
What Happened to Doctor Who? - Part 2 

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Taking a deeper look into Series 12, specifically 'Orphan 55' and 'The Timeless Children'. Yikes.
Written, voiced, and edited by me.
Music Used: docs.google.com/document/d/1P...
All clips used belong to the BBC




24 мар 2020




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@TheAquabears 4 года назад
At this point, the only way they can save this show is a soft reboot that wipes all of Chibnall's era from continuity.
@BWMagus 4 года назад
And Moffat's, frankly.
@ozerune 4 года назад
BWMagus personally I absolutely loved Moffat’s take on DW
@BWMagus 4 года назад
@@ozerune I loved Moffat's ideas. I hated his execution. He would contradict lore he himself invented just a year or two prior. He would give us epic-sounding shit like "On the fields of Trenzalore, where no living thing can lie or fail to answer, the question will be asked" and then have the Doctor fail to answer...for centuries. Oooh, Angels turn to stone and then can't move...except they can. The man works best when he's not the boss and there's someone over him to guide his work.
@ozerune 4 года назад
BWMagus wait how are the angels a contradiction?
@BWMagus 4 года назад
@@ozerune They move lightning fast then turn to stone when seen...yet when Amy trips while blind, they very slowly turn towards her while still made of stone (complete with a sound the foley guy got probably by dragging a cement block across pavement). Furthermore, they do freeze up even when seen by each other, which was the entire climax of Blink, but there's that entire crowd of angels around Amy, clearly within sight of each other, moving just fine (honestly happens several times in the episodes). Also, why did they just suddenly appear around her...and then stop? Nothing else was there to look at them and make the freeze; even though they were fleeing, and the Doctor tells us they were fleeing, they all chose to stop right next to Amy and just chill because dramatic tension. They also are "creatures of the abstract who feed off of potential energy"...and spaceship fuel, apparently, begging the question why they need to eat people when there are much easier to access energy sources. The Doctor calls them the lonely assassins, but apparently thousands of them can work cooperatively to wipe out the Aplans, the race inhabiting an entire planet...and also lease a big building in New York. It was sort of off when one Angel kills Bob to "strip his cerebral cortex and reanimate a version of his consciousness", which also can operate a radio and speak, somehow, but at least that was done for a purpose (albeit a weak one); but why are the other ones doing it? The one that gets Father what's his name in a headlock, for example--why didn't he just zap that guy into the past, gaining energy in the process, instead of putting him into a very convenient-for-writing-purposes headlock that allows for a long conversation? And why didn't it kill the Father the first time The Doctor blinked instead of waiting the Doctor to run all the way out of the area? And then he had an angel hundreds of feet tall walk across Manhattan without a single person, a single hobo on a street bench, looking at it and freezing it. Sure, yeah, it's not like New York is literally called the City That Never Sleeps. Then there were angel babies...even though that's not how angels procreate. Moffat basically just kept changing them every time he used them. They can do THIS. Now THIS. And THAT. They can alter the molecular structure of a metal trailer to be immune to heat just by having a recording of one played on a monitor! Imagine a Mary Sue/Gary Stu; the entire angel race is basically that.
@cyberfox9713 3 года назад
The timeless child is basically the master showing the doctor a screen and at the end of the screen it says ur adopted
@slevinchannel7589 3 года назад
Theyre LITERALLY "not even trying anymore", yes.
@slevinchannel7589 3 года назад
Chibnal legit admitted that he always had the 'Timeless Child' in Planning since the very beginning. Please notice that this means that he always wanted to intentionally ruin the Franchise; a Franchise that is in World Record Books for how big and influencal it is. Its Culture; and i dont see that in a Meme-way, but literally: Its Culture. The Female Doctors Actor also made Tweets that show that shes a BRAT that NEVER respected her Role or her Predeccesors. She said that. Most important thing to realize when you get this Role: You step into BIG foot-prints; be aware of this, be HUMBLE." She was so much not humble, its amazing. Listen: They have written themselves into a Corner so hard, that the literal ONLY Option is: Say it was all a Dream. "2 Seasons or more were literally just a Dream-Sequence; its all non-canon!! We sorry, were sorry, were sorry. Do you give us another chance?" BUT HERES THE THING: EVen if they say sorry, which i sure doubt they ever will - its not enough. See, the rational response to that would be "Ok, but thats not enough. This isnt just about 'Emotions'. Yeah, youre sorry, but point is: Youve showed your skill. And weve seen it. Weve seen your skill. So now, we dont want more from you. Get it?". This isnt just about emotions, so a Sorry wont do - because weve seen their skill and we dont want more episodes from them.
@tranz2deep 3 года назад
The timeless child is Chris Chibnall as he hates the entire continuity he wants to replace with... whatever floats into his curdled cerebrum. I don't think I have to explain the child part.
@slevinchannel7589 3 года назад
@@tranz2deep Yeah.
@camerongough4031 4 года назад
They're going to release more cubes
@birb125 4 года назад
Nah, we can stop it with a screwdriver and bring the dead back.
@linkanimation9318 4 года назад
Then if we can bring back the dead with a sonic screwdriver then let's sonic all the other dead characters from new who
@teamtardis2538 4 года назад
I prefer to release more hounds
@rileyrichardson8091 4 года назад
Hopefully it will kill 1/3 of the idiots driving this trainwreck.
@The_Ballo 4 года назад
Will there be a countdown?
@diyamihere3592 4 года назад
Can we just all collectively agree that none of this is canon?
@filthycasual8187 3 года назад
The final scene of Doctor Who was the TARDIS kicking this woman out at the end of Twice Upon a Time. ...Part of me wonders if that was Moffat having a laugh at Chibnall because he somehow knew how much Who would suck under him.
@Yslohr 3 года назад
Ye at this point after Peter Capaldi I consider it filler.
@impendingdoom7920 3 года назад
Just like the star wars sequel trilogy
@memnocktdevil 3 года назад
@Drp_br_ 3 года назад
@stepandanek6138 4 года назад
Can we just sort of ignore these two seasons? Just sort of delete them from canon? Could we all agree on that?
@ralphhoskins2115 4 года назад
Yes!!!! Let’s ... fuck Jody and chibs
@Jr-shiungHu 4 года назад
depends on the writer, and if the listened to us
@damno.1376 4 года назад
Let's just assume it's an alternate universe, considering that's fine for orphan 55 and let's go back to 12th's regeneration into a better written doctor in the real universe
@TheNuclearGeek 4 года назад
There's a cannon left? Chibby doesn't believe in cannon. In fact, he purposely destroys it. He'd probably appreciate his "work of art" be destroyed too.
@salem_meow7137 4 года назад
What are you talking about there is no season 11 or 12 they were deleted in my head as soon as they aired
@t_mouse_schmit7829 4 года назад
“It's just a bit too... er.. routine doctor who” -Chris Chibnall 1986
@Asw_2004 4 года назад
Running through corridors silly villains...I mean it sounds like past chris is criticising himself
@abrr2000 4 года назад
if only. It's not even that.
@zyme5998 4 года назад
Recently he's recanted that statement, saying that he just sorta made up that comment on the spot because he didn't know what to say, or something like he was an idiot back then and his old ideas/opinions from that time in his life should be disregarded (except for his long held childhood fanfiction story about the timeless child - which he finally made come true, that's the only exception)...
@noneed4me2n7 4 года назад
zyme was this something he actually alluded too? I dont know which is more upsetting that he was holding on to this storyline forever or just came up with it last minute. Either way I don't get why these people won't except even constructive criticism.
@redjirachi1 4 года назад
The Chibnalls are going to get along worse than 2 and 3
@KingsNJenssons 3 года назад
Can we point out that Sarah Jane adventure did everything the last two season tired to do but better with the same type of diverse cast with wayyyy less budget and was actually aimed for kids
@onyx-alice8191 10 месяцев назад
Because Mr T. Davies knows how to make TV shows highly interesting even a kids show is watchable as an adult. Wizards Vs Aliens is one he did I'm pretty sure and whilst it was more whimsical and childish than even SJA it was an absolute banger of a CBBC show.
@zinematics 4 года назад
You know who the Timeless Child should have been? The Master. I mean, it should've been no one, but if they needed a twist, they could've atleast made it something that probably wouldn't screw with the history of the show. I mean The Master was a weird skeleton man in a hood and then a dude that turns into a blue skeleton and shoots lasers out of his hands; if anyone can be a retconnable immortal god child, it's him. But no, Chibnall has literally 0 imagination. He just went with the obvious option because "I need a twist uh eh uh and the doctor who fans aren't very much expecting it uh eh uh."
@notapplicable6985 4 года назад
I just wish that they kept gallifrey. I mean if the daleks can comeback the timelords should be able to as well.
@frogradar 4 года назад
Not to mention, it makes THE MOST SENSE. The Master, who started warming up to the Doctor and aiding him/her in seeing the universe as beautiful and also an old friend would be the perfect set-up as to why he/she suddenly turned absolutely batshit. Master was already insane, but to then find out "these sons of bitches got their powers from me after torturing me??? only one thing left for them!" And letting the Doctor see the destruction and letting them live out of pure mutual respect but inevitably going to kill them because they also benefit from the Master's pain and suffering makes far more sense than the Doctor being the timeless child...
@eastlynburkholder3559 4 года назад
Agreed. The Master was not made crazy by a drum bear but by being alien bad seed from somewhere else. They left him knowing he would be insane and he was is . Yeah that almost saves all the older canon.
@kylesquid 4 года назад
You know who the Timeless Child should have been? NOT THE DOCTOR
@Nr4747 4 года назад
It's the awful "chosen one"-trope that first came about during Matt Smith's turn as the Doctor. Moffat seemed to have buried it during Capaldi's turn as the Doctor - so why did Chibnall bring it back . . . so stupid !
@micahschmitz859 4 года назад
I love how after years of ignoring the Shadow Proclamation, the Judoon come back
@canadianadmiral8082 4 года назад
Micah Schmitz sadly though, their platoon of Judoon are not on the moon.
@reichtangle7734 4 года назад
On June with a harpoon.
@AmlanjyotiSaikia 4 года назад
co blo to flo go plo ro yo sho ho tro mo blo no
@thegamingcartel2715 4 года назад
@Historyfan476AD 3 года назад
How did the Judoon get in the tardis, i mean the daleks cannot get into it normally, minus at full time war power era.
@mayotango1317 4 года назад
Nardole and Bill made me cry with their goodbyes, and the final hug, while the "fam" hardly seem human.
@therealvlad505 4 года назад
I dont think ive ever even seen this new fam hug lol
@itslucien 4 года назад
Thereal Vlad right and it’s not even easy to try and connect with them
@slevinchannel7589 3 года назад
Criminal Chibnal legit admitted that he always had the 'Timeless Child' in Planning since the very beginning. Please notice that this means that he always wanted to intentionally ruin the Franchise; a Franchise that is in World Record Books for how big and influencal it is. The Female Doctors Actor also made Tweets that show that shes a BRAT that NEVER respected her Role or her Predeccesors. She said that. Think about this slowly and readily.
@mayotango1317 3 года назад
@@slevinchannel7589 And fail. Chimball is a hack.
@iacomary 2 года назад
Is nardole a popular character? i could never stand him
@TinPrince 4 года назад
"tbh jodie whittaker actually seems like a pretty lovely person" I think that's it right there. That's the problem. The majority of people (outside those who are being clearly just misogynistic) would almost certainly like Jodie if they watched her outside of the show. The same for the companions and the master, they all seem like great/nice people. SOMEHOW Chibnall and the writers have managed to make a perfectly likeable group of individuals callous, emotionless and bland. It takes a very "special" type of showrunner to be able to strip someone of their base personality. Every other new-who Doctor at least had the benefit of the showrunner writing them a personality that matched with their own to some degree.
@blue3616 4 года назад
Jodie recently did an instagram post where she is clearly just in her own house dressed as the doctor, and she's just talking in character about how the world is kind of scary right now, but here's some helpful tips from the doctor! And I almost teared up watching it. She obvously cares about this character very much and is genuinely trying her best, I just think the writing behind her is incredibly lackluster, and her friendship with Chibnall is probably giving her rose-colored glasses. Her just spitballing felt more like The Doctor than anything I've seen in either season she's been in so far. It really isn't fair to her, she is a marvelous actress who has been given shit writing to work with.
@rainbeau88 4 года назад
blue3616 I couldn’t agree more!
@eastlynburkholder3559 4 года назад
@@blue3616 I had a similar reaction to what you described (Jodie is a better doctor without Chibnal) when I saw the actors who played the young female and male leads on Graham Norton. The Firce Awakens did not give either one of them a character, but on Graham Norton they seemed more like sci fi characters. He clowned with prop light saber and and she and he and Graham and the other guests joked around and it felt more like a StarWars movie than the whole TFA movie which felt like an overly long trailer for the real movie. Check the boxes of forced diversity writing puts character development in the rear or outside the process. Chibnal and other think up or more often steal cool looking scenes and then just throw them into a random collection of scenes quick cut with no narrative thread. We need a reason to care for the character or else we fail to react with emotion when that character is in danger or dies or fails or suffers loss or succeeds.
@AshXXMayftw 4 года назад
No doubt. I always know to separate the actor from the character. I know if a certain character isn't well executed it's mostly due to either the writers or director for not improving on the script or guiding the actor. I'm sure Jodie a wonderful woman and is capable of so much more, which is why it's disheartening to see her stuck with this version of a beloved character.
@4203105 4 года назад
I watched Whitaker on broadchurch and she was by faaaar the weakest actor on that show. She might be a lovely person but she is not a good actress. Jo Martin completely outshone her in the 5 minutes she was the doctor. Don't get me wrong, the writing is crap and by far the biggest problem, but that doesn't make Whitaker a good actress.
@abrr2000 4 года назад
my theory is that when Peter Capaldi doctor crashed during his regeneration, he crashed into another dimension. Hence why he/she ended up at a different location to her tardis, why it was stuck between materializations and why she spent so much time struggling to remember anything in season 11, and why NOTHING FITS WITH CANNON
@honzasenbauer612 4 года назад
Well that would be a great plot twist actually. I like that idea and would explain a lot from the chibnalls fuckery
@mikeyt3012 4 года назад
the doctor struggles to remember anything after each regen anyway?
@abrr2000 4 года назад
@@mikeyt3012 not to that extent.
@madeleine5561 4 года назад
I just go a step further and pretend she doesn't exist and that DW ended with Capaldi
@abrr2000 4 года назад
@@madeleine5561 considering the writers, directors, cinematography, music and cg people were all changed at the same time, and then cannon and ongoing story arcs were all ignored. You could legitimately make the case that you are correct. The New Who era ended at 10, we are now in the era of Doctor Woke (pending a better name) so... "Classic who" : season 1-26 "New Who" : Series 1-10 "Doctor Woke" : Series 11+
@PAMPEP411 3 года назад
The “why am I cold” cyber man was the most brutal little concept cuz it was a child who had been cut out of its body and put in the cyber suit, then it became aware and was a terrified child brain in a giant scary robot.
@matthewharrison6345 2 года назад
Did you even watch the episode? It was someone getting married the next day
@alicebethell8069 Год назад
​@@matthewharrison6345 originally it was gonna be a child but the higher ups said that was too dark so they changed it to a woman the night before her wedding
@redjirachi1 Год назад
@@alicebethell8069 That reminds me of how Jurassic Bark was supposed to be about Fry's mom but it was considered too depressing; which is really saying something
@abaddungeonmaster7622 Год назад
@@alicebethell8069 Gosh, and even then it still gut punches me. Even just hearing the clip immediately gave me the willies and feelies again. It’s funny, while a lot of emotional punches in the show, don’t get me wrong, while very sad or moving, don’t affect me too terribly much. But the SECOND I hear that “why am I cold?” line, immediately my throat tightens up. Such an amazing scene.
@VaughanDee93 4 года назад
Let's just write off everything, had a good run. *I propose making an entirely new show called Dentist Who*
@DoctorCyt 4 года назад
Curtis Davies nah how about Dentist What
@PersonaAmericana 4 года назад
@@DoctorCyt Orthopedist How
@stevenm5062 4 года назад
Orthodontist Why
@rockingtundra2830 4 года назад
Professor When
@meliodicstar4216 4 года назад
Officer Where
@mistermoon9305 4 года назад
We need 1: BBC to fire Chibnall and higher a better writer. Hire Neil Gaiman, I don’t care, just someone that knows what they are doing. 2: Something to get rid of series 11 and 12. A Reboot would be fine, or even the Dream Theory, I don’t care. Just remove the Timeless Child.
@HarvesterYT 3 года назад
BBC need to sell the rights of the show. By the end of chibnalls run it's going to be nearing cancellation, so if they can sell the rights to Amazon or Netflix hopefully we can see a bigger budget, more well known actors and a decent group of people working on the show without some diversity threshold to shoehorn in
@shauntempley9757 3 года назад
@@HarvesterYT No, Hollywood would make him even worse like they are doing to Thomas The Tank Engine right now. If Doctor Who The Movie was terrible, Torchwood Miracle Day and how they used Jack is a sign of what they would do. If anything, let Big Finish control everything Doctor Who, they have a handle on it. We would get a more cohesive Universe with more Classic characters showing up if they were in charge.
@jamesholmes6506 3 года назад
@@shauntempley9757 No, man. I'm not a fan of audio productions; I can't concentrate on radio plays. I think they ought to do books or graphic novels, or even a spinoff series for the TV, break the Hobson's Choice we have regards new Who shows on TV. I've advocated a spinoff continuing what happened to Sarah Jane Smith's kids, where they reunite after going through rough periods, form a 'quad' relationship and move into Sarah's old house, getting the furniture back and carrying on what she did. I didn't like how that so-called 'finale' ended, with everyody scattered across the world, never to reunite.
@shauntempley9757 3 года назад
@@jamesholmes6506 Fair enough. Their are many ways the tv show can continue all the threads you want to see. Big Finish is not for all, agreed. It is an acquired taste.
@jamesholmes6506 3 года назад
@@shauntempley9757 I mean, I don't like radio dramas and stuff. For the record, I normally put The Archers on BBC Radio 4 on in the car when there's nothing else on. The radio's best at playing music. Regards what I want, it's a spinoff where Sarah's kids have gone through bad periods (dumped by an abusive civil partner, dumped by a corporation that seems inhuman, movies getting cancelled due to investors dropping out (making fun of Marvel and DC bleeding movies like there's no tomorrow)), reunite and decide to follow Sarah's legacy, like I said previously. That concept is to break the Hobson's Choice we have regards Who on TV (either 13 who is now literally The Messiah, or nothing at all).
@ozymanwriter6131 4 года назад
My whole family quite the show. I was that lonely geek fan from the eighties, then the show came back and it was good and we watched as a family; my wife, my two then three sons, mum and dad. My sister and her daughter used to watch, and we'd catch up next day by phone. It was appointment viewing. The wife left first, then the two older sons in S10. They all tried again at the start of S11 out of curiosity... now I am all that is left. And I'm done. After forty-four years of Who watching, I'm done. I've had defenders of the current show tell me that Doctor Who has moved on and it's not for me anymore. But it is supposed to be for everyone, that's the point. Multi-generational, family entertainment. Mum had watched since Hartnell, and never felt alienated; she does now. Dad is the same. The group it's 'supposed' to connect with... my ten year old son hates the current show, and my niece quit the moment Jodie arrived, she can't stand a female Doctor. Who is this show for now?
@stormeaglegaming5395 4 года назад
What a freaking tragedy , fck chibnall😠
@Fitzroyfallz 4 года назад
The original creator of the show suggested the doctor regenerate into a woman at some point (as well as Tom Baker and numerous others). The gender of the actor isn’t what is hurting the show. In fact it makes no difference to the story at all. It’s the writing that’s bad.
@ozymanwriter6131 4 года назад
@@Fitzroyfallz And I don't disagree with you. The writing has been sub-par on both of Jodi's series, and declining for a few series prior, I think. Making the gender change as well as well as such a complete change in the directing/writing team, and direction for the show has combined into, well, a big boring mess. And personally, I cannot connect to Jodi's interpretation of the character. Whether that's solely the fault of the writing, or how she plays the part, or more likely, a combination of both I am not sure. But the reason we all left is, from what most of my family said when I asked, is that it's just not fun to watch any more, and doesn't 'feel' like Doctor Who. Which is quite an achievement considering the amount of change the show has gone through previously and somehow maintained the Doctor Who feel to them.
@ivannovak3414 4 года назад
It's actually incredibly cruel to tell a person that something is not for them anymore. It's a classic "what do YOU know about the modern world, grandpa". What a nice way to treat a loyal fan.
@DoctorCyt 4 года назад
The show is for feminists and sjw’s who are woke
@Liz-lq8hw 4 года назад
Nobody talking about how there's this "tense" moment where the Doctor's air is running out, despite the Time Lords' respiratory bypass system which allows them to hold their breath for long periods at a time, which we see in several episodes through both classic and new Doctor Who.
@Reginald425 5 месяцев назад
Long periods, but not forever, unless I’m missing something?
@killerjdog51 4 года назад
I like to think the Doctor failed to regenerate after Capaldi.
@galinor7 4 года назад
I'd like to think that in the first episode of the next series Capaldi wakes up, opens his eyes and says, "it was all a dream". And there fore not cannon.
@flaggerify 3 года назад
@@galinor7 Wakey wakey!
@caramel4jamesdean 4 года назад
Shows for 9 year olds that have great storytelling, writing, and music with an epic scope: Hilda, Kipo and the Wonderbeasts, Avatar the Last Airbender... Calling it a show for 9 year olds is an insult to shows for 9 year olds. It talks down, and even kids can spot when they're being talked down to.
@trinityadams5417 4 года назад
Caramel_soul funny story. That reminds me of a Time where I lost a friend who was about 3 years older than me. We were arguing and he said "chowder is for 6 years old" and I said "I'm 7" I'm 18 now
@hannah6034 4 года назад
Yeah the doctor letting that fella die for her and just running away with a look of fear on her face was such an insult to the basic fundamentals of her character - fundamentals that transcend all regenerations and even causal viewers understand. The doctor is honourable and brave and would NEVER let a human sacrifice themselves so randomly and needlessly (remember wilf ffs?! He literally sacrificed a while regeneration, one he didn't want to let go of, to save him. Granted he knew him but it was heavily signalled this was a big part of who the doctor is) It made no sense whatsoever. A proper writer would have found a way for the doctor to get away with that guy , finding s way for him to not have to sacrifice himself. He would have dropped the guy off near his home with his jaw still on the ground, standard stuff. It actually felt so lazy chibnall didn't even bother to write that generic ending. It made me so mad.
@mayotango1317 4 года назад
The Sixth, Fouth, Seventh Doctor: I'am a joke to you?
@slevinchannel7589 3 года назад
@@mayotango1317 Chibnal legit admitted that he always had the 'Timeless Child' in Planning since the very beginning. Please notice that this means that he always wanted to intentionally ruin the Franchise; a Franchise that is in World Record Books for how big and influencal it is. The Female Doctors Actor also made Tweets that show that shes a BRAT that NEVER respected her Role or her Predeccesors. She said that. Think about this slowly and readily.
@dionysus6892 3 года назад
“The air is unbreathable.” *Walk outside 2 minuets later.* At least in Midnight they treated the outside as hostile.
@familyguy237whip 4 года назад
“There’s 5 million of us, how many are there of you?” “Four” Absolutely incredible
@daybreakrebornedits 4 года назад
I agree with most of the points you make, but Series 10 is not where the show went wrong, if anything, that's the last time they got it right. That's where the quality of the show truly ended in the modern age. It was more minimalist compared to the fantasy based eras of Tennant and Smith.
@julmdamaslefttoe3559 4 года назад
@freebeerishere 4 года назад
series 10 is the best of capaldis era imo,, but obviously heaven sent is incredible
@flaggerify 3 года назад
Smith who?
@MrRetroDev 4 года назад
If they actually offered an explanation for The Master being crazy then I could probably accept it, but they didn't. Chibby has really dumbed it down to "bad man bad because he is bad man"
@mayotango1317 4 года назад
Because he learn the true of the Timeless Child.
@therealvlad505 4 года назад
I think the explanation was that he found out the doctor was the timeless child, which apparently hurt him because he was now related to what he hated; even though missy explicitly said they were childhood friends, so they always had some relation to one another
@joseaguilar3323 4 года назад
That's how he was before Missy, really the problem with Chibs is that he is RTD without the benefit of nostalgia goggles. It's almost as if Chibs is trying to ignore the Moffat Era and be an alternative season 5.
@irrevenant8724 3 года назад
Different incarnations of Time Lords have different personalities. This incarnation of the Master seems to be particularly petulant and rage-filled. The Doctor being the Timeless Child is upsetting for him but I don't think it would be *this* upsetting if he weren't already a particularly stable incarnation.
@julianvelez9610 3 года назад
they did explain why hes crazy the drumming in the tenth doc.
@LilScottyBee 4 года назад
It was only when you said that I too realised all of my friends who used to watch doctor who, no longer watch doctor who around the Capaldi era, the who life is a lonely life
@jeck8005 4 года назад
Why did they stop watching in the capaldi era? That was amazing.
@LilScottyBee 4 года назад
Sith Cultist I believe it was a combination of not good stories and just tired of the franchise, but they have said they did love Capaldi
@gabsenechal2620 4 года назад
I stopped watching because I found less and less episodes to be interesting. It was during Capaldi's second season. I thought the previous finale was good but then the relevance of most of what was going on was just not there. First I felt like the episodes weren't at all worried about the action going on but only about the lil' 5 second morale they were gonna say at the end. Having a morale is good tho, but if you can't smoothly integrate it to the events, I end up not caring for these events. Also Clara's storyline was so pointless at that point I wanted her to leave.
@galinor7 4 года назад
I and many of my friends used to watch but now none of them do. The current show just doesn't relate to them anymore.
@truckstuart1596 4 года назад
Scott Booth i fucking loved eleven and the ponds and clara was so terrible i hardly got through season 7 despite my love for eleven. but when capaldi came in it was too much a new doctor and a companion i hated there was nothing keeping me watching
@augie-a3793 4 года назад
It baffles me that I've seen some people say this is their favorite series in the show's history. This series makes the Horns of Nimon look like a masterpiece.
@TheBermudaMan 4 года назад
You should watch TIME AND THE RANI to get a better perspective on what "Bad Who" really is.
@augie-a3793 4 года назад
TheBermudaMan I have seen Time and the Rani, and while it is pretty terrible. At least it's fun to watch because of how shit it is. None of the bad episodes in this series are fun at all.
@LuggyBro 4 года назад
The people who love this series and series 11 are the ones who skipped Capaldi because he was too old, only watched Day of the Doctor for Matt Smith's tennue cos it had Tennant in it, never watched series 1 or classic who, and seemingly only remember David Tennant as a heart throb lover of Rose.
@apexa903 4 года назад
LuggyBro that’s such ballshit, so your saying that someone can’t you enjoy Jodie’s era if they also like Tom or peters era
@Remake5182 4 года назад
I think its OK.
@TheZarlo 4 года назад
i have 2 words "river song" if "the timeless child" the how can River regenerate its not like the Time lord's could regenerate from exposure to the time vortex
@VerdanaVideos 4 года назад
That’s true, it completely destroys the logic behind The Timeless Child. I should’ve put that in the video 😅
@Eagle45678910 4 года назад
jfc this is barely english.
@madeleine5561 4 года назад
Quit trying to make sense of it you'll just give yourself a headache. It's easier if one accepts that Chibs the idiot's writing makes no sense and this stopped being doctor who at the end of Twice Upon a Time. I prefer to call this sh**show imposter who.
@BWMagus 4 года назад
Yup. Moffat shit the bed when he decided that fucking in a TARDIS can just create fully-fledged Time Lords, even when done by totally different species. And Chibnall couldn't even keep up with what happened in episodes he was literally around as a writer for.
@calemr 4 года назад
There's a ton of plot holes created by the timeless child. Mainly because of the whole "She is the source of regeneration" thing. As a few examples, if she has infinite regeneration: Why did Rassilon give the Doctor another bunch of regenerations? Why will the doctor one day become the Valeyard and try to steal the 6th Doctor's remaining regenerations so he has some again? Why doesn't the Doctor use her power to sacrifice regeneration energy to heal people again, if she doesn't have to worry about running out? Why doesn't the Doctor use her power to sacrifice regeneration energy as a spaceship destroying superweapon again, if, again, she can't run out? And in future: every time the Doctor isn't willing to just throw lives away to save people, She's just... Selfish, I guess?
@amziejam8212 4 года назад
Explain this: River Song could regenerate cause of the time vortex. Cause Timelords regenerate cause of generations of exposure to the time vortex. We find out that they actually regenerate cause of stolen Doctor DNA. So how could River regenerate when she didn't have any of this DNA? I mean, I'm probably missing something cause I'm stubborn but that's just one of my many questions.
@kanashimi4356 4 года назад
Trust me you're not, the reveal just has several dozen built in plot-holes (and thats just counting the last 15 years of this nearly 60 year old show).
@irrevenant8724 3 года назад
Exposure to the Time Vortex is one way to develop the ability to regenerate, and that's how River developed it. Gallifreyans initially got the ability from the Timeless Child which helped jumpstart their civilisation (having immortal scientists kinda helps advance your technology :)), but once they developed time travel presumably they also gained access to regeneration that way too. The Timeless Child was found near 'The Guardian', a mysterious portal. I'm speculating but it would make sense if the Guardian is similar enough to the Time Vortex that the Timeless Children first developed the ability to regenerate through prolonged exposure to it.
@kanashimi4356 3 года назад
@@irrevenant8724 Actually River being exposed was the start of how she developed it, we're never told what but in a good man goes to war we're told that "You can't just cook up a Timelord" (11 Quote) and that the Silence did a bunch of stuff afterwards to get her DNA to Timelord-esque.
@irrevenant8724 3 года назад
@@kanashimi4356 Good point. There was probably a bit more involved than just exposure to the time vortex but that seems to have been the key ingredient.
@amziejam8212 3 года назад
@@irrevenant8724 It's all just very wibbly wobbly, timey wimey!!
@James-wy7pd 4 года назад
If I was the show runner I’d kill off at least one of the current companions and if there were any left I’d have the remaining ones leave in the first or second episode of the next series. I’d use this as an excuse to make the doctor fall into a mourning state and become darker because her current tone is quite cringe and the companions are terrible. Two birds with one stone
@therebel4332 4 года назад
3 companions is overkill anyway esp when they don't know each other to begin with. It worked with Amy and Rory because they were married.
@Grimlock1975 4 года назад
I'm pretty sure Bradley Walsh and the lad who played Ryan have left so those who still watch will be left with Yaz poor souls lol
@mikuconcerts7971 4 года назад
just make graham's cancer come back and then ryan leaves with him to look after him in chemo. not hard to write them out tbh. gives room for yaz to develop and then maybe they can visit ryan and graham (or kill graham and allude to his death) when the series is over and done with.
@irrevenant8724 3 года назад
Three companions is a reasonable amount *if* the writing is up to it. Plenty of shows manage to flesh out four or more main characters. Stargate: SG-1 and Sliders both had four main characters who hopped to a different setting each episode, and we had a much better feel for those characters by a dozen episodes in.
@capacitf2723 4 года назад
You have such an elite music taste
@JamesMondasian 4 года назад
Gorillaz :)
@timrosswood4259 4 года назад
Ahh... the nostalgia...
@theknightsofawesomeness2701 4 года назад
He can finally join the group of people who have elite taste in music. With people like me.
@ladams5515 4 года назад
CapaciTF2 I’m a musician and as a musician Im constantly listening to tons of music from all over the world. The music in Chibnall’s doctor who is boring and irredeemable in terms of adding anything to the show. Every culture in the world has amazing music that could have added character, warmth, power, beauty, mystery - whatever you want. Chibnall didn’t have to go with a Western composer if he didn’t want to- he could have gone for any music in the entire world and he chose what I would describe as a vibrating wall of noise. Where’s to spirit? Where’s the musicality? Where’s the rhythm? Where is that spark and creativity that differentiates noise from music? Gotta say, I don’t hear it and it makes me sad that out of an entire world of beautiful music and creative musicians from every musical background, the show runner of Doctor Who would choose such limited ‘music’. It’s disappointing.
@erikku4739 4 года назад
@LadyDoomsinger 4 года назад
The Timeless Child could've been fixed, if the twist ending had been that not The Doctor, but *The Master* was the Timeless Child, and being killed over and over, having his memories erased, and having his regeneration powers stolen was what drove him insane. That would not only explain why he was so angry upon learning the truth, that he destroyed Gallifrey, but also retroactively make all his characters much more sympathetic, because we suddenly realize that he was driven to madness and evil, being scarred by events that he couldn't even remember. And as we haven't at any point had a full timeline of all the Master's incarnations, it wouldn't break the continuity to learn that he was much older and had had far more regenerations than anyone (even himself) knew. In fact, it could even explain why he would revert to his more evil, murderous ways upon discovering the truth, and how Missy survived, as well as give a reason why he would want the Doctor to learn the truth as well; to further his continuous goal of getting back his old friend.
@timothygeorge5806 4 года назад
39:18 You're the first person I've seen talk about the fact that the Cybermen don't just shoot the General Dude! Not gonna lie, that single plot point annoyed me more than anything else this series.
@SmartSmears 4 года назад
Hey, RU-vid algorithm did something good, thanks
@Howtragicforyou 4 года назад
It breaks my heart that this show fell apart it was such an important part of my life up until arachnids in the UK. I gave up when they did
@moistmalone2181 4 года назад
Probably will have to wait till Chibnall leaves.
@beecrimes 4 года назад
@@moistmalone2181 at least he's gone after series 13. Or if he does a holiday special. But i'm worried that BBC is going to cancel the show after this because of it. And I personally don't know who could be the new showrunner, but I don't know that much about writers and stuff.
@Historyfan476AD 3 года назад
@@beecrimes Well the BBC might not be around long soon anyway or at least in their current form, due to the licence fee debate.
@UnchainedEruption 3 года назад
Big Finish is our only source of new Dr. Who now.
@ShadeStormXD 3 года назад
that series 2 scene between the cybermen and the daleks smack talking is peak
@Ra11y 4 года назад
This 2 parter is easily the most in depth and detailed look into exactly what went horribly wrong with the show. In addition, the quality of these videos are far beyond what I’d expect from your subscriber count! As someone who grew up with new who, it deeply saddens me to see one of the defining intellectual properties of my childhood be dumbed down into coronation street grandma telly for the few people still flicking through the channels of their TV...
@slevinchannel7589 3 года назад
Chibnal legit admitted that he always had the 'Timeless Child' in Planning since the very beginning. Please notice that this means that he always wanted to intentionally ruin the Franchise; a Franchise that is in World Record Books for how big and influencal it is. The Female Doctors Actor also made Tweets that show that shes a BRAT that NEVER respected her Role or her Predeccesors. She said that. Think about this slowly and readily.
@hilotakenaka 4 года назад
There’s so much potential in the series. So much that could be explored in the series Remember the Thals? AKA the rivals of the Daleks? Surely they provide an important role to the story, right? Or what about the Gelth? Their bodies were destroyed in the time war right? What if the doctor encountered them prior to such? Imagine the guilt they’d have to face as not only were the time lords partly responsible for their corporeal genocide, but the doctor THEMSELVES were directly responsible in preventing their physical return. What about the Sycorax? The doctor once said they survived until the end of time itself yet we never see their power in full extent. Hell *what about E-Space???*
@noneed4me2n7 4 года назад
Hilo Takenaka yeah exploring those storylines would require research and god forbid actual work and creativity. Most of the writers in my age group went to same school of lazy asspulls. Mystery box type crap with no logical backstory in universe and no way to reconcile a makes sense resolution or ending. Continuity is to bothersome for these types.
@hgwsavage 4 года назад
That's just listing ways they could go back to old seasons. That doesn't mean the season would be good, just different
@noneed4me2n7 4 года назад
I think he was just pointing out how rich a setting the previous series have built up and what they could draw from if they bothered to put in the effort.
@hollyvanwye4438 4 года назад
You have great ideas, all based on the 57-year history of this franchise. Problem is, the current scribes aren't really conversant with pre-Jodie DW and could care less. By right Chibs should have hired someone like you, a true fan, to be his creative consultant, but of course he didn't. In fact, I'd bet that all of us on this board, who love what the show used to be, could come up with better storylines than what we've been seeing lately.
@mayotango1317 4 года назад
The Thal are extint in the post time War era.
@chikowashere 3 года назад
Spot on about the Master, they shat on and ignored everything that Michelle Gomez and Missy did.
@DasKame 3 года назад
And also: Every Fan hated the "The Master become female" idea in the First Place. Poor Michelle had to earn it, that was the saddest Thing of all
@veggiesupreme3556 2 года назад
You mentioning midnight made me go back and watch it for maybe the 20th time. One of my all time favourite episodes despite it literally being a filler episode with nothing to do with the overall story of that season besides that little clip of rose on the TV
@CRAZYMUGMAN 3 года назад
"what happening to doctor who?" i'll tell you what happened to it, it ended when the 12th doctor regenerated
@DasKame 3 года назад
Series 8 Ratings anyone? XD
@Rocksteady72a 4 года назад
When the execution is categorized as "special" 😂 Let's be fair, the execution of this Chibnall's entire era is.. special.
@RealDBOfficial 4 года назад
@abrr2000 4 года назад
you missed out the quotation marks. it's "special"
@w00master 4 года назад
To each their own, loved series 12 and have been following Who since the 80's. Thought Chibs stuck the landing with the finale. Seems as if many Who fans forgot one the greatest things about the show: Change
@Rocksteady72a 4 года назад
@@w00master Most have. But for many, and especially myself, change can be shocking, but then you learn to eventually love it. 11 felt shockingly silly in immediate contrast to the heartcrushing regeneration before him, but them he became my absolute favorite Doctor. 12 felt shockingly -old- different as well, and was especially hard for me after 11, but then he eventually became an absolutely fantastic Doctor. The thing about 13 was, ironically, I was looking forward to it, so the shock only hit after the premiere when it didn't quite live up to what I had imagined. And then what followed didn't instill love for the story, but instead a growing feeling that maybe it should have stopped. That's not "just accept change!", that's something a little bit deeper in the show that has strayed. Possibly a tangent, but the franchise I grew up with was Stargate. SG1 and SGA had a identifiable "campyness" to it, and fans got used to it for it's 13 year run. Then SGU changed everything, in complete contrast to the tone, focus, and cast scope of its predecessors, similar to Chibnall. The only difference is, SGU built upon what was set before it and grew it in natural ways, with gratifying cameos (such as "Oh, they're now xxx now, that makes sense and is rewarding to see" type stuff. Umm... to put elegantly 😅) and drawing from surprisingly minute details from throughout the show, while also operating as a jumping point for an entirely new audience who hasn't watched the franchise before. It stands as how to instill change while honoring and evolving what can before, in contrast to how Chibnall's undermined and retconned what came before (to put basically. Video essays of course explain this entirely better)
@ft.jackjimmy7282 3 года назад
Lowkey wished this show just ended with the 12th doctor. That's a nice round number, the 50th anniversary had Tom Baker telling the Doctor to find Gallifrey, then he finds it, then he retires by inspiring Gallifreyan kids to go explore the universe and one of the kids is actually his younger self, lol JK. I know Doctor Who never suppose to end, but I like endings, endings make us appreciate the time we had with the show. I liked the fact that there was a limit to the Doctor's regeneration and I wished that had stuck. I watched the 11th, then went back for 10th but then was too late to watch the 12th before it's gone from Netflix and I don't have BBC. To me, I just pretend Doctor Who ended with the 12th even though I haven't seen it.
@patricklee5239 3 года назад
Becoming a Dreg seems to be a pretty decent outcome of a climate apocalypse: enhanced strength, ferocity, ability to breathe CO2, inherent understanding of scientific concepts, and enhanced understanding of languages, all while retaining humanity's intelligence, resourcefulness, and problem solving skills. Overall, not a bad deal. I think Chibs didn't mean for this to be the message we come away with, though.
@teddabear8890 4 года назад
Quick addition to the comment about the dregs being able to understand English: these are Russian dregs so the mutation made them multilingual
@FaeChangeling 4 года назад
36:31 You know, I never realised that before. The Doctor always regenerates into an adult or elderly person, and yet the timeless child aged progressively by like 1 year every time they regenerated to show them getting older, even though that's not how regeneration works. Also Melody Pond was a kid and regenerated into a kid. So I guess it's based on your current mental age? In that case I guess the Doctor was a blathering baby in an adult body for a few minutes before they regenerated.
@JackFroster 4 года назад
The rules of regeneration are very clear. They regenerate into whatever the plot calls for.
@CGIngerguy 4 года назад
Stopped watching the show after two episodes of series 11, came back to watch spyfall when I heard the master was back, stopped watching again after I saw what they’d done to the character
@madeleine5561 4 года назад
Yeah. That left me pissed. I thought I couldn't get more furious after Spyfall but then the timeless child came...
@checkm8964 4 года назад
The best part of this season was how much fun me and my mum got out of watching it. Not because any of the episodes were good, or that the acting was award winning. But because there were so many things we could take the piss out of 🤣🤣 My mum who very very rarely swears in front of us finished Orphan 55 and went "Well that was utter shit"
@ivannovak3414 3 года назад
Whittaker's doctor always reminds me of Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn, acting "lol 'm so random" like a prepubescent girl
@4203105 4 года назад
I really hope the current master is pre-Missy. Otherwise this is even more crap than it already is.
@joseaguilar3323 4 года назад
I think Chibnall hated the Moffat Era and is trying to remake the RTD era. His master is basically a redux of the Sims Master.
@frankrappa4765 4 года назад
12 in the mini tardis will always be hysterical 😆😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂
@riccardocalosso5688 4 года назад
I keep reading Chibnall as Chinball, I can't do anything about it.
@freebeerishere 4 года назад
Riccardo Calosso omg no now i can’t unsee it
@UnchainedEruption 3 года назад
lol South Park chinballs
@kanashimi4356 4 года назад
Its so great that every other series finale from Series 8 onwards is "The Master and the Cybermen Fight the Doctor"
@eastlynburkholder3559 4 года назад
Chibnal rewrites the history and replaces it with things that make no sense and are not entertaining. I call this a very bad trade. Angry cybermen and that the Master makes a deal with the Cybermen after he has killed the other time lords and the Master has now no need for the Cybermen and 10 other things make no sense whatsoever.
@alexturlais8558 4 года назад
Dont forget, humanity has gone from creating powerful and giant empires that span the universe, to destroying earth, becoming predator monsters, and being made virtually extinct after a cyberman invasion.
@eastlynburkholder3559 4 года назад
@@alexturlais8558 And did that make sense to you? Could you follow the ''story' Chibs made? Ha hah ha and deadly serious.
@JoshuaKevinPerry 4 года назад
Wouldn't TimeLord slave soldiers be better than CyberLords? No metal to fuck up, just permanently regenerating soldiers, like that DS9 episode
@eastlynburkholder3559 4 года назад
@@JoshuaKevinPerry Exactly If timelords can regenerate endlessly, then Cyber armour is pointless to have. On the other hand, the Master is mad. And after the Master has won and laid waste to Galifrey and killed all the other time lords (but how? Maybe with explosive poops as one commenter suggested), then there is no reason at all to invite the Cybermen to be allies. Cybermen never could use dead organic material before this and Cybermen never wanted to destroy all organic life, but now in the Chibnsl era cybermen do which is odd rather than amusing or interesting. And the death particle makes less sense than when my 5 and a half year old great nephew made up a story (in which the Master did not appear, but a bad bad nean guy did appear) and I got killed with ketchup and made alive with mustard and I did this in our story about 3 times and no I was not like a jesus or a god figure, just a space ship driver and truck fixer but not as good at it as he was and my ship was as fast as his ship. As the timeless childwas teased, I thought we might get something like the idea on StarTrek that many humanoids can be host for the Trill, but this is kept secret on the home planet where the Trill and the humanoids that are their host live, and a rigorous selection process screens for the few compatible ones among the humanoid that can be hosts, in a process like early astronaut selection. However, this turns out to be a a lie and not intended to reduce the failed bondings that could kill host and Trill, because we are told, that it would ferment political unrest and competition and strife were the humanoid population to know that most any humanoid can bond with most any host and hosts being relatively rare, this would make hosts sought after by the rich among other bad effects on society on this world.
@mayotango1317 4 года назад
@@alexturlais8558 The CyberWars is canon in the classic Series.
@aredblip1315 4 года назад
"It's truly not Jodie's fault." Disagree. Just because an actor is good at playing a certain kind of character does not mean they are capable or playing other kinds of characters. For example, some actors are good at comedic roles but bad at serious roles and vice versa. I think Jodie just isn't capable of playing this particular character. Capaldi had some very awful stories but his acting was always great.
@frogradar 4 года назад
And that's why people felt very bad for Capaldi because they knew his previous works and hated how the show treat him.
@wcheungmusic 4 года назад
I second this disagreement. Jodie has said that she wasn't a fan of the show, and she found watching previous Doctor Who episodes to be "unhelpful" so she didn't bother, happily saying so on the Graham Norton Show. Previous actors employed to play the Doctor have been fans of the show. Not only that, but if I was hiring an actor to for the lead role in say, a Shakespeare production, I would ask, "have you looked up some other Shakespeare works in preparation for the part?" and I would have expected them to have done their homework. Jodie almost zero research before landing on set, and it's no wonder her incarnation is the least "Doctor-like" of the lot, because she doesn't know the spirit of the show. Her work lacks passion, and it stems from her pride in her ignorance.
@TinPrince 4 года назад
I disagree with you. Jodie's actual personality isn't far from what I feel Chibnal and the other writers are attempting to do with the character of the Doctor. Somehow they've managed to strip her of any personality and the direction seems to be just as at fault as the writing. These actors are good, and a good actor is flexible.
@baishihua 4 года назад
I think it is a lot in the missing details. Firstly, maybe it is just me, but Jodie Whittaker has this high pitch, breathy voice, it has no weight, and the accent doesn't help, so when she tries to intimidate, it feels weak. A counter example would be Alex Kingston as River Song, when she gets angry and losing her shit, you can really feel that gravita, that rasp coming through her voice. Secondly, I am not a fan of her outfit, it is too.....friendly, which would be no problem for someone like Petar Capaldi as his face alone is intense enough, but Jodie Whittaker already looks too harmless, plus that outfit she could at best shush kids in primary school. She also often hunch her shoulder and not facing directly towards an enemy during a confrontation, maybe that works for some people but for me it is like she wants to run away.
@rycloud_1 4 года назад
I've heard there was an interview between her and David Tennant, Tennant asked if she looked at any past performances and old episodes to get a feel for the character and she just said no. The way he she stated it sounded like she was implying that the previous actors all got the role wrong and she was here to play it right. Don't know if there is any truth to that but I would like to add that Eccleston and Matt Smith, 2 people who showed no interest in Doctor Who before picking up the role both did their research on the character. Hell Matt Smith enjoyed watching the 2nd Doctor so much that he is the reason the 11th Doctor also wears a bowtie.
@itsDareTV 3 года назад
That guy playing the finger geezer was trying to understand it himself when explaining it lmao
@Rosssums 3 года назад
Yaz could be the best companion. She’s a police officer who ran away as a child and seemingly has through depression. They show glimmers of her character. She is the one that helps out the doctor take on the small alien on the hospital space ship episode, showing her bravery. She also uses her police officer defends training in kerblam! When she apprehends the villain. She almost needs to be the ‘order’ for the doctors scatterbrained madness. I just hope they build on these small seeds they dropped in the next season. If not it may aswell stop trying
@ICrazySkills 4 года назад
I feel like the politics of the most recent seasons must also be addressed in terms of WTF happened to the show. Although it has always been political, make no mistake, I don't think it was always shoved down our throats. It has been likened to a dora the explorer episode where EVERY episode has a 5 minute speech detailing what is right and the correct thing to do/think/feel. It's fucking insufferable to anyone above the age of 5. They are free to have whatever agenda they like but when their politics is woven into every story, every arc and then forced onto the audience in such an insulting way, of course the show will be shot
@gamonstudios 4 года назад
ICrazySkills this could easily be fixed if they had some fucking subtlety and didn’t act like their audience is dumb
@frogradar 4 года назад
the Nazi episode pissed me right off. One, got a non-white guy to play a Nazi, real fucking classy. two, the Doctor saying "it's a new low even for him" and "the Nazi's are the worst" fuck off. The Doctor knows the Daleks AND the Cybermen AND the Sontarans AND THE SLITHEEN to name a few main villains who have committed UNIVERSAL ATROCITIES (cough, badwolf station being a human farm for Daleks) and she fucking has the Audacity the Nazi's are up there on that list. Fuck right off, the Nazi's are bad but they are stuck on Earth and also weren't all evil as they had to Obey their leader or die too. I mean ffs, the Daleks were written based on the Nazi's themselves but on a universal scale it's embarassing.
@byungbin1395 4 года назад
@@frogradar I mean, Daleks were literally designed to be space fascists, so while the comparison in terms of universal scale is a bit dumb, it doesn't seem out of character for the Doctor. But the Master playing a Nazi, reality filter or not, was really uncomfortable for me to watch.
@frogradar 4 года назад
I honestly disagree. In the scale of doctor who and the universe, the Nazis are the tamest "villain" the doctor has came across.
@honkeykong4049 4 года назад
@@frogradar Since when were they the villains of anything ever?
@CplShephard1 3 года назад
The silence will come when the question is answered: The question: Doctor Who? The answer: The Timeless Child The silence: Doctor Who is cancelled.
@nicolastargino9220 3 года назад
12:40 what happened to the TARDIS translating basically EVERYTHING in EVERY language in the universe????
@MrCalls1 4 года назад
Im never going to force anyone into any view on Dr Who, and I will probably watch the next season, because I just can’t bring myself to give up in the show I have loved since age 5 and made me the person I am today. But in my head, when I rewatch past episodes, I am erasing Chinbnall from the future, the doctor is eventually building to being the good kind hearted man, who got his planet and his best friend back. Who decided he was finally complete, and it was time to let go and refused to regenerate on from Peter Capaldi. He now rests peacefully in his tardiness forevermore. I believe this because if the doctor truly is a god with no home, no soul and no moral conviction, then the doctor is worthless, and never had a moral backbone with which to teach child me, and is in fact responsible for the many who died in his name, for what we all thought was the best. But now we can only presume it’s because the doctor wasn’t willing to use the powers of the chosen one to save them, because he is just too lazy.
@tedgbird 4 года назад
yes lads come on waited a week for this lmao
@grantrockliff1542 4 года назад
Imagine if It was the Master who was the timeless child. And maybe that incarnation was previous to what we've seen before.
@MstEli 4 года назад
This Master is before Missy. Until stated otherwise, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. At least as far as the timeless child thing is concerned I hope they explain the rules of this in the next season. The doctor could still die if someone/something killed them before they could regenerate. Does that still stand? Does this mean the doctor just has infinite do overs unless someone double-taps?
@Trev359 4 года назад
@@MstEli There's no reason why this Master can't be after Missy.
@MstEli 4 года назад
@@Trev359 it's Doctor Who, so anything is possible. With that said, there's no reason why this Master can't be before Missy. Makes more sense (to me).
@4203105 4 года назад
@@Trev359 the reason is that it would be shit to completely throw out all of Missy's character development.
@seanjones7694 4 года назад
Would give a reason why the master keeps coming back, not a good reason, but a reason
@LongStripeyScarf 4 года назад
There is a fix to this disgusting series ending. In a later story, you activate the recall circuit (the one used in the classic series). The Doctor has a major panic, the Time Lords must be alive, I’ve got to go back etc etc. Sure enough, the Time Lords are alive. Civilisation in tact. Turns out that this was all part of ‘The Trial of The Master’. Yep. That’s what this was the whole time. The Time Lords knowingly reanimated the Master for the Time War. But now, he’s a problem. We can’t put up with this nonsense now that the war is over, so now we need to expose his true character and sentence the psycho. Easy. Not only that, but the Timeless child was the Master all the time. All that torture and constant child murder was dropped on him, no wonder he went absolutely mental. (The outcome of the trial being that the Time Lords accept that the Master is their own fault, he’s their doing and their creation.). He was dropped into the scenario, inside the Matrix, given a “truth” to discover and he uses it to taunt the Doctor and used this chance to destroy the Time Lord society (or so he thought, because this was all a test that’s been set up by the Time Lords to either expose or redeem him). References made to Trial of a Time Lord in 1986. What he’s chosen to do within the matrix is create an army to bring them down. No redemption for you naughty boy. Oh by the way, the timeless child was you. We’re sorry, but we set this simulation up to show you how a morally good person might react. Hence we dragged the Doctor into this scenario and let her believe that this story was about her as well. She was a pawn in all this, sorry lol. What I like about this, is that now, every Time Lord now has a bit of the Master in them. That’s pretty dark. Explains a lot. Doesn’t matter what the actual court ruling is in the end because we just need to fix this shit and undo some stupid. Fiiiiixxxeeeeddd. Give me the job BBC, I can do so much better than Chibnall.
@BWMagus 4 года назад
Still really shits on the last few seasons of the Master's character shift.
@LongStripeyScarf 4 года назад
BWMagus it does a little, but the Master has had a couple of character shifts now. I like to think that we haven’t seen the Master in the correct order, so perhaps the current one comes before John Simm. I’m more concerned with re-railing the Doctor now.
@BWMagus 4 года назад
@@LongStripeyScarf That's not possible. He died in the movie and was resurrected during the war, but, as a coward, he quickly fled to the end of the universe and took a human form, where we first meet him as Professor Yana. So he'd have to squeeze in somewhere else. Which I guess is possible. But he doesn't really seem like the classic Master either, although that could just be because the actor isn't playing him well.
@ErikkuBlade 4 года назад
You know something good did come out of this series of the doctor, this video was made
@TheMutantCreeper 4 года назад
Honestly the ambient music is nice. Just not meant for Doctor Who or any show.
@theautor9699 4 года назад
for me the whole Jodie run isnt canon, its the only way my two hearts wont break, seeing what happend to my love...
@DasKame 3 года назад
But Demons of Punjab? It's so much better than ost of the last Seasons before...
@lindsayballif5964 4 года назад
“Never be cruel nor cowardly, fuck that.” I’m dead
@Sceptile-nj5li 4 года назад
23:18 Did Chibs just see Sam O'Nella talking about "fingerboy" and went: "Yes. That is gonna be the villain of the episode"
@eastlynburkholder3559 4 года назад
Jodie Whitaker is a good actor but she needs a script to work with.
@mertbiceroglu1949 4 года назад
She is the worst. Capaldi had bad scripts matt smith had bad scripts they still managed to BE the doctor. She's just a bad broken ass 3rd hand replica
@shabadabba 4 года назад
I think she's not a good actor. Her line delivery is awful
@matthewsnow679 4 года назад
@@shabadabba I totally disagree, she's been great in other things - she has terrible scripts and very poor direction for every episode of doctor who
@eastlynburkholder3559 4 года назад
@@shabadabba We can agree to disagree on this point. One of my favorite actors in my opinion should have been as big as Tom Cruise but he wasn't. I do not understand how Tom Cruise keeps getting offers to make more movies, so my tastes are different from some or even most.
@JoshuaKevinPerry 4 года назад
Probably a good actor, not a good Doctor
@mojo481 4 года назад
i pray in the future they retcon some stuff chibbnal has done
@DasKame 3 года назад
retcon? In Dr. Who??? That woubl be new!
@jonathanparkes8977 4 года назад
No matter how you feel about Jodie, this Chibnall era needs to be erased from the cannon ASAP if the program is to survive. It's just an omnishambles. The stories don't make sense. The whole Doctor identity is being destroyed with new incompetent Chibnallisms. It's a disater.
@michaelsoftbinbows Год назад
All I can hear in that episode is “this is not war, this is cyber-bullying”
@LicensedContractor 4 года назад
Yeah, Chibnall really do be kinda doodoo.
@slevinchannel7589 3 года назад
Chibnal legit admitted that he always had the 'Timeless Child' in Planning since the very beginning. Please notice that this means that he always wanted to intentionally ruin the Franchise; a Franchise that is in World Record Books for how big and influencal it is. Think about this slowly and readily.
@wilfteasdale2681 4 года назад
You know, I'm quite satisfied with the ending of Dr Who in season 10. I think it concludes the entire show well. Yeah, I loved the END OF THE SHOW, in SEASON 10 There are NONE AFTER THAT
@Fyrestar 4 года назад
Not gonna lie, the last few minutes of this video made me cry. I think i've come to the definitive decision that everything after series 10 just straight up isn't canon. I like to think that when Peter Capaldi was choosing whether to regenerate or not, he decided not to and die. I seriously wish the show ended like that, that's how shit it's become.
@sporebryan2000 3 года назад
The meme thats sums up my feelings about this is just one - The Godfather scene "Look how they massacrated my little boy"
@capacitf2723 4 года назад
Funny I found u earlier this morning (in UK so like 12 hours ago) and u just posted pt2. I can defo see you hitting over 100k ur way funnier than a lot of video essayists rn.
I found part 1 today too lol
@sackboy8472 4 года назад
Used to be a Doctor who fan, used to watch it with my Dad from when Rose first aired when I was just 11 years old. I absolutely love the Christopher Eccleston, and the David Tennant era of Doctor who.Matt Smith was cool but gradually went downhill. God I still remember how bad the Christmas special 2011 was. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, oh god it was terrible, remember my Dad just said Doctor who is getting silly now and just switched off the tv with a disappointed face. The problem with the Steven Moffat era was that it was wildly inconsistent in quality, half of the time it was god awful, the other half was really good. The 50th anniversary was a blast to see at the cinema, but Matt Smith should have been the last Doctor and ended the series there. Now we have a female Docotor who turned out wasn't even a Timelord, just make it stop. Sometimes its best just to end a show when it needs to, instead of milking it dry and spewing out garbage.
@beecrimes 4 года назад
My thoughts on the whole series is that series 1-5 were the best, a few bad episodes but they were all entertaining. 6-10 were alright, they weren't nessisarily bad but weren't that great with a few good episodes here and there. Series 11 and 12 are just a dumpster fire.
@Nana-yt5is 3 года назад
I started watching as a kid too I think I must've been around 10 (in my 20's now). I started with tenant I'd just watch it randomly when it came on the bbc and then I became obsessed and went back to watch eccleston too. I loved Tennant but grew to enjoy Matt Smith too. Unfortunatley towards the end of his run it started to go downhill and I really disliked Clara. I vowed to stay loyal up until his regeneration where I'll just sadly give up on the show. His regeneration was so lackluster too :/ I forgot about DW for a while until I found commentary on old random episodes of the show and then I remembered how much this show meant to me and how amazing it was in its prime. Looking at it now I'm just sad. But at least it had an amazing run for a good while and those episodes are always there for us to enjoy again.
@flaggerify 3 года назад
Season 7 ended with Name, Day and Time of the Doctor. Not exactly downhill.
@shayritchie8902 4 года назад
I actually think your conclusion gave the series more credit than it deserves. I don’t think the show even appeals to children anymore. It isn’t creative or fun enough to attract kids, yet it doesn’t explore any serious themes or character development to attract adults. Chibbs alienated everyone.
@Kez_DXX 3 года назад
Give the roll of the Doctor to Jodie Whittaker and watch her fumble with an established character < Bringing back the Doctor's Daughter to become the protag and explore the universe with a fresh perspective that doesn't have all the answers, allowing actresses to develop a new (relatively speaking) character.
@carealoo744 4 года назад
I've been waiting for this! I remember back when I would feel repelled by even a video as long as 15 minutes. Back then, I never thought I would be so excited, to see nearly a 50-minute runtime! I see you've grown a lot in the past week alone. And you definitely deserve it! Thank-you. :)
@xandercostas1190 4 года назад
Benni was the real timeless child
@jenthehen1011 2 года назад
"Never be cruel or cowardly ... fuck that" - I snorted.
@tomnorton4277 Год назад
To be fair, Peter Capaldi was both cruel and cowardly for a good chunk of Season 8.
@LloydEWatson1983 4 года назад
I just keep telling myself it ended with Peter Capaldi on Christmas Day 2017.
@slevinchannel7589 3 года назад
Chibnal legit admitted that he always had the 'Timeless Child' in Planning since the very beginning. Please notice that this means that he always wanted to intentionally ruin the Franchise; a Franchise that is in World Record Books for how big and influencal it is. The Female Doctors Actor also made Tweets that show that shes a BRAT that NEVER respected her Role or her Predeccesors. She said that. Think about this slowly.
@yngwievanhalen9640 3 года назад
Say what you will about the "bad" episodes of the Davies and Moffat (though especially Davies) eras, at least they were creative. In fact "bad" episodes from the Davies era are often so creative and ridiculous that I can't actually call them bad at all, they're way too entertaining. I can't hate the Slitheen, or the Abzorbaloff or even the episode Fear Her, because while definitely terrible on paper, what other show would have the BALLS to put something so potentially stupid on screen. In the Davies era they let their creative run wild and threw literally anything they thought up on screen, and that's fantastic.
@tomnorton4277 Год назад
Moffat was more creative than Davies. He wasn't as consistent but he had creativity coming out the wazoo.
@emily-kk2vs 3 года назад
i had to pause the video after the salt clip from 10 and donna cause i was laughing too much, at no other point did i do this,,
@gravytme 4 года назад
imo the funniest part of Orphan 55 is that everybody forgot about Cassandra being the last human.
@George-yq5sz 4 года назад
“BENNI” initiated my fight or flight response
@timrosswood4259 4 года назад
I think the Master in season 12 was great, but he doesn't make any sense. Chibnall just threw important character development out the window.
@zyme5998 4 года назад
By that you mean he pretty much threw character development out the window (and character development is important!).
@eastlynburkholder3559 4 года назад
@@zyme5998 The problem is that SJW writers think a lesbian character is inherently interesting or a black female is inherently interesting and so on. Well, check the boxes of forced diversity writing is not working for you Chibnal. The show makes sense in an odd way only if you realize that the show is based on the pretty bits ripped off of other movies and shows and video games. The scenes are like the pile of pretty bits on the floor after the step sisters rip the pretty bits off of Cinderella's dress. The seemingly randomly ordered scenes quick cut together do not add up to an episode just as the pretty bits on the floor do not amount to a whole dress and there is no narrative thread linking this. We get shiny and running and lots of bad camera angles that shoot up into people's nostrils. Even Saturday morning tv for children of previous decades filmed on small sets and with low budgets could avoid shooting up people's nostrils and allowed character development. And Bill was a person we knew before Bill talks about liking a girl who saw something odd and showed it to Bill. The Chibnal companions have had nearly zero character development. Praising the remaining companion is not a substitute for character development.
@eastlynburkholder3559 4 года назад
Graham looks so checked out on this episode.
@4203105 4 года назад
I think he was extremely annoying and over the top, but other than that, I agree.
@mayotango1317 4 года назад
The Master become mad by the revelation of the Timeless Child.
@gamingst8835 4 года назад
The sad music freaking got me at the end remembering how good the show could be
@CoffeeForAll 4 года назад
I just find it beyond absurd that they picked someone that looks, sounds and talks like the companions that the doctor picks up all the time. Who thought that a cardboard box would be interesting as the lead?
@deanlejeune5005 4 года назад
i subbed after watching part 1 and i dont regret it one bit after seeing this video. Super well put together and funny, glad i got recommended this during my doctor who binges
@emma4557 4 года назад
I always thought it would've been way more fitting for Tecteun to have been the Doctor - she ends up being a kind of doctor to the timeless child in the flashbacks, which could add some backstory to why the Doctor chose the name "Doctor" in the first place. Maybe in the realisation of what she'd done, she decided no one should have that power or that immortality, and so she erased all of what she knew and herself decided on the limited number of regenerations allowed for Timelords. Left herself with only the echo of the message - to be a doctor, but a good one this time. Or better still I would love for the Master to be revealed to the Timeless Child next series. Would be less jarring and make more sense character-wise - would explain why he's regressed sanity-wise since Missy, as his whole identity is called into question, would explain the anger, and elevated his sense of importance and superiority. Plus we'd get to see the Doctor try to deal with knowing that she came from the Master and struggling to convince the Master that he is not a god. Would also keep that whole "the timelords give the doctor a whole new set of regenerations" thing valid. Or my favourite twist idea - we could have an episode where the other version of the Doctor we met (Ruth) and the Master are together with the Doctor after the reveal at the end of the last series. After a while of the Doctor finding out things that don't quite add up to do with the whole timeless child thing - maybe memories later on start surfacing that don't seem like her, paradoxes appearing (would explain everything that doesn't make sense/continuity errors in series 11/12) - Ruth reveals that she is actually a regeneration of the Master and it turns out that at some point (hopefully there's a bit in the last series we could use to explain this) the O version of the Master implanted the timeless child memories into the Doctor's head - and both Masters have been working together this whole time. (Also explains why Ruth was a wanted by the Judoon). Then they escape together and could come back again for the series finale. This could work with the Master as the real Timeless Child or (ideally) with no timeless child at all, and it just being a figment of the Master's imagination. And it doesn't mess up the entire narrative of Doctor Who and who The Doctor is!
@magic713m 4 года назад
I like to think every regeneration that includes a change in showrunner involves the TARDIS taking the Doctor to another reality, where they have a similar but not perfect past. So new master, Gallifrey destruction, etc, they are all limited to the Chibnall's fan fiction of a Doctor Who era. Same for Moffet and Davies versions. The TARDIS taking damage in the regeneration (showrunner switch) is actually it absorbing mass amounts of the regen energy so it can jump into the new reality. That's my delusion and I'm sticking to it.
@shahstormaggedoni5854 4 года назад
I think it's much better to pretend that the series ends with the 12th doctor mid-regeneration
@gamonstudios 4 года назад
Shah Stormaggedon I 12 died saving the humans on that space ship and is being carried by cyber bill
@therestorationofdrwho1865 4 года назад
John Simm coming back doesn’t make sense for that then.
@redjirachi1 4 года назад
They acknowledge 6 and 8, they're going to acknowledge 13 in the second revival series
@xtree8068 4 года назад
mabye the master should be the timeless child because it explains why the master keeps coming back from the dead
@marcos-ll2yr 2 года назад
37:59 you kill me in that part ''thank God, never be cruel or Cowardly , fuck that'' hahahahahaha
@zapzya 4 года назад
I walked in on my dad watching the finale, right during the "overload the matrix" moment, and just chuckled to myself. I went to the bathroom, then when I came back later, I saw the doctor about to blow up the master, saw the dude sacrifice himself and thought "huh, cyberium resistance unit from the future? That actually sounds pretty cool". Then found out it wasn't actually mentioned in the episode and laughed again.
@LoveSierraAnastasia 4 года назад
Just remembered i literally fell asleep twice trying to watch the finale. Woke up, rewinded it, and proceeded to fall asleep again😂
@thebrowneyedgirl97 3 года назад
To be fair, dr who has always had an abundance of Sciencemagic
@starrynight7783 3 года назад
Every time I hear her say what I get that "u wot m8" meme in my head.
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