
What does the bible say about Polygamy? 

Pastor Mark Driscoll
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22 авг 2016




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@Nyamekye_ Год назад
People actually want to know whether polygyny is a sin. It is not really about the pros and cons of polygyny as you intend to demonstrate.
@Go-Getter Год назад
Polygamy can not be a sin being that God permitted it.
@danieldeluca4936 9 месяцев назад
Yeah read Psalms 18:21-24 to see what God inspired David to write at a time when he had three wives.
@josephcouture2838 4 месяца назад
Every time a "traditional" pastor addresses polygamy they talk about how the Bible shows the issues that come from it. Yet, every other sin is addressed directly. "One man one woman" is a teaching of man, not a commandment from God. That said, the pastors are not incorrect about the problems. In my assessment it does show its normally a bad idea, yet not a sin in and of itself.
@christopherolugu7404 4 месяца назад
@@josephcouture2838 that one man one woman idea isn’t being broken by polygyny. One man and one woman means each gender in one covenant. So to make a marital covenant, you need to have one male and one female. God made the rules of adultery and within those rules of adultery. It says that a woman cannot step out of her marriage so she can’t have sex with anybody else. But it doesn’t say that a man can’t go and have sex with another woman, she just can’t be married to someone else. In reality, you’re really supposed to marry another woman before you have sex with her, but if you end up having sex with another single woman, then you have to pay the bride price and ask her father for her hand in marriage. A man who has multiple wives is in a one man one woman relationship with several women. Therefor he is not breaking any rules. The only thing that is of concern that a man needs to watch out for is: is he lusting?
@changemymind8692 Год назад
When you think about it, we practice a lot of things that are more traditional than they are biblical. But we then hold our traditional practices as biblical truths.
@KGB94TV 10 месяцев назад
You are so right! Yahshua [Jesus] would agree with your statement. “He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.” (Mark 7:6-9, KJVA)
@danieldeluca4936 9 месяцев назад
The Bible never calls mongamy a "pattern" or even implies that it is God's intent for everyone to follow! The Bible never states that Lamech was evil. Killing someone in self-defense, is not sinful. The whole point of that passage, was that if someone killed a person in self-defense, God would uphold their cause! Abraham is an anecdote. No one is claiming that polygyny will always go well, but neither does monogamy! Ishamel NEVER had any conflict whatsoever with Israel. The big lie is that the Muslim people all descended from Ishmael. This has NEVER been substantiated! The Arabs descemded from the Hivites, Jebusites, Midianites, Perizites, Philistinians, etc. You have to really stretch the truth to come up with such a lame argument against polygamy! The problems they are having, have the same root cause as the problems WE are having. It is called SIN, and SIN was introduced into the world by a monogamous couple! So Esau takes multiple wives, and he was a bad guy, so that makes polygamy bad, huh! Jacob was a righteous man who took four wives, and polygamy is still bad, huh! This is what we call a "predetermined conclusion". You are overstating the conflicts! Joseph's brothers showed a great deal of concern for Benjamin because of the fact that he was thought to be the only remaining son of his mother! That is clearly stated in Genesis! The only real conflict, was brought about in part by Joseph's dreams. In fact when they decided to kill him, which Reuben intervened on his behalf, they said "Here comes that dreamer"! So yeah the fact that he gave a bad report, and had a coat of many colors, didn't sit well with them, but you never mentioned the dreams or the bad report, because you know full well that the dreams came from God, and the bad report, was not wrong at all for Joseph to give, so you latch onto this favortism, because THAT'S ALL YOU'VE GOT!!!! II Samuel 13, and 15-18 is about the conflict that resulted because of David's sin, so again you repeat this lie that polygamy had anything to do whatsoever with the chaos. God tells us EXACTLY why the conflict occurred in David's house II Samuel 12:10, and it had NOTHING to do with polygamy, WHATSOEVER! No disaster occurred as a result of Reheboam's polygamy, or Abijah's polygamy. You want to call the results of Elkanah's polygamy a disaster, but that is so far from the truth, as to demonstrate your dishonesty. You know Deitrich Bonhoffer's fiancee was only 18, and he was 36, so be careful who you label as a predator. There is nothing wrong with having sex with your wives! That is precisely why God gave us marriage. How can you say that is horrifying, dispicable and awful? There is no sick motive or evil desire behind wanting to have sex with and impregnate your wife! So if your daughter were to marry a clean older man whoi is NOT constantly trying to add more wives, would you be OK with that??? So if the precedent that leaders in the church are to set is to have one wife, the men who have zero wives are not following this precedent. Genesis 2 does not say that it is God's intent for every man to have only one wife. This is another lie! All you can prove with Adam, is that God does not intend for EVERY man to have multiple wives. Adam's monogamy didn't go all that well either! Man you are ripping Matt 19:4-6 out of its context! You are lying when you claim that Jesus said that marriage is ultimately one man and one woman! He never said any such thing! God Himself called it marriage when Lamech, Esau, Jacob, etc took multiple wives. You COMPLETELY left out the fact that Jesus was talking about divorce! Read Psalms 18:21-24 to see what David wrote through inspiration of the Holy Spirit, at a time when he had three wives. There was no sin! Marriage is a picture of Jesus love for His churches. The parable of the ten virgins speaks of weddings in the plural. He married ALL OF THEM!!! So Jesus IS a polygamist! In addition, the bride in Revelation, is not the church, but rather, the New Jerusalem. Paul says that he had betrothed the Corinthian church as a bride to Christ. Polygamy is all over the Scriptures, both Old and New, and much of it was written by polygamists! Sure Jesus does not marry alll religions. He only marries those who are faithful to Him, and have their lamps ready for the groom. One woman having multiple husbands, was never even brought up!!! We aren't talking about polyandry here; we are talking about POLYGYNY; one wife with two or more wives. Such dishonesty! Legal issues can be dealt with at the voting booth, and you yourself said that we will probably see this happen in our lifetimes. Custody issues are only a concern in divorce, which Jesus clearly spoke out against, and any follower of Christ ought to oppose. The HUSBAND is responsible for resolving the conflict issues. That is why the only men who should have multiple wives, are REAL MEN, who don't kowtow to the whims of their wives! Jealousy is called out as one of the deeds of the sinful nature. Paul says to live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Jealousy is prevalent in monogamy "how dare you look at that other woman", and should be condemned. Financial issues would only be a problem, if none of the wives are wage earners, and this is assuming that the man is not wealthy to begin with. Children raised in polygamous homes, have VERY healthy upbringings. That is unless some Christian missionary goes over there and tells the polygamous man that he can only have one wife. That is when things start to unravel! So the opportunity for abuse doesn't open up, unless a man has multiple wives????? Like abuse cannot occur in monogamous homes??? Pauls says not to slander. You need to repent!
@tesleyzehner7290 8 месяцев назад
I've read the entire Bible over 7 times trust me it does not say Polygamy is sin or wrong.
@robertdavidson9674 Год назад
6) In Exodus 21:10 and elsewhere, the law of Moses regulates Polygyny, and does not condemn it, thus implying that it is a perfectly acceptable alternative if each wife is protected. 7) The great Reformer and Bible translator, Martin Luther, along with several of the other Reformers endorsed polygyny.
@gideonmlewa9819 Год назад
Sin is the transgression of the law. As long as the law does not prohibit polygamy then it is simply not a sin. Many biblical patriarchs married more than one wife, the first one being Lamech who married Ada and Zillah. God did not admonish Lamech for marrying two wives. Many of those saying polygamy is a sin do not have any biblical grounds for their private opinions regarding this issue. Monogamy is just a western tradition which the western people want to incorporate into Christianity but cannot find sufficient grounds. In the New Testament only Bishops and Deacons only have been prohibited from marrying two or more wives(1 Timothy 3:1-12) but the rest of us who are neither Bishops nor Deacons but mere Christians can go ahead and marry more than one wife
@PastorDowell 7 месяцев назад
This pastor is a liar on this subject!
@andrewvangils3112 Год назад
The first sin was committed by a monogamous couple. The first murder(Cain) was from a monogamous family. Linking evil to monogamy or polygyny is a bit disingenuous. Abraham failed because he gave into Sarah pressuring him to sleep with another instead of trusting in God that he would give Abraham a son via Sarah. According to 2 Sam 12:8, God rewarded/gave Saul’s wives to David. Why would God participate and encourage something evil? David sinned because he committed adultery(biblical adultery is not what it means in society today, it’s when a man goes after a woman who is MARRIED, he can go after a single woman and marry her in addition to his prior marriage) and murder against his own soldier.
@HerveyShmervy Год назад
There's a difference between those 2 though. One has the sin come from the polygamy and the other is sin coming from somewhere else but it just so happens they are monogamous
@andrewvangils3112 Год назад
@@HerveyShmervy where does it say that David committed sin because of Polygamy? And do not confuse the sin of murder and adultery(taking another man’s wife) as an excuse to condemn polygamy. David had well over 15 wives and concubines. God literally said that “except in the case of Uriah the Hittite, David was righteous”. Everytime the Bible describes one of David’s wives, it was never a sinful thing.
@HerveyShmervy Год назад
@@andrewvangils3112 David clearly has sinned other times than that yet the bible doesn't list all of those other sins, the reason why only uriah was brought up was because of the narrative.
@andrewvangils3112 Год назад
@@HerveyShmervy Of course, I didn’t say he was perfect. But you are calling something a sin which is not. In fact the Torah has rules that apply when you take multiple wives, such as not marrying your wife’s sister while she is alive, not to neglect her. The 10 commandments are Deut 20 in the very next chapter it says “if a man take a second wife”. Again you haven’t shown a verse showing it’s a sin, just your personal beliefs.
@HerveyShmervy Год назад
@@andrewvangils3112 i dont think you were getting my point. I was saying that the way you did your analogy was faulty as you didn't apply what you applied to polygamy to monogamy
@jeffreydouglas9800 Год назад
What is the meaning of 2 chronicles 24v3
@danieldeluca4936 9 месяцев назад
Good one! There is an example he can't point to and call it a disaster.
@stevebearsley2308 Год назад
Sin began in a monogamist setting! Come on Mark, read the Bible. Yahweh, the God of the Bible, identifies Himself as the God of Israel - that polygamous family from which the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ came. This (false) idea that God's ideal is what's presented in the Garden calls into question the sinless perfection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Every man and every woman was married in the Garden; they were nudists, gardeners, and vegetarians. Jesus Christ was not married, wore clothes, wasn't a gardener and definitely wasn't a vegetarian. Ask those who suggest God had a creation ideal in the Garden why they would suggest Jesus Christ fell short of God's creation ideal? Is their saviour one who couldn't live up to God's ideal? My Saviour was, is, and always will be the sinless Son who gave His life in a perfect sacrifice for my redemption. He fulfilled all that was required in the law - nothing less!
@tesleyzehner7290 8 месяцев назад
But if you look closely at Jesus'es relationship with Marry Magdalene it's quite possible she was his woman not my marriage but in relationship girlfriend or just lovers but one have look into history to find out for sure cause Bible say out right now.matter it true Jesus fulfilled the law fulfilled a life of sinlessness and fulfilled the salvation plan of dying for our sins and rose again that what counts that I will believe and trust.
@cryptobtcninja-jz7xw 8 месяцев назад
Well what about Abraham who had 2 wife’s and Solomon excetra.
@SeniorLife2012 28 дней назад
I agree with everything you have said. It always ended badly when it was done. Smh. If TMH wanted a man to have multiple wives, he would have made more than just Eve for Adam.
@LisaCrutcher Год назад
Sir, the Holy Spirit said you put it perfectly! And you are right on point with God's intent for man -- which is to live a simply life free of unnecessary stressors. One woman is a hand-full; same for a man. Throw 2 of any into the mix and it becomes a circus varying strifes.
@danieldeluca4936 9 месяцев назад
That was not the Holy Spirit! God NEVER said that one woman was His intent for EVERY man!!!! God's will for one man, is not the same as His will for another! For some men God's will is for them to not have ANY wife whatsoever! There were so many falsehoods in this video, it goes to show the lack of discernment both you and Driscoll have.
@LisaCrutcher 9 месяцев назад
It's on the 2nd page of His word, Genesis 2:24 and elsewhere. Yeah, sure, it's best to be celebrant. This way you can be fully used by God if you choose. But God's intent never changed. King David had all kinds of circuses and headaches going on with all those beautiful women, different lines of kids, and those kids partaking in incest, or rape, or the sons of David sleeping with David's concubines and more unsavory crap. God left most of that out on purpose so idiots can boast about having more than one wife... "See, King Solomon had..."
@danieldeluca4936 9 месяцев назад
@@LisaCrutcher OK you are being completely dishonest. Genesis 2:24 says nothing of the sort, and II Sam 12:10 tells us exactly why that circus took place. Solomon went to the extreme and Deut 17:17 warned about that level of excess.
@LisaCrutcher 8 месяцев назад
@danieldeluca4936 Not THAT'S funny. I'm being completely dishonest. It's almost like you're saying that King David's son didn't rape his half sister, Tamar. God put that in His word to show that sh*t was rampid, while the concubines did in fact, sleep with David's sons.
@npzwane9331 6 месяцев назад
​@LisaCrutcher I have one wife but, trust me, my marital problems are far worse than those of David. I have been admitted in hospital and diagnosed with all sorts of mental disorders. I have never heard of David developing mental disorders or going to doctors as a result of marital problems. In any event one cannot be claiming to be Christian and hating polygamy. Christianity itself is polygamous; one Bridegroom with millions of brides! My oneness with Christ doesn't prevent you and millions others from being one with Christ. The bible calls this a mystery. Remember those 10 virgins. Those who were able to secure a marriage in that polygamous marriage were called wise by Jesus and those who failed were called foolish. According to what you say you would have cursed all those virgins for attempting to get married to one man. Check your bible to get the will of God and not for the purposes of reading your will into the wise words of the bible
@JesseChasteen 3 месяца назад
Poligyny was never sin in the bible. It was the standard until the gecko roman pagans outlawed it
@KGB94TV 10 месяцев назад
Two covenants! “For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:” (Hebrews 8:8, KJVA)
@danieldeluca4936 9 месяцев назад
Polygyny was never forbidden in the New Covenant!
@ambiencemusic376 5 месяцев назад
I believe it is not GODS perfect will the reason for it is because if you have to many wives your heart will turn away from GOD This is exactly what happened to king Solomon however it is not a sin because GOD hates divorce so he rather have you take another wife and love them all the same way you’re first wife can’t lose her position most pastors will never tell you this because they have to be politically correct and worried about losing face
@gottmituns698 Год назад
God had the opportunity to declare Polygyny a sin, he instead gave instruction on how to care for more than 1 wife. Exodus 20:14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. Exodus 21:10 If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish.
@ambiencemusic376 5 месяцев назад
This is true that why you must go to your bible for the answer it’s not a sin but it also isn’t GODS perfect will we serve a jealous GOD and he doesn’t want us to have to many wives because he doesn’t want our hearts to turn away from him but it is not a sin yes you can have multiple wives as long as you love them and treat them all the same
@tesleyzehner7290 8 месяцев назад
All good pionts but not necessarily the answer cause if the polygamy is consensual by all the participants then the troubles and problems you speak are not going to happen. In other words if the guy does not force any woman to be his but she loves him and wants polygamy and loves the multiple relationship and loves the other wife's then no issues.
@nycularobinson9822 Год назад
What did Jesus say
@danieldeluca4936 9 месяцев назад
Matt 25:1-13
@robertdavidson9674 Год назад
All of your evidence is irrelevant or immaterial and most of all unbibical. The same problems you mention can and do occur in strict monogamy 1) God HImself had 2 wives in Ezekiel 23: Ohalah and Ohalabah. Are you calling God sinful? 2) Polygamy was required in the case of the kinsman redeemer. When Boaz brought Ruth into his existing household the blessing of the elders was that "...the Lord make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel..." (Ruth 4:11). Thus, God's assessment of the Polygamous outcome is much more positive than yours. 3) The passages you mention in the Pastoral epistles can just as easily be taken to mean that the church leader must be married. And the Greek word Hebrew "mea" means "first", not "one", which leads to a decidely different interpretation. 4) God gave Miriam leprosy for condemning Moses for taking a second wife and God defended Moses with the statement, "Moses is faithful in all my household." The author of Hebrews chapter 3 uses the same words in using Moses polygyny as a type or illustration of Jesus faithflness to all the individual members of His church. He includes an exhortation not to desire evil like Miriam in the wilderness 5) Isaiah chapter 4:1 ties polygyny textually to one of Isaiah's many Messianic promises in 4:2, the very next verse. Taken together these are the human and divine means by which the "daughers of Zion" are cleansed and provided with a protective "canopy" and "protection from the storm and the rain." Thus, the purpose is to bless women, especially when the number of men has been deleted in time of war (Is 3: 25).
@letstalkbiblewithshun.s 9 месяцев назад
Numbers 12:1 King James Version 12 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. ( it's clear that they hated Moses wife because she was black and not because he had a second wife.( I'm just saying)
@danieldeluca4936 9 месяцев назад
@@letstalkbiblewithshun.s He still had multiple wives, and God sided with Moses, and no disaster occurred in his polygamy. Mark driscoll would call Moses a"dirty older man".
@JesseChasteen 3 месяца назад
There are 40 examples of poligyny in the bible only one concrete example of monogamy
@otiliamanuelajurj Месяц назад
There is the story of Hosea. When are you going to follow it?
@JesseChasteen Месяц назад
@@otiliamanuelajurj and you have no idea what it means
@KGB94TV 10 месяцев назад
“He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.” (Mark 7:6-9, KJVA)
@LisaCrutcher 9 месяцев назад
Kabeer, you don't see the strife in Dowell's relationship with his 3 women? You don't seem that sh*t? It's clear Dowell's in full love with Nelly. Carol can get the hell on, and Summers is used for baby making.
@tesleyzehner7290 8 месяцев назад
These mark verses still don't say polygamy is a sin.
@LisaCrutcher 8 месяцев назад
@tesleyzehner7290 that's all right, Tesley, the demons will explain it to you.
@tesleyzehner7290 8 месяцев назад
@@LisaCrutcher wrong I've read Bible over 7 times the entire Bible word for word I've probably read a lot more than that if I add all reading I've done of it I think I'm just as Qualified to know what the Bibles says as much as God himself or for that matter Satan, Satan was here on the earth in the begging he knows the entire Bible yet he's the enemy yet he hates God.
@170netilio Год назад
Funny you think is bad and follow a book that was written by almost all polygamist men 😂
@soulstades9575 Год назад
Yea I’m trying to study this and God never said you only had to have one wife that is something America came up with from my studies
@170netilio Год назад
@@soulstades9575 totally agree God him self in the Law gave directions on what to do if you have more then one wife
@zame2050 Год назад
Been watching to much Andrew tate it’s not advised god accepted it but didn’t promote it😂
@soulstades9575 Год назад
@@zame2050 not me I get it from the Bible
@andrewvangils3112 Год назад
@@zame2050 I’m a Tate fan as well. Not my video but this is a great breakdown and very hard to argue against. Let me know if this helped you. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Zig90Epz8Gk.html
@charlesbecker9617 11 месяцев назад
Then How do you explain,Adams first wife, Lillith? Lillith was not good, but there was Never Divorce? Meaning Like it or Not, Adam was in fact a Polygamist!
@danieldeluca4936 9 месяцев назад
That is extra biblical. However, Driscoll is full of nonsense here. His argument is so full of falsehoods, it is really sad!
@cbtam4333 8 месяцев назад
Lilith, a literally non-biblical character.
@danieldeluca4936 8 месяцев назад
@@cbtam4333 I suspect some of these folks are using an Ethiopian Bible that has books that mainline Christianity rejects, and for good reason.
@tesleyzehner7290 8 месяцев назад
False Lilith is not in the Bible
@tesleyzehner7290 8 месяцев назад
All though it is possible that as time goes on some Adam and Eve's sons did sleep with their mother Eve but recorded that just speculation of how the world filled humans when there where only two people to begging with
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