
Why Fat Doesn't Make you Fat 

Mark Hyman, MD
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Просмотров 42 тыс.
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“The plan you’re putting me on includes lots of nuts, seeds, coconut oil, avocados, eggs, and even some butter,” a patient recently told me. “I can’t shake my fear of fat. I think all this food is going to make me gain weight.”
If you can identify with this patient, you're not alone. Even I once had a fear of fat while growing up. I subscribed to the antiquated “all calories are the same” myth, a mentality that demonizes fat. After all, eating fat makes you fat, right? Wrong!



15 сен 2024




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@KayVilleRecords 8 лет назад
I used to be an avid low-fat supporter and for years would eat all the low fat products in the aisle, worked out a lot and I counted calories. It was all fine until one day I crashed and I suffered for months on end with tiredness, fatigue, headaches, etc. I was so lost. Then I switched to Paleo and upped my fat intake. It wasn't magic, but week in and week out I started noticing improvement and the momentum was picked up again. I was so scared that I would gain weight, but I actually remained steady and I was able to really cut down all my sugar cravings. Before I would constantly crave chocolates and sweet stuff. Now I hardly snack on anything other than a handful of nuts or some dark chocolate every now and then. Life is good. I believe we are hard wired genetically to respond to high fat diets. Our ancestors didnt pick the fat off the meat they could hunt, they ate it all and then some. They didn't have the same strain of wheat we have today and they certainly didn't eat products which are packaged in factories with chemicals unknown to our system. So on an evolutionary scale, we are in two states. Our bodies have not evolved much to accept all the "new" foods, but our technology and brains have progressed to this point. We just need to even out the playing field a little. I believe in Dr Mark Hyman, it worked for me.
@DS-fi4hf 3 года назад
I stopped eating carbs/processed sugar, and ate smaller meals throughout the day for 3 months and lost 30lbs. I didn’t even exercise.
@jasonabrian2763 8 лет назад
I've been doing the high fat low carb diet and after a month of being on it i have lost weight, got my muscle tone back, have more energy, no more bloating and my metabolism is on fire even with my sad excuse of a workout plan. I still have a little fear of fats (of course because of what I've been taught my whole life) and of how slow meat is digested so i do pop a digestive enzyme with my meal as well to put my mind at ease.
@danielchristmas6967 7 лет назад
14 people from the sugar industry disliked this video :P
@richburley5670 3 года назад
I did a keto like diet for about a year straight and I took a good amount of supplements, including a good amount of distilled fish oil. I lost 50 lbs. I ate a lot of beef, pork, eggs and only low carb vegetables, under 20 grams of carbs a day for the first month, then after that I stayed under 100grams of carbs a day, but I allowed myself a cheat day once a week that I could have whatever I wanted, pizza, ice cream, etc. But I found that after a couple months I didn't want or crave a cheat day and then soon, I rarely used a cheat day. But, I also didn't feel guilty eating everything at dinners on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and any other special occasion. My brain was sharper and clearer. My blood tests were much, much better, absolutely everything fell into the normal range. My LDL was on the low side of normal, my HDL was on the high side of normal. Before Keto I had high LDL. I had more energy than I had in years. I didn't exercise at all in the beginning of the diet, but then, overtime, I had more energy and just started to be a lot more active, that made me feel better mentally too. I was just happier than I had been before. I have incorporated carbs back into my diet and I have not gained the weight back going on 3 years now. Plus, I have lost another 10 lbs. in the last 3 years, since I have been off the diet. However, I don't feel quite as good as I did on the diet, nor is my brain quite as sharp as it was on the diet. I believe that is because I allow myself to eat some sugar and bad carbs a couple times a week now.
@pottingersandra 2 года назад
Thanks alot for sharing your journey. I just started mine.
@evolvingerinb 8 лет назад
I am so pleased all of this information is getting out there, and more medical providers are learning the truth and not allowing outside influences, person interests or just pure stubbornness cloud their judgement and advice anymore. I am anxious to get your new book.Thanks for all the work you do, really appreciate you bring this out here for so many of us to learn from.Shalom
@thomasokeefe3081 4 года назад
1 Tablespoon of extra cold pressed unrefined organic olive oil every morning on a empty stomach.
@rob28803 3 года назад
Nope, fast instead!
@47retta 8 лет назад
I wish you would comment on Dr Michael Greger's videos on RU-vid. He claims such success with a vegan low fat diet and cites many studies and other successful doctors. Sometimes I don't know who to believe. I think the high fat, "normal" protein, complex carb makes the most sense. But then Dr Greger cites his research!
@vinniej8256 7 лет назад
This is the problem when people break food down into macro-nutrients and don't talk about the nutrient profile of the foods itself.
@gmo709 6 лет назад
Dave Miller Crappy fats would be soybean oil, vegetable oil, trans fats. Killing the refined carbs and sugars is the key here and upping vegetable intake. Fat is insulin neutral and helps to keep appetite under control and keep u feeling satisfied! But if u have a lot of fat intake, make sure u eat lots of greens. By high carb...u mean carbs with fiber i assume.
@Ashclayton1994 Год назад
Dr Greger is barely 50 and already looks like he's in his 60s with a bloated gut, man boobs and premature hair loss, he's the last person anyone should be taking health or nutritional advice from
@aydasu 8 лет назад
Thank you for suggesting Dr.Ludwig's book during your last video. My friend and I got the book and we are starting our high fat low carb plan this week. Thanks so much.
@nofearonlylove21 7 лет назад
aydasu if u go on a low carb diet youre essentially starving it.
@Mike65809 3 года назад
@@Jordan-fr3zn The only problem is it actually works!
@bika7181 8 лет назад
hi ,dr mark. i am not a medical student .but i learn a lot from your videos .thank you
@ProPhilosophy 8 лет назад
Mark, what do you think about meat being as equally and/or close to insulinogenic as many carbohydrates?
@Hiker_who_Sews 5 лет назад
Oops. Slip of the tongue or something else? Recommend whole foods *or* recommend oils and butter, but not both. Olives are a whole food. Olive oil is not. I'm from a "blue zone." There's much more to longevity than controlling weight. What good is being slender if you're dead?
@SuicideKang 6 лет назад
Neck has a six pack. I’m all about colorize counting. I lost 40 pounds in 3 months. My girlfriend lost 50 pounds at the same time. Just do what works. I’m also an alcoholic and my sobriety has made this possible
@tomorrowsrosie4282 8 лет назад
Thank you for a great video! Coconut oil is a daily for me. and Avocado's are one of my absolute favourite. I also eat a couple of eggs a day especially when I'm working out. I feel as though included these healthy fats helps me so much with my sugar cravings.
@fortcastlevgn2368 5 лет назад
nope coconut give me acne inflamation makes me extremely angry and brain foggy lazy etce tceetcetcetc
@kpetrova9835 6 лет назад
Thank you sir! I heard about this it's like the keto diet.
@terminations2 8 лет назад
So basically go on a ketogenic diet to lose weight? Wouldn't you lose muscle?
@zehravigna4873 8 лет назад
Thank you very much for this great video. I have one question : I don't understand why we can not get fat if we eat too much olive oil, or coconut oil. We have to, because they are triglycerides (coming from diatary fat) and they will be carried to our cells by "Chylomicrons" which are lipoproteins responsible for carrying diatary triglycerides. I agree that there will not be insulin secration, but chylomicrons will carry them directly to the cells and push them inside. Am I correct ? Therefore I am confused. Thank you very much for your answer.
@MrBurty5 4 года назад
You'll get fat if you eat too much of anything Your question is self explanatory EAT TOO MUCH
@sandspider250 6 лет назад
best advice I've gotten so far by any book, doctor, speaker, research data, ect.......EAT FOOD, NOT TOO MUCH, MOSTLY PLANTS.
@Mike65809 3 года назад
Yeah and eat fat.
@bollock1213 2 года назад
Why mostly plants
@mellegerda 6 лет назад
I heard people saying consuming fat can improve your skin. I think this is true.
@SerenityScratch 5 лет назад
animal fat is used in a lot of skin treatments too
@Postproductioneditor 6 лет назад
Dr. Hyman... A fitting name for a Gynecologist, no?
@faheeta5036 8 лет назад
I went on a zero fat diet just for shiggles. I had no energy and didn't want to get off the couch. I'd probaby gain weight if anything.
@marybeth6676 6 лет назад
faheeta >>>sorry you thought that would work... we need FATS....good fats like avocado, olive oil....kerrygold butter....cod liver oil!
@DeadByMajingo 3 года назад
Where are the pictures and animations to spice up the viewing process?
@vinniej8256 7 лет назад
I hate when people break down food into the macro-nutrients, they tend to ignore the micro-nutrients. Macros don't matter as long as you eat enough high nutrient foods. Even in this video you are clumping foods into macros vs identifying the food. In other words, oreo cookies and apples are both carbs but they do not have the same nutrient profile.
@ProPhilosophy 8 лет назад
Also, doesn't the body prefer to store glucose in the form of glycogen through gylcogenesis rather than as adipose tissue through de novo lipogensis? Perhaps individuals who are eating certain types of foods (refined sugars, excessive meat consumption, etc) are having over active DNL, therefor storing carbs that would normally be stored as glycogen in the form of triglycerides instead?
@kurok1132 7 лет назад
The amount of glycogen that can be stored in our liver and muscle cells is very little. So when you have a high-carb meals, the glycogen storage will be filled up fairly quickly and our body has to get rid of the excess glucose in our blood by converting them into fat.
@megannewton8608 8 лет назад
I have been under the impression the only fuel source for the brain is glucose. How does restricting carb intake affect the brain's functioning? Wouldn't it bet the best to eat a balanced diet with a good amount of complex carbs as well as healthy fats?
@kurok1132 7 лет назад
Actually, our brain prefers ketones (products of ketogenesis) as the primary fuel because it contains more energy per molecule and it is a cleaner energy source (in terms of energy-efficiency) compared to glucose
@SerenityScratch 5 лет назад
because people eat too much of it. There is enough natural glucose in fruits and berries, you don't need to add anymore to your diet.
@Ashclayton1994 Год назад
Your body is capable of producing enough of it's own glucose from protein there's 0 nutritional requirements to eat carbohydrates
@dejanrakic77 7 лет назад
Low carb MORE fat diet is the best, i lost 2,5 pounds in just one week without exercising, i try for many years with low fat,with bread,corn,rice,potato,little vegetables,with fruits like bananas and apples and 5-8 glasses of water, walking for miles,liffting weights at home and i didnt lost almost nothing, and when i lost a 2,3 pounds in no time and i mean in 1 month i was again back with almost identical weight when i was back in little fat with bread,some candies etc, i eat viber like flaxseeds,drinking lemon,apple vinegar,psyllium, and off course eggs,bacon,all meat,vegetables,grreek yougurt with avocado almond milk,water,spinach and celery smoothie, and i making muffins with eggs with little coconut flour and chedar cheese, and drinking water when i am thirsty, i i dont fear NO MORE cholesterol and fat!
@mrbigzac 6 лет назад
What a quack. He's only telling half the story on almost every point, most likely to lead you to confuse you into buying his book. "It's not eating more and exercising less that makes you fat, it's being fat that makes you eat more and exercise less" No both statements were correct, it is a cycle. A cycle that starts with weight gain, which is caused by eating more calories than you burn. your genetics and diet play a role in determining how well your body can store this caloric excess, but you still have to have the caloric excess to gain weight. In other words you have to overeat to gain fat.
@kzy7182 2 года назад
He talks about carbs as if table sugar and an apple are the same. I ate a high fat low carb diet for a year and had a heart attack. LDL went from 90 to 135, resulting in a blocked LAD.
@aladdina20 8 лет назад
Dr. Hyman, you said Dairy makes you fat and you advised recently against it. But now you recommend butter, please explain. (only Dr. Hyman please) :)
@KayVilleRecords 8 лет назад
+Maria dairy doesn't make you fat, it is just not good for your guts because of lactose and casein. Dr Hyman is referring to clarified butter I think here. You can make this at home from normal butter. Google it, I do it all the time and its gets rid of all the bad stuff leaving only the good.
@skringler8267 8 лет назад
+INHeadKay Dairy does make you gain weight. Its designed to turn a little calf into a big cow in no time!! And eating fat will make you fat if it's from animal sources.
@KayVilleRecords 8 лет назад
Eating anything will make you fat. I dont advocate dairy because of caseins and lactose, neither of which are found in clarified butter as you get rid of all the milk solids. Fat helps fight insulin resistance, is the only way nutrients can be properly absorbed and most important allows us to lose the stubborn fat as it helps the body to release the fat from fat cells. I agree that not all fats are created equal, but there is nothing wrong with good nutritious animal fat. Sunflower and MSGs, now that is where things gets horrible...
@skringler8267 8 лет назад
+INHeadKay Why do you think your nutrients should come from an animal. You can process your own nutrients directly from plants, no 3rd party necessary!
@SerenityScratch 5 лет назад
you can't get B12 from a plant based diet
@RehmanKhan930 8 лет назад
Brilliant Videos, Thank you.
@thomashughes4859 3 года назад
Long story short, I went low carb /IF and lost 33 lbs in 100 days! 💯💪
@rosa9005 2 года назад
My dad used to work in a farm in a 3rd world country. He told me they fed the pigs avocados to fatten them up as quickly as possible. 🤨
@bollock1213 2 года назад
We aren't pigs are we. Anyway avocados aren't that good tbf. Milk meat n butter is better in my personal opinion anyway.
@rosa9005 2 года назад
@@bollock1213 Nah I call bullshit. Youre all fucking idiots.
@lucym8562 Год назад
Thank you so much for the info. But I encourage you not to do the same as everyone else, which is assuming that you're fat and want to lose weight. Faster metabolism is not a good thing for me, sorry. Just as a constructive criticism. 🙏
@eglantinalan1 8 лет назад
What about the people who eat vegan high carb very low fat (almost all fruits and veggies) and they are very lean. What happens, I am very confused about that.
@jleetxgirl 8 лет назад
So, now "they" are saying the red wine is BAD for us...........what say you, Dr Hyman?
@DanTheman-or2ye 8 лет назад
stop being so gullible
@kylemeeson 8 лет назад
@01zafiro 8 лет назад
I have a problem with a fatty liver, what can I do for my liver?
@ToddSkelton 8 лет назад
+Maria Arias Have you looked into Ketogenic diet? When you are in ketosis your body is actively converting the fat from your body into ketones by your liver. The fat around your liver should start clearing up because it will be converted into ketones. Look up videos by Dr. Peter Attia. He had a body scan done to show his visceral fat around his liver and organs and it was almost non existent from being in ketosis.
@skringler8267 8 лет назад
+Todd Skelton Very bad advice. Ketosis is a constant state of sickness, and Dr Attia thinks it's ok to eat eggs all day. Get your nutrients from fruits and veggies...
@01zafiro 8 лет назад
+Todd Skelton Thanks for your suggestions, I'll watch the videos of Dr. Peter Attia.
@skringler8267 8 лет назад
+Maria Arias Bad idea, avoid me to diets and Dr attia, both will make you sicker. Try eating healthy first. Lots of fruit veggies nuts seeds and beans...
@ToddSkelton 8 лет назад
+skringen A constant state of sickness? I don't think you've done research on it at all. I eat a lot of veggies by the way. I don't advocate skipping on veggies. Just stick to the non-starchy, and mostly green leafy kind. I have a big salad with every meal. Also, I have a bag of macadamia nuts by my desk and I eat lots of unsweetened, raw coconut. Hell, I even eat some fruit in the form of berries occasionally. How exactly am I being unhealthy? I don't know how any sane person can look at his numbers and say he is unhealthy and sick. I've been in ketosis for months now and I feel better than I have ever felt in my entire life. My knees are no longer inflamed and I don't have back pain anymore, food no longer has a hold on me, but I'm just one person and one person's results does not make a case. Do some research and you'll find I'm not the only one.
@jimmorrison184 4 года назад
FYI: Fat is BEAUTIFUL just saying
@Muldeeer 8 лет назад
High Carb Low Fat OR High Fat Low Carb. That is the trick, not that hard.
@ToddSkelton 8 лет назад
+Muldeeer Not quite. It's probably a bad idea to go under 20% fat in your diet. Fat and protein are essential nutrients that you have to have. Carbs are not essential in any amount, your body can make all the glucose it needs. Also, when you spike your insulin from a high carb meal, those excess carbs are converted to fat and stored. If you are insulin sensitive then by all means, eat carbs, but recommending a high carb low fat diet to someone who is insulin resistant and pre-diabetic is a recipe for disaster.
@Muldeeer 8 лет назад
Todd Skelton Not quite, but exactly. I don't agree with the 5% fat a lot of vegans go with, that is extreme. 20-25% is totally okay. About the same or a bit less protein. Carbs are essential because ALL your cells run on carbs. You don't spike your insulin from a high carb meal IF you eat low-moderate amounts of fat. Type one diabetes is a disaster. Type two diabetes can actually be REVERSED by a high carb diet. Note that I'm talking about a well combined full value diet, not chips and coca cola. NO junk foods. You can't combine only fat and protein sources and achieve a healthy "full spectrum" diet. Many people did reverse their diabetes, and many more will. On the other hand, if you go to the corrupt ALLOPATHIC "health care" you get prescription drugs for your whole life to "treat" your symptoms (and not the cause). This is a great business model but its not good for anyone (but the corporations). Vegans eat a lot of carbs, I mean a LOT. They aren't fat, are they? Are they diabetic ? Nope. The so called "dietetic experts" ARE fat and in many cases diabetic, who supposedly know and tell you how to eat "properly". No offense, but I don't care what you eat, mainstream is NOT the way to go if you care about yourself. The same applies to mainstream media ( corporate propaganda).
@ToddSkelton 8 лет назад
+Muldeeer I'm definitely not mainstream in any way. I get almost 75% of my calories intake from fat. I don't think I've come out of ketosis in the last two months. A (diabetic) dietetic would probably have a heart attack if they heard that. Sure, I eat lots of vegetables, but only the non-starchy variety and a ton of them. For example, I made hamburgers (no bun) on a steamed cabbage bed, steamed broccoli (with butter), and a mixed green salad for dinner. If someone tells you to eat less an exercise more or start counting calories but continue to eat whatever you want, walk the other direction. If you want to be healthy, you have to fix your hormones. If you are fat, your body's fat regulating system is broken, likely because you are eating the wrong things. It has nothing to do with your will power. People go on these low calorie diets because they are told that's how to lose weight. They might lose weight in the short term but you can only starve yourself for so long before you give up and gain the weight back. So, I ultimately agree that you can be healthy on carbs but you have to eat the right carbs. People need to know they have to change WHAT they eat, not HOW MUCH they eat.
@kurok1132 7 лет назад
Both HFLC and HCLF diets work if a person is trying to lose weight. However, HCLF just doesn't work for long-term because fat is essential for our bodies.
@Saturn1030 8 лет назад
Hi Mark. I agree with your message that "fat doesn't make you fat", but for completely different reason. Our body need solvents to dissolve nutrients, to bring it to our cells, and remove waste products and other toxins from the body. We need water to deal with water soluble nutrients and toxins, and we need fat to take care of fat soluble nutrients and toxins. But if water leaves your body by itself, with urine or sweat, then FAT needs to be ABSORBED by non digestible raw fibre in your guts and then it will be REMOVED from your body with feces. So, If it sound so simple then WHY people do get fat? To answer this question simply answer to another question: Why body retains water? Most common reason is when people consume water soluble toxins FASTER than body can safely remove it. Body have limited capacity on toxins removing speed, and it just wait for the moment when you will stop consuming salt and other water soluble toxins, and give enough clean water to wash out already stored toxins. Same thing applies to fat soluble toxins. You have to stop consuming it, and then you should give your body enough SOLUTE to dissolve those toxins, and enough ABSORBENT to absorb it in your digestive tract. So, how do I know that this is true? I lost 20 kg in 6 weeks just by removing 3 things from my diet: MEAT, MILK and BREAD. (Meat and milk contains fat soluble toxins called OBESOGENS, and bread acts like a glue, sticking to walls of your digestive tracts and leading you to CONSTIPATION. You have to go to the toilet few times a day. Otherwise those fat will be reabsorbed back into your body.) I eat, till I was full, almost 3000 calories a day of cooked vegetarian food, with 50% raw vegetables. And I didn't exercise at all, because my leg was partly paralysed at that time. I was lying on the couch all day long, reading books. Now, 6 years later, I'm LFHC Raw Vegan and I still slim and I feel great.
@Crazydoglady. 8 лет назад
Why am i here?
@FlashManinSpace 8 лет назад
To laugh at fat people
@sashamellon822 2 года назад
So hold on he is a functional doctor able to use the title of MD and dr yet doesn’t have a proper medical degree?? RU-vid should fact check medical professional degrees. A functional medicine doctor is not an actual doctor. Please clarify.
@klaw3397 5 лет назад
I lost 80 pounds in 6 months without exercise doing keto
@fortcastlevgn2368 5 лет назад
youll get sick dont worry,, keto is insanely toxic after couple years
@athenaenergyshine7616 8 лет назад
What about complex carbohydrate? Such as oats, Brown rice and quinoa?
@dejanrakic77 7 лет назад
NO! I tried with that,+buckwheat,millet, brown rice,corn/rice cakes, gluten free pastas, bananas,apples, no fat food, with no soda,with ketchup from store,sometimes like ones in 15 days pancakes with nutella or mapple syrup for years and didnt lost a pound, than i stopped eat sweets with low fat/carb high for 150 days and lost 3 pounds WITH exercise but I lost muscle mass and fat stayed and when i stopped eat that and include high fat/low carbs i lost 2,5 pounds OF FAT and lost little muscle mass in just one week with no exercise and counting pounds down, include with this LCHF diet avocado,lemon in water,two table spoon of apple vinegar in glass of water,table spoon of flaxseeds, spoon of psyllium, different green vegies,spinach, celery,kale,broccoli, cauliflower because you dont want to have constipation and drink water when you are thirsty and NOT drink that stupid 8 glasses of water rule, you must prepare youre food at home,eat fat like our ancestor, eat butter, fat greek yogurt, make youre meat in lard,coconut oil,eat 2/3 eggs and 2/3 slices of bacon, fat fish, home made bone broth from time to time, 4 ounces at day of 50% fat cheddar cheese, mozzarela,bleu,feta,brie,hand of different nuts, little raspberries,blackberrys, blueberries. No potato,rice,corn, all wheats and no pseudo wheats, no soda drinks, canned food, no ketchup/mayonnaise from store only home made sugar free, add in 2/3 months when insulin is ok ones in 10 days 4 ounces od adzuki beans, 2/3 table spoons of chickpea homemade humus and food craving will go away and pounds will start to go down fast. www.dietdoctor.com/Cheers!
@Alex-zb8qz 8 лет назад
this guy looks like he is suffering from jaundice
@fuerimmerallein 8 лет назад
what about all the vegan success-storys? they load up on carbs all day long and seem to do well. well, at least the ones on youtube.
@jasonabrian2763 8 лет назад
+fuerimmerallein From what I have seen on youtube a lot of the vegan success stories are from people who live at the gym so they burn all those carbs. I have many vegan friends who are extremely underweight and overweight, have bad skin, have bad acne, low energy and are anemic. I don't blame veganism for it, just the lack of knowledge of nutrition, lack of funds to buy vegan friendly food and supplements and not being able to workout all day.
@Jennie-zv2gb 8 лет назад
+fuerimmerallein Load up on carbsm yes, and vegans can also eat fat. Low GI carbs and high quality fats - as you heard Dr Hyman say, the fats he recommended as quality fats were mostly plant-based.
@fuerimmerallein 8 лет назад
joey odonnell my guess is: it is all about the money! remember that 'undergroundwellness' guy? at some point he realised that he was wrong on so many things and moved on to something new. guess dr. hyman doesnt have this option and feels stuck in that high fat bubble! i have tried 'low carb', 'paleo', 'vegan' and the only thing that worked ok for me, was paleo. gluten makes me feel very bad and depressed and things like pasta do knock me out (maybe to much insulin)! i hate life!
@jasonabrian2763 8 лет назад
+joey odonnell Did you just take me knowing vegans with health issues personally? I know about 10 vegans and about 7 (which is the why the terms "A LOT of my vegan friends is used") have issues they complain about. That's not my fault, I just have ears and listen to what my friends say. Don't take simple comments like an attack because you sound ridiculous, to be frank.
@jasonabrian2763 8 лет назад
+joey odonnell To add on, I didn't blame the vegan diet. Unlike the doctors you are talking about i stated that my friends don't have the same knowledge of how to eat properly when on the vegan diet and that's why they're not doing too well. So please read and understand before you troll.
@bingochoice 6 лет назад
this guy is wrong, fat does make you fat..
@hidinginmyroom2656 8 лет назад
Why tf you giving them eggs and butter???loooooolllll ssshhhh nooooo
@ghostgirl5394 8 лет назад
+Everyone be Vegan ur born it i know right, fricken idiotic
@Alex-zb8qz 8 лет назад
eat eggs hey? sure, why not. Periods for health!!
@merinajalaya740 8 лет назад
I Lurveedddd Etttt
@athenaenergyshine7616 7 лет назад
thanks but i would need to veganised this
@Marcfj 7 лет назад
I've done the research using my own body as a test tube and contrary to all this new age wisdom, that fat does not make you fat, I quickly discovered that fat does indeed make you fat. I started Covert Bailey's "Fit or Fat Target Diet" on November 11, 1992 and followed it religiously for three months until February 11, 1993 and I dropped down from 208 pounds to 168 pounds for a loss of exactly 40 pounds.
@Ashclayton1994 Год назад
The majority of people who go on keto would beg to differ, you probably did something wrong
@Marcfj Год назад
@@Ashclayton1994 - Maybe, but I also did something right by going on the Fit or Fat Target Diet.
@MichelleReacts94 7 лет назад
every food has fat i am making pasta with tomato paste no salt added my meal has 5 grams of fat and near to no saturated fat. i disagree with coconut oil all it has is high amounts of saturated fats and near to no nutrition and please reference some studies to prove your point.
@Kinler101 6 лет назад
The Cosplaying Vegan Saturated fat isn't a problem. LDLs aren't the reason that you get heart attacks, heart disease, so on and so forth. Dietary fats and cholesterol do not affect bodily fats and cholesterol
@SerenityScratch 5 лет назад
he did, on his website
Are you eating enough fat?
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