
What does discipline from the Lord look like? - Tim Conway 

I'll Be Honest
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27 окт 2024




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@bobbyrice2858 Год назад
I can confirm Tim’s statement of idolatry. Once I became a believer I lost all love for the things that filled my life with joy before Christ. I was a nerd, I loved loved loved science-fiction, Star Wars, Star Trek, I loved the nerdy aspects of it. I never expected my love and joy for those things to just completely vanish. Sure I’ll still watch them but i’m not quick to the trigger of the remote control to turn on the TV to watch it. Sometimes I go weeks if not months not realizing that something had aired. My life is daily consumed with scripture and reading about God and reading about what Jesus did and his commandments. I love watching him. Though I think he’s a little scary sometimes with those crazy eyes lol. Before Christ, I derived a certain dopamine released joy from watching the shows. When I was a kid they were an escape from the mandates of church from a father that was a preacher. Today even while watching. It’s as benign as a cricket hopping across the street.
@haniel_cm Год назад
I get you. I had a lot of passions in my life before Christ, but when Jesus came in my desires changed. Even after conversion, in moments where I wandered away and disobeyed the Lord, when I sought to escape reality through these pleasures, He didn't let me for too long. I remember laying down and just feeling miserable. But now I recognize His mercy in all of it. Even today, the Lord doesn't give me that which He knows would draws me away from Him, that I may make of Him my refuge.
@bobbyrice2858 Год назад
@@haniel_cm “feeling miserable”. Man. Yes. With my sin, lust came to ahead where i was at a cliff edge. Submission was life or death. I had to take MASSIVE action against it. Covenant eyes. Excellent app. Monitors your device activities and puts all of the viewing you do on these devices in front of other people. It’s an excellent deterrent. Some sin just requires self effort. If we don’t, the very validity of one’s salvation would be in question I think.
@mspamela2008 11 лет назад
It's really a shame that good teaching like this only gets 8,778 hits in just under 4 years on RU-vid, and false teachers get millions of hits practically instantaneously. It just goes to show you how lost we really are...I praise God for saving me and that I am confident of my salvation in Jesus. I am ready for what He has for me. Thank you Jesus!!! And thank God for Tim Conway and Paul Washer and John MacArthur and John Piper, these are good truth teachers! Do you know of any others?
@zachturgeon8530 4 месяца назад
It goes to show that the folks at RU-vid don’t want real biblical teaching to be spread in the same manner as false teaching because they are evil.
@ONErighteousNESS 15 лет назад
LOVE is chastisement, rebuke, correction, affliction, brokenness, REAL TIME judgements as well as mercy, grace, faith, compassion! Good video! 1st and 2nd world nations NEED A GOOD DOSE OF THE TOUGH LOVE of GOD! You can't have only HAVE of the CHARACTER of GOD are REALLY KNOW HIM! Grace THEN Peace
@elavaney 15 лет назад
Good answer to a tough question. It's nice to finally hear a few pastors admit that if a person turns away from God in a time of trial, chances are that person isn't saved. I know that's a hard saying and offends a lot of people, but it's about time we acknowledge that God sanctifies those He calls, and we are to be producing fruit.
@ChristisLord 14 лет назад
@RalphGalloza You've made a grave error in quoting "The Lord's Prayer." Here is the correct quote: Matthew 6:13 And LEAD US NOT INTO temptation, but deliver us from evil; "Lead us not into," not "deliver me not from." James 1:13Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. 14But each one is tempted when he is drawn away BY HIS OWN desires and enticed. God does not "deliver" anyone to satan. We deliver ourselves
@Slippin22 12 лет назад
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.Deuteronomy 28:15 However, if you do not obey the LORD your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:
@MrOverdoser 15 лет назад
Thanks - I really needed this! Very good upload ♥ God Bless!
@HermannTheGreat 15 лет назад
Awesome message
@ErikFindling 7 месяцев назад
I had a period of my life where lust and self pleasure was something that I just could not stop. I kept thinking “God will forgive me” and using his grace as a crutch to sin when I felt tempted. Well, my whole genitals and groin went completely numb one day as a reaction from a prescription medication when I was deep in my sin, and I lost all sexual feeling in that region.
@Aaron637 15 лет назад
...even better question.
@ErikFindling 7 месяцев назад
I had a period of my life where lust and self pleasure was something that I just could not stop. I kept thinking “God will forgive me” and using his grace as a crutch to sin when I felt tempted. Well, my whole genitals and groin went completely numb one day as a reaction from a prescription medication when I was deep in my sin, and I lost all sexual feeling in that region. I may never be able to have kids, but yeah do NOT test the Lord is what I have learned
@djjireh 13 лет назад
So God is diciplining me as His SON - to put me through hell the last 2 years of things that i had NO control over?
@eagleeye182 3 месяца назад
Don`t be weary? What about people with chronicle illnesses? What about a person who has been struggling for 20 or 25 years? Huh? What positive results could yield from this type of God`s punishment?
@JesusIsLord105 14 лет назад
@greatdanechick2 awesome story!
@mattrayhons2011 8 месяцев назад
I’ve been handed over to the wrath of god. I’m not being chastised. Is there any way out? Please respond
@timothykinoti7768 7 месяцев назад
matt how are you now.....are you getting torments in your mind like me ...hows your situation?
@mattrayhons2011 7 месяцев назад
@@timothykinoti7768 my situation is not good. The torment is nonstop. I get no sleep.
@timothykinoti7768 7 месяцев назад
i understand...im there too..im entering the third year now....i started taking meds last year december...of late they have been forcing me to sleep...would you kindly tell me more? are you numb emotionally? did you loose your conscience?...how did the attack happen@@mattrayhons2011
@daoneandonlybravo 3 месяца назад
​@@mattrayhons2011 did you repent of your sin ?
@mattrayhons2011 3 месяца назад
@@daoneandonlybravo I have
@brianmessinger3984 11 лет назад
if jesus died for our sins and he bore the punishment----then why does he punish us for sins? pl anwser
@Gokujr768 10 лет назад
the lord didn't die for our sin just so that we can go on sinning, those who are his have been purchased at a price. the lord died for us and took our punishment of sin so that God could forgive those who come to him by way and the only way which is Christ. but to do that you cannot keep loving your sin Jesus didn't die on that cross so that people could get saved and then run off into more of their sin and justify it by saying "he died for us so we can sin as much as we want and not get punished for it, because after all he love me just the way I am and he took the punishment for me" that's not how it works. if we are saved and we go back to our sin like masturbation for instance then he will punish us for it so that we might take the hint and be done with it and keep growing in Christ there is more but I hope this much helped
@looooooooooking8612 10 лет назад
stick with the preaching of Joseph Prince and you´ll be fine beloved brother!
@christianirwin14 Год назад
@@looooooooooking8612 No brother he is a prosperity gospel teacher
@vasiliosrigos 15 лет назад
.....And God Holy is His Name,does give over some of His chidren to their iniquities, their depraved sinful minds.
@sweetsweatyfeet 14 лет назад
This guy's one of the best arguments for atheism I've seen. When rational and thoughtful people witness the spectacle of extreme fundamentalists like this they become turned off (even repulsed) by Christianity. Lunatic fringe religious zealots (Islam included) are significant reasons for the rapid growth of atheists.
@Slippin22 12 лет назад
omans 9: 10-21 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad-in order that God's purpose in election might stand: not by works but by him who calls-she was told, "The older will serve the younger." Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated."(THEY DID NOTHING)
@JesusIsLord105 14 лет назад
@kris10ish hmm thats strange i think i pray the most when im happy =)
@mattrayhons2011 8 месяцев назад
Tim I have seen most all of your videos. I thought I was being chastised, but I’m afraid I’m aware that it is not. I have grieved the spirit out of my life and am in the dark place that u described in your video do not grieve the spirit. I’m in the trial of the lost man. I have tasted the goodness of the age to come. I’m guilty of Hebrews 6-4-6. I’ve trampled the blood. Dog returning to his vomit. My question. Have you ever met anyone under gods judgement , under wrath, who has been restored? Or is a person in this condition doomed forever? Is it possible to be eternally judged while I’m still alive?
@Mybelovedyeshua33 8 месяцев назад
Hi, I don’t know you or what your life style is like but I notice you said, “I have tasted the goodness of the age to come” and how you think the Holy Spirit has left you or you have grieved that Holy spirit out of your life… Impossible! If you are truly a son. I see it this way (from a biblical view point) The fact that you are even concerned and continue to watch pastor Tims videos and are reaching out, is to me a clear indicator that you are not a lost cause. Maybe you have lost your way at certain times in your life and maybe your a prodigal, ect but you always find yourself seeking again. This is not unusual for sheep, especially those who have not yet matured in the Lord though they have known Jesus many years. If you know anything about sheep, sheep are prone to stray from their shepherd and are considered dumb animals which is why sheep need a shepherd. Jesus compares us to sheep. He knows and understands that our frame is but dust and we need Him. The way we grow and mature is through His word. Don’t be afraid. Take heart. The spirit has not given you over or else you would not even be concerned. Pray that the Father will bring you to a sincere place of repentance. make some changes in your life. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. You don’t grow over night but start drawing near to Him day by day even if you don’t feel anything, you will eventually and you will eventually see the good fruit that the Holy Spirit is truly working in you. He sees your heart and that you’re trying and that you’re concerned and perhaps a little worried! Lay all of your concerns at the feet of Jesus and He will pick you up where you are and meet your where you are and help you along. Allow His word thru the power of the Holy Spirit in you to wash you and teach you and guide because He will and He longs to save you. Let Him be your savior every day. It may seem as if He has given you over but He hasn’t. I was a reckless lover of Jesus. I walked in such close intimate communion with Him .lost all taste for the world until one day I was warned from the Lord Himself about something and I did not heed His voice and from that moment on , I slowly backslid until I was completely gone. He didn’t forsake me, I forsook Him and as a consequence my life was a living hell for the four years I was backslidden. I couldn’t enjoy anything. And as a result of my disobedience I was afflicted with a severe mental illness called morbid jealousy and severe paranoia and was tormented until 2022 when Jesus began to pull on the strings of my heart again and I got right into the word but my battle wasn’t over but I had hope now. It wasn’t until late 2022 Jesus began to heal me and deliver me of things. He has wrought so many miracles in my life in just under a year of coming back to Him after backsliding for so long and now I am walking in intimate communion with Him and more I love than I was at first. I no longer battle a mental illness and I am completely free of all my bondage. He restored me. I’m made new again. His word is true. He didn’t forsake me. He already had in mind to bring me back but what I had endured for four years was a consequence for my own willful disobedience in not heeding His voice. It’s a long story and I’m leaving out many details. Also It wasn’t medication that healed me either (I don’t take meditation, never did) It was His love working in and thru me that set me free of all my bondage. “He who began a good work in you will complete it….” Phil 1:6. I encourage you to get alone with Jesus and pour out your concerns to Him. Don’t allow anything to deter you. Don’t allow anything to distract you. He will meet you. He loves you. He cares. Look at David’s life as a result of His sin and look at how the Lord dealt with him. Listen to David’s cries in the psalms. It seems as if God has given up on David but certainly He has not. David was a son and God dealt with him as a son. Dear brother Matthew, I will pray for you as faithfully as I remember. I’m going thru my own trial too but the Lord is faithful. Read John 15. Also check out pastor chuck smith. You may like him. I hope and pray that anything of what I said was of some consolation for you.
@mattrayhons2011 8 месяцев назад
@@Mybelovedyeshua33 thank you. It is encouraging. You didn’t have to type all that out but you did and I thank you. All I can say is thank you and thank you for responding. I will try to hang on and thank you again.
@mattrayhons2011 8 месяцев назад
@@Mybelovedyeshua33 I’ve read your writing over and over. It gives me hope. I’m 2 and a half years into my living hell. It started slowly at first. At first I didn’t know what was going on, I felt like I had lost something, but didn’t know what it was …. Then things started to happen. I thought it was a string of bad luck,,, so I started reading the Bible. I was somehow led to all the condemning versus like Hebrews 6-4-6. , and deuteronomy 28. Don’t know how I magically opened up the Bible to these pages but now I know. You said your hell and torment lasted 4 years. And u couldn’t enjoy anything. I’m there. Jeremiah 21:5 says that God himself will stretch out his hand against me with fury and anger. Everything I do comes to naught. Did u feel like this is you? Did u feel like god was against you? If so, how did u gain restoration? Please respond this one more time
@Mybelovedyeshua33 8 месяцев назад
Hi Matt, honestly the way you are putting it does not sound like our Heavenly Father. However, depending on the severity of your sin -He does discipline. If you don’t mind I want to share my story with you to give you a little idea of how the Lord dealt with me and why and what He’s done for me. I don’t think your situation is the same as mine or maybe it is. I just feel like maybe the enemy is trying to deter you and keep you from finding the Fathers forgiveness and love by condemning you . The Father doesn’t condemn His children, He disciplines and sometimes it’s harsh but He does it out of pure divine Fatherly love. However, im not sure how your life used to be with Him cause I know you had said “you tasted the goodness of the age to come” . Maybe you are just backslidden and facing the consequences for willfully turning away or willful rebellion ? Idk but all I know it that you are not in a hopeless situation and though it appears that way, do NOT loose heart! Here is my story! It’s really really long , I’m sorry. As for myself I had a 180 transformation when I was first born again in 2013. I was a lover of Jesus on fire for the things of God. I spent my days from 20yrs old to 25 on my face and at the feet of Jesus. He had me come away those early years. I had the gift of celibacy. Had no desire for marriage or to know any mortal lover . I vowed my love to the Lord all the days of my life and I was completely and indescribably satisfied with my life. It was like I was hand picked and made for Jesus and the work of the Lord. However about 5 years in I made the worst mistake of my life and completely ignored the voice of my Heavenly Father and ignore His loving warning. It was so clear and obvious He was speaking to my heart thru the pages of an Oswald chamber devotional. It was November 15th 2017 (I still have that devotional) .I’m not going into extensive details on that (it’s to long of an explanation) but it was from that very moment I began to gradually backslide until God became a distant memory in my mind. I was called to be set apart for the Lord purposes but when I backslid it was like everything the Lord had delivered me of ,came upon me again and I suffered the consequences of my willful disobedience to His voice and His call. (Looking back now) He never forsook me , I forsook Him but He was there all along but He had allowed me to face a 4 year season of insanity but the thing is I wasn’t trying to walk with the Lord anymore .it wasn’t like going thru the dark night of the soul with Him consciously at my side . No i was facing the consequences of my willful disobedience as a child of God. I believe the reason why I went completely mentally insane for those four years was not simply because I ignored a very clear warning from the Father but because I married outside of Gods will for my life (had I never married and cut off the relationship perhaps the consequences wouldn’t of been so harsh) but my marriage was living hell. I was afflicted with a horrible spirit of morbid jealousy and severe paranoia (the WORST case of it too) no medication helped. No psychiatrist. No hypothesis.Etc. why would God bless a marriage that was not ordained nor set up by God and I was living as if I was an illegitimate daughter. My marriage was a complete disaster and I became my worst nightmare- a wife no man would dare come near. I married out of impulse. I never fell in love , still to this day but the Lord is dealing with me on that issue, currently. I was an outcast growing up. Never had boyfriends. Didn’t have many friends. Was always insecure. I wasn’t ugly or anything , it’s just how it was. so for the first time in my life in 2018 someone actually desired me (my current spouse) but I wasn’t attracted to the guy , didnt have a s*x drive or anything but because I had forsook my first love (Christ) and I was already so far from the path He wanted me on -I went with it and married in 2019 but about a few months in to meeting each other the hell began. I started showing signs of unnatural jealousy and by the time we got married within a year of knowing each other I became very controlling and paranoid. i had a son in the midst of the chaos (whom I love deeply) but I was really bad by the time I had him , I couldn’t even be a mother the first 2 1/2 years of his life. I literally controlled every aspect of my spouses life. We were locked in the house most of our marriage because of how paranoid and jealous I was. He worked but I controlled everything. I had to be every where he was. i even had our phones connected so i knew what he was doing on his phone etc. It wasn’t until 2022 that the Lord began to pull on the strings of my heart bringing me bqck to a divine love so familiar and sweet to my soul. He put in my heart to make it a 2022 new years resolution to commit to reading the word of God again and so i did and its all i did for the first 4 months of that new year until i was called/distracted to go help my sister and babysit her daughter. but i was still seeking the Lord again. i was still battling jealousy but i had some hope now but the enemy saw what the Lord was doing and so tries to deter Gods plan by oppressing me with an eating disorder called anorexia (the very thing God healed me of when i was first saved). i nearly lost my life to anorexia in 2022. so at that point i was battling not just morbid jealousy and paranoia but anorexia and body dysmorphia too but at the same time i was slowly getting better with the jealousy because while i was battling anorxia i was drawing nearer to Jesus and had my time set apart to where i was seeking each day…. it wasnt until late summer 2022 Jesus really started to work wonders in regards to the morbid jealousy. i had to face a very hard reality when i found pornography all over my phone (because our phones were connected) his phone gave my phone a virus. i had just got my son in his carseat , we where at the park when i opened my phone. Let me tell you, the amount of Grace i had over me in that moment was extraordinary and supernatural. I swear Jesus was sitting in my truck with me that day and i didn't even know it. I wasn’t conscious of His presence but immediately turned to Him trusting that He was with me in that moment because I responded as if I never had a jealous problem. I was in utter shock but I never responded to situations in my marriage like this before, so I knew it was His grace over me in that moment or else I would've killed myself, or gotten into a car accident, racing to his job, and making a complete fool of myself, and humiliating my spouse, but I didn't react that way because it was God who kept me in that moment. that was the start of God's delivering power in regards to the morbid jealousy that rocked my world for four years. from that moment on, Jesus taught me to hide myself in him and it wasn't long until I was completely free. I had known his love again in the way I have always knew his love, and it was his love that freed my soul and healed my mind and than it kept on getting better cause i kept growing closer to Jesus. after he took the issue of morbid jealousy, out of the way, he started healing me of the body dysmorphia, the anorexia, and the laxative abuse oh and the nicotine. I was free of all the bondage by 2023 and on Easter Sunday, 2023 (the nicotine was the last thing to go)- I was set free on Easter, miraculously. There is time for everything and a reason for the things that happen in the lives of His children (backslidden or not). I don’t know you but I sense you are a son who has just lost his way and is reaching out. Do you want to change or are you looking to still live in sin but don’t want to pay the consequences? Regardless. Do the works that you did at first (not works to be saved) the first works of love and faithfulness to the Lord when you first tasted that goodness of the age to come. Go back to that. Set it in your heart to draw near to Him each day. As you draw nearer it will become easier in the sense that there is an ease in being with Jesus because when you are in love with Him sincerely , His love just takes you away from these lower realities that so often burden us and He empowers you with His love , His experiential love and sustains you and keep you in a place of wanting more of Him. Life with Jesus becomes enjoyable. He always meant it to be. He desires we live to experience His presence and love in our everyday lives. His love will lift you from a life of wordiness . It was meant to do just that. I’ve honestly been praying for you and will continue as faithfully as I remember. Side note: the Lord restored everything i had lost with Him when I backslid and gave me more than I even deserved. My relationship with Jesus is even better and more real and intimate than at first. The Lord is good to finish the work He started. It’s crazy ,Morbid jealousy rocked my world for the worst but His love came in like a recking ball and rocked my soul.
@Mybelovedyeshua33 8 месяцев назад
I also noticed how you said, “you opened up to those verses about condemnation…” Recently , I was brought into the darkest dark night of my soul that lasted about a month and if you listened to that video I linked to the previous messages , I felt just like that guy in his dark night of the soul. It’s the scariest , most painful experience ever. I don’t wish it on my worst enemy. It’s literally a tiny taste of hell itself . To feel completely forsaken by the Father and no sign of hope at all. I tried to make senses of the madness I was facing this past month and when I came across that book faith in the night seasons , it made everything much more clear to me of what is really going on in this season. The heaviness is lifted and now I have His grace and peace to face the remainder of this dark season though it doesn’t seem so dark but I am now really learning to walk in faith and not so much by feels and emotions. Those could be the killer in our relationship with the Lord. I got so used to encountering and experiencing His presence and divine favor on an everyday basis that I completely lost sight of what it’s like to walk in faith so He had stripped me of everything-all His heavenly favor and every ounce of confidence i had in my self so that I would learn to walk in faith. After months and months of enjoying His constant presence I randomly started going through short cycles of dark seasons every month but I’d have periods of encounter and His presence was like a river of delight but than I’d go thru darkness again and now I realize looking back He was only trying to get me not to trust so much in my feelings and emotions or in mere encounter but I obviously wasn’t seeing it that way until recently He stripped me all together of everything (there are also other reasons for why I had to face the ultimate dark night of the soul which I am not mentioning) but nevertheless I finally gave up and gave the area of my heart to Jesus that He’s been wanting me to give up and I finally did and now currently I am liberated and experiencing His grace and peace in the midst of this dark season and am initially learning the faith walk. It’s slightly an uncomfortable time because though I have His grace and peace now , I don’t yet have those face to face encounters of spiritual highs yet but He will restore In due time . Each day it gets a little easy for me to walk this walk of faith as I continually lift my heart to Him in adoration through out the day and keep my self conscious of Him. It’s becoming a joy but how I yearn for more. My point was that before I had the clarity and confirmation of what I was going thru , when I was in that state of madness and haze and confusion etc depression , I was trying to make sense of everything and when ever I’d go to the word I’d always get a word of condemnation and fear and judgement cause It seem rightly so that I should get a word of judgment because in my mind I was trying to find every reason for why I was being punished. So I know that feeling of spontaneously opening the Bible and receiving a word so discouraging and painful but I have come to realize that was only the enemy and I knew because it would make me not want to go to the word of God because I thought it’s how God felt . I thought I was being punished. The dark night of the soul is not necessarily a time of punishment it’s a time of purification. A time of breaking . A time or spiritual growth. Those times are needed but not everyone has to go through but other are more hard and need dark seasons in order to progress. I hope that encouraged you a bit. Words of condemnation (if your in Christ) are never from the Father but the evil one. You can rest assured. Just seek Him and you will find Him.
@KortovElphame 13 лет назад
If anyone asks you for anything, give it to them without question. (Matthew 5:42) how come i never get u clowns to give me all ur stuff! and dont say out of context! becuae u quote out of context all day!
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