
What Odin REALLY is! Part 1: Definition and history 

Norse Magic and Beliefs
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Odin (/ˈoʊdɪn/;[1] from Old Norse: Óðinn, IPA: [ˈoːðinː]) is a widely revered god in Germanic mythology. Norse mythology, the source of most surviving information about him, associates Odin with wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet, and projects him as the husband of the goddess Frigg. In wider Germanic mythology and paganism, the god was known in Old English and Old Saxon as Ƿōden/Wōden, in Old Dutch as Wuodan, and in Old High German as Wuotan, all ultimately stemming from the Proto-Germanic theonym *Wōđanaz, meaning 'lord of frenzy', or 'leader of the possessed'.



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@gamer2101 3 года назад
As a Christian and my own beliefs I want to say I appreciate your channel. I have learned so much. Learning about other cultures and beliefs are so important. Being closed minded is such a waste, you miss out on a lot of information.
@Boudicaisback 3 года назад
I love seeing open minded christans because its rare
@Bella_DonnaXOXO 3 года назад
I'm a Christian, too, but I'm absolutely FASCINATED by Norse paganism. I love learning about their gods. I've recently become obsessed with Skald and Heilung, as well as getting my hands on everything I can about Ragnarok. Will I worship these gods? Probably not. But one must admit that there's something fascinating about learning about other cultures, religions and lifestyles. And Norse Paganism is among the most interesting religions
@charliechurch5004 2 года назад
@@Boudicaisback no it's not actually....I know a lot u sound ignorant
@wormwoodcocktail Год назад
@@Boudicaisback You’d be surprised. Listen to some Christians discuss theology. It’s not all Evangelicals. Actually, the Seventh Seal is a good example of a Norwegian work of art that specifically deals with the role of Christianity.
@Boudicaisback Год назад
@@wormwoodcocktail Oh I'm sure your right, but I'm referring to everyday normal people like the ones who see a kids toy with a wand and crystal ball and scream demonic!!!
@LaurenNHall77 3 года назад
You’re interpretation of these cultural beliefs is very similar to the system I was taught by my grandfather to understand. Every evening he told us the stories, over and over he’d sing and teach us about our ancestors, until his children and so on know them by heart. Thank you for sprinkling our world with your fruitful thoughts energies!!
@tristantaylor6672 3 года назад
I know theres not alot of heathen channels but among them, this is easily the best.
@freydis794 3 года назад
If you want Heathen accurate content WITHOUT politics, this is the place.
@meduseld6610 3 года назад
Have you watched Survive the Jive?
@wegfarir1963 Год назад
@@meduseld6610 Yes, but too much scholar.
@dennispedersen1476 3 года назад
Odin is far more then ritual ecstasy or a warriors fury. He is the desire for wisdom and knowledge. He sacrificed his eye to gain wisdom and his own life to gain more wisdom, when he sacrificed himself by hanging himself to gain wisdom. His two ravens also gathered knowledge for him. i think the more correct translation is: eagerness of the mind or spirit, kind of like the Greek word philosophia (love of wisdom)
@farfandelosgodos1681 Год назад
So Hermes is Woden in greek, the greeks says that he is the god of "philisophers"(Hermes trismegistos).
@faramund9865 Год назад
I think originally, the concept of him was just the rage. However, those most blessed by Wen usually are elected as Kings. And being a leader in battle requires tact and cleverness. Many of the sagas talk about clever tricks that Kings pulled when leading their army that gave them victory. Thus Kings would probably frantically seek out ways to outsmart their enemies in order to protect their people. These two things then intertwine Wen completely with nobility. So deeply in fact that every hero or King will be said to hail from Wen in some way. And that Wen appears in his robes to help young princes master the ways of Kings. In fact, if Wen is a god 'of' anything, he is the god of nobility. Don't imagine the slouzy home-dwelling elite that they were right before most of the monarchies were replaced by republics. But imagine what they were throughout most of history, generals, captains. And especially in early days they would literally LEAD, everyone else would FOLLOW them into battle. They would BE THE FRONT LINE.
@johnd5574 3 года назад
Óðinn is a fascinating topic for discussion. And I think it's really quite tough to talk about in our time, because of our enculturation and the accepted definitions (and assumptions/beliefs) we have for concepts like "possession" or even "fury" or rage. The ancients didn't have access to our knowledge of psychology and neurochemistry, and we don't have their unique understanding of spirituality and spiritual forces, so it's quite difficult trying to find answers. Even after being involved with Norse spirituality for decades, I still find it hard to adequately express these concepts in words. When I do, it's inadequate - the experience itself is the thing. And I wouldn't exactly call it "possession" in the way movies and tv might show it. Rather, it's more of a connection to one's higher self. Ah well, that's not exactly right either, heh! Looking forward to the next parts!
@AnnaLVajda 3 года назад
Yeah they think it's a superpower or something now like if Hulk is enraged and transforms.
@rohanwilkinson1021 2 года назад
Wilful lead singers use willfulness learned from the wolf's call to make one possessed and wilful comes from wilf which is the Danish name for the English name Wolf.
@faramund9865 Год назад
Blablabla, are you French?
@bearclaus2676 9 месяцев назад
Pain must be learnt before it can be controlled.
@janosch1097 3 года назад
I'm just going to drop some snippets from my notebook on Odin/Wodan, in the hope that some of you might find it useful: Odin's horse Sleipnir drags his eight feet, just as the four men drag their eight feet when they carry a dead man. Like a dead man Odin goes on the spiritual journey. It's the shamanic path to enlightenment, to uncover the true self. It is selfless absorption, like you can learn in Buddhist meditation even today, or other shamanic paths like the sundance ritual of the native Americans. It means to see the true nature of things. It's the life force, the will to live, and the experience of life. It does not die, it only changes externally and expresses itself in a thousand new forms every time. But it always stays the same. It never dies and always lives on, even when it passes through the womb of Hel. There is a harvest saying from Mecklenburg in northern Germany which depicts Odin in a similar way, he is the blowing wind in the skies and what gives life to things. What makes things grow, what "is not born, nor grows old". Remember that Odin was sometimes represented as a kind of trinity of three brothers, Odin, Vili, and Ve? I tried to translate it to English: "Wold, Wold, Wold! sky-giant* knows what's going on, Always from the sky he looks down, Full jars and heaps of grain he has, In the forest grows many things: He is not born, nor grows old. Wold, Wold, Wold!" ( * The original word used is Himmelshüne/Hävenshüne. "Hüne" means a giant, big, strong, broad-shouldered man. In English you would probably call them giant. The old megalithic buildings and stone graves are also called Hünenbett or Hünengrab in German (literally "giant man's bed" or "giant's grave"). This is especially interesting in connection with your video on rebirth and the old burial mounds.) Anyway, we remember that Odin in the Prose-Edda is said to be son of the giant Borr and the giantess Bestla, together with his two brothers Vili and Ve. This "trinity" of Odin (thought, consciousness), Vili (the will) and Ve (breath of life, consecration?) is highly interesting, they are meant to describe the threefold nature of Odin. C. G. Jung speaks of it in his work "Wotan". Let me just quote the article on Wotan from Wikipedia (machine translation from German): "The three figures Hárr ("High"), Jafnhárr ("Equal High"), and Þriði ("Third") in Snorri's Prose Edda, whose roles in the nominal narrative are purely didactic, could be Odin, Vili, and Vé, but it is equally likely that they are Odin under three different forms, since all three names are applied to Odin elsewhere in Old Norse poetry, and he introduced himself as Odin, Vili, and Vé at the first revelation to man. This would indicate the trinity of Odin. The first form of Odin or Wotan, according to the Swiss founder of psychoanalysis Carl Gustav Jung, is the archetype of the "restless wanderer." This wanderer still exists as a human being, and therefore any human being can be Odin in his first, physical form. We exist as humans most obviously and grossly on the physical plane. The second form of Odin is the spirit. The Equal High Plane is incorporeal, which here refers to the life force, the inspiration behind art and poetry. The names of Odin are often translated as "rage," "spirit," "ecstasy." Ecstasy is translated from the Greek into "standing outside of oneself." As such, we begin to realize that our consciousness makes us more than just a biological machine, more than just ultra-evolved apes. The Equal Level expresses its nature through both inspired frenzy (struggle, artistic creation) and the integrating experience of true meditation. The word "Equal" in "Equal High" indicates that these two levels are equal. The Equal High Spiritual Plane inspires the physical vessel of man to go beyond his basic needs. The third level of Odin is the highest, the supreme, the king of the gods. Here we find the transcendental plane, the source and cause of all life. There is nothing into which it further splits, it is not further reducible. In this plane we find the polarities of life drawn up, which meet in the transcendental, absorb into it, and at the same time are created by it. [...] Total being and total emptiness, (Sanskrit bodhi). The metaphorical idea of the god Odin with three different states of being - high, equally high and third - indicates a triangle. That threefold form reflects, among other things, the Christian Trinity. Triple gods are also abundant in ancient Celtic lore."
@torstenscott7571 3 года назад
How very insightful, do you think that perhaps the Germanic notions of Odin may have influenced Freud's notion of Id, Ego, and Superego? I prefer the works of Jung myself, though I haven't read much of it in years. Thanks for the in depth explanation of your points, they're very good.
@janosch1097 3 года назад
@@torstenscott7571 Fascinating question, however, I can only speculate since I don't know enough about their interactions and the chronology of their exchanges. Thanks for the feedback!
@julianbianco2680 3 года назад
Well put, especially the last part about the parallels between Ødin and the holy trinity. Are you a gothi/gydja or teacher?
@janosch1097 3 года назад
@@julianbianco2680 As far as I know, there are no ''gothi'' anymore, the tradition is defunct. Priests and preachers, books and teachers, they sometimes cloud the horizon with their preconceived ideas. If you want to see beyond, you want to keep the horizon clear and go investigate. Experience reality through self-directed exploration of mind and body. Nature speaks to us uncoded, we have only been conditioned not to listen. Let the traces of the living past guide you as they cross your path, but don't let them constrain your journey. So to answer your question, I don't see myself as a teacher. But thank you for the positive feedback.
@thorgeirrsteinulfsson5698 3 года назад
@@julianbianco2680 One has to be careful with these sources (Gylfaginning for the "holy trinity", and more generally all of the eddas): They were written much, much later than the "pagan times", in 13th century Iceland, which was completely chrisitianized by this time, and the practices defunct. A lot of the themes found in these texts could very well be christianizations of the original myths (some demonstrably so)... Sadly, sorting between original themes and christian retellings of pagan myths is quite difficult. To my knowledge, there is no evidence of a "holy trinity" in any "pagan" germanic traditions (although one could argue that the valknot is a definitive tripartite pagan symbol, and is very likely to be associated with Oðinn). Same goes with any later interpretations of any myth, which will always be warped by the culture and philosophy of the glossator. This being said, it would be completely absurd to suppose that religions at this time were clear-cut, uniform and non-interacting, so who knows... It is very possible that some local traditions (especially in contact to middle-eastern or christian communities), while still pagan, would view Oðinn as a tripartite god. As an aside, I think there is a very important distinction between academic study of religions (a very dry topic, where all the caveat mentioned above should be considered, and there is no room for speculation) and philosophical musings for one's own spirituality, where it is more than ok to take any teaching that resonate with oneself and make it his own. There may only be teachers (researchers) in the first case, but all are welcome to dabble in the second. (I am by no mean a academic specialist on the question, I must add) And ​kudos @Herr Janosch for his humble and enlightened response. Sorry for the verbose comment! Ves heill!
@thesaltbucket324 3 года назад
I really love that this is a real belief system with facts and reality built deep within it, it's got spirituality AND science both involved working in tandem with each other which definitely hits me harder than any belief system that only focuses on one or the other, I like the scientific approach and I like the spiritual approach because they both have a part to play in the lives of all of us on this earth. Absolutely brilliant and beautiful ❤️
@UlvNord789 3 года назад
Arith Hager maybe too left. Varg Maybe too right. But you my brother are just right for the Traditional learning! Thank you!
@user-sf2nu8rx4j 3 года назад
As you said, Wodan might be one of the deepest figures of our religion. Just limiting him to one single aspect or phenomena wouldn't live up to him. That becomes clear when we read all of his kenningar. So maybe all of the theories you talked about are true up to a point, and there are many many more that are true as well. Another theory I like is that Wodan is your own "soul" wandering from life to life, always striving for wisdom, sending out his thought(Hugin) to gather knowledge and his memories(Munin) to remember the knowledge from his past lives. Here the theory of Wodan hanging on the tree for nine days and so on fits perfectly in, as this is the process of being born again(I know, I know, muh placenta worship lol). B it makes perfect sense if we consider that "ódr" is one part of the human "soul" in the Voluspa. For people who are interested in the deeper connection of indo european religions and want to read the probably oldest sources of Wodan, read the Rigvedic hymns to Varuna and maybe Rudra and you will find the ancient Wodan. A heavenly king of the gods, watching over all humans and their deeds, always a bit gloomy yet always just, a god of law and order. Plus, and this is just my personal opinion, haven't talked with actual Zoroastrians too much on this yet, the Zoroastrian main god, Ahura Mazda(the wise asura(asura is probably the indo-aryan version of aesir)) is no other than our Wodan, the wise aesir. Keep up the good work, wir sehen uns nächstes mal ;) Grüße aus Deutschland
@janosch1097 3 года назад
Kannst du den Part bezüglich Varuna/Rudra/Wodan in der Rigveda genauer angeben? Würde mich da gerne reinlesen, nur wüsste ich gerne, wo es ungefähr zu finden ist. Vielen Dank!
@Greye13 3 года назад
This is very interesting.
@user-sf2nu8rx4j 3 года назад
@@janosch1097 Da hatte ich tatsächlich mal alle Verbindungen zusammengefasst, aus dem Rigveda selbst(besitze allerdings nur den ersten und zweiten Liederkreis in Buchform und die restlichen als pdf zu bearbeiten hatte ich noch nicht Zeit und Muße), sowie aus Sekundärquellen von Indischen Theologen, aber das Dokument ging mir leider abhanden. Ich werde das aber wohl wieder zusammengefasst bekommen. Ich meine, dass auch Arya Akasha diesen Zusammenhang schon einmal hergestellt hatten.
@janosch1097 3 года назад
@@user-sf2nu8rx4j Wenn Du dazu kommst, lass es mich wissen. In der Zwischenzeit werde ich den Kanal von Arya Akasha absorbieren, habe da grade mal reingeschaut, erstklassiges Material, kannte ich noch gar nicht! Danke für den Tipp!
@user-sf2nu8rx4j 3 года назад
@@janosch1097 Das werde ich mit Vergnügen. Und gern geschehen, ich schätze deren Arbeit auch sehr.
@williamsaltsman6537 23 дня назад
I never appreciated my own heritage until finding your channnel. My grandfather was Cloyce Anderson. My grandmother's maiden name was Steven's traced back to the 13th century. Before that, the name was Stevenson. Her great grandparents came from Sweeden. My name Saltsman is German. It was spelt Saltzman before WW-2. I now get excited about my heritage thanks to your videos. Thank You!
@thedirty530 3 года назад
I like how you go back to the roots of these names... That is something we don't hear much of and it makes it far more personal.... It's not a cookie cutter concept like the major modern religions & thats why Paganism is appealing to me! Thank you!
@planetawesome3300 3 года назад
All the Old Testament names have meaning too. Example- Abraham means “father of a multitude” (was given this name by God), Noah means “rest” as in- the world rested from sin for a short season. There is truth scattered all across the world- just need to sort out the false parts. …to me- Valhalla is a conflation of Noah’s Flood and the Second Coming. Similar creation, flood, savior, and end times “myths” in all religions and cultures. All obviously came from one true source.
@cindykurneck 3 года назад
Thank you for this channel and how gracious you are in sharing your knowledge with us. I am grateful.
@logenvestfold4143 3 года назад
I believe this is just one way Odin manifests himself in our people through our biology. Not just the archetype or being an ancestral spirit of Indo-Europeans that drives this inherit chemical reaction that pretty much all animals experience, but a real divine being that works through these channels to connect with his kindred. Other people have their own Gods that they channel in a similar manner. What connects us all is Yggdrasil, or the Chakras, which connects our bodies and consciousness to the tree of the omniverse and the Norns/Fates.
@dseelenmagie8811 3 года назад
Absolutely... if you haven't already check out this channels video titled "Bölþorn real meaning". It's amazing the descriptions through naming what our ancestors knew without knowing what we "think" we know today.
@jonathanmilroy8417 3 года назад
Looking forward to more on Odin. Your interpretation mirrors my own. The ecstatic state of consciousness. I would add a higher consciousness overall. Funny to think my mind wanders just as Odin does. I'm glad you link it to other cultures, as in my mind the Norse gods exist all over the world, and they are only known as they are to the Norse, as that was their best interpretation of the forces of nature from their view.
@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 3 года назад
Beautifully said!
@faramund9865 Год назад
Also, regarding berserkir and ulfheðinn. Think of what wolves and bears are normally like, if you seem them and they don't notice you, you think to yourself "wow, they are so calm and beautiful and loving, just like us". Yet if ever you encounter them either in hunt or self defense, it's like they are completely someone else. And people STILL TO THIS DAY can not put these two things together in their head as being able to exist in one being. And thus it makes total sense to see it as a form of being possessed by something else. And it also now makes sense why it is wolves and bears that we tied to this state of mind, and thus to the god that IS this state of mind, AND why we name our sons after bears and wolves. We want them to be able to fend for themselves with the might of such animals, but also to be warm and kind to their kin, like these animals.
@joannedungan8381 3 года назад
My maternal great grandparents migrated to the USA from a small town in Denmark so I find this all fascinating
@Stone_Cold_Steve_Autisim 3 года назад
Thanks for the videos. Great info from actual research. Presented in relatable way. I look forward to them.
@glasscaster3536 3 года назад
I have experienced extreme strength more than once in my life. One of these times was while helping a friend dig a foundation for an addition to his house. We were in the mountains of North Carolina, and trying to move large boulders from the building site. Three people were trying to remove a large boulder from a hole dug where a foundation pier was to be placed. Three men with rock bars (large chisel shaped pry bars) could not move the stone. My friend went to get a small excavator and I said "no let me try one more time". I plunged the rock bar next to the boulder and pulled on the bar with everything I had. The bar bent and the boulder popped out of its position. The other guys quickly used their rock bars, and I rolled the boulder out of the four foot deep hole. Everyone around was astonished, I was the thinnest guy on the job site. At 6'4'' and 150 lbs I was quite thin. To this day I have not heard of anyone bending a rock bar! Another time I experienced this state was while working on my father's Corvette. I was installing new wheels and tires. With the final tightening of the lug nuts, I lifted the right front corner of the car completely off of the ground. The wheel spun quickly and the lug wrench nearly hit me in the chin. I was in shock, I couldn't believe what had happened. Other times in my life I have had similar experiences (mostly in fights), but these two were the most profound. I'm older now and weigh around 205 lbs. I was heavily involved in martial arts when I was younger and simply thought i was able to focus my Chi. I am of Dutch and German decent so maybe it was the old Norse in me...
@nigelyorkshiremanwadeley6263 3 года назад
I just wish I could pronounce the names the way you do but being a bogan Aussie, not gonna happen. Love the knowledge you're imparting.
@Heavywall70 3 года назад
Bogan? Oh please do expound. I have a guesstimate as to the American equivalent but I would want to insult you if I’m way off.
@v8falconute46 3 года назад
@@Heavywall70 Some are proud to be bogan, some try to use it as an insult. English version is chav, Slavic is gopnik. see DJ Blyatman. American good old boys like the Dukes of Hazzard or Al Bundy could be bogans. Paul Hogan is. and Steve Irwin. All Vikings in a past life. 😎👍
@cornbreadfedkirkpatrick9647 3 года назад
hey you can't be too bogan
@v8falconute46 3 года назад
Probably should have recommended 'life of Boris' instead of DJ Blyatman'
@Jimjolnir 3 года назад
Enjoying this channel. Very informative and insightful.
@mariobeavis9417 3 года назад
I've read all I could about greek mythology and their gods back when I was a kid. I really appreciate that you enlighten us here about old germanic/norse myhtology. I only just watched a few videos and already learned soo much. And thumbs up for showing the sources so we can read it up ourself too. Oh and that you even cover scientific explanations for these things is great since I consider myself mostly somewhere between atheist and agnostic. Please keep it up and greetings from Austria!
@victorstle2087 3 года назад
I'm currently in South America, and frequently find myself "being" and explaining my relationship to Odin. I've had a several year long courtship that have gone through rituals, plant medicine, trances, possessions, hauntings into finally just "becoming" or "swallowing" Odin as a part of me. Now, there is basically no distinction. It's just me. Although this relationship is deeply mystical and hard to explain. Interesting furious correlation of the Furious aspect with Kabbalistic Gevurah, btw. The understanding of the poetic, ecstatic, nondual and LINGUISTIC aspect of Odin is also so important. For instance, I've been in Ecuador for 3 months and with no education, but having sampled the local meads of poetry, already speak better Spanish than most foreigners who have been here 10 years+. Channeling Odin to rainbow bridge the cognitional currents between concepts and grammatical flows in a geometric, spacial, multisensory way (combined with Tibetan Buddhist meditation and/or traditional shamanistic practices) is a very real thing that I do. It opens up channeling, various types of mind melding and much more.
@wormwoodcocktail Год назад
This channel is amazing. I’m taken aback. Obviously there’s some amateurishness in the editing, but who cares? This is quality RU-vid. Normal people enthusiastically conveying ideas.
@marcusfridh8489 3 года назад
the name odin itself describes that in my eyes, he is the spirit of all shamanic practices and sleipnir is the spriritual freedom from the material body when being in trance or in a spiritjourney, and the wolves, geri and freki is the protective spirits that protects you on your spiritjourney and the ravens hugin and munin is your own gutfeeling and logical thinking. And i think that the aesir and the vanir is reminences of both the yamnaya steppeculture (the aesir) and the neolitic natufian cutlure (the vanirs) and the initial war between them is the reminiance of the clash of the old neolitic farmers and the protoindoeuropean steppepeople, wich can be seing in the battle of Tollensee, and in the genoma of europeans, that got both ancient neolitic dna and yamnaya dna
@user-sf2nu8rx4j 3 года назад
The belief that there are two tribes of gods seem to be far older than the conquest of western Europe actually. Remember, there are the devas and the asuras in vedic and aryan religions.
@palawanczech 2 года назад
I have it at gym after warm up and I go heavy, scientists would probably say it happens when the body start to produce hormones in higher rate than usual, it's like a bit tunnel vision, feeling weird and good even time is somehow not right...we call it beast mode, what always helps me to get into "beast mode" faster is to imagine some animal, like bull, rhino, lion or bear...it's amazing feeling, now I will always shout Odin! (In empty gym only lol) thank you very much brother for all your explanations about paganism, I am slowly getting into it and starting to understand things
@sashamocni4933 3 года назад
Voda is water in Slavic language (SE Slav here). Makes no connection to your awesome video but it's a fun fact. Woutan sounds similar to Voda when you pronounce them side by side.
@janosch1097 3 года назад
Can you recommend any great literature on Slavic pagan traditions (in English or German perhaps)?
@user-zg1qz8oz2u 2 года назад
Love the academic quality of your work.
@BlackRust 3 года назад
I don't know how or why, but RU-vid suggested me your channel, and it's the first time it got something right. This is the way I would have liked history to be taught, the way you explain topics makes me feel that videos are too short. And since I'm not even close to the north of Europe to know anything but "basic" stuff about Nordic countries and your history, thank you for the work you are putting into making these videos.
@thewormwhoisgod9886 6 месяцев назад
Probably the best summation of our revered ancestor/egregor/Aryan archetype available. Between this channel and Jackson Crawford’s, along with a lot of reading and deep thought, this whole generation, regardless of their faith and recent traditions, can revive our ancient connection and incorporate the wisdom of our forebears.
@therineo7839 3 года назад
nice work you arent alone
@torstenscott7571 3 года назад
I like how you differentiate between the scientific and spiritual. Many seem hung up on using either approach, I see the validity of using the scientific method to comprehend as much as we can ( though it's currently limited to how much we understand the laws of Midgard ). I also know from my own experience that there are things beyond our conscious "routine and normal" activities of mundane life. Anyway, thanks for the simple yet informative videos as always.
@alexlarsen6413 3 года назад
Great content, man! Both approaches are interesting and true in their own way, in my opinion. Can't wait for more of these videos!
@Cernunnos_83 3 года назад
I personally think Odin is a wizard from Asgard, a spirit of rage and calm and the personification of Yin and Yang. Every shaman, Völva, warrior can connect to him, to get stronger, wiser and to get closer to the other worlds behind our material world.
@rohanwilkinson1021 2 года назад
Odin is in fact the real original wizard where many wizards come from, Odin created wisdom of wizardry the gift of Christmas, Odin had a wizard wand called Jol symbolic to Mjolnir you might notice the name Jol in the name Mjolnir anyway this wand Jol is also known as Yule and is symbolic to Odin's Christmas season called Yule tide.
@fumblezdasniper 3 года назад
Thanks for the knowledge bud
@thswinther 3 года назад
This was really thoughtful and inspiring. Thanks 🙏
@sleepyviking1723 3 года назад
This is my new favorite RU-vidr.
@corytucker6668 3 года назад
Great video, the Allfather is always such a great and complex topic. I love that you went into different aspects and you are right there is lots that you can still talk about. I like to take a scientific and spiritual approach to Odin as I belive he was a real man at one point but hailed as a God later on, maybe after death.
@dlmiller7873 2 месяца назад
I needed to hear this. Thank you.
@tristonw7417 6 месяцев назад
I knew i felt connection to Odin for a reason. thanks. dope video :)
@christoffer2387 3 года назад
Found your channel today. Was somehow led to search for an explanation of Odin. Great video, thanks. To forget one's self in prayer/chanting/galdr is another way :)
@Thewolverine0865 3 года назад
Thank you for including the science with the spiritual as well. I learn a lot from your videos. We learned that Odin is a god of wisdom, and it's interesting that he name is also associated with poetry. Part of the requirements to become a Druid was to be able to create poetry (not rhymes as we understand today, but verbal prose) in order to pass down knowledge and history. Was this also a practice, or requirement for Norse priests?
@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 3 года назад
We dont have any records of the requirement. but poetry was a prerequisite for anyone at the time who wanted status or honor. So my guess would be yes :)
@everlongmystic 3 года назад
Always love your content! Thanks for all the time and effort you put into these videos!🙏
@ragnarlothbrok3959 Год назад
Hey great video dude! That explains why I feel very energized when I'm listening to viking metal!
@Thewolverine0865 3 года назад
I like hearing you pronounce the language and names, bc it sounds much nicer than how my profs pronounced it.
@angelictimetraveler 2 года назад
Just discovered this channel & 💖 it! 🙏🙏🙏🧚☘️💚💡
@shellycarney4041 3 года назад
So early today huzzah ! 💕 Your channel is really amazing I love how you break down the knowledge I hope your channel grows and grows stay amazing good Ser.
@gilbej91 3 года назад
So glad I found your channel! Appreciate the time you put into the videos.
@wolframwanders1791 3 года назад
Great video! Thanks for making and sharing it!
@seandunwell8160 Год назад
I’m so glad I found this playlist and series about the gods. I had a near death experience at 21 (now 34) and have been searching for answers ever since. I found Shiva (Kashmiri Shaivism, Shi-va = No-thing, that which is not manifest) to best explain the state of pure consciousness I experienced. Also found your video on Ymir, Shiva also has another name Bhairava meaning that which is above sound. Do you think Odin could be the same as ‘kundalini’? The life force within is that rises to the heavens? 🤔 the 9 realms being the different chakra and odins castle, the high one he goes to when worried, can find no texts on it anywhere it’s mentioned in an audiobook I have being the crown chakra Sahasrara? 🤔 I think at the root of all religion, past the stories is an attempt to explain that which cannot be explained 🙏 thank you for sharing this knowledge, bringing me back home and helping me connect more dots. I found in Hinduism a state called Satcitananda, Absolutely being, absolute knowledge, absolute bliss. My consciousness crossed over to a place without space or time, I was everything that ever was, is or will be, is there any mention of this kind of state in Norse mythology? Would be amazing if you had any info on this you could share my way 🙏 peace.
@Forge_n_Brush 3 года назад
Excellent. Thanks for doing this. ~Fritz
@ValquiriaBernardi 28 дней назад
Good explanation clear makes One thinking thanks you😮❤
@mannuraven2157 3 года назад
i appreciate what you say about the science and the spirit- yes- this is important as with my work i incorporate the olds ways of knowing and the new sciences ty for that
@artarchiv Год назад
best explanation I've heard so far, great video, thanks a lot mate!! Skâl
@driver55 3 года назад
Great video thank you.
@gadpivs 3 года назад
Great video. I like to think that óðr refers not to loss of control so much as forfeiture of control to something greater than yourself. The situation itself is controlled, but by something more powerful than you, rather than by yourself.
@DebiB53 3 года назад
Thank you. Awesome explanations.
@TapioSusi 3 года назад
excellent discussion about Odin
@victorstle2087 3 года назад
Odr seems a lot like a conflated concept of chi and kundalini. Also, my Bosnian-Norwegian friend and yoga teacher recently participated in a historical exhibition in my local museum in Norway where they featured depictions of what seem to be viking sun salutations and yoga. Tusen takk for jobben, fra denne Odins avatar ;)
@integratedalchemist 3 года назад
I've never heard this perspective or literal translation on Odin, but there's good Channel by Sakro Sawel about Odin and a similar god with a similar name and attributes in the Aztec and Mayan pantheon which describes him as an original teacher of civilization, well worth the watch and another great channel
@BRIMZ619 Год назад
Just wondering if you would or if you have done a video on bind ruins. Keep'em coming brotha. Love the videos and much respect.
@Hornkronte 11 месяцев назад
I loved this video you actually explained what Odin is You didn't say what everyone says that he is the god of war and poetry
@Boudicaisback 3 года назад
This is the best explanation I have ever heard. I am very happy I subbed to you
@seanmaddows9790 3 года назад
Great video again, thank you
@nielsarum8057 3 года назад
before i was going to war, i was given a small Odin medallion in silver, i wore it every day from when i got it. soon after i came home it disappeared..
@SeaDawgOST 3 года назад
I was born in jamtland and I was born with the fascinating with hallucinations drugs. I was just drawn to it. First time i was 19 and i was alone with 25 dried mushrooms in total. I recommend everyone to do them alone if you go big dose. But i love to eat em as candy also. Mjöd and whine contained these mushrooms until the christians started to demand the ingredients was known.
@hahahhjahaha3572 3 года назад
Great content brother, can’t wait for the tyr video
@QueenLiliTheRed 3 года назад
There was a real king odin near azov river in Russia 2000 years ago who then went to scandinavia, many Scandinavian have this r1a haplogroup that englishmen do not, r1a is also east European but there is different branches
@craeddock 3 года назад
I'd like to see a comparison video to Celtic shamanism and druidry to norse variations.
@edward2359 3 года назад
I deeply appreciate this channel and the videos on your explanations on this particular type of matter regarding paganism and spirituality and archetypes of those particular entities. It's very thorough and greatly appreciated. This won't be very popular here, and that would be very understandable. But for me Odin is Nimrod... And goes by many other names around the world. And by the way even though this won't be obvious by my picture, I'm part of this Scandinavian, with genetic heritage trouble with world.
@beverlykeys4330 3 года назад
I greatly appreciate your videos, thank you. Tax(?) from Chicago-my Grandmother was from Sweden. Anyway, from a shamanic perspective, for me personally Odin is a god of ecstatic states. Love your content!!
@thepathtohiddenknowledge 3 года назад
I know this may be somewhat off topic, but the Valknut (knot of triangles) symbolism being related to Odin actually was something I've had a theory on for a while and as it's relating to Odin I felt it would be a good time to bring it up. In Icelandic Loki's name roughly translates to Knot and/or Triangle, also (And I'm not certain but this story may have been from the Poetic Edda's and therefore total bullshit) there is the story of Loki taking Odin's place as king and shapeshifting into him, so, my theory is that the Valknut is actually a representation of Loki made during his time masquerading as Odin and not one of Odin himself. Also, knowing that Odin practiced butt magic and how shameful it was considered really gives another perspective on how dedicated he was to the collection of knowledge and wisdom, it even more so enforces that he would endure anything just to have a higher understanding of reality.
@resurgam75 10 месяцев назад
I find your videos about the gods incredibly insightful- thank you for your work. I think the concept of some humans being gods is modernised in the film Jupiter Ascending, and I definitely think it's true, although I suspect there's many variants of the same god(s) walking around...
@OmasHouse5976 3 года назад
You can reach Odin through rythmic music, it is what I use as one who is blending scientiifc and "spiritual" (for lack of better word). I find alone, in my home, when listening to music that is ancient or more tribal sounding that I can reach a very ecstatic state. I am atheist, yet I found solace and an outlet for my rage in studying Odin and allowing his archetype to help me for my path out of the confining, and devastating mental and physical affects that Christianity caused in my life. After becoming atheist I began to look into the past for what "we" were before christianity. And I found in paganism a freedom of self, and so was a solo practioner of creation a path for self to make me strong and heal my mind of the indoctrination. Odin is my primary deity. Although he did not exist in my mind as a real person, I see very real healthy effects in my life from following him on a path to knowledge and thinking of him and his "Wise Sayings" as I learn to interact in the world outside of trauma I experiened in christianity. Odin is how I gained strength to seek knowledge, stand up fo rmyself, and vent my rage agianst religious indoctrination. My rage manifested in self-healing. And so from Odin, Eir became my second most important archetype.
@James-nk7wq 3 года назад
You have just earned yourself a new subscriber. Can’t promise that I won’t drink the blood of a freshly sacrificed animal.
@badgerpa9 3 года назад
Make sure you inspect the liver first.
@phinney2735 3 года назад
Odin is Reality at it's most cutting edges.
@markgalvezkorff9854 3 года назад
Great work your doing bro! This info can conects the disconected...love and light to you and yours! From Holland dordrecht
@mannuraven2157 3 года назад
yes- collective ty so much you are bang on with this
@cliftonmoore8316 2 года назад
i like odin that's why i watch that series American gods, such a fascinating character.
@cornbreadfedkirkpatrick9647 3 года назад
I find these very interesting, thanks sorry about my rant a few days ago.
@TOVANorseWitch 3 года назад
lovelyt explaination really enjoyed this video look forwards to more thank you Halsa Valang
@hekateon.ioannis.lasorsa 3 года назад
dissecting the name meanings seems to make a lot of sense now I know many Heathens, including myself to an extent. who work with Odin mostly definitely have a sense of madness to them . That theurgy I've noticed of taking on that lust for knowledge, no matter what it takes to attain it.
@FXGreggan. 3 года назад
My new favorite channel :)
@conroc01 3 года назад
I think you are crazy person. What bothers me is what you speak of seems to make sense. I will feel happier to hear more. I like your perspective
@Fenrisulfr-yh5yr 3 года назад
"You lie Allfather; you lie...you lie like people breathe"... Fenrir The Great Wolf ☀️🐺🌙🐺
@cornbreadfedkirkpatrick9647 3 года назад
I kinda took a shine to ole Fenrir I know an unhealthy one but then again I've had an attraction to the dire wolves since school in the 70s yes I'm old I was classmates with Odin himself lol
@myNamesTakin 3 года назад
Very well done..
@Kquist199 3 года назад
Thank you!
@thomashartmann7317 2 года назад
I've watched this video so many times, I've always craved this, sought it out, drugs, drinking, fighting, everything dangerous......... the real goal is to do it without all that, unleash him he is there🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙
@Oguz-l7o 8 месяцев назад
I would say that rather than a person being possessed of the spirit of Odin, as in the way you say how there may be a person alive as the human embodiment of him. When people posses themselves with Odin's power it isn't the possession of him that enables them, rather their own channeling of his individual meaning to them. Though I guess I'm saying the same thing as you just in another language. Anyway thank you for your wonderful video Odin says he likes it too, I told me 😮
@sophieinspired 3 года назад
Interesting.. I‘m not having a panic attack, it‘s Odin 😂💖 for real really interesting thanks for sharing
@flowerchild89 11 месяцев назад
Just recently learned that Odinism even existed. This is an interesting video. I was raised Catholic. I don't personally trust the Catholic Church anymore as a grown adult. I believe in God. Just don't know what religion to call myself. 🇺🇲👋✌️
@audhumbla6927 4 месяца назад
well Odinism is kind of a modern fake name. Just say Asatru or norse paganism
@enihil7713 2 года назад
Y’all are forgetting the long-term inspired part of Odin and hyper focusing on the visible high energy version
@Wicknews8100 10 месяцев назад
One piece to the puzzle is the old stones I'm finding in Canada, they belonged to this field of study.
@dimiathan 3 года назад
Long shot here but I generally find A LOT of common stories and patterns between Ancient Greek and Old Norse religion. The name for Zeus in Greek was Zeur or Días. ''O'' at the beginning of the word is the male suffix. Furthermore, many scholars suggest that Dias comes from the word Vias which means Violence or FURY: So, in other words, O Días or Odías could be the same name and the name Odin could have derived from there. I haven't read it somewhere but I wouldn't be surprised since there are many Greeks in the ancient times who travelled north.
@janosch1097 3 года назад
You will likely discover many connections, since the Greeks are "Indo-European"/Aryan as well, going back to the same roots. Some notes from my notebook you might find interesting: Dyaus Pit(a)r (Sanskrit)→ Zeus Pater (Greek)→ Deus/Dies Pater (Latin)→ Jupiter (Latin) Dyaus Pitr (Sanskrit) = "Sky Father," compare: Deus Pater, Jupiter dyaus (Sanskrit) = day sky Prithvi Mata (Sanskrit) = "Mother Earth" Deus (Latin): Zeus, Tius/Tiu/Ziu/Zio/Teiwaz (Tyr) Tyr was the sky god and supreme god until later replaced as such by Odin and Thor. "Djaus (Djaus-pitar), in ancient Ind. (Vedic) mythology personification of the sky, the great godfather, the husband of the mother earth (Prithivî). The word corresponds to the Greek Zeus, the Latin Diespiter or Jupiter, the Old Icelandic Tyr and the Old German Ziu. Compare: Bradke, Dyâus Asura (Halle 1885)." "Ziu (Zio), in German mythology the same figure as the Indian Dyâus, the Greek Zeus, and the Roman Jupiter, once the highest god of all the Teutons and as such longest worshipped by the South German tribes, while the North Germans and the Scandinavians later placed Wodan (Odin) at the head of the god-state and gave Ziu (Tyr) only a more subordinate position left. Ziu was originally a sky god, but as the highest and most powerful of all gods he was also called upon for all important incidents of life and thus also became a god of court and war. Therefore, the Romans compared him to Mars, and consequently, when the Latin names of the weekdays were translated, the dies Martis was replaced by Ziwes tag (Swabian, still today Ziestag, English Tuesday, Danish Tirsdag). Inscriptions of German mercenaries in the Roman army testify to the worship of Mars thingsus (the Z. preceding the Thing) and Mars halamardus (the "man-killing" Ziu)." (Meyers Konversationslexikon,1905) This means that: Zeus = Ziu/Tyr. Odin later replaced Ziu's position.
@user-sf2nu8rx4j 3 года назад
@@janosch1097 Good summary, the only thing I can't agree on is the "Tyr is the original supreme deity" theory. It's just the greco-roman religion which has the day father as main deity, and that is because he has obviously been mixed with the thunderer, who is the supreme deity in most other ie religions. A position that in greco-roman terms was inherited by Heracles/Hercules before. Imo Odin/Varuna/Ahura Mazda is an even more original supreme deity, even before the rise of the thunderer, who probably gained importance in times of war. I even think it is possible that dyaus pitar/day father was originally just a title that could be used for different gods. Tyr was not just used as a name but also used just as the word "god", like in the kenning of Odin "Fimbultyr", the mighty god but of course a man of your knowledge knows that already. These are just my personal theories, but I always keep an open mind on other reasonable theories.
@janosch1097 3 года назад
@@user-sf2nu8rx4j Good points on Tyr being a kenning and that the sky father could just be a title. Thank you for your input and keep sharing!
@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 3 года назад
Yes of course very many paralells and the greek and the norse were essentially the same religion, just the names and understanding of the gods differed of course. It is usually belived that Odin in the greek myths is Hermes though. I don't know if I agree but thats what the historians say at least
@joannedungan8381 3 года назад
We really need our viking men back
@MagnoliaZZZZ 3 года назад
I agree. Tired of femme men.
@Boudicaisback 3 года назад
Agreed 😩 hard to find real men these days.
@matiue7845 3 года назад
@@Boudicaisback eh
@Boudicaisback 3 года назад
@@matiue7845 probably just because im antisocial
@matiue7845 3 года назад
@SuperZekethefreak 11 месяцев назад
Odin is from Woden, supposed to be from the PIE *wod-eno-, *wod-ono- "raging, mad, inspired." This is a reference to the ancient practice of ingesting Amanita Muscaria or Death Cap mushrooms. Amat became Amad which became Mad, Madness etc. The Maenads who followed Dionysus consumed Amanita and historians said described the resulting "madness" as they tore animals and people to pieces with their bare hands. When they weren't going crazy, the A-Maenads were giving prophecies. Like Odin, they could see into a particular dimension in which they were able to consider multiple realities and multiple versions of our reality. When Odin used the Amanita to look forward in time, he saw Fenrir eating him during Ragnarok, and then looked for the one single possibility of avoiding this. Which he didn't of course, but he tried mightily. As such, the word Odin directly stems from the root word-set for FATE. From the Online Etymology Dictionary: "1620s, "poet or bard," specifically "Celtic divinely inspired poet" (1728), from Latin vates "sooth-sayer, prophet, seer," from a Celtic source akin to Old Irish faith "poet," Welsh gwawd "poem," from PIE root *wet- (1) "to blow; inspire, spiritually arouse" (source also of Old English wod "mad, frenzied," god-name Woden; see wood (adj.)). Hence vaticination "oracular prediction" (c. 1600). Thus, we see that the word Sooth-Sayer referred to one who provided soothing-sayings about your future karmic fate, helping you find the one path that avoids the punishment that has already been bestowed upon you and has manifested in your future. The Sooth-Sayer, the Fates, the Maenads .... all of them, were using Amanita Muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric or fly amanita, is a basidiomycete of the genus Amanita. The word Poet, by extension, comes from Vates or Fates, and the name Odin literally means THE POET, THE AUTHOR, THE INSPIRED WRITER. And that's fascinating! And when Odin ingested too much Amanita, his name came from Wood: ""violently insane" (now obsolete), from Old English wod "mad, frenzied," from Proto-Germanic *woda- (source also of Gothic woþs "possessed, mad," Old High German wuot "mad, madness," German wut "rage, fury"), from PIE *wet- (1) "to blow; inspire, spiritually arouse;" source of Latin vates "seer, poet," Old Irish faith "poet;" "with a common element of mental excitement" [Buck]. Compare Old English woþ "sound, melody, song," Old Norse oðr "poetry," and the god-name Odin. The connection of the gods, so called, to Psilocybin mushrooms cannot be overstated. When Jesus arrives, probably as a reincarnation of Zeus, in works like the Book of Thomas, the Apocryphon of John, the Pistis Sophia and more, he is teaching his disciples how to grow Liberty Cap mushrooms aka Psilocybe semilanceata, which taste like honeycomb, have no bitter taste, and do not drive people into madness. He was comparing this mushroom with the one still consumed by the followers of the old gods at festivals and weekly holy days, showing how these people were so insane they often had to be chained up in caves to protect themselves and others from the madness of the mushroom. Just in case you ever wondered why Odin felt he had to stab himself with a spear, hang himself on a tree and pluck out his own eye in order to gain knowledge of the future, he was probably just high on mushrooms. In fact, early Christians consumed copious amounts of drugs as part of their religion. Most of the earliest Christian artworks, frescos, mosaics, tomb art etc. shows mushroom consumption, but also other plants. In the New Testament, Paul, James and Peter co-write a letter to all Christian churches ordering them to STOP practicing the weekly Agape festival where they took so many strong drugs they wandered around the synagogues like zombies. They could still practice the Eucharist festival though, which undoubtedly used small amounts of Liberty Cap mushrooms in the wine and *bread (Soma = Mushroom Bread) - undoubtedly the honeycomb wafer served for this weekly Eucharist. So, Jesus was transitioning his disciples off of Amanita mushrooms and onto the less dangerous Liberty Cap mushrooms.
@donnama9374 3 месяца назад
Thank you very much for this information. It explained many things to me. Is it from the book? Which one?
@calinbeale2634 2 года назад
thankyou brother
@Greye13 3 года назад
Odin has such amazing energy. This may sound a bit backwards to what you talked about here but, instead of looking to Odin to get "fired up", I look to Odin to help me calm down. Does that make any sense to you? - because it actually works for me.... Odin helps me to think before saying/doing anything in tense situations.
@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 3 года назад
Yes. Especially in the east this energy was more of a calming thing than elsewhere in the world.
@Greye13 3 года назад
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 Oh alright, thank you, that's good to know. I thought maybe I was just doing things backwards or something, but this makes more sense now. Blessings and, Congratulations on 30,000 subs.
@theknave4415 3 года назад
Sacral kingship, sacred kingship, deification of ancestors and royal families, god-kings, priest-kings, et al. From that pov, "Odin" becomes a royal cognomen, passed down generation after generation like 'Prince of Wales', et al.
@thehs-paulejirozecms7076 2 месяца назад
For it is cap many are Thor but few are Odin, the ways of Norse are the ways of revelries.
@tenmiltenmil1770 6 месяцев назад
Thank you 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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