
Why Aren't Angels Scary Anymore? | Fate & Fabled 

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As beings that mediate between heaven and earth, angels have been the focus of both fascination and fear for centuries. For many of us today, the enduring image of an angel is a winged, benevolent baby or adult sporting a halo. But in the past, they’ve been described as fireballs, forms without substance, or massive beings that collect blood or trumpet the end of time. Where did these archetypes come from and why has that of the winged cherub endured?
Hosted by Dr. Moiya McTier & Dr. Emily Zarka, FATE & FABLED explores the stories and characters of mythologies from all around the world - why they came to be and how they impact us still today.
Host / Writer: Dr. Emily Zarka
Director: David Schulte
Executive Producer: Amanda Fox
Producer: Thomas Fernandes
Editor / Animator: P.W. Shelton
Assistant Editor: Jordyn Buckland
Illustrator: Sophie Calhoun
Script Editors: Emily Zarka, PhD & Moiya McTier, PhD
Fact Checker: Yvonne McGreevy
Fact Checker: Yvonne McGreevy
Additional Footage: Shutterstock
Music: APM Music
Executive in Charge (PBS): Maribel Lopez
Director of Programming (PBS): Gabrielle Ewing
Fate & Fabled is produced by Spotzen for PBS Digital Studios.



4 апр 2022




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@sirelfinjedi 2 года назад
I think one of the most fascinating things about angels is their conflation with the spirits of the dead. The idea that Uncle Phil died and is now an angell is very prevalent in pop culture but not taught in Abrahamic religions.
@joeljoshyjoeljoshy7823 2 года назад
Yeah it isvl weird
@warrenleezy 2 года назад
Rest in Peace Uncle Phil, the closest thing to a father that I ever knew--J.Cole, Role Models
@ifeeldead463 2 года назад
Ye, I was even surprised when I learned that it wasnt the case in religion class. My teacher, a former priest, clarified that the dead don't turn into angels, I think he said they're just spirits (not sure but either way, not angel) and if theyre worthy enough, turn into saints
@CourtneySchwartz 2 года назад
Did that come from interactions with cultures in Ireland or West Africa that believed in ancestor worship or spirit realms, maybe? Interesting question for sure.
@Amy_the_Lizard 2 года назад
@@CourtneySchwartz Lot of other cultural groups include some degree of ancestor worship as well, bear in mind
@Eff_Average_109 2 года назад
@ghostlygena 2 года назад
midnight mass has entered the chat
@collin4555 2 года назад
@kevin080592 2 года назад
@michaelrussell3890 2 года назад
Obviously never watched Doctor Who
@LiliannEnder 2 года назад
. 👁 👁 . 👁 👁 . 👁 👁 BE NOT AFRAID
@lorigoshert6667 2 года назад
A correction and clarification about the Islamic tradition: 1. Iblis is not an angel. He is a jinn, which is a different type of being. 2. Jibril and Gabriel are the same angel - Jibril is simply the Arabic version of Gabriel.
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana 2 года назад
The Iblis not being an angel thing is an invention to avoid the issue of the angels possibly being evil. The wording of the Quran uses the word for "except" when discussing Iblis not being like the other angels in the context. By looking at the usage of the word for "except" in the Quran, it is clear it means that Iblis is an angel and thus the djinn are a subset of angels.
@lorigoshert6667 2 года назад
The Qur'an clearly says "he was from the Jinn."
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana 2 года назад
@@lorigoshert6667 Djinn are obviously a subset of angels.
@Nightstar3242 2 года назад
@@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana No they aren't, jinn are completely different beings made from smokeless fire... And angels are beings made from noor...Please don't make up false assumptions....
@UniDocs_Mahapushpa_Cyavana 2 года назад
@@Nightstar3242 Angels are said to be made from fire too...
@enbyarchmage 2 года назад
The idea that angels personify not only humanity's never-ending search for meaning, but also our free will and fallibility, was one of the most thought-provoking things I've ever heard when it comes to rational interpretations of mythology, and that's saying something! Thank you so much for presenting the world with this masterpiece, Dr. Z! 😍
@TheREALSimagination 2 года назад
I don't think I've ever heard angels theorized in any of those ways but I see how it would apply for some.
@cramerfloro5936 2 года назад
What I find interesting with modern depictions of Biblically Accurate Angels is that they focus on creatures that the Bible never calls angels. The term „malakh" (messenger) was used by later writings to encompass all abrahamic celestial beings, but in the earliest texts it appears in it only denotes the lightborn humanoids that act as messengers and agents on Earth of God.
@eduardonevesreis9299 2 года назад
Yeah, malakh means "messenger". So a malakh/angel is any spirit who acts as a messenger from God. But the hebrew bible mentions a lot of spiritual beings in heaven. And not all of them are messengers/malakh. The Seraphim (literally means "fiery flying serpent") and the Cherubim for example are depicted as a high rank class of spiritual entities, far more powerful than mere messengers. God is also depicted as having a whole set of spirits helping him in ruling the universe, kinda of like a heavenly court or council. Among these beings in God's court there's a spirit who acts as a persecutor of mankind, accusing humans and testing their faith by punishing them with illness, poverty and war (with the permission of God himself). This is the being that Christianity calls the Devil or Satan. But the hebrew Bible depicts him more like a servant of God and an enemy of mankind, rather than an enemy of God himself. And besides all these beings, there's also demons, wich are these animalistic monstrous and cannibalistic spirits living in ruins and wild places, possessing humans and causing all kinds of illness (but they're still under God's command, as are all things in the universe). The hebrew cosmology is fascinating! And as a believer, I think that modern day religions usually don't understand the real concepcts of spiritual entities and hierarchy that the ancient hebrew texts teach. God does not has a powerful arch enemy trying to overthrow him. He's the all powerful creator, and all things are under his law and command. There are good spirits serving him, whose job is to help mankind. And there's also evil spirits under him, who hate mankind and act as persecutors, testing our morals and our faith with evil and punishing sinners (but still serving God's plan while doing it).
@eoincampbell1584 2 года назад
@@eduardonevesreis9299 As an Irish and gay man. I find the idea that god punishes "sinners" with things like illness, poverty, and war a dangerous one that could (and has) been used by believers to justify not trying to prevent deaths caused by those things. Such an argument was used by the British when they cut off aid to the Irish population during the famine, leading to over a quarter of the island dying. And a similar one was made during the AIDs crisis, contributing to minimal government action to develop treatments. Both were genocidal actions motivated in part by this kind of theology. So personally I can't really see the value in it, it being more accurate to the oldest abrahamic religious texts not really being something I see as important given that those were written by fallible humans and have traceable influences from other belief systems; and so to me do not in any way reflect a singular truth about the higher powers of the world.
@eduardonevesreis9299 2 года назад
@@eoincampbell1584 you can (and you should) try to prevent illness, poverty and death by human means. You, being human, has all the rights to do what you need to survive and improve your life. But by the end of the day, the bad things in your life will only cease when God/Yahweh allow you to have these human means that you need to stop it. So by the end of day, the Creator rules it all. And as my grandmother used to say, bad things are terrible when they happen, but they happen for a reason. It can be a punishment, an example, a life teaching (for you or for others) or a test for your morals, faith and resilience. But it all comes from God, good and evil comes from him. It's even said in the Torah that he creates light and darkness, and makes the rain fall for both good and bad people. The higher powers of the world not always would be like the idea of "perfect goodness and kindness" that we have, or that we want them to be. You can see by the way that nature works that the Creator is both beautiful/merciful/good and frigthening/mighty/terrible in his wrath. Everything around us is like that. A mix of joy and terror. But that's my perspective as a believer
@maryamalwali765 2 года назад
Malak is the word for Angel in arabic
@twistedtachyon5877 2 года назад
@@eoincampbell1584 perhaps. But I suspect the perpetrators of such acts would just use a different fig leaf. After all, to do nothing and allow suffering to fester unchecked is the main way one fails such "tests". So, it's not like those "justifications" hold up under scrutiny in that worldview either.
@the_real_littlepinkhousefly 2 года назад
The ones that appeared to humans in Biblical times must have been pretty scary looking in some way, as the angels were always having to tell people to "Fear not." And John (the one who wrote Revelation) immediately fell to his face before the one who brought him the revelation of God. That angel had to tell him to stand up and not worship him, as he was NOT God. I think we've watered down a LOT what they probably look like, in order to make them more "accessible", and, as Dr. Zarka said, "fluffy." And as an aside, the Bible says angels are horrified when we focus on them, as they are simply God's messengers and want Him to receive the focus and glory.
@davidhartz5301 2 года назад
Nobody knows who wrote Revelation.
@andrewtime2994 2 года назад
@@davidhartz5301 John of Patmos. We know that his name was John and that he was exiled on the island of Patmos. We also know that he wrote Greek badly and that his vision included references to the Gospels and the Hebrew scriptures, which is why the beings from the visions of the major prophets show up there.
@Delgen1951 2 года назад
@@davidhartz5301 that is not relevant as it was the custom to assign a writers name to a work, this can be seen through history the books of Jaise Cesar were written 50 yeas after his death but are assigned to him by custom. This can be seen even today in some works. And If I remember correctly the book does claim that the "beloved apostille" wrote it and that would have been John.
@andrewtime2994 2 года назад
@@Delgen1951 I looked it up. Revelation is in the form of a letter written by a man who introduces himself as John, writing from the island of Patmos, where he had been sent by the Romans for proselytizing Christianity. Some very early sources refer to an apocalyptic writing by John the Apostle, so people assume that it might be the book of Revelation. Others think the style of writing is too different from the book and letters dictated by John (as John himself could not read or write). That is why I said that we know that his name was John, we do not know if it was the Apostle. At the first Council of Nicea the church leaders decided that all texts by primary sources (that is, people who knew Christ personally) and secondary sources (people who knew the primary sources) should be copied so that every church would have a copy. This became our New Testament. So, not knowing if John of Patmos was the Apostle John doesn't mean we don't know anything about him, we know a lot, but not that specific thing. Edited for clarity.
@Delgen1951 2 года назад
Angeles are servensats and a good servant ALWAYS points to his master.
@shiningstar737 2 года назад
Shot out to Bayonetta and Evangelion for keeping the horrors of angels alive
@eaglewolffox6275 2 года назад
And Doctor Who
@masterofallgoons 2 года назад
And Midnight Mass
@BalorShield Год назад
and the various Charlie's Angels reboots
@smurfyday Год назад
It's fascinating, and scary, that people take any of this seriously.
@michaelstuart341 2 года назад
Two things: 1:35 the three angels visited Abraham after he was already in the land promised to him by God. They came to tell him that his wife Sarah was to conceive and give birth to a son in a year's time and to give warning of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. 1:58 Cherubim are not small, little babies; they are (as described in Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 5a - 11) "In appearance their form was human, but each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. All four of them had faces and wings, and the wings of one touched the wings of another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved. Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a human being, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle. Such were their faces. They each had two wings spreading out upward, each wing touching that of the creature on either side; and each had two other wings covering its body." Cherubim are also (most likely) the four living creatures depicted in Revelation 4 circling the throne of God, as they have a near-identical description and role (guarding His throne and praising His name). Other than that, pretty good video.
@gravel9270 2 года назад
Yes. Cherubims are indeed not the cute naked angel babies we see a lot in art and movies that are actually based on puttis (I'm not sure of the names) which are just common characters artists back in the days include when creating paintings or sculptures with divine themes. I think it's that part this video got wrong or maybe they are actually referring to pop culture depictions of cherubims. I'm not an expert so Google it to make sure.
@periwinklepeach7 2 года назад
Does the video say that the cherubim we're described in religious texts as babies, or that they were depicted that way by artists?
@evannibbe9375 2 года назад
The 4 living creatures in Revelation are far less human since they are covered in eyes.
@Mokiefraggle 2 года назад
@@periwinklepeach7 The small, infantile "angel" figures common in Renaissance art are at one point referred to as Cherubim in the video. I think that there's just a slight misspoken moment/conflation going on. Those figures, often referred to as putti, are also often called "Cherubs" in common parlance, even though they have no connection to the actual descriptions of Cherubim.
@randomlittlewaffle Год назад
Was surprised this didn’t come up.
@pendragon2012 2 года назад
Fascinating video! I kind of like the Supernatural spin that angels had to appear in human form to humans because they couldn't be seen or heard otherwise.
@ScumfuckMcDoucheface 2 года назад
Well, plus, appaaaarently they just wanted to F*CK...? .... Just like the rest of us, no doubt... but at least when I do the deed I don't create GIGANTIC EFFIN' CANNIBALS?! haha what the, where did that come from?? haha =)
@deadknight1402 2 года назад
Or the version where they had to because their true forms would destroy any mortals who witnessed them.
@pendragon2012 2 года назад
@@deadknight1402 Except special folks!
@adeletaylor6143 2 года назад
Provided the vessel doesn't explode!!!!!
@pendragon2012 2 года назад
@@adeletaylor6143 Gotta drink the demon blood.
@caseygibson7266 2 года назад
A monk with the name of Dionysus threw me for a loop, not going to lie
@Passions5555 2 года назад
Me too 😱
@johnsteiner3417 2 года назад
The Cherubs [Cherubim] weren't originally winged babies. They looked more like something out of a John Carpenter movie or Lovecraftian cosmic horror.
@literaterose6731 2 года назад
Although I know it’s not portrayed as horrifically as you described, I always loved the Cherubim in Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wind in the Door” who is an amalgamation of many wings, eyes and puffs of flame and is described at one point (before anyone knows what it is) as “a drive of dragons.” Much more interesting than a fat baby with a bow and arrow!
@autumnatic 2 года назад
I still find the idea of naked flying babies who try to get people to f*** all day creepier than any other monster.
@SerifSansSerif 2 года назад
Actually, cherubim are Persian. Like winged sphinx more so...
@Pingwn 2 года назад
I think that in later Jewish texts they are baby-like.
@angeldude101 2 года назад
Cherubim seem like they probably have a common origin with various other hybrid creatures like the sphinx or griffin.
@safaiaryu12 2 года назад
Random note - "angelos" means "messenger" in ancient Greek, so all of them were messengers of some sort. Just like all monsters were warnings - the word coming from Latin "monere" - "to warn"!
@mds_main 2 года назад
For anyone interested, youtuber Wendigoon has a good meaty video describing in detail the angelic ranking that was briefly mentioned in this video. I think it could help understanding better from where it comes from and why it is divided so.
@dyeus4464 2 года назад
One of the best depiction of angel like beings in literary texts for me are the Ainur of Tolkien. They are so abstract and also what they do are abstract like the Music of the Ainur.
@sadie1606 2 года назад
"No, I never see with human eyes the hands that lead me home" This episode made me think about the song " Angels watching over me" by Amy Grant. Great song 👌
@eroraf8637 2 года назад
Hey, I know that song! We used to listen to one of her albums on the road when I was in high school.
@Poppyjasper1 2 года назад
Part of me wonders if there are more descriptions of angels in the books of the Bible that were never canonized by the Council of Rome. They probably didn’t have much of an affect on our visual interpretation of angels, but I just wonder if they’re like.
@snakes7303 2 года назад
@NovaSaber 2 года назад
There are. For example, the Book of Enoch describes Metatron as having 72 wings.
@Amy_the_Lizard 2 года назад
@@NovaSaber ...I can see why that one didn't get as popular, people probably didn't want to try and draw that many wings...
@uhohspaghettios2391 2 года назад
There's a RU-vidr by the name of Wendigoon who does a breakdown of the different types of angels, what they are said to look like, and where we get those descriptions from. He brings up quite a few books that were removed from biblical doctrine between the first and fourth centuries CE. It's really interesting, and as someone who was religious but no longer is, I think it's very well researched.
@efaristi9737 2 года назад
@@NovaSaber that's way too much wings XD i understand why it wasn't kept XD
@SuperSongbird21 2 года назад
The question of how exactly angels (and their opponents, demons) work also affected the fate of Joan of Arc. She claimed to have seen angels, so when she was captured the court did everything they could to denounce her visions as those of demons instead - their ultimate argument being that the Church had recently decided that angels couldn't interact with the mortal world (being spiritual entities) but demons could and since Joan (a rural girl who wouldn't have known about this decision) claimed she'd seen angels moving objects she ended up convicted.
@Masrgood 2 года назад
Most Shiekhs and scholars today say that Shaytan is not a fallen angel but rather a Jinn who was once pious but refused to bow down.
@ConcreteAngelChloe 2 года назад
Loved this dive into angels, so many versions and so interesting~
@khaos1204 2 года назад
This was an amazing piece of work, research and presentation and editing and all. Good job to everyone that was involved.
@Pingwn 2 года назад
Thank you for acknowledging the diversity of the depictions of angels
@DukeOnkled 2 года назад
We, as a society, have become more and more accustomed to horrors beyond our imaginations. It's the same reason why the works of authors like H.P. Lovecraft have lost some of their bite. This could be attributed to any number of developments in human civilization (especially the internet), but the overall effect has been that we have learned to more easily conceptualize or at least compartmentalize the unknowable.
@stevenscott2136 2 года назад
What hurts Lovecraft for me is when his "things beyond description or comprehension" are painstakingly described in exquisite anatomical detail, and given plausible backstory and straightforward motivations. "Mountains of Madness" and "Whisperer in Darkness" are good examples.
@taiga738 2 года назад
@@stevenscott2136 And the racism. Fortunately there are plenty of derivative works that do better on that.
@Gunnar001 2 года назад
@@taiga738 Love the racism.
@RTaco Год назад
"Different" isn't as scary anymore.
@kutter_ttl6786 2 года назад
After viewing videos of Biblically accurate Angels I can see why when they spoke it was often prefaced with "Be not afraid". I'm pretty sure most people would freak out if they encountered them for the first time.
@smurfyday Год назад
Nah, fewer and fewer people have seen them except in really religious circles since people discovered the scientific method. It's curious how god explanations shrink with increasing human knowledge. It's just a sphere of ignorance.
@taelorpickel2830 Год назад
Actual biblically accurate angels are wingless and humanoid but are casted in an unbearable light. I do not believe Cherubim, Seraphim, and the other orders were even remotely considered angels.
@taelorpickel2830 Год назад
​@Manmoy Sadakat Exactly. I've looked up Bible verses before about such entities. Nothing, absolutely nothing states that they are angels. Actually, it's a lot more likely they are separate heavenly beings, as there was a description that was formatted in a way that the powers and other heavenly beings were separated in the text. Don't remember it though.
@WhiteLongSword7 2 года назад
If people look more into it, Michael is an Archangel, but not of the second to the lowest tier kind. He's more associated with being a Seraphim, even if he doesn't fit the traditional description of the highest choir. Surprised they didn't talk about the difference between _putto_ and cherubim and how they got mixed with each other lol
@twistedtachyon5877 2 года назад
Even in this video! The cherubim labelled in the hierarchy thing were all eyes and wings and whatnot, but the images flashed on screen when they were mentioned otherwise? Putti.
@rossalbertdelacruz6751 2 года назад
So, he's a high-ranking Messenger but only for protection
@taelorpickel2830 Год назад
Michael is kind of a tier of his own, being an Archangel is kind of his title or celestial status. Some texts imply that Satan may have been related to the Seraphim, with the abnormal amount of similarities with snakes and other such things that apply to Seraphim.
@wimvanderstraeten6521 2 года назад
Guillaume Geefs' The Genius of Evil is a good example of the romantic depiction of Lucifer as a tragic antihero. Lucifer hasn't lost his beauty and still looks very much like an angel, only with the wings of a bat.
@deathsyth8888 2 года назад
When the first words out of their mouth are "Fear not!" and "Do not be afraid", Angels have to be some incomprehensible embodiment or at least some weird unnatural figure to humans when they initially present themselves. Unless they do the whole "appear in a form you are more comfortable with" shtick as not to blow people's minds.
@MaryamMaqdisi Год назад
Sometimes it’s interpreted not as a physical threatening/weird look but rather the sheer awe that the words of God inspire
@MikaelaCher 2 года назад
I do love the many meanings of angels and their representations. This video was absolutely great!! To be a little nitpicky, "Cherubs" are actually not the little baby angels, those are called "Putti". I think Cherubs are usually represented at the feet of saints or tbe Virgin Mary and they usually are just pairs of heads with wings
@georgedunn320 2 года назад
Those winged babies that show up in Renaissance paintings are not angels, they're "putti."
@McPilch 2 года назад
Awww no reference to Babylon 5! Best ever "angel" interpretation.
@muh.andianto 2 года назад
Harut and Marut are not commonly known even in my Moslem community. Glad you mention them. It looks like you really did a comprehensive research for this topic. Good job.
@kennethlau8990 Год назад
They weren't fallen angels, as the video claims, though. In fact, Ahadith, which makes it sound like they are, are fabricated.
@LaughterOnWater 2 года назад
Once again, I have to hand it to _you,_ Dr. Emily, for making observations about this history of human interpretation of the concept of "angels" under multiple traditions without embellishment or historicization. So few people walk the line of _actual history_ as you do. You are the right person at the right time teaching about history the right way. _Thank you._ Stay safe out there!
@--Paws-- 2 года назад
"Be not afraid"
@adnanilyas6368 2 года назад
Hey, Iblis is not an angel or fallen angel in Islamic cosmology. He’s a jinn.
@Delgen1951 2 года назад
Iblis is the Islamic version of Satan or the Accuser, he has Satan's sin of Pride.
@FF-ch9nr 2 года назад
depends on who you ask, majority of muslims now believe he's a djinn but early islamic & Sufi scholars connected him to Azazil, one of the archangels who refused to bow to Adam and was cast out. Even Ibn Abbas (companion and relative of Muhammad corroborated on this version). But nevertheless the Quran still describes some angels being very scary and physically intimidating.
@Evil_Vegan 2 года назад
DC also has different versions of Joker, relax
@spartanwarrior1 2 года назад
@@Delgen1951 and they named him allah with his daughters al uzza al manat and al lat
@rossalbertdelacruz6751 2 года назад
So, basically, a demon
@Toeken42 2 года назад
i always enjoy Dr.Emily Zarka, she has great stories to tell, with knowledge . Thanks Dr.
@authormichellefranklin 2 года назад
Ophanim have always been my favourite. Thousands of eyes and wings with the raging burning fire of existence.
@tompatterson1548 2 года назад
That reminds me of Galeem.
@idigamstudios7463 2 года назад
Slight correction, the Nephilim translates to fallen in the context of a slain warrior, they were given their 'divine' association later in their introduction in which they are called the 'children of the Eloheim' or 'children of the gods.' This seems to mostly be accepted by biblical scholars as a holdover from the time in which the Semitic nations/tribes were all polytheistic.
@HeartIcicle 2 года назад
This is an interesting video, but around 8:18 you made a mistake mentioning Iblis as an angel. He's not angel, Iblis is a djinn. You probably misinterpreted the Qur'an due to the English translation that makes it seem that Iblis is also an angel when Allah ordered them to bow before Adam.
@snowballeffect7812 2 года назад
He was raised by the Angels, though. It's interesting to note, as well, that in Islamic understandings, angels actually don't have free will. Only Humans and Djinns chose to take on the "burden" of free will, which means that they would be judged for their actions, unlike other celestial and worldly creatures.
@jdwright89 2 года назад
I noticed a few small details that aren’t exactly correct throughout this video as well. I don’t know if this is done to keep the video short or if they are just research errors.
@raziorizal5862 2 года назад
@@jdwright89 if this video was meant to be educational, I think it was the lack of effort to reconfirm information on their part
@CMuscleCrisis 2 года назад
@@snowballeffect7812 but if angels dont have free will then how did an angel defy Allah to become Satan when the Quran even says that Allah make Satan out of a pillar of fire?
@snowballeffect7812 2 года назад
@@CMuscleCrisis He wasn't an angel. I stated that he was a djinn. Angels are apparently made out of light. edit: sorry, i didn't state it, but the OP did. I should have made that clear.
@travisshallenberger9486 2 года назад
Very cool video. I love seeing these archaic versions of angels, especially since there's so many modern sources that have watered them down so much. (I'm looking at you, Family Circus.)
@mathieuleader8601 2 года назад
I always found Metatron in Phil Pullman's Amber Spyglass as Heaven Prime Minister to be a great take on Biblical lore with Metatron being the angel attributed to be the voice of god.
@kennethlau8990 Год назад
Pullman's depiction of God and His Angels is extremely inaccurate.
@Reihanism73 2 года назад
Thank you so much for this episode. It was very insightful and respectful
@isabelaoliveira9270 Год назад
Wow, what an amazing video. This channel is simply one of my favorites 👏🏾
@pdzombie1906 2 года назад
Great as usual!!! Thanx, Dr. Z!!
@robbabcock_ 2 года назад
Fascinating stuff! Thanks, Dr. Z!🙏👼
@judldoodles 2 года назад
I really like how you conclude this video. IT definitely resonates with me
@ignaciojauregui2057 2 года назад
In Latin America we also have the Arcabucero angels. The arcabuz is a type of musquet from Spain, hence the name, as these angels are mostly depicted holding the arcabuz, though sometimes musical instruments or fishing rods in their place. This type of angel emerges first in colonial Bolivia, and spreads across the Andean domains of the former Spanish colonies (present day Bolivia, Perú and northern Chile and Argentina). They are not recognized as part of the traditional angelic hierarchy, as they were more of a didactic device for evangelization of the indiginous peoples. They remain important in Andean iconography to this day, and it's not uncommon to find them in homes as well as temples or religious institutions of the region.
@ashleytuchin7693 2 года назад
That was fascinating! Thanks for going into such detail. I'd never realised just how complicated the history of angels and their depiction was until I started watching Supernatural and tried to do some research for myself.
@ladykoiwolfe 2 года назад
Another beautifully done video. Thank you for working all three relevant religions stories about about angels together in such a logical manner. After all three are closely related and these stories do build off of each other as they grow into their own religions.
@mitchmeyer5542 Год назад
This channel is so cool. Thank you!
@gabrielswerke4079 2 года назад
I have Waited for this kind of episode sins Faye and Fabled came out! and now its finnaly here!
@mohamadmuhaimin8241 2 года назад
the amount of research that went into these videos are so incredible
@penny_the_wiser413 2 года назад
Great video, thanks Dr. Z
@Caterpillarnook 2 года назад
An interesting thing is that during certain Jewish prayers, people stand with their feet close together because angels are believed to have one large foot. These specific prayers are sung by the angels daily too. Another example of angels singing is when the angelic projection of Aisav, a bad person and brother to Jacob has to stop fighting Jacob because it is his turn to praise G-d, this angel permanently hurt him and in return for being released from their fight the angel had to give him a new name, Israel, which is like a blessing, the Jewish people are called this name in the Torah from that point on. Also Satan according to jewish tradition, is an angel that is basically just the lawyer agains the Jews that tells G-d to not give them good things they don’t deserve, not an evil devil.
@Delgen1951 2 года назад
The name Satan is not a proper name it is a job description like The President or Prosecuting Attorney.
@kathleenjackson3258 2 года назад
Quite a wonderful video, as always, thanks so much for making my day more entertainingly educational. I was just wondering do you take suggestions for topics?
@ker3002 2 года назад
Love your videos they are very interesting and informative
@Tazirai 2 года назад
I posted older images of angels like the eyes, and fiery wheeled ones on my Facebook page about a month ago. Non of the Christians who are family and friends could tell they were angels. My tag line was. Would you really want to see one of these in person? Lol.
@kathryngeeslin9509 2 года назад
Lack of recognition is hardly surprising. Very few "read-the-Bible" types actually *read* their Bibles.
@rizkyadiyanto7922 2 года назад
unless you are an infidel, there is no reason to fear.
@Tazirai 2 года назад
@@rizkyadiyanto7922 I don't believe in Angels or the concept of Infidels, anyway. Regardless if people say they believe in me. Lol.
@Popeii1 2 года назад
So people don't recognize your fantasy as the real thing. All the proof you need they're wrong. Good judgement on your part. HaHaHaHaHaaa
@eroraf8637 2 года назад
I mean, nine times out of ten, an angel greets humans with “fear not” or similar. Kind of implies that, whatever they appear as, it’s something awesome or frightening.
@mattcrowing 2 года назад
Sounds like a setup for a deep-dive into specific angels and demons.
@LuisSierra42 2 года назад
Angels cinematic universe
@CLBrierley 2 года назад
I was literally thinking why haven’t they done a video on angels the other week! Amazing video!
@phildicks4721 2 года назад
C.S. Lewis said it best in Mere Christianity... "In the Old and New Testement almost every time an Angel appears to a person it's first words are 'Fear Not!'. The Victorian style Angels look like their first words to a human would be 'There, there.'."
@casp6132 2 года назад
Such a good video thank you
@LEGOWENTV 2 года назад
Good video…the issue that angels are NOT human souls should have been focused on though. So often you hear people saying someone has died and become an angel. Humans and angels are different beings…one does not come from the other.
@Passions5555 2 года назад
Yeah that low key annoys me. It is pretty popular in pop culture.
@michaeljustice124 2 года назад
Dr Z is the coolest most interesting Dr EVER! I watch all her RU-vid stuff!
@jeffpotts6187 2 года назад
In the book I am currently writing, I referenced the traditional form of an angel - winged, bizarre, and terrifying.
@cjeffii 2 года назад
Nicely Done. Kudos
@elizabethdavis1696 2 года назад
4:06 please do a video about those winged goddess you mentioned And other winged beings please more about specific angels
@McbrideStudios 4 месяца назад
I think we should remember that a lot of what was classified as an angle in later Abrahamic mythologies were not angles in the original texts but other heavenly beings. This is something that really puts them in a different context.
@angeldude101 2 года назад
Oh the incredible history of my namesakes. It is interesting how things seem to have come full circle, originating as abstract entities without defined form, then given a form to be more approachable, and now have had a more eldritch rebranding in an attempt to call back to the more abstract time, but still have a concrete idea that can be illustrated. I'm actually more of a fan of the original abstract entities of light that don't really look like anything unless they choose to look like something. One thing I've noticed is that a lot of recent media tends to associate angels and angelic beings with stars. It makes sense given the status as abstract entities of light, while stars have been poorly understood until recently. At the same time, the more recent scientifically accurate image of stars still works as they manage to dwarf entire planets with the raw energy they contain and further emphasizes the idea of a true form being not even remotely human. There's also the very close relationships between light, fire, and the sun. One thing I didn't know until watching this is that 8-winged angels exist. That's a new one for me. I knew of angels with 2, 4, 6, wings, or many "wings" that really act like 2, but I'd never heard of one with 8.
@DjAboo1 2 года назад
Well done!
@s.beccari4678 2 года назад
Trumpets?? New Orleans must be a holy site... 😂
@tanjamilenkovic1917 Год назад
I love your channel!
@aisadal2521 2 года назад
If you want to see scary angels, just look at the... _interesting_ redesigns in SMT IV/Apocalypse
@lizc6393 2 года назад
That's pretty intense, is that an anime?
@Velociferon 2 года назад
I love all the designs of the SMT franchise, especially in the more recent installments
@magonero3091 2 года назад
@@lizc6393 it’s an rpg series
@empoleonmaster6709 2 года назад
I'd also suggest the surprisingly accurate depictions of them in Bayonetta.
@Mettle_DAD 2 года назад
Wow you recited this with out even a bit of sarcasm. Good job
@justayoutuber1906 2 года назад
You have a wonderful speaking voice.
@nadia1226ful 2 года назад
Humans have so many commonalities. I wish we could focus more on these, than our differences. I'm sure this has been said before, but Joseph Campbell would love your series. Thank you.
@ghalibelkoura 2 года назад
I'd like to kindly note for the interested that in the Islamic Religion, Harut and Marut (8:12) were sent by God to teach witchcraft to human kind, therefore they never went against God's will. (8:20) Iblis also known as Lucifer or Satan was never an angel (still in Islamic religion) he was a jinn that believed in God, prayed to him and loved him so much during the Jinn war that God made him ascend to the heavens and gave him the same "rank" as the angels. Iblis or Lucifer being a Jinn and not an angel had free will and chose not to bow to Adam. The Angels, on the other hand, do not have the ability to choose for themselves, they do not have free will therefore they all bowed to Adam. Other than that this was an absolute beauty of a video. Really interesting subject and the way it was explained helped us see angels through many beliefs and religions.
@Kripti-YouTube-Videos 2 года назад
This is a masterpiece of a video, Amen!
@otakuribo 2 года назад
Excellent timing, i just finished reading Good Omens :) 😈😇
@McPilch 2 года назад
"scary a.k.a. awesome stuff" love that!
@BeatrixTomomizu 2 года назад
"Why did we get rid of all the scary, aka awesome, stuff? " me: you are totally speaking my language here, lady!
@henrymacleod2006 2 года назад
Personally think that the Valkyries should have been highlighted or at least mentioned in this segment. Would I be wrong if I said a good amount of our modern image of 'angels as a guide to the afterlife' directly come from Norse myths that were 'adapted' by Christians?
@shawnhall3849 2 года назад
no that's not true. And Valkries are something completely different
@fairycat23 2 года назад
I can understand how one would consider them similar. At a first glance (I don't know much about valkyries so all I have is a first glance), valkyries seem more similar to angels than, say, Nike does, and Nike was mentioned in the video.
@shawnhall3849 2 года назад
@@fairycat23 just because they're winged doesn't mean they're similar. Angel is a job desciption its not what they are
@fairycat23 2 года назад
@@shawnhall3849 Thank you! The _video_ impled "winged = similar" when they brought up Isis and Nike. I was springboarding off that oversimplification.
@evannibbe9375 2 года назад
There are no “guides to the afterlife” for dead humans in the Bible, so yes, all such theories would have been adapted from Norse mythology or Greek and Roman mythology. There are no guides for the dead in the Bible because God’s word goes into effect in a way that is immediate and timeless. There is neither time nor space to separate a dead human from his resurrected form when God calls him to wake up. Note also that the notion of “death” is entirely dispensed with at the end of time, with the punishment for nonbelievers simply being to be in the “outer darkness”.
@witchplease9695 2 года назад
I’m surprised there hasn’t been any cosmic horror stories involving biblically accurate angels. Maybe I’ll write one.
@GalacticEnchantress777 10 месяцев назад
I love your channel 😊❤
@henrymacleod2006 2 года назад
Dr. Emily Zarka is my favorite angel
@kirarasmom4274 2 года назад
Fallen angels is a story about us humans becoming more creative with use of our brains. So to me, our ancestors is cursing themselves for having these skills, or the high class in society for having it . When most others was not given the chance to learn the skills, because of their financial status. We know now people have different learning styles, but back then I bet they judged for it like some today. I think humans back then wanted to be primates living in the trees. No extra stress, no extra worries, etc.. This is why people judge tribal people for centuries. I think racism was inspired by people hating tribal people. These is ones whom embrace being apart of a civilization with shelters made from stones instead of twigs, brushes, and mud. It's another way to divided us all. Later on through the centuries, after most of us live shelters made of cement, or stones. We started judge each other's skin color and culture. Also our abilities and skills. We get this from our anxiety primate instincts during we was living in trees.
@adrienpiette6746 2 года назад
@johndemeritt3460 2 года назад
(Warming up my best Brian Blessed voice . . . ) WHAT? NO OUTTAKES AT THE END OF THIS ! ? ! What UTTER sacrilege!
@ericthompson3982 2 года назад
While I can make no claim about them getting to become angels, yes. Yes they are all good boys and girls, and if there's a heaven with no puppers and kitties, I'm not interested. Also, wonderful choice of music. Nice to see you, Dr. Z.
@chromeshellking 2 года назад
My take is that as man has grown his ability to understand more has grown and therefore we are more capable than we once were. Angels likely are shaped by perception and those with those gifts are able to see them and at first flipped out for good reason.
@brendakrieger7000 2 года назад
@ibrav7979 2 года назад
Just a thing to note, I am pretty sure Iblees is not an angel but was a high ranking jinn
@ibrav7979 2 года назад
Wonderful video btw!!!
@Pingwn 2 года назад
If I am not mistaken he was originally a Jinni but he became an angel before he fell.
@ramisakhan4399 2 года назад
@@Pingwn no he was always a jinn but he was once a good jinn until he refused 2 bow because he was jealous of the 1st human
@lorigoshert6667 2 года назад
@@Pingwn No, it's not possible to "become" an angel. Angels and Jinn are completely different beings and one cannot become the other.
@KillsAll. 2 года назад
You have done well
@CerebrumMortum 2 года назад
I remember a VERY different story about 3 angels and abraham. They were 3 men, they were there to tell him of the birth of Issac, and it was many years after god told him to found a new nation
@eroraf8637 2 года назад
Glad I’m not the only one who was confused. Might be somewhat of an “outside looking in” issue.
@mosheackman6095 2 года назад
Yeah it was an inaccuracy
@Delgen1951 2 года назад
@@eroraf8637 It is the writer had no clue and used the cultural view which just wrong.
@MaryamMaqdisi Год назад
They are called melekh and they do represent the will of God so there is that :P
@GLBinNP Год назад
That's a good video.
@Guydude777 2 года назад
@MJZMD 2 года назад
Thank you for mentioning Metatron, as strange as the lore surrounding him is, he rarely is ever mentioned, and when he is... Well. Just look at Supernatural.
@angeldude101 2 года назад
I can never read Metatron while keeping a straight face. I definitely knew of them before, but always think the name sounds more like a Transformer than an angel.
@MJZMD 2 года назад
@@angeldude101 you and literally everyone else 😂
@abdelrahmanwael2551 2 года назад
Iblis is not an angel. He is a jinn, which has free will
@stvtppng 2 года назад
excellent research on this one... especially Pseudo Dionysius
@user-zg4pw2nu8i 3 месяца назад
This reminds of that popular supernatural drama called "Touched by an Angel," with reruns still playing on certain networks today. Does anyone remember the show, it's cast, and the most important episodes aired?
@WillScarlet16 2 года назад
"In Scripture the visitation of an angel is always alarming; it has to begin by saying 'Fear not.' The Victorian angel looks as if it were going to say 'There, there.'" - C.S. Lewis
@robot12423 2 года назад
Please do a video on Fairies🥺 one of my favorite beings ❤️
@charlottemunday7311 2 года назад
A new marketing strategy, the whole "do not fear mortal" thing is so 1BC
It's the opposite! Challenge 😳
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Why Bible Accurate Angels Are So Creepy
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