
What does $2,000 mean to you? 

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For more than 19 months, President Obama campaigned on the idea that if we're going to be successful, every American has to do their part and pay their fair share.
A centerpiece of his platform, and the campaign you built, was that income taxes should not go up on the middle class -- that the responsible way to pay down the deficit, while investing in education, job training, research and science, is to ask the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more.
Right now, President Obama is asking you to think about what $2,000 a year means to you and your family.



18 сен 2024




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@cool121092 11 лет назад
I wish I was as cool and smart as Obama he gives me inspiration to work hard in College despite a gloomy economy b/c Federal Pell Grants have helped me a lot and I hope my future Political Science and Economics degrees will help me find public sector work.
@DerekWilliamsMusic 11 лет назад
Good to see these channels of communication being used to maintain contact with the electorate. I agree the tax burden should be shouldered more by those with broader shoulders, e.g. the very rich. Why give more to those who already have so much? If they have no public spirit and think only of personal wealth, and threaten to leave, then let them leave. Let's keep the Bill Gates and Warren Buffets who have vision and public spirit.
@ryanfoley123 11 лет назад
Watching this makes me feel for him so much. He's forced to spend SO much of his time simply cleaning up after Bush economics and ideologies. When half of the country has such a pathetic understanding of the facts, and the entire Republican party does NOTHING but sabotage the economy, and the nation still rises, that's when you know we've got a truly amazing President. We're moving forward. If you can't deal with that, get out of the way NOW.
@jamiesmum7078 11 лет назад
Hello my fellow Americans.
@FunLittleMovies 11 лет назад
The richest 2% are paying the lowest relative taxes. That's unfair, and unpatriotic!
@theubermike 11 лет назад
it's not that 'he WILL have to compromise', it's that he WILL compromise. he needs to throw the republicans tactics back in their face and state that this past election was a mandate for him to do what the majority of americans want him to do.
@GoldenWinger001 11 лет назад
If we hadn't shipped all of our factories overseas, tax cuts for the wealthy would have resulted in more investment which means more jobs. As it stands, those tax cuts means that more investment is made in China. Thanks, Clinton.
@intorpere 11 лет назад
$2200 does not mean as much to me, as the future of this country does.
@doodelay 11 лет назад
I can't even tell you how much I value $2,000!
@TadaStudiosvideos 11 лет назад
Congress is not going to support the president we need a change in Congress leadership
@HerryChong 11 лет назад
Amazing. I see a constancy of purpose in what the President believes in. An inspiration
@immrlizard 11 лет назад
I can't help but agree. As much as I would like to continue with my tax breaks (I am well below the 1% even working 2 jobs) I think it would be good to allow them all to expire. We do have to make some adjustments to the tax code. I don't think it should be necessary to hire someone to do your taxes in order to take advantage of deductions you are entitled to. I don't see the deductions for some things benefiting the country. We all have to tighten our belts and pitch in.
@bloorce 11 лет назад
I wish I could trust the President to follow through without gutting Medicare along the way, but I don't.
@jetsixpack 11 лет назад
Making 250k does not make you rich, people making that cannot afford the tax increase. The only way for the big debit we've bough ourselves is if everyone's taxes go up, the "rich" cannot bail America out of this debit. A flat tax is the only fair and sinceable way. People need to realize that we all have to contribute to get out of these hard times if we want America to return to its former glory...but then again most people want the government to take care of them.
@sebastiengluckenbauer2622 11 лет назад
Really? I was thinking it should be more like $100,000. If you're making more than that, you're doing ok, and can afford to help make America better.
@jjbodean1970 11 лет назад
ALL of the tax cuts should expire, not just those for the ones who have been more financially successful.
@pavelmelnychuk5244 11 лет назад
Obama say: - I believe, I can fly - I believe, I can touch the sky A God of economic, to make money from anything.
@intorpere 11 лет назад
If Obama's plan passes, without compromise, I'll have no complaints. Of course I support that. My concern is that he will have to compromise, way too much.
@ethanlculver 11 лет назад
Exactly...tax rates are at an all-time low in the country right now. Lots of European nations have higher tax rates, and they have better economies and lower unemployment rates. Low taxes doesn't create jobs or pay down the deficit. We need to return to the rates under Bill Clinton. Congress better act.
@ryanfoley123 11 лет назад
YES! Congress, this is all on you.If this fiscal cliff hits our economy, it will be NOBODY'S fault but yours. Extend the middle class tax cut, not the tax cut for the 2%. The President has made the choice too clear for us not to act. Contact your Congressmen NOW and demand they act to better our economy. End George W. Bush economics FOREVER.
@goglee2 11 лет назад
How will $2,000 effect me? Bye bye college
@phoenixmatthias2632 11 лет назад
It's simple math. If a business owner has less money due to higher taxes then they will have less money to use for hiring people.
@morethanjustrandom 11 лет назад
it sure sounds like Obama is the modern day Robin Hood. thats what America needs im from Canada and I STILL CARE!!!
@rataflaca1 11 лет назад
obviously poor people want rich people to pay more..
@Annoyed120 11 лет назад
More tax = less tax. Encourage investment in the country. The jobs offer will rise and so the tax revenues. More tax = less tax because there are less money to use in the economy. Help the richs to create jobs and the poors will be no more.
@apollstar1 11 лет назад
Eliminate money in general. Problem solved.
@SuperALLpowerfull 11 лет назад
Do something about civil liberties, its disgusting!
@fatedead505 11 лет назад
$2,000 is about a nice gaming desktop.
@phoenixmatthias2632 11 лет назад
More taxes on the rich means small business owners pay more in taxes. More money paid in taxes by small business owners means they will have less money to hire people.
@stevejones5075 11 лет назад
I agree with what he's doing but is $250,000 really that much? I think it should be half a million.
@doodelay 11 лет назад
GO For it Mr. President and thank you for unblocking the comments!
@coluch17 11 лет назад
To me it seems like we are slowly creeping towards a fascist style government. The government will keep asking for more from the rich until they are the same as everyone else. I realize this will never happen, but I don't like the government taking from others to give away. Not my style of government, may be yours and I'm ok with it
@ShawnBoike 11 лет назад
We Love You ALL!!!
@JeremyM1986 11 лет назад
One of the (many) reasons I did not vote for President Obama's re-election is that in 2010 he failed to fight for an end to the Bush tax cuts when it really mattered. Because of that we are still fighting that fight. I am mildly optimistic that he will do the right thing this time, and that his words are not just meaningless, but only mildly. I wish I sincerely felt that either party was looking out for me.
@livingisaight 11 лет назад
It's going to bet violent before people move out of the way.
@phoenixmatthias2632 11 лет назад
Unless requiring small business owners to pay more in taxes will somehow mean that they will have MORE money to spend on hiring and retaining employees.
@uavman01 11 лет назад
Once again the republicans are proving without a doubt just exactly who it is they really support, and just exactly where they get thier funding from.
@blacknyellow778 11 лет назад
sigh.. if only republicans weren't such tools
@OMGEmoDavid 11 лет назад
are you joking? higher tax rate in europe and have better economies and lower unemployment rates? are you actually joking?? i'm from the UK, we have massive tax rates, our (Europe) economies are terrible, and yes if you look at it from just numbers yes for example, the UK has lower unemployment, but that because its a SMALLIER country.... your very lucky you have President Obama.
@macrent2 11 лет назад
What $2,000 means to me is that I can get an education worthy of being kept in America and for America.
@WriterProfessor 11 лет назад
The campaigner-in-chief.
@sebastiengluckenbauer2622 11 лет назад
Taxes aren't just about being fair, they're about giving the government enough money to do its job. Everything from medicare to public schools to law enforcement to maintaining roads and everything else people seem to forget that a government needs to be able to do. If you tax everyone as little as you tax the poor, the government would get a whole lot less to do much of anything with. The whole country would basically just collapse into poverty.
@JoeSmith-zc6ct 11 лет назад
obama=bush bush=obama
@reostzombie13 11 лет назад
Almost half of the population is not overwhelming supper, Mr. President.
@USUIO2010 11 лет назад
Democracy Tax There are no Democracy costs for the Products of China. Democracy costs too much, and the costs of democracy such as the election is added on all products from toothbrushes to cars. We need to impose tax equivalent to the costs of democracy on all products imported from China. For all products from China, we should have them pay Democracy Tax to America, because price competition has to be fair. America and the world should introduce Democracy Tax immediatel
@coluch17 11 лет назад
Yeah lets give money from the hard working to the poor! That makes complete sense to me. Why would someone want to keep their money after they work 8 hours a day 5 days a week for it? People need to learn how to spend in their class. If you make minimum wage you shouldn't be buying a $100 pair of pants. The reason people struggle so much other than the economy being shitty is because no on knows how to spend properly. Buy off brand shit and get a second job, stop taking from the hard working.
@pjamesbda 11 лет назад
Raising and lowering tax rates, and cutting or funding programs DOES affect the income of certain people. And as such, it transfers wealth. No one makes any mention of it transferring to the rich, when it does. But let it transfer to the poor, and when it does all kinds of noise happens...it's "UNFAIR"...I'm sorry, you need to wake up.
@M16second 11 лет назад
We don't need to take money from the rich and give it to the not so rich.
@Synchronicitizen 11 лет назад
if I had an additional $2,000.00, I would purchase a Norwalk Juicer. I do not have health insurance. I feel that the best quality fresh juices would go a long way to support my self care objectives in the coming year. A girl can dream, can't she?
@Virtual-Media 11 лет назад
This is a no brainer... seriously.
@imthenoid69 11 лет назад
If we go back to the same spending levels as the Clinton era, I'm all in
@mistymccann2474 11 лет назад
I want to know,it is not just talk,but,he really means what he says,says what he means!
@WriterProfessor 11 лет назад
Reward taxpayers, not revenue takers. The House should force the President (for once) to be reasonable!
@pjamesbda 11 лет назад
But that IS what a democracy means, isn't it? Anything over half?
@oldmordim 11 лет назад
It's important when you vote that those votes make a difference and allow bills to be passed.
@GoldenWinger001 11 лет назад
Tax the rich and they find someplace else to live. Look at what happened to England.
@tommygunz341 11 лет назад
He should put pressure on tv and music industry to stop creating lazy violent and spend crazy like black friday and just bad
@phoenixmatthias2632 11 лет назад
"Rich people" include small business owners who employ people. So taxing "rich people" more will cost the people who are protesting them jobs. If you put more taxes on job creators then they will not be able to hire as many people. Either that or they will have to raise prices. Excalibur says it best. About the clowns & buffoons who want to put more taxes onto job creators. The people calling for more taxes on rich people are:
@pjamesbda 11 лет назад
But Padawan, should we cut the entitlements to the rich and the handouts to the mega corporate welfare queens, or to the poor, old and the sick? Tell us wise one, how to proceed?
@Lerkero 11 лет назад
Instead of focusing on more efficient spending let's raise the rates for rich people? That's not a fair federal government and is the ultimate form of pandering. The tax code and government spending are the problems. Fix the code and the overall tax rate will be much easier to interpret and digest.
@sagriffith1 11 лет назад
I just submitted my story. Hope it helps Mr. President!
@RagnarOdinsson 11 лет назад
Just extend all the tax cuts to get it done, then pass a new bill taxing the super rich. It won't happen though because this is all political theater.
@coluch17 11 лет назад
People need to take grade school more seriously if you cant afford college so you can get scholarships to pay for school. You should be paying for all that stuff because that is the lifestyle you choose so you should make sure you make enough to pay for that shit. I still dont see how I'm such a bad guy for defending my personal opinion, just because your opinion differs from mine doesn't make you a better person than me or make me a worse person.
@BlackStampede 11 лет назад
Everyone is going to have something to say..smh..but God's will, WILL be done regardless..so all the criticism and judgement is irrelevant. Know better, act better.
@Thor13332 11 лет назад
Four months of solvency.
@RaioShii2021 11 лет назад
Mostly the problem is that these wealthy men or women tend to have inherited their fortune and believe the middle-class is richer than they are. They literally believe that. They also don't understand the tax code and how it works to grow the economy, they don't know or understand why them having so much money hurts the economy or their business. I've no idea what we can do, it seems that explaining it to them or anything won't work.
@ArIke475 11 лет назад
the thing is that if that did happen it would hurt the economy because all of a sudden people will have less disposable income and will be less likely to spend, which is bad for the economy the richest people on the other hand have a lot more disposable income and they wouldnt be affected as harshly by a tax increase you can call it an appeal to selfishness because it is, but its the right way to go
@ChristianSaldanaCarrasquillo 11 лет назад
$2000 for me means what I make a year
@politiciangirl12 11 лет назад
it would mean to me that my parents can put food on the table for me and my brother and also so they can pay bills.
@Dracodin197 11 лет назад
Go Obama i think that is totally fair.
@vic5201992 11 лет назад
What does $16 trillion in debt mean to you?
@reostzombie13 11 лет назад
But it wasn't over half.
@intorpere 11 лет назад
The whole fiscal cliff bit is such hyperbole. It would only set the economy back a little, very briefly, but would give them the chance to put it back together a lot more sensibly, with Bush's nonsense out of the way. It would make the economy stronger, in the long run.
@WorldwideWakeupCall 11 лет назад
$2000? It's how much the bank STOLE from me and I live in CANADA :( BOO CANADA!
@halflifemasta 11 лет назад
cool name bro, im sure you've had it since a little kid. too bad it's already redundant
@PrincessTS01 11 лет назад
2 months of rent
@oldmordim 11 лет назад
Good luck to you, don't give up even if it does not seem possible. Make a target for yourself each day.
@wph00 11 лет назад
Hey Dude you missed the point, all these fools will tell you anything you want to here, republican or democrat so whats the difference.
@phoenixmatthias2632 11 лет назад
"Oh, this will show the rich people. evil evil rich people!" yah, okay. So when they can't keep you employed because they are paying more in taxes then I hope the revenge is worth it. Maybe the feeling of getting "vengeance" you have for finally getting "even" will pay for your food and bills.
@stevejones5075 11 лет назад
Well it seems that way but both my parents are lucky to have jobs and we barely make more than $250,000. They still have a mortgage and are putting me through college after putting my brother through college. Taxes where I live are high and things cost a lot more than they used to, especially gas. At least in my situation it doesn't seem like too much but i'm not saying my family is in a bad position compared to most.
@WolfPackx0x 11 лет назад
Dude below,u probably don't even earn an income, Dont need Govt taking more dollars out of my pocket,i'm middle class like to stay that way
@MrBelisarioalberto 11 лет назад
cintia vazquez buena discurso
@2012ChristianSoldier 11 лет назад
concerned about the fiscall cliff eh? oh no, hes on a vacation in hawaii
@pjamesbda 11 лет назад
Dead ringer brother. Lay it on 'em.
@ChAzZzInDaHoUsE 11 лет назад
you mad bro?
@Mrock4life 11 лет назад
If u like Obama watch the soon to be viral video (Ray Cries for Obama) it brought tears to my eyes!!
@cool121092 11 лет назад
thank you
@politiciangirl12 11 лет назад
go president obama
@Ilovemusic49246 11 лет назад
Means another curise ship vacation with my family if I had that amount of money or a new car.
@JoFoShowz 11 лет назад
@wes6243 11 лет назад
I am asking you to research this nicely. First, where the "debt" came from. You will find that after World War Two, the Federal government has only existed within its means for a total of 8 years. Secondly, the affect of tax cuts on a capitalistic economy such as ours referencing the Mundell-Flemming model. It states that X amount of money in tax cuts return 10x the initial investment as apposed to roughly 3x of the same amount being dispersed by the government into the National GDP.
@pinkhair64 11 лет назад
4 sor *-*
@ConQuesoGaming 11 лет назад
@MDbowhuntingmaniac 11 лет назад
sweet mother of god....this is pathetic. sad actually.
@HusTle24hr 11 лет назад
I do not approve this
@TheDavid20011 11 лет назад
@Mrock4life 11 лет назад
If u like Obama watch the soon to be viral video (Ray Cries for Obama) it brought tears to my eyes!!
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