
Vice President Harris Gives Remarks on Strengthening the Affordable Care Act 

Kamala Harris
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The Affordable Care Act is the most consequential healthcare legislation passed in generations.
Vice President Kamala Harris joins President Biden and President Barack Obama in calling on Congress further to expand affordable healthcare coverage to families across our nation.



7 сен 2024




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@MaybeYoureRight-1234 2 года назад
😀 👍 Yes👍 Oh my VP 🇺🇸🤗 Yes👍 and yes-. MAYBE YOU'RE RIGHT 👍!. YES 👍 👍 # Cop 26 SAVE OUR PLANET 🌏🌍🌎! 👍 '' we are talked a lot about, but we are not listened to '' -why? 😀 Thank you. 😀😀
@wowlobby Год назад
Comment this, Kamala! The USA should make new big guns for American tanks so that the tanks are "battle kings". The 306 mm caliber is already a serious tank gun with which the Abrams will terrify enemies on the battlefields! In addition to this, the US should make a map of all US mines placed so that the Pentagon has a detailed archive and maps in case clearance is needed. It is technologically feasible to make sure that every mine installed sends a signal to American satellites, so that the Pentagon knows about the location of every American-made mine! With such maps, the USA can help clear minefields after the war so that civilians do not explode on them. But the Biden administration and the Democratic Party are not organizing the funding for these innovations! The American Democrats themselves show the facts that they are weak politicians. For example, they could distract American voters from America's domestic problems by putting on a show to "attempt to secede" one US state or coastal city from the USA with a referendum to join Russia! Moreover, Russian federal politician Gennady Zyuganov could illegally cross the border into Great America to support separatist rallies in the US and be arrested for it. The "separatist show" would show the whole world that Russia wants to seize new territories and would justify the need for further support for Ukraine! But the American gun lobby wasted a lot of money buying American Democrats. (Because Russia is not a threat to Great America!) Moreover, the Biden administration wants to further restrict civilian weapons in the US! If a Trump supporter or even Donald Trump were present at “separatist” rallies in the US, this would compromise him for all of America. But this is too cunning and clever plan for the Democratic Party! What should American voters do? Vote Republican! Weak American LGBT+ communities are unable to defend their own rights in the US strongly and completely, so they will not be able to support the Democrats. In addition to this, the Democrats and their media, Hollywood are embarrassed to write horror stories about Russia (and Russian Christianity) so that Americans are afraid to go to Russia! (Therefore, Americans do not understand why Ukraine is trying to wrest the Ukrainian Christian Orthodox Church from Moscow's influence with the connivance of NATO and the EU.) Although McCarthyism in the US was a "witch hunt" against the Communists, which American courts left unpunished. This political precedent means that the American media, people and organizations have the right to lie, punish and slander innocent Americans with impunity and blatant impunity, in accordance with the guaranteed Freedom in the American Constitution! American schools should have contests “draw a horror story about Russia”. This will be a good American response to the Kremlin's flirting with China! Americans have the right to lynch the truth with impunity. In addition to this, the Democrats could not arrange for Julian Assange to escape to Russia or for Russia to exchange Gershkovich for Assange! (For Julian Assange to receive political asylum and citizenship in Russia.) Although this would give the US the opportunity to brand Julian as a “Kremlin agent” and his information as “Kremlin disinformation.” The same Democrats could do with Donald Trump to permanently eliminate him from the 2024 presidential election if they wanted to force him to flee to Russia with the same result and the victory of the Democratic candidate in that election! Moreover, the future British king Charles III must swear allegiance to the USAat the coronation, otherwise he should not become the British king. But Gil Biden will not carry the US flag to the coronation of Charles, so that the pretender will swear allegiance to Great America and American interests on behalf of the British royal family and the British Kingdom on its knees! This proves that the American Democrats have no influence on Britain to subdue that dastardly bloody kingdom of British kleptomania. The USA is the Supreme World Sovereign, Policeman and Hegemon, to whom Britain must obey and follow American interests! It is for this that the above-described official oath is necessary with the signing of the oath by Charles III in the presence of world media. Britain does not dare to contradict the USA! The Great American Nation in a difficult struggle won the war for independence and world hegemony, so now Britain must obey the United States implicitly. People from all other nations of the world want to come to the USA and become part of the Greatest, Mightiest and Glorious American Nation! Therefore, the Americans can close this window of opportunity for Britain if the British are unwilling to respect American greatness, interests, world domination and order. Moreover, the USA can activate other sanctions against Britain in case of anti-American British resistance! But despite world domination (here I refute the advertising alarmism of the Great Donald Trump, although I wish him to be American President again) the USA has not yet reached the heights of tolerance - for example, American society is intolerant to porn. For example, the state of Florida demonstrates a craving for a conservative dictatorship, so there is a threat to human rights and the American Constitution! Dictator DeSantis and his supporters are fighting against tolerance and minority rights for his own personal political ambitions, although this will lead Florida to homophobia, racism and other discrimination if Ron-style anti-American policies continue. (Moreover, such a policy would make Florida an anti-American state of America!) The harsh inquisition against porn will be the most peaceful punitive tool of the DeSantis dictatorship in Florida! Therefore, Liberty and porn supporters in the US need to immediately impeach DeSantis before he can build a misanthropic discriminatory dictatorship in Florida. Do you afraid of this?
@China-129 2 года назад
أيتها السيدات النبيلات ❤️. أيتها السيدات الجميلات ❤️. أيتها الأمهات العظيمات 🇺🇸. أيتها النساء القويات 🇺🇸. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 هذه هي مصالحنا المشتركة وهذا هو العالم الذي نسعى من أجله، والسبيل الوحيد لتحقيق هذا العالم هو العمل معا. أعلم أن هناك الكثير من المسلمين وغير المسلمين الذين تراودهم الشكوك حول قدرتنا على استهلال هذه البداية، وهناك البعض الذين يسعون إلى تأجيج نيران الفرقة والانقسام والوقوف في وجه تحقيق التقدم، ويقترح البعض أن الجهود المبذولة في هذا الصدد غير مجدية ويقولون إن الاختلاف فيما بيننا أمر محتم وإن الحضارات ستصطدم حتما، وهناك الكثيرون كذلك الذين يتشككون ببساطة في إمكانية تحقيق التغيير الحقيقي، فالمخاوف كثيرة وانعدام الثقة كبير، ولكننا لن نتقدم أبدا إلى الأمام إذا اخترنا التقيد بالماضي. إن الفترة الزمنية التي نعيش فيها جميعا مع بعضنا البعض في هذا العالم هي فترة قصيرة، والسؤال المطروح علينا هو: هل سنركز اهتمامنا خلال هذه الفترة الزمنية على الأمور التي تفرق بيننا؟ أم سنلتزم بجهود مستديمة للوصول إلى موقف مشترك وتركيز اهتمامنا على المستقبل الذي نسعى إليه من أجل أبنائنا واحترام كرامة جميع البشر ؟؟ .. .. 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 أشكرك. 🌏 *****
@MaybeYoureRight-1234 2 года назад
Oh Mommm.. ☝️ Only you ☝️ Only you ☝️ are one person who understands me on the 🌍INTERNET🌏🌎. Oh thank you, Mom 😀 Thank you 😀. Thank you 😀. Thank you very much 😀. Thank you 😀. And may God's peace ✌️ be upon you 😀. We love you. 😀😀 🤔 Only you ☝️ 🤣☝️ 🤔 😁☝️ 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Good health always 😷😷!. 😀☝️🤞👌👌
@India865 2 года назад
🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 فأي نظام عالمي يعلي شعبا أو مجموعة من البشر فوق غيرهم/سيبوء بالفشل لا محالة. وبغض النظر عن أفكارنا حول أحداث الماضي/ يجب أن لا نصبح أبدا سجناء لأحداث مضت. وإنما يجب معالجة مشاكلنا/بواسطة الشراكة كما يجب أن نحقق التقدم بصفة مشتركة. --- --- أصحاب السعادة.. هيا تواصل ✍️ العقول وصنع المستقبل🌏 في - الإستدامة، والتنقل، والفرص. أنقذ كوكبنا 🌎🌏🌍 !!!. --- ---- لا يعني ذلك بالنسبة لنا أن نفضل التغاضي عن مصادر التوتر. وفي الحقيقة فإن العكس هو الأرجح/ يجب علينا مجابهة هذه التوترات بصفة مفتوحة، واسمحوا لي انطلاقا من هذه الروح أن أتطرق بمنتهى الصراحة وأكبر قدر ممكن من البساطة إلى بعض الأمور المحددة التي أعتقد أنه يتعين علينا مواجهتها في نهاية المطاف بجهد مشترك. بصحة جيدة للجميع دائما!. أنقذوا شعوبنا 🌎🌏🌍 ! 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 # أشكرك. 🌏 🙏 🙏🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏
@AljabbarWestJava 2 года назад
Your Excellency.. Madam VP Harris, 🤔 💋 Music 🎶 Music 🎵 Is the language of PEACE ✌️. 🕺🏻💃️💃🏻
@ohsnapsonbro4260 2 года назад
Hahahaha she is a hateful evil woman. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-m-SaRDG6V-s.html
@lauratraub3931 2 года назад
Yeah, buy my family member makes too LITTLE to qualify for the ACA. That "no matter how much they earn" is not true.
@China-129 2 года назад
🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 🇨🇳🇨🇳 شكرا جزيلا على تضامنكم أيها السيدات والسادة في بناء مستقبل أفضل وأكثر استدامة وأمنا 🌎!. 🤔🤔 أيتها السيدات النبيلات ❤️. أيتها السيدات الجميلات ❤️. أيتها الأمهات العظيمات 🇺🇸. أيتها النساء القويات 🇺🇸. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 هذه هي مصالحنا المشتركة وهذا هو العالم الذي نسعى من أجله، والسبيل الوحيد لتحقيق هذا العالم هو العمل معا. أعلم أن هناك الكثير من المسلمين وغير المسلمين الذين تراودهم الشكوك حول قدرتنا على استهلال هذه البداية، وهناك البعض الذين يسعون إلى تأجيج نيران الفرقة والانقسام والوقوف في وجه تحقيق التقدم، ويقترح البعض أن الجهود المبذولة في هذا الصدد غير مجدية ويقولون إن الاختلاف فيما بيننا أمر محتم وإن الحضارات ستصطدم حتما، وهناك الكثيرون كذلك الذين يتشككون ببساطة في إمكانية تحقيق التغيير الحقيقي، فالمخاوف كثيرة وانعدام الثقة كبير، ولكننا لن نتقدم أبدا إلى الأمام إذا اخترنا التقيد بالماضي. إن الفترة الزمنية التي نعيش فيها جميعا مع بعضنا البعض في هذا العالم هي فترة قصيرة، والسؤال المطروح علينا هو: هل سنركز اهتمامنا خلال هذه الفترة الزمنية على الأمور التي تفرق بيننا؟ أم سنلتزم بجهود مستديمة للوصول إلى موقف مشترك وتركيز اهتمامنا على المستقبل الذي نسعى إليه من أجل أبنائنا واحترام كرامة جميع البشر ؟؟ .. .. 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 أشكرك. 🌏 *****
@MaybeYoureRight-1234 2 года назад
To quote Thomas Jefferson, '' It behooves every man who values the liberty of conscience for himself, to resist invasion of it in the case of others . '' By. # 🌎 Thomas Jefferson. Thank you. And May God's peace 🌏🌍🌎 be upon you all: United Nations | الأمـــــمُ المتّـحــــدَة Leaders! Good luck to you all! God bless us everyone! GOOD HEALTH ALWAYS !!! # I thank you. ### 🌏🌏🌎 ...
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
Happy mother's Day
@sungtopia0611 2 года назад
Why do i feel like they are deleting comments that are negative towards Kamala? Kamala lets go brandon
@India865 2 года назад
أصحاب السعادة 🇺🇲🇺🇸.. 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 فأي نظام عالمي يعلي شعبا أو مجموعة من البشر فوق غيرهم/سيبوء بالفشل لا محالة. وبغض النظر عن أفكارنا حول أحداث الماضي/ يجب أن لا نصبح أبدا سجناء لأحداث مضت. وإنما يجب معالجة مشاكلنا/بواسطة الشراكة كما يجب أن نحقق التقدم بصفة مشتركة. --- --- أصحاب السعادة.. هيا تواصل ✍️ العقول وصنع المستقبل🌏 في - الإستدامة، والتنقل، والفرص. أنقذ كوكبنا 🌎🌏🌍 !!!. --- ---- لا يعني ذلك بالنسبة لنا أن نفضل التغاضي عن مصادر التوتر. وفي الحقيقة فإن العكس هو الأرجح/ يجب علينا مجابهة هذه التوترات بصفة مفتوحة، واسمحوا لي انطلاقا من هذه الروح أن أتطرق بمنتهى الصراحة وأكبر قدر ممكن من البساطة إلى بعض الأمور المحددة التي أعتقد أنه يتعين علينا مواجهتها في نهاية المطاف بجهد مشترك. بصحة جيدة للجميع دائما!. أنقذوا شعوبنا 🌎🌏🌍 ! 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 # أشكرك. 🌏 🙏 🙏🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏
@AljabbarWestJava 2 года назад
💋 Music 🎶 Music 🎵 Is the language of PEACE ✌️. 🕺🏻💃️💃🏻
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
It's Italy here
@indeswma4904 2 года назад
Thank you for helping make Trump 2024 a reality!
@supabiscuit Год назад
@maryjane_lane 2 месяца назад
Right? Jeezus... could these neolibs be anymore insufferable
@srinivasam3638 2 года назад
👍👍V P Kamala Harris “ Best Wishes always “ 🙏🙏 From India
I love my country usa
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
Ladies this is only for the ladies
@user-fd1bb8dc8t Месяц назад
Are you a little receptive to other people's stories? I want you to listen to the voters a little bit.
@fermiticus4034 2 года назад
"High quality, affordable healthcare"....yeah? "The border is secure" too, right? Prior to ACA....my family (3 of us) had great coverage (med/dent/opt) for $600/mo. with only a $20 copay. After...$600/mo, for just medical, for just my wife and I...a whole slew of items not covered at all...and a $13,000 deductible. The only people that the ACA actually worked for, were for those that didn't work.
@shalendrajain3534 2 года назад
🙏🙏✌grateful, my, sister
@shubhamprakash4575 2 года назад
I love you #kamala Love from India. .
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
She has one
@FarmerDrew 2 года назад
Thank you for inspiring women everywhere, around the world. I'm a father of two daughters and I look forward to a healthy world that they can grow up in to become doctors or lawyers or even the leaders of our magestic nation 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
Not y'all but y'all yeah let's do it y'all yeah everybody let's do it
@wildrose9843 2 года назад
We learn all about your brave and glorious services to our country at school V.P kamala!!🥰🥰🥰 just so you know you've got all our votes when you run for presidency 2024😍😍
@ohsnapsonbro4260 2 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-m-SaRDG6V-s.html She is all kinds of bad though
@fermiticus4034 2 года назад
Someday you will realize, not everything you learn in school is true...or even close.
@anti8827 2 года назад
it's funny because most of her comments are just a bunch of bots, same with her supporters
@koshvorlon6710 Год назад
Kaliméra A:!!!Reiyel !!! in my opinion it comes from above just like self improvement. I did research on the Swedish number that called me, I think I know what it is or not. G compas
@AbdulGani-ji9hd 2 года назад
*#Awesome** The Vice of President Madam Kamala Harris🇺🇲✍️👍🤝🌎🙏*
@mfdlalialialfqyh 2 года назад
اتشرف فيك كامالاهاريس
@mysmith7 Год назад
VOTE BLUE 🙏🏽 💙💙💙🇺🇸!
@MaybeYoureRight-1234 2 года назад
Oh my Madam.. 🤔 You're very beautiful ❤️ today 😀. Long Live Women so Tender and Lovable!. Long Live Women Kindly so Hard-working!. Thank you. And good health always everyone!. 🤣☝️ Only you ☝️🤣 are one person who understands me 😂. O thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much 🤔. Thank you. 😀 And may God's peace be upon you 😀. We love you 😀. 🤣☝️ 🎓🎓✍️♀️💞👉👍👍🤣☝️
@jerryreeds3306 2 года назад
some of us can't even afford to buy a pack of hot dogs, much less ins. that whole admin. is a joke
@wildrose9843 2 года назад
Its not Kamalas fault you didn't educate yourself during highschool and now you're not qualified enough to get a well paying job . Maybe if you bothered to learn while you can you wouldn't have been so broke
@indrasulismono3729 Месяц назад
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
I know we're only here alone that's amazing everybody it would have only been the klu Klux Klan pay me
@srinivasam3638 2 года назад
👍👍Best Wishes always from INDIA 🙏🙏
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
I'm never lying I'm always telling the truth okay I'll see her soon 💍
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
Jesus returned
@ironinsane203 2 года назад
Good Choices Mrs Vice President! 😁😁👍👍👍💙💙💙🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@AbdulGani-ji9hd 2 года назад
@dgrfsthrgsergwrtghasefq Год назад
Such a national embarrassment
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
Shoot the serial number it's always a large meal you know what color it's like a tie my favorite Vince McMahon blood chocolate
@mohammadiqbal6688 2 года назад
Oggi Io tutti patina cancelare per Che Io per Che anesari over tensone tutti settore mio non ce capacity solvere solo ulare pero nessuno no centire mio ulare scuca
@zacharylangsdon1514 2 года назад
But you're grounded by me because I understand the languages the CIA oath of office video I do not have full custody of my kid yet my CIA pay or my rifle back from Harrison county evidence Marine corps says that's a hundred million lawsuit against e-town Kentucky for kidnapping is that is why I came out here to California and you got some eyes like they gave you some weird drugs I seen you at the weed store
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
@serurl-deocarthaddoath 10 месяцев назад
dcmals 22%😂
@privateconcierge3375 2 года назад
Thank you, Vice President Harris! We love you!
@zacharylangsdon1514 2 года назад
You're all grounded by me the lingy I know how your video editors work and Alexander should be spending time with me and is not and that makes her and in the demirit I told her to bring me a $5 box of wine weed or cannabis food Jack in the box the biggest burger they got a jull and a few Swisher sweets and then I'm willing to do whatever the fuss she wants to do
@MohamedIqbal-ur2mf Год назад
Io no posso fermare lui detto solo fermi te 2024 come possible mi dispiase
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
@juancarlosalejoelfresa7922 2 года назад
VP Kamala 🙂❤️😘
@cynthcorcor126 2 года назад
@AbdulGani-ji9hd 2 года назад
@ttp7169 2 года назад
OK, who Joe Bidden need 2 fire is Donald Trump; OK, now that is seriously crazy funny LOL
@AbdulGani-ji9hd 2 года назад
@zacharylangsdon1514 2 года назад
Thank you for letting me defend myself onto your video editors and on the train ha only three fingers they stashed broken beer bottles in my backpack stole a phone and the e-cig but on all of the Metro ava system turned me into world reports and ah ha naw
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
💋 it's me baby
@AbdulGani-ji9hd 2 года назад
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
Uh hiew
@undertakerzfanz1948 2 года назад
Kamala Harris is 😍😍😍
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
I found your main scouter on RU-vid she needs to marry me no is treason
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
💣 noepmnote 🍟
@r123brown 2 года назад
Thank you Kamala for being part of a great team
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
@maryjane_lane 2 месяца назад
Sell out...
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
@myriamtouil3347 2 года назад
Love you
@catotacatota6852 2 года назад
Nice uniform🤣🤣🤡UPS🤣🤣Worst vp ever👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
@mohammadiqbal6688 Год назад
Chi casu valuta citizen italiano anche Americano un egampio un operaio intresa fare bigness mai intresa Italy government Sapport per me bladi bastar perdi mio familya tutti documenti dai a to z mio conturbuti no bigonare vivere Italy
@ravindertalwar553 2 года назад
@supabiscuit Год назад
False administration
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
@mohammadiqbal6688 Год назад
Joe baiden total all administrative mai pericolo allora pericolo te made in Italy sotto made in China no babbene scusa
@dignagonzalez4344 2 года назад
☝️👏👏👏👌Felicitaciones!Sra Vice Pte de EEUU 💌
@j.maginnenu6291 2 года назад
Thank you so much for running. What a Powerful Vice President we have in the White House.
@TrinhNguyen-zb8zp 2 года назад
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
Blow yeduh meotklemw coverberg 💻
@user-ub2th3rc3u 2 года назад
@zafarwestern 2 года назад
@tacitamorgan2019 2 года назад
🤟🏽😚💋♥️🤎♥️💋 kamala 💪🏽🕶️👠👠🎤🇺🇲 1 Wdc house 💙♥️🤍🤟🏽😻💋n Joe.Biden💪🏽🕶️👔👞👞🇺🇲🎤💙🤍♥️🌟🌟 Obama 💪🏽🕶️👔👞👞🎤🇺🇲🌟🌟❤️🤟🏽😻🎲🎲🔃
@TrinhNguyen-zb8zp 2 года назад
@user-cb9kx1yi7d 2 года назад
Always on your side!!!Democrats for America!!!Salute from Greece!!!
@hamidousolly3584 2 года назад
Kamala happy to hear about this. what about a white house ?
@divyanksingh766 2 года назад
@alangulamareasundirecttata7116 2 года назад
Sister And Brothers Scholars, We will ensure the protection of the borders of all nations by abolishing this special status ofveetto Power cancel than the membership of all nations in the United Nations. Only if we do this can we work for the peace of this world.
@cynthiahenry5585 2 года назад
@wordeye 2 года назад
@RohitRoy-zc3ud 2 года назад
Vice president Kamal harris came india your mother land ....we are wating for you ...love uuuu so much ...
@tacitamorgan5703 2 года назад
Hi 👋😍👌😍💋😚💗💗💗💗so cute to you kamaTata 💪👠👠🎤👑🇺🇸 1 🌟🌟🌟🌟💗🎲🎲😍💋🔃
@maryamdahirukano656 2 года назад
I Enjoyed this reunion mamala
@noname-zl7bb 2 года назад
Love you so much!!! ❤️❤️
@dionnethegirl 2 года назад
@shafeekcm6471 2 года назад
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
💋 💣 🪆 🇳🇱 nobody has one like an atomic one
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
🪶🪶🏅 💎⚰️💎📿🪶🪶 her
@MaybeYoureRight-1234 2 года назад
😀 👍 Yes👍 Oh my VP 🇺🇸🤗 Yes👍 and yes-. MAYBE YOU'RE RIGHT 👍!. YES 👍 👍 # Cop 26 SAVE OUR PLANET 🌏🌍🌎! 👍 '' we are talked a lot about, but we are not listened to '' -why? 😀 Thank you. 😀😀
@mysmith7 Год назад
VOTE BLUE 🙏🏽 💙💙💙🇺🇸!
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
@TroyLewayne 2 года назад
Kamala Harris, explained in 7 moments
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