
VIDEO: Cholesterol Is Not the Culprit! I drsinatra.com 

Dr. Stephen Sinatra
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Dr. Stephen Sinatra debunks the great cholesterol myth and tells you what you really need to know about cholesterol levels and cholesterol health, and how best to protect your heart health. Learn more about his unique view on cholesterol.



6 сен 2024




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@artjohnson1757 7 лет назад
Thank you Doc. for a terrific lecture, very enjoyable. I'm 70, had a H. attach and triple by-pass at 56. At that time I went vegan (Korean food) without the meat, been married to a Korean lady 42 years and happy. I've dealt w/ the public for over 50 yrs., and I can see the love and kindness in your eyes, and your voice. I watched two of your vids, both excellent, but liked this one the best. I've been on statins since 56, and you answered so many of my questions. I will forward this on for sure.
@milestanoev689 5 лет назад
There are many components to how to lower cholesterol levels uk. One resource I found which succeeds in merging these is the Pronto therapy folio (google it if you're interested) definately the most useful guide i've heard of. Check out the interesting info.
@hanrolavh4546 6 лет назад
This is how plaques form in arteries. Glucose cause infammation and cholesterol is brought to the inflammed part of the artery to repair the damage caused by inflammation. Cholesterol levels is not an issue. Your liver will produce cholesterol if the blood level is low. Recent statistics show that 70 percent of heart attack patients have normal LDL levels. The problem basically is inflammation of endothelium of arteries. Sugar, trans fats, omega-6 cooking oils increase inflammation. Olive oil, and omega-3 fish oils, and magnesium (which is found in cocao) reduce inflammation. Saturated fats increases both HDL and LDL and their effects are at worst neutral. 1
@higherresolution4490 9 лет назад
If you review the Mevalonate Pathway studied in undergraduate biochem and in first year medicine, taking clear note of the downstream effects of blocking HMG coenzyme A reductase, you'd have to agree that statins are pernicious. But most doctors without a PhD and independent research don't know what cholesterol is or what it is needed for in the body (I worked at a medical school genetics lab) including: (1) myelination and re-myelination of axons / adrenal steroid hormone production / stabilization of 100 trillion cell membranes and organelle membranes / vitamin D (a hormone) production / a hormone that informs about 960 genes / etc... (2) prenylated proteins which anchor other proteins to membranes like the enzyme complexes of the ECT (3) ubiquinones, ten of them, where the lack of CoQ10 (ubiquinol) results in rhabdomyolysis / where CoQ shuttles high energy electrons from Complex I to Complex III of the ETC / etc., (4) dolichols needed for glycosylation of proteins where glycosylation takes place in endoplasmic reticulum, cisternae in Golgi apparatus and site specific modification (5) sterols, obvious biochemical roles (6) Heme A for oxygen transport If you block all these essential biomolecules, how can use of statins not contradict the Hippocratic Oath of doing no harm?
@m.adamska.terapeutazywieniowy 8 лет назад
Hi People,Dr doesnt look overweight and is over 70 of age.Please do not judge if you do not sby personally and again, we do not have to trust in every single word he says, you do not have to buy his book or supplements but use your common sense and do your best.I trust him more than other thousands of " doctors" who are killing my whole family with statins etc.Thank you Dr Sinatra for sharing your knowledge with us
@callyclaire1 9 лет назад
My mother had 350 cholesterol. Doctor had her arteries check, they were pristine clean. She did have a very healthy diet.
@mottosierra1372 5 лет назад
Wow same as my father he have 96 years and eat whatever he want and no heart blood pressure or diabetes issues so i dont know what the hell with that cholesterol
@laurasoftheart 8 лет назад
I love this guy! I wish he was my husbands doctor.
@abstractfacts 10 лет назад
im prone to high blood pressure, cutting out vegetable oils has made a huge difference. now i only fry food with coconut oil and/or organic butter from pasture grazing cows.
@Oggie60 10 лет назад
I am currently reading Dr. Malcolm Kendrick's book The Great Cholesterol Con. You have probably heard of him but for those that don't know him he is a doctor from over here in the UK. As you can tell from the title of his book, he is in agreement with Dr. Stephen Sinatra.
@billytheweasel 7 лет назад
Thanks Oggie, we need to talk to each other like this. See also Dr Dayspring and Dr. Levy, Cardiologist. I had a root canal removed after studying them wrt lipid issues.
@silentiumestaureum93 10 лет назад
Thanks for telling the truth!!! I have eaten a ton of eggs my whole life!!! I'm not fat and I don't have heart problems!!
@ahlmakkah7030 5 лет назад
You sure did make a big difference. Thank you once again. May you be blessed.
@partsofone 9 лет назад
'The mantra that saturated fat must be removed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease has dominated dietary advice and guidelines for almost four decades. Yet scientific evidence shows that this advice has, paradoxically, increased our cardiovascular risks. Furthermore, the government’s obsession with levels of total cholesterol, which has led to the overmedication of millions of people with statins, has diverted our attention from the more egregious risk factor of atherogenic dyslipidaemia. Saturated fat has been demonised ever since Ancel Keys’s landmark “seven countries” study in 1970. This concluded that a correlation existed between the incidence of coronary heart disease and total cholesterol concentrations, which then correlated with the proportion of energy provided by saturated fat. But correlation is not causation. Nevertheless, we were advised to cut fat intake to 30% of total energy and saturated fat to 10%.”3 The aspect of dietary saturated fat that is believed to have the greatest influence on cardiovascular risk is elevated concentrations of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Yet the reduction in LDL cholesterol from reducing saturated fat intake seems to be specific to large, buoyant (type A) LDL particles, when in fact it is the small, dense (type B) particles (responsive to carbohydrate intake) that are implicated in cardiovascular disease.' www.bmj.com/content/347/bmj.f6340 'The association between saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease was examined. Results from three reports of leading U.S. and European advisory committees were compared with results as they were presented in the articles referred to. Findings were put into perspective with results not included in these reports. Different lines of evidence were included in the different reports. No overlap whatsoever was found in the articles included. Most results from the scientific literature were lacking for most different lines of evidence in all reports. All three reports included the effect of saturated fat on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the evidence linking saturated fat to cardiovascular disease, but the effect on high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was systematically ignored. Both U.S. reports failed to correctly describe the results from the prospective studies. Results and conclusions about saturated fat intake in relation to cardiovascular disease, from leading advisory committees, do not reflect the available scientific literature.' www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22208554 'A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD.' www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2824152/ 'Current evidence does not clearly support cardiovascular guidelines that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low consumption of total saturated fats.' annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=1846638 'Indeed, up until 1999, the AHA was still advising Americans to reach for "soft drinks," and in 2001, the group was still recommending snacks of "gum-drops" and "hard candies made primarily with sugar" to avoid fatty foods.' www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303678404579533760760481486 'Of the Inuit, for instance, Keys wrote, “their bizarre manner of life excites the imagination”, especially that “popular picture of the Eskimo... happily gorging on blubber”, but on “no grounds” was it possible to suggest that the case of the Inuit “contributes anything” to the scientific record. And in response to a prominent Texas A&M University professor who wrote a critique of Keys, he said that the paper “reminds one of the distorting mirrors in the hall of jokes at the county fair”. Rolling over the opposition by sheer force of will was typical of Keys and his acolytes in defending their saturated-fat hypothesis. Keys was “tough and ruthless and would argue any point”, Oliver, a prominent opponent, said. Since Keys’s allies controlled so many top government health posts, critics were denied research grants and key posts on expert panels. As retribution for defending the healthiness of eggs, despite their cholesterol content, Oliver was publicly branded by two of Keys’s main allies as a “notorious type” and a “scoundrel” because “he opposed us on everything”.' www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/the-science-of-saturated-fat-a-big-fat-surprise-about-nutrition-9692121.html 'The assumption that a low-fat diet reduces the ‘bad’ cholesterol (ie, LDL) is an imprecise notion. While total LDL may be lowered with a reduced intake of dietary fat, if replaced with carbohydrate, this may increase sdLDL particles (ie, pattern B),which are more atherogenic than large buoyant LDL particles (ie, pattern A). Additionally, data indicate that a high saturated fat intake lowers sdLDL particles and raises large buoyant LDL particles. Thus, replacing carbohydrate with fat may improve the LDL particle size distribution (eg, pattern B shifted to pattern A). Lastly, if fat is replaced with carbohydrate, this may worsen the overall lipid profile (decrease in HDL-C, increase in triglycerides and increase in sdLDL particles).' openheart.bmj.com/content/1/1/e000032.full 'The dietary intake of saturated fatty acids (SAFA) is associated with a modest increase in serum total cholesterol, but not with cardiovascular disease (CVD). High CHO [carbohydrate] intakes stimulate hepatic SAFA synthesis and conservation of dietary SAFA. Hepatic de novo lipogenesis from CHO is also stimulated during eucaloric dietary substitution of SAFA by CHO with high glycaemic index in normo-insulinaemic subjects and during hypocaloric high-CHO/low-fat diets in subjects with the metabolic syndrome. The accumulation of SAFA stimulates chronic systemic low-grade inflammation through its mimicking of bacterial lipopolysaccharides and/or the induction of other pro-inflammatory stimuli. The resulting systemic low-grade inflammation promotes insulin resistance, reallocation of energy-rich substrates and atherogenic dyslipidaemia that concertedly give rise to increased CVD risk. We conclude that avoidance of SAFA accumulation by reducing the intake of CHO with high glycaemic index is more effective in the prevention of CVD than reducing SAFA intake per se.' www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21978979 'On Monday, SBU, the Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment, dropped a bombshell. After a two-year long inquiry, reviewing 16,000 studies, the report “Dietary Treatment for Obesity" upends the conventional dietary guidelines for obese or diabetic people. The expert committee consisted of ten physicians, and several of them were skeptics to low-carbohydrate diets at the beginning of the investigation.' healthimpactnews.com/2013/sweden-becomes-first-western-nation-to-reject-low-fat-diet-dogma-in-favor-of-low-carb-high-fat-nutrition/
@janetmaffia4336 8 лет назад
It sure is working for me! Triglycerides went down by 2/3! And my A1c lowered from Diabetes to pre diabetes...still working on it. As far as I am experiencing, He is 100% right on, except I don't agree with yoga, just my personal beliefs. The medical side, thumbs up!
@calmingdragon2862 7 лет назад
Janet Maffia, I realized that this post was from 1 year ago, but may I please ask what it is that actually worked for you. The Mediterranean Diet that he talked about or the awesome foursome, or etc.? Thank you.
@DonofrioPetTV 7 лет назад
I had similar results by following a Keto diet or LCHF diet. just google for more info.
@bettyhutchens5644 5 лет назад
I'm so blessed to have listened to Dr. Sinatra's webinar just now! I have been taking many of his heart recommendations that my 97yr old dad has taken & shared w/me! Listen!!!!! 👍
@MoonKrabbit 9 лет назад
I love you, Donna Engelgau Koslow (moderator)!!!
@ncredi1 6 лет назад
I agree with everything you are saying Dr. Stephen Sinatra. I have been eating a mediterranean diet since I was 16 (before I realized there was such a title for the diet) and I can honestly say it's been the best lifestyle change I made! I lost weight initially and have maintained that same weight all of these years and I will be 34 this month. I had no idea of the heart healthy benefits this diet has!! I originally decided to eat this way to lose weight and I did, but seeing all of the other health benefits associated with eating this way has led me to understand this truly is the way we were designed to eat. Thank you Dr.!!
@lindaellis6937 Год назад
Sooooo disturbing! My client's doctors are prescribing statins!!! I love your work and Dr. Berg's videos.
@juieandersonJHLA 10 лет назад
I like this guy and his ideas, and I have watched maybe 200 of these in the last six months! Reappraise all the cholesteral lowering drug trials before 2005. Great idea! I like his diet ideas too, the Mediterranean diet combined with the Pan Asian diet.
@conradmish7875 10 лет назад
This guy needs to be my Doctor. Thank you Dr. Sinatra for explaing this to me. My doctor would not spend this much time explaining this to mw. Thank you to NCBI where you can find the facts to back this up.
@JD-ni7it 8 лет назад
Thank you so much for your information .............. Great help
@TrustMeImADoctorMedia 5 лет назад
My mom was a nurse. She bought into the low fat diet propaganda and was on low fat yo yo diets throughout the 80s and 90s. We lost her to breast cancer in 2001.
@corwynwarwaruk2141 5 лет назад
Giving evidence for the reasons to eat butter rather than seedoils would be a better approach than saying “who cares”
@ahlmakkah7030 5 лет назад
Thank you indeed Doctor! It was very beneficial. Earlier I really loved the earthing and grounding & I would certainly go back to it.
@charlestaylor2589 9 лет назад
I was disappointed to find that in this excellent talk Dr Sinatra did not mention L-arginine. In his equally excellent book, ""Reverse Heart Disease Now", Dr Sinatra says, "As we age, we make less nitric oxide. Deficiency permits blood vessels to constrict and lose their flexibility, contributing to vessel stiffness, inflammation and plaque build up, and hypertension. Moreover a vicious cycle develops: increased blood pressure and inflammation impair the ability of the endothelial cells to make nitric oxide. ......To make nitric oxide, the body needs L-arginine, an amino acid......If you take in a lot of L-arginine, you make more nitric oxide and obtain greater protection against the damaging effects of diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, free radical stress, and many of the problems related to CVD." Please see pages 109 to 113 especially.
@karenstandefer1 9 лет назад
Charles Taylor Just eat more meat. Has all the amino acids required by the body.
@samanthacarey1515 9 лет назад
+Karen Standefer We produce the non essential aminos found within meat, and all the essential aminos can be found within plants which are much easier to digest and recognized by the body. Meat is actually like a 3rd party delivery system. The animals aren't producing the essential aminos, they're eating them when consuming their plant based diet, therefor when we consume the meat we're getting them through their consumption. Why not just get it from the source? Or have a balanced ratio?
@karenstandefer1 8 лет назад
Samantha Carey - Plants are not digestible by many people. Many, many people are intolerant of plant proteins, fiber and salycilates (which are there so that the plants can reproduce and are not eaten).
@charlescascales647 8 лет назад
+Charles Taylor - He addresses l arginine here. Can't cover everything in one video: www.drsinatra.com/cardiovascular-benefits-of-l-arginine/
@RELAXMETIME 2 месяца назад
Charles, I watched The Nerve Doctors' channel, and the (female) doctor (I dont remember her name but her channel just has her and a male doctor) stated that L-arginine gets destroyed in the liver before it can be used in the production of nitric oxide. She recommends taking L-Citruline instead, which will convert to L-arginine, which will then convert to nitric oxide.
@mnalls2699 4 года назад
I have been diagnosed with FH. Familia Hypercholesterolemia my total cholesterol is 385 an my ldl is 316 my triglycerides are 55 Hdl is 58 an my CReactive protein 5.48 .... I’m 30 have 2 kids an feel good. I have no other problems. I have started eating fruits and veggies an I don’t want to take statins. In my my situation I don’t know what to do at this point. Should I just wait on my heart attack or take the statins? Please help
@Teoobada 6 месяцев назад
Hi how are you. I'm 27 and have FH, too. 😞 I eat mostly healthy, but nothing would lower my cholesterol levels..
@davelynnmasanda411 3 года назад
I'm a 57 female taking 10mg lovastatin and 4 grams Vascepa
@gloriasanchez7204 10 лет назад
You made a difference in my life.... I was put on statin along with aspirin for stent . You mentioned it depletes CoQ10 I will get some today..... thank you
@theresa342 10 лет назад
I enjoyed watching this.i have recently lost 101 pounds and my blood pressure got worse I don't understand this my heart they say is fine but I continue to have chest pain.i had stress test and angiogram both come back fine no kidney blockages either.my cholesterol is 180 they say that's really high I am 52 female.help!
@barbararogersbarriga7993 6 лет назад
Thank you for the webinar looking forward to the email of information,
@DrStephenSinatra 6 лет назад
Hi Barbara. You can find much more information on my website: www.drsinatra.com/about-dr-sinatra?key=243983&.
@hassanshabbirahmed435 5 лет назад
Hello Sir, Greetings for the day. Sir One quick question if chronic inflammation is the root cause of all problems not higher cholestrol LDL, then why people are afraid of small dense LDL particles, please can you explain Sir what are they are they risky, and how to save your self from it as People says that they are the biggest actor in forming of plaque. Thank You.
@wolfgangnz3 10 лет назад
Brilliant. Thank you so much.
@cynthiaschneider8419 8 лет назад
What if your ratio is sitting at 4 and have higher blood pressure than usually have had. example usually was 120/70 and now can range from 128/84 to 138/84
@optionsupdate 11 лет назад
can sugar damage be reversed
@bobcocampo 4 года назад
How about without Heart problem
@dmana3172 8 лет назад
Sugar is not the problem, it's how much we put into our bodies.
@dmana3172 7 лет назад
So Insulin is an unfriendly hormone and that sugar itself is the problem? If it's true than why do we needed the pancreas in the first place to make insulin? We were born with it for a very important reason to help gets sugar into the cells of the body. Sugar is not the problem, it's too much sugar when our body can't handle too much sugar. That's the real problems, not sugar or insulin.
@usersn300 6 лет назад
Eating more sugar makes you insulin resistant, which Inturn leads to more insulin production and thus causing another problem diabetes.
@justylex 6 лет назад
Hashley our bodies need the sugar from veggies and some lower glycemic range fruits. We were never meant to eat the ridiculous amount of sugar contained in processed food, junk food, bread and pasta.
@Lenzer50 5 лет назад
Google Dr. Darren Schmidt, Dr. Eric Berg, all these Doctors are saying it’s refined sugars and foods that turn into sugar. You are right we need sugar but the right sugars.
@kenmarriott5772 6 лет назад
WIFI radiation and cell phone radiation is near the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Unlike nuclear radiation and X-ray radiation used in hospitals it doesn't have enough energy to damage cells. If you're not afraid of campfires or your fireplace, you shouldn't fear your cell phone.
@mrmeach1967 6 лет назад
At 20:15, we learn who falls into the tiny fraction of the population that actually CAN benefit from statins - and it ain't many. And not without the addition of at least 200 mg of coenzyme Q10. Note: Sinatra doesn't mention it, but its important to note that people over 30 should use the reduced form of CoQ10 (ubiquinol), not ubiquinone. It is many times more effective in oral form.
@mrmeach1967 6 лет назад
At 25:33, Dr. Sinatra explains why doctors mistakenly prescribe statins: fallacious drug trials in the 1990s.
@kenrach9875 6 лет назад
Wonder what he thinks of Dr. Dean Ornish clinical studies showing reversal of coronary artery disease on a plant based diet
@raquelmateus4471 2 года назад
Why no subtitels?
@tinalopresti9711 5 лет назад
What a great doctor! I love him
@Muck-qy2oo 7 лет назад
Dr. Sinatra is really amazing and inspiring!
@billytheweasel 7 лет назад
Shouldn't my Dr be required to know this? I adhere to ALL his suggestions except juicing (fiber is good). I keep getting told I'm going to die early without statins. But all my reference numbers are great except my LDL-P is very high. My carotid artery scan result was bad too... so? I'm not so sure.
@mrmeach1967 6 лет назад
At 9:49, we learn why sugar, transfat, and emotional stress are the real culprits.
@jackgalmitz1883 5 лет назад
If not cholesterol, what forms as plaque on arterial walls?
@rogerpeggywheat1630 5 лет назад
Cholesterol clings to the walls of arteries because a person has inflammation (like a scab). Inflammation is caused by insulin resistance, wild blood sugar swings, and too much sugar in the diet. Eat fat and cut back on the carbohydrates, and you will lose weight and feel much better. Excess cholesterol in your diet is not the cause of the heart disease. This is why diabetics have such trouble with heart attack, stroke, arthritis, and dementia. Sugar is the problem.
@teresarendon1715 10 лет назад
What is grounding?
@njhomes2000 6 лет назад
walk in your backyard barefoot for 30 minutes daily , earth connection to your body to free your body of free radicals
@midknight3350 7 лет назад
What about martial arts like Karate (The real variety) and krav maga which is very intense
@Glennjius 10 лет назад
the most enlightening information about the subject in this crazy world of confusion. Thank you Dr.
@paulsankar9967 10 лет назад
Great and informative video.
@alisonstevens8687 8 лет назад
Hi, I have just come across your information, I wondered as this was in 2013 I wondered if this Dr was answering any questions or not?I have a few questions but I do not want to sit and type all my questions if there is no-one around to help me, it is actually for my mum, who was taking Statins after she had a heart attack and they put 2 stents in, she came off the Statins but has been on drugs for heart and strokes, only to a few weeks ago have 2 mini-strokes.Thank you.
@chrisnortney420 6 лет назад
Alison Stevens i
@kingmike40 8 лет назад
Its funny how this guy says that cholesterol is not a risk factor for heart health but than tells how to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. Same information doctors have been saying for years.
@Keelox100 7 лет назад
My uncle had stroke. 1st one he survived. Second one killed him, he had naturally low cholesterol. Died at 78.
@merlenemitchell2592 7 лет назад
what do you think about Nutrim
@deborahhopper1070 8 лет назад
Good info, Thanks!
@Saudifella 6 лет назад
missed your videos on RU-vid
@helenhaggag2376 6 лет назад
How can I reduce VLDL of 120 with LDL of 19?
@chrisbrown2211 9 лет назад
he is overweight. I don't get health professionals who are overweight like Dr. Weil as well.
@OoDeucexoO 9 лет назад
Does weight equate to improper nutrition? A good example would be Richard Schulze, he's a big guy, eats better than most people on this planet, but still remains a big guy.
@brucec43 9 лет назад
Chris Brown He's a doctor, not a model. One can understand what to do without doing it, or even wanting to. He's a man in his 60's at least and you want him to be rail thin.
@chrisbrown2211 9 лет назад
Bruno TaTa no not a model but if he follows the advice he gives he should at least look healthy. who cares if he´s in his 60s that´s an exucse not to look healthy? I know people who don´t even care that much about their health that look healthier than him. People like him and Andrew Weil I don´t get.
@RiceBinger 9 лет назад
Chris Brown totally agree. Whom doesn't show the results from his/her teaching shouldn't be preaching.
@dawnkladerman598 9 лет назад
What are you basing his weight & health on? Just curious....how can you tell his weight from shoulders up?
@sandymoonstone855 8 лет назад
医生你好。 你很了不起。 谢谢
@rcjewells 9 лет назад
What about products with no trans fats, but they're made with hydrogenated oils, aren't those bad?
@charlescascales647 8 лет назад
+tractor - and omega 3's. Krill oil will benefit your heart, brain, and reduce the body's inflammation.
@charlescascales647 8 лет назад
My grandmother cooked with lard, ate bacon and eggs, ham, sausage, pork chops, etc., daily and lived to be 94.
@njhomes2000 6 лет назад
he said it is very bad and do not buy it
@explaincauseidontgetit3294 6 лет назад
Mmmmm butter!
@howieMaori 8 лет назад
why do I smell cigarette smoke and I don't smoke or am I around smokers so is this a health issue, can someone please educate me on this
@yvettefelarca6892 8 лет назад
They are known as Phantom smells. usually you smell them if the air is dry and hot, and so even if you are going to sleep upstairs, away from any internal heating you will still smell these! i have smelled these smells too. Hay fever can be a possible problem. it's called Phantosmia, (olfactory/nostril hallucinations) and if you have any signs of brain damage (in serious cases) you will smell them. have you had any hits to the head in a month or two? HOW long have you had this problem? If you feel Sick, you can smell anything around you with more disgust and distaste than usual. Your body feels unwell, and is smelling the chemicals within it's own body. the more sicker you feel, the more you will smell these smells. unless you have seizures, i wouldn't worry about it.
@zeebee9356 5 лет назад
Yvette Felarca; Interesting. Thank you!! Sometimes my perspiration after an intense cardio workout smells like ammonia. I read it was due to low carbs on my system. Can that be right?
@gerrygizzygarcia2572 5 лет назад
My cholesterol is high whats the best and fastest way to get it down? Anybody?
@rogerpeggywheat1630 5 лет назад
Don't worry so much about a high cholesterol. There are other blood markers that will tell you more about your health and heart attack risk. Continue to watch more videos.
@julianserrano8815 10 лет назад
dr. sinatra according to your experience, is it harmful to you heart to put your laptop on your chest and start using it for about 2 hours daily before going to sleep?
@GoodHealthIsGoodLife 10 лет назад
Most laptops emit large amounts of LF radition. It will decrease the quality and flow of blood in the body. Dont believe me? Use a laptop for one hour and notice how much loss of sensation you get in your hands. My solution is to use either a pc desktop or a tablet fitted with a non-radiation emiting keyboard (Surface Pro 2 with touch cover certainly has no radiation)
@saeedali5373 7 лет назад
Dr you mean that I shouldn't use canola oil in cooking ?
@eewarrenee 6 лет назад
From what I've read, don't use oils that are liquid at room temperature to cook with. Use butter, coconut oil instead.
@juliejoseph2201 6 лет назад
saeed ali never use canola
@SuperDelta000 10 лет назад
What a great guy. Legend.
@cutabove9046 5 лет назад
If what this doctor says is true the Masai Tribe would have arteries a clean as a baby's bottom instead of being riddled with arteriosclerosis by the age of 30. On the other hand those peoples who eat little saturated fat, cholesterol, meat and animal products in general (a high starch diet) have the longest lifespans on the planet and that includes the Japanese and the Blue Zones of the world. If the Asians knocked of the salt they'd live even longer.
@The-Homecook-0000 8 лет назад
How about 81 aspirin is that good to take I'm 39 ....
@johnnylabedzki 8 лет назад
+Danny Di 81mg can thin your blood and help prevent heart disease, but there are adverse affects you should research about such as NSAID induced peptic ulcers, but if you mean 81 pills then i think you should invest in a coffin first
@charhatmaker3789 8 лет назад
User 19021473 v
@kingmike40 8 лет назад
I would like to see the lab results from this guy and from his followers. He is right about trans fat but wait 10 years and who knows what they will say then.
@aniccadance13 6 лет назад
kingmike40 Plenty of people doing high fat low carb diets who can show the blood tests.. I’m one of them. Are you a vegan, by any chance? You sound like you..
@nadinebrown7644 6 лет назад
kingmike40 sbow us your lab results first.
@LuisMoreno-kw2td 10 лет назад
@trevorpayne3078 10 лет назад
Habadash.. shhhhhh
@anonov1 10 лет назад
I believe the word is" Balderdash." ( Senseless talk. ) Habadash,(Actually it's "Haberdash. ") refers to refers to mens wear.
@Heavymanners0 9 лет назад
Dude looks pretty healthy!! Lol Maybe it's all the extra cholesterol he gets from animals that makes him look so healthy!
@chrisbrown2211 9 лет назад
HEAVY///MANNERS you´re joking right?
@sandrobatistadasilva9698 8 лет назад
Where the hell is vegan gains? he should watch this . But of couse, he is only interested in watching Dr Neal Bernard who is vegan and Dr michael Greger also.
@johnnylabedzki 8 лет назад
+Sandro Batista da Silva he's busy making fun of other youtubers
@sandrobatistadasilva9698 8 лет назад
+Medstudent 187 , Dude, that guy sucks.
@johnnylabedzki 8 лет назад
his views are in the right direction but his attitude and methods of persuasion are absurd
@allencrider 10 лет назад
Oh, look! It's the medical equivalent of the Flat Earth Society!
@bloozedaddy 9 лет назад
+allencrider actually it was the people who came along later and said the earth was round who were labeled heretics.....you got it rather backwards.
@Lenzer50 5 лет назад
There have been 3 studies going back to 1910 that say the same thing, google Dr. Darren Schmidt and Dr. Eric Berg.
@bemobilefriendly542 8 лет назад
this guy looks like he is reading from a script...put that together with the fact that his website is very very SALESEY, and im sorry but i dont believe a word of what he says. (i stopped watching after just 8 minutes)
@jorgedefoe1 8 лет назад
....or eat a bottle of statins an he wont even remember he commented here. Problem fixed.
@zeebee9356 5 лет назад
BeMobileFriendly; He co wrote the book "The Great Cholesterol Myth". So what if he is reading a script?
Dr. Paul Mason - 'The truth about high cholesterol'
What Your Coronary Artery Calcium Score Means
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