
Why #calvinism Is A Problem #biblestudy 

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Watch more of my videos on Calvinism: ru-vid.com/group/PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
Acts 13:48 de-Calvinized by Dr. Leighton Flowers @Soteriology101
The topic of Calvinism is something that I have personally spent a lot of time studying and thinking about for the past decade. In recent years this theology has grown a lot in popularity, being propagated by popular and prominent pastors and christian leaders like John Piper, John Macarthur, RC Sproul and ministry organizations like the Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, Ligonier Ministries and Apologia Studios.
This theology is based on a particular understanding of passages like Romans 9, John 6 and Ephesians 1, which are interpreted by Calvinists in a way that results in the conclusion that God has determined before the foundation of the world which individuals he will save and has ultimately created a countless mass of humanity throughout history for the purpose of condemning them to eternal torment in hell for committing sins that he himself determined that they commit. This may be a bit more of an abrasive and pointed way of putting it, but I think if you come to understand the claims and beliefs of the theologians mentioned above who teach these doctrines, you will see that this is an accurate and honest representation of their ultimate conclusions.
I personally find the view of God that is communicated in Calvinism to be immoral and a gross misrepresentation of what the bible actually describes God to be like. Although I do have moral and emotional apprehensions toward this theology, that is not ultimately the reason why I came to reject it. I came to reject it on biblical grounds. After examining the many Calvinistic proof texts like Romans 9 and Ephesians 1, I became convinced that Calvinists are simply misunderstanding and misinterpreting these texts.
I make videos about this topic because I believe that bad theology is harmful to people - emotionally, mentally and spiritually. My goal in making videos like this is not to demonize Calvinists who teach these things or to say they are evil heretics or anything of the sort, but to simply explain why I strongly disagree with their conclusions and offer what I consider to be a better way of understanding the many biblical texts that are often used to support these views.
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#calvinism #apologiastudios #noncalvinist #calvinist #LeightonFlowers #soteriology #Predestination #Calvinism #Provisionism #Calvinist #Salvation #calvinismdebate #christianity




25 апр 2023




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@October31st1517 Месяц назад
The reason I'm a Calvinist is because the Bible forces me into that position. Calvinism is not fatalism.
@dualtags4486 День назад
Calvinism is a demonic doctrine from the gates of hell. It’s an assault on Gods character and no matter which way you swing it, inevitably God ends up being the cause/originator of sin.
@dualtags4486 День назад
Did Jesus die for the whole world? Or just the elect?
@TyXTheJedi Год назад
As a Reformed Baptist (I don’t call myself a Calvinist, but a Christian). I DON’T BELIEVE “CALVINISM IS THE GOSPEL.” I, nor MacArthur, Sproul, Piper share the gospel according to TULIP lol. We don’t say, “in order to be saved, you need to believe you are totally depraved, unconditionally elected, limitedly atoned for, due to irresistible grace and you will persevere.” You don’t have to be a “Calvinist” or “Reformed” to be saved. You need only to repent and believe unto Christ! I appreciate your videos as you have engaged with the WMSCOG cult and I have frequently done so also here in Vegas. I believe you to be a brother in Christ. But you may be misrepresenting the brothers you mention in the video by suggesting “Calvinism is the gospel”. God bless you & your ministry!
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
Im glad you don’t believe those things! Spurgeon is one who made the claim that Calvinism is the gospel. Over the years I’ve heard other popular Calvinists repeat this and affirm it. Im not saying it represents every, single individual Calvinist like yourself, but just that this is something that has been said. RC Sproul at one point even said something to the effect that Christians who don’t believe in Calvinism are only barely saved. - Im not trying to misrepresent, just trying to explain the very bold and dogmatic ways that popular Calvinists do often present Calvinism. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
@jackgtx440 Год назад
But Calvinism actually is the gospel. Spurgeon was right. We are born dead in sin. God, through His meecy elects believers unto salvation. He does this by sending His Son to atone for the sins of these folks that will believe in His vicarious death. Through His Grace he blesses those who would believe with regeneration giving them a heart of flesh and a nature that will believe in Him. Once this believer is justified through this faith, God seals them, never letting them go. This is biblical soteriology. This is the Gospel. This is Calvinism.
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
@@jackgtx440 Paul says in Romans 6 and throughout his epistles that believers are "dead to sin." Does this mean they are entirely incapable of sinning?
@jackgtx440 Год назад
@@GreatLightStudios No not at all. I see you’re attempting to conflate Romans 6 with Eph 2 because one uses the term “died to sin,” and one uses the term “dead in sin.” Just because two terms sound similar, doesn’t mean they’re the same. Rom 6 and Eph 2 are talking about two entirely different things. Rom 6 is referring to sanctification in a person already justified. They have died to sin, meaning their sin no longer condemns them, therefore, in their sanctification, they’d never want to sin willingly. Eph 2 is referring to someone who is not justified. Who is spiritually dead in their sin and condemnation. There is a huge difference in being dead in sin, and dying to sin. They literally mean the opposite. So this begs your point, if a person has died to sin, can they still sin? The answer is of course. The justified person has the Holy Ghost living in them and in their regenerated state, they desire the things of God. However, they still live in a body of flesh that is bend toward sin. This is the war between the spirit and flesh. Therefore, you will be plagued with a sin nature until you receive a glorified body. Although you live in this corrupt body, you’re still born again and have died to that sin in your spirit and are not condemned by that flesh. So does this mean the person who is dead in sin is incapable of choosing spiritual goodness such as believing the gospel? Yes. That’s exactly what that means. They’re dead. They don’t possess the war between spirit and flesh because they do not have the spirit. There is a corrupt body and are dead in spirit. One must first be brought to spiritual life in order to choose the things of God (1 Cor 2:14).
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
@@jackgtx440 Entirely different things? It is the same author (Paul) drawing from the same analogy (deadness). The Calvinist takes Paul’s reference to us being “dead” and defines death as a total incapacity and inability. 
“Dead means dead” as the saying goes… “Dead like Lazarus.” Now you are suggesting that because the word TO is used rather than IN that the word “dead” should now be defined differently? Whether a person is dead IN or dead TO sin, the Calvinist definition of what “dead” means still applies. If “dead” means a total incapacity or inability as Calvinism claims, then there is no reason to not interpret Romans 6 as promoting an incapacity or inability of the believer to sin. 

 Dead IN sin = one can ONLY sin and is unable to NOT sin Dead TO sin = one can ONLY not sin and is unable TO sin Once again, the words IN and TO are quite irrelevant. What matters is how one defines Paul’s usage of the analogy of deadness. Calvinists interpret it as a complete inability or incapacity and so I think it is hugely inconsistent to simply change the definition here. 

As far as Romans 6, you are suggesting that the “dead to sin” references in this chapter are referring to our freedom from “condemnation.” I’d suggest re-reading the chapter. It is not about freedom from the condemnation of sin but the power and influence of sin. 

 Romans 6:1 - “Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?”

 The chapter opens with a discussion about living in/committing sin… not about the condemnation of sin. The “death” to sin in verse 2 is a death to “living” a life of sinning. If you read nothing else I’ve just said, please look at Romans 6:20-22... 

“For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. 21But what fruit were you getting at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. 22But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.” 

When we were “slaves” of sin (dead in sin) Paul says we were FREE in regard to righteousness. Calvinism interprets both “slavery” to sin and “dead in sin” to mean a total inability to do righteousness. Well, Paul goes on in verse 22 to say that in the same way we were slaves to sin, we are now slaves to righteousness! He says that when we were slaves of sin we were FREE in regards to righteousness. And now, he says we are FREE in regards to sin! So whatever our relationship to righteousness was before we were saved, our relationship now to sin is the same! Whatever influence and power sin had over us in the past, now righteousness has that same power and influence over us. 

 All of this to say, if being “dead” in sin or “slaves” to sin mean what Calvinism says these terms mean, then they have to be incredibly inconsistent to say that our slavery and being “alive to God and righteousness” (Rom 6:11) is somehow different or less powerful and all encompassing. In whatever way we were once FREE from righteousness in the past, we are now FREE from sin in that same exact sense!
@jeffreybomba Год назад
In Calvinism there is no good news for anyone. You are either picked or not, and nothing the preacher or individual does matters. We’re are all just playing our part in a grand plan to glorify God for an audience either destined to applaud or boo the show. If you think you’re saved, you may just be living a brutal lie known as an ineffectual calling, or effervescent grace. God IS not really love, life, light and truth, because He will give you a false truth, leading to death because that somehow glorifies Himself.
@TheFinalJigsaw Год назад
No one deserves to be saved. You shouldn't question the way God does things. Also Calvinism is great news... God actually chose to save some instead of sending everyone to hell
@mikegreene9137 Год назад
First of all you are blowing "Calvinism " way out of proportion it is not deterministic in the non personal way of like Islam. But from the very beginning of the scriptures in Genesis, it is shown that God will save a people for Himself and that theme is resounding over and over again throughout scripture. The good news is that God chooses to save anyone when we ALL are deserving of death and not life because of the sin of Adam. Just because God ordains the ends doesn't mean that He violates the volition of man. Man who is trapped in his fallen nature and a slave to sin is more than happy to continue in it. God still uses the "free" choices of both fallen and regenerate sinners to bring about His holy will.
@jeffreybomba Год назад
@@mikegreene9137What you espouse is not traditional Calvinism, but some 3 or 4 point version.
@mikegreene9137 Год назад
@@jeffreybomba I adhere to all "5 points" and to all other biblical doctrines as well. Maybe it's just NOT a straw man version that I espouse? (Though I do usually rename some of the points because the language does not translate out as well as it used to.)
@susiedyck4914 Год назад
​@@TheFinalJigsaw in Calvinism we have a greater love than our Creator who IS LOVE. We love those that hate us, we want to see the lost saved. We forgive those who trespass against us. But God hates most of His creation making Him have something in common with Satan. Satan hates all those who are created in God's image, God hates most who are created in his image and has before the foundation of the world created them for eternal torment for His Glory to a place that was created for satan and the fallen angels. Never have sent a Saviour, yet these souls are responsible for rejecting a Saviour that was never provided for them, and has just handed souls over to Satan as if souls have no value.
@johornbuckle5272 10 месяцев назад
the debate cannot be resolved by throwing scripture at eachother. The Word tells me to believe, I am obedient to that command.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: In Calvinism - you are not granted a CHOICE in the matter of what you will believe. If it is decreed that you will believe Mormon doctrine - then that decree is infallible and does not grant any ALTERNATIVE That is what he means in this video when he says Calvinism is founded on DETERMINISM. John Calvin -quote The creatures...are so governed by the secret counsel of god, that *NOTHING HAPPENS* but what he has knowingly and willingly decreed. (Institutes 1. 16. 3) Accordingly - an impulse cannot come to pass within your brain - unless that impulse was knowingly and willingly decreed. And that decree does not grant any ALTERNATIVE from what it decrees. So NO ALTERNATIVE impulse is granted existence within your brain. In Calvinism - the impulse to [EAT] was decreed to infallibly come to pass within Adam's brain And NO ALTERNATIVE impulse was granted existence in his brain. So in Calvinism - Adam was not granted a CHOICE in the matter.
@dustinpaulson1123 Год назад
Spurgeon said "Calvinism is the Gospel and nothing else." He should have finished the sentence, because to to say that "Calvinism is the Gospel" is also to say "and nothing else IS." And if Calvinism is the Gospel and nothing else is, then all us non-Calvinists are, in their eyes, heretics preaching a false gospel. This isn't a "secondary issue" as some guys, like Leighton Flowers, puts it, because there is nothing secondary about the Gospel.
@Notacalvinist_24 Год назад
@fourierrocket Год назад
I've been called a heretic by the calvinists. I've been called a heretic by the NARs
@williammarinelli2363 11 месяцев назад
It's a secondary issue if a stealth Calvinist is in the minority and has not yet built up his posse to enable a takeover. After the takeover, it becomes more and more important.
@jakobcampbell3837 10 месяцев назад
Rev 17:8
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: Yes - Spurgeon was infected by Calvinism's DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS. For example -quote “If god would have painted a yellow stripe on the backs of the elect I would go around lifting shirts. But since He didn't I must preach "whosoever will" and when "whatsoever" believes I know that he is one of the elect.” THUS: I don't look for a yellow stripe as an INDICATOR - I look for a behavior as an INDICATOR. In both cases - he is looking for an INDICATOR This is called the fallacy of a distinction without a difference :-] But what Spurgeon is also missing is the fact that he cannot rely on behavior as an INDICATOR either - because Calvin's god creates a large percentage of believers as CHAFF believers - giving them the gift of FALSE FAITH. I always get a kick out of how DOUBLE-MINDED Calvinists are! :-D They really are entertaining!
@websurfer945 Год назад
Disagree. Your argument simply shows that you have never heard out of those three pastors’ sermons. None of them preach “Calvinism” or are rooted in doctrines, and they simply preach God’s words. Also, in terms of “problematic”, I don’t know what you’re pointing to. Why do you assume they are the biggest issues representing most contemporary Christian churches? If you spend so much time calling out a few faithful preachers and think they ARE the problem, then I highly doubt your intention and who else’s side you’re allied with. Can you also define the “alternatives” you said in the video? Does any of those three preachers ever force any unbiblical opinions on their listeners? The three even have different approaches in the different areas of their works, but they rhythm alongside because they simply hold on to the sovereignty of the bible and treat each other as brothers in Christ. If you attack people, then point out their false teachings. If a doctrine is not biblical, it’s simply a false doctrine, don’t demonise the good workers and try to decorate yourself only because you said the word “biblical” in the video. If you want widely opened alternative perspectives and interpretations, then go to those property churches that will have all sorts of audiences and agendas that perfectly fit with all human desires and diversities but the image of a righteous and holy God. Such weak arguments and not so smart call outs of the choice of people.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: John MacArthur is very much a Calvinist. And so isn't John Piper. The reason they *OBFUSCATE* and evade preaching THE TRUTH about their doctrine is because they know people will recognize it as a doctrine of divine malevolence and reject it.
@dw6528 3 месяца назад
@@nadalineL DW: All of the characteristics you rightly point out - are characteristics from Ancient Gnosticism. The Gnosticism which existed in Augustine's day was highly wide-spread. Manichaeism spread with extraordinary speed through both the east and west, from North Africa to China. Being widely promoted by apostles, it reached Egypt at around 240 A.D., and Rome at around 280 A.D. This was a period of time - in which the Catholic church was in an EMBRYONIC phase - adding to itself every form of paganism. Augustine flourished in the Catholic hierarchy within this time period. He adopts components from Gnosticism and from Neo-Platonism - and incorporates them into Catholic theology. Calvin - in his mid twenties as a young man - falls in love with all things Augustine. There are two distinct and unique components within Calvinism which have their origin in Gnosticism and NeoPlatonism 1) DUALISM (in which "Good" and "Evil" are Co-Equal, Co-Complimentary, and Co-Necessary. 2) DETERMINISM (as seen in Calvin's doctrine of decrees. The DUALISM in Calvinism - can be observed within Calvinist conceptions - in which things appear in the form of "Good-Evil" pairs. These two components have been at the heart of the Calvinist conflict - ever since Calvin carried forward the syncretisms of Augustine.
@SpielbergMichael 7 месяцев назад
May God bless the ministry he has given you !
@Notacalvinist_24 Год назад
Calvinism does destroy the character and nature of God. The biblical God is Pure Actuality whereas the Calvinists god is not because he is lacking in the moral attribute of love. The Calvinists god only loves a certain few and is imperfect in love, so he can't be the God of the Bible because he is not Pure Actuality. The TULIP is not the gospel it is a different gospel that was designed for only a few and those that teach it should be accursed. Calvinism is a false gospel and should be taken seriously, it's not just a side issue, it's an attack on the very nature of God and the true gospel. Galatians 1:6-9 (NASB 2020): I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel, 7 which is not just another account; but there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! 9 As we have said before, even now I say again: if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!
@m.lw. Год назад
Great teachings Jordan. An eye opener and thank you for that , much appreciated ❤
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
@eiontactics9056 7 месяцев назад
Can I ask why you use the working "options" when Calvinism isn't part of Biblical Christianity? Calvinism isn't a real option. It isn't "just a different perspective". It is an entirely different religion that masquerades as Christianity... teaching things that completely contradict the Gospel as revealed in Scripture.
@savedby_grace6110 5 месяцев назад
According to your understanding! Be real!
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
@@savedby_grace6110 DW: I wouldn't call it an entirely different religion. It is actually components of Gnosticism, and NeoPlatonism mixed with Christianity. Calvinists do however work to create MASQUERADES or FACADES of things which don't actually exist in the doctrine. For example - Calvinists consistently make statements designed to paint pictures of human AUTONOMY which does not exist in the doctrine. Calvinists will claim ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS exist for them to choose between - which is a denial of the doctrine of decrees. An infallible decree does not grant existence to any ALTERNATIVE from that which it decrees. So ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS do not exist in creation. For every human event - and every human impulse - there is never granted more than *ONE SINGLE PREDESTINED RENDERED-CERTAIN OPTION* And the creature is granted NO SAY, and NO CHOICE in the matter.
@jgonzo443 Год назад
I believe Calvinism is correct, Calvinism however is not the Gospel. The Gospel is found in the person of Jesus Christ and the Grace that he affords us. One can have no knowledge as to how God saves, or whether or not we are pre destined. And yet still be saved. I believe it is the common and unhealthy obsession oft found among calvinists with Gods sovereignty that may be problematic. I’ve heard people like john MacArthur teach that “Calvinism is the gospel.” And I would have to disagree. The gospel can be found sufficiently in the apostles creed. But when calvinists like myself elevate Calvinism to being “the gospel.” We exclude our brothers in Christ who don’t have the same understanding of gods election. Jesus is the good news, not John Calvin.
@Jc0i3 Год назад
Yeah i didnt really like it when i realized Calvinista were right, but i could not refute the Bible and what it says. I cant believe people are "interpreting" Romans 9 in a different way. Its like saying the sky is green and the grass is blue. People like this guy like to twist Gods word and make it suit what he wants to hear.
@jeremiahmediina7409 8 месяцев назад
@@Jc0i3If God elected every believer to believe in him then john 3:16 would not be true. He would in fact not love the whole world because he only chose to love the so called elect.
@mkaykaykayy 5 месяцев назад
Curious mind here, what were the right about that you’re referring to? I’m from Scotland and our Churches are Calvinist.
@df6957 5 месяцев назад
​@@Jc0i3 The value of separating the bible into chapters and verses is the ease of finding quotes, continuing where we left-off etc. The problem is that it can lead to reading verses or chapters in isolation, in a way they were never intended to be read by the original authors. Reading Romans 9 in isolation is one of the classic examples of this. If you read it on it's own in today's western culture, you can get a deterministic/Calvinistic/reformed understanding. However as soon as you read it in the context of the whole book of Romans, you have to work really hard to get that understanding, and especially if you approach it within a first century Jewish mindset, such as was Paul's, then determinism/Calvinism simply disappears.
@df6957 5 месяцев назад
​​@@mkaykaykayy Hello to a fellow Scot. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 If you want to learn more about a view of God that is more consistent with the bible, I would suggest looking at books like "The Potter's Promise" by Leighton Flowers, or NT Wright's "Romans for Everyone" commentary or his book "Into the Heart of Romans". You can watch some of the early "Soteriology 101" videos, if you prefer that over reading. All the best in your studies. God bless!
@mikelyons2831 Год назад
I've liked & subscribed. It (Calvinism) is one of 👿 greatest achievements. He gets "Christians" to be purveyors of another gospel that impunes & vilifies our Heavenly Father.
@mikegreene9137 Год назад
Wrong... and "Calvinism" is not the gospel. The gospel is the gospel. No "calvinist" that I know considers TULIP "the gospel". TULIP came about as a response to what was believed to be a misrepresentation of biblical soteriology. "Calvinists" are usually very well versed and educated in the scriptures and view them as the ultimate authority. Their doctrines are biblical and come from the Bible when you read out of the original texts instead of reading into them... that is biblical exegesis vs. unbiblical eisegesis. The character of God is of the UTMOST importance to the calvinist.
@mikelyons2831 Год назад
@@mikegreene9137 Interesting. People I know who have come out of Calvinism, have called it another gospel. They no longer believe: God in eternity past, randomly chose some to irresistibly turn to Christ, & consequently all others have been arbitrarily preordained to reject Christ all their lives & they can do no other. They now believe: God sent His Son to redeem any, all, everyone, whosoever, the world, the nations that will receive Jesus
@mikegreene9137 Год назад
@Mike Lyons I don't know why they would have ever believed another gospel. There is only one gospel... Christ came into the world to save sinners. He lived, died, and rose again on their behalf so that their sins are forgiven. (He was born of a virgin...just so no one says otherwise and He was 100% God and 100% man having no sin nature...which is different from men now who are born with sinful nature...He is the 2nd Adam and thus His sacrifice pleased God) "Calvinists " believe this. They are Bible believing Christians first and foremost and greatly care about the character and glory of God. The problem is you think we can lay out all the biblical teachings in a small paragraph here on RU-vid. There are so many scriptures to exegete carefully and you must be willing to look at scripture without presuppositions and your tradition of denominational doctrines to study it carefully and follow the full counsel of God. I grew up with both Methodist and Baptist roots. I understand exactly what is going on and what is taught. I understand the history behind it as well. I used to kick against the goads of God's sovereignty too, just as hard as anyone... but then I honestly looked at the scriptures and HOW I was interpreting them and realized I was applying a different hermeneutic to the passages of election and others than I was applying to the scriptures that we get our doctrines like the trinity and the deity of Christ. I was introducing things to the text that weren't there in order to build on my old views. I was dragging ideas out of context from an entire other gospel or epistle to try to combat the plain reading of the texts (and this is exactly what Rev Flowers and others are doing no matter how poetic it may sound... it is rightly called analagesis... it is not true exegesis which let's the text speak for itself.) God bless and continue to search out the truth always.
@mikegreene9137 Год назад
@Mike Lyons another thing that sticks out to me is how either dishonest or ignorantly yall caricature the "Calvinist" position. Like I understand that different churches may teach different things and perhaps even different denominations maybe...and if those things are wrong then I would stand with you in urging biblical correction and repentance. But one thing I constantly hear is that Arminians say God "arbitrarily" chooses. This is more of an Islamic understanding of deterministic views and not the understanding of scriptures which shows God to be very personal and intimately involved with planning everything for good and after the counsel of His will. God has a plan which He has ordained from before the foundation of the world which includes even the "free" acts and choices of fallen man. He chose the ends and He ordained the means. He didn't do this arbitrarily (without any reason) but He did do it sovereignly according to His plan and after the counsel of His own good will. In other words none of us were there from the beginning telling God how to run things. There are a lot of other things I would love to discuss, but right now my last grandparent (my Granny) is pretty much on her death bed and I need to get to the hospital to see her. I want to check her understanding of the gospel and of course let her know how much I love her and hope to see her again in glory. Please pray for us. Thanks and hope to speak again.
@jorgemoreno5007 3 месяца назад
@@mikegreene9137They do believe it is the Gospel. It is all they want to talk about,continually.
@Stephen.Isaiah.t Год назад
Thank you so much. I felt this way when I first started to learn more about theology and what it even is. It was like every I looked I was being suggested pastors who were Calvinist or “Reformed”. If you have resources & commentaries from a non Calvinist view I would greatly appreciate it
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
@Soteriology 101 has some good Calvinist resources.
@truthseeker5698 Год назад
Adam Harwood has a new commentary non/calvinist. I understand craig keener may have one out soon. Doctrines of disgrace are being confronted more and more. Gruden commentary has a strangle hold up til now. Keep the faith , all the best .
@AC-zx4hd 10 месяцев назад
Imagine if Michael Servetus had a podcast.
@MariusVanWoerden 10 месяцев назад
Well he would try to convince you that Jesus is not God and That the Holy Spirit is not a person. But if you think that Calvin had anything to do with his dead do some better research. Calvin did not have that power in Geneva. Servetus was already wanted by the Inquisition. He thought that he would be safe in Geneva. It was in these days a Capital Crime to deny the Trinity for Catholic and Reformed alike.. 30 Million reformed Christians died by burning at the hand of the Catholic Inquisition. If the city counsel would have him expelled. The Inquisition would have killed him the same way.
@ggmcsassy 5 месяцев назад
Calvinism isn't "the Gospel". It is one man's interpretation and explanation of how he believes the Gospel plays out in scripture. Having come from a loosely held calvinistic background I can now say that I would never in a million years claim to have a perfect explanation of the gospel other than this. Christ, God's perfect son, who is the third person of the trinity, came to earth, lived a sinless life, died on a cross for our sins, as a substitution, and rose on the third day and who is seated in at God's right hand as our advocate to the Father. Everyone has a moment in their life when they can turn towards God or not. Accept the perfect gift of Christ or not. God's ways are not our ways and I consider it foolish for anyone to say that they have perfect understanding of how it all works. It takes a certain lack of humility to hold a man made explanation of something so complex and beautiful (God's ways) as the absolute truth and to insist that others must agree or they are wrong. There ARE gospel truths but from what I have seen of God's words TULIP isn't necessarily the end all of understanding and truth.
@joseywales9726 Месяц назад
the teachings are not original to Calvin...might want to get familiar with people like Hus and many others before Calvin
@rjcontra Год назад
@OC3707 2 месяца назад
Sounds like boasting. I guess you were spiritual enough and wise enough to accept Christ also. Don't take credit for God's work.
@FraterPerpetuusCoegi 11 дней назад
See ya and take the HS with ya And don't let the door hit you
@rjcontra 11 дней назад
@@FraterPerpetuusCoegi Yes Satan
@FraterPerpetuusCoegi 11 дней назад
@@rjcontra don't forget to speak in tongues I like that
@parkerborris3780 Год назад
Calvinism, better called Reformed Theology… is much more than just predestination. Calvinism as a whole puts all the emphasis on Gods Sovereignty, where it absolutely should be. It’s Gods story in redemption history for human beings who wouldn’t choose Him apart from His effectual call.
@sonicgeeksquad4g106 Год назад
But it minimizes His love
@parkerborris3780 Год назад
@@sonicgeeksquad4g106 His love is on full display just by saving any one of us or dying for us. That’s on full display.
@sonicgeeksquad4g106 Год назад
​@@parkerborris3780 Yeah, but since He died for everybody and actually desires that all would be saved and come to repentance (even though not all do), He's even more loving than your soteriology portrays Him.
@parkerborris3780 Год назад
@@sonicgeeksquad4g106 I would say He didn’t die for everyone. You believe Christ came to die for all people so that they can be saved, to that id say Christ failed His mission, because not all will be saved. Think of a rescue mission… think about a helicopter rescue, the helicopter is going out to save a specific people/person. They aren’t just flying around aimlessly hoping someone grabs onto the rope to be saved… the same way Christ came to die for HIS people. He came to accomplish a specific mission. Not all people are His people. John 6, John 10, John 17.
@sonicgeeksquad4g106 Год назад
@@parkerborris3780 You're assuming His mission was to effectively save a limited group of people. I would say that His mission was to provide the gift of salvation to every human being and allow them to accept or reject it. Also, you have to rely on a negative inference fallacy to support limited atonement. Just because Jesus "laid down His life for the sheep" doesn't mean He didn't die for everybody else. Especially when other passages in Scripture clearly indicate that He did die for everyone (1 John 2:2) (1 Timothy 4:10)
@johnuriarte2339 Год назад
The people who listen to Piper, Sproul, MacArthur are people who also study the scripture diligently and have found out that the calvinistic interpretation is more sound. We have to note that these preachers who have the "loudest microphone" also have doctorates in biblical studies and have maybe twice longer experience than most of us in studying the bible so they have respectable credentials. There are lots of debates between James White and Leighton Flowers about calvinism vs arminianism in youtube. People should watch it to hear both sides and decide for themselves.
@readJames48 Год назад
James White vs Flowers is pathetic...."choice meats"...enough said....
@sethpawlik Год назад
Please read "The Foundation of Augustinian-Calvinism" By Ken Wilson. A very scholarly book . You will learn about how heretical teaching of Gnosticism, Stoicism and Manicheanism came to influence the church through Augustine -around 400 years after the resurrection of Christ. You might just change your mind if you aren't totally brain washed.
@johnuriarte2339 Год назад
@@sethpawlik James White also has a video answering Wilson's claims in that book. Ken Wilson who's biblical interpretation supports same sex marriage? I kind of doubt his interpretation skill (same method of criticism used by the book). People should support calvinism (or arminianism) mainly by scriptural evidences not by some alleged flaws in its history or proponents.
@annikaelisaa1879 Год назад
Yeah claim that non existent authoritative position lol. “We are more educated, therefor we have the better understanding, now sit down peasants” Why was C.S. Lewis not calvinists? Was he not smart enough? Maybe we are not prideful enough to think we are wiser than others. Remember the Pharisees? They thought they were wise from their diligent studying of the Scriptures.. Yet Jesus called them out for their foolishness. They understood nothing.. 2 Timothy 3:7 who are always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
@johnuriarte2339 Год назад
@@annikaelisaa1879 The pharisees that Jesus criticized were not trying to interpret scripture correctly, they were manipulating scripture for their own interests, which was seen in their behaviors and that is why ordinary people hated them. Also not all Pharisees that time were bad, Nicodemus somehow favored Jesus. When trying to listen to preachers, one must also consider the preachers' experience, credentials and lifestyle (if they practice what they preach), that is a good standard. My point is the people who believe in calvinism also did their due diligence. As to which is the correct interpretation between calvinism and arminianism, there are lots of debates about it in youtube, one example I mentioned is James White vs Leighton Flowers, people can watch them so they can hear both sides and decide for themselves.
@TNYTNK Год назад
What scares me about this comment section is that many appear to treat Calvinism as a heresy or a distortion of the gospel. What really needs repentance is those who would treat a brother as an enemy, when this is actually something to simply be spoken about over a cup of coffee. We should take truth seriously, but not at the expense of unity. Especially since this is a secondary issue. I love all my Arminian, Molinistic and Provisinist brothers. Let's talk, not fight!
@websurfer945 Год назад
Exactly, and people even thanking him for creating a war.... Simply no idea of what they talking about
@Arvak777 Год назад
We love you too but you need to be aware how it's destroying relationships. I barely can talk to my brother anymore after he told us how wretched his children were
@rosemarietolentino3218 Год назад
Doctrine Matter’s as to weather you hear good and faithful servant or I never knew you! Jesus Christ consider’s what you believe or not as to weather you get into the gates of heaven!
@dustinpaulson1123 11 месяцев назад
And what scares ME is when your Calvinist teachers call children "vipers in diapers" when Jesus tells us to "become like children". Or when your Calvinist teachers call non-Calvinists "barely saved". Or when your Calvinist teachers had the popular vote and drowned those they deemed to be "heretics". If you want repentance, maybe start with the plank in your camp's eye
@Jasmine-mf3ns 9 месяцев назад
I am not a Calvinist but I agree with you, we need to be united as Christians, it is super important. Let's talk about these differences personally.
@JustinWilson-cc8fc 2 месяца назад
People need to remember God is the potter and we are the clay. We don't make God an actual savior by man's will.
@josephalvinalmedatv8 Год назад
You mentioned fatalism, not its not. Its biblical sovereignty. There is a more humanistic gospel version called Arminianism.
@ethanlash914 Год назад
Amen brother, its man centered
@williammarinelli2363 11 месяцев назад
Please feel free to define biblical sovereignty. Wait, a verse - "...Thus saith the LORD, Because thou hast let go out of thy hand a man whom I appointed to utter destruction, therefore..." Where were we? Oh yes, please define biblical sovereignty.
@josephalvinalmedatv8 11 месяцев назад
@@williammarinelli2363 Prov 21:1, Acts 4:27-28
@ethanlash914 11 месяцев назад
@@williammarinelli2363 Gods sovereignty is on evey page of the bible. Its not hard to see at all.
@williammarinelli2363 11 месяцев назад
@@ethanlash914 Not hard to see yet hard to define, apparently.
@donovanloreman Год назад
I agree. I have a hard time finding people preaching the true Gospel message.
@zZavies Год назад
The true gospel message? Why is it so hard for people to accept that god as completely sovereign? Wouldn’t you rather it be in his hands than ur own?
@sonicgeeksquad4g106 Год назад
@@zZavies God is completely sovereign. He sovereignly decided to allow His image bearers to have legitimate free will, and He also sovereignly decided to provide the gift of salvation to everyone.
@daekwonrose3160 Год назад
@@sonicgeeksquad4g106 No, you don’t have “free will”. He’s sovereign, he wrote history, everything you’ve done & will do was predestined! “Free will” isn’t biblical and once you study scripture you’ll learn that. That Gospel has been preached and you all foolishly reject it for something man centered!
@zZavies Год назад
@@daekwonrose3160 because they are modernists. Hardly Christian. Semi pelagianists
@zZavies Год назад
@@sonicgeeksquad4g106 we do have “free will” but our nature is fallen. So our will is bound by sin. We will choose sin every time apart from Christs justifying grace.
@andrewtsousis3130 5 месяцев назад
90% of Christians on the planet (Ie people who have accepted and put their faith in Christs sacrifice for their sins and believe that God raised him from the dead), are not Calvanists, they are a huge minority, thankfully. They do seem to be well represented online though.
@evolgenius1150 6 месяцев назад
Bc if Calvinism is right then no problem, the best possible outcome will happen. All that can be saved will be saved, as predetermined. If Calvinism is wrong, then a great and grave disservice has been done because there are people who will go to hell because of the teaching. Those that could have been saved won’t be reached for being discounted as non elect reprobates already. Why respond to the gospel if you can’t? Why even preach?
@IamGreatsword Год назад
Doesn't matter what your opinion or reviling is all about, what matters is what they are saying is true and it is completely biblical and true what they are saying. Repent and surrender to Jesus Christ.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: In Calvinism - the only way an impulse can come to pass within your brain to "Repent and surrender" is if Calvin's god decrees it. John Calvin explains -quote The creatures...are so governed by the secret counsel of god, that *NOTHING HAPPENS* but what he has knowingly and willingly decreed. (Institutes 1. 16. 3) No decree for a given impulse in your brain equals no impulse in your brain! :-]
@Terror1Void Год назад
The true gospel teaches mans total depravity and Gods total holiness.
@KyrieEleisonMaranatha Год назад
Td is not taught in the Bible at all. It is a completely fabricated belief created by John Calvin.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: The "T" in Calvinism's TULIP functions as a lie of omission. A lie of omission is communication designed to mislead - by omitting critical facts which if not omitted would not mislead. In this case - the critical fact that is omitted is the fact that per the doctrine - the state of nature - including every man's nature - at every nano-second in time - is 100% meticulously predestined. And at any nano-second in time - cannot possibly be other than what it was decreed to infallibly be. And man is granted NO SAY and NO CHOICE in the matter. The Calvinist uses the "T" in the TULIP to falsely attribute man's abilities/inabilities and from that his eternal destiny - to the state of his nature. When the TRUTH is - both the state of man's nature - at every nano-second in time -as well as his eternal destiny are *INFALLIBLY FIXED* at the foundation of the world. And man is granted NO SAY and NO CHOICE in the matter of that which is *INFALLIBLY FIXED*
@christopherhughey3186 3 месяца назад
@dw6528 ask your self, does my God learn? If the answer is yes, the God of your heart is not the God of the bible.
@annamariamix5963 3 месяца назад
Diary of St. Faustina, 699, Jesus said of Divine Mercy Sunday: “On that day, the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which grace flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity.”
@russellhenckel2887 8 месяцев назад
Your problem is with God and His Word, not calvinism
@Commandosoap777 6 месяцев назад
No the issue is Calvinism that ignores the entire bible expect romans 8-11 and parts of the other letters. Calvinists be like “John 3:16 for so God loved the world he gave his only son so whoever is predestined to believe in him will be saved and have everlasting life”
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: A major weakness with Calvinists is a consistent inability to differentiate the difference between Scripture - and an INTERPRETATION of scripture. They have TWO CANNONS 1) They hold scripture as CANON 2) They take a human interpretation of scripture and raise it up onto a pedestal treating it as CANON making it equal to Scripture. They cannot discern any difference between it and Scripture That is why so many Calvinists will claim - any disagreement with Calvinism is a disagreement with scripture.
@russellhenckel2887 4 месяца назад
@@dw6528 this is clever but makes no sense. The exegesis of Scripture is either correct or it’s not. If it is, as the doctrines of grace are, then the issue is, in fact, with Scripture, not with Calvinism
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
@@russellhenckel2887 DW: It is not TRUTH_TELLING to call Calvinism a "Doctrine of Grace" because the doctrine is predominantly a doctrine of divine malevolence. Calvin's god creates the vast majority of the human population - specifically for eternal torment in a lake of fire for his good pleasure. John Calvin -quote by the eternal good pleasure of god though the reason does not appear, they are *NOT FOUND* but MADE worthy of destruction. - (Concerning the Eternal Predestination of god pg 121) And he also creates a large percentage of believers as CHAFF believers - whom he deceives with a FALSE SENSE of salvation. John Calvin -quote But the Lord....instills into their minds such *A SENSE* ..as can be felt without the Spirit of adoption. (Institutes 3.2.11) -quote He illumines *ONLY FOR A TIME* to partake of it; then he....strikes them with even greater blindness (Institutes 3.24.8) And all human PERCEPTIONS are subject to the bondage of corruption ( if you believe in scripture) Therefore there is no such thing in this lifetime as an interpretation that has reached perfection.
@dw6528 3 месяца назад
@@russellhenckel2887 Yes a person's interpretation of scripture is either correct or not correct. You are describing logic But Logic does not require any human to be logical :-] Logic does not prevent the Calvinist from making his interpretation equal to scripture making it CANON - which so many Calvinists do.
@lightofathousand Год назад
If Calvinism is true, and nothing you do can affect your eternal destiny because that destiny has been decided from before the foundation of the world, and all events and decisions are outworkings of God's sovereign will, God is reduced to the level of a fifth grade girl playing with her Barbie dolls. It doesn't matter whether we help the old lady across the street or we push her under a bus because a) our actions have been predestinated and b) we are elect or reprobate regardless of what we do. On the other hand, it provides a pretty good living, and it allows people to convince themselves that they are going to heaven without all those smelly reprobates stinking up the joint.
@Mdangelo22302 Год назад
Absolutely correct! What people fail to realize is that we are "predestinated" according to God's "foreknowledge". As soon as a sinner accepts Christs atonement he gets placed IN CHRIST. And since we are in Christ (who is eternal) we get placed "Before the foundations of the world". Pretty wild stuff! Also, the pride amongst the Lordship Salvationists is quite appalling, brings to mind Revelations 3:17. They have no clue that they're wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. Paul realized his wretchedness in Romans 7. So much more to add, I'm sure you understand. God bless you!
@johnuriarte2339 Год назад
I think you misunderstood election in calvinism, if a person genuinely seeks to love the Lord and other people, if a person can genuinely say “though He slay me yet I will praise Him”, it means that that person is an elect because those actions/desires are impossible for fallen man to do alone, those actions requires regeneration and indwelling of the Holy Spirit which is given by grace by God when a person is an elect. So no one who genuinely desire to be saved and loves the Lord will be lost because those desires are sign that the person is an elect.
@lightofathousand Год назад
@@johnuriarte2339 My understanding of Calvinism includes theistic determinism and evanescent grace. Obviously, we can both be wrong, but we can't both be right, and we'll find out for sure soon enough.
@johnuriarte2339 Год назад
@@lightofathousand On theistic determinism or election, basically all humans after adam's fall by virtue of justice are condemned to hell but God by His grace chose/elect some for salvation. We cannot appeal to justice and say that God is unjust by choosing some and not all because by virtue of justice we should all be condemned and it is only by grace, which is God's prerogative, that He decided to save some. In human point of view, we can know (to some extent) that the person is an elect if the person genuinely love God and people. Those who are not elect actually don't care and even hate God. So if your concern is there will be people that genuinely love the Lord but will not be saved due to election, that will not happen.
@lightofathousand Год назад
@@johnuriarte2339 And evanescent grace?
@kimmykimko 8 месяцев назад
Calvanism is only a problem to those who think they are above God's sovreignty.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: In Calvinism - per its definition of sovereignty.- an impulse cannot come to pass within a human brain unless that impulse was knowingly and willingly decreed John Calvin explains -quote The creatures...are so governed by the secret counsel of god, that *NOTHING HAPPENS* but what he has knowingly and willingly decreed. (Institutes 1. 16. 3) Accordingly - the only way an impulse can come to pass within a human brain to "think they are above Calvin's god's sovereignty" is if that impulse was knowingly and willingly decreed. And humans are not granted CHOICE in the matter of that which is infallibly decreed So they are not granted CHOICE in the matter of any impulse that will come to pass within their brains. :-]
@jorgemoreno5007 3 месяца назад
DW that was spot on!
@andrewtsousis3130 5 месяцев назад
Calvinism: Satan wants everybody, God doesn’t.
@J316-18 5 месяцев назад
What Satan wants everybody for?
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
Calvinism: Satan and humans are designed with the functionality of radio controlled devices :-]
@jorgemoreno5007 3 месяца назад
@@J316-18For the same reason the Calvanist god wants them for: destruction. At least most, anyway.
@J316-18 3 месяца назад
@@jorgemoreno5007 Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire 🔥 He will not be some kind of "king" in hell ! He hates God and hates people who God created. How can you say such things about God and about other christians ? Disgusting.
@J316-18 Месяц назад
@@jorgemoreno5007 So who wants God? Can a dead person seek God ?
@aaronhoward1115 Год назад
I've always seen determinism used as a derogatory term towards God's decree and sovereignty in the calvinist perspective. I also do not think what calvinist teach is fatalism. Determinism and fatalism are not terms many calvinist use to explain their biblical understanding of God's sovereignty and election. We like using biblical terms. That way, it is easier to define them with scripture.
@williammarinelli2363 11 месяцев назад
Be nice if Biblical terms were like more - sovereignty is not a Biblical term - at least it's not in KJV (which I read, study, and trust).
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
John Calvin deliberated over using the word FATE because it fits so well with his doctrine [X] is PREDESTINED is logically equal to [X] is FATED Fatalism is slightly different. It is an attitude of resignation that one cannot change that which is INFALLIBLY PREDESTINED/FATED Calvinists however are not comfortable with the fact that DETERMINISM is EXHAUSTIVE in Calvinism. For example - they will claim ALTERNATIVES are made available for them to choose between But that is a FALSEHOOD An infallible decree does not grant ALTERNATIVES from that which it decrees. If it is decreed that Calvinist_A will perform SIN_X at TIME-T - that decree does not grant any ALTERNATIVE to Calvinist_A The existence of any ALTERNATIVE would falsify the decree - which is impossible Consequently - Calvinists spend a great deal of time denying and back-pedaling the doctrine. Humans are not grated the ABILITY to change that which is INFALLIBLY PREDESTINED/FATED to come to pass But Calvinists are not comfortable with resigning themselves to that so they will deny it.
@jhdodson2642 8 месяцев назад
How can anyone read the bible, intimately and honestly and not believe in the doctrines of grace? I used to be just like you , say the same things as you, think these same things. But with age , (typically) comes maturity . Until i checked my heart and realized I was minimizing God and my pride was blinding me, I couldn't see just how big God was. Stop trying to put him in a box and just read your bible. Meditate on it day and night. You will see that you start to see from Genesis to Revelation that God is about his glory. God was in control of all things throughout all of history, and without Him, you would never choose Christ. Once you get that, all the rest falls in to place and you will see. Sure dont call it Calvinism, because hardly anyone calls it that except those who are young in their walk. Erase that word and spend time in your Bible. You will believe all that the Calvinists do, just without the name. God bless 🙏
@TheFinalJigsaw 8 месяцев назад
well said
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: Calling Calvinism a "Doctrine of Grace" is a lie of omission. A lie of omission is communication designed to mislead by strategically omitting critical facts which if NOT omitted would not mislead. In Calvinism- the vast majority of individuals within the total human population - are specifically created for eternal torment in a lake of fire - for his good pleasure. And a large percentage of believers are specifically created also for the lake of fire - being divinely deceived with a FALSE SENSE of salvation. John Calvin -quote by the eternal good pleasure of god though the reason does not appear, they are *NOT FOUND* but *MADE* worthy of destruction. - (Concerning the Eternal Predestination of god pg 121) To call that a "Doctrine of Grace" is dishonest.
@jhdodson2642 3 месяца назад
@@nadalineL I see you have some major misunderstandings about God's Sovereignty over all things. Because 90% of what you just said was either weird jibberish, or saying what I believe, and most of our Christian forefathers and early church. You ever read Augustine? Surely you have. What about Martin Luther? This is not some new doctrine. Your self exaltation doctrine is what's new. God's Sovereignty is and was believed by millions. If you think God limits his sovereignty for certain reasons, then you don't have a God. If you do not have a sovereign God that is in control of all things, how could you possibly trust him at all? I pray you read earnestly and meditate on His word. There, you will find the riches and joy that comes from understanding God's Sovereignty is the most precious thing imaginable. God bless
@dw6528 3 месяца назад
@@nadalineL DW: In Calvinism - everything that comes to pass - including every impulse in the human brain - is FIXED at the foundation of the world - by a decree which is infallible And that decree does not grant any ALTERNATIVE from that which it decrees Thus - ALTERNATIVES do not exist within creation where man exists. Thus ALTERNATIVES do not exist for man to choose. If it is decreed that you will perform SIN_X at TIME_T that decree is infallible and does not grant any ALTERNATIVE. NO ALTERNATIVE OPTION exists for you to choose. That's called divine sovereignty
@christopherhughey3186 3 месяца назад
@@jhdodson2642 thank you
@gregorylatta8159 11 месяцев назад
Calvinism is very subtle on the surface making it a dangerous heresy.
@boazlickliter6629 9 месяцев назад
Calvinism isn't heresy; not even close. Ephesians 1:4-5 "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will," That is the Word of God. Stop twisting the bible for your antibiblical views. Saying that you have the free will to choose God on your own removes the purpose of Christ even dying for us, because we could just choose him on our own. That is borderline heresy if you ask me. You can't escape facts and logic.
@gregorylatta8159 9 месяцев назад
@@boazlickliter6629 Typical Calvinist lies!!!
@boazlickliter6629 9 месяцев назад
@@gregorylatta8159 Are you actually going to refute my argument with logic or are you just going to lecture me based on emotion rather than God's Word?
@gregorylatta8159 9 месяцев назад
@boazlickliter6629 Not going to waste my time!!! Look up, Dr Flowers
@boazlickliter6629 9 месяцев назад
@@gregorylatta8159 Leighton Flowers's beliefs are not based on the bible.
@mythwest 11 месяцев назад
I keep hearing Calvinists say that they don’t believe faith is a work, but yet I routinely hear them claim it is, at least through their concern that if God didn’t do something irresistible then we are earning our salvation
@ncrtrooper9406 7 месяцев назад
Exactly, it is a work of God, not of man. Man, because of his fallen nature inherited from his first father, Adam, is completely incapable of coming to God on his own, his will is completely destroyed and can only choose sin, even Arminius himself believed this (along with many other Reformed doctrines, he actually deeply admired Calvin). Because of this, God, in His infinite grace and mercy, chose a people for His Son to redeem, i.e. the elect spoken of in the Bible. When one of these elect comes to faith, it is because the grace of God through His Holy Spirit has enabled them to come to faith in Him, thereby receiving the salvation purchased to them by God the Son on the cross. Hope this helps you understand Reformed theology a bit better :)
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
@@ncrtrooper9406 DW: Everything that comes to pass within creation - is defined in Calvinism as "Works of god". For the Calvinist "Works all things" is simply defined as DETERMINES all things. Since "All things" are DETERMINED - it follow - "all things" are the "Works of Calvin's god" Which makes it the case that all sins and evils are the "Works of Calvin's god" And your statement about Adam is not accurate. In Calvinism - you cannot have an impulse in your brain that Calvin's god did not decree John Calvin explains -quote The creatures...are so governed by the secret counsel of god, that *NOTHING HAPPENS* but what he has knowingly and willingly decreed. (Institutes 1. 16. 3) Accordingly - the only reason why Adam would be incapable of coming to Calvin's god is because the impulse to do so was not decreed to come to pass within his brain. No decree for a given impulse in the brain equal no impulse in the brain :-]
@J316-18 5 месяцев назад
First it is the Gospel what has a power to save. Next it is to getting knowledge and assurance that it is not our works that saved us but the power and works of Christ. That is what was with me 😊 Can a dead man hear the word of God?? "No man can come to me, except......" J6:44
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: Just remember - in Calvinism - you cannot have an impulse in your brain that you can call your own. Because every impulse is FIRST CONCEIVED in the mind of a THEOS and then *MADE* to come to pass infallibly within your brain. Additionally - you cannot know if you are elect or not - because Calvin's god creates a large percentage of believers as CHAFF believers - divinely deceiving them with a FALSE SENSE of salvation. John Calvin explains -quote But the Lord....instills into their minds such *A SENSE* ..as can be felt without the Spirit of adoption. (Institutes 3.2.11) -quote He illumines *ONLY FOR A TIME* to partake of it; then he....strikes them with even greater blindness (Institutes 3.24.8) These Calvinists will go through their whole lives having a constant stream of FALSE PERCEPTIONS of salvation going through their brain - and then some day wake up in the lake of fire - and then realize they were created for eternal torment for his good pleasure.
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад
You are absolutely correct, brother . Sproul admitted that he didn't even know if he was saved. Let's just be honest, calvinism corruptly portrays THE CHARACTER OF GOD and is blasphemy when held in contrast with scripture. GOD bless you brother
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
I forgot about that comment from Sproul. So basically Calvinists are “lesser Christians” according to him 😣
@stubowl1 Год назад
Thank God for Calvin. Thank God for the refutation of all that is man centred. Through Calvin the character of God is lifted up high above all that esteems itself worthy and fit for salvation.
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
​@@stubowl1 Calvin has God condemning countless millions throughout history to fiery, eternal torment in hell for committing sins that HE decisively CAUSED them to commit and withheld from them any ability to do otherwise. No, Calvin does not refute "all that is man centered." In fact, Calvin gives to the reprobate the best excuse imaginable for their rejection of Jesus. Why do the reprobate reject Jesus according to Calvin? Because God unchangeably causes/ordains that they reject Jesus. Why do the reprobate hate God? Because God hated them first (according to the Calvinistic interpretation of Romans 9).
@cecilspurlockjr.9421 Год назад
@@stubowl1 calvinism is the most man centered paradigm in Christianity. Lol . Also, some of its claims are blasphemy when held in contrast to scripture.
@mikegreene9137 Год назад
@Great Light Studios that is blatantly false and a horrible representation of what "Calvinist" actually believe. (There maybe some out there that believe that foolishness, but not the totality of the believers that I know) I would really like to continue to talk with you on this subject, however I must get to the hospital to see my last living grandparent (my Granny) she is on her death bed and I need to go be with my family. Please pray for us. And I do hope to talk to you further soon on these issues.
@MWebb-de9pq Год назад
When referring to the Bible, please use the Bible. "On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers back to God? The thing molded will not say to the molder, “Why did you make me like this,” will it? Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use? What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction? And He did so to make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory, even us, whom He also called, not from among Jews only, but also from among Gentiles." Romans 9:20‭-‬24
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
@jeffreybomba Год назад
A great example of Calvinist exegesis. Take the phrase NO NOT ONE SEEKS out of context, refuse to read the original passages or the 75 times were God commands us to seek and rewards those that do. Carefully pick out the CORRECT details and leave out the rest.
@GabeM972 8 месяцев назад
Malachi 3:13-18
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
@@GabeM972 DW: Calvinists are so hilarious!! I don't think I've met a Calvinist who is not DOUBLE-MINDED about his doctrine :-D
@gabrielboykin250 2 месяца назад
Calvinists aren’t determinists but compatiblists. We believe God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility are compatible not at odds with each other
@Ethan-gc7xs Год назад
Tell me, what gain do these theologians get from teaching Tulip and God’s total sovereignty? Objectively speaking, isn’t Tulip a pretty unappealing doctrine that is harder to understand? There must be some explanation for why they teach it. And there is. It’s because it is not about what’s easier to understand, what’s easier to explain to people, and what’s more appealing. It’s about scriptural truth. And it doesn’t take a scholar to find that these ideas are true. As someone who never even knew what Calvinism was, or who John Calvin was when I read the scriptures, these ideas were plain as day to me. There are so many more hoops you have to jump through to explain passages like Romans 7-10 and Ephesians 1 (these are a couple of many) in an Armenian light. It’s not that people who believe the Calvinistic view just like Calvinism. It’s not an objectively appealing doctrine. It’s simply that Cavlin just so happened to read his Bible. Also, hardly anyone is saying Tulip is the Gospel. That’s a strawman
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: Calvinism's TULIP did not exist until about 100 years after Calvin's death. It was published as a marketing booklet. It is quite possible that Calvin would have been furious with it - and would have violently rejected it - because it was designed to OBFUSCATE the doctrine of decrees - which for Calvin is the most sacred aspect of the doctrine. The "T" in the TULIP for example - functions as a lie of omission designed to mislead. All of the points in the TULIP are designed to OBFUSCATE the dark components of the doctrine - in order to make it appear to be a doctrine of divine benevolence - when it is predominantly a doctrine of divine malevolence. Calvin's god has two provisions for mankind 1) His PRIMARY provision is for the MANY - creating them specifically for eternal torment in a lake of fire - for his good pleasure. 2) His SECONDARY provision is to save a FEW from his PRIMARY provision. The TULIP was created as a marketing tool And we all know - marketing tools are not designed to TELL THE TRUTH They are designed to sell the product.
@santiagogodoy8211 Год назад
The comments in here that call Calvinists devils or false teachers are absolutely disgusting and evil. I’m a Calvinist. And ummm not afraid to admit that I believe Calvinism is the gospel, rightfully explained. But it’s only the gospel in that it elaborates on and further dives into the gospel essentials that all Christians already agree on. Any soteriological system would say the same thing. Arminians, molinists, free-gracers, and the like are all my brothers in Christ as well. Sure hyper-Calvinists alienate others but if you listen to actual Calvinists you realize hyper-Calvinists don’t speak for us. Honestly I see far more hate coming from anti-Calvinists than nearly anyone else involved in conversations like these. Heck, I can sometimes find more common ground with a Roman Catholic than some of these guys.
@ncrtrooper9406 7 месяцев назад
Ikr, I've always found it so disturbing that people who preach so loudly that Jesus died for all men are also more than willing to spew venom at anyone with different biblical interpretations. They claim that we Calvinists are just prideful while touting themselves as the only ones with a true interpretation of God's word.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
@@ncrtrooper9406 DW: Boy - I don't know of any NON-Calvinist who has ever claimed his interpretation was the TRUE one. To tell you the truth - that is a claim which is quite common with Calvinists. Although I do see some Christians defend some of the most strangest interpretations and become so dogmatic that rational dialog with them is impossible. I do agree that it goes to far to call Calvinists devils or false teachers. However - I do observe a certain degree of dishonesty as accepted and justified in Calvinism. It is understandable - because of the dark implications in the doctrine - that Calvinists would want to obfuscate them. And I understand that Calvinist language is not a TRUTH-TELLING language - but rather COSMETIC language designed to hide the dark implications of the doctrine - in order to make the face of Calvinism more appealing. But I classify those aspects of Calvinism - as human urgencies - and not as demonic.
@ncrtrooper9406 4 месяца назад
@dw6528 Well ofc you would think your interpretation is the true one, or else why would you believe it? It always seemed to me that Reformed theologians actually drew from exegesis and Church history to interpret scripture, and not just allegories, which is why I became Reformed. To accuse them of intellectual dishonesty only shows how unwilling you are to interact with their exegesis.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
@@ncrtrooper9406 DW: I find Calvinist interpretations very subjective - based upon what they find palatable. They will for example - want to see EXHAUSTIVE DIVINE DETERMINISM (EDD) affirmed in the text because EDD is the foundational core of the doctrine. And whey they read EDD into a given text and the conclusion is palatable to them - they will use that test to affirm EDD. But when reading EDD into a given text brings them to a conclusion the do not find palatable - all of a sudden EDD does not exist. That pattern of reading scripture is very subjective.
@websurfer945 Год назад
Weak argument, false perspective, misleading information of the certain great servants. Either you have zero idea what you are talking about in this video or you are intentionally spreading false info that won't help any believers but to confuse them.
@itsgeodoodz 5 месяцев назад
Dude calvinism teaches God creates a false hood of salvation and God created evil people to do evil things because oh well they aren't chosen so might as well do the things God hates, nonsense.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: I found what he said quite true. Can you give any example of something which was not logically the case in Calvinism?
@jacobphillips1636 8 месяцев назад
So much emotion here. It seems most people are making a decision based on (i had a bad friend that was a Calvinist and didn’t talk to me anymore because I didn’t agree) that’s not a Biblical argument, that’s an emotionally based outburst. You may be doing the same thing on here the Calvinist did to you that you didn’t like. They rejected you because you didn’t see their perspective, don’t do the same. If you have a comment, respond to the 5 points with biblical, well thought out arguments. If you’re a Calvinist on here, do the same.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: The 5 points of the TULIP in Calvinism are really designed as a marketing tool Marketing tools are not designed to TELL THE TRUTH about the product They are designed to induce BUY-IN The "T" in the TULIP for example - is designed to function as a lie of omission. All of the points in the TULIP are designed to obfuscate the dark implications in the doctrine.
@rosemarietolentino3218 Год назад
The battlefield is in your mind! Satan only has to get you to miss the mark! And you will hear I never knew you!
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: In Calvinism - you are not granted a CHOICE in the matter if it is decreed that you will "miss the mark" that decree does not grant any ALTERNATIVE
@frogboy_lives6669 11 месяцев назад
"Why don't you think Calvinism is Biblical?" "Well too many people talking about it"
@Controle9165 6 месяцев назад
Calvinism is false so is prostatism because if you’re still wilfully sinning, you’re not of God. If you're still wilfully sinning against God you don't have Grace! "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age," Titus 2:11-12 "Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:48 "But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:4 "Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;" Il Peter 3:14 "Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world." 1 John 4:17 ""'But evervone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall."" Matthew 7:26-27 "Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus." Colossians 1:28 “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭14‬-‭15‬ ‭ “Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear;” ‭‭I Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭13‬-‭17‬ ‭ “And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God? Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance? But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who “will render to each one according to his deeds”: eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness-indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the Greek; but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For there is no partiality with God.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭2‬:‭3‬-‭11‬ ‭
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: Claiming a system is "Biblical" is problematic because it implies that system is CANON In such case - a human system is being raised up onto a pedestal and made equal to scripture. Calvinism is a theology which has its own unique interpretation of scripture.
@tomanderson6233 Год назад
Simply put, there is no coincidence that "the loudest microphones" are calvinist. John MacArthur did not start out reformed. It simply IS what the Bible says. The more you study, the more you see it. In your endeavor to start this channel, I assume you'll be reading the Bible so..... you'll probably be a future calvinist too. Keep it up brother!
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
Hi, thanks for watching. The first part of what you said is basically an appeal to authority. I could list dozens of highly intelligent and respected Christian thinkers throughout history who have rejected Calvinism. This is quite irrelevant to the actual point at hand which is... is Calvinism actually true? I've been studying this topic personally, reading the biblical passages related to it and listening to reformed preachers and teachers for over 10 years. I have become only further convinced that Calvinism stems from misinterpretations and misunderstandings of the bible, not less. I don't expect to become a Calvinist anytime soon. However, if Calvinism is true, then all I can know right now is that God has decreed that I make videos to argue against it. So either way I'm in the will of God it would seem.
@tomanderson6233 Год назад
@Great Light Studios lol! Thanks for the reply. Respectfully, individually, the loudest microphones have many multiples of years ahead of you. So again, keep it up champ. Regarding the anecdote of, "God must have decreed it." That is a common retort. Yes, it's true that nothing happens outside of God's will. In 1 kings 13, the prophet foretold to Jereboam about Josiah. Then was deceived by another prophet, mauled by a lion and buried near Samaria. "Coincidentally" Josiah was defiling pagan alters with human bones and came across the grave of this very prophet. I mention this by way of example. Was it decreed that this prophet disobey a direct order from the Lord so that he would be killed in such a way? It would appear so. After all, it was another prophet of the Lord that deceived him. But I don't spend too much time in the weeds like that. The Bible's full of stuff like that and God's way better at His job than I could ever be. Point is: yes, I'd say it is decreed that you create division in the body of Christ by railing against a huge group of believers. But who am I to turn back God's hand. Or ask Him what He's doing?
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
​@@tomanderson6233 “Respectfully, individually, the loudest microphones have many multiples of years ahead of you.” 

 Once again, this is a textbook logical fallacy and so I’m quite confused why you think it’s worth continuing to push it as if it actually demonstrates anything about the legitimacy of Calvinism. Basically… “There are older men with more seminary degrees who think your interpretation of the Bible is wrong.”

 Ok… well there’s also plenty of old men with seminary degrees who are non-Calvinists who think the other old men are wrong. What you are saying demonstrates one thing… old men have disagreed about theological issues for the past 2,000 years. Again, you appealing to loud microphones and years does just as much to prove my position as it does to prove yours. 
 It also sounds eerily similar to the attitude and mindset that we see in John 7:47-49 -

 “The Pharisees answered them, “Have you also been deceived? Have any of the authorities or the Pharisees believed in him? But this crowd that does not know the law is accursed.” Historically speaking, age and authority amounts to precisely nothing when it comes to understanding biblical revelation. Age and authority are not equivalent to “truth.” If it were, then the reformation was a massive mistake. 

So, not only is your push here a logical fallacy, it presents an erroneous idea that God has… “chosen the wise things to shame the foolish, and the strong things to shame the weak…” (1 Corinthians 1:27) - as if God is looking for the smartest, oldest, wisest men with the most seminary years to give understanding to. 

“At that time Jesus declared, "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” Matthew 11:25 You seem to want to push this idea that I am in a situation in which in comparison to the aged and scholarly men, I am a little child… in doing so you are placing me in a category of those to whom God is actually revealed as being most pleased to reveal things to. 

This is not an argument that I like to make or would want to make accept that you insist on appealing to authority as if that somehow matters either logically or biblically. It can clearly be demonstrated that it does not matter on either end. 

“I'd say it is decreed that you create division in the body of Christ by railing against a huge group of believers. But who am I to turn back God's hand. Or ask Him what He's doing?”

 I truly appreciate your honesty here and willingness to be logically consistent to your system. I think it is entirely an untenable way to live and fundamentally disagree with how you understand God’s sovereignty, but I appreciate that you don’t dance around the ultimate implications of your system.
@tomanderson6233 Год назад
@Great Light Studios I'll tell you what. Let's both drop the sarcasm. (I know I started it.) I get your desire to disregard MacArthur, Sproul, Lawson, Begg, Baucham, Washer Lutser and so on as Pharisees. This does, however, beg the question "from whence comes your special revelation?" Furthermore, "why should we trust it?" How do we know you're not attempting to satisfy our itching ears? Consider this: outside of a couple of examples, all of these Pharisees are expositors. This means that their preaching styles are to always preach sermon series marching methodically through entire books of scripture. This means they're not afraid of context. This means their congregation gets the full council of God. Speaking of context and Pharisees. John 7:47-49 is referring to the actual pharisees, whose teachings were mainly man-made traditions. The reformed expositors teach from the inspired Word of God. This is indeed apples and oranges. I now triple down on my point. As far as this being an untenable way to live: look at Romans 8:28-30 in light of a sovereign God who takes a hand in everyday what happens to us. If we trust in Him and His love and things go differently from what we hoped, we can have confidence that it's for our good. And thank Him for it.
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
@@tomanderson6233 You're misunderstanding my point. I don't at all want to disregard these men as pharisees. I really appreciate a lot of the teachings of these guys and have listened to people like John Piper for years. I do not think any of these men are bad, evil, pharisaical heretics, or anything of the sort. I simply disagree with them on certain points… like Calvinism. So again, my point is not to dismiss them as pharisees. My point wasn’t directed at them at all, but toward your reasoning. Your appeal to age and authority as somehow being evidence that Calvinism is correct can be demonstrated to be both biblically and logically incorrect. That is my point. 

I’m not saying that you or any of these men are therefore evil, heretical pharisees or anything like that. Not my point. One can believe that God takes a hand in our every day life, working all things for good, without believing that he is the ultimate source and cause of all evil that happens to us and comes from us.
@rosemarietolentino3218 Год назад
It’s what keeps so many people from bothering to read the Bible!
@GenericQuestion 11 месяцев назад
Yes people will end up in hell against God's will. We do all kinds of things against God's will...
@jakobcampbell3837 10 месяцев назад
Rev 17:8
@user-js5su5xz8k Месяц назад
I am confused.. Calvinists are some of the most logic based people out there. They base their beliefs off of the Bible and do not follow an infallible belief. Verses that prove predestination: Romans 3:23-24 Romans 8:28-30 Ephesians 1:4-5 You are simply being selfish, I recommend you think for a second.. Much love and respect, but you’re wrong.
@cluny 4 месяца назад
How do I return to your recent Short on condemnation ?
@GreatLightStudios 4 месяца назад
Is it about Calvinism? Here is a page with all of my shorts www.youtube.com/@GreatLightStudios/shorts
@cluny 4 месяца назад
@@GreatLightStudios that is it. Thanks. JMac and Union with Christ.
@eugenejoseph7076 10 месяцев назад
The quandary I find myself in regarding Reformed/Calvinistic theology is this: since more and more articulate, well read, scholars who are ex-calvinists/reformed are now showing up in greater numbers in anti-calvinism videos why do they still claim that reformers are our brothers in Christ. In digger deeper into these doctrines these new ex-reformers discovered reformed and Calvinism is a misrepresentation of the Gospel, thereby, making reform theology incorrect, thereby making it a FALSE TEACHING, RIGHT? Is this not the conclusion they discovered? NOW, IF THEY CONSIDER REFORM/CALVINISM WRONG/FALSE, DOESN'T THIS MAKE THIS THEOLOGY A FALSE TEACHING AND THOSE WHO TEACH IT, FALSE TEACHERS? And what exactly did our Lord call false teachers? Children of Satan!!! Reformers and Calvinists are not my brothers or sisters! But before you start calling hateful, judgemental and self righteous and unloving, you would be wrong. My Lord commands me to love my enemies! I love them, I just do not believe they know Jesus the way He revealed Himself in the Gospel. Their theology is a man-made construct built by a very flawed, egotistical man named, Augustine and eventually John Calvin, who's law degree just made this gnostic, deterministic view of God popular because people could not believe God wanted a personal, one on one relationship with His greatest creation, man! So they turned Him into a tyrant, unknowable, impersonal, and after He predestined nd preordained and decreed EVERYTHING THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN from the foundation of the world, He left the building and once all this PREDETERMINED stuff is done, those predestined to heaven go to.....well....Heaven. and those predestined to Hell, later alligator, off to Hell you go because, I just feel like sending some to hell! HOW CAN ANYONE WHO READS ABOUT JESUS AND HIS SACRIFICE ON THE CROSS BELIEVE THIS STUFF IS TRULY HEARTBREAKING!
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: It is true - what you have described as a trend in scholarship today - with people leaving Calvinism. However what is also included in that - is the historical evolution of Calvinism - which entails Augustine - who incorporated components of Gnosticism (DUALISM) and NeoPlatonism (DETERMINISM) into his theology. Since Augustine is not seen as departing from Christianity - but simply creating Syncretistic theology - and Calvinism simply follows Augustine - scholars do not consider Calvinists to be non-Christians.
@annikaelisaa1879 Год назад
I feel blessed to have found this channel. Thank you 🙏🏻
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
You are very welcome!
@Scotty_cooks Год назад
Calvinism is only a theological standpoint not the Gospel Only the Gospel is the Gospel. Calvinism has some truth but it also has flaws like many theologies if we could understand God completely we wouldn’t need theology. 🙏 🙏 🙏 John calvin didn’t die and resurrect for undeserving sinners like all of us Jesus christ did. ⚔️ 🛡
@tamestang 3 месяца назад
Rc sproul said in a video that when he became a Christ follower he knew nothing about Calvinism. It wasn’t the fact that what he believed about Calvinism that saved him because he didn’t know any of that. Calvinist don’t believe that tulip is the gospel.
@johncmeade Год назад
Romans 9:18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.
@jolookstothestars6358 Год назад
Yes, please keep going. I loved the video you did explaining "In Christ". Thank you!!
@jarydhoats9264 11 месяцев назад
This video didn't really explain why Calvinism is unbiblical, although I don't necessarily fall under the category of Lutheran or John Calvin theology. It is difficult to refute the explanations of Romans chapter 8-11 without having a thought of Calvinism and thus it's much easier to see this viewpoint through the eyes of Reformed theology rather than deterministic theology.
@Mobileautocareandservice-hy4mm 4 месяца назад
I am curious the mental gymnastics that happen when you read Ephesians 2, Romans 8+9 and Matthew 7
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: In Calvinism - the DETERMINING FACTOR of what PERCEPTION will come to pass within a person's brain - while reading scripture or doing anything else - is solely and exclusively an infallible decree. PERCEPTIONS which come to pass within the human brain are not determined by IQ or intelligence or education etc They are determined by an infallible decree
@jakebull2571 Год назад
Though I do not agree, I certainly appreciate this perspective. I would also note that no one is claiming or has claimed that TULIP is the gospel-especially Sproul, MacArthur, Piper, and the larger voices mentioned here. I think all of them would say that the gospel is the gospel-though they do believe Calvinism to be a faithful and consistent framework that aligns with Scripture. I happen to fall in that category as well. But again, I appreciate the perspective.
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
Thanks Jake! It was Spurgeon who stated that Calvinism is the gospel and I have heard others repeat this, but I can't remember who to be honest. I'm glad that you can at least appreciate a different perspective. This doesn't have to be a fiery, hostile discussion and unfortunately many on both sides of the fence don't seem to realize that.
@johngodsey5327 Год назад
Actually I have many Calvinist friends who say exactly that, Calvinism-tulip is simply the gospel. It’s not since it portrays a different God, different Jesus and different gospel It openly contradicts the words of Christ to align with a Manichean/Gnostic fatalistic worldview But many do most certainly see it as synonymous with the gospel
@jakebull2571 Год назад
@@johngodsey5327 respectfully, these are the kinds of comments that are not helpful from my perspective. Implying that Calvinists aren’t saved-I would not say that about any of my non-Calvinist brothers and sisters.
@Notacalvinist_24 Год назад
All of them say Tulip is the gospel I've heard it said by them just check RU-vid. My friend of 30years who was a Calvinists , I say was because he dissociated with me because I would not see scripture through the calvinistic lens would always say Calvinism is the gospel. He would even say Paul the Apostle was a Calvinists 😅 Calvinism is nothing but a cult.
@Notacalvinist_24 Год назад
​@@jakebull2571 NO, we are not saying they are not saved because they were Christians before they converted to the false cult of Calvinism. We can only hope they snap out of it like many have.
@stove2717 Год назад
Great points, the only thing is that it’s not just “possible alternatives” that you are presenting. Calvinism is absolutely unhinged from the Old Testament which is a MAJOR problem, and therefore when you read Romans 9 in a vacuum, instead of realizing Paul is quoting the OT, you end up with the opportunity to insert whatever you think it might mean, when in all reality that is not a remotely viable option.
@mikegreene9137 Год назад
What are you talking about?....lol... "Calvinists " believe the entire Bible. They also can read through the entire text plainly realizing how Paul is using the texts in relation to what he is talking about without having to leave the text to drag in an outside concept that is not being used in that text. You have to do hermeneutical back flips and summersaults in order to come to some of the conclusions of some of these "non calvinist " teachers.
@stove2717 Год назад
@@mikegreene9137 hermeneutical backflips like “God’s secret will” for humanity, God’s “love” for humans He could’ve saved but didn’t that are no different than the ones He did save, “total” depravity words you will NEVER find together in the scripture, and my personal favorite “regeneration precedes faith” which directly contradicts an actual specific passage word for word explaining the steps of salvation? All of those mention above are critical to Calvinism and none are biblical or logical. That’s why your systematic theology is 10x thicker than the Bible do to all the rabbit holes of theological mess created because they don’t understand Romans 9 of Ephesians 1, and basically any passage about election or predestination… I’ve heard the story over and over which and Calvinism is never found in scripture. Meanwhile since I’ve come out of Calvinism, the Bible is actually clear without having to perform the very mental gymnastics I used to desperately require.
@mikegreene9137 Год назад
@Stove I don't know what "Calvinism " you apparently "came out of", but it is nothing that is even recognizable to me. Maybe you spent too much time reading the books and materials of others and not enough time reading the scriptures? "Calvinism " if that is what you want to call me is found from front to back throughout the scriptures. Are you telling me God has no eternal plan? No "secret will"...meaning something that is known only to God? Are you telling me NOTHING happened to mankind after Adam sinned? Are you telling me God has not from the very beginning of the scriptures (in Genesis) set aside a people for Himself which you can find throughout all of scriptures not just specific "election" passages...please answer me those things. (Because I'm not sure, you might be an open Theist in which case I need to deal with you very differently)
@RedDoveMinistries Год назад
How would you read Romans 9? Not looking for an argument or anything just genuinely curious on your view
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
This is a clip from a longer video that might help give you a starting point to understanding my view. I also recently released a 9-video series about Romans 9.
@redfritz3356 2 месяца назад
Yeah, they focus on God's sovereignty.
@robcrobert 6 месяцев назад
The calvanist god creates sin and creates people for eternal hell fire. The God of the Bible is not willing any should perish.
@fianchettando 8 месяцев назад
Calvinism is the gospel.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: Totally hilarious!!! There are other Calvinists here who are insisting no Calvinist would ever say that! :-] This is very entertaining!
@tarnos4153 3 месяца назад
Are you saying that there are inconsistencies in the Bible’s doctrines? Which?
@Ecofriendlymemez 4 месяца назад
Anyone who believes god chooses and selects people before they were born to hell or heaven is stupid
@slocole1005 11 месяцев назад
The gospel isn’t soteriology, it is rather the revelation of the trinity, the incarnation, and the Paschal Mystery. Our predestination and salvation are all after this. James Jordan makes a good point about this, where he says that if Abraham was saved the way we are saved now, then the Gospel is not our way salvation, for it is not new, but it is the way it comes about and from whom that is the Gospel. This is coming from a Catholic, but I hope this may help
@chrisdon6847 Год назад
You never actually enunciated why you think Calvinism is 'problematic', you just state it is, you then said you had alternative thoughts and then listed a few.
@GreatLightStudios Год назад
This is the full video - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-7d1pk9Omfak.html
@LOLJUDGER 9 месяцев назад
I think a good way to simplify Arminianism, and calvinism, is that they are from two different focal points, Arminianism is from within the fishbowl, so its like gravity, time laws of physics ect, and describes the salvation experience of the believer from the individuals point of view from their earthly and early perspective. Where calvinism takes scripture, and divine revelation of God through scripture that reveals to us the other side of the tapestry. It shows the work of God intricately, and as we growing in our understanding of the word, and look back at our lives, we start to see more from the workings and evidences He (God) provides in scripture talking about his sovereignty, and salvation ect. I think both veiws have value, because they reach different people where their at, in different places of their walk. Id be careful not to shun the idea, but to study scripture through exegesis lenses and ask the Holy spirit to walk you through and show you what you need to know, and give thanks. If you beleive in Christ and received salvation, praise the lord and live in unity with your brothers in Christ.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: The difference between the Calvinist system and the Arminian system - is the fact that the foundational core of Calvinism is EXHAUSTIVE DIVINE DETERMINISM (EDD) as enunciated in Calvinism's doctrine of decrees John Calvin explains -quote The creatures...are so governed by the secret counsel of god, that *NOTHING HAPPENS* but what he has knowingly and willingly decreed. (Institutes 1. 16. 3) Thus in Calvinism - you cannot have an impulse in your brain - unless that impulse was knowingly and willingly decreed. So every sinful evil impulse that comes to pass within every human brain - is FIRST CONCEIVED within the mind of a THEOS and then *MADE* to infallibly come to pass within the human brain. The Armian does not have the doctrine of decrees. Which means - it is not founded on EDD as Calvinism is
@HillbillyBlack 2 месяца назад
My story… I grew up a pastors kid, I prayed some “sinners prayer” at 7 that did nothing. Lived for me for 35 years. Sex, pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol, parties. I Grew to be agnostic, filled with hate, anger and lust which slowly accreted over years- decades. I LIVED and LOVED “sin”. All i had was Just passive conscience but no pressing desire to care. Up until May 2022 i was a sexual addict deep in Porn addiction on the verge of cheating on my wife. I was talking to hookers/ old girl friends. I hated my wife, my marriage, i was verbally cruel to her and my kids. Classic hater of a “God who creates hell” kinda person and mentality. In fact that was my chief gripe. “What kind of God does this and that…..” “No good God would ever send good people to a hell” I was blind and in my blindness i only knew God was real. But that “Jesus” part was a hard sell. I became very evidence driven. Needed proof. Ironic given i was raised a PK. My Dad didn’t “fail”. But do realize our example to the lost isn’t what saves. Jesus has said multiple times - No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. - I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world. Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they know that everything that you have given me is from you.- The Father gives those who are saved to the Son. I know this may be an alien concept for many, but I lived a life dead in sin and I was unable to choose God. I was aware but I didn’t want him. There was too much excitement in the sin i enjoyed. So when God gives to his son those his son saves, those he gives he draws and those he draws NEVER resist the draw. They can’t. The draw can be a moment or a period of time. For me it was a period of time. Approximately 120 days and it was gradual and building up to a crescendo. I even once asked for forgiveness before I was saved. I said “Lord I believe but you’re going to have to save me with my sin. I love doing what I do and you’re just going to have to save me while I do it. I cannot stop. ” I acknowledged the truth but wanted my sin as well. This was about a month and a half before I was saved and It did nothing. We always think that the human mind has the capacity to resist the reveal of who God is. God draws and then with a free will choice we choose?? This is where it boils down to the definition of the draw. If no one can come to Christ unless his father draws them and threw that draw they are guaranteed a “rising up” on the “last day” (our physical death), then that guarantee also guarantees the choosing of Christ. So the draw is a particular strategic supernatural powerful moment rather than a passive understanding of knowledge. Intellect only gets us so far as realizing there’s a creator. The draw of God is you standing in a field watching a nuclear bomb go off a mile away. You can’t run, you can’t hide, you can only beg for forgiveness because in that moment you realize the depth and scope and damage of your sin. That bombs heat wave is your sin coming your way and the only thing that can save you is God. There is no choice in the moment because choice requires intellect and the draw of God is him sticking his hand in your heart and ripping out that Stone heart. You are his before you ever thought you chose him. What are you perceived as a human choice was just our limited human way of understanding what had happened. No one turned away the parachute from a friend free falling with you just to fall to their death. There is no choice when you were predestined before the world began. …even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will… There’s no scriptural evidence of the dead having a free will choice. Our freedom is being free from the bonds of sin which introduces a limited free will under the grace of God. -Hebrews 12:5-8 Right after my wife’s mother died My Dad sent me a book about Near Death Experiences. (NDEs) (Imagine Heaven: by John Burke) (After Death- movie adaptation) Contrary to the seemingly biased position of the book title, these stories were very compelling. Compelling enough that everyone saw the same man of light which resembled what everyone seems to say was the Christ of the Bible. I read the Gospels several times. Research older writings predating Christ. Through months of trying to prove Christianity wrong I Realized from this emotionally crippling moment the severity of my situation, the steep hole i was in, the damage I caused…God was real, that Jesus part was real, and at that moment I had to make a choice. The more real he was proven, the worst I felt. The bomb heatwave was getting closer and the clarity of the mushroom cloud was getting clearer. I was a liar, adulterer, deceiver full of pride, hate and anger. I treated my family like crap and was verbally abusive to my wife and children. On my face i weeped and cried to God in belief. I cried out in a pool of tears in my home office after everyone had gone to sleep… “PLEASE GOD SAVE ME IF IM EVEN WORTH SAVING….PLEEEEEASE. I am wrong. I don’t deserve you, but i believe.” sobbing in a river of tears, shirt drenched, i layed there repeating that over and over begging him for almost an hour. I honestly didn’t recite anything. I was desperate for change. At a point of failure scared out of my mind id gone “too far”, i thought i was unredeemable, i needed help but had nothing to offer. I didn’t want this darkness anymore. This pit in my mind and heart was too much. Choosing Jesus wasn’t a passive moment but something i felt no choice in. I knew he was THE truth before i believed. In my blindness I rejected him for my lifestyle and the things that I wanted for me. But at this moment..It was him or die. I was at a point willing to give up all sin. to give everything up if he would just save me. I just didn’t know how to stop it all. I arrived at his feet with nothing but sin and emotional blood on my hands. My unforgivable offenses. I got very little sleep that night…After begging him to save me, Id NEVER felt forgiveness like this. Life after that night has been like I’m a kid in a small wagon and God is pulling this red wagon through a beautiful forest. Id get distracted, get out of the wagon then be confronted by a bear and quickly get back in the wagon. The more sin i refused or fled from,…the safer i felt. Sexual sin was unique though. Overcoming this has been much different than anger or lying. It was less “overcoming” and more running from and preventing. Through pain and suffering, today I’m porn free (which did take some serious Mathew 5:29 effort and gradual time) , day one i dropped all contacts with those i was about to cheat with. I blocked them all. I confessed it all to my wife who forgave me. Since May 22 its been exponential growth. A craving for scripture and a challenge to keep proper understanding clear in my mind. I went from dispensational theology to a clearer exegetical understanding of the word of God in a matter of two years. I went From basic milk theology to being called a Calvinist simply for believing the Bible. This all happened 2 years ago and has never let up in desire to read, pray and seek more. There are layers to Christ not even the “church” talks about that is deep, connected and is continually revealing.
@KingArtexerxes Год назад
I’m not sure what you mean since I’ve not watched any other videos of yours or studied Calvinism. But from my own studies, I’ve determined that God is particular, and wants His people to seek Him to gain holiness. That we are to be holy as He is holy. To be on a close trajectory to Godliness. To be like Jesus. Not self righteous. That’s pride, not holiness. To be imputed and imparted with Christ’s righteousness is our goal. This can only be done through much bible study and prayer.
@billweir8824 Год назад
The biggest first problem is that people can't understand God or his being and superspirit qualities and then man also is not understood as the creature God made in the 'image and likeness of the Elohim (not a Trinity rather the angels also termed sons of God in scripture) Secondl😢😂y God wanted to be loved not merely obeyed so Free Will, we all relate this to our own relationships!
@nope9274 11 месяцев назад
I know this is an old post but if you are going to go after Calvinists, then I would like to see your own beliefs in soteriology explained.
@ragnardanneskajold1880 3 месяца назад
“The most influential Christians…..” With who? Are you purposefully leaving out the largest Christian denomination? I would argue Father Mike Schmitz and Bishop Robert Barron are far more influential with more Christians than the neo-Calvinists
@ogmakefirefiregood 10 месяцев назад
I am reformed. Was catholic for 30 years. The main thing that changed my mind is God reveals Himself through the knowledge of Jesus Christ to whomever He Chooses. 2 Corinthians 4:6 Like say.... all the Apostles.I believe The Scriptures because God Gave me the ability to do so. John 10-27. 1 Corinthians 2:14. We will ALL stand before God. See you there brother.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: The problem with claiming god reveals the TRUTH to the Calvinist - is that it is a denial of what Calvinism teaches. In Calvinism - every PERCEPTION which comes to pass within the brain is determined by infallible decree And Calvin's god is not obligated to decree the PERCEPTIONS in that brain to be TRUE PERCEPTIONS. If he decrees the PERCEPTIONS in your brain to be FALSE PERCEPTIONS - then your brain is not be granted the ability to know they are FALSE because doing so would countervail the decree. This follows the pattern of FALSE PERCEPTIONS of salvation which are decreed for many Calvinists John Calvin explains -quote But the Lord....instills into their minds such *A SENSE* ..as can be felt without the Spirit of adoption. (Institutes 3.2.11) -quote He illumines *ONLY FOR A TIME* to partake of it; then he....strikes them with even greater blindness (Institutes 3.24.8) These Calvinists are called CHAFF Calvinists. They will go through their whole life - having a stream of FALSE PERCEPTIONS of salvation coming to pass within their brains. And then wake up in the lake of fire - and then realize they were created for eternal torment for his good pleasure.
@eristic1281 Год назад
Each denomination says all the others are wrong. Each religion says all the other are wrong. Believe it or not, they're right in saying that all the others are wrong.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
wonderfully said!!! That is probably the most logical thing I've read here in all of these posts! :-D
@Relatedonthate 11 месяцев назад
Calvinism is amazing and biblical. No need to argue amongst each other. I am not a hard 5 point Calvinist-I call myself a Calvinist with Armenian tendencies 😅✌🏻-but ya’ll need to be respectful and not make comparisons. Both have interesting, thought provoking, inspirational, biblical perspectives and both have the gospel.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: The version of Calvinism you know is probably an ARMINANIZED version sufficient for you to call it amazing. For example - the version of Calvinism you have probably does not teach that there is a high probability Calvin's god divinely deceived you with a FALSE SENSE of salvation - and you will go through your life having a constant stream of FALSE PERCEPTIONS of salvation coming to pass within your brain - and then some day wake up in the lake of fire and at that point realize you were created as a CHAFF believer for eternal torment - for his good pleasure.
@lunthuak2114 8 месяцев назад
"what is that to you, you just follow me" remember this.
@Afriendatmidnight Год назад
“How many Christians, or rather how many people, baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, perished and are perishing simply because they have and had no desire to turn their attention to the foundations of the orthodox Christian faith. Whoever despises this duty will be shocked at the awful judgement. “ St. Innocent of Alaska
@claudiomirosena7884 Год назад
Lol what Bible verse are you using to prove you are saying other than your feeling’s bible verse? Feelings aren’t bible chapter so you said nothing biblical to prove your opinion
@mikegreene9137 5 месяцев назад
Or... you know there are alot of haters out there and think you can make bank by tickling their ears? 😊
@fianchettando 8 месяцев назад
Definitely you are more reliable than Sproul and Piper🃏
@maxmateush7090 Год назад
I don’t know I listen to John MaArthur and other Calvinist all the time and they never preach deterministic or fatalistic views. What you said is not true. They preach that even though God is sovereign yet man is still responsible for his choices. Calvinist who stay true to the scriptures usually reject determinism and fatalism.
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: You have to understand - Determinism is not something that a person can be coherent with - because of the radical consequences that come with it. Dr. William Lane Craig explains -quote Nobody can live *AS-IF* all that he thinks and does is determined by causes outside of himself. Every determinist recognizes he has to act *AS-IF* he has option(S) to weigh, and can decide on what course of action to take….. (Determinism is unlivable) Sean Carroll (Theoretical physicist - Atheist Determinist) -quote Every person in the world, no matter how anti-free-will they are, talks about people *AS-IF* they make decisions. Thus we can see - because of the radical nature of Determinism - the Calvinist is forced to assert the doctrine as TRUE while simultaneously treating the doctrine *AS-IF* it is FALSE For example - the doctrine of decrees stipulates that the infallible decree does not grant any ALTERNATIVE from that which it decrees. So if it is decreed that Calvinist_A will perform SIN_X at TIME_T then That decree does not grant any ALTERNATIVE Thus Calvinist_A is granted NO ALTERNATIVE He will infallibly perform SIN_X at TIME_T and he has NO CHOICE in the matter. They will also not preach about the fact that the infallible decree determines members in their congregation to be CHAFF believers - who were created for eternal torment in a lake of fire - for Calvin's god's good pleasure I think you can understand why preachers like MacArthur and Piper will not preach that. If they did - their congregations would dwindle down to a handful of people.
@readJames48 Год назад
Calvinism is The Gospel!!!
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: That is hilarious!!! There are other Calvinist here who are insisting no Calvinist would ever say that! What a hoot! :-]
@readJames48 4 месяца назад
@@dw6528 Acts 13:48
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
@@readJames48 DW: Here is another verse in scripture where the Calvinist AUTO-MAGICALLY assumes EXHAUSTIVE DIVINE DETERMINISM (EDD). The difference between the Calvinist conception of this text and the NON-Calvinist conception - is that in the NON-Calvinist conception these people were given a CHOICE between [Believe] and [NOT Believe] Where Calvinism there is only one CHOICE-MAKER in the universe. An infallible decree does not grant any ALTERNATIVE from what it decrees Thus NO ALTERNATIVE exists for humans to choose. So the difference is that in Calvinism humans are not granted CHOICE.
@readJames48 4 месяца назад
@@dw6528 Dr. James White VS. Leighton Flowers @ 6pm 3-7-24!!!
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
@@readJames48 DW: Can you explain the point?
@Myjesus-1 6 месяцев назад
Most Christians, including Calvinist, don't understand the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross: When Jesus died on the cross for our sins, he made a new covenant for his true followers. He was able to send the Holy Spirit to transform us to righteousness and conquer the flesh nature to set us free from the practice of sin, and it's desires. I think it is possibly even blasphemy against the Holy Spirit when people deny the power of the Holy Spirit to transform us to righteousness. The Apostle Paul said that we are not in the flesh if the Holy Spirit lives in us. 2 Corinthians 10:3 Paul also tells us that we have been set free from sinful desires: "For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh." Isaiah 53:5 says: "But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds WE ARE HEALED." Before Jesus came, the law that people lived under could not conquer the flesh nature. That is why people had to sacrifice animals repeatedly. The cleansing that God provides is not temporary. It is permanent. When he cleanses us from ALL sin, we are made righteous. Hebrews 7:27 says: "He (Jesus) has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself." When Christians repent of their sins daily they don't have the Holy Spirit. They are still living under the Old Covenant, because they can't get clean. Many Christians mock the Holy Spirit by saying it is impossible to conquer the flesh nature and stop sinning. They don't believe. They are watering down and diminishing the power of the Holy Spirit in their own minds & in the minds of others. They are mocking the miracle of transformation that brings us Salvation. People flock to false religion due to the corruption in their hearts. False Christians will dilligently search their bibles looking for loopholes to sin. 1 Peter 2:24 confirms that it is possible to stop sinning: "He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” When we are healed from the bondage of sin, it is permanent. "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." Scripture describes false converts as continuing in sin, because they deny the power of the Holy Spirit. 2 Timothy 3:5 "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." Scripture gives a strong warning of eternal damnation to those who reject the New Covenant by sinning: Hebrews 10:28-29 "Anyone who has rejected Moses' law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?" God's grace does not free us to sin. It does not cover continued sin or future sins. It does not forgive deliberate sin. It frees us from sin. Ungodly Christians reject the gift of righteousness that God offers. False Christians cling to a doctrine of demons that tells them they get to keep their sins, and there is no penalty. This is much more appealing to false converts than the thought of giving up their sins. John 3:36 jesus said, "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him." If people can't understand the clear language that Jesus used, perhaps their hearts have become hardened. God, in his wisdom, does not leave us in a sinful condition, because over time, sin destroys the human conscience. When this happens, they are lost. We can see evidence of a darkened conscience and a hardened heart when people mock and ridicule the precious gift that Jesus gave up his life to bring to us so that we can recieve righteousness that is required for Salvation. When Christians reject the New Covenant, Jesus will reject them, and they will have to pay the full penalty that that the Law always required for disobedience under the Old Covenant. That means eternal damnation.
@BornAgainNinja 11 месяцев назад
There's no verse in the Bible that says only the elect can be saved
@Obrandoporlaverdad Год назад
Well said, even most non- Calvinist Christian apologist don't speak on the Calvivist problem because their going againts the loudest guys so everybody just talks againts pentecostalism.
@daviddavydenko9586 10 месяцев назад
My guy wants to believe that he is sovereign rather than yielding to scriptue. Well, he wont see otherwise untill God openes his blind eyes 😊
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: of course - in Calvinism - if he does want to believe that he is sovereign rather than yielding to scripture - then the only way that can happen is if it was decreed to infallibly come to pass In such case NO ALTERNATIVE would be granted to him. Because the decree does not grant any ALTERNATIVE from that which it decrees
@liammcelroy6734 3 месяца назад
I'm a calvinist
@Brotheral-pb1oj 10 дней назад
Why can't you just admit that calvinism is a false doctrine that should be avoided? Either it is or it's not, there's no grey area.What exactly is your point? You either warn people or you don't.
@casinicho 20 дней назад
Just a bunch of "i think" and "it seems" Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
@snowdropangela 5 месяцев назад
@jenilmathew 4 месяца назад
Historical christianity ❤
@amustardseed6748 11 месяцев назад
Did he explain why Calvinism is BAD? Or just day it was bad?
@lindsayball5080 5 месяцев назад
Its not an accident that these preachers are pushed onto the public and that is taught in seminaries. Satans very crafty
@kitstr 21 день назад
Schisms within schisms.
@ThecrosseyedTexan 4 месяца назад
Well please tell me what theological flavor you ascribe to instead of telling me how bad Calvinism is. Cuz it seems to me no matter what theological camp you land on there's somebody out there that's going to say it's a heresy. Whether it's Calvinism dispensationalism armenianism whatever it is there's somebody out there that's going to tell you that it's a heresy. So where do you stand what is your theological flavor?
@TheDrjohn2 11 месяцев назад
Hmm. How about reading Eph 1
@ARPGWARLORD 11 месяцев назад
Not sure yall I’m Lutheran but Calvinist speak straight from the Bible and it’s no if an’s or buts Where as Lutheran we come to cross with our heads down eyes shut in prayer and hands out in forgiveness and acceptance Im still trying to figure myself out but I’m starting to lean toward Eastern Othodox…. Ethiopian texts…. Very important information… what I do know is I love Jesus and God and The Holy Spirit and I’m doing all this for this three at this point
@dw6528 4 месяца назад
DW: I have a question. Does it bother Lutherans that Calvinists try to claim the name "Reformed" all for themselves?
@jasonbarga1684 Год назад
Gives no other option