
Where does the Flower in Lumine's hair come from? (Genshin Impact 4.7 Lore, Theory and story) 

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@rajaryan-fe1oy Месяц назад
I always imagined she just picked it off the side of a street in Khaenreah lol, good on Hoyo for killing my head canons
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
good on them
@danita122 Месяц назад
could've khaenri'ahns just create that flower to greet twins when they arrived, because they somehow knew that it grows in their homeworld or something? although that wouldn't explain its name - inteyvat
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
thats a possibility, but there are some problems given how renowned it was in khaenriah.
@soujiokita6062 Месяц назад
I feel like this is possible...the Alchemist from khaenriah have the ability to make flowers that is not from tevyat..
@lelepodproductions_ Месяц назад
​@DawitsLookingforEmilia Welll it could've become the "national" flower so quickly BECAUSE it was tied to the twins, (the FIRST descenders they caught, which they were desperately seeking for.) since we already know the khanriahanwhatchamacalit's almost kind of worship(?)/saw the twins as being able to advance their own nations. It wouldn't make sense however how unfamiliar they seem with the flower...
@ozean102 18 дней назад
I think the name was given, because the flower is now able to grow in Teyvat = Inteyvat. Maybe as a shortform for a name Gold gave them when she created them.
@rosehunt9650 Месяц назад
I honestly just assumed that Gold (or some other alchemist) brought the Inteyvat flower to Teyvat on accident while using kemia. Khaenri’ah would have then made the flower their national symbol since it’s creation represented breaking the boundaries of the known world and creating never before seen life. So this way, the flower could be native to the traveler’s homeland while still existing in Tayvet without needing someone to have prior knowledge of the traveler’s homeland. It’s also very possible that Kheanri’ah were somehow tracking the siblings or the flowers were native to Tayvet as well as the sibling’s homeland like you suggested. Either way, these flower’s make me very suspicious of Gold. I mean, if anyone were to create a flower from another world it would be her, she was even referred to as “a flower not from this world”. I’f Gold did make the flower and it was not on accident, does that imply she was either tracking the traveler’s somehow or was maybe even familiar with their homeland. (Tbh, I think I might just be reading wayyy to much into this 😅)
@cupcatte Месяц назад
weird that in the animated short that Aether puts the flower in Lumines hair yet it's like they dont know where it came from 😭 the lore just falls apart
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
ahh its meant to be mysterious on purpose im sure the sibiling knows where it comes from fs
@cupcatte Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia i hope so 😅
@soujiokita6062 Месяц назад
Traveller keeps saying it's from their homeland... Maybe there are more to it then what meets the eyes..i have faith in storytelling on genshin so I'll stay patient
@nicolas._.2294 Месяц назад
I always thought that lumine keeps having that flower around in her hair becs aether put it there, it was like a little head cannon of mine and now it might even be true:D
@burningpapersun1 Месяц назад
We just need an endless stream of dawit genshin theories.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
we need the sustainer of heavenly principles.
@aigerakabane1312 Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia what If the PRIMODIAL ONE IS A girl
@eboshisdescendant8697 Месяц назад
This video reminded me of Albedo SQ when Albedo managed to bloom a flower from another world by observing the Traveler's behavior. That flower is also really mysterious, we don't know how he got the seed in the first place.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
and hes also a practitioner of the art of khemia
@marcusbullock2753 Месяц назад
You've been noticed by Ashikai in her latest stream lets go man. I hope you stream to when natlan comes out. You don't even need a fancy set up I just want to talk to you in real time man you seem chill and hilarious at the same time.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
ahaha i got u marcus. ill stream soon !
@oneperson1772 Месяц назад
Like getting the gaze of the aeon of whack theorycrafting
@dragonballMS Месяц назад
What when was it. Was it the 4.7 livestream one. Please send the timestamp i cannot watch the whole 4 hour stream
@SoulEater1997 Месяц назад
i think traveller decended to teyvat alone and directly summoned the twin to Khaenri'ah through the leylines reponding to their wishes. Also explains why the twin is not considered a decender.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@shadex0437 10 дней назад
Twin isn't a descender because they don't have the will to rival the world as explained in the Narzissenkruez quest
@Harbinger_VII Месяц назад
the sea of such flowers, there are a few possibilities; 1. their homeworld 2. planted when the twins arrived (where exactly is the issue) 3. due to their lifespan, planted quite recently and in a part of khaenriah with access to the sky 4. just a neat visual it could just be a special flower created by the khaenriahns. their apparent unfamiliarity could be the fact that the flower just didnt grow where they came from.
@kotarouinugami1745 Месяц назад
I think another possibility is that like Neko, the Sibling just willed the flowers and the sky into being, overriding more sane concerns.
@IkikuroKidenai Месяц назад
I should point out that the one they originally called "homeland" khaenri'ah was the abyss sybling. In Mondstadt quest, when the abyss mage speaks to them "your homeland" they say. Also, in Khaenri'ah we (the travelers) were asleep the whole time and only woke up during the war when we tried to escape. That may be why the traveler is so unfamiliar with the Inteyvat
@spieds9994 Месяц назад
It's quite possible that R created the flower in the image of the one from Twin's world, since, at least based on the things we've seen so far, Gold doesn't seem to create <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="61">1:1</a> to copies or creations in general, outside of Albedo maybe (and even he seems to be unstable based on his dialogue in his quest). Though, for specific reason, i think it's less to make them comfortable and more so to test if they can recreate something from a different world, maybe before summoning they wanted to recreate the descender but it wasn't as successful as the flower (especially if pseudo-descender had the same stone-turning properties outside of Khaenri'ah as Inteyvat). Though, it would imply that the plan to summon siblings might have come from the time of Crimson Moon Dynasty and even be the reason for it's fall and creation of Eclipse Dynasty, since the flower is supposed to be a national flower of Khaenri'ah (so at the very least the Eclipse Dynasty)
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
yea theres just so many timeline things to work around when discussing things like its kinda hilarious
@shiyinon Месяц назад
the universitas magistrorum bit is kinda weird to me, the final sentence especially. lets assume that they're using astronomical terms the same way we do here on earth, this means that both aether and lumine were traveling the cosmos and the gravity pulled them towards teyvat. the problem now lies on the sentence "After a lengthy orbital period, today their paths shall intertwine once more." this poses two scenarios: aether and lumine did travel the universe together and they both fell into the gravity well of teyvat at the same, but if this is the case, the line "today their paths shall intertwine once more"? wont make any sense as this line implies that two heavenly bodies of differing orbit basically rendezvous'd/had contact in orbit (or in space), this line implies that the two bodies are not traveling the cosmos, at least around the gravity well of teyvat, together or at the same time. idk the implications of this but i just found it weird considering we know both aether and lumine traveled the universe together. unless this isnt an astronomical report but an astrological one: fate of two stars was captured by tevyat, after a lengthy orbital period, which means a journey, their paths will intertwine again in the end
@soujiokita6062 Месяц назад
Maybe "shall intertwine once more" is how they will meet again after being separated?
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
its a very interesting quote, in cn it reads pretty much the same: "My Lord, the Deep Secret Academy presents you with the predicted result: the binary stars have long been captured by the earth's gravity... After a long return cycle, their trajectories are about to intersect again." this whole intersect/intertwine again is a complete mystery if this really is about the siblings. The only thing I could possibly come up with is it simply means what it says, and when their paths "intertwine" the sibilings meet/reunite. Just like the most recent animation where by we see the two stars in the sky, very close to one another, and we know for a fact the twins paths will cross again in the very near future. Now this ofc would imply the twins were separated at some point before they came to teyvat, which goes against everything we know given teyvat is the first time the traveler claims they have traveled separately.
@LavenderFresh Месяц назад
lumine prolly didnt travel worlds with a flower on her head until they hit teyvat, but it still doesnt make sense why she doesnt say hint at it being from her home planet in the chasm -_- i like the idea the R replicated them...but that only makes sense if this was around the start of the eclipse dynasty i think ... i cant wait to learn more so this could be less confusing T__T
@CarbonDemon Месяц назад
babe wake up new dawit video dropped
@keip4568 Месяц назад
This spam on every new RU-vid video is so annoying and spam at this point... No joke
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
:D idm lol
@CarbonDemon Месяц назад
@@keip4568 how does commenting on a video considered “spam”? i just got on YT and the vid got recommended and i saw “1 min ago” so i commented. but stay salty ig im sure ppl will love u for that
@thomasgaming7656 Месяц назад
​@@DawitsLookingforEmilia well let me tell you the profile picture is wild haha and RU-vid can't censored it yeah boy
@carterstanton3540 Месяц назад
The ‘flower in my hair’ line convinced me that Aether was originally intended to be the protagonist. If Lumine found a random flower in her hair why would she not just take it out why would she continue wearing it without knowing its significance? Lumine being the abyss twin makes more sense as she would intentionally wear the Inteyvat in her hair as a political statement in reference to her support for Khaenriah. Aether does not wear any flowers in his hair however, there is no evidence in his design that he supports the country.
@kotarouinugami1745 Месяц назад
Maybe she's used to her brother putting random flowers in her hair?
@youneversawme.5151 Месяц назад
hoyo has stated multiple times that both siblings are canon travelers and that they only use aether in trailers for constancy yall will say anything to invalidate lumine choosers smh
@carterstanton3540 Месяц назад
⁠@@youneversawme.5151 lmao I am not trying to invalidate Lumine choosers. I am aware of the official statements, that is why I wrote ‘originally intended’. Character designs can tell a lot about a story. They have clearly gone through quite a bit of development. The interesting thing to me is that they both wear feathers in their hair which are likely from their home planet but only Lumine has flowers which are identified as the inteyvat. It is possible Hoyoverse did not think that far ahead but I kind of doubt it.
@Super-Godzilla99 Месяц назад
my theory is, that the people from kaenriah ar not from teyvat originaly, when the siblings homeworld was destroyed maybee some fled too teyvat and since they are outsiders nowone wanted something too do with them so they founded there city away from the others. and over time this history was forgoten and tayvat would become there home, a few houndred or thousand generations later nowone even knew that any more, first because irminsul changed their history completly and second their history was lost. so it would be no question anymore where the flower came from, it came from the homeland of the twins that was destroyed the first people there just took them as an reminder of there homeland with them, but too much time has gone by and too much history was altered by irminsul so that they forget it. the same is happening in reality also, many technologys we think we found out about are in reality found out a long time ago thousands of years ago, it was just forgotten in time. the same could be aplied here the keanrian`s just forgot about there own history, and the twins are just so long on journey that they thought all the other people from there homeland are dead. or maybee the twins are on there journey because they want too find the missing people from there homeland, this is there mission and the reason why they on there journey in the first place, but space is very very big finding some people you lost is very difficult. that could also explain why the abiss twin is on the side of keanria`hs people. in teyvat`s history it is mentioned that the primordial one created humanity there, but what if he didn`t create them and just bring them there, he destroyed there homeland and captured some too bring them too teyvat, and the desenders from that where keanriahs people. the problem of bringing people there caused the whole abiss thing in the first place because they done something that they shouldn`t and was forbidden by the primordial one, so he turned on those people and tryed too erase them entirely over and over again but they where resiliend and didn`t die out complety. i think this would be fitting for it.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
lotta destroyed homelands in this game lol
@Super-Godzilla99 Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia it is genshin after all
@potakettlefight Месяц назад
Inteyvat transformation after you leave kaernriah kind of reminds me of the "gifted rose" quest near Aaru village. The seeds are sand/rock roses with a long shelf life and you need to infuse them with the power of dendro, smash them, water them 😅 to make them sprout. The original paradisarah also disapeared from Teyvat. 🤔 Most importantly when I look at lumine's flower I can only see a pentagon. I can't remember where I ever saw pentagons or 5 pointed stars in genshin. The only thing that comes in 5 are the number of artifacts for each character (flower of life, plume of death, sands of eon, goblet of eonothem, circlet of logos). Not sure if this is related. Otherwise... Domain door is a 4 point Salomon knot, hypo arena is an 8, Nahida is a 4 petal flower, triquetra is a 3... Even the flower we help albedo recover is a sort of lotus. Also I've just realized how I was confusing Cecilias with inteyvats (couldn't understand why lumine would trample on them, silly me😂).
@reiayanamiisbestgirl2441 Месяц назад
This will make a good background vid while I draw my dottore segment oc Natalia
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
i wish i could draw.
@reiayanamiisbestgirl2441 Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia I can teach you what I know if it helps? Do you have discord, Reddit, or tumblr? I can help you out there
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
r u serious lol
@reiayanamiisbestgirl2441 Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia completely. I’m more than happy to teach you my drawing skills
@Roihclem871 Месяц назад
Prob gonna be some cycle related hoodwinks where their world is somehow khaneria but from the previous cycle. *Charlie day conspiracy meme
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
hoodwinks a goated word
@hamzahmohabir7616 Месяц назад
Always rushing to watch ur videos my dude always keeping me entertained
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@deppym.7552 Месяц назад
Can't wait for your reaction to the upcoming Dain quest
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@usernamenotfound732 Месяц назад
Hi! I'm a big fan of your content!! I just wanted to throw this out there for you to maybe give your perspective on. Do you think that maybe Istaroth gave her powers to Venti? Istaroth seemingly disappeared, or just hasn't made an apperance for a long time. Plus, as you've stated in previous videos, Venti has a lot of abilities that don't necessarily line up with the idea of a wind god. So, is it possible, Istaroth gave some of her divine abilities to Barbatos? Like, Venti knows all songs from the past, present, and future, so maybe that was an ability Istaroth gave him.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
aw ily Istaroths disappearance is interesting given people only care about her absence. Istaroth is one of 4 shades, yet we only inqure about her disappearance; thinking its out of character and never ask about the other 3 shades, for whom nonappearance is constant. Now this ofc is due to istaroth playing a more active role in teyvats history compared to the other shades, but i do find it funny nonetheless. With regards to venti, theres a plethora of things that link he and Istaroth together in one way or another, but as for whether I would be able to tell if istaroth gave her powers to him, I wouldnt be able to lol.
@usernamenotfound732 Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia Okay, thank you :3
@FIIIVE Месяц назад
it could also be that LuTher's twin was the creator of or a contributor to the creation of khaenri'ah. a nation without an archon that was so advanced compared to the rest of teyvat that the heavenly principles saw it as a threat, so it could be that they have brought their otherworldly technology from their world & other worlds they visited to khaenri'ah (including the flowers). which could possibly explain the part where the abyss twin hinted that they have already explored the entirety of teyvat before the MC twin.
@alexanderericson8628 Месяц назад
more so a creation of Rhinedottir. "if there is a flower that is not from this world rhinedottir would be the one to create it" I mean it's right there
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
ur not wrong lmfao
@alexanderericson8628 Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia So hear me out. What if "arrogation of mankind" refers to Lumine and Rhinedottir is trying to correct that mistake by building a primordial being with a will stronger than Phanes. In order to become a descender strong enough Aether needs to find his vision and saving his sibilng is not a will strong enough it's already been said by the little people in Sumeru. Rhinedottir has programmed into Albedo to collect data on a real descender in order to build her own. Dains line about "worthy of saving her" simply refers to her as a puppet for a higher purpose and he was so disgusted by that and probably in love with Lumine that he chose to go against his own people. But he never told Lumine that to protect her and now she hates him. If they used Descenders to make Gnosis I think Lumine was meant to be one. Instead they used the third descender if we operate from the theory that Susty is 1, Second who came is 2 (sinner) means the third one is Nibelung after he came back from the Abyss. The reason why the dragons lost all their power "the remains" is the spirit of Nibelung The sustainer tried to separate the travellers in order to change fate but things are playing out almost the exact same way. She reappeared in Theyvat as a companion to Aether in the form of Paimon to show that he doesn't need his sibling to feel happiness. Also she was dying from abyssal corruption but had just enough strengh to send them both back. Paimon is constantly suggesting that they just run away together, now more shit is happening with Paimon as we change fate in Theyvat her memories has started to come back and she knows what she is, is why she asks if Aether is ever going to leave her what they will do afterwards what will happen to her. These worries makes no sense unless Paimon knows something about herself that she fears the traveller is going to reject. Her "token" is the traveller and she has no purpose at all in that world without him. There solved it aaand I am out
@LL-ud3qy Месяц назад
good old "fuck knows"
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@TheJH1015 Месяц назад
or, hear me out, what if the Twins refer to Khaenri'ah as their homeland? They stayed quite a while there, and they had a rank and position of Prince and Princess. Note they always say 'homeLAND' not 'home WORLD' meaning that in Teyvat, they considered Khaenri'ah their home.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@AashishPrajapati-nr2ox Месяц назад
How do u manage to pump out video every single day
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@davidjohnson8273 Месяц назад
Alternative viewpoint: EVERY SINGLE flower in Teyvat comes from their homeland, as do almost all the animals, with only a few weird native species that aren't exactly good fits as either plant or animal, and the fungi as exceptions. This is a terraformed world. The whole point is that every plant that was on their home world is likely to show up in Teyvat so why would the so-called "Inteyvat" be any different? Of course it's there too. But there's nothing notable about it's appearance by the time you've seen all the other transplanted flowers. I mean it could have been carnations. They last about 2 weeks before wilting too. But yeah the Inteyvat seems like a solid choice for a traveler because of the symbolism of returning "home". Should we read into it the idea that it's special that it grows in Khaenri'ah where things are not meant to grow? I dunno I bet when we get there we will see mint and sweet flowers too. Perhaps the way the Khemia works is to provide artificial light. At any rate I doubt we'll have to carry a lamp around when we get to Khaenri'ah. The Chasm was underground too and we had flowers growing there. Perhaps best not to worry about it too much. Besides: underground spaces in Teyvat often have skies if they are in a domain. A lot of folks will be disappointed if Khaenri'ah has no sky for a moon to hang in. <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="547">9:07</a> stalker Khaenri'ah?
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
well if it isnt my favorite moon sister denier. you make a good point with regards with the world being terraformed. i do still think its odd however the only place the flower blooms is in an underground nation where natural life was few and far between.
@cutelolpopvids530 Месяц назад
oh my god i just finished the last video and i have been blessed once more . chance of primordial one: 80%
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@harujeon9523 Месяц назад
One thing people forget is that traveller doesnt remember much from their life before teyvat, they woke up and both their power and memories sealed So here <a href="#" class="seekto" data-time="120">2:00</a> we are sure that lumine doesnt remember anything before waking up in teyvat So it could be that the flower is from their homeland and gold just recreated it to live in teyvat
@cellycellycelly 25 дней назад
Can’t wait for your analysis of the 5 sinners and how it relates to the 6 pygmies and whatnot from the HUGE lore drop in the 4.7 quest 😋
@DawitsLookingforEmilia 25 дней назад
5 sinners are indeed an interesting bunch
@bluestrider2562 Месяц назад
Another awesome vid! Here's my theory, its possible the Twins are from the same home world as the Primordial One. If they're both telling us their home world was left to ruin. Obviously, the Primordial One was running away for some reason. The Primordial One, terraformed Teyvat. Most likely transplanting biological species from his home world to have something beautiful and familiar. So, the Inteyvat was most likely the flower of the Unified Nation. Then the 2nd Who Came, brought war and flipped some of the continents upside down. Khaenriah was built upon that same area or perhaps they brought the flower down with them to honor their own past now. Thus, both things are true. The flower is both the flower of Khaenriah and from the Twins' home world, because the Primordial One is also from that world and brought the flower with him to have on this new world. Edit: Also, I have to point out, according to the Magistrorm report: not only did Irmin have them looking for them, BUT the keywords that screams out to me, is the path of the two stars and the planet will intertwine ONCE MORE. This might be a reach, but it could imply that the twin stars falling to Teyvat happened once before the time we have been told about. Which would mean they had come during Khaenriah's earliest inception period or perhaps during the Unified Nation period. They then left, only to be brought back at a later date when Khaenriah summoned them back.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
i do also think the term "once more" is very telling of what I have no idea but its way more prominent then it should be
@bluestrider2562 Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia Holy hell! I was watching one of Blues Theories. And I got to thinking. What if its not just the Twins are from the same world as the Primordial One. What if the Twins home world CREATED the Primordial One! The Primordial One is the ship's name! Like Air Force One. Hell, their may have been a whole fleet of Primordial ships sent out to find new worlds. It puts all its action into context. Find new world, test the worlds capability for terraforming for humans, awaken the Shades (crew).
@sensennsen Месяц назад
I think the riddles were right, written in the ancient tablets of Enkanomiya, that everything cannot be explained, since everything is like a loop.
@abarr2951 Месяц назад
Excellent video as always I’ve often wondered that perhaps Khaenriah is not actually native to Teyvat and the reason why the Kingdom embraced the Twins was because of shared origins.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
could be
@xanalylee1997 Месяц назад
Alien or just coming back home? Sometimes you just need to go through the cycle a bit.
@martin144gaming Месяц назад
I hope new story in 4.7 come with phase 1 🔥
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
im sure it will martin my friend
@kotarouinugami1745 Месяц назад
Now I'm imagining one-eyed king Irmin watching RU-vid, and seeing preview for the new characters (the traveler twins). He sees them standing in a field of flowers, so he calls for the best alchemist in the kingdom (Rhinedottir), shows her the screen, and says: "These flowers. I want these flowers in my garden. You can make it happen, right?". More seriously, I think Inteyvat flowers share origins with Teleport Waypoints, which are also very familiar to the Twins. But like common folk of Kaenri'ah, the flowers have a difficult relationship with the laws of physics outside of Kaenri'ah. Or maybe laws of physics inside of Teyvat, if Kaenri'ah is somehow outside of it.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
ah the teleport waypoints. a good mystery that is
@Akihitori Месяц назад
very cool. dont want to come back to the game but looking forward to the dain quest and see what shit gonna go there
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
:( but yes should be fun quest !
@Akihitori Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia wuthering waves been going pretty decent. Big boobs, confusing as hell story line and all. Genshin like vibe so that's been working for me aside that my pc is been crashing cuz of being old (indian moment) but yeah looking forward to it. I play on EU server in case you wanna be friends in wuthering waves!
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@Akihitori i play NA :(
@Akihitori Месяц назад
@MTTheoristTV 29 дней назад
It comes "In-Teyvat" Teyvat that is built on top of the Moonlight Forest. That's why there's a "Border" that Alice is in charge of on Teyvat. "The Moonlight Forest was the only place free from the rule of the Night Mother." I don't wanna go into detail so Imma dip.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia 29 дней назад
why u dont wanna go into detail coward
@CoolestNobodyIRL Месяц назад
Well Hoyo showed us canonically Aether is the traveler and Lumine is the Abyss sibling. Thinking about what Il Dottore said and how Sumeru’s archon quest went, Irminsul tampering or the unknown god’s power may messed with the twins memories, making Lumine think they’re from Khaenri’ah and Aether having amnesia of anything that happened before he awoke in Teyvat
@Elti979 Месяц назад
It comes from the planet called inteyvat which is a neibouring planet to teyvat. Inteyvats history goes does for millions of years and teyvat is relatively new planet when it comes down to life. Prior to all the dragon shi teyvat was a planet similar to mars. Shi happened and people were lazy for a name so they just named it teyvat. Alice was a royal mage from inteyvat and then she traveled to teyvat planting this flower in khaeriah. Source: trust me bro
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
had me in the first half
@FRaptor-wl6ku Месяц назад
Hmm well the flower was found probably in some random field or maybe it’s the same or similar flower that was in the Launch trailer where Dain was speaking and Both siblings were standing in the field
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
bit more complex then random field lol. only grows in khaenriah from what weve seen
@FRaptor-wl6ku Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia wait so that field where both siblings were standing in IN the launch trailer WAS Khan ri ah?
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@FRaptor-wl6ku we dont know
@JustCalMeFrank Месяц назад
If the inteyvat grows on other planets... well wouldent that be on hell of an oxymoron
@krys9463 Месяц назад
One idea that popped in my head is the possibility that the inteyvat is actually from the Primordial One's homeland and when they came to this new planet they brought along some familiar plant and animal life. However there isn't a lot of evidence for this besides that weird inconsistency between what Apep told us and Before Sun and Moon. The book says that P.O along with its Shades created animals and plant life but Apep says that the forest turned into a desert after a nail had been thrown down, this was during the war between Abyss juiced Nibelung and the dragons. So either the passage in the book is just Enkanomiya over embellishing or P.O did do all of that but it's more like they brought along stuff from their home to this new place. As for why its only in Khaenriah, maybe it's like the glaze lily? After Liyue flooded the area where they bloomed was destroyed so now you can only find them in a few spots here and there.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
id imgaine before sun and moon did some glazing , but idk if its the "creating flora and fauna" part
@dragonballMS Месяц назад
Can you please make a compilation video of everytime you said "The PRIMORDIAL ONEEEE, A PROGENITOR GOD HAILING FROM BEYOND THE STARS" Pretty please 🥺
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
LOOOOL maybe
@crammothy Месяц назад
Well I don’t think it originated from Khaenriah but was probably recreated by Gold. Inteyvat has “in” as a prefix like how inconceivable is not conceivable so inteyvat could be not from Teyvat. Also makes sense since Khaenriah was also against the order of Teyvat and as you mentioned they were obsessed with descenders so maybe they were obsessed about more things from outside of Teyvat and learned about the inteyvat somehow and the recreated it. Idk but that’s what makes the most logical sense to me right now.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
could be crammothy my boy. could be.
@nikolakrawczuk7206 13 дней назад
I mean what if the flower itself is abyss-aligned? Using it instead of sunlight, one of the only things that would grow underground, and in other commented worlds.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia 13 дней назад
@xcaptcha Месяц назад
How do you remember all these dialogs? do you take notes of everything?
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
theres very few IMPORTANT dialogue in the game.
@Just_Shade Месяц назад
i think you might be overthinking this personally The siblings have traveled through multiple different worlds, the flower could be from any of them lumine probably picked it due to it's non wilting nature meanwhile, in khaenri'a, the nation that is after beings from beyond, having a flower from beyond as their national flowers kinda makes sense y'know?
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
i could very well be overthinking it.
@captaindanger13 Месяц назад
crazy to think about how clothar and boothill have the same voice actor
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
r u deadass lmfao
@captaindanger13 Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia i saw it on the behind the voice actor website
@livonlord Месяц назад
Maybe R is from the same world as the travelers. Could help with the flower's existence. It wasn't created for the travelers, it was created because R wanted to see them again.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
why do u think r isnt from teyvat
@livonlord Месяц назад
Because of that line. "Flower that is not of this world." I'm taking that as Alice saying R is not from there. Rather than somehow peering into another world over the course of hundreds or thousands of years, maybe R's inspiration is from their memories or dreams of home. The Hexenzirkel members we heard of or from, so far, talk about Teyvat as something removed from them. Their knowledge of entities beyond Teyvat always felt like first hand information rather than something they heard or saw in some kind of vision. ​@@DawitsLookingforEmilia
@VerSaati Месяц назад
It's pretty obvious Gold created it and Gold is also from the same world the travel is from
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
what makes u think gold isnt from teyvat
@EthHawke94 Месяц назад
I am gonna go out on a limb and say that the Original flower that the Inteyvat was derived from was from the Planet The Twins come from and that due to Evolutionary Pressures changed appearances when introduced to Teyvat so…
@EthHawke94 Месяц назад
As an Addendum the Flower could have been introduced by any of the earlier Star Seraphim that landed on Teyvat.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
true on both counts
@anim0ni_ 20 дней назад
if the abyss sibling become the itachi of genshin I will lose my mind
@DawitsLookingforEmilia 20 дней назад
embrace it
@paraalemdossonhos7507 Месяц назад
The video made me travel through some thoughts. 1- I have long thought that the twins could be some kind of descendants or new bipartite Sansaras of Phanes, given his androgynous nature, and because Paymon in the ars Goethia is the faithful demon Lucifer (and Pahnes is associated with the demiurge), in addition to the obvious comparisons to the dawn and dusk star ( Hesperus e Phosporus). 2- Observing the issue of Rinedonthir creating a flower that is not of this world, as the Kaenrians knew the twins well, and wanted to capture the stars, and make them feel at home, and thinking In the words of Clothar (Princess of the Abyss), it made me theorize for a moment that there may have been some time travel involving the brothers. Let's think: What if the twins were sent out of the world, and forgot their origins (like in the battle pass cut scene), and all Kaenrians know who the twins are, and that they - by themselves associate with Pahnes - they can have control over the power of the abyss (we already know that Celestia has mechanisms for this). Perhaps Khraun-Arya was the nation where the "descendants" or lineage of the primordial settled.... Anyway....random thoughts...
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
time travel. i shudder reading those words
@lowkeychains Месяц назад
Bro u should try nd make wuwa lore too
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
all ive been able to discern from that story is that our name is rover
@derdepp3670 Месяц назад
I still wait for the primordial one to appear.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
we all wait man
@derdepp3670 Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia imagine they gon fight us 💀
@cosmotaco4997 23 дня назад
It might seem crazy what I'm 'bout to say..
@DawitsLookingforEmilia 23 дня назад
@cosmotaco4997 23 дня назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia FR?? 😨😨🫢
@SuaveBreezy Месяц назад
Lumine says the flower was in her hair since she woke up but she was wearing it during the opening cutscene. This means the twin had to have gotten it from another “world” or that they were already in Teyvat before encountering the Sustainer
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
the travelr woke up shortly before the opening cutscene
@SuaveBreezy Месяц назад
@reveriesend4668 Месяц назад
hmm now that I think if it: is the flower on Lumine's hair petrified?
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
should be ya
@suzumiya_19 Месяц назад
... I remember when we were little, my real-life late brother would put flowers in my hair. 😢❤
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
me and my brother would fight over a small red tricycle we had
@suzumiya_19 Месяц назад
​@@DawitsLookingforEmiliayour the eldest? I mean I'm the older sister
@victorctct Месяц назад
What if the home world of the twins is where the roots of Khaenriah are? We know that the people of Khaenriah never had a god, so I am assuming that they are humans who were not created by the Primordial One.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
khaenriah was always founded with the intent of never having a god. they rejected them and believed they were native to teyvat. I did always find it odd a group of humans would have a problem with that, given it would mean they also werent from teyvat- unless of course like u said its a diff group of humans
@abyssal_phoenix Месяц назад
What would be interesting is if the flower was not created. Since not every flower actually does photosynthesis! A few species of plants are completely parasitic, some even parasitise fungi iirc. Would be cool if it was a native flower of the underground realm of khanria
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
very true
@abyssal_phoenix Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia would be yet another case of genshin devs doing their research if that were to be the case. What we also don't know is how the nation even was so aware and interested in descenders. What if the underground location originally had traces of other worlds, as if there truly was a rift that caused an intermingling of species from different worlds! Which was the root for the discovery and fascination I cannot wait to explore this lore
@welachutmelexcel Месяц назад
Now i want to know why she has exactly 101539 strands of hair.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@keip4568 Месяц назад
She is Alien!!
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
ur alien >:(
@keip4568 Месяц назад
​@@DawitsLookingforEmiliaEVERYONE ALIENS!! 😢 (‘д‘ )
@user-lo8od1mg7v Месяц назад
What if the intevat flower grows with the light of the abysal moon ?
@DawitsLookingforEmilia 29 дней назад
hmm thats a thought. did khaenriah have an abyssal moon shine over the kingdom?
@user-lo8od1mg7v 29 дней назад
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Well ,I am not sure .But ,since there is no sun in kaenriah one logical speculation would be that the flowers can grow with the light of the moon .But, that's just my speculation .I could be wrong !
@alexandertran2442 Месяц назад
Inteyvat--In(side) Teyvat like Khaenriah? Bah dum tis
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@t.k.5088 Месяц назад
Teyvat is big about samsara and cycles of the same story repeating itself. The abyss twin always says they "made the same journey" the other did. Could it be possible that traveler!Lumine is a reincarnation, a clone, or even a homunculus version of og Lumine, who passed away? That would explain the flowers being put in her hair before she "woke up." Heck, maybe they are just a successful experiment regardless of the player's choice. Idk, Lumine looks too upset in her side of the story based off the latest animated short. I wouldn't say that's what it looks like when a person whose sibling has gone missing... it looks like a person whose sibling got their life subscription cancelled.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
life subscription cancelled is absurd lmfao
@AegisZero Месяц назад
it's in the name. In...teyvat 😂
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@ishitasingh5427 Месяц назад
i might be wrong but isn't khanaeriah upside down?
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@ishitasingh5427 Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia the defiled statue, all the architecture we've seen so far, it's all upside down so I always assumed it's like underneath sumeru but upside down
@SakisamiAkina Месяц назад
Yo dawittt! Saki here with another pointless question!!! So, I’ve noticed that the traveler doesn’t speak Teyvat language, and have Paimon as their guide, doing most of the talking for them. Though, one thing I thought of was, how does Paimon know the travelers language? I mean, I when they first met in the beginning of the game, they were kinda talking to eachother like they knew what eachother was saying…I don’t think I’ve heard anyone speak on this…what do you think?
@rosehunt9650 Месяц назад
The voice lines for the traveler suggest that the traveler can indeed speak Teyvats language in present time thanks to Paimon. You pose an interesting question though about how Paimon was able to teach the language. Maybe they used visual drawings to communicate since the traveler was seen drawing in the sand during the opening cutscene?
@rosehunt9650 Месяц назад
Sorry to randomly insert myself, I just found your comment interesting.
@SakisamiAkina Месяц назад
@@rosehunt9650 that’s an interesting take! But I kind of think otherwise, as the way the traveler and Paimon talk to eachother in voice lines is a lot more than in quests. It’s also been pointed out that Paimon teaches traveler Teyvat language, so she would kind of have to know travelers language as well. Your idea might be the case though, it makes sense
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
AHAHA HI SALO THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION. tbh I dont think its ever gonna get addressed tho lol just seems like plot convenience more then anything, but it is quite the plot hole lol
@urielgonzalez4122 Месяц назад
Wasn’t this already explained in the story quest? Like huh
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@urielgonzalez4122 Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia :(
@kevingame3198 Месяц назад
They call me aether/Lumine and I'm the only one knows that's coming the fatui are not the real threat to teyvat the abyss order is and most importantly the most powerful alien the alpha abyss still lives.
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@keip4568 Месяц назад
Lumine is also not canon protagonist obviously by many videos by Hoyo!!
@monadolifesaver5613 Месяц назад
Only cause Hoyo simplified the idea of the traveler for trailers (following the nonexistent switch version trailer). I'd like to see how they're gonna try to keep the traveler's story the same regardless of gender, or if they're gonna mess up the lumine version at some point somehow.
@soujiokita6062 Месяц назад
A self claimed hoyo's writer again
@keip4568 Месяц назад
@@soujiokita6062 they did not do the same for HSR it obviously their choice and what they make it.
@keip4568 Месяц назад
@@monadolifesaver5613 with the recent animation they did featuring both of them. To long back when the game started.
@keip4568 Месяц назад
@@monadolifesaver5613 they only seems to use Lumine is some streams and live stream/Twitch promotions/fan Hoyofair stuff which isn't by them.
@karurosuh Месяц назад
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@mybeaniebooz9601 Месяц назад
>called inteyvat >isn't in teyvat >:(
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@silverthehedghogrule 21 день назад
bruh :o
@danita122 Месяц назад
why did they even allowed to choose your protagonist
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
it is pretty funny huh.
@soujiokita6062 Месяц назад
Don't listen to these bs... Aether is the poster boy..he is featured to keep the confusion away for advertisement...
@aigerakabane1312 Месяц назад
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@karurosuh Месяц назад
answer me i needa ask you smth
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
whats the word hummingbird
@karurosuh Месяц назад
@@DawitsLookingforEmilia it’s more like a question. a question that i want answered positively will there be a theory on what dainsleif’s entire reason and motives are before his quest comes out?
@mabilleaudrey2154 Месяц назад
She probably picked up in Kaenri’ah when she met the king of Kaenri’ah and she took one to show she belongs from this nation and showing her love for it ? And that prove that Lumine is the villain and Aether the canon MC because our sibling comes from Kaenri’ah according to what Nahida found into the Irmisul
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
eh maybe
@keip4568 Месяц назад
I cringed so far when playing this part on my stolen whale account (picked Lumine) It makes no sense with her like she doesn't even know of the flowers she puts on everyday! Ugh
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
@rosehunt9650 Месяц назад
Yup. Lumine having the inteyvats in her hair as the abyss sibling makes sense, but as the traveler, the story gets all wonky and confused.
@afrodykeeism Месяц назад
What if inteyvats were brought to khan'raeah by the travellers?
@DawitsLookingforEmilia Месяц назад
i think that provides a very slim time frame for the inteyvat to have been as renowned as it was in khaenriah