
Why Do Some People Struggle to Receive the Holy Spirit? | Episode 57 

David K. Bernard
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If the Holy Spirit is promised to everyone, as the apostle Peter said in Acts 2:39, then why do some people seem to struggle to receive this gift? Dr. David K. Bernard discusses why some spiritual seekers receive the Holy Spirit almost immediately, while others seemingly struggle for months or years without experiencing this biblical promise. He offers practical advice and encouragement for those who are seeking for the Holy Spirit, as well as for spiritual leaders who are praying with them.
If you would like to explore this topic further, Dr. Bernard's book "The New Birth" (pentecostalpub...) provides an in-depth look at what Oneness Pentecostals believe about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. His book "Spiritual Leadership in the Twenty-First Century" (pentecostalpub...) includes a chapter on "Praying with Seekers."
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@matthewtaxcollector31617 2 года назад
I myself didn't receive the Holy Ghost right away. I was baptized in water. But no Holy Ghost. So of course frustrated I back slid and was gone for quite a while. And I couldn't resist the Lords call to return, so I came back. But when I first came to God, when I was water baptized. No one really told me about consecration. But on my return an assistant pastor took,me to the side and said this to me about dedication/consecration, so I did just that. And I was only back with the Lord only a month and a 1/2. But I dedicated that time to seeking Him. I fasted prayed and studied His word. And the pastor who told me about consecration said study the psalms and proverbs and learn of what sin is, learn the law. And I did. And at the end of my month and a 1/2 journey. He baptized me with Himself (Holy Ghost). And I haven't been the same since. To my Savior and my king, I thank you Lord for YOU. To you my Lord be all honor and glory.
@twajaj 2 года назад
Fantastic to hear the Lord did and is doing a work in your life!! 🙏🏾 Amen to that
@susanspatz9501 2 года назад
My son prayed for the Holy Ghost for almost 10 years. He repented of everything that he could think of. I prayed for the Holy Ghost for 2 1/2 years. I repented of everything also, and stayed that way up until I did receive God's spirit. I really believe that one of the reasons was why I didnt receive God's spirit because I just wasnt hungry enough for more of God. I was comfortable going to church listening to the preaching and singing, praying, reading my bible, was baptized according to Acts 2:38. I went up to the altar one night at a different church and the first thing the evangelist said to me was "sister, there just isnt enough faith there", and I truly felt the love from him, but it kind of made me sad. I had to get desperate for more of God, and also hungry for more of God. One day I was praying in my living room and telling God that I was tired of going up to the altar. I called my friend who lived in a city nearby and she told me that if I went to her church that I would receive the Holy Ghost. I went up to the altar and the first thing the evangelist said was "God told me you are tired of going up to the altar" Then he said, Sister, why dont you give it one more shot. I received the Holy Ghost that night.. I was on cloud nine. It was until 9 months later that I spoke in tongues again, I went up to the altar and was a little sad that nobody came to pray for me, lol. I had to get desperate again, I prayed through again that night. For some of us we need to get lost in God's spirit, block out everything and everyone. I try to tell my son that, he gave up and stopped going to church. I have a promise from God that he is going to save my children, not in their sin, but from it. Appreciate your prayers for all my 5 children.
@rickys7163 Год назад
That makes no sense the Bible says when you believed you're sealed with the holy Ghost we are not in the apostolic age we are in Paul's gospel the gospel of grace
@matthewtaxcollector31617 Год назад
@@rickys7163 but the whole of the new testament is about grace. And christ was full of grace and truth. The book of Acts is what all the Apostles preached. Grace is receiving Christ (Holy ghost) and washing away your sins by water baptism. In Christ's name. This is Grace. This is you putting it on. The book of Acts is where you begin your journey. Not in Romans chapter 10. Romans is an epistle for those that have had the book of Acts plan of salvation. You can't start at Romans or Galatians. The epistles were written for the church that was birthed in the book of Acts. Hope this helps
@rickys7163 Год назад
@@matthewtaxcollector31617 we are save by grace in Paul gospel when you believe you are sealed with the holy Ghost plan and simple the book of Acts as a transition book and the transition is when God rejects Israel and move towards the gentiles who believe in the death burial and resurrection of Christ by faith you are saved and filled with the holy Ghost we are in the dispensation of Grace Ephesians 2_8_9 for by grace are you saved through faith and that's not of yourself it is a gift from God not of works least any man should boast
@Tmb31 2 года назад
Excellent job Bishop! Per usual 😌. GOD bless you 🙏🏽
@cduenas2008 Год назад
I was baptized in water Oct 6,2016 but have not yet received the baptism of the HG and out of frustration and discouragement I’ve gone out drinking liquor and fornicating (not all the time) because I feel I am not His. I feel like God just wants to bless me financially while on this world but that’s it. I feel lonely. For some reason I still want to experience and believe what Cornelius received in Acts 10. Almost 7 years and still nothing .. I’ve fasted , I’ve read the entire Bible with understanding almost 5 times and still waiting. Yes I believe in the Holy Spirit. Help me God
@khekaviachumi6576 Год назад
@dannysantis2622 Год назад
(Part 2) So, it follows then that not because a church leader or elder has laid down hands on you, you genuinely received the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 4:7-8,16 [7]Each one of us has received a special GIFT in PROPORTION to WHAT CHRIST has GIVEN. [8]As the scripture says: “When he went up to the very heights, he took many captives with him; he gave gifts to people.” [16] UNDER His CONTROL ALL the DIFFERENT PARTS of the BODY FIT TOGETHER, and the WHOLE BODY is HELD TOGETHER by EVERY JOINT with which it is provided. So when each separate part works as it should, the whole body grows and builds itself up through love. Eph3:7 I was MADE a SERVANT of the gospel by GOD'S special GIFTS, which he gave me through the working of his power (Paul said. Formerly Saul -a Pharisee). 1Cor3:10 Using the GIFT that GOD GAVE me, i did the work of an expert builder... Gal3:22 And so the GIFT which is PROMISED on the BASIS of FAITH in Jesus Christ is GIVEN to those who BELIEVE. Gifts of the Holy Spirit -1Cor12:8-11 >So then, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit who have decided to what gifts you will received. Acts 1:4-5 [4]And when they came together, he (Jesus) gave them this order: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but WAIT for the GIFT I told you about, the GIFT my Father PROMISED. [5]John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:1-4 [1]When the day of Pentecost came, ALL the BELIEVERS were GATHERED TOGETHER in one place. [2]Suddenly there was a NOISE FROM the SKY which sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it FILLED the WHOLE HOUSE where they were sitting. [3]Then they SAW what LOOKED LIKE TONGUES of FIRE which spread out and TOUCHED EACH PERSON there. [4] THEY were ALL FILLED with the HOLY SPIRIT and BEGAN to TALK in OTHER LANGUAGES, as the SPIRIT ENABLED them to SPEAK.
@seutapati8037 Год назад
How can you repent if you teach that the law is not valid anymore and nail on the cross?
@IsabelL.l7050 2 года назад
I had a different experience with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It took me about 5 years to receive it. I had prayed and prayed and even begged for my prayer language. I even thought maybe God was mad at me for something I did. However, I had always felt I had the Holy Spirit. I was faithful to Him, I worshiped,I obeyed His commandments. People at my church would ask me did you receive it yet and I would say no and feel embarrassed 😕 because they would respond 'what are you doing wrong"? On September 25th 2021, a Saturday morning I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in my bedroom. I reached over for my cellphone 📱 and I had a notification on my phone it was How to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I thought to myself who is this preacher guy. I had never seen or heard of him before. But as I listened to this preacher he was making sense to me. He then said 2 things that really hit me strongly. The first was you already have the Holy Spirit, second, just activate it. Right after that I spoke in tongues for the very first time. It was an AMAZING experience. I thank the Lord Jesus for that experience.
@twajaj 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing your story 🙏🏾
@Humble176 2 года назад
@sreevidyam.p.2375 Год назад
How we could activate it
@IsabelL.l7050 Год назад
I think you need to forget what you were taught in church. Not that the church is misleading you but they can only teach you at their own level. My church kept telling me that the Holy Spirit will take control of my tongue. It wasn't Iike that at all. I believe there was some bondage holding me back. Therefore, as soon as I heard the truth that I already had the Holy Spirit just activate it. The bondage was broken and I received tongues.
@legomantony752 Год назад
This happens often more than we think, being raised in church it doesn't automatically means you receive the Holy spirit, and we have been thought that you must "fall" as a sign of having received the Holy spirit, which is not so, be honest with God in sincerity, and wait patiently with prayer and fasting, but not feeling restless or feeling unworthy for it is not so, God will fill you with the Holy Spirit even at home , I pray you seek the Lord with all your heart and don't feel discouraged but thank the Lord for filling you with His presence as an act of faith.
@Hozay1 2 года назад
“Forget about yourself and focus on the Lord”
@arvi2010 2 месяца назад
@mama-vr5so Год назад
When I struggled to receive the baptism of the Holy GHOST when they had an Altar Call. One day I heard the Lord say to me, "I RESIST THE PROUD". So, I search my heart and turned from pride, and when I cried out to God, HE filled or baptized me with His Holy Spirit.
@daviddonnelly426 Год назад
@MugerwaPaul-pq2tu Год назад
Hello my dear friend please help us with some food and prayers for these Orphaned Children at our orphanage, we have spent days and nights without food🙏please lend a hand with a little you can donate 🙏😭😭😭😥here no one cares atleast a single plate of food is very hard to achieve it
@collinsirungu3894 Год назад
@@MugerwaPaul-pq2tu you afford bundles but can't afford food
@chrissmit2614 Год назад
you dont understand what the baptism of the Holy spirit is - it happen and conversion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@robertnieten7259 Год назад
@@chrissmit2614 I'm sorry but the Holy Spirit baptism doesn't happen at conversion. Look at Acts ch.19. The first question Paul asked the disciples was," Did you recieve the Holy Spirit after you believed"? If we recieve the Spirit when we believe then Paul didn't know what he was talking about.
@jueljohashen4461 2 года назад
Repentance and obedience are what's needed to be filled by God.
@nickspitzley8539 Год назад
How do you do that apart from the holy Spirit.
@Over-for-now Год назад
​@@nickspitzley8539 The Wonderful FINISHED work of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way God will accept for entrance into heaven
@danielbu2611 Год назад
​@@nickspitzley8539 how were the faithful of the old testament able to be faithful without the Holy Spirit? I think people misunderstand today and use the "oh I'm completely powerless" teaching as an excuse to fight sin half-heartedly or not at all.
@Jesus_saves_forever Yes, in the meantime MARK16:17-20. Jesus is Still Waiting for some True Believers 👍
@@danielbu2611 Ahen👍
@radicalwillo4494 Год назад
I received the precious Holy Ghost inside of a bedroom. Mother and son gave me a Bible study about salvation. Then they prayed for me, I prayed and repent with tears in my eyes I began to speak a language that I never learned. I was in the Holy Ghost from morning until evening. God is amazing!!!!
@jonashassel5404 Год назад
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God saves man from the destruction of this old world" "The Incarnate God of the Last Days Primarily Does the Work of Words". ... ( I have mentioned to My those who said that God has come to earth (in the last days) to give an example before leaving. This is the work of God in the last days; He only speaks so that the earth become a world of words, so that everyone can be provided and enlightened by His word, and so that the spirit of man would awake and he would be clear about the visions. In the last days, God incarnate came to earth mainly to share His words. When Jesus came He spreaded the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, and fulfilled the work of redemption through crucifixion. The coming of Jesus ended the Age of Law and uses the Age of Grace. The coming of God incarnated in the last days brings the end of the Age of Grace. He came mainly to speak His words, to use words to make man perfect, to illuminate and illuminate man, and to remove the place of dark God within man's heart. On the other hand, God uses the words spoke by His flesh to make man complete, and to fulfill things. This is the work of God that He will fulfill in the last days. He is the God who is always new and never old, and because all you see now are the words and works of a practical God.) Almighty God said Knowing GOD'S WORK in these TIMES, in MOST part, is KNOWING GOD INCARNATED in the LAST DAYS, WHAT His main MINISTRY is, and WHAT His PURPOSE to do on EARTH. I have MENTIONED to My those who said that GOD has COME to EARTH (in the last days) to GIVE an EXAMPLE BEFORE LEAVING. ☀️ HOW does GOD show this EXAMPLE? Through SPEECH, THROUGH DOING and SPEAKING THROUGHOUT the LAND. This is the WORK of GOD in the LAST DAYS; He ONLY SPEAKS so that the EARTH BECOME a WORLD of WORDS, so that EVERYONE can be PROVIDED and ENLIGHTENED by His WORD, and so that the SPIRIT of MAN would AWAKE and he WOULD be CLEAR about the VISIONS. In the LAST DAYS, GOD INCARNATE CAME to EARTH MAINLY to SHARE His WORDS. ☀️ When JESUS ​​came He SPREADED the GOSPEL of the KINGDOM of HEAVEN, and FULFILLED the WORK of REDEMPTION THROUGH CRUCIFIXION. He ENDED the AGE of LAW, and ABOLISHED all OLD THINGS. The COMING of JESUS ​​ENDED the AGE OF LAW and USED the AGE OF GRACE. 🙏 The COMING of GOD INCARNATED in the LAST DAYS BRINGS the END of the AGE OF GRACE. He CAME MAINLY to SPEAK His WORDS, to USE WORDS to MAKE MAN PERFECT, to ILLUMINATE and ILLUMINATE MAN, and to REMOVE the PLACE of DARK GOD within MAN'S HEART. This was NOT the STAGE of WORK JESUS ​​did when He CAME. ☀️ When JESUS ​​came, He PERFORMED many MIRACLES, He HEALED and CAST OUT DEMONS, and He PERFORMED the REDEMPTION WORK of CRUCIFIXION. As a result, in His UNDERSTANDINGS, MAN BELIEVED that GOD SHOULD BE LIKE THIS. Because WHEN JESUS ​​CAME, He DID NOT REMOVE the IMAGE of the obscure GOD FROM the HEART of MAN; WHEN He CAME, He WAS CRUCIFIED, He HEALED and CAST OUT DEMONS, and He SPREADED the GOSPEL of the KINGDOM of HEAVEN. ☀️ ON the ONE HAND, the INCARNATION of GOD in the TIME of the LAST DAYS REMOVED the PLACE of the OBSCURE GOD in HUMAN INTELLIGENCES, THAT is WHY the IMAGE of the OBSCURE GOD is NO LONGER in the HEARTS of MAN. THROUGH His ACTUAL WORDS and ACTUAL DEEDS, His ACTIONS THROUGHOUT the EARTH, and the UNIQUE REAL and NORMAL ACTIONS He PERFORMS WITH MAN, He CAUSES MAN to COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND the REALITY of GOD, and REMOVES the LOCATION of the OBSCURE GOD in the HUMAN HEART. ON the OTHER HAND, GOD USES the WORDS SPOKE by His FLESH to MAKE MAN COMPLETE, and to FULFILL THINGS. This is the WORK of GOD that He will FULFILL in the yLAST DAYS. 🙏 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: 1. God's work is not supernatural, and you should not harbor notions about it. 2. You must understand the main work that will be accomplished by the coming of God incarnate at this time. He DID NOT COME to HEALING, or CAST OUT DEMONS, or to SHOW MIRACLES, and He DID NOT COME to SPREAD the GOSPEL of REPENTANCE, or WILLING the MAN of REDEMPTION. That's BECAUSE JESUS ​​has FULFILLED that WORK, and GOD DOESN'T REPEAT the SAME WORK. ☀️ IN the PRESENT, GOD has COME to BRING the AGE OF GRACE to an END and REMOVE ALL the HABITS of the AGE OF GRACE. PRACTICAL GOD CAME to SHOW that He is REAL. 🙏 WHEN JESUS ​​CAME, He SPOKE a FEW WORDS, FIRST of ALL, He SHOWED MIRACLES, SHOWED SIGNS and WONDERS, and HEALED and CAST OUT DEMONS, IF NOT, He SPOKE PROPHECIES to MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE, and to HELP MAN SEE that He is a TRUE GOD, and a QUIET GOD with NO MEANING. FINALLY, He COMPLETED the WORK of CRUCIFIXION. ☀️ GOD CURRENTLY DOES NOT SHOW SIGNS and WONDERS, nor DOES He HEAL qnd CAST OUT DEMONS. When JESUS ​​CAME, the WORK He did REPRESENTED a PART of GOD, BUT IN THE PRESENT TIME GOD CAME TO PERFORM THE STAGE OF WORK THAT WAS APPROPRIATE, because GOD DOES NOT REPEAT the SAME WORK; He is the GOD who is ALWAYS NEW and NEVER OLD, and BECAUSE ALL YOU SEE NOW are the WORDS and WORKS of a PRACTICAL GOD. 🙏 From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and " When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... He added, "These are the true WORDS of GOD". "His clothes were stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev.19:9,13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat.16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and in "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev.3:7-13) 💫"The New Jerusalem" (Rev.21:10) "The Spirit covered me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩God's sheep are called and led to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He can continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "THEY SAY ALOUD, "SALVATION COMES from the LAMB, and from our GOD who SITS on the THRONE!" (Rev.7:10). ... "They will walk in white with me, for they are worthy. " (Rev. 3:4). ... "I will sprinkle you with pure water to cleanse you. I will also REMOVE your sin because of your idols." (Ezekiel 36:25). and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/RU-vid in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand above all mountains. All nations will flock to it. " 📨💌
@janetkhanyiswapakade 10 месяцев назад
@Jay-777-p4p 4 месяца назад
Wow powerful!
@TroyNixon-b8k Год назад
If a person has unbelief in their heart and mind- then they won't receive the Holy Spirit. Plus if a person doesn't repent.
@tommycampbell5016 Год назад
It is wonderful to be filled with the holy spirit and baptise in Jesus name
@robertnieten7259 2 года назад
I was never raised in a church but in '78 a friend invited me to his family's church for a Thursday night Bible study. Before it began I noticed people going into a side room. My friend asked me if I knew where they were going and I said no. He said that they were going back there to pray and if I wanted to I could too. So I did. It was a large carpeted room with low sitting benches scattered around the room and people kneeling at them. I saw one in the back and knelt there , closed my eyes and listened. I really didn't know how to pray so I was listening to the others praying so I could get some idea on how to do it. After a few minutes I heard a girl come back there and she was thanking God as she came. At first it was in English then suddenly she started speaking this stuttery sounding language. Keeping an open mind I remember thinking, " That's different". As soon as I had thought that I felt this powerful presence coming towards me. I could feel the raw power from this presence. It was like the sun was approaching me. I wasn't afraid because I felt love literally shining on me as the presence drew neared to me. I was so naive that I opened one eye to see if maybe someone had quietly knelt beside me and it was their presence I felt. No one was any where near me and then I remember thinking, " It must be God". After the Bible study my friend asked me if I enjoyed it and I said yes. He then said if I wanted he would call a friend of his and have him take me to a church like his, closer to where I lived the next night. So I said OK. That next night his friend picked me up and we went to this church. The minute I stepped in there I felt that powerful presence again. The people were real nice and greeted me as I entered. I then found a seat and sat down. As the service was in progress I saw some of these same people who had greeted me shouting, dancing, and running the aisles. I remember thinking that I had just spoken to some of them and they struck me as solid, sane people. Then I came to the conclusion that they must be experiencing something so wonderful that they were " beside themselves" they were so happy. I decided that they must have the presence I was feeling outside of me in them and I wanted that too When the altar call came I went up and told the altar worker that I wanted what I was feeling outside of me in me. So two of them took me back to their prayer room( hall) and told me to kneel,lift my hands, and start asking the Lord for what I wanted. So I closed my eyes and knelt. After a few minutes I heard footsteps and the pastors voice saying to me, " Brother Bob, stand up, lift your hands, and recieve the Holy Ghost". So I stood up, with my eyes still closed and lifted my hands . Immediately I saw a window appear to my upper right. It had what looked like those old fashioned shutters on the outside ends of it and they were wide open. I looked in the window and saw the most beautiful blue sky I had ever seen. Then a bright light appeared at the left corner inside the window and started to move across my field of vision. When it reached the center point it stopped and shined on me. Immediately I felt this warmth moving up my body starting at my ankles. I felt like my body was a container being filled with a warm oil. The filling kept rising up my body and approaching my head. I was thanking the Lord for answering my prayer when I heard the pastors' voice again telling me to " surrender your tongue to the Holy Spirit". So I stopped thanking the Lord, opened my mouth a little and started relaxing my tongue. In doing so I was mumbling a little bit when suddenly I felt control of my tongue ceased and I began to fluently speaking in a language I had never learned. The effect was staggering. I felt so full of joy now I was " beside myself" I was so happy. I lead the way out of the prayer room and stopped and faced the people. Suddenly I felt such love for these people and really didn't know any of them. I felt as If I was looking at beloved family members. I felt as if I had a small sun in head and I could feel it's beams shooting out from around my head and face.
@deni2261 2 года назад
That was beautiful written. Made me tear up! Glory to God 🙌🏽 the Holy Ghost is a precious gift
@clarencewilliams8196 Год назад
I love Jesus Christ, Amen.😅
@clarencewilliams8196 Год назад
🎉 Jesus is my friend 😅
@lauratran7638 Год назад
Awesome testimony.
@danielbu2611 Год назад
What is making it so difficult for me I wonder?
@JP-te7kd Год назад
I received the Holy Spirit at age 9 and He has helped me since to go through life. I'm 53 now and very grateful for Him and my Jesus for being with me. I still remember clearly and it was the best day of my life. Also, Jesus visited me at age seven and told me that He will be with me all my life. I remeber it as if it was happening now. I repent throughout every day and also I praise him throughout the day. He's my everything. Thank you for this wonderful sermon. God bless you.
@mathunnyjose4467 Год назад
This encounter with Jesus rarely happening to very limited and selected . Very few got Holy Spirit at young age. How do you keep your faith and purity at all times high when things in our life keep changing for good and bad? Or when dealing with people of different temperament and need to react. Or situations beyond your control comes and to use the brain rather than heart. I never experienced Holy Spirit , as people describe. Holy Spirit is an assurance that our name in the book of life. At the least some people still saying they experienced . So keep trying releasing what was holding in heart. Jesus Christ gives whom He wants, He heals whom He wants.
@pamelapretty4546 Год назад
Just Beautiful ❤️
@Brotherfireball1988 2 года назад
Praise God! I’ll never forget the day when I received the Holy Ghost back in 2009. I was at the altar at a Pentecostal church and a lady put a piece of candy in my hand and said just like you received this candy receive the Holy Ghost. At that moment I started speaking in a language I never knew and tears running down my face. Then I got baptized in Jesus’ name. Couldn’t sleep the whole of the night.
@Humble176 2 года назад
@arthurvanderhoff2413 2 года назад
What a wonderful way to help you activate your faith
@susanspatz9501 2 года назад
Thank you Lord Jesus, love your testimony.
@robertnieten7259 2 года назад
Great example ! In the original Greek that the N.T. was written in the word " recieve" means " to take hold of".
@SantiagoCanArt Год назад
Awesome ! you had faith and received sometimes I think people over think it and it doesn't happen but like this brother said takes faith and repentance But she also had faith and was moved by the spirit to do that that why it worked God has to be in the midst of what we do
@ApostolicITTech 2 года назад
This was very helpful!! Tried praying with people before to receive the Holy Ghost but this helped me understand how to guide them. Repentance and faith- going to put this in action. Gearing up for Pentecost!! 🎉
@Brandr1 2 года назад
I remember many years ago when my dad (never an emotional worshipper) was baptized in the muddy Ohio River and came out of the water speaking in tongues.
@David-gt5nm 10 месяцев назад
So you're basically saying that if someone doesn't speak in tongues, then he doesn't have the holy spirit; therefore, he's not saved.
@Heisenoughforme630 Год назад
I am backslider way back 2000 I did not understand what's Holy Ghost and who is Holy Ghost, why we need to receive Holy Ghost. But when God brought me Apostolic Pentecostal Church 2009 and they explained to me once again about plan of salvation and filled with Holy Ghost. During altar call someone laid hand to me, thanks God I did received Holy Ghost. That the very important event happened for the rest of my life. That's started God changed me, He taken out all the bitterness and hatred in my heart. We really need God's Holy Ghost, it's our seal that we are His childre .
@eltripudiante 2 года назад
I remember when I was baptised by the H.S. in 2003; that evening, when I began to speak in tongues, I was in my house. My mother heard me praying to God intensely, I was asking fervently Jesus to baptise me and to speak in tongues. Then my mother came and imposed her hands on me and underneath my mouth and prayed: "I order this tongue to be untied in the name of Jesus, may the tongues flow!" And at once the Spirit bursted forth and I began to recieve angelical tongues. It has been a treasured experience, expecially since we discovered that my mum had the authority to impose hands to help people be baptised in the Spirit. But never taught me to speak any tongues. The Holy Spirit himself put the words in my mind and mouth. Never been the same. Tongues cannot be teached by others, nor by repeating after what others say.
@SantiagoCanArt Год назад
Amen to that
@heidismith9920 Год назад
I love this story
@alexissmith4889 Год назад
This testimony blessed me
@mathunnyjose4467 Год назад
Praise the Lord. I was praying for a long time to receive Holy Spirit , I never experienced in real time that strong enough to claim. The church I belong to never believes it happens visually, but lives quietly with in us, but I believe that there are real experiences irrespective of what Church says. I need it , because I believe in Jesus and Holy Spirit and the promise by Jesus for those who want. May God bestows Holy Spirit on All who believe and pray on.
@sweetpeach3241 Год назад
If your church doesnot believe in Acts 2 vs 38 GET OUT
@c.philipmckenzie 2 года назад
Interesting. I had never been to church but was seeking more on the Christian faith and was in the middle of Stanley M. Horton’s book, “What the Bible says about the Holy Spirit”, when I realised it was something we could receive I went into my study and got on my knees knowing nothing, and said, Lord if this Holy Spirit is you I want it. I was flooded! I said, “wow, what the heck was that”!? (sorry, but I was fresh out of the world) “Lord, if that is you I want MORE!” Ask and ye shall receive! I got nuked! However, I didn’t speak in tongues until about a year later. Nonetheless, my experience was real and awesome! So don’t quit! There’s a lifetime of experiences awaiting each of us!
@susanspatz9501 2 года назад
I remember the very first time I felt God's spirit, I said something like "Wow"! the pastor smiled at me, and said "feels good doesnt it"?
@kathrynmcauley4808 2 года назад
Wow wondeful testimony
@rammn863 2 года назад
Am a penticostal my whole life, but never have a clear understanding, this is short but its everything
@deborahvogt6561 Год назад
It took my grandpa 25yrs to get the Holy Ghost, the problem was people surrounded him and laid hands on him and would shout and act crazy, completely distracting my gpa, he was a quiet man. The night gpa got the HG, it was camp meeting. He had a small “home church” crowd around him. Gpa was very close….The speaker, who grew up in our home church headed towards gpa, someone whispered to my gma…well it’s about to be over..this person was known to lay hands and shake people which completely ruined my gpas “seeking” THANKFULLY the Lord seen this speaker headed for gpa and He filled gpa with the HG BEFORE the speaker got to him. What a BEAUTIFUL night!!
@RapunzelASMR Месяц назад
im the same as your grandpa. Just behavior would work bad on me and distract me and make me uncomfortable as if they are forcing me.
@cocoyfernandez3411 2 года назад
Upon hearing watching this,i cried so much of joy that i still have my chance to receive the Holy Ghost of Jesus, I'm so struggling till now to receive the Holy Spirit thinking i was baptize in the water in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for 4 months now repenting all my sins,all,and changing my life so much to do things right in the sight of God but i never giving up for i promise to my self that will never turn back to Jesus,i will just wait,wait thank you so much Dr. Bernard for this thank you
@susanspatz9501 2 года назад
It can happen for you, keep praying, and praising God, and getting lost in His spirit, block out everyone and everything when you are praying. God bless, and keep hanging in there, it will happen for you.
@arthurvanderhoff2413 2 года назад
Many Pentecostal people used to expect it to be a while before people received the Holy Ghost. There was a strong emphasis on repentance. Collectively, we have lost that Biblical emphasis on repentance. Now, we often see people speak in tongues the first time they come into a church service and we have started looking longwise at people who don't receive the Holy Ghost quickly. Unfortunately, many who speak in tongues quickly don't remain faithful. I have known people who received the Holy Ghost in their car, in the shower and one person who was dreaming about receiving the Holy Ghost and woke up speaking in tongues. God can fill anyone who submits to Him in any setting and circumstances.
@Blake-gs5sq Год назад
Has anything happened? I’ve been trying to get the Holy Ghost for months as well now and was baptized about a month or two ago yet I still haven’t gotten it. The first time I went to church I almost got it and my tongue was running by itself but I didn’t speak.
@wyattearpswoman838 Год назад
Probably bc you are not saved. We are saved by trusting in the finished work of Christ alone, through his shed blood - not our own works or made-up silly rituals/doctrines. *1Cor.15:1-4* The Gospel.
@wyattearpswoman838 Год назад
@@JosephWagnerWagenmacher You are baptized with the HS the moment you believe the Gospel (1Cor.15:1-4 gospel of salvation/Eph.1:13 sealed with the HS).
@catherinebrooks2271 Год назад
I myself didn't get the holy spirit I am waiting and pray for the gift of the holy spirit
@LadyPrimrosee 2 года назад
Woah! I have been so much interested in this particular topic. Thank youu sir ❤️❤️
@deborahmoore6035 2 года назад
This is a very blessed word. I sent this to my husband at work for him to listen to. Many years ago I didn't want to carry on with life anymore. I was in an abusive marriage that I didn't have the strength spiritually to continue. I had a one month old baby girl in the other room when my husband and I were fighting. I took a knife to my chest and was going to fall on it. My baby started crying and that snapped me out of it. I went to her to comfort her. I said to myself I can't do this anymore. He left and that night I asked Jesus into my life and I couldn't do this life without him. I asked him to forgive all my sins and I was scared but wanted to start life over. I read the Bible that night and went to sleep. The next morning when I awoken I felt like I could take on the world! I had a strength in me that I never had. THAT WAS JESUS! I didn't know what being born again was. I never heard of it. I know I loved God so much for many years. Through out my life though I didn't go to church only Catholic church sometimes. I was deceived by the new age movement and put Jesus on a shelf. But he never forgot me. Whenever I prayed for someone I would ask Jesus for help. Well today I am grateful to say JESUS CHRIST is my savior. He lead me to a Apostolic Pentecostal Church and my second husband of 37 years were Baptized in Jesus name on 8/8/2021 Praise the Lord! I know Jesus has never forgotten me. The morning I was Baptized I started speaking in tongues. I am so grateful for the patience our father has for his children. Don't give up hope, Jesus loves all of us that seek him and praise his holy name!
@arthurvanderhoff2413 2 года назад
That's our Jesus! So kind, loving and patient! Thank you for sharing your testimony
@martinsivaraj5811 Год назад
Is speaking in tongues, an evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit?
@lauratran7638 Год назад
@@martinsivaraj5811 Believe you me, you will know it when you receive God's spirit.
@Angela-BlessedofGod Год назад
That’s a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing what God has done for you.
@BlessTheLord552 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your testimony . It helped me
@Mmlapal 5 месяцев назад
It took me 4 years after baptism immersion under water in the name of Jesus Christ before I received the Holy Ghost. When it happened, an unbelievable joy came over me. It was as if I was floating in the clouds. I didn’t want the feeling to leave.
@Bert-k9j 4 месяца назад
did it leave??
@sandraclark2922 2 года назад
This is accurate! When I got filed with the Holy Spirit in August 1990, I had faith and had repented, but i was in begging and praying mode. As soon as I started praising Jesus and "let go" of caring what anyone around me thought, I effortlessly began to speak in tongues.
@rickys7163 Год назад
@kenanjones6795 Год назад
@@rickys7163 😂😂😂😂 for real
@spiritman-em4qr Год назад
And what did the one who interprets the "tongue" say you had spoken? Or were you just babbling in incoherent nonsense?
@wyattearpswoman838 Год назад
@@rickys7163 😆🤣
@wyattearpswoman838 Год назад
@@spiritman-em4qr She was just babbling incoherent nonsense as do all others in this organization. They don't seem to understand that "tongues" are an actual language, not blubbering a bunch of made up nonsense words. They also don't read and rightly divide the word - which is why they refuse to believe the signs died out with the apostles when God took the Gospel from Jews to Gentiles.
@gracialindaramos3028 2 года назад
Thank you for the clarification dr. Bernard. More blessings to your ministry
@EmpressNatiLocs Год назад
What a blessing this video is to me. I was raised in Pentecostal church and saw my mother live her life for Christ every day. She was a prayer warrior and at her home going, the presence of the Lord was THICK. It struck me out of my chair to weep and dance during her funeral. It was an amazing feeling I’ll never forget. Knowing all this I’ve STILL struggled to receive the Holy Ghost. Hearing this message has shown me how my pleading and begging and secret fear that im not good enough is the reason I haven’t gotten it. MY word! I wish someone had laid it out that clearly to me before. But better late than never. Praise GOD. Thank y’all so much for sharing this wonderful knowledge!🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿♥️
@kenanjones6795 Год назад
Unless your saved you don’t have the Holy Ghost and can’t!!
@Elias_Eliyahu 4 месяца назад
Thank you!
@donbusch1613 Год назад
Don Very good explanation Been a Christen for many years, but still do not experience the working of the Holly Spirit all the time. Must be Sin. My fault.
@davidwee130 Год назад
surrender to christ
@blessingselias3187 Год назад
Amen! Well said pastor👏 👌 I love your ministry.. the body of Jesus christ wants and needs to hear this teaching.. You are practical and very encouraging May God use you more to many Thank you very much
@TamaraRichards-zh7iq Год назад
I have been baptized for one year and 9 months have not yet received the holy ghost but I thank you for your I know I will receive in Jesus day cuz I get some more understanding about it
@wyattearpswoman838 Год назад
That's bc you are probably not saved. Have you heard, understood and believed the Gospel? It is found in 1Cor.15:1-4.
@RuthPreach 8 месяцев назад
@@wyattearpswoman838 How dare you tell this sister in Christ that she's probably not saved. Being filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit is NOT A REQUIREMENT FOR SALVATION! As long as she received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, she is automatically sealed with the Spirit of God. Btw, the sinner crucified next to Jesus was neither baptized in water, nor in the Spirit. Yet he was promised to be in paradise with Him that same day. You have to be more careful and tactful on how you speak to these babies in the Lord.
@RuthPreach 8 месяцев назад
My sister in Christ, you keep serving the Lord. Read His word and pray daily. Consecrate yourself to Him and ask Him with a sincere heart for the gift of speaking in tongues. Remember the purpose of speaking in tongues is so that you can be edified while your spirit communicates with our Heavenly Father. While you're at it, ask him for all His gifts (prophesy, discernment, wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. Remember you're prayer is to go directly to the Father, in Jesus name. Keep in mind that everything is according to His will. The more He gives you, the greater responsibility to ministry you will have and the more He will demand of you. God bless.
@lynnclark4208 Год назад
I was not raised in SPIRIT FILLED CHURCH. But,...as I began to read and study THE WORD, I saw HE SHALL BAPTISE YOU IN THE HOLY GHOST AND FIRE. Sure had my attention. This occurred after I attended a SPIRIT FILLED CHURCH. GOD honored my request. I struggled and was frustrated because I wanted this so much. When precious HOLY GHOST baptized me, HE surely brought the fire of THE HOLY GHOST. I fell in love with the presence and the fire of THE HOLY GHOST. 😊
@mt9567 2 года назад
Thank You!... If only I'd had this information when I first believed. EVERYTHING would have been so much better and easier for me. This knowledge is commonly understood by those in a UPCI church. But to most people, especially someone like myself, a former atheist, these concepts were either misunderstood or not understood at all. When you add all the diverse religious phrases and insider terminology from both secular and Christian culture, it's all very confusing. The churchy little catch phrases or words that only Christians or 'Apostolic Pentecostals' understand. Some examples I recall from back then were..... "pray through"........ I would ask myself... "pray through WHAT?"..... "The noise and chaos in this place?"....... or.... "yield to God's spirit"..... what does that even mean?...." Am I near a crosswalk that God needs to travel?"... even the odd greetings like "Praise the Lord".... made no logical sense.... Was someone giving a command or just making a statement? This stuff seems routine to insiders, but to someone who recently becomes a believer, this abnormal and strange culture can be very unsettling and off-putting (to say the least). Not to mention the strange looking old-time 'Pentecostal' costumes and weird cultural fashion statements. The notion that certain clothing styles (beyond modesty) are somehow holy. Personally, I think Jewish phylacteries would be easier...... Regardless, I believe it's God's spirit alone that makes you holy....... whether you're butt naked or fully hidden inside a HazMat suit. In my case I'd been an atheist until the age of 27 with no Bible knowledge whatsoever. I'd never attended a church and no one had ever taught me anything or 'brainwashed' me into any religion. One night by accident I tuned into a radio station and heard the entire 'Sermon On The Mount'. I immediately became a believer that hour. When I quickly realized the evil in the world was also in me, I repented that night. I read the New Testament within a couple of weeks and realized I needed to find the true church..... I figured it would be fairly easy. How many different denominations were there?..... Maybe half a dozen at most..... right? (LOL) After visiting two different mainstream 'churches' in two weeks who didn't follow the Bible, the third was a small UPC church. I was shown things directly from the Bible. I knew without a doubt I'd found the truth and was baptized in Jesus name. I'm still amazed that in just a few weeks God not only opened my eyes to belief, but also somehow led me to the right place for further information. Perhaps it was because of pastoral error in that first sick and cultish UPC church (I eventually exposed it to the elders and his license was revoked, but that's another story)......When I received the Holy Ghost it was the same way.... At home alone with God in prayer. It wasn't from or through or with the help or actions of another person or any organization (not that there's anything wrong with that). For me, most everything significant came directly from God. No one else gave me the truth. No one else gave me the belief. No one else gave me the Holy Ghost!....... and no one else will give me eternal life! GLORY BE TO GOD!........... (yep! I also discovered what that particular 'churchy' phrase means.)
@jezreeelsmith2973 2 года назад
We have a similar story. Though I started going to a UPC church at 8 and I was baptized. However, going to church without proper understanding what Christianity really is, I was serving in confusion. And my heart is in hunger to know God deeper. Not until, college, when I was exposed to worldy endeavor. Science swallowed my mind but my heart still belongs to the Lord. Without proper guidance and unanswered questions in my head, I became agnostic and in denial atheist.... I backslid. But on my lowest of the low experience, God used someone to show His Grace, extended mercy and unconditional Love... I received the Holy Ghost spoke with tongues at the age of 23 that instant time, my heart changed. My mind was cleared. All praises be to our God 🙏🙏🙏 PS. That person used by God is named "GRACE" and is my girlfriend...
@Elias_Eliyahu 5 месяцев назад
Thanks you, I haven't received the Holy Spirit yet. But I think I could be back to this comment when I receive the Holy Ghost! However, If you have any advice to receive it, you can leave it down
@jayt9608 2 года назад
I had been working with a man for a few years, and, once he started believing in God, started to repent of his sins at home. After several months we moved to baptism and the infilling of the Holy Ghost. He saw very quickly that the Holy Ghost was available for him, but he wrestled mightily with baptism in Jesus' name. Finally, after almost a year, he told me and stated, "I want to be baptized. When can it be done?" I was able to arrange for him to be baptized after our Saturday morning prayer meeting, and he started asking me what was required for him to receive the Holy Ghost after he was baptized. I informed him that he needed to commence praising God and only expect to speak in tongues only and nothing else mattered. When he came out of the water, he began to praise and worship God, and he received the Holy Ghost within minutes.
@SantiagoCanArt Год назад
PraiseGod 🙌
@Elias_Eliyahu 5 месяцев назад
@josephdesouza4128 5 месяцев назад
@maryr7256 Год назад
I have been praying to be filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for almost 20 years and haven't received! I not sure now that i will ever receive it. I think i missed my chance! Im doubtful now i will receive it! When i pray now and ask for it i just dont think i ever will! So sad i missed my chance!
@jessicaabraham1606 Год назад
You never miss your chance, the Holly Spirit is available all the time, even right now. Do NOT give up… keep searching and don’t doubt because doubt will stop Jesus from baptize you. The Bible says is Jesus the one who baptize us… I suggest you ask Jesus to baptize you with Holly Spirit and fire because the fire will consume all that is stoping you from receiving your Blessing, if there’s any spiritual opposition the fire will remove it . Please don’t give up 🙏🏼
@maryr7256 Год назад
@@jessicaabraham1606 Thank you for your response and prayers!
@jessicaabraham1606 Год назад
@@maryr7256 Amen, …. I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? Jeremiah 32.27 use this verse 🙏🏼🥰
@Elias_Eliyahu 4 месяца назад
@Elias_Eliyahu 4 месяца назад
​@@jessicaabraham1606hello 👋
@jackdunn702 2 года назад
Luke 8:15 gives us the perquisite to receiving the gift of Holy Ghost. “A good and honest heart”. To receive the gift of the Holy Ghost one has to be honest with God while you are in God’s “honesty room”.
@kabuikabui2077 Год назад
I was born n raised by Presbyterian born again parents 65+ yrs ago..I got saved at 27yrs..I never heard about Holy Spirit. At age 33 I joined a Pentecost church and was taught about Holy Spirit..and was prayed for..iv fasted many times about it but iv never received the baptism. I still love the Lord and I pray a lot am now old but iv never spoken in tongues. I stopped seeking and concluded its not everyone who can receive that gift...but I still hope that maybe one day God will let me have the experience before I leave this earth. 🙏
@Danielle-hk9ln Год назад
Stay honest about it and study it out for yourself not guided by a certain sect. Don’t give in and pretend to “speak in tongues” like so many do. What is going on in these “churches” is not what was going on in Acts. It’s good to be skeptical because this is about your soul. Don’t feel you are not as close to God our Father because you haven’t “spoke in tongues”, in fact you are closer to Him than those who claim to to it because you are being honest and true about it and they are not... I’ve been in that place you are in and stayed honest when everybody around me was not and they seemed to get pleasure out of making me feel less than them, but God lead me to the truth and it truly set me free! Don’t be afraid and don’t feel you can’t really know through your own studying because it’s God’s own Spirit that leads you to truth by His Word. ❤️🙏 You may have to stand alone but the peace and freedom that comes is so much better than what they are trying to accomplish.
@jeweliedee4299 Год назад
I know some very immature Christians who have received tongues.. I repent daily, have a great deal of faith, and love the Lord with all my heart. I have never received this gift. Instead of begging for it, I trust that if the Lord desires to give that gift to me, He will, and I will receive it with open heart. I have asked or it 5 times with no result. If he does not give it, I am not going to allow that to harm my relationship with Him. I have had other supernatural spiritual experiences with the Lord, so I know that I am in good standing with Him.
@aleshathomas7053 Год назад
@@jeweliedee4299 m
@markbroges Год назад
My sister. You have the Holy Spirit since you repented and believed Ephesians 1:13 You just don’t have the Gift of tongues. Paul makes it clear in his questions that all will not speak in tongues 1 Corinthians 12:29-31 You just haven’t received the baptism which is the filling of the Holy Ghost with the gift of tongues. Those teachings are frustrating the gospel and making things complicated for believers. And this is coming from brother in the Lord who believes all the gifts and am filled with the Holy Ghost with the gift of tongues!! Blessing my sister!!!!!
@wyattearpswoman838 Год назад
@@jeweliedee4299 It's bc you are not saved!!! Pentecostalism is false. You receive the HS the minute you believe the Gospel, 1Cor.15:1-4; after that you are sealed with the HS, Eph.1:13). Please make sure to read your KJ Bible for yourself.
@graemegeorgeharrison2468 8 месяцев назад
I am Void of the Holy Spirit, I am brain injured, but i have hardened my heart please. Pray for me
@Elias_Eliyahu 4 месяца назад
Yes 🙏🏻
@panmak6879 2 года назад
From my understanding of the message, what new believers need to be taught having an atmosphere of expectation.
@tinawinston4125 Год назад
@ShanandHailey 2 года назад
Am a born again child of Gos and I don’t speak in tongues yet or anything but I have the Holy Spirit…All true born again Christians have the Holy Spirit…The Filling is different
@johncollins9989 Год назад
ALL true born again believers as the bible has taught WILL speak in tongues.. there is a difference between receiving the Holy Ghost with speaking in tongues and operating in the gift of tongues.. but EVERY born again believer, when they are fill with the Holy Ghost, will immediately speak in tongues.. Speaking in Tongues is the outward evidence of the in filling of the Holy Ghost..
@blakereeves3530 Год назад
Greetings in Jesus name, John I know many people who have had powerful conversions , experience immediate change, desire God and bear fruit but have never spoke in tongues.....I believe they are saved. However, I am not discouraging this as I was raised UPC and still consider my born again experience to be when I was 14 and did speak on tongues only a little bit.... I do pray in tongues often as well. As far as it being the initial evidence everytime, I beg to differ, as many conversions in Acts do not mention tongues. It is an evidence....but we cannot exclude someones spiritual birth based on them having never spoken in tongues. An evidence sometimes....but not exclusively. Thanks
@enadiedericks2006 Год назад
I remember when I fell on my face to give my life over because I was just over my own ability in seeking happiness. Repentance flowed from my heart and I ssked the Lord to be the King of my life. I jumped up leaping like a calf let out of the stall and joy flooded my being and I was filled with the love of God. I was in heaven 💙 . I didn't have a spontaneous eruption of speaking in tongues. So believers would ask if I spoke in tongues and would pray and try to let my tongue loose. Never came. Previously I did not really have a meaningfulprayer life but after that day I was forever on my face in deep worship before the Lord. But pressure is ipon us to pray in tongues and after 28 years in this walk and inspired or nudge by a man of God on TV I did as he advised online and took a step of faith and just started voicing some sounds or "made up words". It was a very strange thing for me to do but I stuck with it. Today I pray freely i that same strange language from my heart. In the beginning I was wondering if thos was right but I'm over that and by faith I pray in this strange language. One motivation for the pressure of praying in an unknown tongue is spiritual growth. I think I can affirm this as being true. But also we do not know what we are praying but the Spirit gives utterance ' the Spirit declares the mysteries of God. Unfortunately I do not have a fellowship group - had a precious one in the beginning, but am quite isolated now. I do follow a few precious men and women of God online and have been learning and applying and growing in faith. But the not praying in tongues had been an issue for others. Your receiving the Baptism is questioned.
@gertrudefernandes2184 Год назад
Holy Spirit we love U, we adore U, we worship U, we thirst m hunger for U. Welcome Holy Spirit pour on every member of our family, purify n sanctity us n heal us in heart soul mind body n spirit, we r yours alone, make us experience your presence in us every moment of our breath n life
@lynnclark4208 Год назад
This message is a marvelous help. Thank you Jesus.
@nickspitzley8539 Год назад
If you struggle to receive it, then it's not a gift. A gift is freely given. Which means you are not seeking a true gift. It means that you're seeking a sign produced by ecstatic emotion. Show where people in scripture struggle to receive it. Show where Jesus who had to fulfill all things ever spoke in tounges. The gift of the holy Spirit is the holy Spirit himself. Not everyone who had the spirit in scripture spoke in tounges .
@TonyNauvana-fd3gp Год назад
Nice comments and advices
@chris092283 2 года назад
Lol that was me. I got the holy ghost but I had different expectations like the lightning from heaven so I didnt speak on what I got. I thank God that I eventually claimed it
@REVNUMANEWBERN 2 года назад
"Got the Holy Ghost" Doesn't Oneness believe God IS ONE??? Thus when a person receives the Risen Christ they receive ALL of the Fulness, we need to believe and understand the full revelation of scripture AS the Lord gave it to the Apostles and NOT pick and choose those proof texts that validate a particular experience.
@Johnbobon 2 года назад
@@REVNUMANEWBERN Can you offer scripture references that refer to receiving Christ as distinct from receiving the Holy Ghost?
@donai77JesusisGod 2 года назад
@@REVNUMANEWBERN Not sure what point you are trying to make? It is biblical to ask someone whether they've received the Spirit or not, not sure what that has to do with believing in One God. Whose picking and choosing??
@wevenlabesig9218 2 года назад
First exerience Holy Ghost Baptism was Year 2018 ,that was District Youthcamp held at Palo,Leyte😇 That time I was not yet convinced of an Apostolic doctrine, since I grown being taught of Trinitarian doctrine, but since God gave me ,knowledge and understanding and Conviction to his word ,after I received his holy ghost, and I believe with the Power of Holy Ghost.Praise God, Now I am a Sunday School teacher, and one who brings the Apostolic Doctrine😇😇Glory to Jesus.
@dontaelg 2 года назад
WOW, great infor! Thank you Jesus.
@genastepney918 Год назад
I do not believe that a person have to beg God for the Holy Spirit when he said go and wait for the Holy Spirit he didn't say go into the upper room and start saying Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus no he did not say that he said just go and wait for the Holy Spirit and day was waiting for it and when you waiting for the Holy Spirit they could be singing and praising and dancing reading and just waiting for it and then suddenly rushing Mighty Wind came feel the house and they was all filled with the Holy Ghost that's why you wait for the Holy Ghost that's why some people say and assume in the upper room that they was saying Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus that's a lot nobody wasn't there to know that they was saying that it didn't say that Jesus just said go and wait for the Holy Spirit and then suddenly the rushing of the Mighty Wind of the Holy Ghost came and filled them all with the Holy Ghost and the evidence of speaking in tongues see when they was in the upper room they always at 1 to call waiting for the Holy Spirit they all probably was reading dancing and praising God waiting for it to come and and when it did it came and filled them all with the Holy Ghost Amen in Jesus name
@Obeyhimsis 4 месяца назад
God bless you for this comment. I have been trying to get the holy ghost since I was 12 years old. I am now 28 years old and it’s been 16 years and I’ve been loving God since I was a child and I have been tarrying Jesus Jesus Jesus and I have not been gifted with the Holy Ghost. The powerful part about saying Jesus Jesus Jesus is that you can feel God trying to take control over your tongue but for me he has it given me the Holy Ghost yet anybody that knows me knows I love God and I always speak highly of God and I always depend on God for literally everything in my life since I am a person who does not have any friends or family to depend on. So trying to get the Holy Ghost for 16 years it’s been pretty hard. I did take a long break and I just started tarrying again & I do it for an hour max, but I’m not going to give up. I’m just going to learn of his word some more and find a church home because I am a preacher kid and I haven’t been a church in years because I didn’t feel like I fit in but now that something has shifted in my life I am now back, and I am finding a church home and studying the word of God even more now. That this leads me to the kingdom because I have a terrible fear of hell and I hate being saved without the Holy spirit. I would love for God to speak to me just like he does with Christians. I am not giving up. Your comment was the only comment that made me feel like God did not give up on me.
@samuelambraal1335 Год назад
I did receive the Holy Ghost with a disire,every day,until it comes over me,fill me with a new language,and present of the Holy spirit.
@stephenclardy5820 5 месяцев назад
They don’t receive it at first because they don’t understand it is a gift. The fact is we present it as if we are to work to receive it. Personally I don’t remember ever in my life I had to work for a gift someone wanted to give me.
@mikelewis3612 Год назад
I received the Holy Spirit baptism at a tent conference when I was 4 years old. I spoke better tongues than English. At pre - school I Amazed the other kids, but then they started to mock me. They asked me to speak this strange language and then laughed. So one day God said to me to stop doing that. Unfortunately I misunderstood and never spoke in other tongues again until I reached the age of 19. I went to an evangelical campaign and the evangelist told me I was already filled with the Spirit, so he didn't lay hands on me, and I just spoke out. Haven't lost it since!
@samnixonwarika6306 9 месяцев назад
Many people received Holy Spirit in the water of baptism or when pastor lay hands on them and pray.i agree what you are explaining.
@alinnedub 2 года назад
To The Lord be The Glory 🙌🏾🔥🔥
@nyarkoakwasi198 2 года назад
I want to be part of GOD'S KINGDOM help me please
@elrodjenkins 6 месяцев назад
We all receive the Holy Spirit at salvation. So no one struggles to receive Him. Rather, how much of YOU does the Holy Spirit have? That’s the question.
@tommycampbell5016 Год назад
When iwas in my 20s going to church i was saked if i wanted to be prayed for i said yes and came to the alter they began praying for me i didn't understand i was tong tide they said pray i thought i was but they speak out Jesus again was a pastor epistolic preacher he said do you want to be saved i moved my head back and ford he said say Jesus i slowly got it out and said Jesus a began shouting prays Jesus my god
@MugerwaPaul-pq2tu Год назад
Hello my dear friend please help us with some food and prayers for these Orphaned Children at our orphanage, we have spent days and nights without food🙏please lend a hand with a little you can donate 🙏😭😭😭😥here no one cares atleast a single plate of food is very hard to achieve it
@samsonsupaka5911 Год назад
People who received the Holy Spirit with the sign of speaking in tongues hardly practice the laws of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22) even less Jesus own new Commandments (John13:34)
@jodymitchell1492 Год назад
I thought when u got saved he came in This is first time I ever heard this. If u as the Lord he will come in . Seek the Lord while he may be found.
@sweetpeach3241 Год назад
If you havenot been born again according to Acts 2 vs 38 YOU arenot born again .
@vanesiamorales7221 2 года назад
I really like how he spoke the truth. Thank you Lord for your love. Hallelujah! 😇
@Fr4nkSanchez 9 месяцев назад
You need to understand that is not the person but God speaking
@daphnecollins2079 Год назад
True words while I was praying my repentance prayer at the church alter i received the Holy ghost and was baptized immediately.Wonderful feeling 🙏
@korinasmith8602 7 месяцев назад
This is not true. Every believer receives the Holy Spirit and he indwells them but that doesn't mean they are instantly changed. For some it is a process. Further more.... speaking in tongues is not a sure sign that someone is filled with the Holy Spirit.
@LarzGustafsson 2 года назад
I was baptized in the Holy Spirit back in 1985 and baptized in Jesus name 1996.
@cashcreators Год назад
I too received the Holy Ghost in 1985!!!
@davidwee130 Год назад
congratulations to you
@iankillops8447 6 месяцев назад
Such confusion that divides the body of Christ by creating a two tier believership
@mahendraahirwar3938 Год назад
Happy Easter🐰🥚🧺 He is risen 🙏🌹🌷
@jc10907Sealy Год назад
Please no pagan eggs and bunnies. Research where that symbolism comes from.
@Dean_Beezer 2 года назад
Amen. Solid points. I bless the Lord for this podcast.
@pjmedeiros4946 Год назад
Many are not ready for the holy spirit remember Jesus prepared the disciples first before they were given the holy spirit . We as a church have gotten into the habit of emphasizing Yto just get the spirit without preparation or disciplining people which is Not what Jesus Told us to do he said to make disciples
@rickys7163 Год назад
The Bible says when you believe you are seal with the holy Ghost there is nothing that you have to do but it only comes by faith
@freespeech24 Год назад
Exactly. This is false teaching
@rjdrays2888 Год назад
Ok what about someone who believes dearly, has been baptized , and has repented? Its been 3 years and people still tell me im not saved becasue they havent heard me speak in tongues. They tell me id go to hell if i died today. O gave my life saving away to the poor and fasted for 3 weeks. Still nothing and more discouraged than ever after watching this video
@ManuelManasa Год назад
@markgana8829 9 месяцев назад
Do you mean receiving the baptism of the holy spirit can naturally be frustrating even if you're very much willing to receive it?
@wjdyr6261 2 года назад
It takes repentance & faith. Without the Spirit of God indwelling & active then how can you expect to be in the 1st resurrection? Also, if another gospel is being preached other than the one by the apostles then you're receiving a different Spirit & not the Spirit of God.
@Obeyhimsis 4 месяца назад
I’ve been trying to get the spirit since I was 12 I am almost 28 now and I still have not yet to receive it. I have been tarrying And it feels like I’m so close, but it’s like God it’s not trying to give it to me. I have no idea why. The depression I feel because I am not getting it is taking a toll on me. since 16 years old I have been through Hell and back and this time in my life I am going through the worst times ever and I need God more than ever, I’ve lost everything, I’m financially in trouble and I’m about to lose my apartment. I have no family no friends help me in this stage of my life, lately I’ve been tarrying a lot & God has been trying to speak through me. I feel his presence and his spirit every single time I tarry. I feel him trying to get through, but it seems like something is blocking him from getting through and I am so stuck on what it is. I’ve been stuck on what that one thing is since I was 12 years old. Growing up as a preacher kid you would think I would’ve had it a long time ago. Sometimes I think it’s just not meant for me because some of my siblings have died in their sins, some of my friends died in their sins. I come from a toxic family even though I was raised in the church. This is just so heartbreaking for me because I was told that you don’t have to be perfect to come to God. All you have to do is admit that Jesus died for our sins and that Jesus is our Lord and savior & God brought him back to life. I have it admitted that plenty of times I have known Jesus since I was a little girl I cannot stop talking about God I love God I just wanna know what’s blocking me from receiving his spirit like everyone else.
@Sockmonkey684 Месяц назад
Lord have mercy, I’m praying for you. Please take what I am saying as coming from my own perspective as a former Protestant, now Orthodox Christian. These people are deeply misleading you and putting an incredibly heavy burden on your shoulders by telling you you have not yet received the Holy Spirit, and this is utter nonsense. I encourage you to read more about the early church, the early church fathers (these are the first Christians who were often tortured and martyred for their faith) and see if any of their teachings align with the modern day Pentecostal movement. I believe you have been misled by a modern movement that places more importance on an individual’s charisma and extreme peer pressure than the true faith that was passed down by the saints.
@omedah228 2 года назад
I so appreciate Bro. Bernard,s teaching. This is so good. Thank you.
@Landis_Grant Год назад
According to Calvinists, if you’re not predestined by God to be one of the elect, no amount of Gospel preaching will save you. No man comes to Jesus unless the Father draws a person to His Son.
@REVNUMANEWBERN 2 года назад
Within the last 2 years I have purchased most all of Dr. Bernards books along with other Oneness authors, thanks for producing them, it helps me understand the DISCONNECT between the ACTUAL Jewish ROOTED Apostles and those who want to >> MIMIC
@tyler9_10 2 года назад
Could you explain please? Not understanding what exactly you're trying to say....
@eduardo3276 2 года назад
@raulmedrano2505 Год назад
Could Bro. Bernard explain the difference between the soul and the spirit according to the Word of God and what each one means or stands for. I hope I've explain myself to be understood. Glory to the Most HIGH!
@marcusvanrensberg6060 Год назад
The holy spirit, given the gift of tongues is a language, that someone will understand, and can interpret. The 8th and 9th gift of the spirit.
@MesiyaMatakala Год назад
Man of God help me to be baptized in de Holy Spirit. I desire so much to speak in tongues. At the church I used to congregate they refused us to speak in tongues, the woman of God used to tell us that, do u no what u are speaking? Can u translate what u are speaking? Pliz pray for me. I am a born again Christian, am 67yrs old single parent devoted to God's work in church, a tither.
@oshanebrown3981 Год назад
Act 5 vs 32. Believe and obey We have to walk in obedience that's what it is.
@travisdory3027 23 дня назад
I wholeheartedly ❤️ & wholesouledly 🧠AGREE together with you in the LIGHT of this essential Holy Scripture verse. Acts 2:38 carried out in/through ACTIONS & WORDS of GENUINE GODLY SORROW of TRUE REPENTANCE, which the Spirit of Almighty God gives through CONVICTION via His INSPIRED HOLY WORD 📖, is one's demonstration & expression of OBEDIENCE to the ONE FAITH ordained within & by the HOLY WORD made FLESH (CHRIST), which is foundationally based solely upon APOSTLES DOCTRINE as taught to them (the original 12 initially through the instructions/directive commands of our Chief Shepherd & Bishop/High Priest & Apostle, our LORD JESUS CHRIST via many verses, mainly such as John 3:3-5, Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:16-18, John 7:37-39, etc, etc. However, AFTER a person FULLY OBEYS our LORD JESUS CHRIST'S GOSPEL, which is the DEATH (REPENTS), BURIAL (WATER BAPTISM in HIS ONLY SAVING, REDEEMING, SIN REMITTING & ATONING NAME , he or she still MUST still show forth his or her FAITH via his or her WORKS, (because FAITH is DEAD without WORKS) & I believe the Spirit of our ALMIGHTY LORD JESUS CHRIST seeks to try & test the VALIDITY of that person's REPENTANCE & FAITH in the APPLICATION of His SHED BLOOD & also seeks to determine if that person will fully YIELD & SURRENDER in TOTAL OBEDIENCE by & through OBEYING what our LORD & SAVIOR COMMANDED the 120 assembled together in the upper room to do PRIOR to the outpouring in ACTS Chapter 2. We can be remiss or fail to be OBEDIENT to our LORD JESUS CHRIST'S own spoken Holy Word 📖 in RED when He stated with ALL DIVINE AUTHORITY, DOMINION & POWER VESTED within HIIM, 2 VERY VITAL & ESSENTIAL Holy Scriptural components needful in seeking to RECEIVE the INFILLING/BAPTISM of the HOLY GHOST 👻. These 2 verses are interlinked & intertwined TOGETHER, I REASON. HE COMMANDS them in Luke 24:49 And, behold, I SEND the PROMISE of my Father UPON you, but TARRY ye in the city of Jerusalem, UNTIL ye be ENDUED with POWER from on HIGH, which is tied together with what HE states, PRIOR to the ACTS Chapter 2 outpouring on the Day of PENTECOST, which was quote And, being ASSEMBLED TOGETHER (shows UNITY of the FAITH & UNITY of their spirits in seeking after His Spirit) with them, COMMANDED them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but WAIT for the PROMISE of the Father, which saith he, ye have HEARD of me. For John TRULY BAPTIZED with water, but ye shall be BAPTIZED with the HOLY GHOST 👻 not MANY DAYS hence. So, we see here from these two verses interlinked & interwoven together that both TARRYING in EFFECTUAL FERVENT PRAYERS & WAITING upon the Spirit to MANIFEST His PRESENCE are also sometimes what GOD requires/desires & ordained as prerequisites or preludes leading up to His POURING OUT His Spirit into someone. Some seeking genuine repentant &/or water baptized sinners are either too INPATIENT or could be being too PRESSURED &/or PRODDED by those members of the BODY who have already been BORN AGAIN of the HOLY GHOST 👻 & they ended up either DISCOURAGING that person's FAITH or causing him or her to BELIEVE (think &/or FEEL in his or her heart ❤️ &/or soul 🧠 that they should be receiving the Spirit QUICKLY like they did & some saints or even 5 fold ministry could be guilty of trying to unintentionally or intentionally "FORCE a move of the HOLY GHOST 👻 upon & within a person's heart ❤️ &/or soul 🧠, when it is SUPPOSED to be the Spirit of Almighty GOD that GIVES them the UTTERANCE, (NOT MAN) at His appointed TIME & in His Holy Scriptural, Biblical WAY. I also believe (think/feel/reason) that some people in our congregations may struggle to receive the HOLY GHOST 👻 NOT necessarily because they haven't TRULY & FULLY REPENTED by GENUINELY CONFESSING & FORSAKINZG their past sins, (so their CONSCIENCE is clear before GOD), but some members, especially an UNWISE minister, can come off as still unintentionally CONDEMNING them for their sins through teaching &/or preaching or simply conversing with them & cause their MIND & CONSCIENCE to become DEFILED with unnecessary GUILT & SHAME, causing them to bear thoughts &/or feelings of being UNWORTHY to receive the HOLY GHOST 👻 because they have NOT & are NOT perfected in HOLINESS, GODLINESS &/or RIGHTEOUS yet because only the POWER of His Spirit can accomplish that, but HUMAN spirits try to do GOD'S SANCTIFYING for Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@houseoftestimony62 Год назад
There is no struggling to receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is immediately received the moment an unsaved person believes the good news that Christ died for his sins and rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures, 1 Cor 15:3-4.
@josephinegarlick8420 Год назад
Many thanks to our God for speaking in tongues about 1961 I accepted the Lord not understanding what this meant during those years I received two visions of where I would be in 1996 the church I received Baptism of Holy Spirit wow what a fire I seemed to praising God with most congregation going home praise Lord
@jesus8337 Год назад
Good explain, thank you so much 🙂
@DiamondSplendid-yy7dg Год назад
I think some people are called to recieve the Holyspirit, some people are just regular ole people. Thats at least what I found in this little time. I noticed with God’s children he is strict with them when it comes to hurting or disobeying him. He likes to correct them alot those people who are called for these gifts. Im coming to realize that the kingdom of God is here. And that the people working with the Holyspirit are the members of the Kingdom of God.
@arthurvanderhoff2413 2 года назад
A dear friend of mine was faithfully attending church and had been baptized in Jesus' Name for 5 years before he received the Holy Ghost. I have another friend who was raised in church by godly parents and received the Holy Ghost for the first time when he was 23.
@snapstring3134 2 года назад
This is a must share .
@sherryjohnson3804 7 месяцев назад
I received the holy Ghost outside praying in my parents back yard, I was just broken and truly submitted everything that day, also you have to have faith that it's for you
@stevecampanelli6009 2 месяца назад
Did it come up from within you and out your mouth In tongues?
@sarammajoseph8388 Год назад
Thank you Pastor for the best explanation.
@davidwee130 Год назад
@missiedavis4973 Год назад
This is good teaching. But I'm curious if this man is a Oneness Pentecostal who denies the Trinity? Because i received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at a Trinity Pentecostal church, and it was extremely powerful. But then i began attending what i didnt know at the time was a Oneness Pentecostal church, and they told me i wasn't saved because i was baptized using the incorrect formula, and not in Jesus name only, and they even told me that i didnt really receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the other Pentecostal church since they believe in the Trinity.
@brotherjim5904 Год назад
These people are not hiding anything. They plainly state at the very start of the video, that they're Oneness Pentecostal.
@texpatrobertrice8309 Год назад
I received the Holy Ghost rather easily. I had just read Acts 2, and I prayed asking for the Holy Ghost baptism just like the apostles received it on the day of Pentecost. I had fully repented on Friday, so this was a Saturday. While I was praying for the Holy Ghost I heard a sound from the distance. It sounded like a tornado coming closer. Then the sound was in the room. No papers were flying or anything like that, it was just the sound. Then it felt like electricity was jumping across my skin. all of a sudden the Holy Ghost entered into me from the top of my head to my feet, and I felt like I was being filled up like a cup being filled. I found myself speaking in tongues. I never heard of Pentecostals, or Apostolics before, I was raised a Weslyan Methodist. The next day was Easter Sunday I found the only UPC church in Fairbanks They Baptized me in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of my sins.
@jonashassel5404 Год назад
THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God saves man from the destruction of this old world" "The Incarnate God of the Last Days Primarily Does the Work of Words". ... ( I have mentioned to My those who said that God has come to earth (in the last days) to give an example before leaving. This is the work of God in the last days; He only speaks so that the earth become a world of words, so that everyone can be provided and enlightened by His word, and so that the spirit of man would awake and he would be clear about the visions. In the last days, God incarnate came to earth mainly to share His words. When Jesus came He spreaded the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, and fulfilled the work of redemption through crucifixion. The coming of Jesus ended the Age of Law and uses the Age of Grace. The coming of God incarnated in the last days brings the end of the Age of Grace. He came mainly to speak His words, to use words to make man perfect, to illuminate and illuminate man, and to remove the place of dark God within man's heart. On the other hand, God uses the words spoke by His flesh to make man complete, and to fulfill things. This is the work of God that He will fulfill in the last days. He is the God who is always new and never old, and because all you see now are the words and works of a practical God.) Almighty God said Knowing GOD'S WORK in these TIMES, in MOST part, is KNOWING GOD INCARNATED in the LAST DAYS, WHAT His main MINISTRY is, and WHAT His PURPOSE to do on EARTH. I have MENTIONED to My those who said that GOD has COME to EARTH (in the last days) to GIVE an EXAMPLE BEFORE LEAVING. ☀️ HOW does GOD show this EXAMPLE? Through SPEECH, THROUGH DOING and SPEAKING THROUGHOUT the LAND. This is the WORK of GOD in the LAST DAYS; He ONLY SPEAKS so that the EARTH BECOME a WORLD of WORDS, so that EVERYONE can be PROVIDED and ENLIGHTENED by His WORD, and so that the SPIRIT of MAN would AWAKE and he WOULD be CLEAR about the VISIONS. In the LAST DAYS, GOD INCARNATE CAME to EARTH MAINLY to SHARE His WORDS. ☀️ When JESUS ​​came He SPREADED the GOSPEL of the KINGDOM of HEAVEN, and FULFILLED the WORK of REDEMPTION THROUGH CRUCIFIXION. He ENDED the AGE of LAW, and ABOLISHED all OLD THINGS. The COMING of JESUS ​​ENDED the AGE OF LAW and USED the AGE OF GRACE. 🙏 The COMING of GOD INCARNATED in the LAST DAYS BRINGS the END of the AGE OF GRACE. He CAME MAINLY to SPEAK His WORDS, to USE WORDS to MAKE MAN PERFECT, to ILLUMINATE and ILLUMINATE MAN, and to REMOVE the PLACE of DARK GOD within MAN'S HEART. This was NOT the STAGE of WORK JESUS ​​did when He CAME. ☀️ When JESUS ​​came, He PERFORMED many MIRACLES, He HEALED and CAST OUT DEMONS, and He PERFORMED the REDEMPTION WORK of CRUCIFIXION. As a result, in His UNDERSTANDINGS, MAN BELIEVED that GOD SHOULD BE LIKE THIS. Because WHEN JESUS ​​CAME, He DID NOT REMOVE the IMAGE of the obscure GOD FROM the HEART of MAN; WHEN He CAME, He WAS CRUCIFIED, He HEALED and CAST OUT DEMONS, and He SPREADED the GOSPEL of the KINGDOM of HEAVEN. ☀️ ON the ONE HAND, the INCARNATION of GOD in the TIME of the LAST DAYS REMOVED the PLACE of the OBSCURE GOD in HUMAN INTELLIGENCES, THAT is WHY the IMAGE of the OBSCURE GOD is NO LONGER in the HEARTS of MAN. THROUGH His ACTUAL WORDS and ACTUAL DEEDS, His ACTIONS THROUGHOUT the EARTH, and the UNIQUE REAL and NORMAL ACTIONS He PERFORMS WITH MAN, He CAUSES MAN to COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND the REALITY of GOD, and REMOVES the LOCATION of the OBSCURE GOD in the HUMAN HEART. ON the OTHER HAND, GOD USES the WORDS SPOKE by His FLESH to MAKE MAN COMPLETE, and to FULFILL THINGS. This is the WORK of GOD that He will FULFILL in the yLAST DAYS. 🙏 WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW: 1. God's work is not supernatural, and you should not harbor notions about it. 2. You must understand the main work that will be accomplished by the coming of God incarnate at this time. He DID NOT COME to HEALING, or CAST OUT DEMONS, or to SHOW MIRACLES, and He DID NOT COME to SPREAD the GOSPEL of REPENTANCE, or WILLING the MAN of REDEMPTION. That's BECAUSE JESUS ​​has FULFILLED that WORK, and GOD DOESN'T REPEAT the SAME WORK. ☀️ IN the PRESENT, GOD has COME to BRING the AGE OF GRACE to an END and REMOVE ALL the HABITS of the AGE OF GRACE. PRACTICAL GOD CAME to SHOW that He is REAL. 🙏 WHEN JESUS ​​CAME, He SPOKE a FEW WORDS, FIRST of ALL, He SHOWED MIRACLES, SHOWED SIGNS and WONDERS, and HEALED and CAST OUT DEMONS, IF NOT, He SPOKE PROPHECIES to MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE, and to HELP MAN SEE that He is a TRUE GOD, and a QUIET GOD with NO MEANING. FINALLY, He COMPLETED the WORK of CRUCIFIXION. ☀️ GOD CURRENTLY DOES NOT SHOW SIGNS and WONDERS, nor DOES He HEAL qnd CAST OUT DEMONS. When JESUS ​​CAME, the WORK He did REPRESENTED a PART of GOD, BUT IN THE PRESENT TIME GOD CAME TO PERFORM THE STAGE OF WORK THAT WAS APPROPRIATE, because GOD DOES NOT REPEAT the SAME WORK; He is the GOD who is ALWAYS NEW and NEVER OLD, and BECAUSE ALL YOU SEE NOW are the WORDS and WORKS of a PRACTICAL GOD. 🙏 From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and " When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... He added, "These are the true WORDS of GOD". "His clothes were stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev.19:9,13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat.16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and in "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev.3:7-13) 💫"The New Jerusalem" (Rev.21:10) "The Spirit covered me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down from heaven from God." (1 Peter 4:17) "For the time has come in the house of God for the beginning of judgment in the house of God." 📩God's sheep are called and led to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He can continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "THEY SAY ALOUD, "SALVATION COMES from the LAMB, and from our GOD who SITS on the THRONE!" (Rev.7:10). ... "They will walk in white with me, for they are worthy. " (Rev. 3:4). ... "I will sprinkle you with pure water to cleanse you. I will also REMOVE your sin because of your idols." (Ezekiel 36:25). and fulfillment that it will be built above the sky/RU-vid in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand above all mountains. All nations will flock to it. " 📨💌
@texpatrobertrice8309 Год назад
@@jonashassel5404 what?
@Elias_Eliyahu 4 месяца назад
@loversLorraine Год назад
I deal with a lot of issues in my life, and the only ones I trust to talk to are God and Jesus I know Jesus is the son of God I know Jesus died for everyone ones sin of the world. You Must Believe is the Son of God you must believe he was risen in three days you must get baptized and attend church that has been a problem for me since I left where I used to live at in another state. I still talk to people that's are sinners, but I don't follow what they do I want time in my life I was a lesbian and I want to all straight purchase but everytime I go for some reason I don't wear skirts that don't wear dresses but I do wear nice suits point of trying to get to is that every time I go to a straight towards I try to be in the front and somewhere near the end is always a conversation about gay and lesbian and I really don't understand that cuz there's worse sins of the world than gays and lesbians. So I read my Bible home I tried to pray as much and I suffer from depression you know I'm not using that as an excuse but I talk to God a lot and I'm glad at least I can tell him everything every send that I remembered since I was a 11 years old I remember everything and it's clear not because I thought I can get away with it but I wanted to come clean with my heavenly Father and Jesus that part I feel good about but I still struggle. Least I don't have to hide my sins anymore I don't drink I don't do drugs I don't do all the bad things I used to do and I'm glad I was able to talk to my heavenly father. A Praying is new state that I do find a church that I can go to without people criticizing my past or just throwing it at me all right like I said there's more things to talk about in church besides gay lesbian and I'm there to learn the word of God the gospel. Right there, when you point a finger at certain people and say this is sending you going to burn in hell, God doesn't need you to tell us that all he wants is for you to teach the gospel and help people because God is love.
@gloriapi4186 Год назад
I didn't receive the holy spirit because iam was baptized in the pool my pastor i told him i didn't receive the holy spirit he didn't tell me nothing he said with God time to receive the holy spirit iam waiting to receive the holy spirit soon i feel really das because I did not receive the holy spirit i believe that God will give me the way to receive the holy spirit because I believe in Jesus Christ i have faith i will died for Jesus Christ 😢😢😢😢 Amen 🙏💯 very true words because it hurts when you get baptized and don't receive the holy spirit help me Lord please
@matthewtaxcollector31617 Год назад
Hi Gloria if you really want to receive Christ/Holy Ghost. When you're at home or at church. Repent ask God to forgive you for any sin that might have been committed since you were water baptized,and then begin to worship with all your heart and begin to PRAISE Him. And just believe. God bless
@sallymagaret6209 Год назад
I received the holly sprit in my sleep it was a miracle when I went through the babtisim I didn't receive the holy spirit after a while but that was so nice but you must be very holy to receive it
@domonicfrancis7396 Год назад
Good teaching Jesus is lord
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