
What will Heaven ACTUALLY be like? (Animation) 

Bible Animations
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@bible.animations Год назад
What do you guys think of the Isaiah 65 passage? Seems there's a few different interpretations and I'd love to hear your thoughts!
@nunesandrew4198 Год назад
It's as you say, scripture is scripture, it's talking about heaven
@user-atonewith Год назад
W/O a thesis, consider no evil, no resistance, no fatigue, etc. A proper understanding of sabbath rest may give you the deep answer you seek. Blessings to you brother!
@ennisel Год назад
I believe you're jumping 1000 years ahead of your time and are conflating the 8th day with the 7th day; the new heaven and earth is after the 1000 year millennial reign. The millennial will be here on the earth HQ'd in Jerusalem Israel. #TheMessageOfTheKingdom - there'll also be people who were not in Messiah at his return surviving in earthly bodies. Being with the LORD forever is having access to The Kingdom in Israel - May we who believe and are labouring be found faithful to have access. There are those who will get the regenerated body, but won't have access to the Kingdom Matt 8.... It's Heaven coming to Earth, hence the prayer he taught us to pray 3Xs a day like he did.
@TheEberite712 Год назад
The Scriptures you read in Isaiah are referring to the 1000 Year Sabbatical Reign on Christ on earth, but Revelation 21 and 22 refer to the New Earth and New Jerusalem descending down on it which is The Father's Kingdom which succeeds Christ's Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 15:22-28 KJV. The Bible doesn't talk about people going to heaven, but rather the Kingdom of Heaven coming to earth; this one first then the New Earth. Isaiah 2:2-5 KJV, Zechariah 14:9 KJV, Revelation 11:15 KJV, Revelation 5:9,10 KJV, Revelation 20:4-6 KJV Just to name a few are references to Christ's Millennium reign on earth, it's only till we get to Revelation 21 and 22 we see description of The New Earth and New Jerusalem.
@Mydogeownsamafia220 6 месяцев назад
The reason why there will be no seas is because the devil kept his kingdom in the waters after the flood, he and some of his angels settles their base there while some are in the second heaven, it's like a place to plan and strategize together, that's why there will be no seas and that they will all be in the lake of fire. Also, the kingdom according to Ezekiel is like a square with the three gates on each sides, hope this was useful.
@camerapasteurize7215 6 месяцев назад
The idea of a perfectly peaceful, beautiful world, where we serve God forever in our simple labors, worshipping and enjoying our seats at His table, resonates so deeply with me that my eyes are tearing up. I can barely contain my excitement. Thank you Jesus for saving me, for putting my name in Your Book of Life!
@nunesandrew4198 Год назад
It's sad that religion has painted heaven as a boring place where there is no memory and where angels are about doing nothing...I'm glad for this video, I always wondered if what we see is a reflection of what is in the kingdom above, have you ever wondered where God got the creations idea from? I have wondered if not from heaven above.
@maevav5645 17 дней назад
Yeah, I heard a lot people say, “na, perfection is boring” like they ever saw it. Or that serving is wrong or even slavery. I really can’t understand their minds.
@peytonhemmelgarn4359 Год назад
What’s even crazier is Revelation 21:16 says ,”…it’s length and width and HEIGHT are equal”. Meaning it’s also 2,200 km TALL.
@peytonhemmelgarn4359 Год назад
Great video! I love these visualizations and I think they’ll help a lot of people
@malijames12 Год назад
The Burj Khalifa is merely 0.828 km tall...
@apreacher9447 Год назад
Im pretty sure its just meant to be symbolic. Like the trees and the river of life or Jesus as a lamb or the bride jerusalem. Numbers are often used in the bible to convey a meaning.
@abimaelmuniz8991 11 месяцев назад
1367.017 in miles. That's crazy
@abimaelmuniz8991 11 месяцев назад
And 1853290.36 square miles of space inside the city.
@carstenpeder2861 6 месяцев назад
The animals that eat together snakes that do not bite are a picture of absolute peace and harmony. that's how I read and understand it
@theyoungenigma6184 Месяц назад
Snakes being my favorite animal, I am super excited to know this
@keithdean9149 6 месяцев назад
I believe the descriptions of Heaven given in the Bible are given is such a way that we can begin to wrap our brains around it. Heaven is a place so wonderous that our brains cannot truly begin to conceive of what it truly is.
@theyoungenigma6184 Месяц назад
It makes me feel like a kid thinking about the massive world
@jonahjane5631 Год назад
Hello, friend. I wonder if you were ever made aware of the stones mentioned in Revelation and their significance. I'll have to do some digging to find it again, but the jewels mentioned in Revelation are the only jewels known to man that when met with pure light, shine magnificent colors that man has never been able to replicate. Others such as diamonds that aren't mentioned show black when met with pure light. I know I'm probably not using the correct terminology but you get the idea. Imagine that, the oldest book in history knew that those jewels were special. And imagine, man can only get so close to pure light so the Glory of God making those jewels shine is probably impossible for us to imagine.
@bible.animations Год назад
So good! Praise God
@user-atonewith Год назад
The 12 stones on the ephod of the high priest are relevant to what you seek to know. Eleven of them were anisotropic and the diamond was isotrpic. Hope this helps. The other ones in the pouch will be your ongoing search; having to do with judgement and prophesy. Think sonic and light (both).
@jonahjane5631 Год назад
@@user-atonewith yes! That's it! Thank you.
@DnT0412 Год назад
I always find it amazing how little God is talked about in Heaven. It’s always about the streets of gold, gates of pearl, no sickness, reunited loved ones. And then oh ya and God will be there too incase you cared. John Piper said it best. Ask your people this question. If you could have it all, perfect health, the desires of your heart, no pain and suffering…..but God is not there would that be ok? So many “Christians” would say yes.
@craigmcguire2 3 месяца назад
Yes. Im so excited to be in heaven with everyone. I pray God has mercy on our souls. We all love him so much. Please God come fast to get your children out of this Evil world we live in now. Man kind has gotten so far away from your light it scares me so much. Just Evil everywhere, Everyday. We all try each day to walk in the light you provided us but it gets harder everyday with all this evil that surrounds us. We're all ready for you heavenly father. I beg you to come and take us away from these people that mean us harm. We only got two days intill june 6th 2024, and that date scares me to death. Your children here on earth just want to see our heavenly father and be at ease for internally with you and our families. Amen, Amen, Amen,...
@RogueT-Rex8468 Год назад
My initial thoughts to the No night: but what about the stars???? I love the stars and glittering sky.
@InitialPC 6 месяцев назад
if the sun is a star, why cant you see other stars?
@andrewbethea327 6 месяцев назад
I hope that there will be night on the New Earth, as well as a sun, moon, and sea. I don't care so much for streets of gold. And lakes and rivers are no substitute for the sea for me.
@InitialPC 6 месяцев назад
@@andrewbethea327 there wont be any of those things, no sun no moon no stars, no night and no sea it will just be perpetually light out
@moth_farmer 3 месяца назад
About the no night, I think it was actually referring to the city not experiencing night. Because don't forget that God himself made night time. Also, the heavens declare the glory of God, so why would he not include celestial bodies in a perfect universe? It does say in scripture that He will make ALL things new, not MOST things new.
@Bri-Guy1 2 месяца назад
And I love the oceans and all the amazing marine life!! 😢
@LifeWithShawn2024 6 месяцев назад
1 Like = Jesus will heal my struggles in high school and my life afterwards
@VTCTR3Y 3 месяца назад
Likes can’t do that. Prayer can.
@TheOneAndOnlyMementoMori 3 месяца назад
Oh God, please help this person's life. He seems to be struggling, so please help him Amen
@OragansDAristilde_TheChristian Месяц назад
We can't continue to sin deliberately, knowingly and habitually yet we will have to go through temptation and try to fight it and hopefully beat it. Don't give up We can't be snatched from God's hands (John 10:28) and we are guaranteed paradise (Ephesians 1:13-14, Ephesians 4:30, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, 2 Corinthians 5:5). Nothing will separate us from God's love (Romans 8:35, Romans 8:38-39).
@ronymanuel507 Год назад
Isaiah 58:13-14 13 “If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord’s holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, 14 then you will find your joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.” For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Shabbat Shalom! 🇵🇦🇮🇱🌅🕍🍇🍷🌰🥖🫐🍓
@KB-kp7gk Год назад
Chag pessach sameach
@ronymanuel507 Год назад
@@KB-kp7gk Hallelu-Yah! 🇮🇱
@KB-kp7gk Год назад
@@ronymanuel507 On Pessach we celebrate our mashiach Jeshua to rise up again and giving us everlasting life. He fulfilled it, but we should keep it anyway. Likes it is going to be in the millenium. Baruch Hashem, Maranatha
@ronymanuel507 Год назад
@@KB-kp7gk Yes! I believe this for sure! May you have a wonderful Pesaj! Shalom 🇵🇦
@KB-kp7gk Год назад
@@ronymanuel507 you too, brother! We will soon meet in the clouds
@LavernLee-zz5ln 6 месяцев назад
Can hardly wait to be there.. come Lord Jesus!
@jonathanwu6508 Год назад
This is fantastic as usual. Please keep up the awesome work! May God bless your ministry amen
@Yahnart Год назад
From my understanding people are confusing Heaven and new Jerusalem. I haven't found anywhere in script where we will be residing in Heaven. That's The most highs dwelling place. Rather, a city which is brought down to earth. Which isn't the same as heaven from my understanding. Completely open to being corrected though.
@samamsterdam4301 Год назад
The New Jerusalem will be a city sitting on The New Earth in the future. There's going to be a whole planet outside of the city. I see what you're saying though. Heaven is where God dwells currently but someday He's actually going to be on The Earth with us so wherever God is would be Heaven in my opinion. So that means Heaven currently is where God dwells but since God will be on The New Earth in the future that will be Heaven then during that time. That's the most important thing to me is that wherever He is we will be with Him. That's Heaven!
@Yahnart Год назад
@@samamsterdam4301 Actually, if I recall correctly it's the Son (Yahshua) who will be dwelling with us In the city. While Yah (The Father is still In heaven.) Heaven isn't a metaphor but an actual place. From my understanding, the most high will be staying in heaven, but will be giving us light. While his son will be in new Jerusalem amongst the people.
@samamsterdam4301 Год назад
@@Yahnart Yes Heaven is an actual place. The Bible says God will dwell with us but I don't recall that detail anywhere about The Father remaining distant. In Revelation 21:3 it says "And I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying, Behold The Tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God." There is no where in the Bible where it says that The Father will remain distant. God can give us light right there on The New Earth with us. If you do find a scripture that supports The Father remaining distant though please share. I would be interested in seeing that. During The Millennial Reign The Father will be in Heaven but in The Eternal State God (All of Him) will be with us and we will see Him face to face as He is. What an exciting thing we have to look forward to!
@samamsterdam4301 Год назад
@@Yahnart I just found where The Father is on Earth in The Eternal State. Further in Revelation 21:22 The Bible says, "And I saw no Temple therein: for The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are The Temple of it. And The City had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and The Lamb is The Light thereof." The Father will be here also
@ericglover37 3 месяца назад
I think Heaven is located outside of the universe, which is in outer space.
@waceyseufer7083 6 месяцев назад
someone here seriously needs to get ahold of me! had a near death experience and you don't even know how right you are!:)
@sue-to8qk 6 месяцев назад
What ? And you're being serious not making anything up? :)
@O_tropos 6 месяцев назад
He's making things up. The dead know nothing as eccl9:5 says
@bnk091182 Месяц назад
​@O_tropos He was not consumed by death, but experienced a moment of it. I have also had an NDE, and 'awesome' seems so inadequate in describing the unimaginable splendor! Since my experience in 1986, i no longer fear death as before. It will be a welcomed exchange of existence for me. I really can't wait, but i must. I will be rejoined with my son who will be made perfect and whole again❤. There is nothing to be feared at all. ❤❤❤
@KingAndQueenLegacy 6 месяцев назад
The tree of life didn’t give a curse originally, and Adam and Eve never ate from it. (Gen 3:22-24) It was the tree of knowledge of good and evil that caused the curse. (Gen 2:17) the video is very spot on though!
@O_tropos 6 месяцев назад
Have you ever wondered why there needs to be a tree of life if you're already immortal? And why the leaves of the tree gives healing if supposedly there is no pain in the new heavenly bodies?
@bencarter6702 Год назад
Wow. It's actually put most of it succinctly and clearly. Bravo.
@Ricardo-kv5tk Год назад
your channel is amazing keep it up and God bless you!!!
@rpmrangerorange3112 6 месяцев назад
When my pets died. every time the sun would come out. when it had no business to when we would put our pets to sleep. But before that, it was cloudy. And when my second dachshund died after he died, the sun came out and we told our vet. And he said Jesus resurrected on the third day, then the sun came out. And that affirmed my beliefs. that my little dachshund is waiting for me in heaven. Then it will be a great place. I won't have my disability anymore. That God gave me. I think the reason he gave me my disability is the fact. that God wants me to serve him. If I did not have the disability, I would have become arrogant. prideful. and not needing God. But thank goodness. But thank goodness I have a disability. So, I do not grow complacent. Trials and Tribulation make you appreciate having a bit more when you get there. The Earth is like a snowflake compared to Antarctica. or a drop of water compared to the Pacific Ocean. Or it's like a grain of sand compared to the Sahara Desert. That's what this earth is. Just the testing ground. And it makes us appreciate heaven a bit more. when we get there as believers. Keep up the great work. God bless you.
@florvik8416 5 месяцев назад
Praise God and thy Jesus for he died for our sins praise be to him forever and ever Amen
@jonathonfrazier6622 4 месяца назад
Well what of the people who like the Sea. Or those of us who prefer the beauty of the Night over the glory of the Sun?
@DenshaOtoko2 5 месяцев назад
Heaven is described by Jesus as a large house with many mansion and streets paved with gold and a city made of emeralds and there will be no sea and no night and no marriage.
@MasimbaMvura-y1n 3 месяца назад
You will not remember those who did not make it 😢
@MilkyWayMoon 2 месяца назад
Thats why you should share bible and faight with ones you love❤
@Adamcfyfe Год назад
Dude, fantastic video.. Nice work
@Enonymous99 5 месяцев назад
As always, everyone confuses heaven with a liberated earth An earth liberated of sin (new earth) will still have sin because it’s fallen it will just be so minimal that it’s non consequential Heaven, is timeless, the foundation of life, is never changed and you inherit it when you pass from here Your section, well you know it as the garden of Eden, but you will also be allowed in the city and other places What’s mine is yours
@VegitoYT510 5 месяцев назад
Praise God Amen
@holdenmatteson229 3 месяца назад
If there's no sea, what about the sea creatures? Fish, crabs, lobsters, snails, dolphins? Surely God would provide a home for them, right?
@moth_farmer 3 месяца назад
Yeah, I'm certain. But we could probably not even comprehend what would be the solution. My only guess would be a large lake that is very deep. Not as expansive as a sea but has just the right volume.
@Raf-BitDesigns 3 месяца назад
It would be cool to see and interact with all of the exotic birds and animals that God made! 😃
@christopherdeneff2926 5 месяцев назад
so basicly were going to build houses and plant vegtables for all eternity and eat fruit! sounds kinda lame
@LaurenceHassanJalloh-cv8xq 2 месяца назад
We could fly too think about it
@FinesseTheCrownOfTheLord Месяц назад
*Way more man you should check out other vids trust me bro*
@Yipper64 6 месяцев назад
0:35 You know its these bizarre sounding things that give me ironic confidence in the faith. Like if you asked someone to make up what they'd like afterlife to be, they'd probably say something to the effect of "a personalized eternal experience that never gets boring and all of your desires get fulfilled" if they are keeping it vague, probably going into some details of what their personal "heaven" would be like. But this is like "yeah the sea is just gone." there's nothing about that that says 'paradise" it just is another fact. 1:08 never needing to sleep. 1:55 God said "let there be light" before making the sun or moon. It stands to reason the two are separate. The fact this is consistent, and is kind of an undesigned coincidence, shows this. 3:05 interesting a central city. I imagine there's going to be a lot of people... More than the stars that is. Like an unimaginable amount of people. And yet a city that takes up only 4.8 million km squared to house them? Like that's not the only place people will be right? 3:48 this is what excites me most about heaven. I wanna do things. Not for money or survival, or even personal entertainment. Just to do things because that's what heaven is. 6:06 oh so we are like *allowed to* after that. Interesting.
@O_tropos 6 месяцев назад
6:06 But why would we eat it if we are already immortal and why would the leaves give healing if there is no more pain? Have you ever thought of that? Unfortunately this video is incorrect on many things
@paperIrori 5 месяцев назад
​@O_tropos The eat one is surely about pleasure, God is also the God of Good Pleasure. About the healing, no idea. We just have to wait and see. It will be good regardless
@O_tropos 5 месяцев назад
@@paperIrori I do have an idea, however bliss that era may be it is not the end. There are still people that dont have immortality and needs healing. Many are not aware that revelation is not the end. Paul is the apostle that speaks of the end of ages.
@professor1429 Месяц назад
When we talk about difficult parts of the Bible like Revelation 21 we should use conjunctives and state that we believe it is one way or another, but not speak in the imperative, as if we were certain it is one way or the other. The brother mixes up passages of the city of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21) with the concept of heaven, and still speaks as if he knew what he is talking about. That is an error/sin and should be corrected (if you fear the Lord). Peter says 2 Corinthians 12:2-4: "2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knows;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. 3 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knows;) 4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter." If the one who visited one of the heavens was humble to say he had no idea of ​​something in this visit, and that he heard things that should or could not be written down to us, why should we be so full of ourselves and say we know for sure something about the heavens. Let`s in stead be humble and talk about what we understand about the passages.
@Amaipuppy 3 месяца назад
Sounds like it'll be life like we have it now, but instead everything around us is perfect and we are perfect.
@TheFieryForge 6 месяцев назад
Your explanation on the bible is so amazing I love it ❤❤ Thanks for the explanation 😊
@Peekingduck 5 месяцев назад
I would settle for a cozy cabin on the edge of a forest by a lake. I don't need golden streets nor gemstones. I only want the love of God and inner peace. if there is a garden I can learn to tend to and I can see the stars at night, that would be super nice too. A rainy day once in a while, sitting by the fireplace with a good book and some lovely tea. A chat with God and to learn sounds great. The extravagance of golden streets and gemstones-walls is not for me.
@TheKrensada Год назад
Oh wow. You're just getting started. I wanted more but you only have just a few videos. Subscribed. And I look forward to more.
@charlizard3011 Месяц назад
When I read about the rooms and houses that Jesus prepares for each of us, I dream of a world where I can play with Mario, Link, Sonic the Hedgehog, Son Goku, Harry Potter, the Avengers, the Justice League, and every great hero produced by human imagination. Me and my friends will be able to experience their adventures in all their glory and praise God in doing so. Whether or not this dream comes true in the age to come, I know and trust that the extent of Heaven is completely beyond comprehension, more beautiful and perfect than anything I could ever imagine, and this strengthens my faith in Jesus. To EVERYONE reading this, please turn to Jesus and get ready because He’s coming soon, and He’s bringing Heaven with Him. God loves you, and I love you too.
@leonmitas 3 месяца назад
I personally believe that number 1-3 are symbolic. And Spirit of Samuel was not a Samuel, it was demon. And Saul did not recognized him, it was very vague. Otherwise, see you all up with our Father!
@youngspecial64 3 месяца назад
Though yes, Heaven will be filled with light... i'm not afraid to say that i'm gonna miss nighttime. Don't get me wrong, i freaking hate the evil that comes from darkness. But sometimes? Nighttime can show the glory of God as well. Through the stars twinkling in the skies. The different variation of galatic colors appearing in the heavens... like the northern lights. Lighting appearing amongst the clouds as it sparks the sky with royal blue clolors and many representation. I'm not joking... colors can really shine bright on top of darkness! And if we're gonna lose that? I'm not gonna be afraid to say that i will miss that. But i can be surprised, tho.
@KevinKurzsartdisplay 22 дня назад
Heaven is nothing for me, I’m an earth person, that’s where I belong. Earth is my home and I’d much rather live in a broken world than in paradise, I give you the honest truth
@KevinKurzsartdisplay 22 дня назад
Heaven truly isn’t made for me, there’s nothing that interests me up there, I watched this video, I tell you, no interests for heaven, nothing at all
@ndure8318 Месяц назад
Just wanted to say I love this and love the music you included in the video God bless you brother Do not conform to the patterns of this world but a renewal of the mind Romans12:2
@MissesWitch 28 дней назад
3:46 for some reason there being a McDonald's in heaven and people working there immediately came to mind!
@garyshular807 17 дней назад
Wouldn’t it be a lot simpler if there was just nothing after death? No pain, no tears, just an everlasting nothingness?
@keilaniconner2568 Год назад
❤ the video & the channel! Let me join you in helping it grow? I'd love to help share God's word
@bible.animations Год назад
Hi! Do you edit or make videos?
@keilaniconner2568 Год назад
@Bible Animations learning to edit videos and made a couple videos in my freetime.
@bible.animations Год назад
@@keilaniconner2568 have you got any posted? I'd love to watch
@kotik1033 2 месяца назад
Regarding the comments about the sea there is a much simpler explanation - to us (land dwellers) the sea is of little use. The oceans cover 70% of the Earths surface, we cannot live there and the seas divide us.
@Robohead-z6z Год назад
I love how most people ignore the fact that it said sea as in singular and not seas. Sea is singular and seas is the plural form. Also looking it up seas are different from oceans.
@samamsterdam4301 Год назад
Why wouldn't the animals in Heaven be the same animals resurrected? Would God do anything less? They all have their very own distinguishable personalities and are much smarted than we realize. I feel comfortable saying that our beloved animals will be in Heaven...the very same ones! I say this because animals were created before humans and God called them good. Then our sin spread onto animals through no fault of their own and makes them all die just like humans. Jesus death and resurrection will fix everything that sin messed up. For someone to say that they won't be the same animals would be the same as saying that the death and resurrection of Jesus only PARTIALLY fixed what sin messed up, which would be limiting the atonement that Jesus provided. Thus animals will be in Heaven....the same ones!
@5hrimp_Nachos 2 месяца назад
We eat food to sustain life We build homes to shelter us from dangerous elements. I’m pretty sure these things are just metaphors because in heaven we will not need either.
@carstenpeder2861 6 месяцев назад
There will not be a sea ... In the Bible, Israel is land, and the rest of the world is the Sea.... so instead of separation there will be unity. No division between them and us
@BiblemanZ 11 дней назад
i love you❤️❤️❤️❤️, let's live the word on earth together untill we get there❤️
@Jen18lol 3 месяца назад
And I don’t get a new heaven? So what he difference between the two? And people be on a new earth?? Thought we be in heaven
@pietergouws1984 2 месяца назад
No sea? So, no surfing 😢? What do you all think?
@lordharem5341 Месяц назад
Wait, so do all dogs go to heaven? If that movie lied to me, Idk what im gonna do
@AnthonyRanch Месяц назад
So new Jerusalem will be half of the size of Canada
@Cornucopia-o4c Месяц назад
Church service the never ends would be pretty lit tho❤
@masonkesslar8168 Месяц назад
5:30 The tree of life returns, but where did it go to begin with???
@FDIMLagos Месяц назад
So much revelation god bless
@joejonjeff Год назад
I love your videos, however most people believe most of not all of the book of revelation is symbolic, not to be taken literal. There is literally no way that we as corporal beings can conceptually conceive the afterlife. That’s more beautiful than anything that the book of Revelations tells us.
@shounakchatterjee4461 Год назад
That's true... there is not a single shred of empirical evidence that confirms the afterlife, or the pre life as Hindus say. All we know for certain is that we have this life.
@alexnjogu549 Год назад
Woooow, i love this, Heaven, our home
@chokispokis 3 месяца назад
So slepping isn't anymore on heaven?
@Drake-Godschild 10 дней назад
light was always before sun
@rcs8295 Год назад
Beautiful!!! 🙌🏼💕💕
@BaconMoney237 Месяц назад
I wonder if God would be a dog or a cat person 🤔
@victorkibet5683 4 месяца назад
I hope there will be video games.
@CreateCat-nx1cg 2 месяца назад
It took this video to clear my mind of sin
@mikaelrosing Год назад
great video!
@Zorin1990 6 месяцев назад
@Hugo-kq5dw Год назад
Will I be able to play soccer in heaven?
@HyperDriveHub-420 6 месяцев назад
@bman_2024 5 месяцев назад
thank you, and Praise Jesus
@plokkum 3 месяца назад
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the sea is frequently associated with death. There will be no sea because death doesn’t exist anymore.
@FDIMLagos Месяц назад
Loved this video
@chissstardestroyer 5 месяцев назад
No, the industry part makes sense; really ought to- especially as no way is the Intelligent Designer dumb enough to embrace socialist views on economics! *That* alternate readout is simply not possible, and will always be discarded as completely nonfunctional for means of sustaining any economics strategy. Plus in His historic earthly life: He was a self-employed small-scale businessman, no way is He going to embrace such a nonsensical means of resource management: He is very far from *that* incompetent, or more precisely, given the fine-tuning of the universe: He is not capable of being inept *at all*, period!
@skipcadorette5077 5 месяцев назад
It is highly valuable to have a grasp of what a renewed and restored world will be like at Jesus' return. But, in some of your descriptions you take something literally that is meant to be taken figuratively. Generally speaking Revelation as a whole shouldn't be taken literally. It's all apocalyptic language- prophetic, poetic. The big picture is clear, we are not all going up to heaven to lounge on clouds and play harps. The earth and the heavens- that is our planet and all the universe will be renewed and restored and we will live an eternal, bodily life much as we do now- but with undying bodies and a death-free world. For instance: one should not read "There will be no sea" literally. For the Jews, the Sea was the source of all sorts of evils [see the symbolic beasts of Daniel all coming from the Sea]. The point here is not that we will not have the glorious beauty of the 7 seas but that [as you suggested] Evil will have no place in this world. Basically God's whole project was to redeem ALL THINGS [Colossians 1:15-20]. So not only you and me but all the creation that He made and loves so much [For God so loved the Kosmos [world]. And the Creation also longs to be set free [Rom 8]. We are headed back to the Garden of Eden- that's for sure.
@newdiary6978 Месяц назад
Man, the name of Jesus is a very powerful one. I experienced it like "literally". I have never doubted Him but after that experience, it made my faith stronger. I have never seen Him but I experienced His power.
@kombokoroma8533 3 месяца назад
Great vid! Plus, who can’t wait for heaven!? Raise your hands if u can’t wait! Jesus bless u all!❤😊
@iamBlackGambit 6 месяцев назад
The rivers and small bodies of water is fir the new EARTH not heaven
@DeMarisM 5 месяцев назад
So, Lions are going to have 4 stomachs? Why would a heavenly body need food? Hebrew fairy tales.
@oli4804 6 месяцев назад
Revelation 21-22 is describing the church, not Heaven. Read it well again. John sees the Lamb's wife - the bride of Christ, the church coming down. This is what is being desribes as a city, not Heaven!
@cryphowns7536 5 месяцев назад
Use this planet as a prototype reference of what Heaven will be like It will be more amazing than what our minds can currently conceive
@gsestream 5 месяцев назад
heaven stays, heavens vanish, where are your judges now, those multiples, only God is, better be with God and never be dead.
@picklesnoutpenobscott3165 6 месяцев назад
If you haven’t yet, I invite you to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
@ariljacott1822 6 месяцев назад
For those who don't know..we won't go to heaven....we would rather go to earth...our new home.. For heaven is for god to rule..and earth for us. God never breaks his promise...never ❤️
@steeltoe1410 4 месяца назад
King Saul was talking to the Devil that was formed into Samuel
@yodaheabebe3756 Год назад
Why does this video make me think Heaven is actually some kind of planet somewhere? Like Christ actually went there when he "ascended into the clouds"... And he is now there "preparing a place for us"
@DenshaOtoko2 5 месяцев назад
New Jerusalem will be shining like gold and be a large cube and be made of pearl and emerald.
@Jen18lol 3 месяца назад
I don’t get not sleeping, how not get bored. I love space and sunsets that be bummer to lose that
@ChristosYpiretis 5 месяцев назад
Me and the lads going to be riding the lions and playing with the monkeys in heaven
@haggismcbaggis9485 7 месяцев назад
I am going watch all of my favorite TV shows with Jesus like The Dukes of Hazzard.
@jugmilic2096 4 месяца назад
Thank you very much GOD bless you and your family Amen
@CrAzZyTheCodingBoss 6 месяцев назад
The curse that will be removed is the curse of the LAND!!!!
@SalvableRuin Год назад
You seem to have confused the forbidden fruit with the tree of life's fruit. There were 2 special trees: the tree of life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
@florvik8416 5 месяцев назад
Repent your sins and God will forgive
@user-atonewith Год назад
What you have presented is true and much deeper truths can be found for sure. It also is in my passion, so has been studied much. It is so rich with wisdom and the necessary understanding; literally making the scriptures come alive! There is so much to learn and know. Bless you brother!
@DenshaOtoko2 5 месяцев назад
There will be a celestial river by the Tree of life in a garden.
@Simbashow22-22 Год назад
You also have scripture about the 1000 year reign of Christ on this earth. there are texts also about that
@laazfreeze3982 Год назад
A few mistakes in there. Jerusalems HEIGHT: also 2200 km! Mixture of Millenium und Eternity. Those are different Times!! Eternity is NOT in Heaven, but on a new earth. (The new Jerusalem coming DOWN FROM HEAVEN!) It doesn’t say „no more sun“ but that Jerusalem doesn’t need the sun. There is no mention of the absence of the sun. There may be one for the nations …
@O_tropos 6 месяцев назад
You're right about two different times. However it is not millenium and eternity. It's millenium and the age of ages. That last age will also end when Jesus gives back the kingdom to His Father. He must reign UNTIL the last enemy is defeated, the last enemy is death. Which is still in there in the last age 1cor15:22-28.
@luxaceyt 6 месяцев назад
You know, forever is a looooong time. I wonder how it will be like huh. That is if. I get there of course.
@HyperDriveHub-420 6 месяцев назад
Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. If you turn to Jesus I will 💯 guarantee that you will go to heaven, u need faith but God keeps that promise. God bless 5:58
@wilhelmthiem4288 Год назад
Not streets but the street... Rev 21:21
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