
Was this "Atlantis", which sank beneath the waves? 

Charles Kos
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This video is a reference for future videos so it's clear where 'Atlantis' lies whenever I mention the terms. Seriously, Atlantis is a legend, a myth, BUT there was a huge land beyond the pillars of Hercules which did in fact sink beneath the waves in about the same time that Plato mentioned. This land did not suddenly sink as soon as the ice age was over and sea levels rose. No. It took perhaps 4000 years! Doggerland seems to have still been above the surface of the North Sea up till about 5000 BC or so. But as the sea levels continued to rise, refugees had had enough, and fled to lands such as Egypt, to continue their lives, abandoning their old lives, but taking the legend with them!
Of course, being a myth or legend, or corrupted history, Atlantis can really be wherever you want it to be. This video contains a realistic scenario for why BRITIAN + Doggerland should be Atlantis. Quite simply, there is too much going for this place. Huge developed RICH, and metal rich land in the Atlantic, history of imperialism, ancient (Geoffrey of Monmouth), as well as modern. So why not? However it should be noted that OTHER lands also could have become tied up in the Atlantis legend, other stories, other peoples. Such as the Minoans the deluge which occured there, tsunami, or Malta, or Sardinia, or the Tyrrhenian sea. All of these places lost land. There even used to be a huge island in the middle of the Aegean where the Cyclades now lie! Amazing!
The gist of this video, quite simply, is that Britain WAS NOT ON THE MAP, when the story of Atlantis, as related by the Egyptians, was passed to the Greeks. Solon, Plato, did not know about Britain and Ireland, unknown to classical Greece! This is huge!
If I was Charles Hapgood, I would also point out that the Herodotus map clearly shows a large BULGE, of land jutting into the North Sea. Ice-Age map?
All vids: / @thetimedetective42
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/ @charles_kos_tutor
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@DANTHETUBEMAN 6 лет назад
eye of the Sahara matches the description of the capital of Atlantis the best i have ever seen,, and it looks like a mud slide all the way to the sea,, it would take a lot to move that much water and land like that.
@byronwheeler4210 6 лет назад
Charles, you displayed the correct map at 3:40 in your video. The Herodotus map which clearly shows Atlanteans living in western and north western Africa. Herodotus lived between the time of Solon and Plato, so he received his info before Plato, and, maybe, directly from Solon. The Richat Structure (the eye of the sahara) is the lost city of Atlantis. No one is looking for the lost continent of Atlantis. As for it being a myth, why do we honor Plato and Solon in every other way, but label them "fake news" when it comes to Atlantis. Who amongst us thought Troy and Jericho and Sodom and Gomorra were myths before they were discovered? Not me. The Richat fits every criteria that Plato (from Solon) describes. The Atlanteans didn't build it - it's a natural feature - they used it. Mountains and rivers to the north...an inland seaport to the Atlantic which was much closer at the time. If it walks, talks and looks like a duck...it's Atlantis. Don't believe me, believe Herodotus!
@GhostOfBillCooper 6 лет назад
It's true, it's even labeled Atlanteans at 4:08 in NW Africa right where the Richat Structure is. It's literally labeled on the map. But NAh it's Britain, no it's a myth or it's everything. Man this video failed.
@padraigmurphy3540 5 лет назад
@@GhostOfBillCooper Numerous maps in those times also had drawings of sea monsters on them that they legitimately thought existed as well. The map holds no more weight and verifiable value than the writings of Plato
@GhostOfBillCooper 5 лет назад
@@padraigmurphy3540 Well if it has that much weight and value I'll take it over this videos perspective. Thanks for playing!
@padraigmurphy3540 5 лет назад
@@GhostOfBillCooper And where did I say this video holds any merit? Try again.
@GhostOfBillCooper 5 лет назад
@@padraigmurphy3540 Try following the conversation next time before butting in.
@WranglerSlim 5 лет назад
Search for the Richat Structure in Mauritania. Not only does it perfectly match the shape and dimensions given by Plato, but people have found tons of arrow heads, spears, spherical stones and other objects there that indicate that a civilization once existed there. Though now surrounded by a desert, you can see in satellite images that the desert was once an ocean. Additionally, the ground around the site is littered with red, black, and white stones, which is what Plato mentions that the city was made of.
@jamesaron1967 3 года назад
There are also megalithic structures or the foundations of such observable in satellite photos. There was clearly a civilization in this area at one time or another.
@frosty6960 6 лет назад
7:04 "Atlantis can be anything you want it to be. " No it cant. But to make it into britain you have to ignore everything Plato says. Thats IGNORING the ONLY source we have. Doggerland was not atlantis. Its a horrible mismatch.
@markmacthree3168 2 года назад
Playto was a bit of a crank, cult leader and very strange character I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him same as Cesar same shite 🤠
@uthermaceanruig5098 7 лет назад
Good ideas but Britton isn't larger than Asia and Libya combined. Plato's description of Atlantis fits much better when applied to the Americas. North America was subject to an absolutely massive cataclysm at exactly the time that Plato suggests that Atlantis was wiped out by fire and water. And fire and water was the culprit in North America. And besides a few megalithic structures, Britton doesn't show nearly as much evidence of large scale architecture, agricultura or mining as do the Americas. Nor is there evidence of Elephants and other mega fauna ever having been native to Britton. Everything that Plato described could have been found in the Americas at the time. I'm no expert. It's just my opinion that Plato gave a rather detailed description that fits the Americas much better than any other theory that I've heard. I don't want to sound like I'm attacking your theory with any measure of disrespect.
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
Totally true, I think lots of elements were mixed into the Atlantis story. It's describing many different places.
@uthermaceanruig5098 7 лет назад
Charles Kos I readily agree with your reasoning about the lack of room on the maps. Thanks for using those maps in your video. It's nice to see some of the maps of the period.
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
Yeah! Woohoo! It's a reason why Solon said it's in front of the Pillars of Hercules, he was looking at the world map of the day and thre was no room to put it anywhere so it was drawn right in front, as if it was there!
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
The mountain thing is the weak point of this idea, BUT they could be referring to Silbury Hill, Newgrange, OR... the Atlantis story is mixed up with the Shambalah story, which is a derivative of the garden of eden story, with a tree planted on World Mountain in the center of Shamballah, in a secret mountain kingdom surrounded by other mountains.
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
Not 'BRITAIN'. Atlantis included a wider area, whole doggerland, Atlantic coast! They were a confederation!
@mattronimus 6 лет назад
I believe Atlantis is the eye of the Sahara and the maps you show work well with that theory
@johntrek187 6 лет назад
I always believed Atlantis was in 1 of 3 places. First the Bahamas/Cuba. With the sea level lower there'd be alot more land mass and it could be the Island nation of Atlantis. Secondly it's in America. Thirdly, Antarctica. But... but, Im gonna tell you where it is. It's in Africa. More specifically an area called the eye of the sahara or the eye of africa. The video from Bright Insight spells it out beautifully. But also it fits Edgar Cayce's prediction. This structure was discovered by Space, right around the same time he said itd be, just like the bimini road was discovered, and wrongly given creedence of being Atlantis. But there ya have it. Its in Africa. A pre Ice age civilization known as Atlantis....
@dananorth895 3 года назад
Cayce also said Atlantis broke up into Og and Posidia in area of Bimini. Also Central and South Americans legend of coming from over sea from East from Atlan or Alta etc.
@dananorth895 3 года назад
This theory was first proposed in '99-'2000 by a Russian researcher. I forget his name, couldn't pronunce it anyway. Provided great maps and was trying to get underwater expedition started. Strong underwater currents between England and Spain/France. Ice sheets extended to Ireland/Great Britan fertile valley now underwater, river divided near Continental coast forming mountainous island, and steep mountainous coast. Clear on maps. He reseached a very thorough and convincing story.
@Drifterseries 6 лет назад
You are talking about sea levels rising in a few 100 years - Plato talks about a one night flood - as do all the myths. So something big happened. Rumours talk about meteorite impacts on the Ice cap in Nothern America and caused giant floods or a big solar outburst, that melted the ice rapidly. When ice is melted and the weight dissapears off the earth's plates, earthquakes will be really nasty by then. I find the pole shifting theory very interesting in this whole pack of rumours. So something big happened. And Atlantis got swallowed by the waves and covered in big layers of mud. I do have quite some questioning marks around a possible location called Richat Structure, but it is quite an interesting one to investigate...
@johnnonamegibbon3580 6 лет назад
The Plato story of Atlantis was inspired by the ancient civilizations of the Azores and the ancient Minoans. The Azores was populated by the ancient Iberians during the stone age, the same people who later became the Spanish and British.
@adisakorij4528 5 лет назад
The map you showed at 4:20 had the name and location of Atlantis on it. West Libya(Africa)
@BobMonty99 2 года назад
Great show again. More about dogerland maps please m8
@dmoney4079 5 лет назад
Atlantis fits properly in the Sahara. Most people don't realize that the entire United States can fit in the Sahara, so when they tell you Atlantis was really big, even when you add the water lost in the drain off of the Sahara, there is still alot if land!
@thetimberjack3347 7 лет назад
This is the most level-headed discussion on Atlantis I've come across and a breath of fresh air among all the alien conspiracy theories etc. I would be fascinated to hear about the possible connection between the destruction of atlantis and an expanding earth event. Truly this is riveting stuff...
@skeetersaurus6249 6 лет назад
The problem you have with Atlantis, is that Plato was THE driver of the myth. Socrates, his mentor, was a military man and actually confronted him on his public claims about Atlantis sinking (and it's status as 'a world power'), with Socrates saying to Plato, 'what is this Atlantis you speak of, for I have not heard of it?' Socrates was far more worldly and knowledgeable about the world than Plato, and here is Plato making statements about 'imaginary nations, world powers' that Socrates did not know of? First warning, right there. Secondly, The two significant lines in Plato's Criteas that speaks of Atlantis says 'it was beyond the gates of Heracles' and 'it was larger than Libya and Asia, combined'. Even in Plato's day, this was a land mass equal to modern Africa - so Atlantis was larger than Africa and past the gates of Heracles? Only one place fits this - and that is North and Central America. Now, look at the Caribbean Sea - look like a 'ringed, protected harbor' to you? Think it might have been destroyed before? What about the asteroid that hit the Yucatan Peninsula supposedly 65-million years ago? Sounds about right for the tale of a 'one-day sinking' of a great port city-state region, where it no longer exists with ZERO evidence discoverable, right? The center of the Caribbean is the former place called 'Atlantis'.
@cruciferousvegetable 7 лет назад
Atlantis must be Anarctica. The Piri Reis map proves someone had fully charted Antarctica before the mile of ice was formed on it. Atlantis was clearly described as a continent so there are three options: North America, South America, or Anarctica. You cant sink a continent, but it can surely be covered in a mile of ice which may as well be the same thing. Those who escaped went to the equator in South America and North Africa (Egypt). If a country were to say, nuke an ice shelf, the redistribution of water maybe could cause a crustal displacement or pole shift/axis tilt that could swing a continent into a pole position. Thus backfiring on said curious country.
@mavdj 7 лет назад
This is the theory that makes more sense to me. If only we could see what's underneath all that ice!
@donmiles9746 7 лет назад
Now this is very interesting. Atlantis was submerged or covered by water. Ice is frozen water. Bur does the location aline with Plato location. I had leaned toward ancient Sardinia.
@theRhinsRanger 7 лет назад
cruciferousvegetable Antarctica is two islands is it not?
@venkvelaga 6 лет назад
cruciferousvegetable Antarctica is still above the sea. Even back then (10,000) it was too cold to be any great civilization.
@payank505 7 лет назад
Thought you would appreciate this: I knew an amazing man named Sir George Trevelyan in England in the mid '80s. He was extremely learned, magical even. He started the adult education program in England as well as being a founder of Findhorn on the north coast of Scotland. His family is said to date back to Atlantis. I asked him in a "roots of heraldry symbology" about his family crest. He said it is of a man on a white horse coming out of the sea into Britain.
@katesisco 7 лет назад
Even more informative is that the beginning of RH Negative factor occurred then.
@DrCorvid 7 лет назад
Here's a cool follow-back into history: Akhenaten's entire lineage was exiled from the Mediterranean in time for the Minoan Warm period, at precisely which time the sea levels and climate were perfect for diking around the whole of North America including both sides of the Bering Land Bridge. I'm thinking the Na-Dene Indians were created in Siberia for this event, as the gardener class...they only recently moved away and absolutely had to be present while Alaska and Siberia was being intensively farmed and probably, mined.
@kevinhall1340 6 лет назад
Nice perspective on the matter. Atlantis is always fun.
@blkjet117 7 лет назад
There were two things that I found very interesting in this video that had nothing to do with Atlantis. First were the ancient maps, showing land of Parthia, Scythe, Carthage and Celts. These being lands that the 10 tribes of Israel might have migrated to. Second was the temperature chart. Where did you get that? If it is accurate, it would disprove the whole global warming thing being man made. Also the fact of rising sea being something that has been happening for a very long time.
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
Greenland Ice core readings. More trapped CO2 = warmer weather correlation, or something like that. Yes indeed.
@kevinhall1340 6 лет назад
Agreeing with you on this one. Common denominator suggests, almost all point of origin material, the map regions indicate "origin. "
@wandacassady9384 5 лет назад
The eye of the Sahara !!!!!!
@ElveeKaye 7 лет назад
There is evidence that many older maps, the ones predating even the ones you're showing here, were based on very old maps going back to before the cataclysms that inundated islands and coastlines. This would include the famous Piri Reis map. At that time, they still depicted islands such as Hi Brasil, now known not to exist because they are under the water, but which were above water before the Ice Age. Maps of these lands were copied and recopied over and over for centuries, long after those lands had disappeared beneath the waves, because Europeans weren't able to check them out for themselves. Then came the age of exploration, when adventurers began exploring the oceans in greater detail, and it was realized that the old maps were no longer accurate. The "imaginary" islands and coastal regions were eliminated from newer maps, as they simply didn't exist, but the maps became less accurate for navigation. Whoever made the original maps from 12,000+ years ago had far better skills, and could explore much more of the world, than Europeans in the Middle Ages. Thus we see yet another example of technology becoming worse, and not better, over time.
@jameswillert8163 7 лет назад
You're not taking into account important points and evidence regarding the ocean level at the time and how that would effect the mid-Atlantic ridge along with tectonic movements of the Earth. Have you done any research into the pyramids on and around the Azores Islands? What about the migration patterns of ancient traditions and archaeological finds?? Also, let's not assume that ALL maps of a given time MUST be WORLD maps (much less accurate). In this current age, do we not have many more examples of cartography other than just world maps...? Good observations, but too many assumptions.
@stig Год назад
Watching this for the 2nd time. I'm going back to the Richat in 8 days.
@zachlyons4952 5 лет назад
Google Herodotus Atlantis Map 430 BC. Shows Atlantis location. Or possible location based on his description. You're going way North, no proof of that at all.
@MrApplewine 6 лет назад
It could be anything that sunk with the mass extinction event from the comet 12,000 years ago and end of the ice age. However, I also looked for the largest red area on those maps near the Mediterranean and also noticed the England was it. It wouldn't have been an island at the time though. However, island may just mean coastal land, or maybe they meant it became an island when it sank. It could also be a combination of many places in a common story.
@TheLuckyWarrior 5 лет назад
Thank you Charles. I really appreciate all the hypotheses that you present.
@weisthor0815 7 лет назад
according to official sources, britain´s north was completely covered by ice during the last iceage, and it´s south was apolar desert, so it is more than unlikely that britain was in fact atlantis. we should take platon more seriously. according to his story, atlantis sunk 9000 years before solon was told about it from an egyptian priest in 600 bc. so it sunk 9600 bc, which is exactly the date that corresponds to the end of the last ice age and the sudden rising of sea levels. look up graham hancocks new book or the work of robert schoch, i think they are on to something big. something very dramatical happened in that timeframe on a global level, erasing humanity´s achievements in an instant and kicking us back to a dark age. all that survived are the unexplained stone monuments we find all around the planet and some unexplained knowledge the survivors took to different places of the earth. what would happen if we would suffer the same fate today? what would remain of our high tech civilization after thousands of years? absolutely nothing, except big monuments made of stone.
@mrsverity6661 7 лет назад
Very interesting ideas, I live near to Star Carr and there are ancient sites all over this landscape. Star Carr was once on the shore of Lake Pickering, (they say Bronze age) which has long since disappeared. There is a very interesting monolith near here too called Rudston Monolith, it's capped with lead for some reason. This region is steeped in ancient history and our schools hardly look at what's on our own doorstep. Such a shame. My kids love the old sites. Keep up the research.
@misterbplays 7 лет назад
Interesting Theory, and makes some sense.
@mavdj 7 лет назад
The theory of Antarctica being Atlantis makes more sense to me. It is an actual continent in the middle of the World ocean, and it literally sank beneath the ice. I wonder what's underneath all of that Ice. That would surely explain all these impossible ancient maps that show Antarctica when it was free of ice. Are you familiar with Charles Hapgood's Earth Crustal Displacement theory? Check that out.
@mavdj 7 лет назад
Rand Flem-Ath has some good books on it as well.
@calvinlong1265 3 года назад
The thing that disturbs me about your documentary and the others that I've seen so far is that they keep trying to make Plato's story fit Santorini or some other area instead of in the Atlantic Ocean where Plato said it was. I did a little research and the report I found that said there had been no subsidence in the area of the Azores was an old one (at least the one I saw was). I can't help but wonder if the area was reexamined using modern technology, what we would find. If you look at the Azores on Google Earth, you can clearly see what appears to be a submerged landmass with the Mid-Atlantic ridge running through the middle of it. Also, there have been pyramids found on Pico Island in the Azores. Some questions that keep nagging at me are: 1. Is it really a coincidence that the area where Plato said Atlantis was coincides with where the North American Plate, Eurasian Plate, and the Azores Microplate, as well as the Azores-Gibraltar Fault, all meet? 2. What if what happened to Atlantis wasn't a subsidence event? 3. If those pyramids found in the Azores aren't what's left of Atlantis, what are they? 4. Are there any other ruins on the Azores that could confirm, or eliminate, this area as a possible location of Atlantis?
@dn744 6 лет назад
London has a circular mound 25miles radius. Under ground is huge. Cathedrals built on previous and even 're cycle the stone. The coin stones that form corners were pre cut, hence all that infill are of lesser quality. Would help cover up the past if build over it. Wonder what's below Buckingham palace?
@valvaliantthor102 7 лет назад
The Great Deluge is recorded in writings from all over the world, there is no way that the flood was not worldwide and even less of a chance that Noah's flood was so isolated as you suggested.
@More-Space-In-Ear 7 лет назад
What I find interesting is that all the maps are seen from above...as in "from orbit"… I also love looking at the Piri Res map, he knew of ancient maps that even had Antarctica mapped out....
@dananorth895 3 года назад
But no Atlantis on Peri Reise map!
@More-Space-In-Ear 3 года назад
@@dananorth895 why should there be??…atlantis is Antarctica but has move down to its position now. Piri Res got his information from much older maps that now have long gone…
@pmessinger 7 лет назад
Maps are drawn to detail the known areas, not the entire planet. Their "world" consisted of lands that had been visited and described to the historian or mapmaker, no more.
@dragonkattz 7 лет назад
This area is known as Doggerland. All archeological remains found here reveal that the people living there were pretty primitive. Thera, Greece would seem to be a better match for Plato's Atlantis.
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
Good points!
@animistchannel2983 7 лет назад
You would be well-advised to check your hypotheses with the human genome project. For example, the redheads of Britain are the result of waves of norse-germanic tribes migrating during the bronze age and historical periods, whereas the redheads of South America & Easter Island trace to "long-ears" semitic lines that had trans-atlantic trading routes ca 1200 bce that brought tobacco and chocolate to Egypt (evidence includes nicotine & theobromine residues in Egyptian mummies of that era). The oldest native populations of southwestern British Isles are related to the Basques, from a culture that spanned the now-flooded coastline from Spain to Ireland. Recent discoveries like the City of Krishna off the coast of India and the quarries off Japan, plus the landscape carving of the zodiac on Britain and the realistic/geologic dating of the Sphinx, shows that there was a high culture of maritime-capable, oral tradition, astronomy-sophisticated, megalith builders whose coastal capitals were all basically flooded out with the catastrophic drainage of Lake Agassiz (approx 12k years ago) that raised sea levels by several meters in a single season and set off worldwide tsunamis, seiches, and centuries of sudden global cooling. The 3km thick North American glaciers may have been hit by a comet that made them go melty, or they may have simply receded to the coast of Hudson Bay until they collapsed and let a quarter of Canada drain off -- still some debate on that exact mechanism. Various megafauna extinctions are also contemporary with and attributable to this natural catastrophe, either from direct climate change or by forcing overhunting by humans caught up in it. Basically, what may have been the largest freshwater lake in the history of the world just dumped into the Arctic Ocean all at once, and everyone had to start over from the scraps. This is consistent with reports I've encountered from multiple disciplines, and they all converge on that time frame. The Lesser Dryas was a bad time for a whole lot of creatures... Enough submarines checking the current 30-meter depth would probably connect more of the dots for us. However, pinpointing an exact location of Atlantis per se is like you said: it's an amalgamation of legends from the late glacial era, and, like the flood stories, you can cherry-pick details to set it in any number of locations. That's all mainstream stuff now, no controversy required unless one is a jackass local egyptologist who can't stand to have the pharaohs surpassed by earlier folks. Oftentimes, ancestral veneration is a total stumbling-block to progress. Eventually, these guys will just die of old age and be replaced by actual scientists. Personally, I don't have a pony in that race, and I don't care if people reconstruct history properly. What I care about is where we go next... what we need to do is get life off this rock and out to other worlds so it isn't all wasted when the sun swells up and boils the planet.
@simongravel7407 7 лет назад
Great quality post!
@animistchannel2983 7 лет назад
Thank you so much! Lake Agassiz has become one of my "standard rants." It's not controversial per se, but it is also (apparently) not well known except among inter-disciplinarians; and it reduces the need for religious/mythical assumptions in understanding that crucial transition period in ecology & civilization. The more stuff we can nail down by hard data, the less we need to rely on mythological metaphor. For both the scientist and the animist/shamanist, this moves the "line of inquiry" a little farther into the great unknown. This gives the scientist some breathing room, and it challenges the mystic to reach out a little bit further :)
@lizbotica2965 7 лет назад
animist channel I like your observations, pre-flood high civilisation, giants on the earth, one huge land mass. The mud all around the continents definitely speak of a gigantic flood incidence. The lost cities would've been built near the coastlines and now buried underneath that mud. I've been connecting the dots myself. Human footprints have been found inside dinosaur prints, I mean, that speaks for itself. Have you considered to study the facts presented in the bible? I take the bible as the pivotal point from which all these happenings of the past fan out. I'm no one in particular, just interested in these amazing facts.
@grahamgreer9367 6 лет назад
Ah, wouldn't it be nice if this were the quality of the average YT comment? Thanks for this!
@BryonLape 7 лет назад
The ice age ended very quickly. The ice would push the land down on one side of the plate and up on the other.
@mattshell3954 7 лет назад
Great work , very well presented. really enjoyed watching your theory and what led you to the conclusion.
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
Thank you Matt!
@pyrotash 7 лет назад
Great scot I live on atlantis.
@otherhalf228 6 лет назад
so... gingers are atlantean?
@dannystaton5386 6 лет назад
Love. Your. Videos.
@danwinstanley2810 6 лет назад
Great vid!
@firemantim9601 6 лет назад
"Rangas are everywhere sir"
@matthewtalbot7854 4 года назад
I wanna see the whole exploration of dogger land
@DJJimCowley 7 лет назад
Interesting stuff.
@truthseek1790 7 лет назад
Thanks Charles Kos, for an interesting collection of maps and your interest in Atlantis. Did the legends not say Atlantis was an Island? If so, perhaps you could look at what the shape of Atlantis was from other sea levels, as the ice was melting after the Meteor impacts of about 11 an 12 thousand years ago.
@bobjohnson7917 7 лет назад
Your ice age land mass map only takes sea level into account. Rheology also needs to be looked into. With 2 mi of ice over north america it would push the entire continent down this causes low laying areas like oceans to bulge up. This could cause an Island to sink as the glaciers melt and the American plate rises.
@bobjohnson7917 7 лет назад
Well ok maybe it does since you say it took a while for the sea level to rise, but the story isn't about part of a continent that fell off of the coast and became an Island it is an Island nation that sank completely. I think you are on the right track and that a huge part of their civ was lost with doggerland, but I think Atlantis proper was a little further out and gone completely now.
@stig 3 года назад
watching this for the first time
@lawneymalbrough4309 6 лет назад
That is an old map which does no go beyond the equator. It's funny that they did not explore beyond that point at one time. there are much older maps which show the entire world, but in the dark ages peoples views changed. They assumed nothing could live below the equator and just didn't bother to venture there. This map shows Europe Africa ( half of Africa that is) and Asia. The Mediteranian sea and half of the Atlantic ocean. They don't even show the east coast of Asia or the Pacific ocean. This is the map they were using before Columbus. Now I'll watch the rest and see where he thinks Atlantis is. Should be interesting.
@johndelong5574 2 года назад
atl- antis means " before the water" in nahuatl.Not a place but a time. One of several hundred great flood " myths".Some events were two or more events (or people) con- fused.
@kiriltzenev5955 3 года назад
Plato wrote Atlantic is "bigger than Asia and Lybia combined" and that the people of the Mediterranean led by the Greek had a war with the people outside the Mediterranean, led by Atlanteans, SO, what is bigger than Asia and Africa combined ? Answer- North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica. It was a global civilisation , like ours an it had rival superpowers , like ours
@BritishFreedom 7 лет назад
If you leave the Straights of Gibraltor (Pillars of Hercules) then you would hit the gulf stream before then, it may have been different then. Would they have known about this unique natural phenomenon? That stream would have pushed any ancient ships Northwards.
@TrevsTravelTales 4 года назад
Britain was joined to Europe, thus the only island being Ireland. That is your Atlantis.
@sybiannewbes2716 4 года назад
You may be onto something,but,please slow down enough to provide background information.
@steveparkes4365 7 лет назад
Fishing trawlers are constantly dragging up mammoth bones and tusks from the North sea.
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
Wow, I didn't know that!
@troytaylor9228 7 лет назад
Quite obviously based on the maps used at this time in the world Atlantis has to be one of the continents known about. Those maps show what was once Doggerland that is now under the North Sea. Today R1b1b2a1a1 is found mostly on the fringes of the North Sea in England, Germany and the Netherlands, where it reaches levels of one-third. That distribution suggests that some of the first men to bear the haplogroup in their Y-chromosomes were residents of Doggerland, a real-life Atlantis that was swallowed up by rising seas in the millennia following the Ice Age. Another theory supposes that the shore for some distance, perhaps covering many miles out to sea was not actually shore but ice shelf! This theory proposes they sailed around the coast of ice shelf occasionally making settlement stops and cache spots for drops along their exploring. Doggerland was a low-lying region of forests and wetlands that may have been ice at one time which was melting off at a accelerated pace. It must have been rich in game; today, fishing trawlers in the North Sea occasionally dredge up the bones and tusks of the mastodons that roamed there. It is believed by experts that many huge mammals such as mastadons and more would get stuck in the swampy areas becoming lodged in making them easy prey! Doggerland had its heyday between about 12,000 years ago, when the Ice Age climate began to ameliorate, and 9,000 years ago, when the meltwaters of the gradually retreating glaciers caused sea levels to rise, drowning the hunter's paradise. Doggerland's inhabitants retreated to the higher ground that is now the North Sea coast.
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
Wow! I wonder if that Haplogroup are the Friesians, (very tall) and Dutch (Very smart). It's rather interesting. Ok to go off a little... I have been reading that Land's End is a promontory on the end of a leeline, but if you follow leelines, they only reason to ascend a promontory is to see where you are over the forests... so basically it was a hill and there was much more around it at one time when the leeline system was introduced in europe for land navigation. Yes... there was one commenter suggesting his research indicated the sealevels continued rising until about 5000 BC. This would be in line with the Strogga event-tsumami which may have been the last straw for many ancient Brits and Doggers, deciding to migrate perhaps into the Mediterranean (Atlantean War? #2, 3?), and to Egypt also.
@monashsq4001 7 лет назад
good job one thing that pisses me off about the Mediterranean Atlantis theory is if it was there the ancients would have recorded it and we would all know it was there. people were pretty bloody cluey back then, and we are finding more and more that people moved around a lot more then was theorised.
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
Yes, the mediterranean atlantis theory annoys me as well. It's like theorists 'give up' as soon as they realise that the Minoans sound like Atlantis, but the story is very different and describes other details on a wider scale. For sure!
@lloydtshare 5 лет назад
Is that 200 bc map correct, its showing the pillar of hercules as a meridian line?
@area46241 7 лет назад
Makes good sense to me!
@nowaout8014 7 лет назад
awesome video
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
Thank you!
@RandomGerman8008 7 лет назад
The story of atlantis is that it sunk beneath the waves. Both Americas and all of the UK are still around. Soo it's not any of those.
@RetroAP 6 лет назад
Compare a map of all the large scale Atlantic currents and a map of Atlantis. Atlantis seems to fit inside the currents
@robertmartinez696 7 лет назад
he said legend is just story...no all old tales came from real life people wake up..we just like to pick and choose and only accept we can explain ...the ones we can't explain we choose to say they didn't happen cuz we can't accept that we don't have an answer for it
@morrisminor56 6 лет назад
@kevinhall1340 6 лет назад
I don't think there are any known discoveries of ancient civilization in the waters around Alaska.
@theRhinsRanger 7 лет назад
There were also redheads in Peru. I'm inclined to think it's the Americas for many reason's.
@jake7w 6 лет назад
Charles, have you any views on the 'Eye of Africa' as potential location of Atlantis?
@wtarizona1017 7 лет назад
I've always speculated that the Pillars of Hercules would have been actual Pillars - not two giant rocks. (think of the twin towers) If correct in my assumption: somewhere lying on the Ocean floor, partly covered with silt and sand, lie the remains of two gigantic pillars, possibly toppled by the deluge. It doesn't make any sense with what we've been lead to believe about these two landmarks compared with all the other magnificent megalithic structures attributed to an ancient god/hero of such superhuman strength.
@RandomGerman8008 7 лет назад
Atlantis has allready been found. Not sure why this is still a debate. It is at the bottom of the bermuda triangle.
@kevinhall1340 6 лет назад
Can Alaska be ruled out? The Bering Strait? Continental travelers across this strait may have perceived their route to North America as sunken land.
@theRhinsRanger 7 лет назад
there are also huge land masses on maps with towns ans everything but the land has gone.....or rather sunk. Check out Harry Hubbard's channel where he goes through the maps, it's fantastic. There was a place just south of Greenland
@portiamatthews9654 7 лет назад
Wasn't part of Plato's description that you could see five other islands, ports, and a mountain?. And that Atlantis sank over night?.
@francescopelini1957 7 лет назад
Ciao from Italy ,i m sorry for my english but i would like to give a contribute to this interesting conversation,the problem is that you are looking too far as everybody before you,the map of the tresure that Plato leave is very accurate in distances and measure but doesnt arrive nowere...or not .Once upon a time a large island after the Ercules Columns , Are we shure that Platos columns were in Gibrolta like now,the answere is NO so we are starting to measure from the wrong point and we finish in the ocean .Plato describe the columns like a very difficoult place to navigate with shallows and strong underwater currents Gibrolta see is very large and deep and for modern sailers dosent t present any risk,but if you go Between Sicily and Tunisy you will find the most dangerous part of the mediterranio to sail and as your maps show this channel after the last glacial age was more little Sicily and north africa more large Gibrolta quite The same. So for Plato the see was the eastern mediterranio with Delphi City in the center and Ocean was the western part of Mediterranio from Sicily to Gibrolta .So if you change the start magicaly you will find a large island SARDEGNA (mountains, rivers ,silver ,,iron, the sheeps make 4 lambs every year,there is the largest unknow cyvilization of bronze age of all europe NURAGHE ;more than 3000 castles only 4 escavate ) and from this island you can reach other islands (BALEARI MAYORCA MINORCA )and the continent all around SPAIN FRANCE and ITALY.The city of Atlantis probably was in the gulf of Cagliari Down the Campidano valley the largest flat area of Sardegna that is a mountain island and if you look the topography you will see that all Campidano valley is a few meters up to the sea level,Plato say that the city and the civilization of Atlantis were distroyed from the Slap of Poseydon so probably a large tzunami came from Sicily and invade all the Campidano valley that became unabitable for alot of century (Only in 19 century with the unification of Italy there was a large progect to eliminate swamps and Malaria from this large part of the island. All the Nuraghe castles in the valley are desroyed and cover by meters of mud all the Nuraghe castles on the hills are in good conditions Saregna popolation is the only island culture that is fear of the sea till now but probably before was one of the largest sea empire in the mediterraneo.The problem is that we look at the geography with a satellite eyes from greecs point of vew sail was a very difficoult challenge they sail not in open sea but looking the sea coast and they describe the way using smbols and myths (...after 200 lega in the direction of the island of Poseidon (east)you will find mermaid (difficoult sea passage becarefull)the knowledge of the geograpy risk was in the hands of the Ministers of DELPHY were was te ORACLE that give verdicts on very practical request (how can i sale without risk from Athen to ..)The oryzon of their world was mythic on west the world finish on the island of Atlas son of Zeus that has on his shoulders the sky dome on east in Caucaso were Prometeo was chained fom Zeus because he stolen the fire from Olimpo and give back to the humanity.After Alexander the grate that push the limit of the greak world till india this mytic oyzon was unballanced and probably Eratostene the grate cartographer and director of Alessandria library (200 bc)decided to give back simmetry to the world to change the position of Ercules column till Gibrolta.
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
You are totally right! I have a friend from Germany also telling me it's Sardinia. Your comment is amazing, thank you Francesco. I wonder if there are any pictures of the city destroyed in the 19th century?
@francescopelini1957 7 лет назад
was not a city was a NURAGHE Castle( www.lincei-celebrazioni.it/atlantika/foto.html ) found under 30 meters of mud, the informations that i share with you are takan from a large study done by SERGIO FRAU an italian journalist that first understood the possibility that the Ercules columns probably in the past were down Sicily,You have to consider that this marker point was extrimely important in the geograpy of the past and misinterpret this point was a tragedy for any reserch that start from greek historical sources in terms of distances (it's like to start from WTC in NY instead EMPIRE STATE BUILDING to reach your destination in the city) In his reserch ,that i red entirely,all the distances of greek geographical sources that before have no sence, like in a welldone puzle , come to make sense and alot of places that before the historians accademics belives to be part of fantasy and mitology, are geograpicaly defined;one of this is the positin of the island of ATLAS (That was not the core of the originary reserch project)So after this large study i belive that this is the most probably position of the city,because it is easy smart and make mention the ancent sources without complications,and because the Nuraghe civilization is largelly unknown and unstudy (only 30 nuraghe are arkeologicaly investigate on 3000 )
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
Thank you! I was looking for a book about ancient Sardinia, a few years back, and I could not find anything! It is a totally neglected and amazing civilization!
@francescopelini1957 7 лет назад
Unfortunatly Charles this very precious study was written only in italian language but recived unesco patronage for the qality of the reserch,i think you will not find a lot of material about Nuragic civilization because as i saiyd is largest archeologicaly unexplored but belive me wen i say you that this is one of the most important card for the comprention of the preistorical mitology (darck age)in mediterranio.FROM THE LINK THAT I SUGGEST YOU CAN EXPLORE A LARGE PANORAMA OF MAPS AND IMAGES OF NURAGHE
@payank505 7 лет назад
From what I have read the Atlantic Ocean was a sea of mud, debris and turbulence for long after the sinking of Atlantis and didn't totally clear up (except for the northern route e.g. Vikings, Irish) until the late 1400s, hence Columbus.
@paulskillman6634 6 лет назад
The shapes of the Earth's poles must have varied a lot in all these time periods. I am sure someone must have studied them and how they varied through these time periods.
@jameimcleod8677 6 лет назад
Your map of the ice age should not have the Mediterranean on it, that happened after we came out of the ice age with the melting glacial waters which also filled in the english channel.
@mvii7821 7 лет назад
nobody mention why they put thule on those 2 map
@daniels4338 7 лет назад
3:44 So they used to think the Caspian was fed from/drained to the South?
@FeineKunst 7 лет назад
IMHO - Atlantis and Aztlan are the same object. Tenochtitlan was the capital city of Atlantis, based in the midst of Lake Texcoco. Plato might have no correct maps of Europe and British Isles. But the ancient peoples 12 Millenia ago surely had correct maps of Europe. Nowadays so called "latin America" is the most probable candidate for the place of ancient high developed civilization of Atlantis. Europe seems to be too cold for it then.
@valerieboone5548 5 лет назад
FeineKunst 66
@cymoncyrado2879 7 лет назад
wasn't Atlantis beyond the pillars of Hercules?
@Mullinuhh 7 лет назад
i think Atlantis is/means the whole landmass world! that floded for some reason.... perhaps an enormous ice-asteroid
@lawneymalbrough4309 6 лет назад
This theory does not even fit the discriptions of Atlantis handed down by legends. Once you ignore the discriptions it's easy to come up with a theory that does not fit those discriptions.
@TheTimeDetective42 6 лет назад
So what's your theory then?
@lawneymalbrough4309 6 лет назад
Well here's another map with no Africa on it. It shows the Atlantic ocean where Africa is. It does show North Africa where Libya is and the Arabian Peninsula. What happened to the rest of Africa? They never explored that far south.
@afcfrance8115 7 лет назад
i am married to a red head, and trust me you do not want to mess with them
@MrRoardog 7 лет назад
never seen these maps. good thought pattern too. is the RH gene that is being tracked related? im a red head though i prefer its more orange
@venkvelaga 6 лет назад
You can't map something that you never been to. Alexander was turned back by Asoka in India. England is not atlantis. England is still above the sea. There was also landmass under Tamil Nadu.
@jamesaron1967 3 года назад
Ashoka the Great lived in the century _after_ Alexander. They were not contemporaries. He did not cause Alexander to turn back. No ruler did. There was a mutiny in his army because the soldiers and generals refused to advance from sheer exhaustion and lack of interest.
Atlanta's island, what it was Atlantis Ireland. they misheard.
@Spectre-wd9dl 5 лет назад
I don't believe these maps show the entire known world. The Egyptians knew of more of the world than what was on this map. If they're were so many Greeks in Egypt then why didn't anyone tell them there was more to the world than this. I believe this was just a map used to show the area around Greece. It just seems odd to me that no one ever went farther south into Africa or Asia. Or they never met anyone from there. Our history as taught is all wrong.
@jamesaron1967 3 года назад
There were many maps in this video. Which maps specifically are you referring to? Yes, there were a lot of Greeks in Egypt during Hellenistic times. They were primarily concentrated in the delta region especially Alexandria but not confined to that city. We don't know everything the Greeks knew or what they gathered from the Egyptians or even what the Egyptians knew, for that matter. A huge amount of information was lost in the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. There were likely hundreds of maps there. Don't assume that what we inherited in modern times from the ancients is the majority of knowledge they possessed. The opposite is most likely the case.
@Jeffers1960 7 лет назад
whats up... even you said greenland was warmer at the right time and is very large so why dismiss it as a possible Atlantis?????
@RAY-THE-WAY 6 лет назад
Jeffery Page since Australia is related to UK he wants Atlantis to be UK related it’s a biased claim he makes. He wants his heritage to be special so he claims Britain was Atlantis
@Reformatt 7 лет назад
Doggerland housed the veracochas!!
@garybrodziak2196 7 лет назад
America was known about as early as 1066.......
@robertmartinez696 7 лет назад
land mass didn't sink...we have more water after the flood which is covering a lot of ancient inhabited land..coastlines shrink overtime
@jquest43 7 лет назад
it sank
@mattyreardon3593 3 года назад
Any chance Australia is part of Lumeria? Aboriginals use identical colours in ceremonial dress smoking ceremonies to Indian yogis. Even have head dress like Indians.
@soengv85 7 лет назад
and dont forget were not living on a spnnign ball startrail with camera at 90 degree against supposed central axis shows stras going in curves ergo no spinning axis
@ytubesucksazznow 7 лет назад
maybe, but the actual city of atlantis was described pretty well, big flood or not, people from that area would have known that other countries were calling them "atlantis" and either rectified it or it would be on maps shortly after words.... not to mention they supposedly had huge navies and large trading ships with better technology than the other cultures...... britian was at best a bunch of thugs before they united waring against each other. hardly the building blocks of atlantis.....
@martygirl464 6 лет назад
I respectfully disagree. This was caused by excavation, mining, drilling, and greed. It’s amazing how this little island of people have used other nations to fight their wars so they can dominate them. No such thing as English, they are anglos, Germans. Later called “Angles”...then Angels” you know those beings people revere and pray to. They’re mentioned in the “English”written bible.
@Tyler.i.81 7 лет назад
What do you think of expanding earth theory? If the continents' were closer together going back in time that would make sense why the continents' were more consolidated. The Atlantians would have had the technology to map the whole world. I'm sure the piri reus map was copied by Arabic sailors' probably when Alexandria feel alot of the maps and books parchments were taken to Byzantium or Iraq or Timbuktu. I think the Atlantian empire had colony's around the islands around Africa Tenerife the Azores even Antarctica parts of Spain cadiz etc. Antarctica was a military research station for the pre adamic empire but as catastrophes happened a contingency started building bases underground in Antarctica under the ice. From what I've hear they caused a flood by building tunnels to close to tectonic plates.
@TheTimeDetective42 7 лет назад
I think it's probably correct. If it expands it can shrink as well. I came up with my own 'sudden earth contraction theory' need to make a vid, to explain catastrophies and change in number of days per year,, change in sea levels, but can't link it, my server is down :( Yep, love your comment. The crust is very old, but everything truly ancient, very deep, gets melted, turned to metamorphic rock.
@jnesto1982 7 лет назад
Dude one of the maps you showed clearly says Atlanteans on the west coast of Libya (Africa). A number of maps shows it there why are you stuck on Brittain. After all it is an Egyptian story and it was told to Plato that's how he found out about a land Atlantis and its misfortunes. And like everything else math philosophy spirituality, astronomy Egypt thought these Europeans and Europeans went back claiming the knowledge to seem like geniuses. Pythagoras Plato Socrates Herodotus all of them just took the knowledge took advantage of the sacred schooling broke the rules that's why they all died unnatural deaths can't just expose like that and think it's ok. Even Solon got the story from egypt
@RAY-THE-WAY 6 лет назад
STOW cause he’s from the UK and doesn’t want the Island to be from a non UK place of the world
@MikeJones-oo7wi 7 лет назад
there were red heads in new zealand before the maories got there.
@van-gabondramblinrose6398 7 лет назад
And they were giants! Also legends of small blonde haired, white skinned people.
@truthseek1790 7 лет назад
Really? I would love a source or a reference for that, if you have one.
@truthseek1790 7 лет назад
Really? I would love a source or a reference for that, if you have one.
@MikeJones-oo7wi 7 лет назад
truthseek look up Martin Doutre on the vinni Eastwood show RU-vid.
@theRhinsRanger 7 лет назад
truthseek - search “New Zealand Skeletons in the closet” documentary
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