

Tia Taylor
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27 окт 2024




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@dudamendesmili1071 7 лет назад
"We should start being proud" if Americans get more proud than they already are they'll become Kanye West lol
@giannilee42 8 лет назад
Giurare fedeltà alla bandiera americana è agghiacciante...
@domet80 8 лет назад
un po' come era l'italia quando c'era il fascismo... ecco loro bene o male hanno la stessa democrazia italiana nel '30/'40..
@Camy2698 8 лет назад
+BuzzTv è sarcasmo...
@domet80 8 лет назад
ma che stai a dì???? 1 il mio commento era sarcastico (e se non lo hai capito mi preoccuperei fossi in te).... 2 non ho cancellato un bel niente...
@SirAlric82 8 лет назад
Giurare fedeltà alla bandiera non è nulla di strano, anche la costituzione italiana, all'articolo 54, stabilisce espressamente che tutti i cittadini hanno il DOVERE di essere fedeli alla repubblica. La differenza è che per gli statunitensi la patria e la costituzione sono cose serie, mentre per noi italiani menefreghisti invece no. Ma del resto, ci sarà pure un motivo se gli USA sono la prima potenza mondiale mentre l'Italia invece è solo una repubblica delle banane in procinto di diventare una succursale dell'Africa.
@tomtotem9230 8 лет назад
Ti faccio un bel John Hancock sul cazzo
@ingridplata2411 8 лет назад
I think in Italy we aren't very patriotic because the last time we were (I mean with Mussolini and the fascism, World War Two)... Well, it didn't quite work!But I'd say that at least we know we aren't the only ones in the world! :D
@monicacoldriver 8 лет назад
brava, non tutti gli americani lo ammetterebbero, sei molto obbiettivà and very very funny :)
@teawrecks 8 лет назад
io adoro gli Stati Uniti, ma una cosa che non sopporto è sempre stato il fatto che per voi esiste solo il vostro Paese... cioè noi in Italia ci facciamo il mazzo a scuola per studiare la storia di tutto il mondo poi parlo con un americano e mi dice che non ha la minima idea di chi sia Napoleone..... ma scherziamo? insomma mi dà fastidio che per voi oltre al vostro bellissimo Paese comunque non siano rilevanti gli altri continenti....e soprattutto stereotipate tutto in maniera convinta... cioè io se penso ad esempio a un francese mi immagino uno con la baguette, torre Eiffel eccetera, ma ovviamente so benissimo che in realtà hanno uno stile di vita simile al mio, mentre in America si fermano agli stereotipi... ed è credo la prima cosa che vorrei cambiare alla mentalità USA, anche se overall, amo il tuo Paese
@alessia8580 8 лет назад
uguale per me
@alegiraldo599 8 лет назад
+Alejandro Giraldo Napoleone*
@rottamato 8 лет назад
+Sara M Noi non studiamo affatto la storia di tutto il mondo. Approfondiamo solamente quella europea e solo ciò che più direttamente interessa l'Italia... il resto l'accenniamo appena... cosa sai, per esempio, dell'Impero Gupta, o del periodo Edo giapponese o anche della guerra ispano-americana?
@teawrecks 8 лет назад
rottamato ok ma noi comunque non studiamo solo la storia del nostro Paese, la ampliamo ai fatti più importanti avvenuti nel mondo....loro no
@veronicamagagnoli4728 8 лет назад
beh, la storia insegnata in italia non parte dal boston tea party, eddai. tutti noi abbiamo iniziato con i sumeri.
@domet80 8 лет назад
4:45 "when i ask for fetuccini alfredo, an italian teels me: WHO??? """" uahuahahuhahuahuauahuauha... sono morto!!! MA CHE CAZZO SONO LE FETTUCCINE ALFREDO????? Lmaoooooooooooooooo...
@alegiraldo599 8 лет назад
È pasta con salsa "Alfredo", una salsa di formaggio.
@rottamato 8 лет назад
+matteo io E' la basta al burro in pratica...
@IIIShrikeIII 8 лет назад
nono, è una sorta di crema al formaggio
@MissEdR 8 лет назад
Le fettuccine all'Alfredo vennero inventate da Alfredo Di Lelio, a Roma, nel 1914. In sostanza si tratta di fettuccine, fatte in casa, saltate in tegame con burro e molto parmigiano, il tutto sciogliendosi dava vita alla famosa cremina. Il ristorante si trova ancora in via della Scrofa, se non sbaglio. Divenne famoso nel dopo guerra grazie al passa parola delle star di Hollywood che lo fecero divenire un must. Insomma, non eri nessuno se non passavi a farti un piatto di fettuccine! ;D Gli americani hanno creato un aberrante condimento, di quelli già pronti, che tutto conterrà tranne buon burro e parmigiano.
@Federico84 7 лет назад
meglio chiedere pasta ai quattro formaggi
@VulcanTrekkie45 8 лет назад
As an American, I find American nationalism freaky and kinda scary.
@niccoloraponi583 5 лет назад
it is... especially now
@Anonymous-kp3jf Год назад
​@@niccoloraponi583especially now
@bluemoody3047 8 лет назад
Sei una ragazza molto intelligente, vedi le cose non positive o negative, ma semplicemente pensi che ogni paese ha la sua cultura, senza criticarlo, complimenti!
@dagliocchibui 8 лет назад
You have such a clear and fresh view on everything, it's rare for your age (and no, I'm not saying that because in Italy 20=baby). You really ARE special, keep going! :)))
@charisse_xo 8 лет назад
The first time I ever heard someone refer to the president as "the leader of the free world" was on Scandal -- and even then, I thought it was weird! But I love this video -- you're sooo right! Us Americans are something else lol
@laras2177 8 лет назад
Haha yeah I never heard of that until this video
@postiknello 8 лет назад
In Italy there is a strong tradition for street food, eaten walking through the city. In Milan almost does not exist but in central Italy and especially in the south is our favorite food. Sorry for my english.
@claudiahuurkman3861 8 лет назад
+postiknello Qualcosina c'è anche da noi: www.cibodistrada.it/street-food-milano
@postiknello 8 лет назад
Claudia Huurkman Quando parlo di tradizione dello street food mi riferisco al cibo da strada tipico delle regioni e non alle attività commerciali. Le panelle in Sicilia, la frittatina di pasta a Napoli, il lampredotto a Firenze, il 5 e 5 a Livorno e così via. Milano non la conosco benissimo ma non ho mai assaggiato uno street food tipico milanese. Nel caso tu lo conosca linkamelo.
@claudiahuurkman3861 8 лет назад
+postiknello L'unica pietanza da streetfood milanese che mi viene in mente è il mondeghili.
@claudiahuurkman3861 8 лет назад
+postiknello cmq hai girato il discorso. Nel video parla della tradizione di mangiare street food, non parla delle origini del cibo. E tu dici "eaten walking through the city". Se mi mangio un panzarotto per strada cambia poco che sia di tradizione milanese o no. Milano è una città in larga parte composta da immigrati di altre regioni e di altre nazioni, quindi c'è un po' di tutto.
@despinahkiin 8 лет назад
A Genova è normalissimo mangiare la focaccia per strada :)
@PuzzleMessage 8 лет назад
What about the American tipping culture? When I was visiting the US I could not really understand it lol I mean, why am I supposed to give 20% tip to the waiter just because he did his job?!
@madelynmorgan2999 8 лет назад
because the servers don't make enough to survive on their own
@VanishaRD 8 лет назад
Can you survive off of $2.15 an hour in American dollars? Well that's what many servers get paid in the southern areas of the USA.
@amanda185 8 лет назад
+PuzzleMessage It is so restaurant owners can pay the servers below minimum wage, and the customer is expected to pay the difference... we have it in Canada too, and it's stupid. Restaurant owners should be responsible for paying their employees properly... not the customers, who already are paying too much for their meal!
@PuzzleMessage 8 лет назад
Vanisha R Dailey If servers are being exploited by the restaurant owner they should fight for a decent pay, they should not rely on customers ripping them off. At least this is the view we have here in Europe. Leaving a tip should be a voluntary act of rewarding an incredible, out-of-the-ordinary performance, the employer should be the one who pays the employees.
@carmina7pulchra 8 лет назад
Yes, it's strange if you're not American, but really it's a kind gesture. In most places in the U.S. servers make very little per hour. If people didn't tip, they'd need like 4 or 5 jobs. Also, people expect a lot from their waiter, so when their waiter does a good job, it's a way of showing appreciation. I have the utmost respect for those in the service industry because I know how demanding the job can be, so when I can, I always tip.
@simplyshama 8 лет назад
Maybe America puts so much into forging an identity, with all the patriotism and anthems, because it's a really young country made of numerous different identities. Other countries don't need to prove they're the best because we've been around for a long time and have already forged a unique culture. I think America is still finding itself in that sense
@simplyshama 8 лет назад
Legio XXI Rapax Italy had a well-established centuries old culture before it became a republic. America has only been around for three hundred years
@simplyshama 8 лет назад
Legio XXI Rapax Was the United States being written about in the biblical era? no.
@camillachopinet3828 8 лет назад
+Legio XXI Rapax I'm Italian but I tend to agree with the American there. Of course the territory that today is our country has seen a lot of different cultures pass by but our peninsula, or kind of Italy's today though, was already seen as something culturally strongly connected and somehow unified at Roman times
@camillachopinet3828 8 лет назад
Legio XXI Rapax chiaro :)
@P1nd0L 8 лет назад
Un'altra cosa stranissima e per me incomprensibile degli americani, è il fatto di invertire le date, è una cosa che non riesco a concepire!!! :-D E' così bello e lineare avere Giorno - Mese - Anno, perchè gli americani devono rendere tutto più complicato, che senso ha Mese - Giorno - Anno??? Ti prego Tia dimmelo, perchè è una cosa che mi chiedo da sempre, ma non ci trovo una spiegazione logica :-P
@gregorioimparato 8 лет назад
@LadyGagaSweetBaby 6 лет назад
In inglese americano quando si dice la data si dice prima il mese, poi il giorno. Ad esempio June 2nd. Quindi la data sintetica segue dell'ordine! ;)
@priscydreamer9436 6 лет назад
Io in realtà pur essendo abituata col sistema italiano penso che quello americano sia più immediato: la prima cosa che hai sotto gli occhi è il mese e ti dà subito un indicazione temporale molto più utile del numero del giorno... ad esempio se devo salvare dei file è molto più semplice ordinarli con il mese davanti
@BreeDarcel 8 лет назад
I think embracing being American can be challenging for some Black Americans--meaning those of us who are descendants of the Africans who were enslaved & brought to indigenous land that was stolen and is now called the U.S., because claiming proudly to be American can come with a lot of pain and confusion. I am an American b/c I was born on "American" soil. Sure. And that in itself comes with some privilege. In turn I also recognize that some of that (if not most or all of that) privilege is built on systems that are destructive historically and presently in a major way. It's important to me and many others to be recognized as African-American or Black, because there is a history behind that identity that I think should not be ignored. And there are many Asian-Americans, Latino-Americans, etc. who feel similarly. We are the land of immigrants, and so those of us who can and want to cling to our varying cultures and celebrate our roots.
@CoilySue86 8 лет назад
I totally agree.
@BreeDarcel 8 лет назад
+gunetoureiffel dsmonpantalon That's totally fine. You don't have to consider yourself franco-mesopotamian. There are some Black Americans who don't consider themselves African-American because they don't feel the need to hold onto their connection to Africa in any way. In terms of feeling a connection to monkeys I think we'd be entering into an entirely different conversation if I answered that question so I won't. You ask if I know what country I am from. I know that some of my ancestors are from Madagascar, and my family has had elders in our family take DNA tests to find out what other specific countries in Africa we may be connected to through our ancestors. But your questions about my disconnect from any specific African culture etc. further supports my previous statement, which is that identifying as American when Black can be painful and confusing for some us, because had my ancestors not been enslaved and brought to America as cargo I might very well know the answers to those questions. I and many others were robbed of the opportunity to know the answers to those questions. It was not by choice. Not for me, and not for my ancestors. So if you think my or anyone else's feelings are stupid you are welcome to feel however you want, but it doesn't invalidate historical facts nor my and anyone else's personal experiences and feelings. I am proud to identify as Black/African-American and I stand firmly in my truth.
@CoilySue86 8 лет назад
Bree Darcel That is a perfect response and totally accurate. You kept it classy. To add my opinion, it is a great thing to know our history and our ancestors no matter where a person is born. I was born in the US and been here my whole life, but I claim to be American AND I claim the fact that I am Jamaican because my father is from there. I can apply for dual citizenship based on that alone. I love everything about me and my heritage and I am in the process of finding out more about my family. Because ALL of it matters.
@BreeDarcel 8 лет назад
Thanks love ^_^ And yes! I'm so here for all of what you just said!
@HelloWorld1947 8 лет назад
+Bree Darcel Your culture is American. You're not African. That is not your culture because there is no such thing as an "African culture." You have been removed from the Continent for over 600 years, almost a milenia! What happened in the past is just that, the past. You can't change history/past. Deal with it. We Africans don't acknowledge you and your people. Your people have made history here, your people have contributed a lot to the American way of life, i will never understand black Americans desire to remain 600 years in the past. Never forget the past but for goodness sake move past it.
@BeatleJuice108 8 лет назад
Ciao Tia, mi sono sempre chiesto perchè gli statunitensi si chiamino "americani", è come se noi italiani ci chiamassimo "europei", ma in realtà anche i canadesi sono americani, anche gli argentini sono americani. Yep, this is weird!
@misstiataylor_ 8 лет назад
+BeatleJuice108 incollo quello che ho scritto a un altro: We call ourselves americans because united statesian sounds extremely ugly.... we call the united kingdom of great britain britain and no one says anything so what's wrong with calling united states of america, america... mexicans are mexicans, canadians are canadians and when they have a problem they'll let us know because as of now the only ones offended seem to be europeans xD
@BeatleJuice108 8 лет назад
Tia Taylor Grazie per aver risposto
@BeatleJuice108 8 лет назад
Miriam Hankin Sono assolutamente d'accordo su ciò che hai scritto, ma non era su questo che avevo dei dubbi, quanto al perchè solo gli statunitensi siano gli "americani" quando geograficamente anche canadesi, argentini, messicani vivono nelle Americhe, quindi di fatto anche loro americani. Ma a quanto pare è solo questione di cacofonia come ci dice Tia ;)
@OniGarro 8 лет назад
+Tia Taylor Cazzata, i latinoamericani sono molto offesi da questa cosa.
@BeatleJuice108 8 лет назад
OniGarro In effetti non mi sembra poi così giusto nei confronti degli altri americani che solo gli statunitensi passino per tali.
@GianmarcoZagato 8 лет назад
Anche Io ho sempre trovato strani i prezzi ai quali devi aggiungere le tasse 😅 perché non mi metti le tasse e basta?!? E poi le mance sono stranissime 😳 mi immagino sempre gli americani con la calcolatrice in mano 😅
@JamConcerned 8 лет назад
Well as some one who worked in retail as a part time job, they don't include taxes because not everyone pay taxes. There are a lot of people exempt or pay different taxes, who buy gifts and ships to different states which can also be exempt. Also it is easier to list it differently and account for it when filing and paying for taxes. Also some of the clothing are shipped to different states which also pay different taxes. There has to be a distinction in how much taxes are being charged. They take tax evasion very seriously. Tax issues are basically because we have 52 states that operate as 52 separate countries. We are united in terms of one constitution but all the states operate individually. Also you have businesses that operate in all of these states. People in these states make the rules. Some states there are no taxes some there are. That is why more and more people are shopping online where there are no taxes. The leader of the free world was a tongue is a cheek comment, that people took seriously. Also I believe most of the patriotism is to distinguish themselves from England. Also converting 'God save the Queen' into our patriotic song was also a way of thumbing their nose at the English..lol.
@kianah544 8 лет назад
+Cherish Adventure I knew there was a reason, I was just waiting for someone who actually knew what they were talking about to explain it. Thnx.
@iveemci 8 лет назад
btw, the celsius scale is so obvious, because its refers to water. 0= freezing water 100= boiling water .. And.. Pizza ai peperoni its a pizza in italy, its pizza with peppers, they are sweet and good...usually you eat them with melanzane and other vegetables. (and thinking about that, pizzaioli is not that fantasious when they make vegetarian pizzas, they are all the same for me.. a not meat eater)
@8Harmonya8 8 лет назад
"it is always so interesting to see your home from an outside perspective" is the phrase who pushed me hit the like button. I totally agree with you and that' s why I watch your videos ;)
@janeausten7817 8 лет назад
This video was very interesting! You could do the same version about Italians! :)
@sarabrooksloveandlaughter2654 6 лет назад
This was very interesting! I'm American, and I really enjoyed this video! I want to go to Italy sooo bad! I will go, eventually! I'm learning the language right now! I love all your videos! Keep it up! You're awesome! :)
@meDi850 8 лет назад
Haha the thing about taxes is so spot on! I was so confused when I was in the states, everytime I went to the cashier and they'd tell me a different price than what was on the price tag. Why don't they include the tax? I really want to know.
@TheVillon77 8 лет назад
+nabunyam The most common answer I've heard is because every State, County or even Town can have its own tax rate on purchases (or in some cases has none), so the big chains that run shops all over the place, establish a nationwide pre-taxation price and let each single location apply the relevant taxes. This way they can advertise all those nice looking 0.99, 9.99 and 19.99 deals on TV and leave to the cashiers to break the bad news to the customer.
@francescomarzo307 8 лет назад
The big influence of italian conversation @4:18 ahahah Keeg going like this Tia!
@BorisRomagna 8 лет назад
Hi Tia, I like your channel, well done. Congratulations, it's quite rare to meet an American who does self-criticism. The patriotic songs and oaths are a bit too excessive, it have too many similarities to the propaganda of dictatorial regimes. The thing that surprises me most in the United States, it's the number of crimes. Sometimes I think, the first enemy of the US, are Americans. Forgive my terrible English.
@kekelangston4363 8 лет назад
+Boris Crepaldi Patriotism is usually from white Americans from the South.
@crazydanger 8 лет назад
are you so sure your data on crime in America is reliable? i would be more cautious judging a country based on "hearsay" information.
@SceiccoN 8 лет назад
it is even rarer to find Italians doing so, except in politics ;)
@lupus.sinstrum 8 лет назад
Sei molto brava,i tuoi video sono come una droga,uno tira l'altro,complimenti! ;)
@leneeag1 8 лет назад
HAHAHAHAHA the pepperoni pizza thing is so true because I was at this nice restaurant about an hour out from perugia and I asked for a pepperoni pizza and I was soooo confused when they gave me a pizza with a bunch of peppers on it hahahaha
@TranceElevation 8 лет назад
The indoctrination is strong there..
@alegiraldo599 8 лет назад
Look at all the people that support Donald Trump and you'll see how strong it is
@TranceElevation 8 лет назад
Alejandro Giraldo Americans are brainwashed just like north korean kids into believing their country is the best. This indoctrination is the only way for them to stay united being so deeply divided ethnically and culturally. And they always need an "external threat" to divert the attention from their profound internal conflicts. They make people ignore and forget their ethnic background and brainwash them to consider themselves "americans" (an artificially created nationality) to keep them united under that fake common denominator. A nation built on violence, enslaving and genocide of the native american populace. Their maxim is "divide and conquer", just like they divided the "afro-americans" with the so called "latinos". Just like they divide, foment, instigate and arm diffirent groups around the world to create conflicts and then arrive to "solve the problem" they themselves set on fire though their intelligence services. It's 2016 and the afro-americans are still second hand people. They like to keep them uneducated, poor and misinformed cause that way it's easier to manipulate them. The anglo-saxon elite, who rules that country, views blacks as a secured vote on the elections. "Vote us" or the bad right-wing fascist will arrive, but we will never allow you grow and develop as a citizen.
@misarabage1359 8 лет назад
no truer words could be said
@mercury4373 5 лет назад
Ale Giraldo lol you are misinformed
@dewisselspeler9080 4 года назад
@@alegiraldo599 in the netherlands we have the exact same thing but then children get indoctrinated to support socialist and the democrats
@cannavaroISlove 8 лет назад
totally agree with the americans in the bubble thing, i feel like you only learn by stepping out and exploring not only our own countries but other ones , great points girl!
@frenzscivola3099 8 лет назад
I saw EVERY video of this channel in a single day, I felt in love with this girl just to find out she has a boyfriend. I fucking hate this world.
@vanessacelis5335 8 лет назад
@leneeag1 8 лет назад
I understand your pain amico
@DarkChococolateCreature 8 лет назад
Nice video! I have been wondering about the reason behind at least half of the things you mentioned lol
@silverskull7669 8 лет назад
Riguardo al cantare tutti i giorni l' inno nazionale è una cosa da elogiare, dimostrate di amare la terra in cui siete nati, è una cosa che ammiro.
@misstiataylor_ 8 лет назад
+Silver Skull (SilverSkullMovies) that's not what I said.
@michelattt7596 8 лет назад
ciao tia, riesci sempre a creare dei dibattiti molto interessanti!
@brenguille 8 лет назад
Another weird thing Americans do is that they say I'm "american" lol I'm Mexican and I'm American too,America it's a continent. And also if "America" or USA see a cool celebration of any other culture in the world the will adopt it as them tradition, they will celebrate it even though if they don't even what it means at all.
@MsPeach408 5 лет назад
Hi Tia, I really love your videos and seriously I agree with you so much. I love the way Italians give directions it's five minutes, (25 minutes later) hehe
@savioradas 8 лет назад
Hi Tia, I loved this video. Those points are the same I notice when I came back to Italy, amazing same points, fettuccine Alfredo and so on. I do miss alot the time I lived in US. Thx
@forestgreen41 6 лет назад
Hey Tia! Love your videos. here in Argentina, kids (from 1st grade to the last in highschool) stand in the school's yard and sing a patriotic song while they hoist the flag. You are not the only ones. And I don't think it is weird, respect to your country's patriotic symbols is important. From all you said, I find much more disturbing the "leader of the free world" thing.
@lucrezia909 5 лет назад
Thank you for the video and thanks especially about the food part! As an Italian living in the usa for about a year, I can't wrap my mind around those "so-calked Italian" food. Especially the "marinara" sauce...
@xochitlpv8849 8 лет назад
Great video! Two things come to mind for me...First, Americans are not very affectionate. When I came to Mexico, it took YEARS to get used to greeting people. Here you have to go up to every person, say hi and give them a kiss on the cheek and a hug. But I. the US you just walk in, wave and say "hi everyone." And the second thing is the lack of real family time. In Mexican (and many other) cultures, family is first, ALL THE TIME. Going shopping? The whole family goes. Sunday afternoon? Family time. On vacation? You're probably there with your whole family, including aunts, uncles and cousins.
@demoniack81 8 лет назад
+Xochitl Pardo Here in Italy it's sort of a hybrid. It's perfectly normal to wave everyone good morning and goodbye on normal days, but you always do some kind of "special" greeting (hug/kiss/handshake) whenever it's a special occasion. Special occasions can be the last time you see someone before a national holiday, the last time you see them before they go on vacation, or someone you rarely see for whatever reason.
@bibadibobidibu 8 лет назад
Hi Tia! I'm an italian girl with a german boyfriend, and it's very interesting for me to see your videos,especially these ones where you talk about Italy and USA! I totally agree when you say you have a bigger awarness of your own culture when you actually leave your country for a while. And I love this aspect of it, it makes you richer in so many ways! ;)
@NicolaMela1 8 лет назад
Just found your channel..and BOOM instant subscribe :) Nice videos!
@Itnecap 8 лет назад
Good for you that you started reflecting on your own country after leaving it. I think that you are an intelligent person, only smart people reflect on themselves. and you are damly right on our Hymn. good luck
@Lisa-fd8tq 8 лет назад
I love your lipstick! It looks really good on you!😘
@lukkss 8 лет назад
Tia the 14 of april a huge shopping center will open in arese (arese shopping center) i reccomend you to visit it. 200+ shops and it's really close to milan
@dejana8813 8 лет назад
Hi Tia! 😊 I love watching your videos. Keeping doing a great job. What do you think about doing a traveling tour in the Balkans? Greetings from Novi Sad, Serbia 👋😘
@gordonwaupekenay6650 8 лет назад
well, I have something to say against when she talked about calling yourself American. Not all people who live in America were from some where else. I am not a child of an immigrant, I am Native American. Both my mother and fathers families are from America. So I can actually say I'm from America.
@vallentinac9513 8 лет назад
Very interesting video! Love how travelling open people's eyes and minds. And hearts as well
@giuliodf 8 лет назад
i tuoi video sono belli ed equilibrati, brava! well done!
@msmoniqueford 8 лет назад
Lol, these are things I noticed when I moved to America. I tried to explain and people thought I just hated America
@bennysmiley 8 лет назад
My American friend just told me about the Olive place today. Just to let you know there's no meatball spaghetti in Italy guys 😂
@Saywill88 8 лет назад
Tia, stai iniziando a gesticolare come noi italiani!!! XD Sei fantastica!
@Siberia087 8 лет назад
My schools didn't have us do the pledge in junior high and high school. I didn't even remember until you mentioned it.
@GlamifiedGoddess 8 лет назад
lol where did you live?
@Siberia087 8 лет назад
+GlamifiedGoddess Michigan.
@GlamifiedGoddess 8 лет назад
+HeyitsSonya I live in Texas hahah we HAD to say it
@TheDanster4 8 лет назад
+HeyitsSonya Same, I only said it in Elementary school. I guess it just depends on where you're at.
@Lu31cons 8 лет назад
Mi piace tantissimo l'autocritica che dimostri verso il tuo paese. Io conosco molti italia capaci di criticare l'Italia, ma pochi in grado di fare autocritica seria.
@cherelle2004 8 лет назад
Hi Tia! I'm an italian american girl living in Padova, I'm 27 and I've been to the US only twice in my entire life, in Florida. The first time I got there, we dared to try Olive Garden...when we told the waitress we were italian and that what we were eating was totally not italian food, she told me they went to school somewhere in Florence and learned how to make food like that there...I hardly believe that. Even though the food wasn't italian, it wasn't so bad after all! We didn't die! xD I have a question for you, why do americans always use very strong air conditioning in every shop and restaurant?? For example, In Olive Garden we were totally freezing..Someone told me it's to prevent people from sweating too much but that doesn't sound like a good reason for me. Thanks.
@rosecrimes9242 8 лет назад
I hope you don't mins if I answer that question. But yes it is to prevent people from sweating and also to keep the food fresh. Plus if it's cool and air conditoned people are more likely to be in better moods!😊
@cherelle2004 8 лет назад
+Liberty and Justice! (アメリカ-ちゃん) thank you for your answer! 😊 but for me those are still not good reasons to have a/c on and at such low temperature. It's not an ecological and healthy choice imo.
@rosecrimes9242 8 лет назад
+Melissa “BallerinaDark” Dark Ok. And you're welcome.
@crazydanger 8 лет назад
a really insensitive thing of you to say to that waitress...i hope you go to all ethnic restaurants here, in Italy and tell them that the food they make is not authentic! i also live in Italy and 90% of ethnic resataurants do not serve authentic food. the chinese food in Italy is not Chinese, nor is the Japanese food here Japanese etc. even restaurants owned by immigrants do not make authentic food..and you know why? because you need to adapt your cuisine to your host country's tastes. real Chinese food would never be accepted in Italy, nor would be Korean food accepted here. (as i've run an ethnic restaurant in Italy, there's also the problem of procuring the right ingredients which in general means augmenting your food costs which is really a recipe for disaster for a restaurant in Italy). so i think it's about time you stop complaining about the lack of authenticity of the Italian food made in the USA as they are free to do whatever the want and use whatever they want and still be able to call that food ITALIAN.
@cherelle2004 8 лет назад
+crazydanger you are right for most of the things you said and i know that chinese food in italy is not even comparable to real chinese food. But a restaurant claiming they learned recipes in Florence and then serve something that is not even barely close to any typical italian dish, for me it damaging for both cultures involved. Plus, in america you do find the ingredients for a typical italian pasta and they are even better and cheaper then those sold here in italy. So i can't see how they cannot just make it as it should be done. Ps. We weren't rude to the waitress (we didn't complain the italian way, you know lol)
@zoey2396 8 лет назад
I KNOW RIGHT!! That always annoyed me how the tax is added after it makes harder to know the cost of the total of your shopping!!
@shhhh6174 4 года назад
I will never forget my friend Sam in high school (this is 10 years back now) refused to stand for the pledge every single day, because he, even as a white guy, did not feel like the United States protected his rights as an individual, and hated the way he was being treated here. He's not an immigrant, he was born and raised here just like the rest of us, he just refused to pledge allegiance to a flag that he felt stood for the opposite of what was being portrayed. He was the first one to do it and the teachers had a big shit about it, but other students followed afterwards and explained themselves. It was a really interesting year. We talked about politics in Just about every class after that.
@Jin_44 8 лет назад
Hahahah! As an italian, I can say these things do sound weird. If you just knew how many things about Italy you believe are true, but actually are not, your mind would blow! LOL Great video, BTW. It's fun to hear these facts! Hello from Italy!
@millymiu 8 лет назад
You're great, really. I'm glad you came in Italy! your videos are very interesting. I like how logic and rational you can be analyzing the differences of our countries. your boyfriend is really lucky to have you. and of course you're lucky too because...i ragazzi romagnoli sono i migliori.
@renatoesposito533 8 лет назад
That "leader of free world" thing makes me think about illuminati theories or something..
@francescasciandra2136 8 лет назад
Omg 😍 I live in Italy now, but I lived the first 8 years of my life in America... And I really remember the Pledge every morning at school! I loved it hahahaha
@antox500 7 лет назад
I do love all of your videos, grazie Tia :*
@v.y.5028 7 лет назад
I think it is great how you begin to realize you have been brainwashed your entire life. I myself as a brazilian may have been too, but probably for other reasons. This is what I think it is so great about getting to know other cultures and realities: you realize there is so much more and the world is not that bubble you have been managed to believe it was. Also, you realize that your country and yourself is not exactly what you thought it was...
@mariodemartino2946 8 лет назад
Tia, i love your channel 'cause i always wanted to compare italian people to american people. I really don't understand the thinking "our country is the best" but i wish Italy have that, because maybe is because of this point of view that the U.S.A has been the world's leading country for so long. Also, being an animal and dinosaur nut and finding all cool information about these things on american websites i have got trouble translating the united states customary sistem to mine.
@gloria9157 8 лет назад
Lol we are low key petty. We made a remix to God save the queen. Talk about historical shade.
@cloak2910 8 лет назад
interessanti i tuoi video! soprattutto quando parli del vostro "complesso" di superiorità non avrei mai pensato di sentire un americano farsi un'autocritica se i tuoi compatrioti facessero la stessa cosa non ci sarebbe più alcuna guerra nel mondo xD btw continua così!
@dianamichaelamidday561 8 лет назад
thank you for the enlightening and interesting video, I think it would be really nice if you would do a video about the differences between "American "Italian food and actual Italian food I think that would be really interesting, I'd watch it
@uranusgirl1331 8 лет назад
Mi piacciono molto questi video che fai riguardanti Italia e Usa😍
@donparkison4617 8 лет назад
The pledge of allegiance was started largely in response to large scale Italian and Irish immigration. It was an effort to make people (children in particular) feel like Americans who maybe came from Italy / Ireland vs Italian and Irish people who just happen to live in the USA. Same with the patriotic songs. So yea, its weird, but few countries have dealt with large scale waves of immigration like the US has. But like you said, it didnt completely work, because everyone is a American.
@camillafoggia1465 6 лет назад
Ci sono persone che non percepiscono l'ironia nelle cose... quelle persone sono i bambini... si credono grandi nello scrivere insulti ma alla fine non sono altro che vento. Vento, cara Tia, perché devi solo aspettare che passa e vada via... Mi dispiace per te e per Favij perché vi siete trovati in una situazione che non ha un senso logico. L' unica cosa che spero è che tu non ti faccia persuadere da quella che è l'Italia. Nel nostro paese, come in America e in tutto il resto del mondo, ci sono persone così... Ciao Tia😊
@hawwaamaryam 8 лет назад
I have never heard of the title "leader of the free world" 0_0. But, I agree that the plege of alligence is weird as f*ck
@SceiccoN 8 лет назад
i have heard of it. On American media, CNN to be precise, several times.
@shaylahkong9584 8 лет назад
+Roberto Casalegno no says it lol maybe the news
@SceiccoN 8 лет назад
AND any sort of political blog, geopolitical newspapaper, or even most political commentary. Of course I do not expect to find it during an NBA live ;)
@ilCinismoBastardo 8 лет назад
i'm so glad you have admitted and revalued those things. I was chatting in a forum with a large canadian base, they were so mad because of D-Wade shooting during canadian national anthem, i was like "guys no big deal, they are working, they have to warm up, do you sing national anthem before starting your job in the morning?!" (i didn't knew the singing at school thing) and i got one angry response: "i'm a teacher, i sing NA every morning and make sure every schoolboy stand up and sing with me, with pride and respect", and i replied with something like: "it is some kind of ritual that helps receptive capacities?!" Almost got banned. :D
@Pomoscorzo 8 лет назад
What's also funny is that the name "America" actually has Italian roots. Thank you for your videos :-)
@CORNUTON 8 лет назад
I don't know why but you have something so attractive. Keep on going girl! (Y)
@simmie4u2 8 лет назад
The pledge is also done by school children in Nigeria. You sing the national anthem and say the pledge daily.
@hodanali5701 8 лет назад
My god girl, that how I felt when I came to America, Inches, feet, ounces yards etc. It took me FOREVER of embarrassment to learn it. The customary system in Europe are far more easy to caught up and NO MEMORIZATION are needed. Just math that's it. It was super complicated for me to know 'oh 12 feet it 1 yard' or whatever. (I don't even know it's right, but fuck it)
@babyboo3ish 8 лет назад
Lol I call Obama "King" just to piss off all the Obama haters. It's hilarious. But yeah in Texas we have to say both The pledge to the American flag and the Texas flag.
@Syntavo 8 лет назад
You took me back to elementary school with the Texas pledge! Lol. I haven't recited that in years.
@babyboo3ish 8 лет назад
francesco lops Its goes like "Honor the Texas flag, I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible""
@abbyhiggs1054 8 лет назад
Yeah I lived in Texas and moved to Georgia and they didn't pledge the Georgia flag & they were so confuse when I said that Texans pledge to a flag 😂
@gobbidimerda2496 8 лет назад
+Tori G. Sounds like the songs we sing in Italy when we support our teams at football (what you call soccer) games lol, for example things like "we will sing until death, raising up our flags ad it will come from the deep off our hearts..."
@paolab4744 7 лет назад
@trizzzz275 8 лет назад
Brazil also do the "flag thing", but in the current days we're not required to do it EVERYDAY, we just do it in the last day of the month. In the past our elders had to do it every day and sing all the national anthem everyday, looking to the flag which was raised by some random student.
@palms2472 8 лет назад
Haha sei forte, ti seguo volentieri
@zoey2396 8 лет назад
lol all those songs used to annoy me as a kid! I always hated being forced to sing all of them at assemblies.
@666nawal 8 лет назад
molto interessante!!! sono rimasta shockkata dall'inno ogni mattina.. immagino per almeno 13 anni...adesso capisco il vostro patriottismo...inculcato molto bene..non che sia sbagliato! qui ne avremmo bisogno, ..adesso capisco anche il vostro "complesso di superiorità" ...cazzo il leder del mondo libero....non l'avevo mai sentita..un po' arrogante! :)))
@SceiccoN 8 лет назад
è originato nella guerra fredda... quando era piuttosto vero.
@_jeon_ggukie 7 лет назад
You guys, first day of school in America before class the lady at the speaker went "good morning Northstars, would you all please rise at the pledge of allegiance" and everybody stood up and put a hand on their heart facing the American flag and I was like "guys wait what the heck is going on?" and just kinda went with it even though I had no clue what I was doing lol
@goddess117A 7 лет назад
Wow, that's fckn brainwashing (saying the pledge of allegiance)! Never realized how weird that was. American here =) Love your videos Tia.
@Uchjn 8 лет назад
This is brilliant, I didn't even realise you guys are ripping off our national anthem you cheeky sods! haha
@Appleswut 8 лет назад
I like that we have so many songs. Almost all of those songs or sorts of songs were created to celebrate our freedom. Keep us reminded to be proud of what our ancestors did and what they sacrificed for us. Proud American =)
@DennisToigo 8 лет назад
About prices without taxes: During my travel to California, I understood that percentage of tax/fees was different on each state. So maybe they are forced to share public prices of any item without taxes to have common base costs on all USA territory...
@concettasorvillo3719 8 лет назад
It's really interesting to know something about americans from an american (and not form film/TV series/etc) in a way not too generalized or exagerated. And also to know something about italians but from "outside eyes" (I really don't know if the expression exist XD) . The "Ledaer of the free world" thing... I swear is the FIRST time in my life that I heard about it. It's to funny, really. Well, I hope to go in USA one day to see al these thing by my own eyes :) And sorry for my english!
@gurtthedwarf 7 лет назад
Dont you worry about the pledge of allegiance, back when i was little we were forced to actually pray first thing in the morning at school, public school mind you. 30 little children with uniforms standing up chantinga about the virgin mary
@itsaniche 8 лет назад
This was enlightening but also kind of scary.
@fabiob90 8 лет назад
adoro la parte di god saved the queen!!!
@isasalis3666 7 лет назад
You are right about peperoni pizza which is actually called salame piccante. But pizza with peppers actually exists.
@ramesis 8 лет назад
It is a bad thing that we live in a bubble here. People here really need to travel more and see the world. It is a very humbling experience. The United States is not the center of the universe. You are doing a great thing by traveling and studying abroad. It will expand your mind and open so many doors for you. Best of luck!!!
@nicktl8815 8 лет назад
I really like your videos they're so interesting ♡
@kenreshasmith7460 8 лет назад
actually fun fact in Guyana we say the pledge everyday too. i don't really see the point because you can force kids to say it but sometimes they don't necessarily believe in such patriotism
@oneirosnauta 8 лет назад
Ahahaha sì ho trovato divertente il tuo video! E interessante! Volevo solo dire che non sono d'accordo sul mangiare mentre si cammina, lo facciamo anche noi. Solo che forse lo fanno solo gli studenti universitari, o almeno io l'ho fatto una miriade di volte (a Torino) e quasi tutti quelli della mia università mangiavano camminando, perché non c'era il tempo di sedersi e mangiare con calma... suppongo che comunque in America lo facciate molto di più, però però però anche qui capita!
@francescalopresti5375 8 лет назад
Sapevo che eravate molto patriottici ma seriamente cantate l'inno tutti i giorni? Che straanooo
@misstiataylor_ 8 лет назад
+francesca lo presti no, the pledge, not the a them :p
@p90xkp 8 лет назад
This is too funny! Some of these I always wondered about lol
@selenakim1547 8 лет назад
us south korean do not do the pledge thing...lol only on like special occasions..
@montserratcortes1065 8 лет назад
In Mexico every Monday we do a ceremony where we sing our national anthem and our state anthem, mine was Coahuila's anthem and then we pledge, it goes like this: Bandera de México, legado de nuestros Héroes símbolo de la unidad de nuestros padres y nuestros hermanos, te prometemos ser siempre fieles a los principios de libertad y justicia que hacen de nuestra Patria una nación independiente, humana y generosa a la que entregamos nuestra existencia. We do that since we're 6 years old until we're 16. I guess we're kinda weird too. lol
@dfromdub 8 лет назад
I must say number 5 is the worst by far. When I went to Chicago I forgot about that all the times and in some cases I counted the change only to find out later I had to pay more than that. The pity in the stares of those cashiers when they realised I forgot about the VAT... I still can't get over it...
@kikkasluca 8 лет назад
the lider of the free world?! hahaha omg i'm dying
@vanessacelis5335 8 лет назад
Well I'm from USA & I've never herd that term before ... Must be just her lol
@alegiraldo599 8 лет назад
+Vanessa Celis I've heard it as well
@vanessacelis5335 8 лет назад
+Alejandro Giraldo it must be just me than lol
@evem620 7 лет назад
yeah i hear it all the time so freaking weird
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