But this people they puzzle me, why they dont kneel down and ask God about what they want to know further about what they are being told. Christians are children of God and not stubborn necked people if they come across some misunderstandings they ask the power of the Holy Spirit cause there's power and the wisdom of God in all these. Jesus Chist when He left this world He promisedus the Holy Spirit as our Saviour and Representative , so I become shocked why this world has chosen the dark as its cosy place by not inquiering from the Holy Spirit about any confusion they come face to face with, why? It shows clearly that they have their own kinds of convenant not with Jesus Christ, that's why this world is full of natural disasters nonstop, they have eyes but cannot see and have ears which are dumb , and thats why the Lord through His mercy had send people like Bro Enigma to them, please people repent as soon as possible 🙏🙏🙏!!!