is education and I don't begrudge them learning something. However, if they are abusive to me or anybody else, (neofascist anti Semites from the right, totalitarian racist anti-capitalists from the left) I inform them that they cannot stay unless they are intellectually housebroken. Either they learn some manners or I ban them.
@ghongvanna6470 Год назад
Bravo 👏🏾
@khester7397 Год назад
@@dr.michaelsugrue Why the schizm, do you think, Dr. Sugrue?
@abruhigoham7472 Год назад
@@dr.michaelsugrue “The Sophists held no values other than winning and succeeding. They were not true believers in the myths of the Greeks but would use references and quotations from the tales for their own purposes.” This embodies modern day ideologues, I cant stand the virtue signaling from both sides when as a collective neither posses virtue by any stretch of the definition. “In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
@liberalismisahatecrime4385 Год назад
@@dr.michaelsugrue I'm without question an anti semite but I don't particularly feel the need to attack or abuse people just for being Jewish. That's not constructive or necessary and it's even redundant since if I honestly believe the things that I do (yes I believe them) then they must already know that about themselves as well if I'm correct, so it serves no real purpose beyond being petty. While I'm sure you don't agree with me I appreciate the nuanced stance and your content anyways.
@dinomujakic2289 Год назад
How can a human being know so much!?!?!? Dr. Sugrue is incredible
@BboyKeny Год назад
In the Utilitarian Utopia the meaning of life is pressing a button that releases dopamine in your brain. Sure if your dopamine reservoir is depleted, depression follows. But just press the button more.
@dr.michaelsugrue Год назад
Huxley's Brave New World
@bawol-official Год назад
This man is a treasure.
@gongboy83 Год назад
The wisest man in the world is broadcasting live on the internet. Will someone get the man a better camera?
@Vgallo Год назад
Full on, I thought he was lying down
@bingolittle8725 Год назад
Thanks Doctor always enjoy the lectures and no nonsense un PC attitude, I gain a lot of insight from your talks. Utilitarianism has its place but it's a very blunt instrument and produces results like the CCP in China taken too far.
@joshwilliamson13 Год назад
Loving all of your content! Thank you!
@zando5108 Год назад
The world needs a steady voice of reason right now, you could totally get back into the fray. Would listen to you than the likes of Jordan Peterson any day of the week.
@dr.michaelsugrue Год назад
My health does not allow berserker mode anymore.
@zando5108 Год назад
@@dr.michaelsugrue ahh i've realized now, well thank you for doing these, what an even greater privilege to continue to listen to you speak!
@TheGringoSalado 3 месяца назад
Peace be with you brother. 🙏🙏🙏
@PhildoBaggins Год назад
Speaking of egoism can you do Max Stirners The Ego and it's Own at some point? It's short and dense. It made Marx and Engels so mad they spilled more ink trying to refute it than Stirners entire bibliography so it must be good.
@cheri238 Год назад
Thank you Dr. Sugrue. Another great lecture and discussion.
@optimusprimum Год назад
Do you have any lectures on Aristotle?
@jeandarc5900 Год назад
Sugrue is a bad ass
@thattimestampguy Год назад
36:57 How does one decide whose happiness is more important? 39:20 Don't punish innocent people.
@leststoner Год назад
@russelltreadway Год назад
Dr. Sugrue could you please cover Zizek? It would be interesting to hear your thoughts about the "Elvis" of philosophy 😉
@melaniefranklin7607 Год назад
In the riot example - All the people who went to the riot CHOSE to participate based on theor own faulty logic. This event did not cause them to murder eachother,they acted on their own free will. That is what justice ought be based on. This event can reveal the flaws in an ever evolving society. To think for the future and to desire to develop a society to its highest point in the long run, these events should be allowed to unfold and to punish those who did wrong because this sets a precedence for the future and helps to culture a community rather than pandering to mob mentality which will cause people to engage in more riots everytime they dont get what they want. Thats the society we live in nowadays. Its about the future of culturing and educating a society which will give millions benefit in the future, rather than catering to mob mentality in the moment.
@metroidfighter90 Год назад
Professor Sugrue what do you think about some of the issues raised by BLM such as police brutality and the disproportionate incarceration rates of blacks in regards to the total population? Any merit to their contentions or is it all horse exhaust you think?
@dr.michaelsugrue Год назад
Excessive force by police is a serious problem, not exclusively racial, that needs to be addressed. This speaks for itself: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-VBUUx0jUKxc.html Mass incarceration is also a genuine problem that needs to be addressed. The "War on Drugs" has failed, which is why legalizing and taxing marijuana is long overdue. The problem with BLM is that they are like quack doctors trying to cure a real disease. Much of their overhyped rhetoric is make believe, like the 1619 Project, which is to history what malpractice is to medicine. The fundamental problem of American politics is not war or economics or race, it is our grossly dysfunctional educational system. One of the ancient Jewish Rabbis (I forget which one) said, "if you raise a child so that he does not learn how to make an honest living, it is the same thing as if you were teaching that child to steal". Our ineffective, inefficient, wastefully bureaucratized, dangerously politicized secondary and primary schools are failing to teach far too many students how to make an honest living. Worse still, schools are not the only, or even our primary, underperforming educational institutions. The family is an essential vehicle for educating children. Where else will they learn right and wrong, a work ethic and high expectations for themselves? Where will they learn to respect their elders, self discipline and how to love unselfishly? Even good schools cannot do this because they are not the right tool for these jobs: a perfectly good hammer will not saw wood. Parents teach by example. Mass incarceration is overwhelmingly male and the absence of fathers in the home is deeply harmful to children of any race or class. Once a man has fathered children, his primary moral obligation is to his family, not himself. Every day after work, a father should, all other things being equal, get his butt home to have dinner en famille. He is teaching when he shows respect to the children's mother and when he inquires of the children about how school went today. When I was raising my three daughters, they knew that the first thing out of my mouth at supper was always the same question, "What did you learn today?" and "Nothing" was not an acceptable answer. No learning, no dessert; while the opposite rule "Clever girls get chocolate" was always in effect. I hear too many fathers talk about spending "quality time" with their children sometime in the uncertain future. No good. You must spend "quantity time" with your children and be a part of their daily life. It does not matter if Daddy finds this onerous or time consuming or difficult or a sacrifice. It may be any or all of these things but you are a grown man, not a child and you need to get over your self pity and meet your moral obligations. Grow up. My relevant political beliefs regarding children are "No adult eats until every child is fed" and "Man up, step up and shut up". Like the philosopher Don Corleone said, "A man that doesn't spend time with his family can never really be a man".
@metroidfighter90 Год назад
Thank you for your response. From what I understand one of the issues about the incarceration rates is that blacks make up around 12% of the total population and yet remarkably account for over 38% of the total prison population (last time I checked it may have changed some). Now why do you think this is? I've heard the main argument from the left being discrimination in our criminal justice system as the primary cause and I've heard from the right everything from their culture to lower IQ rates being the culprit. What's your take on the cause for the discrepancy?
@dr.michaelsugrue Год назад
@Metroidfighter90 One of the defects in our political life is that voters demand simple solutions to complicated problems. Nothing this complicated can have a simple single cause. There are multiple causes of the over incarceration of Americans, black Americans in particular. Whatever your beliefs about the main or primary cause, does not mean that alternative accounts are necessarily to be rejected tout court. My view is that the ultimate political question is education and our common political deficiencies, of which the overincarceration of black males and cops that are too quick to use deadly force are just two of many, all stem from our failed educational system. Legislators, judges, politicos of every description overwhelmingly send their children to private schools, and we can expect no progress until their children attend the government sponsored schools that they claim are good enough for our children but not theirs. The same is true of health care. We will never have decent universal health care until politicians are required to use whatever system they provide for us mere voters.
@metroidfighter90 Год назад
@@dr.michaelsugrue Thanks for answering my question Professor Sugrue. Always like to hear your thoughts.
@sfdrexj7185 16 часов назад
​@@dr.michaelsugrue It's enligtented to me to see your education principles, because I grew up in a deficient family (deficient in thse educational sense). I know you have passed away early this year, so I can't ask if you want to share more of those education guidelines. Thank you and RIP. (If anyone has any good suggestions, I am more than welcome. )
@svsugvcarter Год назад
Have you checked out the PlasticPills/PillPod Podcast? It’s a number of Canadian theorists who have been interviewing a range of scholars. I’d love to hear an interview with you, perhaps on your pioneering video lectures that I’ve enjoyed as much as those by Rick Roderick. The PP crew all know of Roderick, so I know you’d be right up their alley.
@docoRPA 8 месяцев назад
John Stuart Mills? :)
@patrickklepacki4077 Год назад
John Stuart Mills Lane
@dr.michaelsugrue Год назад
I have always liked the great boxing referee.
@IvanGlavas 9 месяцев назад
It s J. S. Mill. Not Mill s.
@erickomar3152 Год назад
Based and redpilled 😁💯💯💯
@taylorjones7585 Год назад
The other problem with Utliitarianism is a locality / grouping issue. Going back to the army General. If he knows his weapon is superior, does he use his firepower to kill MORE bodies than perhaps even his own army contains? In other words, do you kill the many to save the few? It just doesn't make any rational sense. This is why, in my opinion, something kind of Kantian makes the most sense to me.
@roblim1767 Год назад
Utilitarians arguments remember a lot of Michael Scott proving the existence of God: "Is there a god? If not then what are all these churches for? ...and who is Jesus' dad? "
@taylorjones7585 Год назад
Here's my response to the " at what point do we burn the old lady" (sounds so morbid 😆) but the answer is: You never do. Why? Because yes, perhaps, more "lives" may be saved overall--but the damage wrought ON those so called "lives" would--in theory--be so "damaged" , and those people so poisoned, that although they may be physically there, the impact this wrongdoing would have on their own and any subsequent lives they touched would be so detrimental as to vastly outweigh any "harm" done by her existence. Thereby also creating even MORE "overall" harm in the end. What do you think of that, Dr. Sugrue? Are there any philosophers that might espouse this idea or something somewhat To me the above sounds a bit like a kind of Platonic solution, a la *The Republic*... As in, the soul is like a city and you need it to be balanced--I can't see much room for essentially Murder anywhere in
@taylorjones7585 Год назад
My above proposal might also be able to be framed in a Kantian framework as well--with his whole idea of "all possible worlds"/ idea of "world buildling" or "metaphysics."
@ideologybot4592 Год назад
I don't think you get either the hypothetical he was describing, or the broad definition of utilitarianism he is operating off of. To be fair, Sugrue goes into greater breadth than Mill did: there was a guy in these comments who thought that utilitarianism and consequentialism were not the same, which is true but not if you look at utilitarianism in a broader long-term sense and if you apply consequentialism socially and universally, as was clearly implied here. In any case, the idea you seem to be driving at is that, psychologically, violence does damage both to the victim and perpetrator and thus cannot benefit anyone. This is clearly wrong if you're dealing with people involved in a zero sum game with high stakes - it is quite possible to overcome trauma, while overcoming dismemberment or death is tricky - but more to the point, I think that Sugrue was speaking of a hypothetical of there being no way to calm people down without the token sacrifice. The leader cannot calm people down, there is no talking sense into them, no way to prove the falsehood of the metaphysics of witchcraft, and it can reasonably be expected that the sacrifice will appease them.
@NelsonPascuzzi Год назад
i think that the main moral of jesus sacrificing himself for the sake of humankind is very utilitarian. Pontius Pilate and Jesus align on that oddly. But doesn't really fix Mill lol
@khester7397 Год назад
Thats a kind of funny observation, but Jesus chose to sacrifice himself, not another.
@jimjones9491 16 дней назад
Didn't know how utterly corrupt the pharmaceutical industry is.
@melaniefranklin7607 Год назад
Maybe you know the word for this type of argument Dr, but the utilitarianism argument reminds me of similar movements like "black lives matter" where the statement puts people in a stark polarised positioned of for or against. The argument is constrcuted like a truism - to disagree is obviously preposterous or unethical. Yet you dont fully agree with the way the argument is framed. For example, other philosophies are more enriched with intepretation and methodology, whereas utiliarianism or other stark philosophies, try to be an all winning, hands, down, absolute formula for life that one cannot dispute. I really dispise these types of arguments. They arent a fleshed or whole philosophy. Is there a word for this type of polarising argument? Utilitarianism just seems to have taken a feeling or obvious logic we all work towards and intellectualised it rather than just using it intuitively as a guide. And then of course when you intellectualise these basic human instincts you run into all sorts of silly semantic and hypothetical issues that dont occur in context of real world scenarios. The sheer arrogance of Mills to assume that people dont generally follow this rule already seems divisory and I can see how intellectualising such a thing can be appealing to self riteous moral authoritarians to who are repulsed by the idea of nuance and individual discretion. The real world never presents a black and white picture. You are spot on when you said he has "sealed off" his argument in an attempt to disuade criticism or even discourse. It is a typical "I have found the absolute answer (the fallacy of presenting a truism as an argument) and it is so self evident that anyone who disagrees is wrong or morally evil".
@Reymundodonsayo Год назад
Unreal! Covid? The biggest Psyop in history gets cred here?
"The first problem of utilitarianism is that....it is, essentially, consequentialist." Wew lad let me stop you right there
@alexandrapasquinelli2291 Год назад
Yay I’m so excited to listen to this. I went to a used book sale today and had the super good luck to the find and grab up the complete three part “Bible and western culture” great courses by Dr. sugrue, et. Al. About 24 cds I think. 😍
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