
Whaley Bridge dam collapse: 'No shortage of funds' - BBC Newsnight 

BBC Newsnight
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Thousands of people have been evacuated from the English town of Whaley Bridge in Derbyshire, after part of a reservoir wall collapsed in floods.
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The Toddbrook Reservoir is run by the Canal and River Trust.
It's chief executive Richard Parry said it was still unclear what had happened but that it wasn't down to a shortage of funds.
“We aren’t short of money to spend on reservoirs," he tells Emma Barnett. He says there was an inspection in November which “didn’t reveal any sign of weakness”.
Shadow flood minister Luke Pollard also joins Emma in studio.
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31 июл 2019




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@seawolf1022 5 лет назад
A typical modern reporter that just wants to blame someone irrelevant of the reasons for this incident. The dam hasn't collapsed and they are working to resolve the problem.
@blueotter5990 5 лет назад
I think you mean "irrespective of the reasons".
@blueotter5990 5 лет назад
@@sonacphotos Yeah - only far-right websites tell you the truth.
@48sydney 5 лет назад
TV reporters expect people to have a Crystal Ball.
@utube1818 5 лет назад
I just want to smack the stupid bitch, tell her to fuck off.
@howardcarmichael2024 5 лет назад
@@tipi5586 hahaha..excellent..too funny and spot on
@stuartharris2165 5 лет назад
God what a horrid woman, she was out for blood the moment she opened her mouth, disgraceful!!
@rww805 5 лет назад
She's a monster
@bermudarailway 5 лет назад
If it does burst lets hope it washes her away.
@CS-zn6pp 5 лет назад
She is as thick as the dam.....😁
@bermudarailway 5 лет назад
Do you not understand the British sense of humour ?
@saundyuk 5 лет назад
Welcome to the BBC, they're all like that. It's like they exist now only to unfairly criticise everyone and everything in pursuit of their disgusting editorial bias. Nevermind adversarial politics - we now have adversarial media. I wish someone would abolish the TV license and make the BBC have to live in the real world and pay their own way - I'm sick and tired of being forced to pay for them.
@s1opp 5 лет назад
Interviewer is bad, was hoping to find out what was going on. Instead got nothing but annoyed
@momckinley 5 лет назад
Well done to Richard Parry for keeping his cool and giving a good explanation of what is being done to keep people safe and assess the problem, in the face of a very rude and ill informed interviewer.
@politicaltechnology6786 5 лет назад
@stephenbagshaw4078 5 лет назад
@@politicaltechnology6786 I note the surname. So is Emma the daughter or some kind of relative then?
@politicaltechnology6786 5 лет назад
@@stephenbagshaw4078 that's right this is her parents as far as i am aware.
@stevemacbr 5 лет назад
Mo_the_Merrier - What a load of BULL$#!T - RICHARD PARRY gave as excuses regarding inspections,... anyone who has a brain in their head with eyes,... can see that PRIOR to the failure, the concrete EMERGENCY SLIP-WAY for overspill - HAD GREEN VEGITATION - growing out of it in many AREAS,... especially at the location of the failure. - - this indicates the concrete had been compromised and that the COMPACTED EARTH below it had erroded away due to WATER INGRESS... !!! . IF THEY ARE DOING YEARLY TESTS ,... THEN THEY SHOULD HAVE SONAR IMAGES OF THESE CRITICAL AREAS. !!!. . Both he and the 'minister' were full of blah, blah, blah sound bites - CORPORATE - save your a$$ BULL$#!T . .
@stephenbagshaw4078 5 лет назад
@@politicaltechnology6786 If that's the case, then it would appear that nastiness just runs in the family.
@kevinwilliams3694 5 лет назад
Why does the BBC think pestering interviewees is a good way of learning from an expert?
@BavonWW 5 лет назад
Expert where? I just saw some company Charlie.
@mnb9162 5 лет назад
The sort of person who you can give the most amazing new invention to use and if it stops working for a few minutes she starts having a fit. Even though she herself can barely turn a tap on and off.
@randomcallum 5 лет назад
Mn B you just gonna copy and paste that everywhere ?
@Bordpie 5 лет назад
@@BavonWW An expert who works for a non-profit and takes government funds?
@RunPJs 5 лет назад
@@BavonWW Exactly.....he didn't want to reply to a nasty antagonist. The only way to win against those types is to shut the fuck up.
@karlbratby4349 5 лет назад
what an awful interviewer who clearly has no clue and just wants to argue and talk over the gentleman... very rude
@gegwen7440 5 лет назад
Its the BBC with their normal hostile interview style.
@lhwchau 5 лет назад
Yes, very rude and just try to argue for the sake of arguing!
@kmwindowcleaner 5 лет назад
This is an issue with reservoir maintenance and not the bull shit flood defence they keep trying to push so the women was right to argue. I guess you just believe everything the government says.
@sigma4337 5 лет назад
@@kmwindowcleaner Except the man doesn't actually work for the government, sorry.
@BavonWW 5 лет назад
@@MsVanorak So you feel threatened by strong women? When did your parents first catch you killing cats and rabbits. Hmm, I see. So have you ever been alone with a woman other than your mother? Hmm, ah ha. Do you think the Earth is flat? I see. So the wriggling skull-crack vibratories are inside your head controlling hour brain? And so on ......
@StPeterr 5 лет назад
Presenters kid: mum I got an A in my exam Presenter: why didn’t you get an A+? You clearly didn’t revise enough. Did you not spend enough pocket money on learning material?? Get to your room!
@netcald991 5 лет назад
PJM *in annoying accent*
@zoesmith1536 5 лет назад
Stupid presenter.
@SolitaryBro 5 лет назад
And this is why I don't watch TV anymore!.. This woman is horrid...
@SolitaryBro 5 лет назад
@Forsaken Pumpkin Listen Pumpkin mutha, come sit on this!
@mrrumpledumple2132 5 лет назад
Forsaken Pumpkin she said the town was thriving yet only about 6,000 ppl live there and the ppl who do live there would obviously benefit from being forced out into somewhere bigger like London or something cuz no one wants to live in a town no ones heard of
@thanosgaming4111 5 лет назад
@@mrrumpledumple2132 it's actually a very nice place,nice than the polluted London
@thanosgaming4111 5 лет назад
@@mrrumpledumple2132 And how would people benefit from being possibly homeless for a few days,maybe weeks?
@zoesmith1536 5 лет назад
@@mrrumpledumple2132 So true. 6000 and thriving 😂😂😂. Oxymoron.
@ostrichcat299 5 лет назад
Him: The dam has been inspected multiple times and was considered sturdy and safe. The cause is as yet unknown and it would be foolish to speculate. her: yeah but it's old. The weather changes, that's probably why... ...You're underfunded aren't you? Let me tell you how to do your own job. An absolutely horrendous attitude towards a genuinely sincere interviewee, followed by a complete flipflop on the issue to blaming the weather in the next interview and saying it isn't an issue with government. Surely the British Broadcasting Corporation isn't so concerned for views that they should resort to milking outrage in an otherwise serious but self-explanatory situation? The worst part is that the questions she asks in the first interview and the evidence she provides are minimal at best, the sort of off-the-cuff remarks that sully the whole thing as an unprofessional mess.
@ostrichcat299 5 лет назад
@@gen21617 I'm not entirely certain but if you mean the interviewer and not the interviewee then I believe we are in disagreement as it was quite clear she failed to uphold an unbiased interview manner or even do the appropriate research to back her claims. It should have been clear from the situation that it would have been more appropriate to focus on the flood emergency angle of the story and leave the accusations of negligence until after the situation has been resolved.
@gen21617 5 лет назад
@@ostrichcat299 Yes, sorry, my reply wasn't intended for your comment.
@Levy2k9 5 лет назад
Hit the nail on the head👍🏼
@stevemacbr 5 лет назад
Ostrich Cat - What a load of BULL$#!T - RICHARD PARRY gave as excuses regarding inspections,... anyone who has a brain in their head with eyes,... can see that PRIOR to the failure, the concrete EMERGENCY SLIP-WAY for overspill - HAD GREEN VEGITATION - growing out of it in many AREAS,... especially at the location of the failure. - - this indicates the concrete had been compromised and that the COMPACTED EARTH below it had erroded away due to WATER INGRESS... !!! . IF THEY ARE DOING YEARLY TESTS ,... THEN THEY SHOULD HAVE SONAR IMAGES OF THESE CRITICAL AREAS. !!!. . Both he and the 'minister' were full of blah, blah, blah sound bites - CORPORATE - save your a$$ BULL$#!T . .
@evilhobbit666 5 лет назад
clueless interview how was this guy to know that a months worth of rain would fall in 24hrs. maybe she should go help fix it with her makeup trowel
@Jordan-uz9me 5 лет назад
grumpy metalguy If only scientists had warned us for 30 years about the likelihood of extreme weather including rainfall, and if only it were available to everyone publically. Oh wait..
@evilhobbit666 5 лет назад
@@Jordan-uz9me do these public records give spacific times dates acurate measurements oh wait.....no if we have arctic conditions in mid november are you prepared or are you prepared for the heatwave in 20 years time.....no your not bit of a pointless point your making really
@hindsonracing 5 лет назад
If only there was someone employed to work on the damn and maybe keep an eye on it's rigidity daily.. things like this don't just happen, prevention is better than cure.
@andrewhaines8603 5 лет назад
@@hindsonracing That I'm sure used to happen, but in this cost cutting world in which we live in, where we all, (including myself) want something as cheap as possible, the people that used to do that have been binned off. The rail lines used to have teams that inspected the tracks regularly and highlighted issues and they would have been timetabled in for repair or emergency repairs down if it warranted it. Pity really.
@GibsonFender 5 лет назад
Ho ho
@MikeSeymour4 5 лет назад
A prime example of the state of reporting in this day and age... Forget about the truth and the facts, lets create an impossible situation, add a dash of sensationalism and voila.... A ridiculous interview conducted by an interviewer that quite clearly thrives on the sensationalist bandwagon. No wonder our news channels are full to bursting (no pun intended) with stories that are almost impossible to decipher as fact or fiction.
@martingrundy5475 5 лет назад
Hammer, meet nailhead. Absolutely bang on my friend. This is exactly what is going on. Along with a level of political bias that would make the most partisan, greedy and dishonest lobbiest blush. Kind of astonishing that most people in the UK still get the lions share of thier news and form a great many of thier views from and after watching such horseshit as put out hourly by the BBC. Incredibly many of them actually in all seriousness assume or suppose they are knowledgeable and clued up. Or the equal of any other educated, reasonable adult. Of course nothing will change, certainly for the better at any rate, until people actually start to realise and begin to do something about it. Personally I can't quite understand why anyone would want a TV and pay for a licence. Especially given the shite and idiotic nonsense constantly on. I suppose I can partially understand someone who is particularly into Sports. But then I would have assumed a subscription service would only be slightly more expensive and be far superior.
@Bordpie 5 лет назад
The news nowadays seems to be less about informing and more about political theatre, even in issues like these which are not political at all. I got a sense of Kathy Newman's style of interviewing (if not all of Channel 4) here, being somewhat argumentative for no particular reason. Journalists should ask tough questions, but constantly cutting in with poorly informed inflamatory comments is disrespectful and annoying. The interviewer then changes tack with her questioning completely and starts being angry at the other guy. Nothing constructive came out of this interview at all.
@vine191 5 лет назад
Yes agree with others this woman is a complete idiot and I am not even listening to the whole interview nor will I be listening to her again
@JayUk94 5 лет назад
WOW! Whys that reporter so hostile! Its not the guys fault! Its noones fault, just fix the dam and improve it....
@saundyuk 5 лет назад
Because the BBC keeps trying to copy US news media. It thinks making its news adversarial and its 'journalists' hostile is "sexy". We all just think it's bloody disgusting. Abolish the TV license and see how quickly the BBC starts losing money when we're no longer forced to pay for their shit.
@insecuregamer6995 5 лет назад
Poor guy, trying to save this dam and she's just harassing him with questions he said he's working on. I understand now why no one from the government wanted to speak XD
@googleit7444 5 лет назад
Not like the government would be able to answer any questions about it anyway. No clue why they need to interview a politician when this is probably the first time they have probably heard of the dam in the first place.
@pqrstzxerty1296 5 лет назад
How many MPs know what a Dam is ?
@insecuregamer6995 5 лет назад
@@pqrstzxerty1296 No clue XD it's just they said they tried to get someone to speak from the government
Google It Probably the first time they've heard of the place...let alone the dam
@ManiMatharu 5 лет назад
Aweful reporting style that has no place on the BBC.
@sigma4337 5 лет назад
Lady: OMG YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY 1st Man: Actually we are doing fine. Labour Man: We plan on spending more to prevent these issues. Lady: YOU CAN'T SOLVE EVERYTHING BY SPENDING MONEY
@GeorgeGeorgeOnly 5 лет назад
Sigma Yes I really do wander what the hell is going on with this.
@oakashthorn5714 5 лет назад
Anyone else bored of outdated “gotcha” interviews🤮
@matthewgodwin3050 5 лет назад
I do wish the BBC wouldn't insist on recruiting their interviewers and presenters exclusively from locked wards.
@JammyBriton 5 лет назад
Please can you get a better interviewer who actually knows what they're talking about and isn't so agressive to blame and forever interrupting the interviewee. This is bad quality news.
@BavonWW 5 лет назад
Can we get a less bigoted class of posters?
@AudieKinsella1 5 лет назад
5.59 'with respect, in English' !!! How rude!! What an awful and aggressive interviewer
@SilverStarEyes 5 лет назад
She must think shes scoring some points with certain types of plebs that watch this drivel
The BBC probably pay her a fortune too
@SadieMy 5 лет назад
What a rude interviewer. . Rude person generally I would think. Would hate to have her in a social gathering.
@alanlegg9972 5 лет назад
I would welcome her to a social gathering when i could tell her what a horrid person she is
@doomweaver2007 5 лет назад
The dam wall spillway collapsed is due to the fact of no maintenance grass and bushes growing where it should’ve been sealed by mastic and checked regularly
@bernie2843 5 лет назад
At last. someone who knows about the erosive effect of water on concrete and bitumen. If the gaps are not sealed, the water erodes the sand underneath the concrete until there is a huge hole, then it collapses. Just like our roads.
@xxwookey 5 лет назад
This seems the most likely explanation, which is why is was fair to probe on the 'so why did your inspection say it OK if it broke when used. When did the spillway last get used?
@markjones4704 5 лет назад
Not enough stone under the concrete and too much water allowed to go down spillway the rising resovoir water should have been released earlier into peak forest canal feeder and as that rose up the overflow on the Marple aqueduct four miles down the cut would have fallen into the river below and out to sea CRT quick response management does not exist the same as it did under BWB to much relying on unpaid volunteers they don't even paint the tops of the lock gates ends of balence beams white so can be seen at night
@gen21617 5 лет назад
@@markjones4704 can you post this again, in a more open post. There seem to be a lot of people just complaining about the interviewer above. Thanks for the info. Very helpfu. ☺️
@SilverStarEyes 5 лет назад
Hair in her face,fake glasses, holding pen and notes ,who is she trying to kid
@thedativecase9733 5 лет назад
Bleached hair.
@dawn5227 5 лет назад
The glasses, pen and notes are all props to make her appear intelligent.... but that's until she opens her mouth and we are left just want to punch her in it.. God almighty, I believe I have never hated a reporter as much as this awful woman.
@WhosAr7z 5 лет назад
@@dawn5227 what a simpleton i totally agree, they just looking to blame someone.
@lyrimetacurl0 5 лет назад
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Seems to adopt the same condescending tone and style of the Anne Robinson school of interviewing.
@jameslewis1437 5 лет назад
She was just firing questions and never listening to what he is saying. Useless interviewer.
@robjames5620 5 лет назад
I remember the days when interviewers used to let their guests answer in full. They want to be the centre of attention now. Perhaps BBC presenters should be in charge of running the country.
@vernonbear 5 лет назад
She’s being outraged on behalf of people in Whaley Bridge who aren’t actually outraged. They are simply making things work and getting on with their lives as well as is possible. My daughter and ex-wife were evacuated from Whaley yesterday and we’ve been making the best of a bad situation. This situation was unexpected, to start throwing blame around when the priority is actually to make the dam safe is a waste of time and effort. Analysts can dig down into the failure in the weeks and months to come, right now spend the time and effort on keeping Whaley safe.
@albertbrowne8997 5 лет назад
Anything can be inspected and found to be OK. An extreme event can change things in an instant.
@judithziari8197 5 лет назад
Stop talking over the man and let him answer the questions.
@midlandernc7403 5 лет назад
Trying to make a climate catastrophists issues out of aging infrastructure. A regular saint. Bloody hell. Crazy train.
@dancingcarapace 5 лет назад
Well, it is a combination of the two. The Georgian Era dam was in need of refurbishment, but had it not been for all the rain, I doubt they would have needed to hurry.
@lyrimetacurl0 5 лет назад
Yes, climate change won't go away by blaming people.
@Jason-wm5qe 5 лет назад
Good to see the BBC are fulfilling their mandate to be impartial.
@blancolirio 5 лет назад
Would the host let the guest speak!? Good grief....
@MarkStettler 5 лет назад
The very nature of news mouthpieces that suddenly care for their audiences.
@cranebeg 5 лет назад
I congratulate the Conservative minister for refusing to appear on the BBC. Ban the license fee!
@Frocobo 5 лет назад
Hey Juan, welcome to the BBC.
@richardtaylor4046 5 лет назад
She clearly hasn't a bloody clue!. The interviews were about me me me !
@matthewbrooker 5 лет назад
Why is a journalist asking questions about funding that she should have researched before the interview? She might be onto something about the lack of funding from central government causing incidents like this, but trusting the response from the CEO of the body responsible for the failing asset is really sloppy journalism rather than dipping in to widely available public spending data to get an empirical answer. Newsnight, you should do better, poor show.
@jimgoodwin6294 5 лет назад
Just looking to blame someone - standard practice of the leftwing BBC
@officialszabobeatz 5 лет назад
What she needs to point out AND say it is that alot of people in the UK do NOT WORK, and get money for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, not paying TAXES at all.... for YEARS and YEARS. That is the problem why funding is low on our NHS, Education , Road Maintenance and many many others ! Nobody talks about that one !
@BavonWW 5 лет назад
@@officialszabobeatz What a load OF salad you WRITE. That argument is AS old as mETHUSELAH, and really QUITE wrong, just like your typographic style. Do you actually pay taxes as well as pay for your licence fee?
@dissonantdreams 5 лет назад
SzaboBeatz HD - even if your comment wasn’t total bollocks, what the fuck does it have to do with the issue at hand here?
@redd_cat 5 лет назад
For goodness sake woman, stop berating people when the event has just happened. Of course, they didn't know what the problem was! If it was obvious, it would have been caught before anything even happened. Whenever the man attempts to explain the situation to her, she cuts in again.
@Sparrowash97 5 лет назад
God damn she’s about half a though away from calling the dam “uninclusive” or “racist” 🤦‍♂️
@Petra1001uk 5 лет назад
ahhhh... the reason it was insoected only this morning is because a local vicar, living yards away noticed the collapse at 10.30 am! He alerted the CRT. A house is built at the road end of the dam for the water bailiff who looked after that dam, reservoir, sluices, water quality and bridges every single day.... until about 20 years ago, when modern management deemed such bailiffs surplus to requirements. I know for sure that dam was raging in overflow from at least Sunday night when I first heard it from my house - literally 200 yards away. The whole village hasn't been evacuated, by the way, but what is for sure is that eyes on the ground would have spotted this imminent disaster days ago, and the appropriate sluices opened. This body of water was created to supply the Peak Forest canal with a constant supply of water, in the middle of the village.
@d.rabbitwhite 5 лет назад
I was wondering why there was a dam there to begin with. Thanks for the info
@tonyb83 5 лет назад
Do you think the water flowed over the spillway because the sluices were not opened? If so that is very important. Did the CRT know when water started to flow over the spillway so the could monitor it?
@johnsmythe7940 5 лет назад
Good blog, puts things into perspective, could have been a disaster if it was not reported by the local Vicar. As for checking a dame only once every ten years is rediculass, the potential for loss of life if a dame crumbles is obvious.
@439bananas 5 лет назад
You are completely right. The water authorities should never have been privatised, there is too much infrastructure in them that needs investment to be able to pay out to shareholders.
@robshaw3655 5 лет назад
@@johnsmythe7940 checked every year.. with a 10 year independant check..
@freddycook630 5 лет назад
I was waiting for her to ask if this was anything to do with Brexit. Being this is a BBC interview. I think she has forgot about Boscastle and the understanding of the phrase, freak weather conditions.
@epiendless1128 5 лет назад
You sound like one of those people who watch just to be offended, and get upset when it doesn't happen.
@BavonWW 5 лет назад
@@epiendless1128 Nice! Thanks for shining a light in the dark basement of the BBC detractors. 6th
@MrMattytube 5 лет назад
Ironic how that silver thing in the background of the man looks like a tidal wavs crashing over the city 😂
@sydneymuntanga6497 5 лет назад
The interviewer is something else
@rhysthomas2876 5 лет назад
Classic BBC reporter. He handled this horrible women calmly and respectfully. Good job sir!
@Emunyani 5 лет назад
Asking questions when the engineers don't have the answers yet like chill woman
@Mark_Bickerton 5 лет назад
She wanted to blame the government, but they wouldn't talk to her. I thought for a minute she was going to blame the Victorians for not predicting that weather, might in the future, be occasionally more extreme than that to which they were accustomed. Then treats the interviewee, like he's run over a child while drunk. If she wants a fight that badly, she should join a boxing club.
@CJP-oz6hr 5 лет назад
I don’t think any answer would give her satisfaction. Personally, I thought he answered questions well. Things happen...they had an independent inspection accomplished. Clearly better inspection techniques are needed. Tired of the climate change bs.
@Scoey2912 5 лет назад
He didn't get to answer many questions with her.
@kmwindowcleaner 5 лет назад
I dont think they answered the questions correctly. First they said they get plenty of funding but only maintenance check every ten years when the dam is almost 100 years old. The largest dam the three gorges dam in china is checked more than once every year and the Hoover dam is checked every year but its okay to only check a dam 100 old every 10 year.
@CJP-oz6hr 5 лет назад
fenrif ....an the ten year check was done within the last year.
@JammyBriton 5 лет назад
Also to add on, the part that failed was not part of the original build. It was added on later. One idea I've seen floating a out is the overflow damage, when lots of water flows over the top it can cause damage as the dam is not intended to have that much flow for that long over the top. Not too long ago the village was worried about the water drying up. I'd put this down to unexpected weather rather than neglect.
@BavonWW 5 лет назад
@fenrif Good point, except for the fact that I posted the bull's eye message. "Eyes closed" eh?
@alanhart2k 5 лет назад
I don't like her tone, sounds like someones mum telling them off for no reason. Sometimes bad things happen, sometimes there's no way of telling they're going to happen until they do, sometimes it doesn't matter how many safety/integrity checks are done. It's important to ask questions but maybe try and sound a bit less irate/angry about everything when you do!! Doesn't seem particularly professional speaking in an accusing manner to someone who openly says they (experts/professionals in this field) don't know exactly what the cause was and won't know until the damn is made safe. If you want to waggle your finger at someone, fine, but wait until/if it emerges that there's actually someone to blame first. Maybe she just got out the wrong side of bed this morning?
@StevieRevbo 5 лет назад
I can't watch this BBC crap, but of course there's no shortage of funds - the govt is totally loaded!
@jhareng 5 лет назад
I refuse to watch or listen to anything the biased BBC has to say. Seriously considering like an ever growing millions of others not paying for tv licence, but mrs likes ITV so cant.
@alldog222 5 лет назад
I really would not want to explain how I lost the car keys with this Babe
@GarethZoeWildcamps 5 лет назад
Ha ha Rick. Made us laugh lol
@jimgoodwin6294 5 лет назад
Babe? No amount of extra funding would make her a babe....lol
@jimgoodwin6294 5 лет назад
@Truth Be’Told any port in a storm....lol
@alldog222 5 лет назад
@Truth Be’Told When did your eyes start giving you trouble ? lol
@rhammond2152 5 лет назад
Again, a biased type interview....trying to get the public hyped up. They've gone precisely by the book in managing the reservoir and the emergency. One wishes the BBC could go precisely by the book in interviews.
@jimgoodwin6294 5 лет назад
@@xxwookey You sound like an expert in the construction of dams..... I bet you're not - just some armchair commentator who's expert after the event... How about going up there and lending a hand...???
@xxwookey 5 лет назад
@@jimgoodwin6294 Glad I sound like an expert - I do my best to actually know what I am talking about. But no, I have no professional expertise beyond an engineering+computer science degree. I got most of my knowledge of spillway design and failure modes from following the Oroville incident for 3 years on the blancolirio channel. It is true that having small trees/shrubs growing in the cracks of your spillway indicates that it may not be entirely waterproof. Not being sufficiently waterprooof is the most likely reason for the undermining failure it has suffered. I live 130 miles away so there are better people to help - who appear to be doing a reasonable job.
@jimgoodwin6294 5 лет назад
@@xxwookey You can tell you're not an expert - you're just full of crap....... WTF has a degree in computer science got to do with this? Nothing..........
@xxwookey 5 лет назад
@@jimgoodwin6294 You're the one who called me an expert. The computer science is indeed irrelevant, but the engineering isn't. But if I'd said 'I have an engineering degree' that wouldn't have been strictly accurate. I think it's important to avoid misleading people. What exactly is your problem with what I said originally? It wasn't intended to be contentious. Why not argue about the actual issue, rather than try to insult me?
@jimgoodwin6294 5 лет назад
@@xxwookey By coincidence, so have I......
@reginaldcrudstump383 5 лет назад
Ridiculous interviewer, sensationalism getting in the way of sense. I quit half way through as I couldn't stand listening to her keep cutting him short. The BBC should be ashamed of this awful piece of reporting.
@Jordan-vt6ke 5 лет назад
10:00 pterodactyl sized seagulls flying past smeatons tower? Lol
@JM-xr4zs 5 лет назад
A rigorous inspection the inspector got on top of the dam jumped up and down, it didn't collapse. Dam passed. 😀
@bentinsley3391 5 лет назад
Exactly that!😂
@TW-yb5ie 5 лет назад
Whatever happened to objective journalism
@0wls2k 5 лет назад
This is an utter embarrassment, the way she ended the interview without even politely thanking him for his time was actually a disgrace (7:50)
@zoesmith1536 5 лет назад
So unprofessional behaviour. Where is she from. The slums? As you have it?🤨
@bb4l881 5 лет назад
What a ridiculous interview. Why keep on attacking the man. Does she think he built the Dam? I think these media bosses need to take a good close look at themselves and change the way they have their correspondents report the news!!!
@funkitup2660 5 лет назад
Would you make the same statement if people were killed by the flooding if the dam had burst? I don't think so.
@Haze1434 5 лет назад
Ridiculous reporting, yet again. "This thing that has only just this moment happened.... what caused it? When is it going to be resolved?" Well we don't ducking know love, it's just happened !!
@ronanbrowne7489 5 лет назад
Things like this do happen and have to be fixed. solutions not stupid media conducting a witch hunt.
@gregbaker6512 5 лет назад
Send in the army engineers
@bernie2843 5 лет назад
Apparently she is now a civil engineer who can make judgements about the security of the dam whilst sitting on her chair.. amazing talent.
@xxwookey 5 лет назад
You don't need to be a civil engineer to observe that this spillway failed when used, despite the inspection regime. Either the spillway was in fact defective (the size of vegetation suggests so) or the flow was beyond the design parameters. Possibly both.
@sandraherbert2484 5 лет назад
Every time i see an interview like this from the BBC i feel happy that i did not help pay for it as i canceled my licence this year.
@emilymacwilliam2413 5 лет назад
The interviewer was arrogant and rude. The poor guy and his team are doing their best
@jasong9695 5 лет назад
Can you imagine being married to this overtalkin battle axe ?
@x-tremedetailing6682 5 лет назад
Please no never get any sleep bitch be still been a bitch and talking bollocks lol
Maybe it's the opposite situation, she's so uptight she needs to get laid
@lyrimetacurl0 5 лет назад
4:10 - "it would be foolish to speculate." Interviewer - *speculates*
@kierank8088 5 лет назад
Shout at the CEO of a non-profit for 5 mins 👏👏👏
@nukeourplanet 5 лет назад
Growing weeds on the face of the concrete slipway are a good indication that it had pre-existing surface defects. Weeds thriving in concrete have obviously penetrated through to a good source of nutrients and moisture.
@delukxy 5 лет назад
Looks to be Buddleia and we know how good that is at breaking through brickwork. Water has got through the concrete slabs, maybe during the latest bad overspill and washed away the earth underneath. If similar bad overflows have happened since it was last resurfaced (1971?) it has gradually got to the point where the concrete cannot support itself. It may seem odd to recommend watching an Americans view of this issue but view this. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Zm_MMRA9Szk.html Juan gave very impressive coverage with no BS of the major spillway failure of the Oroville dam in California. That turned into a very expensive repair job. Much larger scale but the issues are the same. Worth looking at as it will allow you to understand the problems facing us here at Whaley Bridge. Start here and carry on with the follow-ups. Needs patience as there is a lot of them but worthwhile. Also shows how high tech the repairs might need to be. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-yF4FtafLIL4.html
@kinderjoker 5 лет назад
Not been a whole day and she's already out for blood. Let them sort out the issue first which should be the primary concern anyway, once sorted you can start your little witch-hunt. Someone please get her chain back out. One of many reasons why I don't watch reports.
@majikalbushe 5 лет назад
Don't build your friggin village at the bottom of a volcano, and then wonder why shit happens.... is the analogy.
@MongoloidAlien 5 лет назад
That first guy nailed his responses. That lady grilled the first guy on how old n shitty the dams were. Then with the second guy she just totally switched her position round lol
@marvinsannes9397 5 лет назад
Yea but, yea but, yea but. SHUT UP! It's raining, the water undercut the concrete. Happens.
@TheHateSpeechChannel 5 лет назад
This is clearly because of BREXIT. The dam is a remainer and is cracking under the pressure.
@jhareng 5 лет назад
Found that quite funny, much like Corbyns been hacked to become a Remoaner.
@jayinwaves9536 5 лет назад
10:35 Then why the bloody hell were you pestering R.Parry like it was his personal fault, if you state such a thing then there is no need to be so rude to a guest speaker. Reporter or Interviewer does not mean being rude and over-talking. its getting facts and asking questions. All of which he answered pretty damn well and with dignity. "Freak" weather is not "Normal" weather. You can not plan for it all and you can only aim to prevent. The damn did not break, they evacuated the area with no loss of life encase the damn did break.
@cyberjohn70 5 лет назад
Awful line of questioning and clearly playing devil’s advocate. Dams are the most highly inspected infrastructure in the UK by virtue of the consequence factor of failure.
@439bananas 5 лет назад
Water should NEVER have been privatised. Like rail there is simply too much infrastructure that needs continuous maintenance to be able to operate at a big enough profit to pay out to shareholders. The result has been years of underinvestment and neglect and sad to say, but the people of Whaley Bridge are now paying the price for that.
@jimgoodwin6294 5 лет назад
Total rubbish.....
@uk-martin4905 5 лет назад
In the usual pursuit of 'saving money', the Tory government removed the British Waterways Board from the public sector. It became the Canal and River Trust - a not-for-profit company - in effect a charity. As a result, there are no shareholders to pay so no money is being wasted there. The government knew what it was doing; it was able to free itself of an unwanted financial burden. It is reasonable to assume that the Canal and River Trust is not awash with money. No doubt difficut decisions have to be made from time to time.
@jimgoodwin6294 5 лет назад
@@uk-martin4905 Again, total rubbish - Perhaps if the last labour government hadn't pissed all the countries money up the wall, mortgaged the NHS or started an illegal war we'd be in a better situation. .......
@439bananas 5 лет назад
@@jimgoodwin6294 You really do not want to know what goes on in the private sector. Yeah there are the Environment Agency and the Drinking Water Inspectorate, but they are ill placed to do much because the water companies test both drinking water and effluent, not too many exceedances reported me thinks. Oh and the samples that are sent in to test that the labs get the right results, they are marked as just that.
@jimgoodwin6294 5 лет назад
@@439bananas blah blah bollocks.......
@dean8223 5 лет назад
The whole infrastructure of this county needs attention, I'm sorry to say but the rich get richer and the rest of the people have got to suffer this is only the beginning, we are heading for more troubles.
@robertm4735 5 лет назад
"with respect in English", what a bothersome reporter
@rodd22 5 лет назад
Thoughts and prayers to those affected. Keep safe. Remain calm. Gosh this reporter is "scaremongering". It's obvious that the people responsible for the maintenance and care ARE doing/have done everything possible. Their guidelines ARE rigorous!!!!!
@jacobtaylor4258 5 лет назад
come over woodhead reservoir, and see the total disgrace with stone walls being knocked down and not rebuilt, there inspection is going over it in a 4x4, the water board held pride in there district at one time, 12 drystone wallers just in tintwistle depot alone, now there's none, but plenty of jobsworth like him
@BatTaz19 5 лет назад
Not doing much to counter the female engineering stereotype. The woman wouldn't know how Lego works!
@RoninxDD 5 лет назад
Let alone the Lego itself, she would call a plumber to open the Box the Lego comes in!
@AJ-wm5sz 5 лет назад
Be fair the female in the piece is just a talking head and does not claim to be an engineer.
@martingrundy5475 5 лет назад
Then she shouldn't assume to be capable of pretty rudely excoriating a guest. Someone who DOES know what the fuck he's talking about. At one time it was not like this. They either at least had a clue, did some homework, or asked the expert questions in order to actually receive an answer. Do a search for some old news footage, even by the BBC and see how it used to be done. Certainly not perfect, but with an honesty and integrity that would be a strange animal these days. To be fair. I think you are delusional. How the hell do you possibly assume this was in any way shape or form a reasonable interview, or a way to conduct a reasonable interview. Getting clueless, ill educated idiotic women on as serious presenters of such headline programs does nothing to further understanding or give explanation. It is about sensationalising EVERYTHING and attempting to spin up some drama. It most certainly is not edifying. And it most certainly is NOT news. Or should not be. But hey, here we are. I suppose it is simply due to it being the current year.
@BavonWW 5 лет назад
@@AJ-wm5sz Your'e asking the Faragists to be fair, to use logic? Good luck with that.
@Jason-wm5qe 5 лет назад
@@martingrundy5475 👌
@e.hutchence-composer8203 5 лет назад
That poor man, he’s trying to talk and this woman is firing questions at him, showing no respect for what he is saying. How rude.
@andyt2k 5 лет назад
She's just yelling at the guy, he obviously doesn't know what caused it and no one would be able to tell without fixing the issue and be able to inspect the dam etc. So they're not going to be able to respond to what went wrong. She says the infrastructure is too out of date then has a go at the Labour guy for wanting to spend money on it, no one can win
@onestbob 5 лет назад
That's exactly why I no longer watch BBC news. I want the facts not some upstarts opinion with their own agenda, trying to make themselves look good and failing
@harley-rayhillman3701 5 лет назад
Wow, nice one. Constantly interrupted the man and spent the whole time condescending on someone more intelligent than her. Top stuff BBC.
@potbelliedfool 5 лет назад
A spokesman for The Canal & River Trust issued a statement today, saying that when the Levee breaks, your cryin' and a hollerin' won't do you no good.
@psycharol 5 лет назад
@erikje7352 5 лет назад
to bad that if you put all those local weathers together it is THE CLIMATE !!!!!!!
@lovewavesdriftingforever 5 лет назад
@kevinbeckenham3872 5 лет назад
That Chief Executive need's sacking now, he is't doing his job properly. The cause of this dam getting damage by floods of water is due to lack of investment to reservoir over the years.
@raicheltillen8013 5 лет назад
And give everyone their boats back!
@TelstarTAK 3 года назад
He hired a head of asset strategy. Years on no one has seen the asset strategy or knows what it is.
@donalddonaldson9814 5 лет назад
Long live king Boris de Peffel Johnson,no deal approaches and it look salacious :)
@BatTaz19 5 лет назад
The destruction of the artificial construct known as the United Kingdom is definitely salacious. That it comes about as a result of a Tory civil war, and the stagnant DUP, adds a chocolate flake to the Brexit ice-cream. 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪
@donalddonaldson9814 5 лет назад
@@BatTaz19 - To be perfectly honest if getting brexit means the break up of the union then so be it... Wales,Scotland and N Ireland are just chains around Englands feet :)
@oscarwhite4220 5 лет назад
Richard parry handled this woman like a pro 🤣
@zoesmith1536 5 лет назад
He's a legend mate.
@bazza2974 5 лет назад
This woman thinks she’s holding someone to account. Yet all she’s managed to do it make a fool of herself. I don’t think anybody can deny that this situation is being handled quite well.
@PaulV3D 5 лет назад
Fair play to the guy for sticking to his guns. She's out for that "hot story"...
@tomstevens751 5 лет назад
Richard parry requires a medal for dealing with her.
@mjcbryan 5 лет назад
I absolutely despise this style of interviewing people, making aggressive and fabricated scenarios trying to point blame at these people. The guy (when given the chance to answer by this woman) was clear and detailed given the info he has available at the time. The damage was identified, people have been evacuated to safety and the dam is being dealt with as best as possible. The dam has not actually collapsed yet, just some damage to the slip way. Jeeze
@Ghost572 5 лет назад
Right so the thing had been up for like almost 200 years and part of it breaks down for whatever reason and this woman is going mental. It shouldn't happen but its not like the whole dam has collapsed. I assume that this is just a bit of a freak breakdown as this is the first I've heard of anything like this occuring in the uk.
@markandrews6054 5 лет назад
Shame the BBC doesn't hold the Conservative Party more to account like this rather than brown nosing them constantly.
@ChocoLater1 5 лет назад
3:02 why is he stammering after this question? Is he not confident with his answer?
@beachpossum6742 5 лет назад
Gonna whip out my minecraft sponges
@gen21617 5 лет назад
I found this interviewer to be thorough. According to a guy, who knows people from that village and has posed below, the maintenance falls short because of underfunding and the problem had been visible for a couple of days.
@dgh469 5 лет назад
ask the EU to send a boat load of teeth & shovels as foreign aid ...
@Gripengamer 5 лет назад
daryl H brexit *cough*
@mikethewoodworker6194 5 лет назад
daryl H LOL
@zbudda 5 лет назад
@daryl H ~ Not sure how a shipping container of butt plugs from the EU is supposed to stop the dam from breeching, but it’s the thought that counts?
@dgh469 5 лет назад
@@zbudda ... the Rump probably has some gold-plated he'll send to Boris
@zbudda 5 лет назад
@daryl H ~ The left already have a Trump doll butt plug, that they sell on amazon to Democrat supporters to protest Trump. I’m not sure they get how memes work? 😂🔥
@robdewey317 5 лет назад
Why does the bbc hire fools. Good grief.
@randomsonic5929 5 лет назад
What problem do you have with this vid
@greattobeadub 5 лет назад
@@randomsonic5929 Rob probably buys into the BS narrative that the BBC is biased in some way. It is usually a line taken by the Brexiters.
@leamseaton5628 5 лет назад
Structural failures happen, no point going out for blood. Everything that could be done is being done, hell they even got the RAF in to help. Looks like they care plenty about the situation to me!
@NoobNoob1986 5 лет назад
This hosts wardrobe and makeup team need to be fired lol
@dafunk9830 5 лет назад
What a silly gobby cow
@raicheltillen8013 5 лет назад
Shes ruthless ha ha ha i want her in goverment
@julieparkinson8443 5 лет назад
She is commenting from a script of questions with clearly no understanding of the situation!!
@gex6177 5 лет назад
Good job on that dude- she's really out for blood O_O I mean, seriously- you can't just throw money at things and expect them to be better and you can't prevent everything from going wrong. They reacted in the right way, the investigations haven't finished yet- if they find out the cause of the issue then they can work out how to prevent it from happening in the future. I mean- you also can't prevent everything. If a small meteorite hit the dam then I can't think of any pre-emptive measures you can take against that.... force field? Then again- she's probably asked to drag the story out to a certain time and so had to go forcefully/ blindly forward.
Minutes from Disaster - Whaley Bridge, One Year On
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Town evacuated as dam wall collapses - BBC News
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