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Why Do Christians Worship on Sunday? 

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Join us as we explore the significance of the first day of the week in Christianity and how it has impacted Western Civilization! Discover why early Christians transitioned from worshiping on the seventh day to the first day, and how this change has shaped history.
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27 май 2024




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@jeffreydcarl Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, Stephen. I very much appreciate your work. I have prayed daily for you and Darryl both since we first "met". :) I usually resist the urge to respond to arguments like these, but for some reason I am compelled to respond this time. Perhaps it is because we have broken bread together through the study of the scriptures. "Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made." Genesis 2:1-3 (NKJV) God didn't say "Behold", but he made it clear that he blessed and sanctified that seventh day. The language Moses uses sounds like God is bending over backward to call our attention to this creation event. The seventh-day Sabbath is part of the ten-commandment law that Yahweh exclaimed from Sinai so the congregation would be... impressed, so much so that they said, "Please don't do that again." (Exodus 20:18,19) The rest of the law was given to Moses, which he (Moses) wrote down and spoke to the people. It is interesting that you mention the tabernacle. Enter the court and there is the altar of burnt offering and the basin. Enter the holy and you have the shewbread, candlestick, and altar of burnt incense. Going deeper, you wind up in the holiest with the ark of the covenant, which contains the tablets with the ten commandments. Clearly they were to be considered different from the laws and ordinances Moses received from God and relayed to the people. Those were written by Moses and stuck in a pouch on the outside of the ark (Deuteronomy 31:9,24-26; Colossians 2:14); the tablets were engraved with the finger of God. I have not heard many Christians suggest that the moral law is no longer in effect. Everyone is onboard with nine of the commandments, but for some inexplicable reason, that fourth one doesn't matter anymore, even though that is the one that establishes Yahweh as the creator. For me, Stephen, the arguments you offer hold little weight when compared with all the Biblical evidence. To me it is clear that *mankind* decided to change the sanctified seventh day to something else. Once you recognize that, then all the reasons offered fall away. Surely if God wanted to change his day, he would have said so. Look at all the miracles Jesus performed on the Sabbath. He didn't do it to get rid of the sanctity of the Sabbath; he did it to show that the Pharisees were making a mockery of it. Surely he would not have bothered if he intended to allow the Sabbath to be changed. In all of scripture, there is not one mention of mankind having authority to tamper with the ten commandments, yet that is exactly what mankind has done. Here is your evidence, Stephen, as I understand: Acts 20:7-12 - Paul and the believers got together on the first day and broke bread. The text says that Paul, their beloved pastor, was leaving the next day. Where is the evidence that this has anything to do with worship? This could have happened on any day of the week and nobody would claim that it was special. If mere preaching alone is evidence, there are many more instances of Paul preaching on the Sabbath than on the first day. In Acts 13:42-44 we see Paul preaching at least twice on the Sabbath... to Gentiles. You would expect that Paul would have clued them in that the first day was now the day to worship, not the seventh. Here are a couple more: "...three Sabbaths..." Acts 17:2,3; "...every Sabbath..." - for 18 months. Acts 18:4,11. 2 Corinthian 16:2 - Paul is asking the believers to put together offerings so that when he comes, the offerings will be ready to go. Why is the evidence that this was a day to worship? It seems that you, and millions of others, start with the premise that the day of worship has been changed, then set about to find evidence to support that premise. Isn't it better to start with what the scriptures clearly say and go from there? Revelation 1:10 - If man was able to change God's law, it might be that John was referring to the first day. But since God's law cannot be changed, John was in the Spirit on the Sabbath. His Lord Jesus told him that he, Jesus, is the Lord of the Sabbath (Luke 6:5). Why would he worship on any other day? Otherwise you are saying that it was the Lord's day because mankind made it so. Isaiah 14:13,14 show that Lucifer wanted to be like the Most High. He wanted to be worshipped. The Sabbath commandment, if kept as Jesus showed, would prevent mankind from getting it in our heads that anybody but God/Yahweh can be worshipped. God know our hearts. He knows that, by nature, we want credit, we want approval, we want recognition, we want attention and applause. We want to be worshipped. Satan knows that if he can get us to tamper with the Sabbath commandment, we will be vulnerable to withholding from God the true worship that is due him as creator. Don't fall for the lie, my friends... My brothers and sisters. "Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." Revelation 14:6,7.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Месяц назад
Thanks, my friend, for offering this thoughtful reply. One point I would suggest is that as far as I’m aware there is no command to gather for worship on the Sabbath day (except for maybe feast days). The command, as I understand it was to cease from work. So if someone wishes to rest on the 7th day, I have no quarrel with that. I have no qualm with people gathering on the 7th day to worship either. It just seems to me that from the earliest times Christians gathered specifically on the first day of the week to worship. If a person rests on the seventh day and gathers on the 1st day to worship, to my mind, there would be no violation of even the old covenant. I don’t think I spoke into the issue, whether or not, a Christian is obligated to work or not on the sabbath. Feel free to help me understand better. Blessings!
@Andrea-hf8hl Месяц назад
You bring up good points. My family and I honor our Creator by keeping the 7th day Sabbath as well!
@SAMBUT Месяц назад
"And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws; and they shall be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time." Daniel 7, 25 ... you might find interesting what I have commented elsewhere in this commenting section re the likes of Acts 20, 7 passages - blessings
@jeffreydcarl Месяц назад
@@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Thank you for your gracious response, Stephen. I expected no less, but I am still grateful. The first sentence in the fourth commandment is "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." (If I don't say otherwise, I will use KJV.) The Hebrew root for "holy" is "qadash", same as in Genesis 2:3 where it says God "sanctified" the day. The final verse of the commandment, Genesis 20:11, reprises the theme by saying that God "blessed the sabbath day, and [qadash}ed it." So while there is a lot of important verbiage regarding work, I don't believe that is the main focus. We have to take into account that Yahweh was bringing these people out of centuries of hard bondage. They weren't used to resting. So God spelled it out. But the focus is on the sanctity of the day and the purpose of the commandment: rest. God was instructing them to rest physically; he instructs us to do the same. But the commandment is more about spiritual rest. We are to rest from trying to provide our own salvation, our own works, our own righteousness. Sabbath is to make sure we don't forget that the only source of these things is Jesus. Our salvation comes, by grace, through his sacrifice on the cross; our righteousness is the righteousness of Jesus and comes by his faith. (Romans 3:22) It's all a gift and it is all Him. Amen? Amen! You are right that there is nothing explicit in the commandment regarding gathering for worship. But Hebrews 10:25 instructs us to "not forsak[e] the assembling of ourselves together". If we are going to assemble, we ought to make sure we are doing it on the day set apart by God. The enemy of our souls hates the law of God. (Revelation 12:17) He knows if he can do away with God's law, he will effectively deny God the glory that is due Him. He doesn't need to trash the whole law, just one commandment will do. (James 2:10) He has done this to great effect by getting people to believe that the fourth commandment no longer applies. Full disclosure: I am a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church. I am here because, when I study the Bible and purpose to obey what it says by the power of the Holy Spirit, it is the only church that hews to the word of God as I understand it. Blessings to you, brother.
@jimmu2008 Месяц назад
@@jeffreydcarl Jeffery, I know your comment was addressed specifically to Stephen, but I'm sure you won't mind if I respond. I cannot respond directly to every point, so I will give a general response. First, we (many, anyway) believe that Daniel 7:25 is a reference to Antiochus IV Epiphanes, you did in fact accomplish and/or attempt all of these things described in Daniel. It is not referring to the Church or Constantine or the Pope. Second, the Sabbath and the feasts of Israel are not based solely on the commandments of God; they are based on his might deeds in redemption history. Thus, the Sabbath is based on His completion of creation and the Passover is based on the deliverence of the Israelites from slavery. The Christian celebration of the Lord's Day and the liturgical calendar (especially Holy Week) is modelled on this pattern. As it says in Hebrews, we have a superior covenant under Jesus compared to any previous covenant. The Lord's Day, which is the first day of the week, celebrates both the new creation and the resurrection of Jesus, which are in fact the same event, as we were raised with him (Eph. 2:6). I agree that "man" could not change the Sabbath, but that is not our claim. We are not claiming or "admitting" that the [post-Apostolic] Church or Constantine or the Pope changed the Sabbath. Our claim is that Jesus and the Apostles changed it. The evidence is in both the New Testament and in history.
@endoftheagereality 22 дня назад
Spot on Stephen. For sure there are many conceptual reason's centered around the "eighth day principle." In many ways this "New Day" represented and continues to represent a significant change in "spirit-realm" realities. And the "natural-realm" would not escape this event either. For fear of having a long pen here I will try to be brief. Genesis 1:1~2 is representative of a "Divine" design in a new creation, era, and economy. The history of "Old Testament" economies and era's speak for itself. All of this would have been considered a "new thing" at that time. The impact of the eighth day, or "God" doing a new thing or a new beginning, was truly an eye opener for the people "Israel. "Especially when deliverance from bondage came. Freedom was a new and significant reality for the seed of "Abraham." And so it was and is for all who will enter into the "New Covenant" established at "Calvary." Even today types and shadows of "eighty day/New Beginnings" are in the open view awaiting nuance discovery. Yet, the reality of the current hour remains. Sticking our head's in the "spirit-realm" sand has only one corresponding action to it. Remaining "inside the box" of dogmas where our "Lord" continues to knock on the door to enter. Thx for bearing a bit longer than expected, blessings.
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
Happy Sabbath all.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Месяц назад
Shabbat Shalom!
@WilliamHarrison1844 Месяц назад
I have been blessed by this channel and I point out that this is not to criticize the messenger but rather the theology. Considering your evidences for Sunday worship I would not accept them as pointing to Sunday worship. If your methodology is, significant events happened on Sunday, therefore it is the Lord’s new day of worship. There are inconsistencies here. The last week of Jesus’ life had important things like the Communion happen on Thursday. What shall we say then? When we read the Creation account God rests on the 7th day and because God rested on this day it became sanctified (set apart). Jesus also rested post-cross on the 7th day again placing an emphasis that the 7th day is still relevant. I find it odd how we consider the resurrection to place emphasis on Sunday sacredness, but we will ignore the fact that in Gen 2 it says the Sabbath became sanctified by God resting. Not doing. And again in the NT we find our Lord resting again on this day which was erected before Judaism was ever a thing and sin came into the world. Also considering your point on “the Lord’s day”, which day did our Lord say was His in the NT? Read Mark 2:28.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Месяц назад
Thanks for sharing your thoughts respectfully. Blessings!
@SeekingAlfalfa Месяц назад
I'm not defending the 7th Day Adventist's, but it seems to me they could easily find error in your analysis. In all the examples you gave, the Greek text stated some form of "mia" or "one/first", and "Sabbaton" or Sabbath. The word day was missing in the Greek text and that was annotated by the word day being italicized in the English. Again, I'm not against Sunday worship, but it appears to me that inserting the word "day" in the English text is somewhat misleading. The text appeared to me to indicate "first Sabbath", not first day.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Месяц назад
Μίαν serves as a substitute for the ordinal number, is subst., and is short for μίαν ἡμέραν, “the first day.” The second occurrence of σαββάτων means “week” (BDAG 909b-10a 2.b.) Charles L. Quarles, Matthew, ed. Andreas J. Köstenberger and Robert W. Yarbrough, Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament (B&H Academic, 2017), 348.
@SeekingAlfalfa Месяц назад
@@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Thanks for that. I would be curious to know if the author said anything about sabbath meaning rest or just the chronology of time. All the works Jesus did on the sabbath, clearly the focus of sabbath/rest is in his work and not on Sunday or Saturday or any other day someone says sabbath is. It seems to me saying sabbath means a certain day is missing the whole point.
@SAMBUT Месяц назад
"Te mia ton SABBATON" in Acts 20,7 can be translated "one of the Sabbaths" or similar; examples are Luther 1522, Julia Smith 1876, Good News Transl. 1992, Orthodox Jewish Bible 2002...2011. "EBDOMA" ("sevener") for "week" not at all in the NT is used in the LXX over Josephus up to modern Greek - not very convincing to translate "SABBATON" with "week". "HEMERA", "day", is not in that phrase. The possible rendering "first of the Sabbaths" (similar in the resurrection accounts) would relate to the counting of Sabbaths up to Pentecost. This understanding is supported by an interesting expression "second Sabbath after the first" in Luke 6,1. Also the context Acts 20,6 points to that particular time in the calendar. Important to keep in mind that early Bible translators were burned on stake by the same institution that supports the myriad of modern translations​@@BiblicalStudiesandReviews
@SAMBUT Месяц назад
Jesus said that he is the Lord of the Sabbath and that he came to fulfil the law; in any dealing with the law he refined it, like hatred being as murder - it appears that in dealing with the Sabbath he confronted the introduced traditions of man - however, considering the weight of importance that the Sabbath has in being part of God's moral law written in stone - any substantial change after Jesus should be very clearly articulated in scripture - the power however that was perceived during the Reformation, perceived from scripture as being the antichrist, and Daniel has him attempting to change times and law, that power does indeed self-confess that he has an authority above scripture and in enacting that hybris did change the day of worship ​@SeekingAlfalfa
@SAMBUT Месяц назад
"Te mia ton SABBATON" in Acts 20,7 can be translated "one of the Sabbaths" or similar; examples are Luther 1522, Julia Smith 1876, Good News Transl. 1992, Orthodox Jewish Bible 2002...2011. "EBDOMA" ("sevener") for "week" not at all in the NT is used in the LXX over Josephus up to modern Greek - not very convincing to translate "SABBATON" with "week". "HEMERA", "day", is not in that phrase. The possible rendering "first of the Sabbaths" (similar in the resurrection accounts) would relate to the counting of Sabbaths up to Pentecost. This understanding is supported by an interesting expression "second Sabbath after the first" in Luke 6,1. Also the context Acts 20,6 points to that particular time in the calendar. Important to keep in mind that early Bible translators were burned on stake by the same institution that supports the myriad of modern translations there is also no support for the understanding that the Lord's day has to be the first day of the week, it could equally represent the day that God designated for rest and worship with emperor Constantine the great deception started of which the church had been warned through prophecy, fully unfolded in the Holy Roman Empire, where access to scripture was denied
@anitalmid 11 дней назад
First of the Week, or (first day of the Sabbath) or as our translations word it (first day of the week) Appears 8 times in the New Testament. The first 6 times are actually 1 in the same reference, referring to the day of the week in which the women came to the tomb and that Yehoshua (Jesus) arose from the dead. 1. εἰς μίαν σαββάτων Matt 28-1 2. τῆς μιᾶς σαββάτων Mark 16-2 3. πρώτῃ σαββάτου Mark 16:9 4. μιᾷ τῶν σαββάτων Luke 24:1 5. μιᾷ τῶν σαββάτων John 20:1 6. μιᾷ τῶν σαββάτων John 20:19 Note that in this verse the women have just told them about Jesus being risen from the grave and they gathered together that same day to get all the details and discuss what had happened. Why rise the Day after the Sabbath, or Sunday (The First Day Of The Week) Lev 23:9 KJV - And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Lev 23:10 KJV - Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall BRING A SHEAF OF THE FIRSTFRUITS of your harvest unto the priest: Lev 23:11 KJV - And he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, (to be accepted for you): ON THE MORROW AFTER THE SABBATH the priest shall wave it. Lev 23:12 KJV - And ye shall offer that day when ye wave the sheaf AN HE LAMB WITHOUT BLEMISH of the first year for a burnt offering unto the LORD. Compare: 1Co 15:20 KJV - But now is Christ risen from the dead, [and] become the FIRSTFRUITS of them that slept. 1Co 15:23 KJV - But every man in his own order: Christ the FIRSTFRUITS; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. There are then only 2 verses left for which the Church centuries later would reason and conclude that there was some command or teaching (better yet, tradition of man) to keep the First Day Of The Week as a day to the LORD. Keep in mind that the LORD clearly states in multiple places that 6 days shall a man work but the 7th is the Sabbath Of The LORD. 7. Ἐν δὲ τῇ μιᾷ τῶν σαββάτων Acts 20:7 Act 20:7 KJV - And upon the first [day] of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight. (There is not even a suggestion that this gathering was done in reverence to a teaching or even less some command from Jesus, to link this to a Resurrection Observance is not scriptural. It would be purely Eisegesis.) Exegesis is drawing out a text's meaning in accordance with the author's context and discoverable meaning. Eisegesis is when a reader imposes their interpretation of the text. Thus exegesis tends to be objective; and eisegesis, highly subjective. 8. κατὰ μίαν σαββάτων Cor 16:2 This is the last verse and stands to reason because you do not deal with money nor would you be carrying harvest items or any labored items on the Sabbath, one would not be conducting business transactions or dealing with gathering food for the Saints on the Sabbath. 1Co 16:2 KJV - Upon the first [day] of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as [God] hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. Two verses taken out of context cannot justify changing the command of GOD of honoring his Sabbath to a tradition of Man to keep the First Day Of The Week as the Day Of The LORD. Deu 4:2 KJV - Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. Mat 15:3 KJV - But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? Mat 15:6 KJV - Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. שלום וברכה
@roddumlauf9241 Месяц назад
Christians worshiped on the 8th Day, the FIRST day of the New Creation week. The significance of the 8th day in the feast days, circumcision, and Pentecost, all point to Sunday worship.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Месяц назад
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
your a bloody fool and only see what you want which is nothing to do with scripture.Study my friend maybe Jesus will give ye the wisdom to know,maybe I said.
@johnirish989 Месяц назад
For what it's worth, the Literal Concordant New Testament does not say On the first day, but On one of the sabbaths.
@jimmu2008 Месяц назад
This is actually evidence for the resurrection. It would have taken a monumental event for Jews to abandon the Jewish calendar of feasts and the 7th day Sabbath and begin gathering and worshipping on the first day of the week and establishing a new calendar.
@robwagnon6578 Месяц назад
I am not SDA but I think the day of the week we gather is such a small thing. For many many years they had Churches and services everyday, where people could choose to come any day. The Sabbath is still sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday. This was never changed but this feels a bit Pedantic!!
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Месяц назад
I have no problem with gathering any day of the week. The first day of the week is particularly special, because in it we remember the resurrection of our Lord. I don’t think it rises to the level of a law that we meet on Sunday. But Christians have been doing it for centuries, so I think it’s a good practice.
@NathanaelKuechenberg Месяц назад
In the Siddur, Psalm 24 is the Psalm of the Day for Sunday. In the Orthodox Pascha Liturgy, the Priest reenacts the whole Psalm in representing Christ releasing the captives in Hades.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Месяц назад
@rayhchc6451 Месяц назад
If Apostle Paul, and other apostles, kept Sunday, they'd have been accused of breaking the Sabbath. Why is there NO SCRIPTURAL EVIDENCE that any apostles broke the Sabbath? Surely if the apostles were persecuted for other reasons and the reasons being recorded in Scripture, why no records found that they broke the Sabbath?
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Месяц назад
I think it’s possible that the apostles continued to rest on the sabbath.
@rayhchc6451 Месяц назад
@@BiblicalStudiesandReviewsLuke 18:8 vs Revelation 14:12 -- Whose faith is questioned by Jesus in Luke and whose faith in Revelation is being endorsed by Jesus? Or did Jesus contradict Himself or was He unable to make up His mind whether there will be people with faith or not?
@rayhchc6451 Месяц назад
Luke 23:56 -- And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment. 1) According to which commandment, friend? 2) Before or after the cross? Then how can our Sunday friends claim there's no evidence of a Sabbath commandment in the NT? Talk to me my friend!
@markmarkster Месяц назад
Just curious regarding the time of day the mostly Jewish church gathered. Jews would have been at work during the daylight hours of the first day of the week. Jews began their day at evening and the church gatherings mention breaking of bread. Perhaps they gathered and broke bread after the seventh day concluded at the beginning of the first day of the week (“Gentile” Saturday evening). They would then go to work the next morning, allowing them to fulfill the commandment to work six full days and rest on the seventh day.
@narrowistheway77 Месяц назад
That is problematic for a few reasons. Firstly, this was written by Jews who understood how Jewish days worked. Secondly, Paul set aside Sabbaths for preaching at local synagogues to show Jews that Jesus was the Messiah, and it he spent the whole day doing this. Thirdly, if a modernly understood Saturday evening service was held, it wouldn’t be a sabbath anyways, at least not according to the time table of the LORD. Lastly, Paul once gave a sermon that went on so long on the first day that the day passed into night(so now the second day of the week) and a young man who was seated in front of a window fell asleep and fell backwards outside the window and fell to his death. He was resurrected, but the point is that the description of events that day negates your conjecture. GOD Bless! ❤
@EverythingBurns451 Месяц назад
It's only by the Grace of God that we can truly realize that we can't be under Law and Grace at the same time. We're dead to the Law, we have been crucified with Christ. THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
@jeffreydcarl Месяц назад
I have a question, and I hope you will take it with the sincerity in which it is asked. What does it mean to be under grace? What does it mean to be under the law? It seems that this idea is used to negate our obligation to obey the ten commandments. Please help me understand this.
@EverythingBurns451 Месяц назад
​@@jeffreydcarl HI Jeff! I get that language from Galatians 4:4-5, Romans 6:14-15, and others. I take it to mean the whole law, James 2:10. I don't know why people single out the Ten Commandments from the rest of it.
@jeffreydcarl Месяц назад
@@EverythingBurns451 Yes, I understand where the words are found. My question is about what they mean. When it says that we are not under the law, does that mean we are no longer supposed to obey the law? As for singling out the ten commandments, didn't God himself do that? As I noted in my previous comment, God wrote the ten commandments with his own finger and put the tablets in the ark of the covenant. The rest of the law was written out by Moses and placed on the side of the ark. Even James, in the verses that follow your quote, are referring to the ten commandments. I am not trying to be contentious. I really hope someone can help me understand what "under the law" means. Does it mean we are free to ignore the law? Or something else. Thank you for bearing with me.
@EverythingBurns451 Месяц назад
@@jeffreydcarl I would think that someone who is 'under the law' is under obligation to keep the whole Law of Moses. This is not even possible for Jew or Gentile without the Tabernacle or Temple. I don't judge anyone for gathering together to worship our risen Savior, whether they choose Saturday, Sunday, or every day of the week. Much more importantly, neither did Paul, Colossians 2:16-17.
@martinkim07 Месяц назад
@@jeffreydcarl Suppose a murderer has been sentenced to death in the electric chair. Waiting for the execution the man would truly be under the law in every sense of the word-under the guilt, under the condemnation, under the sentence of death, etc. The gospel sets us free from the law’s condemnation, not from our responsibility to obey it. Grace not only delivers us from the guilt of our past, but it also empowers us to live godly, obedient lives in the present. The apostle Paul declares that “we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations” (Rom. 1:15).
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
Lets keep it simple. When did the Sabbath begin by the Jew. Friday our time at 6pm and it runs to saturday 6pm or sunset to sunset. If jesus spent the Sabbath in the grave it means friday sunset till saturday sunset. The first day of the week in is sunday. Any part of a day as in our friday then saturday and part of sunday.Three days.He rose on our sunday meaning he was in the grave the entire sabbath. Use what God has given you common sense. Thank you Pope gregory the 13 for changing the calendar and totally confusing the entire Christian world.
@SAMBUT Месяц назад
"And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws; and they shall be given into his hand until a time, and times, and the dividing of time." Daniel 7, 25
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
Wisdom: if Christ was in the grave during the Sabbath ask yourself when did he pass on the cross and when did he appear to His people? Study what the word says not what your false teachers say. In Revelation we read "come out of her my people",find out this and youll be closer to God than anytime in your life.
@jimmu2008 Месяц назад
He appeared on the First Day of the week.
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
@@jimmu2008 yes which means at our saturday at sunset he spent three days or the entire sabbath in the grave,Happy Sabbath.
@jimmu2008 Месяц назад
@@jimmytiler5522 thanks, but that's not much of an argument, mostly because none of the New Testament authors even touch on the idea. To the contrary, they say that Christ is the real rest that the Sabbath points to (Colossians 2 and Hebrews 3).
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
@@jimmu2008 Who rested on the seventh day? God did!!!!!!!! Rest simply means stop.
@jimmu2008 Месяц назад
@@jimmytiler5522 still not a good argument because the Bible doesn't just say that he rested on the Seventh Day. It says he rested on the Seventh Day after completing all of his work. So he didn't go back to work on the next day because the work was completed. That's why he says in Psalm 95:11, "They shall not enter my rest." And that's why Hebrews 4:3 says that we enter God's rest by faith in Jesus. And that's why Colossians 2 says that the Sabbath is a shadow pointing to Christ.
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
What is the mark of the beast? My church the SDA is the only one who has identified the beast in Chapter thirteen in Revelation. The only and were hated for doing so. Jesus said when your persecuted remember I was the first. John 15:18-25. People its simple and isnt yet here but close. The mark you all wonder about is "Sunday law". Think God cares about worship not chips or any other nonesense.When the second beast in chapter thirteen(America) impliments only Sunday for worship then the end is really near but not yet. Most of you have been lied to so long by your teachers and the state well lets just say youve been deceived by the devil. I pray you leave as told "come out of her(chruch) my people that you do or youll accept this mark.
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
Sunday Law
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
Ask yourself exactly what is in NY harbour a statue of Freedom or a statue of Mithra(highest form of sunworship from Persia)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The day to bow to Mithra is Sunday(not sonday but sunday)
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Месяц назад
But surely you aren’t opposed to worshipping God any day of the week, are you? Every day belongs to the Lord, right? Even if some people worshipped Mithra on Sunday in the past, doesn’t mean that that day can be stolen from the true God. Just like the rainbow still belongs to God, even if some folks are trying to highjack it. That’s my thoughts, anyway.
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
@@BiblicalStudiesandReviews You completely miss the point and do so because ye have been cut off of truth for your abominations. Your not a preacher of truth but lies. Re read what you replied with. Maybe youll see you way but I doubt it for your spoken of in scripture. You are a false prophet as told in scripture for spreading intruths period. Repent or...
@franzberger8420 Месяц назад
@kathymarie9933 Месяц назад
Wouldnt God be showing the church as a separate entity from the jews? Paul said the church, the body of christ is a great mystery in ephesians 5. Not replacement theology but a new creation.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews Месяц назад
I hadn’t considered it that way before. I need to ponder on that.
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
To find the Sabbath is easy. All you need is to stop interpreting scripture like you want it to be and study they way its intended to be.Hint to all of you since Im the only SDA member here.Our church attacks no one but because we hold truth were hated.Sound familar. Also the SDA is indeed the church of seven churches in scripture.Hint the one Jesus wanted to puke out?
@NathanaelKuechenberg Месяц назад
Read Psalm 24 in the Jewish Siddur. It's listed as the Psalm of the Day for Sunday as used by Levites in Second Temple Judaism. Christ fulfilled the Sunday Psalm by releasing the captives on midnight Sunday as described by Nicodemus in the Acts of Pilate.
@jimmytiler5522 Месяц назад
@@NathanaelKuechenberg you Christians just dont get it.
@franzberger8420 Месяц назад
And days and week are human invention ..
@martinkim07 Месяц назад
We have astronomical reasons for the year, month and day. But there is no astronomical explanation for the 7 day week. Yet all nations, cultures and religions observe a 7 day week. Where does the 7 day weekly cycle come from? It comes from Genesis chapter 1. The 7 day week is from God; not a human invention.
@franzberger8420 Месяц назад
what nonsense you say it is beyond horrible the book is written by humans and it is not true not all cultures in ethiopia it is 8 day a week everything is human invention and what is a god where is the proof of this god can you prove that a god exists without a book hoily books do not proove god and who is this god ..