
Vandana Shiva | Ecofeminism and the decolonization of women, nature and the future 

San Telmo Museoa
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Euskarazko bertsioa 👉 • Vandana Shiva | Ecofem...
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Vandana Shiva ekintzaile ekologista eta feministaren hitzaldia San Telmo Museoan, Calcuta Ondoan GKEk antolatuta, museoaren eta Garapenerako Lankidetzaren Euskal Agentziarekin elkarlanean. 2020.03.10.
👉 bit.ly/2QKPn5p
Ekofeminismoak gure lurrak, gure gorputzak kolonizatu dituzten ilusio horiek ezabatzen ditu, eta orain gure buruak kolonizatzen ari dira teknologia digitalen bidez eta big dataren bidez. Emakumeengan eta naturan sormena, autonomia eta autoantolaketarako potentziala aintzat hartzean, ekofemismoak haziak ereiten ditu, espezie eta pertsona guztientzat etorkizun komun duin eta justua izateko.
San Telmo Museoak Erronkak izeneko programazio ildoan gai garaikideen inguruan eztabaidatzeko eta hausnartzeko aukera ematen du, besteak beste, hitzaldi, jardunaldi eta erakusketen bidez. Lantzen dituen gaien artean daude Europa, kulturartekotasuna, iraunkortasuna, berdintasuna, eta bakea eta giza eskubideak.
📌 Erronkak programazioko hitzaldiak (erreprodukzio zerrenda) bit.ly/38IvqTx
📌 Erronkak programazio ildoa: bit.ly/2lwzAdF
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San Telmo Museoa 1902an inauguratu zen eta Euskal Herriko museorik zaharrena da. 2011n eraberritu zenetik Euskal Gizartearen Museoa da.Gaur egun, museoan 35.000 piezatik gora ditugu inbentariatuta hainbat kategoriatan: Etnografia, Arte Ederrak, Argazkilaritza, Arkeologia eta Historia. Museoa ez ezik, jakintza zabaltzeko eta pentsamendua sortzeko gunea ere eta iraganeko jakintzatik abiatuta oraina ulertzeko eta etorkizuna eraikitzeko tresna izan nahi du. Hori ahalbidetzeko jarduera egitarau zabala dauka.
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24 мар 2020




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@lenndookun847 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing Dr Vandana Shiva’s. She is a blessing to humanity 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
@annalizavos4775 3 года назад
She is the voice of mother Gaia. Speaking and sharing wisdom.
@janegrbovik1459 3 года назад
Vandana speaks so much sense, I so whish she had a bigger influence on the way we live in this World. So eloquently revealing the truth of how wrong our monetary slave system is causing so much damage, to all except the mentally ill of the one percent of narcissist sociopaths with their beyond cruelty and greed.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
Many informed people are revolted by the malicious lie being spread by that professional fraud Vandana Shiva. There is no specific connection between GMOs and Indian farmer suicides. Even the Indian press resents the implications. Here are reliable sources dispelling the myth: purushatma.wordpress.com/2015/07/14/vandana-shiva-the-pseudoscientific-feminist-fraud/ gmo.geneticliteracyproject.org/FAQ/are-gmos-to-blame-for-the-mass-suicides-of-indian-farmers/ Myles Power video about Shiva fraud: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ygV2DfHIatw.html news.nationalpost.com/news/the-myth-of-indias-gm-genocide-genetically-modified-cotton-blamed-for-wave-of-farmer-suicides geneticliteracyproject.org/2014/07/17/anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shiva-earns-40000-per-speech-advocating-policies-that-harm-poor/ Detailed statistics on the actual causes of Indian farmer suicides - GMO seed is not even on the list: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmers%27_suicides_in_India
@lisamurdoch2525 3 года назад
@@popeyegordon are you on Monsanto s payroll. Stop spewing your propaganda ,!
@lisamurdoch2525 3 года назад
@bharatvarsha Real Thank you for that. It was very interesting and informative to get your perspective. I realize that things aren't black and white. No person or policy is entirely good or bad. I'm very left-leaning, but I realize that capitalism has had some positive outcomes and that I myself have benefited from capitalism. I believe, though, that capitalism in its current form is harming the majority of the population and the planet. I think that Dr. Shiva is spot on when it comes to the harm that agribusiness has done to small farmers and to the environment. We need to stop the poisoning of the earth and recover biodiversity. We need to reclaim power and fight for democracy. We need to redistribute wealth and power. We need to question 'science' and the limits of science. We can't let billionaires determine our future, because I truly believe we are headed towards extinction if we do.
@lisamurdoch2525 3 года назад
I read your last comment - can"t find it here though. I agree that we need more women in political power - and not just emulating men! I also agree that no institution- be it govt. or corporations - should be allowed to become too powerful - either can become dictatorships. And I agree that we shouldn't let the powerful manipulate and divide us based on our race or class or religion, which unfortunately is what is happening in the US.
@Borabas 3 года назад
Brilliant speech; now I understand the causal relationship between the patriarchal domination mentality and industrial paradigm much better. Tunç Ali Kütükçüoğlu
@abhinaykumar7662 4 года назад
Wow . .. she is amazing
@sujatadutta7478 3 года назад
Dr Shiva, thank you for standing by your responsibilities first as a scientist and then as a woman. The voice of women from the indigenous communities of north east India need to join your voice.
@shirleynakamura7034 4 года назад
Such a dedicated brilliant activist for food, people, animals, and mother earth. Luv her!
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
Many informed people are revolted by the malicious lie being spread by that professional fraud Vandana Shiva. There is no specific connection between GMOs and Indian farmer suicides. Even the Indian press resents the implications. Here are reliable sources dispelling the myth: purushatma.wordpress.com/2015/07/14/vandana-shiva-the-pseudoscientific-feminist-fraud/ gmo.geneticliteracyproject.org/FAQ/are-gmos-to-blame-for-the-mass-suicides-of-indian-farmers/ Myles Power video about Shiva fraud: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ygV2DfHIatw.html news.nationalpost.com/news/the-myth-of-indias-gm-genocide-genetically-modified-cotton-blamed-for-wave-of-farmer-suicides geneticliteracyproject.org/2014/07/17/anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shiva-earns-40000-per-speech-advocating-policies-that-harm-poor/ Detailed statistics on the actual causes of Indian farmer suicides - GMO seed is not even on the list: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmers%27_suicides_in_India
@halasimov1362 3 года назад
This guy Trolls for Big Ag when the CCP does not have work!
@BUSeixas11 3 года назад
She would rather have Indians starve than eat GMOs. Great humanitarian.
@pianostuff2731 3 года назад
@@popeyegordon pesticides..
@mhdvijaybhasker 3 года назад
Appreciate your thoughts and time to bring the reality of life and sustainability and your followers 🙏 we will make it for sure, let the parasites and pests
@govai22 4 года назад
All people must understand the 1% rich people wealth, their power, control and can impact through their agenda no matter their revenue grows rapidly not 99% of the people on the globe, still batlling living lifestyle not change as we wish atleast meeting fundamental necessity...
@tarachapman201 4 года назад
Thank you Dr. Shiva! God speed in educating the world!!
@epicherbalism 3 года назад
*SUCH an important and relevant topic! Thank you for featuring Dr. Shiva!*
@acting_for_life 3 года назад
Vandana di a light house of inspration and real work
@SstarSachin 3 года назад
I am here... beacuse my teacher suggest to watch her videos to understand ecofeminism.
@vivianjames9925 3 года назад
I would love to join Save the Bees and farmers, but I'm from England, and we're not in the EU, so we're not on the drop-down menu. I am with Vandana Shiva, and with those working to save our planet. I abhor what our government has been doing - their lies, and their destruction of the planet, and I'm sorry for what is happening in my name - I certainly don't condone it. Thank you Vandana Shiva for all that you do to save our planet, and thank you for teaching and inspiring others.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
Many informed people are revolted by the malicious lie being spread by that professional fraud Vandana Shiva. There is no specific connection between GMOs and Indian farmer suicides. Even the Indian press resents the implications. Here are reliable sources dispelling the myth: purushatma.wordpress.com/2015/07/14/vandana-shiva-the-pseudoscientific-feminist-fraud/ gmo.geneticliteracyproject.org/FAQ/are-gmos-to-blame-for-the-mass-suicides-of-indian-farmers/ Myles Power video about Shiva fraud: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ygV2DfHIatw.html news.nationalpost.com/news/the-myth-of-indias-gm-genocide-genetically-modified-cotton-blamed-for-wave-of-farmer-suicides geneticliteracyproject.org/2014/07/17/anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shiva-earns-40000-per-speech-advocating-policies-that-harm-poor/ Detailed statistics on the actual causes of Indian farmer suicides - GMO seed is not even on the list: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmers%27_suicides_in_India
@MrYubaru 4 года назад
I bow and even prostrate to you Dr.Vandana Shiva for your work and actions, your courage, compassion kindness and wisdom and for protecting our world and all sentient beings. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
Many informed people are revolted by the malicious lie being spread by that professional fraud Vandana Shiva. There is no specific connection between GMOs and Indian farmer suicides. Even the Indian press resents the implications. Here are reliable sources dispelling the myth: purushatma.wordpress.com/2015/07/14/vandana-shiva-the-pseudoscientific-feminist-fraud/ gmo.geneticliteracyproject.org/FAQ/are-gmos-to-blame-for-the-mass-suicides-of-indian-farmers/ Myles Power video about Shiva fraud: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ygV2DfHIatw.html news.nationalpost.com/news/the-myth-of-indias-gm-genocide-genetically-modified-cotton-blamed-for-wave-of-farmer-suicides geneticliteracyproject.org/2014/07/17/anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shiva-earns-40000-per-speech-advocating-policies-that-harm-poor/ Detailed statistics on the actual causes of Indian farmer suicides - GMO seed is not even on the list: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmers%27_suicides_in_India
@jcdenton4281 3 года назад
@@popeyegordon the way your channel is setup and this comment tells the truth why you are here on this talk of Dr Shiva.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@jcdenton4281 Fool! Your channel is 9 years old and yet you have only one subscriber. My subscribers are fans of science truth and that is all I do, defend truth from liars like Shiva and other anti-biotech activist liars. You are not aware that the global scientific community condemns Shiva's lies. Look at this open letter from 39 top scientists - *Shiva has attracted intense criticism from the scientific community for perpetuating long-debunked myths about agriculture, biotechnology and food safety.* "Shiva is scheduled to speak in late January at Stanford University and the University of California, Santa Cruz on “equitable and sustainable” farming methods. Her positions on a variety of issues have irked and at times outraged scientists who consider her a disseminator of misinformation who profits at the rate of $40,000 a lecture (or more) to spread propaganda critical of mainstream views of biotechnology. Raised in prosperity, this Indian Brahmin was formally trained as a philosopher, embracing and promoting a form of Quantum Theory that is now widely dismissed. She often falsely claims that she is a trained physicist, and those false ‘scientific’ credentials are often echoed by her supporters. The GLP has carried numerous articles about her history of misstatements and fabrications (here, here, here). She was the subject of a scathing critique, “Seeds of Doubt,” by Michael Specter of The New Yorker, which documented her history of misleading claims and what Specter maintained often verged on anti-science gibberish. For more than three decades, she has relentlessly campaigned against globalization, focusing on food and agriculture socio-economic issues and an opposition to GMOs, free trade and intellectual property rights. She alternately promotes land redistribution, indigenous and peasant farmers’ rights, organic-only food production and ayurvedic health practices over conventional medicines, all of which she characterizes as an “earth democracy” movement necessary to restore “harmony,” people and nature. Shiva receives financial backing from high-profile activist groups such as the Center for Food Safety, which shares offices with her in Washington. Among her most controversial talking points is her false claim that there was no hunger in India prior to the Green Revolution. The truth is almost 180 degrees the opposite, as the Green Revolution, marked in part by the introduction of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides enable massive increases in food production. A recent review of the evidence shows, “the production of cereal crops tripled during this period, with only a 30% increase in land area cultivated.” Shiva also blames the Green Revolution for increasing poverty, indebtedness and despair among farmers. Her notorious allegation that the introduction of insect-resistant GMO crops in India led many farmers to commit suicide has been evaluated and dismissed as inaccurate. Shiva is also a fierce opponent of so-called Golden Rice, a crop engineered to combat vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. In response to the scheduling of her two talks at Stanford and UC Santa Cruz, 39 scientists from around the world co-authored an open letter to both universities protesting the invitations. The signatories told the GLP that their aim is to alert the events’ organizers, participants and attendees to the numerous falsehoods in Shiva’s philosophy. The letter, reproduced below in full, blasts Shiva for her “use of anti-scientific rhetoric to support unethical positions.” Neither university has scheduled a scientist to present the evidence-based case for crop biotechnology." geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/01/14/39-biotech-experts-open-letter-protests-anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shivas-anti-science-talks-at-stanford-and-uc-santa-cruz/ The full letter and signatories are at the GLP site.
@shirleyannelindberg1692 3 года назад
@@popeyegordon I wish there was a Moderator here, to BLOCK you 🤦‍♀️
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@shirleyannelindberg1692 Of course you do. So does Shiva. But you can't block the truth. It is everywhere except coming from her lips. I am waiting for Shiva to be banned from RU-vid like Mike Adams and Alex Jones and the guy who tells us to drink bleach.
@evelynretiza7195 3 года назад
I love the way she talk💗
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
She does that to pull you into her world of lies and conspiracy theories.
@AgentFascinateur 2 года назад
Her thinking is so limpid and seamless. What a wondrous, great mind.
@popeyegordon 2 года назад
*The Germination of Outrage: How Vandana Shiva Fabricates Conspiracy Theories* Posted by RISKMONGER [a degreed biotech expert] on FEBRUARY 27, 2020 "Vandana Shiva has made a lucrative business out of spreading conspiracy theories about agricultural technologies, sustainable farming, capitalism and industry. Her popularity has grown as she positions herself as a modern-day Gandhi, a social justice warrior, an ecological feminist and an agroecologist. The problem is that most everything that comes out of her much amplified mouth is complete nonsense: pure fabrications easily and often refuted. Which leads to the question: How does Vandana consistently get away with such ridiculous falsehoods and oral assaults on intelligent thought? How can she weave the absurd into a web of allegations willingly consumed by her followers? How does she relentlessly fabricate conspiracy theories and package them for consumption among the Western liberal elite? This article will look at one web of lies she is presently spinning as an analysis of the germination of outrage. Gone Vananas! As Vandana points her finger at Western economic models and institutions, she has profited quite well from lucrative speaking fees and first-class luxury living. She uses the free speech made available to her on university campuses to condemn farmers for freely choosing the seeds they want to grow. As Vandana attacks industry for their lack of openness, she will never engage in open debate with an adversary. As long as Vandana controls the microphone, she can say what she wants, repeating it to her followers and making the outrageous a marketable outrage. Some of the claims she has repeatedly made, which would have destroyed the credibility of any mere mortal, include: *Shiva: Indian farmers are killing themselves in much larger numbers after being exposed to pesticides and GMOs. Fact: Indian farmer suicide rates are lower than the national average. *Shiva: 75% of all diseases are caused by a “Poison Cartel” of three chemical companies. Fact: This is too absurd to consider. We are living longer and healthier lives. *Shiva: The Green Revolution in the 1960s destroyed India’s way of life. Fact: Until the Green Revolution, India was plagued with famines and chronic malnutrition. This is not a story about how wrong Vandana Shiva is, how she hypocritically profits from her lies or how dangerous she is to global food security. There is enough critical information out there. This is a story about how Vandana’s lies germinate into conspiracy theories packaged for outrage consumption. With Shiva, the truth doesn’t matter. She simply ignores any fact-checking, corrections and personal criticisms. Her adoring audience wants to hear what Shiva has to say, without a care for whether it is true or not. Like Donald Trump, Shiva has a Teflon charisma that appeals specifically to her base and allows her to take them down a road of rage, righteousness and rhetoric. Facts don’t matter when zealots fabricate outrage." Full coverage at: risk-monger.com/2020/02/27/the-germination-of-outrage/
@ninansia4656 3 года назад
It took me ages to find her book in print as in the UK it has a different title and is called: Onenessvs The 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom. Does look like she is being censored by the biggest bookseller online, I found her book on Waterstones and Ebay.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
Not censored. Ignored and abandoned as a fraud. No reputable sellers want anything to do with that liar.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@debbiedellacroce2612 Because anti-science activists support each other. That Swiss country bans GMO foods. Shiva lies about GMO foods - presto! Cronyism, not brilliance. Look at this open letter from 39 top scientists to Shiva the Destroyer to see what top scientists around the world have to say about her toxicity: About the anti-biotech activist Vandana Shiva: *Shiva has attracted intense criticism from the scientific community for perpetuating long-debunked myths about agriculture, biotechnology and food safety.* "Shiva is scheduled to speak in late January at Stanford University and the University of California, Santa Cruz on “equitable and sustainable” farming methods. Her positions on a variety of issues have irked and at times outraged scientists who consider her a disseminator of misinformation who profits at the rate of $40,000 a lecture (or more) to spread propaganda critical of mainstream views of biotechnology. Raised in prosperity, this Indian Brahmin was formally trained as a philosopher, embracing and promoting a form of Quantum Theory that is now widely dismissed. She often falsely claims that she is a trained physicist, and those false ‘scientific’ credentials are often echoed by her supporters. The GLP has carried numerous articles about her history of misstatements and fabrications (here, here, here). She was the subject of a scathing critique, “Seeds of Doubt,” by Michael Specter of The New Yorker, which documented her history of misleading claims and what Specter maintained often verged on anti-science gibberish. For more than three decades, she has relentlessly campaigned against globalization, focusing on food and agriculture socio-economic issues and an opposition to GMOs, free trade and intellectual property rights. She alternately promotes land redistribution, indigenous and peasant farmers’ rights, organic-only food production and ayurvedic health practices over conventional medicines, all of which she characterizes as an “earth democracy” movement necessary to restore “harmony,” people and nature. Shiva receives financial backing from high-profile activist groups such as the Center for Food Safety, which shares offices with her in Washington. Among her most controversial talking points is her false claim that there was no hunger in India prior to the Green Revolution. The truth is almost 180 degrees the opposite, as the Green Revolution, marked in part by the introduction of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides enable massive increases in food production. A recent review of the evidence shows, “the production of cereal crops tripled during this period, with only a 30% increase in land area cultivated.” Shiva also blames the Green Revolution for increasing poverty, indebtedness and despair among farmers. Her notorious allegation that the introduction of insect-resistant GMO crops in India led many farmers to commit suicide has been evaluated and dismissed as inaccurate. Shiva is also a fierce opponent of so-called Golden Rice, a crop engineered to combat vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. In response to the scheduling of her two talks at Stanford and UC Santa Cruz, 39 scientists from around the world co-authored an open letter to both universities protesting the invitations. The signatories told the GLP that their aim is to alert the events’ organizers, participants and attendees to the numerous falsehoods in Shiva’s philosophy. The letter, reproduced below in full, blasts Shiva for her “use of anti-scientific rhetoric to support unethical positions.” Neither university has scheduled a scientist to present the evidence-based case for crop biotechnology." geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/01/14/39-biotech-experts-open-letter-protests-anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shivas-anti-science-talks-at-stanford-and-uc-santa-cruz/
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@debbiedellacroce2612 You are totally living in a delusion. If you are under 40 years old you have never seen a world free of the largest longest marketing propaganda campaign in all history. Organic industry tyranny for 33 years and counting: "Although GMOs are regarded as safe as their conventional counterparts by every major food safety authority in the world, the organic industry spends nearly $3 billion a year through over 330 different organizations leading with fear and “information spin” as an industry to sell their products. They also sent a $160,000 cash bribe to the IARC to buy that claim of a low cancer risk from glyphosate, it paved the way for abuse of our legal system in false cancer lawsuits. By creating an unfounded fear that requires tighter regulations on GMO crops, they are hoping to force them out of the food supply, thereby creating a bigger market share to sell more products in their more than $65 billion wheelhouse. The unfortunate consequence of these [non-GMO] labels is that the food companies and lobbyists tend to create an unnecessary “us vs. them” divide. When food companies use fear against competitors to sell a product, farmers take it personally." www.agdaily.com/insights/farm-babe-label-trends-end/ Now why do you suppose organic food is so expensive?? Imagine what 3 billion dollars could do for humanitarian goals - end a different disease forever every year.... End all hunger in at least one country...... Funding nasty propaganda? Really?? www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Markets/The-organic-food-industry-has-been-engaged-in-a-multi-decade-public-disinformation-campaign-claims-report?OnSite&
@halasimov1362 3 года назад
Such a brave principled Woman. One of the few who is protecting life.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
One of the few to make so much money from lying. This open letter of protest to Shiva from 39 top scientists is posted here to expose her fraud. Each of the scientists have qualifications far beyond the false education claims of Shiva. About the anti-biotech activist Vandana Shiva: Shiva has attracted intense criticism from the scientific community for perpetuating long-debunked myths about agriculture, biotechnology and food safety. "Shiva is scheduled to speak in late January at Stanford University and the University of California, Santa Cruz on “equitable and sustainable” farming methods. Her positions on a variety of issues have irked and at times outraged scientists who consider her a disseminator of misinformation who profits at the rate of $40,000 a lecture (or more) to spread propaganda critical of mainstream views of biotechnology. Raised in prosperity, this Indian Brahmin was formally trained as a philosopher, embracing and promoting a form of Quantum Theory that is now widely dismissed. She often falsely claims that she is a trained physicist, and those false ‘scientific’ credentials are often echoed by her supporters. The GLP has carried numerous articles about her history of misstatements and fabrications (here, here, here). She was the subject of a scathing critique, “Seeds of Doubt,” by Michael Specter of The New Yorker, which documented her history of misleading claims and what Specter maintained often verged on anti-science gibberish. For more than three decades, she has relentlessly campaigned against globalization, focusing on food and agriculture socio-economic issues and an opposition to GMOs, free trade and intellectual property rights. She alternately promotes land redistribution, indigenous and peasant farmers’ rights, organic-only food production and ayurvedic health practices over conventional medicines, all of which she characterizes as an “earth democracy” movement necessary to restore “harmony,” people and nature. Shiva receives financial backing from high-profile activist groups such as the Center for Food Safety, which shares offices with her in Washington. Among her most controversial talking points is her false claim that there was no hunger in India prior to the Green Revolution. The truth is almost 180 degrees the opposite, as the Green Revolution, marked in part by the introduction of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides enable massive increases in food production. A recent review of the evidence shows, “the production of cereal crops tripled during this period, with only a 30% increase in land area cultivated.” Shiva also blames the Green Revolution for increasing poverty, indebtedness and despair among farmers. Her notorious allegation that the introduction of insect-resistant GMO crops in India led many farmers to commit suicide has been evaluated and dismissed as inaccurate. Shiva is also a fierce opponent of so-called Golden Rice, a crop engineered to combat vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. In response to the scheduling of her two talks at Stanford and UC Santa Cruz, 39 scientists from around the world co-authored an open letter to both universities protesting the invitations. The signatories told the GLP that their aim is to alert the events’ organizers, participants and attendees to the numerous falsehoods in Shiva’s philosophy. The letter, reproduced below in full, blasts Shiva for her “use of anti-scientific rhetoric to support unethical positions.” Neither university has scheduled a scientist to present the evidence-based case for crop biotechnology." geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/01/14/39-biotech-experts-open-letter-protests-anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shivas-anti-science-talks-at-stanford-and-uc-santa-cruz/
@KatieKamala 3 года назад
@@popeyegordon hello again mr. Paid Troll see you making the same comment on all Dr. Shiva”s videos.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@KatieKamala Katie supposedly advocates for sustainable living but here she instead supports unsustainable stone age farming practices pushed by a professional fraud while offering no proof of any problems with modern crop science. ---------------------------- AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH -------------------------------- Don’t buy organic food if you want to increase farm yields or seriously address climate change "As we approach the 2020s, many consumers have accepted the marketing/activist narrative that organic farming would be the best option for food safety and to mitigate the most damaging effects of climate change. The inconvenient truth is that organic farming is a terrible option from a climate change perspective. Its dependence on manures and compost involves huge, but rarely recognized, greenhouse gas emissions in the form of very potent methane and nitrous oxide. But perhaps its biggest climate change issue is that organic farms are mostly less productive per unit area than “conventionally” farmed land. With rising food demand driven mostly by rising standards of living in the developing world, there is a need to boost farm production, and that means the very undesirable conversion of forests or grasslands to agriculture in places like Brazil. That leads to major carbon dioxide release from what had been sequestered carbon in the soils, and also the loss of biodiversity and other environmental services provided by those natural lands. In 1990, the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) was charged by Congress with establishing a national organic standard to supersede the fragmented certification systems that had evolved to that time. It was a major struggle because the very science-oriented USDA was at odds with the early organic marketers who had focused entirely on the narrative that what is “natural” is always best. The marketers finally prevailed. When the national organic standards were issued in 2002, they were not based on science but rather on the naturalistic fallacy. So here is the big picture. The only crop category for which organic yields were higher than the 2016 US average was for forage crops for feeding animals. To have produced all of the US agricultural output from 2016 as organic would have required more than 100 million more acres to have been farmed-an area greater than that of the entire state of California, the third largest US state. That amount of new land suitable for farming clearly does not exist in the US, and so that shortfall would induce more conversion of forest and grassland into farming in places like Brazil, leading to major releases of previously sequestered carbon in those soils" This informative article goes on to use eleven charts and graphs from government data to prove in great detail just how inferior organic farming is. geneticliteracyproject.org/2019/10/07/viewpoint-dont-buy-organic-food-if-you-want-to-seriously-address-climate-change/
@skimanization 2 года назад
Wow, we are very lucky to still intelligent mothers in this world who are able to teach us 100% super knowledge about almost everything that is going wrong in this planet of ours as human species. I'm so very very thankful for discovering this video it is a germ, a treasure, and an eye opener. I'll never be blind and stupid again. Thanks.
@jessicadoman3196 3 года назад
@zusterMalikaLithgow Год назад
The people who live today in the jungle of Brazil and Venezuela are not farmers, they find EVERYTHING and ANYTHING they need in that jungle in abundance. Vandana Shiva thank you for your work and opposition to the oppressor.
@millicentcummings 3 года назад
Profoundly beyond Brilliant! Thank you!!!
@seaz3994 Год назад
Amazing, I really appreciated learning from this. Thanks Dr. Shiva!
@ferenckonig9873 3 года назад
Sending love and hugs 🤗
@1sm08 Год назад
Thank you, Dr. Shiva, for your commitment to educating human beings and protecting Mother Earth by sharing your invaluable wealth of wisdom. When women decide to change the world, the world will change.
@indirajha6657 3 года назад
Thank you so much mam❤️
@deepanshiarya2937 3 года назад
Great session ma'am!
@shirleynakamura7034 11 месяцев назад
❤ love her - her wisdom, her dedication, her voice, her energy.
@amitdahal1698 3 года назад
My Aunt, I am so proud to have been a small part of your life. I wanted to inform to you that Sushila Dahal my mother passed away last week along with my father BAdri Dahal. Last feb when we talked about you he had the upmost of regards for your work. 🙏🏽
@angelacrossley7374 Год назад
Thankyou universe for this amazing woman🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@antoniopalena9895 4 года назад
Harmlessnes the key, the true science is the science of nature.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
Shiva is very harmful to the plight of farmers. She never speaks to them, she speaks for $40,000 fees and blocks farmer access to the seed they want.
@BUSeixas11 3 года назад
Science is the study of nature...
@RaviRaj-jn5tn 2 года назад
WOMEN empowerment and POWER full LADY 🌹❤️💚☮️
@LadyCoyKoi 3 года назад
We humans are here for a reason, if not than why bother? 🤔I believe we are here to be stewards, to cultivate and nourish the world, to be the protectors, guardians and nourishers of this planet. We are capable of working with nature and still have the things that enriches our lives without sacrificing anyone or anything, not become wage slaves, but go beyond it. I love this lady, because she adds solutions, and not just point to the problems. She is, without realizing it, a practitioner of The Venus Project ideals. 🥰 May she have many more years to trash talk about such a broken, faulty, flawed, outdated system. It needs to be trashed!!! It needs to be REPLACED!!!
@thetruehuman4390 2 года назад
Great, Where r u from
@priyasawhney 2 года назад
She is literally incredible
@Zaranjkhan081 3 года назад
Can we do research on this topic?
@piratepeat8851 2 года назад
This lady rocks!
@SisterKristian 2 года назад
The overproduction of factory-farmed animals for human consumption is one of the top contributors to pollution.
@pratibhapoonia44 3 года назад
@Phoenix-lv1qq 18 дней назад
@peacockLife 9 месяцев назад
Farming has taken a backseat because we have been lulled into a feeling of safety. Food is always available packaged and ready to go on shelves in the supermarket, no one thinks about the source how it is produced and how it came there. hence we are here today.
@raelenebarney7040 3 года назад
@poojasainani1163 3 года назад
@mhdvijaybhasker 2 года назад
Hopefully she could be the prime minister of India with such knowledge and experience, one and only with noble mind and heart
@kaygreen3279 Год назад
22:00 Wow!
@NathiieTheMetalteddy 3 года назад
hello guys, somewhere in this talk Dr. Vandana Shiva quotes a scientist about extinction or escape, did somebody here get where the quote is from? Thank you for your help!
@nakedladymandalas 3 года назад
Goosebumps when she reads the poem💜💜💜🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
Nausea when she lies incessantly. *Indian environmental scientist blasts anti-GMO celebrity Vandana Shiva for ‘baseless’ assault on biotech crops* June 9, 2020 "A reader curious about celebrities’ role in the radical environmental movement emailed me recently. He wondered if …. their claims about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) were credible. [Editor’s note: Vijay Jayaraj holds an M.Sc in environmental science from the University of East Anglia, England] He was particularly interested in anti-GMO claims by …. Vandana Shiva. Shiva is no newbie to GMO. She speaks often against it. Her celebrity status gives her high visibility. Recently, Shiva claimed that Bill Gates perpetuates Monsanto’s work by promoting GMO in India. She said GMO crops have a lower yield than non-GMO. She also said farmers would not choose GMO if not for Gates’s influence. Her claims are baseless. I come from a region with high agricultural output. I know many farmers. The Indian government has no control over their choices of seeds. Farmers are concerned about their livelihood. Most prefer crops that give larger yield. Why? You can guess. They give higher profit margins. Farmers prefer [biotech] crops. Only a few experiment with organic farming. Many so-called “organic” products in India have high traces of toxins. That makes them dangerous. But they also cost twice as much as non-“organic.” Expensive, organic coconut oils from India sold in the United States may not be completely organic, despite certification. Shiva is popular in the media. But 95% of the farmers I know (hundreds in my own family circle) reject her ideas. India’s two major political parties support GMO. True, a few individuals side with the anti-GMO lobby. But the dominant position is based on solid scientific testing. Yet anti-GMO groups have blocked GM crops through court interference. Shiva is a leading agent. Shiva’s claims on GMO farming are false. She calls Golden Rice a hoax. Golden Rice is a GM variant that can help eradicate vitamin A deficiencies that cause blindness and death. Scientific authorities in nations like the US and Canada declare it safe and beneficial. Over 100 Nobel Laureates have hailed it. Although Shiva is involved in an anti-GM cartel, she is ignorant about GM. She is neither a biologist nor an expert on genetic science. Her bachelor’s degree was in physics. She specialized in the philosophy of science. Her doctoral dissertation mused on the “hidden variables and locality in quantum theory.” Vandana Shiva is a radical environmentalist. Her anti-GMO policies reduce poor farmers’ profits and deprive other poor people of affordable food. Pop-culture celebrities like her, who pontificate on matters on which they know little or nothing, are a menace to agricultural and economic development." clashdaily.com/2020/06/pop-culture-celebrities-a-hurdle-to-agricultural-and-economic-liberation/
@nakedladymandalas 3 года назад
@@popeyegordon I don't believe in corporations messing with the perfection of nature and her organisms. I believe this woman who speaks of coming back to nature and the divine feminine. I believe this woman over your information and support of these corporations. Peace Love Namaste
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@nakedladymandalas You are very poorly educated and science illiterate. We have been constantly altering every plant and animal we farm for over 10,000 years. Every grade school student is taught this. The seeds Shiva claims are better have already been drastically altered for eons! When you post uninformed lies about the labors of our hard working farmers and crop scientists you are spitting in their faces, the exact opposite of "Peace Love Namaste". Educate yourself from real sources, not RU-vid frauds, before you comment about things like this. Organic farming is an obsolete stone age practice that would absolutely starve the world if we used only that.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@nakedladymandalas Will you believe other Indian farmers and crop scientists then? People who actually have degrees in agriculture, something Shiva totally lacks? After illegal seed planting in 2019, Indian farmers again demand access to GMO herbicide-tolerant cotton Cotton growers in Maharashtra are once again demanding permission to sow seeds of herbicide tolerant (Ht) genetically modified (GM) cotton. Former minister of state for agriculture Sudabhau Khot, while speaking to The Indian Express, expressed support for this demand. Last year in June, the district collectorate of Akola had lodged [complaints] against farmer organizations who had carried out a civil disobedience movement and taken up sowing of non-approved variants. India …. has permitted just one GM crop-BT cotton. This variant was permitted for commercial release in 2002 by the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC). Weeding has become a major issue for cotton growers, both due to the cost as well as the labor involved. In Maharashtra, growers said they end up paying as much as Rs 10,000 per acre for the process. With agriculture labor increasingly becoming spare, farmers have been surreptitiously sowing Ht Bt Cotton, relying on seed smuggled from neighboring states." geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/06/03/after-illegal-seed-planting-in-2019-indian-farmers-again-demand-access-to-gmo-herbicide-tolerant-cotton/
@nakedladymandalas 3 года назад
@@popeyegordon I worked as a burse for ten years and am a highly educated individual. I worked for an industry of lies. Everything that science told me was truth ended up being a whole pile of lies. Your science that agrees with altering genetic codes of nature is not a good science at all. I believe that we are capable of all growing our own food and that is what I choose to focus on. This woman is a beautiful light in an ocean of darkness.
@RasDonRico 4 года назад
@nakedladymandalas 3 года назад
I listened to her while sitting on a porch above a subway. I put her voice through a speaker while people came for lunch and I created mandalas. This is what people need to hear voice is so profound! Thank you!
@wast-ed 3 года назад
She is a goddess
@maurerdavidji007 Год назад
to speak about ecofeminist give her a sad limitation, harmony in this world and in Nature is Equilibrus between male and female : and in myside i see many people doesnt start another style of life : permaculture ecovillages...because of limitation/ feminist, vegetarians, ....we need to join together ...anyway THANK YOU SO MUCH TO VANDANA SHIVA
@SealionDefenseBrigade 3 года назад
We need farmers. We do not need Bill Gates.
@jamespardis2796 4 года назад
Jai Ma!
@obes8 3 года назад
Unci Makhi Grandmother Earth
@christopherfarmer1982 2 года назад
Dr shiva and russel brand for king and Queen of the earth!
@popeyegordon 2 года назад
*Biotech colonialism? Comedian Russell Brand claims Bill Gates is ‘buying up stolen land’ to ‘take over the global food system’. Here’s what he got wrong* Cameron English | May 26, 2021 "There’s certainly nothing wrong with criticizing billionaires and big corporations when they act unethically. But Brand doesn’t have a convincing case in this instance, largely because his complaints have been sourced from The Guardian, a British newspaper with an inconsistent interest in scientific accuracy; and Vandana Shiva, one of the world’s foremost anti-GMO activists, who lacks any interest whatsoever in scientific accuracy. So, why is Gates buying up so much farmland, and should we be worried? In a word, no. The tech billionaire announced in March that the acquisition is related to seed research and biofuel development. “The agriculture sector is important,” Gates said. “With more productive seeds we can avoid deforestation and help Africa deal with the climate difficulty they already face. It is unclear how cheap biofuels can be but if they are cheap it can solve the aviation and truck emissions.” It may be that further developing biofuels to fight climate change just isn’t worth the high cost. But even if Gates turns out to be wrong about biofuels, his land purchase still isn’t all that alarming. The fact is, land consolidation has been ongoing for centuries and it’s easily explained by economics. As societies industrialize and grow wealthier, many people find the prospect of life on a farm less appealing. They move into cities to work manufacturing and service jobs and enjoy the amenities afforded by their new environment. The farmers who stay behind buy up the vacant land and cultivate it. As time goes on, they utilize new technologies to work more efficiently and-Boom!-we get modern, industrial farming. By the way, 97 percent of farms are still family-owned operations, representing 87 percent of US farmland. Brand may have found Shiva’s analysis about GE crops and colonialism novel, but it’s decades-old now and still baseless. The argument goes something like this: big seed companies fund research in developing countries to buy support from local scientists. They promise higher yields and other sustainability benefits to “hook” farmers. This gives these firms undue influence over food production because they now have a guaranteed customer base in farmers who have to buy their seed, and academic allies in scientists dependent on them for research funding. Any movement to restore local control stands little chance against the lobbying might of these colonizing corporate behemoths. One of the reasons farmers in many developing countries can’t get these enhanced seeds is because activists like Shiva and their billionaire backers lobby to keep them out, an effort sometimes referred to as “Green Neo-Colonialism.” It may surprise Russell Brand, but many people in these nations aren’t thrilled at the prospect of pests destroying their harvests as they’re denied modern tools that could help. Brand strikes me as a thoughtful guy trying to use his celebrity to do some good in the world. Moreover, he’s not wrong to express skepticism of the Great Reset, which the World Economic Forum openly acknowledges is about transforming the global economy. But there are thoughtful ways to criticize corporate influence in the world without promoting false and harmful ideas.[1] Brand, it seems to me, hasn’t figured out how to do one without the other." Full story at geneticliteracyproject.org/2021/05/26/biotech-colonialism-comedian-russell-brand-claims-bill-gates-is-buying-up-stolen-land-to-take-over-the-global-food-system-heres-what-he-got-wrong/
@andreewert1142 4 года назад
great lady..too bad the sound is so low
@ViolaRenate_TV 4 года назад
Preach Woman
@thetawaves48 3 года назад
Not all creatures are harmless.
@beautifulcrazy 3 года назад
It's a good idea for the rich to escape to Mars. Leave us with our beautiful Earth. After all, we did not benefit from industrialization. We were forced to be slaves in their factories and forced to become their consumers. Goodbye, bugger off to Mars.
@globalcitizenn 3 года назад
Yes, they should put Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Rupert Murdoch, The Koch brother, Mark Zuckerberg in a Space X rocket snd send them one way to Mars
@shirleyannelindberg1692 3 года назад
@@globalcitizenn I agree ☝️ ONE WAY TICKET 🎫 I’ll even contribute for their ticket 🎫 👍🏼 🤣🤣🤣
@kellybennett8011 2 года назад
3 is Only option. So it is
@boohoo54 3 года назад
this is a face of real feminism. didnt know i could ever praise it!
@hyacinth1320 2 года назад
A light in the dark.
@popeyegordon 2 года назад
"In June 2014, Indian and international media reported that Navdanya and Vandana Shiva were named in a leaked, classified report by India's Intelligence Bureau (IB), which was prepared for the Indian Prime Minister's Office.[47] The leaked IB report raises concerns over the foreign-funding of Indian NGOs whose campaigning activities, the report claims, are hampering India's growth and development. In its report, the IB said that Indian NGOs, including Navdanya, receive money from foreign donors under the 'charitable garb' of campaigning for human rights or women's equality, but instead use the money for nefarious purposes. "These foreign donors lead local NGOs to provide field reports which are used to build a record against India and serve as tools for the strategic foreign policy interests of the Western governments," the IB report states.[48] Investigative journalist Michael Specter, in an article in The New Yorker on 25 August 2014 entitled "Seeds of Doubt",[10] raised concerns over a number of Shiva's claims regarding GMOs and some of her campaigning methods. He wrote: "Shiva's absolutism about G.M.O.s can lead her in strange directions. In 1999, ten thousand people were killed and millions were left homeless when a cyclone hit India's eastern coastal state of Orissa. When the U.S. government dispatched grain and soy to help feed the desperate victims, Shiva held a news conference in New Delhi and said that the donation was proof that "the United States has been using the Orissa victims as guinea pigs" for genetically-engineered products, although she made no mention about that those same products are approved and consumed in the United States. She also wrote to the international relief agency Oxfam to say that she hoped it wasn't planning to send genetically modified foods to feed the starving survivors."[10] Cases of plagiarism have been pointed out against Vandana Shiva. Birendra Nayak has published on her plagiarism involving copying verbatim from a 1996 article in Voice Gopalpur in her 1998 book Stronger than Steel.[51] Several paragraphs of an article by S Faizi on the Plachimada/Coca-Cola issue published in The Statesman in 2015 were plagiarized by Vandana Shiva in an article she published a year later.[52] Journalist Keith Kloor, in an article published in Discover on 23 October 2014 entitled "The Rich Allure of a Peasant Champion", revealed that Shiva charges US$40,000 per speaking lecture, plus a business-class air ticket from New Delhi. Kloor wrote: "She is often heralded as a tireless 'defender of the poor,' someone who has courageously taken her stand among the peasant farmers of India. Let it be noted, however, that this champion of the downtrodden doesn't exactly live a peasant's lifestyle."[53] Wikipedia - Shiva en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vandana_Shiva#Indian_Intelligence_Bureau_Investigation
@carolinej3661 2 года назад
I struggle to understand some of her chosen terminology.....
@watershedbarbie 10 месяцев назад
I wonder it antibiotics have changed the ratio of viruses to bacteria.
@reners7255 4 года назад
We need to clone her. She is amazing
@tripzincluded8087 4 года назад
clone ???? really ??, that's so inhumane and so mental!!! sick personalities exactly what she is fighting against!!!
@richanother673 3 года назад
Please, type in Greta Thunberg connects climate, ecological, and health crisis.
@maxwelll4637 4 месяца назад
@watershedbarbie 10 месяцев назад
Indigo is sacred.
@alanscheidler440 3 года назад
Let's attack issues, not people. Calling people stupid, ignorant, uneducated or pop culture adherents shows that you are highly invested in GMOs, one agriculture and so called "science". I prefer science that is independent of monetary interests.
@KS-zu6ps 3 года назад
5 people who don’t like what Mother Shiva has to say has no compassion for all living beings.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
It is eight now. And soon, liars like Shiva will be banned from social media.
@brendapaint 3 года назад
I think she and Bill Gates need to have a conversation!
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
She refuses to talk with real farmers and real experts. She is a fraud.
@rehiletemecanico249 2 года назад
Like si vienes por Alvinch U.u
@zachvanniman2787 3 года назад
Please get this women on the joe rogan experience
@BUSeixas11 3 года назад
To get soft questions or a real interview?
@maxinewarnest894 3 года назад
I would like to see her have a discussion with Peterson
@robinmckenzie9823 3 года назад
I would so love to see Vendana work with Sadhguru🙏❤🙏
@freeruninja 2 года назад
21:30... yikes
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
This open letter of protest to Shiva is from 39 top scientists. Each of the scientists have real qualifications far beyond the false education claims of Shiva's. About the anti-biotech activist Vandana Shiva: Shiva has attracted intense criticism from the scientific community for perpetuating long-debunked myths about agriculture, biotechnology and food safety. "Shiva is scheduled to speak in late January at Stanford University and the University of California, Santa Cruz on “equitable and sustainable” farming methods. Her positions on a variety of issues have irked and at times outraged scientists who consider her a disseminator of misinformation who profits at the rate of $40,000 a lecture (or more) to spread propaganda critical of mainstream views of biotechnology. Raised in prosperity, this Indian Brahmin was formally trained as a philosopher, embracing and promoting a form of Quantum Theory that is now widely dismissed. She often falsely claims that she is a trained physicist, and those false ‘scientific’ credentials are often echoed by her supporters. The GLP has carried numerous articles about her history of misstatements and fabrications (here, here, here). She was the subject of a scathing critique, “Seeds of Doubt,” by Michael Specter of The New Yorker, which documented her history of misleading claims and what Specter maintained often verged on anti-science gibberish. For more than three decades, she has relentlessly campaigned against globalization, focusing on food and agriculture socio-economic issues and an opposition to GMOs, free trade and intellectual property rights. She alternately promotes land redistribution, indigenous and peasant farmers’ rights, organic-only food production and ayurvedic health practices over conventional medicines, all of which she characterizes as an “earth democracy” movement necessary to restore “harmony,” people and nature. Shiva receives financial backing from high-profile activist groups such as the Center for Food Safety, which shares offices with her in Washington. Among her most controversial talking points is her false claim that there was no hunger in India prior to the Green Revolution. The truth is almost 180 degrees the opposite, as the Green Revolution, marked in part by the introduction of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides enable massive increases in food production. A recent review of the evidence shows, “the production of cereal crops tripled during this period, with only a 30% increase in land area cultivated.” Shiva also blames the Green Revolution for increasing poverty, indebtedness and despair among farmers. Her notorious allegation that the introduction of insect-resistant GMO crops in India led many farmers to commit suicide has been evaluated and dismissed as inaccurate. Shiva is also a fierce opponent of so-called Golden Rice, a crop engineered to combat vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. In response to the scheduling of her two talks at Stanford and UC Santa Cruz, 39 scientists from around the world co-authored an open letter to both universities protesting the invitations. The signatories told the GLP that their aim is to alert the events’ organizers, participants and attendees to the numerous falsehoods in Shiva’s philosophy. The letter, reproduced below in full, blasts Shiva for her “use of anti-scientific rhetoric to support unethical positions.” Neither university has scheduled a scientist to present the evidence-based case for crop biotechnology." geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/01/14/39-biotech-experts-open-letter-protests-anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shivas-anti-science-talks-at-stanford-and-uc-santa-cruz/
@debbiedellacroce2612 3 года назад
Do you understand what the website you pulled this from is?
@watershedbarbie 10 месяцев назад
Bet you're glad you got that off your chest.😂
@antoniescargo2954 2 года назад
@buggybonez88 3 года назад
whoever disliked r incells ..
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
What's to like? Many informed people are revolted by the malicious lie being spread by that professional fraud Vandana Shiva. There is no specific connection between GMOs and Indian farmer suicides. Even the Indian press resents the implications. Here are reliable sources dispelling the myth: purushatma.wordpress.com/2015/07/14/vandana-shiva-the-pseudoscientific-feminist-fraud/ gmo.geneticliteracyproject.org/FAQ/are-gmos-to-blame-for-the-mass-suicides-of-indian-farmers/ Myles Power video about Shiva fraud: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ygV2DfHIatw.html news.nationalpost.com/news/the-myth-of-indias-gm-genocide-genetically-modified-cotton-blamed-for-wave-of-farmer-suicides geneticliteracyproject.org/2014/07/17/anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shiva-earns-40000-per-speech-advocating-policies-that-harm-poor/ Detailed statistics on the actual causes of Indian farmer suicides - GMO seed is not even on the list: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmers%27_suicides_in_India
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
About the anti-biotech activist Vandana Shiva: *Shiva has attracted intense criticism from the scientific community for perpetuating long-debunked myths about agriculture, biotechnology and food safety. * "Shiva is scheduled to speak in late January at Stanford University and the University of California, Santa Cruz on “equitable and sustainable” farming methods. Her positions on a variety of issues have irked and at times outraged scientists who consider her a disseminator of misinformation who profits at the rate of $40,000 a lecture (or more) to spread propaganda critical of mainstream views of biotechnology. Raised in prosperity, this Indian Brahmin was formally trained as a philosopher, embracing and promoting a form of Quantum Theory that is now widely dismissed. She often falsely claims that she is a trained physicist, and those false ‘scientific’ credentials are often echoed by her supporters. The GLP has carried numerous articles about her history of misstatements and fabrications (here, here, here). She was the subject of a scathing critique, “Seeds of Doubt,” by Michael Specter of The New Yorker, which documented her history of misleading claims and what Specter maintained often verged on anti-science gibberish. For more than three decades, she has relentlessly campaigned against globalization, focusing on food and agriculture socio-economic issues and an opposition to GMOs, free trade and intellectual property rights. She alternately promotes land redistribution, indigenous and peasant farmers’ rights, organic-only food production and ayurvedic health practices over conventional medicines, all of which she characterizes as an “earth democracy” movement necessary to restore “harmony,” people and nature. Shiva receives financial backing from high-profile activist groups such as the Center for Food Safety, which shares offices with her in Washington. Among her most controversial talking points is her false claim that there was no hunger in India prior to the Green Revolution. The truth is almost 180 degrees the opposite, as the Green Revolution, marked in part by the introduction of synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides enable massive increases in food production. A recent review of the evidence shows, “the production of cereal crops tripled during this period, with only a 30% increase in land area cultivated.” Shiva also blames the Green Revolution for increasing poverty, indebtedness and despair among farmers. Her notorious allegation that the introduction of insect-resistant GMO crops in India led many farmers to commit suicide has been evaluated and dismissed as inaccurate. Shiva is also a fierce opponent of so-called Golden Rice, a crop engineered to combat vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. In response to the scheduling of her two talks at Stanford and UC Santa Cruz, 39 scientists from around the world co-authored an open letter to both universities protesting the invitations. The signatories told the GLP that their aim is to alert the events’ organizers, participants and attendees to the numerous falsehoods in Shiva’s philosophy. The letter, reproduced below in full, blasts Shiva for her “use of anti-scientific rhetoric to support unethical positions.” Neither university has scheduled a scientist to present the evidence-based case for crop biotechnology." geneticliteracyproject.org/2020/01/14/39-biotech-experts-open-letter-protests-anti-gmo-activist-vandana-shivas-anti-science-talks-at-stanford-and-uc-santa-cruz/
@theresamcmullen4841 4 года назад
Instinctively I always understood that the male of our species was the problem of life.
@wasy35 4 года назад
Your comment is not true and is in fact extremely sexist.
@montumeroe9593 3 года назад
Males who' have origins in Europe.
@telemetriklongwalk4326 3 года назад
no, you fell for the division being sowed by the 1%
@shirleyannelindberg1692 3 года назад
Theresa, without a MAN, you wouldn’t be here 😳 🙄 😳 🙄
@lauracaruso2524 4 месяца назад
I love what you stand for, but you lose me when put people in categories.
@miamoremi3005 3 года назад
Capitalism has the power to create and to destroy and more destroy
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
Shiva's over sized bindi is seen as an egotistical flair in Indian culture.
@debbiedellacroce2612 3 года назад
Do you follow the Hindu religion?
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@debbiedellacroce2612 Get used to it. I have posted fact checks and exposure of her fraud on over 50 different videos about Shiva. I will never stop until she is stopped and called out for what she truly is. You are a prime example of how her lies hidden in smooth talk are misinforming millions of people and harming the ability of farmers to get the seeds they want.
@debbiedellacroce2612 3 года назад
@@popeyegordon I asked a very different question. I do not see the relevance of your response.
@popeyegordon 3 года назад
@@debbiedellacroce2612 I covered all the bases. I did much more than answer your question. No one must be a Hindu to see the hubris of Shiva's appearance and words.
@kashinathprabhukhanolkar8159 3 года назад
@@popeyegordon i
@TrueOpinion99 3 года назад
This lady has never attended and passed a basic, human biology course...and it shows.
@nealtauss1715 3 года назад
@charliealtVader.... THANKS.... Charile.... Charles.... CHUCK....
@TrueOpinion99 3 года назад
@@nealtauss1715 - Your welcome?
@lisamurdoch2525 3 года назад
She has a much larger perspective. She talking about how we are part of nature and our attempts to separate everything has caused much environmental damage and inequality.
@TrueOpinion99 3 года назад
@@lisamurdoch2525 - Biology is nature, and she is quack selling snake oil.
@lisamurdoch2525 3 года назад
@@TrueOpinion99 I wish you were right but you’re not. The planet is in trouble and industrial agriculture is one of the main causes of environmental degradation. I could recommend a few books if you d like to educate yourself.
@stallionshark1726 4 месяца назад
The sad part is, we all listen to this wonderful woman, and her knowledge and then do nothing with that information.
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