
Walmart Horror Stories 

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Former Walmart Employees, What Are Your Horror Stories?
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19 сен 2024




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My brother works at Walmart and he says that the things heard here are 100% true. Esecially the Black Friday bit.
@jaykneegarner2479 Год назад
Going to learn first hand about Black Friday! I’m in the back unloading trucks and sorting break packs! It’s already getting nuts trying to get pallets out as it is!
@thehaterade61 Год назад
God damn, I'm glad my family was smart enough to never go to a black Friday sale... I wish you guys the best of luck. Stores should be closed on black Friday ffs.
@knightsurda Год назад
The one time I went into a Walmart on black Friday I watched people get into a fistfight over trashcans and a mother run over her child in a cart. It's fucking insane.
@nosignal63 Год назад
"I GAVE BIRTH TO MY CHILD NOT WALMART" best line of all time
@lissachocolate Год назад
I think in some cases of restroom poop explosions are caused by prescription medications. My poor mom was in her 80’s had several bad accidents not making to the restroom in time (luckily not fouling anything but her pants) and I helped her clean up and I walked directly close behind her to leave, at least the restroom was by the entrance. My mom was completely embarrassed and near tears. So it can be something that is unfortunately out of their control. A new doctor reduced her meds dosage and it stopped happening.
@superdave8248 Год назад
The crazy thing is, these stories are always with women. But may be that is because the stories with men happen too commonly and just aren't considered worthy of retaling. But yes, between stress, medication, and menopause, it doesn't surprise me that women are having issues.
@Zenovii-senpai Год назад
I can contribute with this one. When I went in for a job interview for Walmart, I dressed smartly. The lady at the service desk was actually impressed because people usually just wore a t-shirt and jeans. Interview goes great and the manager pretty much told me I got the job and showed me around the store. We got up to the break room and I see a picture of a black guy on a table, with a black band around the edge of it and flowers surrounding the picture. I asked who he was and she said "That's Darrel. He died last week before closing. He was a stocker for the frozen section, and one of the coolest guys we had." They only had one position open at the time... I was the replacement hire for a guy that was liked by everyone who worked in the store.
@Mozes316 Год назад
That's your "Walmart Horror Story"? Is it because it was hard to attempt to fill his shoes amongst the other employees or something... Or did he haunt the store?
@creepersammyb2926 Год назад
make him proud
@andiward7068 Год назад
It's possible they will like you as well. Don't make it weird, be kind and see how it goes.
@Zenovii-senpai Год назад
@@andiward7068 They did. It happend years ago.
@andiward7068 Год назад
@@Zenovii-senpai gotcha, tnx.
@Mozes316 Год назад
If I ever walk in somewhere and find 4 people surrounding someone with mental disabilities, cursing and yelling while they're crying... Work or not... It's not that I'd choose violence at that point, its simply the only option.
@stanford-nf4jk Год назад
I’m not an employee, but a family friend (who I consider an Aunt) worked at customer service/returns. When people realized that hoarding toilet paper made no sense at all and was a waste of money she got this Karen who threw a tantrum while trying to return a bunch of Charmin. There were punctures in the packaging and there were sections where the exposed toilet paper was dirty. Aunt refuses the return. Demands to speak to a manager are made. In the end, the manager gave in and gave the customer a refund just to get her out of the store!
@Mozes316 Год назад
I hate that they do this instead backing their employee and maybe showing something we call integrity... Because you know what would have also made her leave? Police.
@budsodastories Год назад
@@Mozes316 I loved the few that would back us the day they threw me up on service desk because I had done a few late night returns on register 13 (last register open all night) the assistant manager on duty would actually follow policy and tell them the same thing we did so satisfying. You know they just went to the other Walmart and they probably gave into their tantrums.
@Mozes316 Год назад
@@budsodastories watching a customer just crash and burn after realizing that throwing a tantrum like a 4 yr old isn't working... 🤌🏾 A work of art!
@Lin-el4wm Год назад
I saw a woman trying to return a cart piled high w tp. I hoped they sent her away.
@ladymorrigan5950 Год назад
My daughter works at a Walmart. Not too long after she started there last year someone decided to take a crap on the floor in the produce area. She called it a ‘ghost poo’ because no one saw the person do it. They had to set up a blockade to keep people from stepping in it & running carts through it until they got it cleaned up. People weren’t paying attention and acting like the employees were jerks for being in their way. 🙄
@johnpettigrew83 Год назад
Ghost poo 😁
@joelsterling1445 Год назад
On the mobile chair person getting up and walking away- this can happen anywhere. Many mobility assistance users have some amount of mobility left. It doesn’t make our disability/disabilities and less valid. They’re to help us be more mobile and independent, especially as teens, young adults or adults
@larrog8413 Год назад
I have sympathy for the medically disabled. Not the "disabled" that take up a whole aisle because of their terrible dietary choices
@lazycaterpi Год назад
@@larrog8413 "I like a few specific disabled people, I vigorously hate others"
@dewolf123 Год назад
@@lazycaterpi One side made poor health choices and it's their own fault to be disabled, at least the other side didn't choose nor cause it with poor choices they were born like that and DNA fcks up which is out of anyone's control. I'd say the comment's logic is justified.
@blobfish7109 Год назад
@@dewolf123 Bad genetics can also cause obesity, some medications cause weight gain, some disabilities cause weight gain. You don’t have there medical history and there’s quite literally no reason to hate someone for their weight. That’s an issue for them and their doctor.
@dewolf123 Год назад
@@blobfish7109 I am aware of that and I do not hate ppl over being grossly overweight and obese that is just silly, if anything I always feel bad they choose to live like that (from bad choices not for reasons out their control like you mentioned) but never hate them soley on appearance. That is why I said specially those who deliberately destroy themselves and personally cause their own weight gain with bad diets, overreating for fun, living too sendintatry. These are ppl who talk about doing whatever they want with their lives and then get shocked that it bites them in the neck later when they unsurprisingly get health issues because they carelessly abused their bodies, disregard their life much less valued it enough to hurt themselves over short-term and temporary pleasure. At that point it's on them if they take accountability for it and forgive themselves for causing their own issues.
@lcoq19 Год назад
I started out working in toys. I issued more hunting and fishing licenses than both sporting goods associates combined, mixed a lot of paint in hardware, scooped fish into baggies in pets, and even learned to cut keys in automotive. I spent 95% of my shifts on a register, usually covering breaks or call outs. I was making 20¢ per hour less than cashiers and almost never accomplished anything in my department. I just asked to be transferred to cashier permanently and got my 20¢ raise to stay in one place. The opposite of a horror story: I have chronic bronchitis and a dust allergy so I had bronchitis and no voice within my first couple weeks there. I had to call out one day and literally couldn't speak. I had to drive there to give them my code for the call-in system. The front end manager said, "and now you're going to the doctor, right?" I wrote a note saying I'd get Tylenol sinus and go home but she insisted I go to the doctor. Stopped by my doc office on the other side of town and he was on vacation. Took a pic of the sign and went back to the store and showed her. She told me to go to urgent care. There was only one nearby because it was still a newer thing and I told her I didn't have the gas to get there (20 mins from work to UC and then 40 from UC to home). She went and bought a candy bar and got cash back and gave me her own personal money to put in gas to go to urgent care. Good thing too because I had severe bronchitis and needed prednisone and a new inhaler. The day before I called out, I had come into work and clocked in and wasn't there 10 mins when I'd gone to the back for something and as I was omw out to go to my department, I ran into a manager. She was like, "what are you doing here?!" I squeaked, in the tiny bit of voice I still had, "I work here!" She said, "no! You're sick! I'll sign off on it but you need to go home! Now! Don't even worry about clocking out!" She put in that I was there for 15 mins (instead of the 10 I was actually there) and had me leave. That was the complete opposite of how sick employees are normally treated by Walmart!
@theresaciba632 Год назад
They did basically the same thing to me with the bronchitis and pneumonia
@draxtpat6233 Год назад
Somebody diarrhea pooped in the freezer at the Pickering Walmart and nobody realized till it was frozen. The guy pooped an explosive poop all over a bunch of bags of frozen fries and hash browns. The cops came, looked at the cameras, then went and arrested him at his house.
@affsteak3530 Год назад
I was working at Target when something similar happened. A drunk college kid snuck into the back, climbed on top of the 20ft high shelves they use to store excess stock, and just pissed down the entire thing. It was awesome and terrible at the same time. He did thousands of $$$ worth of damage and got slapped with a store ban and a vandalism charge.
@Mozes316 Год назад
@@affsteak3530 🤣 What exactly was awesome about it though?
@valentinusaurelius2259 Год назад
You've either never worked retail, or cared way too much if you did. The work is so soul crushingly dull any moment of chaos is a welcome diversion. Especially if you're not the one who has to deal with the aftermath.
@andiward7068 Год назад
Tbf, frozen poop is easier to clean. Chip and wipe, no smearing.
@joshfarley7584 Год назад
Used to work there ~15 years ago right out of high school. Was a Cart Pusher/Front-End Customer Service Associate. Basically I pushed carts all day, and gave cashiers, door greeters, and service desk people their breaks, as well as minor cleaning duties if maintenance was busy, as well as assistance calls for heavy items. One evening, it was pouring down rain, to the point that if you were at the back of the parking lot, it was impossible to see the building through the rain, only the big WALMART lights through a blur. It was busy, because everyone in my town and the next 3-4 over in every direction were in panic mode, and needed their Milk Sandwich ingredients for the storm... Anyways, I had the Cart Pushing Machine thing, and a huge line of carts because on top of the weather, I was alone, on a saturday evening, waiting on my relief to clock back in from his lunch break, and the lot was overflowing with carts. As I am rounding one of the concrete islands at the rear of the lot, a customer comes careening around a turn, hydroplanes into the center of the cart line im guiding, and speeds off back out another exit. I am now on the ground, writhing in pain, with my shoulder fully dislocated and halfway down my ribs, plus a few bones broken in my hands/fingers. I try and radio for help, but eith the battery was dead, or I was too far away for anyone to get a clear message, so I roll myself through the river im standing in and manage to get to my feet and hold my arm in place as I pretty much crawl across the entire parking lot in so much pain Im amazed I didnt black out. Once I got about halfway there, my radio starts to work again, and I hear my Thunt of a manager calling for me for a carry-out, to which I say I cant, because I just got hit by a f***ing car and am currently limping my way up the sidewalk. By the time I get there, half of the cashiers and a few other members of management are gathered, and see me dragging my arm across the pavement, before I finally stumble into the doors and crumble onto a bench, looking like I just swam thru a lake. I try as best I can to get my raincoat and stuff off, but at this point I cant even feel my arm and in more pain than ive ever been in. It's obvious my shoulder is f***ed, my entire arm is twisted around and i can barely move my hand/fingers, which are now a nice shade of purple, and bent and several unhuman angles. Everyone is like "omg, are you ok!? what happened?" except for my manager, who sighs as she gets her clipboard/folder out to start an injury report, with the most condescending voice/tone you can imagine. (Think the Karen meme, before that really became a thing.) My arm is turning blue at this point, and I have no desire to do the paperwork, because Id like to maybe get to the ER before my arm falls off, which when I say as much, manager decides I am being insubordinate, and threatens to fire me if I dont watch my attitude. I stand up, all 6'8" of me towering over her, visibly irate considering the situation, and just glare at me, and tell her to get me to the ER, Now. Luckily, one of the higher ups had made his way to the scene by this time, and saw the situation before stepping in, and waved the manager off, and told me to get my things and he would take me to the ER himself. Got there, and got taken in relatively fast, considering our local ER has a reputation is painfully slow. They reset my fingers, which were luckily just dislocated, and when examining my shoulder, they tell me it was just sprained, and not dislocated, and give me one of those flimsy ass slings, and tell me to take some ibuprofen until I see a doctor, and let me go. I call my parents because there's no way I can get home myself, and go home finally, have the most uncomfortable night ever, with my arm constantly throbbing with every heartbeat. The next day, Cool Guy Upper-Management calls me, and tells me to go see an a doctor in the nearby college town about 30 minutes away, for their Workers Comp evaluation. It is the tiniest, most rundown doctors office I have ever seen. Literally 3 chairs in the waiting room, and it doesnt even have a bathroom, you had to run next door to a gas station. They see me, the doctor sorta pokes and prods, asks me to try and move my arm, which I cant, and I cant even feel my hand anymore. They refer me to an Orthopedic Surgeon, because they think its a bad enough sprain to need a specialist, but the whole time theyre not saying its dislocated. luckily, the office is right across town near the Campus, and they have an opening that day, so I take it and immediately rush over. We get there, and I dont even get checked in, I am standing in line behind a few elderly folks and what looks like a football/basketball player on crutches, and I hear a tiny Indian Man exclaim, "omg sir, come here now!" and see this itty bitty Indian man poking his head around the corner of the window and motioning at me. I sorta sheepishly walk around the people ahead of me, like "Yes? what's wrong?" and the man points to the door and a nurse comes out, and waves me through. We go right to a room, the doctor runs in, and introduces himself, tells me that my arm is severely dislocated, and it needs reset immediately. What followed was probably the SECOND most painful thing I have ever experienced, as in one swift motion, a 5'3" Indian man grabs my arm, which is almost as long as he is tall, tells my to relax, and than yanks and twists my shoulder back into place, and I hear one of the sickest pops ive ever heard, enough to make me ill just thinking of it. All of this, he was able to tell from across a busy office, through a crowd, and hidden under a heavy jacket, just from the way I was holding my arm/hand I guess. Despite an ER and an actual Doctor examining it closely and not being able to notice. Several weeks later, and I am recovering from surgery of one of the worst rotator cuff tears/dislocations the surgeon had ever seen, and my 19 year old metabolism is introduced to the magic of Percoset for the first time. After sever months of workers comp, and light duties, I am fully released to go back to normal duties (I got the letter in the mail that day before going in to work.) And as I walk back to clock in, B**** Manager f4rom the beginning is standing at the clock and says they need to see me in the main office. I go in, and all of the managers I deal with are present along with HR, and I am being told that I am being let go due to poor attendance over the last 3-4 months. Like, really? No shit I WAS HIT BY A F***ING CAR AND HAD SURGERY! It's not like I blew them off and went clubbing instead of working. I did call off a few times (5 at most) over those 3-4 months due to extreme pain, but always got one of my co-workers to cover for me, which was their policy that it didnt count against us. I protest, telling them this is bullshit, i was hurt on the job, sent to inept doctors, and am lucky to even have my arm, etc, but they ignore me, and tell me to turn over my badge and discount card, or they would get authorities involved. Literally get escorted out of the store by 3 male members of management, including the Cool Guy from earlier. I get the last laugh tho. A close family friend is a Worker's Comp lawyer, and they came to visit my mom a week or two later. I tell them what went down, how it went down, show them the paperwork I had, etc. They get the biggest smile ive ever seen and give me the most evil wink ive ever seen. I get a phone call about a week later, its the friends boss, and one of the main Partners and his law firm. They'd like to take my case, need an appointment to discuss things firther, and get a full record of my side of things. We end up getting all the way to an actual courtroom, sueing them for wrongful termination, violating Worker's Rights, OSHA stuff, etc (its been awhile I dont remember a lot of it.) The Walmart guys barely make a case, they just sorta repeat the same boring "He was released from WC, they were well within their rights to fire him" argument, while the guys on my side are tearing them apart, exposing the management's lack of action, threatening to fire me for being hurt and wanting to go to a doctor, the absolutely poor quality of doctors I was sent to see, everything. Judge doesnt even need to think for his ruling, finds in my favor, awards the normal amount for WC cases (something like 400+ weeks of Salary) plus extras for pain and suffering etc. After lawyer fees, I gets something like $250k, and am just laughing in my head constantly at the whole situation. Since then, my arm is still weakened compared to before, but I have probably 75% use of it. There was some lingering nerve damage from it being out of socket so long, and I need another surgery a few years later to remove some excessive scar tissue and redo a few of the parts they reconnected everything with, and I have been living off of the interest and a few smart investments I made with the money, after buying a few key things I needed, and paying my way thru a Trade School degree. Luckily, I was able to live with my parents thru school, and have only been on my own for the last 5 years or so, but now, I am making an hour what I used to make in a day with WM. tl;dr - got hit by a car on the clock. inept ER/Workers Comp doctors left a severely dislocated shoulder undiagnosed for 2 days. Returned to work after 3-4 months of Surgery and recovery. Immediately fired for "Poor attendance". Threatened with police when i protest, and escorted out of the store. Lawyer friend takes my case, sues them for various reasons, awarded $250k.
@Dustydawdy Год назад
I was an employee at Walmart before we got our first Supercenter. Both me and my husband both worked overnight he was stalking and I was on the cash registers. I wasn't even through my 90 days yet and I had to go to the hospital I was hospitalized for 3 days and I was supposed to be off work for a week afterwards by doctor's orders. I let management and HR know what was going on and they said to me do not worry about it get better and come back. So upon my return everything was fine 2 weeks later my 90 days came up and I did not get my review. I asked for about 2 weeks about my review and finally they decided to give it to me. Come to find out because of those days I missed because I was hospitalized they decided to fire me. Other than those days that I missed due to medical I was never late and I had never missed today. I even volunteered to stay after I was scheduled to be off. Instead of an 8-hour day I was putting in 16 hours. But not only was I doing the cash register but I was also doing soft lines and health and beauty. But for real the only person there that really did not like me was the CSM that was at night and I think that's why I got fired.
@jenniferlonnes7420 Год назад
Who was he stalking?
@China-bq2ee Год назад
@@jenniferlonnes7420 they meant stocking I think
@jenniferlonnes7420 Год назад
@@China-bq2ee Right! Spelling makes a big difference in meaning!
@singer2be256 Год назад
I literally see red every time someone undermines the trauma of miscarriages
@pickelsandnickels2487 Год назад
Is my Walmart the only one thats civilized? The bathrooms are spotless, the employees are nice, the people are nice, and it’s relatively organized. I’ve never had a people of Walmart in counter there.
@lonedragon3261 Год назад
9:01 "It jacked the car up" That sounds like the exact opposite of what happened...
@jae-eon8331 Год назад
ur black friday stories are scarinf me bc i work at walmart and it’s literally almost black friday 😭😭
@lissfirefly9517 Год назад
I have 3 stories that stick out. I worked at 3 different Walmarts as we moved around a bit. One in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, the manager was amazing and I actually loved working there. We got birthday presents as employees, a free meal, a free oil change, and a $10 gift card. I then moved away from there and the second Walmart was so bad that I quit after a couple weeks. I then worked at another that I got to help set up and train the cashiers on. The only bad stories I have were after I got a tattoo, random people would touch the back of my neck where it is while I was cashiering. Ugh. Creepy. This one woman, while I was a customer, mind you, came up to me with her hideous long nails and runs a fingernail down my neck and creepily says "pretty butterfly". Bleh. Still gives me the heebies. I had a Karen yell at me because cupcakes were ringing up 12 cents more than she thought, so she throws the cup cakes on the floor and screams she's never shopping there again. I said, "Kay, bye, have a nice day." LOL, she flipped me off.
@lorisewsstuff1607 Год назад
I worked in jewelry. My boss was having an affair with her district manager. Her husband decided to surprise her on their wedding anniversary by showing up at work. She was out having a "meeting" in a motel. When it became obvious she wasn't at work the husband got mad and left. My boss blamed me and decided to get even. She saved up everything the day associates were supposed to have done plus stocking and told me when I got there at 5pm it all had to be done by me before I could clock out. I would have been there all night. She grinned and said if it wasn't I was fired. I told her, "Let me make this easy for you. I quit." She was screaming as I walked out. Fast forward 15 years. A friend of mine worked at a Walmart. She complained about a super-judgemental bible thumper that constantly told her she was going to hell. I gave her a ride to work one day so I could pick up a few things. Lo and behold the Bible thumper was my old unfaithful boss. I grinned at her and waved. Bible thumper quit that day. 😆
@c00k13bun Год назад
I am an employee at Walmart and the story at around 16:30 I felt in my soul!! That’s what I would do when I first started. Thankfully now I’m in the back doing one touch and sorting apparel, but unloading those pallets with those ridiculous time frames was the worst! Especially if you’re the only one out there then you get stopped every 5 seconds, which messed with your work times…
@dorothylloyd1804 Год назад
Thanks for the stories. I've seen lots of fights over electric carts. Chasing each other yelling about who needs it more. Have a good day
@JoshLeRose Год назад
Not an employee, but while checking out of a Walmart near my college, I reached for a drink in the cooler, and a bunch of thawed frozen veggies LOOSE fell out of the fridge. Someone ripped open the pack and shoved them in the fridge who knows how many hours ago.
@esmooth919 Год назад
"his father should have pulled out." God damn, that's cold!
@danielpearl5153 Год назад
My friend worked in the back room at Walmart, restocking the items left in the wrong place. One day she emerged during her shift to find the store completely empty. She went around calling people's names until a loudspeaker told her to put her hands up in the air and walk toward the front of the store. While she had been working, an armed gunman had shown up and the police evacuated the store. Nobody remembered to rescue her. This happened in Miami, Florida...
@sethyuikora2 Год назад
Across 3 stores over 3 years, I had generally great customers, and just the worst management. Threw me to the wolves in the stationery section on day 1 of a back-to-school sale with no clear direction on my first day. Who knew that one specific brand of #2 pencil was the only one that the school would allow children to bring? That day STILL doesn't feel real. I've repressed more threats from management than I remember at this point. My favorite was the day we had 3 unloaders and 12 trucks to unload in merchandise alone. Then they told us all of the grocery unloaders called in sick, so we had to do their 3 trucks as well. "Not allowed to go to lunch until they're all done." was met with "Even skipping lunch, we won't be done before shift's end. And we're not skipping lunch, as we would be punished for doing so." They called our bluff. We came back from lunch to the entire management team unloading both departments. On the same trucks we left them with. How 20 people couldn't unload 2 trucks in an hour confused me greatly, but we relieved them so they could go have a meeting about us. Our manager came back a few minutes later and told us we were all being written up for taking too long at lunch. I said I actually forgot to clock back in, so I'm technically still at lunch, and was thinking of going home as I felt sick (1/3 point on their system for working over half of a shift). As I was not back from lunch, I could not be written up for coming back late. I encouraged the other 2 guys to leave without signing anything. I also reminded the manager that there were 6 trucks remaining, but we'd gone to lunch at our 6th hour. So we had less than 2 hours in our shift remaining. Threatening a write-up at this point would be suicide, and also Dyllan's recording you with his phone right now. We managed to clear out 3 more trucks before shift end, and refused overtime to finish (they would promise OT if you worked to help them when they're hurting, then punish you for taking it by giving you the option of a write-up for working beyond your schedule or they could do you a favor and edit your time worked so you don't get in trouble. This is blatant wage-theft).
@mogki456 Год назад
Some one apparently had a heart attack and died in the women's bathroom, managers lying and saying something wrong with plumbing... Since when does a plumbing issue require four cop units. On a separate time mother daughter physical fight near bathroom.
@mr.end-game711 Год назад
7:37 further proves my point Walmart is the Adam Sandler while Target is Seth Rogen
@geoffreyhebel2438 Год назад
As a former retail stock person never exceed expectations as they will just move the goal post until it destroys you
@skootergirl22 Год назад
Didn't know that Walmart was ableist get them cancelled
@larry01902 8 месяцев назад
I worked at Walmart a few years ago. All employees had to work a mandatory 12 hour shift on Black Friday. My mother went to the ER on Thanksgiving because she was having a stroke. I called my work as soon as I knew a manager would be in to tell them I wasn't gonna be in. The assistant manager told me if I wasn't the patient I had to be in. I told them I didn't care; family came first. I was told if i didn't come in that shift don't bother coming in again. So I never went back.
@SneakerBiscut Год назад
“This woman got into a fight with her sphincter and lost” 😂🤣😂 Laughing so hard, my sides hurt!
@lisacartwright2402 Год назад
I work in the online grocery department. While I was doing a pick (basicly given a list of items from someone's online order), I was in lawn and garden section. The room had those floor to ceiling deep metal shelves, that u see stacked pallets on, and it was full of Christmas decorations at this time. This lady asked me if I can grab these lights that were on the highest shelf. Our over stock carts with the ladder attached to it can only reach the middle shelf. The only way to get something off the top shelf is to get the lift and u need to be approved to apperate one. I told the lady it's too high for the overstock ladders to reach so I can go to costumer service or find someone with a walky (cause they never have enough for every employee) to have someone who is authorized to get it for her. This Karen huffed at me saying she needs it now and why I can't get for her. So I repeated my above reasoning again. Huffed again and she said forget it. What do u want me to do? Pull a 10 foot ladder put of my butt?
@fretfultrout2788 Год назад
Fun fact for every incident that Walmart had to report cost the store 10,000 dollars so that’s probably why they didn’t call an ambulance for the finger
@emilyalice.9442 Год назад
they also don't want to take responsibility...so there's that too. a lot of that is scare tactics so they don't have to take responsibility. $10,000 to walmart is a penny to you and me.
@NinjaBoy641 Год назад
"I gave birth to my child, not walmart" perfect response
@taumpytears6999 Год назад
and with that , she waddled out of my life .... presumably in the direction of donuts
@LadyAmdis Год назад
I was the only Frozen Food associate from 5 pm to 10 pm. Come in one day a week before Thanksgiving and come in to the entire freezer filled with delivered pallets that need to be sorted out, so I start sorting them out. First shift management finds me and yells at me for doing this, saying I need to get food out on the floor, to not sort pallets until after lunch break. They leave and a half hour later second shift management find me on the floor, drag me into the back, and yell at me for stocking shelves when there are 12 full pallets to sort. They write me up. I come in the next day to a write up from first shift management for stopping to sort the pallets before lunch. When I told them what had happened, they said ‘tough’.
@TheShadowlink23 Год назад
When I worked as a Cap 2 associate at Walmart I seen a few things A guy and his friends do identify theft dressing as an associate and walking out with 3 large flat screens to all of cap 2 walking out at once but my favorite was me going to the bathroom and smelling chicken in the next stall over, someone was eating a stolen rotisserie chicken in the bathroom stall next to me destroying my stomach, fun times.
@Autobubbs Год назад
Was a Cashier fresh out of High School. It was August and the Milk Cooler up by the front exit door had decided to die on us. Unfortunately they didn't do anything about it for a week. In that time the Milk had curdled in the midwest summer heat, many having popped in an ungodly mess. At that point a manager pulled me off the till, brought me over and told me to remove the gallon jugs of 'milk'. I grab a shopping cart and I get a system working. Hold breath, open door, grab two jugs, shut door, exhale, put jugs in cart, repeat. I was going at a pretty good click while still being careful to not manhandle these volatile lactose grenades. The manager didn't see it that way when he came back, literally shoving me out of the way to open the fragrant cooler and start throwing the jugs out to the cart. He was on his 3rd pair of jugs when one, or both, exploded on him... covering him with rotten, curdled, formerly known as dairy products. He just storms off, leaving me just standing there to try and keep customers from walking through the massive puddle of ick.
@eyeseer1 Год назад
Contract security for Walmart to Black Friday twice in 2013 and 2014. 70 people in line to checkout, no fights, but humid with the store messy as a tornado. Seen a line of 200 people to Walmart in 2008 into 2011, crazy years.
@joelsterling1445 Год назад
I would have turned right around and left if I saw that when I attempted to shop at any store, not just Wal Mart.
@heroman2372 Год назад
Walmart fired my buddy by telling him he's going from graveyard as a stocker to dayshift as a greeter. The dayshift manager had no idea who he was, and told him he was dismissed.
@cannedmusic Год назад
this may seem cold and callous, and I really felt for the poor lady with her adverse reaction to Chinese food. But when the narrator said "...and on the ceiling..." I could not help but laugh. I was a custodian at a retirement hotel. There was a person who had a liking for excessive vodka and I often had to clean the toilet, toilet tank, seat, floor, and wall, and change to a fresh roll of toilet paper. It seemed I was the only person in the hotel who either would or could do it.
@Jade_1872 Год назад
Think mine was just when an older man cornered me in the back corner of a clothes section where no one was around and he kept trying to hit on me more and more all the while getting more lewd and getting closer to me as I backed up into the kids clothes. I’m really glad a customer walked into that area and glared at him when they did… it got him distracted long enough I was able to run off.
@lotuseater2184 Год назад
Started working overnight at a Walmart almost 3 months ago. It's scary being able to visualize a lot of these stories because of how well I know the store. What's worse is that I work maintenance, and know that if someone were to lose control of a pallette jack, I'd have to be apart of the cleanup crew. By 5 am, I'd probably be finishing the process of gathering all the trash in the building and running over to dispose of it in the compactor, which would be placed right next to the ramp in grocery receiving.
@greyrifterrellik5837 Год назад
Active employee here. I would like to take this moment to clarify that when it comes to Walmart, individual stores are the main factor here; some can be great, others are a nightmare. Corporate isn't even evil, they're just idiots; hanlon's razor incarnate
@greyrifterrellik5837 Год назад
Honestly I'm lucky; I work at one of the *best* stores in america, for employees. Our managers are strict, but understanding and do try to cooperate when presented with legitimate issues. They help out *directly* in times where we're understaffed and get a sudden rush of customers that the rest of us just cannot keep up with on our own. Our store manager even throws us random pizza parties sometimes in the break room.
@greyrifterrellik5837 Год назад
Plus, when someone is struggling in a position, this store doesn't just fire the person; they work with them to try and find a position they can actually do well in.
@callmeandoru2627 Год назад
Seems like Im lucky enough to be getting work at a walmart where eveyone was super nice and chill, including the managers.
@fallenrains7566 Год назад
I work for Walmart. Oh boy, so much of this video is so true…
@stevek4070 Год назад
'cracks knuckles' Do I have a story for you. So I worked in a Wal-Mart about 23 years ago in South Dakota. SD is a land of hot summers and really cold winters. We had a McDonalds in the store and for convenience we both used the same dumpster/trash compactor. When the Summer hit and the weather got horribly hot the smell in the dumpster got utterly terrible. Like how could McDonald's waste smell so horrible? But we just accepted it and stayed away from that area when we could. Eventually Fall and Winter came and the smells died down just because a lack of heat/decomp. Now we had 2 frequent customers who loved getting high and needed to get the cheapest high they could get because they were homeless and money was tight. So they always went straight for gold aerosol paint and paper bags. They did this so often they always had a golden glaze around their nose and mouth. There wasn't much we could do other than sell to them, we tried to cut them off but turn over really kept a broken front over the issue. During the Summer they were always in the store, almost every 3 days they'd need a new can. Then there was this odd period where they didn't come around anymore. For about mid Winter to early Spring. Once Spring hit only one would show up to buy the gold aerosol and we didn't think much of it. As the heat began to pick up again the smell increased in the back. One day I showed up to work and there were FBI there and everyone was quiet and freaking out at the same time. Apparently security patrol had done a thorough search of the back of the store to deter theft from the compactor. He found a body there. The body had been there so long that it had decomposed to be completely unidentifiable. We later learned it was that second paint huffer. That was what we had been smelling during those hot summer months. When I started there I had to watch 2 horrible training videos. One was about how terrible Unions were and to avoid them at all costs. I had to bite my tongue about it and I was a young kid at the time so I didn't expect to work there for long. The second video was the worst. They paid Garth Brooks money to do a training video where he talked about how if he hadn't become rich and famous and made music for a living, all he wanted to do was be a door greeter at Wal-Mart. So rediculous. Thanks for shopping at Wal-Mart.
@Musicalsfangirl Год назад
Black Friday is basically The Purge for retail/consumerism. It isn’t a good idea in the movie and it’s not a good idea in reality.
@joelsterling1445 Год назад
Black Friday? Yuk, and thumbs down
@RetroRogue. Год назад
Swim currently works at Walmart. Swim has many stories and will share some. First was the woman who stole a 2 pack of air duster at 10:55(close at 11) went to the back restroom at proceeded to lock herself in the back stall and got wrecked. 11:30 Swim goes back to grab Swim's drink from the fridge and all of the bosses on currently on the clock were at the back bathroom, had a female employee figure out a way to drag her out nearly 45 minutes after close. Then the road trip to get her out the door took an extra 10 minutes with her stopping to stumble and juggle around for her ringing cellphone all while the 2nd shift coach is basically straight up telling her to move her ass and gtfo. Swim was dying. Second was the customer who was in the second grocery aisle with a lot of canned food/tuna/cannes chicken. Swim stocks chemicals at the end of grocery and hears a loud BANG! Swim comes to find out the customer fired off a round "by accident" right in the aisle. He said it was holstered and has no idea how it happened. Swim assumes the safety was off of course. Swim thinks the guy is lying about how it went off and also believes the guy to be a huge pos because people most specifically women and their children were shopping. Luckily when they checked the cameras in action alley the woman with 2 kids had literally just rounded the corner into aisle 3. That's just two stupid ones.
@Mozes316 Год назад
Someone needs their gun/guns taken from them, that's for damn sure. No cops for either story?
@RetroRogue. Год назад
@@Mozes316 Not exactly sure what ended up happening to that guy however the woman with the air duster had the cops called and was arguing with her husband in the parking lot. She punched him in the face, he spat in hers hurling insults finally taking off 20 seconds before the police showed up. He ended up catching them down the road.
@Mozes316 Год назад
@@RetroRogue. sounds like a Tuesday afternoon at Wally World to me...
@RetroRogue. Год назад
@@Mozes316 I went and asked. The guy who shot the gun actually hit himself, Had women and children 15 foot away in the same aisle and ended up in the hospital.
@jaykneegarner2479 Год назад
Current Walmart employee all I have to say is breakpack and health and beauty department! Biggest complainers ever is overnight stockers in H&B! Their shit is pre sorted by little old me all they need to do is move it from the pallet to the isles! Nope they gotta have everything placed for them! Meanwhile the clothing departments stuff is barely sorted and is a giant mess but do they complain about it? Nope, just do your best/ thanks for bring it out! I do my best to get some sort of organization for them to make their jobs easier but if I had my way I would tell H&B to come get their own crap if they are going to be so damn picky!
@jaycooper2812 Год назад
Worked for Walmart for several years. Black Fridays were the worst. On 2 consecutive years i was knocked out cold by customers fighting for the deal merchandise before i could finish cutting the plastic. I refused to work the sales floor again during Blak Friday (I worked in recieving normally)
@thunderbritches67 Год назад
I use to be a park ranger in Florida and I’ve witnessed a shitpocolips and it’s horrendous!
@beepboop9712 Год назад
Been with Walmart for 17 years now. Oh the things I've seen.
@THEEND4444 Год назад
I was a cashier/customer service rep. One day someone had the most explosive crap in a bathroom stall. It was on the ceiling, walls, all over the toilet, the floor, and a completely brown pair of boxers left in the corner. The cleaning person refused to do it. So they made me do it since I was the one who reported it. My take away lesson was to report nothing, ever.
@esmooth919 Год назад
24:05 This is why I never fucked with Black Friday, and why I'm grateful that some stores have sales for the entire month of November, as opposed to just. That. One. *_Day!_*
@lilypyrope4620 Год назад
As infamous as Walmart is, the one I go to has a SubWay there with the nicest guy who I guess after going long enough pretty much recognized me and knew what I was going to order. An oasis in a desert wasteland, that SubWay was. I really miss that guy, he was good people
@suemorris7417 Год назад
The way the one employee described the poor girl that was apparently in love with him... Face like ten miles of bad road 🤣🤣🤣 I'm gonna remember that one
@jonathondwigans Год назад
This is why I will very likely never work there.
@shy1157 Год назад
so remind me, why does Walmart not let workers stop thefts? it seems kind of off that they wouldn't care about losing more money then getting money from so many shoplifters if you show you the workers don't care to stop a theft, they're going to keep stealing from that location
@nuclearsimian3281 Год назад
Notice for any workers in the US: You cannot be mandated to clean up a customer's feces or vomit, without proper training and full personal protective equipment. It is considered a significant biohazard, and must be cleaned up by a proper person who is trained for that. The stores know this. Do not let them bully you into it. You do not deserve to be put in the situation where you might become extremely ill from handling someone else's excrement. If they try to force it, do not let them, no matter what happens. It costs the store basically nothing to get their cleaning crew in. They're trying to force that responsibility onto you.
@k.chriscaldwell4141 Год назад
Walmart and Amazon’s new slogan: _Arbeit Machi Frei._
@chiefrainman4566 Год назад
I once got written up for not finishing my department when I was given essentially 3 hours to do about 5 to 6 hours worth of work and even though I had lost more than half of my shift after being told to help other departments and when I explained this they wouldn't listen to me saying I shouldn't be leaving my work for the department manager. Then no one would back me up so I couldn't even use their fallacy of open door policy
@johns1634 Год назад
I worked for Walmart for 5 days in the mid 2000’s.The girl training me was always touching me and rubbing on me, telling me how she would have sex with me in the bathroom. I requested a new trainer and they asked why and I told them she was sexually harassing me. The response was that it’s serious to falsely accuse a coworker of sexual harassment. Basically bc I’m male and she’s female it’s not possible for her to sexually harass me. I walked out and to this day I am still barred from working at Walmart lol
@Phoebe5448 Год назад
Male or female, sexual assault and harassment is still sexual assault and harassment. Glad you bought it up. She could have tried again with other guys. She was abusing her position big time.
@esmooth919 Год назад
All of these stories bring back bad memories. I've worked at 3 different Walmarts, and each time was progressively worse. But my worst story was, while pushing carts (fucking hell!), I witnessed a redneck running out of the store with stolen pork chops, but was not within range to do anything about it.
@idunnygiveafock7640 Год назад
I had to manually push carts in a foot and a half of snow after a blizzard. No one else volunteered so I did it alone for 8 hours.
@iweismann Год назад
The Walmart I worked at always had tons of trucks parked in the parking lot, overnight maintenance had to go out and get the trash in those areas and you’d find gross stuff like piss bottles and adult diapers full of poo and even rotten food…
@OniOxxio Год назад
At the 17:32 minute story. Sounds like they were jsut bad at handling frozen and dairy especially frozen bc at my site we down atack them in the back and sort them by their areas first and put them back in the freezer to be worked on later
@chrisostling805 Год назад
I live on my sailboat at a nice marina on the Columbia River. I do janitorial work for a break on my slip rent. You would not believe the messes I have had to clean up. Every year during the salmon seasons, the sport fishermen go out and drink beer and eat Taco Bell in a small boat with no bathroom. I regularly find extremely soiled underwear and crap in places that defy physics. You would think that these guys would figure out that they should take Imodium AD before going out, but no, the same thing happens every year.
@JHazard1000 Год назад
Worked there for about a year and then fired while I was in the Hospital cause you can't be sick longer then 3 days a year or its cause for termination
@knightsurda Год назад
Fun story from Target. We had just finished Black Friday in electronics, I was working the phone sales, and my TL congratulated all of us for not having many problems and bought everyone but me Starbucks. I think nothing of it since I just wanted to go to home and sleep anyway, it being retail I had to work Black Friday and the day after almost back to back. I come in and she pulls me aside, telling me how I am a waste of payroll and she will take the department back since I was the senior team member in the dept. I have never been more crushed in my entire life, ended up getting a call for my current job and took the offer. Left and ignored all phone calls. Heard after I left electronics was a revolving door and nobody knew anything about what was sold there. Pretty sure she got canned too don't see her in the store when I'm there. Shame, I wanted to ask her how she was handling her department lol.
@laaaah4577 Год назад
I’m in the UK, we don’t have Walmart here, what’s it the equivalent of here, like Argos and Poundland?
@jimbaker8243 Год назад
Lucky you,every Walmart I've ever into is its own horror story
@SoulDoubt. Год назад
8:00 Hindenburg😂😂😂
@lordrambo7898 Год назад
My horror story at Walmart was clocking in every day
@gigimarie3989 Год назад
Currently at one of our Walmarts, there is a really bad smell in the clothing section... I can just imagine the horror when they finally pinpoint the source 🤢
@dx1450 Год назад
Someone poop in the changing room again?
@joelsterling1445 Год назад
@@dx1450 My thoughts exactly
@VWdabug Год назад
19:45 In only 10 years that all happened How
@whateverthisis5088 Год назад
18:38 - LOL! Reminds me of MTV Music 24’s edit of ‘WHATS POPPIN’ by Jack Harlow: “Told Pooh he a foo- OO- OO-“
@Jose04537 Год назад
The writing of the story at 26:30 was so poetic
@z_lp Год назад
Nahhh the finger tip one is crazyyyy I would find a way to get some compensation
Not a horror story just letting people know the freaks do show up at night, the drunks and potheads really love it overnight, we hate unattended kids because they annoy us or make a mess without their parents watching them one even rode a display bike into a shelf of paper towels(lucky for him) and if you frequently come asking for a certain object we do nickname you my Walmart we had a man-child who came in pretty much every day we called “hot wheels” because he’d always come in every so often while we were bringing the inventory to the store to be stocked. I don’t know the reason why but my manager told me to leave the toy section alone until he left or walked away since we can’t stock and i guess open the boxes just for him and help him look for whatever he wanted. I had to keep going in and out with pallets of things and every time he’d ask me when are we gonna bring the toy section out and I told him what my manager had told me that we are still getting it together after about 5-10 times he asks to speak to my manager. I told my manager about it and that i knew his guy would be like this and she told me she’d talk to him and not worry i was not in trouble since i did what she told me to do and say. That was only for 1yr from 2012-2013 and don’t regret being let go it was terrible and asked for ridiculous stocking quotas all for minimum wage. “Hot wheels” if you’re reading this you need to get a life, a real collection and if you do have kids or have kids come to visit your place i hope they take all your toys out of their packages
@evilarchconservative2952 Год назад
Dang "Hot Wheels" could have come in around 5am after most of the restocking was done and still found his cars. In the late 80's/early 90's I worked 3rd shift. Most of my days off were on weekdays. I loved going to my local small town Walmart at 3 am on a weekday. One year I did all my Christmas shopping in about 90 minutes in the middle of the night. My cart was full to the brim. Spent more time wrapping the presents. LOL Wish Walmart would get out of cities and return to their rural roots.
@kunfussed213 Год назад
I need to go visit Sydbney, Aistraliafor. Sounds like a very interesting place. 😆😋
@xWatexx Год назад
Damn. I didn’t know how good Hannaford employees had it until now. My managers are all kind and understanding, and we treat our coworkers like human fucking beings.
@JKBisms Год назад
An alarming number of these was of old ladies shitting themselves. Is that common at walmart?
@SaiyanGamer95 Год назад
I suggest watching the music video for the song "People of Wal-Mart".
@theHedgex1 Год назад
I got to work and some couple was getting arrested. Apparently, they raped a kid in the parking lot. Fuck. That shit is horrible for the kid.
@winglessrayven4294 Год назад
I worked at walmart on thirds for 5 years as a frozen/dairy stocker and our team was the best in the store. Which meant we were sent to other departments to work, so we never got a chance to work our bins, then got yelled at by the manager who kept sending us out of our department to help, so other departments knew if they slacked off we'd be sent to help them. After the managed yelled at our team, or the lead punched a hole in a wall right by her head, and on the next day which was a double truck night, we all called in, then called in the next day, then called in the next day. Since it was three days in a row we only got one point due to their dumb attendance policy. Our team told the store manager it was either us (The whole team) or the manager. The manager was fired.
@Yardnoc3103 2 месяца назад
I had a man point a gun in my face because his coupon was expired and I wasn't able to override it. I was then written up for "causing unnecessary distress to the customer."
@ststevenson_21 Год назад
I’m still employed at Walmart, but I recently had a lady who got upset at me over the fact that we didn’t have Apple Pay at the self checkouts. She said, and I quote, “You could’ve told me at the beginning of the transaction!” Mind you, she had a mis-scan, and I had to get her baby formula out of the security boxes. Now, you’d think this would be the end, but no. She went on a tangent about how she has to go home and get her credit card, and then come back and re pick her items. Yes, you have to get your credit card, and no, I will suspend the transaction. I put the cart up in customer service, and she yelled at me saying, “My shit better be here by the time I get that.” I can’t guarantee that it will be there ma’am.
@roymustang5922 Год назад
Watching a guy getting escorted out of the store on black Friday for brandishing a firearm to get back into a line he had left.
@carldagroundskeeper Год назад
Did retail for close to 12 years...hope there's special place in Hell for managers and *some* customers.
@mr.nickols1293 Год назад
I worked at Walmart for like 3 weeks, I had a performance review after 2 weeks since I wasn't as fast as the people that had been there for years. My name also wasn't registered in the system to get a pricing gun the whole time so I had to wait for a manager to come and check one out for me.
@Megaredronin Год назад
12:45 the last story fucking comedy gold!!! :)
@MyLovelyvoice Год назад
I’ve never worked at Walmart but whenever I go I always get stopped because someone thinks I do lol it doesn’t matter what I’m wearing I get stopped
@canondocre8650 Год назад
I worked there for a couple of months. I worked midnight shift, and every evening, before we clocked in, they held a pre shift team meeting wherein they expected us to dance and do a little absurd, cultish chant. One coworker along with yours truly, refused to do it. Every night they questioned us, and every night came my same reply: You hired me to stock shelves, not to dance and sing. If you want employees to take these dumb meetings seriously, then wait until after we clock in. As it stands, we technically don't even have to show up to your nonsense team dramatics. They didn't like it, but they didn't (or couldn't) do anything about it other than to frown and talk about team solidarity, then, thankfully, after a month or so, I found a much better job. Daniel, my coworker friend, didn't stay much longer.
@DarkestVoid Год назад
Had a dude come up to me randomly just talking shit cause he thought I was looking at his girl. She was nothing special and he looked even worse lmao. Funny thing is my shift was just about over and when I clocked out and went to the parking lot I caught him his girl and his fat friend. I sped up over to the guy and got in his face and said “You wanna say something to me then say it while I’m off the clock. So what the fuck did you wanna say to me?” Then he backtracked and just claimed he was asking if I needed help when in reality he harassed me and later found out he was staring down a coworker as well. His friend backed away and the dude was just cowering before I just let them go and I walked back to my car.
@MissBoxxx Год назад
Few weeks before I quit I got into a car accident and the first call I made wasn't to 911 it was to Walmart and they basically gave me two of those points that if you get four of them you get fired while I was being loaded onto a stretcher.
@SPsychoX038 Год назад
I work there currently; we always have dog poop in the aisle and no one in management wants o say anything to the store manager about the Poop situation so we get poop every other day and I feel bad for the custodians.
@macylouwho1187 Год назад
I worked there for a short while when I was younger. I was the worst employee ever 😂. I was a sass pot on wheels when anyone crossed me. Didn’t matter who it was-from the manager of the whole store to his assistant manager to the rude customers who took aggressions out on me. I turned it right around on them. If you were nice-you got nice back. I mirrored whatever energy I was given. I had a manager call me on the phone and talk to me like an absolute dog. She was angry because a customer had made her that way. I was an easy target. Or so she thought 😂. I calmly said “Well first of all, I’m not doing ANYTHING for you until you learn to speak to me like a human being.” She lost it. “We are GOING to speak about this in the back!” My reply: “let’s do that.” She hung up on me 😂. I get called to the back. She is livid, another manager is also there. I am calm. She asks what’s the meaning of this? I say “I’m not quite sure why you think it’s ok to speak to an employee that way, with that tone, or that much condescension. I don’t understand the concept of why anyone would act that way to anyone without provocation. I wouldn’t even speak to my worst enemy the way that you just spoke to me without even knowing me or having done anything to deserve it. I am new here, I am just learning. I didn’t understand what you were asking if me and you lost patience quickly. It’s day two of this job for me, not enough time to know anything that you were talking about obviously. I’m sorry, but I will not tolerate that. I don’t have to. I will simply go home to my loving family because I don’t “need” this job. I am a bored housewife who wanted to be out interacting with the public again for something to do. Not because I have to be here.” Which was true at the time. My kids had just gone to school and I had time on my hands. I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, so I worked at Walmart while I thought it over and decided my next move. At the time I was very undecided on a career path. By the time the confrontation was over she was apologizing profusely and calling me honey. Admittedly she was wrong.
@polarbearsaysyummy5845 Год назад
Not Walmart...but Val Store, approximately 1974...my High School Aunt was working as a Cashier. The store was having a huge sale. Aunt was way past her break time. The line was to the back of the store. (As was every other lane.) My Aunt said f this.) She closed her lane and went to break.
@RetroRogue. Год назад
Oh I have some stories. Just got off work let me take a shower.
@deethearies Год назад
I was gonna work for Walmart at one point but reading these stories…yikes on bikes
@imjusthere6633 Год назад
I worked at Walmart for 3 weeks when I was 18. On like my 3rd day, I was out on the floor stocking some merchandise when an older white woman came up to me and told me in these exact words, “Some N***** lady is stealing some merchandise” and pointed at her. The lady was just holding some clothes she was interested in and putting them in her cart. The most awkward thing was… I’m black. Since I didn’t want to get fired, I told her I’d tell my manager so she’d leave me alone, even though I secretly wanted to throw her down a flight of stairs
@Tylnorton Год назад
That's just wrong. People are racist and stupid.
@willjackson3402 Год назад
I worked nights. Manager would try to put me alone in the fridge/freezer with the transphobic guy who would threaten to beat the shit out of me for being Trans. There's no camera in the fridge/freezer. I said I wasn't going to do that and she said I just needed to learn to get along with him. I quit the next day and love the job I have now
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