
What Exactly Is The Mark of The Beast? 

Robert Breaker
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Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about the Mark of the Beast and what it is according to the Bible, the word of God.



5 окт 2024




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@John14-6-iamtheway 2 года назад
Pray for me Pastor Breaker I would appreciate it so much I have kidney cancer l absolutely love your services and your whiteboard work ..I have spoke about the good work the Lord is doing through you far and wide .. God-bless you always I'm thankful you do not listen to man. Keep . Close to God ..✝️
@iamwhoyousayiam6773 2 года назад
🤗 God bless you. May you be healed
@jg1709 2 года назад
I just prayed for you🙏🏻
@cindyebner5556 2 года назад
@GrandmaJanine 2 года назад
Praying 🙏 for You 💯🩸✝️
@Luncheon23 2 года назад
Am praying for you.
@kevinmcneilly5313 2 года назад
Thank you Pastor Breaker for exactly what I needed to hear. I grew up in a Evangelical Church and lost my way many years ago. I will be asking Jesus to come back into my heart and save my soul. Once again thank you so very much for returning me to my Faith. I'm coming home Jesus. Praise the Lord.Amen
@nopearlsbeforeswine 2 года назад
NoPearls BeforeSwine 0 seconds ago the King James is the MOST corrupt quantum affected book, full of blasphemy and nonsense verses...
@MaestroMats 2 года назад
Bless you Brother!
@rafaelken1989 Год назад
Welcome home brother! Please HOLY Spirit keep you!!!
@pownagematt2443 Год назад
you cannot lose your salvation. Ephesians 4:30 you are sealed until the day of redemption aka the rapture. this is also one of the pauls 2 mysteries (you are in Christ and Christ is in you)
@TruthSeekerChik 15 дней назад
God is so good. Praise God. I feel blessed reading your comment today 💕🙏😀
@suzannestavely3263 2 года назад
Wow Pastor. God used you to answer a prayer from me. I was watching a youtube video last night and the guy who was speaking was telling us that the thing that many people took has doomed them to hell because it was the MOTB. He scared me and surely many others besides me! I prayed and asked God to please show me if that was true. The very next day I am looking on your tube for Christian videos and because you used the title that you used here, I found you and this video. You don't know what you have done for me. I now know, because of your teachings here, that no way did I take the MOTB when I got that thing in my arm. I am crying and thanking the Lord for answering me so quickly. I love Him so much!
@IsaiahEli 2 года назад
Jesus is coming! Amen. God is merciful. He always forgives. Never be ashamed to take your failures to him. He is for you, not against you! God is with you in the storm. He knows your troubles, he hears you! He is for you, on your side, always! It may feel silent at times, but he’s holding you close! May the Lord return soon! We are drawing closer. He is coming! Believe and trust in the Lord, you will be saved. Period. May the Lord bless you all! Hang in there family. Stay strong. It is not easy following the Lord. We are scoffed at. We give up our earthly dreams, our fleshly desires. What the enemy offers is short lived, but heaven is forever! Life may seem or be unfair, but God is with you! Always remember that. Things may get better or worse for you, but a kingdom awaits you! Finish the race! Repent daily and carry your cross. This world is fading fast. Your troubles are temporary! I made this channel because I felt guilty for not witnessing enough, I’d appreciate any kind of support. Don’t give up! God loves you so much! So do I. The Lord bless you!
@arlettebryant8898 2 года назад
Shalom HalleluYAH amen thank you Lord Jesus
@motorcyclemichael2182 2 года назад
Praise God! 🙌🏻 Jesus Christ is Lord! 🙏🏻
@soconversation.cursodeingles 2 года назад
God bless you Isaiah you have a prophet name! May God keep always strong in Christ!
@HEART2HEART-3 2 года назад
@Love Is True Law Jesus was raised from the dead also. As we all are in the end. God's Spirit is poured out on all flesh. Christ came for all sin. To sin is turn away from the truth of who we are. To repent is to turn back to the truth of who we are. Jesus represented the flesh. The empty tomb, dungeon, prison, cell, is our flesh. The stone rolled away, the millstone that weighs us down, is the physical embodiment of our Spirit. The mill stone, burden our cross to bear. All the Addictions and evil that holds us to this body and keeps us in darkness. In the tomb. We are all dead because we think the flesh is the self. The self is in Christ who is in God and in us. One Spiritual body. We are the Spirit. Not of the world, (the flesh) but in the world, the flesh). Yours is the first that is finally seeing that it's not looking for Jesus in the world through our flesh eyes, but seeking Christ within. The Spirit. Which is the life, the light and the way. Christ raised up at the end. Born into the flesh/prison, tomb, dungeon and raised up by God after the body dies. The end. God's Work... It is finished. Looking into the world for a physical Jesus to be saved still, is choosing Jesus Bar-abba-s again. The words are written for the flesh eyes and will be translated through the Spirit, Mind of Christ or flesh, carnal mind of the beast. Heaven is our higher thought. The Spirit of the words. Not the words but the spiritual understanding. We are all beasts, animals until we find Christ within, our real self. Walking dead, zombie, robot, a machine that is empty. An empty tomb. First the body is put into the tomb and then raised up. Imprisoned and then released. We were with God in the beginning. We are with God now. We are with God in the end. Christ in us is the hope of Glory. John said... This is He of whom I said, 'A man who comes after me has surpassed me because He was before me.' That is John talking of himself. The better man to come. The old man dies and he puts on the new man. Born not of flesh but of Spirit The whole Bible is our creation story. God Creating Spirit. Us. We are here to become an image of God. Spirit, Light and perfect Love At the moment we are first born, we are an image of the beast until we find the truth. The "Word" was with God in the beginning and is God. Word Means, The Divine Expression (of Christ.) Amein ✨💛✨🤗🕊️🙏🏻
@HEART2HEART-3 2 года назад
@Love Is True Law Yes, I agree. With your nukes comment 😂 How dark does ones world have to get for them to see. It took me 50yrs. I gave up on my life. I was filled with God's Love. I was shown the light that was in me. The very life in us is like a spark and when it ignites we totally light up. I became a new person. I am changed and continue to be changed. I testify right here and now that God is The most Perfect Love one could ever imagine. God bless you Beloved 🤗✨💛🕊️🙏🏻
@edwinaviles2397 2 года назад
I have pancreatic cancer and I know the power of prayer. I will pray for him that our Lord Jesus will touch him with his grace and healing hands. Through prayer I no longer feel pain and few effects of chemotherapy. We all need to pray for him. Our Lord knows what suffering is since he died for us and prayer will help him. God Bless you all.
@suzannestaley4822 2 года назад
I just prayed for you 🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@vahidm6119 2 года назад
I am praying for you right now
@samfimo4027 2 года назад
Decree Psalm 107:20 🙏🏻💙
@cantseeneedcaps 2 года назад
@andicantu6490 Год назад
The tuna, fruit of the cactus is good to fight the inflammation in your body. Fresh is best.
@walterhamilton2974 2 года назад
Pastor Breaker ur a great minister for God. I was diagnosed with cancer Feb. 2022. After Radiation Therapy I would sit under my oak tree . One evening I prayed a special prayer asking God to reveal himself to help me deal with cancer. We were getting afternoon showers daily seven times God revealed a huge rainbow sometimes daily . These rainbows started an end the same area every time . I took pics with my cell phone for non believers. God allowed me to see his awsom power before my eyes.
@keeganfernandes7 2 года назад
WE ARE RIGHT NOW LIVING IN THE DISPENSATIONAL OVERLAP! We are right now living in the overlap period of the closing of the Church Age that will shortly usher in the start of the time of Jacob’s trouble. This type of talk puzzles Christians who were not raised in Churches where rightly dividing was taught, but I assure you it is Pauline doctrine for our dispensation. Understanding how things were at the dawn of the Church Age will greatly assist us here and now at the closing of our age, and better equip us to understand the true nature and import of events unfolding all around us in these chaotic times. Just like traffic signal lights overlap from red to orange to green and signal to us what to expect next, so also the current elements that make up the fast closing church age, the current dispensation that we are in indicate to us that the foreshadowing of the tribulation signs that will find their ultimate fullfillment and manifestation in the 7 year tribualtion are so visible and evident now. Allow me if you will to elaborate. The Bible is fulfilling itself. What a time to be alive! It predicts perilous times (2 Timothy 3); a Romans 1 society, characterized by depravity. Evil and violence abound together and will only escalate. The "birth pangs" will continue to intensify anf accelerate as we are seeing floods, fires, droughts, and hurricanes engulf the world. Creation is groaning! The the Bible says these things must happen. God is warning because He always warns before He judges and the world is facing judgment. It is being judged now but far worse is coming during the Tribulation. This is just a warm-up! The world is plagued right now with a supply chain crises, famine crises, war crises, coronavirus crises, financial crises, inflation crises! The globalists have engineered this global crises! The stage is so set up for Mr. Fix It (the antichrist) to come on the world stage to bring fake peace from this created crises! Israel is in 'Preemptive Attack Mode'!!!! Israel preemptively stuck the Islamic Jihad and now they are about to do the same to Hezbollah, and that's when Iran will activate all it's other proxies! I believe Israel also preempts a strike at Head of the 'Octopus' Iran on their nuclear facilities(Jeremiah 49)! Iran retaliates and activates its tenticles via the 'Ring Of Fire' in the form of Hezbollah, Hamas, The Islamic Jihad and Fatah and that's your Psalm 83 war! Connect the dots folks!!! The Psalm 83 War (between Israel and Iran's proxies), Jeremiah 49 (The destruction of Elam) and Isaiah 17 (The destruction of Damascus) is on the brink! From the ashes of this war will the antichrist rise! Chuck Missler, one of the best prophecy expositor whom I respect much speculates "hidden ones" refer to the "raptured saints" or believers in Christ who are caught up! This speculation is done by Missler after close examination of the Scripture. This is an implication that Harpazo will happen before Psalm 83 war if Chuck Missler is correct in his speculation. If Misler's interpretation is right, thus Harpazo or the Rapture of the church must really be at hand or has become very imminent! God is allowing some pre-tribulation birth pains on the entire world but what we see happening today is minor compared to what is coming. The Church will be absent during that Tribulation time, so in the meantime, may we have a greater burden to save people from the wrath to come. The consequences for a world that rejects Jesus Christ are unthinkable. I believe there is chaos on earth because Satan knows his time is short and he has ramped up his activity. He is getting new recruits for his kingdom. This is all the more reason we must be salt and light in these final days. With God marginalized and mocked, society today mirror the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah! This already fractured world will completely collapse under the weight of the tribulation period. The closing days of the Church Age are a challenge for all mankind. For the Godless, these days cannot make sense. For those who know the Bible, it has the road map ahead all spelled out for us! We are looking at what the Bible said would be conditions that will be present when the Church Age begins to come to a close and conditions that will be present at the start of the time of Jacob's trouble! One dispensation is closing and the other is slowing coming in and we are right in the middle of the overlap between the two! All dispensations in the bible overlap with each other, our dispensation is ending exactly as it began in Acts 8 when it overlapped the end of the Kingdom Age. What we are seeing is the closing of the nearly 2,000-year old Church Age as it is overlapping with the soon-to-be-time of Jacob’s trouble. Pastor Barry Stagner stated on understanding Bible prophecy that when you are a 100 feet away from prophecy its difficult to understand what’s going on but when your are in close proximity like a foot away you know exactly what’s going on! I think of what Pastor J.d Farag stated - Prophecy has a shelf life, something’s got to give! We are living at a time where good is called evil and evil called good! There are two words that so clearly define these amazing times that we are living in - convergence and agenda! We very well have past the proverbial point of no return! The Rapture may not have any signs preceding it, but the Tribulation does, as described in Jesus’ Olivet discourse found in Luke 21: 7-19, Matthew 24:3-14, and Mark 13:3-13. So when you see these signs converging in ever-increasing numbers, you know the Tribulation is close and the Rapture is even closer! IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! "My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we are in the very final seconds of this dispensation known as the Age Of Grace and on the cusp of the Rapture of the Church! God is about to turn his attention back to His nation of Israel with the commencement of the time of Jacob's trouble also known as Daniels 70th week, the 7 year tribulation period that will be the most horrific time ever in human history! I would rather be wrong, sound the alarm and warn people that Jesus is not just at the door but about to turn the doorknob, rather than sit back and do nothing! When I look at all that is happening in the world right now and most importantly in Israel which is God's prophetic timepiece, and i look at what my Bible says by connecting the prophetic dots, it is clear as day that we are on the brink of Eternity! Watch Israel, watch the skies, our redemption draweth nigh!" THE RAPTURE WILL CHANGE THE ENTIRE LANDSCAPE OF THE WORLD! Paul’s words in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7 tell us that the Lord will remove the Holy Spirit’s restraining influence when He takes His church out of the world. This means the rapture must happen before the Lord allows Satan to install his man at the helm of the coming New World Order or what the World Economic Forum refers to as the Great Reset!! The rapture will change everything in regard to the current dynamic between the demonic forces of evil seeking to destroy our world and the convicting work of the Holy Spirit working in the hearts of countless millions. Without His restraint, Satan will bring his many to power and wreak much more havoc on the world that we currently see! The world is set up to experience a global war (Revelation 6:4), global famine (Revelation 6:5-6), and mass death (Revelation 6:8) on a scale we've never seen! Jan Markel “There isn’t a storm coming the storm is here! The globalists will seize this opportunity to install what they think is their perfect form of government and that is a one world system but they have a major obstacle....the Church is still here! Though there is foreshawdowing of a one world government, a one world currency and a one world religion forming, it cannot come to fruition until the Tribulation! The Bible is clear that God has prepared a plan to take out the Church via the Rapture!” THE GOSPEL AND THE RAPTURE! 1 Corinthians 15 :1-4 (KJV) 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: The apostle did not shy away from including the “Rapture” when he proclaimed the Gospel. The receipt of glorified and imperishable bodies was the Gospel hope that Paul proclaimed to the lost. Jesus promised eternal life to His followers (John 10:27-28) and He gave further revelation about it through the apostle Paul. In fact, in 1 Thessalonians, the first epistle that the Apostle Paul wrote, he shares the gospel in the context of the Rapture in Chapter 4 of 1 Thessalonians, saying, for we believe that Jesus was crucified, buried, and rose again on the third day, and He’s coming back again one day. That’s the good news! We are on the cusp of the Rapture! Luke 21:28 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Here is the article on my website...NORMAL ISN’T COMING BACK, JESUS IS!: www.rapturecountdown.com/normal-isnt-coming-back-jesus-is/ God bless Bro Keegan Watchman in the wilderness Mywebsite:www.rapturecountdown.com
@keeganfernandes7 2 года назад
This is how i see SEPTEMBER spelt out... S plitting God's land of Israel (Joel 3:2)! E lam's destruction (Jeremiah 49)! P eace and safety (1 Thessalonians 5:3) then sudden destruction (The Psalm 83 War)! T urmoil and chaos globally (Matthew 24:7,8) E ffectuate a One World Religion, Abrahamic House (Revelation 13:8)! M onetary system globally. A one world currency (Revelation 13:16-18)! B east system is already in place. "A global Digital Passport And ID System" (Revelation 13:16-17)! E nforse the WHO's Pandemic global Treaty, a One World Government (Revelation 13:7)! R apture (1 Thessalonians 4:16,17)!
@truepeace3 2 года назад
Great breakdown of prophetic events, being fulfilled right before our very eyes! It astounds me that there are actually people (unsaved) who believe this world is getting better... What I find when I’m talking to these people online, is that their definition of “better” is freedom of choice and from judgment of others for those choices. The mind of unbelievers is so wicked and spiritually damaged. They truly love their sin and will die for the right to engage in it. 😞
@allthingsbing1295 2 года назад
You mention luke 21:28, Luke 21:32 tells us when- this generation all these events already happened according to Jesus’ own words
@rushgush 2 года назад
please pray for me for more strength to fight against my sin and stress. ❤️
@AmericaisTheBabylon 2 года назад
I have the same prayer request
@jimmyrivano3477 2 года назад
@jimmyrivano3477 2 года назад
@@AmericaisTheBabylon 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@habanerorhinoceros2384 2 года назад
Faith gives you strength & peace - I'll pray to strengthen all our faith :-)
@rushgush 2 года назад
thanks everyone. God bless
@tylertallent4183 Месяц назад
You’re probably not gonna see this sir but I just wanted to earnestly say thank you , I wrestle and toil with my own mind in the depths of the night about this very topic and it brings me much anguish but you have explained this so well and brought me peace. God bless you sir and many thanks.
@kristalsea 2 года назад
There is something about the mark of the beast that makes me think that after you get it, you won’t want salvation, like it changes you into a new creation, like the Holy Spirit does. Satan likes to counterfeit God.
@robs5252 2 года назад
Through "pharmakeia" that the Bible warns us about
@kristalsea 2 года назад
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
@sparking4630 2 года назад
it's already here, the sh0ts everyone took have been deceived by the devil and his sorcery (pharmakeia), you either trust the government for peace and security or you trust God, and we can see how many millions of Christians have bowed down to the new world order because they are scared to lose their careers
@truepeace3 2 года назад
That’s been my thought too. It even says in the book of Revelation that while God is pouring out His judgments, they won’t repent of their sins. Rev 9:20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Rev 9:21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. Rev 16:9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. Rev 16:10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, Rev 16:11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their SORES and repented not of their deeds. (emphasis added)
@jesusfollower247 2 года назад
Interesting thought, many thanks ❤
@brads4440 2 года назад
That was absolutely amazing how you pulled all that together . The Lord is using you in a mighty way brother! Don't let up and I pray God give you strength to carry on and reveal the truth of His word to everyone who will listen. God Bless You for your time that you spend teaching us.
@dorothymartin4120 2 года назад
Yes,amen to his teaching.
@nopearlsbeforeswine 2 года назад
NoPearls BeforeSwine 0 seconds ago the King James is the MOST corrupt quantum affected book, full of blasphemy and nonsense verses...
@celestialstarfirelight3250 Год назад
Thank you for teaching God's Word and Present Truth for all to learn. The Holy Sprit and God The Almighty has given you this gift. Thank you and Praise be To God the Father God the Son,God the Holy Spirit. Preparing For His Appesrance.
@leteciaramirez6085 2 года назад
Dear Pastor Breaker thank you for explaining so well, and clearing all the loopholes for me. I'm praying that some impossible friends Wil just listen to you even once. God Bless you and give you strength to keep this good work up.
@corneliaholloway5678 2 года назад
I need everyone’s prayers please!
@ceciliawangechi8363 Год назад
Praying for you sister
@donnashafer2636 Год назад
I heard Obama ordered many and stashed them at army bases- I believe it!!!
@timothyvanhorn909 Год назад
HOLY Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Book of MATTHEW 6:9-13 The Lord's prayer the most powerful prayer in the world. NKJV
@rmcgarra7 Год назад
Need prayers for my daughter 💕 please....she is a liberal....and Harvard graduate....hard for me to get thru to her....she asks me to pray for her so I know she believes in God....but she has serious liberal ways....prayers for her to be saved....please, any prayers and good thoughts accepted here, thank u.
@jkgkjgkijk Год назад
I need a million dollars PLEASE!
@steveguti6452 2 года назад
Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
@rhonda8026 2 года назад
Amen 🙏
@cw1161 2 года назад
And (believe in thine heart) that He has risen Him from the dead.
@aaronjess1608 2 года назад
@@rhonda8026 Steve Guti is a paid TROLL... Steve Guti is a spammer that has been trolling RU-vid channels since 2018, he goes on Christian channels and other secular channels and says the exact same things, he's making money off of doing this, trolls like him get a few cents for each comment, it may not sound like a lot but it adds up especially since hes been doing this for 4 years, he is desperate to stay on RU-vid to keep making money, when he sees that more people are on to his game he will use an automated reply saying how he's real blah blah blah.. hes a spammer and deceitful, he makes fools out of Christians for his own financial gain... God will NOT be mocked
@aaronjess1608 2 года назад
@@Excalibur2112 Steve Guti is a paid TROLL... Steve Guti is a spammer that has been trolling RU-vid channels since 2018, he goes on Christian channels and other secular channels and says the exact same things, he's making money off of doing this, trolls like him get a few cents for each comment, it may not sound like a lot but it adds up especially since hes been doing this for 4 years, he is desperate to stay on RU-vid to keep making money, when he sees that more people are on to his game he will use an automated reply saying how he's real blah blah blah.. hes a spammer and deceitful, he makes fools out of Christians for his own financial gain... God will NOT be mocked
@aaronjess1608 2 года назад
@@cw1161 Steve Guti is a paid TROLL... Steve Guti is a spammer that has been trolling RU-vid channels since 2018, he goes on Christian channels and other secular channels and says the exact same things, he's making money off of doing this, trolls like him get a few cents for each comment, it may not sound like a lot but it adds up especially since hes been doing this for 4 years, he is desperate to stay on RU-vid to keep making money, when he sees that more people are on to his game he will use an automated reply saying how he's real blah blah blah.. hes a spammer and deceitful, he makes fools out of Christians for his own financial gain... God will NOT be mocked
@dougstewart1817 Год назад
Thank you pastor Breaker for a very informative message. I take everything you said to heart and live for our Lord Jesus every minute of every day! Please keep up your preaching for all of our sakes.
@charleshinchcliff3495 2 года назад
Enjoy the teachings of Robert, found his teaching just recently and been watching. I pray for a hunger and thirst of God's word with a clear understanding, God answers prayers I believe these videos are part of the answer watching, listening, studying what is being presented. I thank God for his word and those who have received a spiritual gift of teaching, we should also continue reading, studying making sure what's being taught is truth as his word says holding each accountable.
@dexterestrop9001 2 года назад
But i
@nopearlsbeforeswine 2 года назад
NoPearls BeforeSwine 0 seconds ago the King James is the MOST corrupt quantum affected book, full of blasphemy and nonsense verses...
@habanerorhinoceros2384 2 года назад
I'm looking forward to Bro Breaker receiving his crowns at the Bema Seat - woohooo - there'll be a bunch of us cheering you on ;-) God Bless you & yours Robert - you have led me [& my family] to truth and reverence for the Holy Bible.
@rachelbrewer9578 2 месяца назад
This is the best teacher in explaining the bible as a whole.
@MickRabjones Месяц назад
He is Incorrect in everything.. he makes it.more complicated than it has to be... don't go around chopping your hands off like a retard...
@jonathanbell8887 2 года назад
Perfect timing. I feel it in my bones that we are getting closer and closer - like ULTRA close.
@iyaayas 2 года назад
I feel the same way and hope you're right. Watch and be prepared but also remember, people have thought this was going to take place since Jesus returned to the Father
@anczerewicz1 2 года назад
It's highly unlikely that you will see the return of Jesus in your lifetime. There is simply too much work in the world to be done by both the forces of good and the forces of evil.
@2028end 2 года назад
@@anczerewicz1 Jesus will return 2028
@iyaayas 2 года назад
@@anczerewicz1 The world will get worse before Jesus comes again. We need to wait for the gospel to be available in every known language as one of the requirements. I can't remember the group but there is a group working on that project now.
@skilz8098 Год назад
@@2028end That's possible. I don't know exactly when, but I'm suspecting for the rise of the antichrist to be anytime from basically nowish 2023 to as late as 2030-33? Then from there it's another 7 years. So Armageddon might be around 2040ish...
@calvinreichelderfer7989 2 года назад
Remember the Wendy’s commercials? “Where’s the beef?” Well, Where’s the beast is the question I ask anyone that claims the mark of the beast is here. I love Brother Breaker but man you went a little haywire saying people “might be able to cut their hand off after taking the mark and be saved” Anyone that takes the mark worships the beast and their names are not in the lambs book of life. You read it Revelation 13 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. God is done with people that take the mark of the beast. Hell bound forever
@AndresAlvarado-z3e Месяц назад
good theaching pastor Robert thank you for wisdon that God has given you God bless you and your family.amen
@Peaceful-resistance1 2 года назад
I use to be afraid that I might take the Mark of the Beast if I didn't know exactly what it was. I studied and studied along with fasting and praying for understanding. One day I saw this scripture for the 1st time, and the Father spoke to me. He said, "Son, don't worry about what it is, just make certain your name is written in the Book of Life! I'll let you know what it is when you need to know..." “8. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,(the beast) whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 9. If any man have an ear, let him hear.” (Rev 13:8-9, KJV) Is your name in the Book? Make sure it is today by turning to Jesus and surrendering your all to Him. “7. That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. 8. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9. Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Eph 2:7-9, KJV)
@aussietribulationgirl7177 2 года назад
The quackzine and digital ID system combined is The Mark.
@chrisrezendes2844 2 года назад
@mysterybabylonsoontofall3387 2 года назад
@@aussietribulationgirl7177 They still gotta get in in your hand or forehead. God don’t tell lies, and that’s what he said. Nobody has the Mark yet, otherwise we should just stop preaching right?? Wrong! It’s not here yet, but coming VERY soon
@thisperson6655 2 года назад
what is the mark?
@Peaceful-resistance1 2 года назад
@@thisperson6655 perhaps a better question might be, "What is the book of life?" Because everyone who's name isn't written in it, will worship the beast and recieve His mark.
@valariecienega 2 года назад
WOW! I love how you said the roles flipped. How Jesus first died for us, but then if you are left behind, you will have to make a choice to die for Him. That is such a hard reality to come to terms with. This was good teaching - thank you!
@Warfarenuggetz 2 года назад
@STRENGTH what exactly are u trying to say here? U don't believe in the rapture? Then how do u say ur Christian?
@ian3828 2 года назад
All believers will be killed in the tribulation You either take the devil's mark or Jesus there is no middle ground
@Warfarenuggetz 2 года назад
@@ian3828 i don't know where u got that info...but its false. And as far as i can tell u are STILL NOT saved. Cuz a Christian would never tell another Christian that they will be murdered. Smh
@iyaayas 2 года назад
@@Warfarenuggetz Why wouldn't one Christian tell another Christian that He or She will be murdered? Christians have been murdered for their faith since the beginning of the Church. I do disagree with Ian that all believers will be killed in the Tribulation. There will be survivors. Somebody's got to survive in order to bring in the Millenial Kingdom.
@skilz8098 Год назад
There is No Greater Love than laying your life down for Another!
@vanessahayes1663 2 года назад
In my church no one talks ,about revelations. But I always study it .Thank you for your help I enjoy your teachings Thank you and GOD Bless you and your family.
@jamesdiamond2302 2 года назад
Please pray for me a sinner
@jesusandmygermanshepherdro7343 2 года назад
All have sinned .. christ loves you if your saved go boldly to his throne of Grace run to God not from God
@kathyhubel6794 6 месяцев назад
We are all sinners. We all need prayer.
@J.G_ 2 года назад
Thank You for the sermon, Brother Breaker, “What Exactly Is The Mark Of The Beast?” And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:16-17 KJV. Thank You, JESUS, for shedding your precious blood for our sins. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. Ephesians 1:7 KJV. Praise GOD 🙌🙌🙌🙌
@sparking4630 2 года назад
you just described the sh0t, people were deceived just like the bible said, and they don't trust God instead they trust the government for health and security, those that don't take the sh0t are removed from society, so wake up the devil has deceived the whole world with his sorcery (pharmakeia)
@graffedin7083 2 года назад
The mark is a sign of obedience and trust or worship ✏Exodus 13:9 And it will be for a sign to you on your hand, and for a memorial between your eyes, that the Lord's law may be in your mouth. 💥Strongs concordance: #226 A sign is a mark or evidence. 👌Between your eyes is your forehead. ✏Deuteronomy 6:6-9 6:6 And these words, which I command you this day, will be in your HEART. 6:7 And you will teach them Diligently to your children and will talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. (continually all the time) 6:8 And you will bind them for a sign upon your hand, and they will be as frontlets between your eyes. 6:9 And you will write them upon the post of your house. ✏Deuteronomy 6:17-18 11:17 You will diligently keep the commandments of the Lord your God, and his testimonies, and his statues, which he has commanded you. 6:18 And you will do that which is right and good in the sight of the Lord. ✏ Deuteronomy 11:18-19 11:18 Therefore will you lay up my words in your HEART and in your SOUL, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. 11:19 And you will teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. (continually all the time) And you will write them upon the door post of your house. ✏Psalms 37:40 37:37 Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright because the end of that man is peace. 37:38 But the transgressors will be destroyed together, the end of the wicked will be cut off. 37:39 But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord he is their strength in the time of trouble. 37:40 And the Lord will help them, and deliver them, he will deliver them from the wicked and save them because they trust in him. 💥The mark in Revelation is all the same, it's a sign of obedience and trust or worship. Revelation 13:15-17 13:15 And he had power to give life to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 13:16 And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, except them that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. ✏Isaiah 2:8 Their land also is full of idols, they worship the work of their own hands that which their own fingers have made. 👌(It's what you spend your time doing!) ✏Isaiah 3:11 Woe to the wicked! It will be ill with him because the reward of his hands will be given him. In revelation the beast is the military, the beast has always been a army or a band or a military, especially in the book of Daniel. The military will enforced the mark, The number, or the name on everyone thanks to Bill Gates. January 1,2020 to 10-28-2021 is 666 days and it's Bill Gates birthday 💉 scorpion stinger Rev 9:5. and Gates is responsible for the AI computer system. 🙏Who do you worship? what do you spend your time on, what do you do with your hands , that's what the mark is. Worship God that's what he wants!
@ivydornya2322 2 года назад
@@graffedin7083 no wonder Bible said, LET HIM THAT HAS UNDERSTANDING COUNT THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST. What we must understand is that the book of revelation is not in order, what they are giving in the world now is either the mark of element of the mark which makes one unable to receive the light anymore as stated in Rev. 18:23. This means that the merchants will bring something from pharmaceuticals that when you are not already saved by grace (having Jesus Christ as the light in you) you can't have the light again, you can't be saved again ( and this condemns you already). Just think about it, and in the 7 years Tribulation, we are told in Rev 13 that the AC forces or causes all to take his mark, this is different from taking it willingly like what we see now. Let him that has understand..........
@ttdttd4211 2 года назад
Id2020 will have all of your personal information in that chip when you go to swipe your hand. Hope you have a good score.
@ManuelPinner 2 года назад
@@graffedin7083 You are a Seven Day Adventist, I only believe in the True Gosbel of Salvation Through Jesus Christ Only! Not the False Prophets and Preachers L @ G White and Williams Miller, They are False Prophets that are LORD Jesus Christ Warned Us about!
@RoyDL3 2 года назад
Thank you for your words sir, I pray they be carried swiftly to the ears of all. God bless.
@nopearlsbeforeswine 2 года назад
NoPearls BeforeSwine 0 seconds ago the King James is the MOST corrupt quantum affected book, full of blasphemy and nonsense verses...
@danperin 2 года назад
God bless you all! Greetings from Brazil! Stay vigilant brothers and sisters in Christ! We are almost there! Maranatha! 🙌
@lizstapelberg1862 2 года назад
Straight from the Word of God Amen! If one takes the mark of the beast there is no forgiveness Rev 14:10-11
@LauraLarson-of2gz 2 месяца назад
Awesome pastor Robert Breaker! ❤️🙌✝️
@sharidale3936 2 года назад
Thank you for this teaching! Lord God Almighty help us all in Jesus' name! Amen!
@marklester9679 2 года назад
nice to see ya back robert, you were missed
@iamwhoyousayiam6773 2 года назад
I thought my YT was censoring him 😂🤣
@roy-jameslennon2211 2 года назад
As a man of the lord god you are stronger and better than angel and angel and he is afraid of you for you have more power over him by the word of God so throughTries manipulation he wishes to bring you down with him and the name of Jesus and the holy spirit in the one true God I thank you for your presentation
@donnakeith7443 2 года назад
@silverhills5684 2 года назад
"They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a [P]owerful [D]elusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). * Note: [P] & [D] added to add emphasis that God will send a Powerful Delusion because they refused the Truth to be saved, and this they will believe the lie and be condemned. It has been my experience that when someone has adamantly refused to believe the Truth and love the lie and relish in all forms of wickedness and delight when others join in their wickedness & totally reject the saving grace of Jesus Christ, they become stubborn to the point that they can no longer think clearly, rationally nor critically and are dead set in their ways and are so self-righteous that no one can reach their hearts and minds to change their stance. Therefore, God who gave all Mankind free will, God honors the decisions that unregenerate mankind has chosen freely, prior to God sending His Powerful Delusion. What's my point, the portion of Mankind that reject God will not regret their decision of receiving the MOTB and cut their right hand off as a sign of repentance and acceptance of the Truth. Remember, this portion of Mankind curse God, not repent and come humbly to God for forgiveness. No, they are furious with God and blame God for the results they suffer from their decision to take the MOTB and worship the Beast. Jesus Christ said in "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Matthew 16:25 People who will take the MOTB love this world and the things of this world and desire to get back to some semblance of "normalcy." Such as having a job, buying and selling and eating. So to perserve or save their Earthly life, they will do whatever it takes without a thought of God. I don't believe their is any changing of the mind once the person has taken the MOTB. They've sealed their eternal destiny, for they have been "branded like cattle" which shows who they belong to: They have received Satan's brand of ownership.
@sparking4630 2 года назад
you just described the shot, instead of trusting God they trust the government and take it in the name of security/health because the devil deceives
@ttdttd4211 2 года назад
Don't let ai into your body.
@kimberly5465 21 день назад
I kept thinking of the first verse you gave. What about when the scriptures say he can deceive even the elect?
@kathyplentl2914 Год назад
The Bible says we will perish for a lack of knowledge...praise God you are teaching all of us!
@stephengoff2189 2 года назад
The man of sin cannot be revealed until the restrainer is removed. The Holy Spirit is the restrainer of evil whom also lives in us, the sons and daughters of God. We must be removed before the man of sin is revealed.
@carolbassant2490 2 года назад
I read that also, but lets not debate on it ok, it isnt a salvation issue, blessings upon you and yours.
@stephengoff2189 2 года назад
@@carolbassant2490 I wasn’t debating…I was just making it simple. Be blessed
@carolbassant2490 2 года назад
@@stephengoff2189 I know that, I was just saying ok, blessings
@danielblair4413 2 года назад
stephen goff says: *The man of sin cannot be revealed until the restrainer is removed.* *The Holy Spirit is the restrainer of evil whom also lives in us, the sons and daughters of God.* *We must be removed before the man of sin is revealed.* The bible says though that the rapture won't happen until after the man of sin is revealed NOT before the man of sin is revealed. The man of sin is going to be revealed through becoming the leader of the United Nations. Once the man of sin acquires that position of power the rapture of the Church will happen because it's from the leadership position of the United Nations that the man of sin rules the world and the man of sin will use the worldwide chaos that the rapture will cause to his advantage to seize worldwide power. No one can seize worldwide power without a worldwide disaster happening first and the rapture of the Church will be a worldwide disaster for those who are left behind. The man of sin won't acquire worldwide power until after the restrainer is removed, but his reveal is going to happen before the restrainer is removed because it's the reveal of the man of sin that triggers the rapture of the Church which is the removal of the restrainer.
@danielblair4413 2 года назад
@@1-Michael-4 says: *Something to think about could the restrainer be God's appointed time.* No...the restrainer is the Holy Spirit.
@susanstater4695 2 года назад
I’ve had one dose a year ago. It was dreadful. I’ve lived in a state of near mental breakdown and horror ever since. I love Jesus. I can’t stand it that I might have lost Him. I’m so scared. Please hear my heart.
@habanerorhinoceros2384 2 года назад
Susan , take another look at Robert's video here: You are not in spiritual danger. I understand your anguish that you were coerced into receiving the jab, but rest assured, you & I [I'm girl too] are Sons of God, and has such we are the Bride of Christ! Watch Robert again, & pray to Jesus Christ for PEACE. Come on...I'll pray for your peace of mind soul and body. Please pray until you feel the comfort of Our Lord upon you - that's what I needed to do every half hour a few months ago and it was wonderful. I'll pray that He wraps His arms around you, and that you feel His immeasurable power and love. Thank You Jesus for The Blessed Hope - We're not far away from meeting Him in the flesh - Party time- come on Susan!
@CowboysFan777 2 года назад
No weapon formed against us will prosper!
@emeraldv3nom415 2 года назад
You can’t lose Jesus if he has saved you. He says “I never leave you nor forsake you.” ❤️ He also says that believers are “sealed” sealed forever by the Holy Spirit. Jesus also said that ALL (including you) that the Father has given him, he loses none. Don’t be afraid. Just focus on Christ and what he’s saying.
@EastCoastGal66 2 года назад
I was working as a nurse with a medically fragile child and I took Moderna. I love the Lord Jesus with my entire being and I confess and believe that he is the Christ, the Son of the living God and God incarnate. We are sealed in our confession and our belief in him. The theif on the cross believed in Jesus and Jesus promised him that he would be in Paradise with him on the day Christ died for us. Do not be afraid, he is with us and he will come for us very soon. ✝️🙏❤️
@aurelienathalie9606 Год назад
detox your body dear soul and pray
@lauraautry6992 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing. This is a blessing and thank you Jesus for saving me .
@nopearlsbeforeswine 2 года назад
NoPearls BeforeSwine 0 seconds ago the King James is the MOST corrupt quantum affected book, full of blasphemy and nonsense verses...
@kennethreynolds8139 2 года назад
Rodert, You and Gene Kim, are my teachers, as well as, my preachers. I left these churches, because I felt alone, in believing Jesus' gospel as taught by Paul.
@purebride8600 2 года назад
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. 1 John 2:27
@karintraut8151 2 года назад
Morning Pastor 👋🙏🇿🇦 love your teachings ❤️
@nopearlsbeforeswine 2 года назад
NoPearls BeforeSwine 0 seconds ago the King James is the MOST corrupt quantum affected book, full of blasphemy and nonsense verses...
@RAILWAY_FILMS 2 года назад
brother breaker, I have questioned you on the topic of rapture before in this forum as I could not see what you had pointed out. I have read and read and read for a few more years and now, today, watching this video, I finally believe I have read 2 Thessalonians 2 and can actually see exactly what you have been pointing out with great patience for many years now. I am probably one of the ones who have aggravated you on the topic and so I apologize.
@RAILWAY_FILMS 2 года назад
I still think there is a danger of trying to absolutely say whether some "thing" is or is not some "thing" in the Bible because the Bible certainly wrote in parables so that those with eyes to see could see and those who don't would never see.. and the grand delusion etc. I think you are probably right about this.. but there is a chance that all of the heavy lifting and groundwork has been laid out for the motb such that all they have to do is flip a switch and the self assembling will take place to perfectly align everything with "the word" and so it also says in the Bible "those who worship" the mark etc it doesn't exactly say those who "receive" the mark and so maybe it is more twisted than we think and you can actually get all the groundwork installed for the motb yet it is not the motb until the flip is switched
@DontBeAlarmedItsJustMe 2 года назад
We love you Brother Breaker!!!!💗💗💗
@cindyebner5556 2 года назад
@LOLmusics Год назад
You are amazing Sir. I KNOW that you have saved tons of people through these videos and will continue to save people after the rapture has happened, with these very videos! This is straight forward and well explained. Bless you!
@randy6896 2 года назад
Thank You Brother for rightly dividing the word of truth! Many Christians these days have itching ears. 2 Tim. 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; It's astonishing to me how so many people both believers & non-believers alike miss interpret the word of truth. I like what you said "I don't care what you think, what does the bible say". Keep up the good fight! I'm praying for you.
@lindagomez321 2 года назад
Brother Breaker, I'm so glad you are still on RU-vid. I don't think you explain this any plainer. I always liked to read Revelation but never understood it until I heard you preach it. Thank God for letting me find your videos. Thank you for a better understanding.🤗🙏❤️🙏
@lindagomez321 2 года назад
*I don't think you can explain this any plainer...
@broandrew 2 года назад
Thanks Brother Breaker, your still at it! PTL! If I lived in your town I would go to your church and listen. PTL! Keep going.
@haileybut 2 года назад
1 John 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
@evangelistcarrie 2 года назад
I was taught that when the Church is raptured, the Holy Spirit will no longer restrain the Anti-Christ, therefore I think the Holy Spirit will not work to help those left at that time to repent either. That's why it's important to preach the Gospel now so the reprobates can turn back to God before time is up.
@danielblair4413 2 года назад
The Holy Spirit may no longer restrain the anti-Christ, but that doesn't mean the Holy Spirit won't continue to be around during the Tribulation Period because the preaching of how to get saved during the Tribulation Period is still going to be preached. The two witnesses and the 144,000 will be around preaching during the Tribulation Period and that could be considered the way the Holy Spirit continues its work during the Tribulation Period.
@evangelistcarrie 2 года назад
@@danielblair4413 I'm not sure. The two witnesses may be witnessing against those left on Earth. The 144,000 may already be with Jesus and the rest from every tribe, tongue and nation. Just using reason. God said He does not leave the world without a witness. He also has said that it so that you know that He is God. It is not necessarily for salvation purposes. Now is the Age of Grace. When God pours out His final judgment, no one will be saved on the Earth. You cannot save yourself. The original premise given by the preacher is that it might be possible to repent from accepting the mark by cutting off your hand. Accepting the mark however is the final outcome of continually rejecting Jesus Christ. God does provide a limit on grace.
@KM-jw9yc 5 месяцев назад
Hello to you Sis, the Bible teaches that once Jesus comes and takes the righteous to heaven for a thousand years. The only person who will be alive on earth will be Satan and his angels bound for the 1000 years (see Revelation 20:1-3
@arrond316 Год назад
Brother Breaker, others say trust me but you say, let me show you where it’s at in the Bible. May The Most High Bless and sustain you!
@lilygrace9111 2 года назад
So much of this! People leading people astray, condemning them and scaring them. Thank you Mr Breaker for taking the time to help in Spirit and Scripture.
@johno5188 2 года назад
I thank you brother Breaker for fighting the good fight and being steadfast in faith and grounded in the word , Rev. 14:9 if any man receive his mark , REPEATED 14:11 whosoever receiveth the mark , very clear warnings as to undoable act then , the final choosing time this will be then , God`s blessings to all
@Charlie-kit 2 года назад
I have learned so much from you. You have a gift of teaching with all of your knowledge in history, bible scripture and giving us a breakdown in a way I’ve never experienced before. I’m so thankful and fortunate to have come across your videos, I’m listening to them all day long! I am excited to watch them all! ❤ Thank you
@nogoods3511 Год назад
@lloydgoulbourne3399 2 года назад
Anyone who takes the mark of the beast is condemned no in between no if’s or buts.
@lloydgoulbourne3399 2 года назад
No ifs or buts
@surelygoodness2391 2 года назад
Thank you for this teaching!!! God’s blessing be upon you and your family!
@ree1515 2 года назад
@STRENGTH repent now! Jesus is the way the truth and the life. The enemy will use all of his power to make you confuse but do not believe the lie! come back to God! God bless! ❤
@maureenlogansmith1719 Год назад
Thank you dear Pastor for this worthy explanation. Jesus is the way,the truth and life. Let's ask our Lord to shower his blessings on us,Amen
@LoveThyNeighbor1989 2 года назад
"The Calling" I Was sitting in a cell watching the rain, Thinking about the times only brought back the pain Wishing I was free, free as a bird, so I could take up my wings and fly with the Word, I reap what I sow and I get out what I put in, If you only knew where I've been, you'd know my life was a Sin But I sit here and Write about my life and the times, Wishing I could retract and take back the Crimes But we all know what drugs do, they put you in the dirt, they strip you of your Dignity, they make your heart ache with hurt If you can relate to what I'm saying then this rhyme is just for you, It's time to get a clue and let GOD see US through, This life full of haterz and world full of lies, it's the TRUTH that we seek and it's right in front of our EYES! So look deep within and let your HEART defeat your MIND! don't walk this world BLIND or you might be left behind! Because the devil is Deceivious and Swift in his ways, he's like a 2 horned monster, he stalks what he preys, So you better be on your game when the temptations come for you, I hope you've got the clue or you just might be made a fool, If you're feeling what I'm saying, This just might be your day, The day you come to CHRIST because by GOD HE'S the only WAY, The TRUTH and the LIFE, Accept HIM right now HE just might take your STRIFE! If you think I'm playing then you got me all wrong, What kind of cold hearted person you think would write this song? I write this out of LOVE which GOD has for YOU and ME, If you could only see what I see you'd know you were free From the SHACKLES and the CHAINS which entrap us by the night, Makes us fall to sin, But Family I walk in LIGHT! So catch my drift and get on my Level, Stop gambling with your SOUL or you just might meet the devil! If you don't got the point, I advise you to run, you may SEEK you may FIND, But you won't HIDE from the SON!!!
@ajourneymaryb 2 года назад
Enjoyed reading be blessed keep writing hope.. Yes Jesus is the only way to the Father ..
@demonslayer7537 Год назад
Amen my friend may God continue to bless you and guide in all your ways. My flesh is in pain but my heart and soul is at peace thats all that matters to me. 💖🕊🙏
@steveguti6452 2 года назад
JESUS CHRIST died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
@royalproductions83 Год назад
Amen. Awesome message Pastor, thank you for serving and spreading the Word.
@fedralacey2494 2 года назад
BRILLIANT ONCE AGAIN! Keep posting these amazing and informative videos and don’t worry about what other people say when they mock!
@nopearlsbeforeswine 2 года назад
NoPearls BeforeSwine 0 seconds ago the King James is the MOST corrupt quantum affected book, full of blasphemy and nonsense verses...
@MtnManLucas 2 года назад
I so much appreciate your teaching and discernment.
@beegone9954 Год назад
Just an observation -MOTB list you indicated a words beginning with "F". NOTE: F is the 6th letter in the alphabet. future=6, fixed=6, forced=6
@eve2099 2 года назад
Amazing teaching ..❤ I don’t know how you popped up on my RU-vid but I’m so glad you did ..Now I understand your teaching is so clear and so easy to understand .. I thank you so much and God bless you and your family 🙏
@Luncheon23 2 года назад
I am among those who have questions about the mark. Thank you Pastor Breaker for this message.
@calvinreichelderfer7989 2 года назад
There is no mark of the beast without the beast. Remember the Wendy’s commercial “where’s the beef?” Well I asked where’s the beast? To anyone that claims the mark of the beast is here.
@TommyB4Jesus 2 года назад
@@calvinreichelderfer7989 Haha good one...
@Lauren-vd4qe 2 года назад
the vx pport was the trial run for the mark of the beast...
@jatwangismyname900 2 года назад
@@Lauren-vd4qe what?
@carolbassant2490 2 года назад
@@calvinreichelderfer7989 amen
@pamelamolyneaux2322 Год назад
Oh my Goodness, Great Great Teaching. GOD Bless You Brother💞
@ujawalamane1295 2 года назад
Please pray for my husband and my relatives they are unbelievers but I believe on Jesus Christ last 2o years ago
@goldsweat3606 2 года назад
I love this guy, the analysis and it makes since. I'm always smiling while I listen.
@brendanjobe6895 2 года назад
@@ramonakaye9921 Check out his videos on baptism. I saw them before he shut down and removed all comments. Probably 80% of them were pointing him in the right direction. Like most Baptists on here, when the heat got turned up, the comments got removed. You can always tell when he happens to get it right because the comments stay up. When he's wrong, instead of correcting his errors he just removes all the comments and moves on.
@jerryl9823 2 года назад
Breaker is one of the most fascinating and Biblically knowledgeable preachers I ever heard. And His pretribulational stance on the rapture, gives you the feeling that the rapture can happen any time, and start up the age of the antichrist, the last 7 years before Jesus returns to earth and starts His 1000 year earthly reign, perhaps around 2000 years after the year the Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost all happened, which was during the reign of Pontius Pilate, 26 or 27 AD to 36 or 37 AD.
@brendanjobe6895 2 года назад
@@jerryl9823 THAT'S what he wants to hear. When he takes a false position - and it gets pointed out repeatedly in the comments - he's very humble and honest about it: he changes his position. Just kidding! No, he deletes all the comments, then shuts down further comments on that video. If you don't believe it, look at the comments section on every video he's made on water baptism.
@sh9052 2 года назад
@@jerryl9823 Can you show me the chapters n verses?
@brendanjobe6895 2 года назад
@STRENGTH Well, I'd be interested in seeing your videos on that subject, but couldn't find them.
@nickcastillo3503 2 года назад
Thank you for telling the truth and not sugar coating the word of God. Learn so much from listening to you. Keep teaching and don't give up God bless you 🙏.
@arieldrake929 2 года назад
I recently studied revelation and was very confused with the timeline of the tribulation. The board definitely helped clear it all up! I pray the remaining people who WILL accept Jesus DO and that he comes soon.
@KM-jw9yc 5 месяцев назад
Goodnight Revelation speaks of two resurrections, the resurrection of the just and the damned. When Christ returns he takes the righteous with him to heaven for a thousand years. After the thousands years he returns to earth and resurrects the wicked. That's when the new Jerusalem is brought down and Satan and the lost surround the New Jerusalem and fire cones down from heaven and devours them. Read Revelation 20 again. Do not believe what the bible does not say.
@kevinclint7588 2 года назад
@parkersoulsoundz 2 года назад
Thank you for breaking this down, the more we know / hear it the more aware we can be and share it with others. Thank you. 🙏🏽
@nopearlsbeforeswine 2 года назад
NoPearls BeforeSwine 0 seconds ago the King James is the MOST corrupt quantum affected book, full of blasphemy and nonsense verses...
@ptmiller78 2 года назад
Amen, brother! Maranatha, Lord Jesus! Please save my children, Lord! PLEASE grant them saving faith!
@janemitchell9846 2 года назад
Awesome sermon! Blessings to you Pastor Breaker!
@raulramirez1434 2 года назад
Keep bringing the word of God brother. Matthew 5:16
@MB-NC1967 2 года назад
So glad you put this message out Pastor Breaker! Keep them coming! We need to hear this. The Rapture is so close. Keep looking and loving Jesus’ appearing. Please pray salvation for a coworker Brandon. Also, Claudio, Kevin & Sergio.
@donaldgodin3491 2 года назад
Thank you so much Pastor Breaker, for that teaching. May the Lord Jesus bless you, and your loved ones.
@donaldgodin3491 2 года назад
@STRENGTH If you don't believe anything, how can you say you converted to Christianity? Now, christianity is one thing! Christianism is another! They are not the same thing at all. Saving faith, is believing in the scriptures. Not in research.
@donaldgodin3491 2 года назад
@STRENGTH Saving faith is believing without seeing. Knowing is one thing. Believing is another thing. I don't know what comes after death, by research. But I believe there is an eternal life for me, because Jesus said so! (See John 6;47) This is called faith. If you don't have that kind of faith, you are heading for hell. Religion cannot save you. Only by faith in Jesus Christ's words, can your soul be saved!
@CDPW 2 месяца назад
The Lord began calling me back to Him a few years ago. Hopefully can skip the tribulation because of that.
@ravikumarpalli9754 2 года назад
Praise the lord brother 🙏🙏
@carladougherty1848 2 года назад
So glad your back we missed you, thank you for this message, much needed in today's world
Blessed are they that take part in the first resurrection. The time is now. Whether you are asleep or alive you want to be part of the rapture. GOD Will Return. In a twinkling of an eye you will leave the physical body and be caught up to Jesus. The field will be reaped. The fruits gathered up to God.
@KM-jw9yc 5 месяцев назад
Christ, Enoch, Elijah went to heaven with a physical body and so will the faithfulness
@bryanolaguer2875 2 года назад
Hope this year if God willing would be our gathering together to meet the Lord in the air brother. Keep preaching the dispensation of the gospel of grace message....God bless you brother and your family...
@catherinegray1367 2 года назад
In May of 2020, I saw the "Understanding the Times" chart/teaching from you and was ENTHRALLED. I was never taught Revelation nor any eschatology growing up. This made so much sense, and has helped me to see Matthew 7:14 and Mathew 24. Ty for this, Pastor.
@caroliner2029 2 года назад
I'm so glad sweetie that you found good teaching on eschatology in 2020. I've only found it recently (April 2022) and I'm obsessed with it, as is my Dad. It's clear that we're in the Last Days, and Bible prophecy puts all of the puzzle pieces together perfectly. It's taken the frustration, anger and depression off us as we watch our world be deliberately flushed down the woke toilet by Globalists and their minions. It's certainly done that for me here in Melbourne Australia. I'm a critical care nurse and I've felt depressed at the state of health care, at the abuses perpetrated against innocent people, and as I'm "v*x" injured, I've experienced how bleak it is to try to find help or healing from a local doctor, a hospital, or get essential medicine. This has the hallmarks of the evil one all over it, especially the lies, deceit, power-tripping, the thriving on human suffering, the lack of empathy, the rising death rates from "unknown cause", and the censorship of truth, to name a few aspects. I've only ever heard replacement theology taught in every church that I've been to, and it was a wonderful revelation to hear about God's plan for the Jews and have the truth explained for the first time on a teaching video. Replacement theology skews and distorts everything in the Bible and makes reading the book of Revelation incomprehensible. Now it makes perfect sense, and the plan of God from Genesis onwards through the Bible sparkles, the references in the minor prophets jump off the page as you read, and the significance of Israel becoming a nation again in 1948 and Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy clock are riveting and engrossing. Never in my life of listening to sermons and teaching messages had I heard mention of Israel becoming a nation again and its direct implications for us. Never did I hear mention of "the time of the gentiles" or "the church age". No mention was made of the Millennial kingdom, or of anything in Revelation except regular references to believers going to heaven one day, but no description of what that involves, how we'll be, what we'll do, about the Bema Seat of Christ, and its difference to the Great White Throne of Judgement. It skews and distorts our thoughts of what to say to unbelievers, and why, and it gives us no clue how to talk to Jewish people. None! Now the truth has been opened to me about Bible prophecy, I have a different and upgraded perspective on life and I can talk to nearly everyone about God, linking current events with our need to be reconciled to God through His Son Jesus. If not for "v*x" injuries, I'd be out everyday engaging in conversation about Jesus, and making an effort to tell at least one Jewish person that God hasn't abandoned them, and how exciting it is that Ezekiel 37 was fulfilled an 1948. The Lord's continued blessings to you and your loved ones ❤️
@LionArray 2 года назад
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
@dbuchino2677 2 года назад
Revelations shouldn’t be taught because every time it is, it’s taught as a literal chain of events that will happen. This is fear mongering, a way to make sure you stay under the control of religion which is about money and power. The Bible even says the you are the sheep of the flock, not the shepherd... I never want to be a sheep. I can develop my own relationship with my Creator without being told to tithe and whatever else in order to go to heaven. Bible says faith alone is all it takes
@nopearlsbeforeswine 2 года назад
NoPearls BeforeSwine 0 seconds ago the King James is the MOST corrupt quantum affected book, full of blasphemy and nonsense verses...
@yahslivingwater4764 Год назад
Catherine Gray *''SUNDAY CHURCHES Will Be Used For Worship of the AntiChrist In The Great Tribulation.''* Almighty YAHUVEH Says, ''You Are Missing The Point! G: Aug 1, 2005 (The Mark Of The Beast) ----->> (Excerpts): ''If you are not obeying me now by keeping the Sabbath holy on the day I have told you to keep it holy--Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, the 7th day, according to the 4th Commandment--then what makes you think you will obey me during the Great Tribulation when your disobedience will then cost you your SOUL! "Do not COMPROMISE! Do not make up your mind based on what you THINK is TRUE and but instead on what MY WORD SAYS...and then walk in OBEDIENCE to what My Word TELLS YOU TO DO!!! Keep ALL Ten of My Commandments. *Keeping the Sabbath holy means just that. The 7th day which you know as SATURDAY. THAT'S THE DAY!* [ Hebrews 4:1-10 Exodus 31:12-17] Was it changed later in the New Testament? NO! Since it is still a sin to murder [ Abortion, Assistant killing ], steal [ withholding Tithe or offering or giving them to a ministry do not teaching Entire Truth] and committing adultery [ False doctrines based on Man's tradition, following governmental laws, Xmas, Easter, thankGiving, Halloween, all other pagan holidays]. Doesn't it stand to reason that it is also a sin to NOT keep the Sabbath holy on the day you have been told to keep it holy? This is not about who scores the most points at the end of the debate. IT IS ABOUT OBEDIENCE TO YOUR CREATOR!!! This is not about being either a Jew or a Gentile. Just OBEY! Compromise is the age-old leaven that creeps in and turns the whole batch ROTTEN! YOU CANNOT COMPROMISE MY WORD! If you do, then what you think is pleasing to Me actually STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN and I do not like the smell! *Matthew 16:11* How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? [false doctrine] *"The son of the evil one--the antichrist--will use this spirit of compromise to herd the Sunday churchers into* chapels around the world, get them to swear their loyalty to him while on their knees (mocking prayer) and then take the Mark that marks their doom. I will not come for a disobedient Bride! My Bride does not compromise or try to sit on the fence. My Bride OBEYS ME! Those that do not take what I say seriously will be given another chance to reconsider when their heads are placed through the hole at the bottom of a guillotine. I am not coming for a disobedient guest either." Guests references: Revelation 7:9-17, 19:9, Foolish virgin(Matthew 25). Dear GUESTS, YAHUSHUA'S (Jesus'), Instruction for His Guests! 666 Million. *Guests = Saved Jews & Saved Ephraim(Christians),* *ExcerptsTHE GREAT TRIBULATION* .almightywind.com/teachings/greattribulation.html Wedding Guests! May you read from, *Prophecies 83, 84, 89, 90, 102, 112, 115 - 118* Guests are you learn Daily repent RETURN to Obey, *A Set of Ten SPIRITUAL Commandments: Exodus 20(& 34)].* Three Times A year man/woman must appear to Me, YAH'S 3 Major Holy Days mentioned here),
@Jay-hq4dy 2 года назад
Beautiful sermon pastor
@GabrielSkyles 2 года назад
I do believe that everything we have went through so far is conditioning for the mark. Just to see who’s willing to do as they are told. So anytime now the rapture is going to happen.
@johosk5503 2 года назад
It's interesting though how many, many Christians also took the j_a_b_ without questioning or, as in my families case, regardless of how much information and pleading from those that wouldn't take it....
@believe1423 2 года назад
Yes!!! Exactly what i said to so many people!! A test run.
@GabrielSkyles 2 года назад
@@johosk5503 I have never taken it and won’t nor will my family.
@johosk5503 2 года назад
@@GabrielSkyles great! Keep standing strong 💪😍
@demonslayer7537 Год назад
​@@johosk5503Well I took the jab (didn't know the truth I was still in high school.) But I had regret Last year I took the Narrow path more seriously I prayed to the Lord to remove the poison from the vaccine and had to take a dump after I finished praying I hear a voice saying "It is done" Ever since then I've been weary of whatever the government release. Yes many Christians made a mistake but its more of a mistake if you know the eternal consequences of taking the mark. Who would God punish someone who knew what the motb was and was aware of the eternal consequences of it and taking it anyway or someone who doesn't know the truth and take it without knowing what they did to themselves. I knew something was bad about the vaccine I waited 5 months but I got and here we are. I keep asking the Lord do you believe I am going to be taken up by the rapture I heard a voice say. " You will know when the time comes but for now I forgive you you didn't know the truth John 8:32 know the truth and the truth shall set ye free keep obeying my commandments and you shall be redeemed" That is my motivation.
@traciejohnsonmcclard98 2 года назад
God bless you pastor Breaker🙏
@brianforsberg890 2 года назад
I saw the Rapture while I was in college back in 1987. I was a lost soul and 2 men witnessed to me. I prayed and soon after I had a dream or night vivid vision of the exact catching away I read years later in 2 Thesolonians. It was glorious to see, hear and feel. I still remember it.
@Beautiful_soul999 2 года назад
I'd love to hear more about your dream if you're willing to share!! I've had a few rapture dreams but they were very very short. 😁
@arenuzzle6282 Год назад
Why do you get to see it and no one else.
@Innerbeauty328_22 Год назад
@@arenuzzle6282 ask the lord to show you - have you asked for a dream about the rapture?
@whompmaster 2 года назад
Absolutely wonder message. You explain things and make it so much easier to understand. God bless!
@tina4himalone984 2 года назад
Like so many of your other teachings, THIS ONE is one of your BEST! Thank you so much, brother Breaker, for such precise context and easy to understand material. Can’t wait to meet you in the clouds. 👏📖💞☝️
@reclaimmediausa 2 года назад
@Donna-LookingUp 2 года назад
Please pray for my moms health.she has been in and out of the hospital 3 times in the last 9 days. Calling me at midnight not able to breathe. C OPD and congestive heart failure. We finally were able to get her oxygen at her house. She also only has 1 kidney that functions and has chronic kidney disease. She's weak but is getting by. Pray for me. I am only child. My husband left me July of 2020 after 18 years for another woman. My sons are grown with families and are 1200 miles away. I have no support system and work full time. This is overwhelming for me. My work also told me this week that we will be required to be in the office 5 days a week. (Same week all this happens with my mom). Since pandemic we have worked from home. Then from July 12th 2021 they had us working M-W in the office and then Th and Friday from home. My mom lives in a mobile home on a piece of land next to my house so that I can help with things and she can still live on her own. But now that her health has taken a big change I feel even more stress. My office is a 30 minute drive from home so I can't run home if she needs me. Her insurance won't pay for any nursing help. I need prayer for peace, calmness, wisdom and patience with mom. Also, pray for my sons and thier families for salvation. Names are James and Chad. Thank you and God bless
@owainthomas9715 2 года назад
God bless you sister Donna. I will pray for you and your family x
@Donna-LookingUp 2 года назад
@@owainthomas9715 Thank you so much. This has brought me tears of thankfulness. God bless you.
@dylanjohnson3770 2 года назад
We need updates plz
@dylanjohnson3770 2 года назад
@@Donna-LookingUp we need updates please
@adriannother2632 5 месяцев назад
Anyone that took the medical thing you mention will probably take the chip. Bc of the same issue. Buying selling keeping your job? Test run?
@bride4jesus0126 2 года назад
Thank you so much for doing this! Meat and potatoes for awake and watching Christians!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@LionArray 2 года назад
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
@pleasewakeup5663 2 года назад
In Australia we couldn't work without the poison jab.. There was LOTS of places we couldn't enter, including shops. I agree the shot wasn't 666 but I do believe it is needed to put the cage around the body to engage the palisade and 5/6 G..
@Hisword07 2 года назад
666 is in the moderna master patent w060606 for all mRNA based injectiona. Also contains lucifer-ase. Sounds like the mark to me
@pleasewakeup5663 2 года назад
@@Hisword07 It's what I believe, to be the "iron that will not cling to the clay". Then the people take the universal income via the mark.. "They" want the people to have the hive mind so they can't then turn back..
@jessebos5413 2 года назад
Exactly, and even if it is isn't the mark of the beast it's certainly a precursor leading up to it. In the end it very nearly was forced! The purpose of which was to condition people to do as they're told without question! Pressured to do something by having their jobs and livelihoods threatened for not complying! The amount of people that gave in to take this stupidity just to keep their jobs to feed their family is ASTOUNDING! If people could so easily be coerced into taking this jibbity jabbity, what makes one think they couldn't just as easily take the mark of the beast if that is still to come? If they can take this so easily they can certainly take what's coming next just as easily! It depends on how it's presented. Refusing the MOTB is not going to be easy and through Satan's trickery, many will be deceived. If you think this can't be the mark of the beast because you say you're a Christian and you would know, perhaps you have to revisit house veracious your belief in God really is...It's not about loving God so much he would never let you fall for it and take it, if it was the MOTB, it's about Satan TRICKING you! Period
@helenobeso1831 Год назад
God bless you pastor Breaker Watching in the Philippines I patiently waiting for the rapture sence I become a Christian 1988 now almost 2023. All I comment's thank you Lord God for your Son Jesus Christ for saving us.... Amen
@davidward6741 Месяц назад
@williamloring7575 2 года назад
Amen brother, I believe that the moment someone takes the motb they are forever and irreversibly condemned to hell and permanent separation from our Great God and Savior Jesus Christ. People should get saved post haste !! I’m not going to be here for the trib because I have believed in the only begotten Son of God which is The Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. ALL believers will be rescued by Jesus Christ at the rapture of the church. We might see some really intense things that will lead up to the trib, but we are not in the trib nor will we be. I often think of Moses and the Red Sea moment- those believers saw and felt really intense things because they truly believed that pharaoh was about to slaughter them. But our God is a God that loves last minute rescues- hallelujah!! I love your videos brother, God is performing a great work in you through your ministry so keep up the great work, and finish the race set before you strong. Many prayers and blessings for you and your loved ones 🙏🎺🥳😀❤️- Maranatha 🙏🙏🙏
@LA-iu8rv 2 года назад
Yes believers , but must be BORN AGAIN believers....to be save and rapture!!!
@bloodboughtbigphilr8266 2 года назад
Great comment William. A hearty Amen!
@williamloring7575 2 года назад
@@bloodboughtbigphilr8266 amen brother- see you in the clouds with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 🙏🎺🥳❤️
@jesusstopsbullets5111 2 года назад
The mark of the beast is actually not what damns someone. Only those who have the mark of the beast AND worship his image are damned.
@silent1967 2 года назад
@@jesusstopsbullets5111 NOPE, listen to the Pastor again.
@kirbierose2589 2 года назад
I think the mark does change your DNA or something like that, I think it will literally make it impossible to think for yourself
@Rac_belle Год назад
You are spot on and correct sir I love your teaching, especially when you get a little irritated that people don’t follow the book correctly… God bless you 🙏
@grenvilledorego194 2 года назад
Thank you Brother Breaker. God bless you always. Your teachings is always a blessing.
@misskj7773 2 года назад
Thank you for this timely message ...God bless you and your family, Brother Breaker.
@damianorihuela4296 2 года назад
Brother Breaker, I believe that there may be 3 categories of saints that do NOT take the mark. 1) those who are beheaded (Rev. 20; 4). 2) those who "endure to the end" (Matt. 24; 13) and or "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb; and the word of their testimony" (Rev, 12; 11). The way I understand this, is that the "overcomers" and or "endurers" Though they cannot buy or sell, find a way to survive by escape and evasion from the police state. 3) The Jewish remnant (the woman from Rev. 12; 14) that is taken into the wilderness and protected from the beast. "And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into a place, where she is nourished for a time and times and a half a time, from the face of the serpent". Granted, the beheaded saints would qualify for the first two categories, but not the remnant in the wilderness. Thank you rother for your faithful teachings.
@howardmakely2169 2 года назад
The Bible emphatically damns all who take the mark. Read Revelation 14. Why are American preachers so afraid of the people or rather their faces? See Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 8. The taking of the mark of the beast is FINAL, no turning back.
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