
Web Design Basics: Index.html and Folder Structure 

Rob Meyers
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--2021 update-
Hi RU-vid friends searching for information regarding the index.html file of a web-site. This video was 2nd in a series of videos I made for a course I taught long ago.
If you need to create an index.html
- Go here htmlshell.com/
- Adjust the settings to your liking
- Copy/Paste into an empty HTML file (you can make one in notepad)
- Save the file as index.html into your web-sites folder.
I hope that helps you in your journeys.



2 ноя 2013




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@SaurabhKumar-cp3ph 3 года назад
thankyou sir , Very Important information
@Sastrapegon 3 года назад
thanks man, verry helpfull. finaly i can finish my school project !
@mega1meyers 3 года назад
I'm amazed my 7-year-old video is still helping folks on youtube! I'm not affiliated with them whatsoever but www.freecodecamp.org/learn/responsive-web-design/basic-html-and-html5/ is a great resource for anyone wanting to become HTML masters.
@alimowafy8713 3 года назад
@@mega1meyers I am more surprised to see you replying to people’s comments after 7 years, what a good man!
@Lochnes2007 7 лет назад
Thank you very much for this video. I am beginer of html and css, you have solved my today problem. Was really helpful. :-)
@analemma.inflection 9 лет назад
Dope video. many thanks.
@Mr22spiderman 3 года назад
Hello, I have created my website using notepad editor. I didn't create index.html file because I didn't know about it at that time. I created a file folder My Webpage under a document. When I click my webpage file, I have many html files, pictures and videos. Where do I create index.html and my main page is funaramas page. Thank you.
@mega1meyers 3 года назад
index.html needs to be in the root directory. Which means the top level. Everything else is on you to organize into folders.
@ZypherGames 6 лет назад
i wish you explained what goes into a index.html and why?
@boykinsinternational1313 4 года назад
that's why i came and i still don't understand.
@masonhunter2748 3 года назад
the page's html
@anthonyvalmoria221 6 лет назад
@titimaattireach1425 6 лет назад
how to upload index.html file to website?
@mega1meyers 6 лет назад
Hi Titima, Assuming you already have a hosting service, you will simply need to use a FTP (file transfer protocol). The most popular FTP is Filezilla filezilla-project.org/ After you login to your hosting provider via FTP you simply drag and drop the folder.
@titimaattireach1425 6 лет назад
Rob Meyers thanks
@williamjamesrapp7356 7 лет назад
POOR VIDEO -- and you drive me insane with your MOUSING SURFING all over the screen -- very distracting.
@mega1meyers 7 лет назад
hey thanks, you seem like the life of a party.
@noobalien3711 5 лет назад
buddy this was made in 2013 and u commented after 4 years, i bet you didnt even know how to screen record back in 2013 while this guy knows much more then you
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