
Why are disability hate crimes on the rise? 

Channel 4 News
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21 окт 2024




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@titteryenot4524 Год назад
_Genuinely_ feel like I’m on the wrong planet when fellow human beings hate/abuse on someone in a wheelchair, or someone with a white stick, or someone with only one arm and a leg. Why? What’s the problem? Why do you feel the need to be nasty? Are you so weak yourself that you need to pick on someone with a perceived visible weakness? Really? Just don’t get it. It’s just the school bullying thing carried on into the adult world.
@Alfalfa88888 Год назад
im also wondering why. for racist people i can kinda tell what they are thinking and what they will say but for disabled people? i have never seen someone be hateful towards that group so i have no clue
@titteryenot4524 Год назад
@@Alfalfa88888 Yeah, but we don’t choose our skin colour just as we don’t choose our disability.
@ItsJustRyan89 Год назад
@@Alfalfa88888 are you actually comparing certain ethnicities to disabilities?
@DAYBROK3 Год назад
@@ItsJustRyan89 both are things you cant change.
@hestergnu6627 Год назад
Well said
@Charlotte66666 Год назад
Anyone who attacks or abuses a disabled person is disgusting.
@TheMoggiemum Год назад
And yet people turn a blind eye to the government and media constantly lying about us! Much of the reality of life being disabled in the UK goes unseen and unheard outside of disabled person's close circle!
@jake751 Год назад
Totally agree 👍
@jeffsuter344 Год назад
Iain Duncan Smith Jeremy Hunt Esther McVey Therese Coffey All guilty of persecuting the disabled.
@paulroberts7544 Год назад
If The reality is, your comment could be a hate crime. The law says that anything that the 'victim' or another person PERCEIVES to be motivated by hate or predjudice is a hate crime. I have a limp, but I like to do things for myself. I could take offense at your comment because it implies that you think disabled people are less robust/capable. If I reported you for a hate crime I THINK the police would be obliged to record it as such. The point I'm making is that it might not be the case that people are getting more hateful - it could just be that all the weird and wonderful pet peeves that humans have are being recorded as crimes because someone, somewhere perceives something to be hateful.
I saw 3 africans just last week punch and kick a downs syndrome Lad . ..if i hadnt have jumped in God knows what would have happened . . .!!!
@Taylor23890 Год назад
Also remember some disabilities are invisible. Next time that person serves you , answers a call to you , they could be struggling to process information due to autism , learning disabilities and auditory processing disorder . Just have some patience
@paulroberts7544 Год назад
What if it's a disabled Tory?
the statistics show it is young african youths attacking disabled people . .. ..It comes from their own culture that views disability as a curse from a Devil or demon .....!
@raylder6339 Год назад
@@paulroberts7544 If you have an issue with someone’s politics, attack the politics, not the person. Question the validity of views they express and use your freedom of speech the same way they use theirs. If you use broader views on sociological /political perspectives as an excuse to physically attack someone you’ve demonstrated that you couldn’t back up your perspective with reason. I’d rather disown someone who claims to agree with me that assaults my opponents just for expressing their views than admit to sharing the same viewpoint as the assailant.
@raylder6339 Год назад
100% so many people lose their patience and think there’s deliberate attempts being made to frustrate them when they are actually speaking to someone who could well be more intelligent than them, but doesn’t use the same kind of communication or doesn’t possess the verbal faculties the majority of people use but will gladly answer what they’re being asked once they have oriented their focus to understanding what’s been said to them and decided what to say.
@FaceFcuk Год назад
Yes a lad served me in herons in the hottest day year wearing woolly gloves and was very robotic chatty , I think he had autism. My nephew has got autism and anything that comes in his mind he will say, so to a disabled person in a chair he will blurt out something loud, IS THAT A HATE CRIME TOO . do these ppl who get abused ask the person if they are suffering aswell?
@TheMoggiemum Год назад
1 in 3 disabled people +their familial carers are already trapped in poverty DWP admitted "major unmet needs" among disabled claimants BEFORE cost of living crisis Carers support is pathetic Practical and financial support is beyond inadequate But much of disability poverty is hidden, and unseen outside the person's close circle... Govt peddles anti welfare rhetoric unchallenged!
@JustAnotherBuckyLover Год назад
Yep to all of this. The DWP is so useless. They demanded that I had two weeks to fill in new PIP paperwork for a reassessment back at the start of March, and I would have been sanctioned if it wasn't done, despite that it's legit difficult to DO that paperwork as a disabled person - and I am STILL waiting to hear back from them now, seven months later, aside from an automated text message in July saying they were still looking into it. Absolutely ridiculous.
@KW-ro5ow Год назад
Can I just add to this, carer's can also be made to leave their council homes after someone dies. No matter how long you've lived with and cared for this person. Unless you are married or a partner you're at the mercy of the individual councils. It's no picnic grieving and being told you can't live here anymore. Carers save the tax payers billions and in some cases put their own lives on hold for many years and that's the thanks you get.
@JustAnotherBuckyLover Год назад
@@KW-ro5ow Amen to this. It's disgusting how carers are treated, and more importantly, that they're often EXPECTED to take that role by the government (because they simply don't WANT to fund actual help, and what they WILL fund is never enough to give someone proper care with dignity and comfort), only to get crapped on from a great height.
@paul995 Год назад
@@KW-ro5ow that’s unreasonable though because the house is meant to be for disabled people. It’s terrible the person you looked after died but you do realise every time a disabled person passes there is another one born that needs the support?
@KW-ro5ow Год назад
@@paul995 There's a shortage of two and three bed houses here. The council built a block of flats for the over 55s to free up those properties for younger people. The flats weren't specifically for disabled tenants but had wet rooms, a lift and no steps inside. There IS a shortage of properties for disabled people and successive governments are to blame for that. People can be carers into their 60s and beyond. How do you save up for a deposit on another house on carer's allowance? Mortgage is out of the question and even more so when you get older. They're talking about the living wage going to £11 an hour. Carers allowance doesn't pay £3 an hour.
@MxMoondoggie Год назад
You learn a lot about a person based on how they treat the most vulnerable people in our society. Hurting/abusing the disabled, kids, the elderly who can't defend themselves is the lowest of the low.
@mrnice7570 Год назад
Its ok though because the politicians would have you believe taxes are high because of the disabled and pensioners etc
@melinoegreenwood4192 Год назад
I don't believe that's completely true, meaning you can learn a lot , I don't think I'm a bad person and I think this fashion of having disabled kids is running thin. No care is given really to the child when the decision to make or keep one is in play. It's becoming a trend and now making spoilt entitled disabled people. We are running out of resources. In our nature it is to be hunters, I believe we can't help but start resenting them. Everybody looks at morals but never looks at the fight of survival.
@mrnice7570 Год назад
@@melinoegreenwood4192 your selfish ignorance and entitlement shines through, so stunning and brave
@emmao6578 Год назад
@@melinoegreenwood4192 They've found evidence of ancient humans looking after and providing for ill, injured and physically impaired folk for significant periods of time so your whole "in our nature to be hunters" spiel is nonsense, you can make up all the excuses you like but your comment just boils down to you using pseudoscientific evolutionary psychology to justify your dislike of disabled people.
@DJWESG1 Год назад
Torys gunna tory
@TH33QUALIZ3R Год назад
To deflect from one's own insecurities and experience a fleeting sense of superiority over someone else.
@HK-vy3fh Год назад
To add to your point, being disabled doesn't make you inferior to some random luckier person who is more able-bodied. They're inferior to act so pitifully and are ungrateful, pathetic and in some cases don't deserve to even be healthy or able-bodied to begin with. Life and God are both unfair and can be unnecessary cruel. Period.
@jgreen9361 Год назад
More worrying is the blame transference politics that fuel this kind of hate. The lazy black man rhetoric of white supremacists in southern America, linking child abuse to the trans community by MAGA Republicans, Reform party linking the UK’s creaking NHS to asylum seekers. And now this anti disabled sentiment being driven by hate in the right wing newspapers for benefit claimants. What is really scary is that radicalised haters in society persist for a lot longer than the argument was useful for the bigoted, useless, nasty politicians and media people who use such tactics. I say useless because, if the brand of politics was actually delivering for the people such nasty tactics would be redundant. In the mean time, anyone caught in the cross hairs end up suffering. Yet another form of fascism we have to fight against.
..I think it is more to do with african culture being imported to britain .. over there They believe that someone disabled is possessed by the Devil . . .-disabled are very much abused in those countries , sad to say .. . !!
@lloroshastar6347 Год назад
I cannot imagine being such a deplorable human being to be prejudiced against the disabled. Mistreating disabled people is just the lowest of the low.
@mtdteedee2856 Год назад
It’s inhumane 🔨
@Andrew-rc3vh Год назад
This is what happens when all the churches close down. It's unBritish.
@TheKevswife Год назад
Totally agree. I’m disabled and I’m on crutches and the amount of times I have been pushed, ignored. But I do say something now. If I get pushed out the way I do say to them DO YOU MIND? Perhaps they think because I’m disabled then I won’t say anything.
@alexmeade47 Год назад
It's a London low
@petersellers9219 Год назад
Why is it so hard to imagine that? Anyone of the sapiens can imagine it.
@MsKimLorraine Год назад
You have to be extremely wicked to harm disabled people. It’s awful.
@Martin-cl8ky Год назад
I was just posting that I feel lucky I'm male as I have epilepsy which, if it's a big seizure, can take me up to 15min to remember my name and up to 30min to know what city I'm in (and even longer till I'm fully conscious). If I were a woman and had those same seizures outside-which has already happened a good few times-it wouldn't take much for a sicko to walk me to a secluded place and take advantage of me. People need to stop thinking that it's just this young generation being too "weak" when it comes to hate crimes, I'm 40 so I'm definitely not young and I definitely think it needs taken more seriously, all hate crimes should be
@DJWESG1 Год назад
​@@Martin-cl8ky I would always stop and ensure those thing wernt happening. And I'd never leave until services arrived.
@Martin-cl8ky Год назад
@@DJWESG1 that's because your a decent person and lucky for me people have always done what you said you'd do but I wonder what would happen if I were a woman and a "shady" person came across me thinking I was drunk or on drugs and took advantage of me, it's scary. This normalisation of looking the other way by some people HAS to be pushed back against by the likes of good people like you and me 👍✊
@EW-uw7dg Год назад
About two months ago nearby a train station, there was a crowd of people just standing around enjoying the summer day. There was an elderly man in a wheelchair who caught my attention, because his wheelchair was too far out in the street, he was directly in the hot sun, and he looked like he couldn't move. So I walked over to him and asked him if he was ok, the people standing around were watching. I asked him how he got there, if he was with anyone (aid, relative, friend). There was no way he could have got there by himself. He didn't know, I noticed a medical alert on a chain around his neck and I knew right away he must have had a seizure. An ambulance came and took him to the hospital. Broke my heart, I'm glad he had the alert around his neck and I wish on the back of it perhaps there was some contact information for who to contact for him. Sometimes there is no emergency contact. I hope he got the care he needs. I totally understand your concerns.
@EW-uw7dg Год назад
​@@Martin-cl8kyHave you considered getting a service dog?
@LifeofBrad1 Год назад
Sadly, as the cost of living crisis continues to worsen, this is going to get worse. People are looking for something/someone to take their anger out on and people with disabilities are an easy target.
@MxMoondoggie Год назад
As are immigrants or anything else they can blame for the cause of their own problems.
@lynxfresh5214 Год назад
Also exploitation too since similar to the elderly, parasites will "borrow" or outright steal their money due to knowing the disabled usually get "extra" from UC/DWP.
@olivere5497 Год назад
What should they take their anger out instead?
@emmao6578 Год назад
​@@olivere5497 maybe the rich pricks that are lining their pockets with tax payers money while stoking hate against various minorities to distract from their abhorrent actions, just a suggestion
@olivere5497 Год назад
@droomankaas5904 you are suggesting we attack politicans which is much worse! Shame on you for trying to uproot our beloved democracy.
@deadlegs187 Год назад
I couldn't even begin to imagine how difficult this must be for the disabled
@johnthompson7105 Год назад
All disabled people have had their benefits cut to help pay for illegal immigration
@poppi-maetaylor4407 11 месяцев назад
@samyadeepsengupta460 Год назад
Society is intolerant.
@ItsJustRyan89 Год назад
Human nature is intolerant.
​@@small_fries7573get a grip you raving looney
​@@samyadeepsengupta460lmao yeah thats why he gives kids terminal cancers and disabilities
@abegarfield7031 Год назад
​@@britnatzaredemocracydenier5922 He doesn't exist. These sanctimonious grifters have all got some sort of scam going, it's usually about money.
@dimfm9710 so true ..in countries like Nigeria and Ghana they view disabled people as cursed by Devils . .-therefore abuse is rife .. . .-Then these people are imported across here and we expect them to fit in with our ways ..?!!! . . . No chance. . . . .!
@Lucy-moo Год назад
As a disabled women who walks with crutches & lives in my car I can tell you it’s awful I’ve been attacked and get constantly intimidated by able bodied people it’s horrible, then again the government is also a bully to disabled people to
@abuibu Год назад
Can you elaborate on the government bullying?
@paulroberts7544 Год назад
Do you find that people single you out because of your disability, or are they just failing to give you special treatment because of your disability? In other words - is it actively anti-disabled-people they're singling out - or is it people that are equally abusive to everyone?
@JaneAustenAteMyCat Год назад
@@abuibu they make people jump through so many hoops in order to 'prove' they're disabled and entitled to disability benefits. The tests are humiliating and degrading, not to say incredibly stressful to a population for whom life is already harder because of their disability!
@TheMoggiemum Год назад
@@abuibu not original poster but I can add some of the issues with govt & media approach towards disabled people *Hostile welfare system *Inadequate financial and practical support *Govt suppressed dwp report which admitted "major unmet needs" among disabled claimants BEFORE cost of living crisis *Conservatives rhetoric around being unable to work is dehumanising and dishonest... Which leads to major disconnect in what people think we need or get and the actual reality of what we need/get * ignoring multiple reports of how severely disabled people and their familial carers are struggling * using welfare as a quick way to rile up general population * increasing resentment towards those unable to work, which means the general public ignore all the cruelty * making statements based on theoretically being able to work, which depend on non existent support... Deliberately giving false impression of those on benefits Much of the reality of being disabled in the UK goes unseen and unknown outside of disabled person's close circle. You don't see what we go without, or how unnecessarily restricted our lives are. In my case there's maybe a handful of people who know how severely the continual lack of support has destroyed my life
@ElGibby Год назад
@@JaneAustenAteMyCatexactly. Very well said, friend.
@nifty3000 Год назад
You have the daily mail to thank for that. Every day is another "disability benefits scrounger" story, just the other day people who claimed disability benefits were called "lazy feckless sherkers" by the daily mail. The comments section is usually full of fake news comments like "my next door neighbour os on disability benefits and hes just bought a brand new ps5, and a hoilday to the Maldives" which are obviously from daily mail staff, as each account only comments almost entirely of disability benefit stories.
@ItsJustRyan89 Год назад
Not true at all. I know of a gentleman who is provided a thousand pounds a week and housing, because he has bipolar disorder. The blame a newspaper for perverts is ludicrous. Why do you lot never factor in an individual’s agency to make decisions and be accountable for themselves? It’s always somebody else.
@TheMoggiemum Год назад
​@@ItsJustRyan89he's not getting £1000 a week for disability! Benefits rates are widely available as are explanations for how it's calculated Disabled people face all the normal costs of life plus the costs of living with disability
@valeforedark Год назад
This speed shes going is a bike speed on a pedestrian path. She isnt a pedestrian as shes not using her feet. Where she is,is a non cycle area. If you are obese and moving twice as fast as pedestrians. You arent that inconvenienced
@mariewolton7027 Год назад
How about addicts being given huge payments in disability benefits in attempt to stop them shop lifting?? Apparently they experience anxiety when they can't get their drugs! Not joking 😢
@DeusNyx Год назад
@MichaelScarborough-s7i 2 месяца назад
At uni studying law. What does disability hate crime look like. Verbal and physical abuse. Threatening Behavior. Damage to property or rubbish dumping, front & rear of the property. Dates,times,location,photos of rubbish dumping in vicinity. Dumping is anti social behavior. Stalking and Harassment. Fixated. Obsessive. Unwanted. Repeated.
@emm_arr Год назад
Most of it is people hawking hate for their personal gain. Some media outlets do this. Some political parties do this. Hate always produces violence. More hate means more violence.
@debbiehenri345 Год назад
More evidence of what a nasty, mean, selfish world it's becoming. Unbelievable that someone would abuse someone in a wheelchair - because they are seen as an easy target. It is - as someone else says in the comments - school bullying taken out into the adult world. The government should do more, much more to protect disabled people.
@valeforedark Год назад
This speed shes going is a bike speed on a pedestrian path. She isnt a pedestrian as shes not using her feet. Where she is,is a non cycle area. If you are obese and moving twice as fast as pedestrians. You arent that inconvenienced
@oh-itsace9241 Год назад
this video was in regards of hate crime in the UK... not the world.
@peglegmotoring Год назад
@@valeforedark you're part of the problem. Not everyone in a wheelchair is obese, some of us have lost limbs and we move around at an appropriate speed
@ra6153 Год назад
@@valeforedarkare you just trolling or genuinely stupid?
@JSmith19858 Год назад
It hasn't become this. It has always been there. Some of the disgusting things that have been done to me by employers and in the work place over the past 25 years are far worse than anything school children can throw at each other. I've taken to being totally open about my work history in interviews, and had one person start crying at a story I told about being abused by a past employer when they asked why I had left. This isn't new to disabled people. We live this every day. Nothing in this video shocks me and I'm more shocked by the fact people think this is a new development in the world.
@ElGibby Год назад
To anyone reading this. Imagine being disabled. Say…you have fibro. Or lupus. Or something along those lines. Getting out of bed, washed and dressed is an entire project of its own. Maybe you have carers who come in, maybe not. But every couple of years you are ‘invited’to an assessment (in inverted commas because if you decline they will stop your money and leave you destitute for weeks or months) . It’s nowhere near you, you have no access to a car so you reply on public transport. It’s at 8am. You can only request to change date and time once, because arbitrary rules are fun. So you get there and sit. And wait. And wait. Finally you are called in, at which point you have to explain in depth to a total stranger wearing a lanyard your most intimate difficulties. How you wash and dress. How far you can walk on any given day (this varies day to day so you really can’t answer that one. Zero mobility points for you!) How you manage going to the toilet. Do you have incontinence or bowel problems? Yes? Ok, discuss them in detail to this person you’ve never met, who may or may not be looking at you with disdain or disgust. None of this is exaggeration. This is what these ‘assessments’ are really like. It truly is so dehumanising it hurts to even think about it. And that’s not even starting on the attitude of some of the DWP staff. Asking politely to change the date and time of my appointment was met with a snort of derision. The ‘nurse’ who assessed me last time only got halfway through the questions after two hours, in part because she claimed not to know about my condition, had me explain it in intimate detail (causing severe brain fog, stumbling over words etc)before telling me she knew all along and was just testing me. They play those sorts of mind games. I assumed I’d be called back in to finish the assessment. Nope. I was awarded low rate PIP thankfully but some of the statements in her report were demonstrably false. And you only have I think 14 or 28 days to appeal the decision, which after you’ve dealt with the physical and mental flareup caused by this ordeal you have no time to prepare. I need people to understand that this is real and happens all.the.time.
@BumberClarke Год назад
Keep voting for tories or trump like right wingers Then what we allow will continue
@ItsJustRyan89 Год назад
Don’t be silly. You think prejudice stops because Labour get in? Muppet
@emm_arr Год назад
@@ItsJustRyan89 ^^serial shitposts from this account
@mariajefferies8555 Год назад
Oh wow, A society that’s targets disabled people shows how awful Human beings are !
@markopolo5695 Год назад
@CHuzz7777 Год назад
Society isn’t attacking them, a few people are.
@mrnice7570 Год назад
Politicians would have you believe taxes are High because of the disabled and pensioners, nothing to do with their noses in the trough
@CHuzz7777 Год назад
@@mrnice7570 That’s not really true is it. We should want our government to provide ample support to the disabled *and* ensure that the system isn’t abused by fraudsters. As for pensioners, they have had inflation matching rises and the triple lock has been maintained.
@mrnice7570 Год назад
@@CHuzz7777 absolutely true hence why there's new benefits sanctions announced but no sanctions on record profits of bankers, oil tycoons or political corruption....
@RankinMsP Год назад
Beyond comprehension but some of the comments make things sadly more understandable. We live in truly dystopian times. Very sad. A useless police force doesn't help either.
@ItsJustRyan89 Год назад
Defund the police.
@sakuraneko2595 Год назад
yeah they're probably at mc donalds when crimes are happening
@daniel-ek9kf Год назад
Grow up
@xXTUCXx1 Год назад
​@@sakuraneko2595nah they're making sure no says hurty words on the internet. Joke of a police force
@peglegmotoring Год назад
The most annoying thing is when someone just pushes you out of the way as if you're a trolley rather than saying 'excuse me'. Wearing my prosthetic all the time causes issues but I have to wear it when out to stop me getting in a fight/argument
@SashaCoCo Год назад
It's a rising problem in Texas, USA, especially after Donald Trump publicly mocked a disabled journalist. Agencies that are supposed to investigate and address violations against the disabled like US Department of Housing and Urban Development, Texas Workforce Commission, and Fort Worth, Texas agency are ineffective, drop the ball, and have committed disability discrimination themselves. The State of Texas passed a Sovereign Immunity law against the Americans with Disabilities Act, thereby allowing Texas to not be fined or held liable whenevet their agencies and public schools violate the civil rights of the disabled. We still have a long way to go to be treated fairly and equally in the USA.
@HeyMJ. Год назад
It’s a prime example of the Guv’s inability to fathom the importance of effective leadership & governance; choosing to use Texas resources for his own benefit and pandering to the lowest of the low.
@goblinwisdom Год назад
Saw several stitched video of US women who wanted to have a hysterectomy and along with the foul sexism of 'asking your male partner for permission', one gave advice to 'tell them your Autistic ' and suddenly 'they will be willing to give you the procedure... let the drs eugenics work for you'. not blaming just the US on the Eugenics, plenty of that everywhere still.
@small_fries7573 Год назад
I agree. Trump da dump. He ain't a loving Christian 💔 nor a real Christian. You are a special and unique person. Your life & soul matter. Your life is very short compared to eternity. Therefore if you want to spend eternity on heaven after your life here on earth 🌎, you should believe in your heart ❤️ that Jesus Christ is your Savior. If you don't, you will miss going to heaven and end up in the lake of fire. It is terrible so I beg you to make the only correct decision for God to allow you to go to heaven. Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. 🙏 Have a nice day. God does love ❤️ you. You are a special and unique person. Your life & soul matter. Your life is very short compared to eternity. Therefore if you want to spend eternity on heaven after your life here on earth 🌎, you should believe in your heart ❤️ that Jesus Christ is your Savior. If you don't, you will miss going to heaven and end up in the lake of fire. It is terrible so I beg you to make the only correct decision for God to allow you to go to heaven. Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. 🙏 Have a nice day. God does love ❤️ you.
@the.teflon.Don1 Год назад
What absolute bullshit
@FaceFcuk Год назад
No he never 😂 if you look back at all his rallys he does that same thing everytime. I don't like or dislike him , I'm just telling straight FACTS . I can see msm has hooked you in hook line and sinker.
@nancymesek Год назад
That’s so sad. I always assist disabled people when given the opportunity. To think some people use it as an opportunity to abuse them is heartbreaking.
@astroboirap Год назад
brokeb britain
@zeroxox777 Год назад
The real sadness is in our absolute disinterest in what transforms a perfect human baby into a violent and traumatised adult, and ironically this indifference is out of our, including your, intolerance, judgement and hatred of those you regard as violent, who are OUR CHILDREN. They are children of society and of humanity, the forgotten ones. To slough off all your toxicity on these unfortunates is an immeasurable violence, so don't be hypocritical. Let me tell you what is responsible for turning a perfect, beautiful, gentle baby into such a violent perpetrator. You and I are responsible. The society we have created and continuously recreate is what turns a perfect human baby into a monster - either a socially conditioned stuffed toy like you and most channel 4 viewers, or greedy self fattening pigs like most British people probably also including present company, or people in so much pain at the violence and insanity of the world that they become drug addicts or sing for Radiohead.
@zeroxox777 Год назад
​@@small_fries7573very useful information. Pitty Christians are too frightened to think freely and even more terrified of being free.
Scottish independence is a must to get rid of labour and Tory criminals destroying our lives
@winstoningram99 Год назад
Great for sharing that
@edrisgabo915 Год назад
Terrible. First to hear about Haye crimes against Disabled People. I thought people Would be more Tolerant towards Disabled People. Never Give up the Fight. Raise Awareness of this Kind of this Hate Crime ❤🎉
@user-bi8ko7kc6h Год назад
It’s not only towards people with disabilities but all human beings. People in general become more and more mean and selfish compared to decades ago. My grandma told me back in the time they didn’t even need to close or lock their front doors and neighbours took care of each other’s kids without asking for a return. But now, if you accidentally annoy someone on the street, you shall ready for a punch.
@sabinaaitcheson5695 Год назад
100/ agree
@ukmedical4206 Год назад
Disabled for 10 years after an accident, abuse comes from all directions but it’s worse when it’s the NHS , they have lawyers that threaten you if you complain
@Marenqo Год назад
Tories should go to prison
@ItsJustRyan89 Год назад
Or the people who commit these crimes should.
@small_fries7573 Год назад
You are a special and unique person. Your life & soul matter. Your life is very short compared to eternity. Therefore if you want to spend eternity on heaven after your life here on earth 🌎, you should believe in your heart ❤️ that Jesus Christ is your Savior. If you don't, you will miss going to heaven and end up in the lake of fire. It is terrible so I beg you to make the only correct decision for God to allow you to go to heaven. Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. 🙏 Have a nice day. God does love ❤️ you. You are a special and unique person. Your life & soul matter. Your life is very short compared to eternity. Therefore if you want to spend eternity on heaven after your life here on earth 🌎, you should believe in your heart ❤️ that Jesus Christ is your Savior. If you don't, you will miss going to heaven and end up in the lake of fire. It is terrible so I beg you to make the only correct decision for God to allow you to go to heaven. Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. 🙏 Have a nice day. God does love ❤️ you.
@lloroshastar6347 Год назад
@@ItsJustRyan89 the Tories have been committing these crimes, they forced people unfit to work into work, many of them died. They are fundamentally prejudiced against disabled people.
@TheCourtsOfLove Год назад
IE Tories@@ItsJustRyan89
@lushxkitten Год назад
My mum has a condition where sometimes she needs a wheelchair if it’s gone severe and she has said how different people act towards you when your in a wheelchair and she’s said that if she’s with dad and in a shop and she asks someone a question they will look at and respond to my dad instead of her when she’s in her chair and which is really condescending
@catmoore2443 Год назад
Unfortunately that's what happens. People just assume you're not compos mentis. I avoid public transport as I feel like a burden and to be honest I only go out when I absolutely have to . Alot of people are just ignorant of disabilities and sometimes don't know how to treat you / help you ect .
@christianlandmark2461 Год назад
I think some people are spiteful towards disabled people because of all the government benefits they are entitled to receive and that the quality of life they receive as a result is equal or perhaps even better to those who work full time. Sadly there is an unconcious bias towards disabled people that they are inferior because of their disability and therefore your quality of life should also be inferior. shame really
@Aarenby Год назад
The rhetoric from the government sure isnt helping
@mfjigsaw6010 Год назад
I been attacked for being disabled and also black, 6 times this year so far. No police help and nothing from local Islington council or Mayor or Labour MP. Aldi in Old Street laughed at me rather than help get me a basket. I feel like I need a head camera every time I am out. For bullying a disabled person, the punishment should be break your arms and legs. Makes me wish Saw was real.
@yvonbarrier1829 Год назад
I'm not black, but I had hate crime against me. It has to stop. Penalty should be given to these people. It's the only way or community service helping people with disabilities. Maybe then they understand what we are going through.
@olivere5497 Год назад
Its not normal people doing these attacks is it? No point shaming us honest tax payers, the type of people who go out attacking disabled people are probably of the criminal class.
@cappyGLA Год назад
I was a fully fit man until 2013 and my mobility practically ground to a halt brought on by Autoimmune ( Addisons) and two stenosis in my spine (neck and lower back). Being exforces I have seen fellow soldiers have their body broken far worse than mine. Its only now I understand how they feel. The one that breaks my heart most is people born through no fault of their own with disabilities. I really feel their fear and frustration at entitled morons persecuting anyone with a disability at will. I will push back on any idiot that tries that prejudice or malice on me but a lot of people can not as they have not had the experience of being fully fit. We can all push back on racism, homophobia, sectarianism and bigotry, but who will push back for the disabled? Like all hate crimes this should be nipped in the bud ASAP. If it is not addressed it will not stop until there is a fatality and that's the only time those talking heads in Westminster do anything is when news of such a tragic event hits the media. A prevention is better than a cure!
@sarahmadeley5136 Год назад
I've found that this has become a lot worse since lockdown. One issue on my mind at the moment is, that there has been a massive rise in people using disabled spaces without a blue badge. There has been so many times that I have come into a car park and all of those spaces are filled by non-badge holders. This wasn't helped during lockdown when most disabled spaces were blocked off for social distancing. Closer exits were also blocked off, leaving a lot of us disabled people feeling isolated.
@GregorSamsa000 Год назад
Thank you for publishing this report. It has been really insightful.
@_____alyptic Год назад
This is sickening, we need to do something.
@CHuzz7777 Год назад
Like what? Lots of things are illegal, people still do these things. You can’t create a perfect society by force.
@azillliasmith2734 Год назад
Help a physically disabled person tidy their garden that may help you feel better.....
@seanarmstrong7059 Год назад
People are sometimes disgusting the law needs to change to allow people to be charged with disabled hate crime the same way as someone could be charged for racism
@yvonbarrier1829 Год назад
I totally agree, I'm disabled and felt hate crime.
@stevenwallacebaker9169 Год назад
what if the "disgusting person" who committed the "hate crime" was autistic? if you as a disabled person, who suffered the "hate crime" such as name calling, called the person "disgusting" they you are also committing a "hate crime" against a disabled person,we have entered into the realms of the ridiculous.
@stevenwallacebaker9169 Год назад
@@yvonbarrier1829 "felt hate crime" or suffered actual crime?
@dhanhyaa Год назад
It’s hard enough being a disabled person. The least the people around them could do is to avoid making their lives harder.
@adamhillman8143 Год назад
I have cerebral palsy and frequently get people shouting at me when I am in town from cars or people in groups. I was on my tricycle a couple of times and have had drivers shouting at me as they pass. Once this caused me to crash.
@dambrooks7578 Год назад
What an incredible state of living 21st century Britain is, how embarrassing as it is now worse than the early 20th century. Only you can make the changes that will make a difference.
​@@small_fries7573omg spamming the comments reported
@Taylor23890 Год назад
Actually it’s been this way forever . Years ago your child has downs the hospital would tell you not to take that child home , forget about them . People with learning disabilities would be locked in institutions
@AshleyNave-p2b 5 месяцев назад
I have bipolar depression, PTSD, ADHD and borderline/mild intellectual disability. Being attacked for having any disability is wrong, and is a form of hate, and prejudice because it is discrimination against people with a disability. Having a disability isn't one size fits all either.
@ainsleyharriott2209 Год назад
Unfortunately I believe this is true. One time I had to spend only a week or so in a wheelchair and had some damage to my face, and to my surprise I had many people point and laugh at me out in public. The public and people in the UK and most other places are awful.
@cappyGLA Год назад
Sorry to hear this :(
@shropshireman9632 Год назад
@tommyi6667 Год назад
Call me old fashioned, I was taught to say please, thank you, opening doors for ladies, give up your seat to a lady or an older person. I have recently asked if a wheelchair user required a hand and I was called a gentleman, I am no gentleman but I was brought up with respect for others
@emil_rainbow Год назад
How many disabled people self isolate for fear of abuse and the uselessness of support organisations?
@alwincoleman3932 Год назад
There’s no such thing as a hate crime. Just crime.
@jamesfranklyn8547 Год назад
To sexually assault someone under the guise of helping them tells you all you need to know about the state of the society we now live in. I'm ashamed to be human.
@gazs7237 Год назад
We are becoming a nation of bullies... sad
@London_miss234 Год назад
We have to do better. Report cases. Expect that something will be done.
@DifferentDose Год назад
Yeah, these gov't workers are there for the donuts and retirement pay. Pigs don't like doing paperwork that won't help them promo wise. 😒😣😖
@RankinMsP Год назад
With the Met? No chance
@j.harrison6744 Год назад
It's a sociological fact that as the population of a nation increases, the value of human life and decency decreases.
@svetal1194 Год назад
What an amazing reporter!! Ruben Reuter, wishing you a great career! THank yoU!!
@johnathanrowley2707 Год назад
Its not just wheelchair uses its all hidden dissabilties like learning disabilities that are you treated badly when you are struggling or confused, i was bullied by company that actually looks after ill people
@YouTubeH8sMe Год назад
Im disabled, and was assaulted by an ASDA security guard because i drove my the scooter to my car parked in disabled parking slot with blue badge displayed, to put the food i just bought from ASDA into the car. I called him a fachist, his reply to that was..... "Thats racist"
@ThomasBarnes89 Год назад
It's spelled "fascist". Do you know how to spell .. "Autistic"?
@suburbiapheonix7960 Год назад
A few decades back I worked for a company producing 'Scooter's' in the UK for the disabled. As part of the development of a new product we had to road test our latest design which fell to one of our engineers. He took the test model into the local town where he was suddenly mobbed by a bunch of kids who found it funny and thought he was actually disabled. Thier amusment turned to horror when he stood up and chased them as he was a very fit runner. Spoke volumes of the feral 'youth' in the area.
@coltonsimmonds6991 Год назад
'Remember This World Is Full Of Really Disturbed People; It Will Get Worse; Nothing Can Be Done; The System Is Doomed'.
@meanlean3095 Год назад
Ain’t nobody trying to grope her… She needs to stop lying…
@Cornz38 Год назад
Ask the question as to why. Most of us know but it will not be discussed for fear of offending.
@m.majaaz8464 Год назад
Amazing job, Rubin!
@small_fries7573 Год назад
You are a special and unique person. Your life & soul matter. Your life is very short compared to eternity. Therefore if you want to spend eternity on heaven after your life here on earth 🌎, you should believe in your heart ❤️ that Jesus Christ is your Savior. If you don't, you will miss going to heaven and end up in the lake of fire. It is terrible so I beg you to make the only correct decision for God to allow you to go to heaven. Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. 🙏 Have a nice day. God does love ❤️ you. You are a special and unique person. Your life & soul matter. Your life is very short compared to eternity. Therefore if you want to spend eternity on heaven after your life here on earth 🌎, you should believe in your heart ❤️ that Jesus Christ is your Savior. If you don't, you will miss going to heaven and end up in the lake of fire. It is terrible so I beg you to make the only correct decision for God to allow you to go to heaven. Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life. 🙏 Have a nice day. God does love ❤️ you.
@Scarlettvoid Год назад
Unfortunately there's no such thing as a "British society" anymore we are heading towards a hungergames type experience. Kids are already gambling walking to school or walking to the shops due to knife crime.
@philiphassall6127 Год назад
Love to see this young man reporting, a refreshingly personal take on a news story of such importance. I'd like to see a lot more of this and of course much less abuse and hate crime.
@Martin-cl8ky Год назад
It must make people feel SO unsure and mistrustful. I have epilepsy and had a lot of seizures outside but im a male and less likely to be abused sexually-if i were female and had seizures in the same way i think id be extremely cautious (when it's clearly not right to feel like that) in case someone took advantage of me as im coming round since it takes sometiems up to 30min to even know what city im in and sometimes about 15min to know my name and before that i literally know nothing as I'm so confused-this is when i have a large seizure which luckily doesn't happen quite so much but I'm still working with my neurologist to get my meds dose right. But again this is disgusting and awful, hate crime across the board is rising and HAVE to be stopped. The government needs to take all hate crimes far more seriously (and many of the public do too) instead of thinking its just thin-skinned whiny kids. Well im 40 so certainly not young and i want to see far more action instead of empty words and broken promises on all hate crimes
@stevenwreyford4570 Год назад
You are inventing a problem that doesn't exist Jeesus - there isn't a whole subculture of men preying on epileptic women waiting for the to fit so they can rape them. Wth are you saying?
@azillliasmith2734 Год назад
Why are they only focusing on people in wheelchairs or did I miss something?......
@eagle_and_the_dragon Год назад
"Hate Crimes" is a worrying legal standard.
@kaasuphi7010 Год назад
To each one of you, all people who have been subjected to this abuse, i am so so sorry. This should not be happening to you, it is so wrong i am both shocked and lost for words. For speaking up and out about it i salute you, your bravery, and for not letting it prevent you living your life that takes extraordinary courage. Keep on campaigning and educate all the able bodied that predetors are being abusive to you. Its the crime of assault and their chosen victims shows what dispicable individuals they are. I pray that the police start taking this very seriously and effective policing is put in place to protect diabled/special needs adults as they live their lives, and the full weight of the law is behind any victim to hold the sick indiduals to account for there predatory conduct. Stay strong, hold onto that courage of yours. You are so brave, and Gods blessings, protection and peace be always yours in abundance.❤💕💗💞💓💖💝🤍💜💙💚💛🧡❤️
@7th.trumpet Год назад
Must be all the new people coming over that are doing the hate attacks ?. I've never met anyone from England doing this towards an handicapped person !
@veg4life. Год назад
First of all this is channel fours job to spread lies getting the command from the government, to distract the public from focusing on actual crime murder death the government is committing now , it is channel fours job to hide the government and government officials politicians crime , Secondly those evil disgusting pervs harass women leaving clubs groping non consensual touching and rape and stalk and wait outside of school for twelve thirteen aged girls , doing all the same comes I said previously,
@adamhopkinson6363 Год назад
This is not a Hate crime, it is pure ignorance, utter stupidity and selfishness!
@HelenaMikas Год назад
In Berlin the driver be it bus , underground , s-bahn is the only one who can help you board. It works well.. I was born & grew up in Manchester .Transport is poor in UK .I came to work here in Berlin and found civilisation
@charlottedowson9460 Год назад
This is shocking. I really think this issue needs to be explored more fully with a documentary.
@facehugger3 Год назад
Because society is sick. Truth gets censored and attacked , good deeds get punished and criminals go free.
@WhichDoctor1 Год назад
This is just something that happens when far right politics is on the rise. People feel more emboldened to attack minorities of all kinds in the name of defending the majority from imaginary threats, or just because they want to hurt people and feel like they’ve been given permission to target the vulnerable by their favourite politician or social media influencer
@thorkushari4027 Год назад
What total bull. It's a simple matter of bad manners.
@Kwippy Год назад
Kindness is weakness. Selfishness is strength. That seems to be the attitude of the right across the western world. People are resentful of minority groups getting what they see as special treatment while contributing less. Right wing nationalism ideologies like Brexit, America First, Stop funding the war, Climate change is not real etc all promote the creed that selfishness it good and right.
That's actually shocking .. I'm genuinely a nice guy who does offer help if needed. That's weird 😢, sexual assault Seriously, society is getting worse,
@paulroberts7544 Год назад
When it comes to hate crime it's not your opinion of yourself/your actions that matter. I think it's the 'victim' that decides whether you've been hateful. So for example, hold a door open for someone and you COULD find yourself getting a visit from police becaues the person you tried to help out took offence at your assumption that they needed your help. I doubt this kind of thing happens frequently, but the way the law is I think it can happen. The more diverse our society becomes, the harder it is to know how others expect to be treated. It'd be interesting to see descriptions of these hate crimes. Of course, I can only go by my own part of the world (rural Scotland) but I'm absolutely not seeing any increase in hate crime towards anyone.
@johnathanrowley2707 Год назад
Simply don't help people as these days if they are about to trip up and u grab them it's hate crime, if u do CPR on a collapsed person it assault , people should be thankful for help
@tomasclayton1566 Год назад
I'm autistic- given up reporting anything, not only does nothing happen but I am often assumed to be suspicious because of my body language and language differences so a couple of time's have almost ended up being blamed for the crime I've reported: So far thankfully theres been CCTV to back me up. An example: I reported a guy threatening us because there was no way to escape from him, he later went on to break into a local shop: police on the phone assumed I was in the wrong and made me give my address in front of the guy who was being very threatening despite me saying I was scared to, they said it would be fine and I believed them. They gave me a crime number and left us to figure our way out of that situation- thankfully we didn't know at the time but he has trying to get us to leave so there would be no witnesses. A couple of hours later the police came to my house and questioned me and my (also autistic) partner very aggressively. In the morning thankfully the local cameras had him on there breaking into a shop as we were told by local people: I realised the reason they were so aggressive was because they thought I did it. Similar things have happened to me a couple of times before where the police have blamed me or really awful things have happened because they haven't listened because I'm autistic (I previously would call them maybe once a year if there was something really dangerous and life threatening as I'm often up late so see a lot what others don't see: some good things and a small number really bad- eg when I was around 19 I rang about a woman being dragged down the road screaming they told me it was fine and because they didn't respond she was s assaulted and left for an hour to wait outside a local care home where she eventually ran to). I'm not the only one with this experience at all, just search 'autistic people and police' and theres hundred of different experiences many in the UK and elsewhere some with awful outcomes.
Nice reporting 🎉😅😊
@persephone3309 Год назад
This is so disgusting I had no idea this was happening. Vulnerable people are being assaulted in front of everyone and nothing is being done?
@guymasterson6767 Год назад
I am in shock. It boggles the mind to think that someone “helping” a disabled person would use the opportunity to sexually abuse them. The first lady interviewed is very eloquent and should be a spokesperson for the cause.
@janicebarthram6759 Год назад
Sadly all crime is on the rise because there are no consequences for offenders.
@wynbrown5985 Год назад
People seem to be losing their humanity.
@johnmaurer2035 Год назад
Gotta say, not surprised what some people are capable of. Human Dog Sh#t.
@missj.d9187 Год назад
This blows my mind! How on earth can someone be so low to assualt someone in a flipping wheelchair. It's almost like we need to introduce compulsory classes on how to be a decent human being and respectful of all people. Where have basic morals and kindness gone?
@roybarron7806 3 месяца назад
Sigh I think we have no future Sadly I don't see lot of support for us in this world 😔
@roleat Год назад
An increase of different cultures who are much less tolerant of flaws.
@Noneya5241 Год назад
The Nazis did the same thing
@JaneAustenAteMyCat Год назад
Excellent report. The microaggressions happen constantly. I'm an ambulatory wheelchair user - meaning I sometimes need to use a wheelchair - and people's attitude towards me changes *immediately* when I'm using the wheelchair. The first thing, and something that is very alienating, is the way most people pretend I'm not there. They deliberately walk in front of the wheelchair (meaning I have to go around them, which is much more awkward for me than for them and risks me bumping into them), they avoid eye contact, etc. I'm just an object who's in their way. This doesn't happen when I'm walking. I doubt they even realise they're doing it and that's what makes it a microagression. Of course, the opposite is also bad, when people are overly conscientious, but at least they're trying!
@camellia8625 Год назад
I am very sorry you are subjected to such micro aggressions. I personally see deliberately walking in front of your wheelchair as more than that; it is outright bullying and quite possibly an attempt to provoke you into an altercation with them. It is a pathetic power over move.
@camellia8625 Год назад
@@pewpews8486 I disagree with your stance which is insensitive at best and dismissive at worst. Individuals with lived experience need to be listened to and believed.
@JaneAustenAteMyCat Год назад
@@pewpews8486 overly sensitive? When I literally explained that these things don't happen when I'm walking? 🤦‍♀️
@stevenwreyford4570 Год назад
It's really odd - I don't see people behaving in the way you describe. I see most people that would literally stop what they are doing to help anyone in your position if they needed help. What you don't process is that most people have to judge is the person ok, do they need help, should I acknowledge the person etc. etc. which in itself is a minefield. What absolutely grates me about your comment is you hate it when people pretend to ignore you, and then you equally hate it when people don't. You really should give people the benefit of the doubt instead of trying to find 'micro aggressions', but frankly if you reread what you said, you said enough.
@stevenwallacebaker9169 Год назад
@@JaneAustenAteMyCat this comment section is full of people saying "don't offer help to people in wheelchairs as it can be perceived as patronising" I never tend to smile at people in wheelchairs as I worry they think I'm patronising them,I avoid eye contact because I don't know them,I don't look direct in the eyes of strangers so why should you in a wheel chair be any different? we are dammed if we do dammed if we don't, and the concept of microaggression just makes this all worse,your last comment "at least their trying" says it all ,why on earth should anyone have to "try" towards you? people dont know you,they are "trying" to get on with their own lives,perhaps you would be happier if you weren't so self absorbed?
@TheJimNorth Год назад
One of most irritating things is that you can’t move on modern media for so called victims of oppression such as racism, bigotry, misogyny, transphobia… misgendering etc and yet… the truly and genuinely most vulnerable amongst us are treated like this. It says it all about humanity.
@stampandscrap7494 Год назад
Wow, use a peice about hate crime to spout your hate
@TheJimNorth Год назад
@@stampandscrap7494 I’m not hating anybody. I’m pointing out there are certain cults who are convinced that they are victimised in some way when generally most of them are not.
@laurenceskinnerton73 Год назад
@carolkemp5935 Год назад
What about the disability hate crimes the police ignore? Furthermore, the crimes against the elderly are just as bad, especially theft.
@Tom-nv9lv Год назад
Tory suspects as usual
@snapdragon1194 Год назад
I have a wheelchair bound young neice who seems to attract strangers who feel they need to lay their hands on her to pray for her. She's not religious and does not appreciate unwanted stranger's hands on her. Please people think first before taking these liberties.
@ianraffel7505 Год назад
I had no idea this was going on. Horrible. Yet another crime going on which will be left in an unread pile by the police.
@Sumi_S Год назад
I never seen anyone mistreat disabled people in public
@hollownation Год назад
Physical and sexual assault should be dealt with like any other violent crime but I’m sorry people using words to bully is a cultural issue and not something that can be solved with policing
@FOETRAIN Год назад
If the victim of a crime does not state that there was a hate element to the crime, then in many cases the Police will take no action. The increase in reported hate crimes is simply showing that people are recognising that.
@MrBlackfalconuk Год назад
As an able bodied, I have served my country for 22 years and as such been the victim of actual hate crimes against not me, but what I did for a living. Discrimination, sexual assault, physical assault from different peoples yes, but can you say that ALL of them are HATE Crimes, don't get me wrong, any infringement on your person that is unwanted or unwarranted is, as far as I am concerned, an illegal act, even getting into to your personal space is a threat upon your person, but is it a HATE Crime? And yes I have the fullest sympathy for disabled people and how they are treated by the able bodied, being a carer for my disabled mother, I have witnessed it and had to intercede, true the authorities do not treat such actions with the same conviction. So my point would be any crime or assault on a disabled person is now classed as a HATE Crime because they are disabled and no other reason?
@hugmc Год назад
We are easy targets for the real losers in life
@margaretdempsey2935 Год назад
I think the young man who reported on this did a sterling job.
@paulhunter6742 Год назад
Utterly despicable. People need think how they're feel if were disabled being abused. How would you feel?
@mmajeed9809 Год назад
This is shocking to see hate crime like this living in multicultural global society. Government needs to address this problem.
@YA-hm5zy Год назад
Tories are making it worse. Look at their rhetoric, they are whipping up hatred and intolerance.
@Whyowhy99 Год назад
Government needs to stay out of our lives
@unicorntomboy9736 Год назад
Not going to happen. Politicians only help what benefits them personally, and this doesn't
@leebex100 Год назад
Certain politicians cast the disabled as scroungers...
@christinebeames712 Год назад
Because we have a lot of self obsessed people who are constantly taking selfies , no tolerance for anyone who is not a clone
@sonofsomerset1695 Год назад
Perhaps CH4 can link this to Russell Brand too, I mean he was in the country, thats all the evidence CH4 need.
@shunaras Год назад
Happens to me all the time and I not even disabled, just old. I got fired a dozen times in the past 10 years because I was unable to have children
The Harms of Hate
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Why Don't We Care About Disabled People?
Просмотров 834 тыс.