
What To Do If Your Ex is Lying? | Divorce, Child Custody, & Manipulation 

Divorce University Online
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@udontneedtoknow6816 Год назад
I wish they wanted to be fair.... As a father who been dragged through this process for years. It's obvious that the system is heavily tilted in favor of the woman 90% of the time.
@rebeccaR22 18 дней назад
Not in my case.
@ericurdiales8978 Год назад
i dont understand how lawyers allow people to put lies into the paperwork. The clients don't get to rep themselves
@kristywhalen350 4 года назад
Good, GENERIC advice, but I think it needs to be said that a GOOD attorney uses the information at hand (ie, copies of texts, recordings of phone calls, photos), so that "the truth will emerge", and a bad attorney continues to say "just be patient, bad karma will bite the other party". In the case of child custody involving a teenager, there IS NO MORE TIME to "wait and be patient". Wait long enough at this point, and it's no longer "child custody", but rather an "estranged parent". I know, I had a bad attorney. It remains to be seen how this new attorney works out for me. Opposing counsel, I have to say, has been EXCELLENT for his client. I don't agree with his approach, and it definitely contributed to the deterioration of the relationship between my son and I, but that attorney delivered on what his client wanted. He didn't wait around for leprachauns to appear.
@stephaniefythm 2 года назад
I went through a lot of financial crisis during my divorce, I had to raise my two kids alone, Currently I'm living smart and frugal with my money. Bought my second house already. Saving and investing lifestyle made it possible for me; even till now I earn monthly through passive income. I'm planning on retiring when my kids finish college..
@eadad4371 2 года назад
I'm a single dad, not quite long I started investing. I'm very curious and need help on how to enhance and increase my returns. Any good investment tips would be appreciated
@stephaniefythm 2 года назад
@@eadad4371 Generally, investing requires higher knowledge. For this reason, It's important to have a solid support structure (financial consultant) to guide you through especially in asset picking. I operate with (Regina Louise Collaro) an investment advisor who partners with a licensed wealth management firm. For the record, the experience has been the best for my finance.She is quite popular for her services so you might have heard of her. She made me financially stable investing through her help, now I earn on a monthly basis through her passive income strategy... So I’ll advise you do get a good Investment advisor for yourself.
@eadad4371 2 года назад
@@stephaniefythm That’s great , your investment advisor must be really good,I have seen testimonies of people using the help of investment advisors in making them more financial stable. Do you mind sharing more info on this person?
@stephaniefythm 2 года назад
@@eadad4371 She is easy to find , make a quick research of her on the internet with her name Regina Louise Collaro and leave her a message .She works with anyone independent of their location.
@emeldcentor1474 2 года назад
@@stephaniefythm I got separated last month,I have had the intentions of starting investing. But I always thought it was late and I think I need to stop procrastinating. I will definitely 🔍 Regina Louise Collaro and see what she can advise .Thanks a lot . This was of so much help to me .
@lkpeay 2 года назад
We can’t have TWO conflicting statements of fact (a date for example). This is the reason why CRIMINAL ALLEGATIONS need to be heard in CRIMINAL COURT
@gerrybrown2552 7 месяцев назад
@waynehamberg9248 3 года назад
Terrible advice. You know your ex is going to lie and that the lie is going to be... How do you prepare for the lie? How do you frame the lie so you have the evidence to attack the credibility. This video was a waste of time.
@Myssy1 3 года назад
exactly / thank you . and no its not true that everyone lies.. there are honest people that show up in court and want the right thing for the children . there are predators abusers that are narcissistic and just want to ' win ' they can care less about the child they just want to be the ' winner ' . wow .. this is what we see too much in the family courts she should be no where near the family courts or a criminal court either. for her to be so lackadaisical that she calls everyone liars even innocent people .. just imagine if she was your lawyer and you are accused of something that you did not do and her attitude is" chill everyone is a liar ".. I almost wish no I really do wish that people treated giving degrees to practice family lawis the same as driving in the Daytona 500 . having a license does not mean you can do the job .. they should pass rigorous proof that they can defend a client before they are allowed to take a dime. this lady can get away with gaslighting and minimizing her clients for life and never win a case and yet still take peoples money ..
@AnalystAyi 2 года назад
If someone has committed fraud/financial/employment/ immigration etc fraud and that’s shown with hard proof, can the person be criminally charged? Or does it just show “acting in bad faith” or deception?
@divorceuniversityonline 2 года назад
Family Court is all about credibility, so that would be the negative impact for them in Family Court. In order for there to be criminal charges, the DA would have to be involved and decide if they would pursue charges. The Family Court doesn’t bring criminal charges against people. Hope that helps!
@AnalystAyi 2 года назад
@@divorceuniversityonline yes it does, greatly! Thank you for answering this !
@elisamartinelli7676 Год назад
What can the family courts do when I have physical evidence of his lies that have affected parenting timeshare
@Kdad22 Год назад
I was scared to subscribe before but thanks for the videos . Don't forget your important and helped ppl and his legacy lives on through video . Thanks for guidance ❤
@divorceuniversityonline Год назад
Thank you Kyle, I truly appreciate your kind words.
@Tbww555 Год назад
This is the most comprehensive, understandable, well-presented historical spy site overview I have heard from any online agency. I have subscribed to and shared your channel with friends around the world. Whoever created *usespy online* that particular spy site deserves the highest of journalistic accolades. Bravo!
@beegood6700 4 года назад
"Everyone's ex is a liar" No.
@stephaniebryant1856 11 месяцев назад
He said, She said, is a term that makes me squirm. There is perspective, yes, but there is also folks that are more prone to lying in life and court, and other that are more conscientious with truth, in both life and court. With Domestic Violence, only 10% woman will lie on being a victim and these 10% are typically, based on established research, younger and are trying to cover for something else, like sneaking out and having sex with their teenage boyfriend, for example. They are wanting to redirect the focus. I am a crappy liar and do not feel good about doing it in life and or in an honorable venue, such as court... so it was very disheartening to see my husband's deceit on the stand and my honesty be flip flopped or at the very least for the courts to downplay the DV background when making their best interest choice. Absolutely life altering for me and my children.
@OHSFM 4 года назад
I doubt that! My baby at 9 months old was taken... I was never subpoenaed to go to court. I was blind sided and coarsed to appear in court. When I saw the allegations I was shocked! His attorney was lying saying she send me documents and I never received anything but a call from her over the phone. I want to know why CPS was not involved when he made such allegations about my residence. Where was his proof other than sitting under oath slandering my character... I had nutritionist come to my home and weigh my baby and give me a chart of the foods my son was bale to eat. He was never under weight but the father said I deprived him from food in fear he gets "fat". How does the system actually work? Because now I have temporary lost custody of my baby, it's been 5 months.
@divorceuniversityonline 4 года назад
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. Your situation is complicated and you need to seek the help of a local attorney in your area. If you are in the North San Diego area, feel free to call us at 760-990-4752. Laws are different in every state so that is why you need to find an attorney near you.
@beegood6700 4 года назад
If he had of got CPS involved it would have been impossible for you because CPS thrives on stealing happy, healthy children from innocent parents. I don't see what your issue is. Go to court.
@beegood6700 4 года назад
@@divorceuniversityonline There are no lawyers in Australia to sue the so called "justice" system that the public could ever afford so I highly doubt there is in America. You are providing a lawyers's number here but it's not the type of lawyer innocent parents need. We need much better than this.
@beegood6700 4 года назад
@@divorceuniversityonline It's not a complicated situation. There is an agenda against mothers by the fake, communist, global "justice" system and it's evil twin the fake, communist, global government.
@Sparkyspage 3 года назад
‘It’s marathon, not a sprint.’ I would agree, but over the long-haul, the male goes broke.
@KoolT Год назад
Boy do I need this today BC I deal with a lying x wife. And this is a grandmother who keeps the grandchildren occasionally and she lies and watches me like a hawk and asks LOTS of questions.
@robynedward125 2 года назад
Here's an update I have to go to court unfit I'm being abused our children and myself victim of conjugal violence there's many factors going on he's not paying child support I've been honest maybe brutally honest and want what's best by our children I have never cheated the system or slaughtering the other parties name it's been extremely difficult. I just have to testify against him there's many things that were never used I just need to focus on our children and their well-being. I don't know what's going to happen in court I need a pattern of behavior I can't go to court and label him as a pathological liar and narcissist it's more than a marathon it's been almost 5 yrs. He wasn't a good partner being married to him. I hoped to settle the divorce and unfortunately it didn't happen that way. 😕
@divorceuniversityonline 2 года назад
@Robyn Edward, so sorry. You are exactly correct that you have to focus on behaviors and incidents that you directly observe without throwing out labels. If you'd like more ongoing help, we'd love to have you join Tammy's free Facebook Group for Moms. Here is the link: facebook.com/groups/custodyformoms
@jamesgrunert3525 4 года назад
Is it true that (CA) if one deliberately lies on their expense documents the judges just give them a slap on their wrists?
@divorceuniversityonline 4 года назад
James Grunert, in practicality, yes. One problem is how does the court know if the person is deliberately lying or if they didn’t understand? Family law is different than a criminal Court.
@beegood6700 4 года назад
@@divorceuniversityonline And it has no right to be. A criminal court goes by innocent until proven guilty. A family court goes by guilty until proven innocent. That's why family law is not law. It's completely illegal. It's a sick punishment for innocent parents and their children. a The innocent parents are turned into cash cows by a criminal gang, consisting of the lying ex with no evidence for his lies, a whole corrupt government organisation who treats these unprovable lies as gospel and a corrupt "justice" system that also goes along with the screamingly obvious injustice of all this to get a slice of the money pie themselves.
@nightcrowred Год назад
I actually don't know why you guys are not more popular. My son is one year old. And some months. So like one and a half and all Consolidated together my ex has been missing from his life for 8 months of that one year. If you consolidate it all together. Well last time she disappeared she did so for 3 months and then one week before getting served with papers by her is when she tried to contact me to actually set up visitation. She is abusive and I have evidence of that but I do have to say it is very very difficult to not knee-jerk react when something is said or an order is given. Especially if you're like me and don't have an attorney and cannot afford one but according to every scale I make too much money. I'm in that lovely gray area where I can't qualify for any assistance but don't have the money to actually pay for anything. However thanks to the law library and your podcasts I feel a bit better even though knowing I'm probably going to have to do this on my own. However I have been truthful I have only stated facts and I have complied with the Court's orders. I cannot say the same for my ex however. The judge ordered us to use parents talking and she refused to get the app. And said that her attorney told her that the judge did not sign it into order so therefore she didn't have to get it. After hearing one of your podcasts the statement you made in one of them was smile when they are doing the wrong thing. I just Shrugged and said okay she ended up downloading the app on her second day visit with our son. But that is still very much her behavior. Thank you guys for these podcasts and the information. Going this alone is difficult and very scary I am so afraid for my son. Every time he goes for a visit with her. She has hurt him in the past so it really does make me nervous and I was the one who got to say how much visitation she would get. However the judge said that if it were up to her she would have given my ex a lot less time but in my opinion I think things will be okay as long as me and her are not together. That way she's not frustrated or angry and let not emotional things get to her. But as you keep saying it's a marathon not a Sprint and it is very difficult to not panic.
@JonathonCardwell 6 месяцев назад
i took the high road. in my divorce. my ex was trying to make me look like a bad father the entire time the adults so called she was listening to and i would never call her a bad mother. her first husband twice threatened her at her workplace and she didnt file any thing against him and i would never do that. i never threatened her at work.
@thenoblewarrior Год назад
Eventually the truth comes out.
@excxmoody Год назад
What about when one lies in order to get pregnant. While like you mention its what each person's viewpoint, one way least in my opinion if a lawyer sent my ex to some sort of forensic psychologist. While the courts may as you said wish to be helpful...to me it's a big deal. Essentially forcing my ex to reflect and remember being told no.
@jameslaiola4976 3 года назад
Good advice. Thank you
@amarilyssanchez5190 3 года назад
But he agreed to separate, but called you all the time after separation and when after a yr found out i was involved with someone and my 4 year struggle began, and he made statements with no proof and they were favoring him!
@Heisadoni Год назад
I believe you
@LivingBGLegend 3 года назад
This is serious, not funny.
@LivingBGLegend 3 года назад
I hope this video ends better than it begins. She has literally taken the abuse and actions, words and neglect from previous relationships and parents and dumped it all on me. I just got served again and I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel helpless
@divorceuniversityonline 3 года назад
You just have to be persistent, and not give in to the emotional struggle. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel!
@LivingBGLegend 3 года назад
@@divorceuniversityonline thank you for taking the time to respond. It’s definitely a rough road with no light visible yet
@hanslowes5294 Год назад
What can happen if they denied they were cheating but the day of the divorce they post “in a relationship with” on social media
@gavinmelnkovic3553 2 года назад
Is there somewhere I can ask a question about my current legal situation
@divorceuniversityonline 2 года назад
Hi Gavin, sorry, we're just seeing this. You can always call our office at 760-990-4752 or email Tammy at tammy@myfamilylawoffice.com
@StevePennMusic 3 года назад
Good Advice!
@divorceuniversityonline 3 года назад
Glad it was helpful!
@ashleybellerose7104 6 месяцев назад
But he really is a liar! He's putting fake motions in saying I'm abusing my child. It's not true. Its so bad my son had been ripped from my arms and idk when im getting him back. I am self represented and he had a lawyer..... he wont even. Let me call my son. This hit my like a ton of bricks. This only happened cuz i missed court cuz my ex did not serve me. Now my sons gone and i need to save myself
@annabellefoxnesbitt9305 3 года назад
A lot of this had to do with control like I had a job at the doctors office I was a therapist and now I’m helpless and homeless like I don’t have no papers I have not like on my life but on my marriage yes but like I don’t got no money no rides like I don’t know what to do God
@reneeyanak5739 2 месяца назад
I hope you found a place in the world and that you're able to use your career to get back up to help others when you didn't feel helped yourself and know that you always did your best.
@lkpeay 3 года назад
This is BS… second guessing parents for NORMAL BEHAVIOR.., being seen in public consuming alcohol is not a crime
@Sky123music Год назад
What do do if the judge is an asshole ?
@JonathonCardwell 6 месяцев назад
her relatives cooked meth had criminal records and the relatives i was not even biologically related to my ex brothers in laws thought they had some say they are crazy. i call him that because he is not biologically related to me either because im adopted and they threatened my birth certificate from north carolina which is a federal crime to use my birth certificate as blackmail or my taxes.
@annabellefoxnesbitt9305 3 года назад
Thank I got two kids and then I had another kid and he claimed my kid when she was three years old and he kicked us out like I don’t know what to do like God only knows what happened in this dude is not right God
@andreamai Год назад
If you catch their lies in an affidavit and you can prove something with hard fact, you can expose them in cross examination. You need to know your case inside and out, examine all the detail, because liars will leave crumbs.
@chrisparis6286 3 года назад
I'm in Texas
@johngosling632 2 года назад
I know this video is old but I'm now in a joint custody and visitation battle and my son's mother is completely lying in her cross motion while having a lawyer help legalize the language to present in front of the judge. I've established paternity and I put myself on child support. Now I've established jurisdiction for the judge to rule in my case, the lawyer is seeking to deny my request for joint custody due to lack of information in my petition. Then I forgot my sons mother's birthday by one day. Also, seeking sole custody. I have my oldest son of yrs old , mother, a notarized statement from my oldest son's mother written to the judge on my behalf, my friend for 24 yrs is willing to testify to the judge on behalf, offering a character statement. I have videos of my oldest son and I together with the son I'm seeking joint custody for. I have pictures sent me by my youngest son's mother and a yrs long of printed out text messages of back and forth conversations, her also ignoring me, for the judge to review. I have proof she visited me this year and spent the night. I have printed out receipts showing I've spent thousands on our son. I have proof showing my attempts to be in our son's life, gifts that she returned. My oldest son is on my health insurance, car insurance, I bought him a car, and I get my oldest son every weekend, plus share joint custody with his mother. Never had a cps case or investigation on my or my home. Never had a DUI, not a felon, held down my job for over 5 yrs. Great credit, never been late on any utilities or any bills. Lived at the same residence for 10 years plus, also, my youngest son's mother lives with me at the current residence, plus two other residents. We been together off and on for over 10 years. I rewritten my petition for joint custody and reasons why it's in my youngest son's best interests for me to have joint custody, my mother is typing it out, just Incase the judge will accept that as an acceptable petition for joint custody. I'm doing everything I can, but have no lawyer. Court in 2 days, in a small country town, 3 hrs away.... I'm praying the judge sees the truth, my hard evidence, listens to my oldest son, mother, and takes in my notarized statement from my oldest son's mother. I have seen my son in 2 yrs plus, I'm broken hearted and unfulfilled as a father and person. ANY ADVICE?
@divorceuniversityonline 2 года назад
@John Gosling, we hope it went well. Sounds like a heartbreak. Try to present your evidence objectively focusing on the best interest of your son, his safety and wellbeing and not on attacking Mom. Hang in there and keep trying. Your son needs to know that there is nothing that will make you give up on your relationship with him.
@johngosling632 2 года назад
@@divorceuniversityonline thank you so much for the support, advice, and the response. It went as good as it could while representing myself. Her lawyer crossed examined me with questions that didn't even make me look bad, really simple questions honestly. Then it was my turn to cross examine my son's mother in court and I remembered every lawyer movie, Perry Mason episode I grew up watching at my grandmother's house, and I nailed it. I proved I was a fit, willing, loving, and devoted father. I proved I'm not a threat to my son, and I was granted temporary joint custody, with one supervised visit. Biweekly visitations in her residential area until Dec 5th. That's when the courts will call me and we'll have a over the phone court proceeding but not sure where I go from here. I found out my son has been calling her father "dad" and I explained to him, while infront of his mother that I'm his father and that he only has one dad. Just like he only has one mother. The bonding time with my son while under the supervision of his mother, went great. We laughed, played, we sang, we held hands, hugged, say we love each other, and just did normal father and son bonding. It's like we never missed a beat. But I need permanent joint custody, more two biweekly visitations, equally transportation, basically more time. He even wants to come to my home, 3 hrs away, and see his Spiderman room, toys, his older half brother, my side of the family, and experience life with me/his father. I just know I am still fighting for what's best for my son and won't stop. No matter how many motions, complaints, or whatever it takes to have equal shared time and say over the well being of my son. Sorry I wrote a book but I'm filled with joy, questions still, and hope for what my son and I want and deserve. To be with his dad and for me to be with my baby boy. Thank you! If you read all this and if you feel like you want to offer anymore information that could help my son and I be together, God knows I'm beyond willing to receive it. Have a great time with your family and loved ones!!! Good health and peace to you and yours. Thanks again!!!✨🙏✨
@mrbowtieguy 2 года назад
Make like tree and LEAVE never look back
@divorceuniversityonline 2 года назад
@justinhilbert3128 3 года назад
How cynical these people are. A good example of why our society is failing.
@bethbethanny6425 Год назад
@affiliatekingsqueens3352 2 года назад
attorneys pay the judges it's all about the money now day not best interest of the child it's all about the MONEY
@divorceuniversityonline 2 года назад
We can’t speak for all attorneys but we have NEVER done this. Nor do we know of anyone that has.
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