
Why I am NOT Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholic 

Matthew Everhard
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Acts 2:42-44
And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.
Pliny to Trajan - 112 AD.
They asserted, however, that the sum and substance of their fault or error had been that they were accustomed to meet on a fixed day before dawn and sing responsively a hymn to Christ as to a god, and to bind themselves by oath, not to some crime, but not to commit fraud, theft, or adultery, not falsify their trust, nor to refuse to return a trust when called upon to do so. When this was over, it was their custom to depart and to assemble again to partake of food--but ordinary and innocent food.
Didache - 1st and 2nd Century
And concerning baptism, baptize this way: Having first said all these things, baptize into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, in living water. But if you have no living water, baptize into other water; and if you cannot do so in cold water, do so in warm. But if you have neither, pour out water three times upon the head into the name of Father and Son and Holy Spirit.
But every Lord's day gather yourselves together, and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure. But let no one who is at odds with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned. For this is that which was spoken by the Lord: "In every place and time offer to me a pure sacrifice; for I am a great King, says the Lord, and my name is wonderful among the nations.
Appoint, therefore, for yourselves, bishops and deacons worthy of the Lord, men meek, and not lovers of money, and truthful and proved; for they also render to you the service of prophets and teachers. Therefore do not despise them, for they are your honored ones, together with the prophets and teachers.
Justin Martyr - First Apology - AD 138
No one is allowed to take part in it except he who believes that the things we teach are true, who has received the bath for the forgiveness of sins and for the new birth, and who lives according to the teachings handed down by Christ. For we do not partake of this meal as if it were ordinary food or ordinary drink. Rather, through the Logos of God, our healing Savior Jesus Christ became flesh and accepted flesh and blood for the sake of our salvation.
Hence, as we have been taught, the food taken with thanksgiving in the words of prayer he handed down to us is the flesh and blood of that Christ who became flesh. Our flesh and blood are strengthened by this eating and drinking for our transformation. The apostles in their own memoirs, which are called Gospels, handed down as they were commanded: Jesus took the bread, gave thanks, and said, “Do this in remembrance of me. This is my body." In the same way he took the cup, gave thanks, and said, “This is my blood."
And we afterwards continually remind each other of these things. And the wealthy among us help the needy; and we always keep together; and for all things wherewith we are supplied, we bless the Maker of all through His Son Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Ghost. And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read, as long as time permits; then, when the reader has ceased, the president verbally instructs, and exhorts to the imitation of these good things.
Then we all rise together and pray, and, as we before said, when our prayer is ended, bread and wine and water are brought, and the president in like manner offers prayers and thanksgivings, according to his ability, and the people assent, saying Amen; and there is a distribution to each, and a participation of that over which thanks have been given, and to those who are absent a portion is sent by the deacons.
But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God, having wrought a change in the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ our Saviour on the same day rose from the dead. For He was crucified on the day before that of Saturn (Saturday); and on the day after that of Saturn, which is the day of the Sun, having appeared to His apostles and disciples, He taught them these things, which we have submitted to you also for your consideration.



3 окт 2024




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@halwittner96 6 месяцев назад
Probably some thank you, Matt. I am so filled with joy from your message. 2 or 3 years ago now, maybe 4 maybe longer than that. A friend of mine gave me a book called the 5 solos in Christ alone, written by a couple of South African pastors that describe the 5 solas. It changed my life. Thank you. My brother, what a beautiful beautiful message. Love you so much.
@TheBloodyKnuckle 11 месяцев назад
I know I found this video late, but thank you for it. This talk has been very helpful during my crisis of faith, and I believe it has helped me find a path forward, Christ willing.
@capturedbyannamarie Год назад
Loved this video! Thanks for your take. It’s important for any person to read the Bible, and then see if what the church is doing lines up with what the scripture specifically says. I find there are a lot of things which the Catholic and Orthodox Church do, which do not line up with scripture.
@kipgibbs8323 3 года назад
A very simple accurate and informative dissertation of our faith,thank you
@LittleLouieLagazza Год назад
This was something that disturbed me during my years in the PCUSA. The smaller suburban congregations had the feel of honest worship, yet as the congregations and their corresponding facilities grew larger, the shallower, showier, and less personally meaningful the services became. Small is so rewarding =D
@ElishaFranchuk 5 месяцев назад
This message has blessed me
@MrLogan487 Год назад
I’m just so confused at this point. I follow Christ do my best to read the Word and understand it’s original translation but now I just don’t know what church to go to. My wife and I are left with confusion about which church to pick from now as we both grew up Catholic and are confirmed in the Catholic Church but feel nothing there. The Word seems to contradict some of these traditions but I also understand the importance of tradition. It is a sad state we are in now and we only know one thing. Christ is our redeemer and our Lord and savior.
@ewetoob137 5 месяцев назад
Totally understand how you feel, have you and your wife found a church/congregation/ denomination yet? It sounds like a similar quandry many find themselves in these days
@ethanstrunk7698 5 месяцев назад
Try an LCMS church!
@EmptyAccountNobodyHere 4 месяца назад
I feel exactly the same as you and your wife!
@jdkayak7868 2 года назад
Your videos are very in depth and I appreciate them. One thing I wished as someone born into the reformed faith (continental) is that we had more artwork (geneva fathers wrongly assumed there wasn't art in early church) and that we focused equally on the patristics (chrysostom) in theology and not just augustine.
@Fairford2001 6 месяцев назад
Love it! Excellent history with simplicity of worship.
@Herbalmanatee Год назад
Thank you for this video! I’ve had this question on my mind recently and did not know how to answer it.
@user-bv4sj2gq7g 10 месяцев назад
Perhaps no stained glass and artwork in early churches because most early Christians met in homes. Stained glass and art, like scrolls and papyrii, were no doubt very expensive and most early Christians weren’t rich.
@VinceOlson96 11 месяцев назад
Everything you mentioned in this video is why I didn't go back to the Roman Catholic Church once I came to a saving faith. Also, you avoiding paying your bills reminds me of that episode of The Office when Michael (Steve Carrel's character) has to fill out paperwork that he had the whole quarter to do but waited until the last minute and ends up procrastinating the whole episode instead of filling out said paperwork.
@danbrown586 3 года назад
If I might make a suggestion: if you're going to be quoting a text, particularly at some length as you're doing in this video, it would be helpful to put it up on the screen--it's often easier to follow along by reading (as you encouraged us to do with our Bibles early on). I recognize that would involve rather more editing/production work, but I think it'd add quite a bit of value.
@LittleLouieLagazza Год назад
+1, if at all possible in view of time constraints. For the sake of scatterbrains like me who occasionally forget to toggle on the closed-captions
@solisrivera6412 3 года назад
Blessings from Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
@stanjz Год назад
Thank you for the video. It was well done. I grew up Catholic and my whole family is Roman Catholic. There are great similarities between Roman Catholicism and Orthodox Judaism. Even though the analogy is imperfect, it reminds of Ecclesiastes 4:12 and the three strand cord not easily being broken. If you are Italian and Catholic, than your faith is intricately woven together with your national heritage and your family. That's why when I witness to Jewish folks, I make it clear that I'm not trying to convert them to Christianity per se, but to suggest to them their need to repent and turn to and recognize Christ as their Savior.
@Fourwedge Год назад
Great video. Thanks for sharing this.
@ransombaggins9301 Год назад
Good overview and introduction to what can be a touchy subject for some. I generally agree with everything you've noted here. On a similar note, I'm not as enamored with Jews or Judaism as some modern Christians are (for a variety of reasons I won't get into) but there's an interesting parallel between the rise of Rabbinic and Talmudic Judaism from around Christ's time, and the development of traditions like Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism: they are all built on or covered in what Jesus called the traditions of men, fables, etc. Talmudic Judaism isn't anything like the Faith of Abraham or other Old Covenant saints (something many Christians don't recognize today), and Jesus was quick to make that clear---often forcefully. One could argue that Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy took on a similar man-centric trajectory, departing from the early church. That early church is what the Reformers--flawed and sometimes awful as they were--sought to recapture and by God's grace they did an admirable job. Anyways, love the channel. Liked and Subscribed!
@inthewoods1979 11 месяцев назад
😅 it's also about liking the time travel to Byzantium during worship (candles, icons, hymns). I read quite a lot of Bible for a Greek Orthodox (where the emphasis is instead on doxology)
@fr.matthew.thurman 3 года назад
I have followed your channel for quite some time and and especially enjoyed your past Bible review videos. I only got about halfway through the video and had to stop. I would never, as an Orthodox priest, attempt to offer any critique of the Reformed tradition without addressing it in terms of *how the Reform tradition actually speaks about itself in its own terms*. What you offer in the video is essentially a critique of a *caricature* of the Orthodox Church, including conflating the Orthodox Church with the Catholic Church (there are significant differences)! As such, your video is essentially an extended Straw Man argument because it is not actually address how the Orthodox Church actually understands and presents itself to the world. I would encourage you to read something like *The Orthodox Church* by Timothy Ware, available through Penguin Books. It is the best one-volume text for a general reading audience. It's not written as a biased pro-Orthodox apologetic, but it also is not a caricature.
@Anthony-cz2fe 3 года назад
Fr Matthew, thanks for taking the time to write this note. Having trusted many Reformation writers for decades, troubles me that Matt would not understand even the basics of church history. Some of the Reformation arguments are aligned with why the Orthodox all over the world never abandoned the Holy Spirit's guidance. Orthodox like Martin Luther and John Calvin have always rejected the manmade belief in papal inerrancy. Sad that they continued some theological private interpretations of rc post papal supremacists such as viewing God The Father only as a rage filled one needing soothing by The Son 😢 There are more presentations by several Reformation pastors who have now become Orthodox. It is sad that most Reformation era denominations now promote sexual deviancy in the worst form even among their clergy living in open wicked defiance of God's holy calling 😢 sad that they would think they were destined without choice to live in such defiance of God's perfect Holiness 😢 please join all true Orthodox Christians everywhere to pray for Matt and the salvation of all those who as blind man lead the blind. Even the famous Lutheran church historian Jaroslav Pelikan who has written five volumes on church history, admitted to his discovery that the Orthodox Church represents the book of Acts more faithfully than the Reformation leaders. He had for 30 years known this but did not act upon his discovery until later in life. Thankful In his final years, Jaroslav humbly and publicly repented and wrote his updated church history in early Church fathers commentary regarding the book of Acts. Matt would do well to at least represent the true interpretation given to the apostles by the Holy Spirit and our God and Savior Jesus Christ ☦️🛐🕊️ rather than privately interpret the scriptures according to his modern man-made traditions, Would be honorable if Matt would humble himself to the Holy Spirit's guidance clearly revealed in the early church writings of Spirit-filled theologians trusted by the apostles themselves to faithfully lead the church. I could not listen after Matt's faulty presuppositions were clear to even amateur reader of the church fathers. As a Bible-believing Christian, I was shocked to discover that Reformation leaders sadly denigrated at least 4 books of the Bible buy packaging them as less than canonical, because the RC influenced reformation leaders could not align The Bible with their theological perceptions. Unfortunate there was no internet back then 😇 Can you please summarize what was Matt's argument past the 9 minute point🙏? I have limited time. Thanks kindly. Humbly in Christ Anthony
@stefanospaliochoriatis6240 2 года назад
Considering the fact that Timothy Ware is a bishop of the Orthodox Church, it's really hard to believe that his book would be impartial and non-biased.
@frankperrella1202 2 года назад
I like The RU-vid channel Reason & Theology with Michael lofton, He was a ex Eastern Orthodox & is now Catholic, He talks to both Catholic & Eastern Orthodox & does debates, The future of Christianity is going to be a Remnant of Catholics & Orthodox the future is not Catholic & Orthodox maybe Reunion in the future after another Council, God bless & many prayers.🙏🙏🛐🗝️🗝️💯 Catholic
@davidthenewtheologian7757 Год назад
The problem is they don’t tell you that you have to bow down to icons and venerate them for salvation. This comes from the council of Nicea 2 which was condemned by Frankfurt and also the council of Elvira in 330 condemned images in worship. They pick an choose what councils are ecumenical and they don’t tell you about the self flagellation and self beatings that took place with there saints as well. Such as st Nephon the aescetic bishop. Not only that that do t tell you about the synodikon. Also it’s a sin for a priest to sleep with his wife on Saturday if he serves the Divine Liturgy the next day. They also pick and choose the canons they follow such as a priest can’t have tattoos and can’t own a large dog. There is no freedom in this system. Also bishops cannot marry which contradicts what Paul himself said. I was orthodox until I read all of the apostolic fathers. Read them for free at ccel.org
@moiseybeliy5458 Год назад
​@@davidthenewtheologian7757 Absolutely. Former Eastern Orthodox here, and can confirm everything you said. They don't tell you up front the actual beliefs and practices rotting at its very foundation.
@preachingpresbyterian7943 3 года назад
Does the didache not say that the Eucharist is a sacrifice? As my fellow orthobros have told me it's not a re-sacrifice but instead an eternal sacrifice
@GR65330 3 года назад
Yes... It is the one and the same sacrifice of Calvary. Jesus is not sacrificed over and over as Jesus died once, for all time.
@dr.sergiom3865 3 года назад
Anyhow the Didache is not Paul's, Peter's, John's, or the earthly half brothers of our Lord Jesus Christ letter. Plus, no need, JesusChrist died onece and for all. For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself. For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated for evermore. Hebrew 7:26-28 We do don't need men to offer sacrifice, Jesus Christ is doing it for all of us before his Father. Here we only take the wine and bread as JesuChrist ordered
@CHURCHISAWESUM 2 года назад
@@dr.sergiom3865 you mean the body and blood?
@dr.sergiom3865 2 года назад
@@CHURCHISAWESUM do you eat the body and drink the blood of Jesus Christ our lord and Saviour and high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens? A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.
@KnightFel Год назад
@@CHURCHISAWESUMJohn 6 =\= the Eucharist. John 6:29. Read John 6 in contest, slowly. The entire passage is about faith in Christ. Not the Eucharist.
@leadhesh Год назад
You demonstrated thanksgiving is a translation for eucharist. "This food taken in thanksgiving (eucharist)... is the flesh and blood of Christ..." So earlier when you said that thanksgiving was a sacrifice, it's not just a sacrifice of prayer it's the sacrifice of thanksgiving which is eucharist AKA the flesh and blood of Christ. At least according to this letter, which isn't inspired scripture. But if you are trying to be consistent then that letter says eucharist is a sacrifice.
@Jame629 3 года назад
Thanks very interesting. Needed this video as I'm a protestant whose wanting to take up either catholic or orthodox
@redknightsr69 3 года назад
I was just baptised and confirmed into the Catholic Church. If you're that interested I suggest you meet with a priest. They're normal people like you and I. Also check out the ACNA, which is a conservative Protestant group very similar to Catholicism but also reformed.
@KnightFel Год назад
@@redknightsr69 sad. Return to Christ and rest in Him. Not Rome. It’s as if Rome forgot to read Galatians.
@jasonc4430 8 месяцев назад
I wonder how this turned out.
@Jame629 8 месяцев назад
@@jasonc4430 im still protestant 🤣 i just read my bible daily prey to God still aint found a church
@jasonc4430 8 месяцев назад
@@Jame629 I just left the Catholic Church. Trying to figure out where I should go.
@gailmaylenehill 3 года назад
I really enjoyed listening to this talk. I learnt a lot and agree with absolutely everything Matthew has shared. 👍🏽
@ketaminejones3981 2 года назад
That’s unfortunate because it is largely mistaken.
@LittleLouieLagazza Год назад
@@ketaminejones3981 Thanks for the input!
@KnightFel Год назад
@@ketaminejones3981yeah, same response Catholics and orthodox say if you disagree with their position. And the Catholics and orthodox say the same of each other. You really don’t know if you’re in the true church. News flash, salvation is found in Christ, not a specific church. Get over your pride. Repent and believe in Christ.
@nykka3 9 месяцев назад
@wessbess 3 года назад
Thank you Pastor Matt I liked your historical survey of early Christianity etc. I have been studying Orthodoxy and attending for a short time now I would not lump them with Roman Catholicism at all they’re completely different especially when you’re talking about church government. You Would do well to do a deep dive into Ortho doxy . They have over a millennium of difference.
@CharlesSeraphDrums 9 месяцев назад
So, the thesis is: the Reformation captures the Ancient Church. Point one: the New Testament doesn’t show the worship of the Church. Wrong and this starts with a non-amillennial reading of Revelation. The Orthodox Church points to Revelation 4 and 5 and you can read the commentary from Saints Caesarius of Arles and Andrew of Crete on Revelation for that. Also, the Psalter is prescribed as the book of worship. The Liturgy is a fulfilment of the worship of the OT. If you think it’s a “resacrifice”, then you also don’t understand the theology and philosophical principle of participation. Ultimately, this is not a discussion about the canon, but about the early interpretation of Scripture. Once you take the consesus of the Ante Nicene and Post Nicene fathers, which is certainly not done by cherry picking quotes here and there, ask yourself a question: it’s not if they belong to my church but do I belong to theirs?
@sydney.g.sloangammagee8181 4 месяца назад
I truly appreciate your . . . Clarification . . . & correction of Eastern Orthodox !!! I know so little about it, but what I do know: it never joined the church that just appeared out of nowhere, after the dark ages, in Rome, as The Church, built upon the bones of the Apostle they crucified upside down . . . earily disturbing to me . . . & the crusades, of a blood bath against all who opposed it & which again was continued with the original Reformation. Now, I'm not against the Reformation, basically the lesser of 2 evils, The Church was really corrupted & had its chance, might as well allow common people learn to read for themselves & put a Bible in everyone's hands, scripture is sufficient for salvation! In defense of Calvin, he made study of the scripture central in church worship, no one had access to this before, he wanted them to learn it all, in order, pay attention without distraction or interruption & absorb the truth of it . . . after he died, they couldn't agree on just what exactly he intended to get across & came up with the 5 pointed star, further dividing the Reformation into more churches . . . I think John Calvin rolled over in his grave!!! I am not a Calvinist, & I'm not a Lutherist either, but I am very grateful to have my very own Bible & all the different language translations being spread around the world, so I am thankful for the Reformation & all those who were martyred! My life has been a process if elimination, one wrong religion after another, the word "religion" leaves a bad taste in my mouth, never understood why . . . RC Sproul, intro of his book Everyone's a Theologian answered that for me, & I felt Jesus responded to that pretty clearly as well. I'm just seeking THE truth & its amazing to me how everybody can read the same scripture & seemingly make it say whatever they want it to... absolutely incredible!!! So, your comment caught my attention, sincere defense with dedicated compassion... Thank you!!!
@samsdad110 Год назад
Thanks for doing this video since even though I grew up in the Roman Catholic church in the Pittsburgh area, I knew nothing about Eastern Orthodoxy until recently since it seems like a fair amount of protestants are defecting over there, and are being easily deceived by the likes of Jay Dyer, for one, a popular Podcaster who not only promotes EO theology, but also does podcasts on other topics which I find of interest, which is how I found out about him. Tragically, Dyer had been a student at Greg Bahnsen‘s former seminary in California but somehow he was deceived and converted into Eastern Orthodoxy the way Hank Hanegraaff did back in 2017 after being the so-called “Bible Answer Man“ and he has the gall to keep calling himself that and deceive people. Now he does it from where I live now in Charlotte.
@teambible7803 3 года назад
If I weren't Catholic, I'd look for the Church that the world despises, for the world despised Jesus, and he would be there. - Fulton Sheen Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me.". Things seemed to be going pretty well. That is until Jesus said “For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood,dwelleth in me, and I in him.” This was too much for many of his disciples and “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.” Jesus turns to the 12 and asks, “Will ye also go away? Vs 61, Jesus did not back down, for He said, "Does this offend you?" it offends protestants Jn 20:21, "As the Father has sent Me, I also send you." Jn 17:18, "Even as thou hast sent Me into the world, so I have sent them into the world." Jn 17:22-23, "And the glory that thou hast given Me, I have given to Matt. 28, 18-20: And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye, therefore. and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Jesus says to the crowd, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved." But in reference to the same people, Jesus immediately follows with "He who does not believe will be condemned." This demonstrates that one can be baptized and still not be a believer. This disproves the Protestant argument that one must be a believer to be baptized. There is nothing in the Bible about a "believer's baptism." "Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior," or "Ask Jesus into your heart" isn't the biblical answer. It’s important to be saved from hell, damnation, and the stain of original sin, but what are we saved for? We are saved for union with Christ. Our salvation began when we were born again through baptism and God’s own Divine Life was restored in our souls, making us like Adam and Eve were in the Garden before the Original (first) Sin. As we go through life, we are united with Christ through the Sacraments he left as gifts for us, especially through Penance (forgiveness of our sins committed since Baptism) and the Eucharist (partaking of God’s own Life, His own Divine Nature, 2 Peter 1:4) - until that day when we are truly united with Him in heaven. Scripture teaches that one’s final salvation depends on the state of the soul at death. As Jesus himself tells us, "He who endures to the end will be saved" (Matt. 24:13; cf. 25:31-46). One who dies in the state of friendship with God (the state of grace) will go to heaven. The one who dies in a state of rebellion against God (the state of mortal sin) will go to hell. (For the teaching on venial (non-deadly) and mortal (deadly) sins, see 1 John 5:16-17) What I must do to be saved: *I must be baptized with water and the Spirit. Mark 16:16, John 3:3-5, Titus 3:5, I Peter 3:20-21. (Exceptions: [1] If I desire Baptism but die before I can be baptized with water and the Spirit, God accepts my desire to be baptized, and [2] If I am killed (martyred) because of my faith, but I have not had the opportunity to be baptized, God accepts my death as my baptism, called the Baptism of Blood). * I must do the will of God the Father. Matthew 7:21 * I must keep the Commandments of God. Matthew 5:19-20, Matthew 7:21, Matthew 19:17, 1 Timothy 6:14, and others. * I must accept the Cross (suffering). Matthew 10:38, Matthew 16:24-25, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23, Luke 14:27. Phil 1:29, and others. * I must be a member of God's true church. Acts 2:46-47. * I must confess my sins. James 5:16, I John 1:9, John 20:19-23 * I must heed the words of St. Peter, the first Pope. Acts 11:13-14, Acts 15:7. * I must eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus Christ. John 6:51-58, I Corinthians 10:16-17, 11:23-30. * I must do unto others as I would have them do unto me and love my neighbor as myself. I must feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit the sick and those in prison or give other aid to those in need. Luke 10:33 ff, Mt 25:31-46. "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to God" Hebrews 13:16. Good works don’t save us, but we will be judged by them. *I must strive to be holy. "Strive for peace with everyone and for that holiness without which no one will see the Lord." Hebrews 12:14 *I must endure (persevere) to the end. Matthew 10:22, Matthew 24:13, Mark 13:13. And ... ? What else must I do? #432 The name "Jesus" signifies that the very name of God is present in the person of his Son, made man for the universal and definitive redemption from sins. It is the divine name that alone brings salvation, and henceforth all can invoke his name, for Jesus united himself to all men through his Incarnation, so that "there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."
@shellieperreault6262 3 года назад
Romans 8:1.
@teambible7803 3 года назад
@@shellieperreault6262 the rest of the Bible
@sorenpx 3 года назад
LOL you can't just spam a bunch of stuff like that and expect anyone to read it. Be more concise please. This is a comment section on RU-vid; no one is prepared to read a book-length text.
@ironsword3611 2 года назад
Do you know what “believe in the name” actually meant to people of that time? Saying “I believe” something and “believing in the name” are two completely different things. Here’s an example. My father owns a business. He gives me the business with conditions. If I carry out his orders perfectly I would have “believed in his name” if I go against his wishes I “did not believe in his name”. In both cases I believed my father was real, I believed he had a real name and I knew his name, I believed he gave me a business and orders to carry out. But if I don’t actually do it then I did not “believe in his name”. Two different types of “belief”. Anyone who thinks they’ve been given eternal life because they believe an event happened or say the name Jesus are fooling themselves and should “work out their own salvation in fear and trembling”. To be baptized and believe means to carry out the works. You think people who didn’t believe were lining up to get dunked? To be baptized and not believe does not mean you didn’t believe in Jesus, it means you didn’t carry out his wishes. To simplify this. If you believe you will do the works for salvation, if you don’t believe baptism doesn’t save you it just makes you wet. Belief IS works. Protestants are too arrogant to figure this one out, rather they rely on 14th-15th century murdering drunkards who come from the kid toucher club to tell them what to believe. Modern day Pharisees and publicans.
@KnightFel Год назад
@@ironsword3611John 6:29 “Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” Good luck working for your salvation. Repent and put your trust in Jesus.
@GrammarPoliceBot 9 месяцев назад
This feels a bit cherry-picky. The Didache refers to the supper in light of sacrifice later in the document. Justin Martyr also refers to the Eucharist as a sacrifice when talking about Malachi.
@matthewrudolph3514 Год назад
Of course Orthodox Church has changed- there were councils on many dividing issues. Icons were one for example that caused some division. Believe it or not there were many early church fathers that disagreed with icons and they had no place in worship. So there was a time in the early church where even bishops didn’t have icons.
@DjSostre7 5 месяцев назад
I've renounced the Calvinistic view I've held for close to 2 years; and I'm now converting into Orthodoxy. The same reasons dear 'Mary' had but also, the fundamental question to my conversion, which is 'Did Jesus establish His Church through the apostles? If so, who were they & what did they believe?' That question is fundamental for all Christians. And the fact of the matter is, is that Jesus did do so, and the church the apostles established did not teach what Calvinism teaches. AT ALL. The disciples of the apostles, prayed to dead saints, gave us the canon, gave us the Trinity, gave us the doctrines of Mary, etc. Not one of those men who established the church believed how you believe. And thats indisputable.
@sydney.g.sloangammagee8181 4 месяца назад
Wow! Powerful statement!!! My husband wants to move to Russia & become Eastern Orthodox - I told him by the time we get there, another ruler will tear down all those buildings & condemn the faith again!!! I'm not entirely sure he is teasing!!!
@leo11190 Год назад
Thank you for this teaching…. You made some excellent points snd i appreciate that you addressed the Didache. I’m wondering if you have ever heard it said that Luke ( author of the gospel) was the first iconographer? I’m wondering where this idea came from. Thank you again, 🙏🏽
@plazmathunderbolt Год назад
Seems to be an Eastern tradition. They believe that the icon they use of Jesus is the one that Luke himself made.
@KnightFel Год назад
It’s just tradition with zero proof or backing. Doubtful Luke did this.
@donisecoonrod3072 Год назад
The liturgical churches, orthodox and catholic, held to the worship format of the Jewish Temples. Most of the disciples wereJewish as was Jesus, and they worshipped in the Jewish temples. After Jesus ascended, the disciples and followers of Jesus kept in the Jewish Temples until they just could not reconcile their teachings, so Christians left the temples and worshipped in homes until Christian churches were built. I imagine those that went to the newChristian temples probably copied the Jewish liturgical worship format, putting Jesus as the center of their worship and adding what they felt were important points for worship, and The liturgy grew with each meeting of the ecumenical councils…..
@robcad8236 3 года назад
Interesting topic and then argument. I appreciate your points of view. Peace of Christ be with you, Pastor Matt.
@hekeepshispromises2507 3 года назад
Don't blame you! Great video. 😁😎👍🏻👑
@Insectoidoverlords 2 года назад
It's really funny because you have just quoted everything that we do in our divine liturgy. We pray, We read the psalter, We read the apostles and the gospels, We have a homily of exhortation, and then we partake of the Lord's supper, then most of the time we have a fellowship meal. The arguments you presented are the exact arguments that convinced me to become orthodox. Christ is risen! ☦️
@azurephoenix9546 2 года назад
Yeah, I was going to make basically the same observation. I thought it was actually pretty weird how similar to synagogue worship orthodox worship is. When they do the procession and display the "scrolls" (the book) I was genuinely startled. No chairs, which some synagogues have these days but historically did not, and many other things that are directly correlated or taken from 1st century Jewish worship. It was an very enlightening experience to have seen both so close to each other, one as historical reenactment and the other just going a Greek orthodox church.
@stefanlaemers3053 Год назад
@@azurephoenix9546 So it's Jewish, not Christian based...
@mysticalgladness8798 Год назад
so when the New Testament - and this preacher on the video quoting an ancient Christian source - says the earliest Christians were worshiping in the Jewish temple, does that mean it’s Jewish?
@blade7506 Год назад
@@azurephoenix9546 great observation, we are still Jews believe it or not, just that the Messiah has come and there’s a New Covenant between us and God, which makes us Christian
@KnightFel Год назад
It’s too bad Eastern Orthodox Soteriology is so whack and heretical. You’ll never reach theosis. You’ll never be sanctified enough. To believe you can means you are delusional. Luke 18:9-13 debunks the eastern idea of theosis. Repent and put your trust in Christ.
@JonSnowYouKnowNothing 2 месяца назад
There's just something very uninspired and bland about churches here in America. Having lived in Europe for over a decade and seen how beautiful their churches are, how beautiful the music is, how inspired. How much time, care, and dedication went into every detail. How much the artists and artisans put their hearts and souls into their craft. It may not be backed up scripturally but my heart tells me that these people wanted their churches to be a place of inspiration and everlasting dedication
@chriswilson1446 3 года назад
I'm at presbytary as I'm watching this (well the days inn lol) but this weekend is our local presbytary
@nolanpribnow7441 3 года назад
I agree with most of what you say. With regard to icons, they emerged as a result of the scriptures not being in vernacular. Icons and pictures was one of the only ways people could learn the stories of salvation history. While I like stain class, icons, etc. I do prefer a simple worship space, one that draws attention to the altar and ambo. With regard to the Lord’s Supper, Roman Catholics believe the representation of Christ’s sacrifice is not recreated in the Mass. Rather, in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, we are brought to that moment in eternity when Christ died for our sins. It is made present to us again (re-presented). I don’t think this theology is explained in the best way. I say this as a former RC. With regard to the episcopacy in the Roman Church, I agree completely. Too many titles, ranks, and honors. I worship in an ELCA community. I appreciate how our congregation incorporates the liturgy-one I believe whose elements is rooted in scripture. I like the Confession and Forgiveness at the beginning of the service when we are declared forgiven in Christ. I love the use of the lectionary-the Old Testament lesson, psalm, Epistle, and Gospel which are carefully chosen to compliment one another and flow from week to week. Finally, I love receiving Christ in the sacrament at the end of the service. An ordered liturgy, one rooted in scripture, simple in nature helps me worship God for fully. This pattern of worship helps me experience God serving me and preparing me to “Go out!” Thanks for sharing your perspectives with us! I enjoy theological dialogue and learning what other think on these things.
@protestantwarrior1516 3 года назад
Early Church Fathers were vehemently against icons and images. RCs believe the representation of Christ's sacrifice is in the Mass: “The Mass is the same sacrifice as the sacrifice of the cross because in the Mass the victim is the same, and the principal priest is the same, Jesus Christ” (BC, vol. 2, Q. 360). “The Eucharist is also a sacrifice” (CCC, 1365). “The Eucharist is thus a sacrifice because it re-presents (makes present) the sacrifice of the cross” (CCC, 1366). “The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice,” (CCC, 1367).
@CHURCHISAWESUM 2 года назад
@@protestantwarrior1516 Early Fathers were not against icons and images (the same thing btw, the Greek word for image is eikona and for idol is eidolon, different concepts but image and icon are the same concept). If they were, explain why there are icons and statuary and carvings found all over the catecombs? And where is the polemic against iconography, you don't see it until the first iconoclast movement centuries later.
@KnightFel Год назад
@@CHURCHISAWESUMyeah they were. Plus the way romanists and the eastern Orthodox bend the knee, kiss, and pray to icons would be condemned. That is not what the early fathers were doing. Plus epiphanius was vehemently against icons. It’s not even biblical. Why is it so hard for Rome and Eastern Orthodox to just stick to the Bible?
@GS-is9gg Год назад
I've struggled with this question as well, and I have to say I'm leaning towards Eastern Orthodoxy despite being raised in protestantism. I think for me the thing that undermines all of your statements in this video is that you keep going back to "evidence in scripture", but who decided what should be in the scripture or not in the scripture? Of course the answer is that the formalized hierarchical church decided on these particular writings as part of their "holy tradition". To accept that part of the traditional and not the rest of it is to make yourself the arbiter of what is and is not acceptable in terms of practice, in effect to make yourself a sort of mini-pope, so in the same way that the romans decided that one bishop (later called the pope) had the only valid authority, we have multiplied that error to include all believers as having that authority. That is my current thinking on the ideas here, but would be interested if you have thoughts in response. May God grant us all wisdom as we work through these questions, brothers.
@rprestarri Год назад
My answer to this would be, “Did John determine that Jesus was “the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world,” or, did he simply recognize that messiah-ship of the eternal Logos?” I would say, the voice of the bride does not establish the voice of the Bridegroom, but she hears the voice of the Bridegroom, and follows. As our Lord says, “my sheep hear my voice, and the follow me.” And, “I know my sheep, and they know me.” In the same way, the Church does not determine what is the Word of the most holy God, but indeed recognizes it, as an obedient and submissive wife, and receives it as such. It is sad, for the Eastern Orthodox and Catholics alike, lift the voice and word of the Bride, to the same level, if not higher, than the voice of her Lord, Himself. I would encourage you to seek more wisdom in prayer. Blessings.
@KnightFel Год назад
The church didn’t create the cannon or decide what’s in the Bible. It’s the opposite, the Bible created the church. Also the church used criteria found INSIDE the Bible to make sure said book was canon. God made His word clear, the gospel is clear.
@KnightFel Год назад
I just never understood why the Catholics and orthodox are so allergic to sticking to the Word of God. It’s like you don’t trust what’s in there for salvation. You just need that tradition. Besides which one is right? Catholic or orthodox tradition? Neither can give you peace with God through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1).
@christisking3099 Год назад
@@KnightFelThat is extremely well said. “It’s like they’re allergic to the truth” hahaha it does seem to be the case. Their traditions are more important than the truth. They are like the Jews that tried telling the people in the New Testament that they were still required to be circumcised even after Paul told them that was not required.
@unit2394 Год назад
I would agree with the first reply. The church does not determine what truth is, it recognizes what truth is. More so than determining the Canon, the church recognized via the power of the Holy Spirit which books were inspired and which weren’t. In the same way, we did not decide that The Lord is One God in Three Persons or that Jesus is the Incarnated Deity. We merely recognized these truths by the power of the Holy Spirit.
@candyclews4047 Год назад
In my country (UK) the Gospel was spread from the apostles in Jerusalem via North Africa and overseas to the British Isles in the centuries following Christ's redemptive work on the cross. There were good and thriving Christian communities until Pope Gregory 1st sent an aggressive mission to our shores in 597 AD. By 755 AD Britain was under the total jurisdiction of Papal Rome. Those remnants who resisted were put to death. The rallying cry of the Catholic Church has always been that it is the oldest, one true Church but this is simply not true. That was propaganda from a tyrannical, invading force who still today, does not teach people the true doctrine of Justification, Sanctification and Glorification. My view of the Reformation, in my country, is that we rescued the Gospel after over 700 years of Papal rule and it is not just 500 years old.
@YourBoyJohnny94 8 месяцев назад
True, The British Isles already had the gospel before that Gregorian mission, there were Britons who evangelized neighboring Ireland such as Patrick. Another interesting fact is that Pope Adrian IV gave the blessing to the Norman King Henry II to invade and conquer Ireland because “the Irish church was disobedient to Rome” in other words the Irish church then was not Roman Catholic.
@david_porthouse Год назад
Is this video the first of a series? You will have lot of videos to make to tackle all the Protestant churches.
@thecatholicbananaduck1232 3 года назад
Catholics do not REsacrifice Christ, that’s a condemned idea. The Mass is a re-presentation of His sacrifice. There’s a huge difference between the two
@KnightFel Год назад
It’s the same thing. It’s re-presented as a propitiatory sacrifice. It is heretical to the maximum. The epistle to the Hebrews absolutely crushes Rome’s idea of the Eucharist. There is no need to re-present anything.
@moiseybeliy5458 Год назад
Seems like just a semantic trick.
@toolegittoquit_001 9 месяцев назад
No. The priest re-sacrifices Christ. THAT is the abomination
@tonyb408 2 года назад
I love that pouring is only to be done IF you don’t have access to water to plunge. That means no American Church has an excuse Not to immerse in water.
@LucianaPelota 3 года назад
Funny that I started watching this as I was procrastinating going through my own receipts.
@SM-JIL Год назад
A good analysis Pastor Matt
@saintaugustine4104 3 года назад
Can you recapture an earlier time in the church without originating organically from that structure? Personally I am struggling. I know we can just shoot back to the claims of Apostolic succession, “God can raise up successors from these stones!” But is that really sufficient?
@CHURCHISAWESUM 2 года назад
Maybe if the apostolic church was gone, but it's not. And Christ promised to protect it anyway so I don't think it will ever be gone
@djfan08 Год назад
The problem is the reformers weren’t reforming against the Orthodox. They were reforming against Romes innovations.
@johnflorio3052 3 года назад
My problem with the Protestant gospel is there are over 30,000 versions of it.
@PeteGarbacki 3 года назад
Wrong. Problem with rcc gospel is there is 0% of it. And probably 1% in eo.
@skolsaw1080 3 года назад
@@PeteGarbacki You really don't understand anything about the Roman Catholic Church at all. Your clueless.
@easternmcg 3 года назад
John Florio That’s a caricature, and you know that.
@PeteGarbacki 3 года назад
@@skolsaw1080 *You’re … and I do know about the rcc. And it’s disgusting history. And it’s damnable heresies. And I how it leans on false teaching from men (much steeped in superstition) rather than God’s Word, the 66 books of the Bible.
@michaeltruthseeker6584 3 года назад
@@PeteGarbacki Did you know that your Bible was handed to you by The Church before even the early reformers started to emerge in the early 1000s? I would defend the EO Church because it doesn't just have the holy scriptures to defend their beliefs. They have tradition and a history that keeps all of the Orthodox church on the same page in regards to the holy scriptures. Without a history or holy tradition, scripture is left to individual people to interpret it "for themselves" and see what "it means to them". That is why there are thousands upon thousands of protestant "churches" and heretics all over the world. People try to celebrate Martin Luther's work while they might not know that he tried ripping out parts of the old and new testaments. The book of James was the biggest threat to Luther's ideologies because it clearly states multiple times that justification isn't by faith alone. Also, which "damnable heresies" are you speaking about? Are they in the Orthodox Church too?
@dude93able 3 года назад
Thanks Pastor Matt, so interesting. I am a member of a PCA church. In a few years I hope to do some travelling and look forward to attending your church.
@johnritter5951 3 года назад
A shorter version ... if someone tells you "the Orthodox Church is the least changed" denomination of them all, here is what to say: "Least changed since when?"
@CHURCHISAWESUM 2 года назад
@philoalethia 2 года назад
"The Mass is a resacrifice of Christ." Wow. It is almost as if you've made no effort whatsoever to educate yourself on this. Perhaps that would be a good idea before making a video like this. There is every appearance that you have simply rejected that which you do not understand. That is kind of sad.
@Kings0375 11 месяцев назад
You should study (if you haven't already) the writings of St. Ignatius who was a disciple of St. John the Apostle and much of his writings coincide with the Catholic Church's teachings, but I would argue are not in sync with Protestant churches. I grew up a Methodist but when I reached 29 began studying Roman Catholicism. The history and ritualism of the early church are what helped me "swim the Tiber" and convert to being Catholic. Have happily lived my life for our Lord Jesus Christ as a Catholic the past 16 years now. God Bless!
@ketaminejones3981 2 года назад
Critique of orthodoxy includes the pope. Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without telling me you don’t know what you’re talking about.
@GR65330 3 года назад
The Mass is not a "re-sacrifice" of Christ but the one and the same sacrifice as Calvary as Christ died, once for all. The Didache tells us that the worship in the early Church was liturgical; the liturgy of the word and the liturgy of the Eucharist. Cardinals are bishops as they are not ordained as cardinals, as well, the Pope is the bishop of Rome and your argument from silence is a logical fallacy. Let's see what Justin Martyr taught on the Eucharist: "This food we call the Eucharist, of which no one is allowed to partake except one who believes that the things we teach are true, and has received the washing for forgiveness of sins and for rebirth, and who lives as Christ handed down to us. For we do not receive these things as common bread or common drink; but as Jesus Christ our Savior being incarnate by God's Word took flesh and blood for our salvation, so also we have been taught that the food consecrated by the Word of prayer which comes from him, from which our flesh and blood are nourished by transformation, is the flesh and blood of that incarnate Jesus." - Justin Martyr, "First Apology", Ch. 66, inter A.D. 148-155. Notice his wording regarding the Eucharistic liturgy: "...consecrated by the Word of prayer...." This sounds very much like the Mass, doesn't it? The words of consecration of the Mass. "..."is the flesh and blood of the incarnate Jesus." He never states that it is a symbol of the flesh and blood of Christ but is transformed by the prayer of consecration, "IS" the flesh and blood of the incarnate Christ. Justin Martyr describes the Mass in detail and let me state again: the Mass is not a re-sacrifice. In fact, the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist wasn't even challenged until the reformers came along. Nowhere in Church history or the Catechism of the Catholic Church is the word "re-sacrifice" is used in the context of the Mass and once again, your arguments from silence is a logical fallacy.
@stefanospaliochoriatis6240 2 года назад
"... the food consecrated by the Word of prayer..." This is not a correct translation of the Greek original which reads: "... οὕτως καὶ τὴν δι' εὐχῆς λόγου τοῦ παρ' αὐτοῦ εὐχαριστηθεῖσαν τροφήν..." The verb in Koinè Greek doesn't have the meaning of the Latin word used in the later Roman eucharistic theology.
@CHURCHISAWESUM 2 года назад
This same quote invalidates the Catholic practice of Open Communion. Only the Orthodox Church actually kept the early church.
@stpierreforjesusthesavior984 3 года назад
Wish you could do one on, "WHY I'm not Baptist", for your views on that. Thank you.
@AJMacDonaldJr 3 года назад
If you want to experience the closest thing to ancient apostolic worship visit an Orthodox church or a Latin Mass Catholic church. If you've never been to an Orthodox or Latin service you owe it to yourself to visit both at least once. Expect the eucharist to be central to the worship of both churches.
@philagon 3 года назад
The Word of God is not an experience. Nor was the ancient church the whirlpool of idolatry and traditions those two churches are today.
@RickysPlums 3 года назад
I would have to disagree. The church fathers would be rolling in their graves if they knew what the Catholic and orthodox churches are like now.
@YT4Me57 3 года назад
It's ancient, but not scriptural. Big difference. Huge gulf.
@AJMacDonaldJr 3 года назад
@@YT4Me57 When was the canon of New Testament Scripture settled? 400AD? The liturgy of the eastern church dates to the same era. The Latin church I would date a bit later. Still, the centrality of the celebration of the eucharist is key. Pastor Matt mentioned this key feature of early church worship, which is lacking in most post Reformation worship.
@stefanospaliochoriatis6240 2 года назад
There were no icons, no elaborated services, no iconostasis, no liturgical vestments, no incense, no mitres, no censers with bells, no polyphonic music and so much more other things that can be found in the actual orthodox worship.
@alfieward4966 3 года назад
Catholics don’t believe in the re sacrifice of Our lord on the Cross but one sacrifice for all at once however your are not understanding philosophical understanding of atemporality of God and therefore his one and eternal sacrifice. The logic your using to use church fathers on quotes which are not full explained are contradictory in comparison to their teaching on the Mass e.g athanasius’s teaching that the mass is the banquet of the lamb in revelation. Cyprian of Carthage “With a false bishop appointed for themselves by heretics, they dare even to set sail and carry letters from schismatics and b.asphemers to the chair of Peter and to the principal church [at Rome], in which sacerdotal unity has its source” (ibid., 59:14).
@stefanospaliochoriatis6240 2 года назад
From the Council of Trent, 948 Can. 1: "If anyone says that in the Mass a true and real sacrifice is not offered to God, or that the act of offering is nothing else than Christ being given to us to eat: let him be anathema."
@stefanospaliochoriatis6240 2 года назад
From the Council of Trent, 948 Can. 3: "If any one saith, that the Mass is only a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving (...) but not a propitiatory sacrifice; or, that it profits only the recipient, and that it ought not to be offered for the living and the dead for sins, punishments, satisfactions, and other necessities; let him be anathema."
@stefanospaliochoriatis6240 2 года назад
From Caritatis Studium of pope Leo XIII: "We allude to the most holy Sacrifice in which Jesus Christ, both Priest and Victim, daily offers Himself to His Father, through the ministry of His priests on earth. By virtue of this Sacrifice the infinite merits of Christ, gained by His Precious Blood shed once upon the Cross for the salvation of men, are applied to our souls."
@sam65617 Год назад
very good video I feel much better being MSL Lutheran . every time I have seen or interacted with EO they seem very arrogant . I'm sure there are plenty of humble EO's , it did sorta turn me off to there hermeneutical expression
@YourBoyJohnny94 8 месяцев назад
they’re very arrogant despite the fact that EOs haven’t built a prosperous nation in a very long time like Protestants did with America.
@ketaminejones3981 2 года назад
“I know there’s a distinction but we’re gonna jump them together” …less than a minute in and I’m checking out.
@redknightsr69 3 года назад
Why do Presbyterians not receive communion every Sunday?
@MatthewEverhard 3 года назад
Many do. Calvin and Geneva did monthly which became the tradition.
@ericwakeman6972 3 года назад
That’s an excellent question and given the regulative principle of worship we ought to observe it weekly. Unfortunately we’ve yet to positively define what we believe about the sacraments, still stuck in the modernist answers in our confessions which only tell us what they’re not (in contradistinction to the Roman Catholic)
@redknightsr69 3 года назад
@@MatthewEverhard thanks for the response. Enjoy your perspectives
@danbrown586 3 года назад
@@ericwakeman6972 If you're going to apply the RPW, that means you find some biblical teaching that communion should be administered weekly. Where do you find that?
@ericwakeman6972 3 года назад
@@danbrown586 I don’t believe you understand the RPW; it means that we do everything that is prescribed (ie that which we see described in Acts as read by Pastor Everhard) and nothing that isn’t in every worship service. There is no where in the Bible that it says specifically that in every service offerings are given yet we do so. Same idea. Over and above that consistency with our understanding of scripture we have Church tradition as has been mentioned elsewhere and the clear witness to the fact that the supper was central to the worship service of the ancient church. I view our neglect as a symptom of Protestantism’s modernist roots and apparent lack of will to get beyond the negative side of the reformational break from the RC to a place where we define what is going on in the sacraments rather than merely denounce the errors of the RC.
@marlo8456 3 года назад
I'm from a protestant background and have began to explore Eastern Orthodoxy as it's a more authentic form of Christianity. It'd be good if you could have this discussion with Jay Dyer. He would put forward a much stronger case than most when advocating for Eastern Orthodoxy
@CHURCHISAWESUM 2 года назад
Jay Dyer... Yes 👍
@dcskds54 3 года назад
@MatthewFloor 3 месяца назад
Eastern Orthodox believers will accuse this type of logical thinking as “ western” in thought or too forensic. Therefore it’s deemed as “wrong” thinking. I actually came out of Orthodoxy when God opened my eyes and saved me. I’m now part of a reformed Church. I trust in scripture alone as authority over tradition. Apparently I’m anathema to the Orthodox Church. What’s interesting about the EO church is that they are frozen in the 6th and 7th centuries. They claim they haven’t changed since however there is no communion between certain sects of Orthodoxy like Russian, Oriental, and Coptic. Even divisions with the Greek Orthodox Church of America. They claim that that never had denominations like Protestants, however, we’re seeing divisions occurring. I recommend watching a documentary called “the failure of Orthodoxy”.
@mariem7250 2 месяца назад
What does pca stand for?
@christisking3099 Год назад
Satans age ole lie of “But did God really say?….” All he has to do is make you question the inerrancy and infallibility of scripture and he can get you to turn away from God all together. We must believe in the preservation of scripture and the God has kept HIS word wholly intact throughout history. The Bible proves itself. Hold to the truth. Jesus said “I am the way the TRUTH and the life..”.
@sydney.g.sloangammagee8181 4 месяца назад
Finally . . . in all these comments over 3 years of time . . . a comment I can LIKE & agree with . . . AMEN!!! Divide the church, Satan wins!!! Argue amongst yourselves, Satan wins!!! The farther we get away from the basic Gospel, the wider the path gets . . . Satan wins!!! Jesus proclaimed, "No one comes to the Father but through Me." THAT is ONE narrow path, for millions, single file, one-on-one relationship for Jesus to greet each of us as we come through . . . every other way through, Satan wins!!! Anyone & everyone who believes: God came to us; Jesus was born human, lived & taught among us & through His Apostles; Jesus died in our place for our sins in loving obedience to His Father; GOD found Him worthy of sinless righteousness & raised Him from death; Jesus ascended up into Heaven where He reigns at the right hand of God the Father. These are Gospel basics & this is what we are to share with others, so many others who DO believe in God but have not accepted Jesus Christ as His Son, the Messiah, Immanuel - they think they are worshipping God, they are seeking God, they need us to get through to them . . . plant seed & allow the Holy Spirit to do His job. but we get off track by debating & arguing over baby or adult Baptism, amillennial, premillennial, postmillennial & pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, use big words new believers can't possibly follow what that means, atonement, justified, sanctified, glorified, dispensationalist, cessationist, continuationist . . . WE make things hard, we complicate things, we try to solve mysteries or decode secrets in parables . . . Jesus said to Peter, "What is that to you, if I should . . . you follow Me!" Jesus told us, "My yoke is easy, My burden is light." Personally, I'd like to push those Gospel basics one step further, to add that both God in the OT & Jesus in the NT promised that He would physically return to earth to reign for 1,000 years & then, New Jerusalem will descend to the New Earth & we shall look upon the face of God the Father. But, the amillennialism view will argue with me on that - that we are living in the millennium now & have been for over 2,000 years & that Satan has been bound all this time . . . Why do they even bother to read Revelation at all, except to twist things around into utter chaos of confusion . . . God is not a God if chaos & confusion. if what is going on in this world now, is achieving near paradise quality of life on earth so that Christ will return & Satan is not causing evil havoc all around us, that sure sounds like a "Works" based religion to me . . . then I truly am worshipping the wrong God!!! LORD HAVE MERCY.
@ferencfehervari5860 3 года назад
Holy Orthodoxy is the true Church, the reformation failed to capture authentic Christianity. I can hardly call Protestantism a form of authentic Christianity. If Protestantism did then why are the fruits of reformation further splintering and division? There are 50,000+ forms of mainline Protestantism and that number is increasing daily, and I’m not counting the corner store churches that pop up overnight and fade away in 40-50 years at most.
@nycgalant 3 года назад
How do you know it is the "True church", if even the E. Orthodox sects have disagreements amongst one another? Saying a particular church is true is a red 🚩for many of us, for even the jehovah witnesses use that line of argumentation for their position
@stefanospaliochoriatis6240 2 года назад
There are plenty of examples of splintering and division in the Orthodox Church. Especially in the Russian Church (as the Russian soul was and is very inclined to mystical tendencies), a considerable number of heterodox movements arose which have been suppressed with an iron hand by the czars. In the Greek sphere, the controversy on the calendar led to the creation of several Old Calendarist fractions. And more recently, a lot of a tension rose on the issue of the ecumenical participation between more liberal and conservative hierarchs. Not to mention the fact that the Orthodox Churches are fractures along ethnic fault lines, causing deep wounds and even declarations of war, demonstrated recently by the opposite positions of Constantinople and Moscow on Ukraine, the African intervention of the Russian Church in Africa and so on.
@CHURCHISAWESUM 2 года назад
@@nycgalant So you think God invented multiple truths? Then you think He had multiple Sons, because His Son is The Way, The Truth, and The Life. There cannot be 30+ different theologies of God because there are not 30+ Sons. You're an ecumenist, and that's a damnable heresy.
@mosart7025 Год назад
I for one am very grateful for the many choices we have in Protestantism. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. If you are part of a huge church, where the person at the top (RC, or Protestant, or Orthodox) might start teaching heresy or sinning blatantly, yes it needs to be addressed. But if they are so powerful that there are no checks and balances and they will not repent, then at least I as a Protestant can check out other churches instead of continuing to support and sit under the teachings of a non-compliant (to the Bible) elder, bishop, pastor, priest, etc.
@zapatafa Год назад
First of all lumping Orthodoxy together with the Catholic Church just completely obliterates why Orthodoxy appeals to so many Protestants these days. In this video, you refer to certain Catholic practices and notions which are just not present in Orthodoxy: for example, there is no Pope in Orthodoxy. The only thing you mention that's specifically Orthodoxy is icons, but you don't say what's wrong with them or why they shouldn't be used. If your argument is, "if it's not in the Bible, then it's not legit", then there are numerous practices of your own (witness your own videos) that should be thrown out: for example, Study Bibles, (which is the focus I actually love best about your youtube ministry). This is particularly relevant when it comes to icons: just as Study Bibles are legitimate tools to help the believer in their faith, so are icons. You've not given us reason not to be Orthodoxy; you've merely conveniently cited scripture and early texts that support your own form of worship. Both Orthodoxy and the Catholic Church are, like you, able to quote scripture to support their theologies, liturgies, and other faith practices. (Regarding vestments, the Orthodox will quote Exodus 28. Regarding incense (per your thumbnail), they would quote Exodus 30 and Psalm 141 verse 2 among others.) I was hoping this video would be educational, but it was not. Don't lump these two great churches together. Show that you actually understand these churches in their own terms, why they approach worship as they do, how they regard tradition, how they view prayer, the Bible, Christ, etc. Until you've done that, you've not really said anything why you're neither Orthodox nor Catholic. Unfortunately, you've done none of that here.
@bibleaddict1081 3 года назад
I call him pope Frankie the proud.
@nickspitzley8539 3 года назад
While I do believe the EO is better than the RC I think this to do with the Eastern Churches sticking with the Greek over the Latin. But at the end of the day they have pelagian aspects, so at the end of the day they are just high liturgy Methodist from my perspective. Combined with the soteriology and the over emphasized liturgy of the so called "ancient" churches.
@CHURCHISAWESUM 2 года назад
You're very obviously trying to rationalize the eastern church from a Protestant viewpoint. Comparing it to Methodism is hilarious. Try to see things for what they actually are.
@Tax_Buster 3 года назад
Othodox have Metropolitans, Heiromonks, Archpriests, Protopresbyters, etc.
@shellieperreault6262 3 года назад
So basically, you are not Orthodox or Catholic because they are liturgical? Did I sum that up correctly?
@theelizabethan1 2 года назад
This video makes several more assertions than just that one.
@dale5497 Год назад
No, there are many PCA churches that are quite liturgical, almost like Anglican churches.
@teresaking7118 3 года назад
Thank you
@woodfin77 3 года назад
Good stuff. Thanks for the break down.
@aaron8229 3 года назад
You’ve opened up a can worse than the KJVO crowd. Haha!
@skolsaw1080 3 года назад
He opened up a can of worms with alot of crowds. Lol
@scottcarter1689 3 года назад
Soli Deo Gloria!
@scottcarter1689 3 года назад
Coram Deo...
@rudyandrade1407 2 года назад
All his early church observations were totally Catholic ! He totally proved the Catholic church while trying to disprove . Im gonna find me a Catholic Church see myself.
@Insectoidoverlords 2 года назад
Check out an orthodox divine liturgy! Most of the time you're going to encounter the new order liturgy of the mass in a Catholic Church which is a new invention and has no ancient roots.
@frankperrella1202 2 года назад
I agree God bless 🙏🛐🛐🗝️🗝️💯 Catholic, The first Christians were Catholic,
@lkae4 2 года назад
@@frankperrella1202 I didn't hear anything about an infallible pope, veneration of Mary or indulgences. So how?
@frankperrella1202 2 года назад
@@lkae4 In Ephesus Chalcedon Constinople lll Nicea & Sardica them Council Before East West split The Pope was Called Father the head of all Churches Spiritual Mother Sacred Head and Forth " & In the Scriptures Christ gave Peter the keys he didn't give the other Apostles the key's" But In them Council above The Pope was Called Father the head of all Churches Spiritual Mother Sacred Head and Forth " Are you Prostestant or EO?? I have a ex Greek Orthodox family who converted to the Catholic church a few years ago, You should check out R&T Reason & Theology with Michael lofton William Albecth & Eric Yarbarra Catholic Apologist
@lkae4 2 года назад
@@frankperrella1202 Michael blocked me from his channel. I have no idea why. I think he's naturally too honest to try to defend the RCC and it might make him bitter in the long run. That's not good. Please tell William to stop running from Anthony Rogers and schedule the debate. He is acting just like Muslim dawah guys. That's a huge red flag.
@heartoffaith617 2 года назад
Thank you!!!!
@calebmarquez7295 3 года назад
Hello Pastor! Blessings from Detroit Michigan! How can I find your email?
@MatthewEverhard 3 года назад
See my about page!
@ΓραικοςΕλληνας 2 года назад
@@MatthewEverhard can you tell me which is the main word that shows Deity in the original language text of the New Testament,By the way it is not Θεός God or Κύριος Lord.
@prlublink 3 года назад
I am a retired Salvation Army officer who enjoys your videos, but I was also disappointed in this one and have to agree with Fr. Matthew Thurman's post that you did not give a fair assessment on the Orthodox Church. A great book on this subject is "Light from the Christian East" by James R. Payton a Christian Reform theologian. Dr Payton gives a great and positive analysis of this Church.
@KnightFel Год назад
Every time someone critiques Eastern Orthodoxy it’s always the same response. “Oh, you just don’t understand.” How complicated is Eastern Orthodoxy? My goodness, why is it so impossible to understand? Or do you have to convert before you can understand their man made theology? Eastern Orthodoxy isn’t biblical. They condemn sola scriptura because they wouldn’t be able to believe what they believe. Eastern Orthodoxy isn’t biblical.
@prlublink Год назад
@@KnightFel Au contraire, mon ami. I stand by my statement that this video did not give a fair representation of the Orthodox Church. It is based on the concept of sola scriptura - a man-made tradition which has no biblical support - and from that premise, it extrapolates that the Orthodox Church isn't biblical because it doesn't fit with your understanding of Scriptures.
@s.kreusler5081 Год назад
No, we condemn Sola Scriptura because there's no evidence that it's true.@@KnightFel
@fr.davidbibeau621 3 года назад
No offense man. I don't think you understand Orthodoxy at all.
@kyivanrus879 2 года назад
So you reference Acts 2:42 yet still believe that the only things that Christians are supposed to do is to follow the Bible? You acknowledge in your video that they did not have the Bible at the time and followed the apostles teachings. Meaning the early church followed the teachings/traditions of the apostles. Where in the Bible does it state that every teaching and tradition is recorded in the Bible? The same group of people that decided what was to be included in the original Canon of the Bible also followed the traditions of the apostles. This is why the Orthodox church is refered to as the church of the apostles. Not the church of Peter or Paul or whoever, but all of the apostles. They knew the church to be one and not divided. Please allow me to ask, when matthew went to Ethiopia, Thomas went to India, Peter and Paul went to Rome, John went to Asia minor, and yet as spread out and separated as they were, all of these areas established nearly identical churches with nearly identical traditions? They all had priests, they all glorified the Saints, they all baptized, they all anointed, they all fasted, they all practiced the eucharist, and they all heard confession (originally done in front of the congregation until the church got more popular). And I stopped watching when you said they met at the temple and their homes. Of course they did. Where else would they meet? They were persecuted from the very beginning. They're not building church that would be burnt to the ground the next day. They were practically in hiding. Not sure how you could answer all these but, please do.
@stefaanvermeire4511 2 года назад
Not historically accurate. The early christians in the Roman Empire weren't confronted with a continuous persecution. There have been four peacefull periodes prior to the edict of Constantine.
@CHURCHISAWESUM 2 года назад
@@stefaanvermeire4511 I don't see how that conflicts with what he said. Governments always do stages of persecutions followed by stages of relief. It's like saying history isn't filled with war simply because we have periods of relative peace in between the wars.
@JosiahR1 10 месяцев назад
Not going to lie, I myself have felt tempted towards EO in the past. As a Protestant, Catholicism is always going to be in the ‘anathema box’, but EO was open. Truthfully what it all came from was a disillusionment in evangelicalism, and their inability to have conviction, anaemic stance in church history, theology, and practice. Everything I was looking for was within the historic Reformed tradition, not the EO sacramentalism.
@bibleaddict1081 3 года назад
The KJV Only people make me sick.😁But I do like some of them when they're not calling the modern versions any names.
@voidremoved 3 года назад
Get well soon. Bible Addicts make me sick. Pray for me?
@skolsaw1080 3 года назад
Hey Pastor Matt 👋 I liked the video, but am not sure about a couple things I heard you say. One is that I always understood that the pope is the Vicar of Peter, not Christ. Also, I know that there is more scripture read in a Catholic Church on a weekday than any Protestant church I’ve attended and they do sing the psalms every mass. I agree that they take the Mary thing to far at times, but they also teach that worship of her is a big bozo no no. Jesus did however give her to us as our heavenly mother just before he died on the cross in the gospel of John and it was Mary that convinced Jesus to perform his first miracle when he was unwilling to do so.
@PeteGarbacki 3 года назад
No, the rcc holds the pope as the ‘vicar’ of Christ. And it is an anti-Christ position. As far as Mary- your interpretation is really silly, but probably true to rome’s teaching.
@skolsaw1080 3 года назад
@@PeteGarbacki Anti Christ position??....He’s the head of the Universal Christian church on earth. His title is only referring to the office he holds. Try doing some reading and research dude before you arrogantly start spewing out hateful redirect. Christians of all denominations should spend more time being loving and kind to each other when the true head of their faith is Christ instead of spending time squabbling about petty denominational differences. Hear are some suggestions. Read my comment again and look at the differences between our tones. Also read John 19:26-27 if you want an example of Christ giving Mary to us as our heavenly mother. Let me spell it out for you ok.....He gave his mother (Mary) to his beloved disciple (John) as his mother. That also proves that Mary had no other children because if she did then Jesus in doing that would have broken Hebrew law. Jesus never broke Hebrew law. Also you might want to take some time reading in Ephesians especially chapter 4. Then again perhaps you don’t need to read it because evidently you know it all.
@PeteGarbacki 3 года назад
@@skolsaw1080 I love how snowflakes always go to the “hateful” line. The rcc is corrupt, and has been since, probably Constantine. It does not go beyond that. The vicar is the “substitute” for Christ, and that is antiChrist. There is a lot more than “denominational differences”- and the pope is a man. A very fallible man- and I have done my research “dude.” I could go on and on about the ‘roman catholic’ superstitions, made up teachings by contradictory popes, mass murder directed by the rcc, and the swindling of people with indulgences (being the trigger for the Reformation)... but these things have already been addressed, and the rcc has always had to depend on the non-Scriptural arguments to even have a pathetic answer. The pope is a man of Hell.
@PeteGarbacki 3 года назад
@@skolsaw1080 Oh- and your Mary had no other children argument is weak. The proper reading in the NT would easily demonstrate Jesus had brothers and sisters by his mother. Church history will also show this idea was invented rather late. Not at all a first century understanding.
@stefanospaliochoriatis6240 2 года назад
In the Annuario Pontificio you can find the different titles of the pope, one of them is "Vicario di Gesù Cristo", the Vicar of Christ.
@omaralexanderflores3844 4 месяца назад
What abouy daily?
@jeffreyjourdonais298 Год назад
There are a lot of Apostolic teachings that are not found in scripture.
@ΓραικοςΕλληνας 2 года назад
How you compare those two when there is an Ontologicall difference between orthodox and catholism.what one see as Deity the other see it as something created.
@mosart7025 Год назад
I believe he was mostly referring to the things they do have in common, ie. robes, icons/statues, venerated offices or titles, holy days... in general a more complicated and "busy" order of service than what is seen in the New Testament and the Didache. He wasn't lumping their theology together.
@@mosart7025 supoosed he was talking about Theology .i see he is IGNORANT on orthodox church theology.actually protestant Theology is more closer to the carholic Theology. That is to the orthodox
@@mosart7025 by the way orthodox church has no statues as cathollics
@ThruTheUnknown 3 года назад
It doesn't matter what your claim is to be least changed there were no musical instruments in the early church, & the NT practices were all over the place some were house churches as you've stated, so how do we do church then? Unless it's a form universally agreed upon by the entire world wide church through those who had apostolic succession then it was considered to be out of line with the rules of the church. Same goes with rankings, the apostles would have been like archbishops, can't believe you aren't even able to grasp that
@shirleygoss1988 9 месяцев назад
I truly like all of your videos I have seen so far. This one I may not be able to watch because by conversion from Evangelical Protestantism and conviction, I have become Eastern Orthodox. Therefore, I have a hard time with this type of video. I will try to watch this another time.
@charlesheller4667 Год назад
Eastern Orthodox Christians refer to Moscow, Russia as "The Third Rome".
@tracygriffin4439 11 месяцев назад
Not really. That was largely a 19th century nationalist belief of some Russian Orthodox. Today, nobody holds to that. The Greek Orthodox have always rejected the idea.
@bfkinnice Год назад
@frankperrella1202 2 года назад
The Prostestants are way off non of the church Father's are on the side of The Reformers, They're spoke of the Sacraments as in John 6:51-58- & Christ his Apostles & Sacraments as John 3:5 & John 20:21-22-23)🛐🙏🗝️🗝️💯 Catholic
@dannyjackson5189 3 года назад
I can't believe the level of slander ( re-sacrifice)???and the fact that this guy is so interested in being correct he doesn't pay any attention to what he is reading and uses exegesis and doesn't know the book of Timothy exists...qualification of a bishop..and doesn't know the word (elder) presbytère is the word =preist > being an English only speaker he missed the whole piont....besides that you would not have a Bible at all .... the church was a baby in the Bible..oh and icons were in the super ancient caves in turkey 🇹🇷 its not of médiéval origin...gosh....they didn't were suits back 18 hundred years ago..oh the slander..in your view!!!!
@pasqualecandelora2878 3 года назад
Respectfully, it comes down to authority and where it resides. The only real contenders are Catholicism or Orthodoxy. Sorry😊
@rileychapman642 Год назад
Worship with you? How? No Altar. No Eucharistic sacrifice. No worship.
@Havoc2317 Год назад
Quoting Pliny who wasn’t a Christian as a source for what early Christian practice was is problematic. Justin Martyr, a church father who was writing shortly after Pliny, describes Christian worship as being liturgical and being centred around the eucharist which was bread and wine mixed with water. Within 100 years of the resurrection, the church is described as practicing a very similar faith to what is being practised today by both orthodox and catholics. To simply have a reductionistic approach to worship, i.e simply do what is in Acts 2 and nothing else, is to ignore the history and beauty of the Holy Spirit’s working in the church and how Christians have historically worshiped. It’s no accident that the oldest Christian groups (orthodox & catholics) both worship liturgically and are centred around the Eucharist. It’s also important to note that in Acts 2, followers of Jesus are not Christians as we understand today, they were Jews that believed that Jesus was the messiah. They were worshiping in the temple and in the synagogues, praying the prayers and hymns with the Jewish people (what we know as the psalms), and participating in their worship which was VERY liturgical. To say that stopped with the apostles is to ignore their Jewishness and to ignore Christian history.
@kevinmac8629 10 месяцев назад
Painful to watch this guy's mental gymnastics.
@Catholic-Perennialist 2 года назад
I don't know why you Presbyterians eat spaghetti with the sauce and meatballs. If you go back far enough in the food preparation, your meal was just some noodles boiling in water. If you understand the analogy, you will understand why people jump ship for Rome.
@stefaanvermeire4511 2 года назад
"... for Rome"? Really? The Church of pope Francis with his liberal views, his globalist agenda... Pope Bergoglio, the enthousiastic promotor of "One World Religion" and a strong supporter of the Great Reset.
@Catholic-Perennialist 2 года назад
@@stefaanvermeire4511 One pope does not make a Church.
@stefaanvermeire4511 2 года назад
@@Catholic-Perennialist Since Vatican II, the Church of Rome is facing an unprecedented crisis: pretty much everywhere liturgical chaos, various heterodoxies, terrible decline in monastic vocations, critical lack of priests... The Roman Church is sick, very sick, chronically sick.
@Catholic-Perennialist 2 года назад
@@stefaanvermeire4511 The Church experienced a worse crisis in the Reformation. But that was 500 years ago.
@themilitantchristian198 3 года назад
Iconoclasm is pretty cringe ngl
@johnmanuel6557 5 месяцев назад
How "enlightening" to discover that my worship as an Orthodox Christian is nothing more than an accumulation of barnacles, overly complicated accretions, and not scriptural.We sure are inventors! Oh, and I am grateful for the correction of our use of icons and the veneration of saints---thank goodness someone could clarify what we have muddied and distorted. How purifying to know that art and creativity have no place in the expression of faith. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity, that's the purified way. Sola idolatry. How could we be so medieval? I guess we are just too busy re-sacrificing every Sunday. What a misrepresentation! However well intentioned this presentation is----and i believe it is----it is a selective distortion of what Christians believed in the early times and suffered for throughout the ages. Of course, the presenter does not mean to be insulting, and that is clear. He is obviously sincere and believes in what he says. But he is simply incorrect in his assertions. He simply does not present what we Orthodox believe and have believed from age to age.
@sydney.g.sloangammagee8181 4 месяца назад
I do believe you are now exercising "sola sarcasm"!!! A very polite sarcasm!!! I love sarcasm, Elijah used extreme sarcasm . . . against the Priests of BAAL before he, er, ah, GOD won the God contest & Elijah killed off Jezebel's army of false prophets!!! I think my husband is teasing me, when he says he wants to move to Russia & become Eastern Orthodox - he was raised Catholic, but we married 37 years ago as LCMS Lutheran - long story - anyway, I answer him that by the time we get there, a new ruler will destroy those beautiful new churches & condemn all religions but one, the wrong one!!! God bless you, my friend!!!
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