
What If Count Dooku Executed ORDER 65 on Palpatine? 

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In this Star Wars What If, let’s find out what would have happened if Count Dooku executed Order 65 on Palpatine.
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15 апр 2024




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@TheSandwhichman108 Месяц назад
I just imagine Dooku having a comically large journal and just frustratingly flipping through each page like- Dooku: Alright let’s see now…*Flips through various pages* …Order 9…No that’s yip tip Tuesday… …Order 37…NO G__ NO! *Flips through faster* Why did I create so many blasted orders?! Ah here we are order 65.
@TarsonTalon Месяц назад
Basically, Dooku ended up as the chosen one, if you think about it. He seems to have a Machiavellian leadership style. "Commit all your atrocities at once, so that they may be forgotten with time. It's simple to hold onto power, just don't oppress the people."
@ZeKermet Месяц назад
Interesting perspective
@pyrus0zero Месяц назад
*after Dooku won* Dooku: the time has come! Execute order 67! *thus started a galaxy wide dance party*
@VexNovaYT Месяц назад
Good for Dooku, finally good things happen to good people.
@TonyAncom Месяц назад
Part two, please! Dooku wanted what was best for the galaxy. What if the Yuzang Vong attacked the galaxy during Dookus reign, leading to him and the jedi teaming up to defeat the issue, and, along the way, the Jedi fully realize their mistakes and Dooku allows them to return to Coruscant after the war with the Vong ends.
@SMiki55 Месяц назад
I doubt Dooku lived long enough to witness the YV - unlike his master, he wasn't at all obsessed with eternal life. This begs the question: who will be the successor? Does he train a Sith apprentice or sire a child? I somehow doubt he'd allow the new emperor to be elected democratically.
@matthewbarabas3052 Месяц назад
dooku might not live that long. its 40 years after the end of the clone wars.
@kaynawests262 9 дней назад
@@SMiki55 If he held onto the Darkside we would definitely pass by then. If he reverted to the light he would probably he fine
@chasetopsecret2018 Месяц назад
This is great further shows how dumb the jedi counsel is. Here is the order they should have given the clones: “hide in unknown space until your entire legions chips are removed accept no transmission until the chips are removed then return to us immediately “
@InfernosReaper Месяц назад
Yeah, it might cost them in the short term, but it's better to lose a few battles than to lose the entire war. I know the Jedi Council were stupid, but even they *must* have some kind of limit, right?
@hostergaard Месяц назад
Or simply have the senate declare Dooku Chancellor and then enact order 65. Worked well enough to deal with Sidious
@dapperbunch5029 Месяц назад
I think that if that is done then Dooku would just activate order 66. He would know cause of the droids on the front. Really he holds all the cards.
@InfernosReaper Месяц назад
@@dapperbunch5029 how can he execute order 66 if he has no access to do so? In this scenario, the Jedi basically just kinda shrugged and gave up, even though they had various options
@dapperbunch5029 Месяц назад
@@InfernosReaper It’s shown that even without transponders the message is shown. A good chuck would likely hear the order before any action could be taken. Not mentioning how separatist forces could easily hack into ships and broadcast it. Separatist forces could move in from any sector that has any sort of weakened clone presence. Also they have to operate on brains (not easy) and can’t trust kaminoians. Even if a sizable force is retrofitted it would be basically impossible to win considering the droid army would now have auxiliary support from the clones under Dooku’s command. The Jedi’s only real move is to admit defeat or they would be crushed in a war of attrition.
@Acoolnamme Месяц назад
Grievous just sitting in Palpatine's swivel chair eating popcorn as the clones gun the chancellor down
@soularprimestudios5930 Месяц назад
Basically how Sideous discarded Maul so easily would effect Dooku even more than normal lol
@jameslightfoot1872 Месяц назад
A rebellion against Dooku might begin with secret conspiracies to remove inhibitor chips from a few clones at a time without raising suspicions. Mandalore serves as a base for Jedi and old republic sympathizers to conspire, but any active rebels would operate from remote outposts so they would not be traced directly back to the world giving them shelter. Over time, eroding Dooku's control over the clones and hacking central droid control could create an opportunity for action. But if Dooku's rule was tolerable, they may decide just wait for his advanced age to do the job for them.
@FirieifjcjfbdkdjekDjkdndldhdk 26 дней назад
If separatist fall in this timeline,its because of peacefull coup,because no one can defeat clones and 3 death stars
@thatonewaspatyourpicnic7978 21 день назад
Ah, yes, Mangalore.
@globaltheater9343 Месяц назад
I have really come to appreciate your ability to tell a story from "what ifs" in a detailed, relatively-accurate/historic, and lengthy manner. I do believe Dooku is overall "trying" to do the right thing, but to do such leads one to commit acts they thought themselves not capable in the past, irrevocably altering who he would end up becoming. However, to have not done so, he would have been like the Jedi, and allowed such rot to continue. While it is true the SITH were machinating behind galactic affairs for a millennia, all it takes is a little sunlight for weeds to grow... I liked the dialogue with Maul. I am not sure if others feel the same way, yet when certain characters speak a particular way, such as being enigmatic/cryptic, and do not lift the veil from their tongue, the audience either doesn't get the knowledge they want clearly while attempting to be "mysterious", or simply a half-assed/baked conversation. This video in particular, causes me to appreciate the star wars galaxy far more than usual. Before work now, I imagine myself staring outside at the open field beside several suburban homes and the hazy sky. Then, I picture myself in the jedi spire staring out at the sky-traffic lazily drifting by - atmosphere helps ground us into the story, and I think you have become a lot better over time, even just between this and the last video. I am not sure if you have thought about it, but instead or doing point A - B stories, such as "What if Dooku had palpatine executed by clones . . . Dooku becomes Emperor", *what if* (hehe) you wrote a story based more on far-reaching implications, as well as things on a more down to Earth scale? That could be something along the lines of adding, "Dooku changed the government by adding X, Y, Z, and this is what happened. How it affected X, Y, Z. Because of these new changes, the corporate block blockaded several key worlds from trade until the revision made by Chancellor Dooku. With the Droids being loyal to the corporate sector leaders over Dooku (as I would expect them since they are made by their heads, not Dooku. Dooku was just given temporary command of them by the corporate leaders like Gunray.) another civil war might start since they would have wanted to keep profiting off their war trade, and now being in a victorious position, would seek more concessions than simply Dooku's noble pipe dream. Dooku would then be in Palpatines place, but not in control of the SEPs army, and effectively fighting an uphill battle with the CIS's innumerable odds. Sorry if that ended up being too much of a ramble part-way through, it is just a mere suggestion of how to add something like an after-story where because such a grand event such as the one told here occurs, that's the end. Thank you for the story! Keep working hard!
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
Thanks for the detailed comment, man :)
@hostergaard Месяц назад
There is a simple solution to Dookus demand; make the Senate declare him Chancellor and then immediately enact order 65.
@WillyC300 Месяц назад
They can’t enact order 65, they’re not Sidious or Tyrannus so it would just draw attention to them and dooku would 100% do something about that.
@hostergaard Месяц назад
@@WillyC300 Order 65 is spesifically the one order they can enact, it being written into the order itself that its the Senate or the security council that can enact it and target the Chancellor. That is why I am using it, because it's exactly the case that they can, and once they do its game over for Dooku as it also declares him unfit to issue orders. Order 65: In the event of either (i) a majority in the Senate declaring the Supreme Commander (Chancellor) to be unfit to issue orders, or (ii) the Security Council declaring him to be unfit to issue orders, and an authenticated order being received by the GAR, commanders shall be authorized to detain the Supreme Commander, with lethal force if necessary, and command of the GAR shall fall to the acting Chancellor until a successor is appointed or alternative authority identified as outlined in Section 6 (iv).
@ChibaMitsurugi19792 Месяц назад
What about General Grievous? I imagine that he'd probably get angry about Dooku not destroying the Jedi Order, maybe to the point where he might go to behind Dooku's back and going after Jedi on his own, ambushing them.
@maverickdarkrath4780 Месяц назад
Easy, dooku simply gaslight him into believing sidius set him up and was framing the jedi for his near death experience, (when in reality dooku did it) this might help redirect his anger to palpatines remaining loyalists and make him no longer fully hate jedi , just resent them
@masterexploder9668 28 дней назад
I imagine that Grievous would still be useful to lead the Droid Armies, though I read somewhere that Palpatine and Dooku planned to dispose of Grievous at some point. Take it with grain of salt, I might misremember and it was Legends stuff anyway. The Palpatine's plan according to Dooku was: - kill Kenobi on Invisible Hand - together Dooku and Palpatine lure Skywalker to the dark side, he will become a Sith general and his popular reputation will help them in next part of the plan. - Dooku is "captured" and taken into Republic custody to spill the beans about Jedi's betrayal and how it was all an inside job. - Order 66 is activated, Dooku joins Palpatine in ruling the galaxy, Anakin becomes their general, adding further legitimacy to their rule (he was a posterboy war hero in propaganda). - Separatist war crimes are blamed on Grievous, who will be hunted down and exterminated together with Separatist Council (Gunray, Poggle etc.), Droid Army is shut down. - Republic becomes Empire and everyone save for Separatists, Grievous and Jedi are happy.
@socialaccount0000 Месяц назад
What if Anakin was raised by Tusken Raiders? Would he be different in personality? Would the Jedi still discover him? Would he lead the Tuskens to take more territory? Etc
@inzyniertv9305 Месяц назад
Anakin as a Legendary Tusken Raider Warlord?
@socialaccount0000 Месяц назад
​@@inzyniertv9305I imagine it being a bit like Dune, with Anakin taking over Tattoine and slowly forming a Tusken Empire of sorts, his visions and pre-cognition leading him to victory after victory
@The_Moe_Szyslak_Exp_feat_Homer Месяц назад
Basically just A'sharad Hett though... aka Darth Krayt.
@SMiki55 Месяц назад
Skywalkerian Jihad
@jordanmanley9172 Месяц назад
I imagine one line of continued tension between the Jedi order and Dooku's Empire would be the procurement of new force sensitives. Dooku was not as steeped in the traditions of the sith, and we know he had a penchant for training force sensitives into sith Acolytes. I could see Dooku creating a stronger version of the imperial Inquisitors, which would bring him in direct conflict with the jedi order, both in the dichotomy of the Jedi and the Sith, but also in who could claim force sensitives for their own. Perhaps that could be a strong point in a part two
@masterexploder9668 28 дней назад
Dooku did have an idea to for a Sith Army, also called Fist of the Empire to act as interplanetary police force, making sure that all of Dooku's rules would be followed, finally getting rid of any corruption. Naturally the whole concept died with him on the Invisible Hand. Palpatine did end up employing darksiders, but they were more secret agents than open police force. It was expanded more in Legends with organisations like Inquisitorius (also present in current canon), Emperor's Hand, Emperor's Shadow Guards or Sun Guards (in Darth Plagueis novel) and plenty more..
@dianesinger9729 Месяц назад
have to hand it to Dooku sticking to his plan and carrying it out
@matiasluukkanen7718 Месяц назад
Dooku does not need Republic to become a Galactic ruler. And he could not openly argue for Empire. Separatists already see him as a hero of liberty and are intensely loyal to him. Dooku's entire manifesto is that autocratic Republic cannot be fixed and to betray his principle would lose him support. Dooku would likely create Federation with himself as the Head of State. If given full military power over both armies, Dooku could just go on to dismantle systems of republic governance, preserving ministries and institutions that he needs. Dooku would likely helm some facilitory organ or platform known as "Federation of Independent Worlds", meant to mediate between former republic and separatist worlds. A military dictatorship in all but name. Droid army and navy would remain operational as keepers of peace, with Grievous as Dooku's pet monster on leash, an effective stick. Separatists planets and member states would be given benefits of war and peace, while Core worlds would have to see their importance diminish. Outer Rim would likely proper (though likely unevenly) while Core would enter into deep economic depression. Just as there were separatist holdouts, there would be Republican holdouts in core worlds and likely mass conscriptions, requiring pacification campaigns. I could see Core Worlds and Republic Systems forced to pay reparations to Separatists and give out lucrative commercial priviledges to Trade Federation and other CIS backers. Leading to corruption and instability in some areas. Hutts would likely gain more influence than during Imperial era and expand their sphere of influence. Dismantling of the corrupted Republic Senate would be big public spectacle shown to every corner of the galaxy. Coruscant would likely lose its status as capital and thus enter into an economic and social upheaval, chaos and poverty in coming years. Also, if Dooku identifies as Sith, he requires Sith apprentice. He is an old man after all and needs heir in any case. I'd like to propose that Dooku, not trusting anyone but himself and with relationship with master cloners of Kamino, orders an heir; clone of himself, and grooms his young clone/son into an apprentice and ideal ruler. Which would be chilling idea. Bad Batch suggests that force sensitive clone is not out of realm of possibility. Thus begins the Dooku Dynasty of the Galactic Federation, first of many clone dynasties to follow. Anakin will probably leave the Jedi Order, disgusted to their suplication to Dooku's demands. He would also likely try to assassinate Dooku. He would never just let Dooku be after all what happened.
@Edward-nf4nc Месяц назад
The Death Star might be made, but Dooku was in his eighties, so he might only live another 20 to 25 years and the next Emperor might choose to shut down the Death Stars and blow them up and restore the Republic. Also the Clones only obeyed Dooku now, and if it was changed to the next Emperor he might shut down the Clones or Dooku would order the Clones to kill all Jedi they could find or die trying!
@Ignorant.Red. Месяц назад
It just leaves an awful taste like basically you can do nothing, and the whole world is falling apart around you
@dreadrath Месяц назад
Its kinda funny that that Dooku put the Jedi back on the original path they were supposed to be on, a faction not answering to politics, but people aiming to help people and in a sense help keep the peace in his empire weather they like it or not. I do think a tiny part of Dooku did still have a connection to the diea of what a Jedi should be, so who knows, maybe in time the jedi would find a place in the galaxy serving the will of the force and just generally trying to do good, and as long as Dooku doesn't go super tyrant mode (Eh, well he's sort of a tyrant here) it could work out.. Then again that's me being optimistic, fact is Dooku is tainted by the dark side, so he may end up becoming more evil, leading to rebellion.
@masterexploder9668 28 дней назад
Dooku made a lot of great observations and was right about many things, but to make his changes he had to start a pangalactic civil war, become a war criminal and a tyrant ruler (just like his Sith name suggests). This makes him machiavellian in approach and you are presented with a classic question "Does Utopia justify the means"? This makes him a bad guy, but eh I guess the Force doesn't care about human morality too much. Anakin was supposed to defeat Sidious, and he finally did this - after doing his bidding for ~25 years and doing some seriously messed up stuff.
@dreadrath 28 дней назад
@@masterexploder9668 Sometimes I wonder how it might've gone if Dooku never fell to the dark side or joined the Sith but still became leader of the C.I.S without turning into a complete tyrant. Not sure if he'd have made the changes he hoped to see, but the C.I.S would seem quite a bit more noble. Then again that'd just be him turning into a Jedi Lord. And yeah, the force never seems overly concerned with the cycles of billions of deaths it causes just to achieve balance. I guess if the theory that the light side reigning with no dark side users harming life using the power of life (The Force) is true balance, then its a futile struggle since sentient nature pretty much guarantees there will always be dark siders, especially with how the force amplifies the emotions of force sensitives.
@idioticmerc1512 Месяц назад
I'm kind of surprised that the clones that weren't affected by the inhibitor chips didn't get them removed and start an uprising (shadow uprising or openly) against Dooku cuz I'm sure that there's some level of resentment there I mean they were going against him in the war and lost a lot of their brothers to him and the Separatists
@shadics_minecraft8063 Месяц назад
I would have thought Dooku would replace both clones and droids and make tk troopers lol
@SidorovichGaming Месяц назад
We *need* part two! This was awesome!
@combatwombat1134 Месяц назад
What if General Grievous and Kenobi survived and worked together to survive Order 66? Maybe what happened is that Order 66 got executed, and when Palpatine was very aware that General Grievous was still alive, executed Order 99 to try kill off General Grievous and worked together with Kenobi to escape the planet.
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
Thanks for the idea, man :)
@matthewbeddard4157 Месяц назад
I like the idea of a Jedi order wearing beskar. What if Anakin and obi wan started one there after qui gon died?
@Dragoninja26 Месяц назад
I definitely think that while a sequel isn't required, it would be interesting to see what may happen and whether Dooku would stick to and maybe slip more into the dark side or if he would become a strict but fair ruler and in some ways actually be good for the Galaxy. And how much or little would Yoda change about the Order after seeing this happen
@RVGmetallicasaw Месяц назад
This is a great way for the galaxy to go, the slavers and gangs perish, the corruption is cut out, the people flourish, and the incoming Yuzanvong invasion is dealt with by two galactic-scale armies, the Jedi stationed in the Rim, and multiple Death Stars.
@Red_Fascist2003 Месяц назад
If you make a part 2 it would probably be either maul threatening galactic peace or the Vong invading the Galaxy.
@Linneom Месяц назад
What if Yoda got the Yadle treatment on Genosis?
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
Master Wal-Tuh should become Grand Master imo
@7T7777 16 дней назад
@stephenbocknick4204 Месяц назад
Part 2 that’s literally just dooku bringing about intergalactic peace and prosperity please
@inzyniertv9305 Месяц назад
Yes please
@ArthurOseven Месяц назад
thanks for the entertaining fresh story. O7
@the.unhappy.mechanic Месяц назад
This story is incomplete you definitely need a part 2 and possibly 3.😊
@MR-NO-NAME0 Месяц назад
*What if Star Wars took place in space*
@shaynemhopkins Месяц назад
It does hence the name it’s not called earth wars.
@Blitzkrieg23 Месяц назад
Master Chief (At the End of Halo infinite) in the Battle of Umbara.
@deadpoolskinghost3672 Месяц назад
I like this what if dooku executed order 65 video
@bradleyhoyt3188 Час назад
So count dooku activates order 65 and basically in this timeline the separatists in the trade federation defeat the Republic? 😮
@barbos2765 Месяц назад
What if Dooku switch code 65 and 66 and Palpatine execute it?
@Sora-zb8kv Месяц назад
Dooku be like: sudo usermod -aG sudo dooku
@darkelybuddha Месяц назад
What if, after Qui-Gon refused to train Obi-Wan following Xanatos' fall to the Dark Side, that Dooku instead offered to train young Obi-Wan? *What if Dooku had trained Obi-Wan?*
@UnravelingofLathine Месяц назад
Oh oh oh oh - crazy good concept!!!
@src6339 Месяц назад
It would become his favourite set menu item when ordering take-out?
@MarsiB013 Месяц назад
No one is authorised to give these orders other than the Security Council or Palpatine.
@Xavier-2k10 Месяц назад
Could you do ‘ What if Maul found Anakin before Qui gon’
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
Sure :)
@Xavier-2k10 Месяц назад
@@starwarsquill Thank you , Love your content!
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
Thanks, man :) Means a lot:)
@teeterharris Месяц назад
What if Grevious predicted Sidious' impending betrayal?
@mikecastro122 19 дней назад
i think you misspelled how star war should have ended
@7T7777 16 дней назад
@nickcliff 7 дней назад
Dooku has become complacent
@aryanjhaveri4771 Месяц назад
Anakin leaves the Jedi Order to be with Padme
@FirieifjcjfbdkdjekDjkdndldhdk 26 дней назад
No,because he still knows way of force so dooku will not allow him to
@aryanjhaveri4771 26 дней назад
@FirieifjcjfbdkdjekDjkdndldhdk Dooku wouldn’t allow Jedi to be on Coruscant. He wouldn’t have a problem with force users that are not associated with the Jedi Order
@SMiki55 Месяц назад
The Dark Side already corrupted Dooku enough to warrant that his rule will not be fully benevolent. That said, the Galaxy wants peace, and he is way more likable than a ghastly necromancer with yellow eyes, so a large scale rebellion like in the original timeline is unlikely, and the Jedi Order would not support it (they would have learned their lesson to stay away from warlording) unless Dooku went completely nuts. There is the issue of succession. Unlike Sidious, Tyrannus was not interested in eternal life, but he was corrupted enough to want a say in whom the next Emperor should be (no way he allows a democratic election). So, does he marry and sire a child? Does he train a new Sith apprentice? I can imagine the Grand Inquisitor and other power hungry Jedi joining him, but he probably would still hold a sentiment towards Kenobi; but neither would he simply appoint Kenobi as his successor without corrupting him, nor would Kenobi accept the throne unless some clever ultimatum is put in place (after Satine's death he's pretty much incorruptible). Maul and Assaj are not an option, Grievous even less - does Dooku go for Anakin after all, and we end up with the Skywalker Dynasty?
@carscollection17carsgaming16 Месяц назад
Hayy commander Kohli the time has come execute order 65 it will be done my Lord count DOOKU
@Senate917 Месяц назад
This story has such an ominous ending. Knowing the death star can vaporize mandalore at any time. Hopefully no-one does anything rash *looks at anakin*
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
@KuDastardly Месяц назад
I don't see why removing the inhibitor chips off the table was necessary. It's not like you literally need to halt the entire war just to remove all the chips en masse. It can be done methodically and systematically without interrupting military operations in the process. 🤨
@abrakadabra6364 Месяц назад
Way to go, Dooku!🎉
@carscollection17carsgaming16 Месяц назад
What if Duke rule together ankle pep
@WeazTintHD Месяц назад
Great story I liked it a lot.
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@qalnor Месяц назад
so long, sideous
@newstarkiller Месяц назад
What if Order 66 worked on half of the Clone Army?
@blarg987665 Месяц назад
Wow, i never though i could see the jedi dumber than i already did. They have a entire republick with millions of hosspitals around the galaxy and didnt order all hands on deck for removing inhibitor chips.
@havesomeculture Месяц назад
If Tom Bateman played Ben Skywalker and Rey was Luke snd Mara’s daughter, would this be an enormous problem plot wise??
@thebananaspeedruns9275 Месяц назад
What if Commander Cody never returned Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber Obi-Wan would still survive order 66 but he wouldn’t be able to fight Anakin as he wouldn’t have a weapon
@youngmoneyclutch Месяц назад
part 2 for sure.
@thedelta4258 Месяц назад
I misheard So, Dooku as Sudoku
@rodgerscott8808 Месяц назад
Luke and Leia could be raised as mandolorian Jedi.
@wambutu7679 Месяц назад
Could you do; What if Ezra Bridger missed Obi-Wan and stumbled onto Luke Skywalker when he went to Tantooine? Edit, I saw it helped with another suggestion, 😏.
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
Might’ve lead to Maul finding Luke...
@wambutu7679 Месяц назад
​@@starwarsquill True. However I like to think Ezra being afraid of exactly that gets Luke to go with him and join the rebellion. That could lead to all sorts of hell breaking loose. Obi-Wan would lose his mind for starters. Ezra and Luke could find the World between Worlds together. Vader finds him. Obi-Wan has to join the rebellion to train Luke and by extension, Ezra. I can't even think how Thrawn will be effected. It really could blow up the timeline. But enough of my blather. I hope you do this and please make of it what you will.
@desperado8605 Месяц назад
New chancellor excutes order 150 n dooku goes well crap
@mateuszslawinski1990 Месяц назад
Blessed timeline.
@carscollection17carsgaming16 Месяц назад
What is property in care about count duku
@zackcross7190 Месяц назад
What if Padmé was possessive of Anakin?
@carscollection17carsgaming16 Месяц назад
What if count duku executive order 66 all the other orders
@bigprovolone4209 Месяц назад
@Spyro757 Месяц назад
dooku is a absolute fool
@zanardstephens5788 Месяц назад
Dooku would be dead in a couple years anyway as he’s older than palpatine
@alexanderisjesus5358 Месяц назад
What if ankin was expelled
@Reality836 Месяц назад
The jedi are no threat to dooku? Yoda and windu would be more than enough to kill him. And tbh dooku is how many years old at that time? 84? With the dark side draining him he would probably rule the galaxy for a few months until he dies. Besides These plotholes ITS a great what If.
@bradgrand79 Месяц назад
They could’ve just removed the inhibitor chips
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
My reasoning was that there were far too many clones to get that done in time :/
@Miguel_Santos1311 Месяц назад
what if Palpatine and darth sideous where different people
@KylerNinemire Месяц назад
What if Star Wars Quill was the Sith Lord?
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
@Thehovergoat100 Месяц назад
Complete mastery of force side notes, a truly evil dark side ability
@Wrath-rv9zn Месяц назад
Do it
@timrobinson513 Месяц назад
What if the Jedi prevent Palpatine from being taken during the battle
@deadpoolskinghost3672 Месяц назад
can you do what if Darth Sidious executed order 151 kill Lord vader future videos
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
Yea :)
@deadpoolskinghost3672 Месяц назад
@starwarsquill that would be cool what if video order 151 kill Lord vader
@qalnor Месяц назад
I love your stories, but this one I'm not sure about. I'm not sure why the jedi wouldn't have simply focused on assassinating Dooku as soon as Dooku started popping up his holograms. I don't know, good story, but at least from my immediate perspective it's not the most realistic one.
@starwarsquill Месяц назад
My reasoning was that the council didn’t really know where in the galaxy Dooku was plus Dooku had an army of droids by his side at all times and he now had control over the clones as well :/ As for the night sister’s help, Talzan is dead by this point, right?
@qalnor Месяц назад
@@starwarsquill fair.. just personally I always saw a huge part of the effectiveness of order 66 being the element of surprise along with the fact that Palp sent it to all the clones at once. But hey, it's your story and you get to take it in whatever direction you want.. I enjoyed it despite this one being one of a rare few of yours that I had some trouble with.
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