
What is Buddhism? What do Buddhists believe? 

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@IAYTD 5 лет назад
This was an incredibly complicated religion to cover, since there are so many types of Buddhism and different traditions, so please excuse me if I happened to mix up traditions or didn't explain something clearly! It's meant to be a superficial overview and sometimes that comes at the expense of some of the details.
@becausesiajsjswjksjskdjd6357 5 лет назад
Ami Tuo fo 🙏 🙏 🙏 😊
@thetruthseeker5448 5 лет назад
It is not really complicated. It has a known historical author, texts were transmitted by his own disciples and later written down. During his life time and after his passing away there were many disputes about the teachings. There had been three main Buddhist councils were held by learned monks and they too were historical. But as usual there were divisions and we have them here now. I have studied Medieval Christianity but it is the most confused and complex to get into the roots of the texts. Having learnt Classical Greek I gave up, and the debates are still raging. The hardest parts are to understand the teachings, as they are deeply philosophical. Mahayana is the most philosophical. Cultural practices, and rituals does not give any meaning, but that is how societies were built. Anyway you gave a good try. I have no qualm about it. Yes I do have a Buddhist major for my Uni degree but I am not a scholar nor an academic. I still study them along with Christian texts but more moving towards Buddhism as it make more sense to me, with authentic, historical texts (whether one agrees on the content is a different matter).
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
I Am Your Target Demographic Jesus Christ’s Visit To The Other Cultures Of The Earth: --------------- AND now, there are other sheep that the Lord visited to whom he taught the will of the Father in all things. For the Father had commanded His Son to give His gospel unto all of His children. 73 And did not the Lord say unto his disciples that he had other sheep which were not of this fold, and that he must bring them also unto the Father by teaching them his gospel? From the Bible: ------- John 10: 16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. 72 Yea, did not the Lord call these holy prophets and give unto them his commandments and teach unto them his gospel, which is the plan of the Father? And are we not all children of one God, even the Creator of our spirits, and the Creator who set in motion this system and order of nature that revolveth around the sun that He created to give life unto this planet on which we live? 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. Few examples of Prophets from the different cultures: Akhenaton, prophet pharaoh of the Egyptian nation --------- 114 And the Holy Ghost came upon Akhenaton, and he believed the things which he had been taught by Ubaid. And in this manner, the Lord prepared a way whereby the Egyptian nation could receive his words, even by way of one of their kings. 122 And it came to pass that Akhenaton sat upon the throne of Egypt after his father died. And he caused the things that he had learned from Ubaid to be taught to the people. And he also withdrew the government support previously given to the priests of the other gods, and caused all to worship one god, even the God that he had been taught to worship by Ubaid. Confucius and Lao-tse ----------- 64 And I also have mentioned to you of Kung-fu-tse and Lao-tse, who were sent unto the people who are the descendants of Beneli and Cain; and these were sent at the beginning of the period known as the times. Zarathustra, the great prophet of the Persian empire --------- 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. Mohammed ------ 44 And Jesus spoke unto Mohammed, calling him by name and teaching many things unto him which he had taught to his disciples during the days of his earthly ministry. 63 And now, the Lord did not want Mohammed to use the name of Jesus Christ among the people to whom he would be sent to teach his gospel. And the reason for which he commanded this of Mohammed, was because those who professed to be followers of Jesus Christ, even the Christians who were already many upon the earth, had corrupted the true gospel of the Father by the name of Jesus Christ. 70 And it came to pass that Mohammed went forth among the people and taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ, or the gospel of Allah, as he had been instructed by the Lord to give unto the people. Gautama or Budha and Rishabha --------------- 66 And they were called Gautama, who was later called Buddha, and Rishabha. 67 And these were both holy prophets who taught the people the plan of the Father, having received their instruction and their callings from the Lord in their own times. --------------- 69 And in the latter days there shall be many religions and divers churches which preach many forms of these religions. But the main religions of the latter days shall be those which are based upon the corrupted teachings of these holy prophets that I have mentioned in this record. 70 Behold, these religions shall be known as the Muslim, and the Hindu, and the Buddhist and the Jew, and the Christian. And from these shall come forth many sects, each teaching many different forms of these religions. 71 And now, these things have been made known unto you that ye might know the mind and the will of the Father concerning all of His children. 78 And it came to pass that when these great prophets of whom I have made mention died, their followers began to corrupt their teachings, and in many ways changing the pure gospel that was given unto them by these prophets. 79 And after they had corrupted their teachings, they began to teach for doctrine the precepts and commandments of men mingled with the enlightened words of wisdom given by these prophets. 80 And in this way Satan was able to subvert the plan of God and put in place his own plan, which plan hath caused exceedingly misery and pain among the children of men. --------------- 37 Behold, when the Lord cometh in his glory, he shall uncover all things and show unto the children of men that which he hath done for their salvation. 38 And when the Lord shall present unto the world the records of my people, then shall ye know that the record of my father is true; and ye shall also know that this record which I shall seal up is true. 39 And because of the things which are written herein, many of you, who have mocked these things, shall weep and wail and gnash your teeth because of that which ye would not accept when it was given unto you in plainness. ♥️♥️♥️
@pranathkc8145 5 лет назад
Buddhism vs vipassana, self realization. Don't think other side. First try to take 10 days vipassana course, then you'll realize 100% without any confusion.
@m.richard.helton1547 5 лет назад
WRONG! EVERY PART OF BUDDHISM IS NOT A RELIGION. ONLY UNINFORMED PEOPLE CALL IT A RELIGION. THE ENLIGHTEN ONE WHO STARTED BUDDHISM SAID, "BUDDHISM IS NOT A RELIGION. IT IS A PATH TO FIND INNER PEACE AND LIVE IN HARMONY." Next do more real studying before you post misinformation to others. Go to a real temple and ask Questions. They will tell the truth.
@PlexusCaeruleum 3 года назад
I'm no Buddhist, but I do admire it. I've practised mindfulness and meditation before, and they've both helped me control my anxiety.
@kenwen7791 3 года назад
I happened to be the same, I actually got to free myself and clear my mind from it (mindfulness and meditation) but I think mindfulness and meditation isn't only a part of Buddhism, because I actually have been to a church meditation before.
@PlexusCaeruleum 3 года назад
Yeah, it's not exclusively Buddhist you're right, it's used by Taoists, Sufis, and Secular people. But I didn't know church meditation was a concept. Most churches I know of despise it with a passion.
@DipayanPyne94 3 года назад
Alexander, you might have been to a Church Meditation Event, but the Origins of Meditation really go back to BC Era India, with the Hindus, Buddhists, Jains etc being the Pioneers of it. Buddha, in particular, is probably the one that came up with the Unique Idea of 'Vipassana' or 'Insight Meditation' ...
@agnirelaxgaming 3 года назад
I tried Meditation but it didn't work so I am doing Pranayamas. According to sage Patanjali Pranayama prepares the mind for Meditation.
@agnirelaxgaming 3 года назад
@@DipayanPyne94 Buddha didn't invent Vipassana, he rediscovered it.
@bgoodfella7413 5 лет назад
Buddhism primarily teaches people to be wise, compassionate and virtuous. And there are many examples of Buddhists living as so.
@baharuddinbuang8480 4 года назад
There exists a fine line between being compassionate & selling emotions for money.😏
@scottkraft1062 4 года назад
It's suffering joyfully
@hosead.l4639 4 года назад
Who was Gautama Buddha? The man known as Gautama Buddha, or simply “Buddha,” was born as Siddhartha Gautama around the 6th century BC. Much of what we know of Buddha is passed down from legends and oral traditions. There are no written works mentioning him until several centuries after his death. According to mainstream accounts, he was born to an aristocratic family who sheltered him from worldly suffering. Despite their efforts, he learned of pain and misery, became discouraged, and gave up his wealth in order to become a religious ascetic. Eventually, Gautama Buddha settled on an approach avoiding the extremes of gluttony and self-denial. His teachings form the basis of the religion known today as Buddhism. Historical information about Buddha is difficult to find. The earliest written texts detailing his life and teachings are dated nearly 500 years after his death. However, he is referenced indirectly in other texts, and his teachings are mentioned by others well before this. Despite the scarcity of information, scholars are confident that Gautama Buddha was an historical person and that the commonly held outline of his life is accurate. Particular details about him, including finer details of his philosophy, are impossible to know with any certainty. Not surprisingly, biographical details of Buddha’s life tend toward the fantastic, including his possessing various supernatural powers. Siddhartha Gautama’s family was wealthy and powerful. Various biographies describe him as athletic, beautiful, and well trained as a warrior. His parents attempted to shelter him from knowledge of pain and suffering. They also kept him from religious teachings, which in that time and place were a blend of local superstitions and various interpretations of Hinduism. As a result, Buddha was nearly thirty years old before first experiencing sickness or death. Against his parents’ wishes, he ventured outside the palace walls and discovered dead bodies, elderly people, and sick people. In response, he ran away from his family and became an ascetic, living as a beggar and owning no property. During these early years, Gautama experimented with various spiritual disciplines but rejected all of them. Buddha eventually attempted to live without even eating, an experiment that nearly killed him. This experience convinced him that neither greed nor austerity were the keys to happiness. He determined meditation to be the only way to determine truth. So, he sat under a tree and resolved to stay there until he had discovered ultimate truth. Nearly fifty days later, Siddhartha Gautama is said to have attained Enlightenment, or a state of perfect spiritual awareness. From this point on, he was known as “Buddha” or “The Enlightened One.” For the rest of his life, Buddha lived as a wandering teacher and developed a large following. The only teaching definitively tied to Buddha himself is an emphasis on meditation as the “middle way” between hedonism and self-denial. Whether by Buddha himself or by his early followers, Buddhism was founded on concepts such as the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and a continuation of certain Hindu beliefs including karma and reincarnation. According to Buddhist teachings, life is suffering, and suffering is primarily caused by desire. The only way to break the cycle of rebirth, per Buddhism, is to shed all desires, follow the Middle Way, and attain the perfect state of emptiness. Once a person is purged of all cravings and repulsions, he or she becomes a Buddha and stops reincarnating. Gautama Buddha died around the age of eighty. Various biographical sources attribute his death to either food poisoning or a bowel obstruction. Despite what well-meaning people may claim, Buddha’s life and teachings are starkly different from those of Jesus Christ. Their backgrounds, morality, and spirituality were drastically different, as were their approaches to life and human advancement. Buddha’s life is known only by texts dated centuries after his life, most of which strongly contradict each other. The written documents we have speaking of Jesus’ life were written within a few years of his crucifixion, were widespread less than a century later, and contain harmonized details. Buddha was born into privilege, struggled to find his way, and eventually spent decades as a spiritual guru. Jesus was born poor (Matthew 8:20), was renowned for lifelong virtue (Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 1:19), and taught publicly for only about three years. Buddhism teaches that life is suffering and that one’s only hope is to cease to exist upon attaining emptiness. Christ taught that each person’s life is meaningful (John 14:3; Matthew 5:22) and capable of happiness (John 10:10) and that the ultimate goal of existence is eternity with God (Revelation 21:3-4). Buddhism makes no factual or empirical claims-one either accepts its philosophical approach, or not. Christianity is rooted in history (1 Corinthians 15:3), evidence (Psalm 19:11; Romans 1:2), Scripture (Acts 17:11; John 5:39, 46-47), and prophecy (Luke 18:31; 24:27); and it requires a person to make a decision whether to accept or reject Jesus as Messiah (John 3:17-18). Buddha died a revered sage of his people, at a ripe old age. Jesus was brutally executed (Mark 15:24) at the insistence of His own people (Mark 15:14-15) while just in His early thirties. Most importantly, Buddha never claimed to be divine, and his death is considered the end of his story. Jesus Christ claimed to be God (Matthew 26:63-65), intended to prove it by His miracles (John 20:30-31), and was seen resurrected after His death by His closest friends and family (John 21:14; Acts 1:3).
4 года назад
@@hosead.l4639 If there is no individual soul, as Buddhism teaches, then what is it that is reincarnated?
@DG-mj5yf 4 года назад
@@hosead.l4639 you know very less about Buddhism. If u want to follow it,it's very simple. if u want to study it,even your life time will be not enough. More people are heathen nowadays. That's the problem. And Buddhists know that. because they know the subject.
@na-ra8701 Год назад
I'm a buddhist. All I wanna say is buddhism is like a cool breeze in hot days. my Lord Buddha gave me hope and happiness. I saw true love and kindness only in his eyes Namo Buddhaya🙏🙏🙏
@0BVMIA_MM2 Год назад
Agree Im buddhist
@dominickporter8791 9 месяцев назад
Yess same here
@buddhaexhumed9922 5 месяцев назад
Namo Buddhay. Bless you.
@Lookokhua1083 3 месяца назад
Is Lord Buddha still alive?
@buddhaexhumed9922 3 месяца назад
Lord Buddha gives many of us hope and happiness.
@rd9000 4 года назад
As an agnostic, i view buddhism as a great way of living
@Science.practice 3 года назад
Try islam
@shrutikawde8548 3 года назад
@@Science.practice jihad?
@bdnow6527 3 года назад
Islam will satisfy you without reason,,.,just with hatred start once
@Science.practice 3 года назад
@@shrutikawde8548 for self defence
@ElComandante5 3 года назад
@@Science.practice Islam is corrupt
@dellmktr4152 4 года назад
Why do we have to argue whether it is a religion, a philosophy, a way of life, etc,etc, as long as The Teaching changes you into a better person instead of another fanatic, hypocrite , negative person. That means something. Each person has his own interpretation of what he learn/heard which he had to answer in his later life. Just live our own life without condemning others.
@jaxthewolf4572 4 года назад
Agree with you Dell
@sparshshrivastava6446 3 года назад
Very well said
@astrobullivant5908 3 года назад
What is a “better” person?
@sparshshrivastava6446 3 года назад
@@astrobullivant5908 probably a wise man maybe????
@thevipblink8571 3 года назад
Well said
@straightouttacomicbook 3 года назад
Been practicing Buddhism for a little over a year. It’s definitely has changed my life, thanks for sharing
@jazlynemma1390 2 года назад
awww i'm so happy for u!
@straightouttacomicbook 2 года назад
@Greg LeJacques “another year and you’ll see its flaws” flaws are forms of suffering, yet flaws like our teacher teach lessons that come form actions of one’s self. “Change is a constant regardless of your helplessness in life” helplessness is lead by the path of attachment.
@indranijayasinghe5243 Год назад
@Greg LeJacques you really do have a talent to twist something what someone said to make yourself look right huh? Also you do know that some Christians also follow some Buddhist teachings if they want to right? Buddhism honesty isn't a religion but something like a philosophy of life. Also the one who said to kill Lord Buddha was not a Buddhist. Yes he was a monk but not one that followed Buddhism. There are many things I can tell but because english isn't really my first language it's not easy for my to translate my thoughts to english because I don't know the specific words needed to convey my thoughts using the appropriate english words
@mysterious.kelpie Год назад
Fucking hell let the person enjoy his religion it’s not that hard to leave someone alone
@ileilanambingaamtheleader1154 11 месяцев назад
I hope Buddha changes my life too. 🙂
@collier6794 5 лет назад
I don't really see Buddhism as a religion more a philosophy and way of thinking I'm a Christian yet practice some Buddhist practices
@KhmerKandal 5 лет назад
I'm still not sure why some people think Buddhism is not a religion. It's a religion, but the philosophy is beyond ones imagination. 🙂
@thetruthseeker5448 5 лет назад
Buddha never taught is as a religon or philosophy. It is us who go to battle to define Buddhism. In fact there is nothing called Buddhism in the first place, and use the term for our own convenience. Buddhist teachings have elements of religion as much as philosophy. Just mix it up the way you wish, I do not care whether it is philosophy or a religion. Buddha will neither get angry nor give extra credits. He left the teachings (Dhamma) for anyone who wishes to follow.
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
SisAndBroTOYShow Collier Jesus Christ’s Visit To The Other Cultures Of The Earth: --------------- AND now, there are other sheep that the Lord visited to whom he taught the will of the Father in all things. For the Father had commanded His Son to give His gospel unto all of His children. 73 And did not the Lord say unto his disciples that he had other sheep which were not of this fold, and that he must bring them also unto the Father by teaching them his gospel? From the Bible: ------- John 10: 16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. 72 Yea, did not the Lord call these holy prophets and give unto them his commandments and teach unto them his gospel, which is the plan of the Father? And are we not all children of one God, even the Creator of our spirits, and the Creator who set in motion this system and order of nature that revolveth around the sun that He created to give life unto this planet on which we live? 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. Few examples of Prophets from the different cultures: Akhenaton, prophet pharaoh of the Egyptian nation --------- 114 And the Holy Ghost came upon Akhenaton, and he believed the things which he had been taught by Ubaid. And in this manner, the Lord prepared a way whereby the Egyptian nation could receive his words, even by way of one of their kings. 122 And it came to pass that Akhenaton sat upon the throne of Egypt after his father died. And he caused the things that he had learned from Ubaid to be taught to the people. And he also withdrew the government support previously given to the priests of the other gods, and caused all to worship one god, even the God that he had been taught to worship by Ubaid. Confucius and Lao-tse ----------- 64 And I also have mentioned to you of Kung-fu-tse and Lao-tse, who were sent unto the people who are the descendants of Beneli and Cain; and these were sent at the beginning of the period known as the times. Zarathustra, the great prophet of the Persian empire --------- 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. Mohammed ------ 44 And Jesus spoke unto Mohammed, calling him by name and teaching many things unto him which he had taught to his disciples during the days of his earthly ministry. 63 And now, the Lord did not want Mohammed to use the name of Jesus Christ among the people to whom he would be sent to teach his gospel. And the reason for which he commanded this of Mohammed, was because those who professed to be followers of Jesus Christ, even the Christians who were already many upon the earth, had corrupted the true gospel of the Father by the name of Jesus Christ. 70 And it came to pass that Mohammed went forth among the people and taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ, or the gospel of Allah, as he had been instructed by the Lord to give unto the people. Gautama or Budha and Rishabha --------------- 66 And they were called Gautama, who was later called Buddha, and Rishabha. 67 And these were both holy prophets who taught the people the plan of the Father, having received their instruction and their callings from the Lord in their own times. --------------- 69 And in the latter days there shall be many religions and divers churches which preach many forms of these religions. But the main religions of the latter days shall be those which are based upon the corrupted teachings of these holy prophets that I have mentioned in this record. 70 Behold, these religions shall be known as the Muslim, and the Hindu, and the Buddhist and the Jew, and the Christian. And from these shall come forth many sects, each teaching many different forms of these religions. 71 And now, these things have been made known unto you that ye might know the mind and the will of the Father concerning all of His children. 78 And it came to pass that when these great prophets of whom I have made mention died, their followers began to corrupt their teachings, and in many ways changing the pure gospel that was given unto them by these prophets. 79 And after they had corrupted their teachings, they began to teach for doctrine the precepts and commandments of men mingled with the enlightened words of wisdom given by these prophets. 80 And in this way Satan was able to subvert the plan of God and put in place his own plan, which plan hath caused exceedingly misery and pain among the children of men. --------------- 37 Behold, when the Lord cometh in his glory, he shall uncover all things and show unto the children of men that which he hath done for their salvation. 38 And when the Lord shall present unto the world the records of my people, then shall ye know that the record of my father is true; and ye shall also know that this record which I shall seal up is true. 39 And because of the things which are written herein, many of you, who have mocked these things, shall weep and wail and gnash your teeth because of that which ye would not accept when it was given unto you in plainness. ♥️♥️♥️
@condorX2 5 лет назад
@@erwinaquinde7211 Yeh. There is a documentary that I've watched, they stated that Jesus gone for dozens of years to study Buddhism. This might explain why he going around like Buddhist monks preaching.
@thetruthseeker5448 5 лет назад
@ condorX2 Do you think Jesus copied teachings of the Buddha. But the Bible is full of hate, fear and violence. There are some bits and pieces of the word love but primarily it is all about either you are with me or not. There is a very clear demand and threat here. If you are not with me then you face the eternal hellfire from me and my father. That is the Bible in a nutshell. Buddha did not teach those, none! Never demanded to believe in anything only to accept through one's own reasoning. Never called anyone a sinner nor had a concept of Satan. How can bondage and sadism be equal to compassion and kindness. Never divided mankind to us or them. Never called himself as divine. Never preached of fairies such as original sin, heaven, hell, eternity, salvation (salvation from what?) Secondly who is Jesus unlike Buddha. Buddha IS a historical figure, but Jesus, who is he? Scholars are still at war with each other. Even if Buddha is not historical it would not make any difference as he is not divine but only his teachings matter and the teachings have historical roots goes back to more than 2,500 years. On the other hand this person Jesus is supposed to divine and all 'his' teachings are based on that basis. Further who wrote these books and Gospels in the Bible. What we have are different to the original and even today some bibles are different, Catholic v Protestant. Some scholars value the Gnostic Bible but it is heresy if anyone accepts it. Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Philips, where do they belong.
@Maggasekha 4 года назад
Buddhist monk here, I've watched a ton of these " what is Buddhism" videos on youtube and this is easily among the most accurate and broad in scope. I'm also glad you called the video " superficial", which is ironic since it's much less superficial then many others. I could nitpick a few things here and there, and I'm not Tibetan tradition so I can't speak to that accuracy, but I hope this video grows so it gets higher on the youtube search.
@PP-vf1kx 4 года назад
@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 4 года назад
StudentofthePath...... Buddhism is for idiots but to understand Buddha Dharma you have to be an intellect, however any idiot can practice Buddha Dharma.
4 года назад
There are many Tibetan traditions, of course. Consider the worshipers of Dorje Thugden versus, for example, the Dalai Lama. I'm not a Tibetan Buddhist, but I agree that Dorje Thugden worship is a spiritual sickness, similar to fascism.
@bakbakboy9406 4 года назад
Raj Warnakulasuriya presuming you are indian And generalising according to indian buddhist , Also i guess you must be a hindu , which explains a lot
@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 4 года назад
@@bakbakboy9406 it just shows how ignorant you are...
@geonite2072 3 года назад
I've been in a dark place for a long time. Fear, depression, guilt, and anxiety. I tried buddhism and I've stopped worrying about what I can't control. If I didn't have inner peace I would've given up on life a long time ago. 😊❤🌱✌
@Realeye66 3 года назад
You are very correct , I m so delighted that you got the right decision, cheers
@harvey9508 Год назад
i am going through the same and i am a catholic not sure if i should be both buddhist and catholic
@geonite2072 Год назад
@@harvey9508 I'm not sure that you can be both. Catholics and buddhists have different beliefs. Catholics accept Jesus as their saviour, believe in heaven and hell, and believe things are perminent. In buddhism there is no personal god. Instead of heaven or hell they believe in reincarnation or nirvana. And they believe that everything is temporary, including death. Their main belief though is that attachment and desire are the roots of all suffering.
@harvey9508 Год назад
@@geonite2072 yes i understand but i have beliefs that are from buddhism and catholic because i believe in reincarnation but i also believe in god so i have a big decision to make
@tptaz2007 11 месяцев назад
I'm hoping this will help my state of mind to my eupd is out if control at the mo this has given me alot of suffering from past to present. But I need to research the mindfulness state more . This is why I'm turning to buddhism I believe this path is the right path ot choose for myself .
@janmingmalovemt 4 года назад
I m Buddhist, that is exactly right what you have explained thank you,
@chamestb6632 4 года назад
Buddhism is a invention
@GODiscomingsoonagain 3 года назад
2 timothy 3:7 always learing but not able to come the the knowledge of the truth!. Better give JESUS your life and ask him to show you the way and the truth he will show you believe only in the true GOD that have make heaven universe and earth include humans we must repent all sin and love GOD above all have good relationship with GOD he will soon come back who believe in him shall be saved
@teateya1830 3 года назад
@@GODiscomingsoonagain oh you mean this? 03:07
@Sawo-500 3 года назад
@@GODiscomingsoonagain mind is powerful than Jesus .
@KydLives 3 года назад
@@GODiscomingsoonagain I'm sorry but the consciences is powerful
@maximuslee9126 3 года назад
I grew up as a Christian, I wasn't even spiritually welcomed, my faith wasn't stronger but it all changed when I study Buddhism 2 years ago I learned a lot, and it helped me with my anxiety and depression
@jazlynemma1390 2 года назад
I'm so happy for u! 😊
@royferguson3909 2 года назад
I am on a similar journey ☮
@hanililasheep 2 года назад
I'm christian too.
Jesus is a follower of Buddha ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-TEvomvO8cb0.html
@zenuno6936 Год назад
'wasn't even spiritually welcomed'? God welcomes all, all you have to do is having a proper prayer life and being repentant of sins.
@mashiimasha7655 3 года назад
I am sincerely happy to be a Buddhist by birth ..from sri lanka 🇱🇰 ☸️☸️☸️💖
@anujarangana6677 3 года назад
@montygriswald7296 3 года назад
Buddhism is flexible and withstood the test of time. It also prioritizes logic and compassion at the same time.
@someperson9999 3 года назад
I have a few questions about Buddhism: what are the views that Buddhism ascribes about women, apostates, or gay people? Are you allowed to be married in Buddhism? Are there punishments in Buddhism? Will anything excuse killing people or some kind of war? I've read quite a bit about Christianity, Judaism and Islam and I think there are so many problems with them in terms of violence and bigotry towards people. Are there problems like "kill all the infidels wherever you find them" or executing idolaters and false prophets in Buddhism?
@MrDaithis 3 года назад
@@someperson9999 Hi, I've been a buddhist for about twenty years so may be able to help. Buddhism changes a little from culture to culture but if your just taking the text ascribed to the historical Buddha. Women are view as been able to reach Nirvana just like men. The Buddha set up the first female groups in his life time.. No such thing as a apostate If you want to stop following the buddhist path you just stop. When it comes to sex its's more about how you conduct your self than with whom you do it. Marriage, if you want. Punishments. Well you would get punishments from the state you live in. In your own sangha say if you are a monk and don't follow a teaching or don't keep a precept then someone would take to you. After no change you would have to disrobe. Killing is viewed as unethical. War is to be avoided. An no to any of the rest.
@beautybyphumi 3 года назад
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
@Tore1972Wisdom 3 года назад
Meditation is not about stopping anything, but about being aware without any judgement.
@meditationthien1662 3 года назад
Ok love you.
@heinmolenaar6750 Год назад
My love, watching and listening without any movement of thought opens the meditation.
@rin-ix6ub 3 года назад
i visited this video two years ago i never regret joining buddhism two years ago it changed my life for ever
@AntilleanConfederation 11 месяцев назад
You don’t join Buddhism. You live it.
@arjunyadav6321 4 года назад
I am a Hindu from India and I want to follow Buddhism because it is not a religion it is a philosophy of life.
@overpricedhealthcare 3 года назад
"buddhism and hinduism are like brothers"- the dalai lama
@kuldeepl5167 Год назад
@@overpricedhealthcare yes bro, sikkh and jain also
@sidhantkamble5191 Год назад
@@overpricedhealthcare 👀
@GrayBeardFPS Год назад
As a buddhist you are my brother as a hindu, and we both share the love for others ❤️🙏
@abrakadabra0000 Год назад
I feel both hindu and Buddhist are not religion, it's the way we live
@LionCapitalMotivation 4 года назад
I’m convinced RU-vid can read our minds. I was just thinking “What is Buddhism?” And not 15 minutes later here I am
@danelya1117 4 года назад
law of attraction
@GODiscomingsoonagain 3 года назад
2 timothy 3:7 always learing but not able to come the the knowledge of the truth!. Better give JESUS your life and ask him to show you the way and the truth he will show you believe only in the true GOD that have make heaven universe and earth include humans we must repent all sin and love GOD above all have good relationship with GOD he will soon come back who believe in him shall be saved
@GODiscomingsoonagain 3 года назад
@skaiu oke BUT if someone will hear this important message let he do it because this is the salvation gospel for entire world
@nacquiajohnson3456 Год назад
That happens to me sometimes
@_TheGoatedEditor_ 8 месяцев назад
​@@GODiscomingsoonagainbuddhism is the way to heaven.
@MarsunAlvarez 5 лет назад
Simply Buddhism is the way u think. Thanks for sharing I'm Buddhist from Philippines
@MarsunAlvarez 5 лет назад
From Japanese Buddhism. Nichiren Buddhism I hope u will visit here and spread the word, and by the way my vlog to is all about nichiren Buddhism I hope you too will subscribe
@repent.sinner 5 лет назад
Jesus Christ is the savior of the world of everyone Hes the only way to eternal life, Jesus is God in the flesh, John 14:6, 1st Timothy 3:16
@stalinerayan1474 5 лет назад
@@repent.sinner God is silfish I hate
@alexapleasecalldevil4477 5 лет назад
I am half buddhist half R.C but R.C is what written in my birth certificate and i want to change it into buddhist. I hope my mom will allow me.
@repent.sinner 4 года назад
@Esther V. u do because u took the time to comment...Jesus is God...o yeah He is!
@bavebelenduae 3 года назад
Buddhism seems like a very friendly religion.
@jaxthewolf4572 2 года назад
Probably the friendliest
@dharmadanazhou3304 2 года назад
You are absolutely right
@zerbutterftw 2 года назад
I can confirm because i am Buddhist
@skywalkerluke-7705 2 года назад
Ohh you have to see jainism, which started 100 years before buddhism
@nuraortoma1820 2 года назад
True tho
@SpudEater 5 лет назад
If there was ever a religion that I would choose to follow, it would be Buddhism. Given how I view the world, all of the obscure and crazy things I’ve experienced, I believe that it would bring a soul wrought with external and internal battles, a sense of peace.
@eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185 4 года назад
Well Satan would welcome u into the religion with open arms.
@justadude7598 4 года назад
@@eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185 Well satan does not exist in this religion because Buddhists don't believe in a God or a Devil. They believe in themselves.
@eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185 4 года назад
@@justadude7598 Satan created that religion.
@justadude7598 4 года назад
@@eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185 Why would satan create a religion which doesn't believe in him?
@justadude7598 4 года назад
@@eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185 Luciferianism and Satanism are the religions of Satan
@bkbland1626 4 года назад
When practiced correctly, buddhism is NOT a religion. It's a philosophy.
@kyelfletcher9701 4 года назад
Tell that to the monks living under monastic discipline, following all 227 rules including no eating after midday, not allowed to handle $ etc..the nuns have to follow more rules. That is correctly practiced dharma and it is religion.
@truseeker6719 4 года назад
@@kyelfletcher9701 so rules makes something a religion 🤔. anyone can leave just as they wish.. you don't need choose to be a monk if u don't like the path. He told not believe anything not even his words .. that y people consider it as non religious.. that's all
@Soulkollextor 4 года назад
Theres no point Budhism is devil worship. Their successor is name Maitreya (Dajjal/Antichrist) who is coming in 2025. He is the successor of Buddha and is speculated to be Rishu/rishi in Hinduism. BHUDDISM AND HINDUISM IS SATAN WORSHIP (SANAT KUMARA). Spread the word!
@vanillalite9718 4 года назад
@@Soulkollextor im so confused,, can you elaborate?
@cookiedestroyer402 4 года назад
Buddhism is as much a religion as any other.
@uncletrumpet 2 года назад
Am a Christian, today is my first time learning about Buddhism. Well i learnt a lot today
@jazlynemma1390 2 года назад
woah that's cool!
Jesus is a follower of Buddha ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-TEvomvO8cb0.html
@shroudwoman Год назад
Jesus was a Bodhisattva, He was born in a very dangerous political time during the Roman Empire and he was used by the Jews and the Romans as political leverage because he was so powerful. He had Miracle Powers and taught the same Path of Love & Compassion and was wrathful towards all the Greed and pointless Degradation of the times. They killed him BUT he became an Enlightened Being and continues to help all those who pray to him asking for help with Faith. A Great Being.
@juliannad6091 Год назад
Same :) it’s good to know about other people!
@sandrarthornton 4 года назад
Buddha means awakened one We all inherently possess the limitless potential of the Buddha Asians adapted Buddhism to their religious traditions. Even giving the names of their gods Buddhist names It. Is definitely complex The most important thing to know is that Buddha is not a god. We are all the Buddha🙏
@yangontar 4 года назад
We have the potential to be enlightened in this or another life depends on one own Parami.
@jackysim5504 4 года назад
Bingo ... But in order to benefits all level of audience ..... The teaching need to adjust accordingly base on audience background .
@sithuhan4341 3 года назад
But, sadly, no woman can be Buddha, they maybe enlightened. Bcoz earning a male life is better in any race and depending on your sacrifices, donations and good deeds in the past. Not an easy one tho.
@yethuaung2168 3 года назад
We all are can be buddha but not easily.You need to pratice many worlds to attain buddha.
@KydLives 3 года назад
@@sithuhan4341 Actually anyone can be a buddha as long as they work hard for it,shouldnt matter what race,religion or background nor sex you have to be to become a buddha
@salsa_baby7148 5 лет назад
I’ve never really learned anything about Buddhism but thank you for the introduction it’s really interesting
@erwinaquinde7211 5 лет назад
Salsa_baby Jesus Christ’s Visit To The Other Cultures Of The Earth: --------------- AND now, there are other sheep that the Lord visited to whom he taught the will of the Father in all things. For the Father had commanded His Son to give His gospel unto all of His children. 73 And did not the Lord say unto his disciples that he had other sheep which were not of this fold, and that he must bring them also unto the Father by teaching them his gospel? From the Bible: ------- John 10: 16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. 72 Yea, did not the Lord call these holy prophets and give unto them his commandments and teach unto them his gospel, which is the plan of the Father? And are we not all children of one God, even the Creator of our spirits, and the Creator who set in motion this system and order of nature that revolveth around the sun that He created to give life unto this planet on which we live? 18 And I have explained unto you that the Lord is no respecter of persons; and that one nation is just as important to him as another. And he sendeth forth his prophets among all his children, even unto as many as will hear his words. Few examples of Prophets from the different cultures: Akhenaton, prophet pharaoh of the Egyptian nation --------- 114 And the Holy Ghost came upon Akhenaton, and he believed the things which he had been taught by Ubaid. And in this manner, the Lord prepared a way whereby the Egyptian nation could receive his words, even by way of one of their kings. 122 And it came to pass that Akhenaton sat upon the throne of Egypt after his father died. And he caused the things that he had learned from Ubaid to be taught to the people. And he also withdrew the government support previously given to the priests of the other gods, and caused all to worship one god, even the God that he had been taught to worship by Ubaid. Confucius and Lao-tse ----------- 64 And I also have mentioned to you of Kung-fu-tse and Lao-tse, who were sent unto the people who are the descendants of Beneli and Cain; and these were sent at the beginning of the period known as the times. Zarathustra, the great prophet of the Persian empire --------- 56 And the Lord called Zarathustra to be a prophet and preach the things that he had learned from the angel, and also those things that he had learned from the ministrations of the Spirit in his youth. And he was taught the plan of God, who was called Ahura Mazda according to the language and the customs of the people. Mohammed ------ 44 And Jesus spoke unto Mohammed, calling him by name and teaching many things unto him which he had taught to his disciples during the days of his earthly ministry. 63 And now, the Lord did not want Mohammed to use the name of Jesus Christ among the people to whom he would be sent to teach his gospel. And the reason for which he commanded this of Mohammed, was because those who professed to be followers of Jesus Christ, even the Christians who were already many upon the earth, had corrupted the true gospel of the Father by the name of Jesus Christ. 70 And it came to pass that Mohammed went forth among the people and taught them the gospel of Jesus Christ, or the gospel of Allah, as he had been instructed by the Lord to give unto the people. Gautama or Budha and Rishabha --------------- 66 And they were called Gautama, who was later called Buddha, and Rishabha. 67 And these were both holy prophets who taught the people the plan of the Father, having received their instruction and their callings from the Lord in their own times. --------------- 69 And in the latter days there shall be many religions and divers churches which preach many forms of these religions. But the main religions of the latter days shall be those which are based upon the corrupted teachings of these holy prophets that I have mentioned in this record. 70 Behold, these religions shall be known as the Muslim, and the Hindu, and the Buddhist and the Jew, and the Christian. And from these shall come forth many sects, each teaching many different forms of these religions. 71 And now, these things have been made known unto you that ye might know the mind and the will of the Father concerning all of His children. 78 And it came to pass that when these great prophets of whom I have made mention died, their followers began to corrupt their teachings, and in many ways changing the pure gospel that was given unto them by these prophets. 79 And after they had corrupted their teachings, they began to teach for doctrine the precepts and commandments of men mingled with the enlightened words of wisdom given by these prophets. 80 And in this way Satan was able to subvert the plan of God and put in place his own plan, which plan hath caused exceedingly misery and pain among the children of men. --------------- 37 Behold, when the Lord cometh in his glory, he shall uncover all things and show unto the children of men that which he hath done for their salvation. 38 And when the Lord shall present unto the world the records of my people, then shall ye know that the record of my father is true; and ye shall also know that this record which I shall seal up is true. 39 And because of the things which are written herein, many of you, who have mocked these things, shall weep and wail and gnash your teeth because of that which ye would not accept when it was given unto you in plainness.
@yangontar 4 года назад
@Robert Williamson Buddha's teaching the law of Nature or Universe (Dhamma) to whoever to test anywhere and anytime whether Dhamma is beneficial to you then continue to follow his teaching if not beneficial then discard it. Buddha was a human being, not GOD. He discovered human suffering due to loba (Greed), dosa (Anger), moha (Delusion), and Mana (Conceit). Thus human being continues to recycle in the Dokkha Sansara Those enlightened beings are free of the above major felters and attained Nirvana (Nibban) where there is no suffering and no reborn again.
@therhythmofmyheart7936 3 года назад
@Robert Williamson hi... you're a very fortunate father. 🌹🌹🌹 Follow the real dhamma which included Tipitaka. I'm Buddhist monk from sri Lanka who became a monk in age 26. 🌹 may the Nobel triple gem bless you 🌹
@mikepiccolo32 3 года назад
@Tejana Kavishka Gamage Why?
@WellnessandTruthMinistry 2 года назад
Talking about Buddhism, this will give you Power! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-FAsCMaqSrmY.html
@garyviehe9365 3 года назад
A few months, after the Chinese occupied Tibet, a Buddhist monk was taken captive and accused of spying. After about a year, after finding no evidence, the monk was released and returned back to his fellow monks. As he approached them they ran to him with great concern, one asking was he ever afraid. He said, "Oh yes, I was afraid that every time they beat me, I would become angry."
@asu5836 2 года назад
Thanks for great story ❤
@ramaraksha01 Год назад
To me this is where Buddhism fails It is ok to get angry, just not let anger rule us It is like drinking - don't become a drunkard, that's all Anger in certain situations is helpful - when you see a young girl being harassed by young goons, it is ok to get angry When you see a child begging for food, it is ok to feel sad we are human beings, not robots But the Buddhist focus is so much one being happy, never unhappy Take 2 Kids - A want high marks or grades - he stays up late, worrying, studying. Is he happy? no Kid B doesn't care - he is snoring away, deep sleep, next day he will take in a movie or go play sports while Kid A is still studying. Is Kid B happy? yes of course So why is it that you implore your kids to be more like A? Please tell me
@youneversawmehere7555 Год назад
@@ramaraksha01Do more research on monks in specific though and that should help you
@ramaraksha01 Год назад
@@youneversawmehere7555 Cheap easy answers - go talk to a priest, go read this or that - without addressing the issues that I raise Buddhism is supposed to be a Teacher Faith - that is one's mind should be open to all ideas, not just Buddhist ones Every path you take has both pros and cons, unfortunately people don't want to look at the cons
@IAYTD 5 лет назад
A lot of people have problems with how I explain craving and how it relates to suffering. In the video, I say verbatim "There is a craving for this pain." Yes, I know Buddhists don't believe that people want pain, but what I was trying to show was that people crave for worldly things, like lust and material objects, which then bring pain and suffering, as people crave the impermanent. And I'd argue sometimes people DO crave pain, why people make self-destructive choices and go after things that they know will hurt them, but that's not always the case. I lost some of the nuance when I explained it, so hopefully this helps!
@thetruthseeker5448 5 лет назад
Thanks you. You are fine and you will get there. Challenges will make you perfect though proper understanding. You are a novice, and I did not take any offence for your errors and omissions. I was amazed how you re-worded perfectly till the second last sentence. But I will leave your second last for further analysis as I do not think any sensible person will ever crave for pain and suffering. Yet no one has to believe in me, and open to clear understanding. Buddhism is not a dogma. My understanding is also not clear, and that is the Buddhist path to purification by oneself, not through beliefs.
@ramaraksha01 4 года назад
You are born in this world, you are a worldly being - to think otherwise is foolish - to say I do not crave these worldly things is to invite death - you do not want anything, nothing is all you will get - what a foolish choice
4 года назад
People can crave pain if they feel it is mixed with pleasure. This is known as masochism.
@ramaraksha01 4 года назад
@ Basically life comes with pain - it's a package deal In the womb as in childhood, we were pure, happy, at peace, protected, sheltered, cared for - but as soon as we come out of the womb, we start to cry because we experience pain for the first time - in fact, that is how we know life has started Heaven is the idea that we can go back to the womb, to our childhood, the past and remain the unborn for eternity Reincarnation then stands for Life, REAL LIFE, Adulthood and the Future It's a choice - God will not stop you from making that choice Does a rock feel pain? of course not - would you want to be one? Does a tree feel pain? Maybe, but rooted in one place, it wouldn't make sense - so again no pain, again, do you want to be one? And as you go up the ladder, from a tree to a bug to an animal and finally us - the pain goes up! We can go higher - more pain - Gandhiji, Mandela, Jesus, your ordinary firefighter, soldier, policeman - all walked TOWARDS pain - not away from it! The closer you get to pain, the closer you get to God! You sir, are going the wrong way You want no part of pain, you won't have to - be happy as a Tree or a rock
@fizzylime19 Год назад
I have recently discovered Buddhism and it has aligned with my beliefs and I’m trying to study and learn as much as possible. This guy is spitting so much information at me I can barely keep up.
@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 4 года назад
Meaning of Bodhisatva is not what you said... it means a person who is in the path of becoming a Buddha
@artofchoice 3 года назад
@shanw2692 4 года назад
I am a Theravada Buddhist from Sri Lanka, and I would like to provide a summary about Theravada Buddhism that I think will be useful. Buddhism is a philosophy and NOT a religion. Religions are god-based. Buddhism does not have an Almighty God / Saviour. Lord Buddha said “YOU ARE YOUR OWN SAVIOUR. I am only a teacher. I can teach you how to be free from suffering which will save yourself.” Religions have Commandments written in their holy books where people must follow blindly. Buddhism does not have Commandments for laymen that limit their freedom of thinking. BUDDHISTS ARE FREE TO USE THEIR BRAINS. There are very strict rules for Buddhist monks, and they are free to leave the robes if they want to become a layman again. Buddha had laid out five precepts for laymen to follow if they want to have a good life, i.e. (01) Do not harm living beings (02) Do not steal (03) Do not commit sexual offences (04) Do not tell lies (05) Do not take intoxicants. Lord Buddha or Buddhist holy book “Tripitaka” never ever mentioned that you will go to hell if you do not believe in Buddha or his doctrine. Instead Buddha said “DO NOT accept anything just because Buddha said it. You must investigate before believing anything. Accept it only if it is true and logical.” Buddhists believe in REBIRTH that is based on CAUSE AND EFFECT, which is called KARMA, where you reap what you sow. Once you destroy the cause, the effect does not exist. Ending rebirth is called NIRVANA where you will achieve through VIPASSANA MEDITATION. Depending on your level of intelligence and wisdom, you can achieve Nirvana within one birth or several births.
@pzan49 4 года назад
Nirvana to be achieved by following the Noble eightfold path if I’m not mistaken.
@maymaysvg7261 4 года назад
Their not free😂 they literally have to shave their heads and stay in a temple LMAOOOOO
@shivendias9602 4 года назад
Maymay svg, they are free spirtually. Its a monks choice to abandon all material pleasures.
@scottkraft1062 4 года назад
Only the Buddha can achieve Nirvana being that his spirit is thousands of years old and completely his own and everyone else returns to the earth and spread out to other living things.
@vlcmin12 3 года назад
@@maymaysvg7261 they chose to do that. They are free from all material desires and wants, they’re spiritually and physically free.
@donnastitz1497 3 года назад
I am a Bible Believing Christian, NON DENOMINATIONAL . I've been reading Buddha Quotes daily. They help me very much to be quiet & calm, not judge others, not gossip etc. This was helpful, as I knew nothing about Buddhism except the fact that the Buddha quotes make me a calmer & kinder person. Thank U 4 this video ! it's a beginning to my understanding :)
@imswezi9499 3 года назад
I think we could all learn a little bit from each other. That’s what we need now more than ever. I like studying different religions especially Buddhism. Which I am more keen on. However I think I also am influenced by some aspects of Christianity as well
@donnastitz1497 3 года назад
@@imswezi9499 thank U 4 UR reply ! Yes I agree we can all learn from each other. The Buddha Quotes R very helpful to me & I couldn't see them NOT helping anyone , no matter what their spiritual belief may be :)
@jaxthewolf4572 3 года назад
Agree and big thanks for being respectful and tolerant.
@justarshad8354 3 года назад
Budha is the real shit boi.jesus is just a myth..get over it! #longlivebudha#
@donnastitz1497 3 года назад
@@justarshad8354 :/
@KingCocaGold 4 года назад
Buddha was a Philosopher who Discovered “The Cycle of Endless Eternity (Samsara)”
@Khoirul_Anam1978 4 года назад
Will non muslim get heaven ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JRDynsBVHNI.html
@GODiscomingsoonagain 3 года назад
2 timothy 3:7 always learing but not able to come the the knowledge of the truth!. Better give JESUS your life and ask him to show you the way and the truth he will show you believe only in the true GOD that have make heaven universe and earth include humans we must repent all sin and love GOD above all have good relationship with GOD he will soon come back who believe in him shall be saved
@ypngotti4099 3 года назад
@GODiscomingsoonagain 3 года назад
@@ypngotti4099 they need to know about the true GOD we living in end time you want people to keep living ik deception? It is not a joke people need to wake up all thinga happens around us right now is in the book of revelation 13 people need to turn to GOD ask him to you the way and the truth end of the day salvation is individual
@malithshanaka1641 3 года назад
@@GODiscomingsoonagain You are everywhere hahaha. Get well soon
@hebandula 4 года назад
Although I was a Buddhist by birth, I spent my youth as a physicist. At first I realized that Buddhism is more complete than science. You will find that lectures can never be faked. Today we see a lot of modern science equipment. But one who observes the Dhamma clearly understands that the Buddha saw all of this and more than 2500 years ago. Buddhists invite you Come and see Look through your body and mind to understand, because you too are a world. Don't believe anything you can't understand. Believe only a little understood.
@chansedaolaya6559 4 года назад
Thank you so much for express this wisdoms thought.
@mailman5043 3 года назад
Buddha was pretty atheist, but I think his followers don't really understand what he meant but I can understand it ancient people when they can't explain things they just say god
@shroudwoman Год назад
Exactly! Thank you!
@sapphireacquarose8452 7 месяцев назад
I really appreciate this explanation. It was straight forward, clear, concise, and gave enough nuggets to prompt me to pursue different aspects of the belief system for further edification. I think it’s so important that we break down the old paradigm of only staying with the religion with which we were raised and never question it and be open to learning how other navigate the world and their connection with something beyond them. I really appreciate all that I learned from this brief video today. By making it brief it actually made the content more accessible for me because when I see a video is longer I tend to not click on it because of the perceived time commitment, not thinking that there may just be one nugget I need to hear and I don’t need to watch the whole video to gain that insight. Yet just one way we block ourselves, I guess. Thank you. Many blessings and much gratitude 🙏🏻
@amptcobra5044 Год назад
I’ve had these thoughts for years and I just now decided to look into Buddhism every single one of the eightfold paths I’ve practiced in my life slipping on and off the path over time though But recently I have come into inner peace for the first time in years and I cried I am happy to be alive again I thought the day would never come🙏
@djender5839 Год назад
I am muslim but I love buddhism
@inurarandunu2187 3 года назад
Buddhism is different from other religions because it is logical, practicle and clear problem is not easy to understand ; anyone who wants to learn must have visdom in his mind. buddhism is not only the meditation but the serious understanding of the universe. the person who understand the universe is the person who gained NIRWANA {highest state of human mind}
@hdsan8689 Год назад
Dear Brother , not Nirwana it is mean Nivana and that mean end of the life cycle of us.
@sathruwaniranpatabendi4619 Год назад
I think Nirvana is not understanding the universe but understanding oneself. Living a virtuous life without hurting others and freeing oneself from the cycle of rebirth so we can't suffer any more. Because even when we are born into this world, we are born crying due to pain (even though we can't remember the pain we went through when we are born). Buddhism is more of a philosophy than a religion.
@shawncrasta4942 3 года назад
Most of the Buddhist ways of living can be practiced by non religious people too without believing in anything.
@harryheath9928 2 года назад
I think it's self mastery
@harrychowdhry5851 2 года назад
Carving your own path is always a good choice
@ketara1234od 3 года назад
i am not Buddhist but i feel l like i can find my inner peace through Buddhism . i should learn more about the Buddhism
@BuddhismBliss-eng 2 месяца назад
I appreciate the historical context and the detailed breakdown of the Noble Eightfold Path. The insights into the roles of Bodhisattvas and the Dalai Lama were particularly enlightening!
@meeralutchmun589 3 года назад
It may be short but really helpful to understand Buddhism.. Thank you for sharing🙏😊
@jinsakai5307 4 года назад
Buddhism earned my respect
@GODiscomingsoonagain 3 года назад
2 timothy 3:7 always learing but not able to come the the knowledge of the truth!. Better give JESUS your life and ask him to show you the way and the truth he will show you believe only in the true GOD that have make heaven universe and earth include humans we must repent all sin and love GOD above all have good relationship with GOD he will soon come back who believe in him shall be saved
@elisa-wl5ve 3 года назад
@@GODiscomingsoonagain do not force YOUR religion on others. we do not know what is real and what isn't. stop saying that Jesus is the right path when we literally don't know. your religion is just a BELIEF, not a FACT. stop pushing christianity on other people.
@GODiscomingsoonagain 3 года назад
@@elisa-wl5ve do you feel i force ? I just tell the truth the way and the life is only JESUS i just bring the message for people to know. It is people own desicion wat they will follow i do not put a gun in your face and tell you to follow JESUS.its the same You telling me i can not even bring the truth for other people just let them. GOD tell to preach the truth around the world you can not stop me to do this because soon is the end
@malithshanaka1641 3 года назад
@@GODiscomingsoonagain haha How many times have you brain washed?
@Sawo-500 3 года назад
@@GODiscomingsoonagain mind is powerful than Jesus .
@johnbug1334 3 года назад
I’m 13 and been atheist, but reading all sorts of things, even fictional books, they’d always talk about Buddha as a god, I’ve always known a bit about it and have lots of Buddha statues, mainly because my dad is a bit of a Buddhist, and I don’t like Christianity and Catholicism, and I’ve been thinking of becoming a Buddhist, and I think I’m going to start the transition into being one
@tejasjadhav6400 3 года назад
There are various interpretations of Buddhism and preachings of them differ from one another. But the core values of Buddhism common in all of them are explained in this video. If you follow them you're already a Buddhist!
@clk25120 3 года назад
Buddhism does not have the "God" in its teachings. Lord Buddha is only a teacher.
@KattReen 3 года назад
Buddhism technically does not have an deities. Buddha is more of a figurehead or rolemodel in this faith. The good thing about buddhism is that it's really accessible and has things to teach you even if you believe in zero of the spiritual stuff. I think it teaches some genuinely good coping mechanisms to deal with the bad side of the human experience. Which is probably why a lot of buddhism has been baked into so much of modern self-help philosophy.
@Sawo-500 3 года назад
Buddha is a not god. Buddha is a philosopher , teacher and spiritual leader.
@hemera5491 3 года назад
Buddha is not a god. Buddha is someone who realized what the truth is. And who showed us the thuth of the word, everything.
@orlandoalessandrini2505 4 года назад
I'm christian, but I follow Buddhist principles as well and meditate. I find it a good set of beliefs to incorporate.
@kelcritcarroll 2 года назад
I believe yoko ono was a christian buddist….I saw here say that years ago on an interview…..I have always felt she was bery wise
@ankhkezn984 2 года назад
U cannot be a Christian buddist
@jaxthewolf4572 2 года назад
@@ankhkezn984 Yes you can.
@wilber_nt 2 года назад
@kelly Evans there's no such a thing as Christian buddist, you're either a Christian or a buddist
@orlandoalessandrini2505 2 года назад
@@wilber_nt what's wrong with meditating and incorporating complimentary beliefs?
@MarsunAlvarez 5 лет назад
If u want to seek the truth and happiness it's all in Buddhism. Thanks for sharing
@nurnazd6631 5 лет назад
Buddha is a man. So, who is your God?
@lifeisshortpeace7783 5 лет назад
@@nurnazd6631 if there is a all powerful god who created us,why are innocent babies born with debilitating diseases.I worked in a hospital and see this every day.
@tejaswigarimella9359 5 лет назад
@@lifeisshortpeace7783 well because of karma. In previous births. That is why Buddha and Hinduism and Jainism ask u to gain moksha or nirvana to break this cycle of karma.
@lifeisshortpeace7783 5 лет назад
@@tejaswigarimella9359 agree with you. That sounds logical to me.
@skepticbeing6657 5 лет назад
@@nurnazd6631 before I answer your question, what's your definition of God ?
@timezoneyk 4 года назад
Proud to be from the country where Buddha was born... From Nepal❤️❤️
@GODiscomingsoonagain 3 года назад
2 timothy 3:7 always learing but not able to come the the knowledge of the truth!. Better give JESUS your life and ask him to show you the way and the truth he will show you believe only in the true GOD that have make heaven universe and earth include humans we must repent all sin and love GOD above all have good relationship with GOD he will soon come back who believe in him shall be saved
@timezoneyk 3 года назад
@@GODiscomingsoonagain I'm sorry but I'm not interested in changing my beliefs. You stick to your own and imma stick to mine. And FYI I don't think any of your or mine god would tell you to force people into becoming Christians, isn't it? Or if it's otherwise then you can tell me about it. You're welcome!!
@therhythmofmyheart7936 3 года назад
@@timezoneyk respect sister.... I'm Buddhist monk from sri Lanka.
@timezoneyk 3 года назад
@@therhythmofmyheart7936 😊❤️
@therhythmofmyheart7936 3 года назад
@@timezoneyk Are you a English teacher 👩‍💼
@kuldeepchhetri1355 3 года назад
Buddhism teaches one to LIVE, what we are doing is just EXIST
@theodoreree7100 3 года назад
It's generally not about belief. It's about "finding out" on your own.
@ashokbramhane5064 3 года назад
I proud of my self because I am buddhist ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏
@Shonensarutobisasuke 3 года назад
The moment you say can say out loud that you are proud of this or another, you are vain and no longer a true buddhist. Sorry.
@zerbutterftw 2 года назад
@@Shonensarutobisasuke what?
@tanongsakmhuentoei2715 4 года назад
Love from Thailand.
@samatha1994 3 года назад
Really good explanation especially for 9 minutes! And a very helpful series of videos. A couple of things that might also help: "Suffering" or dukkha includes "unsatisfactoriness", stress... ("pain is inevitable, suffering is optional"). Compassion; loving kindness; joy in the happiness of others and equanimity are things that develop with Buddhist practices (notably mindfulness of breathing and "loving kindness meditation"/metta bhavna practices). There's an emphasis on seeing things as they really are, rather than views through a clouded mind. Becoming aware of one's thoughts & responses and in doing so becoming less blown around, less reactive is a key aspect (rather than blocking thoughts, or trying to have only positive thoughts). Right conduct/actions include ethical precepts- they're not commandments but things that have been found to help with becoming more aware and connected. One is encouraged to reflect on what one finds helpful and what one doesn't. The core precepts cover: * Kindness; not causing harm. * Generosity; not taking what's not given. * Honesty (is it true, is it said with kindness, is it helpful, does it promote harmony) * Not clouding the mind eg with drugs; cultivating mindfulness and awareness. * Not indulging cravings that harm oneself or others; cultivating stillness, simplicity and contentment. It's not about abstaining from or not enjoying sex (though some monastics will adopt chastity). It's craving and aversion that are destructive (not helped by lack of awareness of cause and effect). There is a point where that internally driven ethical behaviour/"self development" begins to flow- heading more towards a letting go of the idea of a fixed self; more akin to "surrender"/letting go, connecting with a flow, which is where aspects of faith come in.
@BuddhismBliss-eng Месяц назад
I appreciate the focus on making complex concepts accessible. Buddhism's rich history and teachings are truly intriguing
@IAYTD 5 лет назад
I know I struggled with the name "Avalokitesvara." I also gendered as female, later realizing that Avalokitesvara is gendered differently (or not at all) in different traditions. So you may be familiar with this character as something different.
@vietnamemperor123461 5 лет назад
Avalokitesvara is bodhisattva and had been portrayed as female in east Asian Buddhism. But originally it was a male.
@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 4 года назад
@@vietnamemperor123461 what bloody nonsense ...
@vietnamemperor123461 4 года назад
@@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 What nonsense? Just because you disagree with my opinion? Everyone have the right to believe in whatever they want but if you have a problem with that then that's on you.
@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 4 года назад
@@vietnamemperor123461 ... East Asian Buddhism is not Buddha Dharma... you are talking about some bloody Buddhist literature..... when I say nonsense that's exactly what I meant, read Buddha's teachings not some idiot who wrote some stories ... read Pali Canon if you know what that means
@thetruthseeker5448 4 года назад
Pali canon is a translation by Buddhagosha who himself was not from a Buddhist family and from India. Where is the original? It was supposed to have destroyed by Buddhagosha himself after the translation. Only thing what we know is Pali Canon is a historical text, the oldest text. That does not qualify to be the only truth. At the time of the Buddha's passing away there were almost 14 known sects, and the only one to survive this long is the Theravada TRADITION, What were the others,, and which was the Buddha's true words. We are happy with what we got to read and understand and that does not mean Pali Canon is the original, NO!
@pilotkhangembam9431 4 года назад
am not buddhist but thrill by buddhist thoughts thnnzzx from manipur
@greenlilac32 3 года назад
I’d love to learn Buddhism from actual Buddhists I have read about it but I feel as though to truly grasp and benefit from it I’d need a human teacher It has so far brought me such peace in life
@shirleyniedzwiecki1104 3 года назад
Then, it seems you’re looking for a mentor. The only way to follow true Buddhism.
@karzindrukpa7684 3 года назад
I always drop my tears as ocean whenever I watch the budhist teaching and dalai lama
@shouhai.d3ad 3 года назад
I have been an atheist for 3-4 years but I feel very connected to Buddhism.
@ayenakhankhan5799 2 года назад
Lol this is not religion it is a philosophy ...😂
@shouhai.d3ad 2 года назад
@@ayenakhankhan5799 I know
@shroudwoman Год назад
Buddhism is an atheistic religion. Buddha taught that all phenomena are created by MIND not by and external inherently existent entity who metes out punishment and reward.".
@aadithyabandara Год назад
​@@ayenakhankhan5799 buddhism is combination of religion and philosophy lol.👍
@na-ra8701 Год назад
​@@shroudwoman truth.
@1La2La3La4La 2 года назад
Hello, although, I am not a Buddhist, but have acquired great respect for this lovely teaching of Buddhism. Very near to the truth and self-exploration. Many thanks for sharing. Kinds.
@leslieoconnor4111 4 года назад
I would Like Become a Buddhist
@yemyatthu9659 4 года назад
Everyone can be Buddhism
@bobvillanueva712 4 года назад
@@yemyatthu9659 Every being on this colony is a Buddhist they're just not aware of it, the more you research belief systems on this planet, you will go full circle. "EVERY WISH FULFILLED" E.T.
@nocturnally879 4 года назад
When you practise the Buddha's teaching you are a Buddhist...
@kyelfletcher9701 4 года назад
leslie, to be a buddhist you must have understanding and acceptance of a few beliefs like karma, and reincarnation etc and to be official you must go for/take refuge and it must be taken in a formal ceremony...Practitioners do however take refuge without the ceremony and still call themselves buddhist, which correct or incorrect is a point debated often.
@Cookcook25 4 года назад
@@kyelfletcher9701 No one is aBuddhist, Buddhist is just a term used for those who learn the TARA, The Rimpoche likes and prefers us to call ourselves Students or learners. A Buddhist is someone who has managed to reach some sort of enlightenment or on a path to doing so like monks. But you do NOT necessarily have to believe in Karma or reincarnation, you simply must understand the teachings of the Buddah Sakiamuny and implement them in your daily life. If you wish to follow the path of englightenment then yes you must go through ceremonys etc.. Official like.. But really buddhism the philosophy not religion can be followed and learnt by anyone anywhere. Those who gloat and tell people they are buddhist just for the sake of getting some attention are not buddhists, they believe they are but they are still attached to their emotions like humans do.. All in all i hope you are having a productful day and a happy one.
@sumanbarua2925 3 года назад
I remember when I take diksha in Buddhism, my teacher in temple taught me that in this diksha period, see the true self of the world, I remember that i was taught not to harm any animal , always respect others and meditate. In this world where hatred is reached its peak, I don't think there is any religion like Buddhism that taught people to be peaceful in life.
@Lifeishard237 4 года назад
I didn’t even realize I was Buddhist until I watched this... AND IM SO CLOSE ON THE EIGHTFOLD PATH AHH SO COOL!!
@therhythmofmyheart7936 3 года назад
Hi... where are you from.... I'm Buddhist monk.
@heatherboo1975 3 года назад
Me toooo!!! This makes more sense to me
@fatemad4012 3 года назад
@@therhythmofmyheart7936 are you really a monk? I have questions
@peterwilson2348 3 года назад
@@fatemad4012 poo
@lana4127 3 года назад
@@therhythmofmyheart7936 Hi hello do I need any fancy ceremony to be a Buddhist
@thisworldfakeashell4098 4 года назад
Thanx bro💯...I think I like Buddhism it just teaches you how to live happy and peaceful👍🏽
@anhsangtrituechannel9942 4 года назад
Buddha teach. Peoples in this world..how to.end suffer. ..this life.and next life....how to be awakened one.....become enlightenment.....its called caused and affects..no1 in this world that.live forever... doesnt matter who you are..even from heavenly to.earth...as well... no matter how. Long your.life line is... 1 day its will come.to an end...included the lords of heaven... still in a cycle.if birth reincarnation.
@Saaannn22 4 года назад
Bầu Trời Xanh Official what’s up with the periods
@doratheexplorer5354 3 года назад
@@anhsangtrituechannel9942 bro stop just accept the fact that Buddhism is one of the peaceful religions.
@Jaclyn_Zen 3 года назад
What a beautiful and incredibly interesting culture/set of beliefs.
@Buddhaenglish Месяц назад
"I was someone who had lost faith in life, but it was Buddhism, through mindfulness, that helped me rediscover the true value of this life."
@cincilitigator5108 5 лет назад
Craving causes suffering - we do not crave suffering according to Buddhism.
@ramaraksha01 4 года назад
Then you don't have a life - it is that simple As a Kid did you not aspire to get good marks/grades? And there were kids who didn't care - they didn't have this craving - while those who wanted top marks/grades suffered thru long nights, worries and giving up fun and games those that didn't care got to sleep in late, had zero worries and got to go play or take in a movie So you teach your kids to be more like the latter? Honest answer now
@samtenbhutia6786 4 года назад
@@ramaraksha01 you are being really racism
@bakbakboy9406 4 года назад
Ramaraksha that is the difference between desire and suffering Desire - in the way of reaching your desire , you are youself ( not changing , not hurting others or yourself ) is you can call as craving Suffering - desire in which you are hurting yourself as well as close ones is suffering Its an ultimate cycle You see - you r achieving a goal lets say you are becoming a rich CEO , now during this journey , you are behaving bad with your loved ones , you are neglecting your health Now once you had became a CEO , when you realize what you had lost you will be suffering Suffering from lonliness Suffering from diabetes depression Suffering from any disorder
@ramaraksha01 4 года назад
@@bakbakboy9406 reason why you speak in generalities but never give details or examples Life comes with pain & suffering, it is a package deal - no pain, no life - that is what the Buddha failed to realize Lets take an example - kid A desires top marks or grades - he is up late, studying, worrying suffering Kid B doesnt care - he enjoys being around his family, playing with friends, going out to movies According to you more kids should be like B & not A? Is that what you see in real life?
@bakbakboy9406 4 года назад
Ramaraksha PAIN IS A GIFT instead of worrying about it , Learn to embrace it Without pain there is no growth -gautama siddharta and answer of your question is kid C Who is not worrying or enjoying too much Who is keeping balance in things (and my friend this is one of the painfull job) Now tell me according to your example who will suffer more or less Kid A or B Also read the great ashoka story Whoever praises his own religion, due to excessive devotion, and condemns others with the thought "Let me glorify my own religion," only harms his own religion. Therefore contact (between religions) is good. One should listen to and respect the doctrines professed by others. - THE GREAT ASHOKA
@deadpool113 3 года назад
I'm atheist from Korea. In my country people like me is really common. but i admire and intrigued by buddhism's meaning and concepts. It's truly philosophic and most importantly human centric. And its history of spreading to world is really interesting. My parents are buddhists and i've visited temples a lot but i don't wanna call myself as buddhist because i don't wanna entangled by a group and i have a strict certainty that there's no god or any almightyness. And i still don't understand the true meaning and philosophies of buddhism. It's really difficult but i can feel what he and buddhism academics trying to reform the society. By generosity and liberated from temptation anyone whether that's high classed sirs or low borns they can realize the providence. It doesn't require obedience to being or separatism against others. It's just changing themselves or the community from each of our insides by the predecesors footsteps.
@Sawo-500 3 года назад
You follow Theravada Buddhism.
@deadpool113 3 года назад
@@Sawo-500 theravada is mostly southeast asia korean buddhism is mahayana
@Sawo-500 3 года назад
@@deadpool113 And not just on Southeast asia. There is Theravada Buddhism in South Asia. Do you both like it?
@deadpool113 3 года назад
@@Sawo-500 sri lanka right? I'm just used to mahayana bcuz that's the buddhism that i've seen for my entire life. I can easily call it as northeast asia's buddhism. Along with buddhism lots of northeast asian or korean culture is included in it. So whenever i went Japan and visited temples i feel common culture which gives me the feeling of we're somehow related. But when i see theravada buddhism it comes to me more exotic. So it's interesting but the style is different. I only know their scriptures are written in Pali. Idk much about it distinct from mahayana's components. But from what i understand the basic concept must be similar
@Sawo-500 3 года назад
@@deadpool113 yes srilanka , Bangladesh , India. Ok, your choice.
@GrayBeardFPS Год назад
As a buddhist this video was very informative and spot on thank you 🙏
@singularity-6339 4 года назад
Buddhism is a teaching of mind learning methods. Mind goes up and down all day everyday, hearing someone talked bad about you, see someone dropped a bag full of cash right in front of you, having a sexy young woman comes and talk to you or thinking of the past mistakes you made or learning that your love ones just passed away. Those emotional feelings have one thing in common, they are impermanence and only lasted as long as your mind holds on to it before it "let go". Observing one's own mind will help to discover the nature of one's own self until it reaches a self realization that matters are "Anatta" that shouldn't be attached to or hold on to. Just let it be. Peaceful mind is a path toward that goal. Meditation is a tool to get mind arrives at its peacefulness. "Mind needs something to focus to and SATI(self awareness) needs something to remind it's existence" is the principle of meditation. By keeps repeating a couple of neutral words in your mind 24/7 (Bud-dha or je-sus) even in your dreams will help to solidify self awareness and strengthen up mind's energy, peaceful mind will be as the result. Observing one's own mind is like an adventure that it's owner can experience.
@pattyhernandez6546 3 года назад
Love ❤️ this video I have Buddha’s in my home, and wanted to know what they mine. My grandchildren’s mom is monk and love them so much.
@ji5cu 3 года назад
i’m buddhist but my parents never talk about it to me and my siblings so it’s amazing learning about it
@kaveeshanimsara9291 3 года назад
Dont warry bro.you learn more buddiest
@ileilanambingaamtheleader1154 11 месяцев назад
Dear Buddha, please accept me into your life and into your world. That I may find happiness in who I am and in my beauty marks. Please let me be happy with my life and please remove bad luck from my life. That I do not live in punishment . Please give me good luck in my life. Protect me from any spirit and any Deities that want to harm me. Help me to pray to you everyday. Help me to eat the right foods. Help me be successful. Thank you for reading this ❤.
@christianalexanderthegreat8941 4 года назад
The Eightfold Path has so much more meaning than the Bible’s Ten Commandments
@heatherboo1975 3 года назад
@justinmoody9164 3 года назад
Please explain
@kantui100 3 года назад
@@justinmoody9164 the ten commandments are straight forward, while Buddhism rule has many meanings to it, just way better
@justinmoody9164 3 года назад
@@kantui100 How does that make it better though? I’m confused.
@kantui100 3 года назад
@@justinmoody9164 sorry I didn't mean better, I meant it's like a higher way of understanding, it's not a religion though, just a way if life
@SeanVito Год назад
I've always been interested in buddhism. I was raised in a christian household. It is more of a philosophy than a religion. It is based on reality, not some impossible God that you try to please. It is very grounding and introspective, making you realize the faults within yourself. Impossible to explain to my parents. So closed minded. They see something not christian and panic, even though it strives for the same goodness and in a more logical way.
@AntilleanConfederation 11 месяцев назад
Any religion that survives and holds its members hostage out of fear, is not inspired by a loving eternal God.
@AntilleanConfederation 11 месяцев назад
That being said. If Christian’s actually practiced Christianity… that means to be like Christ… there wouldn’t be any churches left.
@smartpiggGD Год назад
Buddhism is like a philosophy. I as a buddhist still can’t truly understand all of the principles. But when I feel sad or scared I pray/meditate and it makes me feel calm and peaceful. And of course I do believe in next life and karma if you do only bad things, maybe next life you become a spirit in hell.
@Cookcook25 4 года назад
As a budhist myself, I have met with many Lamas and Rimpoches as well as the prince of tibet. In the coast of spain, I truly love what you have created here to explain and expand on the ideals and beliefs of buddhism, but, even as the Guru Rimpoche said Buddhism is not a religion it is a philosophy, but that does not stop you from calling it a religion if you wish it so. But all in all I think its wonderful what youve done here, have an amazing rest of your day.
@roktoprobal9505 Год назад
I am a Muslim and I want to convert to Buddhism.
@audhiswarchakma1091 Год назад
Judging by your name, are you a Bangladeshi bruva?
@roktoprobal9505 Год назад
@@audhiswarchakma1091 হ্যাঁ
@audhiswarchakma1091 Год назад
@@roktoprobal9505 আমিও বাংলাদেশী ভাই🤝
@dannyng8597 Месяц назад
There is already a BUDDHA in all beings. Just learn & practice it as BUDDHISM is not religion that divides all living beings but unites by good deeds.
@faithgikunga7659 3 года назад
I'm a agonist but I respect and love Buddhism
@Powerhouse08 2 года назад
As an atheist, Buddhism seems to be the best religion among others.
@MarylinTurner-tm3nv 25 дней назад
You don't believe in God?
@ashokchaudhary8025 2 года назад
welcome to visit the birthplace of " lord Gautam Buddha" Lumbini, Nepal 🇳🇵🇳🇵
@rangzen4175 Год назад
Can you name me one single monetary built by Nepal government to the Buddhist..be true and Nepal is process to make Nepal as Hindu nation.beating Tibetan monk and nuns on day light street like dog by police even they were knockout with blood..
@GREENDAY66 4 месяца назад
@@rangzen4175 buddha stupa mate ....and just visit lumbini you can find your answer. where are you from? mate ?
@NgawangPhuntsok-vd3oe 2 месяца назад
Are you saying boudha stupa is surport by nepali governmwnt.btw moneyry and temple are two different..
@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 4 года назад
The Dhamma, as taught by the Buddha, is a path that leads to the cessation of suffering through a lifetime effort to gain insight into essential truths about the human condition. These truths are uniquely codified in the Dhamma ( the teaching of Buddha) as the Three Universal Characteristics, The four Noble truth, the eightfold path, the twelve-fold chain of Dependent Origination, the Five Aggregates and the five groups of existence etc. The goal and culmination of the efforts and discoveries which are made by people who put the path into action is the release from suffering, which derives from a relinquishment of clinging, which happens when there is a dissolution of the idea of a permanent, unchanging, eternal self within either the individual or within the universe. All the steps that lead to the end of suffering derive from a meditation-based realization of atomic and molecular change at the nexus of one’s own body, the material world, and its constituents. The Dhamma in practice catalyzes a personal experience of the ultimate scientific reality that everything we are, see, think and feel is changing, impermanent and impersonal. Nibbāna, which is not part of any self, god, or material universe, and which transcends any hate, fear, delusion, “ism” or viewpoint, is realized and entered via this path of Dhamma. Nibbāna means freedom from ignorance and its attendant rebirth and suffering.
@tonywijetillake7501 3 года назад
Excellent explanation about what Buddhism is !
@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 3 года назад
@@tonywijetillake7501 ...'ism' is a brand arises due to ego...one must let go of 'ism' in order to realize 'Anatta'
@theguyver4934 4 года назад
I'm a Pakistani muslim and i love buddhism
@Dinesh7206 4 года назад
Good luck, you should practice. Very peaceful unlike Islam.
@himaldew 4 года назад
Well Pakistan was once a Buddhist nation. I’m from Bangladesh and a Buddhist .
@MindfulExplorations-op7bg 11 месяцев назад
Finally a video about Buddhism! Thanks!
@bobbyandersson3382 3 года назад
I will 100% become a Buddhist Monk. Peace 🙏🏽
@jazlynemma1390 2 года назад
Omg i'm sooo happy to hear this!
@ayenakhankhan5799 2 года назад
What kind of human you are A small video can change your belief's 😂😂😂 very funny ....Islam is best. ...♥:)
@rangzen4175 Год назад
@@ayenakhankhan5799 one more Islam market..
@Ghatikara Год назад
same it's my aspiration
@christinewambua4280 2 года назад
I am a Christian , but I have been inspired by the teachings of Gotama budha. the eightfold is fantastic. am adopting this for my life.
Jesus is a follower of Buddha ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-TEvomvO8cb0.html
@VinhPham-hz8ny 2 года назад
So glad you found the teaching useful and applicable to your experience. God blessed you.
@sfgxs-q1g Год назад
@AwakeningAscendancy135 9 месяцев назад
"Mastering others is power. Mastering the self is empowerment. ✌❤"
@paulocunha3799 4 года назад
Recent archaeological report of Lumbini, Siddhartha might have born between 8th and 6th century BCE. Can you imagine when Greek civilization was still infant, and the rest of world was without critical thinking, Buddha taught against superstition, wisdom, ethics, concentration. That is why even Confucius and Lao tse respected Buddha.
@slomo4672 4 года назад
Buddhism spreaded to China in the first century when Confucius and Lao Tse had died for several hundred years. In other words, they never knew about Buddha.
@paulocunha3799 4 года назад
@@slomo4672 I agree but according to some legend or myth they knew Buddha. ;)
@paulocunha3799 4 года назад
@@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 I agree with you but one suggestion: Converse your anger and bad words into academic critics. This is the only way to defend cunning academics. Diamond cuts diamond. So Don't be a rusted iron. I also think that Buddha must be older than Thales and your conclusion shows that you are well learned in the history. Where are you from and where do you live? What is your academic background and qualification? We hard core Buddhists need to unite and face the academic challenges. We can chat privately on this topic.
@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 4 года назад
@@paulocunha3799 Actually I do not brand myself as a Buddhist, however, I practice Buddha Dharma... these words that I used are some of my 'Sansaric habits' that bring out to the surface when I see injustice, but I am a person who calls spade a spade, and I find it difficult to be the type of Diamond that you refer to because if I did that, I will not be honest to myself. Personally, I never approved of the modern western education system, it makes you a slave for the so-call 'Democratic system'. These are some of the tools that the west requires for their social engineering program to control masses. Once you understand this you will appreciate practicing Dharma. Dharma teaches you to un-condition your mind (to remove your defilements), which is the opposite side of the modern education system. That makes the modern academic qualifications useless. Buddha did not have a PHD (I call this Permanent Head Damage). Ancient India had a 'Guru Gola' (Teacher to Student) education system. The Greeks also copied this from India. Teravada Buddhist tradition also uses this system 'teacher to student' especially when doing meditation practice. I am from Sri Lanka, and I read mostly the books/ some ancient scripts, chronicles, archeological evidence, religious evidence, cultural etc written by none westerners/ local, translations from ancient Chinese and Indian scripts etc. That is the only way you know it's not diluted. For your information it was in Sri Lanka the 'Pali Canon' was written in 100 BC. We have written chronicles dating back to 2500 years ( suppose to be the oldest chronicles in the world). These were protected by the Buddhist Monks who hid in jungles when the western invaders were looting, burning temples and killing Buddhist monks in our country.
@paulocunha3799 4 года назад
@@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 Okay, Okay! Pls, make your reply short, why do you think Thales was 50 years younger than Buddha? Any clue or proof?
@YasasAttanayake 3 года назад
While looking at this video i first of all appreciate the efforts put towards this video♥️ but the definitions, depth and facts in this video for the most part are based on the mahayana Buddhism practice technique which is much colorful and eye catching looks more likely be able to win hearts and touch soals and easily kinda tangible in a way...however there is another part known as theravada buddhism practice which practically resides solely on buddha's teachings himself through the association with the thripitaka (a guide book which was written by arahath monks memorizing lord Buddha's teachings which comprize of 3 sections such as suthra (various buddha explanations and explanations in dharma), winaya ( descipline, laws and actions mainly for monks) and abhidharma (core and depth). So just wanted to point out the fact that there is another type of practice..good efforts btw!! cheers♥️🇱🇰👌🏼
@corsaircaruso471 10 месяцев назад
I’ve practiced Buddhism for 8 years, and I think this video is quite well made. Thank you so much for sharing.
@MyNguyen-uh4qx 3 года назад
Thank you very much for brief, meaningful video about Buddhism. Please pay attention to show your respect to Buddha because he was a Prince, not an ordinary man.
@VinhPham-hz8ny 2 года назад
prince or not, it does not matter. Respect is for the deed not the title.
@sansan3435 4 года назад
Buddhism is the nature 🖤🍃 If anyone here to say no one can control our life, we are the creator of our life you,follow Buddhism 💚 You will know .. Search what Buddha said about science !
@GODiscomingsoonagain 3 года назад
GOD is the creator not your self buddah teach wrong . Satan deceive many people this is one for sure. 2 timothy 3:7 always learing but not able to come the the knowledge of the truth!. Better give JESUS your life and ask him to show you the way and the truth he will show you believe only in the true GOD that have make heaven universe and earth include humans we must repent all sin and love GOD above all have good relationship with GOD he will soon come back who believe in him shall be saved
@sansan3435 3 года назад
@@GODiscomingsoonagain that's why i said buddhism is the nature ❤ i believe jesus too.. i know he loved everyone without any separations ❤❤
@GODiscomingsoonagain 3 года назад
@@sansan3435 nature came from GOD he create wat we need is not for lucky.i understand u but we must know also end of the day only 1 way lead to salvation not 2 3 4 ways. I see some buddism worship nature but who is the creator of nature GOD right so we must follow the true path we can enjoy of nature it is for us but not worshiping the nature. Thats why buddah teachings are wrong because him self was not a believer in GOD.
@hemera5491 3 года назад
@@GODiscomingsoonagain i respect catholic but this is clear ur blind prayer
@GODiscomingsoonagain 3 года назад
@@hemera5491 im not catholic im a JESUS follower. And i just tell wat HE TELL That salvation is only trough JESUS is a simple trruth. JESUS is The way the truth the life. A sinner can not save an other sinner. But JESUS ONLY because he him self Die for us to make the way of salvation reality
@storyBuddhas 9 месяцев назад
I'm proud to be a buddhist ,and I love and respect other religions too.
@yequalsemexplusbee4322 3 года назад
I found my peace through Buddhism 🙏🏾🙏🏾
@jesperjey4007 3 года назад
@yequalsemexplusbee4322 3 года назад
@@jesperjey4007 Oh yes Jesus is a great teacher too. I acknowledge his works and deeds and apply it to the real world. Like Buddha, both taught peace and love throughout humanity.
@fangslut 3 года назад
@@jesperjey4007 Jesus isn’t the answer to every single persons problems. If Christianity and the lord help you that’s great. people take different routes.
@fangslut 3 года назад
That’s really cool! I wanna start Buddhism but don’t know where to start
@zerbutterftw 2 года назад
@@jesperjey4007 jesus is good too but is just very stupid to force a religion
@Yurthing_ruivah 2 года назад
I'm Christian but other religion always need to know 🙂
@groovermctoober4508 Год назад
There is nothing to believe in Buddhism; the Buddha rather shows you the way to find the answers yourself.
@jamesstaplesv 4 года назад
I have changed "Right.." to "Accurate " it allows not being dogmatic in time and space, what was Right before, may not be an Accurate response.
@thekaizer666 3 года назад
this is good!
@febuary1497 5 лет назад
Buddhism isnt about solely blinding devotion to ritual n ceremony. Rather is a form of thinking where its sought in within. It has no god , the path boils down to the practitioner being hyper aware n conscious hence going into trance mode. As in tapping out into the void never to be in the system again(ie rebirth cycle) step out of the system.
@nurnazd6631 5 лет назад
So, who is your creator?
@febuary1497 5 лет назад
I dont know , and why do you need to ask such a question regarding a need for one? It could be a recursion of some sort , it need not have to obey causality . Hence my comment.
@nicholesam5365 5 лет назад
@@nurnazd6631 who is your creator's creator?
@NilsKullberg 4 года назад
Yup. So it is.
@rajwarnakulasuriya5935 4 года назад
karpou... Buddha's teaching is not for idiots...
@vv4ra 3 года назад
took me years to stop pretending and realized i am agnostic and it is the best feeling ever. that's when i discover other philosophies. when i started meditating, i took an interest to buddhism. it helped my depression and anxiety a lot. i feel better now than before when i kept on pretending that i still believe in god. it made me really unhappy, i feel like a fraud bec i was very unsure about god and religions at that time. especially when my family and friends would always mention god when i tell them about my mental health. it makes me sick more so i stop telling them about my problems. now i'm agnostic, i am open to different kinds of philosophies that i can choose to make me a better person.
@mindhypo 3 года назад
Buddhism is a religion that eliminates human suffering."Things that occur due to causes, disappear due to lack of causes.Think carefully. The cause of our sorrow is greed." The core of the buddhism... ....How we can see an end of the suffering by praying without remove greed..
@blairlarkspur3893 3 года назад
6:43 I was expecting Myanmar to be mentioned because of the photos 😮 Myanmar looks like we have more Buddhism influences than is shown by the numbers.❤
@aspxctybxi8447 3 года назад
Felt nothing but love in my heart watching this
@germanodacosta3661 5 лет назад
such a beautiful knowdlege. thanks for sharing. May Buddha Bless you
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