
Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering? 

Explore God
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How can God allow bad things to happen? Thought leaders, theologians, authors, and speakers examine why we often experience pain and suffering in life.
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Finding Purpose through Suffering
• Finding Purpose Throug...
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God's Love: The Love of a Parent



29 авг 2013




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@kenrader8599 8 лет назад
I am reminded of this saying: If we never had a single problem, we would never know that God could solve them, we would never know what faith, in his word could do. I believe we are to learn of things like hate, as well as love, also pain and sufferig, as well as healing. We can not have sunny days, without rain and storms of life. This is how we grow.
@ibewither5051 8 лет назад
Though it is true nobody can live their entire lives without suffering, look at it from my perspective. There is no evidence nor method of proving God's existence so I figure there is no God to blame for our suffering. Like a storm, suffering is just a consequence of being. All we have to blame in nature itself whether it's a person who's wronged us or a mindless bacteria causing a lethal infection. It's just as simple as being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or being born in the wrong place at the wrong time. The best we can do for ourselves is to stay healthy and try to avoid dangerous places.
@kenrader8599 8 лет назад
"God is sovereign." That is not just a trite and easy statement. When Jesus healed a man born blind, the disciples questioned Him. "‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ ‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life’" (John 9:1-3). In this passage is a principle that can be applied to our question. God allows some to suffer so that "the work of God might be displayed." In other words, God allows some to suffer to bring glory to His name and others not to suffer for the same reason. It is His sovereign will that determines each circumstance. Therefore, we can safely say that no suffering is without a purpose in the plan of God, even though we as finite humans may not see that purpose clearly.
@shawngregory5879 8 лет назад
well how nice, use a lower creation, who doesnt really have any control , or knowledge of the reason, to suffer to bring glory to Him.. seriously? this is not an answer.. if it is, then we have a very self centered, sadistic God..
@triedbuttdied 8 лет назад
that speculation is so stooopid, why not just create a utopia for humans then, or just program humans to already have that thinking in them as with other things. instead of your illogical and random speculation which is learning it by making random people suffer by physical pain. or why program humans to ever have the will to kill other people or to make them suffer via physical pain like pshycopats do, because they like doing it but its not their fault that they like doing it. what interests people have is out of their control, and its our interests and all that which is the only thing which bases our thinking and desicion making. so ultimetely humans are atleast "mostly programmed", and has much less free will than what like every human take for granted. based on what humans know about conciousness and free will, it is 100% more logical to think that humans has little to no free will than to almost only have free will. and it is without a doubt even possible that we doesnt have free
@triedbuttdied 8 лет назад
+TriedButDied free will at all.
@GaudioWind 7 лет назад
Religious people always say that God let us suffer because there is no other way to reach Paradise in communion with God. They forget that, according to the same people, God allows into heaven babies who die very early with or without suffering, which means that suffering is not a necessary condition for that.
@riadkhan9798 5 лет назад
They suffer the most. They feel the pain of death and what is more painful than leaving your parents. i know it doesn't make sense because new born children has no feelings of the separation but who knows but it is sure they suffer too
@eatpigsnot 5 лет назад
it gets into some ugly areas but suffice to say i am no fan of God. that being said after hearing some interviews with Neale Donald Walsch i decided to read his Complete Conversations With God series. if you're open minded enough to actually read the books, they will answer many of your questions, whether you're an atheist or just don't like God
@gents8002 5 лет назад
God didn't create evil, but he allowed it to happen. It's all because of Satan that sin and evil exists in the world today. God gave everything free will, including Satan, because he knew that if He programmed us to automatically love him like robots, that wouldn't be real love, and that wouldn't be rightous! So therefore he gave us free will. Satan used to be an angel, but he decided to rebel against God and do his own will, and here we are today, waiting for Christ to return.
@terrestrialcreature7481 4 года назад
Prove we go to heaven using the bible. Show me the text and the bible you used and ill believe you.
@robertlawrence4072 4 года назад
@@terrestrialcreature7481 technically in Revelation it says in the end all believers live forever in God's kingdom of Heaven which comes down to this earth.. .thus we go to Heaven.. though the location is misunderstood by many.
@whitedollviews6530 6 лет назад
Pain... it hurts so bad, and god let me in silence for 3 years, and I asked him age 14 “Jesus I need a reason why this is happening to me I can’t do it” and he told me he would reveal it one day. Well years later, yesterday he did and it changed me, every thing I thought was bad, has helped me in ways i couldn’t imagine.... wow
@goranmilic442 3 года назад
This universe is full of suffering. Good God would not create this kind of universe. Since there is no rule above God, he didn't have to create universe like this, yet he choose to do so?
@nightsky8012 3 года назад
Thank you. I'm questioning my suffering now.
@friedrichrubinstein2346 4 года назад
At the end of time, millions of people gathered on a huge plain before the throne of God. Many of them looked anxiously at the bright light that was shining on them, but there were also a few groups of people who were talking heatedly. The surroundings didn't seem to impress them. "How can God judge us? What does he understand about our suffering?” hissed a young woman. She pulled up one sleeve and showed a tattooed number from a concentration camp. A colored young man agitatedly opened his shirt collar. "Check this out," he told his neighbors. On his neck you could see the ugly mark of a rope. “I was lynched only because I'm black. We were suffocated in slave ships. We were separated from our loved ones, like animals we had to work until death set us free”. Angry voices were heard everywhere now. Everyone complained to God for allowing evil and suffering in the world. How much better off was God to live in heaven in all its beauty and holiness. There were no tears, no fear, no hunger and no hatred. Yes, could God even imagine what man on earth had to endure? After all, he himself lived a very sheltered life, they found. Groups formed and each chose a speaker. It was always the one who suffered the most. There was a Jew, a black man, an untouchable from India, an illegitimate child, a disfigured leprosy patient, a victim from Hiroshima and someone from a labor camp in Siberia. They were arguing agitatedly. Finally, they agreed on the wording of their charges. The situation was very simple. Before God had the right to judge them, He should endure what they’ve had to endure. Their verdict: God should be condemned to live on earth as a human being. But since God was God, they had set certain conditions. He was not allowed to be able to help himself because of his divine nature, and they had come up with the following ideas: He should be born as a Jew. The legitimacy of his birth should be questionable. Nobody should know who the father was. He should try to explain to people who God is. He should be betrayed by his closest friends. He should be charged with false accusations, interrogated by a biased court, and sentenced by a cowardly judge. After all, he should experience for himself what it means to be completely alone and abandoned by everyone. He should be tortured and then die, and that should be done in public, so terribly that there could be no doubt that he really had died. There should be a huge number of witnesses to confirm this. As each speaker announced his part of the verdict, a mumble rose in the huge crowd. When the last speaker finished his sentence, there was a long silence and all who had condemned God suddenly left quietly. Nobody dared to speak anymore. Nobody moved, because suddenly everyone knew: God had already done just that.
@lilyelizabeth5637 5 лет назад
Thank you so much for this. I love this and it rings with so much undeniable truth! These videos are very much needed because in this world there are so many lies and things that try to make us believe something that is false. Those lies can then later tear us apart but when we find truth and accept it, our bond with God grows stronger.
@hats8575 7 лет назад
I have diabetes type 1 and my blood sugar is always high. I'm starving myself just to keep my blood sugar low, in fact right now it's 24.7 (it should be 4.4) so it's 5x higher than it should be. I did nothing to deserve this! So why would God do this??? WHY??? My aunt passed away yesterday due to pancreas cancer and I prayed for her to get better but why didn't she? Sometimes I feel like God doesn't listen to my prayers
@TheDarkMikado 7 лет назад
There is no God. This is a circumstance of our biology and nothing more. It doesn't mean we can't try to fix it for the betterment of others, that's for sure, but God has no part in it.
@riadkhan9798 5 лет назад
@@TheDarkMikado but when you will fix it when lots of life already will have been long gone by suffering and got nothing but pain...
@terrestrialcreature7481 4 года назад
1 John 5:19: 19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in the evil one. God isnt the one causing our suffering. Its satan. Job 34:10 10 Therefore hearken unto me, ye men of understanding: Far be it from God, that he should do wickedness, And from the Almighty, that he should commit iniquity. Many people believe god causes our suffering but if one studies the bible we realize thats not true. Bible talks about 3 main causes. But look at the promise god made us in Revelation 21:3,4 "And I heard a great voice out of the throne saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his peoples, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God: 4 and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more: the first things are passed away" Many people say false things and claim the bible supports it but most of the time its false. The bible predicted there will be false people tricking others. We can use the bible to see if its true though. For example. Bible never says anything about EVERYONE going to heaven. It says a limited amount of people, 144000 to be exact, will go to heaven and the rest will stay here in earth converted to paradise. Also, many people misunderstand the bible when talking about soul and people created false beliefs such as hell due to lack of information. Bible clearly says when people die they dont think or do anything Ecclesiastes 9:5 "5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten." But death isnt the end. God promised that he will resurrect certain people to live on earth. But they will brought back as perfect people and the earth will be filled with meek people.(Genesis 1:26-28. Psalm 37:11). Knowing the truth about death makes us feel better, knowing our loved ones arent suffering. And knowing that god promises to resurrect the people we love gives us hope.
@cinnamon-skateboarding5987 4 года назад
If I were you, I would dedicate as much time and energy towards raising awareness for diabetes. If you do get better and I hope you do, try becoming a medical professional and make advances in medicine to help with your diabetes and other's diabetes too.
@colette_-ld2ty 4 года назад
my dad died a couple months ago it was expected because he had already finished the surgery i am 13 years old so this is very hard for me. when i think about why god let him die even tho i prayed for him i find out that they found something very cancerous in his pancreas,he always said he didn't want to do chemo therapy so i thought about all the pain he would of gone through god has a reason for every thing he does remember that god will always be with you just like he is with me.
@boricuababi22 8 лет назад
3 mins in killed me! :'( I lost my baby boy. Without my faith in god I wouldnt be here today! I would have killed myself to be with him... :'(
@boricuababi22 8 лет назад
+Krollearnings Thank you so much!
@Kairi091 4 года назад
I can't imagine how you must feel. That's awful. Your strength and courage are admirable.
@xalpacazeu1332 4 года назад
jmama1988 how are you doing?
@juggernaut4898 9 лет назад
I ask the same question each day. But so many "GOD" people ignore it and just forget about it.
@RealDaddyG 9 лет назад
A possible answer would be: "Free will...God allows evil to exist because of free will and those that choose to love him, will dwell with him in heaven. But of course with free will still intact, Gods one and only concern with evil...is to one day destroy it." God's NOT Dead.
@lepetitchat123 3 года назад
@whitedollviews6530 6 лет назад
God gave me choices to get out of horrible situations, and I didn’t listen, I chose the bad path. But he gave me a testimony after years and years of horrible pain and hate. Anger. I was in so much pain, I could not save myself. And I tried with everything I had, but I failed and I knew I couldn’t do it. I knew god had to save me or I was just too far under... numb and I can’t get out without help.
@samsaysso4802 5 лет назад
You have to really understand his mercy and love to see the answer and anointing in this video!!!! Thank you so much 😊
@LL-wt8bq 3 года назад
I really wish a 14 days old African baby who died of starvation in the plains of Ethiopia would have a saying in this video too so he could talk about the "mercy" of this "benevolent" god and how much it helped him... Please open your eyes and don't believe this romanticized fake propaganda
@ceciliagomez7056 8 лет назад
I don't think suffering happens because God allows it to. I think that he created us for a reason we can't explain. He created us, but we are not perfect. Only God is perfect. We have free will and because we are not perfect, neither can our existence be. We shouldn't be asking why God lets bad things happen because, the answer is simple. He doesn't. He doesn't want us to suffer, but he can't keep bad things from happening to us all the time. There are outside influences that affect our lives, and he can't not allow those things because then he would be taking away our free will. The important things about God is that he is there for us during the pain. He gives us a shoulder to lean on and thats what should be important.
@mentalmachete2273 8 лет назад
+Cecilia Gomez Are you saying that the power of choice is the same as free will? And for the power of choice to work, god must allow things to happen because if not, we'll be like robots? Do you believe that in your afterlife you will have free will meaning the power of choice to do good or evil? Then what is the punishment for those who die and are resurrected who decide to sin in "heaven"? Will these eternal beings need another Jesus to die for their sins? And if you believe that it will be impossible to sin in your afterlife, that would mean you believe that you don't have free will which also means that your creator could have created human beings without the power of free will to avoid sin on earth.
@ceciliagomez7056 8 лет назад
Yes, I believe the power of choice and free will are the same things. I don't think our afterlife is the same though. and those who make harmful choices are punished in their afterlives. I don't know who or what else my creator has made, but yes i believe everything is a possibility.
@mentalmachete2273 8 лет назад
Cecilia Gomez Okay got it thanks!!!!!!!
@omniprasent1529 6 лет назад
Cecilia Gomez According to the bible, satan is the lord of this world for until everything is completed. A lot of horrendous things have happened and will continue to happen, but god will will not intervene. You can even pray and try to prevent events from happening; most suffering leads to better ends according to the teachings, wherefore god will allow them to happen. He allows suffering for humanity to experience the darkness, so that she learns to cherish, protect and care for the light; that is to say for all things that are moral, social and just; and that in honesty, not because we were programmed to do so, or because we were forced out of our free belief trough evidence of gods existence, and a life in the hereafter. If humans were wise enough from the beginning, everybody would have had all truth received without effort, falling into their laps, which could lastly not generate the same sense of dignity of one, who has worked hard to understand the truth. Some might argue that they would still find it better if the world never experienced suffering and received all truth without effort, but this life is fading anyways; everything will perish and all suffering will come to an end one day. Everybody will get over what they had to experience in this world. And there is always someone who has experienced worse things than oneself. Life without suffering will also come to an end; and whoever experienced such a life, will very likely not care much about the things that are moral, social and just; only about the things that make their own life as convenient, and long lasting as possible; just like the kings and queens of our history did. They mostly never experienced suffering throughout their lives, and therefore became prideful egomaniacs, that in their ignorance destroyed their own country. But the kingdom of god is meant to last forever, unlike the kingdoms of our world, that always perished because of sin. That's why jesus said: "Blessed are the humble; blessed are the poor; blessed are the merciful; blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will inherit the kingdom of god", as all other people would make the kingdom of god perish. I actually find a lot of truth and reason to believe in god when reading certain teachings.
@omniprasent1529 6 лет назад
AnimeHero Beta I feel you, but trust me, god knows what's best for you. There are people, who, had god healed them earlier, would've went down a different path in life, that leads them to hell. You actually have no awareness about the many different consequences of events that happen in your life, as you can't tell the future. If you're healed from depression now, you might become more outgoing, and meet certain people, who affect your spiritual being more negatively, than your depression, and sadness does. God knows all these things, and he will heals you, or don't heal you, depending on what's best for your overall spiritual developement. Just keep praying and remain patient, don't become bitter and start insulting people like you just did. You have to understand that your current life circumstances are part of god's plan, despite how hopeless it seems. I know it's easier said than done, but there are people who sincerely prayed and cried out to god for years, before they finally had a specific dream or vision, inwhich jesus told them that they're saved or healed. And there are people who suffer just as much as you, if not more, but offer god to serve him anyways, even if he doesn't heal them; that's the purest form of selflessness. Some people only serve god when miracles happen, but they reject him just as fast when miracles stop happening; god knows this. It's kind of like a partner, that is only there for you and by your side, because you give her expensive gifts. Or if a father enters his house and his children come running to him, because they know that he will bring gifts, then he should really stop giving them gifts, for until the day that they come to him simply to see their loving father. Then his children want to know why they don't get any gifts, but if they knew that he would want them to come to him not only for gifts, then they would start to pretend and even convince themselves, that they don't come to him for gifts. Seek god in all honesty, and not for gifts; offer him your service, even if you're convinced that he will not reveal himself to you very soon, then might then come quicker than you expect. There are people who he could give revelations, but that would still end up in hell, and suffer even greater toment, for wasting great talents and blessings; and he knows exactly who they are.
@CL4RK1Eakog 9 лет назад
I'd like to say that at least if you're watching this video as a non-believer, you are at least investigating the matter before condemning it altogether, which as at least some positivity. Most people wouldn't even bother trying to find the answer to these questions for themselves.
@thatrottenotaku6596 6 лет назад
GOC 88 nope,just watched this video to torture myself.
@terrestrialcreature7481 4 года назад
Answer is basic. Ill answer with the Bible ill use the American Standard version. 1 John 5:19: 19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in the evil one. God doesnt cause the suffering. James 1:13 13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God; for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempteth no man: God doesnt tempt us. 10 Therefore hearken unto me, ye men of understanding: Far be it from God, that he should do wickedness, And from the Almighty, that he should commit iniquity. He doesnt "steal babies" no god of love would do that. Genesis 6:5,6 And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented Jehovah that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart We know god doesnt like the wickedness in this world since mans situation during Noahs time hurt him and made him regret making us. Also he doesnt change so we know this is still true (Malachi 3:6). Bible says god is love. A god of love wouldnt cause suffering. If you see some one saying things not based upon the Bible dont believe them. Bible is very misunderstood and people tend to change things to make it match with what they want you to think. Every time youre taught something study it with your own bible and prove its true.
@tammyhall4633 5 лет назад
Through our circumstances, sometimes devastating, God teaches us who we are. Sometimes wonderful, sometimes horrible and we need to reflect on how to get closer to Him and let Him have control of our lives. Loving us all through it all.
@girlbehindfood7750 8 лет назад
I refuse to believe in a god who allows pain and sufferings and he's suppose to be an omnipotent and all loving god? Either he doesn't care or doesn't exists!
@r.f4851 7 лет назад
Many people don't believe in God, but blame him for bad things that happen. Maybe if they tried turning their lives around and calling upon him, things would change.
@omniprasent1529 6 лет назад
Candi Here is wisdom from jesus about suffering: Greatfulness opens the door for greater blessing; greater and greater blessings. With greatfulness comes power, the power to loose and unleash the fetters, both on yourselves and on others. When a bitter spirit is standing in a way, there is bondage. But remove the bitter spirit, and healing can take place. There are so many, with a bitter spirit in the way, of my being able to work in their lives. Things happen in the lives of a souls, that they do not understand, so they blame me and become bitter. It is true, that i ultimately could have prevented what bad happened in this world, but it is also true that all things happen for certain reasons. Reasons which the minds of man can not fathom. For instance there are souls, had they succeeded with their inteded plans, they would have ended their lives going to hell. But because i allowed an intervetion, it totally changed the course of their lives. Yet they can not see it, and so they become bitter. But won't a life without bitterness take them to hell? It will, if no one intervenes. But i literally move heaven and earth, to bring someone across their path, that changes their attitude, many times at the very end of their lives, when it is their last chance. Not that i don't try earlier! But some are so hardened and stubborn, that it takes facing death, to realize their mistake. Oh my precious ones, so many times worse things headed your way, and i withstood the evil spirits on your behalf. You were not walking with me, you didn't know me or care to know me, but i protected you anyway. You see, when you live by my rules, love me, and serve me, you live withing the confines of the corral of safety. But when your break down the fence and take off into the wilderness, you tie my hands, but then still ask: "Where is the lord in my need if he truly exists?" However, even then i relent and overrule my norms to protect you, because i love you and i know you don't understand what you're doing. I approach you year after year after year, to turn you from your selfish and blind paths, and you ignore me year after year blithely skipping down the path of your own fantasies. Then you get to the end of your life and start to think about things, looking back on mistakes, wondering when death approaches, where you will end. Even then you try to reason away things others have warned you with; you choose different religions and said: "This is my path!" But in the stillness of the night, phantoms arise and taunt you with the truth, and you begin to wonder. Oh, i do try so hard to change your disposition, because i know where it is taking you, and that i will never see you again. I will grieve for you, i will hear your screams from hell, but i won't be able to do anything for you, for you made your eternal decision. inspitte of everything i did to turn your heart back to me. If a soul is in heaven, it does not experience the depravity of earth and sin, so it can't possibly appreciate what it has. But if it is subjected to the utter darkness of sinful men and is lifted up and out of it, her awareness suddenly expands and she realizes how much she is loved by me, and she experience the very extraordinary bliss of my being and my love for them. So can you trust me? Can you trust, that what i allowed in your life was for the best? Can you thank me for all the good and all the bad? For everything that i gave, and for everything that i witheld? For the greater the sorrow you have experienced in this life, the more greatfull you will be in heaven, and the more joy and bliss you will experience for eternity.
@malavirus3478 6 лет назад
Candi Exactly those poor infants with stage 3 cancer just need to turn their life around. How fucking Greatv
@visionaryclearsight3631 6 лет назад
Candi That is RIDICULOUS. Here’s a perfect example of why that is false. I had an OCD disorder called trichottilomania (where you pull your own hair out) for about 2-3 years. It cause severe balding, and since I’m a girl, it made me very-self conscious and hate my appearance. It didn’t help that everyone at school noticed and pointed it out. So, I got over my disorder, and around that time I was getting back into Christianity. The night after I went to church and prayed, I started my disorder again. Right the next morning. :/ God is either cruel or careless.
@applesbananas9217 6 лет назад
That's the problem God gives a solution to. In the end, it doesn't matter how much we suffer because life on this horrible planet is not forever. What is forever is after this world. If we didn't know suffering, how could we possibly know what happiness, relief and God's love for us is? It's our choice to believe in what he did for us or not which is his sacrifice on the cross, our choice for heaven where there is no pain or suffering or separation from him (hell).
@adamturnupseed5479 10 лет назад
why does god have to use a child's suffering to help other people find jesus? this video explained nothing about the question that was originally asked.
@montanacochran5471 9 лет назад
it shows that we have free will- we choose to use it for good or bad. we learn that we all sin; and that there's consequences. sometimes those consequences affect other people
@trippie4408 3 года назад
@@montanacochran5471 Too bad to affect innocent babies who starve to death, babies who are raped, babies suffering from deadly diseases babies born with disabilities. Really ?
@123johnbrowne 10 лет назад
Nice vid but doesn't answer the question.
@idolrocks9017 7 лет назад
Do U want an answer. I will be happy to answer the question!?
@wildmansamurai3663 7 лет назад
Idol Rocks There is no god.. That's the answer.
@TotalTech2. 7 лет назад
@tiwoni972mad 6 лет назад
lol still nothing... Maybe he is still writing lol
@hobatoba 6 лет назад
NJ B well then why would one want to believe in a god that let their father/mother be crushed to death in a collapsed building, thus causing a domino affect of problems. I just cannot take your answer of "sin is unfair" as a serious answer to the question. If one commits a sin, they should be punished for it, not an innocent soul.
@MrGreat1974 10 лет назад
No matter how painful the pain maybe, God's grace is always sufficient. Our helpless situation is a reminder that we are helpless without God.
@adamturnupseed5479 10 лет назад
so gods in charge of handing out suffering but its ok because he'll comfort you with his grace after words... but you have to ask for it. apply the last sentence to real life. you create a child, your child is helpless without you. don't feed your child for two days as a reminder to your child of his helplessness. god is a crappy dad
@makinleynapier1666 6 лет назад
Amen this video brought tears to my eyes
@alabaster6005 4 года назад
6:01 so he takes something loved something you care about and makes it suffer so that others will find Him? No no NOO what type of sadist is this? no dont use me or mine to show others how great you are, dont hury me or mine just so you can feel better, its wrong to make innocents suffer just to test someones faith is jus.....Evil.
@terrestrialcreature7481 4 года назад
Alabaster That’s not how it is. Don’t believe what people say unless they use the Bible to explain it. Job 34:10 says that god doesn’t do wrong and that’s it’s unthinkable for him to act wickedly. James 1:13 says god doesn’t tempt us. God isn’t causing our suffering, it’s satan and ourselves and sometimes being in the wrong place in the wrong time. Bible says god will end this soon. If you want me to I can show you the texts where this is shown. Remember what 1 John 4:8 says. “God is love”. A god of love wouldn’t kill a family member. He wouldn’t steal the life of a newborn baby because: “he wanted an angel”. God has millions of angels he doesn’t need to steal a baby. People make these stuff up to give the families hope and make them think god needed their life. But it’s not like that. If they told you the truth it would be much better. Bible says that there will be a resurrection. People who died without knowing the Bible’s truth will be given another chance when they’re resurrected.
@cjstubejackofalltrade1551 4 года назад
@@terrestrialcreature7481 God has no control. Satan rules us? Is that what you sayin?
@terrestrialcreature7481 3 года назад
@@trippie4408 King James Bible says: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” Evil is not always synonymous of wrongdoing. The flood and the Ten Plagues are just 2 examples. Warnings were given in both cases.
@labae8728 3 года назад
@@terrestrialcreature7481 but there’s no more chance after death. Where in the bible says there will be a second chance when people get resurrected?
@rebel008djishie 8 лет назад
Be humble to non believers because through this we are like Jesus. God works through suffering if you surrender then the healing can begin.
@omniprasent1529 6 лет назад
Sprightly Abyss According to the bible, satan is the lord of this world for until everything is completed. A lot of horrendous things have happened and will continue to happen, but god will will not intervene. You can even pray and try to prevent events from happening; most suffering leads to better ends according to the teachings, wherefore god will allow them to happen. He allows suffering for humanity to experience the darkness, so that she learns to cherish, protect and care for the light; that is to say for all things that are moral, social and just; and that in honesty, not because we were programmed to do so, or because we were forced out of our free belief trough evidence of gods existence, and a life in the hereafter. If humans were wise enough from the beginning, everybody would have had all truth received without effort, falling into their laps, which could lastly not generate the same sense of dignity of one, who has worked hard to understand the truth. Some might argue that they would still find it better if the world never experienced suffering and received all truth without effort, but this life is fading anyways; everything will perish and all suffering will come to an end one day. Everybody will get over what they had to experience in this world. And there is always someone who has experienced worse things than oneself. Life without suffering will also come to an end; and whoever experienced such a life, will very likely not care much about the things that are moral, social and just; only about the things that make their own life as convenient, and long lasting as possible; just like the kings and queens of our history did. They mostly never experienced suffering throughout their lives, and therefore became prideful egomaniacs, that in their ignorance destroyed their own country. But the kingdom of god is meant to last forever, unlike the kingdoms of our world, that always perished because of sin. That's why jesus said: "Blessed are the humble; blessed are the poor; blessed are the merciful; blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will inherit the kingdom of god", as all other people would make the kingdom of god perish. I actually find a lot of truth and reason to believe in god when reading certain teachings.
@gardenjoy5223 6 лет назад
Abyss, And what if a person has truly surrendered already and then got ill? And searching for God has surrendered again, and instead of the healing to begin the illness became more devastating? And the suffering goes on for years and years? That doesn't fit into your pretty little philosophy. So I see no humbleness in your comment. But I do see pretence. I know you didn't mean it that way and I forgive you. But better think, before you write. No easy answers allowed here. The stakes are too high.
@Kairi091 4 года назад
Or your god could just do away with the needless suffering.
@terrestrialcreature7481 4 года назад
Who said god causes pain and suffering? How bout you read the Bible? American Standard version: 1 John 5:19 19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in the evil one. Job 34:10 10 Therefore hearken unto me, ye men of understanding: Far be it from God, that he should do wickedness, And from the Almighty, that he should commit iniquity. God doesnt enjoy watching us suffer. He doesnt cause it. He just allows it to happen for now if you want to know why ask me and ill answer using the bible.
@Kairi091 4 года назад
@@terrestrialcreature7481 He created the mechanisms by which we suffer. He created AIDS, malaria, cancer, schizophrenia and everything else. Just think about it. Your god was designing this planet and humans and what not. Your god saw all of the struggles we would face. He knew that innocent children would suffer and die when the viruses he created killed them before their 10th birthday. He saw all this and said "you know what's missing? Schizophrenia. Let's add that to the human experience". And after all this awful stuff, your god looked at the horrible, unforgiving planet he created and "saw that it was good". If your god exists, he is a bad guy.
@DP-qo9kl 5 лет назад
Yesterday the love of my life told me she needed time to heal and move on as she is reminded off her last relationship recently. But it came off as she was contemplating between me and her ex. I sent her a texts out of emotion and to leave me and it hurt her all day. Her family didn’t like me for it. I hate myself for it and ask for prayers so I can show her the happiness I saw in our future! We are distant now it seems and haven’t got back officially since she needed time. My situation is so complicated, and my future with her is gone..
@Elyseschannel561 4 года назад
7:23-8:40 Those words have changed my life permanently
@joan5150 7 лет назад
Suffering in the world is caused by god if you believe what the Bible says... god is all powerful, all knowing and created sin, satan, pain and all things... right?
@jeanizal5867 7 лет назад
Josh Ram yeah,if He all knowing,then He should have known human will break the law and fell into sin and suffer. if He knows all this,why in the Bible He still sees all this as good during creation and He still choose to create human?
@omniprasent1529 6 лет назад
Josh Ram According to the bible, satan is the lord of this world for until everything is completed. A lot of horrendous things have happened and will continue to happen, but god will will not intervene. You can even pray and try to prevent events from happening; most suffering leads to better ends according to the teachings, wherefore god will allow them to happen. He allows suffering for humanity to experience the darkness, so that she learns to cherish, protect and care for the light; that is to say for all things that are moral, social and just; and that in honesty, not because we were programmed to do so, or because we were forced out of our free belief trough evidence of gods existence, and a life in the hereafter. If humans were wise enough from the beginning, everybody would have had all truth received without effort, falling into their laps, which could lastly not generate the same sense of dignity of one, who has worked hard to understand the truth. Some might argue that they would still find it better if the world never experienced suffering and received all truth without effort, but this life is fading anyways; everything will perish and all suffering will come to an end one day. Everybody will get over what they had to experience in this world. And there is always someone who has experienced worse things than oneself. Life without suffering will also come to an end; and whoever experienced such a life, will very likely not care much about the things that are moral, social and just; only about the things that make their own life as convenient, and long lasting as possible; just like the kings and queens of our history did. They mostly never experienced suffering throughout their lives, and therefore became prideful egomaniacs, that in their ignorance destroyed their own country. But the kingdom of god is meant to last forever, unlike the kingdoms of our world, that always perished because of sin. That's why jesus said: "Blessed are the humble; blessed are the poor; blessed are the merciful; blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will inherit the kingdom of god", as all other people would make the kingdom of god perish. I actually find a lot of truth and reason to believe in god when reading certain teachings.
@applesbananas9217 6 лет назад
God gave satan the choice to choose sin or him just as he gives the choice to everyone else. Satan simply chose sin. In fact, he gave us freedom because he loved us so much. And the suffering, if we never knew what suffering was, how could we know what happiness is and his love? In the end, it wouldn't matter on whether you suffered or not because all the time we have on this earth is just a dash separating two dates. What does matter is where you will go after that for eternity. That's why God came down and loved us enough to suffer and die on the cross, so that we can experience heaven but only if we choose it.
@eatpigsnot 5 лет назад
it gets into some ugly areas but suffice to say i am no fan of God. that being said after hearing some interviews with Neale Donald Walsch i decided to read his Complete Conversations With God series. if you're open minded enough to actually read the books, they will answer many of your questions, whether you're an atheist or just don't like God
@jrbass62 5 лет назад
God, Created a perfect world. Adam and Eve sinned and forever changed that..God gave us free will, he has let us make our own decisions, And you see the results. The decisions we make have consequences..
@jaydenn4608 4 года назад
The challenges that god puts you through are what shapes you into the amazing person you will be. Well that’s at least what I believe
@curtyerg 3 года назад
What would a world of suffering look like without God? I think precisely the way it does.
@julyrosales 7 лет назад
The lady that lost her child broke my heart. May she find peace in her heart.
@papaidoceuteamamuito5975 5 лет назад
If i was to choose between freewill (The one that can make you sad and feel pain) i or be a happy puppet. I would choose the happy puppet.
@robertlawrence4072 4 года назад
a puppet without free will would not know what Happy was and could not be 'truly happy.'
@anthany4719 4 года назад
@@robertlawrence4072 isn't God all powerful? Couldn't He just make that a possibility? For us to be happy without a free will? With all respect, that feels like a cop out reasoning
@RobertlawrenceBDCMinistries 4 года назад
@@anthany4719 he could, but by definition free will is required for happiness to be genuine. So it would be a different type of happiness than what we currently can experience, and it would be a different type of free will. DeCarte discussed this in his discussion on essence in the wax by the fireplace discussion. If an evil genius made us think things were real, but we truly werent, then what point would there be? Also, it's like asking can God make a rock so big even he cant lift it. Its an illogical hypothetical. Nobody ever claimed that God can do things that are self-contradictory, if he did, then nothing could be true. Since there are things that are actually true, nothing can be self-contradictory. In my opinion, to say that God could do something better, and doesn't, therefore this God doesn't exist, without ever explaining what that good could look like or function is the cop out to believing. No Christian scholar or theologian has ever claimed God can do anything at all... since he cannot do things that defy truth or logic (hence no self-contradictories are possible even for the most powerful being possible) so what we have claimed the Bible teaches about God is that he is able to do things that are impossible for man, since he governs nature and can do supernatural things whereas man can only do that which is natural, but omnipotent means that God has more power than any other thing imaginable. so to go back to your question... If happiness is found best in a love relationship, then this relationship requires a freedom of choice since that is the nature of love. If God doesnt actually allow for the possibility to not love then there is no real choice and thus any love in that type of relationship is superficial at best. Thus any happiness is also a false happiness (like robots with happy faces programed in the person) or at best, less genuine happiness than we are able to currently experience. So if God desires us to be able to experience the GREATEST POSSIBLE happiness, through a genuine loving relationship with Him and each other than there must be a genuine choice involved. And the reality of actual choice involved necessarily will be a rejection of that happiness and love (thus hate, suffering, and pain will exist) but you cannot blame this on a God that gives ALL the equal choice to all to either freely accept or reject this love.
@anthany4719 4 года назад
@@RobertlawrenceBDCMinistries I get what you're trying to say, but God allegedly created everything. To say "this can't happen without that" is putting a limit on God, through logic or otherwise. If God is truly alllll powerful, these logistics don't mean anything. Meaning suffering and pain happens at His will...
@RobertlawrenceBDCMinistries 4 года назад
@@anthany4719 it seems to me that YOU are the one assuming God CAN defy his own nature and logic. God has declared that there are many things he cannot do.. LIE, CHEAT steal, be unfaithful... so that is like me saying "I am NOT nor will I ever be an NFL player" and you reply, "I dont believe you because you should be able to fly to the moon." The ONLY way we even KNOW anything about GOD is that HE has told us about himself.. .what you are arguing against is NOT his revelations of who and what he is but your idea of an illogical deity that can and will completely do things for absolutely no reason and has no real personal nature.
@yahboi4830 4 года назад
There’s no reason to put me through what I’m going through
@shabirdarr1432 4 года назад
I have gone through horrible depression for more years than I can remember, I was on the verge of giving up many times and I used to look up at the stars and say to myself all this beauty but all this pain, why? I've become to realise that if I was to be a vessel of good I would have to go into the furnace many times and be treated until I had acquired the knowledge, the skill and the empathy to help others who are suffering also, to be an Angel you have to go through hell x
@shabirdarr1432 4 года назад
Or better to be an Angel you have to be accustomed to hell to help get others out of hell
@johnsmith-tq5zn 4 года назад
You think my own life has been ideal, son?
@johnsmith-tq5zn 4 года назад
kena161975 AAA, I was talking to you, but I can't figure out how to put the link in front of the reply, lol. As for what you say, have you even bothered reading my blog son or bro or whatever?
@johnsmith-tq5zn 4 года назад
kena161975 AAA: God knows better than humans. If he allows something to happen, he has sufficient reasons.
@ConnorLumsden 8 лет назад
Thank you so much for this video.
@whitedollviews6530 6 лет назад
After my daughter got taken.. and my dad killed, That is what broke me. I haven’t smiled since, and I pray he can fix me cause he’s the only last hope left. I wasn’t breathing
@marbananta 8 лет назад
But why sometimes God is also willing to intervene to end some people's suffering? I see that one of my friends, who was so broken down and very poor, now has a wonderful life, has a great job that gives him a lot of money to support his family, even more, he can buy anything he wants, also has a great and happy family, and now he lives his life very closely to God, he has done a lot of good things to others, whenever he has a chance, he surely does it. Basically, his life is changed 100% when God gives him all of those financial abundance.
Why isn't God helping all those homeless people that we read about? God does not like homeless people?
@archiebusek9152 8 лет назад
love the music
@davidgent9575 6 лет назад
Same, anybody have any idea what music is playing at 7:38? It reminds me of Jóhann Jóhannsson and is utterly compelling. Someone please enlighten me!
@svasianfilipiname6603 3 года назад
Sounds like a sad movie.
@BlaximilianD00d 6 лет назад
This breaks my heart.
@LilyBeth096 9 лет назад
Thank you for this it's really helped me today
@djoseph2504 8 лет назад
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭34:18‬ ‭ This life is temporary. Jesus said blessed are the poor in heart for their's is the kingdom of heaven. God is there to comfort you. Seek Him and He will be found. God bless you!
@killergreek55 7 лет назад
D Joseph people get over sickness and depression without a god so what you said don't mean anything
@zackk695 8 лет назад
My answer is that we have to have suffering to show us appreciation of life and health,When you think about,humans are the worst for forgetting how bad the suffering feels of a broken bone,cancer,not breathing,the flu.food poisoning,being broke,a bad divorce,etc. Humans are so bad at this that they turn their heads to it only a few days after they are better.God has to constantly remind us by allowing suffering.Yes, he uses children.He has to when you really think deeply about this.Kids have to suffer to show others to appreciate life and to also help others during these times.This is what God wants.The bigger question is why did God not just make life all perfect.I have no answer to that so I have to except what God has chosen for our lives.
@scaboi 8 лет назад
+Matt Harris I've suffered a lot of abuse, bullying, and rejections all through my life especially during my childhood. I've I forgotten how bad the suffering was? No. Has it made me appreciate life more? No. In fact, it made me appreciate life even less. I have no reason to have faith in God.
@tavisvaughn4134 8 лет назад
You want to end suffering but its not all about you I just don't understand all you humans cry about your own suffering when you yourself is the one in control of your life! NOT A GOD! I just think alot of humans are too ignorant and selfish to understand their the reason they are suffering! Not this make believe god you are the reason and of course im not generalizing because there are beautiful human beings in the world but the ugly greedy evil ones are making you suffer! So if god was REAL why cant HE end the suffering and defeat evil?
@scaboi 8 лет назад
Kunt Queen Being in control of your life doesn't mean you have control over every thing that happens.
@gardenjoy5223 6 лет назад
Matt, Your answer falls into the category of BS. God made a world without suffering. People sinned. Now there is suffering in the world. God gave part of Himself to suffer with us and to overcome the outcome of suffering: death. But alas, there is still suffering in the world and the worst is that of little children. To say God wants that is pure blasphemy to me. I'm glad one day all suffering will be over. But for now: it is true hardship. Your answer is mean.
@rubyannmilner-crawford562 6 лет назад
Amen without pain we don't have no gain. In my experience the more pain I have the more I come to know Christ as my Saviour how He took on my pain and suffering on the cross . So I believe this is y we have pain and suffering, is that we may look to Him and come to know His surpassing great power which He operated in Christ and to gain more of God in Christ. Because if we didn't have pain and suffering we wouldn't need God in our life and we would become independent of God. As we need to remember the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. They didn't't look to God as the tree of life but they took the tree of knowledge of life and death so they became independent of God instead of relying on Him as the source of All things.Amen.
@LULUAVEIGA 5 лет назад
Amazing statement at the very end!!!
@trippie4408 3 года назад
Amazing for a knobhead like you.
@israelfailin4803 7 лет назад
The book of Job is what reveals the meaning of suffering best, has no one read that book?
@dandruff9901 7 лет назад
explain for someone who hasn't read it
@israelfailin4803 7 лет назад
DAN DRUFF So basically, very condensed, God lets Satan kill all Job's kids, livestock, and servants and smites Job with painful boils. Job was a very righteous man. His wife told him to just curse God and die. Job went into a severe depression. Then three of his friends come to comfort him, but really all they did was say it was because of some sin Job committed, making all this his own fault, while Job maintains his innocency. Finally God comes out of a tornado and gives a good long speech about how his friends have spoken that which was not right, and how we can never comprehend why God lets certain things happen. You really gotta read it yourself though, my description doesnt do it justice.
@dandruff9901 7 лет назад
Israel Failin thankyou for replying bro
@coldprince130 7 лет назад
I have not read all of Job but if that was God's answer that "we will never really comprehend" then they should leave it at that. I even saw one of the people in the video doing the same thing Job's friend did which was to blame it one some sin that the person must have committed. The more they spoke the more clear it became that they do not know the answer.
@RustyRayWay 7 лет назад
Why Does God Allow People To Suffer?The Bible tells us in Revelation 21:4 that there is coming a time when all sorrow, tears, pain and death will pass away. There's coming a wonderful day when God will wipe away all tears from the eyes of His children, and our sorrow will end forever. Dear reader, I hope you are a Christian, so you too may claim this blessed promise that God has made to those who have come to know Him through His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. There's a great day coming for those who have been saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.However, for this present time, we must face the undeniable fact that people do suffer. That's a fact of life. You can find sickness, sorrow, and suffering in all walks of life. It's everywhere you look. This very moment you can probably think of someone very close to you who is suffering greatly, and it just doesn't seem fair. Why does God allow it to happen? Does God even care? If God is so good and holy, then why doesn't He put an end to all suffering and pain? Keep reading, for there is a reason.The Beginning of Suffering and Sorrow There was a time on this earth when suffering and sorrow did not exist. When God first created man upon the earth, everything was perfect. There was no sickness, no pain, no sorrow of any kind. It was God's plan for man to live in peace and harmony never having to experience sorrow. According to Genesis chapter three, it wasn't until man chose the way of Satan, rather than the way of God, that sorrow entered the world. Man sins against God in Genesis 3:6-7, and God reveals to Adam and Eve the consequences of sin in Genesis 3:16-19. God told Adam and Eve that they would now experience SORROW and DEATH. Therefore, the suffering and sorrow that you and I face today is not the work of an unjust God; it's the consequences of sin. We suffer because we are sinners. Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Friend, we suffer and die because of SIN. You say, "I didn't do anything wrong. Why am I a sinner?" We are all born with a sin nature. We inherited our fallen sin nature from Adam and Eve. Romans 5:12 says, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:" We read in Romans 3:23 that ALL HAVE SINNED and come short of the glory of God. Why do we suffer? We suffer because we are sinners by nature. Some People Suffer for the Salvation of Lost Souls Perhaps you are thinking, "Well, what's the point? What does God accomplish by allowing us to suffer?" Very simple: He's trying to tell us something. By allowing people to suffer, God is showing us that SOMETHING IS WRONG. If everything were alright between man and God, then there would be no sorrow and death, because in the beginning there was none. God is showing you every day of your life that man has been SEPARATED from Him because of sin, and that man is destined to an eternity in Hell Fire unless he comes to God for help. The fact that God allows suffering and agony today proves that He will allow it in eternity as well. God doesn't ENJOY seeing anyone suffer, but He does ALLOW people to suffer for various reasons. If you've never received the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, then God wants you to see your need to do so. Sometimes God has to allow tragedy to enter a life in order to get someone to look to Him for Salvation. As someone has said, "Some people won't look up to God until He puts them on their back." This is sad, but true. There are many people who would still be lost in their sins if God had not brought some tragedy into their life to get their attention. Do you suppose the leper of Matthew 8:2 would have came to Jesus if he'd been in perfect health? What about the blind man of Luke 18:35? II Kings chapter five tells the story of Naman, the Syrian captain who had leprosy. Had this man not had leprosy, he would never have turned to God. The Bible is filled with cases where God reaches people through suffering. Nebuchadnezzar didn't fear God until God humbled him by making his spend seven years of his life on his hands and knees like an animal (Dan. 4:30-37). Sometimes He will even use the tragedy of one to bring OTHERS to Christ. Such is the case with Lazarus in John chapter eleven. Lazarus was very sick, but before he ever died Jesus said that his sickness was "for the glory of God" (Jn. 11:2-4). Later, in John 11:45, we read that ". . . . many of the Jews which came to Mary, and had seen the things which Jesus did, believed on him." We also read in John 12:11 that many believed on the Lord Jesus Christ BECAUSE OF LAZARUS. Had Lazarus not suffered and died, these people may never have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ. You see, God was in complete control. Jesus KNEW that Lazarus was sick, but He chose not to go and heal him (Jn. 11:6). He had a REASON for the sorrow and death in the family of Lazarus. No one suffers in vain. God always has a reason, and sometimes He is trying to show someone their need to receive the Lord Jesus Christ. Could this be true in your own life? Think about it. Could the Lord be convicting you of the fact that you are a sinner, and you need to be saved? Some Christians Suffer Because of the Chastisement of God As a Christian, it is my duty to live a Christ-honoring and obedient life before God. If I become disobedient, the Bible says that my Heavenly Father will rebuke and chasten me (To "chasten" is to punish or correct for moral improvement.) Revelation 3:19 says, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." Notice these important words from Hebrews 12:6-8: "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons." Just as any responsible father disciplines his children when they become disobedient, God disciplines His children. Paul says in I Corinthians 11:31-32 that we can often avoid God's chastisement by JUDGING OURSELVES instead of ignoring our sins, thus forcing God to judge us. Addressing Christians, John tells us that, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (I Jn. 1:9) It is my Christian responsibility to do my very best to live a sinless life, but when I do sin I must repent and CONFESS my sins to God. If I choose not to do so, then I am being a disobedient child, and my Heavenly Father will .
@SoulSeeker4 6 лет назад
Very moving. Thank you. I needed to hear this.
@inyaface4420 6 лет назад
Holy Spirit just moved me through this....especially near the end. Everything has already been redeemed, we are living the effects. And it is well. Matthew 5 reminds me of everything that guy said. When we suffer with GOD HIS promise is still being fulfilled. HE will lift up those who fall. As HE was raised on that cross, HE raised my sin with HIM. Everything is nothing compared to HIS sacrifice alone. And if HIS Sacrifice is worth more than everything how much more worthy is HE who sent the Sacrifice and HIM who delivered it. GOD thank YOU!! YOU will never leave not forsake us! YOU are good!! HE said in this world you will have trouble but fear not for I have overcome the world. Even HE was taken from glory to hungry temptation by the enemy himself. GOD won't send us into battles alone and unprotected. Every battle has an outcome, we can side with GOD and win...or side with the enemy and die!! But it is love....HE loves everyone...and I believe, based on reading, it hurts HIM to punish us...but HE is such a good FATHER "HE disciplines the ones HE loves"
@ArtsyLadyCrafter 5 лет назад
I agree with Alan Hirsch. The Christian answer is the best answer to me in a world where no answers make sense. No other explanation in the world carries enough weight. I suffer everyday with the question of why do children have to suffer? And in so many horrendous ways across this earth? Though I don't have an answer and they continue to be neglected, harassed, abused, maimed, tortured, starved, murdered, it does not destroy my love for God. I came to accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 1985 and over the decades have come to know and love God. I have suffered in various ways since I was a child, but others have suffered much more than I have, and many have paid for it with their young lives. Even within my faith, I wonder why did I have to suffer the things that I did? I don't have the answer, but I believe that one day we all will have the answers, even those who don't want them, and all of the suffering will be accounted for and rewarded. As a believer of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it does not make my life perfect, but it does make an ongoing difference.
@michellestaunton2264 7 лет назад
Please God dont abandon us!
@KJ1717 6 лет назад
God never will :D i know its 9months later that your getting a response, but He promises that He will never abandon us nor forsake us.Deuteronomy 31:6
@AlexGonzales-ys9fu 6 лет назад
michelle staunton You don't have to beg, God already promised he wouldn't.
@krakow0457 6 лет назад
No don’t worry, there’s no one to abandon us anyway!!! XDXDXDXDXDXDXD
@omniprasent1529 6 лет назад
michelle staunton According to the bible, satan is the lord of this world for until everything is completed. A lot of horrendous things have happened and will continue to happen, but god will will not intervene. You can even pray and try to prevent events from happening; most suffering leads to better ends according to the teachings, wherefore god will allow them to happen. He allows suffering for humanity to experience the darkness, so that she learns to cherish, protect and care for the light; that is to say for all things that are moral, social and just; and that in honesty, not because we were programmed to do so, or because we were forced out of our free belief trough evidence of gods existence, and a life in the hereafter. If humans were wise enough from the beginning, everybody would have had all truth received without effort, falling into their laps, which could lastly not generate the same sense of dignity of one, who has worked hard to understand the truth. Some might argue that they would still find it better if the world never experienced suffering and received all truth without effort, but this life is fading anyways; everything will perish and all suffering will come to an end one day. Everybody will get over what they had to experience in this world. And there is always someone who has experienced worse things than oneself. Life without suffering will also come to an end; and whoever experienced such a life, will very likely not care much about the things that are moral, social and just; only about the things that make their own life as convenient, and long lasting as possible; just like the kings and queens of our history did. They mostly never experienced suffering throughout their lives, and therefore became prideful egomaniacs, that in their ignorance destroyed their own country. But the kingdom of god is meant to last forever, unlike the kingdoms of our world, that always perished because of sin. That's why jesus said: "Blessed are the humble; blessed are the poor; blessed are the merciful; blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will inherit the kingdom of god", as all other people would make the kingdom of god perish. I actually find a lot of truth and reason to believe in god when reading certain teachings.
@alexislex7915 6 лет назад
michelle staunton I think he already did
@kevingalls 8 лет назад
This is a hard question to answer because it's backwards. The real question that is much easier to answer is, "Why do people suffering with pain need God?"
@omniprasent1529 6 лет назад
According to the bible, satan is the lord of this world for until everything is completed. A lot of horrendous things have happened and will continue to happen, but god will will not intervene. You can even pray and try to prevent events from happening; most suffering leads to better ends according to the teachings, wherefore god will allow them to happen. He allows suffering for humanity to experience the darkness, so that she learns to cherish, protect and care for the light; that is to say for all things that are moral, social and just; and that in honesty, not because we were programmed to do so, or because we were forced out of our free belief trough evidence of gods existence, and a life in the hereafter. If humans were wise enough from the beginning, everybody would have had all truth received without effort, falling into their laps, which could lastly not generate the same sense of dignity of one, who has worked hard to understand the truth. Some might argue that they would still find it better if the world never experienced suffering and received all truth without effort, but this life is fading anyways; everything will perish and all suffering will come to an end one day. Everybody will get over what they had to experience in this world. And there is always someone who has experienced worse things than oneself. Life without suffering will also come to an end; and whoever experienced such a life, will very likely not care much about the things that are moral, social and just; only about the things that make their own life as convenient, and long lasting as possible; just like the kings and queens of our history did. They mostly never experienced suffering throughout their lives, and therefore became prideful egomaniacs, that in their ignorance destroyed their own country. But the kingdom of god is meant to last forever, unlike the kingdoms of our world, that always perished because of sin. That's why jesus said: "Blessed are the humble; blessed are the poor; blessed are the merciful; blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will inherit the kingdom of god", as all other people would make the kingdom of god perish. I actually find a lot of truth and reason to believe in god when reading certain teachings.
@hobatoba 6 лет назад
O M N I P R Ä S E N T so he has to show people darkness, in order to see the light. If my whole family dies in a car crash, why would this lead me torwards him?
@andrewdarnley4608 4 года назад
I have had chronic pain for 25yrs. My wife contracted kidney disease and after 5 yrs of dialysis I gave her a kidney. This has left me with associated problems in that part of my body. If there is an all knowing higher power in terms of Christian philosophy, it certainly knows there’s Hell on earth.
@francismausley7239 5 лет назад
We need reality in our actions... “Sometimes I want to ask God why He allows poverty, famine, and injustice when He could do something about it, but I’m afraid he might just ask me the same question.” ~ Abdu’l-Baha, Baha'i Faith
@terrestrialcreature7481 4 года назад
Francis Mausley We can surely try. But the Bible says men can’t even direct their own steps. We need god for everything. Jeremiah 10:23: “O Jehovah, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.”
@MrSitemaster2 8 лет назад
"Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering?", for the exact same reason the Hindu Gods do.
@Kaff231 9 лет назад
Wow I'm so moved by this all I can say is...God you're enough.
@ianyboo 9 лет назад
Kaff231 9 million kids die each year before they reach the age of 5. Your god is incompetent. (or more likely does not exist)
@Kaff231 9 лет назад
Ian G God is neither incompetent or non-existent. You blame God for the number of dead or starving children in the world, accusing Him of lacking the power or the care He should have or even in His existence. It is true that hunger is a problem for many in our world, and many children suffer from malnutrition. However what is apparent is that this planet we call Earth is fallen & cursed to many evils none which have to do with the sovereignty of God or his seemingly lack of care & more with the free will of man God has given him. In doing so many corrupt & evil men have manipulated & mismanage resources, and squander money instead of seeing that people are fed. We know that evil exists because of Satan, sin, and the fallen condition of mankind. Even if there are many things in this world that are unfair & horrific things we can not explain we as Christians have hope in the Lord God. One day, our Lord will make all things right, and “no longer will there be any curse” (Revelation 22:3).
@Kaff231 9 лет назад
Ian G I know whatever I write will fall on a hardened heart & will not matter so I hope you understand that God does exist, loves & care for all mankind. I have no more say or respond to regarding this. Thank you.
@robertlawrence4072 4 года назад
This video is a great answer to the believer who already holds to the source of Evil, the nature of God,e etc. But IMHO, it does not answer the skeptics argument (except maybe the part 'it is the best answer out there compared to other religions or naturalism")... to do this, first, as a Christian we need ot be willing to be God's arms and tears to the person suffering. And them when we have suffered with them, we MIGHT earn the right to speak on the topic. Then we have to answer the question, "why WOULD a God who is loving and merciful, and just and righteous allow or even approve of evil? This answer can be traced back to the Purpose for our existence from the Christian World View. Love... God created us to enjoy a love relationship with HIM, as the Father Son and Spirit enjoyed that relationship eternally together, they desire us to experience that also. But this requires free will and genuine choice. And those require the suffering of consequences for actions. Both our own personal consequences and also the consequences for the actions of others. So for those who say, "Why does God allow such intense suffering? Why not at least stop the extreme ones?" Define extreme? Should God only take Hitler's life or should he take mine as I lie in front of my child, which teaches him that humans cannot be trusted no matter how much they say they love you" I damaged my kids view of life and people as much as anyone by doing so.. so where is the line that God should draw? Well, if you believe in miracles and God communicating his love to people in the midst of troubles and pain, then we can say "God has stopped some suffering in some cases" even though he did not cause it. Someone's free choice to sin directly causes all suffering no matter how you define it. And God is not obligated to stop it, and I would say, if His greatest purpose is for us to truly love, then if he did stop all sin, then He would be doing the worst evil since nobody would know or experience eternally that Love he shares with us.
@monkiboysus5478 3 года назад
i’ve been under spiritual warfare and it’s been about a month and doesn’t seem to get better anymore bro. i’m mentally suffering that i feel God doesn’t love me anymore and feel alone and stings are burns my heart physically so badly . everytime i think about glorifying God and something tells me that i deserve the Glory and that God isnt a righteous holy God . i’ve done about anything in this world by praying a lot and reading my bible and crying out to the Father but i just feel alone and i try to keep his commandments beacuse i love him and something tells me that i shouldn’t do them and i’m only doing them beacuse of good works and only that and either way i’m not going to heaven beacuse i belive good works will get me there but i’m just trying to obey God 💔
@michaelibrahim1443 3 года назад
How are you feeling now
@thisisreal1437 9 лет назад
"This is one of the most difficult questions in all of theology. God is eternal, infinite, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Why should human beings (not eternal, infinite, omniscient, omnipresent, or omnipotent) expect to be able to fully understand God’s ways? The book of Job deals with this issue. God had allowed Satan to do everything he wanted to Job except kill him. What was Job’s reaction? “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him” (Job 13:15). “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised” (Job 1:21). Job did not understand why God had allowed the things He did, but he knew God was good and therefore continued to trust in Him. Ultimately, that should be our reaction as well. Why do bad things happen to good people? The biblical answer is there are no “good” people. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that all of us are tainted by and infected with sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8). Romans 3:10-18 could not be clearer about the non-existence of “good” people: “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one. Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips. Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know. There is no fear of God before their eyes.” Every human being on this planet deserves to be thrown into hell at this very moment. Every second we spend alive is only by the grace and mercy of God. Even the most terrible misery we could experience on this planet is merciful compared to what we deserve, eternal hell in the lake of fire. A better question would be “Why does God allow good things to happen to bad people?” Romans 5:8 declares, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Despite the evil, wicked, sinful nature of the people of this world, God still loves us. He loved us enough to die to take the penalty for our sins (Romans 6:23). If we receive Jesus Christ as Savior (John 3:16; Romans 10:9), we will be forgiven and promised an eternal home in heaven (Romans 8:1). What we deserve is hell. What we are given is eternal life in heaven if we come to Christ in faith. Yes, sometimes bad things happen to people who seem undeserving of them. But God allows things to happen for His reasons, whether or not we understand them. Above all, however, we must remember that God is good, just, loving, and merciful. Often things happen to us that we simply cannot understand. However, instead of doubting God's goodness, our reaction should be to trust Him. ”Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6)." Source: www.gotquestions.org/bad-things-good-people.html#ixzz3di58Azef
@StacyTood 9 лет назад
Alexa Smith Do you like to suffer? If you don't like suffering then you shouldn't feed on it. However if you do like suffering then you deserve all of it. Don't be a bully that feeds on suffering, be vegetarian or vegan instead. Lessen the suffering and show that you care. It's hard to eliminate suffering because most of things here can feel, for example Rose have thorns showing a sign of self awareness of feelings like pain and will to live, that is why I try to eat fruits for I believe they were created to be consumed.
@USmade100 9 лет назад
Alexa Smith Lean not to your own understanding, trust in the Lord with all your heart. That's the part; people that don't get. I think that if they ever counted their real blessings in life, then they would know. Amen on what you wrote Alexa. God bless you.
@sulatlalaki 9 лет назад
Alma 60:13
@landrykatemo4878 8 лет назад
+Zyana Smith Amen and Amen.
@JesusLovesYouSoMuch1 7 лет назад
Thisisreal143 amen!! Praise the LORD!
@MsDkjohn 7 лет назад
How is the idea of human sacrifice considered a good thing, we humans are funny creatures indeed
@TheDarkMikado 7 лет назад
Scapegoating is what it was. Ancient tribes used to cast their sins on a goat, and then drive it off into the desert to die a horrible death. They believed that it would cleanse the tribe. Sound familiar? The Jesus myth says the same thing. It's inherently immoral, unethical and dangerous, as it essentially tells people that someone can take responsibility away from a person who commits an evil act. Which of course........NOBODY can do, regardless of whether they're divine, or not. Nobody can absolve a human being of their responsibilities, yet this is what these people teach their children.
@alexbondhus6447 10 лет назад
@12Piece1 6 лет назад
I love this so much
@jrusselison 9 лет назад
Pain and suffering and agonizing death by terminal illnesses and natural disasters are experienced by theist and non-theists alike whether they are good or bad. So what happens to children too young to know religion who die agonizing death? They have never (cannot) answer the question. There is no explanation even in their so-called holy book/s who are supposed to guide you.
@coyhampton3087 9 лет назад
And that is proof that if there is a god he loves some people more than others which is absurd. I like the world where there is no god and stuff just happens better than the world where god treats some people to a wonderful life and makes other people suffer for no apparent reason.
@MACENT 9 лет назад
Coy Hampton you are right that some people live better than others but thats not due to God thats due to the devil like I said before satan rules the earth not god.
@idolrocks9017 7 лет назад
There is an explanation in the Bible as to why there is suffering and Death in this world.
@melmill1164 8 лет назад
Still not understanding. So why start humanity at all? I thought God can do it all. Why not eliminate evil from the start. The answers are always so vague.
@Rickyr1cardo 8 лет назад
Don't worry it'll all make sense soon
@melmill1164 8 лет назад
+Ricardo Smith like tomorrow? tell me something of substance
@zoelittle1501 8 лет назад
+Introverted Dragon lead me to the magic kingdom? No. Stop forcing your belevies on me!
@HeroReiKo 8 лет назад
+Introverted Dragon god is allmighty, why just not get rid of satan?
@HeroReiKo 8 лет назад
I also feel agnostic, also at the moment I have problems in my life, loads of them, and often I want to cry out to this god so he can help me but I from my experience it never worked!*****
@haveless 7 лет назад
Amazing vid man!
@kyletait7321 6 лет назад
Because god wants us to walk in faith he loves you so much that he gave us his son to die in the cross. For you he does exist just have faith in him
@lyricaltraveller 10 лет назад
The answer is actually very easy. It's just that nobody looks at the Bible for the answers. They are there.
@isaacmagovero296 9 лет назад
Yeah, but the bible's answers are stupid. Maybe that's why no one mentions it.
@lyricaltraveller 9 лет назад
***** Well it's obvious you haven't look at the answers either. If you had, you wouldn't have made that comment.
@isaacmagovero296 9 лет назад
John Wyatt I actually have looked at some of them. What are some of the answers you got from the bible ?
@lyricaltraveller 9 лет назад
***** From the bible I know why the world is the way it is and how we got this way. I have the big picture that is far above any national or religious thinking of this world. I know what the future holds for humans and this Earth. I have a purpose in life and a wonderful future to look forward to,(no not heaven). I am surrounded by people who show true unselfish love. I have a family of over 8,000,000 all over the Earth where not even one of them would hesitate to die for me if need be or I them. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
@isaacmagovero296 9 лет назад
John Wyatt well I'm happy for you, really I am. But I think that's just your opinion. There are people with different religions that think they have the best thinking and reasoning. Same with people from different countries. Its like an Australian saying there the best and me saying the U.S. is the best. But I'm not trying to crap on you and your religion, so I'll just drop it. And again, glad to hear everything's going good for you. Not too many people can say that.
@Hayes611 8 лет назад
So God allows Tsunamis, earthquakes, genocide, starvation, cancer, and so much more so we can appreciate the goodness in the world and be free to make the correct decision to love him and follow him. This is not a good plan - how does the suffering of an infant or child with cancer further his agenda and make him loveable. If he created us then his skills are very flawed given the violence we are capable of inflicting on each other. The question of why god allows suffering and evil is the one that believers can never answer convincingly and is the reason why many people turn away from religion and belief in a deity.
@drearperry8727 8 лет назад
I dont think those peopke really suffer. We just hear about these stories and see pictures but we domt know if they suffered or not. Maybe its just an illusion.
@parkeralexander8021 8 лет назад
alright so basically God had angels and one angel didnt want to bow to us humans, so many angels followed him. This is death, this is why we see death... God is stronger than death that is the strongest point anyone can make
@cgarnet01 7 лет назад
+Drear Perry This statement is utterly infuriating and replete with life ignorance. My father had cancer for five and a half years. He lost his ability to speak and received chemo for four years every Tuesday. I dropped out of college to care for him as my mom had passed when I was ten and my sis was away at college. My dad suffered immensely in every regard from emotional turmoil to physical deterioration. He aged twenty years in a quarter of that time. He cried every week, with periods of crying almost every day and night. It was torture and he supplicated me "to not remember him that way". None of this was an illusion. He suffered immensely for more than half a decade. I was at his side for virtually all of it. There was positively no "illusion" taking place. During the last three months of his life his skin deteriorated to the point that his esophagus became exposed and he could no longer drink any fluids, let alone eat. Saliva drained from his exposed esophagus all hours of the day. It was nothing short of torture and a source of physical embarrassment. The multi-dimensional pain was palpable. Nothing could be more obvious. During the last week of his life his knee shut down functioning and he could put almost no weight on it. He dragged that leg around like a cripple. It was agony on him. He passed a week later when he bled to death in my arms at home in the living room; exsanguinated. There was nothing "illusory" about it, he "suffered" immensely across the entire spectrum. A blind man could have seen it instantly.
@wildmansamurai3663 7 лет назад
Buck Nakked Well said.. the argument you present is one of the main reasons I'm an atheist.
@wildmansamurai3663 7 лет назад
cgarnet01 I'm so sorry he suffered that badly... this is one of the reasons I support assisted suicide. it's also another reason why I'm an atheist.
@stepinside2007 9 лет назад
Consequences of not listening. God loves but trust a few
@caitlinhackbarth7971 8 лет назад
i love God!!
@kathyallman6178 5 лет назад
Jesus spent time with us on earth. He knows what you’re going through. He spoke 12 words to me when I was going through a divorce after a 25 year marriage. He said, “There is no fear, only Faith. There are no. Failures, only Lessons”. That was when I was 50. I felt like I was going to jump off a cliff. I will now turn 80 in October. I’m hoping the Rapture comes first, then I wouldn’t have to turn 80. I feel like 25. Jesus has keep me young. Come with me in the Rapture. God bless us all. AMEN!
@JGAvila90 9 лет назад
These people have literally convinced themselves that their consciousness is a god or something. Its really weird to listen to.
@omniprasent1529 6 лет назад
Jose Avila According to the bible, satan is the lord of this world for until everything is completed. A lot of horrendous things have happened and will continue to happen, but god will will not intervene. You can even pray and try to prevent events from happening; most suffering leads to better ends according to the teachings, wherefore god will allow them to happen. He allows suffering for humanity to experience the darkness, so that she learns to cherish, protect and care for the light; that is to say for all things that are moral, social and just; and that in honesty, not because we were programmed to do so, or because we were forced out of our free belief trough evidence of gods existence, and a life in the hereafter. If humans were wise enough from the beginning, everybody would have had all truth received without effort, falling into their laps, which could lastly not generate the same sense of dignity of one, who has worked hard to understand the truth. Some might argue that they would still find it better if the world never experienced suffering and received all truth without effort, but this life is fading anyways; everything will perish and all suffering will come to an end one day. Everybody will get over what they had to experience in this world. And there is always someone who has experienced worse things than oneself. Life without suffering will also come to an end; and whoever experienced such a life, will very likely not care much about the things that are moral, social and just; only about the things that make their own life as convenient, and long lasting as possible; just like the kings and queens of our history did. They mostly never experienced suffering throughout their lives, and therefore became prideful egomaniacs, that in their ignorance destroyed their own country. But the kingdom of god is meant to last forever, unlike the kingdoms of our world, that always perished because of sin. That's why jesus said: "Blessed are the humble; blessed are the poor; blessed are the merciful; blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will inherit the kingdom of god", as all other people would make the kingdom of god perish. I actually find a lot of truth and reason to believe in god when reading certain teachings.
@thatrottenotaku6596 6 лет назад
Ikr 😂😂
@yohaan9 6 лет назад
WOW! I am moved and got answers to so many questions. Yes, God is with us and is there to comfort us and gives us free will.
@ralfslagzdins7661 8 лет назад
seems like the support is to keep our courage allways.true courage will give you your spirituality
@yapthiensoo 7 лет назад
no real answer!!!!!!
@jetmanengland20 9 лет назад
Moral of the story: God will choose an arbitrary person, screw their life over, to bring more to him? Does this make sense?
@isaacmagovero296 9 лет назад
Makes perfect sense, god is amazing.
@coyhampton3087 9 лет назад
***** The only thing amazing is that you believe in a god who gives some people a great life and other people a life of misery all for no apparent reason. I would rather believe in no god than one who is purposely cruel.
@isaacmagovero296 9 лет назад
Coy Hampton I was being sarcastic. I'm actually an atheist.
@coyhampton3087 9 лет назад
***** My mistake, I couldn't tell. I am glad you are actually a person who is honest with himself.
@isaacmagovero296 9 лет назад
Coy Hampton yeah thanks, that's something not to many people have anymore.
@congodaman6681 3 года назад
I really couldn't handle 4:00 it just reminded me lifes not so bad. If your in pain or suffering ima true hommie. I been thru alot. Dont want UR money I just wanna help.
@TheShinyZorua469 9 лет назад
God does not allow suffering.. WE DO
@killergreek55 7 лет назад
Moved Channels wow did you come up with that all by yourself
@tdmclaug3508 7 лет назад
Moved Channels He is all powerful, you can't possibly tell me that god can't change that. Yes he can. He should be able to, of course.
@brianbey7968 6 лет назад
How can you expect something that doesn't exist to do anything? That's like expecting Santa Claus to bring you presents.
@snoopy2659 3 года назад
God is real
@CAVERUNLAKE 3 года назад
Well you have made your decision! So when you die be a man or die and live with that! Because science says energy never dies it can only be transferred so where is your energy going? Oh and by the way where does the universe end?
@nabielelmak7684 9 лет назад
People learn the most during tough times and our relationship with God tend to get stronger during tough time. If everything were perfect all the time than we won't need God but depending on your relationship with God suffering becomes more understandable.the way you see suffering it's different than the way God sees suffering. Lean not on to your own understanding for god knew you were going to experience this situation at this day and time.
@nabielelmak7684 8 лет назад
+Danko9889 all i can tell is you been a Christian but you never knew who god is, have you heard a demond talking out of someone and in the name of jesus the demon is commended and it obeys.
@alfredovazquezjr9222 6 лет назад
i sometimes ask my self how a believer suffers so much i have been going thru a tuff time these past 2 months i quit pornography. to become a better version and stop feeling guilty that while my family serves god and i go to church i did that . it has it been so hard for me . i have beeen going thru depression and suicidal thoughts and sometimes im convinced that god doesnt love me. But my heart knows he does but my mind tells me he doesnt. i never thought that a positive change in my life would become so hard. i had an amazing life before i decided to quit porn . i continiue to pray and I have sort of started smiling again. I struggled with PMO for 4 years i have followed christ for about 8 years. I want to lead people to christ bit how do i do that if i havent been completly helped . or how i wish god would help me. Giving me my life back when i used to watch p but now p free. i count the days and the nights 😥
@LukeReed627 9 лет назад
God moves in mysterious ways - this is the ultimate cop-out. The world is entirely consistent with there being no god - seeing religious people try to squirm from this is sad and futile...
@JBDuncan 8 лет назад
+Lman Rman So why are you on a video about God? Stop trying to find a purpose in life if the one purpose you're supposed to have you throw away because humans always have to try and be smarter than God.
@LukeReed627 8 лет назад
I'm BaeSic I'm on a video about this version of a god because I happened to stumble across it - pointing out such propaganda as a pathetic cop-out seems almost obligatory :-) If you don't like it that is just unfortunate for you :-)
@LukeReed627 8 лет назад
***** ============ "Being an Atheist is one hell of a scary position." ============ Whether you find it scary or not doesn't change the fact of whether it is true - you seem to use your 'god' as a comfort blanket...
@JBDuncan 8 лет назад
Lman - I agree a lot of Christians do but not all. Some use god because they are scared of death and some still go by what the old testament say but one of the main reasons Jesus came was to abolish all that. Thing I'm trying to say is although we believe in one God, we're human we view his word differently. I am a Christian that believes you can believe whatever you want, I would love Jesus to change your life but I'm not going to force it in your face. I just never got true satisfaction in anything as a non-believer. I wanted one thing, then once that was gone I'd move onto the next. But then again life as a Christian is hard, Jesus doesn't give us a perfect life but he offers a reward.
@LukeReed627 8 лет назад
I'm BaeSic === "I just never got true satisfaction in anything as a non-believer." === . I think that's fair enough, in the privacy of their own homes people should be able to believe whatever they want - proselytising is OK too providing others can freely point out a differing view. Where I really have a problem with it is when religious people try to influence the laws of the land to reflect their views or protect their religious positions.
@elrico1364 5 лет назад
A short story “The Irony” A man took a walk through the woods. He came upon a small brook. When he attempted to cross it, he set his foot upon a wet rock. He slipped and hit his head and fell unconscious. A stranger soon came upon him. He saw the man was dying. The stranger heard the brook nearby and took a handful of water. He immediately baptized the dying man. Just then he died. By the Godly power of the Sacrament of Baptism his soul was cleansed and the man went straight away to Heaven. The irony is this; It was the water upon the slippery stone that brought about the man’s untimely death. However, it was the very same water that brought the man, through Holy Baptism, into eternal life. Now, we may wonder why some things in life come about but be assured God does all things for our own good. Thanks be to God.
@queenstown4797 6 лет назад
Just got my heartbroken all these bad things happening to me why is it happening to me I question God
@patrickortiz2471 6 лет назад
I've always asked the question...though no actual answer was given...it was a moving video...But why do we need to die...to find happiness...peace and joy...why are we to be judged...when we were created...free will should include the option to be created!!! Anyway...have a good day!
@patrickortiz2471 6 лет назад
@@cjmeadors ...?
@melmill1164 8 лет назад
the problem with you god believers is that you answer it all with blaming men. excuse me, who created men? blame the creator not the creation.
@omniprasent1529 6 лет назад
Luna Rose According to the bible, satan is the lord of this world for until everything is completed. A lot of horrendous things have happened and will continue to happen, but god will will not intervene. You can even pray and try to prevent events from happening; most suffering leads to better ends according to the teachings, wherefore god will allow them to happen. He allows suffering for humanity to experience the darkness, so that she learns to cherish, protect and care for the light; that is to say for all things that are moral, social and just; and that in honesty, not because we were programmed to do so, or because we were forced out of our free belief trough evidence of gods existence, and a life in the hereafter. If humans were wise enough from the beginning, everybody would have had all truth received without effort, falling into their laps, which could lastly not generate the same sense of dignity of one, who has worked hard to understand the truth. Some might argue that they would still find it better if the world never experienced suffering and received all truth without effort, but this life is fading anyways; everything will perish and all suffering will come to an end one day. Everybody will get over what they had to experience in this world. And there is always someone who has experienced worse things than oneself. Life without suffering will also come to an end; and whoever experienced such a life, will very likely not care much about the things that are moral, social and just; only about the things that make their own life as convenient, and long lasting as possible; just like the kings and queens of our history did. They mostly never experienced suffering throughout their lives, and therefore became prideful egomaniacs, that in their ignorance destroyed their own country. But the kingdom of god is meant to last forever, unlike the kingdoms of our world, that always perished because of sin. That's why jesus said: "Blessed are the humble; blessed are the poor; blessed are the merciful; blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will inherit the kingdom of god", as all other people would make the kingdom of god perish. I actually find a lot of truth and reason to believe in god when reading certain teachings.
@omniprasent1529 6 лет назад
keep it real It's true!
@Walkinjoy 6 лет назад
Luna Rose God created Adam and Eve, who were as perfect as humans can get, until Satan decieved them and they disobeyed God. God told warned them not to eat from the tree but they did anyways. That's Adam and Eves fault, and it's our fault we fail God and continue to see even though he warns us to turn away from it. Not God's fault.
@omniprasent1529 6 лет назад
keep it real Here is wisdom from jesus about suffering: Greatfulness opens the door for greater blessing; greater and greater blessings. With greatfulness comes power, the power to loose and unleash the fetters, both on yourselves and on others. When a bitter spirit is standing in a way, there is bondage. But remove the bitter spirit, and healing can take place. There are so many, with a bitter spirit in the way, of my being able to work in their lives. Things happen in the lives of a souls, that they do not understand, so they blame me and become bitter. It is true, that i ultimately could have prevented what bad happened in this world, but it is also true that all things happen for certain reasons. Reasons which the minds of man can not fathom. For instance there are souls, had they succeeded with their inteded plans, they would have ended their lives going to hell. But because i allowed an intervetion, it totally changed the course of their lives. Yet they can not see it, and so they become bitter. But won't a life without bitterness take them to hell? It will, if no one intervenes. But i literally move heaven and earth, to bring someone across their path, that changes their attitude, many times at the very end of their lives, when it is their last chance. Not that i don't try earlier! But some are so hardened and stubborn, that it takes facing death, to realize their mistake. Oh my precious ones, so many times worse things headed your way, and i withstood the evil spirits on your behalf. You were not walking with me, you didn't know me or care to know me, but i protected you anyway. You see, when you live by my rules, love me, and serve me, you live withing the confines of the corral of safety. But when your break down the fence and take off into the wilderness, you tie my hands, but then still ask: "Where is the lord in my need if he truly exists?" However, even then i relent and overrule my norms to protect you, because i love you and i know you don't understand what you're doing. I approach you year after year after year, to turn you from your selfish and blind paths, and you ignore me year after year blithely skipping down the path of your own fantasies. Then you get to the end of your life and start to think about things, looking back on mistakes, wondering when death approaches, where you will end. Even then you try to reason away things others have warned you with; you choose different religions and said: "This is my path!" But in the stillness of the night, phantoms arise and taunt you with the truth, and you begin to wonder. Oh, i do try so hard to change your disposition, because i know where it is taking you, and that i will never see you again. I will grieve for you, i will hear your screams from hell, but i won't be able to do anything for you, for you made your eternal decision. inspitte of everything i did to turn your heart back to me. If a soul is in heaven, it does not experience the depravity of earth and sin, so it can't possibly appreciate what it has. But if it is subjected to the utter darkness of sinful men and is lifted up and out of it, her awareness suddenly expands and she realizes how much she is loved by me, and she experience the very extraordinary bliss of my being and my love for them. So can you trust me? Can you trust, that what i allowed in your life was for the best? Can you thank me for all the good and all the bad? For everything that i gave, and for everything that i witheld? For the greater the sorrow you have experienced in this life, the more greatfull you will be in heaven, and the more joy and bliss you will experience for eternity.
@Brookelleluv 9 лет назад
Lol.....the question was never answered. Nice try though xD
@johnsmith-tq5zn 4 года назад
I have written an article on my blog which I think will answer your question. Please, spare some time to read it. It will help you... lonesoulofmine.blogspot.com/2020/01/why-god-allows-evil-to-happen.html
@darvx92 4 года назад
@@johnsmith-tq5zn Why didn't god just make us perfect in the first place? Why subject us to all this misery? Is he a sadist? Is it a game? What purpose could forcing us to suffer here on earth serve an all loving, all knowing God? It always astounds me the lengths people will go to to make up excuses for those that hurt them. It's a very unhealthy relationship between us and God. Don't battered wives often make excuses for their violent husbands too?
@isaacstevenson5220 4 года назад
Humans created suffering. We rebelled against God with the ultimate sin (Adam and Eve). God wants us to have choice and free will. God intended us to walk in the garden with Him and to have us live forever. But we humans wanted to go our own way. Humans cause suffering. The righteous will suffer and the wicked could prosper. But when it is time to be judged by our Father. Everything will by justified. The wicked will be punished and the righteous will be rewarded with eternity in heaven with our Father. God is all good and is all powerful. He is all good because He will allow suffering sometimes to get us closer to Him and because if He didn’t, He would have to take away our free will and choice. And God does not want robots to worship Him. God is all powerful because the war is already won and at the end of our lives everything will be justified and suffering will be no more.
@n_vlog5581 2 года назад
Nice topic...I got this ques again and again in my mind that "y god allow so much evil & suffering in the world
@SkoThick 4 года назад
I love this channel! New subbie *LunD'Quoi Entertainment*
@blacksunaccounts 10 лет назад
Because god has no hand in the physical world.
@blacksunaccounts 10 лет назад
the bible was written by men. I may not agree with you but lets keep it friendly :)
@blacksunaccounts 10 лет назад
what does that have to do with anything? you are sounding kinda crazy now lol.
@tdmclaug3508 7 лет назад
blacksunaccounts Don't you believe he created the earth.
@isaacmagovero296 9 лет назад
There is no god/gods. Thats why there's suffering. This video missed some of the most important parts of evil. One is : do starving children in africa choose to be born in such a awful place, where they die painfully and slowly of starvation. If you read this before you pray to your god /gods before your thanksgiving feast, remember the millions of people around this world who are starving, and who's lives are 100x miserable than yours will ever be. And maybe you'll realise that the only reason your able to eat, and pray is because you were born at the right place at the right time. And if you werent, you wouldn't be praying. You'd be searching to find the smallest piece of food to eat and survive off of. Open your eyes. If there is a god or gods who's allowing such evil stuff to happen, then its not worth worshiping everyday of your life. But no evidence in the multi billon galaxy universe points that there is a god/gods. 
@isaacmagovero296 9 лет назад
The same concept applies to people with different religions and their other saviors. When people are in such terrible times, they become mentally weak and accept anything to help them. Even if it means believing an invisible man in the sky. But its all in their head, I used to feel comfortable every night thinking about the easter bunny, Santa Claus,the tooth fairy, and so on. But its not evidence that they exist. I'm all on board for helping others around the world, but why should it be our job if a god created us, it should be it's/his/her job. But god/gods is an ancient myth that's been around for thousands and thousands of years. Since man started figuring out how to start fire. Religion will die off, eventually. If people really want suffering to stop around the world, the we need to get rid of religion.
@SHAWTY17ist 9 лет назад
I agree.
@Abican15 9 лет назад
I just wanted to point out your last sentence "But the all the evidence in the multi billon galaxy universe points that there is no god/gods." this is just a false statment you just came up with and it has not even proved anything you said and i think if you are talking about such a sensitive topic you should atleast keep your own false statments and opinions to yourself instead of posting "trashtalk". Thanks.
@codyh9408 9 лет назад
i'd like to see this 'evidence' then.
@Abican15 9 лет назад
Kodddayyy H /watch?v=1LHRDUF9ec8 a short video or you can watch a much longer video: /watch?v=mtBz1roiQR8
@arrajinylebss5873 8 лет назад
God shows you he is there in your time of need
@Hayes611 8 лет назад
How about the 200,000 people swept away by the tsunami in 2004. Was he there in their time of need? Did he hear their screams of terror and suffering and save them. No. Why? Why would any parent let their children suffer and die terribly if they could do something. Either he doesn't care or doesn't exist.
@jaredskyemusic 8 лет назад
+Buck Nakked That is exactly why I am struggling with this topic. I have been to both sides of the spectrum...been to the dark side and been a big time Christian.. if He is all knowing all powerful all love and all perfect.. then why does He allow poor babies like a five year old to be kidnapped raped and killed!!!! No believed could give me a straight answer . one even suggested maybe her parents did something bad or didn't believe in God. suggesting that they deserved it?!!! I thought the bible said He will never give you more than you Can bare...
@luckydigal1662 8 лет назад
help me god. i don't know what to do.
@inrealitywetrust2610 9 лет назад
You are trying to cover up the fact that there is no God or gods. If YOU were all loving and all powerful would YOU let ANY child suffer ? A God can not be both. Only a child would believe such unproven non sense.
@inrealitywetrust2610 8 лет назад
***** Yes, there is absolutely no evidence that prayer works or. Saves lives. People that lose a child go through endless torment. I would not inflict that kind of pain on to anyone if I were all powerful
@ricoabestano8910 8 лет назад
+InRealityWeTrust There is no evidence too, to disprove the existence of GOd..
@inrealitywetrust2610 8 лет назад
Rico abestano Well, can you disprove Allah, Zues, Shebah, Buddah ???? They must exist then right ??
@chunker10ify 8 лет назад
+InRealityWeTrust His love and grace allows us to make our own choices. Every Father has to let their son go and make his own decisions. Its really not that hard of a concept
@inrealitywetrust2610 8 лет назад
Chase Rodriguez does his love include letting the holocaust happed, killing millions of Jews? Does his love include miscarriage's ? does his love include giving you the gift of a child then letting the child die at a young age ? If your "loving" god can answer prayers I would say his priorities are very misplaced. Why cant your "loving" god save people from a burning afterlife? IS THERE ANYTHING YOUR CHILD OR BROTHER COULD DO THAT WOULD BE BAD ENOUGH FOR YOU TO BURN THEIR SKIN OFF FOREVER ? All powerful ?? All loving ?? imaginary ? What is your proof that your god loves you ?
@adrienpiette6746 8 лет назад
These people are delusional.
@marbananta 8 лет назад
Let's see it in the end.
@josephgarcia5785 8 лет назад
yea just wait tell the end
@Evan88tor 8 лет назад
when the sun blows up and kills us all?
@marbananta 8 лет назад
+Deez Nuts We just take it. What else can we do? No option.
@QuantikoOfficial 8 лет назад
You're delusional
@nabielelmak7684 9 лет назад
Don't look at the problem look at what God is trying to teach you.
@akaGiNX 7 лет назад
I have struggles and temptations, I have Sin and Guilt. I'm really a selfish Person, my hours have been dropped at work, My Girlfriend dumped me yesterday I'm not sure what's going to happen in the future. I find myself asking God "Why do you put these evils and temptations in front of me and not expect me to react Lord"? I feel useless and stupid and lost at times. That to me is suffering, I feel at times I don't think I will get anywhere with life - I feel like I can't do anything because i'm not good enough. But then I talk to other people and I start to think that my problems are nothing compared to what they are going through, and then I think i'm selfish person because the pain and suffering i'm going through is nothing compared to theirs. How do I get up and fight everyday? this is so difficult.... Things don't make sense, I can't make clarity of situations, I feel lost.
@sharonwalia4162 7 лет назад
akaGiNX Give your life to God if you have not already. This will be the most important start to a new life and happier more hopeful life. You are good enough. God made you. That means you definitely good enough. Seek in the bible what He might be wanting you to do. I used to go around not feeling good enough but it was the devil trying to make me feel unworthy of God's love. Don't let him fool you. Look at David in the bible and he was favored by God and look at all the stuff he did wrong. He was forgiven tho. He praised God.
@NarinderKaur-kz3kv 8 лет назад
no one deserves to be hurt in life not even bullies, murderers, gamblers or even those who do crime in life we should be happy because alot of people suffer and it makes me cry no one deserves this god so why are you doing this
@ebkikibo 3 года назад
We are NOT to know everything. I hate when children, animals, and the innocent are hurt. BUT I believe there will be answers one day. There is an opposite to everything, and some of us will experience the worst, but we will get answers.
@LearnEnglishESL 7 лет назад
"As to the subject of babes and children and weak ones who are afflicted by the hands of the oppressors… for those souls there is a recompense in another world …that suffering is the greatest mercy of God. Verily that mercy of the Lord is far better than all the comfort of this world and the growth and development appertaining to this place of mortality." ~ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Baha'i Faith
@Xx1095urielxX 9 лет назад
im an atheist. i wish i could believe this, wish i could have hope for a better world after death. but then i think of the people who suffer every day, who call out to god. its as if their prayers are muffled and lost in all the other calls for mercy.
@tlaloc-ll6dp 6 лет назад
Uriel Ramos believe there is something after death. Believing in God can give you such comfort. I know it's hard to believe because of all the bad things going on in the world but instead of looking at "why are there bad things happening to me" look at it as "how will this affect my life and how us God using thus event to change my life" . Maybe He using this as a way to help us appreciate other things. But again His wisdom is far too great for us to comprehend. If we trust and believe in Him we will be at peace. He will help us you just have to believe.
@kimrojang6175 8 лет назад
God is a righteous Lord.. he knows our pain. he knows our world is not perfect we are sinners and we are weak. the devil tests our faith and hearts. I come from a hard childhood like many of you might know someone near you. I grew up with the knowledge of Jesus our Lord and I asked would ask him why God do let this be. why when I'm so young and defenseless. why can't you come do something to stop my pain..where are you.. are you even real.. if you the Lord all powerful and all knowing why did you allow such things happen in this word.. I even stopped believing and going to church. but he never left me.. he taught me as went through life that I am nit alone..this suffering is temporary, this pain, sickness, torment it is all from this world.. and Jesus is with you in each step.. he is next to in all you're suffering and pain. sickness, tragedy, death may come but you will in his arms. when you feel there is no where to go our who to turn to. God is there alway next to you no matter how many time we reject him or turn from he love is there so that you don't have to go through this alone. i don't know your story and what you've been through but know you're not alone. God sends his people to aid and support you in your times of need. The devil may touch your human state and hurt those and that you love most but you as his son and daughter your soul is his and will be in heaven. where there will be no more pain, no more sorrow or hate. Hope and faith is what keeps us leaving and going. let him in to you'r life and I promise that even if you walk through the valley of death you shall fear no evil for our Lord is with you, who protects you and guides to the ever lasting life. I still don't understand all his will but I know I'm not alone and that he loves me. Jesus loves you!!
@kimrojang6175 7 лет назад
+Danko9889 Having faith go far more deeper than understanding feeling and emotions of safety or good feelings.and you are may be right. I know that in every religion each have their own thoughts and believes of why we are here and why things happen. I can't speak for them and I am not. I choose to believe in Jesus not just because it makes me feel good or because its easy, but because I see him by each day in everyone around me and everywhere. I don't know how I can explain this but I know in my heart God hears me, that Jesus is with me.He may not answer the way we want or when we want.. I accepted him as my lord and savor. It's not easy and I see what you are trying to say.. I used to think that way too.. Faith is not something that goes against evidences and reality it goes beyond it,, I pray for that you can know what is like to accepted Jesus in your life.. God bless. thank you for your time to reading and replying my message. Take care!
@ralfslagzdins7661 8 лет назад
we everyone are left with our own circumstances or things must do and "pain" or whatever and with courage to accept and be where we are.keep yourself busy be good but dont waste time to proove others.dont lie yourself
@noahater5785 4 года назад
and here i am questioning my existence despite God allowing me to be born prematurely at 26 weeks nearly 18 years ago... I'm happy to be alive, but I'm mad at God at the same time for allowing the premature birth that *nearly* killed me to still happen.
@labae8728 3 года назад
You don’t need to be mad at Him. God loves you and He created you beautifully and wonderfully
@originofdread 9 лет назад
Alan Hirsch mentioned the suffering that comes from nature and that the christian explanation was the best one. What is the christian explanation? I might have missed that part.
@briantompson2002 6 лет назад
Why God Wills Suffering for the Children He Loves
Is Christianity Too Narrow?
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Как вам наш дуэт?❤️
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Can I Know God Personally?
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God and Prayer
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Why Does God Allow Suffering?
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Is There a God?
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