
What Is God Accomplishing in My Suffering? 

Desiring God
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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1523
Transcript: www.desiringgo...



29 сен 2024




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@augsburgbiblechannel9246 4 года назад
I think sometimes suffering can be so dark or cause so much despair that it's hard to see any purpose in it. That of course doesn't mean there isn't a purpose but when I don't see purpose oh dear God fill me with your Love in Christ. Let me be upheld by the one who suffered for me and before me. Let me see through the veil of tears into the eternal gifts of your son Jesus Christ
@sherrymoredock4457 4 года назад
Its hard for me too to feel Gods Love when I suffer hardships but keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. He says" It Is I, dont be afriad". God diciplines those He Loves and accepts as sons. The devil loves to make you think that God does'nt love you in the storm,but dont believe him. Do you Love Christ? He first Loved you. Are you seeking Him with all your Heart? He first sought you! God bless you.
@augsburgbiblechannel9246 4 года назад
@@sherrymoredock4457 thanks for sharing and it shows we all have challenges, but not necessarily the same.
@mundabiyves-josephkola2527 4 года назад
Blessings, brothers and sisters! All the sufferings we may go through are for the benefits of our Faith. And when we grow in Faith we can praise and dance for GOD like Paul and Silas in prison (Acts 16:25)! The enemy does care about nothing else but our Faith, because he knows that without it, "No one can please GOD!" (Hebrews 11:6). Let us keep watching and praying and praising the LORD no matter what we might face, HE IS THE FAITHFUL GOD! And let us fight the good fight of Faith (1Timothy 6:12). GOD bless us all in JESUS CHRIST'S NAME Amen.
@sherrymoredock4457 4 года назад
Amen 🙏 thanks that encouraging word. It's so different going through hardships With God compared to without God. B.c we thought it to be by chance or bad carma like the world calls it but now as one who knows God and that all suffering comes from Him, we see it from a whole new view. Now our eyes are fixed on our Blessed Lord ❤️ So we need faith and more faith to be able to walk on the waves with Christ Jesus. The storms of our lives are under his feet, He says" It is I, don't be afriad" and when we doubt His love for us in our pain, we sink in fear and the devil says " if God Loves you,than why does he let you suffer this? Oh lets not pay att. What the enemy says. God bless you.
@mundabiyves-josephkola2527 4 года назад
@@sherrymoredock4457 Amen! Thanks Sherry. May Our Blessed and Merciful LORD keep building us up through it all. GOD bless you, too!
@tomjjackson21 2 года назад
I really struggle with this concept. Two years ago my wife comes home and informs me she's been unfaithful for our entire relationship; nearly a decade, and was leaving. She left my three children with me and vanished. Life was perfect, and I was happy that I had my children and praised God for it. 10 months later she notifies me she's in town, and asks if our children can spend the day with her. That was mid April of last year, and the last time I saw my three children. I allowed them to go to the park with their estranged mother, and they were abducted. Foolishly before dropping them off she asked I give her the keys to our storage so she could grab some of her items. In my storage I kept some important documents, including that the titles to my vehicles. Days later a sheriff arrived at my house with a tow truck, and literally aided in the theft of my belongings. Title transfers are comically easy if you have the proper documentation. I lost everything of value to me overnight. She's a genuinely evil person, that thrives off of human suffering and feels entitled to hurt other's. The thought the she may have to wait until judgment to be punished for her wicked deeds gives me zero comfort. I just can't come to terms that God would permit me to suffer without my children. I've spent an obscene amount on attorney fees attempting to regain custody of my children, but being a man it's been an uphill battle, and each day it appears I will never regain custody of my children. What does my desire to die without being with my children, do with glorifying our creator? How does this indescribable pain benefit God? I just can't understand how, or why God would permit my children and I to suffer for no reason beyond it makes their mother blissfully happy. My children are in even worse shape than I am, they despise their mother and I don't even want to imagine what pain they're going through. Why would a creator I've dedicated my entire life to allow this? What holy and wise purpose does God desire? Not once have I questioned his sovereignty, and I recognize without his strength I would have given up months ago. I've exhausted my savings, have lost 80lbs. What does God desire?! Do we just pretend that this is part of some greater plan to help us cope? God isn't obligated to end our suffering, so why do we pretend that there's a divine purpose to it? Maybe God chooses not to intervene for other reasons. There's no purpose to my children's suffering. Sure, I've grown infinitely closer to God due to laying at rock bottom, while expressing with every fiber of my being that I desire to see my children, and begging to be with them again. The only thing I can think of is I just loved my children too much, and I'm guilty of idolatry over them. All of this my fault for worshipping my beautiful boys. Had I not dedicated myself to them, had "Dad" not been my entire identity, maybe God wouldn't have allowed time to be taken from me. It's as if they're dead. I'm not allowed to contact them, or acknowledge their existence until we come to terms through this judicial process. The system is so broken, and none of this makes sense to me. I'm sorry, though I love my Creator more than anything, *"just because"* gives me no solace. This answers literally none of my questions. *"Why does God allow suffering, because he's God and he can. Praise him and be patient."* Wow, thanks for the vague theistic response. Like myself we don't know why God permits his faithful to suffer. We can speculate, but we don't know. Every response on this video is walking away with the same opinion of this video as myself. Don't publish something that will draw broken people, if you're incapable giving some sort of reprieve. This coming from a man that recognizes the divine authority of my creator, and that everything is in his hands, and for the most part there's a purpose. This video irritates me. The premise that our suffering is the desire of our creator, for some deeper meaning isn't necessarily the truth. I'm not Job...
@kylejacobs9467 2 года назад
Not to say anything about Pastor John Piper's wisdom which is awesome. I understand your pain as I am in a similar situation. We may not have the answers we're looking for but be encouraged by faith. Our thoughts are not God's thoughts. His ways are higher than our ways. Trust that God already has a plan for you and your kids. And walk in God's promises. Stay strong brother. God bless
@LiamRobot2014 Год назад
I'm so sorry to hear what you've been through, many people have been through difficult times in their lives, and for many it can seem easy to question why God has taken so much away from you. Just know that God works in mysterious magical ways, and even when times seem hopeless, when you truly put your faith in him he will deliver you from what seems like some of the darkest places. God might sometimes use difficult situations as trials to test peoples faith. Im praying for you, I really wish you the best.
@LiamRobot2014 Год назад
Heres a verse thats really been helping me recently: 2 Timothy 2:3: You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Even when times are tough just know that God's got you and he loves you. Put your faith in him and your life will flourish
@bigjerm1631 Год назад
Update us, Tom. Got your kids yet? Or atleast granted a fair amount of time with them regularly?
@JesusisLord.. Год назад
What’s going on now?
@luismoro5720 4 года назад
It’s difficult to feel joy when trouble continues to come my way seemingly without pausing. I feel as though I failed God and there is nothing I can do.
@birdlover5 2 года назад
Hang in there! I understand where you are coming from. I had often meditated what did I do to make God mad, but I have to admit, alot of the suffering has changed me in good ways. During the trial I have become more diligent in my household, more decerning and more tight lipped as to not get into arguments and let it go. I never realized what a petty and lazy person I was before the trial. I don't like the trial at all!!! But it has done things for me to make me change. Hang in there! Keep praying.
@mcoz6934 3 года назад
🔥 EXACTLY‼️ He's _burning up_ everything He cannot accept 🔥 🔥Just like the _red heifer_ purification of NUM 19 & HEB 9, He is purifying us🔥 🔥Just like 1 PET 1 & 4, as well as MAL 3, so that when He comes in _blazing fire_ upon the Earth (MATT 24, 2 PET), those who have been _purified by fire_ will not be consumed by the _blazing glory_ of the LORD when He comes again (DAN 3)🔥
@DuncanDonuts1750 3 года назад
Am I the only who would love an audio bible read by Tony?😂
@tessalogan586 4 года назад
Your soul
@mr.c2485 4 года назад
Problem: most suffering has nothing to do with Jesus or god....that is of course assuming that we don’t see a demon behind all our discomforts.
@heartylegend2002 4 года назад
I don't know why I have to suffer. These mean and nasty Blasphemous thoughts against my Lord and Savior I feel so angry because I know I would never say anything mean about my Father in heaven. why can't the enemy just leave me alone
@CyndiGarguilo 4 года назад
You must rebuke the devil (out loud) in the name of Jesus! 🙏🏼
@Nechole777 3 года назад
Resist by learning the truth from God’s Word and every time the enemy comes, repeat the truth.
@Richie016 4 года назад
Endurance is a true blessing, our struggles help cultivate a spirit to endure joyfully while we trust in the lord.😇
@birdlover5 2 года назад
The thorn in Paul's side is a real eye opener. Dealing with a number of adversaries and enemies right now. It is discouraging, but God is good and has a plan and reason for this!
@TammieBuckeye 4 года назад
There were times I had a difficult road- then one day, while reading the Bible - it came to me, this is nothing but earth. Meaning, my real life is in heaven. This is just my earthly days. They will pass.. but my spirit lives on in heaven. My real home.
@milastark1975 Год назад
Endurance and close fellowship with my Father, Savior and Comforter. Priceless👼🙏❤️
@arfermo853 2 года назад
Nothing,he is busy and cant be bothered with you
@maxaplin4204 4 года назад
It is worth noting that suffering and joy are often found together in the Bible. Some relevant passages are: Psalm 94:19; Habakkuk 3:17-19; Matthew 5:11-12; Luke 6:22-23; 2 Corinthians 6:10; 7:4; 8:2; Colossians 1:24; 1 Thessalonians 1:6; James 1:2-4; and 1 Peter 1:6. Most people think that suffering and joy are mutually exclusive things, i.e., that the more one is present, the more the other must be absent. But this thinking is mistaken. True God-given joy operates on a different level from suffering. It is possible for a high level of suffering and a high level of joy to be present at the same time.
@addams40 4 года назад
I just now understand the tremendous suffering i have been enduring. It is crushing me. I always felt like Jesus is about to blow my mind with something great, my wife perhaps. Hallelujah praise Holy Christ Jesus!!
@simone.official 4 года назад
This video was uploaded right on time because I got angry with younger brother for such a small thing. Then my mother told me that my attitude was not good because I am reading the Bible daily yet, I get angry on little things. I admit that I was wrong and I was sorry of what I did to my brother and how I got annoyed with myself but then I ask God to help me with it and this video came up. Praise God! Thank You Lord!
@sherrymoredock4457 4 года назад
Oh yea! The Lord is always on time. He does the same to me, right when I mess up, He already has a message for me on the way. Oh how precious is his care for us. When we see that our Lord Is always looking and testing us for our good, it causes sometimes much trembling. Our whole life is like a trial and we need to be watchful and spend much time with the Lord in prayer lest we fall in temptation and sin against God. Start your day with the Lord in prayer before the sun comes up and sing to Him. This helps alot!! God bless you.
@simone.official 4 года назад
@@sherrymoredock4457 God bless you too!
@alienlife7754 9 месяцев назад
God is really pissing me off. So far in the last month my car went to shit, the siding on my house needed to be replaced, I am experiencing colon issues that probably will turn into something bad, and I just feel like if he exists that he doesn’t give a shit anymore. Why does he keep piling on one thing after another? And don’t give me the “God is testing you” standard bullshit line. I am so fucking tired. I just want a win! I am a good person! I can’t understand why if there is a god, he is being such a dick! Surely there are worse people than me that he can fuck around with. WHY IS HE DOING THIS TO ME!!!
@richellepeace4457 Год назад
Okay, that's where I went wrong. I helped too much. God would use me to save the lives of other people but wouldn't save what I loved. I helped people and stole their blessing and brought grief upon myself. I will help no more....
@TheChuckfuc Год назад
Last year I had a demonic attack while at work. The best way to describe it is it felt like someone was screaming at me. That feeling you get if someone gets in your face. Yet I was by myself. I started praying in tongues for maybe 4 hours. And at the end when I started feeling God's peace. I started thanking him. Because I was struggling with doubt. Doubt in God, doubt his existence, doubting the worth of life, etc. And that attack woke me up from that stupor.
@yamicanada Год назад
@joenelson5819 2 года назад
I wanna suffer in one way, God wants me to suffer in another. I must be content with his way🙏🏻
@jimmiepatrum 4 года назад
"Burn the Hell out of us" - I love it! Diane
@crocodileranger8404 3 года назад
Nothing he is probably just bored and wants to annoy me
@maguadalupegarcia4566 4 года назад
I used to be close to the Lord. I have gone through so much but I lost it. I lost my will to fight. But i realize now that i was so wrong. I am currently reaping what i sowed. I lost Him and can’t seem to know how to go back. These blasphemous thoughts get the best of me every time I try to go back and then I back down all while forgetting the very reason why I am being tested. Please pray for me
@reginaldperry360 3 года назад
You can always go back to God just repent he loves you he loves us all and he wants us to come to him and seek him when we are in trouble it’s not to late we love you all your brothers and sisters in Christ are praying for you and we love you ❤️
@balamlang 4 года назад
But how do i rejoice in between my sufferings
@sherrymoredock4457 4 года назад
Have you herd" The rare jewel of Christan contentment " by Jeremiah Burroughs? It was a Great help and Blessing for me in these trying times. Or " Keeping the Heart" by John Flavel? Stick close to The Word of God and listen to good Christian Audio books from the puritians!! God bless you.
@EthanDyTioco 3 года назад
Here's a few things that I try to think about, when I'm in a bad season in life: [1] Jesus suffered a great deal in His life as well. He shares in your struggles, and He's walking right by you throughout the whole way. [2] Even when you feel like you're messing up constantly, keep the gospel truth in mind: God *has* redeemed you. It's already happened, and your present lowliness is overshadowed by God's commitment to you through the blood of Jesus. And so, you can hold onto the truth that God is still for you, even in your lowest.
@deemisquadis9437 Год назад
He is making you stronger as you asked, you prayed for strength, well you have to go to the gym, to get strong. So get those exercises over and learned. ❤
@7ren10 4 года назад
I'm very sick for years. I was sinful. I was prideful, reckless, vigorous, diceitful, unsatisfying, walk to the world, unfaithful, unbiblical, really bad, disrespectful, impious, idolater, drunken even before go to church, audelterous and had no peace. Pray for me according to the Bible in a proper way. Also, confess your sin if you would. I'd like to pray for you too.
@cynthiaevangelista4661 4 года назад
Thank God I really needed to hear this today. Praise the Lord
@Rob-uc8zr 4 года назад
The Lord knows my needs and rewards those who diligently seek Him.
@nemo7542who 4 года назад
I'm going through one of the worst periods of my life. I hadn't been so destroyed in six years.
@LuzURDADDI666 4 года назад
Hang in there. Word on the street is someone is already here.
@amber3574 2 года назад
It’s definitely gonna hurt, but it’ll be worth it.
@joenelson5819 2 года назад
I wanna suffer in one way, God wants me to suffer in another. I must be content with his way🙏🏻
@belaybelay4288 3 года назад
God bless God bless the grace and mercy and favor of God be with you
@jnsk73 4 года назад
I was watching Matt Dillahunty, what happened?
@briendoyle4680 4 года назад
Now let's tell you a story about a man named Jesus: A god assaulted, by proxy, inseminated a 'virgin' named Mary, in order to bring his son incarnate into our world. A cowardly action.... Mary and her fiance?, ....Joseph, had to travel to Bethlehem to register for the census. There Mary gave birth to a son of a god.? God put a star in the sky to guide people to the baby? In a dream God told Joseph to take his family to Egypt. Then this God stood by and watched as Herod killed thousands and thousands of babies in Israel in an attempt to kill Jesus. (wow!) As a man, God's son claimed that he was God incarnate: "I am the way, the truth and the life," he said. This man performed many 'miracles'. He healed lots of sick people. He turned water into wine. These miracles prove that he is God? Miracles?? But he was eventually given the death sentence and killed by crucifixion. His body was placed in a tomb. But three days later, the tomb was empty. And the man, alive once again but still with his wounds (so anyone who doubted could see them and touch them), appeared to many people in many places. Then he ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of his god the father almighty, never to be seen again. Today you can have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. You can pray to this man and he will answer your prayers. He will cure your diseases, rescue you from emergencies, help you make important business and family decisions, comfort you in times of worry and grief, etc. This man will also give you eternal life, and if you are good he has a place for you in heaven after you die. The reason we know all this is because, after the man died, four people named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote accounts of the man's life. Their written attestations are proof of the veracity of this story. This is the story of a Jesus. "" Do you believe this story? You are Delusional !!~! *However any debate on this is useless - since a god needs to be proven - First. However, .... any debate on this is useless, since a god needs to be proven - First. FIRST !!!
@Jason_-_ 4 года назад
Part of me can’t tell if you believe in him or not
@timsharpe6652 4 года назад
A question I need and want to know for myself !!
@HearGodsWord 4 года назад
Trials and testing strengthen us. Heard Paul Washer use the analogy of lifting weights at the gym which I found helpful.
@mr.c2485 4 года назад
Hear God's Word That analogy comes up short. Lifting weights is a voluntary activity.
@HearGodsWord 4 года назад
@@mr.c2485 everything comes up short compared to God! Christ is said to be the head of the body, his church. Therefore in this analogy Christ is our head and we are the muscles being worked. The muscles didn't voluntarily choose to lift the weights as the head did that, just as we don't voluntarily choose to be tested or go through trials. Not really coming up that short really.
@lael4437 4 года назад
Please pray for me, I just don't think I'm ready for Jesus's second coming, I keep backsliding and loving the things of this world, God bless you.
@dawnm9303 4 года назад
Lael, praying for you 🙏🏻 have you been praying daily? Ask God to convict you of your sins, repent. There are good Bible studies on the YouVersion Bible app. The book of Psalms is a great place to start & use for your own prayers. A daily walk with Jesus: praying, reading the Bible, meditating on the Word & memorizing scripture, listening to praise & worship music & singing along! Every day is a battle! Read the book of Ephesians as well. God Bless you! 🙏🏻✝️🙏🏻 The @YouVersion Bible App has a permanent spot on my home screen. Read, watch, listen, and share…all in a free app:
@lael4437 4 года назад
@@dawnm9303 Thank you for sharing this to me, I'll try out some of the stuff that your suggesting, thank you for your help, God bless you! ✝️😇
@sofiabravo1994 4 года назад
The “power of positive thinking” “Mind over matter” hmmm 🤔 I don’t know about that pastor those phrases come off new agey...it’s the power of Christ not our thinking....the Holy Spirit nudged me...
@adarsh4582 4 года назад
Hi Sofia. I think he was saying it's not positive thinking. He was negating it not affirming it.
@jimmiepatrum 4 года назад
@@adarsh4582 That's the message I got, too. Diane in NC
@tindikamwetu2134 4 года назад
Yeah he was negating it not affirming it.
@MatheusAzevedoDrums 4 года назад
#GloryGOD Always..." 🔥
@williamcopeland6683 4 года назад
"It is according to the will of God..He Wills it" a True Father.. we sometimes forget what a True Father looks like
@LRMC1RN 2 года назад
It's for his entertainment.
@LuzURDADDI666 4 года назад
@briendoyle4680 4 года назад
The Bible 'book' = a compendium of fire side tales and fables, recounted orally , for generations by goat herders and primitive tribes from the stone age, until writing was invented, and then, many different sources, transliterations, and versions were copied and written down.. ''The Bible was created during a time where stories were verbally passed down over hundreds of years. Stories constantly morphed and changed over time, and the Bible is a collection of these. This is why it has the nearly identical flood story from Gilgamesh, and why Jesus has the same characteristics as Dionysus, Osiris, Horus, Mithra, and Krishna. The contradictions and immorality in the stories are not evidence that God is flawed or evil, but rather that humans invented him, just like the thousands of other gods that we used to, but no longer believe in.'' ..and to answer the questions of the many fears and mysteries of our universe, like 'thunder' and earthquakes, since there was no science yet. That was the old Testament.... The new Testes is also hearsay since these letters, 'gospels' and stories were written by the loyal faithful, the camp followers, not by objective historians at that particular time, or by any contemporary writers, and these tales were written many years after the supposed events of this mythical Jesus. There is essentially very little evidence of a Jesus in real documented history. A couple of spurious Roman reports, and all the rest anecdotal. ...but more importantly ...a jesus' existence is not an issue! A jesus is irrelevant without a god ! Then, many of these stories, but not all, as many were not chosen, [ There are more than just four Gospels but only these four were agreed on ], were compiled for one self-absorbed converted Roman Emperor in his Nicean Council, for his expressed purpose of conquest and control of the people of Europe for his Holy Roman Empire. He recognised that this was the perfect religion/mythology for the future domination of the populaces. Half of the stories were ignored by the Nicean Bishops and none have been proven to be based on fact. This 'Bable' book is backed up by absolutely no facts and no evidence. It is not proof for any god(s) ....(or of any jesus as a god...) The fables are intertwined within historical places and people... eg Egypt and the Pharaohs existed, whereas Moses and the Exodus did not happen...! It is a historical novel .... ie A book of fiction.... Only! The Bible book is proof of a book ... ONLY (certainly not evidence of any gods...) PROVE a god!
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