
What are the most bizarre psychological experiments to ever be conducted? 

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9 фев 2024




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@garywatson3778 4 месяца назад
I've heard about the dog study. If it makes you feel any better, after the experiments, the dogs were all adopted out to good families who knew how to rehabilitate dogs. I do believe they lived long lives, had many snuggles, and were very very good bois and gurs.
@_.-Ink._.Sans-._1 4 месяца назад
Good, I'm happy they're good and okay and getting the snuggles
@shandrabrooks6431 4 месяца назад
This is an upsetting experiment.
@Thecoolestgalonthebeach 5 дней назад
That's what they want you to think
@jonmendelson1104 4 месяца назад
The conformity experiment reminds me of something my friends and I did back in college. If we were out somewhere and one of us spotted a very casual acquaintance we knew from a class the previous year or something, rather than approaching them we'd tell another friend we were with all about how we knew the person. After that the friend would approach the person and say something like, "Oh hey Jim. I haven't seen you since Professor Smith's physics class last year, how have you been?" 90% of the time the person would act as though they remembered my friend even though they'd never met before.
@WaterPuppy 4 месяца назад
Mr. Sparked, you just made this doggo's heart melt with your response to Story 5 (the learned helplessness experiment). The world needs more compassionate voices and souls like yours ❤
@Fabala827 4 месяца назад
7:06 anyone curious about the PTSD/memory one- it’s a type of therapy called EMDR, and is actually a scientifically studied & increasingly well-understood form of therapy! I have friends who have used this treatment and seen incredible results. It’s a bit more complicated than what I can explain, but essentially, it’s not so much about changing the memory exactly, as it is changing the emotion attached to the memory. For example, participants might learn various coping methods, and then be asked to recall the trauma (generally while also being stimulated by some form of physical cue, such as following a light with their eyes, or feeling a buzzer in their hands), while also utilizing their new-found coping methods, or while projecting compassion, comfort, etc to the “past self” in their memory. Overall, the idea is to try to remove the feeling of helplessness and fear of imminent death/destruction from the memory, thereby making it possible for the participant to recall the event or experience triggers without automatically triggering those same emotions. It’s pretty incredible ❤
@rai1578 3 месяца назад
EMDR is genuinely amazing! The actual sessions can be very emotionally taxing, but it is so beneficial. It changed my life. I still suffer from PTSD, but I'm able to live a much more normal life and cope with my triggers much better after doing EMDR. And I think you put it very well here. It's not so much changing the memory as it is changing the emotional reaction. It can in some instances involve 'reimagining' the traumatic event in a way that makes it less distressing, that was a part of my EMDR therapy, but you still know what really happened. It just helps to rewire those pathways in your brain that associate the memory with extreme distress.
@jmgajda8071 4 месяца назад
Hey, I was one of those babies! My Mom was a nurse at the time and heard about these experiments, so she had me participate. Of course I don't remember any of it, lol...
@SurfinBird313 4 месяца назад
Mice were placed in a jar with water in it. The mice could swim for 15 minutes before they gave up and sank, but then they were pulled out of the jar. Then they were placed into another jar, and they had hope they would be pulled out again, so they ended up swimming for over an hour in hopes of being pulled out again until they gave up once more.
@fishygirl3548 4 месяца назад
Like the dog from plague dogs?
@goodgirl6861 4 месяца назад
Great video. 👍 If I enter an elevator with a bunch of people doing weird things like all of them facing the wall, I'm out. I've watched too many horror movies, I don't play with creeps. 😅
@OlivesGarden624 4 месяца назад
I just know this ones gonna be a banger im obsessed with this kind of stuff
@rai1578 3 месяца назад
I have PTSD and have done EMDR so I can elaborate on that! I'd say it's not so much changing your memories themselves as it is changing the way your brain is wired to respond to those memories. The brain often doesn't really store traumatic memories properly, which is believed to be part of why remembering traumatic memories often feels like reliving them for people with PTSD. And those connections in your brain just get reinforced every time you are triggered by something. EMDR involves going over the real memories, but combining them with more positive or safe associations. They call it 'desensitization and reprocessing'. It doesn't make you forget what really happened, it just helps with your neural pathways and how the memory is stored. So don't worry, I wouldn't really call it 'screwing with your memories' and more just 'rewiring faulty pathways'
@almogxchq5282 4 месяца назад
6:44 I do know a guy diagnosed with psychopathy, and it's crazy how much control he has over his emotions. It's scary how manipulative he can get over the smallest things. He had killed a cat in his previous foster home. When asked about it he said he didn't have a killing tendency, just basic curiosity and knew he wouldn't feel anything if he had killed the cat, so there were no cons to this for him, only pros since his curiosity would be satisfied, and so he did it. But at the same time, if he sees other people react to certain things in certain ways, he mimics that behavior. Like if he sees someone sad over a particular thing, he does the same but overexaggerates it. Almost as if he's putting on a show. He grew raised in a dysfunctional family, so some of these things might not be from his diagnosis but rather personal things? He is alright with the law, and also quite a high achiever. Most people who know him probably won't ever think he has this diagnosis. Also to clarify, 'psychopathy' is not an official diagnosis. The actual diagnosis is antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). I'm just using that term for familiarity.
@zero-dv5cv 4 месяца назад
there's nothing inherently wrong with the brother and sister one in the last story, but for the most part there's probably a power dynamic between them that means it can't really be fully consensual, which is just not good
@mikemanthey6183 4 месяца назад
Are you fuckin high
@justicekingtut3571 2 месяца назад
Hiya, I’m a dad and yea you can’t help guide your kid on how to react. If I overreact then so will my son. My son will act worse under his mom, my parents, or otherwise because they tend to baby him/over react, while I try to be more calm about it. So when my son fell off his bike I instantly stopped my mom and adopted a calm voice towards my son while checking if he’s okay. If I started to freak out on worry about him getting hurt he would have broken into crying and yet be being calm he saw my face and calmed down as well. He was totally fine, I replaced the helmet and his pants had to have stains removed haha. Another instance of this is when I get mad or upset so does my son. Kids will look at the person they are closet too to see how they should react. With me being the closets to him he looks at me first then he will look at others to see their reaction and if he should change depending on what he sees. It’s baffling and reminds me that I should be as loving and supporting towards my son as much as I possibly can because that’s what’s best for him and will help him grow “correctly”.
@livcaitbff 4 месяца назад
Experimenting on animals is so cruel 😢 they’re helpless and innocent
@animetalk8132 4 месяца назад
I'm more of the if I don't see it it's not cruel but if I do it is and 😢😢
@servantbee. 4 месяца назад
istg yall had like 9k last time i checked wth happeneddd congrats
@DrewLSsix 4 месяца назад
Come to find out the second story actually got alcohol and was drunk, but the suggestion that it wasnt true instantly snapped them out of it....
@BLACKZEUS24 4 месяца назад
😅 Fun fact: I learned how to trigger sleep paralysis in my teen years, i suffered from it frequently during those times, the worst one was sasquatch in my darkened room, right at the edge of my vision. Horrific, there is no rational thought when you cant move.
@jipsileigh4903 4 месяца назад
My son is not so easily manipulated, as he different parenting styles and people around him a lot. There's me who is firm but fair, my mother who has a short fuse but when she is happy with his behaviour acts all daft and wacky with him. People at groups, mothers taking a step back, leaving tots and children to be independent while the children all have their own personalities and styles of communicating etc. My son is the same in every situation and with each person - which is his mood on the day, he is also very perceptive at his young age of less than 2yrs old, he has known from 10months old when we're 'tricking ' him into doing or not doing something e.g distracting him with a fave thing so he won't cry when someone or something leaves his presence, or when we hide something out of view but he knows we have and though before he could walk about and find himself he just used to cry and point til we retrieved it cos he knew where it was, now he just goes and finds it himself lol. I get the emotional split second opinions though, is where our open mindness does get challenged and put into the spotlight. I think many do take that thought process of having an emotional response and not explaining it, is either or for many, like a thought is black or white - e.g I love him but don't know why or I am lucky to have him cos he's rich so practically I should stay with him though I feel no emotional attachment..thankfully I'm not black or white like most of society (I have questioned everything in my head and around me for many years every day, it's a lot of work, truly.we never stop learning) but then I do struggle with alexithymia which is a disorder that affects emotions, we feel things and know things but we don't know how to change it\how to show it \how to make progress cos we have no future plans due to us not seeing anything but the present etc, but then I do find it a blessing not just a curse cos it means I am truly living in the moment and trust what I feel in that moment, not make 'plans' or create strategies to get something or play mind games etc, cos for me everyone is equal as long as you're not a d*ck and not hurting egatively influencing anyone else is all good. Great vid, food for thought on growth psyche though so thanks :) (I work with children and wish to get into pro counselling so things like this go towards my understanding and when I need to write data and thesis :) )
@wanderingwarrior101 4 месяца назад
Last story, I think is much to do with integrity, whether deserved integrity or perceived integrity.
@Stick_and_stone 4 месяца назад
10:24 I wouldn't lol. I'd just wonder why the hell they're doing that but I would not like facing the wall when the door would open soon
@Tattooedgaymer 4 месяца назад
And now I want to try the mirror one lol
@owenmurray1405 4 месяца назад
Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!
@Stick_and_stone 4 месяца назад
17:07 I want to do a test like this and see if my morality is different from the norm
@PardonMeBut... 5 дней назад
I shall confuse some of you for no reason, here goes: Canada borders Denmark.
@rebeccaconlon9743 4 месяца назад
12:39 makes me wonder about adhd diagnosis
@animetalk8132 4 месяца назад
The flag one was like ok it's not bad and the brother and sister one I FEEL see what I did there, it's like is it healthy no but I think it depends on there relationship pryer.
@lifeking1259 4 месяца назад
in the last question I concluded that both stories were fine, for the 1st example I thought it was gross, but not wrong since no one got hurt, for example 2 I concluded that if the flag was her property (so no theft) that it was fine aswell
@mikemanthey6183 4 месяца назад
Both were morally ethically and legally wrong. Stop being a kiss ass wrong is still wrong even if nobody gets hurt
@lifeking1259 4 месяца назад
@@mikemanthey6183 you do realise morals are subjective right? either way, I'd like an explanation on how these are wrong if no one is getting harmed, sure the 1st one is gross, but none of my business if it's consensual, for the second one, not sure how using your own property could be immoral, but either way, I'd like you to explain your point of view
@tally_ish 4 месяца назад
I think it is pretty interesting to see people’s opinions on taboo kinds of questions, like I think the brother and sister one would be pretty bad since it could lead to negative things in the future, like an unhealthy dynamic between the two, the flag one I personally have no problem with if it’s her property. But even considering the situations I don’t think they deserve to be punished for these actions, yk?
@lifeking1259 4 месяца назад
@@tally_ish I agree, I personally find the 1st example gross and it could lead to negative events later on, the flag of course just isn't a problem if it's her property, but neither act is immoral, not everything we dislike is immoral, we can't just ban everything we don't like, in my view things need to be harmful to others to be immoral, if it's not harmful it's simply distasteful, not immoral
@Thatfunnyguyonyoutube 4 месяца назад
When I was a freshman, my Senior sister got more abusive & toxic, so I experimented peeing on her bed after she went to sleep & told everyone at school. They called her Tanya Tinkle. She's dead now 🥲 I miss my sister
@HeavenLeahSky 3 месяца назад
5:05 Well if it's just done once ITS NOT AN EXPERIMENT THEN IS IT?
@milliemosehla6678 4 месяца назад
Makes me.sad they did that to Orphaned children and that doggie one, otherwise, very Interesting Thank you.
@firebug7208 4 месяца назад
4:20 wonder what the *least* threatening color is, then
@raetemple9167 4 месяца назад
Probably blue.
@liuqmno3421 4 месяца назад
@@raetemple9167 Green, complementary colors etc. I feel like it's most often used for friendly characters too, Shaggy and Flanders come to mind
@raetemple9167 4 месяца назад
@@liuqmno3421 Oh, well that's good to know!
@lordpumpkinhead265 4 месяца назад
@@liuqmno3421 Except Shaggy is absolutely threatening and should not be underestimated.
@august6760 4 месяца назад
@@lordpumpkinhead265he can run as fast as a Great Dane, while CARRYING a Great Dane. Bro is not to be messed with.
@FizzieWebb 4 месяца назад
18:21 See, that's a gone horribly right type of logic. The reasoning given in the hypothetical is that it would "Strengthen their bond" which.. yeah, if it does, it could lead to codependency, clinginess, maybe more. But if it goes bad, congrats, you just fucked up a strong bond and potentially ruined and future familial relations that could come from you both starting a family later down the line, causing stress to the family as whole and maybe shattering it. They are thinking too much in the moment and not enough about how it could impact things down the line, not just for them but their whole family.
@peacefulgrotesque1510 4 месяца назад
They just fucked in a cabin, kid. It ain't that deep.
@tally_ish 4 месяца назад
This is exactly what I thought… Even if it was a one time thing it’d probably lead to them having a really bad relationship down the line.
@loganaa515 4 месяца назад
If people are facing the wall in an elevator I'm getting off ASAP
@avrahamnachshonbookatz9992 4 месяца назад
I'm trying to find a source for number 17.
@_unknowingly.jinx_ 4 месяца назад
story six was disgusting all of the people involved should be charged with animal cruelty story 19 is disgusting child abuse all people involved should be charged with abuse
@Codm22712 4 месяца назад
Ooo sounds good edit story tryed this with a friend and it worked 3 times out of the 4 we did maybe we got a crazy one lol 4:08 no your not and if u are then I’m seeker that por dog
@riverrees4044 4 месяца назад
Your shirt is better to clean up any mess, everyone knows Flag fabric is terrible for cleaning with ;)
@xpeng190 4 месяца назад
Which psychologist used kids and baby’s just to find out how young you would be able to excrete sperm/ eggs
@neock 4 месяца назад
the last one... i oftain ponder these things. mostly, its so ingrained during early teachings, that its become almost instinctual. any who do not think the same, or refused to take grasp on the instructions, dont become like minded and think outside the box, expirimenting more. its lead me to anouther way of thinking even. nothing is truly impossible, we just dont see the way to do it, thus assume there is no way. before the write brothers, people assumed flight was impossible. those two didnt think so and FOUND a way. before cars, people assumes travleing long distances fast wasnt posable without a horse. a breakthrue is all thats needed. and all a breakthrue is... is new information.
@zero-dv5cv 4 месяца назад
you should probably delete this comment because you're gonna get bashed for it
@neock 4 месяца назад
@@zero-dv5cv and? if people disagree, it only proves my point lmao
@zero-dv5cv 4 месяца назад
@@neock nah i mean you might just be baiting but just in case you genuinely didn't understand how stupid you sounded i wanted to warn you
@august6760 4 месяца назад
I agree to an extent. There are a lot of things that we should try to be open minded about and see all sides of, but we still need to have morals lol. Most of those morals are so widespread for a reason. You can’t justify breaking those by saying you were “thinking outside the box” or “not being like minded.”
@neock 4 месяца назад
@@august6760 while this is true, and i agree with it, people do get lazy and complacent with things, and refuse to improve on what they can. an example... look at fossle fuel. there are better ways to get power, ways that wont risk radiating a whole contry or damaging the planet.
@StormTheSquid 4 месяца назад
Story 11 - I feel the same way as you. I have CPTSD and if someone tried to change my traumatic memories into positive ones I'd walk out of the therapy session. Nothing good came out of that, there is no positivity to be had from the abuse I suffered through. If you try to tell me there is, *you're* the crazy one and I will not associate with you anymore.
@zero-dv5cv 4 месяца назад
i don't think it's reasonable to form an opinion on this without knowing how it's done, and it's not really made clear how it works (such as if it involves drawing positive conclusions from outstandingly negative experiences like you think), but idk if you have more information on it or not
@StormTheSquid 4 месяца назад
18:44 Same, I would've been like "Is this act wrong?" "No." "Why not?" "Why would using a piece of cloth as a piece of cloth be wrong? Because it's a national flag? Because patriotism? People have American flag underwear. I feel like purposely wrapping your privates in the flag when you have other options is far more disrespectful to it than using the flag for an actual useful thing like cleaning when you have no other cloth to use. Not that the flag deserves any respect in the first place, given what this country stands for nowadays and how poorly it's treated its people, especially people who aren't white chishet able-bodied neurotypical men. If I need to start a fire and have no kindling but do have a flag, I'll use the flag. I don't care, and you cannot make me care without changing how this country works and how it treats its people. No words alone would ever be enough to undo the damage that has been done under that flag."
@zero-dv5cv 4 месяца назад
@@StormTheSquid this is generally an unreasonable thing to type out since you probably wouldn't actually say it in that situation (though you might say parts of it or say something similar, i just don't think it's likely that you'd think out this whole rant and say it), and you can get the point across for the sake of the comment in a quicker and easier way, but there's nothing really wrong with posting this and it was interesting to read
@StormTheSquid 4 месяца назад
@@zero-dv5cv I definitely would've said it, or something very similar. I have very strong feelings against patriotism.
@StormTheSquid 4 месяца назад
@@zero-dv5cv I know that one therapist suggested something similar, and I rejected the suggestion immediately for the same reason I gave in my original comment.
@Enderbrine0422 4 месяца назад
look into a mirror and stare at your nose. things start to get... weird.
@Hungryghost01 4 месяца назад
@Gamer_Pizza983 4 месяца назад
@user-kw2rl8df2s 4 месяца назад
People DIED for that flag.
@august6760 4 месяца назад
Putting a flag, or any other type of symbol on a piece of fabric, does not make that fabric suddenly sacred. It can be used for other purposes. That doesn’t devalue the meaning of the flag.
@mikemanthey6183 4 месяца назад
Wow you don’t think it’s wrong to shred your country’s flag and you feel no patriotism. What’s it like to not have any respect for those that fought and died so you could take your freedom for granted
@tally_ish 4 месяца назад
People who say they’re patriots often have even less respect honestly. You see so many people using disposable napkins with the flag on them for 4th of July.