
When it Comes to Gender Dysphoria in Males, We Have to Talk About Autogynephilia 

Sasha Ayad
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There’s a raging debate far down the gender rabbit hole about what’s going on with the boys. Some of the most invested and knowledgeable people in the gender world, despite agreeing that pediatric gender medicine is dangerous, vehemently disagree about how to understand boys who question their gender identity. Some say there’s an entirely new category of ROGD boys whose motivations for transition are similar to the girls: mostly via peer influence or social contagion. And others say that the so-called ROGD boys today fit easily into the older classifications: they are either homosexual or autogynephilic. If you’re already confused, don’t worry. Today we’re going to clarify terms and I’ll help you understand the convoluted and challenging topic of male gender dysphoria, specifically the type we may be seeing in straight boys.
Things I reference in this video are linked below:
Aaron Terrell on Gender: A Wider Lens
• EPISODE 44 - Multiple ...
The Transparency Podcast
/ @transparencypodcast1
Aaron Terrell's Substack that I responded to on X
My thread on X
Read this month's full newsletter here:



1 июл 2024




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@JulianaAndersson 19 дней назад
Anytime we talk about children, we need to include a look at the parents…
@catherinehume9193 18 дней назад
Every single time, look at the parents. Even if they appear to be great, always look at the parents. Mine were preachers and teachers. The reality is they were mentally and physically abusive. It was a very stressful and unhappy house.
@JulianaAndersson 18 дней назад
@@catherinehume9193 100%!! My mom was a nurse and VERY good at masking… wolf in sheep’s clothing.. but seeming only to me and less to my sister… it was nuts and crazy making… to be the scapegoat
@SashaLPC 17 дней назад
@@catherinehume9193 I'm terribly sorry to hear this. Thanks for posting
@SashaLPC 17 дней назад
@@JulianaAndersson Certainly, these dynamics are very difficult and unfair for children. Thanks for your comments
@elegationvain 15 дней назад
While this is very true, parent/child relationship is usually irrelevant to sexual development (unless we're talking direct sexual abuse in which case they probably have far bigger issues than gender).
@akashicturtle1827 4 дня назад
6:40-7 min --- I'm glad you acknowledged reasonable critiques of the details of traditional Blanchard typology, notably the idea that AGP bisexuality is necessarily all "psuedo." Old school sexologists are frustratingly reluctant to acknowledge male bisexuality as a real phenomenon. I also appreciate your skepticism of the idea that only female sexuality is malleable. I'd just assume sexuality can be malleable, but isn't necessarily, and its malleability varies between individuals regardless of sex. I'm a female and I don't think my sexuality has been malleable at all. Overall a great video!
@Sage_613 15 дней назад
Speaking as somebody who has had gender dysphoria, and by some accounts would be classed as AGP. I am 6 months on standard MTF HRT. How do you account for myself (and many others), whose libido has completely disappeared or changed. However feel no regrets over transitioning, love the changes, and plan to continue the path of transition. I’m at a point where I could stop hormones and go back. Currently there’s absolutely zero percent sexual motivation for wanting to continue transitioning. I feel very strongly that within a testosterone dominant sexuality, AGP-like feelings are inevitable. Gender dysphoria being a completely different issue.
@elegationvain 15 дней назад
This is why so many misunderstand AGP as a 'fetish', when it actually operates more like an orientation. Even in the absence of any sexual appeal, there is still the need to BE what you love. I think this is how most females experience AAP (because our sexual drives are usually lower than male's) and how AGPs post HRT experience it (because again, lower libido than is natural for males). A man still loves his wife, feels a strong emotional attachment to her, even after the intense erotic appeal dissipates. This applies to AGP as well.
@Sage_613 15 дней назад
@@elegationvain whatever the case, AGP or not. I feel so much less conflict and anxiety in my life. It’s brought me more connection to others. So in my view, AGP should be removed as a serious term. It carries so much stigma, due to the suggestion that transitioning is ONLY linked to ones sexual desire. I think this has been debunked so many times. Using the terms seems to primarily serve as a tool to deliberately delegitimize certain people’s experience.
@VioletFemme810 15 дней назад
I’m curious. You say transition has basically obliterated your libido. Why would you want that to happen? What about your libido is bad? Also curious what you were told about detransition potential. Are you saying you could go back to what you were pre-HRT? To my understanding, some of the changes are permanent as far as fertility, urologic and sexual function. I’m old enough to remember when delestrogen and orchiectomy was used to treat prostate cancer. Hard to isolate which was the result of the HRT vs the cancer itself, but the genitalia was essentially non-functional (shrunken, incontinent). I question whether younger prescribers are even aware of what these hormones do in real life. Is any of this being discussed at appointments? Are you being told the changes are reversible, either completely or partially?
@Sage_613 15 дней назад
@@VioletFemme810 I should clarify. My male spontaneous-style of arousal has changed to a responsive style which is more commonly cis-female style. This change has actually resulted in more connection with my spouse. I feel more in tune with my body. I feel more connected to my partner. With testosterone my goal was just to get off. I’m relatively early in my transition, so the effects are still mostly reversible. We had a thorough discussion at the appointments, gave me resources. She also knew I’ve been thoroughly researching the effects (good and bad). No worries about fertility. She knew that I’ve had the snip already and have had all the kids I want.
@Dirpitz 15 дней назад
See for me (PO-TS) the hormones had no effect on my libido intensity it remained the same, I had other shifts though, sexuality did, though most was my head and emotions, just felt like a windscreen clearing on a cold day, the weirdest thing was after surgery I just felt normal for the first time ever (kinda odd considering) and since then it's gone, it worked. To answer the question about are they being told, YES! FML anyone saying they aren't is a liar most of the time spent during the process is them telling you not to and that it's got all these different risks and permanent and other non permanent stuff, I have a filing cabinet full of correspondence and most of it is about side effects and risks. In the UK at least they are very anti surgery and treatment you really do need to hoop jump to get there. That's why anyone claiming to have been forced to by the NHS is laughable.
@patrickdalton2424 17 дней назад
This sounds crazy. But i believe i have exprienced both AGP and HSTS. I'm bisexual and homophobic altough not as homophobic as i used to be. My hetro side is AGP and my Homo side is HSTS. Maybe my HSTS developed out of my homophobia. I also have a phobia of sounding and looking feminine which developed in childhood due to strict homophobic parents. I was a sweet sensitive shy boy which made it hard to ask girls out when i was a young teen so i turned to my sisters and mothers clothes for sexual and emotional release and comfort. Then as an adult the shame and secrets led to me becoming even more shy and scared in a womans company and led me down a path of believing i was a transsexual and if i transition it would fix me. I didn't go trough with it and fell in love with a woman who i opened up to and she helped me feel like a normal man
@SashaLPC 14 дней назад
Very interesting. I think your story is a perfect example of why we need to listen very closely to our clients, and take everything on a case-by-case basis. We don't develop in a vacuum, so there are many different ways our natural propensities and our environment can intertwine to create our state of being. Thanks for posting
@patrickdalton2424 14 дней назад
@@SashaLPC absolutely i 100% agree
@trublgrl 17 дней назад
Sorry, but you are reading Blanchard all wrong. HSTS generally express a sense of being the opposite sex or wanting to be the opposite sex early, before puberty. They are not "fine with their male bodies," and they don't transition for social acceptance. Social acceptance is really hard for any trans person. Being a gay male is much easier, you can be closeted and tell no one, or come out and remain exactly as you are, just date differently. Transition is incredibly difficult, and many people never achieve passability and social acceptance. HSTS want to be women, in the holistic sense, not in a sexual sense. They don't want to be women as a matter of convenience. It's not convenient. HSTS are basically male babies that develop feminine hormonal traits,. and transition to better create a feminine life. On the other hand, Autogynephiles always develop their transgender drives after puberty. There is always a strong sexual element to their feminine presentation. Many don't want to have male partners, or be the receptive sexual partner. I believe most "trans lesbians" are AGP. Some AGP's do derive pleasure from filling the receptive role, of course. Generally, AGP's can enunciate the advantages they want from transition, while HSTS find that very hard. The origin of an HSTS' feminine drives come from hormones, which present as feelings, not logic or consideration. The origin of an AGP's drives come from their desire for sexual gratification. I really don't think you understood Blanchard's findings. This has been discussed for decades.
@SashaLPC 14 дней назад
This is an important point, thanks for adding it in. Just like with all categories, individuals within it can express symptoms in different ways. When I said "present" I was talking about presenting to clinics for medical interventions. In many many many other places, I've expanded on the HSTS type of dysphoric male as having been highly gnc from a young age and that they certainly CAN feel dysphoric about their bodies, but in this regards, I think that dysphoria often comes from internalized homophobia, as mentioned in the video
@HorseLuvr101 12 дней назад
I feel some of this is rooted in homophobia: “look Ma, I’m not a gay boy, I was just born in the wrong body”. Dressing like a girl may also be safer than looking like a gay guy (assuming you can pass as a girl).
@morgondew1420 7 дней назад
@@HorseLuvr101 being gay is a walk in the park compared to being trans. There is a reason why every transwoman ( and their family and friends) have often lamented " oh why can't I just be gay" . Seriously the gay phobia theory is simply ridiculous.
@talibotz 4 дня назад
In 2024?
@imawordgirl 19 дней назад
Thank you for this, Sasha. I appreciate your insights here. Blanchard has said that HSTS typically starts in early childhood--not during adolescence or young adulthood. Can you clarify?
@SashaLPC 19 дней назад
Yes - I mean that they present for gender-related medical services in late adolescence or young adulthood. Their gender nonconformity starts very young but most GNC boys outgrow their dysphoria after having gone through puberty. The ones who don’t outgrow it present at clinics for services.
@Dirpitz 15 дней назад
@@SashaLPC Another reason why 'trans' as an umbrella term is harmful, be specific you are talking about transvestites. I'm tired as a transsexual (medical) of having to defend myself and my condition due to people putting out ambiguous terms people don't understand and the behaviour of the lgbt and gay flag waving communities being superimposed on a group of people with a shitty medical condition who are just trying to get on with life and integrate. If they can grow out of it then they weren't transsexuals. We know this form the self-removal stats and post op reports and oh look the detransitioners that 10 years ago were calling us gatekeepers for saying their transvestite kink was not the same as our medical condition and that they shouldn't get that treatment are now crying, but people didn't listen.
@koridevereaux 19 дней назад
Thank you for initiating this kind of conversation. I am a HSTS and In trying to make friends with other trans women, I have experienced first hand the differences in the two types. Aside from taking hormones and wearing different clothes, we’re almost nothing alike. The AGP I have tried to be friends with were always a bit more aggressive, if I’m being completely honest. I don’t agree with trans women wanting to force their way into womens spaces, I see those spaces as sacred and it is a privilege when I am invited into them. Most of these modern day activists are doing more harm than good in my opinion, and I get the backlash for it. Conversations like these are so important, so thank you!
@dreimalnein22 19 дней назад
but the answer must be all their efforts to intrude female only spaces must stop. but well, yours should too, whilst you have at least no sexual interest associated. the solution is to accept the own body no matter how gender non conforming you act on a social level. there is reality and humbleness in your way... and maybe even some to-be-gained self-esteem by acting out gendernonconformity without any attempt for stealth.
@joane24 18 дней назад
Trying to possess a woman's body, even if only symbolically, is quite a masculine thing to do, on principle. The aggression of agp is not surprising, as they turn into self-centered hedonistic pleasure.
@MattMcCormick1781 19 дней назад
Thanks. As always, this is nuanced, careful, thoughtfully reasoned, and compassionate. You're helping all of us.
@SashaLPC 17 дней назад
Thanks very much
@jeng3609 20 дней назад
Hi Sasha, thank you so much for the work that you do. I appreciate so much, how compassionate you are, and your empathy. You are probably a genuine "empath" if that is a real thing. I wish you were my counselor or therapist! Or simply a friend to talk with. I'll definitely listen to this one again. I've been out as MTF trans for a few years now, on HRT for just over 3 years. I experienced childhood SA, and SA as a young adult. I consider myself genuinely bisexual. I was recently diagnosed with low-level autism (aka level 1, or low needs). I've struggled with mental health throughout my life. I'm kind of a basket case, I guess. I'm NOT an activist of any kind. I am mostly introverted and maintain a low profile, and try hard to avoid conflict or making people uncomfortable. I think there are so many routes to trans-identification; the simplified categories of HSTS, AGP and ROGD are just that, simplified. I think there is some use to the categories, in terms of providing some scaffolding to cling to, but the better approach is like you describe, in that each person should be seen as an individual, whose route to trans-identification may be unique to them, and they deserve compassion, not stigmatization. I hope I am paraphrasing you correctly. Thank you so much 💜
@SashaLPC 17 дней назад
Hi Jen, thanks so much for your kind comment, as always. And thanks for understanding what I meant by that section about considering the individual human, rather than being too married to categories and labels!
@jeng3609 17 дней назад
@@SashaLPC 💜🙏
@alexinaboxx 19 дней назад
So what about heterosexual boys with gender dysphoria who simply grew up in a matriarchal and predominantly female family and wants to grow up as a woman too? That has nothing to do with a sexual fetish or objectifying the female body as such.
@ambientjohnny 18 дней назад
It has nothing to do with accepting who you really are either...
@SashaLPC 17 дней назад
As I said in the video, we need to consider the individual human. Therapists have to have radical curiosity lead the way, rather than pet theories.
@DorianPaige00 16 дней назад
@@SashaLPC Now apply that and let therapists do their job and stop handcuffing them legally.
@joane24 18 дней назад
I wonder what happened to all the body of knowledge of anti-social/criminal behavior, particularly in reference to serial sexual crimes, where cross-dressing fetish was widely observed and recognized as a red flag and potential early point on the way to graduating to more serious offences.
@justmy2cents652 18 дней назад
This. Any arguement that is seeking for more "understanding", "compassion", "not shaming" and so on misses the point that we're still talking about men wanting to live out their erotic phantasies in public and forcing others to take part in it. I actually have compassion for even PDF files as long as they don't act on it. Dealing with AGP should be a private matter and for the specialists to deal with. In public I consider them on par with flashers and voyers, in womens spaces as active offenders.
@joane24 18 дней назад
@@justmy2cents652 Yes, I agree. There's a lot of normalizing of what is, in fact, not only pathological, but also a red flag. Then the men instead of trying to better themselves, they get put themselves in a box as an identity, and are patted on the back that it's all ok. It's not helping anyone, neither the society nor the men themselves, because by being enabled, they don't see a problem and don't receive help. That's not how conducive to how a human person can flourish, but exactly the opposite.
@joane24 18 дней назад
@@justmy2cents652 Yes, I agree. There's a lot of normalizing of what is, in fact, not only pathological, but also a red flag. Then the men instead of trying to better themselves, they get put themselves in a box as an identity, and are patted on the back that it's all ok. It's not helping anyone, neither the society nor the men themselves, because by being enabled, they don't see a problem and don't receive help. That's not how conducive to how a human person can flourish, but exactly the opposite.
@joane24 18 дней назад
@@justmy2cents652 Yes, I agree. There's a lot of normalizing of what is, in fact, a red flag. Then the men instead of trying to better themselves, they get put themselves in a box as an identity, and are patted on the back that it's all ok. It's not helping anyone, neither the society nor the men themselves, because by being enabled, they don't see a problem and don't receive help. That's not how conducive to how a human person can flourish, but exactly the opposite.
@SashaLPC 17 дней назад
@@justmy2cents652 I disagree, based on my clinical experiences
@andrenikolsky 7 дней назад
Huge part of my autogynefillia was forgot that I was identify myself as a woman as 5 years old kid. I blocked my dysphoria and got this.
@TheAuthenticityProject88 5 дней назад
Being AGP is a giant pain in the ass. Talking about being AGP may be an even bigger one. Can you imagine going on a date with a woman and over time falling in love with her, only to have to explain to her eventually that your sexuality is strange and being discussed on RU-vid by a ton of ppl who don't agree. My AGP manifests like this... I am attracted to women, but also to being feminized or feminine. Im also drawn towards feminine men and transwoman (which for some of you out there might be the same thing, others perhaps outraged at this... Whatever). I have found a way to live with it and accept it. Do I love it? No. And I don't believe it's necessary to do so. Am I grateful for it? No. But I do accept it and I will be telling my next partner about it bc lying by ommission will just hurt everyone down the road. There is more to life than sexuality. A lot more. I appreciate you big time Sasha. I've been watching you for years. Your channel helped me find people to talk to about this stuff directly. Keep doing you. You're a good soul 🙏
@SashaLPC 4 дня назад
Thank you very much! Yes, indeed, there is way more to life than our sexuality. In life sometimes we are dealt certain cards which require management. It's not always pleasant or easy, but I really appreciate your comment and how you've framed this.
@pythosdegothos6181 14 дней назад
14:24, as it is now, getting tarred with the term "AGP" IS ridicule, denigration, and insult. People like Posey Parker throw it around as an attack of ANY gender non conforming male, not just autogynephilic males.
@Cat-wi6je 13 дней назад
Most women and men call autogynephilic men AGP,don't blame Posie.
@davefitzgerald5334 15 дней назад
I think the female hormones have totally got rid of Autogynephelia in me. Which seems strange. I thought it would increase a sissy feeling , but it has done the complete opposite . My Libido is TOTALLY GONE after 5 months. I haven't had any erection or erotic feelings or fantasies in 5 months now on estrogen. Talk about holy chastity. I am like a nun ! Most of the time I dress in cisgender Male clothes as well. If these hormones are MEDICINE well then they seem to be CURING me of AGP. Funny isn't it !!??
@SashaLPC 14 дней назад
Hi Dave, that's a common experience. See Sage's comment below too
@VioletFemme810 14 дней назад
I think that’s the point of taking estrogen. There’s shame in the sexual identity and feelings and these young men want it to go away. Any woman who has taken a birth control pill knows that estrogen kills the libido, and even women who don’t take hormones know that know that desires fluctuate throughout the cycle.
@morgondew1420 7 дней назад
@@davefitzgerald5334 one would think then that if you really did suffer from AGP then you would stop taking hormones. However if you keep taking them then you actually just enjoy and prefer to be more like a woman than a man. Beside the fact AGP isn't even real and just something TERFS believe in 😁. But seriously how did you not know your libido would be reduced?
@andrenikolsky 7 дней назад
You are right that you taking hormones. AGP does not exist, it's just a transgender dysphoria .
@bepitan 6 дней назад
it's not unexpected at all, your agp erotic feelings were being fueled by testosterone ..the thing is you view it as being cured but other agps consider it a blessing to be explored and enjoyed.
@andrenikolsky 7 дней назад
I got a lot, a lot of mental problems when start to blocking dysphoria, autogynefillia is not exist.
@mrshine237 19 дней назад
We definitely need more thoughtful awareness like this on the subject of AGP. I'd love to see @rayalexwilliams on your channel or Gender Wider lense
@SashaLPC 17 дней назад
Thanks so much! We hope to get Ray on the show
@EriJutila 14 дней назад
As a fellow mental health professional specializing in the area of gender dysphoria, I have found the AGP theory of gender dysphoria not especially compelling due to insufficient evidence and lacking in explanatory power compared to alternative explanations. While the presence of cross-sexual fantasies among gender dysphoric assigned male at birth individuals seems to be relatively common, I don't agree that it is a cause gender dysphoria; rather, I think that gender dysphoria is the root cause of cross-sexual fantasies. While this may seem like a bit of a chicken or the egg argument, the presence of gender dysphoric feelings that can be identified in alleged AGP individuals prior to the start of puberty or any erotic behavior seems to point to that gender dysphoria is what is causing the sexual fantasy and not the other way around. Proponents of the AGP theory argue that it is a sexual orientation and that people "fall in love" with the idea of oneself as a woman, but I have not seen any evidence provided by the AGP researchers demonstrating this claim. Also, if you were to claim that AGP is a sexual orientation (which is typically understood as an immutable characteristic present since birth), then how is that any better at explaining the mental health symptoms of gender dysphoria than claiming incongruence of gender identity is at the root of the symptoms? Considering that much of people's experiences of gender dysphoria are not related to sexual arousal in any way, it seems to me that the AGP theory lacks explanatory power when compared with the alternative theory of gender identity incongruence. What's more, what we understand about kink is that it often manifests as a way of trying to meet some unmet need, so in the case of cross-sex fantasy, that would be the need to align one's gender; once that need is met (i.e. people socially or medically transition), fantasies will often cease because that need is being met. Personally, I find that explanation much more aligned with the experiences of my clients and much of the transgender community than the "falls in love with oneself as a woman" argument and would need to see strong evidence to the contrary to change me mind on this issue. I think the AGP theory makes more sense when you think of it not as a pathology that causes gender dysphoria but rather an explanation that arises out of the anxiety of individuals who are uncomfortable with the idea of a society where people are changing their genders, and I think the AGP theory of gender dysphoria does more to quell those anxieties than has any actual clinical utility for those of use who work with transgender individuals. While I'm sure you disagree with everything that I've asserted here, feel free to send me peer reviewed research supporting your claims.
@DracontineFire 13 дней назад
Before i even comment, id like to note im not talking of all transwomen, and that even with AGP that the gender is a spectrum can still be valid and a subjective experience thar deserves digntiy and respect. What of people who claim they are the people with AGP? Is society going to either use a no-true Scotsman fallacy and claim they were never trans or are trans in denial? What power of the mind to cope and adapt to their decisions with a sense of peace within autonomy and a sunk cost fallacy? There's already a somewhat loosely similar example to what AGP to be In "No More Mr. Nice Guy," Robert A. Glover discusses how boys can develop toxic shame, a key aspect of Nice Guy Syndrome. Toxic shame typically begins in early childhood through experiences where a boy's natural behaviors or emotions are met with disapproval or criticism from parents, caregivers, teachers, or peers. This conditioning teaches boys to suppress their needs, desires, and emotions to avoid rejection or punishment, fostering beliefs of inadequacy and unworthiness. Often that they are different to other men, and that men are bad. And they will be different to their father. Over time, this internalized shame leads to a fear of vulnerability and a strong drive for perfectionism, where boys believe they must be flawlessly nice or accommodating to earn love and acceptance. This cycle perpetuates self-criticism, self-blame, and difficulties in asserting boundaries or expressing authentic needs in relationships, reinforcing the need for healing and self-acceptance as advocated in Glover's approach. What happens if they internalize men are bad so much a fantasy on gender swapping becomes an obsession that grows into depression and anxiety (and wrongly internalising masculinity is bad observing through childhood women's advocacy and social commentary mothers in pain from being mistreated by her partners;not saying the message is meant to be that but that it creates internalised misandry for boys without role models or social skills) and the need to escape their reality creates a space to free themselves?
@Shalanaya 12 дней назад
Thank you for common sense, this should be quite obvious I think. AGP is not based on any peer-reviewed evidences, but hypothesis that is rooted in sexist bias and ignorance. All of these things that people experience, including AGP are actual messages of the body, including porn addictions, they are revealing a message that something is being repressed and needs to be looked at. What this lady does seems like pushing a genocidal propaganda of Heritage Foundation that being trans is wrong and needs to be stopped. Sex is a diversity, ideological definitions fo sex have always been a narrative stemming from the patriarchal colonization of mother nature and its natural diversity.
@MultiSenhor 10 дней назад
In simpler terms, I believe anyone who is attracted to the same sex/gender, whether or not they're trans, can be aroused when looking at themselves in the mirror, fantasizing about it, or cross-dressing. To some extent, even people who are straight can be aroused when looking at themselves.
@KimWest-hv4tv 8 дней назад
What more evidence do you need besides these men TELLING YOU this is what they are experiencing??? The men are literally confirming it ..
@KimWest-hv4tv 8 дней назад
Contrapoints himself said he DID NOT have gender diaphoria.. thst he simply enjoyed dressing like a woman and furthermore wanted to be treated like a woman... He had no dysphoria that caused him to express himself in feminine ways.
@emilphoryew9436 16 дней назад
Hi Sasha, I have this condition (AGP) and it is good to finally get a video about it explaining the ideas of the cause(s) of it. I am 45 and started testosterone blocking therapy this past week. I was wondering if we could schedule a meeting online and I could tell you more about my story? I had this AGP condition all my life.
@SashaLPC 14 дней назад
Hi there- thanks for your comment. I'm not currently taking on new clients, but if you're just interested in sharing a bit more about your story, you can email the podcast and I'll have my producer send it over. Just address it to Sasha in the subject line me: Hello@widerlenspod.com Thanks!
@lifeisagift.cherisheverymoment 11 дней назад
Thank you for this video. I have been aware of Transgender since the mid '70s and I am dismayed and frustrated by the current state of public misinformation. I hope your Channel and others will help educate everyone. Though, ultimately, education is a personal choice.
@JulesGeezLouise 18 дней назад
I’m only a few minutes in but really excited that you did this video! Really good explanation so far :) already thinking I may send it to someone I know to help make sure they understand AGP! Just gotta finish the video and not get ahead of myself lol.
@SashaLPC 17 дней назад
Hi Jules! Glad to see you here in the comments. Thanks so much
@Engrave.Danger 7 дней назад
I'm so curious where my brother might fall in all of this. He started to identify as a woman in early adulthood and exclusively dating other trans-women who identify as being in a lesbian relationship. Prior to that he was briefly married to a female. It was all very sudden and their was never so much as a hint of femininity, though never really masculine either. He was definitely into computer, gaming and anime though. The transition began around 2013 shortly after his favorite singer came out as trans.
@SashaLPC 4 дня назад
Thanks for your comment. Are you and your brother still close?
@Engrave.Danger 4 дня назад
@@SashaLPC he moved out of state and we mainly just talk around the holidays and such. Technically he's my step brother but family is family. I've helped him move a couple of times and took care of some car repairs and things like rides from the train station. Unfortunately, the whole gender thing is kinda off limits for conversation, which has only left me curious. From what I've gathered from podcasts and other sources, I'm getting a sense that there's a somewhat newer version of autogynephilia popping up that's stemming from exposure to that type of porn. I'm not sure if there's a subcategory or name for that yet.
@frankgradus9474 18 дней назад
On a side note, "Pronouns are Rohypnol" - by Barra Kerr. Well worth a read.
@SashaLPC 17 дней назад
It's excellent, I remember reading it a while ago
@dreimalnein22 19 дней назад
I love Joe Burgo's sentence "he idealised girls (in the early flush of) / womanhood and found them to be almost unbearably attractive" this sums up so much for me. Men's / male sexuality has so many ways to abscond.
@Britneygurl 13 дней назад
I am not convinced by what is presented here. No real solution is offered to help address the feelings of gender incongruence. One of the lessons that I have learned through transitioning is that my experience goes far beyond sexuality and sexual fantasy. I thought for most of my life that what I had was a sexual kink or fetish. I did at times become aroused by dressing feminine. I later learned that i actually did have a fetish for certain clothing items and that they weren't strictly feminine. I considered myself a crossdresser for many years. I tried to become friends with other crossdressers as I really had a desire to be in a space where I could express my femininity without being judged for it. This turned out to be impossible. Every time I would meet with another crossdresser they seemed much less interested in just spending time with me as a girl and were far more interested in getting under my skirt or me under theirs. It was not what I wanted. I hoped to make it work and to find a friend, but I just couldn't. I had also noticed that my desire to present femme and wear women's clothing became largely disconnected from sexual arousal. I just felt like I wanted to be seen as a woman. These thoughts and feelings developed within the context of the internet for sure, especially later in my life. But I have consciously pushed back on the idea that I am transgender since the mid 1980's. It is something that I just couldn't ignore anymore. The internet helped me see what is possible and that I do have options for dealing with my feelings. Suppressing them didn't work and accepting them as a kink or fetish or variation of autogynephilia didn't work either. The only thing that I have found that relaxes my thoughts and anxiety around my feelings of gender incongruence has been transitioning. It feels so freeing. Being on HRT has severely diminished my libido and sexual arousal. If I didn't get those back I would be perfectly happy as long as I can be myself. I have learned that this is so much more than just about sex. I love the emotional changes resulting in being on estrogen. I had no emotion before. I love that ny body is slowly becoming more feminine. I only wish that the damage from decades of testosterone could be reversed. The transgender experience in my view is far beyond sex.
@marti7343 13 дней назад
I am MtoF trans. After reading Britneygurl's comment, I must say my experience sounds quite similar to hers. I too went through a period of cross dressing in the nineties, but soon realized my feelings were not typical of most cross dresser. I realized it is not about clothes or sex. It is about whom you want to be and feel you are. I very well might have appeared as AGP when I first did something about my feelings. But, after exploration and much self reflection, including years of therapy, I realized it was more about whom I really am. And yes, I waited many years to come out because I did not want to jeopardize my relationships and career. The world is very different now then twenty-five years ago. We know so much more about how to successfully transition. Being trans, while still very difficult, today is so much more acknowledged. While we need to be cautious about what we see on the Internet, social media platforms like RU-vid are valuable sources of information for people questioning their gender identity. Years ago we only had scattered books and occasionally met a person who back then was labelled transsexual. It was even hard to find a therapist who understood the complexities of being trans. I had one think I was gay. The truth is that while after coming out my preference for men became clearer for me, I have never felt comfortable around gay men and have no sexual attraction toward other transgender people. Classifying myself as AGP just seems so simplistic and off base. I find many people, including therapists, use AGP as a label for people with gender identity issues. They use it as evidence that being MtoF trans is really just some kind of fetish that casts doubt on whether a person born male can feel and live quite similar to a cis woman. Now after twenty months having started my transition, I can for the first time in my life say I am a happy person.
@elegationvain 12 дней назад
Autogynephilia is indeed so much more than a fetish, as you have just explained. The stigmatization of the word (by both trans activists and anti-trans activists) has turned the experience into a cartoon villain that hardly anyone sees themself or someone they love in.
@Britneygurl 12 дней назад
@@marti7343 there also seems to be a lack of understanding in the video about the nature of what some of us went through and the negative role that society has played in our delayed transition. All this talk about how society is transing people somehow through woke ideology and such. Like you said, the 80's and 90's you saw transexuals, well I never saw one in person, just on TV. They were all over TV being paraded before a shocked audience, essentially cast as the freaks among us. It was really drilled into me that doing what they do is bad behaviour, you will be mocked and laughed at for doing it and you will be cast out of society. I was still so curious about them, envious of what they were able to do. I don't remember thinking about it in a sexual manner either. I thought at one point that I was gay. I tried it out. No,, I was indeed attracted to women. Sexual preference is independent of gender identity. In the end it turns out that I am gay lol, just not the way that she imagined.
@Shalanaya 12 дней назад
@@elegationvain AGP is present in most people on this planet based on research, it is an additional charctristic,m and NOT the reason why people are trans, we know whyt they are born trans throuh autopsies, their number of neurons matching the opposite sex, their size of the brain nuycleuys, their neurological pathways, and dozens of others things. Brain used to be considerted the largest sex organ of the body, in ancient times man and woman used to be determined energetically, and not even biologically. People need to wake up that they have been deceived about the nature of our biology and reality itself. We do not live in duality, but trinity of time, space and cosnciusness, that biological sex would not exist without that brain. People need to wake up and start developing a holistic model that allows them to see what this is about. Sex has never been binary, it was always diversity, this si why so many biologists out there are shocked how much in recent years people are twisti8ng biology to serve their exist dogmas rooted largely in religion. Binary model was artifically cr4eated to make it easier for doctors, but it was also supported from a standpoint of the Abrahamic religion. Binary model irtself creates a homogenization and mechanization of the diversified life force forcing humans into a machine-like state of servitude and slavery, that was by design. Because humans are not robots who operate in a binary 0+1 mode. We are the untiy of 3 - proton, electron neutron/neocortex, limbic brain, reptilian brain, etc.
@jasonwismer2670 12 дней назад
I think Phil Illy notes it best. Its an orientation. Its not just the sexual aspect, but the romantic aspect. Its an inversion of attaction to yourself as a woman. And like all orientations, if you just view the sexual aspect, you're still incredibly lonely and frustrated in the romantic department. Like all relationships, sexuality is the drive towards it. But as you become familiar and commit to it, it becomes like a long term girl friend that you feel pleasant being around, and terrible when she's absent.
@spiralvoid-c8m 6 дней назад
Im an Agp transitioner and transition was the best decision i made for myself. I still acknowledge that I am male and don't claim to be a woman, however having this sexual orientation my entire life ends up becoming a massively distressing experience when you are not able to live out your idealized self. HRT and living openly as the way I want to be has massively alleviated the distress i experienced.
@SashaLPC 4 дня назад
Interesting. Would you be open to saying more: do you live as a physically feminized man? Or are you saying that T-blockers and estrogen simply diminished the intensity of the AGP urges/drives, allowing you to live more comfortably as a man? Or are you presenting in women's clothes and such, simply referring to and thinking of yourself as a man?
@spiralvoid-c8m 4 дня назад
@@SashaLPC To your first question: Yes i live as a physically feminized male but i also present like a woman about 50% of the time. Working up the courage to live feminine 100% of the time though. AGP feelings are definitely diminished and less distressing. Feel alot more at peace with myself and am happy about the physical changes ive gotten from the hormones over the last 2 years. I dont love being referred to as a "man" but am generally ok with being called "guy, dude, he, him, male, etc". I really dont care much for labels to be honest, im just doing what feels right to me
@HellCatt0770 18 дней назад
Speaking as a woman, I want a better understanding of AGP for parents and their boys, but I also want to point out this should never entitle them to be called women or access womens spaces. They should however be encouraged to accept their non conformity within the category of male, which is where it belongs.
@frankgradus9474 17 дней назад
Speaking as a bloke, a father of a daughter and a son, a husband I agree whole-heartedly with you on this issue.
@ijansk 17 дней назад
Autogynephilia is a paraphilia, fetish, sexual kick.
@daniloribeiro5372 16 дней назад
That because ALL boys are grapists right?
@morgondew1420 15 дней назад
Speaking as a human, I believe people can regard themselves what ever way they please. I don't care, that is their business.
@Dirpitz 15 дней назад
Hi as a transsexual I have a physical medical condition, it has a treatment that has over a hundred years of research and was effective until around 20 years ago when that treatment became available to people based upon a similar symptom they shared with us rather than any actual research. And if you want to play the daughter game I grew up with 4 sisters and raised a beautiful girl with my partner all of which I'd stand infront of a tank for. I've also been raped as I was fortunate enough to walk into the bathroom and find two guys in there, you know actual men the ones who are attracted to women, big arms etc you know they have penises, can't describe any more about them as youtube will cry about it. But yeah when you can match me and take that hit so that the person they were harassing in the cubicle can run then you can use my bathroom, but until then you clearly failed school and are just confused easily by propaganda xD
@marti7343 12 дней назад
Sasha, I wish what you said towards the end of your video about the complexities of individual identities you would have mentioned at the beginning of your video. Frankly, the first seventeen minutes of your video sounds like a justification of the AGP perspective and how it is the predominate explanation for MtoF transgenderism. This is especially unfortunate because I expect the majority of your viewers did not get past the fifteen minute mark. Towards the end of your video, you acknowledge how complex gender identity really is. As an MtoF trans person, I completely agree. You even acknowledge that your experience is as someone assigned female at birth who is comfortable with being a woman. At the risk of sounding self-righteous, I will say unless you are trans, which is likely to include gender dysphoria. the trans experience will always seem somewhat a mystery. Also, it seems at times you confuse gender identity and sexuality. My own opinion is there are some interesting linkages between these two concepts. The general understanding among professionals is they are separate. Yes, always ground in the truth. The truth is most often not monolithic. Also, it is so important to remain open minded. I think when you do, your will find that gender identity is so much more complex and interesting than the AGP paradigm allows.
@chriskane732 17 дней назад
If you know, you know.
@colinmacdonald5732 18 дней назад
If men feel ashamed of autogynophylia there's probably a good reason for that!
@climb318 17 дней назад
I sure am glad I live in a community that doesn't feel that way about my homosexuality, and so I'm inclined to extend the same grace to people who by pure chance developed a different unusual and stigmatized sexuality.
@SashaLPC 17 дней назад
May I ask, genuinely, if you would say the same thing about categories that are more socially acceptable sexual proclivities: like lesbians, gay men, or bisexuals?
@claireharris8784 17 дней назад
​@@SashaLPCNone of those demand access to opposite sex spaces, nor demand that others lie about their sex. AGPs should not be made to be ashamed but their narcissism needs to be managed so that they do not make those demands of society.
@elegationvain 15 дней назад
@@claireharris8784 Those demands are enabled by the ideology. When the ideology is brought down (understanding AGP scientifically and empathetically is one major way to help bring it down), those demands will no longer be tolerated or enabled. It's fine to wear women's clothes in public (and to carry that through to a sexual fantasy in PRIVATE). It is not fine to think those feelings entitle one to women's only spaces, sports, etc. or to force people to speak about you in a way that denies reality.
@skunklepew6469 15 дней назад
The spark for males to gravitate to be effeminate. At a very young age, be neglected and see girls being nurtured by their mother's and envy the attention they receive. Fixing their hair and clothes. Generally getting more attention. Even witness their grandmother fussing over their mother's clothes and hair. Having to be dragged along to hair salons and shopping for clothes for her.
@HeathenGranny 15 дней назад
The study that originated the claim for "autogynephilia" is kinda bunk and there was further study that it was more accociated with the typical woman sexuality.
@SashaLPC 14 дней назад
I know of that study and don't find it compelling at all, as a woman myself and having known women and how our sexuality operates
@ihazotherchannel 13 дней назад
average armchair researcher: peer-reviewed evidence is wrong because me and my friends are different!
@funnymark5494 12 дней назад
nice profile picture
@Shalanaya 12 дней назад
@@SashaLPC Do you know that through research we have statistics that show women experience AGP on about the same scale as males? Because it is a natural innate part of human sexuality, it is not why people are born trans, since we have dozens of evidences that support it since their biology is largely intersex itself, through autopsies on trans people we already know this now. Stop bringing in AGP, first it was autism, and now AGP. Biological sex has never been binary, it was always a huge diversity. Definitions of sex have been ideological, in ancient times man and woman was determined energetically, and not even biologically, that's how much we have fallen as a humanity since then, because without brain and the entire body that biologiocal sex would not exist. Without a holistic model people will remain lost and ignorant. But clearly some people prefer to be when they are rather attempting to pathologize rather than understand.
@Shalanaya 12 дней назад
@@ihazotherchannel AGP is not a result of peer-reviewed evidence, lol. It was a hypothesis without ANY evidence. It is one of the most ridiculous and laughable pseudosciences in history. People can not grasp the fact that trans people are actually born in the opposite sex in ways that matter in terms of neurology and autonomy, this is why brain used to be regarded as the largest sex organ for a long time, and through anthropological research we know now that man and woman were determinded enrgetically, and NOT biologically at all. We have peer-reviewed evidences for the existence of biological gender identity developed during the 2nd trimester in the womb due to the hormonal exposure. We have found this out first in animals, and then in humans.
@jamielynnwallace1125 16 дней назад
Many transsexual females ( mtf) that I know had feelings about being incongruent to their natal sex prior to being “sexualized”. ..or having a sexual identity ( ages 5-8). AGP and HSTS are just two understandings of gender dysphoria but there are more reasons which cause GD. As an adult, transitioning was far easier/ healthier than antidepressants and years of questionable therapy. Sometimes transitioning is the best course of treatment.
@SashaLPC 14 дней назад
Thanks for your comment, Jamie. I am certainly not in a position to judge what is or is not the best option for others.
@Truenorthandfree 19 дней назад
I am curious as to what this video is trying to accomplish- are you trying to educate us about autogynephilia? Or, are you saying that rogd in a “straight” male is masquerading as agp? I have a personal interest, as my teenage son has been caught in what many parents refer to as the gender cult. From the professionals we have consulted with, it seems our son’s issues stem from social anxiety. I have a lot of respect for your work and have followed you closely through our journey. You have helped me tremendously. But this conversation about boys and gender is completely missing the mark in my opinion. One data point to support what I’m saying- many proponents of gender affirming care claim that the increased numbers we are seeing is from more social acceptance, and this is one of the points Aaron Terrell seems to make around agp. However, in Sweden, there had been widespread acceptance of transgender people for many years preceding the explosion of cases. It simply doesn’t add up that agp is suddenly more prevalent, and explains the increase in boys presenting with gender dysphoria. I must say that I take exception to Aaron Terrell making any statements about this topic, since he is simply not professionally qualified. Having a personal experience of being transgender does not qualify him with being able to speak on such a complicated topic. What is even more surprising to me is that you are choosing to engage in this conversation with him. I have read that there is a 5 year study underway headed by Michael Bailey, Ken Zucker, and Lisa Littman, to better understand rogd. Solid research on this topic is desperately needed.
@dreimalnein22 19 дней назад
I am with the sexologists and phil in the feeling that there is a bigger pool of slightly AGP men in the population than ever would come out and attempt transition. Also because they don't need to - we manage, we are based in reality, not in the delusional cult or delusional despair of needing/wanting to flee from the body we got whilst the attempt might be socially tolerated (whilst it's impossible). And I think the online porn access amplified the prevalence, the (white-)men bashing seriously also, a little bit. Thanks for your thoughtful comment anyway, you are right in many important statements, like the last one you made. Yet everyone is individual and most stats just observe markers. All the best and lots of good fortune to you and your son!
@AndyJarman 19 дней назад
Aaron Terrell is probably the best she can hope for. The Critical Social Justice cult is predicated on the idea that rational discussion is a tool of the oppressors. Those of us not in the cult will understand that this claim is a very useful device for avoiding exposure of the lack of any internal logic or consistency to their "world view". It is extremely difficult to engage with the victims. They are conditioned to regard reinterpretation of their outlook as a corruption, a brain washing attempt. Fragility is encouraged, so Sasha has done very well to maintain a discourse of any kind. The approach of Sasha and Stella and Benjamin Boyce has rankled with many women furious at what has happened to traditional accommodations that were once afforded women. They never were "rights" they were always a consequence of physical difference and social roles of men and women. You sound like to are aware of Stella's clash with Kellie Jay Keen over Phil Illy's appearance in a blue dress at the Genspect conference? As therapists Sasha and Stella are professionally bound to maintain open communication and to develop insight into what an AGP perceives, whereas Kellie Jay is under no obligation and won't have a bar of any communication that for one minute gives the benefit of the doubt to the AGP viewpoint.
@phililly 19 дней назад
@@Truenorthandfree Aaron Terrell is more correct in what he says about AGP than the vast majority of people who weigh in on the subject, including those with official credentials. It's fine that he's talking about it.
@andrewkohler3707 19 дней назад
What I know about Michael Bailey gives me the creeps, so shame to hear he's involved with any research.
@SashaLPC 14 дней назад
I am not sure how my video contradicts what you are saying here.
@Edward-zw9ld 13 дней назад
All this us for BIG BUCKS IN MEDICINE.
@tedgriffiths5216 15 дней назад
I knew I was transgender at the age of four years old, in 1960. I have many transgender acquaintances. I have only met one autogynophile in my life.
@sanle7515 15 дней назад
non-conforming sexual modes, such as homosexuality and autogynophila , are our species' response to overpopulation. We are overrrunning the planet and having sexual gratification that doesnt make babies is one of the ways we can stem the growth.
@SashaLPC 14 дней назад
maybe, but I would guess that most autogynephiles aren't self-describing with this word and would not necessarily share the origins of their dysphoria if those behaviors cause a great deal of shame/self-loathing.
@marti7343 13 дней назад
I am MtoF trans. After reading Britneygurl's comment, I must say my experience sounds quite similar to hers. I too went through a period of cross dressing in the nineties, but soon realized my feelings were not typical of most cross dresser. I realized it is not about clothes or sex. It is about whom you want to be and feel you are. I very well might have appeared as AGP when I first did something about my feelings. But, after exploration and much self reflection, including years of therapy, I realized it was more about whom I really am. And yes, I waited many years to come out because I did not want to jeopardize my relationships and career. The world is very different now then twenty-five years ago. We know so much more about how to successfully transition. Being trans, while still very difficult, today is so much more acknowledged. While we need to be cautious about what we see on the Internet, social media platforms like RU-vid are valuable sources of information for people questioning their gender identity. Years ago we only had scattered books and occasionally met a person who back then was labelled transsexual. It was even hard to find a therapist who understood the complexities of being trans. I had one think I was gay. The truth is that while after coming out my preference for men became clearer for me, I have never felt comfortable around gay men and have no sexual attraction toward other transgender people. Classifying myself as AGP just seems so simplistic and off base. I find many people, including therapists, use AGP as a label for people with gender identity issues. They use it as evidence that being MtoF trans is really just some kind of fetish that casts doubt on whether a person born male can feel and live quite similar to a cis woman. Now after twenty months having started my transition, I can for the first time in my life say I am a happy person.
@janebennetto5655 19 дней назад
@Jones-w5i 19 дней назад
One boy at school (primary aged)was encouraged to dress up female by his 20 yr older brother. Turned into prostitute with m2f trans op. His mother protested and his 20 yr older brother threatened hus mum with a "good bashing/or rape". In Canada.
@waynemcauliffe-fv5yf 11 часов назад
@pistillateflower476 19 дней назад
Do we Sasha?
@phililly 19 дней назад
Yes; autogynephilia is the etiology of most instances of gender dysphoria in natal males
@shannonsayshi 19 дней назад
Do we.... what?
@andrewkohler3707 19 дней назад
We do, to point out how utterly cringeworthy and risible the theory is.
@joce11 18 дней назад
@@andrewkohler3707 Exactly.
@KramRemin 17 дней назад
The more you talk about this, Sasha, the more the Phil Illeys show up.
@talibotz 4 дня назад
It's awesome when Phil shows up.
@williamtayor9530 12 дней назад
Everything you said in the intro was wrong.
@ratatata104 13 дней назад
in my opinion if a male person has gender dysphoria is more likely to be trans than autogynephillic but thats why therapy should be need before transitioning if we are talking about kids/teens with gender dysphoria therapy is a must
@talibotz 4 дня назад
Autogynophelia = the most common cause of gender dysphoria in trans women. Not all autoheterosexual men choose to transition, but agp and trans are not mutually exclusive.
@gordoncarscadden7735 13 дней назад
Big flaw in his theory if transgender woman were transitioning for some fetishist. After you start HRT your sex drive disappears. If were really about sexual gratification they would stop right then and not continue. It is literally about being comfortable in your body for the first time in your life
@FredCarpenter-pb6bd 16 дней назад
Spirit is androgynous and can express as male or female, or as a hybrid. Spirit is neither male nor female but One with all things.
@frishter 16 дней назад
I agree. I think it's a problem that people identify their "spirit" based on a gender. No need to limit yourself in that way.
@chriskane732 17 дней назад
Blanchard was a clown
@DorianPaige00 16 дней назад
Are gay men, auto-homosexual? If they are attracted to men and not themselves, what does that say about them? Is it an inferiority complex? Should we ask each individual man as a lot of theories rely on unique issues of one patient and then that stereotype or pattern is extended?
@SashaLPC 14 дней назад
I imagine many have written thoughtfully about this. It's an interesting question, but I believe one might respond by saying that gay men have allo sexuality, meaning they are attracted to others, and not to themselves.
@KramRemin 17 дней назад
AGP, and all of the other little paraphilias that Schrodinger's TransCat just made a video on, are side issues. Gender boils down to this: What's keeping a boy from forming normal attachments to older men, whose behavior he can copy? My project is to NAME and ATTACK and LOOSEN UP those hang-ups, by reciting Zeus/Ganymede stories (TOO MUCH of the male role-modeling!) or Telemachos/Odysseus stories (TOO LITTLE of the male role-modeling!) But yeah, if you want to play name-the-paraphilia games, and talk about them all day, have fun. I just don't think that's where the functionality is.
@Dirpitz 15 дней назад
Ok I'll play post of transsexual here. I'm ex military and the response I got from mates was 'but you're the blokiest bloke we know' I had brothers and sisters, present father. No issue with dating or relationships and ended up setting up most of my friends, regular functionality everywhere else, sperm hyper motile. I fit none of their shit and it's hilarious. But the moment the process was done all issues stopped all done. Weird right like the same as the research people keep ignoring xD
@Dirpitz 15 дней назад
Ah autogynephila the thing that gets disproved over and over again. But once again gender dysphoria is a symptom of multiple conditions, not a condition in itself
@DarthMarr2009 12 дней назад
how was it disproved? Contrapoints lmao? she just got responded to on the AGP denial by Ray alex Williams, and literally strawmanned blanchards entire theory. He is not against transition or other solutions, since it causes dysphoria, and views them as just other people unlike TERFs who demonize them.
@ChristianCatboy 17 дней назад
Boo! AGP and ROGD have both been discredited by the science.
@grahamfinlayson-fife73 17 дней назад
What is "the science"?
@ChristianCatboy 17 дней назад
@@grahamfinlayson-fife73 No way I'm going to be baited into arguing with a ROGD supporter. The "study" that idea comes from was based on anecdotal data solicited from transphobic parents' chat forums, and has been repudiated by all the major medical associations. This is transphobia, pure and simple.
@KramRemin 17 дней назад
Trouble is, they've been REIFIED by the rhetoric, testimonies, and behavior of the TRA's.
@SydSeale 17 дней назад
You mean the ideology, not the science.
@grahamfinlayson-fife73 17 дней назад
@@SydSeale "The Science ™️" isn't actually science
@McKenzie3089 19 дней назад
What the hell is this. TERF rhetoric recommended to me????
@joce11 18 дней назад
Sorry but what has 'Terf rhetoric' go to do with talking about autogynephilic boys or men?
@Zzyzzyx 18 дней назад
What a great opportunity!
@allyl3961 18 дней назад
Poor McKenzie… threatened by evidence based medicine 😆
@BTphosheezy 17 дней назад
Oh look another cult member
@catoboros 16 дней назад
It's the algorithm! The two groups most interested in gender are trans people like me, and, you guessed it, TERFs! I am always getting TERF content in my feed. I have had to reset my watch history many times. At least now I recognise the usual suspects and can watch on another device. I have nothing personal against Sasha. We used to be mutuals on Twitter and had many fun interactions (before it got too much for me). I think her theories are dead wrong and I am her political opponent because I support access to gender medicine. See DR Z PHD and ContraPoints for excellent discussions on why Blanchard's conjecture has been discredited. AGP is a bad theory because it does not describe, for most of us, what it feels like to be trans. Gender identity is a complete and self-consistent description of what it feels like to be trans. If that means that I am in a "cult", then sign me up! ❤🏳‍⚧
@laurenalexander4438 12 дней назад
"Autogynephillia" doesn't exist. It is quackery. And I am not "male". I have never felt remotely like a boy. Never wanted male puberty. And frankly? Didn't really get it. Masculinized so little at puberty that I passed for a woman, even in drab men's clothes. Even when I spoke. Nobody who didn't know me thought I was a woman. I grew up male failing. I grew up dealing with sexual harassment from creepy men, like any other girl. When I cut my hair short? I was seen as a teen boy, well into my 30's. Getting talked down to, and harassed by grown men in public about my hair and clothes. Treated like a kid. I'm female whether you like it or not. I went from being miserable, never fitting in, never wanting to fit in with men, to living as the woman I always knew I was. Trans people exist. Nonbinary people exist. And you shouldn't talk about things you do not remotely understand. I will be flagging this video for misinformation. Have a nice day 😉
@renanfarias9230 12 дней назад
@spiralvoid-c8m 6 дней назад
AGP is real and its the reason for my transition and i still happily identify as male, despite living my life like a woman now. You aren't obligated to identify with the typology but some of us do, so please stop speaking for others experiences. Thanks.
@ellisdunegan8555 4 дня назад
It's in the DSM-5 and there have been MRI studies.
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