
What Is the Most Sensational Piece of BS You've Heard a Compulsive Liar Come Out With? 

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Fresh AskReddit Stories: What is the most sensational piece of BS you've heard a compulsive liar come out with? --- LIKE AND I WILL UPLOAD MORE REDDIT STORIES!
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@ilydanek5809 3 года назад
24:16 anorexia isnt about being thin you can be overweight and still have anorexia. its and eating disorder not a weight disorder. sorry that just pissed me off as someone struggling with an eating disorder who isnt thin myself
@willowxoox 3 года назад
I hope you the best ❤️ I’m still struggling my self, stay strong
@Trollestiatumblur 3 года назад
Exactly. It is a mental illness, not a weight category. I’ve never had an ED, but because of my disabilities I have disordered eating and people have been calling me Ano and asking if I have an ED my entire life. It got really bad when I was in foster care, and I met a lot of disabled/mentally ill kids in the institutions/group homes/ mental hospitals I went to. All the staff would keep an eye on me during meal times despite all my therapists saying they didn’t need to and I don’t have an ED. The staff would still pester me with questions. They only did this because I was severely underweight. They didn’t ask anybody else if they had an ED. The kids I was with who didn’t know anything about ED’s would make fun of me because they thought I had one. And because of the other kids I met, they educated me on different types of ED’s and so I use that knowledge to try and educate others whenever they ask me. Even if I did have one, it’s a rude and invasive question and I don’t appreciate strangers pestering me, especially if they aren’t health professionals. Not every thin person has an ED, not everyone with an ED is thin. That’s the dumbest and most harmful stereotype, especially because of its mortality rate. If a bigger person loses weight because of their ED, everyone enables it by saying how good it is that they’re losing weight. It goes unnoticed and nobody thinks to help. And if you don’t lose weight, nobody will believe you have an ED because of the stereotype and won’t try to help even if you ask. I know bigger people who had EDs for years but couldn’t lose weight, everyone refused to believe them and accuse them of lying for attention. It’s unbelievable.
@0ri0nssuspenders 3 года назад
The absolute BEST one was from a notorious compulsive liar in my old friend group. He had just finished telling us how his pet frog was so poisonous that if he were to touch it, and forget to wash his hands, it would only take about 10 minutes and we would have to call the ambulance. We were all skeptical as this looked like a normal west coast frog...not a poisonous type. He was holding it as he was saying all this. We asked if he should wear gloves and he insisted that he just had to wash his hands and he would be fine. As he was ranting, someone distracted him for a moment. He ended up forgetting about the whole frog thing, putting the frog back and moving on. About 20 minutes later, we were outside having a smoke and I suddenly went "Oh my God! We have to call an ambulance, you forgot to wash your hands! You are probably poisoned right now!" Needless to say he went off on some rant about how he "must be immune from handling it so much" 😑 I remember my sibling and I looking at each other as the time passed and laughing so hard because we just knew he was lying, and the more he touched his face, touched other stuff in his house, ate food etc. After his big "frog poison do not touch" speech, the funnier it became. I almost lost it laughing when I asked him if he needed an ambulance
@thebaldcat6708 3 года назад
Every kid ever: My time has come
@omnipotence5086 3 года назад
Includes you does it not?
@thebaldcat6708 3 года назад
@@omnipotence5086 Yes
@saiba726 3 года назад
I didnt lie much as a child cause “my parents knew everything.” Plus i didnt do much to lie. As i was gaming most of the time.
@omnipotence5086 3 года назад
@@thebaldcat6708 and me as well
@thebaldcat6708 3 года назад
@@omnipotence5086 I meant more like lies to your friends and acquaintances at school.You know something they couldn’t easily disproved
@Refort610 3 года назад
Years ago, I had a manager that said at his previous job, he was the top dog and everyone respected him, made the most money out of all the managers, and slept with a hot chick. He named drop this chick. I also used to work for this company at a different location with this chick being my manager. We are friends on social media. While he was boasting away, I started IMing her asking about this dude. I have respect for her, so I believe everything she says. Plus, everything she said matches with what we've observed. Denied the allegation that anything happened between them, saying he always whined about wanting to until she got the higher ups involved. He was always shifted from store to store due to poor performance. He was ultimately fired for sleeping on the job. While he was yammering away, I quietly started showing everyone the conversation, hearing them quietly snickering to themselves. He finally noticed me showing people something, asked to see, I showed him. He shut up, went to the office, and didn't say anything for the rest of the night.
@nuclearsimian3281 3 года назад
17:51, they should have told his ROTC superiors. A person that willing to lie is untrustworthy with any sort of intelligence or secure documents.
@ntfoperative9432 3 года назад
That's, actually the total opposite, they would be perfect carrying top secret documents
@Awesomespade3 3 года назад
That one time when he was 10 someone broke into his house and he picked the intruder up and yeeted them out the window
@MaggieTheCat01 3 года назад
@adammashburn6973 3 года назад
I wasn't lying about it, dude.
@gettingshotsomeonesgonnapa8635 3 года назад
That's nothing, I once punched a thief so hard when I was 5 that he went through the core of the Earth and arrived at the gates of hell. Lol.
@Awesomespade3 2 года назад
@@adammashburn6973 I was talking about someone else not you
@maximaldinotrap 3 года назад
The kid who said he got attacked by a bear cub . . . No, it is not gonna be the cub that attacks you.
@gurglequeen433 2 года назад
As a kid I got bullied a lot so I had this idea if I could make up interesting stories about my life the kids would be nicer to me. They weren't, but I was able to convince all my bullies I had a shed full of gold behind my house for over a month.
@Gkitchens1 3 года назад
"I'll change, I won't do it anymore I promise" 10 years I believed that lie.
@jamesnorman9160 3 года назад
It must be exhausting for these people, just lies spilling our your mouth every time you open it, or keeping said lie going for as long as possible.
@griffy6952 3 года назад
As a former compulsive liar, I can definitely confirm, being literally so boring that you have to lie about your life is the most exhausting thing ever. But when you keep busy, you find yourself lying less and less.
@Lightfyre281 3 года назад
This reminds me of my ex. He was always telling crazy stories and claiming he knew famous people. He also claimed he had some made up disease to get sympathy from me. It’s scary knowing how many people like him are out there.
@Dragontamer135 3 года назад
My ex stepdad did that
@toadjones7979 3 года назад
When we were younger, my cousin tried to convince me he had wandered upon a bear, and had to sing it to sleep. I'm pretty sure he said he sang a Creed song 😂😂😂
@redhorizon65 3 года назад
I like how the thumbnail shows sheldon Cooper from Big Bang theory even though in the show he’s the exact opposite of a compulsive liar.
@jodofly1158 3 года назад
You obviously didnt watch the episode where leanord lies to penny and asks sheldon to back him up.. he fits this video perfectly when you've watched it
@redhorizon65 3 года назад
@guybrush1701 Месяц назад
"Leonard went to * gestures awkwardly * the office"
@CameronMetrejean 3 года назад
I’m semi-involved in the filmmaking 🎥 scene in my city and there’s this guy, BJ who pops up on sets now and then usually talking about all his amazing experiences. Just a few of them include Witnessing Quentin Tarantino doing cocaine on the set of Django unchained, being Robin Williams Butler and chauffeur for for three months, working backstage at WWE and being offered a contract but turning it down because he refused to do steroids, having a distant relative who lives on the paramount lot (which I don’t think anyone’s actually done since the 40s) having sex with both Britney Spears AND Taylor Swift, and his service dog got to meet Tom Hanks. But if you go on his IMDb page he’s only got about three local short films listed. He’s a pathological liar and has even stooped so low as to make a post on pages claiming to be dying of prostate cancer as a way of trying to get people to help him make a movie “before he goes.” Needless to say he’s been blacklisted a lot of places
@Mousy677 3 года назад
my ex, who lied about being unable to read (as in, claimed that he couldn't when he in fact could; i could sympathise with the reverse), comes to mind.
@emilyholter6115 3 года назад
he WHAT?!
@emilyholter6115 3 года назад
please elaborate
@prittyflutterbystar 3 года назад
How bizarre......
@adancer1199 3 года назад
Good thing they're your ex now.
@Mousy677 3 года назад
@@emilyholter6115 i was not a sensible teenager. (in all seriousness i assume he had some sort of compulsive lying issue to cover for an unpleasant home life. quite sad but i haven't even seen him in almost a decade.)
@eggwife6425 3 года назад
I was at coffee with some friends and they were talking about the people they had dated in high school. One of them mentioned how they had dated X girl right after him and I had dated...but we never dated. He blew me off when I asked him what he was talking about. How are you going to lie about something like that when the person you're lying about is right in front of you 😂
@AliceinOverwatch 3 года назад
“Your dog chased a rat down a drain pipe on the beach and was never seen again”… yeah he threw it off a cliff… yay for crazy alcoholic and narcissistic parents. I no longer talk to this parent
@escalatorgoddess2078 3 года назад
Friendly reminder that anorexia is a mental disorder that comes in all shapes and sizes. Restricting can look different depending on a person’s body and dietary needs. And even if a person is no longer restricting and/or is at a “normal” weight does not mean that they aren’t anorexic anymore because again, it’s a mental disorder and you can’t tell who has it or not from looking at them. Recovery usually takes years and involves much more than just stopping behaviors. Please exercise caution before assuming that someone is lying about their ED.
@arc00ta 3 года назад
"Yeah, I had a special edition V10 mustang that was a secret prototype but my mom worked for Ford so she got it and gave it to me, 1500hp from the factory but I got caught going 200mph so the cops crushed it".
@rhythmsociety 3 года назад
I live in southeast Michigan and know several people who work for Ford and GM. The engineers get to borrow the really cool cars. It's legit--they need to test the cars in actual driving conditions. (I wonder if that is why we never fix the stupid roads...?) The really secret ones have an optical illusion camouflage on them to make pictures come out wonky. But most of them are just normal cars. They have an "M" in the middle of the license plate. (manufacturer's plate) His story was plausible up to the point of the cops crushing it. Some idiot certainly could have stolen a prototype from his mom. She would have been fired for letting someone else drive it. Cops wouldn't crush it, though, even if the car was totaled. They know what an "M" plate is. Gotta do your research if you want people to believe you! My favorite "sounds like BS but is actually true" was a friend who was an engineer with the company that made Hummers for the military--the real ones, not the little H2. It was a right-hand drive, so he would go on the freeway with the passenger in the driver's seat reading or something. It was hilarious! Same company makes bread trucks, of all things. That came in handy. Never tell your friends you have access to a large truck. Your weekends will be spent moving big stuff!
@jaxsonbarta8648 3 года назад
Some of the stuff these people say remind of something that would be said in a Gus Johnson skit
@Empyre18 3 года назад
My friend in middle school. He would make extremely elaborate lies about fake N64 GameShark codes which could make unbelievable changes to the games after you entered them and then proceeded to do elaborate steps in the game. He’d actually tell you what the codes were, and when they, of course, didn’t work, he’d angrily tell you that you must’ve left off a letter. The one I always remember is the alleged “Idle Mode” in Goldeneye 007. Apparently, among the many other extra secrets this added, this included an addition where you could find Trevelyan in the Egyptian Temple armed with a throwing knife, and if you pursued him, he’d run to a room with a time machine and escape back in time. If you followed him, you’d go back to Ancient Egypt, and all of the enemies would have Anubis masks and stuff.
@minetieplays2092 2 года назад
in like 5th grade one of my friends said his parents were going to move to arizona. he then later changed the story to africa instead of arizona. this incident first taught me to doubt these kind of things he said, and it happened again in 9th grade as we were waiting for gym class to start: he said that during lunch the previous day, he and one of his other friends had gone down to the nearby pizza shop to get some pizza, then some woman in line gave him 150 dollars to let her go infront of them in line, then he said that he got a whole pizza, and instead of eating it, he went to his house (which admittedly wasn't that far away) and gave it to his parents who were supposedly SOOOO PROUD OF HIM that they weren't even mad that he hadn't come back to school for the last half of the day. After all of us called bullshit on his story, he tried to make it out like he was trying to trick us and said that we had actually bought his made-up story, so now whenever I bring it up he says that we had believed the story (exhibit A of gaslighting right here).
@Extraxi274 3 года назад
Lol 11 days (laughs in amphetamines) let me introduce u to crazy steve
@danak2230 3 года назад
I had a coworker like this. She started with relatively small, unverifiable lies. Things like having a neglectful, crazy family. Lots of people do, so I didn't think too much of it until I noticed that she had first said that she was adopted and didn't know her birth parents. The later stories about crazy family were clearly about her birth family. The one big whopper she told was about a student injuring her. (I'm an elementary teacher and she was a para.) She claimed a kid had kicked her in the eye and severely damaged it. The kick is totally possible as some kids are violent, but she also claimed to have this rare disorder where her body rejects her irises. She claimed that she had had to have an iris transplant once before and that she had just had another due to the kid kicking her face and essentially knocking her new iris loose. She went so far as to wear sunglasses for several days. But somehow she never needed an eye patch and she didn't have the slightest bruise or redness in/near her eye. During this time she would work into conversations that she really hoped her body wouldn't reject her new iris or other things about her eye to try and get people's attention. I honestly felt sad for her by the time she quit. Here we all were in the staff lounge with her talking about her eye surgery and how, due to her condition, she couldn't take any pain meds for it because it would make her reject the iris. And how she'd spent two days in agony waiting for her eye to heal enough to come to work with her boyfriend trying to comfort her as she stood pounding on the wall to distract herself. And there we all were, not even looking at her. Once she finished speaking there would be a pause then someone would introduce some other topic and we'd all start talking about that, grateful not to have to comment on her tall tale.
@TheBelieveit1 3 года назад
Former friend got caught with cocaine in apartment he was living in with two other friends of mine. He tried saying it was carrots. Yes. You read that correctly. *Edit, I originally thought he said parmesan cheese because I assumed that was a more credible excuse but the friend he was living with confirmed that he indeed did say it was carrots.
@adamwebb9545 3 года назад
I lie when it’s absolutely necessary “Only two beers boss” “I was only reading your shirt ma’am” “No you don’t look fat in those jeans” “I can’t come in to work because my house is sick and my mom caught fire”
@Akazon 3 года назад
House sick and mom caught fire 😂
@medexamtoolscom 3 года назад
Only when absolutely necessary? So it's NECESSARY to hide the fact that you're a plastered drunk driver? TBH I think what's NECESSARY is that you should go to jail.
@medexamtoolscom 3 года назад
Ah, I didn't click the "Read more" before to see the last line, so I didn't know you were shitposting.
@adamwebb9545 3 года назад
@@medexamtoolscom I suppose drinking and driving isn’t a joke. I’ll edit it.
@penguinvic4188 3 года назад
Had a workmate claim he was buzzed by a jumbo jet while abseiling. That takes some topping! He was full of things like that. He was a legend in his own mind.
@penguinvic4188 3 года назад
PS. There was a another man at work most people thought was full of BS tales, like he once dated a pop star and an Australian Prime Minister laughed a one of his jokes and one time he got kidnapped overseas, etc. Then one time our workplace was crawling with homicide detectives, it seemed this bloke was the number one suspect in an Asian teenage girl kidnapping and murder because he could speak and write some Chinese and had once taught an elective at the college she attended. Circumstantial stuff it was. After that no one ever had the courage to doubt any of this guy’s stories ever again. Postscript: He was at work during another crime linked to the offender who was never caught.
@lesliemccormick6527 3 года назад
Had a friend in H.S. who said she lived in a fancy house on acreage on a fancy street in the country and owned horses. Nope, she lived in an older farmhouse with a sagging porch that backed onto another farm that had two horses, a pair of cows, an ornery donkey and a nasty goat in a field that her tiny attic bedroom overlooked. She also told me her Grandma lived in a mansion in a very exclusive part of Toronto, showed me photos of said Grandma in front of beautiful Victorian home. Turns out, Grandma WORKED there for years as housekeeper. I do not care and never have about another person's economic background, so not sure why she told me such elaborate lies.
@tesstucker3311 3 года назад
I had a roommate who was a real compulsive liar. Once I cleaned up the living room aside from a shopping bag of hers that I just set on a chair. She freaked at the cleaning until I told her where the bag was, then she looked inside and said there was another bag with brand new razors. Well, everything was taken out to the dumpster in one big bag already but I felt so bad that I literally fucking jumped in the dumpster to get the bag and rummage through it. No bag of razors. I offered to give her my supply of brand new ones but she said she had sensitive skin and needed a specific kind. I drove to the store and bought her new ones in the brand she wanted. It only hit me years later that there probably never was a bag of razors because that was the only trash bag I took out. She lied like that a lot, to make some drama over something I did like cleaning. She frequently had migraines and a couple of them I sort of questioned the severity of… kind of like when someone is really crying, you feel sad but if someone is faking/ bad acting in a show (some actors specifically aim for this kind of reaction), you’re just annoyed and embarrassed for them. That’s your human sixth sense telling you it might be fake. That’s how I felt about half the time I took her to the ER in the middle of the night. Half of the time I could tell she was in pain and the other half of the time something just wasn’t right. The worst lie of all, though, was when she said that a friend of hers died back where she was from. I can’t remember the exact situation but I think she was supposed to get something cleaned, like it was her turn to do the dishes. That one, I immediately knew she was lying (later confirmed in a passing conversation with her mom) and I was angry. As irritating as the lies were, hindsight has also offered me the opportunity to realize that she was acting out of depression from the move. She didn’t know anyone here and she moved to help me out. I was excelling and I think I unintentionally made her feel bad for not doing the same (I ended up being in her position with a later roommate so think I get it). And while she WAS depressed, she found herself needing to make excuses as to what that depression was. Like a lost bag, an ER visit, or a dead friend. We’re still friends and we’re not close enough that lies could be exchanged, but after taking care of her ailing mother for 4 years until her passing, she seemed to finally be able to breathe. She got a job, found a boyfriend, just bought a house with him, and seems much more mature. Do I trust her? Not really. But we’ve been friends for 8 years and I love her.
@krisP16 3 года назад
An acquaintance of mine: "did you know in [our state] that they used to give you a free gun every time you bought a bottle of liquor? It's true, my uncle got so many guns!"
@medexamtoolscom 3 года назад
That must have been either some very expensive liquor, or some really shitty guns.
@BraveAbandon 3 года назад
@@medexamtoolscom haha i imagine the shittiest possible dollar store water guns
@irvincontreras3987 3 года назад
Me. Why are you wearing sun glasses in the dark Person I used to be friends with. I have vampire vision This was coming from a 22 year old
@theguy8242 3 года назад
Lol gotta love jumping on the local friendly moose and killing it
@BlindStarLily 3 года назад
That she was a vampire princess from another world… and that her sister was also one… and that I was also one and was her sister…
@kylilambert6456 3 года назад
My brother is a compulsive liar. He says crazy stuff all the time. The one that makes me laugh is that he said he got into a fist fight at work, and his boss reviewed the footage and called him out. There's was no fight, but he was on camera scraping his knuckles off the brick wall out back of his job to make it look like he got into a fight. He has no idea that all of us know. 😂
@wheeblee 3 года назад
"I've never eaten fruit before so this is like the first one" -brother's 14 year old 'best friend', eating grapes
@unknown.8308 3 года назад
This whole thread makes me mad that people lie this bad. Like especially the ones trying to gather sympathy
@kaye_go_moo9790 Год назад
"It was Kaye's idea to not to tell you anything about my boyfriend" - Mom said to my dad "I've never cheated on you" - Also mom, said to my dad "I've never cheated on your dad" - Still mom, said to me after their divorce over previously mentioned boyfriend Can't wait to cut her out completely 😩❤
@JohnPascavageFishing 10 месяцев назад
As an outdoors guy, I see a lot of "tell your story last and add two inches" types, but there is one guy I know who really takes the cake with stories such as: - He caught a couple of guys poaching trout at a local stream, and they threatened to beat him up, only to get scared and leave when he said "call your mafia don, I dare you." - When all of those "clown" sightings were happening all over the country in 2016, he saw a few guys dressed as them near where he was hunting, and pulled an arrow on them. - He was once hunting, and these annoying girls were out on a hike and got too close to his tree stand, so he shot into the ground just to scare them off. The girls ran off and called 911, and the police and game warden came out to confront him. When they found him, they said "you need to come with us," and he agreed to follow them to the station, only to peel out and take off in the other direction as soon as they were out of sight, never hearing from them again. Then, a few years back, when I had just started dating my now wife, he claimed that he knew her dad, and he had bear hunted on his land, and shot a trophy bear there. Her dad is an avid hunter, but owns a home on about two acres of suburban land, and no land anywhere else that I know of. I had them both at a cookout of a mutual friend, and when he heard me introducing them nearby, he headed out pretty quickly.
@chickencrossroad1296 3 года назад
I'm a chess player with a grandmaster (GM) title. I got a haircut right before a tournament once, so some of the players didn't recognize me. One of the players that I have a perfect record against starts talking to me and mentions my name among a list of several GMs that he claims he's beaten in the past, not knowing that he is actually talking to me!
@Akazon 3 года назад
Did you beat his ass in chess?
@chickencrossroad1296 3 года назад
@@Akazon always
@fireiron369 3 года назад
“I love you” Every man on this planet knows that simping is a sin, don’t leave the light brothers or else those evil she beasts of legend will try to use their womanly charms and seduce you forcing you to live a happy life with a beautiful supporting wife and family. Remain pure brothers, never let the flame of your virginity die out ✊ ❤️ 👨
@NorseGraphic 3 года назад
Well, the divorce-statistics, the number of false rape-allegations... No need to lie, just tell the truth, and you'll see whamen in a different light. Edit. I can't wait until Elon Musk has a fully functional sex-robot to sell world-wide.
@eel1378 3 года назад
A girl in high school tried to tell me her dad died from cancer. Not only have I met her dad more recently than she said he passed, she said it to my girlfriend, whose mom had battled cancer (which she knew). Just a really shitty person.
@TheNormExperience 3 года назад
That her Mom had been diagnosed with fatal prostate cancer. PROSTATE. She was a known compulsive liar so I felt preeeetty safe informing her women don’t have a prostate. She doubled down and cried to our science teacher who just said, “Women don’t have a prostate.”
@MrsShocoTaco 3 года назад
I knew a girl in middle school who had a dead boyfriend story for every single power ballad on the radio.
@rxgtv 3 года назад
"dont use the walkie while its charging, itll corrupt!" dear reader, this person is trying to scare a tech person....
@fiestyfox2207 3 года назад
Okay so my mom's best friend a few years ago... Pathological liar and said the craziest shit. He was a tall black nerdy dude who loved wearing kilts to the gym and talked about how he hooked up with "fit" chicks every night. So his "backstory": he claims that he grew up in Britain with his posh posh rich family where he had to learn how to ride horses and lived in basically a castle. He said his ancestors had migrated from Salem to Britain after the Salem witch trials and that his family were witch hunters. He claimed that he was promised to a young lady and didn't want to be married off so he ran away to Florida where he got a crazy girl pregnant on accident and she ran away with his son. He says he's been looking for his son for 6 years but gave up momentarily and moved to California for whatever reason.. eventually he booked it out of California back to Florida because one of his ex girlfriends (who was married to a cop and had a down syndrome baby) was begging for him to come back. 🧐Fun facts: he was absolutely obsessed with British shows and all he did all day was watch movies and tv. He drove a shitty Impala and worked a night shift job stocking shelves at Stater Bros. And my mom said she's pretty sure he just grew up with a shitty family in Florida since she stumbled upon some relatives of his on Facebook and they're all seem to be struggling over there. He talked a lot of shit about his "rich British" parents. That guy was crazy.
@lesliemccormick6527 3 года назад
Oh, jeez. I had a friend in high school who told so many lies it defies description. My 'favourite'?That she was my SISTER. Sometimes she'd tell people that we were half-sisters, in a small town, so that would mean one of each of our parents were an adulterer.😲 Thanks.
@ronaldstaley277 3 года назад
I once told a girl boys have to sniff out their own tree. Before we can go. She believed me.
@sarahgardner8856 2 года назад
Told our group of friends he had super human hearing. Like he had his hearing tested and he could hear outside the normal human range. His lies were always exaggerated things that could be true eg. I have great hearing turns into I have super human hearing. He "proved" it by playing one of those hearing test videos, we all said the point we couldn't hear it anymore and he kept acting like he could. He had his eyes closed pretending to writh in agony and saying how much it hurt his ears. (I guess to get sympathy/attention?) At one point while his eyes were closed I paused the video and his acting didn't change at all. It was paused for a good 30 seconds before one of my friends who can't handle second hand embarrassment un-paused it. A few seconds later he peeked one of his eyes open to see if the video was over yet or not. It felt so good to finally catch him out on one of his lies. As far as I know no one ever told him we paused the video while his eyes were closed.
@StefanTravis 3 года назад
I once told so much bullshit it made someone's head explode. True story.
@GayFrogsTho 2 года назад
A kid in art once tried to convince us that Bill Gates took him shopping once and bought him a 9 bar. I can't remember if this was before or after he fell off his chair and shat himself.
@benj6927 3 года назад
i had a friend and calling him a compulsive liar is an understatement, he claimed he was the gaming youtuber mk ice and fire, he also claimed he went to all of the states in america (we're british) but he went yearly and was 11 at the time.
@sanscrux2852 3 года назад
None of these liars come close to our current President.
@alexthewolf3179 3 года назад
Lol agreed
@janedoe-hq9vn 3 года назад
It's not just him, but Big Tech, MSM,the whole administration....and so on...
@duckeh1952 3 года назад
I have a neighbour who... Idk how to describe. Lots of sh*t happens due her being careless idiot or not simply caring and in her words it's never her fault. She has two horses. Those are constantly everywhere else except where they supposed to be. Me calls: your horses are running around the road Her: oh shoot, they must have somehow dropped the line where they go in to pasture Me: actually it was on a loop on th side like human would leave it... Her: no, horses must have dropped it Or my fave Her: yea there might be some disturbance at the electric fence so horses got away Me: probably is because you've just rolled wire around the trees and it wont work that way so there isn't. Any. Electricity. At. All. She works on cattle farms and one farm she left gate open, cows loose and 15 were injured (there is no way in hell that gate could have been open by cows, even they sometimes master that). But she blamed the cows. Her dogs also run around the road and yards, even during time when they should not be free (summer when forest animals have little ones) "Oh they must have gotten door open and didn't notice!" "..yea they have been running around here daily for weeks"
@Maladjester 3 года назад
Kid next to me: My uncle works at Steelers stadium. He gets season tickets and he gives them to me. Liar kid: That's cool. Uh.....my uncle owns the Steelers. Went to school with a pathological braggart. No matter what you said, he _had_ to top it. Known a couple in adult life as well. One guy owns two recording studios in which Biggie recorded albums, benches six hundred pounds, owns ten top-tier sports cars, owns and operates three large and profitable businesses full time _on top of_ the crappy dead-end job he actually works at, and so on. Dude actually does have big arms and probably a respectable bench but that's all I'm gonna give him. Another is the greatest sexual athlete in the history of the species: mother/daughter sex sandwiches, running trains on entire cheerleader squads by himself on a mountaintop, gorgeous women on their knees begging him for sex, being able to last literally days, the reason the failure rate on marriages and relationships is so high is because every man but him is a jealous impotent abusive closet homosexual who could never dream of pleasing women like he can, etc. I'm half convinced he's a virgin at 55.
@thatoldcomicsmell56 3 года назад
My daughter’s POS baby daddy told us he accidentally shot and killed his uncle when he was 13. He got called out on it in front of his parents. I pulled up psychopath. It had 15 bullet points. He had all 15. Dude was like a politician. If he was breathing he was lying. .
@troubleinthevalley5884 3 года назад
To be fair, I live in Alaska. There actually was a guy who jumped off his roof onto a moose while his friend waited ready with a camera and took a picture of the guy riding the moose and they ended up on the front page of the paper. Then my friend's delinquent son and a couple of his friends gave a moose a heart attack because it was hanging around their school and they kept shaking the loud chain link fence and yelling and hollering at it and throwing rocks and it just dropped dead . That was also in the paper.
@Ingrid-sb6my 6 месяцев назад
Best friend from high school who was obese told me she was a ballerina and a captain in the air force. At the age of 18 without ever leaving home. Told me she did it in the morning and was home by afternoon.
@emilyhamilton8766 3 года назад
I don't know if it counts as compulsive lying. It was more like compulsive story telling, but he would talk about everything as though it were true. His stories were really fun to listen to and he told them really well, so he was actually pretty popular in 5th grade. Most his stories were about his younger sister. who is the reincarnation of a unicorn. I don't really remember a lot unfortunately, but he has magical powers that he gets from her blood, and they protected their family together.
@canondocre8650 3 года назад
While I'm sure the girl was lying, you can absolutely be dependent upon and/or addicted to heroin without shooting up.
@Norm475 3 года назад
The female compulsive liar that became a lawyer. With my experience with lawyers, I would say she found a job she was fit for.
@zz-sg3vt 2 года назад
There was this girl who nobody liked, she lied about stealing someones phone, being pregnant, etc , but for some reason i was still friends with her giving her the benefit of the doubt, we were on the bus once in 6th grade and i was on my phone when she snatched it from me attempting to be funny after numerous times if me telling her i didnt like it and her to stop doing it, i lost my shit in this dead silent bus and she handed it back to me and said "geez you didnt have to overreact so much" and that made 6th grade me even more irritated so i lost it again telling her how it is, she snatched my glasses (they were prescription but they looked like ones you would make yourself look cute with, they were pink and very thin with flare, so she must have thought they were fake) she threw them at me, landed on the dirty bus floor, scratched the hell out of them, i was screaming at her so loud now and crying because those costed a lot and they were my favorite pair, i was screaming so loud the bus driver had to pull over, remove her from the bus, and calm me down And the next day she had the nerve to ask me if we were still friends, this was our conversation "Am i still your friend?" "No" ?... "Well i guess you dont want your Christmas gift" "Ok" "Dont you want to know what it is" "I couldnt give one more shit and no" "It was a iphone 11" (Iphone 11 hadnt came out yet) "Well i guess you can throw it away because i made the order (hun on what amazon) and i cant send it back". Hunny yes u can 😑
@pamelaj3214 3 года назад
Most people are lucky if they run into a celeb once in their lives, granted they don’t live in an area where celebs frequent. So, if you’re someone who lives somewhere that isn’t a common place for those types of encounters, it’s even more unbelievable that a person would have met like 12 famous people and be close to them to some degree. It truly is embarrassing and sad the lengths people will go to just to seem unique/interesting to others. Btw I think I used up my meeting a celeb card because I got to see Mo’Nique at my middle school give a speech on treating people right. It was actually quite nice. Anyways, have a nice day people :D
@elbeastmaster1 3 года назад
My friend spent time in Australia going to college. He came back and said in the city he was in, he had "kept tabs" on the local strip clubs because isis was trafficking people through there. They had chased him down the street shooting at him, and he helped the police take down the biggest sex trafficking ring in Australian history. He is now on an isis hit list. 🙄 I hope he could feel how hard I was rolling my eyes.
@gj8683 3 года назад
I have a theory about compulsive liars. By having you believe their outlandish lies, they in effect take control of your mind, which gives them a sense of power. I've known a couple, and if I merely laughed one off and said, "That's a good story," they'd get very upset because I wasn't swallowing it.
@JABoyle3875 3 года назад
Had a friend claim she worked for the Colorado Avalanche - like assistant to the coaches and players, went on flights with them, etc…
@amberbante8605 3 года назад
An exboyfriend of mine said that when he was thirteen a gay cop tossed him down a flight of stairs at school. Then the cop pulled down his pants and sodomized him while his skull was cracked open and his brains were oozing out. This was supposedly happening during lunchtime in junior high, so why the heck did no one try to stop the cop? Also, I never heard of anyone coming out of a two month coma with all mental abilities intact like this exbf claimed after his encounter with the cop. BTW this exbf was white and had some other weird shit he would talk about. Like he claims he saw a video about Chinese people joining the Nazi party during WW2 as they wanted to help Hitler defeat the Japanese.
@samliveshere88 3 года назад
me and some friends went to paint ball, one of the guys claimed to be on some team and trained every other week, I spent the entire day focusing him, I even ran at him shooting with out ammo because it made the sound
@TheEphjanGamer 5 месяцев назад
My time has come. I used to be friends with kids like this. Their favorite was accusing people of serious crimes. All of these stories are verifiably false, but I’ve heard fake SA, abuse, and even attempted murder allegations against this group of very sweet boys that I am now friends with.
@tori5532 3 года назад
15:33 this is disgusting. my uncle fought in desert storm as a marine. it almost tore his family apart and he has long lasting trauma because of it.
@zeeblue1220 5 месяцев назад
I really wish I stood up to this girl back in the day and called her out more, but was too afraid since we shared mutual friends. 1. When we were both 14 she spent a week telling anyone that spoke to her that she beat up an "olive-skinned fat girl at DKNY" for calling her ugly. At the time, she was 85 lbs, 4'11" and had heart issues. A year later I asked her if she remembered that story and claimed she never said that. She must have told the story over 50 times in that week, it's been 12 years now and I will never forget the full story. 2. Apparently "every guy in high school had a crush on her" and dated multiple guys in our class. We saw each other all the time for four years straight, I never saw her even near another guy and I guess she forgot she came out as a lesbian to everyone when we started high school. 3. Told me an old man at the YMCA raped her in the pool when she was 10 in front of everyone and no one stopped him. When she fought back, the YMCA supposedly banned her for life. I asked her why her mom didn't do anything since she would have seen it and I swear to God her response was "Because she's Christian and doesn't believe in rape". We also went to that YMCA fairly regularly and I guess they forgot. 4. Claimed she knew fluent Portuguese. When I asked her to teach me a few words she said she could "Read it and understand it but could not speak it, write it, or translate it for people". I actually asked her mom (who is from Brazil) and her response was, "I don't know what she's talking about. She hates Brazil and told me she never wants to learn the language." 5. Spent the majority of high school telling us that her mother told her that if she was gay she would disown her. We were all legitimately concerned by this, but found out it was a lie when one of our other friends's mom ran into her mom at a store and her mom was talking about how much she liked her daughter's new girlfriend. 6. She always tried to one up people at every chance. I was going to Paris for the summer and she suddenly kept telling everyone about how she was going to Paris next year with her whole family. Her family was pretty poor, and she shut up when I decided to be an asshole and say "Well, I'm going to Paris next month". 7. The last time I saw her was 6 years ago when we both finished our second year of college. We unfortunately went to the same school and she told me and another friend that her roommate was raped by her boyfriend in their dorm room and when she contacted the school they didn't do anything. I was so done at that point so I contacted my friend who worked as an RA at the building and asked why nothing was ever done. The friend told me she'd look into it and after that I never heard from the lying girl again.
@crowsynth2814 3 года назад
That his dad was being executed for murder, and that they let him give his dad the lethal injection. Plus other assorted bullshit. I fucking hated that guy lol
@alexthewolf3179 3 года назад
Once I got into a fight with a friend in maybe around 5th grade and the next day she said that that night she cried "dark blue tears"......
@barachel6469 3 года назад
He said he killed a man in self defense with his bare hands in Arizona and nothing happened afterwards apparently. He was like 14 😭 he said it like he was dead serious too.
@haylestormable 3 года назад
Me and my husband had a friend in job corps, became obvious after awhile that he was a compulsive liar. The only things I can remember him saying since it's been so long was that he was a vegan/vegetarian yet he would eat meat and drink milk, and that he supposedly created a computer virus.
@davidstephens6525 3 года назад
A kid claimed that he got bitten by a hump back whale and survived I was dumb founded at the fact someone would say that
@davidstephens6525 3 года назад
Make of that situation what you will
@unofficialkevmcgev1442 3 года назад
That he had to drive to California to make swords for the game of thrones and then be back the next day. Legit thought we would believe him.
@ronaldstaley277 3 года назад
Knew a habitual liar. Had a long talk with him. Stressing he didn't need to tell those stories to be liked. People would accept him even he didn't make up such stories. Did he stop no. I come to realize he believes his own lies. I mean we talked for hours. Buy he didn't even try to change his ways. Oh well change is hard. You really have to take a good look at yourself. Most people are afraid to do the work it takes or it's to hard. Then there are people who don't want to change. They like who are
@lpstylez 3 года назад
I heard that this person in my class (15) (not rich) earns £10,000 more than UK national yearly earning average. He also has a 7,4 dad who is a transgender who left him but came back on his birthday, beat his sister said he was gay and then left. He is also apparently sponsored by razer and many other things.
@lpstylez 3 года назад
It sounds unlikely but maybe possible but trust me, he has been lying since we met him
Fired because he BSed too much. Now that's a achievement
@zz-sg3vt 2 года назад
"Im going to take my friends to disneyland, going to take them to starbucks, play on my indoor trampoline, go to dave and busters, on the weekend for christmas!" Christmas rolls around "Oh my dad didnt get paid"
@BarbedWireBill 2 года назад
My brother in law claims he was a world speed roller skating champion. He was going to be the first person to complete for two countries in the Olympics but the US boycotted the 1980 Olympics. For the 1984 Olympics during the time trials he lost control while roller skating over 100 mph and hit a wall shattering his hip so it ended his career.
@MalWave 3 месяца назад
"I went to the Magic the Gathering pro tour in Geneva. Mike Mearls gave me a personal invite because he wanted to know what crazy shit I was going to bring. I placed 5th." And yet I can't find any record of you being at that event. Weird.
@sheilabarnes2065 3 года назад
The one where the guy killed a moose and carried it out on his back, that has to make him the strongest man in the world, considering some moose weigh in at over 1000 to 1500 pounds, sometimes more, what kind of fool did he think he was talking to? Lol
@WishGender 3 года назад
My ex claimed she had a twin sister who she was separated from when they were like 3 and that her sister lived with their dad. She later revealed that her dad had committed suicide a few years prior. She lied all the time.
@medexamtoolscom 3 года назад
Some black guy tried to convince me he was my grandson once. Which is really something, since he was like maybe 10 years younger than me and I don't have any kids now, much less having any when I was a toddler, and I grew up in a town so white I never saw any blacks until I was at least 8 years old.
@Hatchbasic 3 года назад
Someone in high school told me he played keyboard for the band who made the songs in Sonic adventure 2
@someguynamedsteve9130 3 года назад
The Tokyo U story sends chills down my spine.
@kittyfox7 3 года назад
That my coworker dropped 20lbs and then before the pandemic she said 43lbs. She’s a lush and chronic liar. She got caught in a lie so many times when a few people asked if she’s done anything different and said no. She looks the same! No weight loss at all. Meanwhile a coworker who is a alcoholic went sober and lost 15lbs. It shows too!
@EstarLevina 8 месяцев назад
I know someone who claims to have reptilian DNA. He claims that he is one of only 4 people on earth with the same genetic makeup. He also was born with a tail, supposedly. He claims to be from Germany, yet all his relatives live in northeast PA. He used to own one of the top tattoo shops in the country, yet all his tattoos look like crap. He was a porn star known as "The German slammer." He was part of the special forces unit in the FBI. He was a minor league hockey player. He builds and restores houses. He has painted a lot of murals around the city he lives in. He filmed and wrote the script for two girl one cup, he was a well known male model back home in Germany, Oh, and he's also a demon hunter and has all these supernatural powers because of his reptilian linage. I think the only thing he really is is nuts.
@susansusan6612 3 года назад
That girl that knew all the celebrities.... I could swear I know her.... had a girl I went to HS with, she told everyone she was in a relationship with Joey from “New Kids on the Block”, but she had 10,000 children with Bon Jovi.....
@lorihoffman4281 3 года назад
10,000 children? WTF?
@lorihoffman4281 3 года назад
10,000 children? WTF?
@susansusan6612 3 года назад
@@lorihoffman4281 she was a little .... "touched", I believe is the proper term.
@garrethboland 6 месяцев назад
Haha I grew up with people like this. One guy I knew, pretty much every time I ran into him, would talk about all the bar fights he'd get into and that he was taking on 3-4 people at a time, throwing them through windows, doing WWF wrestling moves to them, breaking their arms, dunking their heads in toilets, suplexing them over pools tables, stealing their girlfriends and wives and shit. He'd be totally serious, too. It was hilarious and sad at the same time.
@top_banananaplays 3 года назад
I made it to 2:50 before getting mad and calling it quits.
@TheApoohneicie 3 года назад
When I was a kid (younger than 13) I lied about stuff, a lot. (I was also a spoiled brat but I grew out of both behaviors.) The truth was that my family was mentally abusive, my life was a living hell, I had severe depression, and I constantly wanted to kill myself. That doesn’t go down well with a group of people you want to like you though.
@jrjr648 3 года назад
He doesn’t even go here!!!
@Demothean 3 года назад
Anything that comes out of AOCs mouth
@KOSMOS1701A 10 месяцев назад
My brother said that he applied for Amazon and was "automatically rejected" because he has screws and pins in his knee. Next day i go into work i see one of our new seasonal hires had a fully artificial leg. He had no defense, just an "oh........that's interesting."
@saxon9358 3 года назад
A guy told me mr recently that when he lived in the country when he was young he was chased home by a pack of wolves nearly everyday when he was dropped off at the bus stop.
@lcoq19 3 года назад
TL;DR at bottom but long version is worth a read. Welp, my time to shine! A few years back, I was realllllly ill; like, puking, debilitating stomach pain to point of going to the ER feeling like I was actually DYING! I kept my friends and some distant relatives up-to-date via Facebook so I didn't have to try and call/text a bunch of people while already feeling like death. So my - redacted female relation- who was pregnant got pissy about my updates, apparently feeling she wasn't getting adequate attention, I guess. So she comments that she's "tired of hearing about my negativity" (because I expressed frustration with my situation and a doctor who was an absolute jerk about my repeated attempts to get tests/help) and how she'd just miscarried her baby and "even she wasn't being negative". One of those "you can't have pain/problems because I have a problem and it's more important" sort of things. So cut to a couple weeks later and I'm visiting that relative's mother and she's cooking a particularly smelly food item in the crockpot and when I comment and ask what it is, she says she's making it because her daughter was craving it. I said something about it sounding like a pregnancy craving. She said it was. I said I thought she'd had a miscarriage and I swear to god this was the story she claimed her doctor told her: Not only was she pregnant, but she was further along in this pregnancy than she had been in the one she'd miscarried. But she had [allegedly] had a D&C and she claimed the doc had explained it thusly: "The baby must've been attached and growing in the tube and once the D&C was done, the tube baby had detached it's placenta and reattached it in the uterus. Thus this was a "different, further along pregnancy". TL;DR: after feeling I was getting too much attention on fb, where I updated my friends and family on my serious, debilitating stomach issues, a relative, who felt she wasn't getting enough attention, faked a miscarriage but claimed to still be pregnant and "further along" in that pregnancy because she had a D&C after the miscarriage and a tubal pregnancy detached from the tube and reimplanted in the uterus.
@doodleferp8158 2 года назад
When the Skeksis Chamberlin said he was a friend, I knew he was talking right out of his ass.
@gettingshotsomeonesgonnapa8635 3 года назад
01:29 That's nothing. I haven't slept since 2000.
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