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Why do Latter-day Saints believe Jesus Christ is Jehovah? Ep. 146 

Saints Unscripted
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In this episode, Dave explains why members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that the “God” of the Old Testament (Yahweh or Jehovah) is the premortal Jesus Christ.
Video transcript and additional notes: bit.ly/33kjDNs
“Elohim” via the Encyclopedia of Mormonism: bit.ly/303rqh2
“God the Father” via the Encyclopedia of Mormonism: bit.ly/3qnAjd6
“Jehovah, Jesus Christ” via the Encyclopedia of Mormonism: bit.ly/3oduUpJ
“The Name and Titles of God in the Old Testament” by Dana Pike (BYU Studies): bit.ly/3qmUDPd
What the Old Testament Student Manual has to say on this: bit.ly/3n6MTz3
“Yahweh” via the Encyclopedia Britannica: bit.ly/3knXELn
“Why do Latter-day Saints believe that Jesus Christ was Jehovah of the Old Testament?” by Michael D. Rhodes (Church’s website, 1988): bit.ly/3mVCqX5
“LORD = Jehovah” by Keith Meservy, Ensign (2002): bit.ly/3H97LO3
“Elohim and Jehovah in Mormonism” by FAIR: bit.ly/3n6MMU9
“Is Jesus Yahweh?” via gotquestions.org (this is not a Latter-day Saint website, and I often disagree with what it teaches, but on this subject we’re in agreement): bit.ly/3wDjRKs
“The Father and the Son: A Doctrinal Exposition by the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles”, reprinted in the April 2002 Ensign magazine: bit.ly/3n0TZ8a
- From the Dana Pike article (above): “In some biblical passages, the title ‘adonay immediately precedes the divine name yhwh. As mentioned above, the practice of pronouncing ‘adonay, ‘Lord,’ developed when the name yhwh was encountered in the biblical text. Therefore, occurrences of the phrase ‘adonay yhwh are usually rendered ‘Lord God’ in English (with God printed with small caps), rather than the expected but redundant-looking ‘Lord Lord,’ even though the word ‘God’ is not in the Hebrew of this phrase. One well-known example of this appears in Amos 3:7: ‘Surely the Lord God [‘adonay yhwh] will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.’”
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@DreamHHS 2 года назад
As someone who was recently contacted by LDS and is genuinely curious in some pretty dense and unfortunately sometimes boring stuff .. I can not understate how awesome your usage of memes and references is. Whoever does the editing should get a raise man. Great video!
@life-of-taylor 2 года назад
Pin this comment.
@justina.304 2 года назад
please look up Apologia Studios and their videos on mormonism. ❤️🙏🏼
@amandadangerfieldpiano 2 года назад
I agree!!
@jesseemcgarland5142 2 года назад
@@justina.304 i’ve seen. them all lol you’re not missing much fee free though
@thelonegerman2314 Год назад
@Sk-pw5mv 2 года назад
MANY people view the Trinity as “the central doctrine of the Christian religion.” According to this teaching, the Father, Son, and holy spirit are three persons in one God. Cardinal John O’Connor stated about the Trinity: “We know that it is a very profound mystery, which we don’t begin to understand.” Why is the Trinity so difficult to understand? The Illustrated Bible Dictionary gives one reason. Speaking of the Trinity, this publication admits: “It is not a biblical doctrine in the sense that any formulation of it can be found in the Bible.” Because the Trinity is “not a biblical doctrine,” Trinitarians have been desperately looking for Bible texts​-even twisting them-​to find support for their teaching. A Text That Teaches the Trinity? One example of a Bible verse that is often misused is John 1:1. In the King James Version, that verse reads: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God [Greek, ton the·onʹ], and the Word was God [the·osʹ].” This verse contains two forms of the Greek noun the·osʹ (god). The first is preceded by ton (the), a form of the Greek definite article, and in this case the word the·onʹ refers to Almighty God. In the second instance, however, the·osʹ has no definite article. Was the article mistakenly left out? Why is the Trinity doctrine so difficult to understand? The Gospel of John was written in Koine, or common Greek, which has specific rules regarding the use of the definite article. Bible scholar A. T. Robertson recognizes that if both subject and predicate have articles, “both are definite, treated as identical, one and the same, and interchangeable.” Robertson considers as an example Matthew 13:38, which reads: “The field [Greek, ho a·grosʹ] is the world [Greek, ho koʹsmos].” The grammar enables us to understand that the world is also the field. What, though, if the subject has a definite article but the predicate does not, as in John 1:1? Citing that verse as an example, scholar James Allen Hewett emphasizes: “In such a construction the subject and predicate are not the same, equal, identical, or anything of the sort.” To illustrate, Hewett uses 1 John 1:5, which says: “God is light.” In Greek, “God” is ho the·osʹ and therefore has a definite article. But phos for “light” is not preceded by any article. Hewett points out: “One can always . . . say of God He is characterized by light; one cannot always say of light that it is God.” Similar examples are found at John 4:24, “God is a Spirit,” and at 1 John 4:16, “God is love.” In both of these verses, the subjects have definite articles but the predicates, “Spirit” and “love,” do not. So the subjects and predicates are not interchangeable. These verses cannot mean that “Spirit is God” or “love is God.” Identity of “the Word”? Many Greek scholars and Bible translators acknowledge that John 1:1 highlights, not the identity, but a quality of “the Word.” Says Bible translator William Barclay: “Because [the apostle John] has no definite article in front of theos it becomes a description . . . John is not here identifying the Word with God. To put it very simply, he does not say that Jesus was God.” Scholar Jason David BeDuhn likewise says: “In Greek, if you leave off the article from theos in a sentence like the one in John 1:1c, then your readers will assume you mean ‘a god.’ . . . Its absence makes theos quite different than the definite ho theos, as different as ‘a god’ is from ‘God’ in English.” BeDuhn adds: “In John 1:1, the Word is not the one-and-only God, but is a god, or divine being.” Or to put it in the words of Joseph Henry Thayer, a scholar who worked on the American Standard Version: “The Logos [or, Word] was divine, not the divine Being himself.” Jesus made a clear distinction between him and his Father Does the identity of God have to be “a very profound mystery”? It did not seem so to Jesus. In his prayer to his Father, Jesus made a clear distinction between him and his Father when he said: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3) If we believe Jesus and understand the plain teaching of the Bible, we will respect him as the divine Son of God that he is. We will also worship Jehovah as “the only true God.”
@TheDarkDresser 2 года назад
Thank you so much for explaining it so clearly.
@williampittman7936 Год назад
Thank you for breaking the trinity! It’s a blessing to know that Jehovah and Jesus is two different people. One is the Father (Jehovah) and the other is the Son (Jesus)
@brotherbruno1783 Год назад
Firstly: when Cardinal O’Connor said it was a mystery, that is not the same thing as a “complete” mystery. Mystery in the Catholic tradition (remember Cardinals are Catholics) has a very specific meaning. It does not mean that nothing can be known, but that not everything can be known. The Incarnation is a mystery: we know THAT Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, it’s something we profess at every Mass, but we don’t know everything there is to know ABOUT the event. Second, I don’t know which Illustrated Bible Dictionary you are referring to (several publications have their own version of such a text) but I don’t think what you are referencing is a Catholic text based on what Bible Dictionaries I am aware of, implying we are mixing between two very distinct traditions that may or may not even agree on the doctrine, so it’s not exactly fair. In any case, I found an excerpt on the Trinity from the Holman Bible Dictionary (itself a Protestant text, so we are on even ground) that explains it far better than the passage you quoted here. “The Trinity is a biblical concept that expresses the dynamic character of God, not a Greek idea pressed into scripture from philosophical or religious speculation. While the term Trinity does not appear in scripture, the trinitarian structure appears throughout the New Testament to manifest that God Himself is manifested through Jesus Christ by means of the Holy Spirit.” Thirdly, John 1:1 doesn’t have the definite article because it’s not necessary. Mark Brumley with Catholic Answers did an article on this back in 1991 called “The God or a God?” and had this to say: “The lack of a definite article in the Greek can imply an indefinite article is needed in an English translation, but it doesn’t have to. It’s possible the word is being used in a qualitative sense, which can be indefinite-not referring to a specific person, “the God” (i.e., the Father), but to a quality, the Word’s “God-ness.”” He wrote more extensively on this subject than I will here, but I think that’s sufficient for now. Fourthly, Jesus says “I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30) They are distinct persons, but there is profound unity too. Lastly, God is infinite. Man is finite. If you believe God to be fully comprehensible to a finite mind, then by definition God must be finite, part of the created order and no greater or worthy of worship than a man. To comprehend an infinite being is to be infinite yourself, which would make you every bit of a God as God himself - and thus, make God not God in the process.
@alexanderv7702 7 месяцев назад
​@@williampittman7936please correct your grammar. Jehovah and Jesus ARE Thanks
@Johnno-vi4pl 2 года назад
Love the build up to Jesus’s “I Am” Hilarious 😂😂
@alfredstanton7548 2 года назад
Just as I am about to NOT have a good day, David reminds me to have a good day at the end of every episode:) You're a Saint, David. The Latter-day kind.
@davidsnell2605 2 года назад
Not just a good day -- a GREAT day.
@mattandkim17 2 года назад
In Psalm 110, to whom is Jehovah speaking? Who is sitting at his right hand? Thanks.
@JackOPetrie 2 года назад
That mic drop scene with Christ claiming the "I Am" title actually got me to laugh, great editing guys!
@2MinuteScriptureStudy 2 года назад
Extremely clear and fun as always! Thank you so much for all the work you put in to bring us these videos!
@scottvance74 2 года назад
Thanks for adding some nuance at the end. Around 4:00 you mention that some early church leaders used Jehovah to refer to God the Father. These include Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor, and Wilford Woodruff as I recall. Making Jehovah into Jesus took some time as you noted. One thing that should be addressed perhaps in the future is that basically all biblical scholars use the terms Jehovah and Elohim to differentiate between two of the early sources for the books of the Torah. J and E sources are generally easy to differentiate. In stories like the flood and the creation, the story is told twice, once from an E perspective and once from a J perspective. So although having Jehovah (Christ) as the God of the old testament works from an LDS perspective, holding this view wouldn't get your through a beginning course in bible literature at a respected university.
@kamelody7285 2 года назад
2:44. That's NOT a proper translation. What jesus was trying the Jewish people was ...BEFORE ABRAHAM EXISTED......I ALREADY EXISTED. jehova name is God's name . No I AM...name . When he told Moises tell my people I AM...is sending you . I meant....ME . ( the God who keep his promises) sent you . THE JEWISH BIBLE SAYS I am who will be sent you . Which means.... I am the GOD who will be there for you . The GOD who will protect you and the God who always keep his promises SENT YOU . That is the meaning for that verse. Jesus verse has nothing to do with Exodus . The Jewish people had Abraham as their FATHER when it comes to religious leader , jesus told them....oh yeah, ? So you listening to him but don't wanna listening to me who has a higher Rank ? Before Abraham existed, I already existed in heaven. Cause I came from heaven ! That was the meaning of Jesus conversation with them. These I am...stuff came into existed around the year 325 of this era ,by the time the orthodox church and catholic church established the trinity teachings . You need to get deeper in this Jesus, jehova, trinity stuff my friend
@BromanWes 2 года назад
So we are to have no other god before Jesus? If he is the one who gave the commands. It makes sense in the context of the triune God but not when they are separate beings. Genuinely curious.
@shaylakenney141 3 месяца назад
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we worship God The Father, God The Son(Jesus Christ), and God The Holy Ghost. They are 3 separate beings who are one in purpose. Hence Christ saying He can only do what the Father does. We pray to God The Father who is the Father of us all. Hope this helps
@BromanWes 3 месяца назад
@@shaylakenney141 so polytheism
@shaylakenney141 3 месяца назад
@@BromanWes I can see what you mean. We believe in One God(Elohim) that created the heavens and the earth and created the divine plan of redemption through providing a savior for us but we also believe that Christ and The Holy Ghost are God’s now, one in purpose with him. I think by definition, we are polytheistic but not by the stereotypical view of the world like having multiple and many different God’s who created different aspects of the universe or different Gods to pray to. Like I said, we pray to the God above all (our Heavenly Father) but we also believe in the Godhood of Christ and The Holy Ghost as well. I know this sounds confusing.
@ericchase5045 3 месяца назад
@@BromanWespolytheistic yes, but one in purpose, with God the father as the one in command and to whom we pray. Much better Explains who the “us” is as noted in Genesis 1:26 and 3:22.
@MrArtist7777 2 года назад
Great info, thanks! PLEASE invite Rod Meldrum and Wayne May on to your program for a Book of Mormon geography video. I think you'll quickly find that their evidence for where the Book of Mormon lands is overwhelming and that most members of the church agree with them, but would be great to hear them in this Saints Unscripted format.
@carolineandreavergara8794 Год назад
Excellent video. But I have a question; If Jesus is Jehovah in the old testament, in the old covenant the Abrahamic God then how would you explain this passage in the new testament, in the act of the apostles chapter 3 verse 13 and chapter 5 verse 30? I would appreciate it very much if you would answer me with Biblical bases. Thank you so much!
@angelamercado7228 2 года назад
So when I'll read the Old Testament and see "Lord" I will think of Christ, then when I see what exactly...? I should think about God the father
@brettmajeske3525 2 года назад
The English translators do not always get it right, but "GOD" in small caps.
@wanrazul 2 года назад
Who ordered Joshua to kill everyone in Jericho? Who killed the firstborns of Egypt?
@Mikha335 2 года назад
Angela Mercado You should always think of God the Father, because that’s what the New Testament authors thought of.
@Rome_77 2 года назад
I’m Catholic but I think the answer you’re looking for is “El” (God) or “El Elyon” (God Most High).
@Sk-pw5mv 2 года назад
Is God a Trinity? The Bible’s answer Many Christian denominations teach that God is a Trinity. However, note what the Encyclopædia Britannica states: “Neither the word Trinity nor the explicit doctrine appears in the New Testament . . . The doctrine developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies.” In fact, the God of the Bible is never described as being part of a Trinity. Note these Bible passages: “Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.”-Deuteronomy 6:4. “You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.”-Psalm 83:18. “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.”-John 17:3. “God is only one.”-Galatians 3:20. Why do most Christian denominations say that God is a Trinity?
@Sk-pw5mv 2 года назад
HALLELUJAH (Hal·le·luʹjah). A transliteration of the Hebrew expression ha·lelu-Yahʹ, appearing first at Psalm 104:35. In the New World Translation it is nearly always translated “praise Jah, you people.” The expression occurs 24 times in the Hebrew Scriptures and, with the exception of Psalm 135:3 (“praise Jah,” NW), introduces and/​or concludes the Psalms in which it is found. (See Ps 112:1; 115:18; 146:1, 10; 147:1, 20; 148:1, 14; 149:1, 9; 150:1, 6.) This expression stands alongside “Amen” at the close of Book Four of Psalms (Ps 106:48), and a Greek form of it appears four times at Revelation 19:1-6, where the reference is to the joy experienced over the destruction of Babylon the Great and that associated with Jehovah’s beginning to rule as King
@Sk-pw5mv 2 года назад
Reasons to know and use God’s name God must feel that his personal name, Jehovah, is important, because he included it thousands of times in the Bible.​-Malachi 1:​11. God’s Son, Jesus, repeatedly stressed the importance of God’s name. For instance, he prayed to Jehovah: “Let your name be sanctified.”​-Matthew 6:9; John 17:6. Those who come to know and use God’s name take the first steps in building a friendship with Jehovah. (Psalm 9:​10; Malachi 3:​16) Such a relationship enables them to benefit from God’s promise: “Because he has affection for me, I will rescue him. I will protect him because he knows my name.”​-Psalm 91:14. The Bible acknowledges: “There are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many ‘gods’ and many ‘lords.’” (1 Corinthians 8:​5, 6) Yet it clearly identifies the one true God by his name, Jehovah.​-Psalm 83:18.
@Sk-pw5mv 2 года назад
What is the origin of the myth? “The impression could arise that the Trinitarian dogma is in the last analysis a late 4th-century invention. In a sense, this is true . . . The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century.”​-New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967), Volume 14, page 299. “The Council of Nicaea met on May 20, 325 [C.E.]. Constantine himself presided, actively guiding the discussions, and personally proposed . . . the crucial formula expressing the relation of Christ to God in the creed issued by the council, ‘of one substance with the Father.’ . . . Overawed by the emperor, the bishops, with two exceptions only, signed the creed, many of them much against their inclination.”​-Encyclopædia Britannica (1970), Volume 6, page 386. What does the Bible say? “Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at God’s right hand. ‘Look! I can see heaven thrown open,’ he said, ‘and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.’”​-Acts 7:55, 56, The New Jerusalem Bible. What did this vision reveal? Filled with God’s active force, Stephen saw Jesus “standing at God’s right hand.” Clearly, then, Jesus did not become God again after his resurrection to heaven but, rather, a distinct spiritual being. There is no mention of a third person next to God in this account. Despite attempts to find passages of Scripture to support the Trinity dogma, Dominican priest Marie-Émile Boismard wrote in his book À l’aube du christianisme​-La naissance des dogmes (At the Dawn of Christianity-​The Birth of Dogmas): “The statement that there are three persons in the one God . . . cannot be read anywhere in the New Testament.” The dogma that Constantine championed was intended to put an end to dissensions within the fourth-century Church. However, it actually raised another issue: Was Mary, the woman who bore Jesus, “the Mother of God”? Compare these Bible verses: Matthew 26:39; John 14:28; 1 Corinthians 15:27, 28; Colossians 1:15, 16 FACT: The Trinitarian dogma is a late fourth-century invention
@cinnamondan4984 2 года назад
Remember this being very confusing as an investigator
@Greggs.Channel 2 года назад
1 Corinthians 10:4 is my favourite bit of evidence.
@lloydirving6209 2 года назад
could someone explain this to me I don't get it
@tybaltmarr2158 Год назад
​@lloydirving6209 it's a reference to Moses striking the rock
@Sk-pw5mv 2 года назад
JAH A poetic shortened form of Jehovah, the name of the Most High God. (Ex 15:1, 2) This abbreviated form is represented by the first half of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton יהוה (YHWH), that is, the letters yohdh (י) and heʼ (ה), the tenth and fifth letters of the Hebrew alphabet respectively. Jah occurs 50 times in the Hebrew Scriptures, 26 times alone, and 24 times in the expression “Hallelujah,” which is, literally, a command to a number of people to “praise Jah.” However, the presence of “Jah” in the original is completely ignored by certain popular versions. (Dy, Mo, RS) The King James Version and An American Translation have it only once, as “Jah” and “Yah” respectively. (Ps 68:4) In the English Revised Version it appears twice in the body of the text (Ps 68:4; 89:8), and in the American Standard Version the full form, Jehovah, is substituted throughout, but these latter two translations in practically every occurrence of the contracted form call it to our attention in footnotes. The New World Translation preserves for the reader all 50 occurrences of Jah, or Yah; and Rotherham’s Emphasised Bible, 49 of them. In the Christian Greek Scriptures “Jah” appears four times in the expression Hallelujah. (Re 19:1, 3, 4, 6) Most Bibles simply carry this Greek expression over into English untranslated, but G. W. Wade renders it, “Praise ye Jehovah,” and the New World Translation reads, “Praise Jah, you people!” In point of time “Jah” could not have been a primitive form of the divine name used earlier than the Tetragrammaton itself. The latter full form, Jehovah, occurs 165 times in the Masoretic text in the book of Genesis, but it was not until the account of events after the Exodus from Egypt that the shorter form first appeared.​-Ex 15:2. The single syllable Jah is usually linked with the more moving emotions of praise and song, prayer and entreaty, and is generally found where the subject theme dwells upon a rejoicing over victory and deliverance, or where there is an acknowledgment of God’s mighty hand and power. Examples of this special usage are abundant. The phrase, “Praise Jah, you people!” (Hallelujah) appears as a doxology, that is, an expression of praise to God, in the Psalms, the first being at Psalm 104:35. In other psalms it may be at the beginning only (Ps 111, 112), occasionally within a psalm (135:3), sometimes at the end only (Ps 104, 105, 115-117), but often at both the beginning and the end (Ps 106, 113, 135, 146-150). In the book of Revelation heavenly personages repeatedly punctuate their praise of Jehovah with this expression.​-Re 19:1-6. The remaining instances where “Jah” appears also reflect exaltation in songs and petitions to Jehovah. There is the song of deliverance by Moses. (Ex 15:2) In those recorded by Isaiah a double emphasis is gained by combining both names, “Jah Jehovah.” (Isa 12:2; 26:4) Hezekiah, in his poetic exultation after being miraculously healed when close to death, expressed heightened feelings by repetition of Jah. (Isa 38:9, 11) The contrast is drawn between the dead, who cannot praise Jah, and those determined to live a life of praise to him. (Ps 115:17, 18; 118:17-19) Still other psalms display a prayerful appreciation for deliverance, protection, and correction.​-Ps 94:12; 118:5, 14.
@naliburg 2 года назад
What I find crazy is that instead of Jesus being the new introduction to the Godhead it was actually more Jesus introducing Heavenly Father to the Godhead.
@zrosix2240 2 года назад
Is god the father not talked about in the old testament then?
@finnzaxYT 2 года назад
Idk why then change that it’s very sad because people want to know Jehovah and they change the Bible to confuse people.
@ilyamuromets8534 5 месяцев назад
Wouldn't this be an admission that the restoration got that wrong when it comes to the incorrect utilization of the generic "elohim"? Why wouldn't Joseph Smith know this through revelation as a prophet? If the claim is he can translate ancient books, or even 'fix' the bible, wouldn't this little detail be important? I would sincerely like a good answer to this if anybody can.
@caitlinwhite237 Месяц назад
Good question. A common misconception is that Joseph smith restored the fullness of the gospel in the 19th century and so we have all of the answers perfect right now. But that isn’t the case according to the apostles and prophets of the church. The restoration BEGAN in with Joseph Smith in the 19th century and CONTINUES until the second coming of Christ. We are continuously learning more about the gospel and being given more information as we are ready to receive it. The scriptures indicate that God gives truth unto His children ‘line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little’. He doesn’t hit us with a firehouse of revelation but instead compares it to the dews from heaven that distill upon our hearts. This precedent of revelation being revealed little by little over time has been the same since the Old Testament times. A good example is in Moses chapter 5. The Lord gives Adam a commandment to offer up the firstlings of the flock to the lord. Adam didn’t understand why he was being asked to do this. He had no understanding of the ordinance or it’s relation to God. But he was obedient and did as the lord instructed. After many days an angel appeared and asked Adam why he offered sacrifices. Adam replied: “I know not, save the Lord commanded me.” Adam shows faith in the lord and obedience. Even though he wasn’t given all the answers right away. Sometimes that is what we are expected to do. To trust the Lord and follow Him even when we don’t have a perfect understanding of his mind and will. The angel told Adam “This thing is a similitude of the sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father, which is full of grace and truth.” So knowledge and wisdom was given to Adam not all at once but in time and after Adam had shown forth his faith and obedience. Another example would be when Nephi saw an angel. The angel asked him if he understood the condescension of God. Nephi was a man of Israel following the law of Moses and living in Jerusalem in 600 BC. He knew little of the coming messiah nor what Isaiah meant by his prophecy of Emmanuel- or ‘with us is God’. Nephi replied: “I know that He [God] loveth His children. Nevertheless I do not know the meaning of all things.” Nephi admitted to not having the full understanding of the gospel or mind of God. But he trusted in Him and believed in His love and obeyed the Lord to the best of his understanding. The angel then showed Nephi a vision of the birth of the Christ child and the Virgin Mary. He saw in vision Christ’s baptism in the river Jordan. His mortal ministry. His betrayal and death upon the cross and his resurrection. Nephi was a prophet. He saw and learned many important doctrinal truths. But what of all the years he lived faithfully as simply a humble follower of God following the law of Moses? Did the simplicity of his youthful faith and lack of understanding before make him any less of a prophet? Of course not. Each of us are human beings. And human beings learn and grow overtime. We take milk before we can have meat. And as we mature- we can handle more and more truth and understanding in the time and place God deems appropriate for us. Hope that makes sense. Good luck with your spiritual journey! ❤
@zetti259 2 года назад
This video is very timely especially with come follow me Old Testament for this year.
@AngelicHelper 2 года назад
Do an episode on the Heavenly Counsel
@Sk-pw5mv 2 года назад
Myth 5: Mary Is the Mother of God What is the origin of the myth? “Veneration of the mother of God received its impetus when . . . the pagan masses streamed into the church. . . . Their piety and religious consciousness [that of pagans converted to Christianity] had been formed for millennia through the cult of the ‘great mother’ goddess and the ‘divine virgin.’”​-The New Encyclopædia Britannica (1988), Volume 16, pages 326 and 327. What does the Bible say? “You are to conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High. . . . And so the child will be holy and will be called Son of God.”​-Italics ours; Luke 1:31-35, The New Jerusalem Bible. That passage of Scripture clearly states that Mary was the mother of the “Son of God,” not of God himself. Could she have carried within her the One whom ‘the heavens themselves cannot contain’? (1 Kings 8:27) She never made such a claim. It is the teaching about the Trinity that has sown confusion over the identity of Mary. By proclaiming her Theotokos (a Greek word meaning “God-bearer”), or “Mother of God,” the Council of Ephesus, in 431 C.E., set the stage for Mary worship. The city of Ephesus where this church council was held had for centuries been at the heart of idol worship celebrating the fertility goddess Artemis. So it was that many aspects of the worship of the image of Artemis that “fell from heaven,” such as processions, were integrated into Mary worship. (Acts 19:35) Another practice that crept into Christian teaching was the use of images of Mary and others in worship. Compare these Bible verses: Matthew 13:53-56; Mark 3:31-35; Luke 11:27, 28 FACT: Mary was the mother of the Son of God, not of God himself. The Trinity myth gave birth to the worship of Mary as the Mother of God
@IndianaJonesTDH 7 месяцев назад
Man has to slander the catholic church
@adammcguk 2 года назад
John 1 doesn't identify Jesus as creator but rather all things were created "through" *The word*, which is a poetic way of saying created with god's word, plan, purpose in mind.
@aprilowens 2 года назад
0:53 I am LOSING it Great vid by the way
@Sk-pw5mv 2 года назад
The Divine Name​-Its Use and Its Meaning , IN YOUR copy of the Bible, how is Psalm 83:18 translated? The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures renders this verse: “May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.” A number of other Bible translations give similar renderings. However, many translations leave out the name Jehovah, replacing it with such titles as “Lord” or “Eternal.” What belongs in this verse? A title or the name Jehovah? The Tetragrammaton-the way the divine name is written in Hebrew God’s name in Hebrew letters This verse speaks about a name. In the original Hebrew in which much of the Bible was written, a unique personal name appears here. It is spelled יהוה (YHWH) in Hebrew letters. In English, the common rendering of that name is “Jehovah.” Does that name occur in only one Bible verse? No. It appears in the original text of the Hebrew Scriptures nearly 7,000 times! How important is God’s name? Consider the model prayer that Jesus Christ gave. It begins this way: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.” (Matthew 6:9) Later, Jesus prayed to God: “Father, glorify your name.” In response, God spoke from heaven, saying: “I have glorified it and will glorify it again.” (John 12:28) Clearly, God’s name is of the utmost importance. Why, then, have some translators left this name out of their translations of the Bible and replaced it with titles? There seem to be two main reasons. First, many claim that the name should not be used because the original way to pronounce it is unknown today. Ancient Hebrew was written without vowels. Therefore, no one today can say for sure exactly how people of Bible times pronounced YHWH. However, should this prevent us from using God’s name? In Bible times, the name Jesus may have been pronounced Yeshua or possibly Yehoshua​-no one can say for certain. Yet, people the world over today use different forms of the name Jesus, pronouncing it in the way that is common in their language. They do not hesitate to use the name just because they do not know its first-century pronunciation. Similarly, if you were to travel to a foreign land, you might well find that your own name sounds quite different in another tongue. Hence, uncertainty about the ancient pronunciation of God’s name is no reason for not using it. A second reason often given for omitting God’s name from the Bible involves a long-standing tradition of the Jews. Many of them hold that God’s name should never be pronounced. This belief is evidently based on a misapplication of a Bible law that states: “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way, for Jehovah will not leave unpunished the one who takes up His name in a worthless way.”​-Exodus 20:7. This law forbids the misuse of God’s name. But does it forbid the respectful use of his name? Not at all. The writers of the Hebrew Bible (the “Old Testament”) were all faithful men who lived by the Law that God gave to the ancient Israelites. Yet, they made frequent use of God’s name. For instance, they included it in many psalms that were sung out loud by crowds of worshippers. Jehovah God even instructed his worshippers to call on his name, and faithful ones obeyed. (Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21) Hence, Christians today do not hesitate to use God’s name respectfully, as Jesus surely did.​-John 17:26. In replacing God’s name with titles, Bible translators make a serious mistake. They make God seem remote and impersonal, whereas the Bible urges humans to cultivate “close friendship with Jehovah.” (Psalm 25:14) Think of a close friend of yours. How close would you really be if you never learned your friend’s name? Similarly, when people are kept in ignorance about God’s name, Jehovah, how can they become truly close to God? Furthermore, when people do not use God’s name, they also lack knowledge of its wonderful meaning. What does the divine name mean? God himself explained the meaning of his name to his faithful servant Moses. When Moses asked about God’s name, Jehovah replied: “I Will Become What I Choose to Become.” (Exodus 3:14) Rotherham’s translation renders those words: “I Will Become whatsoever I please.” So Jehovah can become whatever is needed in order to fulfill his purposes, and he can cause to happen whatever is required with regard to his creation and the accomplishment of his purpose. Suppose that you could become whatever you wanted to become. What would you do for your friends? If one of them became seriously ill, you could become a skilled doctor and perform a cure. If another suffered a financial loss, you could become a wealthy benefactor and come to his rescue. The truth is, though, that you are limited in what you can become. All of us are. As you study the Bible, you will be amazed to see how Jehovah becomes whatever is needed in order to fulfill his promises. And it pleases him to use his power in behalf of those who love him. (2 Chronicles 16:9) These beautiful facets of Jehovah’s personality are lost to those who do not know his name. Clearly, the name Jehovah belongs in the Bible. Knowing its meaning and using it freely in our worship are powerful aids in drawing closer to our heavenly Father, Jehovah. *
@jollyrancher521 2 месяца назад
Psalm 110:1 shows that Jesus is not Jehovah. According to the KJV it says: “The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.” Who is speaking to whom? The Hebrew text for this verse includes the divine name YHWH (unfortunately, most Bibles substitute LORD in all caps for the divine name). In English this verse would read “Jehovah said to my Lord.” In Acts 2:34-36, Peter quotes Psalm 110:1 and explains that God is speaking to Jesus Christ. Jesus' words in John 8:58 have been misinterpreted to mean that Jesus is claiming a title belonging to Jehovah of the Old Testament. They say it is an allusion to Exodus 3:14 where God says, “I am that I am,” according to the King James version. However, the Greek expression “ego eimi” (“I am”) is a common expression that was used by several others in the Bible besides Jesus. In John 9:9, the man who Jesus cured of blindness says “ego eimi” (“I am he”), affirming that he was the one cured by Jesus. That man was not claiming a title belonging to God. In John 8:58, Jesus is simply saying that he existed before Abraham: “Before Abraham was born, I am.” Other translations translate it to more proper English: “Before Abraham was born, I have been” or “I existed before Abraham was born.”
@thiemhoang2312 Год назад
Did Jesus and disciples ever say Jehovah or Jehovah god? Governing body for Jehovah witness is not in the Bible
@florinaschilean6143 Год назад
If Jesus Christ is not Jehovah, then He was a blasphemer as the priests said about Him. Who is the Lord of the Sabbath? Who shares glory with God? Yahweh said that He is the Lord of Sabbath, Jesus said that the Son of Man is Lord of Sabbath, Yahweh said that his glory He share with no one, Jesus said to God the Father to give Him back the glory that He had with Him since before the creation.
@Sapphiretodentistry 7 месяцев назад
Jehovah and the Father, are one. There is no other God, no, they know not one. And no other God we are to worship but them.
@thugztv 4 месяца назад
So the god father and the one who crusified is the same?
@adammcguk 2 года назад
Jesus is not claiming to be Yahweh in John 8 with I am. It simply means "I am the one" i.e. the Messiah. See the same usage in John 4.
@Herosoulstone 2 года назад
The disciples often interpreted things differently which is self evident. What Christ said could mean both sayings and understandings.
@adammcguk 2 года назад
@@Herosoulstone there's nothing to indicate such a radical confession in the text that this man is creator if the universe when the previous usage of the term means "I am he" or "I am the one" and when the end of John explains that his gospel was written so that we would know Jesus is the "Messiah" not God almighty. That type of theology didn't arrive until some time later.
@Herosoulstone 2 года назад
@@adammcguk You're seeing One Facet of the Truth
@finnzaxYT 2 года назад
@@Herosoulstone what I don’t understand is why change his Bible when everyone know his name is jehovah and that he sent his son to die for us.
@ccccen Год назад
Why everyone now-a-days all want to put Jesus above God? I know all thru Jesus but who send Jesus as he himself says he ''was'' send . His prayers to who they went to isf he is God? Remember that somebody else wanted to be as God and is still trying and now he is passing the doctrine around the world putting Jesus above God, you who know that is too. Like the doctrine of a flat earth and the Trinity etc. Also remember, Jesus was tempted by Satan, you can not tempt God.
@braeden5181 2 года назад
My favorite scripture declaring that Jesus is Jehova is 1 Corinthians 10:1-4
@cabarete2003 2 года назад
I am going to go through your resources in the description, but I have to wonder why we muddied the waters with the Elohim title. It really makes it hard to explain citations like Psalm 110 away. I mean, why WOULDN'T the OT writers use Elohim to refer to God the Father. Why was there no differentiating them? We know from the BofM that the OT folks clearly knew the difference between God the Father and Jesus when the scriptures were new and shiny.
@cabarete2003 2 года назад
@@martinkent333 I would agree with you if there was no way to verify the truth of JS's claims to begin with. John 14:26
@brettmajeske3525 2 года назад
I don't think we know much about what the common folk thought/understood. Nephi was highly educated and had an understanding that none of his older brothers did. I think sometimes we read the scriptures a forget most ancient people were not literate. They depended on oral traditions. Scribes and Priests might have known the difference, I doubt most ordinary citizens did.
@cabarete2003 2 года назад
@@brettmajeske3525 If the scribes and priests knew about it...and they were the educated ones writing all of this and not the average Benjamin or Judah...then you'd think by that logic...they would have made the distinction in their writings. I mean...I don't think it matters in the grand scope of things...but man it sure muddies the waters to have to explain it.
@brettmajeske3525 2 года назад
@@cabarete2003 Some very well might have. We are not reading original text, but copies of copies, translations of translations, collected and correlated. Different scribes did not necessarily all have the same understand, and some books seem to have been merged together from separate sources. Earlier texts seem to differentiate between Elohim and Jehovah, later texts less so. Some texts seem to suggest Shaddai (Almighty God) to be yet another distinction, most do not. Education was not even or consistent.
@alexanderv7702 7 месяцев назад
@Serve24 11 месяцев назад
Nope nope nope. What about Psalm 110:1? “The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭110‬:‭1‬ ‭KJV‬ In this verse we see two different Hebrew words, both are translated The “Lord.” The first “The LORD” here is the Hebrew word, Jehovah. But we know for certain that Jehovah here is not referring to Jesus but God the Father. We know this because in Matthew 22:41-46, Jesus refers to this Psalm and tells the Pharisees that he is the Lord of David. The second Hebrew word for The “Lord” is a different word that refers to the Messiah, or Jesus. Basically this is how the verse reads: “Jehovah said to Jesus, Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool.” So “Jehovah” refers to God the Father AND Jesus Christ in the Bible. The only way to explain this is a Trinitarian view.
@morrisonakpos6272 Год назад
Exodus 7:1 interpret this please
@debraannmartinez7157 8 месяцев назад
No, they arent the same!!!! LIFE
@alexanderv7702 2 года назад
Joseph Smith claimed: "We believe the Bible [the King James version] is the word of God; as far as it is accurately translated!" Elohim is a title=God (with a plural suffix) YHWH =Yahweh or Jehovah is a name. "I AM" is a poor translation of the Hebrew. Thousands of times in the Old Testament the first person singular pronoun is used of God/Elohim: I, He, Him. "I am the LORD (YHWH) your God (Elohim) ... ." Furthermore, the consonants that make up the Tetragrammaton in Paleo Hebrew could have been used as vowels-as does the letter 'y' in the English alphabet: try, why, sky, my, etc.
@ranwor9403 2 года назад
What about issa
@alexanderv7702 7 месяцев назад
'Lost in translation!' The Tetragrammaton is the name of Elohim = which is the Hebrew word for God. Your grasp of "I am" is totally misleading! And your use of Jesus use of 'I am', ego eimi, is contrived, eisigesis.
@TamikaFrison 4 месяца назад
Isaiah 45:11 Romans 5:11 KJV Holy Bible
@cultfiction3865 2 года назад
Jesus is the son of Jehovah. Psalm 83:18: “May people know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, You alone are the most high over all the earth.” Since Jehovah is the most high over the earth then I don’t see how he could also have his own father. Most high means most high. No more no less. It cannot be Jesus.
@Herosoulstone 2 года назад
Context is good 😊 did he say over all the Earth what contains the Earth? Jehovah is the highest king over the Earth. Elohim would be the guest King over the solar system or this universe. "Highest, needs to take into account the the highest of what" sometimes when it says "everything" it could mean just the Earth, for many that is everything to them, for many the universe or the solar system, or the creation of the earth or the universe. The beginning of time could be considered the beginning of the earth, or the beginning of this universe. One sentence could have multiple facests or meanings, taking it into consideration with many more verses can help us see what is mensing to be said. In the end, its Jesus Christ who saves us. And Jehova is a name Christ can go by or Jesus.
@cultfiction3865 2 года назад
@@Herosoulstone In the Old Testament times Jesus hadn’t been appointed king over the earth though. The promise of him ruling over it was for a future time so it wouldn’t make sense for him to be claiming to rule over earth so early on. “The kings of the earth take their stand And high officials gather together* as one Against Jehovah and against his anointed one.” That verse is found somewhere in the bible book of Psalms in the OT. If Jehovah was the pre mortal Jesus then Who was Jehovah’s anointed one?
@jeremygunter8806 2 года назад
Most biblical academics argue that the Torah/Pentateuch was stitched together to harmonize at least two different sources (much like Tatian stitched together the four gospels in his Diatesseron), and that it and other books of the Old Testament were later redacted to reflect the opinions of a "Deuteronomist" or group of such people around the time of the reign of King Josiah. Josiah's priests were fiercely monotheistic, whereas it appears quite clear that the earlier Israelites were monolatrist, and thus it's entirely possible they altered the text to obscure any indication that there was a Father God (Elyon) and a Son God (Jehovah) who were one in purpose but two separate beings. Many biblical academics claim the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32 is much older than the rest of Deuteronomy, and that it was stitched into that book. In the Septuagint and Dead Sea Scrolls version of Deuteronomy 32:8-9, it states that the Most High (Elyon in the Hebrew), divided the nations according to the number of his sons and he gave Israel to Jehovah/the Lord (YHVH in the Hebrew) as Jehovah's inheritance. The oldest available reading of Deuteronomy 32:8-9 runs contrary to your interpretation of Psalm 83:18, so I'd have to say it doesn't serve to show that Jehovah is the Father rather than Jesus.
@jeremygunter8806 2 года назад
​@@cultfiction3865, regarding the reference to Jehovah's anointed one, I'd say that's Jesus. In Latter-day Saint theology, there is the doctrine of Divine Investiture of Authority, meaning Jehovah was a spokesman for the Father and spoke on his behalf because the Father and the Son were united in purpose. If you want to know more about that doctrine, there's a video here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-CuoeKOHluTQ.html
@Mikha335 2 года назад
Jeremy Gunter Scholars who believe in the Documentary Hypothesis have completely erred in their interpretation of Deuteronomy 32:8. The Most High who divided the nations is YHWH not only in the rest of the OT but consistently in Deuteronomy itself. Consider some parallel texts: “And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which YHWH thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. But YHWH hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt, to be unto him a people of inheritance, as ye are this day.” Deuteronomy 4:18-19) Notice YHWH here is the divider of nations, but also the one who took Israel for his own “inheritance”? “And Moses went up unto God, and YHWH called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel; 4Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself. 5Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine” (Exodus 19:3-5) Notice “all the earth” belongs to YHWH, who takes Israel as His “peculiar” inheritance. Clearly then, in the context of other parallel passages the meaning of Deuteronomy 32:8 LXX is that the Most High YHWH subordinated the nations to the “sons of God” (angels), but took Israel as his own special inheritance, on conditions that they keep His commandments. So with this in mind, the only reason to believe the faulty interpretation of atheist scholars is because men desire to make the scriptures fit with their preconceived ideology.
@piperjohnson4808 2 года назад
What movies are the clips from. Thank you for answering my question.
@life-of-taylor 2 года назад
0:45 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 1:52 Prince of Egypt And all the clips of Jesus and the Sadducees are from the Life of Christ Bible Videos produced by the church.
@williamradtke6746 4 месяца назад
Loved the video
@wanrazul 2 года назад
So Jesus killed all the first born of Egypt? (Exodus) And Jesus ordered Joshua to slaughter every man, woman, and child in Jericho? (Joshua 6)
@awfulwaffle1341 2 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-1z_2a3yBjBI.html 57:50
@archangeljesus4369 2 года назад
I agree those orders came from the father not the son who takes orders from him.
@wanrazul 2 года назад
@@archangeljesus4369 Why didn't the son, the Prince of Peace, stopped him?
@archangeljesus4369 2 года назад
@@wanrazul Because once God gives an order not even a prince like Jesus can do to cancel it.
@wanrazul 2 года назад
@@archangeljesus4369 So he was forced to accept it? Didnt even say "Dad, these kids are innocent!"?
@temberharward 2 года назад
I was just reading Moses 3:18, and God the Father says, “And I, the Lord God, said unto mine Only Begotten …” The Father calls himself “The Lord God”. In Hebrew, this would be “Yehovah Elohiym”. Yehovah is not an exclusive title for just Yeshua.
@Herosoulstone 2 года назад
You've got caught on to the fact that they can interchange names and titles because they are one. Isn't that beautiful?
@scottvance74 2 года назад
Moses wasn't written in Hebrew. It was written in English. What I want to know is did Joseph use a seer stone when constructing the Book of Moses or not.
@mormonchallenges 2 года назад
@@scottvance74 Why does it matter whether he used a seer stone or not? He may have or not or for only some of it. Why is this important?
@scottvance74 2 года назад
@@mormonchallenges There is good evidence and many devout mormon scholars believe that Joseph used the brown seer stone for all of what became the Book of Mormon. As you suggest, it doesn't matter if you don't care if the church is true or not. If you do care, then understanding how the keystone of your religion came to be and whether or not Joseph and Oliver lied about ought to matter imho. Now - that's the Book of Mormon, not the book of Moses. For Moses, it's a curiosity for me. Especially because we understand from at least 2 sources that he sometimes used seer stones during the Book of Abraham translation. Mostly I'm just curious.
@jeremygunter8806 2 года назад
Moses didn't speak to God the Father. He spoke to Jehovah (the pre-mortal Jesus), and Jehovah spoke on behalf of the Father. This is a doctrine known as "Divine Investiture of Authority". This video clearly explains that doctrine. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-CuoeKOHluTQ.html
@abyssoulzenith Год назад
"Jevovah begins with an I" 0:48
@CrossingTheStreetArt Год назад
Jesus himself said, concerning a woman accused of sexual immorality, "I do not judge".
@MartyG560 Год назад
Read -Acts 7:30 That was an ángel faking up God's voice ... Also Read.. -Acts 7:53 What does It say...( Bingo) Two Angels playing God. Remember Satan Is a Copycat , as God and Jesus are one so are those two entities.
@siuzannavyshneva6312 2 года назад
It's such an intriguing topic! It is so interesting and mysterious like the DaVinci Code by Dan Brown. This video turned out so gripping! It's awesome!
@Blitzburg1800 Год назад
@towardcivicliteracy Год назад
It has multiple meanings, as do many words and phrases in Hebrew literature.
@PapaKryptoss 2 года назад
@-.George. 2 года назад
I AM WHO I AM =AHAYAH ASHER AHAYAH. Ahayah is God and Adoni Yesha is his the Son.
@Mikha335 2 года назад
God’s identity is only confusing for Mormons because they have inherited confusion from Trinitarian Christianity. The gospel authors are not nearly as confused about this subject as mainstream Christianity.
@brylevelarde8226 2 года назад
Great post.
@alexanderv7702 2 года назад
"Ye must be born again," said Jesus. Nicodemus replied: "Must a man climb inside his Mother's womb?" IS THIS ACTION PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE? How then did the One that created (bara) the Universe get inside the womb of a woman?
@TamikaFrison 4 месяца назад
Revelation 3 KJV Holy Bible We must chsnge Jesus dont like Rap....We have witess Acts 2:14-21 because of tri tones and other devil worship traditions involved....
@darrell1734 2 года назад
Well done
@archangeljesus4369 2 года назад
Jesus is a angel created by Jehovah
@MartyG560 Год назад
Yahweh broke his own law before Israel 's eyes. Read Leviticus 26:8-18 ( shall not murder). Yahweh Is the old serpent!! -Deut.13:6 ( Yahweh taught them to fight against each other...Read verse 8, 9 ,10... Yahweh was the angel of darkness. Read John..and compare the Beauty of Jesus to Yahweh with His so called people. While Jesus multiplied bread, wine and fish ...Look what Yahweh did in -Numbers 21-6 Now Read Mathew 7: 9-11 Do you still believe Yahweh Is the father of Christ and God of creation!? Wake up ...!! Jesus Is the way the truth and the life . Jesus Father has no name.. Jesus Is Him the Father.. He came to save not to condemn or to kill as Yahweh did and many still in deny. Read...take Jesus word seriously...!!
@cassandralynkepple2429 Год назад
Jehovah ❤ good 😊
@samizelobusan6534 2 года назад
@thatonetallguy9586 2 года назад
As a LDS, I’m not on board with this. God and Jesus are two separate personage’s. Jesus wasn’t praying to himself in the New Testament
@mikeonthecomputer 2 года назад
This brings up a point that perhaps Saints Unscripted should cover. The "Faith & Beliefs" series often touches on topic that consist of beliefs held in consensus within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but are not necessarily doctrine. It's a point I've noticed some anti-LDS attackers get frustrated on, because the actual core, doctrinal beliefs are so basic and broad that they get annoyed that not every member of the Church must believe some more minor/nuanced items, even if they are held in the majority. Two of the really important things to know concerning core fundamentals are the Articles of Faith and the temple recommend questions. I'll use the first one as an example (look up the others as your own exercise): "Do you have faith in and a testimony of God, the Eternal Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Ghost?" All you need is a "yes" to pass the beliefs that you really must have to be a member of the Church. Ancillary questions such as "Do you/do you not believe in the triune God?", "Do you believe Jesus's atonement happened at Gethsemane and/or the cross at Calvary?", "Is Jesus the Jehova in the Old Testament?" are not included. There is allowed to be a difference of opinion even from reading the canonical standard works, there is a strong emphasis within the Church to make your own spiritual discovers, and even if you get disagreements among members on these more minor points, all that you ever need to answer for the temple interview question is "yes" if the question at its face value is true.
@gordonbarnes7005 2 года назад
That one tall Guy, the Book of Mormon is abundantly clear that Jesus is God. Here's what's going on: "God" is less a personage and more a title. Jesus Christ (Jehovah) and God the Father are absolutely separate, individual entities. However, They are one in purpose, and as such, both share the title of God. So saying that Jesus and the Father are two separate personages is absolutely true. But saying that Jesus and _God_ are two separate personages is kinda like saying that Biden and the President are two separate personages. Presidency isn't a personage, but an authority that Biden holds. God in this context isn't a personage, but an authority shared by the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. So when the Book of Mormon says that the three are one God, which it absolutely does, it's not saying that They're literally the same person, but that They are united under one title.
@waraygirls6242 2 года назад
@MartyG560 Год назад
Yahwe Is the serpent and usurped the Father of all creation's name. Jesus never mentioned any name...Only refered to Him as "My Father who Is in heaven." If Jesus is image of the Father how Is that Yahweh always commited homicide to his own people in the desert...!? Since the garden of Eden he began to lie pronouncing him as creator when he only "formed" ( never created) Man. The God of creation and Father of Jesus created Man and woman throughout the entire world and with consent to reproduce and replenish the earth...Read carefully.. Create and to form are two different concepts. The God of the garden Is the same that fooled Moses and up to this day still fooling the entire world believing Him as Jesus Father. That's the God of Israel I agree. But Jesus came to reveal His lies and no one believed Him but only His disciples and that revelation was the reason they were put to death.
@thelonegerman2314 Год назад
@ATD1990 2 года назад
Jehovah is god but lds believe jesus and god are two separate beings and at the same time believe jesus is Jehovah so he isn't god but is....
@gordonbarnes7005 2 года назад
"Jehovah is god but lds believe jesus and god are two separate beings" No. It's not possible for a being to be a separate entity from himself. God the _Father_ is distinct from Jehovah, but both share the title of God.
@carlosbrown4644 2 года назад
It’s 2022 y’all still believing these lies Christ is White? Christ is Black also the Father….😂😂😂😂✌️✌️
@renee-oy1xb 2 года назад
okay 👍 we love him all the same
@carlosbrown4644 2 года назад
@@renee-oy1xb If anybody doesn’t believe in Christ as the 👉🏿scriptures 👈🏿hath said roles in the spirit of the AntiChrist. So my advice for you to check your spirit.. John 7:38 King James Version 38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. 1 John 5:10 King James Version 10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.
@carlosbrown4644 2 года назад
@@renee-oy1xb According to Bible Prophecy this demonic world hates Christ the Black Messiah John 15:18-27, But in the demonic world everybody loves Cesare Borgia as Christ the image of the beast according Revelation 13:4-18..😂😂😂✌️✌️
@renee-oy1xb 2 года назад
@@carlosbrown4644 I believe in Christ as the scriptures have said, so no i am not of the AntiChrist lol. i don’t hate Christ at all:) Frankly, I don’t care if He’s black or white or whatever. I care that He is my savior!
@renee-oy1xb 2 года назад
@@carlosbrown4644 the beast in Revelation 13 is referring to earthly kingdoms controlled by Satan- John 15:18-27 is referring to modern age people who forsake Christ as a whole but was not referring to everyone
@Cyrusmagi 2 года назад
Lds believe what they believe because Joseph Smith was brought up on the K j Bible and joe smith got all his inspiration from this and other books to write the book of mormon ! Also the writings of the jews who spoke about their God ideas, kings of jews. As the K j bible speaks of LORDS and lords people of the jews were obsessed with ideas inherited from eygptians about the concept of Royality. This lead to a class system. The USA had no history of royality like Europe and the middle east so Joseph Smith invented one via the book of mormon!
@gordonbarnes7005 2 года назад
Ancient America absolutely had royalty. That isn't even a matter of opinion or religious belief.
@user-sf5ur1vn7g 5 месяцев назад
Why did Jesus choose Gethsemane? Ep. 145
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