
Visit of Pope Francis to Romanian Orthodox People's Salvation Cathedral, Bucharest 31 May 2019 HD 

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Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Romania.
Visit of Pope Francis to the recently consecrated, and as yet unfinished Romanian Orthodox People's Salvation Cathedral, Bucharest, Romania.



30 май 2019




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@whiteshadow761 3 года назад
Byzantine psaltic music from the Orthodox Church is unique, extraordinary! It feels like it comes from ancient times! It is very deep and beautiful! I am glad that it has been kept unchanged for centuries! It must remain so in the future!
@Mauvalys 2 года назад
Glad you like it ♥️
@justmiky302 2 года назад
Move in Romania if you like to be part of it,is space for everyone 😂😂😂
@justmiky302 2 года назад
If you go there you will be level 2:))))
@whiteshadow761 2 года назад
@@justmiky302 I don't have to move to Romania because I was born and live in Romania and if you read carefully you will see that I am talking about Byzantine psaltic music from the Orthodox Church and I am not curious about "space" or level 2, 3, 4 , 5 .. or whatever
@alexandrosmiki Год назад
Yes is amazing , also gregorian music is beautiful
@nibinmohan8896 5 лет назад
Blessed Moments... Greetings from Indian Orthodox Church..
@wizardscrollstudio 3 года назад
Malankara? Greetings from Romanian Orthodox Church!
@thebobojambo 2 года назад
Nice to hear that indian people are Christians to
@loathecraft 2 года назад
@@thebobojambo just a very small minority most indians are hindu or musulmin
@armandohajos9655 2 года назад
Matei 10:32-39 Isaia 55 si 56 ! porunca a 4a este tinetei sabatele mele, sabatul este sambata, duminica a fost impusa ca zi de inchinare de imparatul constantin un imparat pagan care a unit crestinismul cu paganitatea, sunday ziua soarelui, duminica era prima zi a saptamani, vaticanul admite ca catolicismul a schimbat ziua inchinari, argumentand ca are aceasta autoritate deoarece papa este dumnezeu pe pamant(cea mai mare blasfemie) asta va fi semnul final, papa deja sa dus la toti lideri politici si religiosi,plus cei mai bogati 1 la suta din lume, illuminati , luciferieni clasa A a, sub pretextul schimbarilor climatice, sambata va fi 666 in curand , nunul dumnezeu si duhul sfant sa va lumineze si sa va pazeasca!ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7dPUOQCgKC4.html Armando Hajos Armando Hajos acum 3 luni (editat) si porunca 1a si a2 a sunt macelarite de catere religi, 1 sa nu ai alti dumnezei, doi sa nu iti faci chip cioplit e full...(papa, arsenie boca,moaste,icoane,sfinti,etc). prin pe la finele anilor 1800 o femeie numita Ellen G White, avea doar sase clase, dar dumnezeu a lucrat puternic prin ea sa descopere adevarurile uitate ale bibliei pentru ultimul secol, la fel ca si prin Martin Luther care era catolic devotat , dar a fost luminat de duhul sfant si a adus o mare lucrare de reforma! puteti gasi carti de ellen white si multi alti , vil recomand pe lucian cristescu, pe EVS.ro editura viata si sanatatea! domnul sa va lumineze si sa fie cu dvs si familia dumneavoastra!
@mariusconstantinhandrea4741 6 месяцев назад
God bless you, my brother!❤❤❤
@europen1002 4 года назад
Proud to be raced into orthodox ☦ family . Orthodox till ill die. Long live orthodox religion! 💘
@arinaa195 4 года назад
Then why is your profile picture that finger..
@mikamika752 3 года назад
manos tzortzoulakis you are so wrong. Orthodox is the only christian way of living. All the rest are erezie, anathema.
@mikamika752 3 года назад
manos tzortzoulakis Someone erased my comments. You a a monster who' s spreading lies. You get no services to your catholic bunch.
@mikamika752 3 года назад
Manos, you erased my comment three times by now, like a real catholic. You should change your CREDO like this: I believe in lies, crimes and Pope. To avoid to my message to be erased against, I got another link to bend it . A Father told us a story about this ecumenism big LOVE promoter . The big, bad wolf get old so he wasn't albe to hunt anymore. Very soon, he spread in the forestier the grevate spirit of LOVE and harmony, promoting peace and suport beteeen animals. Full of willing he embraced the fox, the rabbit, and so on. Soon his place was full of bones. This is the brotherhoot promoted by Pope.
@mikamika752 3 года назад
manos tzortzoulakis orthodoxy is only one! The true church as it was lefted to us by Iisus Hristos him selves and the Sf Apostoles. That comment of yours may create the impression that it exist some other orthodoxy. It doesn't exist ! Orthodoxy is the true church.
@masterC5828 2 года назад
Thanks for posting this...rare occasion...such a gigantic church ..Glory be to GOD
@armandohajos9655 2 года назад
Matei 10:32-39 Isaia 55 si 56 ! porunca a 4a este tinetei sabatele mele, sabatul este sambata, duminica a fost impusa ca zi de inchinare de imparatul constantin un imparat pagan care a unit crestinismul cu paganitatea, sunday ziua soarelui, duminica era prima zi a saptamani, vaticanul admite ca catolicismul a schimbat ziua inchinari, argumentand ca are aceasta autoritate deoarece papa este dumnezeu pe pamant(cea mai mare blasfemie) asta va fi semnul final, papa deja sa dus la toti lideri politici si religiosi,plus cei mai bogati 1 la suta din lume, illuminati , luciferieni clasa A a, sub pretextul schimbarilor climatice, sambata va fi 666 in curand , nunul dumnezeu si duhul sfant sa va lumineze si sa va pazeasca!ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7dPUOQCgKC4.html Armando Hajos Armando Hajos acum 3 luni (editat) si porunca 1a si a2 a sunt macelarite de catere religi, 1 sa nu ai alti dumnezei, doi sa nu iti faci chip cioplit e full...(papa, arsenie boca,moaste,icoane,sfinti,etc). prin pe la finele anilor 1800 o femeie numita Ellen G White, avea doar sase clase, dar dumnezeu a lucrat puternic prin ea sa descopere adevarurile uitate ale bibliei pentru ultimul secol, la fel ca si prin Martin Luther care era catolic devotat , dar a fost luminat de duhul sfant si a adus o mare lucrare de reforma! puteti gasi carti de ellen white si multi alti , vil recomand pe lucian cristescu, pe EVS.ro editura viata si sanatatea! domnul sa va lumineze si sa fie cu dvs si familia dumneavoastra!
@worldsbestmemes5982 Год назад
the biggest in the world my friend
@Original-croatianknight 3 месяца назад
​@@worldsbestmemes5982no that one is in Serbia
@addidutzu 2 года назад
Romania … the only latin orthodox Church
@user-ys6gk3cv6e 9 месяцев назад
Not the only
@canarino3075 3 месяца назад
There are also "Latin" Orthodox in Mexico, Guatemala, and South America. Actually, Romanian Orthodoxy has been strongly influenced by Old Slavonic 🕯
@stefanodobleja6923 2 года назад
Orthodox Liturgy is trully something and you have the chance to hear it in a language very close to Spanish and all the other Romance languages,this is our role as a nation to spread Holy Orthodoxy in the Latin realms,better to be under the True Churche's love and mercy than be replaced by muslims,let's be serious!
@armandohajos9655 2 года назад
Matei 10:32-39 Isaia 55 si 56 ! porunca a 4a este tinetei sabatele mele, sabatul este sambata, duminica a fost impusa ca zi de inchinare de imparatul constantin un imparat pagan care a unit crestinismul cu paganitatea, sunday ziua soarelui, duminica era prima zi a saptamani, vaticanul admite ca catolicismul a schimbat ziua inchinari, argumentand ca are aceasta autoritate deoarece papa este dumnezeu pe pamant(cea mai mare blasfemie) asta va fi semnul final, papa deja sa dus la toti lideri politici si religiosi,plus cei mai bogati 1 la suta din lume, illuminati , luciferieni clasa A a, sub pretextul schimbarilor climatice, sambata va fi 666 in curand , nunul dumnezeu si duhul sfant sa va lumineze si sa va pazeasca!ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7dPUOQCgKC4.html Armando Hajos Armando Hajos acum 3 luni (editat) si porunca 1a si a2 a sunt macelarite de catere religi, 1 sa nu ai alti dumnezei, doi sa nu iti faci chip cioplit e full...(papa, arsenie boca,moaste,icoane,sfinti,etc). prin pe la finele anilor 1800 o femeie numita Ellen G White, avea doar sase clase, dar dumnezeu a lucrat puternic prin ea sa descopere adevarurile uitate ale bibliei pentru ultimul secol, la fel ca si prin Martin Luther care era catolic devotat , dar a fost luminat de duhul sfant si a adus o mare lucrare de reforma! puteti gasi carti de ellen white si multi alti , vil recomand pe lucian cristescu, pe EVS.ro editura viata si sanatatea! domnul sa va lumineze si sa fie cu dvs si familia dumneavoastra!
@nd5248 2 года назад
Don t hate them they are decieved but love them as your neighbours as you love yourself and even more he said love your enemies You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. 40If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. 41And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. 42Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away. Love Your Enemies 43“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44[o]But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47And if you greet your [p]brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the [q]tax collectors do so? 48Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. Unfortunetly Muslims are told by the begining of theier childhood not to ask or arise questions about the Quran and we should pray that they will turn to Jesus cause he is the truth the only way and the light A good book evreyone should read is the desception of Allah but we have to pray for evreyone in this world that Jesus would show them the truth path even if they must losing evrething especially Muslims that convert are always on alert cause they can be killed if some Muslims find out they leave islam and also they loose theier famillies if they do cause is a rule you cannot take as friends non believers means this ones that doesn t accept islam even your familly cannot take as friends as a Muslim if they don t follow the”true religion” But as Christians we should love evreyone as God so much loved us He sent his only begotten Son so we can be saved 16For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. 18“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. 21But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” We don t have to argue with them but share the Gospel not to shove it or prove something guided by hate but we share it because of love even Jesus when He was crucified and was beaten He said Forgive them Father cause they don t know what are doing This is a true love when you don t have to but sacrify yourself for the whole world and this was the price He paid for our sins and was resurrected the third day as Scriputures said .He is simply amazing what He did and what He will gonna do but this time Jesus will come as a Judge not as a Good Shepered We should pray for evreyone to repent of theier sins and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour until it will not be too late to do so As well we should love all the people regardless ,help people without expecting something in return ,pray that God will open theier hearts and eyes for the truth path We shouldn t be angry ,hate or humilate people epecially people when we see them begging in the street cause we don t know theier storry and helping others in need is how we help ourselves
@alejandrosotomartin9720 3 года назад
Romanian sounds even closer to Latin than French or Portuguese. I would say that is the closest to Latin after Italian.
@alejandrosotomartin9720 3 года назад
@Hudson Brown Clear.
@alejandrosotomartin9720 3 года назад
@@ROMANABSOLUT So hard statement about Hungarians.
@ROMANABSOLUT 3 года назад
@Alejandro soto martin - it is closer to Latin and the reason is because we have been encircled by the Slavic migrants (Yugoslavs and Bulgarians) and the Mongolian Hungarian nomads. In this way, we preserved the Latin much easier, away from the influence of the Western Latin countries.
@ROMANABSOLUT 3 года назад
@@alejandrosotomartin9720 - why ? this is the historic truth. I can give 2 quotations made by 2 Hungarian writers on the matter.
@alejandrosotomartin9720 3 года назад
@@ROMANABSOLUT So cruel. I can see that the border problem between Hungary and Romania it's not still solved. Trianon treaty. I like both countries and you also take some part of Hungary also. Look at Bartok's birthplace, at that time was called Nagyszentmiklós and today Sannicolau Mare. Both parts lost territories and population. So sad. I like both and they are more related to the Finno Hungric Russian branch that to the Mongol one.
Why i feel Romania and Greece is the same?... Romania...rome... Byzantium....konstantinople....rumeli....romania
@chriscruciat2469 Год назад
Because we share common ancestors: Thracians
@timfronimos459 2 года назад
Absolutely beautiful!! I had an Irish Catholic mother and a GreekOrthodox father. Someday soon, under God's Divine Providence, this will be the norm.
@vladodobleja748 11 месяцев назад
The Orthodox hymns have a certain power to them!
@vladodobleja748 3 года назад
Orthodox hymns sound way better than Catholic ones!
@violetatode5025 Год назад
@chriscruciat2469 Год назад
The construction is not finished yet. The exterior cladding will be white it will look amazing. Also you can see that the interior was unfinished in this video
@IWasBornAFreeGreek Год назад
Catholic Sat what do you mean with Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Romania???? Apostolic???? what, we are savages waiting to be christianized??? we should make apostolic visits to bring you back to the path of true faith
@pumfeethermodynamics3286 4 года назад
@HENN3H 4 года назад
No idea how this video popped up, thoroughly enjoyed the male choir's singing though!
@renatopereira4668 3 года назад
Oorthodox chanting, so no wonder you like it !
@sergiuamati3422 2 года назад
please send me help i am in a very bad moment of my life, pray for me. i don t know what to do.... something very bad happens to me. thank you
@agungprasetyo5466 2 года назад
may God help you 🙏🏻
@thebobojambo 2 года назад
The cour in the cathedral is outstanding
@djmanne6021 Год назад
Hello Barder am karichn and my name is sulman. I love is god 🙏 .romania is good cantri.
@djmanne6021 Год назад
Lian to me
@LeviGabriel-mb9ot 6 месяцев назад
Hallo Barder (Brother)😂😂
@alejandrosotomartin9720 3 года назад
The natural vocation of Romanians are the Latin countries they belong to. That´s why there are more than 2 million romanians living in Spain and Italy but not in Germanic or Slavic countries.
@mikamika752 3 года назад
Alejandro soto martin the romanians ancesters named daci people, had got the christianity from the Șt Apostole Andrei. We are an apostolic Church so, our faith have nothinh to do with another bunch of countries. Our roman legacy is about the latin language and about the earlyer christianity. Dacia was at the border of Roman Empire so many chistians Tried to find here a good place to live away from persecutions. We have nothinh to do with catholicism nor Pope.
@alejandrosotomartin9720 3 года назад
@@mikamika752 Did i said anything about the Pope?
@mikamika752 3 года назад
Alejandro soto martin thank you for your nice words. I wish so much to see Romanians back home but they will not come. They are longing there, we miss them here.
@av4840 6 месяцев назад
True 👍🏻
@ZZZELCH Год назад
Hopefully one day; we may become one again in the body of Christ. Much will need to be attended to on all sides. But the Church must breathe with both lungs and all five patriarchs again.
@voievod9260 Год назад
Rome doesn't want to become equal to the other Churches. So it won't happen
@ZZZELCH Год назад
@@voievod9260 I believe that is an accurate statement. There’s no path forward (in my opinion) without the nullification of both Vatican Councils of the West. That itself; opens all doors.
@evagorgonio3737 8 месяцев назад
Praise the Lord 🙏🙏🙏
@evagorgonio3737 8 месяцев назад
Bless with us arround the world Santo Papa John's Paul
@gigiboxa 3 года назад
love how pope came inside a dacia car jajaja verry original
@mikamika752 3 года назад
gigiboxa Pope likes to prezent himselves as a humble person as people can' t see his real nature, lier, greed and sly.
@SebiJupanu 3 года назад
it's because Dacia is a Romanian car
@Catalin207 3 года назад
@@mikamika752yeah and the huge security around. Cmon lets stop this manipulation :D
@Catalin207 3 года назад
@Diego Alvarez who lied u ? Him ?
@viniciuspaiva3578 2 года назад
Pope Francis should reunify the Christian church right now!!! 😍
@Jim-bh7gs 2 года назад
Please let him know how ASAP.
@acmusic9974 2 года назад
Mate. If you will read the Bible, you will realize who he actually is...
@ryanl5817 10 месяцев назад
Declare ex cathedra that all the doctrines of the Eastern Orthodox church are true and all their canonizations are valid. Of course, if the Catholics are right, the Holy Spirit will not permit this to happen.
@evagorgonio3737 8 месяцев назад
@LHMOM.8610 3 года назад
When the meeting ended, the Pope leaned into the Romanian bishop and said, "Would you tell me more about this Jesus?"
@icommitedwarcrimes4879 3 года назад
@Nini-144 6 месяцев назад
:))) It is the Romanian Patriarch, not Bishop.
@George_1Cross 3 месяца назад
@evagorgonio3737 8 месяцев назад
Ameen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@thetimeofyourlife8517 3 года назад
36:00 El papa Francisco reza al Padre Nuestro en Latín..Pope Francis prays The Lord's Prayer (the Our Father) in Latin Papa Francisc se roagă Tatălui nostru în latină
@ciprianmoisa1818 3 года назад
OARE PApistasii știu muzică Bizantină?
@gabrielwieder3549 2 года назад
Fiecare rit are musica si frumusetea lui, nu exista doar un rit in Biserica. Spor la educatie!
@IWasBornAFreeGreek Год назад
@@gabrielwieder3549 corect/ fiecare rit are stilul ei / noi intrebam de cultul romano-catolic
@cristinac196 3 года назад
I am Orthodox, but I really like Pope Francis (I like our Patriarch Daniel as well). It baffles me when I hear people accusing the Pope of being left leaning. I mean ... Jesus was born in a stable, He gave up al human possessions, as did His apostles, He always preached about humbleness, love, generosity, he spoke against greed ... does it ring a bell ? :)) OF COURSE a Christian leader will sound kind of left leaning! Those who don't sort of miss the mark. I hate communism, but there is a difference between a religion that says you SHOULD do certain things, and a political system that uses coercion and violence to impose it's will.
@v.emiltheii-nd.8094 3 года назад
Then what is your stance on the Pope being for homosexual marriages.
@cristinac196 3 года назад
@@v.emiltheii-nd.8094 I am for homosexual marriages, the Pope IS NOT, and I understand, though I don't fully agree. Even in March this year he stated that the Catholic Church should not bless same sex marriages. Even though I have somewhat different opinions, I don't think the Orthodox Church or the Catholic Church should change their views due to some kind of public pressure, I would rather they don't change at all, even if I disagree with both on some issues. The Church is about learning to please God, not pleasing social whims. So if I'm wrong with my support, it's only my mistake, but if the Church would be wrong and misled people, it would be horrible.
@voievod9260 2 года назад
You have been mislead. The papacy is an heretical institution. Pope Francis is corrupt and he is in favour of disgusting practices such as sodomy
@cristinac196 2 года назад
@@voievod9260 He's not supporting homosexuality - I don't know why you would say that. He spoke against ordaining gay clergy and blessing gay marriages. I don't know of any actual corruption charge. I'm not saying he must be innocent, just that it's unfair to declare that someone must be corrupt just because he must be. I mean, he is suspecting of doing what exactly ? Giving money to his family ?
@daniellevy1703 2 года назад
@@cristinac196 When Christ came, was he not equally hated by both the left-leaning Saducees, and the right leaning Pharisees and Zealots. The Gospel is a double edged sword, compelling us to leave our false idols behind. There is neither left, nor right, for both err, the truth lies only within the bounds of the Word of God.
@michaelciccone2194 3 года назад
Who are the guys in the black suits?
@michaelciccone2194 3 года назад
Goodbye...nice cars indeed!
@morganpinto555 3 года назад
I think at 8:05 minutes is a little funny, why all the Pope's security has to run to the Pope's carriage. I don't think there's any need to run around like someone intends to attack the Holy Father. Btw God bless us all because even though we have different religions, only He we worship is Jesus Christ. 🙏
@sosososo-rg9qz 2 года назад
@davidpopa1852 3 года назад
13:45 this
@IWasBornAFreeGreek Год назад
momentul cand francisc a incetat sa mai zambeasca
@emilkarpo 4 года назад
The Pope rode in a Logan?
@randomdapa 4 года назад
Yes ..he wanted that way...He wanted to stay humble..the car was later donated to a charity organisation in Romania.
@Catalin207 4 года назад
@@randomdapa to stand very humble but with maximum security. very funny. like this was also Paul ahaha
@randomdapa 4 года назад
@@Catalin207 Even if he didn't want security,the romanian authoritys wouldn't accept not to give him maximum safety.It is a safety protocol that even The Pope could not decide about.The ,,car move,, was a small gesture..not much more he could have done.
@Catalin207 4 года назад
@@randomdapa he is pope but also the president of Vatican State. not tell me that the apostles would have done the same. the apostles are those who are among men and do not shun the persecutions of unbelievers and the "enemies" of God.Unfortunately, these Christians, who broke away from traditional / original Christianity, turned more to politics than to God and spirituality.can ride today and on horseback not only in Dacia Logan,if they lost the way of orthodox life and spirituality they have nothing only politics and material things.
@mikamika752 3 года назад
M Droid I saw the Romanian Patriarh walking in the street in Bucharest anong another bishops. Why was Pope scared about? He knew that romanians do NOT want him in România?
@ciprianmoisa1818 3 года назад
IMII place ce zice Marele Proroc Isaia în 6.9 Cu ochii citiți dar nu vedeti
@apollon6870 3 года назад
do they accept each other as 2 parts of the same church?
@MariusG147 3 года назад
@voievod9260 2 года назад
@carmentoma9357 5 месяцев назад
@mariusbalaceanu908 Месяц назад
Niciodată. Există o singură credință și biserică adevărată, cea a Mântuitorului Iisus Cristos. Credința ortodoxă si Biserica ortodoxă .
@marcelcostache2504 4 года назад
Ma chestionez cata Romana intelege Papa avand in vedere ca stie Latina, Spaniola si Italiana fluent, probabil mai mult de jumatete.
@dianapan6447 4 года назад
A zis bine Hristos a inviat ca un roman
@mikamika752 3 года назад
Marcel Costache sper ca a înțeles suficient atunci când i s-a strigat "cara-te acasă !"
@evagorgonio3737 8 месяцев назад
In Jesus name amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@B1_Bis 3 года назад
14:01 music
@gabriel155ify 3 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ju93Q2fTMG4.html orthodox chant (Ingerul a strigat )
@flyeverest2627 2 месяца назад
Poate fi o simplă vizită în România a unui papă o vânzare a ortodoxiei? Cugetați...
@B1_Bis 3 года назад
@voievod9260 2 года назад
Moarte uniunii sataniste europene. MOARTE EU !
@fabiandanesti1497 2 года назад
@@voievod9260 dar ce ai cu satana? Dece al uresti
@fabiandanesti1497 2 года назад
@@voievod9260 ce o facut saracu
@michaelciccone2194 3 года назад
Ok now...enough of the traffic!
@andrewharvest2528 2 года назад
Very sad day
@jessielazaula4318 3 года назад
Hinde aksayado sa perA.... tamang gamit
@cosminblk8359 3 года назад
22:58 Ioan Aurel Pop
@familyheadding4845 Год назад
God Bless our beloved Pope Francis ❤
@PavloLashkevych2009 3 года назад
13:49 min.
@PavloLashkevych2009 3 года назад
43:44 min
@michaelciccone2194 3 года назад
More cars!
@EmilianoZapata1952 5 лет назад
cred ca e mica
@BramowitchIII 3 года назад
The community of Christ is one between people and made of love, not of brick and mortar. The devil laughs at decadence and lavishness at the cost of the poor.
@mateoenero4954 3 года назад
Are you implying the temple that was erected to worship Christ was a bad idea? Communism has destroyed many cathedrals and turned monasteries into barn yards and circus tents. The building of such great houses of worship is not the express decadence. But to solidify Christ church after the fall of communism and the coming of new age beliefs. And chanting that Christ church here to stay no matter what comes our way during these trialing times.
@BramowitchIII 3 года назад
@@mateoenero4954 Since when is it the role of the state to solidify any church? Ever heard of Laicite? If you read the bible carefully you will notice that Jesus did not require large cathedrals from his followers. That is a human creation invented to keep institutions alive which have long since strayed apart from spreading love and mercy. How about you focus a bit more on the poor Romanians living in poverty because of government corruption, enriching themselves and making poor choices. Poor choices as in: put money in bricks and mortar instead of future oriented investments.
@BramowitchIII 3 года назад
@@mateoenero4954 Vanity, vanity of vanities, all is vanity
@freakshow1659 2 месяца назад
@raduviorel2259 6 месяцев назад
Ceausescu 2
@rogerwilco4397 2 года назад
At 1:02:11 we clearly see Ceausecu's monsterous palace with the still incomplete cathedral in the foreground. Is it wise to spend funds on these gigantic projects when money could've gone to schools, roads and hospitals?
@brimstonevalar6053 Год назад
is not Ceausescu palace, it belongs to the romanian people
@chriscruciat2469 Год назад
Yes it is wise.
@vladodobleja748 11 месяцев назад
Yes it wise you heretic non-believer!
@carmentoma9357 5 месяцев назад
Yes, it's wise.
@martaserrat 2 года назад
Papa herético
@joelmoore169gmail 2 года назад
Hello Maria
@yonutdulcele5184 2 года назад
El este un preot fals
@ahcokris 5 лет назад
Why does bergoglio allways look like a badly prepared actor who forgot his lines? He lookes bored at any of his public duties. Did he think that papacy afforded rest and privacy?
@alinpetrus356 5 лет назад
He's almost 83 years old, and the trip to Romania was very tiring (3 days). But at some moment he started to look very alive and happy!
@ahcokris 5 лет назад
@@alinpetrus356 maybe the poor sap should abdicate if he can't cope with spewing liberal shit? I just asked why he hates his vocation, I don't care less if he gets "tired" by the awesome office he is usurping. He should be tired by it. He's trying to fill sone extremly big shoes. Shoes he has no idea how to fill.
@SaintCharbelMiracleworker 5 лет назад
@@ahcokris Wow you are nasty piece of work.
@ahcokris 5 лет назад
@@SaintCharbelMiracleworker compliments won't get you anywhere darling.
@SaintCharbelMiracleworker 5 лет назад
@@ahcokris You need to take a long hard look at yourself and ask yourself why are you are hating on the Pope. Deal with your "daddy issues", lack of self esteem and lack of faith/charity. Ask yourself why you are projecting your own inadequacies and insecurities onto someone else.
@mda990 4 года назад
Bulgaria must build bigger one!
@dianapan6447 4 года назад
bigger what?
@arinaa195 4 года назад
The size is not that important..
@mda990 4 года назад
@Strainul Misterios bucharest has need a symbol other than that communist palace and an orthodox church is good choice for that.
@mikamika752 3 года назад
Strainul Misterios înainte de a-ți împrăștia marotele imbecile, ai măcar decenta se adimiti ca nu toți romanii sunt sectari, atei sau sataniști. Bucura-te acum de spitale, ca ai nenumărate, iar de scoli si de drumuri nu mai e nevoie. Ți-au împlinit sectarii voia!
@mikamika752 3 года назад
Fabian I do not understand what's your meaning .
@nomad8166 3 года назад
The way they were responding to the Popes was insane, it looked so similar to how the people in Germany would respond with "Heil" to Hitler saying "Sieg".
@Mayamariamay 2 года назад
That response was "Christ has risen". Its the Good news, not a sig heil.... Pfff
@eldruidacosmico 3 года назад
The leader of the ecumenist movement visits a true catholic church. Too bad there are true catholics who have been betrayed by the bishop of Rome.
@sones1386 2 года назад
True Piter successor nomed by Jesus since 2000 years. Unissons nous, chrétiens, en vrai cœur de prière.
@IWasBornAFreeGreek Год назад
@@sones1386 who in the avatar picture wrote the comment???
@TheSerbification 26 дней назад
LoL, pope trying to be relevant in at majority orthodox country. Did he invite himself 😂
@ionutbalau1342 Год назад
Ce căuta ereticul.papa la noi in Rominia !Cine l a chemat BOR ul?De cînd se fac liturghii cu catolicii eretici și îi primim că pe însuși"împăratul !Ereticul papa ne învață pe noi rominii credința ortodoxă propovăduită de însuși Sf Andrei cel dinții chemat?Sa plece de unde a venit și să facă propaganda toleranței alt lgbt și alte drăcovenii la bisericile catolice😡😠
@albertoflorin475 4 года назад
@constantinroman6145 3 года назад
Să mori tu că ai dreptate! 😂
@stefanpintican 3 года назад
Afara cu Papa!!!
@gabrielwieder3549 2 года назад
Iesi tu si fa-ti un dus al constiintei
Porti nume mare, și sfant!!! Cinsteste acest nume, fiind bun si omenos.
@wethepeople7629 4 года назад
So Satan from Vatican came to visit his little minions.
@Catalin207 4 года назад
Church of God is not minions ;)
@Conan2403 4 года назад
You have no right to say such crap
@atlinc.s6525 3 года назад
why do you care.he has a flock in romania, it is his duty as their spiritual father to visit them .
@mikamika752 3 года назад
Atlin C.S this Pope visit his spiritual sons , very few after all, but he forced the ortodox Church to let catholics to pray into an orthodox cathedral.Very catholics way to put his holdy path on orthodoxy. God protected us from this eretic.
@albertaowusu3536 3 года назад
That is why they ended up with 16 national dying churches and popes. Jesus established His church in Rome on St Peter and the gates of 😈🔥🔥🔥hell will never prevail against it. Wake up!!!💒💒💒✝️✝️✝️✝️
@lenutapasca4901 3 года назад
O mare rușine ptr.romania vizita satanistului. 🐲
@v.emiltheii-nd.8094 3 года назад
Si la tine cretinismul.
@Catalin207 3 года назад
uite unde erau sfintii nostri, pe youtube in sectiunea comentarii :))
@davidutcosty605 2 года назад
@@v.emiltheii-nd.8094 Ortodoxia singura credinta adevarata si curata,in rest mizerii secte slujitori ai satanei cum este papa
@Quicky3 2 года назад
o zic Sfintii Parinti. Catolicii sunt eretici. Cea mai mare jignire! Nu o zicem noi nevrednicii. O zic Sfintii. Sunteti impotriva lor cand va luati de noi, cei anti ecumenisti, nu ne atacati pe noi, bucăți de pamant, ci pe Dumnezeu Cel Adevarat, Cel ce Si-a ales prietenii pe cei mai vrednici. In Dumnezeu dati. Vai.. iarta-ne Doamne ca viclean este vrasmasul neamului omenesc.
@davidutcosty605 2 года назад
@@Quicky3 papa este satana sau antihristul prin acest nenorocit va veni ecumenismul religia mondiala satanica care se va inchina satanei,si din pacate o spun ca si Daniel este tot un eretic pt ca cei mari se intalnesc pe sub ascuns pt aceasta religie satanica mondiala..vin timpuri in care nu vom mai gasi preoti vrednici pt ca aproape toti vor cadea si odata cu ei si oamenii..
@adrianceasar5620 3 года назад
cel mai mare monument al prostiei si hotie... 0 scoli 0 spitale 0 autostrazi 0 cai ferate dar avem turnuri si clopote
@Catalin207 3 года назад
asa , si ? trebuia sa iti construiasca Biserica spitale si autostrazi ? ca nu inteleg :))Iisus nu a venit pe pamant sa iti creasca tie PIB-ul si nivelul de trai, fiecare cu treaba lui. Pentru frustrari si nereguli adreseaza-te guvernului !
@adrianceasar5620 3 года назад
@@Catalin207sigur dar nu pe taxele mele si pe munca mea ce zici? Nu am fost intrebat daca sunt deacord ce sa se faca cu banii mei.Poate cred in meduze si vreau sa fac alt tip de casa
@Catalin207 3 года назад
@@adrianceasar5620 sa imi dai adresa sa iti trimit 20 de lei cat ai contribuit tu la constructia catedralei mantuirii neamului...e mult 20 de lei dar hai ca dau si de la mine :D
@adrianceasar5620 3 года назад
@@Catalin207 cum ai ajuns la suma asta? Ai sunat popa ? :) Mai e o biserica facuta si la Bacau tot asa mare si frumoasa si scolile au wc-urile in gradina. O minunatie de educatie si viitor
@Catalin207 3 года назад
@@adrianceasar5620 pai ești genul ala de oameni care urla la politie ca sunt suntbplatiti din bani publici :)) cam cu cati bani asa...crezi tu ca ai contribuit ?asa informativ :)) sau câte caramizi crezi ca ai pus tu din banii tai ? Foarte frumos , sunt 2 institutii...una cu oameni capabili sa investească la timp și cu folos ,iar alta care care face parte dintr-un minister a cărui personal este incapabil și iresponsabil.Cu siguranță dacă Biserica s-ar fi ocupat și de autostrăzi, azi eram o mica germanie stai linistit :)) Apropo...în autostrăzi de ce nu finantezi? La construcția stadioanelor te-a intrebat dacă vrei sa dai ceva ?sau pt ele e ok sa dai fără sa fii întrebat 😂 da ....pentru metroul din Cluj...oare cetățenii europeni sunt de acord sa dea ? Ca fondurile alea ,,europene" tot din banii lor sunt :))
@dionf3858 2 года назад
The pope looks disinterested and miserable…lol…the money for this should have gone to public infrastructure
@Anpi-xx6my 2 года назад
Pur Pope already ha già own St. Peter's Church. What can he give a damb about, of orthodox church😄??
@IWasBornAFreeGreek Год назад
when he entered he was struck by the divine singing
@fetitadraguta2444 10 месяцев назад
Da ce păzit este că Domnul Nostru Iisus Cristos era simplu fără gărzi de corp ! Un Om iubit nu are nevoie de pază ! De ce este păzit Papa dacă este iubit ?
@ionutchira3031 11 месяцев назад
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