
Where is God to be found when you are told your cancer is terminal? Steve Legg and Allan Finnegan 

Premier Unbelievable?
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Where is God to be found when facing the no-joke reality of a terminal diagnosis for cancer? Two comedians, who are both Christians, are facing just this challenge. This discussion between Steve Legg and Allan Finnegan hosted by Andy Kind will transform the way you think about terminal illness. This uplifting show explores why two men in the prime of life feel closer to God than before they received their devastating diagnoses.
Allan Finnegan competed in the 2020 series of the ITV variety competition Britain’s Got Talent and got to the semi-finals with his comedy act. After the show, Allan a Baptist minister continued working at his church in Bootle, UK as normal but sought medical advice when he started to experience some issues with his vision in 2022. He has now been given one year to live after being diagnosed with a rare cancer and has been told by doctors they can do nothing more for him. See below for his GoFundMe.
Steve Legg is also a funnyman of faith who was given 120 days to live. He’s already passed that and his phenomenally successful book The Last Laugh amzn.eu/d/hvoAj0W tells the gripping story of rather than get busy dying he got busy living. Like Allan, Steve’s story offers genuine hope in the face of death.
#cancer #death #heaven #faith #love
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For Steve Legg:
Get Steve Legg's book 'The Last Laugh' here amzn.eu/d/aUVMXtv
Instagram: / stevelegguk
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For Allan Finnegan:
Allan’s treatment is not available on the NHS but you can help pay for his potentially life-saving treatment here at Allan's GoFundMe page gofund.me/ad0b...
Instagram: / rev_allan_finnegan
X (Twitter): / aifinnegan
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@PremierUnbelievable 12 дней назад
After living with a terminal cancer diagnosis for 17 months, Steve Legg passed away on 18/09/24. We take comfort in the Christian belief that he is now resting in joy and glory. Our hearts and prayers are with his wife, Bekah, and the entire family during this time of immense loss. The entire Unbelievable? podcast team send our deepest condolences. This episode captures the essence of Steve-hopeful, funny, compassionate, and full of faith. We encourage you to listen and share it with a friend, as a tribute to his remarkable spirit.
@hanschdude23 6 месяцев назад
❤️❤️🙏🙏💪🏻💪🏻 God Bless all three of you. Prayers for you every day. My wife has received a terminal cancer diagnosis at 57, and I want her to watch this video, too. ❤❤
@eensio 6 месяцев назад
I hope that you can speak about your symptoms early enough to get the right medical care and in this way avoid suffering. It is not true that we must suffer before the death comes.
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
Faith/trust…..words people use when they have no evidence.
@justin10292000 6 месяцев назад
ALL metanarratives, philosophies, worldviews and religions are faith-based. Science itself is based on unprovable philosophical assumptions that are simply accepted a priori. Confidence = Latin con fide = "with faith." atheism is silly, toddler-tantrumish blind-faith based nonsense.
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
Gratuitous suffering has no “happy ending”. It’s just suffering. No plan…no god.
@justin10292000 6 месяцев назад
You are right: there is no "god." No Christian believes in or worships "god." Category fallacy error.
@whittfamily1 6 месяцев назад
Getting terminal cancer is a major harm. If God did exist, he would prevent all major harms, like terminal cancer. But we have it anyway. What does this mean? Obviously, it means that God does not exist.
@TheEvegrant 6 месяцев назад
I heard a woman who struggled with chronic pain say something so uplifting. She said it really isn’t about being physically healed, it is about knowing who the Healer is!
@stephentollworthy4239 6 месяцев назад
This was such an incredibly inspiring podcast. I’ve been a committed Christian for many years and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that at times there are big moments of ‘Why God?’ But the testimony of people like Steve and Alan make my heart soar and dig ever deeper to trust the God who made me and who holds the world in His hands. Even when we don’t have the answers, I’d far rather have my Heavenly Father to turn to in the Whys than have nothing. A crutch you might say. Well why not? However, I KNOW it to be so much more than that - when you have a personal relationship with Jesus, the assurance you have in your spirit is unmistakable and life changing. Go on…..try it 😊 Ever since I heard about Steve, I’ve been praying daily that he would continue to know God’s peace and blessing and God is answering. Now I’ve been introduced to Alan through this podcast, I will do the same for him. God bless you both for your courage, positivity and wonderful example of faith. Truly inspiring ❤ And the moderator was great too 😮
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
Your claims and assertions are just that….YOURS. I’m willing to bet that you think that an hour with Jesus at Starbucks over coffee would be the same as an hour of prayer and Bible reading.
@whittfamily1 6 месяцев назад
The answer to your question "Why God?" is "God does not exist, and this has been proven." If God did exist, you would have the answers. You wouldn't be in mystery or just guessing. You don't have a personal relationship with Jesus. He is dead. You can't have a relationship with a dead person. Duh.
@justin10292000 6 месяцев назад
​@@whittfamily1What false and hateful rhetoric you atheist trolls spew. Begone.
@justin10292000 6 месяцев назад
​@@mr.c2485Begone, hateful atheist troll. Why do you feel the need to spew your despairing nonsense all over these message boards?
@GapsOfTheGod 6 месяцев назад
The god of the Bible. The most absent of fathers!
@whittfamily1 6 месяцев назад
Yes, God does not even exist. This has been proven.
@APCSW19 6 месяцев назад
It's incredible to hear your positivity.
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
Go figure….it’s called indoctrination. Terrible disease!
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
It’s not positivity….it’s wishful thinking.
@justin10292000 6 месяцев назад
​@mr.c2485 It's ATHEISM that is "wishful thinking." atheism lived out consistently is also hopeless horror and despair. Take your hateful, satanic horror somewhere else and stop trolling people who possess REAL Hope, meaning, purpose, joy, love and gratitude.
@annawilliams5181 6 месяцев назад
I consider it an honour to have heard these special people sharing their stories may the Lord continue to work through them and in them and truly shower them with blessings 💖 🙏
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
Pain and suffering are a blessing…wtf? Your god is a narcissistic douche!
@whittfamily1 6 месяцев назад
Sadly, God does not exist. This has been proven.
@miriamhickson6935 6 месяцев назад
Wonderful and inspiring podcast. Thank you all
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
People do take comfort in bullsh*t. It’s a human thing.
@PremierUnbelievable 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for listening!
@justin10292000 6 месяцев назад
​@@mr.c2485Why are you so angry and full of cursing? If you ever get redpilled by Holy Spirit, you will lose your hateful bitterness.
@dissidentfairy4264 6 месяцев назад
This is so heartbreaking! But both men look very well in spite of their prognosis. I don't think either one of them is going anywhere anytime soon. I wish them both the very best. Let's hope they beat the odds. "All things are possible with God."♥
@whittfamily1 6 месяцев назад
Nothing is possible with God since God does not exist. This has been proven.
@dissidentfairy4264 6 месяцев назад
@@whittfamily1So where's your proof?
@whittfamily1 6 месяцев назад
@@dissidentfairy4264 I am happy to present one of the proofs to you, but in return I expect you to make thoughtful replies. Ok? Notice: After you read the argument below, please provide answers to these questions: 1. Do you understand the argument? If not, what specifically do you not understand? 2. Is there an error in the argument? If so, what is it? 3. Do you agree that the argument and its conclusion are correct? If not, why not? The Three-Way Argument Against the Existence of God Based on the Holocaust: By Gary Whittenberger, Copyright 1-29-2023, 7-13-2023, 7-29-2023, 8-14-2023 1. Definition: God is 1) the hypothetical, unique, exclusive, supernatural, independent, spiritual, normally invisible person, conscious intelligent agent, or sentient entity. He is OMNI lasting (eternal), present, knowing, powerful, intelligent, rational, creative, and resilient (invincible). He is also OMNI loving, compassionate, and moral with respect to other persons. He fills the roles of cosmos designer and producer (creator), occasional interventionist in the world, and afterlife manager who decides the favorable or unfavorable disposition of human souls after they die. or 2) the greatest imaginable possible person (the “GIPPer”) who, if he existed, would possess all desirable traits to their highest degrees and no undesirable traits, and who would be worthy of our greatest respect, admiration, and worship. The First Way 2. If God can and does exist, because of his nature he would have attempted to prevent the Holocaust and he would have succeeded. Consequently, the Holocaust would not have occurred. 3. But the Holocaust did occur. 4. Therefore, God cannot and does not exist. The Second Way 5. If God can and does exist, and if the Holocaust did occur, then because of his nature God had at least one morally justified reason to allow the Holocaust. 6. The Holocaust did occur. 7. Thus, if God can and does exist, then he had at least one morally justified reason to allow the Holocaust. 8. There are specific morally justified reasons for some persons to allow the horrible harm of the Holocaust to occur, but God would not have any of them; none would be available to him. A. Other persons might justly allow the Holocaust because they did not know that the Holocaust was going to occur. But this could not be a reason for God since he would be all-knowing. B. Other persons might justly allow the Holocaust because they did not have the power to prevent it or immediately stop it. But this could not be a reason for God since he would be all-powerful. C. Other persons might justly allow the Holocaust because they knew that somebody else was in the process of preventing it and the other was likely to succeed. But this could not be a reason for God since he would know about the Holocaust ready to happen before anyone else would know since he would be all-knowing. Also, God would know that a successful prevention of the Holocaust by human beings was very unlikely. (Note that there were at least 15 attempts to assassinate Hitler and they were all unsuccessful.) D. Other persons might justly allow the Holocaust because they would have been killed in an attempt to prevent or stop it. But this could not be a reason for God since he would be invulnerable, all-powerful, and eternal. E. Other persons might justly allow the Holocaust because they would have been significantly injured in an attempt to prevent or stop it. But this could not be a reason for God since he would be invulnerable and all-powerful. F. Other persons might justly allow the Holocaust because they would have significantly suffered in an attempt to prevent or stop it. But this could not be a reason for God since he would be invulnerable and all-powerful. G. Other persons might justly allow the Holocaust because allowing it would be necessary for them to prevent some greater harm than the Holocaust itself. But this could not be a reason for God since nothing at all would be necessary for him to allow in order to prevent some greater harm since he would be all-powerful. God would have dominion over all metaphysical and natural necessities, contingencies, and laws. H. Other persons might justly allow the Holocaust because allowing it would be necessary for them to produce a benefit which outweighed the Holocaust. But this could not be a reason for God since nothing at all would be necessary for him to allow in order to produce some benefit that would outweigh the Holocaust since he would be all-powerful. God would have dominion over all metaphysical and natural necessities, contingencies, and laws. I. Other persons might justly allow the Holocaust because it resulted in perfect punishments for all the victims for their past immoral behaviors. But the Holocaust did not have the features of perfect punishments for all victims. For example, it lacked advance rule declaration, administration by proper authority, individualized proportional severity, and the least severity effective for all victims. Since the Holocaust harms did not exhibit the features of perfect punishments for all victims, the harms could not have been punishments from God. Hitler thought that annihilation of the Jewish people would be a morally justified and deserved punishment. He was wrong, and God would never agree with him on this point. J. Other persons might justly allow the Holocaust if they pre-arranged for all potential victims to experience benefits after the Holocaust which were logically contingent on the harms (e.g. care, character development, criminal justice, and compensation), which outweighed any harms from the Holocaust, and which occurred in life on Earth. But after the Holocaust, a substantial proportion of the victims received no logically contingent benefits and for most of them who did, the benefits were outweighed by the harms. And so, God would have had no involvement with this. K. Other persons might justly allow the Holocaust because they acquired the advance informed consent of all potential victims to experience the harms of the Holocaust in exchange for assured consequent benefits. But there is no good evidence that such consent was acquired by anyone, even God, from any victim. 9. And so, God could not and did not have even one morally justified reason to allow the Holocaust. 10. Therefore, God cannot and does not exist. The Third Way 11. Furthermore, if any tribunal is investigating or evaluating the occurrence of any horrible harm to a group of persons, then any person who has knowledge of any detail related to that occurrence should offer or present their testimony about what they know. Every person knowledgeable of the occurrence has a moral duty to come forward to the tribunal and testify to what they know, telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 12. The Nuremberg Trials constituted a tribunal investigating or evaluating the occurrence of the Holocaust. 13. And so, if God can exist and does exist, because he would be both omni-powerful and omni-moral, then at the Nuremberg Trials he would have testified as a witness, sworn to tell “the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me myself,” and this truth would have included any reasons for his allowing the Holocaust. 14. But God did not testify at the Nuremberg Trials. 15. Once again, therefore, God cannot and does not exist.
@justin10292000 6 месяцев назад
​@@whittfamily1atheism is silly, toddler-tantrumish nonsense. EVERYTHING is proof of God. atheists put blind faith in the belief that a non-programmed-by-a-Mind, unguided-by-a-Mind accident, the brain according to atheism, can be "trusted" to give them "truth." Now THAT is BLIND faith. I don't have enough blind faith to be an atheist, but apparently YOU do!!
@stephenbailey9969 6 месяцев назад
The God who suffered and died as we do is always there, through all joys and all sorrows. All of us have to leave this body behind. But there is new life, immortal and incorruptible in Him.
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
Hope in a heaven gives people comfort. Unfortunately, there is nothing to falsify that claim. Your god is silent 🤫
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
Live your life in a fictional future…your prerogative.
@stephenbailey9969 6 месяцев назад
@@mr.c2485 You can only live now. With hope or without. Everyone's choice.
@stephenbailey9969 6 месяцев назад
@@mr.c2485 Not silent at all. He communes with his people directly always. We are never alone.
@whittfamily1 6 месяцев назад
You are confusing two different persons. Jesus was a real human being who was crucified by the Romans. God is just a hypothetical supernatural being, who has been proven not to exist.
@gabrielleangelica1977 6 месяцев назад
You'll see God when you cross over.
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
I’ve “crossed over” on a DMT trip. No god necessary..
@gabrielleangelica1977 6 месяцев назад
@@mr.c2485 Not the same thing, Buddy. Not even close!
@whittfamily1 6 месяцев назад
There is no good evidence for "crossing over," souls, spirits, heaven, or hell.
@davethebrahman9870 6 месяцев назад
God is never there when you need him. In the worst crises he is silent. People suffer the most appalling circumstances; they watch their children die of cancer, they suffer mental illnesses that turn the world into a nightmare, they are victims of every kind of abuse. Worse, there are individuals who suffer all these things. Not a peep from the supposedly loving Father. The only possible excuse for God is that he doesn’t exist.
@kenbarber6592 6 месяцев назад
Judge nothing before it’s time.
@davethebrahman9870 6 месяцев назад
@@kenbarber6592 What do you think would make up for God doing nothing while a million children died in gas chambers?
@grayfoxart2268 6 месяцев назад
​@@davethebrahman9870 that's the difference, if bad things happen, you blame God, if he doesn't do anything you still blame Him. True Christian's trust God regardless of circumstances, that's why you keep hearing stories such as this on the video. God is the author of life, and certainly can give it back. This life we have is temporary.
@davethebrahman9870 6 месяцев назад
@@grayfoxart2268 What has any of that got to do with God’s culpability for the enormous amount of human suffering? Thank God he doesn’t exist, he would have to be a monster.
@kenbarber6592 6 месяцев назад
@@davethebrahman9870 You will see. By that I mean, you will see them all. Why do you think God was doing nothing?
@mirandaody-beau9581 6 месяцев назад
Great job hosting Andy! Thanks guys for sharing....
@paulliddle8272 2 дня назад
I have a blood cancer and my God is still working on me and thought me.
@HughColling 6 месяцев назад
My God, Steve, you so nailed it with your firm “I’m good”s. This will sound strange to many, but the fact is neither of you two inspiring and courageous men have any ailment whatsoever. We are not our bodies, and though we should care for them, it matters not what becomes of them. They are amazing creations of God, and temporary homes for us to live in in this life, but we really musn’t confuse what we are - an eternal energy as David Icke suggests - with our bodies. You ARE good in your essence. Sometimes I slip up and say something incorrect to my wife like, “I’m stiff today” - which happens out of force of habit, whereas I should, ideally but awkwardly, have correctly said, “This body/My body” “is stiff today”. I almost said, “I’m a crip.” Wrong. It’s “My body is crippled.” Thank you, my three beautiful children of God spiritual bros. I like that “die living” or “live dying”. But because we never die, my version of the former is “take the journey living”. For me, the value of the Virtue of COURAGE has just gone up. From the First Nations North Americans comes this affirmation: 🌹“There is no death - only a change of worlds.”🌹 🕊️ Peace to the righteous who can bear the truth. Birdy says “Tweet”. 🐦🐭🐕 Hugh the Uniquer.
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
You have “it” bad. Your momma really taught you well. 😊
@tandy.Jlions 6 месяцев назад
@GapsOfTheGod 6 месяцев назад
Imagine having a father who could do anything within his power (in this instance, supposed omnipotence) to relieve you of your pain, but decides not to. That's the kind of dad nobody wants, or needs. He's either a moral monster, or doesn't exist. Choose wisely.
@El_Paracleto 6 месяцев назад
OR, your thinking is in error...Nice try though...
@MrDylanHole 6 месяцев назад
Or simply God is impersonal.
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
Religious bullsh*t starts at childhood…the ultimate abuse. Should be laws against it..
@mr.c2485 6 месяцев назад
@@El_Paracleto Who knows? Your god is silent and indifferent.
@whittfamily1 6 месяцев назад
God doesn't exist. This has been proven.
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