
Who is the Beast of Revelation 13? Ben Witherington 

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@Seedbed 6 лет назад
Study the book of Romans with Dr. Ben Witherington - get the Bible study from our store here: >>> store.seedbed.com/products/the-letter-to-the-romans-onebook-daily-weekly Get our best-selling Bible study on the Old Testament - Epic of Eden - from our store here: >>> store.seedbed.com/products/epic-of-eden-by-sandra-richter
@danitewatchman6538 5 лет назад
Dr Witherington presents very useful information for Christians to consider, However in this case his assumptions are incorrect as 6, 6, 6 is presented in the context of the book of revelation, as is 7, 7, 7. In the context of Revelation we find 1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3, 4-4-4, 5-5-5, 6-6-6, and 7-7-7, all of these aligning with the seals trumpets and vials.. However the 6-6-6 aligns with Satan as the fake Jesus and 7-7-7 aligns with Jesus Christ. .................. What Dr Witherington is aligning is Daniel 7 with a numerical value of 6,6,6 or 6,1,6, which in the historical sequence was Rome. However in the sequence which will occur to this generation it will not be Rome, it will be the figure described in Daniel 11 who comes peaceably spreading the wealth and who is identified in Revelation 13 who looks like the lamb (Jesus Christ) and who works miracles in the sight of men (to deceive them) and who sets up an image for them to worship... That entity is related to the 6th seal, 6th Trumpet, 6th Vial....
@DRG5559 4 года назад
If Jesus is not the Christ, does that make him the antichrist?
@ginajourney 3 года назад
You don't know who the beast is. Jesus said 2000 years ago he would not cometh in his name and he didn't. He cometh with a new name. I am the only woman in the world that can explain why the prositute left her first love and the type of love it is. Read Mathew 12 42 because I have heard the wisdom of solomon last 3 an half years, behold something greater than solomon is here. I will not share the name of the father until the world comes together as one. May not then because y'all don't need him to save you . You can save yourself.
@DRG5559 3 года назад
@@ginajourney God is I AM. The father and mother in one. "I" is the father. AM is the Mother., but backwards, Ma. Or May, Mai, Ma I.
@DRG5559 3 года назад
@Jacyr Lima That is all to much. I think I saw the birth of Jesus 911. That was the big wake up call, the call for help. The story of the twins, one likes to trick people into believeing he is the other. Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit and he is the one who will call him Immanuel because that is the name God gave him. Gabriel told Joseph and Mary to give him the name Jesus because he will save his people. All this took place to fulfill what the Lord said through the prophet. The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, not in this world or the next. God told me that this covid is because of the people He lead out of Egypt with Moses was to be his people and He be their God, but they broke the covet and went back to there old ways, they worship Baal, false gods and idols made out of wood, and clay. They can't speak, so when the people cry out for help, I will do nothing, let there gods help them, so he told me not to pray for them. He said he would have gave them the land he promised there fathers, the land that I possess. America? Milk & Honey. So this is Gods wrath, because the people don't remember him. The name Jesus is not from God. Immanuel is the name he gave him, and Daniel is his father, the son of man. Like when Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, the son of man must be lifted up so whoever believes in him may have eternal life. Maybe this covid is for those who Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I've been trying to tell them, if you pray to the dead, Death will come. Father time has a sickle as a symbol, and his name is Coronus. Mother nature is force behind the word. Her name is mother ma I, or Ma I, or may. We all know that the father and I are one. I AM is God, MA I is the Mother God. The Father is the word, because what the father says, it will be done. The word was with God, the Mother, silent but deadly force and power of creation and destruction. Giver of Life and death. You don't mess with Mother nature. When he comes he will convict the World of guilt in regard to sin Because men do not believe in me. He is the Judge. Dan means Judge. Do not speak against him. He is the Holy Spirit, in the flesh.
@daughterofgod3109 10 лет назад
Hello children of the one true living God, please give our heavenly Father glory, honour, praise, and worship.
@TIJoe-te9qu 8 месяцев назад
Per Revelation 14, fearing God and giving him glory includes recognizing the time of His judgment has come (see Daniel 8), recognizing who Babylon is, and reclaiming the true Sabbath (notice the 4th commandment language in the first angels message.) It also means RIGHTLY dividing who the beast and what his MARK is.
@sbubb9155 2 года назад
99.9% of this world already worship him and just don't realize it or refuse to accept the truth if it's right in front of them.
@Speedyunch Год назад
1 John 5:19 The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.
@hermanocaloy9094 Год назад
it's 100 percent---anybody who is not a part of this world is not of this world; they are sanctified (separated)...
@bruce8961 Год назад
99.9% how do you Know that?
@TIJoe-te9qu 8 месяцев назад
Applying Roman/Latin numerical values to the pope's title that USED to be officially recognized by the catholic church, VICARIUS FILII DEI, yields exactly 666. This only confirms the OTHER characteristics of Revelation 13 met ONLY by the papal system. VICARIUS Filii Dei means Vicar of the Son of God. Therefore, the popes also meet the requirement of BLASPHEMY. THE PAPACY also persecuted the saints for 1260 years continually, from the decree of Justinian in 538 to the deadly wound when Napoleon took out the pope in 1798, and he died in captivity. The pope also arose to power after the 4th beast , pagan Rome, plucked out 3 kings, the Arian tribes of the Vandals, Ostragoths, and Heruli, and thought to change God's times and laws, which the pope did with the 2nd, 4th, and 10th commandments. See the catholic Bible. Daniel 7.24, 25, shows exactly this, and gies together with Revelation 13. The papacy is the great apostasy, the falling away, that the prophets declared would come.
@peterclarke3990 Месяц назад
Yes, Vicar of God as the reformation saints realised. And when they did, they took Vicarius Filiii Dei of his mitre and a Jesuit call Ribera in 1593 suggested that the antichrist would be future thereby taking all attention away from the papacy and the Roman Catholic church. He sits in the temple of God proclaiming himself to be God. This view, together with the ‘secret rapture’ pre tribulation rapture view prophesied by Margaret Macdonald in 1830 which is totally unbiblical in Samuel Irving brethren church and later made popular by the likes of John Nelson Darby and CS Schofield in the middle to late 1800’s is now the most popular view taken of the last days and believed by a large proportion of the Evangelical church. Look at the majority of end times RU-vid videos and you will this view declared by the likes of David Jeremiah, Skip Heitzig, Amir Tsarfati and JD Farag amongst many others. Totally and utterly unbiblical, but many believe it because it is escapist.
@doncamp1150 11 месяцев назад
The message of Revelation is absolutely "be prepared, Christians, to go through the tribulation. Amen!
@frankgordon8829 11 месяцев назад
THE most dangerous theology today is of The Rapture. I heard a Chinese pastor who made it out of China during Mao's purge. When China opened up again to foreign travel, he went back to where he lived & preached. He noticed an old man & thought he recognized him. He said in his testimony, the other man recognized him also & crossed the street to avoid him. The pastor ran over & said "Brother 'so-n-so,' don't you recognize me??" And the man answered him and said "Yes pastor, I do! You preached for YEARS that Christ would come back & save us from the horrible tribulation! Then Mao came to power & imprisoned all Christians! I have just spent 30 years in prison. You NEVER prepared us for this. You said it wouldn't happen. I no longer believe in Jesus OR the Bible!' Think how many people are just looking heavenward & NOT preparing their bodies, souls & mind for what is coming?
@TIJoe-te9qu 10 месяцев назад
Yes, NOT getting whisked away in a secret rapture of Jesuit dispensationalism origin. Daniel 12 says Christians will be here to go through it, but will escape the plagues just like the Israelites did in Egypt.
@bert-cq3ij 7 месяцев назад
There is no definite article "the" in front of tribulation in the Greek. All Christians go thru tribulations...it's biblical. Check out 70AD...nothing COULD or WILL BE uglier than that period of time in Jerusalem's destruction...not ever, unless you are believing in the so-called rapture.
@doncamp1150 7 месяцев назад
That is right. The passage in Revelation implies that tribulation is the character of the entire period from Pentecost and the inception of the church to the end and the coming of Christ. There is the implication that this tribulation will become more intense as we approach the end and the 70th week of Daniel. @@bert-cq3ij
@TIJoe-te9qu 7 месяцев назад
@@bert-cq3ij Read Daniel 12: 1-2. It describes a worldwide time of trouble that never has been, or will be, equalled. Think 70 AD GLOBALLY. THE 7 last plagues will be far nastier than even 70 AD.
@whitebeardInn 9 месяцев назад
You, like a lot of people, confuse "the Beast" and "the Antichrist" as being the same person, they are not. Firstly, the beasts (there's more than one) mentioned in Revelation are symbolic of other things, remember it's apocalyptic writing which would be very familiar to first century Jews. Secondly, the Apostle John is the only person in the Bible to use the term "antichrist" and he defined it for us in 1 John 2:22, "Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son." And in 2 John 1:7, "For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist." There is no future world leader waiting to pounce on all the Jews and Christians. John tells us in 1 John 2:18 that, "Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour." The "last hour" John is warning of is the short time left for the Jews, the Temple and Jerusalem. The fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 was the "Big Event" that Jesus used John to warn his Church about. The first century Christians heeded John's warning and fled Jerusalem before the Romans laid siege to the city.
@CAPMARK123 2 года назад
Sorry but the book of Revelation is NOT the book of martyrs.....it's the testimony of Jesus Christ !!!!! Revelation 1:1 KJV The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
@peterjongsma2754 6 лет назад
666 also means incompletion.Antichrists will happen repeatedly. But greater is He that is within you than he that is in the World.St Paul yearned for martyrdom and to be with Christ.Have no fear of antichrists.They are easily recognizable.
@eddiemunster4094 4 года назад
Correct throughout time there has been many antichrists from Nero to Kim Jong Un more shall come!
@palhenrikvelde3227 4 года назад
@@eddiemunster4094 what the fuck has kim jong un done
@tileformiles 3 года назад
If Trump is reinstated in August, that will be a fulfillment of Rev13:3-5
@jockmactaggart6068 3 года назад
@jayr399 2 года назад
Yup trump is the last anti christ foretold by the Bible. He fits the end times anti christ to the T
@Constans99 6 лет назад
Try the numeric form of Lateinos (a Greek word) or Vicarius Filii Dei. The greatest world ruler who persecuted true Christians historically was the Roman papacy. He's also that Man of Sin who sits in the temple of God (the church) showing himself that he is god. Research the historic teaching of the Roman church-state with regard to the Pope (each in his turn) claiming to be Christ behind a veil of flesh. It's that man who claims to be Christ and the head of the church who takes the place (Gr. "Anti-) of Christ visibly who is that beast of Revelation 13.
@goldielocks5252 5 лет назад
Contendia 4Truth I came up with that as well. I also find it interesting that when Satan fell from the heights in Hebrew translates to Barack O bama Lightening and Heights when the dark angel fell
@toyosioyejobi309 4 года назад
You are very close to the truth. However I believe the world is still in preparation for that Revelation. The roman Catholic empire will be revived again with the pope as the head with 1 religion and there will be several miracles performed by the false pentecostal churches that will submit to him
@Constans99 4 года назад
@A child of the Truth Yes, you have it. Study up on history too. Look into the role of the Jesuit order in the Counter-Reformation. Take note on the prevalence of Jesuit-educated people in positions of power in public service.
@Constans99 4 года назад
@A child of the Truth I tend to favor Lateinos (transliteration of the Greek) which means "Latin Man." If you have access to a Greek New Testament, you'll see that the original Greek for six hundred, three score and six are three Greek letters that stand for those numbers. The Greeks also used Greek letters for numbers (Greek numerals) like the Romans used letters for numbers in Roman numerals.
@maedrosbott5274 4 года назад
The history of the papacy is the condemnation of the Church of Rome.
@paulbrown6008 10 месяцев назад
Would you say that the number is symbolic of worldly rulership and therefore represents ALL world RULE and not just "A" leader. Therefore the number represents the anthesis of the SEAL of GOD. By the way, thank you for your very enlightening videos, and for the brevity of same.
@fernandopaulus9088 5 лет назад
Seedbed has become my theological school
@fernandopaulus9088 3 года назад
@CanUDraw this was terrible
@RobTheFossil Год назад
The beast of Revelation? Look at the national flags of the World and read Matthew 4 vs 8 and 9. The sickle moon and the pentagram star is growing in number on flags of Earth. Their culture depicts every name that Jesus called Satan. Every single name and abominable deed. The nature of Man allows his power gains as he is the beast that hates the prostitute now leading Western lands they flock to for safety. And to change their new home. To their law. Sharia. Tabari 9 verse 69 is their law.
@titaniumsteel9114 2 года назад
Years ago I worked summers on a farm in Michigan, near a fundamentalist Christian community. I didn’t know much about them other than that you didn’t want to get behind one of their members in a checkout line, because if their total had the number six in it, they would keep buying things until the sixes disappeared. This behavior came from a fear of having anything to do with the number 666, which some Christians have connected to Satan and see as a symbol of evil. The whole issue goes back to the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, particularly the verse which says, “One who understands can calculate the number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a person. His number is six hundred and sixty-six” (Rev. 13:18). One wonders where all the fear about the sinister 666 comes from, because the author provided some pretty good clues about its meaning right in the passage. First, the number is a definite product of a numerical process which an attentive reader-“one who understands”-could arrive at. Second, it stands for a real person, a specific historical figure. In the biblical world, the number seven stood for wholeness and completeness, so to be called a “666” was an insult implying that you were short of being the real thing. Also, if you take the Greek form of the name of the Emperor Nero, the Roman emperor around the time of Revelation, and write it in Hebrew, the letters, which can also have numeric values, “add up” to-you guessed it-666. For its original audience, the number symbolized the repressive Roman Empire personified in its “beastly” emperor, which, though it claimed divine authority and had seemingly absolute power, would always be a “six,” never a “seven,” and thus would not prevail in the long run. Unfortunately some Christians have forgotten the original historical context of the number. Over the centuries many have come to see the numbers and other symbols in the Book of Revelation as a secret code by which they could predict the future or connect the dots between the Bible and the contemporary world to show how God’s apocalyptic plans are unfolding in current events. This secret-code school of reading Revelation and other biblical prophetic books does get one thing right. The vivid images in the book are symbolic, but symbolic to a particular time and place, not shapeable to whatever someone wants them to mean. Like any passage of scripture, you first have to look at the original meaning. In the case of Revelation, the book was encouraging an embattled Christian community to remain faithful and be wary of conforming too closely to the ways of the hostile world. The number 666 has never had magical powers, good or bad. That’s superstition, not religion. A friend of mine has been reading the “Left Behind” series with all this stuff about the ‘Rapture’ in them…is there really going to be a ‘Rapture’ like these books talk about? No, there’s not. The “Rapture” refers to a passage in First Thessalonians, chapter 4, which talks about Christians being “caught up” in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Many Christians believe, and the “Left Behind” books promote, that this being “caught up” to meet the Lord will occur before the Great Tribulation which is headed our way in the near future. Christians will simply vanish, meet Jesus somewhere in the air, and then return with Him to Heaven to await the end of time.But notice, in verse 17, Paul says that “…we who are alive, who are left,” shall be caught up. Remember that…those who are “left” get caught up to meet the Lord. The “Left Behind” books get their name from a passage in Luke 17 and a similar passage in Matthew 24 which talk about the coming of the Lord being like the days of Noah and the days of Lot. Matthew 24 puts it this way: “As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man…they ate, they drank, they married and they did not know until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of man. Then two men will be in the field, one is taken and one is left. Two women grinding at the mill, one is taken one is left.” “See,” Rapture enthusiasts say, “One is taken, one is left…the Rapture! Jesus takes the Christians and leaves behind non-Christians!” Two problems with that interpretation: First, Jesus’ coming is being compared to the days of Noah and the days of Lot. After the flood, who was left? Noah and his family…the good guys…the bad guys were taken! After Sodom and Gomorrah went up in smoke, who was left? Lot and his daughters…the good guys…the bad guys were taken! Second, remember 1 Thessalonians? It says that those who are “left” get to meet Jesus in the air. The good guys are left behind to meet Jesus. In other words, you want to be left behind so that you can get caught up in the clouds to meet Jesus in the air and accompany Him back to earth at His 2nd and final coming. There will be no Rapture like the one the Left Behind books talk about…that view is not scriptural.
@mikefrady7965 2 года назад
Post tribulation rapture is proven throughout the Bible Matthew chapter 25:29-31 Revelation chapter 13:7
@titaniumsteel9114 2 года назад
@@mikefrady7965 The Catechism teaches that the Church “must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers,” and such a persecution will “unveil the ‘mystery of iniquity’ in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth.” This religious deception will be “that of the Antichrist” (675). But some Protestants believe that the Bible teaches otherwise: that Christians will not experience the persecution of the Antichrist but will be snatched up by the Lord prior to it. This is a doctrine known as the pre-tribulation rapture. The passage they often appeal to is 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17: For this we declare to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the archangel’s call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first; then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so we shall always be with the Lord. Protestants who adhere to this view argue that Paul can’t be talking about the Second Coming because Jesus only comes part-way down and then goes back up. Moreover, because no judgment of the nations is mentioned, like we see in Matthew 25:31-46 and Revelation 20, this must be referring to a “rapture.” What are to make of this challenge? Let’s take a look. First, the challenge misreads the text as only a partial coming and return back to heaven. Verse 15 reads that the Lord will “descend from heaven with a cry of command.” But nowhere does Paul say that Jesus returns to heaven. If Jesus’s descent is definitive, it’s not a partial coming as the pre-tribulation view requires it to be.But what are we to make of Paul’s description that the saints who are alive will be “caught up…to meet the Lord in the air”? A possible interpretation is that Paul is describing how Christians will meet the Lord in the air to escort him in a way that is analogous to the ancient custom of citizens ushering in important visitors.It was common for citizens to meet an illustrious person (such as a dignitary or victorious military leader) and his entourage outside the walls of their city and accompany them back in. This was a way for people to honor the visitor and take part in the celebration of the visitor’s coming. We see an example of this in Acts 28:14-15, where the brethren at Rome went out of the city to meet Paul as he approached: “And so we came to Rome. And the brethren there, when they heard of us, came as far as the Forum of Appius and Three Taverns to meet us.”’Such a practice is no different from how people gather to welcome a celebrity at an airport. It’s this ancient custom that explains why the crowds go out to meet Jesus on Palm Sunday and usher him into Jerusalem (see Matt. 21:1-17). So, for Paul, those who are alive at the Second Coming will do for our blessed Lord what the ancients did for their dignitaries: they will be caught up in the air to meet the approaching king Jesus and escort him as he “descend[s] from heaven with a cry of command” (1 Thess. 4:16). A second way to meet this challenge is to point out how the details of the passage reveal that Paul is talking about the final coming of Jesus at the end of time. Notice that it’s not just the living who are caught up with the Lord, but also the dead in Christ: “And the dead in Christ will rise first” (v.16). That Paul speaks of the resurrection of the dead tells us that he’s referring to the end of time.We know this because Paul states in 1 Corinthians 15 that the end happens in tandem with the resurrection of the dead. He writes, For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power (1 Cor. 15:22-24; emphasis added). If Paul viewed the resurrection of the dead occurring in tandem with the end of time, and if he speaks of the resurrection of the dead in tandem with Christ’s coming in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, it follows that Christ’s coming in those verses is his coming at the end of time and not a pre-tribulation rapture.A second reason why we know Paul is talking about the end of time is because when he speaks about the “coming of the Lord” in his second epistle to the Thessalonians, he says that the Antichrist and his reign of evil must precede it: Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling to meet him him, we beg you, brethren, not to be quickly shaken in mind or excited . . . to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. Let no one deceive you in any way; for that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed . . . and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by his appearing and his coming (2 Thess. 2:1-8). It’s clear that Paul is connecting the “coming of our Lord” here in 2 Thessalonians and the “coming of the Lord” in 1 Thessalonians 4:15, because he speaks of “our assembling to meet him.”So, if the “coming of the Lord” in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17 must be preceded by the Antichrist and his reign of evil, then those verses can’t be referring to a pre-tribulation “rapture.” Rather, they must refer to our Lord’s coming at the end of time, when he vanquishes all evil and condemns those “who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thess. 2:12). A final clue for this being the final day of judgment is the fact that the Lord will descend with “the sound of the trumpet of God” (v.16). Paul speaks of the same trumpet when he describes the resurrection of the dead at the end of time: Lo! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable nature must put on the imperishable, and this mortal nature must put on immortality (1 Cor. 15:51-53). Since in Paul’s mind the trumpet is associated with the resurrection of the dead at the end of time, and he speaks of it when describing the “coming of the Lord” in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, we can conclude that the “coming of the Lord” that Paul writes of there is the final coming at the end of time.Contrary to what some Protestants believe, 1 Thessalonians 4;15-17 does not refer to a pre-tribulation rapture. Rather, it refers to Christ’s Second and glorious coming at the end of time when the dead will be raised and reign with Christ forever in the new heaven and new earth.
@titaniumsteel9114 2 года назад
@@mikefrady7965 Postmillennialism According to Loraine Boettner in his book The Millennium, postmillennialism is “that view of last things which holds that the kingdom of God is now being extended in the world through the preaching of the gospel and the saving work of the Holy Spirit, that the world eventually is to be Christianized, and that the return of Christ will occur at the close of a long period of righteousness and peace, commonly called the millennium.” This view was popular with nineteenth-century Protestants, when progress was expected even in religion and before twentieth-century horrors were tasted. Today few hold to it, except such groups as Christian Reconstructionists, an outgrowth of the conservative Presbyterian movement. Postmillennialists typically say that the millennium spoken of in Revelation 20 should be understood figuratively and that the phrase “a thousand years” refers not to a fixed period of ten centuries, but to an indefinitely long time. For example, Psalm 50:10 speaks of God’s sovereignty over all that is and tells us that God owns “the cattle on a thousand hills.” This is not meant to be taken literally. At the millennium’s end will come the Second Coming, the general resurrection of the dead, and the last judgment. The problem with postmillennialism is that Scripture does not depict the world as experiencing a period of complete (or relatively complete) Christianization before the Second Coming. There are numerous passages that speak of the age between the First and Second Comings as a time of great sorrow and strife for Christians. One revealing passage is the parable of the wheat and the weeds (Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43). In this parable, Christ declares that the righteous and the wicked will both be planted and grow alongside each other in God’s field (“the field is the world,” Matt. 13:38) until the end of the world, when they will be separated, judged, and either be thrown into the fire of hell or inherit God’s kingdom (Matt. 13:41-43). There is no biblical evidence that the world will eventually become totally (or even almost totally) Christian, but rather that there will always be a parallel development of the righteous and the wicked until the final judgment.
@iam4TINT 2 года назад
Lot and his family were 'taken' out of Sodom, then the fire came raining down; Noah and his family were 'taken' into the boat and out of the deluge. Not the other way around. Right?
@efef6853 Год назад
When the Protestant Reformation took place during the 1500s, the reformers like Martin Luther, John Knox and others by reading the book of Daniel and the new testament including the book of revelation correctly identified the catholic church as the whore of babylon and the pope as the antichrist. The book of Daniel clearly states that the antichrist will follow the Roman empire. Who took over from the Roman empire, the catholic church did. 666 is the number of the popes. The official title of the pope in Latin is "vicarius filii dei" which means vicar of the son of God. If you add up the numerical values of the title "vicarius filii dei" they add up to 666. The first beast of revelation and the whore of babylon is the catholic church and the antichrist is the pope. Antichrist doesn't only mean to be against Jesus Christ, it also means to take the place of Jesus Christ. Who is the only person in the world who claims to take the place of Christ? The pope, because the title of the popes is "vicar of the son of God". To be a vicar means to take the place of someone. The second beast of revelation, the power that will force the whole world to accept the mark of the beast is America. America is the second beast of revelation.
@bible1st Год назад
Its not gematria, This is for the mind that has wisdom! When you look at Muhammad the founder of Islam and the numbers surrounding him I think the answer will become clear. 666 has to do with him and with Islam, and the 4th beast of Daniel and the beasts of Revelation.
@cbdyna 2 года назад
Its the pope(s)
@barrygaynor1025 2 года назад
@jockmactaggart6068 3 года назад
@agoat6146 4 месяца назад
In the book of Daniel, chapter 3, we find the dimensions of the image Nebuchadnezzar erected, and the instruments played in worship. It was 6 cubits wide, 60 cubits high, and there were 6 instruments listed. This correlates to the king of Babylon. The modern, " Nero." Question is, what is Babylon today? America? The EU? O we have someone waiting to be revealed? Something to consider indeed.
@st.christopher4854 Месяц назад
The resurrection of the dead and the day of the Lord is not unknown to the old testament or prophets. So why did St. Paull refer to a "Mystery."
@st.christopher4854 7 месяцев назад
St. Irenaeus (180 a.d.) of Smyrna, teaches on the antichrist, the beast, and 666 extensively in "Against Heresies," book 5. Nowhere does he mention Nero. He states the antichrist cannot be known until the Roman empire fractured into 10 kingdoms under 10 kings who rule simulateously. This has never happened yet. St. Irenaeus knew that the 10 horns must rise first and continue a short space. Then the little horn (antichhrist) would rise from one of the 10. Only then could it be determined who the antichrist is. Stop talking about Nero, it's bad teaching.
@davidharrigan9884 10 месяцев назад
Sorry, scripture comes from God, numbers come from God, every word comes from God, to organize a perfect jigsaw you require, an absolute watertight jigsaw puzzle. To understanded what scripture means, you have to have the answer from God's word.
@babusamuel8875 2 года назад
It is paul....the antichrist...who is the son of perdition... Check your scriptures..
@darionblaize4315 3 года назад
this new nero is the black emperor as nero means black so he might be an african ruler i guess an egyptian Pharaoh with Egyptian Empire that will rule over the world even could be a Babylonian KING or Queen that takes over the world and unite it by one court to lay down God`s law among people cause the beast and the black is the color of hell as as white is the color of heaven so he will bring justice for the bad and mercy for the good like cyrus the great
@KevernEllis Год назад
Dan 7:25, Papacy called Holy Father, Jesus call God Holy Father; Papacy wear out the saints killing 50+ million Christians, Papacy think to change Sabbath from Saturday, God's law, and had a first phase rule of 1260 years, from 538AD-1798AD, deadly wound by Napoleon Rev 13:10.
@dafflad1 3 года назад
One of the most misconceived ideas we have ever taught people is that during the end of the world, people who don’t believe in Jesus will have to bear the mark 666 on their foreheads. At the same breath we teach people those who believe in them will have the name of Jesus tattooed on our foreheads. Let me show you the verses. Revelation 13:16-17 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. Revelation 22:4 They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. Dear friends, May I show you something. The mark 666 is not a mark that is visible to the physical eye. It is a way of saying who you submit to. Turn to the passage which spoke about the departure of the Lord from the Holy Temple. You will find a plausible explanation that the mark is not a visible mark detectable to the human eye. Ezekiel 9:4-6 and said to him, “Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.” As I listened, he said to the others, “Follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion. Slaughter the old men, the young men and women, the mothers and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark.” You can see that the mark here is only visible to the spiritual world. In the year preceding the destruction of Jerusalem, Titus laid siege in Jerusalem. No one could enter or leave the forfeited city without the permission of Rome. The king who ordered the massacre of Jerusalem had been Nero Caesar whose name in Hebrew spelt out in gamatria 666. That’s how they could not buy and sell without the mark.
@donphonso 3 года назад
So what should we prepare for, the next coming of another beast?
@dafflad1 3 года назад
@@donphonso The Bible is a Jewish book. It’s not written by westerners. As such, when you read it be mindful it meant what the Old Testament meant it to be. Not what your western mindset says it is. That is not respecting the scriptures. The greatest thing that hinders you from the knowledge of your oneness with God is the inability to read the Bible as a finished set of books.
@dafflad1 3 года назад
@@donphonso Revelation 18:4 Warning to Escape Babylon’s Judgment Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; Babylon here is figuratively Jerusalem. As such we learn something here. God was never angry at you. This was about the religious leaders of Jerusalem in that generation. The wrath of God was against the Jews who killed Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last. So. God was never angry with you. It’s not your sins which Jesus died for. He died for the sins of the old covenant world. You were born in Christ. You never tresspassed against the Law. That’s how you read the Bible. That’s how it sets you free. Peace man ❤️
@framboise595 Год назад
@@donphonso Where does Revelation say that there wil be the "next coming of another beast" with the same details described in that strange book ? Could be everything we want it to be : Napoleon , Hitler , Mussolini , the Catholic church persecuting Christian protestants in the days of Calvin and Luther , ex USSR , Mao ... Do we also think that the Bible predicted the medieval black death , the French Revolution , the two world wars while we're at it ?
@Scott-u4j 10 месяцев назад
Romulus the founder of Rome the first king. His name translates to Roman hence the the people being called Roman’s and the city Rome and empire Roman. Also you use Greek numerals not Roman. When the empire was crumbling they transformed themselves into the Holy Roman Empire that still exists to this day through the papacy, the fourth and largest ruling empire referenced in the book of Daniel.
@miracleyasha5087 Год назад
Adonai..the Lord? Adonakim.. the risen lord Ezra 2:13 Who rises from the dead? 1 cor 15:20.. Jesus Rev 13:12... The beast Isa 14:19.. the abominable branch Who is wounded by a sword John 19:34... Jesus Isa 14:19..... Lucifer Rev 13:14.... The beast. Deuteronomy 13 if there's shall arise a prophet showing signs and wonders and he says let us go and serve other gods which you have not known you shall not listen to that prophet because Yahuah your Elohim is trying you to know whether you love Yahuah with all of your heart and with all of your soul. Yahuah is finished sharing his glory with the Bright morning Star Rev 22;16.
@ThuyNguyen-vc8lx Год назад
We must be careful when labeling Catholics to revelations 13. It is the Papacy that refers to the first beast of revelations, not the people in the Catholic Church! There are many of GODS true loving followers in the Catholic Sunday keeping church today. It is important that we separate the people That are in the congregation, from the Papacy Loyalist-itself!!! Remember 18:4 of revelation state that my people come out of her lest you be partakers of her sins! (REFERS TO THE PAPACY THE Synagogue!) that, means God is calling his true people out of the adulterer herself, THE Sunday keeping FAULTS DAY OF REST!! Notice the old and original 10 Commandments, in the fourth commandment states “REMEMBER”, the only Commandment that says remember the sabbath for six days you shall work and the seventh day being the Saturday you SHALL REST.
@BeautifulMuslim99 2 года назад
Jesus is a humble lawer. The devil is the accuser. Jesus is Adam. The devil hated Adam. Trust God. Jesus is Adam. Before abraham was I am. Hello...
@hopenavajo1391 Год назад
Vicarious Fili Dei is the numerical value which adds up to 666 which identifies a man leading a organization. The word vicarious Fili Dei is the latin word Vicar of the Son of God. This man claims to be God on earth as a statement by Pope Leo XIII. The Catholic church persecuted Bible believing Christians for time,times and dividing of time which is 42 months or 3 1/2 years ( Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6).
@JamesPreech Год назад
This is the one I have to disagree. 666 is the number of a man. This does not mean of a single man but of man in general, all man. Scripture says we are created in the image of God. There are three parts to God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We have three parts; Mind, Body, and Spirit. Scripture says all have sinned and fallen short from the glory of God. Seven represents the glory of God. Six falls short from Seven. Now put it together. The Beast in Revelation 13 is the same beast in Daniel 7, the small horn. The Papacy is the beast. Daniel 7 speaks about four beast, the fourth one worse than them all, Rome. The beast had ten horns and a small one comes up pushing three horns out. The horns represents kingdoms. The three horns that were pushed out were Vandals, Heruli, and Ostrogoths. In 538 AD the Ostrogoths were formed out of Rome by Emperor Justinian, the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire. In 538 AD Justinian wrote a decree turning Western Rome over to the church. In 2 Thessalonians 2 Paul speaks that before the Lord returns the AntiChrist must be revealed but for he is the restrainer must be removed. Paul never names the restrainer and many assume that the restrainer is the Holy Spirit. This is wrong. If the restrainer was the Holy Spirit Paul would have said so. Paul uses the name of the Holy Spirit 16 times in his letters, once to this very church in his first letter to them. Paul has to remind the church what he said when he was with them because he didn't want to say the Roman Empire to avoid more persecution of the church if the letter were intercepted by Roman authorities. Daniel says the beast will have control for a time, times, and half time. This means three and a half years. This isn't three and a half years by our understanding of three and a half years but by the Jewish calendar, 1260 days. In Daniel days are translated into years therefore 1260 years. If you were to count 1260 from 538 you will come up with 1798, the year Napoleon's troops mark into the Vatican City and arrest Pope Pius VI and mark him back to Paris where he dies. Napoleon commands that no Pope is to be elected, thus fulfilling Daniel 7. Now I am sure you will say, "We have a Pope today, so you're wrong." Well lets look at Revelation 13 of the Beast that comes out of the ocean with seven heads where one head has a deadly wound that should have killed it. In 1928 Benito Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty which took effect in 1929 brought back the authority of the Papal control over the Vatican City and his control over the Roman Catholic Church.
@danlds17 Год назад
Rev. 1:1 "the things that must quickly take place". I don't believe Rev. has any relevance for today, except for learning lessons from history. Jesus already came. Given the current forces in the world, you may have to be a martyr. I'm sorry to ruin your day, you'll get over it. Having said that, there is a close resemblance between Hosea 13 and Rev. 13 in the description of the beast; not sure what it means, except that Yahweh of the OT may be the beast. Did the work of Jesus overcome the bad contract that humanity had foolishly been manipulated into by Yahweh?, I think so. Thank you Ben.
@peterjansen3846 4 месяца назад
Revelation was written for people then, about things that would shortly take place in their time. It was primarily about the end of the last days of the Jewish era and destruction of Jerusalem as Jesus prophesied in the Olivet discourse.
@shedroids 2 года назад
666 is not one man.... it's what every single human (child of God) allows .. hosts Satan within... by the choices we make... by our Free will. The fork in the road is comin'... we will have to choose ... will it be the straight and narrow .... or the wide road. The choice of the wide road is the opening of one's being to host Satan. A "Christ-ian" is not followers of a re-legion that Constantine the babylonian made up (along with all other re-legions). A"Christ-ian" is "Humankind... or the "12 tribes".... which is "children on the Father". We have ONE Father... every single human.... we ARE the "12 tribes"..... who got tricked by evil forces that infiltrated our beautiful God-Created earth.... Realm.... and tricked us to follow False Gods... "Many will come in my name"..... RE-LEGIONS (many that came in HIS name)... and led us away from knowing we ALL belong to the one Father... and are not divided by different re-legions. The mark of the beast is what many will choose... instead of confidence in The Father. Many will choose FEAR... which is of the Devil... and make the decision based on Fear. That will be "mark of the Beast"... and the consequence of doing that is eternal agony.
@Watchmen-zi9yh Год назад
Who is it that stands on the sands of the sea and watches a beast rise up out of the sea against God's people. This has been a mystery since the Book of Revelation was first penned by the Apostle John. The mystery has now been revealed, remember the Promise given to Abraham about God people, I will multiply your seed as the sands of the sea. So the Beast is rising up out of the sea to do battle with the sands of the sea, or Gods remaining seed or offspring. Revelation 12:17Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring-those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus. So are we left helpless and defenceless? Daniel 12:1 we are promised that Michael the archangel would stand up to protect God's people at that time. We are seeing the fulfilment of Daniel 12:1 and the 1335 days. The archangel Michael is standing up to protect God's people, represented by the sand of the sea see. The 666 calculates to the same number in Daniel chapter 12, the 1335 days if anyone knows the Book of Revelations so well he can find the calculation in the book itself. I have that calculation and can reveal it through scripture in the Book of Revelation. And I'm willing to share with all honest Hearted People
@jennifermarielaracavazosma6234 3 года назад
Peter Paul and Mary "..To everything: turn turn turn..' How about coops by the gum we swipe upon Mid-American (USA!) latitude and longitudes? Like pouring a flat drive or subfloor. PUT UP A LEVEL horizontal LINE from Chevron here to Chevron Rhode Island and swipe from a limited kind of chewing gums or sodas, and pay who invests from and of and with... Gas station purchases?
@jameszapata8290 Год назад
Mr seed bed. 666 is the number of a man. That's King James. Born the sixth house of Stewart born in 1566. In 1611 gave us 66 books in our hands. That's the Bible.
@ryangallmeier6647 Год назад
"Who is the Beast of Revelation 13?" A "beast" in prophecy is an EMPIRE (cf. Dan 7:3-4); not a single, solitary, individual human being. Not only this, but there are TWO BEASTS in Rev. 13: 1). The "sea beast" (Rev. 13:1-10); and, 2). The "earth beast" (Rev. 13:11-17). These two "beasts" are NOT difficult to identify. Why don't modern-day Christians actually study the History of prophetic interpretation, especially from the Reformation? Laodicean Church Age is what we're living in; that's why. Questions? Let me know. *Soli Deo Gloria*
@bettyrolle8633 2 года назад
The mark of the beast is in your forehead. Do you have the seal of GOD in your mind? Don't be deceived by Satan! The FALSE Christ comes first. Wait for the TRUE Christ
@bellie888 7 месяцев назад
I prefer the way Bruce Gore explains it on his RU-vid channel.
@travmitti8340 10 месяцев назад
The author of Revelation is not John. It's Jesus John is the one writing down everything Jesus says
@mrdiaz31 Год назад
@ArtofRobinMitchell 3 месяца назад
there are four beast around the throne and on the throne of god... the lion beast sits on the throne of god rev4:6-7
@hermanocaloy9094 Год назад
what is the mark? it is a minting mark place upon people in order for every person to be use as currency in trading... the people are the money of babylon economy...
@peterhussey-yeo9041 9 лет назад
Paul, you are wrong again
@eugenejoseph7076 2 года назад
Interesting that you use a Jewish understanding of biblical Jewish names using numbers and switch to a Roman name? Humm.
@Sam-fp8zm Год назад
nero match rev 13 nor do any historical sources say he forced a mark on everyone. it hasnt happened. it is modern israel, and the star of david is the mark of the beast.
@jamesphillips3115 3 месяца назад
The beast is not a who but an it. Bad transition from original text.
@mrdiaz31 Год назад
@OMAELITE 2 года назад
If you want to unlock many of the mysteries in the book of Revelation and the riddle is the beast and 666, whenever I tried to solve it, I feel I got pretty far. I traced the 666 back to one man in history. Muhammad, which is the main guy that started Islam. Do whatever you will with the information I have given you, but pray first and only proceed with God's protection!
@SAG1028 Год назад
While I agree with certain parts of this explanation there are parts I do not agree with. The Church has always been persecuted and is being persecuted even to this day. Thankfully here in America and other countries, gross persecution has not reached us, not yet at least. Based on what I’ve read, John’s revelation is one of God’s mercy towards a world that is forever rebellious and unrepentant even after moments of intense judgement and catastrophe. It is His final plea towards a world that hates Him.
@joelblackford7802 Год назад
Actually David is Dalet-vav-Dalet, which is 14 in 1 & 2 Samuel. In Chronicles a Yud is added to make it a 24. Matthew begins with a lineage of 14-14-14 to prove lineage of King David.
@jasonwolfe920 2 года назад
@goondugoondu 9 месяцев назад
Beast are the germanic tribes on whom church at Rome used sit and rode during darkages.
@williamchandler164 3 года назад
It’s six hundred three score and six, not 6 6 6 not 6 1 6 what kinda garbage is that?
@Yehshlynn Год назад
Theress black Jesus who turn him self to the angle of the light which is white Jesus that people have on there wall..
@gregwiest3191 Год назад
Clearly Ben isn't to hot with math. Nero is only 4 letters. "The divine son" is not part of the name.
@danitewatchman6538 5 лет назад
Mr Witherington presents an interesting consideration. However, looking at our Fathers word in its context provides a greater understanding. 6,6,6, is given in the context of the book of Revelation. It matches with the Seals, Trumpets and Vials. and specifically is related to the second beast of Revelation 13 who appears as "The Lamb" which is a biblical identification assigned to Jesus Christ. .... Also interesting is Jesus Christ is assigned the Numbers 7,7,7, because the events of Revelation Seals, Trumpets, and Vials identified as the 7th all align with Christs coming.... The point being, don't follow after the wrong entity proclaiming himself to be Jesus Christ..... Don't Jump the gun at the 6th trumpet, wait for the 7th...... If we are still in the flesh .... we are not looking at the real Jesus Christ....
@iskaykabeya609 2 года назад
Beast of Revelation 13 isn't Jesus, is Roman Catholic Antichrist church and america ( USA )
@rlVan-mc3wq 2 года назад
@@iskaykabeya609 your proof of that is?
@iskaykabeya609 2 года назад
@@rlVan-mc3wq Revelation 13:1-10 beast with 7 head and 10 horns is the Roman Catholic Antichrist church.. Verse 11-18 the lamb like beast is The US... Study the book of Daniel and Revelation.. There are only two beast that will play a Role in the final conflict before the second coming of Jesus. 1 Roman Catholic Antichrist church controlling the whole world behind the scenes 2 United States in the forefront being used by Roman Catholic Antichrist church.
@robertnewell4054 2 года назад
Proverbs 14:12 KJV There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
@iskaykabeya609 2 года назад
@@robertnewell4054 Roman empire and the Roman church is one and the same thing. Pope is the Antichrist you like it or not. All world leaders pay homage to him as the scripture foretold Revelation 17:1-5
@myslicikrestan5538 4 года назад
Great explanation thanks
@jamesjohnson8918 9 месяцев назад
You're way out there. You'll be judged.
@sarahlynn4790 Год назад
Moshe Zalman Feiglin is the Son of Perdition…
@lukemerrick8517 4 года назад
4:18 You said that this [Nero, 666] is "not naming the actual human name of the person, its describing the character." Doesn't this contradict Rev 13:18 where it says that "it is the number of a person."?
@Constans99 4 года назад
@Truth Seeker Are you a Seventh Day Adventist?
@hermanocaloy9094 Год назад
it is in plain sight, you just need to open your eyes---there is no any other nation currently on earth that is being called in a person's name other than Israel which have a role to play because of its capital Jerusalem which God will use as a cup of reeling for ALL nations to drinks from...
@richardolson4611 2 года назад
it dose not say 666 it says 600 three score and 6 witch could be 600 60 0006
@lilysandoval7706 2 года назад
The BEAST ='s revived roman empire / Arab nations . 666='s the Pope's title Vicarious / Filii /. Dei . Inscribed in Pope's 👑
@Stefan-X24 2 года назад
On your "About" page it says this is theology in the Wesleyan tradition. Was Wesley wrong when he identified the Papacy as the Anti-Christ?
@MichaelWilliams-eq4kt Год назад
Yes - antichrist is the denial of the Father and the Son amongst other things. The papacy does not do this. It’s Islam.
@rommelb.8070 2 года назад
G7 is the 7 heads of the first beast, 2nd beast is US
@Patto2276 Месяц назад
I hate it when people present their opinions as fact. You do NOT know what John was thinking. Period!
@peterclarke3990 Месяц назад
@@Patto2276 I don’t think they are presenting their opinions as fact. Just opinions. It’s up to each individual to check for themselves and make their own mind up! I just know I’m right!!!!
@Constans99 7 лет назад
In Greek, which is the original language of Revelation, six hundred, three score (60) and six, corresponds to the Greek for Lateinos, the Latin Man...the Papacy.
@AndersHolmenScott 6 лет назад
The concerns of papacy weren't even around then, why would John be concerned about the papacy? (I'm not a catholic, but the Pope is definitely not the beast in revelations). From my understanding, this ministry doesn't seem to have any quarrels with Catholicism, nor do a lot of protestants really have a quarrel with it, either.
@danitewatchman6538 6 лет назад
Contendia ....In the Greek the words translated six hundred threescore and six is χξϛ, which is (khee xee stig'-ma) The 22nd, 14th and an obsolete letter (stigma as a cross) of the Greek alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th), used as numbers; denoting respectively 600, 60, and 6; 666 as a numeral -- six hundred threescore and six. It does not denote Papacy of any kind. Revelation 17 however does denote church systems (such as the Catholic Church) joining themselves to Satan's global order when he comes proclaiming himself to be immanuel (2 Thessalonians 2). The 6 6 6 denotes events in Revelation identified by the 6th seal 6th trumpet 6th vial... The true Jesus Christ is denoted by events aligned with 7,7,7, or the 7th Seal, 7th Trumpet, and 7th vial.... Its not difficult ... The message is don't fall for the first supernatural entity proclaiming himself to be Jesus Christ, wait until 7,7,7,....
@Constans99 4 года назад
@@AndersHolmenScott That's too bad, because they have a quarrel with you. Especially if you believe the Bible and understand it correctly.
@Constans99 4 года назад
@@danitewatchman6538 I'll test that spirit to see if it's from God. Initially, I tend to not agree, as those Greek numerical forms don't represent 6, 6 & 6. Otherwise, wouldn't they be stigma, stigma, stigma? Also, the Scripture says its the number of a man (KJV): six hundred, three score (60), six. Also, as I recall (I'll go back and check), The seventh seal is the seven trumpets, and the seventh trumpet is the seven bowls (or vials.) So, not saying you're wrong, but explain how that represents Jesus for my understanding. Thanks.
@0patience4flz 3 года назад
@@Constans99 🏆
@angiebear8727 3 года назад
66k views 6 years ago. Hmmmmmm. *teasing. But that is really what this vid is at right now. Found it humorous 😁
@alvaroovalle312 2 года назад
Mary and Joseph are livin in Chile
@wayniebob1948 5 лет назад
Alexander the Great is the only person in history who fits the description. Revelation says the beast who once was, is not, and will come again. There were NO muslims or Islam before the 1st century. They will wonder after the beast because they recognize him from statues. He's the ONLY ancient ruler who's likeness we know. Think about it.
@alvaroovalle312 2 года назад
Adam and Eve are living of Chile
@tammyanddavid0985 4 года назад
I red the Bible it said a beast was risen a dragon gave its own power and Thorne the beast had seven heads and ten horns and on all the horns was crowns
@tammyanddavid0985 4 года назад
I am a child
@thatjoeguy7348 7 лет назад
First I always have a hard time staying focused when someone starts their point by telling me that they just 'loved' the symbology of numbers back then. Some religions did I'm sure (like Pythagoras' - oh I forgot the name of his religion.. :) ) but I don't see this in the Bible at all. Sure they use numbers in places in scripture and some even had meaning but those were few and very well laid out. This is not one of those cases. I think Dr. Witherington implies that Revelation was written in Hebrew? Sorry if I missed that but it wasn't, the common literary language was Greek and that is what it was written in. Remember he was writing to the world not the Jews why write it in a language 90% of the world wouldn't understand? As to the 616 variant, just over a 100 years after Revelation was written the 616 variant was addressed by Irenaeus and should have been put to rest. He gives two arguments for putting it to rest 1) that 666 is in the earliest and most reliable texts and 2) there were still men alive during his time that had talked with John (I would guess Polycarp for one) also supported the number 666. Finally, It has nothing to do with an inscription on any coins as implied here which is nowhere found in scriptures and has never meant anything else throughout church history except what it's obvious reading says. Irenaeus in his comments about this part of Revelation again quickly dispels any doubts about what it means and even gives examples of some names that would fit this requirement.
@robertcain3426 4 года назад
Very well said. But people want to hear the things that tickle their ears and not sound doctrine.
@DZ3TQ 3 года назад
I've heard the Hebrew word for Nero Caesar translates to 666 using Gematria.
@eekay5710 2 года назад
Rev 13:16 Mark of the beast. Revelation.. A lifting of the veil to bring into view what is alreády there! Symbolism & imagery play a significant role throughout the book. "The mark of the beast" - the currency of sin-consciousness. Rev 13:16 "Its mission WAS to mirror-imprint its character upon everyone's hands and minds in order to manipulate what they think and do". So what is the mark of the beast all about 🤔 The Greek word translated mark, is the word "charagma", a stamp, an imprinted mark from "charax", just like in Hebrew 1:1-3.. the Son radiates the character of the Father. Either the character of the Father or the character of the fallen mind will influence our actions (hand), because it is what engages our thoughts (forehead). Just like in Isaiah 55:8-11 where God says "Yr thoughts are not My thoughts; therefore yr ways are not My ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than yr ways and.. but My word will incarnate, and saturate earth (flesh) just like the rain and the snow cancel the distance between heaven and earth. Instead of the thorn, the fir and instead of the brier, the myrtle! - The Mirror Study Bible - Francois du Toit.
@st.christopher4854 7 месяцев назад
Your confusing koine Greek with classical Greek. Everyone in the Roman empire who was literate spoke and wrote in koine. It was the universal language of the Roman empire. It went universal on account of the Grecian empire with Alexander the Great about 300 years previously.
@byronmiller9640 2 года назад
The answer is all around you.
@byronmiller9640 2 года назад
The answer is all around you.
@ROCCBOTTOM405 4 года назад
What if the second beast that God allows to attack the earth IS THE INTERNET!!
@tonyzone753 4 года назад
pro flo woah. Now I’m worried
@ROCCBOTTOM405 4 года назад
@@tonyzone753 spooky
@JoeRafinski 4 года назад
The false Messiah comes with clouds! Praise Jesus!
@alglen9208 2 года назад
Yes. Think of the instant access by billions. And who controls the internet controls information and minds. What is it we do? We hold it in our hand and it consumes all our attention. We worship our technology night and day.Just something weird to consider.
@MarkRidlen 4 года назад
So if the mark of the beast is a coin, wouldn't that mean all who used that currency have worshiped the beast and are destined for the lake of fire? Also, how would that interpretation explain the painful sores that broke out on those who took the mark?
@jayr399 2 года назад
The mark of the beast is the vaccine or some form of a digital pass that says you’re jabbed.
@hermanocaloy9094 Год назад
every person born of this world already have the mark... one needs to be born anew...
@zorrothegreyishblade3339 8 месяцев назад
The mark is stated as he will change the law and time. The law is the second one, which is don't worship graven images. The time is changed the sabbath from the 7th day to the first day of the week. So when you go to church on Sunday and have the cross around your neck, you have the mark of the beast. It's either or, or both
@MarkRidlen 8 месяцев назад
@@zorrothegreyishblade3339 then shouldn't the mark of the beast be 111?
@hermanocaloy9094 Год назад
the beast that comes out of the sea refers to book of genesis creation---what comes out of the seas/waters is earth/land; the beast of the earth likewise coressponds to what came from the earth i.e. adam/man, therefore beast from water is land/territory and beast from earth is adam or the leader of this territory---book of revelations tells us that there will rise a nation/state with a leader whose power came directly from the dragon...
@Chelle9879 8 месяцев назад
china is coming
@alvaroovalle312 2 года назад
Jesus is coming to Chile
@cherylclark3626 9 лет назад
Dr. Ben ---- I have to say I usually close my ears to preaching, but I truly, truly like you. You are a man of intelligence and reason. Thank you.
@trentonshuff6639 4 года назад
Cheryl Clark i don’t know this guy, I did like this video but I prefer to listen to a man of God Rather then a man of intelligence and reason when it comes to the things of God. Wouldn’t you?
@sexyeur 3 года назад
@@trentonshuff6639 Ben is from a family of Believers.
@wendyleeconnelly2939 3 года назад
@@trentonshuff6639 No, it shouldn't be either/or. Reason and intelligence help one understand things rightly. Don't you think?
@trentonshuff6639 3 года назад
@@wendyleeconnelly2939 I guess you would have to define reason and intelligence. There is divine intelligence and there is worldly intelligence. Same with reason in my opinion, worldly reason would tell me to have no faith and to only believe what is tangible
@hr2r805 2 года назад
Yet wrong about ("Future") Events...
@MichaelWilliams-eq4kt Год назад
It was always Islam.
@racheldean8434 3 года назад
These dont get to the point
@tropical9913 3 года назад
Revelation 11:7 (first beast, ''out of the sea'') Revelation 13:1-10 (describes the first beast' appearance) Revelation 13:11-18 (second beast, ''out of the earth'', false prophet) Revelation 19:18-20 (both beasts defeated by Jesus Christ and thrown into the lake of fire)
@lucasjonathan777 2 года назад
The beast is Islam
@chrisdebisschop4666 5 лет назад
Sean Hammer in comments below nailed it he is absolutely correct. For anyone who needs extra guidance read the apocalypse code by Hank Hanegraaff. It simply teaches you how to read the Bible and to understand it.
@dagwould 2 года назад
You are kidding, right?
@efef6853 Год назад
When the Protestant Reformation took place during the 1500s, the reformers like Martin Luther, John Knox and others by reading the book of Daniel and the new testament including the book of revelation correctly identified the catholic church as the whore of babylon and the pope as the antichrist. The book of Daniel clearly states that the antichrist will follow the Roman empire. Who took over from the Roman empire, the catholic church did. 666 is the number of the popes. The official title of the pope in Latin is "vicarius filii dei" which means vicar of the son of God. If you add up the numerical values of the title "vicarius filii dei" they add up to 666. The first beast of revelation and the whore of babylon is the catholic church and the antichrist is the pope. Antichrist doesn't only mean to be against Jesus Christ, it also means to take the place of Jesus Christ. Who is the only person in the world who claims to take the place of Christ? The pope, because the title of the popes is "vicar of the son of God". To be a vicar means to take the place of someone. The second beast of revelation, the power that will force the whole world to accept the mark of the beast is America. America is the second beast of revelation.
@RobTheFossil Год назад
The beast of Revelation? Look at the national flags of the World and read Matthew 4 vs 8 and 9. The sickle moon and the pentagram star is growing in number on flags of Earth. Their culture depicts every name that Jesus called Satan. Every single name and abominable deed. The nature of Man allows his power gains as he is the beast that hates the prostitute now leading Western lands they flock to for safety. And to change their new home. To their law. Sharia. Tabari 9 verse 69 is their law.
@andrewknowles6161 2 года назад
7 is good 12 is bad
@draviddecoteau 2 года назад
Vicarius Filii Dei comes up to 666
@Marah493 2 года назад
Jared Kushner
@armandemsha1976 Год назад
Beautiful explanation GOD bless you The battle of good and evil it’s in us we been blessed by GOD that created us with option of choice to be good or bad Almighty GOD has sent us instructions how which way to follow to be in harmony with GOD and GODS creations But some of us choose to follow the wickedness and end up as rebels And this rebellion will follow humanity until judgment day
@bruce8961 Год назад
Armand: There's none Righteous No Not One ----- None Seek After God ----- The Heart is Deceitfully Wicked ---- We are Chosen ------ No One Comes to Christ Except The Father Calls ----- Most People in Churches Today are More Lost than The Lost and Believe They are Saved But Will Only Hear Depart from me You Workers of Iniquity ------ Only by The Blood of The Lamb, our Sins Washed away ------ The Wide Road is packed to Overflowing, The Narrow Road is seldom used
@bruce8961 Год назад
@maxmarrero9635 Those Verses are about Israel in The Old Testament .Revelation 13 is Talking about The Antichrist Standing in Power and Full View, When He Causeth All to Receive a Mark to Buy or Sell. The Tribulation is Satan Attacking God's People and Will Become Greater as We Draw Closer to The Rapture. Tribulation Started About 2000yrs ago and Will Continue
@jameymillar9640 3 года назад
Well done brother Ben.
@troyhayder6986 3 года назад
The beast of the C... From the tumultous C he rises... Guess he started out as a shitty programmer but got gud...
@davidvaldivia6635 3 года назад
Full of...
@humboldthammer 10 месяцев назад
Vicarius Filii Dei adds up to 666 in Roman Numerals and Old Latin. Revelation 13: 18. Hint: U=V=5, i=1, C=100, L=50, D=500.
@peterclarke3990 Месяц назад
@@humboldthammer Yes, I was told about this back 8n 1977 and the history of the RC church. It’s so obvious now!
@georgiomesina6977 4 года назад
Punch drunk in the world with the blood of the Saints!!!!......pray for our Salvatori.....Giorgio Messina....
@milosvasiljevic4244 Год назад
Beast is big computer in Belgia
@humboldthammer 10 месяцев назад
Yep, also known as the NEON GAUD, the light bearer. To be unveiled on 09/23/26, at the Great Re-Set. Lucifer was detained in 30 AD, just after Pentecost and judged by the Ancients of Days, far from Earth, in 1985. The devil and dragon remain on Earth. Revelation 12: 12-13. Their judgment is set for 10/12/26. Daniel 7: 9-14. Epochal Eclipse April 8th 2024. Don't stare at the sun: Matthew 16: 4. Exercise YOUR faith -- Jonah 3: 5, 8 Jonah 4: 11.
@gtravisstone8138 11 месяцев назад
@needmoreramsay Год назад
@rajeshwari152 3 года назад
7 heads of beast= 7 members of BTS (my opinion*) Guys please pray for bts😊
@DZ3TQ 3 года назад
@GIU-REH-ON_666_Pharaoh_Dynasty 2 года назад
I am Pharaoh Giu-Reh-On II of this World, and the Board of Gizeh approves the following video for total intel on Putin the Beast in the 8 hour RU-vid documentary: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 7 Switzerland's Sleeper Agent Putin" on RU-vid channel "HomieLand Sickurity". Switzerland has 7 Heads of State, who divide 10 Ministries amongst themselves; thus explained in Part 1 of the 38 hours Swiss Beast series.
@stevenklinkhamer9069 3 года назад
Sounds plausible enough to me. A warning from scripture to be prepared for what's coming down the pike? Makes perfect sense that a loving God would do just that for those of us who believe his promises.
@YesuAiNimen 3 месяца назад
Thank you for saying "pike" and not "pipe."
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