
What Happens When We Die According to the Bible? • Heaven and Earth Ep. 4 

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The Bible doesn't use the phrase "go to heaven" to describe what happens after death. In fact, Jesus says some things about heaven that can seem confusing to us. Join Tim and Jon as they continue their conversation about the biblical themes of Heaven and Earth.
In this episode, you'll learn ...
What Jesus was trying to communicate about Heaven in the Gospel of John
What it means for Heaven and Earth to overlap
What it means for Jesus' followers to be "not of this world"
Browse our entire channel for more podcast episodes and animated videos that help people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.



28 сен 2024




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@bibleproject Год назад
*Why am I seeing ads on this video?* We are a nonprofit, crowdfunded organization and don’t make any money from advertising. Because of music licensing restrictions, we are unable to control ads on this video. 100% of our videos, podcasts, and educational resources are available for free. You can listen to our entire podcast library, check out our other resources, and give at bibleproject.com
@justfin3510 Год назад
hi Bible Project, love your vids
@andsoitgoes1142 Год назад
I have heard another content creator say that their is a setting to limit the amount of ads within a video.
@andsoitgoes1142 Год назад
I am left more confused than ever. You could have eliminated the first half of this video and been more specific in the last. The whole concept is fairly nebulous to me. I thin. Maybe we should just focus on serving God because He is our Father, and stop concerning our selves with worldly concepts like rewards. It seems none of us have it right anyway.
@binaryagenda Год назад
Maybe you should remove the music then? It really doesn't add much
@revelationbeats_ Год назад
Let us gift you music for your videos. I’ve been a fan for a few years now. Love how much I’ve learned from your videos and podcasts. Bless you both
@FamousAmos102 Год назад
Thank you for focusing on the endgame: the resurrection of the dead and heaven and earth coming together! You opened my baby Christian eyes up to this reality years ago and has increasingly been my focus. Thank you for your service to the body of Christ! While listening to this, God gave me a new perspective on Romans 8:39 - “nor height [heaven] nor depth [hell], nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭39‬ ‭ESV‬‬
@brunobucciaratiswife Год назад
I never truly understood heaven until listening to this podcast. My parents still believe in the “kingdom in the clouds” thing. I don’t care what happens to me when I die, I just hope that I am with Jesus and Our Lord. I’d be fine with simply not existing at all, or being in an eternal sleep.
@amyhenningsgard8618 Год назад
Apostle Paul: “Absent from the body, present with the Lord.” He knew where he was going.
@billykilpatrick1299 Год назад
But…..is that really what the Apostle Paul said?
@joeysoto3604 Год назад
Heaven is the sky and universe. Its not that foolish to think that when people die they go to the sky or "out there".
@Jess.E. 11 месяцев назад
@@billykilpatrick1299Definitely not.
@peripheralvisionpdx8557 10 месяцев назад
This is how I felt for a long time until a mentor of mine challenged me that perhaps my beliefs were tide to my feelings towards myself. Could I begin love myself the way God loved me? I might crave a melting away of my individuality into permanent sleep, or non-existence in God. But Yahweh wishes to preserve what he loves and what he made me to be… and can I accept that too? It’s worth meditating on.
@TruthSeeker-1704 9 месяцев назад
Very thoughtful teaching- this is the understanding I was taught, raised as a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian. But I like how you’ve shown the big picture through all the scripture. I keep reading through the Bible and each time I get more clarity and realize some things I’ve believed have been man made tradition and not actually what Yahweh really said… thank you for your discussions ❤
@helenayip4287 Год назад
I have always enjoy Bible projects on the books of the Bible. You are now doing "topical", I am so pleased with your video. Praise God for your work!
@hazelrodgers4896 Год назад
If you visit old cemeteries, look at the C18th headstones and see so often 'asleep in Jesus' written. Maybe our modern minds have forgotten what was previously known? Thank you for this discussion - good to get the brain working on scripture.
@Son0fFlynn Год назад
Jesus described death as sleep over 66 times
@stevegeorge6131 Год назад
Because the biblical image of someone dead is like they're asleep. There is no soul sleep in the bible. Only the body is here. Paul said the same.
@cognoscenticycles4351 Год назад
Jesus describes death as sleep and this makes perfect sense when we examine the scriptures that speak of the resurrection as those who are awoken to hear the voice of the Master and are raised from the dead. 1 Corinthians 15 speaks of being given new bodies which are immortal. This doesn't actually happen until Christ returns at the last trumpet. So while Christ is away, we sleep in death until one day when he returns to establish his kingdom.
@Ohotnikova_ 10 месяцев назад
I’m glad there are smart people in here! Yes, just like what happened to Lazarus, we are asleep.
@mchristr 7 месяцев назад
@@Ohotnikova_ It's a little bit strange to contrast the "smart people" (untrained RU-vid posters) with Dr. Mackie, who has an academic doctorate in biblical studies.
@Snowystardust12 10 месяцев назад
This was awesome! I also was raised thinking that a disembodied life in a non physical heaven is our true eternal life. This makes it hard to truly love and delight in this world, just as God loved this world enough to sacrifice his son. Your wonderful talks have liberated me from that platonic influence, illuminating that the Bible never rejects physical existence, and instead holds it as essential to our eternal being, and that’s why salvation is needed, to eventually grant us a resurrected (eternal) physical body, and a physical earth that is of the same nature as Jesus’ resurrected body. Thank you, this is a huge paradigm shift. I feel like I’m reconnected to Adam, who inherited this earth in order to serve God’s plan for it.
@ariloves10 10 месяцев назад
@edison4eva Год назад
Always looking forward for all these topics. Really helps me see the truth in the Bible.
@erickrogmann1881 Год назад
Start listening to you guys last year. Lostt my brother in November. I would like to say I know, but "believe" puts faith in God and doesn't rely on my intelligence, but God's word. I believe I will see Jesus and and my brother. I eagerly wait for the day that I can see justice triumph over sin in my life completely, forever. I want to have so much to say that God did for me because of His guidance, His direction, so I'm glad I found this extra content to add to my Bible study. I've started going to a church and I'm praying for my sanctification. God speed, brothers and sisters. Thank you again, Bible project, you have helped get through my grief and ignorance.
@anon12338 Год назад
Thank you for sharing ❤ God is justice he has won us with Jesus. Our sins are forgiven. May God bless you.
@104littleal6 Год назад
Yes, our sins have been forgiven. In fact, every person's sins, since the resurrection, have been forgiven. However, that forgiveness isn't "credited", if I may use that word, until/unless a person believes it. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one *that believeth;* to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16 (KJV) 4 Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. 5 But to him that worketh not, but *believeth* on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Romans 4:4-5 (KJV) 24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, *if we believe* on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. Romans 4:24-25 (KJV) *Look carefully at the sequence* 13 In whom ye also trusted, *after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of* *your salvation:* in whom also *after that ye believed,* ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. Ephesians 1:13-14 (KJV) *The gospel that will save you* 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you *the gospel* which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 *By which also ye are saved,* if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that *Christ* *died for our sins* according to the scriptures; 4 *And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day* according to the scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 (KJV)
@wantedsavage7776 Год назад
Stay strong. Trust in God. God bless you Eric my Man!
@wizzardofpaws2420 Год назад
I'm sorry you lost your brother.
@erickrogmann1881 Год назад
@@wizzardofpaws2420 I hope we all get a chance to meet in heaven, he is a great guy ^_^
@jillchristine1561 Год назад
Such a beautiful, comforting discussion. Thank you so much ❤
@zionmama150 Год назад
26:36 when we die, our spirits ascend out of our bodies. And then we are acquainted with the Lord. We are not resurrected right away. That will not happen until Christ comes again.
@lady_679 Год назад
Forever grateful for your videos 🤗 Thank you Jesus 😊 Thank you Bible Project Team 🙏🏾
@nettefaceable 10 месяцев назад
❤ I love delving into His Word! Thank you!
@deirdretrotman2104 Год назад
Thank you so much. I adore Jesus but was steeling myself for gold streets and chrystal and praying that I would get to do just a bit of gardening! I don’t like bizzaz much but thought I was going to have to learn to live with it. Oh wow! Thank you Jesus ❤️🙏✝️
@anal.mendoza Год назад
Blessings and greetings from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Thanks for sharing this great episode!
@user-alfredo-saucy Год назад
@bethprather9241 9 месяцев назад
Im all in to hearing truth of Gods word but also in time and prayer Ive learned a lot about how heaven is where we want to go and if you teach anything that sounds worse than anythimg Ive heard or read too, I pray for discernment.. It is MUCH more than any of us know....
@tiff965 Год назад
As a 90s kid myself, I appreciate that he says God will make sure everything is "tight" 😆💕🤞
@voidremoved Год назад
Hey Tim and Jon all this talk about Jesus preparing a place for us made me think of Matthew 12:40 something but in an upside down way 43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. 46 While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him.
@audofit Год назад
I'm currently going through this workbook! I love it! It's changing my perspective so much and each session blows my mind!
@juliaaap922 Год назад
Which work book are you going through right now?
@audofit Год назад
@Juliaaa P When Heaven Meets Earth: a 12 Part Biblical Study on Heaven :)
@InovisIgaly Год назад
Where can you get the work book?
@bethprather9241 10 месяцев назад
Please reply I love the Lord and know I'm saved. I have some grounded beliefs and hard to change. They are great for those that are saved. Is it worth learning and truth?
@leahwandersee8806 28 дней назад
I LOVED this podcast! it gave me such a better understanding of the end of time as we know it. It is encouraging, and enlightening about where we are until the final judgement. Thank you Bible Project!! I can't wait for the new heaven on earth! (and that is not the scenario i grew up learning!!) :0)
@tonyamcinvale-brown5950 Месяц назад
You are the only channel I trust to give me accurate Bible info.❤ God Bless.
@CrossCory Год назад
Interesting his choice of words, using “hope” to describe that we have no clue if we will exist after death in a way that is truly understandable.
@tagr7269 Год назад
To live in a Garden of Eden together we all have to have the same rules and abide by them this is our chance right now to show God we can follow him and love each other
@Ava-nq2wh Год назад
Amen 🙏💛
@kwakumike4998 Год назад
Jesus did not say: "I say unto you, today you will be with me in paradise." The translators placed the comma wrongly. It should rather be: "I say unto you today, you will be with me in paradise". because Jesus did not go to paradise the same day he was crucified.
@adriansampson4443 Год назад
Consider Luke 16, or 2 Cor 12. Also Hades place of the dead Acts 2:27
@poopypants660 Год назад
Hades is the place of the dead. It is a place of stillness and repose. I'll let you look up the scripture references. Luke 16 written to the people of the circumcision, the Jews. Jesus was throwing the Pharisees' beliefs right back in their faces, mocking them. The first shall be last, and the last first, but all will be with God in due time.
@briandowling6663 Год назад
Paradise is earth. Heaven is Heaven. He said Paradise which equate to Eden.
@briandowling6663 Год назад
@Lavender Trebuchet Absolutely
​@Brian Dowling Heaven will be our new when Jesus Christ returns 🙏🏿. On Earth. We will not go up in sky.
@badmusoladimeji3163 Год назад
I am the first here. Thanks for your insightful teachings and illustrations on biblical truth....
@sunnyweaver Год назад
49:01 As I recognize that I am an image of God and I am a temple where His Spirit and my spirit dwell together by the power of the Messiahs death and resurrection I do life differently. My values change. What I live for is noticeably different from the main social/cultural systems of the time. What I do is motivated by a why that goes beyond any kind of world gain.
@LikeFrankWhite Год назад
Love this one guys! I feel like I really learn a lot about Yahuah with y’all theses day 🙌🏾🙌🏾
@steveaird9347 Год назад
@Summerbunny15 Год назад
@@steveaird9347 - In the Twi (Asante) language, we also say Yehuah.
@steveaird9347 Год назад
@@Summerbunny15 I know that now don't know that before
@karenpayne1537 Год назад
What about when the disciples saw Moses and Elijah at the transfiguration?
@Spaniel2 Год назад
Love the in-depth discussion and interpretations. Thank you!
@Chrisstian111 Год назад
I was always confused about the mansion in heaven since a mansion is a worldly desire. Something like that would not appeal to a spiritual being. I do not care if the streets are paved with gold etc.....I would just be happy being in heaven closer to God. 😁
@cccccc1 Год назад
Mansion in the old english just means a temporary lodging place. Its come to mean a grand house over time.
@chrisstian5729 Год назад
@@cccccc1 That makes sense Thank you for your reply :)
@gabegia6813 Год назад
This is the first time I cant understand the video because it lacks of supporting verses. Still love the other videos .
@kevinfancher9591 Год назад
John 14
@jenniferwatson7118 Год назад
This was a very interesting talk. The Bible says death is a 'sleep' - we wait in the grave until Jesus' 2nd Coming when He raises everyone who was a believer and joins them together with the righteous still alive and takes them to heaven for 1000 years in the city described in Revelation. The witch of Endor summoned an evil spirit impersonating Samuel, not Samuel himself, as the only person who can give life after death is Jesus.
@danielmiller2886 Год назад
That’s an interesting viewpoint on Samuel that I haven’t heard before. Have you ever heard Michael Heiser’s comments around that passage? I think it relates well and its on RU-vid.
@PhysiqueFuel Год назад
I’ve always heard that it wasn’t a spirit impersonating Samuel. Because Samuel actually scorned Saul. I don’t think a random spirit would give him the brutal truth like that? 🤷‍♂️ Then again I could be wrong.
@vegacool1 Год назад
I smell a seventh day Adventist...
@Bajannubian095 Год назад
@@vegacool1what’s wrong with the person comment ? They actually right
@stevegeorge6131 Год назад
That's from cults teaching
@jonesingblues4384 Год назад
I hope someone can answer a question regarding when Jesus transfigured on the mount and was talking to Moses and Elijah (Mat 17:1-6). In what state were Moses and Elijah? Disembodied state like the spirit of Samuel who was summoned by the Witch of Endor? Or did they have a glorified body that Jesus had after his resurrection?
@upwardjourney2055 6 месяцев назад
Great question. Moses and Elijah were in a glorified body when they appeared with Jesus on the mount. If we trace the Bible narrative, we know there are two "ends" for a person before going to heaven: (1) like Elijah and Enoch, to be transported alive to heaven; (2) like Moses, to be resurrected from the dead [Jude said that Moses' body was claimed by Satan, but was rebuked by the word of the Lord; if Moses appeared to Jesus, that meant that Moses was resurrected.] That said, Moses and Elijah appeared in their glorified forms on the mount. As for the spirit "of Samuel," the witch said she saw the spirit coming up "from the earth." That's definitely not Samuel, but an impersonation by the devil.
@hyacinthsnow5615 Год назад
This is so eye opening. Thank you so much. I truly grateful
@user-alfredo-saucy Год назад
@Keonny77 Год назад
Definition of spirit/ruach: “The basic meaning of ruach is both 'wind' or 'breath,' but neither is understood as essence; rather it is the power encountered in the breath and the wind, whose whence and whither remains mysterious
@llkuhlj23 Год назад
When JESUS was transfigured in front of John, James, and Peter, he gave a glimpse of the dimension on which HE "dwells," on/at which we will join HIM, and into which HE has both provided the Way and HE IS The Way. Only those who have Faith in and follow GOD's Way of LOVE will be in that dimension with HIM.
@justmyopinion7 11 месяцев назад
The scripture says when you are dead you are asleep and knows nothing, even Jesus said that Lazarus was asleep when referring to him being dead. In Revelation we also see that when Jesus come, those that have died in Christ will be raised first and then the others, thus it is clear that when we die.... we are NOT with Jesus. The day Jesus died on the cross, he said to the criminal next to him "I assure you today.... you will be with me in paradise", meaning eventually. Jesus was not even in paradise that day. The scriptures declares over and over that if you die, you are asleep and the soul stops existing. How can anyone go to heaven or hell anyway before being judged at the end?
@resatobin4303 Год назад
Love that song!!! Thanks for the reminder as it made me smile. Song for the day! Come and go with me...., Sang all through football season because there was room to play football at my father's 🏡 house. Happy song Great tune
@TheCreepypro Год назад
help us to view heaven and earth the way you want us to Lord
@tasteef1 Год назад
@BibleProject can you please create a video about marriage in the Bible? How we should prepare for our husband's and wives? How we should live or be to our husband or wives?
@raquelitta Год назад
Mindblown with the Info on how creation also shows examples of firstborn invertion.
@Lennoxx Год назад
I like the message at the end. It’s essentially that what I believe God is trying to portray, a world anew living in unison with God.
@debradesanto6946 Год назад
My Lord tells me that yeshua and Yaweh are full of deep secrets and the word says he'll be with us in eternity. ❤
@ttg122 6 месяцев назад
Amen, I am thankful for our Heavenly Father Yahuah for Sending the Son into the World to bear our transgressions and sins so that we may have communion with our Heavenly Father.
@odessacee5664 Год назад
Abraham’s bosom = paradise…the same paradise that Jesus spoke of to the man on the cross. Today, you will be with me in paradise.
@andrewselbyphotography Год назад
I'm thankful for the Orthodox Church's guidence on these concepts, especially coming from an evangelical background where it seems there has been a lot of drift from the truth over the years.
@toodlypip77 25 дней назад
Thankyou guys for your explanation, a great discussion. xx
@ihamrodriguez6238 Год назад
Thank you for these podcasts.
@daniellove1140 Год назад
Fascinating podcast! Thank you.
@yukisnowy03 4 месяца назад
This is the truth! Before I am a born again Christian, never heard of Jesus or Christianity yet I see the almost the same! There’s angel and God is on His throne but can’t see the face. And a man figure beside the throne. Can’t see the face as well but after reading Isaiah everything linked. Bcos of this vision - I’m more clearer I’m on the right path. ❤❤ As few years back I suddenly have this visions of this angels with full off eyes which I have never seen before and scary but after googling and the bible verse shows up and another visions from God again. God will reveal only at His time.
@pinoychristianpilgrim Год назад
I opt podcast version since I just turn off the screen and listen. God bless from the Philippines!
@richhenry7540 Год назад
My believes about heaven and hell have always been different than almost everyone i know. My mom joined the Jehovah's Witnesses when i was 5. We were a part of that for a few years. They dont believe we go to heaven or hell when we die. We all "sleep" waiting for Christs return. That belief has stuck with me since ive researched and i havent found anything that states we go to either one as soon as we die.
@4111JoJo Год назад
we don't! unless you have that Heavenly calling. this is a biblical fact. those who'll go to heaven have a part to do with Jesus concerning the earth. those who does not have that calling, they will be in their graves awaiting a resurrection. as for the false teaching of Hell" as in a place where demons torture forever the dead. no one will go there, because there is no such place. the word "HELL" was replaced by many for words that meant grave, Sheol and hades, Hebrew and geek words.
@MC-zk7pj Год назад
The spirit that was summoned by the witch of Endor during the “magic” ceremony was not Samuel at all. The Bible says that it was perceived to be Samuel, when it was actually a demonic entity impersonating Samuel. Witchcraft is something that God absolutely abhors and would not allow the spirit of a dead man to be brought forth by a witch. In fact, it’s this communion that Saul has with the demon that ultimately seals his fate. I believe that scripture makes it clear that when we are dead, we are dead. Anyone that has ever died (with the exception of those translated or specially resurrected, like Elijah and Moses) is asleep in the grave and awaiting resurrection. You’ll be raised to eternal life or you’ll be raised to condemnation, as mentioned by Jesus.
@shakiyla.A_ Год назад
@tgif1207 Год назад
But what about the "absent from the body, present with the Lord" part? I just can't believe we are ever "just dead" as our human bodies are just shells for our true souls.
@CanadianVacations Год назад
@@tgif1207 Yes exactly the body dies, but the sou does not. So many people seemed to have visited hell in near death experiences and come back to life and then warn others. It seems there is a peaceful, happy resting place too. Is the story of Lazarus literal? It seems the evil master in his place of torment could see Lazarus in his place of peace.
@toastle8005 Год назад
While I sympathise, as I have thought this most of my life, take comfort in the fact that it *doesn’t matter*. I’m serious, consider it. Even if we were only our physical bodies, and we really did die, or sleep, between the Resurrection- we would *still be with the Lord*. If God sees all, knows all and remembers absolutely everything that will ever happen, with perfect clarity, and down to the tiniest detail- and that he will never forget or decay in that memory- Then God will NEVER FOREGT you. Not the idea of you, or how your friends know you, or even how you know or remember yourself. He will know EXACTLY, every thought, memory, desire, every cell that has ever been in your body and everything you have ever done, PRECISELY. To the smallest detail. He would understand you utterly fairly, as exactly what you were, currently are, and will become. He could recreate you with an honesty and complexity that we could never match, and He doesn’t need you peering over His shoulder while you do it to get the ‘real you’, that somehow even He couldn’t see without your help. No, he could perfectly remember and remake you, no matter how much time passes or whatever happens to creation. Even if you are only a physical creature, he could still recreate and keep you alive and well for eternity. I do not know if we have a soul, and we might or might not. But if we DO have a soul, it could be DESTROYED UTTERLY, and God wouldn’t go, ‘oh, shoot! Well, guess we can’t ever get her back, that soul-stuff was a one-off, now that her soul’s gone she can’t have eternal life. Guess everything she was is lost forever.’ God could recall and remember you with more accuracy than any supercomputer we could ever make, and being God himself, the knowledge of who and what you are is stored in the safest place in the universe- the memory of the Lord, Creator of everything, who remembers you perfectly. So, if you’ve listened to my clumsy rambling on, my best advice I could possibly pass on is this: It *wouldn’t even matter*- God’s got you anyway, and He’s never going anywhere!
@lumos332 Год назад
For some reason I thought the opening was gonna be “Tim and I wrote the book, it’s called the Bible” 😂 0:09
@janiceking6955 Год назад
But if we're just disembodied spirits, which I have no problem with because anything with Jesus is going to be wonderful! And in the presence of God? O my.. But if we are just spirits how did the rich man recognized Lazarus? We will recognize each other's spirits? Whatever, I'm not going to worry about it because seems it's just a temporary situation until we get our redeemed bodies. And I know God doesn't make any mistakes or wish later He had done something differently! 🙌🙌🙌
@seus2731 Год назад
if going by what John and Tim are saying, can someone tell me how then we interpret 1 Peter 3: 18-22? There Peter tells us after his crucifixion Jesus went to see the imprisoned spirits who were disobedient from long ago, even from the time of the flood... is Peter trying to tell us that indeed, the spirits of obedient believers go to one place, and the spirits of disobedient ones go to another place?
@otrenigmaandy7443 Год назад
6:49 Bruh he don’t know of Audio Adrenaline 😂😂 he’s not ready for the blessing he’s gonna get from it 😅 love y’all!
@toshareberson8469 10 месяцев назад
I love this topic. It's very good. Not many pastors or churches or Bible study really zone in on the paradoxes within Paul and John talking about heaven and earth and how Jesus describes the two becoming one as it was from in the beginning. If you understand that God created the heavens and the earth they were one. So it's a returning from what I'm perceiving and what I'm understanding of what was from in the beginning. This is beauty within truth and truth within beauty of how God is restoring what was from the beginning but totally changing it or returning it or re-establishing what is to come? I hope that I am perceiving this correctly. If not, please reply back. I love your project and may God continue and bless you on your journey of spreading the truth of his word. Amen
@jeffhinson487 Год назад
Are used to always watch you guys when I was a kid😢
@Annabee399 Год назад
Thank you, men, of God. This channel is genius and all glory to God. Well done, good and faithful servants. Blessings through Christ Jesus.🙏🙌💓
@wizzardofpaws2420 Год назад
Thank you so much for this bible learning
@brenmanock Год назад
Thanks so much for the discussion. It helps my understanding.
@johnekene-sz8we Год назад
You guys are definitely doing a great great work
@brucepibworth9926 Год назад
Thank you for this conversation, a powerful and engaging medium - thank you. In discussion of this ‘hazey’ after life state you make no mention of the concept of sleep. To me it’s helpful since I pass from consciousness and return ‘safe and sound’ in bed in the morning, maybe this is what ‘Abrahams bosom means? Thank you again, I’ve recently discovered you for myself and use the Book Overviews regularly now. Bruce - UK
@blanktrigger8863 Год назад
You actually don't pass from consciousness when you sleep. That's why you dream - most dreams go unremembered so it seems like you have no consciousness.
@priscillajervey8345 Год назад
Do you REALLY think the million of the saved elect are now enjoying Abraham "s bosom? Surely you jest? Wouldn't that make Jesus a bit jealous since the bible tells us THOSE in their graves will awake and MEET CHRIST IN THE AIR! . The saint [first fruits, prophets etc) and then those who are alive are to follow but NOT preceed the fruitsfruits. The holy writ is full of verses telling us that we will sleep after death, and must wait until the return of Christ and the rescurrection/ judgement day.
@priscillajervey8345 Год назад
David a man after God's own heart - Acts 13:22 did not go to heaven at his death.The apostle Peter speaking under God's inspiration states: "Men an d brethren let me speak freely to you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried and his tomb is with us to this day"..
@jakethewhale Год назад
@@priscillajervey8345 Agreed; the Biblical case for soul sleep/unconsciousness during the intermediate state is overwhelming.
@bookfacesucks1216 Месяц назад
@JQMurrell Месяц назад
If you notice in the Old Testament, similar to Lazarus being gathered to Abraham's bosom when he dies, the Old Testament says that whenever a person dies, they are "gathered to their people." And that would be kind of like returning to be with your forefathers, kind of like returning home to heaven with your relatives who have died before you. Similar to being gathered to Abraham's bosom... It's the same thing as being gathered to the chosen people! And likewise, as gentile followers or Hebrew followers of Jesus Christ and the father, we can expect that we would experience the same thing! Being gathered back to all of those we love, including our Savior Jesus!
@jeanavo3865 Год назад
I like your drawing of Jesus, very humbly. I think you are pretty close to explaining the kingdom of heaven but it's a lot more because Jesus said you will do greater things that I do because I go toy Father andy father God is greater than me
@ScottFrye000111222 Год назад
WHen the Bible uses the word " Asleep" it means a body laying horizontally after that person has passed.(Like theyre asleep) It doesnt mean soul sleep.
@4111JoJo Год назад
the SOUL is what man became once he had the breath of life given to him by Jehovah God. the "SOUL" isn't something that leaves the body, as many are taught, once one had died. we are SOULS right now, because we are alive. *Gen. 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.* Notice what was said concerning Noah and his family, *1Pet. **3:20** who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water.* there were NO ghostly *"SOULS"* that enter the Ark, were there? peace
@4111JoJo Год назад
@larysnw418 so true! as Jehovah words showed in the book of Revelation. the sea gave up the dead.
@zionmama150 Год назад
5:22 the upper room, is referring to the upper room of the temple. They were in the temple when this happened.
@doughammond8932 Год назад
The mansions in the Father's house are our glorified bodies, of which the Lord dwelling in us at present is the earnest. The full adoption is when we receive these bodies (Rom 8:23-25). Read 2 Cor 5:1-5, these verses make it very clear.
@bethprather9241 10 месяцев назад
My church kow often says," As we bring heaven to earth." It wasnt taught to me in the Baptist church or the 3 Ive been a member. I even asked 4 strong Christian Baptist still friends and they were clueless about just that phrase... still. All but 1...
@clairesallyroos9690 Год назад
The reason Jesus' Kingdom doesn't have the values or systems of this world is because God is concerned with the eternal, while the world is consumed by the material and the temporal. Jesus had no need to overthrow Rome, he had bigger fish to fry, defeating death and sin, the enemies of life, those things that had come into the world through Adam and Eve's disobedience. Jesus' Kingdom is a kingdom of obedience to God, regardless of the physical results of that obedience, which is why He Himself could be obedient even unto death on a cross. The world worship and "obey" their gods in order to receive blessing and prosperity. We worship the One True God simply because He is Holy and He is Worthy. It's illustrated so beautifully by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the furnace. They were basically saying, "Even if He does not save us, we will worship Him and not you. He is our King, and we are of His Kingdom."
@DoyleHargraves 11 месяцев назад
What is wrong with being asleep until judgement. I can imagine being in need of a nap after 85 yrs.
@adnan2072 Год назад
Thanks for sharing the truth.
@heavensarmyforamerica3523 11 месяцев назад
Bible Project, Elijah and Moses had been dead many years before Peter, James, and John saw them on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus. Where have they been this whole time? Was it just a time jump and is what took place when they met with the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament?
@jeanavo3865 Год назад
The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Jesus Christ.
@samantabiro2124 Год назад
I would request sir Please make video on Matthew, Mark, and Luke about the kingdom of God Thank you sir
@truthtalker4711 Год назад
@Passione13 Год назад
So I'm a little confused about something. When they refer to "Abraham's bosom" or the room in the Father's house, how are they different from the idea of purgatory? They seemed to be firm in the idea that no one goes up anywhere, but -- correct me if I'm wrong -- is there not a passage in the Bible where it says the "dead know nothing" or something to that affect? Basically, when we die before the second coming no one is conscious and can praise or do anything? But what they're saying here seems to suggest that we do? Help me because now I'm confused.
@Kb20221 Год назад
There is no purgatory only the lake of fire and the kingdom of God. Revelation 20:13-15 (KJV) 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Hell is the grave ^ Revelation 22:14-15 (KJV) 14 Blessed [are] they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15 For without [are] dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
@earlwajenberg Год назад
N. T. Wright remarks that the word translated "mansions" (in the "many mansions" statement) is the word for the lodging houses or way-stations used by travelers on Roman roads. That dovetails well with the idea that we go to a place where we do not remain, but move on from.
@1969cmp Год назад
....good to see NT Wright got something right. A believer dies and goes to where He is. Then at sometime the rapture of believers happens and both those who are born again who have died and those who are on earth are given new bodies and and meet Jesus in the clouds. For which we will be at the wedding feast of the lamb. Meanwhile on earth, at some point The Tribulation/Great Tribulation/The Time of Jacobs Trouble happens for 7 years, including the revealing of The Anti-Christ. To end The Tribulation, Christ comes back with those who were raptured, He saves the remaining people of Israel, judges the nation's and cast Satan into a pit for 1,000 years. Christ will rule on earth for 1,000 years at the end of which Satan is release for one more war and defeated. Satan is then cast into the lake of fire as well as those who are not saved. The Lord creates and New Heaven and New Earth and a New Jerusalem descends from heaven to earth and we will all be there.
@chandachilufya8909 Год назад
Love this❤ Could you please do a video explaining what the bible says about the dead in Ecclesiastes
@ErikFindling Год назад
Does that mean they are unconscious after death?? The scripture talks about the rich man and Lazarus who immediately was in flames after death who seemed to have knowledge of where he was and had consciousness.
@kylontobias Год назад
So far, up to 30th minute, what you are saying is exactly what I studied.
@robertawinters9366 Год назад
God's blessings from Bay City Michigan
@robbiecleighmarks3088 Год назад
Wow im so excited to dig into this 12 part study!
@iokafo Год назад
I like the bible project but I do not like this episode. How is it that 21st century believers think that 2000 years of theological thinking is suddenly inaccurate? Each generation arises and thinks it has figured out what other generations could not. Worse still we somehow feel we have access to deeper insight - deeper than our Fathers in the faith. This pleasant dialogue between these two gentlemen is just what it is - a dialogue that is not steeped in divine revelation. Guys please stop these fleeting and fanciful excursions. “ The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith the LORD.” - Jer 23:28
@pennymchugh3146 Год назад
Thank you. Good stuff. Bless you!
@michaelmurray7987 3 месяца назад
I’ve been listening to you for a while. My first question is : Do you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God?
@koonhanong2267 Год назад
Hi Tim, question about "world". "God so loved the world" means this creation and people. How then can "not of this world" mean not of this earthly value system?
@williamroypuckett2831 11 месяцев назад
To me, it simply prepares me to leave flesh behind and become spirit, a prepaed place, like God is Spirit!
@ryanjaysondino7453 Год назад
45:03 how can we connect what Jesus said at Gethsemane when he said that he could send legions of angels at his command? Grateful for your movement since the moment you started. God bless you guys.
@jeremylee4435 Год назад
Just brought back sooo many VBS camp memories singing that song. I almost broke out in song 😅
@michele9890 Год назад
The Bible repeatedly states that we are asleep in Christ until His return. Im not sure how this can be spun any other way.
@michele9890 10 месяцев назад
@larysnw418 From your references, it seems you are trying to say that only 144,000 will be with Christ.
@jobennett1604 Год назад
Help me pre-order or download the Heaven Book. I am becoming a Bible Project geek! And I need this workbook!
@harrykimerdman2659 9 месяцев назад
Two things I've wondered about - we're Adam and Eve's original bodies, before sin, like Yahshua's post resurrection body. And what about the souls under the altar? 🤔
@justawfulgamer7738 Год назад
Starts at 1:30
@debburt251 10 месяцев назад
Still confused, sorry???
@leostokes Год назад
"I am the way, the truth." Jesus is the way to the truth. The truth about what? In order to repent, I must know my sins. They are painful to remember so I have actively forgotten them. Jesus, the wounderful counselor, is going to reach us how to overcome the pain so we can recall our sins. Then I will know the truth about myself.
@ErikFindling Год назад
So just to recap: once someone who is born of the spirit dies on this earth, they are with the lord in his heavenly temple until the resurrection when Christ establishes his kingdom on earth ? Can we talk about what happens to the unbelievers?
@johannaamor9939 Год назад
I would love a biblical answer to what happens to babies died through miscarriages. Will they will be resurrected if their mother's are faithful and in a relationship with God when Jesus returns? Or they never lived outside the womb, they will not exist?
@boaz784 Год назад
Life begins at conception Death of earthly life is present with God
@marshalllucky7020 Год назад
Imo; the “spiritual” existence between death and resurrection is apparent only from our place in the Space Time Continuum. Heaven is outside the continuum, so the timeline doesn’t require a heavenly holding pen.
@niekberendsen2325 7 месяцев назад
You say the story of Samuel being “consulted” through the witch of Endor is the only time a dead person appears in the Bible, but actually the transfiguration of Jesus, in which he is seen meeting with Moses and Elijah could also be considered as such. Elijah is actually pretty interesting in this regard, because I think it’s the closest thing in the Bible to reincarnation. Because John the Baptist is said to have been Elijah, and yet he was John. Elijah officially never died, but was taken to heaven with a whirlwind, and yet he returns in another body, with another identity. John the Baptist was the “spirit” of Elijah, and yet Elijah appeared as himself on the mountain, which indeed happens after John the Baptist died. What are your thoughts on Elijah with regard to death?
@cc3775 Год назад
The only life after death is at the second resurrection. Jesus was the first fruits of what we hope for.
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