
Villainpedia: Dark Link 

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Even the purest heart carries a touch of darkness. From Zelda II to the Breath of the Wild, Dark Link and his sinister silhouette have made quite the impact in the Legend of Zelda series, but who is this enigmatic dude? What does he truly represent, and what can we expect from the character into the future?
PATREON: / ghostcharm
MERCH: ghostcharm.myspreadshop.com/
DISCORD: / discord
TWITCH: / ghostcharm
00:00 - 01:46 - The Hero's Journey
01:46 - 04:25 - Shadow in the Light
04:25 - 09:20 - Doppelgangers & Spirits
09:20 - 10:05 - Across the Ages
10:05 - 12:36 - Zelda II
12:36 - 16:49 - Ocarina of Time
16:49 - 18:30 - Oracle of Ages
18:30 - 20:06 - Link to the Past
20:06 - 22:29 - Four Swords Adventures
22:29 - 23:37 - Twilight Princess
23:37 - 24:09 - Spirit Tracks
24:09 - 25:40 - Link Between Worlds
25:40 - 26:28 - Hyrule Warriors
26:28 - 26:45 - Triforce Heroes
26:45 - 27:11 - Link's Awakening
27:11 - 27:47 - Extras
27:47 - 32:00 - Thoughts & Wrap Up




30 июн 2024




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@broman1449 Год назад
@cin2110 Год назад
@ronnychristenjoyer6778 Год назад
It's hard to disagree with that.
@thatkn1ghtguy942 Год назад
@jefffan1992 Год назад
I came across a fan comic a few years back where Link entered the water temple with doubts because of the state Hyrule was in and how he saw suffering across the land because he unlocked the door to the sacred realm. Once he walked past the dead tree and examined the door. In short Dark Link said the following " Your doubts and hesitation locks us here!" Link turned to see his shadow doppelganger. "If you want to pass, prove me wrong." During the fight Dark Link jumps on Link's blade and with a smile kicks the hero in the side of the face disarming him. "A hero without resolve shouldn't have this blade!" Dark Link then said "Don't worry once I'm done here I'll right your wrongs!" After a long battle and mockery Link won Dark Link laying against the dead tree."Better but just know this you falter again we will meet again and I will replace you." The room changes to its normal state with both the tree and Dark Link vanishing. In this comic Dark Link represents feeling defeated and unworthy a voice telling us we aren't good enough yet still played the role of a doppelganger wishing to kill the orginal and take his place. The tree I think is symbolic of Link's mental state being unwell. I thought this was a good take on the fight because the location it happens at is the water temple making the theme reflection instead of the shadow temple which could mean darkness in everyone.
@hibikikanade Год назад
Dark Link in Ocarina of Time is the representation of hopelessness. Imagine waking up after a 7 year hibernation to see that the world that you were supposed to protect has been dominated by the definition of evil. Having Dark Link appear specifically in the water temple alludes to it being a reflection of something within himself - and the extreme difficulty of the dungeon also makes the player want to give up as well. Throughout the fight, the increasing opaqueness and strength of the shadow highlights how difficult it is to 'conquer yourself'. Jumping onto Links sword is such an unhinged tactic, who would actually do this in a fight? Dark Link is not some trained warrior sent by Ganon, he is something else entirely. The fact that this strange action is a counter attack - a stopping of Links blade - signifies the idea of putting down the sword. Stop fighting for the world - its already gone. Youve already lost. He puts his entire nihilistic weight on the very thing that Link relies on to continue his quest. Dead tree = the decay of Hyrule. Locked doors = no choice but to face his internal struggles. Disappearance of reflection = losing faith within himself. After the victory, the reappearance of Links reflection symbolizes the renewed confidence in his ability and purpose, and the fact that Dark Link never appears again shows how strong this conviction has become. There is no more doubt - he /is/ the hero and the world /can/ be saved.
@nothinghere8434 Год назад
OoT's Dark Link starts out transparent, defensive and passive. Nothing really happens as long as you don't engage him, then after a while of fighting him he becomes more solid and aggressive. You could interprete that as this Link partially failing to fully overcome his shadow and choosing violence when in doubt, which, in turn, meets him with more opposing violence; maybe in part to him still being a child in mind, missing years of his life compared to his body. Dark Link is very tricky to beat with your sword to the point I wouldn't exclude any tactic using the sword to be an unintentional oversight. So in the end, all this fight really teaches Link about himself is to be more versatile in his methods of battle instead of overrelying on his sword, which is something I often fall into (and honestly the 3D games don't really discourage -_-).
@MokubaIce Год назад
I’ve always seen Dark Link has the representation of having to beat the vile and evil within you, it’s facing reality and despite its harshness and evil also being represented within yourself it doesn’t define you. Beating him is proving that entire point, not being able to beat that is becoming the shadow yourself.
@s0vnds Год назад
How did you comment 7 hours before release 🤨
@TheLostVenom Год назад
Link facing his jungian IT!
@charlesboucher2370 Год назад
@@s0vnds some words transcend time ig
@wonder_platypus8337 Год назад
@@s0vnds that is odd. Digital time travel.
@toastedt140 Год назад
@wonder_platypus8337 just a guess but channels with a patreon sometimes let patrons watch videos earlier than public release
@Hollow_Phoenix Год назад
I feel like the Dark Link from Hyrule Warriors was everything you say you wanted to see. When Link got the Master Sword and started winning every battle, he charged ahead of his side's armies, went looking for fights personally, and as seen with his smug expression as his presence alone scared his foes, *he had grown an ego*. That was what Cia used to create Dark Link - his own negative aspects, strengthened. It was really a perfect tactical move from her - she used his ego, lured him away into isolation, then took all that ego and turned it against him. He only survived because his allies made it in time to help him. Absolutely brilliant representation of what Dark Link can be.
@Tazerboy_10 Год назад
@myrojyn Год назад
That game is so awesome to play
@Gatorah Год назад
The same thing with Dark link in the Twilight Princess manga. Love that writing!
@mariecarie1 Год назад
What’s interesting is, from my understanding, Link is somewhat based on Peter Pan-hence the green outfit and cap, slightly elfin appearance, sword, all that. In Peter Pan and Wendy’s first encounter, his shadow has detached from Peter in Wendy’s nursery, and Peter’s flying around chasing after it. Then, Wendy has to help sew it back onto Peter’s feet. If it’s true that Link was at all inspired by Peter Pan, then it’s super fascinating to see this shadow motif incorporated and morphed into its own meaning in the Zelda series. Super cool! It might be interesting in a future Zelda game to turn Shadow Link on its head, and use it to discuss how negative emotions and feelings are just as valid to have and handle as much as positive ones. Rather than “banish the bad thoughts!” and fighting the “bad feelings” of anger, sadness, etc, we are forced to look at Shadow Link/Link as yin and yang-both are necessary to balance each other out. It’s an out-there idea, but one that could be really poignant if done right.
@SirVyre Год назад
Ah, a video worthy of a rumination or two! Thanks for the feast, Ghostcharm. Consider my comments a gift from a guest (Though I am Alexander W :3)! As far as the concept of Dark Link goes, I've always seen him as testing Link by putting him against himself. You alluded to that many times in this video, of course. And that is his original appearance. Where you've conquered all other seals and road blocks. Those temples in Zelda II are there, at least as I recall, as safeguards against evil gaining the Triforce. What better way to counter the unworthy than to pit them against their mirror equal? Forget not the tiny Hylian wizard who waves his cane and disappears causing the boss fight to start. The later incarnations are where it starts to get mildly nebulous (and then even more interesting). I think Dark Link in OoT is similar to the original incarnation. Likely a safeguard put just before the Longshot by the Zora who used to watch over that temple. As everything within the Water Temple in OoT is a naturally occurring Hyrule bound creature except for Morpha. You mainly go against the traps and Link's inability to traverse water well in that temple. A true test to receive the Zora's most powerful tool. As far as later in the series goes, it seems to me that some narrative framing for Dark Link has been steadily building. Perhaps even since Majora's Mask. Prepare for fan fiction/theory! So in Majora's Mask you can get that mask, The Fierce Deity. The Fierce Deity is supposedly, by some accounts, merely symbolic of the faith of the residents of Termina made manifest in Link referencing a concept from I believe some flavor of Buddhism(or perhaps Shintoism) where a good but wrathful god punish bad ones in order to aid humanity. If we walk with that concept to Skyward Sword wherein Link was originally a "man" who had been imprisoned by the other mortals. He was given the choice by the goddess to either take revenge on the Hylians or to stand with her. He stood valiantly alongside the Goddess Hylia, who sought to make him her champion, offering him her sword, only for him to turn it down due to thinking himself impure. He went on to wield her sword against the Demon King Demise anyway, but he was slain. However, his actions were enough to allow Hylia to raise up Skyloft, and their love caused her to shed her godhood to be with him in the future. I submit that the Fierce Deity references this original version of Link, someone who was a monster by regular Hylian's standards, but still considered himself a man. The vengeful thoughts he carries from once being hated by other people is what gets carried through time alongside his spirit, manifesting as Dark Link. When you think about it, however much the story makes him out to just be a man, Link is caught in this eternal recurrence between himself, Zelda, and Ganon(Demise). He is more or less a deity in the setting, though he is bound more by rules than the other two. It's no surprise that his inner darkness manifests physically. Anywho, that's enough fanfic for now. Great video Ghostcharm!
@Thecommander248 Месяц назад
What I love about Dark Link is how cocky he seems to be. In Ocarina, when you stab at him, he jumps on and balances on your sword for a second before punishing you. Link is very much proud of his own skills. In Twilight Princess, Link is trained by the Ocarina Kid Timeline version of himself who has become a Stalfos. This Stalfos Link couldn't pass on to the afterlife because he never passed on his skills to an apprentice. This both left the Kingdom's soldiers unprepared, but also caused the memory of him to fade. Link would never admit it, but some part of him wants people to know what he did and carry on using the skills he personally developed. Dark Link is a twisted reflection of that. Link never shows off unless it's to prove a point. In fact, in some ways, Dark Link is BETTER than Link. Our Link can't jump onto Dark Link's sword. Dark Link is justifiably proud of his skills. He allows you a second to realize your mistake before he punishes you. He is what our Link would be if he threw away his caution, restraint, and morals to become an egotistical maniac hurting people to show that he is the best. That HE is the greatest warrior alive.
@ontheedgeofshadow2790 Год назад
The LoZ games have always been Deep, and dolled up with bright colors, and light hearted to be easily digested by kids.. HOWEVER the many MANY implications of the themes, situations, and scenarios Link and us the players find ourselves in make you realize how gritty, and "pulpy" and VERY mature for its time and design.. which just goes to show how beautiful the entire thing is as a work of artwork and storytelling. But yes, point blank, the implications of a Shadow version of Link is fucking terrifying. The Shadow Link fight is (according to the Youngian, as well as the Occultist.. more a "Spiritual" battle than a physical one; just like the Labors of Heracles were not all entirely physical labors, but spiritual and mental exercises as well) thanks for Posting this... this is an excellent dive on the subject, well done!
@glidershower Год назад
The Dark Link in the water temple in OoT feels more like an ancient trap or test rather than an entity sent or powered by Ganondorf. To me it feels like it was designed to be _the_ boss of that temple rather than Morpha, but dunno why they might've changed their mind. Nonetheless, the reverence given to that fight: the wait, the Dali-esque surreal landscape that ends up being an illusion, the reflection that suddenly disappears after crossing that middle island (which to me is a metaphor for briefly not judging yourself which is a prime state to sunk into villainy), seeing the door is still locked, _then the shocker of seeing _*_you're not alone anymore..._* is what makes that fight *THE* fight in the entire game. Not only a boss fight but the one that will still haunt you even after finishing the game. Those factors, and the fact that it takes place almost in the middle of the order you're supposed to collect the sage medallions. are what tell me this wasn't a mere fight Ganon orchestrated to f*ck with you, _this was an otherworldly experience the which you have not even the slightest idea what could've triggered it_ or even if Ganon has any idea this could happen. The only other event that could equal or even (just slightly) surpass that WTF factor in my experience of Zelda games was the fight against *THEM* in _Majora's Mask._
@levilee207 Год назад
You've got such a goldmine with this channel. I was worried you'd abandoned it. You have a great, neutral tone and you don't try to use an insufferable entertainer cadence. I'm glad you're back, dude. Here's hoping for much more content on the way
@bbbbbbb51 Год назад
The tone & cadence is huge. So many put on the narrator or newscaster voice & I'll never understand why. Ghost has a decent voice, but a great delivery. Some moments feel added off the cuff & the rest just feels natural.
@LockStockand2Barrels Год назад
Hell yeah. I mean this with all respect and from a place of genuine love for your content. Make videos faster lol I’ve listened to all your videos multiple times. The Arthas - Lich King combo is a masterpiece
@Crow_Rising Год назад
My favorite and probably one of the more unique usages of the trope is Omega Zero from Mega Man Zero 3. At surface level he seems like just your typical mirror match, and by the time you get to this fight he doesn't even really put up much of a fight anymore. However, look a bit deeper and the narrative impact of this fight really hits hard. Consider the rest of this comment to be spoilers. Omega is using Zero's original body, relegating Zero himself to a mere copy body. Most other stories would focus on the hero reclaiming their body, but not here. Zero feels no attachment or sentimentality towards his old body, and does not crave the greater power it possesses over the one he's in. As such, while Omega himself isn't actually a true reflection of Zero, narratively Zero is indeed fighting himself in the realest way possible, and ultimately ends up destroying his old body. While he likely isn't aware of what he's doing in the moment, this is ultimately the final nail in the coffin for Dr. Wily's legacy and his dark influence on the world so long after his death, as his original body was not only designed by Wily and the last remaining thing he ever made, but is literally the single biggest reason everything went so wrong from the X series up to the current moment in the Zero series. In destroying it, Zero not only rights a two+ century year old wrong, but frees himself from the dark legacy of his creator to take control of his own destiny. It's almost symbolic of him breaking his chains and becoming free.
@evrfreez Год назад
I'm one of those rare souls who not only played Adventure of Link, but beat it. I'm probably even rarer in that it was one of my favorites; probably because of my love for RPG mechanics, which that game had, the ability to level up your stats through grinding. Anyway! Dark Link was an epic final battle. That last palace was a nightmare, leading up to him, I remember being so tense and not wanting to die. I, too, finally settled on the cheesy jump-duck-slash hit to poke over his guard, I don't even know how you're supposed to beat him otherwise, he's so fast at blocking.. definitely a worthy final boss, a real test to earn the Triforce. When I saw him again years and years later in Ocarina of Time it was a real OH SHIT moment. To be honest, I barely remember the rest of the Water Temple, that fight took all of that head space. I kinda fell off with consoles, switching over to PC gaming, but it really pleases me to see how many other appearances Dark Link has made. Great vid as always, love the channel~
@TheFatestPat Год назад
I wish they had put Dark Link somewhere in Skyward Sword. That game has so much focus on sword fighting it seems like it would have been a great opportunity for an epic duel.
@iponce2 Год назад
Glad the homie is back. Ghost has a fantastic narrative cadence that feels like a pal talking about some cool shit he likes while you guys play smash bros or something like. Good vibes man
@CaylexT Год назад
Me: "how on Earth is Ghostcharm going to make a 30min long video about Dark Link? He's barely even a character. I am curious though" Ghostcharm: "Since the beginning of human history-" Me: "...oh, that's how..."
@betasector Год назад
Yeah, lengthy ramblings about nonsense, how else.
@cowakazee Год назад
I always thought of Dark Link as the upside down middle triangle of the triforce. He's the duality of man, or Link in this instance, materialized and faced literally in the story as the Hero overcoming the trials. Power is always the top triangle in the triforce...because you need the proper wisdom and courage to weild true righteous power, and thus to contain the shadow self properly.
@long060 Месяц назад
So, stick with me here. We know that the Link in each game isn't the same individual. We can infer one of two things from this - either these all just happen to randomly be young men with blonde hair and pointy ears that are the ones always called to adventure - OR that Link is a more metaphysical being. We could infer that Link is a perpetual being that while not being immortal will always be reborn in spirit in a different body in a different time and place. If we go off of that theory we could feasibly extrapolate that Shadow Link could be - rather than a manifestation or an illusion or a magic spell - ACTUAL Links that "fell to the dark side" for lack of a better phrase and were killed and resurrected, captured and indoctrinated, corrupted by the dark world, or worst of all fell victim to their own power and ambition.
@finlay9616 Год назад
So glad I'm attached to the discord. Got the notification immediately and SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK BUDDY!!! I hope you're feeling refreshed
@stolenhero6650 Год назад
I think Dark Link is the manifestation of Linke Intrusive thoughts caused by the TriForce of Courage. In Link to the Past, it is stated that the TriForce responds to emotion and desire. The more pure that Desire is, the more physical the Manifestation of it is. So when Dark Link shows up, i think whats truly happening to link is "I cant." "Im too weak." "What if i Fail?" "This is only luck." "what if i just leave?" "What if... I just kill them all?" "I have the firepower of the entire kingdom, the power of the triforce under me. Why cant I be the ruler? Slay Ganondorf, and then when Zelda turns to walk away, take the mastersword and slay her from behind. No knight could stop me, i am the most powerful of all warriors." And in response, the Triforce of coursge responds by giving Link the ultimate test of courage, to see if he is worthy of wielding him, the only thing every hero will fall easily pray to, themselves and the voices in their head that tell them that they can't. After all, He who says he can't, and he who says he can, are both usually right.
@placeholder2586 Год назад
Ghostcharm "We have a very interesting dark link in a link between worlds" Me "Yes time for my boy Ravio!" Ghostcharm "STREETPASS"
@demikus Год назад
It would be a fairly short episode, but an NPCpedia on Ravio would be dope
@karabak8103 Год назад
I like to think of Dark Link as a representation of Link's fears, his laziness, everything that holds us back in life. Link, being the bearer of the triforce of courage, is chosen for that role because he conquers those personal demons and does what needs to be done better than any other. I don't believe in "evil" in the traditional sense. Something that is the "embodiment of evil" never made much sense to me. It would be self-defeating. Destruction for destructions sake. Granted, some villains are just that. Anyway, Dark Link being the "evil" within Link just doesn't track for me. Again, I see it as Link overcoming all of his self-doubt and everything that holds us back in life. All of the things that keep us taking the easy path while Link chooses the hard without question. I also love your theory about previous heroes of time establishing this as some sort of a test to see if the individual is worthy of the triforce of courage. It's a huge responsibility.
@inkaymr4919 Год назад
Aw man, you captured the OoT Dark Link footage on the old and broken Switch Online version. It's so much cooler when you get to see the reflection being gone... At least it's fixed nowadays. Another angle I could see regarding Dark Link in A Link Between Worlds is SPOILER ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPOILER ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ravio, Lorule's Link counterpart, who couldn't overcome his cowardness to try to stop the plan of stealing the Triforce, having to rely on the light world Link to save them. I hope we get to see Dark Link in TotK. Anyway, amazing video and I'm glad you're back!
@BigothyArchibaldBusiness Год назад
I know this isn't actually an OFFICIAL zelda game plug; But if you want an UNDERRATED and OUTSTANDING representation of Dark Link: Give Relics of Hyrule a try. It's a skyrim mod that adds an ENTIRE story to how Skyrim popped up on the Ruins of Hyrule. You should ABSOLUTELY check it out. I feel like the mod deserves a LOT more attention for its representation and cahracterization of the characters and plotpoints brought up in Zelda. I'd honeslty LOVE a short video on the story analyzing it to its fullest extent. Its SO OUTSTANDING and does the Zelda franchise an amazing favor with its writing, story, gameplay, and fanservice.
@Chronicgamer36 Год назад
To me, in my adulthood anyway, I always interpreted Dark/Shadow Link to be the sort of... Inverse of the Triforce of courage. What I mean by that is that, even though it's hard to really tell since he's silent, Link never really falters with his goals, there's never any moment of wavering, nothing. He just goes, and maybe that's symbolic of courage itself. On the reverse of that, Dark/Shadow Link makes you give pause, and is usually a fairly challenging fight (if you're not using any kind of easy strategy, ie: crouch stabbing in Zelda 2), and to me that creates a sort of notion to either the player, or to Link, that this is now too much. "Maybe I should give up." "If this is the hardest thing I've encountered, how will I save Hyrule?", etc. A manifestation of the opposite of courage - fear, anxiety, possibly even cowardice. This is probably largely just a headcanon, but I do find it really interesting to think that the Triforce pieces could also pull at their opposite, or at least give more of a gray scale to them since it feels like courage and wisdom are always represented as good/positive, and power is always evil. There's a lot of room to explore from just a human element of those three pieces, but that's a topic for another time.
@matt.b5984 Год назад
To me dark/shadow link has always been a trail/test, never an enemy, other than 4 swords he doesn't even do anything bad, and half the time he doesn't even attack you unless you attack him, but in links adventure he's the final TEST to see if you're worthy of the triforce piece, in oot it litterally tells you "hey, go conquer yourself " not, this is how you kill this enemy because he's not an enemy. Go see if you're strong enough to last against yourself. In just ab every other game he's a post game, final test of strength. He's only "evil" when being summoned by the maim bady but that's hardly ever and those aren't the real dark link or "shawdow of link", 1 is created because of ganons hatred and the help of a magic item, so its a magical entity and the other is a shadow figure brought from a whole new world that should of just taken on the shape of whos its there to fight. The real shadow of link has always been a test
@karenritter2574 Год назад
The ultimate opponent to defeat will always be yourself. Love what Dark Link represents in the franchise.
@dingus_maximus Год назад
Worth noting is the similarity to Peter Pan’s shadow. Link has a lot of obvious Peter Pan inspiration overall so I think it’s safe to assume that’s where the idea for Dark Link came from.
@The_Dev_175 Год назад
The classic “Fight the evil dark clone of yourself” trope has been done countless of times but god damn do I still love it. And Dark Link/Shadow Link was the start of that love! The idea of needing to conquer someone who is on par with your own skill set and tools( because it’s well, you ) is just really cool to me.
@schnoz2372 Год назад
I guess its one of those times where something became a trope because it was good rather than being good before being troped to death
@pierrelindgren5727 Год назад
The Persona series does this well with the consequences of rejecting the negative aspects of yourself on full display. And the power gained by accepting and understanding them. But I do appreciate the silent antagonist approach taken with Dark Link too. Its a nice break from sometimes overly chatty darker and edgier selves we fight or see.
@Tazerboy_10 Год назад
@sydneyrose6455 Год назад
It kinda makes Link seem more human and realistic to have this evil shadow side. I would probably stop and say some nasty things to myself along such adventures such as why am I the one that has to do all this, where the royal guards and military to at least try to take down Ganon or whoever, it would be so much easier to say fuck it and destroy the whole damn kingdom, and so forth but would have to remind myself possibilities of what happened to the guards, how much work would be involved for me to take care of myself without other people around to harvest and mill grains into flour, and so forth. Sonic the hedgehog is sometimes accused of being insane or neurodivergent in some way because of his usual happy go lucky, I can handle anything, kind of personality.
@Ozzymandius1 Год назад
The real villains are the friends you make along the way.
@GEORGESmith-xb3ll Год назад
@cosmalade Год назад
the Four Swords manga also does a really good job of giving Shadow Link a role and a personality
@lucikens666 9 месяцев назад
Yess 😂. And like how he just wanted a friend.
@OnePolishMoFo Год назад
I don't super understand the notion that Ocarina of Time is the greatest game of all time. I mean, it's good. But it wouldn't make my top ten. My argument is there're games that does things Ocarina of Time does, but better. Even games within it's own series. The game is influential for sure. That is undeniable. I'm just saying there are games that objectively improve upon what Ocarina had done. Exploration, story telling, combat, camera controls, inventory management, graphics, map design. You name it. It's been done better since. So is it nostalgia? I have no doubt that had I played it in it's time I'd have adored it. But I didn't. I played it when I was in my mid 20's years ago and had fun but wasn't particularly impressed. I want to point out that I don't think it's bad. I just don't believe it to be flawless masterpiece. Not a 10 but more of an 8ish. Which still isn't anything to scoff at.
@ProtoMario Год назад
It is accepting what you could be, it isn't beating your darkside because you can never cut your own shadow. Slash the air, kill a Ghost? No way, but instead embrace what you are and you will then be able to accept and overcome your own evil. You are able to understand what you would become.
@holyknightthatpwns Год назад
Definitely lessened the impact of dark link mirroring your actions by having Link use the biggoron sword instead of the master sword for the OoT dark link fight
@oliparkhouse Год назад
I have been away and I have missed these videos. What a grand and intoxicating day it is to be able to dive back into the wonderful world of Ghostcharm
@mightbebobbie Год назад
When you mentioned the untold struggles of Link, it reminded me of what Zelda wrote in her diary in Breath of the Wild, concerning how Link doesn't talk. He chooses not to, because he feels an overbearing weight of responsibilty. He is so stressed about being a hero, he feels the need to appear calm and collected at all times.
@jordongodfrey9640 Год назад
Bro, the fact you are mixing two of my favorite things - psychology/philosophy and video games is so cool - my new favorite channel. Thank you for your work. I literally geeked out when you mentioned Jung and Campbell. 😗
@Yuzeyobe Год назад
Cant tease mass effect without making a villainpedia of the illusive man ;) glad to see you back!
@somedudewhodraws9377 Год назад
Dark Link to me has always been a huge Mystery as to this day we still dont have a clear answer to what he even is. Some say hes Link but if he was Evil instead of Good. But he lives inside each incarnation of the Hero's Bloodline. In a way hes like a curse you cant get rid of. Always inside the Hero's Bloodline and never going away. No matter how many times a Link Beats him he almost always comes back somehow.
@duderino6171 Год назад
I always thought Dark Link should've been the boss of the shadow temple rather than a mini boss in the water temple. Just seemed more appropriate
@mariolemus12 Год назад
In one of the timelines link falls in battle, one mystery is that some people say he fell to Ganondorf, what if in reality link lost to Dark Link? If you think about it that timeline's Link never did find Navi or Saria, Maybe his depression, loneliness and hopelessness of never finding his two best friends just got too much for him and eventually lost to his negative thoughts, loss of motivation and just gave in to lose against Dark Link.
@WishedWash Год назад
Pretty sure Navi never left Link's side until after Ganondorf's defeat, and that's evident by her still giving Link info on enemies before/during the Forest Temple. Still, your point stands about Saria and seeing the land he's trying so hard to save fall to darkness just because he wasn't strong or old enough to use the master sword must have been devastating.
@theonlybilge Год назад
Navi only leaves after the Ganon fight, and you have to finish the Forest Temple before you do the Water Temple.
@shirakutenshi Год назад
Link's Shadow wasn't put there as a trial by some past hero. The Sage you see before and after the fight summons your shadow as your final test before allowing you to claim the Triforce.
@tylerlong5112 Год назад
Good to have you back.
@SwagimirPutin Год назад
I've always seen Dark Link akin to Ichigo's inner Hollow form. Sure, Dark Link was created first, but it's the best comparison I can think of.
@MrSaltyXD Год назад
i didn’t think it was possible to make a 32 minute video on a mini boss that I didn’t think had a big backstory, good job
@snoozysnail1068 Год назад
I can't believe it took the algorithm so long to recc your vids. Been binging them lately. They are everything I love on RU-vid. The deep video game knowledge and research, the humor, the way it feels like a friend is just casually explaining something too you in your computer room, while also being wonderfully insightful. It's kinda attractive.
@Doktario_Mystario Год назад
15:50 Dark Link reminds me alot of Meta Knight hes "not" your enemy but fights you to see if you're strong enough
@16ktsgamma Год назад
Only in some games. Meta Knight did want to take over Dreamland because they were lazy.
@Doktario_Mystario Год назад
@@16ktsgamma yes but even then hes the nicest villain of the Kirby franchise
@mattturner6017 Год назад
Counselor: "Come now, don't be shy. Everyone else said it. Now it's your turn." Link: "..." Counselor: "You can overcome the darkness inside yourself, but you have to face some unpleasant truths first. Do you have the courage to do it?" Link: "My... My name is Link... and I'm an alcoholic." A.A. Group: "Hi, Link!" Link: "I went into a milk bar for the first time as a child..."
@Lemmings19 Год назад
Your content is absolutely excellent! Well done, and keep it up!
@ryanb2823 Год назад
One of the most underrated RU-vidrs right now. Nothing but consistent quality content. Keep it up dude!
@ryanthomason6796 Год назад
There is also Hollow link from Hyrule warriors: age of calamity which is a bit of a weird one though
@Argorok87 Год назад
This makes me think you really need to do a Villainpedia for one of the near-identical rival style villains like Vergil from Devil May Cry, Sam from Metal Gear Rising, etc. Vergil comes to mind first with his whole backstory and arc leading up to a potential redemption but with just as easy a chance to stab everyone in the back in future DMC titles.
@TheLostVenom Год назад
Man, coming across Dark Link in Twilight Princess was absolute nightmare fuel. It went from evening to night in that scene.
@EnteSD Год назад
I’d honestly love to see a video talking about Orenstien and Smough from Dark Souls
@Coel15 Год назад
You truly are the Ghost Host with the Most fascinating content!
@Peasham Год назад
Am I the only one who thinks this dude sounds exactly like NitroRad?
@dudeskeela Год назад
there actually are some examples of flawless heroes written successfully in fiction. the big one that comes to mind is Naussica from Ghibli's Valley of the Wind. despite being the film's protagonist, it is not Naussica who undergoes the Hero's Journey, but the world around her. great video btw! glad i stumbled onto your channel :)
@ronnychristenjoyer6778 Год назад
This shadow link moment in the ocarina of time is genius. The fact it happens during the water temple, the most frustrating of levels. The fact you have to cross from one side to the next, with water underneath acting as a mirror. It's a very abstract moment, but on a subconscious level it's so appropriate given the theme.
@stoheha Год назад
Though the dark characters are a bit on the nose and overdone, I would be all for a mainline Zelda game where Dark Link corrupts the master sword or something and is the main villain (Not counting Zelda 2).
@DyingDarkStar Год назад
I hope dark link makes a big return in tears of the kingdom. They did say its theming is gonna a be dark and gonna be one of the dark Zelda games so it would fit.
@verihimthered2418 Год назад
I'm starting to think link was originally a dark link.
@megaunderflow4076 Год назад
Holy shit! Dude, I'm genuinely hyped as hell, haha. Finally, *someone* gives an in-depth talk a on this character. So glad I subbed to this channel lol
@joshuawest6322 Год назад
Just found your channel last week and was a little worried seeing your last upload was 3 months ago. Glad to seenyoure still going man, keep up the amazing work!
@17nero44 Год назад
Oh fellas, it’s gonna be a good day. Especially when you’re getting back into Zelda.
@NFS0038 Год назад
I havent played Zelda a lot but kinda crazy that dark link was so understated in the games, but holds a big spot in the general community's attention. Contrast that to dark Samus for instance, where the lore is a lot deeper and the character really functions as the main antagonist across three whole games. Dark Samus took all the way up until Smash Ultimate to make an appearance to the wider public outside of 3D Metroid.
@GuilhermeSalieri Год назад
I just love the way you put some extra attention in this videos. Mentioning Joseph Campbell was indeed a good start. Great video again! I'm not a big fan of Zelda, but the analysis is compelling. Edit: You even used Carl Jung. What a complete thesis. (Also, epic creepy arts selected. The "How They Met Themselves" explains a lot of what you want to show us).
@rocklerock495 Год назад
It would be interesting if Nintendo creates a new Zelda series or another Timeline where we play as Link but in his worst, evil version of him while Zelda and his friends are trying to save him. Or have a darker timeline in the Zelda series where the Hero is no longer a hero but IS Demise reincarnated who wins over Hyrule. Then maybe in the next series where dark Link will face his better version of himself.
@user-eb8bi5fb1d Год назад
Glad to see you back ghost! Hope you’re doing well buddy. Your content is fantastic as always, keep it up man! 🤙🏽
@samuelericksen8035 Год назад
You forgot the Spirit Tracks side quest boss fight against a Dark Link
@maxximo2367 Год назад
Spirit track was my first and is also my favorite Zelda game (besides TP) and seeing Dark Link at the end of the arena minigame was so cool! I cant remember how often I fought the arena to duel him again!
@grimmy7937 Год назад
I feel like oot link had the biggest roadblocks mentally and physically as a child, u can tell when he lements as the heros shade in TP his dark link deff held some trauma and pain breh gah daym
@d2arelife Год назад
"Scrappy Bastard" has to be my favorite line in this video
@SnacksLP Год назад
To be fair, the ocarina of time dark link, you could consider that it's also multiple dark links and not just the same dark link changing. Maybe the idea of self-doubt or a darker self can be construed in multiple ways, multiple versions that link could go bad. Each virtue has a vice as its opposite, and a hero has many virtues. As for why it's not a single embodiment of an anti-hero, maybe because vices are incompatible with one another, unlike virtues. Can't be an extreme "destroy everything" if you wanna connive, deceive and steal.
@Gorffage Год назад
so glad you're back Ghostcharm
@JapanFreak2595 Год назад
My favorite Dark Link is the one from Twilight Princess manga. Won’t get into details, but that Dark Link is peak.
@herobrine_1_ Год назад
Did you know in Twilight princess you can summon dark Link by going into the basement of your house and turning off the lantern and stare into mirror. He will appear in Hyrule field
@elizabethmartyn3115 Год назад
Dark Link is the Wario to Link's Mario
@ZebraOnYourNose Год назад
Interesting, now this is one I certainly did not expect in the slightest
@PokePokePoke Год назад
Been waiting for this
@Woefuleternal Год назад
That crepuscular glare of wisdom😌 great video as always!
@camilo9192 Год назад
Great to see you back. With another banger as well.
@SLDNW101 Год назад
Funny part about Dark Link in Oot is if you don't Z-target him and spam your Biggoron Sword he'll go down in less than a minute.
@faceme7214 Год назад
Smiling at my own mirror is terryfing enough
@-NGC-6302- Год назад
Shoutout to that time Yoda had to defeat the shadow link version of himself
@xtcverse4370 Год назад
Wake up babe, the new ghostcharm just dropped
@dragonbane001 Год назад
Dark link, dark mirror, evil sorcerery, and the one that ties it together is twilight princess. Seems to be the twilight realm is very important more than what is showcased. It's always been present in every game due to Dark Link's appearances.
@gpmegaman Год назад
I've always interpreted dark link as something expelled from link. He has some small personality, but he is mostly mute and completely beholden to his journey and blindly follows orders based on what he perceives as good. I always liked to think that dark link was something the triforce of the courage forced out of him, Ganon has power, Zelda has magic, but link is incapable of feeling fear, and in a way he is less human as a result. I think dark link is his passion, fear, and frustration manifested after being forcibly expelled from link after he was selected by the three gods.
@emotea9485 Год назад
I always thought it was the evil that was repelled from link by the master sword
@theonlybilge Год назад
Courage isn't the absence of fear, but persevering despite it or confronting it. A courageous person is not someone without fear, it is someone who overcomes their fear.
@TehOriginalApple Год назад
Great video as always, would love to see one on Shodan!
@austinsavage5962 Год назад
Glad your back man i love this channels content
@wyattdetherow6853 Год назад
Looks like I got something to watch after I get off work
@biggy9619 Год назад
I love your videos! always a must click when I see you upload :)
@fmsyntheses Год назад
The Legend of Zelda games are like transcriptions of the hero's journey, so it isn't particularly surprising that they would include textbook dark reflections of the protagonist to face up against.
@Korobooshii Год назад
I'm curious as to wether people calling Zelda 2 "insanely difficult" have enen played the game, or if they just listen to what everyone else says. Because it really isn't that hard. Unlike Zelda 1, it's even easily beatable without a guide. Yeah it's not easy, but absolutely totally fair at least most of the time, and really not at all as hard as everyone says. Takes some practice, is all.
@spencerthompson Год назад
I love these videos. Always great 👍
@temporalCaster Год назад
I definitely need an NPCpedia on Sheogorath, and maybe some of the other more interesting Daedra
@isaacfoster1377 Год назад
All these intros you've been doing is a nice touch and you hit a really good level on sound effects/music to voice ratio. I could understand and hear everything on low volume, You did a great job as always.
@TheWildHart Год назад
Awesome video as always. I really dig your sense of humour. Could you please consider doing a Villainpedia on the Umbrella Corporation?
@lightdarksoul2097 Год назад
That would be quite the video, the whole corporation extends across many stories.
@sodajesus8128 Год назад
Hmm each time I see Dark Link in one of the games, I imagine since Demise is sealed in the Master Sword that is Dark Link is Demise trying to break the seal by going through the Hero to kill him and finally have it where the Seal breaks. Who knows it could just be the darkness within the Master Sword spilling out or perhaps it is just something else like just a cool design.
@Accursed_Bone_Collective Год назад
I'd love to see a video on Karate Joe.
@christophermiller129 Год назад
I am honestly surprised that there isn't a spinoff game where you play as Ganon/Ganondorf and experience his journey/curse.
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