I had a conversation with some of my fellow believers 10 minutes before I wrote this comment here. I told them some lies knowingly. Lies about my personal experiences and other things about imaginary properties 😅 But before I went to bed I was convicted that I needed to repent all the lies I've told my fellow believers. I decided to look for some videos on RU-vid on how to transform my mind, and here, I was led here by the Holy Spirit to learn something about renewing of mind. God is really faithful.
The Greek verb for “be transformed” is metamorpho’o. The expression ‘making the mind over’ indicates that a person changes his mental inclinations, innermost attitudes, feelings. So when urging Christians to make their minds over, Paul was highlighting a continual inner transformation that would result in a completely new way of thinking that would be in harmony with God’s thoughts.
It means to stay in God's Word, pray at all times, and remain in Christ's revealed will for us. Big one: to be careful and selective to what we watch, read, listen to - Who we listen to! In other words, to listen for, follow and heed the inital promptings of the Holy Spirit. Blessings to you. Pastor John
I have experienced God's math on this. When I first came to faith, I did take time to seek the Lord, I received a whole lot more than my efforts deserved. I still seek the Lord 25 years later and I still receive more than my efforts deserve. Not saying it's been smooth sailing the whole time, it hasn't, but I can see Jesus' hand at work when I look for it. He is behind the Scenes working and strengthening, testing and changing me. Circumstances may not be better, but the peace, guidance and understanding from the Bible and Godly community get you through. Patience, prayer, and perseverance. Jesus Christ is that good.