
What About The Thief On the Cross? 

Pure and Simple Bible
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@tobystevens9183 3 года назад
Wrong. You cannot put God in a box. Should a convert be baptized if at all possible? Absolutely. But lack of baptism in many situations WILL NOT prevent a person from entering the Kingdom of God. Lack of repentance will keep you out of heaven. So will lack of true belief until the end. But not lack of water baptism. I can show you dozens of places in the NT where baptism is not even mentioned with respect to salvation. Only belief, or repentance and belief is mentioned.
@thefisher612 3 года назад
I have to agree. There’s no excuse if you are able to get baptized but there are many out there that actually are not able to get baptized yet.
@pauljomento8357 Год назад
Agreed. We also have to take into account the fact that Jesus Baptizes with the Holy Spirit and Fire, which I surmise Biblically happens at the moment of faith and conversion to the Gospel. The Baptism passages may very well be referring to this event instead of water baptism
@SonzOfEnoch 6 месяцев назад
ive been struggling to get Baptized some churches dont do it' some others wont unless im part of the Church Comunity' i keep pushing and pushing for it' Pastors wont even help me' nothing i can do im so disapointed im a baby in Christ i do want to be Baptized and delivered from Generational curses and witchcraft Magic on me ive had Demonic Possession i get constant demonic attacks ever night i sleep demonic dreams' i feel Baptism will really take my faith to next level' but Pastors are just too self rightous and only care about their church comunity and not wanting to help someone who is not a member of the church cominity smh
@collinschurchofchrist6968 Месяц назад
@@pauljomento8357 A good study of how trhe early Christians (1st couple hundred years) understood this would be helpful - they (all of them) believed water baptism was a part of the salvation process.
@julliannwinston5308 Год назад
There is no sin is great for God as he gentle hearted, as long we sincerely repent and turn away from our wickedness❤
@MassEffectFan113 Год назад
Baptism is not required for salvation. Anyone who argues that Baptism is required for salvation is diminishing Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Also it's focusing on works and not faith.
@dominicgarcia3396 11 месяцев назад
Why did Johns disciples get baptized? Why did The Ethiopian eunuch ask for water …. Folks please read your Bible and pray
@gregtoussaint6946 9 месяцев назад
What 😭
@follow_the_way 9 месяцев назад
Anyone who believes water baptism is not needed for salvation is not saved.
@MiniWalshJunior 9 месяцев назад
Baptism is required for salvation
@follow_the_way 9 месяцев назад
@@MiniWalshJunior Yes. Correct.
@colomtnhigh77 3 года назад
I love this summary - thank you. We all must pick a cross, maybe? All of us mirror one of these two criminals.
@stephenmannion7544 3 года назад
The thief died after Jesus, so he died under the new covenant.
@PureandSimpleBible 3 года назад
Hi Stephen. Since making this video, I'd like to clarify a couple things, and I'm glad you left me this comment to remind me to do so. Yes, the thief died after Jesus, but he certainly did not die in the new covenant era. For Jesus' sacrifice to count for anything, He had to resurrect. And the church was established in Acts chapter 2, 50 days after His resurrection. So when we ask the question, "What happened to people who died in between Jesus' death to Acts 2?", I think we can be at peace that God is the judge and will sort this gray area out... My main purpose of this video was that people today want to use the thief as an example of how THEY are saved, and I'm concerned with that line of thinking. What are your thoughts on this? I'd love to hear from you here or via email. Thanks!
@juhadexcelsior Год назад
@@PureandSimpleBible uh, Jesus said "It is finished." Not "It will be finished in 3 days."
@yuy2375 Год назад
so what's ur point? jesus lied?
@REVOE1 10 месяцев назад
He trusted God therefore God entrusted him........ simple FAITH
@cassandragarcia5548 10 месяцев назад
I agree...but it makes no difference whether you get Saved in the Old Covenant or the New..we are all Saved by Grace through FAITH alone in Jesus Alone PERIOD!
@kendellbise8875 Год назад
Baptism does not remit sin ! Faith and God’s Grace does!
@richardkramer4076 Год назад
Acts 2:38 is one of several bible passages that disagree with you...."be baptized...so that your sins may be forgiven..." Maybe you aren't aware that sacraments like baptism are outward signs of God's grace, which He can give in many ways, one of which is baptism.
@gem934 11 месяцев назад
@kendellbise8875 Amen bro. Only God can forgive sins, nothing that we can do but believe. Unfortunately these Arminian-Calvanist channels pop up in my feed all the time, even though I only watch truth/grace channels. After watching this video, the next one in the feed was the demonic John MacArthur. Says it all. No ones perfect but if they don’t have the simple gospel right, doesn’t matter how much other doctorines could be right, you got nothing. * Ralph Yankee Arnold * Tom Cucuzza * Jesse Martinez- Bibleline * Ono Diamanté * Gregg Jackson * Fuego Savvy * Sniffing out Pharisees * Jacksmack77. God bless
@gem934 11 месяцев назад
@SunnyBoyy448 9 месяцев назад
Baptism is rebirth. Baptism DOES remove sin. If we sin after baptism, we go to confession
@ph-yd3sr 8 месяцев назад
Baptism absolutely 100% DOES NOT remove any sin. Plain and simple. If it did, there would be no need for Jesus as our savior. The New Testament is very clear and consistent, that only Jesus through His death and Resurrection will free you from sin. No other act can do that. Period. By believing in the act of baptism removing your sin, you are belittling Jesus and believing your own actions can save you. That is 100% false per the Bible. Baptism is an outward sign to show obedience to God. And here’s the proof: if a person can be baptized, they can still sin and not be saved, since the simple act of water on your head is not some permanent redemption from sin. BUT, faith in Jesus is permanent and once you are redeemed by Jesus, you are redeemed.
@kimberlyhovis5864 3 года назад
Let me guess, Church of Christ, am I right? I have some questions (I don't fully understand your church's viewpoints on the following, so please enlighten me): 1. What happens to someone who comes to faith before that person has a chance to be baptized? 2. At what age can a person be baptized? 3. Is the method of baptism (sprinkling, pouring, emersing, etc) important? Why or why not? 4. Although there are verses in the Bible that say, "Believe and be baptized, and you shall be saved," what about the Bible verses that just mention faith as a means of salvation, like in John 3:16? Is your answer that either one can save a person, or do you believe that a person needs both in order to be saved? Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to reading your reply.
@PureandSimpleBible 3 года назад
You got me ;-) I preach at the Valley Parkway church of Christ in north Texas. I'm replying to a bunch of comments today, so I'll answer these briefly. For a deeper reply, feel free to respond here or email me and we can chat further. 1. Can you help me understand what you mean by "comes to faith"? I'm thinking about Romans 10:17 - "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." As we read the book of Acts, we see that faith was instilled in the hearts of men and women through gospel preaching. Since the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, baptism is commonly referenced as they preached. Thus, when a person comes to faith, baptism is a part of the process. 2. Whenever they understand that they have sin and they stand in need of atonement. We can't enforce an age as some people mature quicker than others. 3. Immersion. Baptizo in greek literally means "immersion." Baptism is a transliteration, and sadly, is an unfortunate one. 4. Put them all together! Instead of cherry picking one way or another, we should use them all! I preach John 3:16 as much as I do Mark 16:16. What are your thoughts on this? I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your comment.
@larryromain 2 года назад
What's the context of John 3:16?... if you begin reading from the beginning of the chapter you will realize the a man by the name of Nicodemus came to Jesus by night... before we get into the verses , let me say baptism wasn't mentioned in verse 16 because it was already mentioned in verse 3... and that's the context of verse 16, it takes more than just belief, based on the earlier verses Jesus clearly states expect a man be born of the water and thr spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God... here are the verses.. 1 There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: 2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. 3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? 5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. I think this gives a clear explanation.
@jacobanderson5900 8 месяцев назад
⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@yuy2375 This is a amazing question! The simple answer is yes, but let’s back that up a little bit with the Bible. Let’s look at Ephesians 4:5, “ there is one lord, one faith, one baptism” this shows how important baptism is! There’s only one baptism valid in gods eyes, and we have to look at scripture to see what that baptism is. Go to acts 2:38, Peter clearly states that baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and repentance are for the the remission of sins. Not just repentance, also baptism. Let’s look at revelation 1:5, what washes us from our sins? The blood of Christ, now how do we contact the blood of Christ? Go to acts 22:16, what does baptism do? Wash away your sins. So therefore you have to make a connection with scripture that baptism is where you contact the blood of Christ. You may ask spiritually how does it do that, because you’re just going down in up in the water. Go to Roman’s 6:1-7, all who have been baptized INTO Christ have been baptized into his death. And then it goes to say we have been united with him in his death as well as his resurrection. We put up the cross with Christ as we go into the waters of baptism. It’s not the water that saves you, it’s abiding in what he says that saves you. Christ set this up so we can have access to his blood which sets us free, all we have to do is obey the gospel hebrews 5:9. You may ask, how do we know if it’s water baptism? Go to acts 8:35-39, did the eunech and Phillip go down into the water? The answer would be yes, therefore by saying that there is different baptisms for salvation, would be contradictory. Baptism is the act of obedience which starts our life with Christ. Galatians 3:27 clearly states when we are baptized we are clothed with Christ. We are united with Christ through baptism, it’s not a work it’s a gift from god. Very simply stated in Colossians 2:12. Your spiritual condition when going into the water is the most important thing, end of story, and it must be done according to scripture. If you would like to do some Bible study’s or talk more about this I would absolutely love to! Have a great day!
@collinschurchofchrist6968 Месяц назад
@@yuy2375 the earth is what ? 70% water?
@yuy2375 Месяц назад
@@collinschurchofchrist6968 yup
@rm-film 3 года назад
Great video in many ways, but I have to get one thing clarified. What type of baptism do you think Jesus did with his disciples in John 4?
@makanthony6332 3 года назад
Bro, can you also address the fact that John the Baptist was already preaching and baptizing people and Jesus Himself even before Jesus went to the cross and even Jesus's disciples were also baptizing people DURING His ministry on earth before the cross....where is this blending with this teaching about the thief? Thanks.....( am very curious how to tie in all these properly...)
@abigailbrown2147 2 года назад
My thoughts exactly! There were plenty of things God asked people to do that mirrored the death & resurrection, before Jesus died, like passover communion, that are not necessary for salvation.
@juhadexcelsior Год назад
Anyone that says that works, in ANY FORM whatsoever, is required for salvation is either lying or mistaken
@estherjohnson4442 Год назад
John the Baptist's baptism is referenced as the baptism of repentance. It was a demonstration of penitence and a symbolized a desire to be cleansed, and to recommit a life to God. Matthew 3:11 and Acts 19:4 touch on this. John was also telling those he baptized that the Messiah was coming, so even though they didn't know who He was yet, they were still committing to live in obedience to God and hope in the One who was to come. After Christ, the act of baptism took on a deeper meaning, as it symbolizes not only repentance and commitment, but the burial of our old sinful self, and our rebirth through faith in Christ and His shed blood, into new life. Baptism is a symbolic action of obedience but is not the action upon which our salvation itself rests. Hope this was helpful.
@OathKeeper1506 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, but what does he say? He says they come baptizing with water, but there’s one greater who comes baptizing with fire! We are saved by grace through faith alone in the finished work of Jesus Christ, alone by his blood, not water. Water baptism is a works-based doctrine. You should do it as a public witness, but it’s not required for salvation.
@davidescobar5366 8 месяцев назад
​@@OathKeeper1506if we are saved by grace alone then why did Jesus himself ask John to Baptize him in the river?
@consulmollard 2 года назад
If a dying person accepts Jesus and repents of their sins. Confesses Jesus’s death and resurrection before death. Are they not saved because they didn’t get dipped in water, or water poured or sprinkled on them? Are you saying that this person who was saved before death isn’t truly saved since h2o wasn’t involved in their acceptance?
@colinwatt8410 Год назад
Baptism is Not conditional of salvation. Jesus said, "to enter heaven, you must be born again" This happens the moment you receive Jesus as your Saviour and Lord of your life. You die to your old way of life(repentance) and cling to Him and obey Him. Isn't that just wonderful?
@aaronowen4425 Год назад
@@colinwatt8410 agreed - Baptism is an outward showing of an inward occurrence. It's saying to the world "I believe Jesus lived perfectly, died for my sins and rose again" It's like taking the Lord's supper - The Lord's supper doesn't save you but it's a way of bringing to remembrance and somberly celebrating what the Lord did for us.
@dan_m7774 Месяц назад
@@colinwatt8410 False, Baptism is the normal way to salvation. Scripture is clear Baptism now saves you.
@AscendingGuru 4 месяца назад
Have you considered that the cross means the highest fruit of severity on the left, the highest fruit of mercy on the right, and the highest form of the pillar of the equalizer, stretching all the way to the coronation of God?
@flymoolahman2763 6 месяцев назад
The thief didn’t asked to be saved, he asked to be remembered, knowing his sin and it was too late for him, hanging on the cross beside someone sinless
@kiwihans100 2 года назад
Let us realise that when Jesus said to the one believing thief "You will be with me in paradise, he didnt mean 'That day' since Jesus died and was buuried & rose on the 3rd day. He did not ascend to heavan till 40ays later! Also the resurrection, even for righteous believers including the apostles will take place ' At the last trumpet sound' ( I Cor 15:52). There was NO comma in the original text, it was inserted in the 13th century AD to read "Today you will be with me.".. rather than "I tell you today, you....
@silasr20 Год назад
Yessssee finally someone who knows the truth
@shauntucker5145 3 года назад
I love your thoughts on this. To the last thought of will you do what Jesus said? I like that a lot. So many want to be another exception and are willing to bet their souls salvation on it. We get caught up answering the question asked instead of answering the real question.
@krinkle7695 9 месяцев назад
Im a new Christian. My question is when Jesus said "today youll be with me in paradise" did he go to paradise but then visit hades for 3 days then come back to be resurrected?
@michaeltammaro482 7 месяцев назад
He went to Paradise to free all those that were servants of God and who had died BEFORE Jesus sacrificed His life our sins.
@mattfriend7868 Год назад
4:07 What scriptures teaches a different way one must respond to salvation under the old covenant vs the new covenant? Thanks.
@nancywhitehead219 2 года назад
Jesus was teaching his disciples to baptize John 4:1-2. John 14:15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments.
@gem934 11 месяцев назад
Yes, but not for salvation. You can’t lose your salvation, OSAS. If your child disobeys, they are not all of a sudden not your child, just as if we disobey our Father in heaven we can be chastised, but are still a son of God.
@davidescobar5366 8 месяцев назад
​@@gem934do NOT preach anflase gospel. Yes you are still children of God no matter what but just like earth children losing their privileges and or inheritance perhaps when older for disobeying their parents people still CAN lose their salvation.
@mikefun7482 8 месяцев назад
⁠@@davidescobar5366thats not true, if that was the case, at some point, Judas was saved and then lost his salvation. Judas was never saved, Jesus chose him, knew him and knew that he would fulfill prophecy. Find a verse in the bible that states or suggests or implies or infers we can lose our salvation and I will show you where you are wrongly interpreting it
@HajiStaxGaming 2 года назад
You said there’s no evidence in the gospels that anyone was baptized in Jesus name when He was alive on Earth but in John 4 it says “Jesus baptized more disciples than John (tho Jesus baptized not but His disciples),…”. Pretty clear John was baptizing and who else’s name would he baptized people in? Also, Jesus was baptizing (through His disciples) so I’m not entirely sure what you meant by that.
@billymay9016 11 месяцев назад
The Bible doesn't say anything about the baptism of the thief. We don't know if he was or not baptized. Before the dead someone else was baptizing people.
@LouSuniaTheWatchman 9 месяцев назад
Amen thank you for this clarification i agree 💯 with what you've shared
@anthonydegiovanni4076 3 года назад
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that, he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” [John 20: 19-23] Very clear and straight forward but it is overlooked by many Christians - one cannot choose quotes from the Bible and overlook others. This is what real confession refers to. Jesus gave the power to forgive sins to his apostles who in turn passed it on the followers by the laying of the hands - every confession really and truly is done to God, the priest acts [in Persona Christi] on behalf of Jesus whom he represents on earth and forgives by the power of God given to him as clearly shown in the text above. Hence this lesson which is very well done is not complete and gives the impression that one does not need to have his sins forgiven in confession before one dies; if that person dies with an unrepentant heart and unconfessed mortal sin without having any (knowledgeable) intention of wanting to confess, is lost - So this is a matter of life or death (forever). See also [Matthew 16: 19] "... I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” These two pages form part of the Holy Bible and cannot be so bluntly overlooked. May God help you find and understand the fullness of truth and teach it accordingly.
@rogertayloRRR Год назад
We re not apostles.they died.
@adamsanchez222 11 месяцев назад
Water baptism and confessing our sin to a man is not required for salvation. In Him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of His glory. -Ephesians 1: 13-14 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. -Romans 10: 9 God bless you.
@lukebarnard8176 Год назад
Adding to the fact that Jesus died for our sins makes this a works based religion. It's like saying what Jesus did wasn't enough. Over and over in other scriptures that clearly says that it takes faith and faith alone. I do believe baptism is important, but saying that baptism is required for salvation would mean that everybody that's on their deathbed just like the thief that accepts Jesus and puts their faith in him will not be saved because they were never baptized.
@jzak5723 Год назад
The way of the Bible is water baptism. If you accept Jesus in one moment and then in the next moment you get hit by a car and die, you can be saved, even though you never made it to baptism. That's how the thief on the cross was saved, same situation.
@collinschurchofchrist6968 Месяц назад
Maybe you should try interpreting Paul in light of what Jesus said instead of the other way 'round.
@rogertayloRRR 2 года назад
Great video.. Could you do one on the difference between the indwelling of the H.S. & it being ON Or amongst people..
@RichardM1366 18 дней назад
The Thief who rejected Jesus fell to his sins. The one who trusted in him was eternally saved. Jesus promised he would be with him in paradise. When Jesus promised someone it was kept!
@michaeltammaro482 7 месяцев назад
Baptism is necessary for the remission of sins? If that's true, then why did Jesus need to be baptized when He IS sinless and the unblemished PERFECT sacrifice for Mankind's sins?
@milahwright2401 3 года назад
I have recently compared the difference disciples stories of the crucifixion. Can you explain why at least 2 of the books say that both criminals yelled insults at Jesus but this book you reference to says otherwise. I'm trying to understand but it seems like contradictory?
@lyssalouise2705 3 года назад
No it’s not contradictory. They BOTH did insult him. However RIGHT before the death of either of them is when this all happened.
@davidescobar5366 8 месяцев назад
This is a matter of perception. The witnesses/authors of the books you mention were not all in the same viewing point during Jesus s crucifixion. The two authors that only wrote about the insults were probably too far away to eventually hear one of the thiefs ask Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. Remember the Apostles where not in a group when Jesus was crucified. "I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter" is what Jesus prophesized rightfully so that his Apostles will do and did.
@sfrom1542 3 года назад
If we needed to be baptized to go to heaven than that would mean that Moses,Daniel, Samuel, King David and I could go on and on with names even with the Virgin Mary that none of them are in heaven. We know that they are. Water baptism is a public confession of their faith. It isn't necessary to be water baptized to get to heaven but if you're a believer why wouldn't you wish to be baptized.
@PureandSimpleBible 3 года назад
Hi there. You ask some good questions about Old Testament people like Moses, etc. Since they were before Christ, they could not be baptized into Christ, for he had not come. The follow up question is, what about today? Sadly, there are many who deny baptism all together. Generation after generation changes what "saved by grace through faith" means. Many whom I have studied with believe in God but refuse to be baptized. What are your thoughts on 1 Peter 3:20-21?
@ShadrachTheThird 2 года назад
John chapter 3 vs 5 Jesus answered, verily verify, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven
@ChillingandVibingToLife Год назад
@@ShadrachTheThird ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ZZTHG7rZstA.html
@danielsoto8601 Год назад
It says whoever does not believe will be condemned, it says whoever does not believe, it says nothing about not getting baptized.
@jzak5723 Год назад
LOL, that's because it is assumed that you have to believe FIRST, then be baptized. So if you don't believe, then you surely aren't going to be baptized, thus you are condemned. Got it?
@danielsoto8601 Год назад
@jzak5723 not true, yes you have to get Baptized for salvation. So in that case are you telling me that every catholic is saved because they were Baptized as infant? Or if a person doesn't believe but gets baptized anyways just to get their family off their backs, you mean to tell me their safe?
@jzak5723 Год назад
@@danielsoto8601 No, baptism as an infant doesn't assure anyone of salvation, you still have to accept Christ after the age of reason. And no, a person who is baptized but doesn't believe is not saved.
@danielsoto8601 Год назад
@jzak5723 you don't have to be baptized to be saved, that like saying that Jesus Christ dying for our sins in the cross is not good enough. So we have to get the job done and get baptized. See that wouldn't make sense. Salvation is by faith alone and not works so that no man can boast or brag. See you can't earn your way into heaven. Salvation by baptism is works salvation because you are taking action to get baptized.
@jzak5723 Год назад
@@danielsoto8601 Baptism isn't a work you do, it is done TO YOU. If you think that you are correct, please show me a verse of Scripture that says water baptism isn't necessary for a Christian to be saved? There are none.
@markjohnson9402 Год назад
Its been said if you ask 10 preachers/teachers a question, you'll get 20 answers and they'll all be different, ; )
@calvinjackson8110 2 месяца назад
Yes. Trying to understand Einstein's Theory of Relativity is far EASIER in comparison to religion.
@leighb.-jg7bj 8 месяцев назад
@Pure and Simple Bible: please cite a scripture reference that shows the penitent thief died before Jesus [and was therefore still under the law].
@a1butcher Год назад
the answer to this argument, is through a question; “Why do you place limits on God?” If Jesus authorizes the thief, then that is GOD’S decision. There is no dispute.
@NDCCMTX 11 месяцев назад
I struggle with this chiefly because James says that _faith without works is dead_ and follows this with _even the demons believe and tremble_ (James 2:18-19). 1Cor 6:10 also says that _thieves_ will not inherit the Kingdom of God. We know from Old Testament and New Testament scripture alike that God is not a violator of his Word nor is he a liar. So I honestly don't know how to reconcile the issue of the thief on the cross, especially since Jesus went to the belly of the earth for 3 days... 😢
@ph-yd3sr 8 месяцев назад
We are all sinners, but repentance is a choice we make. Only Jesus can redeem us through faith. Faith without works means to question if you really have faith, if you aren’t convicted by God’s spirit to do good unto others. But the actual work itself cannot redeem. The works flow from us once we accept Christ as a sign of our faith. And if they don’t, then maybe we need to make sure we truly do believe, and make sure what we truly believe is consistent with the Bible, and not Catholic tradition. But, the main takeaway is that baptism is a work. Confession to a priest is a work. Those don’t do anything. Only Jesus saves.
@danetteperez3863 Месяц назад
If the thief can go to Heaven without baptism ; so can I. For God is no respecter of persons. There is no difference between the Old Testament salvation and New Testament salvation . All saints get saved by faith alone. Faith in Jesus Christ. There is only One Door.
@thegreata.m4590 3 месяца назад
i put it to you the thief on the cross was infact baptized (spiritually) while he was on the cross. If you read Acts19 verses 1-6 you'll see Paul meets some newly made disciples and asks them "have you received the holy spirit since you believed?" The new disciples had not a clue as to what Paul was talking about in regards to receiving the holy spirit, so Paul questions what method they were baptized by. They replied "John the baptist method" (in and out of water baptism) Then Paul says "Truly i tell you, John baptized in repentance and believing on Jesus Christ" Verse 5 then says "And when they (the new disciples) heard this, they were baptized". So once the new disciples heard and understood what Paul had explained and the penny dropped, they were immediately baptized by the holy spirit, not later that day once they found a river or a lake, but immediately on understanding Paul's words. Same with Cornelius and his family, they received the gift of the holy spirit before any water was used . There are 2 baptisms, 1 is a spiritual baptism as described above in Act19 1-6 and 2 is the physical symbolic water baptism to show the world you are born again. So the thief on the cross did the 2 things required for spritiual baptism, he repented and believed in Jesus and therefore was baptized on the cross.
@bastiaanverschoor226 5 месяцев назад
Your main point is correct. Baptism isn't unimportant. But.... We are saved by faith, not by baptism. See mark 16:16. Faith + baptism = saved. No faith = not saved. It doesn't say.... No baptism = not saved. However.... When we are truly saved, we should want to follow Jesus, pick up our cross and follow Him... So, when we use the criminal on the cross (or mark 16) as a reason not to get beotused, we are not following Jesus, who told us to get baptised. And I suspect, that if you don't follow Jesus (who got baptised Himself), you probably will not pick up your cross and follow Him... So why get baptised? The Holy Spirit was usually given to believers after baptism (acts). In one example the Holy Spirit was given first (to some ex-heathens) , and so the discipeles knew they also could be baptised (before that they didn't think heathens should be baptised at all). In acts 19 Paul meets a dozen or so christians who have not received the Holy Spirit, (but who are only baptised in the baptism of John the baptist) and after baptising them in the name of Jesus, they do receive the Holy Spirit. So... If you truly want to follow Jesus: pick up your cross, get baptised, receive the Holy Spirit, who will help you carry your cross and follow Jesus!
@OathKeeper1506 10 месяцев назад
Couldn’t the baptism, mean by fire of the Holy Spirit, and not necessarily water? Isn’t that a work? Afterall, only the blood can forgive, not water.
@bobthrasher8226 6 месяцев назад
You would have to cite a particular Scripture to know the context.
@Nate-iv8rp 4 месяца назад
Faith Only folks: Baptism is a work! You're not saved by works! Also Faith Only folks: "Belief is necessary for salvation!" If baptism (which is always passive) is a work, then belief (which is always ACTIVE) is even more of a work. But you never hear Faith Only folks declare belief or faith to be a work. Why is that? To clarify: I don't believe baptism is a work, nor do I believe faith is a work. But if you hold one to be a work, but not the other, you're not holding a consistent view. The "works" Paul is talking about are in direct reference to the works of the Mosaic law (ex.: observation of the Ten Commandments). Neither baptism nor belief fall into that category and thus don't fit the context of Paul's point.
@bastiaanverschoor226 5 месяцев назад
John 3 :22 to John 4 does tell us Jesus baptised... Read the answer when John the baptist was asked about it.
@retrolightman6737 Месяц назад
Perfect explanation 👌
@sebastianbendyna2363 3 года назад
this is wonderful....Im so tired of 'born again' christians and other evangelicals who deny the necessity of water baptism....they will jump through any hoops to try and make an exception for themsleves....and yet claim they have the Holy Spirit. if they truly had the holy spirit they would be getting baptised...instead they have mistaken their own egos for God
@jerevandewalle220 2 года назад
I think you are missing the point of Christianity. By condemning those who are not baptized by saying they have put their faith in God, you are saying that God's work is not final. If we have to be baptized then Jesus dying on the cross to save us did not seal the deal for us. The only times it talks about the necessity of baptism is specifically talking about the baptism of the holy spirit. I see no evidence that there is anything we do other than putting our faith in God that can save us. Water baptism is meant as a public declaration of faith, it has no final say in our salvation.
@basicprogrammer6147 5 месяцев назад
What happened to Gestas?
@bajodah1847 2 года назад
So you think he’s god the son? And the god the father was just watching him? How does that make it any greater than Ibrahim when Abraham’s fire was cooled and didn’t suffer.
@sayleebocook6293 5 месяцев назад
Also, he got baptized when they were younger.They got baptized he was already baptized
@heathermorrisdvm8230 Год назад
Who will agree that Jesus said you honor me with your mouth but your hearts are far from me? That you must repent and not just " believe "? That Jesus is not your free ride to heaven so you can sin all you want ? That you can ask Jesus into your heart and still choose to sin to the point your conscience can become seared and you can never desire to be with God again? Maybe off topic but hey ! Jesus said remain in me so you can leave but noone can snatch you away .
@theart4916 8 месяцев назад
babptism is of the spirit, you are baptized spiritually once you are saved, which is your spirit being being washed by the blood of Jesus, baptism of water is your proclamation to the world that you believe in Jesus. It is not a work and you should not believe that the physical act of water baptism will save you, it's a symbolic event to the world not required to be saved, but you cannot be saved if you are not baptized spiritually and that only happens when you have faith in Jesus Christ alone.
@dan_m7774 Месяц назад
What about the Thief? No evidence he was not baptized. Many were baptized in those days. The thief also went to Paradise not heaven. Christ himself would not go to the Father until the Ascension. Scripture says Baptism now saves you. Your preacher says trust his interpretation of scripture over clear scripture that one must be Baptized.
@FirefighterKWann Год назад
What about those who accept Jesus on their death bed. I don’t believe He turns away anyone who truly repents and cries for salvation.
@edgarr9495 Год назад
Jesus saw the sincerity of the thief on the cross. It was not a last minute repentance. The thief must have felt guilty of his sin for so long and asked Jesus for forgiveness. People who only confess on their death bed dont get saved.
@jzak5723 Год назад
@@edgarr9495 Wait a minute here, who are you to say who get's saved and who doesn't? The thief expressed faith in Christ and was a last minute repentance, no different from someone one their death bed who does the same. God can save whover He wants whenever He wants. But the way of the Christian according to the Bible is to be water baptized. Its not a suggestion.
@nicoleclarke5582 3 года назад
Amen amen great explaining 👏
@karincampbell9289 11 месяцев назад
I believe the words " Remember me" were words of faith, thus, allowing him to enter the kingdom. It's just that simple. We're not on a cross, death minutes or hours away. It was the faith of the thief that provided his salvation.
@davidescobar5366 8 месяцев назад
It is not a question of simplicity but rather a circumstance that led to the criminal asking Jesus to not forget him when he enters into his kingdom. Simple to say "I believe in Jesus". Satan believes in Jesus also. Is Satan saved because he believes in Jesus? NO! Baptism is the start of a Godly life.
@theart4916 8 месяцев назад
​​@@davidescobar5366satan believes God exist not that he died for sins because Jesus didn't, he died for Man. Satan is already condemned and cannot be saved. The Gospel is simple but people overcomplicate, this the reason why so many are on the way to destruction. the thieve on the cross is the perfect example of how simple the gospel is. Don't add anything of yourself because you are imperfect. Jesus is the son of God, was perfect in every way, died on the cross and his blood was a sacrificial payment for sins of man, so powerful it could save every man In the history of the earth , his resurrection was a confirmation that are debt has been paid and all we have to do is accept his gift by trusting In his finished work on the cross. We do good works because we are saved not saved because of good works
@christrescuedme2182 Год назад
How do you reconcile that view with Hebrews 4:2?
@christrescuedme2182 2 месяца назад
Is that the sound of crickets?
@ronbianco5919 Год назад
The ONLY baptism that matters is the Work of the Holy Spirit when He baptizes us into the Body of Christ. This is why Paul is so thankful that he rarely baptized anyone with water. It is not that water baptism is bad, but right on queue, Paul knew that man would turn water baptism into a legalistic law, the same way that early gentile converts were pressured to get circumcised.
@jzak5723 Год назад
1 Pet. 3:20-21. Not talking about baptism in the spirit, but water baptism. I guess Peter turned baptism into a legalistic law. 😯
@cohenosburn8833 5 месяцев назад
Paul was glad that he had not baptized many of them because he did not want himself to get in the way of the unity in Christ that all Christians are expected to have. This doesn't mean that baptism is not saving, but rather that the church in Corinth was placing too much emphasis on who they had been baptized by, thus creating division that Paul needed to correct.
@childofthekingjesusmylord8715 2 года назад
You are baptized with the holy Spirit when you ask to be forgiven and believe in Jesus and confess with your mouth and ask for your sins to be forgot and then once that is done and you admit that Jesus is the son of the living God Yahweh our Father happened you are saved
@davidescobar5366 8 месяцев назад
Even Jesus asked to be baptized by John the Baptist. Why would Jesus ask John for this if this is what you believe?
@thegreata.m4590 3 месяца назад
@@davidescobar5366 The Jews are a culture that need to follow processes and rituals in their obedience to God, and so the the disciples baptized as John the baptist did, but Paul ended up dealing mainly with the gentiles and baptized without water becuase the gentiles are more faith based. The thief on the cross was saved after he repented and believed in Jesus, the 2 things required for salvation. Read Acts 19: 1-6 as a perfect example.
@dan_m7774 Месяц назад
False, that lacks Love, Obedience, among other things.
@InkLifter Месяц назад
4:27 u Ummm... Baptism existed before Jesus died, even Jesus was Baptised.
@FrancesArmstrong-fu3eg 3 месяца назад
We cannot teach anything as Biblical truth unless it is found in the Bible. The New Covenant did not go into effect until the day of Pentecost. The thief lived under the Old law and was not chequered to be baptized. We don't need to speak for God, telling anyone baptism is not always necessary. All we know for sure is that Jesus Christ told the apostles to go teaching and baptizing everyone that believed and repented to the end of the earth.
@grangerhipe2000 Год назад
In the bible its "Today you will be with me in paradise" but in the original scroll b4 the bible its says "In That Day you will be with me in paradise". they change that scripture to manipulate and blind people that who dont know the origin of scripture
@jzak5723 Год назад
Who is blind here?
@jakeread3519 2 года назад
I disagree anybody who learns to love and put there's trust in jesus can be (saved) as you say but in My case is I had to walk through the darkness in order to se the light the bible has been change so much over the last 1000 years in order to suit the needs and greeds of men and Kings. Life is about learning to love and to be kind it's all just a test in my eyes 🙌🙌
@michaelbryson5191 Год назад
The good thief this is not in scripture but through the saints that Mary came to them. And told them when the holy family was in Egypt the good their family keep the holy family with them in their house and dismus was the name of the good thief who was a leper as a young child and was in the water after Jesus was wash and was heal and his father ask Mary to bless them and she told them St Joseph would bless them and they ask the holy family to remember them when they get to their kingdom
@hamidzaidi4431 Год назад
Penitent thief is forgiven for sins by jesus right? This thief turning penitent says sorry for what hes done before revenge is done
@arminthegreat3729 Год назад
The Protestant cope in comments is very amusing and while also being saddening.
@oscargalloway2583 Год назад
The Bible says without the shedding of BLOOD there is NO remission of sins. Not Water baptism
@Msh-ip4vn Год назад
Mark 16:16 [16]He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
@brianbannon6746 Год назад
John 6:47
@davidescobar5366 8 месяцев назад
Apples to oranges comparing baptism or not of this thief with the baptism of Christians. Jesus himself was also baptized by John the baptist. Jesus has the power to receive anyone into his kingdom but the circumstances that led to Jesus doing so with the thief next to him on a cross himself are simply more complex than this criminal just accepting Jesus as a "saviour" for the criminal NEVER used that word when referring to Jesus. In other words do NOT take it upon yourselves to interpret what is needed or not to enter heaven simply because of ONE SINGLE example of a person that was perhaps not baptized into Christianity/Judaism or anything else but yet was "saved" by Jesus himself.
@juhadexcelsior Год назад
This is literally works based salvation. NOWHERE in the Bible is it specified that >WATER< baptisms are essential to salvation. Unless you read baptism in a literal sense in every single verse of scripture. Faith ALONE is all that is needed for salvation. Period.
@collinschurchofchrist6968 Месяц назад
Every Christian for 300 years read those verses literally!
@silasr20 Год назад
The thief on the cross did not go to heaven to be with Jesus that day because 3 days later wen Jesus rose from the dead he told Mary touch me not for I have not yet ascended in to heaven. Jesus made the promise to the thief that day that someday he will be with him in heaven.
@jzak5723 Год назад
Nope, it don't say that at all, it says THIS DAY YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE.
@vicsioson2543 Год назад
He's blessed, coz He will be saved on judgement day.
@RamrodAI 2 года назад
You are baptized by the fire of the Holy Spirit when coming to Christ. This idea that you HAVE to be baptized in water negates the entire idea of salvation. Jesus is the only way. You don't have to jump through hoops. The thief died under the New Law anyways since he died after Christ.
@abandonrz 2 года назад
Baptism is a new law of the new covenant. It is spiritual circumcision, no longer does God's people have to physically circumcision themselves. Circumcision was part of the cleansing process along with other rules. There is no hoops, baptized, confess your sins, walk in the actions of christ, watch your heart is very little in comparison (after belief). It doesn't negates salvation, unless you believe in predestined which mean God only chooses who is saved and not that he will provide salvation to all who come to him. Also, I don't know where it says the thief dies after Christ. I'm not saying your wrong about that I just never heard it before.
@leighb.-jg7bj 8 месяцев назад
Jesus died before both thieves, John 19:31-34. The repentant thief died in Christ, under grace The unrepentant thief died in his sins. The repentant thief was not baptized after he was saved because he was nailed to a cross. If he could have been baptized he would have been, at such time as he knew to do it. He would have obeyed Jesus' commands as taught by the apostles, as all genuine believers do today, gladly!
@olekcholewa8171 5 месяцев назад
Dude have you ever heard of the thief on the cross?
@SunnyBoyy448 9 месяцев назад
@golddenstar 6 месяцев назад
Praise Jesus
@mwanttruth4602 10 месяцев назад
What nobody i know yet think about is In the 4 gospels supposly saying the same story only Luc told the story about the repented thief ...Luc a pagant guy good writer i have no doubt but wasn t there at the crucifixion ...so he had to ear this story from somebodyelse..Luc collected testimony from others. In fact in the gospel of Matthiew it said that both theives insult Jesus and not a word about a repentance there.. And in the gospels of Marc and John not a single word about a repented theif ...that make me wonder specialy about John because John was there with Mary at the crucifixion he was close enough to ear Jesus talk to him about Mary .. So its weird that John never mention this socalled important story.. You want my point of vue because Luc become paul s trip companion he got this story from paul to enforce his own gospel about save by faith alone .. Jesus never teach this ....give me just one verses from his mouth about faith alone Jesus teach the law keep the commandment repent get baptise pick up your cross and follow him Do you think save by faith alone is hard ? No its not its the highway to hell but doing what Jesus ask is the hard narrow path to life ...God bless
@atombomb7720 3 года назад
A broken for Jesus
@SunnyBoyy448 9 месяцев назад
The good thief received baptism of desire
@tbishop4961 Год назад
What a bizarre blending of 2 (3) entirely different stories😂
@TruceForChrist Год назад
When I got baptized in water I had to wait . Now if The Lord hadve come before I was baptized in water are you telling me, and I'm going by what you've said, I wouldn't be Saved ?? Which I totally don't believe .... that's Not Bible . And I know for a fact Lots of people have to 1st go through a quick Bible Study to know and understand what water baptism is before they proceed , So going by your Theology water Baptism is part of Salvation ?? Otherwise you're not really Saved ? Is that what you're wanting people to understand ? Because if that's True ?? then you are telling Everyone is Not Actually " By Faith Through Grace " .... Because you have to do Something yourself. I could go further.... Scripturally but I really believe you Need to think about the Theology your putting out there . You are my brother In Christ, I don't doubt that but I totally disagree with you Big Time on this . Please seek The Lord about it . God Bless you 🙂
@collinschurchofchrist6968 Месяц назад
why did you have to wait?
@jaceydurland9098 3 года назад
It's symbolic mate.
@rogertayloRRR Год назад
The curtain /veil was torn in the temple (Matt27:51) after Jesus's signaled in the new covenant. I had sm1 tell me that the thieves died after jesus (in luke somewhere i think) Therefore theres no need for baptism. And acts2 were only jews so it doesnt apply. Never heard of this idea.. Even though mamny churches eventually had jews and gentiles in 1st century. People changed. Definition of "water" in john 3:5. Good video So
@larrygeorge1704 Год назад
So mark 16:16 so does not matter does anybody believe what God himself commanded ITS ALL PART OF GODS PLAN FOR OUR salvation we cant pick and choose to make GODS WORD AND Commandments work to fit our lifestyles because if we can't live by what God tells us then we are only tryin to please ourselves and make ourselves comfortable claiming are self salvation and I also find the Deathbed scenario really funny because Gods word been around for thousands of years and there churches on almost every corner but now its the perfect and convenient time to find God on your death bed does any body really have a choice while dying this person would say and believe anything at this point then a so called man of God says NOW HERE'S YOUR SINNERS PRAYER repeat after me this must make a pastor so happy that the dying person repeated his words now he can sleep at night knowing HE SAVED SOMEONE !!WE MUST READ OUR BIBLES and rightly divide God's word and not what we make up to make ourselves happy the repeat after me fake Doctrine is not in the Bible but baptism is JESUS WHO IS GOD Himself commanded this in mark 16:16 and in Matthew 28:19 whoever said baptism is not necessary then they are very disobedient to Gods word and also it's not just part of the New Covenant but but a prophecy from Old Testament it started with John the Baptist who baptized thousands of people and so did the Disciples of Jesus where bibles says that they baptized more people than John the Baptist baptism is in all 4 Gospels John the Baptist baptized in Repentance so did the disciples for 3 years so even the guy on the cross could have been baptized the bible never said he was not baptized also because he did call Jesus LORD AND SAID Remember ME WHEN YOU GO TO !!YOUR KINGDOM!! he knew exactly who Jesus was the baptism of John the Baptist never changed Jesus added his name to the same baptism read John 5:43 and john 14:26 this explains Matthew 28:19 now read ACTS 2:38 this is the one and only correct baptism that was done in the bible read Ephesians 4:5 ONE LORD ONE FAITH ONE Baptism study your bible and you see that nobody was baptized in the titles of father son and spirit there is no where in the bible that says baptism is not necessary even paul who preached Faith Only he also did baptize in the same baptism of acts 2:38
@wesleywalkerthewriter Год назад
Going to take a position in opposition. I can conceive in no way that our LORD and SAVIOUR would reject a penitent soul who wishes to repent for their sins and give their life in faith to CHRIST but deny them for lack of a body of water. Let me put forward an example. Two men take a day trip into the desert. They leave their car by the road and trek out on foot to a campsite. Tragedy strikes, and they fall into a gorge, losing their packs and leaving them lying in a dry gully awaiting death. In their final hours, one of the two men, a sinner, decides he wants to repent of his sins and give his final moments to Christ... This doctrine would deny such a man the GRACE of GOD for lack of water...? I think Baptism is symbolic. I think it can be considered an important part of the faith... but an absolute necessity? John the Baptist makes it clear that once the Lamb of GOD arrives, baptism in water will become unnecessary, because the Lamb of GOD will bring about baptism in the Spirit. So, if you want to be baptized in a tub or river, then by all means... but Baptism in the Spirit is promised by the Bible, and it is enough to repent to GOD, accept the remission of sins paid for by CHRIST on the cross, and take the creed. That's all that's required.
@jzak5723 Год назад
Unique situation such as the thief on the cross do not prove baptism isn't necessary for salvation. quote; John the Baptist makes it clear that once the Lamb of GOD arrives, baptism in water will become unnecessary, because the Lamb of GOD will bring about baptism in the Spirit. He never said such a thing. Here's what it says."I baptize you with water for repentance, but after me will come One more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire." Where do you see baptism will be eliminated??? Why then does Mark 16:16 say "He who believes AND is baptized will be saved?" Why does Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20 say that they should baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
@wesleywalkerthewriter Год назад
@@jzak5723 Okay, let's take it from John the Baptist himself... "I baptize you with water to show that your hearts and lives have changed. But there is one coming after me who is greater than I am, whose sandals I am not good enough to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." Matthew 3:11 Thank you.
@jzak5723 Год назад
@@wesleywalkerthewriter All you did was repeat the quote I gave, you didn't prove anything, rather, I asked where it says that baptism would be eliminated after Jesus came? With all due respect, someone would have to be Biblically blind to not see the clear teaching on the necessity of baptism for a Christian.
@wesleywalkerthewriter Год назад
​@@jzak5723Funny, because I was thinking exactly the same thing about you, brother. You're one of those "KJV bros", too? I don't know what you're trying to argue. John the Baptist said "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." I am baptized in the Holy Spirit. You think WATER is better than the Holy Spirit? Like I said, someone is BLIND, but it isn't me. I don't even have to go to the original Greek, The English translation is clear enough. But DO tell me that you think WATER is more powerful than GOD. Oh, PS, baptism is WORKS.
@jzak5723 Год назад
@@wesleywalkerthewriter No I'm not KJV. You have too many verses of Scripture to refute when it comes to water baptism being necesary. Which one do you want to start with. This should be good.
@1waymaster 6 дней назад
Jesus only people I guess.
@mobgioo5351 3 года назад
@cassandragarcia5548 10 месяцев назад
This guy in the video claims that if a Person confesses with their mouth Jesus as Lord and believes in their heart God raise Him from the dead..and then they die seconds later before than can get dunked into a tank of water... that despite being Justified and declared RIGHTEOUS by God by their Faith....they will still be Punished by God in Hell for all Eternity!😮😮😮 Indeed, his video and theology is anthema and accursed being "Another Gospel"!
@jelledevries1201 2 года назад
which salvation...?
@kennethdupaty8612 Год назад
Jesus the Christ ( he used the Law of Love) to forgiven Adultery person for Adultery . Apostle Paul Paul..... Jesus Christ used forgiveness on Apostle Paul for him to use the Law of Love according Second Adam God. Both Acts were forgiven by the Holy Spirit ministry of Love Jesus the Christ Law of Love ❤️. Malefactor on the Cross Jesus welcome to paradise because he he Repent his sin before Jesus the Christ.
@kennethdupaty8612 Год назад
Third Heaven Prophet I am
@micahrich5683 Год назад
Wanted for murder, Admired for her beauty, Commended for bravery, Baptized for the remission of sins
@myriad1 10 месяцев назад
@jchrg2336 3 года назад
@CENTS31 Год назад
This is the belief of the Pentecostal church
@gem934 11 месяцев назад
Impure and complex bible, teaching heresy. No one was ever saved by keeping the law, show one verse someone got to heaven by their works, one verse, if so, they’ll be up in heaven boasting, because God owed it to them. Old Testament looked forward to the Messiah, we look back to what Jesus did for us. Abraham, David were all saved by faith NOT WORKS. Baptism for remission of sins is a spiritual birth, become Sons of God by believing and in dwelt with the Holy Spirit. We can do nothing but believe. So if someone believes the gospel, 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1-4 and is on his way to get baptized and dies on the way there, he goes to hell. What absolute garbage and a disgrace to teach that junk. Next you’re going to tell me, repent of your sins to be saved- that is not in the bible, well maybe some corrupted versions. We are saved by faith alone in Christ alone, not of ANY (1) work.
@hdkdncmdm2694 3 года назад
For me , islam is more logical..
@rm-film 3 года назад
Great logic. Read the Hadiths. You will find amaaazin logic. Especially the one wih the fly. And also the texts about Aisha. Logic.
@itsyaboi1748 3 года назад
How so?
@kimberlyhovis5864 3 года назад
You have no clue where you are going to go when you die, though, so how does Islam make more sense then? 🤷‍♀️
@juhadexcelsior Год назад
Islam makes not a shred of sense
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