Biblical Studies and Reviews, Stephen Hackett
Biblical Studies and Reviews, Stephen Hackett
Biblical Studies and Reviews, Stephen Hackett
Hello! I’m Stephen Hackett and the goal of this channel is to enrich your study of the scriptures by sharing things I’m learning as I study the scriptures and providing reviews of books and resources to help deepen your study.

The battle cry of the Reformation was “ad fontes” -to the fountains-and returning to the fountain of the scriptures is something I strive to do on this channel.

Contact me at stephen.hackett@outlook.com
Why Do Christians Worship on Sunday?
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The Lost Verses: Bible Mystery Unveiled
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3 месяца назад
Old Earth vs Young Earth Creationism
4 месяца назад
Major Update on Greek NT Project!
4 месяца назад
Full Preterism Critically Examined
4 месяца назад
Greek Alphabet Modern Pronunciation
5 месяцев назад
Christianity is true.
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6 месяцев назад
Unboxing! Beautiful wide-margin KJV
6 месяцев назад
Most Unique Commentary! Glossa Ordinaria
8 месяцев назад
Review: A Reader’s Hebrew and Greek Bible
9 месяцев назад
@silveriorebelo2920 18 минут назад
it's quite incredible that Christians still give credence to the Masoretic text
@silveriorebelo2920 20 минут назад
thne problem with the Hebrew text is compounded by the fact that the meaning of the hebrew words (which had been lost in many cases) has been established in contemporary times on the basis of the Greek translations, mostly that of the Septuagint... lol lol
@silveriorebelo2920 24 минуты назад
i guess there were also many different textual traditions in Hebrew, and there is no reason to accept the Massoretic text except for the fact it is the only full version of the text available nowadays
@leonardsmalls2758 2 часа назад
I have the "The New Testament Byzantine Text Version" and "The Text-Critical English New Testament" translated by Mr. Boyd, from Amazon. Chapter by chapter I am comparing the BTV with eight other translations and I'm having a blast! The CTEN and BTV are must haves in a biblical library IMHO. Thank you Mr Boyd
@kenbarnes2224 3 часа назад
I have the Nelson Majority Text Greek New Testament Interlinear, which uses the Farstad and Hodges Majority Text. I also have the Robinson and Pierpont Byzantine text. But then I prefer the Received Text and I have one published by the Trinitarian Bible Society, which is the Scrivener edition.
@kenbarnes2224 4 часа назад
Pierpont, not Pierpoint
@tonyb408 4 часа назад
Is text criticism a scholars domain? That's like saying only Hall of Fame football players can coach football or even have a viable opinion about the sport.
@larrybedouin2921 7 часов назад
The begetting ages: {Genesis 11:11-26} Shem: MT (*100 years), LXX (100 years), SP (100 years)na Arphaxad: MT (35 years), LXX (**135 years), SP (135 years) Kainan: LXX (°130 years)? Shelah: MT (30 years), LXX (**130 years), SP (130 years) Eber: MT (34 years), LXX (**134 years), SP (134 years) Peleg: MT (30 years), LXX (**130 years), SP (130 years) Reu: MT (32 years), LXX (**132 years), SP (132 years) Serug: MT (30 years), LXX (**130 years), SP (130 years) Nahor: MT (29 years), LXX (**79 years), SP (79 years) Terah: MT (*70 years), LXX (**70 years), SP (70 years) Rule: (MT) = Masoretic Text (☆minus 650 yrs and 130 yrs - Kainan/m) (LXX) = Greek Septuagint (SP) = Samaritan Penteteuch (°) = Luke 3:36 second witness (*) = The MT, the LXX, and the SP are in agreement. (**) = Josephus is in agreement with the LXX and SP. (na) = Josephus does not give a witness. ^ Flavius Josephus was a first century historian. 'Antiquities of the Jews' "The things narrated in the sacred Scriptures, are, however, innumerable, seeing that they embrace the history of *5,000* years..." (Ant. 1:13) Josephus claimed to use *Hebrew* text in his recitation of Genesis and other OT books. (Against Apion, 1:1, 54; Ant. 1:5, 9:208, 10:218) Rabbinic deflation theory (after 70 A.D.): a), Motive....Chrono-Messianism b), Means and Athority....Rabbi Akiba 40-137 A.D. c), Opperatunity....Judaism had been reduced to one Pharisaic sect after 70 A.D. -->There is no unbiased reliable second witness to the complete time-line of the MT before Eusebius in the 4th century A.D. Then Abraham gave up the ghost, and died in *a good old age* an old man, and full of years; and was gathered to his people. (175 years) {Genesis 25:8} ^ By MT Chronology this statement would be untrue. According to the MT, Eber was still alive and lived to be a good old age of 464 years, more than twice the age of Abraham. Shem lived to be 600 years old, yet according to the MT he only dies 25 years before Abraham death. (The Jews also falsely claim that he is the high priest of Salem, Melchizedek in a vain attempt to discredit Christ claim of being a priest in the order of Melchizedek.)
@Isaac-h2v 11 часов назад
A good explanation for me concerning the word “Day”, since every word has 2 or more meanings depending on context is this: All 3 basic definitions of the word Day are presented in their own particular context in the first 35 verses in Genesis. 1:3-5: the daylight portion of a day. Verse 5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31: a 24 hour day. And then chapter 2:4, “these are the generations of” “in the day that the Lord God made” I believe a case can be clearly made that this represents the period of time that God created. I didn’t come up with this so I’m not taking credit, but thought it would be helpful and relevant to the conversation.
@t.dehart4691 19 часов назад
you do realize the kjv and the new kjv are based on faulty text!
@funtimefreddy4204 День назад
9:48 Revelation 18 features Babylon still standing… despite the fact Babylon fell hundreds of years prior.
@trabob4438 День назад
A translation is never better than the original and just because you have older manuscripts does not mean that it's true.
@TheFriendlyChristian День назад
Question for anyone fluent in Greek. I am working through Ivan Panin's Numerical Greek New Testament, particularly the long ending of Mark. He frequently has καʹ ʹκεινοι where other texts have κάκεινοι. I see it in Mark 16:11 and Mark 16:13. Are they equivalent? I am confused about the space between the punctuation, is he considering them two words? I am just a beginning student in Greek so I imagine this is a basic question, but any help would be great. :) Thanks
@RichardSpeights День назад
Also, the King James used the term, "new wine", when the Hebrew word was grape juice and pomegranate juice. The Jews who translated the Hebrew into the Greek used the term new wine (Greek = neo oinon). The King James translators translated from the Greek translation of the Hebrew. They did not translate from the original.
@RichardSpeights День назад
The King James was translated from the Hebrew text? Are you sure? If they did, then how did they get the word, firmament, from the Hebrew word, rqio, which translates into English as expanse? The mistranslation comes from the Greek translation of the Hebrew, when the Jews in Alexandrea mistranslated by using a Greek word that meant a spreading of a shield.
@HansTyndale День назад
Lost verses in the New Testament and lost verses and words in the Old Testament. I just noticed this today when looking up a particular verse which also seems pertinent to the subject. King James Version Deuteronomy 4: 1-2 Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes, and unto the judgments which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land, which the LORD God of your fathers giveth you. Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you. DSS [translated by Martin Abegg, Jr., Peter Flint & Eugene Ulrich] Deuteronomy 4: 1 And now, O Israel, listen to the statutes and to the ordinances which I am teaching you to do, so that you may live, and go in and take possession of the land which the LORD, the God of your fathers, is giving you. Notice verse 2 is missing, but the verse I'm focusing on is the first one. LXX [translated by C.L. Brenton] Deuteronomy 4: 1-2 And now, Israel, hear the ordinances and judgments, all that I teach you this day to do: that ye may live, *and be multiplied,* and that ye may go in and inherit the land, which the LORD God of your fathers gives you. Ye shall not add to the word which I command you, and ye shall not take from it: keep the commandments of the LORD our God, all that I command you this day. Notice how the words: (and be multiplied) is in the Greek OT but not in the Hebrew DSS or MT. You can also see this where Jesus quotes from Isaiah in Luke 4: 18 where Jesus says, (recovering of sight to the blind) in the KJV but looking up Isaiah 61: 1 in the KJV you will see that portion of the verse is missing. But you will see it in the DSS and the LXX. Unfortunately, I'm not fluent in Biblical languages and need to rely heavily on the English translations available. It occurred to me that the translators of the English version of the DSS that I use have selected certain texts from the many copies available. Could there be a remote possibility that some of the other copies may have the missing or extra words than what they chose for their translation? Also, when you compare non Biblical text in English translations available you will find that some of the translations vary to a degree that you get a different understanding of the text. Which translation is correct? The same with Brenton's translation of the Greek. It's not 100% infallible how he translated all of the text.
@WagesOfDestruction День назад
Besides other people's comments that I found interesting. The Masoretic text and the Septuagint represent two of the three primary ancient textual traditions of the Hebrew Bible that scholars work with today. While both are invaluable sources, they have essential differences in their origins and transmission. The Masoretic text was produced by Jewish scribes known as the Masoretes, who lived between the 6th and 10th centuries CE. The Masoretes meticulously compared and reviewed numerous existing Hebrew manuscript copies of the biblical text. Their goal was to create a standardized, authoritative version. Whenever they encountered variations between manuscripts, the Masoretes made editorial decisions, often adding small symbols to indicate how certain words should be properly read. In contrast, the Septuagint is an ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, dating back to the 3rd century BCE. Unlike the Masoretic text, the Septuagint was never subjected to the same degree of standardization so different Septuagints contain noticeable variations. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls has shed additional light on these textual traditions. Some Septuagint readings align more closely with the biblical texts found among the Dead Sea materials, as does the Samaritan Hebrew Pentateuch, which sometimes aligns more closely with the Septuagint than the Masoretic text, showing that the Septuagint preserves readings predating the Masoretic standardization. Overall, I agree with your argument that the Masoretic text is generally considered the most reliable witness to the original Hebrew biblical text we have today because of the Masoretes' careful review and standardization process. I look forward to archeologists finding out more.
@munbruk День назад
Where is the original Thomas and the Evangelium and Q? Lots of books seem lost.
@robertlee8519 День назад
I like both
@johnschmidt792 День назад
The septuagant was what allowed the scriptures to go out to all the world.
@munen-muso День назад
Are you a Calvinist?
@SeekingAlfalfa 2 дня назад
Was he Arminian or Calvinist?
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews День назад
He was Calvinist.
@MrBus69 2 дня назад
What if it was written in greek first ?
@pastorkeithreviews 2 дня назад
I love this! Can you do something with Joel Kramer of Expedition Bible?!
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 2 дня назад
I would like to. He has some good stuff.
@robwagnon6578 3 дня назад
They say there is nothing worse than someone who pretends to know a lot about something they know next to nothing about, that is almost all atheist who act as a biblical authoritarians!!
@omarrp14 3 дня назад
Religion is a burden to society
@tedfordhyde 3 дня назад
Two main problems I have with the ESV are the manuscript family that it comes from and the fact that it has no italics! I hate that.
@tedfordhyde 3 дня назад
@sambigg4620 3 дня назад
Origin early Church Father spoke Greek Hebrew and Latin. origin fought for the Septuagint all the way
@trappedcat3615 3 дня назад
Waiting for the 7 things... 😢
@BillWalkerWarren 3 дня назад
Humm the article came out in 2014 that is the same year Bart Ehrman's book How Jesus became God was released. The article’s line about translations of translations is Bart Ehrman's opening line in his normal attack on the New Testament. Sounds like Bart had a fan . Cool video Blessings Bill
@LarryLarpwell 3 дня назад
newsweek is jewish
@BillWalkerWarren 3 дня назад
Newsweek is ran by CEO Dev Pragad born in India lived in England then New York he has no connections to being Jewish. And if you read his take on Israel he not a fan
@BillWalkerWarren 3 дня назад
@@LarryLarpwell the founder and current CEO is Hindu the cofounder is an atheist of Irish catholic descent Newsweek has taken an anti Jewish stance.
@LarryLarpwell 3 дня назад
@@BillWalkerWarren newsweek has been a jewish battering ram for decades regardless what you just said. Are you waiting for the rapture bill?
@BillWalkerWarren 3 дня назад
@@LarryLarpwell a second coming yes called up in the sky no . The word rapture in Greek more refers to a public meeting of the people going out of a city to their Lord and returning back to the city with Him triumphant . I tend to be on the Amill side of eschatology and see the church as God’s people
@rtg8point858 3 дня назад
Ditto to the comments here about your honesty of having questions on both sides of the issue. Most just want to call people useful idiots if we don't agree with them. I have been having much concern over these things lately. On one hand I feel like "we walk by faith not by sight" and we will never fully understand many of these things so just leave it in the LORDS hands. On the other hand, why didn't GOD make it stupidly clear to us. There are so many views, everyone thinks there's is correct and everyone uses the same line of "let scripture interpret scripture" and yet we have all these factions. And so I find it really makes it hard for me to want to tell others about "Christianity" (this is so hard for me to say. I use the word Christianity because I can't bring myself to say I don't want to tell them about Jesus). I want them to know about Jesus, but I don't want to invite them into this confusion of all the ist's and ism's. Please remember me in prayer.
@PhillipOnWater 3 дня назад
The perfect Bible is the one I’m making ru-vid.comUgkxC01MMYYxxrJwoYq5rrSH5n2TPSHRs-2k?si=Phhf_UmlA1S7ATqd
@logicaldude3611 3 дня назад
Don't know if you've done a video on this, but I would love to see one on how the Gospel isn't about how "Jesus came and died for your sins" but rather the Gospel is that the Kingdom of God is here. The Gospels themselves make that VERY clear over and over and over again.
@davidperry3096 4 дня назад
these are excellent arguments
@HansTyndale 4 дня назад
An old cliche but it's true, the best Bible is the one that is well read. Bibles aren't any good if they just sit on our shelves.
@rhopejumper 4 дня назад
How is religion not a mental illness now days?
@kippetzold3699 4 дня назад
Psalm 9 and 10 were one Psalm in the Greek. The fact that it was one Psalm and was split is seen in the fact that the first few verses are acrostic in nine in the last few verses are a classic in 10. If it were English, it would be like starting acoustically with ABC and then ending acoustically with wxyz
@danbratten3103 4 дня назад
NKJV & KJV are my two primary translations. If I'm going to reference a critical text, I typically look at the AAT (Beck) Bible.
@davidbrock4104 5 дней назад
I use the NKJV as my primary translation but I use others. A mens Bible study group is primarily using the NLT, so I use it with them.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 5 дней назад
@zacharylavoie6889 5 дней назад
@Isaac-h2v 5 дней назад
Hey Steven, unrelated question: what was the base text of translation for the different languages of the world prior to the TR?
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 5 дней назад
Prior to the TR there limited translations available. Wycliffe based his translation off of the Latin. The Coptic was based on mostly Alexandrian manuscripts. The Syriac Peshitta was based on the Byzantine Greek manuscripts mostly
@Isaac-h2v 5 дней назад
@@BiblicalStudiesandReviews do we know how many, or which ones were based on solely the Latin versus solely the Greek available?
@Isaac-h2v 5 дней назад
Hey Steven, unrelated question: what was the base text of translation for the different languages of the world prior to the TR?
@BrianBeam-du4zn 5 дней назад
Great clip for KJV onlyism 😅 P.S. I'm KJV Only and love your channel. I read most of the books from my point of view and watched their videos and do appreciate another point of view. I've learned a few things listening to your channel and TR guys. BTW, it's very clear, to me at least, that you aren't KJV only, which is fine.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 5 дней назад
Thanks for watching and interacting! You are most welcome here. I’m not KJVO but it’s my favorite translation.
@BrianBeam-du4zn 5 дней назад
Do you know, or can you refer me to a website, that lists any major changes between the KJV and Geneva (1500s one)? I've looked at it a little in the major passages and haven't found any, which makes sense considering same text. I've always heard and would like to say that it is very similar to KJV and that it is a reliable translation, but I want to be sure. I've searched in vain for any major differences.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 5 дней назад
I don’t know of any resources for that. My personal experience suggests that they are fairly close, with a few minor exceptions.
@BrianBeam-du4zn 5 дней назад
As with the mid/pre/post rapture debate so is this one. There's something most aren't considering. What if there's more than 1 rapture/gathering? 2 witnesses, those in Rev 14, the judgment of the nations in Mt 25 and Paul's for the church, 1 Thessalonians. If this is so, but most think there's 1, that would explain the difficulty and why there's so many different teachings. (Same with gospels, baptisms, church, etc... there are multiples which explains why heretics can quote plenty of Bible to prove anything). Jesus COULD have returned and set up his kingdom (Mt 11, "If ye shall receive it this is Elias." Acts 1:6, 3:19-21 where they are expecting his return. See much of Matthew which is mostly the promise of the physical kingdom being offered to Israel, very little church age doctrine). So all these passages that seem to say Christ's coming was 1st century are because they could have been, Israel rejects their king and the gospel goes to the gentiles for the mystery body of Christ which was hidden, unknown and found nowhere in the OT (other than in typology and applying gentile millennial passages to the church)
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 4 дня назад
That’s an interesting take. I’ll have to think on that a bit.
@halflatearthjordan1215 5 дней назад
The stars will fall from the sky....meaning angels.........the stars are living angelic lights........ And the sky or Dome firmament will roll up like a scroll......so the pretribers hate this verse Because he comes after tribulation ....so yes it says what it says and it will happen like its stated. Mathew 24 is what it is .....earth is flat and the sun moon and stars are all living powers ....the so called planets are fallen stars or angelic fallen powers all pushing satans heliocentric lie.... This guy is wrong
@allanp3065 5 дней назад
10 minimum. 12 is even better
@BrianBeam-du4zn 6 дней назад
Do you think there's any validity to what Ruckman, Waite and Floyd Nolan Jones say that it never existed and the letter of Aristeus is a fable and the LXX is just quotations from Hexapla and Vaticanus? Also, Gipp suggests there's so much acceptance to the LXX because it's in Greek which the scholars already know and that Hebrew is a much more difficult language.
@BiblicalStudiesandReviews 6 дней назад
Hi Brian! Thanks for joining the membership!! I think the letter of Aristeas probably is a fable. But I don’t think they are right about the LXX being merely from the Hexapla and Vaticanus. As far as Gipp’s claim….I am sure that some scholars who favor Greek over Hebrew are a little biased in that direction but I don’t think that’s a huge factor.