
Why I Left Jehovah's Witnesses 

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2 окт 2024




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@sebelzahntigerkind3923 Год назад
GOD does not need an Organisation... especially not a self-appointed one!
@9eyeswideopen Год назад
I served for over 65 years. I stopped attending the meetings, as when my mother passed the elder, who was to do her service phoned to say he would not do it. His excuse was he didn’t know her. I asked him you’ve been an elder for over 10 years in her congregation, aren’t you meant to be looking after the widows? It should’ve been an honour for him as she served for over 80 with my father served were the need was great and over 25 years on the quick build committee Instead, what she received was the most cold service I’d ever heard everyone was shocked it broke my heart she deserved so much more. I told the elders I was not attending another meeting until I received an apology of cause I was told leave it in Jehovah’s hands. Shortly after the love of my life was diagnosed with cancer. The use of blood fractures was raised so he wanted to research into it as we had been brought up that if a drop of blood mixed with a bucket of water, the whole bucket was contaminated so how could he have blood fractures? He ran across the ARC he was awake in a heartbeat. Of course, I was a good witness and would not even discuss it with him even though he begged me to, he was gone in a heartbeat. He left a letter asking if I had ever loved him I would at least watch the ARC I’m not sure why maybe wanting to be close to him I watched it. I can’t describe how I felt it nearly broke me knowing when he needed his faith, the most and my love, understanding and support he had none. I hope he forgave me because I will never forgive myself for choosing a religion over a man I adored. So now I’m alone no one knows I’m awake I’ve been told because I’m not attending the meetings there will be no further contact until I do. I now know exactly how my husband felt. I regret not waking up sooner so we could’ve enjoyed the life we were given. 💔
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
What a tragic story! Your comment brought tears to my eyes. Do not despair. I know a woman recently who awakened at the age of 92 and has found happiness. Do not blame yourself. We were all victims to one of life's worst tragedies!
@CherylArsenault123 Год назад
That is so sad but most denominations are like this. This goes for men's doctrines over and above the word of God. ONLY the word of God is the TRUTH. ONLY Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH and the life. Matthew 7:20 King James Version 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
@clingclingvideos2648 Год назад
Im sorry to hear your story sister. But God can turn bad experience into good testimony. I want you to know that Jesus sheed His blood for you to know how much He loves you. Your blood story is a very good story for you to hold the love of Jesus. Your not alone because the The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit is with you and I can be your friend too. I will be praying for you sister
@GeorgiaPeachHolly Год назад
What's the ARC?
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
@@GeorgiaPeachHolly It is the Australia Royal Commission who dealt with the Watchtower society issue of child abuse.
@AtamMardes 8 месяцев назад
"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." Voltaire
@scotlandd Год назад
Nice to meet you brother. 54 years indoctrinated and 3 years out now. The false doctrines woke me up especially the idea that Jesus was made king 1914 and they were the faithful slave. All authority was given to Yeshua the day he died and was resurrected. Peace to you and thanks for your truthful words. Scott
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
I just subscribed to your channel. Your questions spark my interest.
@irmajean3542 10 месяцев назад
I could not see the freedom in that religion. No birthdays. Not much love. A lot just didn't make a lot of sense to me. So I exited out. At first. I did miss the association. But now, I don't miss anything.
@fujman100 Год назад
I left in 2012. I was 42, brainwashed from the age of 5. It was incredible traumatic, realizing that Watchtower had stolen 37 years of my life. I struggled with suicidal depression for 7 years, but was finally able to uproot all those toxic ideas and negativity, heal and move on. I left because I could see their lies and how they shamelessly gaslight people about "This Generation" and I could not indoctrinate my son, who was 5, with all that 🐂💩. I broke the cycle. Best thing I ever did.
@fujman100 Год назад
@@Ava2969ny, hello Ava. I was lucky enough to have a friend, also an ex JW, who really helped me by sharing his story, and putting me onto some virtual mentors, in book form. In fact he wrote a book himself, which really kick-started the healing process for me. That book is "Money Grows on Trees" by my incredible friend, Jerremy Alexander Newsome. The big takeaway for me was learning how to identify those subconscious toxic roadblocks, and dig them out. He and Britney Turner, have a podcast called "From Broke to Woke". That's brilliant, and really helped. Jerremy suggested also that I read "Man's Search for Meaning" by Dr. Viktor Frankl - that absolutely changed my life and enabled me to ditch the feeling of being a victim and let go of the stolen decades. And finally "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. It's a bit trippy on the first read, but on the second read, so much fell into place. I wish you healing and peace. If there's any way I can help, please drop me a line.
@respectingthewordpodcast Год назад
​@@Ava2969nyit would be hard to deprogram huh??
@Ava2969ny Год назад
@@respectingthewordpodcast -- yes, I find it hard to stop the recurring thought patterns...even the fear of the outside world.
@respectingthewordpodcast Год назад
@@Ava2969ny maybe find someone to disciple you in the process of growing in Christ biblically?? Finding a solid person will be tough though.
@Ava2969ny Год назад
@@respectingthewordpodcast - Good suggestion, but I have trust issues related to religion and people in general that I would need to heal first, before being able to seek out that type of guidance. (my whole life feels like an experiment gone bad)...wish I had followed my instincts when I began studying the NWT.
@LAexJw Год назад
Hey, your video popped up on my feed, and I checked it out. I just subbed, and definitely want to hear more of your story. Thanks for coming out and sharing. I really liked your point about waking up, and how not all eXJW’s were asleep to begin with. That was me!!! My “waking up,” was exhilarating, and a very positive experience, but it was because of confirmation of what I already knew deep down. I had so many instances of doubt come up and then finally, the ‘straw that broke the camels back’ set me free. I never could bring myself to get baptized because I could never be fully convinced that it was “the truth.” I was a born in, but I was in and out of it my whole life, holding on to the core beliefs. I never was a full fledged PIMI, and Ive also heard others explain how traumatic waking up was, and I just can’t really relate to that, yet I understand! Thanks for explaining it, in a cut and dry, sort of way. Im sure Im not the only one who is helped, by hearing that perspective.
@a-hagirl9351 Год назад
I appreciated so much this video. I had much of the same feelings exiting this group. 😢 So with a lot of therapy I survived! Life is much easier now. My heart although is broken 💔 because I lost 9 family members which includes my precious granddaughters. But I'm moving forward and am enjoying my new life!❤
@rocker1889 Год назад
Thank you for this video. I was df'd about 27 years ago not for something I did, but for pettiness. I was angry for years. You and others show that it's not the individual JWs that we should be angry with (they are still asleep, zombies of the Watchtower). But we are at odds with the organization itself. Even a GB member can wake up at some point, look at Ray Franz. With that said I hope to see the WT crumble completely.
@willyb933 Год назад
I appreciate your perspective and what you say about "waking up" is very true. I was born in and am now 67 years of age having left about 20 years ago with a long history of my association. I am not a fan of Religion and I usually avoid any association with it and its influence but I think you have some valuable content and appreciate your time and efforts on the channel. look forward to following you in future.
@philmatoph Год назад
You made the best decision of your life .
@BoBo-gc1be Год назад
The Bible is all about Jesus, and Jesus is 100% God. Throw that New World translation away pick up a king James and read it and you will see it. It is all about Jesus so you can use the name Jesus because he’s the one who came down and bled for us. Just because you left the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Does not mean that God is not there. praying for you. First Corinthians 15:1-4
@mattmurdock2868 Год назад
Yes, all scripture is of and about the Christ. "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life. These are they which testify of Me." Jn.5:39
@CherylArsenault123 Год назад
Amen to that! The name of JESUS is the name above all names. Philippians 2:9-11 King James Version 9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
@skylarsartnphotography3450 Год назад
NWT, New World Translation....is that perhaps very similar to New World Order Bible??? 🤔
@BoBo-gc1be Год назад
@@skylarsartnphotography3450 it is! They refer to their paradise as the new system.
@BoBo-gc1be Год назад
@@CherylArsenault123 and He puts His Word above his very name! Psalm 138:2
@dawnbehatin1224 Год назад
Thank you for sharing! I'm staggered by how much your story matches my own.
@idiotphd1046 Год назад
There is an “evil slave” in charge. (Matt 24:48-51) He “beats the other slaves” and gets some to follow. (Luke 12:45-48) Upon seeIng this, Jesus orders us to leave and head for the mountains. (Matt 24:15) He says “let the reader use discernment” not listen to a “faithful slave.” Jehovah’s brilliant prophesy only gives us more reason to believe and trust in him.
@sjtalksandlife Год назад
I been out for two years now, after I realized that alot of their scriptures were twisted. It was a real eye opener for me. I feel so free. Fortunately I had no family in it..😉
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
Yes. At first many feel that the Watchtower got many things right. But then, you learn that isn't true at all.
@tonyornelas9374 Год назад
When the holy spirit comes into you its like the scales fall off your eyes and you can see the truth. It becomes easy to disurn good from evil.
@Xoxo-mh9zr 4 месяца назад
@Datruth76 Год назад
I like that you use YHWH…or Yahweh probably more phonetically accurate.
@respectingthewordpodcast Год назад
My LSB bible uses Yahweh.
@charrua59 Год назад
" they don't want to look bad for what they done". Pride is very common for watchtower. They hide biblical knowledge they received, maeby from some letter someone in org sent them. Information that should be shared with congregations so they get more knowledge about bible. This bible verse is very accurate when it comes to watchtower Hosea 4:6 NKJV My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.
@MrCocoriver Год назад
i your video s will help others wake up
@simplifiedlife8607 Год назад
Thanks, I enjoyed hearing your story. I've been out for 6 months. I too love YHWH, Jesus and the Bible. I've been doing some very deep Bible study (something 99% of witnesses do not do) and have been lead to Universal Reconciliation (1 Cor 15:22, 1 Tim 4:10) as the key to understanding the scriptures, and the only thing that is possible in light of 1 John 4:8. I finally understand all the terms rendered hell in most bibles, sheol, hades, tartarus, gehenna and also what the lake of fire is. God is refining us as with fire (1 Cor 3:10-15) throughout our lives, and I know now that my 49 years as a witness was necessary for me to refine and correct my mind and heart and prepare me to accept Jesus in the proper way.
@MrMrmetro Год назад
So true what you point out about many not being asleep. My experience has been similar. Many things I observed while at Bethel had me questioning. The flip-flopping of policies in Bethel and each time insisting this was "Jehovah's direction". The pedestal they put the GB on. The insistence on obedience even if it makes no sense to you. The huge crack came when they DF'd me unjustly. I appealed and won but they kicked me out anyway. Twenty-some-odd years later they did it again, this time on hearsay not evidence. Getting reinstated in 2023 was worse than the divorce I went through after 28 years of marriage. Therapy has been crucial to healing. There is no going back.
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
Wow! I want to hear more about happened after 2023 reinstatement.
@judyarellano6196 Год назад
It’s encouraging to see you continue to love Yahweh and Jesus!! Praise The Lord!! 🙏
@lisamarriott4732 6 месяцев назад
Good explanation of what it's like to wake up from living in an illusion. Mind blowing!!!
@dannycasey8261 Год назад
I enjoyed the video and Subscribed. Your natural style is so honest and sincere that I feel you can help JWs wakeup. Please continue making content. Be blessed
@greatoutdoorsgear7538 Год назад
well i concluded what we experienced there was all CAUSE and EFFECT. now once you understand this is not localized to that religion you can connect the dots that you dont actually have the truth just a bag of deception
@joaquinsantana511 Год назад
Thank you
@JoeHinojosa-bd9hu Год назад
According to JWs , general apostasy occured in the first century congregation after the apostles died. But it can never happen again like in Warwick New York?
@Sportliveonline Год назад
There is every reason but the reason reason itself ~~# How do you know what the Bible writers wrote down in the Bible is true in the first Place##
@nojw7940 Год назад
WHY is JW Headquarter in Warwick STILL NOT RAIDED by Police special task forces????e WHY is JW Headquarter in Warwick STILL NOT RAIDED by Police special task forces???
@gaetanodetorrice5555 Год назад
I just have one question who was yelling in the background😂. Only kidding. thanks for your video. I'm an ex JW also. I decided to leave because I didn't want to listen to 9 knuckleheads in New York😮😂😂
@raymondperez1131 2 месяца назад
From what i understand the JWs organization is banned from 17 countries..wow..
@lawrencevincent1 Год назад
My journey out of the babbling and crap society🤣🤣🤣
@Sportliveonline Год назад
as your grow in knowledge your opinion will change ~~its normal with any circumstance in life
@gaetanodetorrice5555 6 месяцев назад
I'm from the screwed generation 1975 😂 when I was a witness I never believed that Jesus was Michael the archangel. I used to say just read Hebrews chapter 1😮.
@gaetanodetorrice5555 6 месяцев назад
I always thought the truth was Jesus Christ and not watch tower. And I always thought that it was blasphemy to call that religion the truth because only Jesus is the truth that was my thinking😊
@vincentgomez7564 6 месяцев назад
While I did not have a clear mind like yourself, my true love was God and Christ. The Watchtower would angry me at times, but I would always "wait on Jehovah".😒
@glenfinch1468 6 месяцев назад
If you wanna touch base and share our experience, feel free to let me know . I find it helpful to talk it over with someone who knows exactly what you’ve gone through
@naa2024 Год назад
Very niice, my brother. I'm so pleased to hear about your love for the Father and the Son. It's refreshing listening to you. Your journey continues and it gets better. Whereas JWs continue to be stuck, many are coming to the truth which is the Lord, John 14:6. Thank you for sharing.
@anniesavedbygrace Год назад
God Bless you x thanks for sharing x
@joejacobs3537 6 месяцев назад
I left cause of verbal abuse by a ministerial servant and the 1925 false prophecy...
@vincentgomez7564 6 месяцев назад
Once you are out, and you realize what you escaped, it doesn't matter why you left. Thank God that something happened to cause you to leave. A witness may say, 'He left because he wasn't made an elder'. I say, who cares? He left and now he thanks God he did not become an elder.
@joejacobs3537 6 месяцев назад
@vincentgomez7564 I know one thing...That same servant better pray he never knocks on my door...
@Kimberly-tv1dc 4 месяца назад
Jw life is with fear and suffering
@felicitydeikos5250 Год назад
As " Studying Jws " its not upto THEM,who God Jehovah will " choose, the ones that belong to Him. The ones who belong to God, the Witnesses cannot "pic and choose people." I dont hate them but ive had several arguments with them. One other thing that does tend to upset me is that if you arging with one Witness, which you do, tell about, they will not, apologies, say sorry or have a " talk" with that " trouble- causing witness" They always say, " Its up to Jehovah, not us."
@yogi19581 Год назад
607 bce did it for me the straw that broke the camels back. Great video thank you.
@SheepDog1974 Год назад
I'm beginning to see that this is one of the biggest issues and good reason for many leaving
@zulu3779 Год назад
What are some questions you wished someone asked you regarding 607?😊
@TruthHasSpoken Год назад
"false images" *Been a Catholic all my life and I know a few things are true:* 1. Catholics worship God alone 2. Images including paintings, statues etc. are commonly of those who have died who followed Jesus Christ. Their IMAGES are reminders for us of their faith for Jesus. They _point_ us to Jesus and are role models in faith in how to follow him. It's never about them on their own, it's never about worshipping them. It's ALL about Jesus. *I frequently ask Witnesses to explain Isaiah 6 and John 12.* Isaiah 6 is Isaiah's vision of Jehovah on his throne. Yet John attributes Isaiah’s vision of Jehovah on his throne to Isaiah having seeing Jesus (Is 6; Jn 12:36-42) - John is saying Jesus is God. Jesus is the HIS and HIM whose glory Isaiah saw, whom the rulers put faith in but would not acknowledge for fear of the Pharisees: _“Jesus said these things and went off and hid from them. Although he had performed so many signs before them, they were not putting faith in HIM, so that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, . . . Isaiah said these things because he saw HIS glory, and he spoke about HIM. All the same, many even of the rulers actually put faith in HIM, but they would not acknowledge HIM because of the Pharisees, so that they would not be expelled from the synagogue”._ Note here. The authorities would NOT have feared the pharisees for believing in Jehovah. The authorities would NOT have been expelled from the synagogue for believing in Jehovah. It's because the authorities believed in Jesus, that they feared the pharisees.
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
So much of what you said I agree with. As far as false images are concerned, I'm thinking we would not see eye to eye. As I will talk about later, my journey as a follower of Christ, included studying occultic symbolism. And although the average Catholic may worship God and only worship God, there are things within the church that people look at everyday and they really don't know what they're looking at and where it came from because it is occultic.
@TruthHasSpoken Год назад
@@vincentgomez7564 No Vince. No images in a catholic church are from the occult. If you believe so it is because you believe in error. This is why dialogue is good. Curious as who taught you such error?? Your pastor??
@charlest8153 Год назад
I'm an ex JW and convert to Catholicism. I love it. I never understood Christianity until I went through RCIA to be Catholic. We studied the history of Christianity along with the Bible. This is something NO protestants teach because inevitably they will circle back to Catholicism and of course we can't have the evil Catholics anywhere around. People need to stop drinking the kool aid and actually read. Blows my mind how ignorant people just want to be.
@CherylArsenault123 Год назад
@@TruthHasSpoken Speaking of Christ Jesus the Lord........ We do not need or should have images, we need and should have the word of God as it is written. (Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4) We are to walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) We are to walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh. (Romans 8:1-18) Colossians 2:9 King James Version 9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Acts 17:29-30 King James Version 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. 30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
@TruthHasSpoken Год назад
@@CherylArsenault123 "Speaking of Christ Jesus the Lord........" Where does scripture prohibit or state: *We do not need or should have images* ? Just the book, chapter, and verse. Do you not know that for well over 1,000 years of Christianity, only 10% or so of Christians could read or write? Church artwork was a way of telling the story of Salvation history, that God became man, suffered and died for us, and rose from the dead so that we could have eternal life with him. Which part of the story do you object to in religious art? Was it pleasing or displeasing to God that the Israelites followed HIS instructions and put images on the Old Testament Ark?
@aphillyate1 10 месяцев назад
Pacificism is not always anti-war.
@JamesRamundo Год назад
God Bless you my friend....hang in there,,,great video!!
@SheepDog1974 Год назад
You're a sincere heart, and I pray that God blesses you with peace and comfort in the knowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord 🙏 God Almighty
@katb945 Год назад
I was slowly waking up bit by bit lack of genuine love drove to to search if others had this problem or was there something wrong with me, I found JW Facts the Malawi Mexico hypocrisy was what started my journey out the clincher was the GB throwing the other anointed under the bus then the overlapping generation out right lie, the Australian Royal commission I was gone.
@thetruthk5138 Год назад
The is complete lack of love it's something they talk about on Tuesday and Sunday it's fantastic but that's where it starts and finishes. Looking after young and old single faith households never happened. After the Covid lockdown one of the elders was in touch and I mentioned about the lack of love. Bearing in mind in this congregation the is around 23 elders and servants and in two years of Covid they didn't phone the young elderly those in divided homes shocking lack of genuine love. And the answer I received was we could have done things better. Sadly those guys really do miss the whole point. Thankfully I woke up before Covid mind you they were right about one thing religion a snare and a racket. And the whole ARC Jeffrey Jackson lying under oath lying about disfellowshiping the list is endless. If you or I didn't tell the truth you would be in the back room ASAP just modern day false religion.
@arlenedixon2547 Год назад
Thank for sharing God bless
@foreversingle1975 Год назад
A big problem for those who leave the jw cult is what church should they attend next, many are lost in there way.
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
I have much to say on this later. That is such a true statement.
@CherylArsenault123 Год назад
True for some. We humans desire social interaction and fellowship. BUT at what cost? Many churches are just denominations of men that are mixed with the Lord's gospel of the new covenant. It's the same thing that Jesus berated the Pharisees for doing. Matthew 15:9 King James Version 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
@thetruthk5138 Год назад
Better to do personal Bible reading and prayer then to join another religion with it's own agenda. I believe.
@foreversingle1975 Год назад
@@thetruthk5138 Christianity isn't a religion as it came from God.
@FUNNYMANERICWHITE 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing
@johndefalque5061 Месяц назад
I was thrown out of a KH in Nanaimo by 2 bouncers. I landed face first in the gravel. That was 38 yrs ago. I went communist, travelled the red world and lived in China for 5 yrs. Would like to give those bouncers a gravel bath!
@dougfa3515 3 месяца назад
I'm in the process now. I haven't said anything to anyone, but I will never go back. I had drifted away for a number of years, but I still believed in the doctrines I was raised with. I was adamant about the falsehood of the Trinity. I had started coming back and then when they shut things down during 2020 and then started urging everyone to take those shots, it staggered me. I couldn't go along with that. I don't believe in transhumanism and I don't think it's right to mess with your genetic makeup. They talked about none of that that I ever saw. Then I had friends who took it and then essentially soft DFed me because I wouldn't take them. I was no longer invited to their house. They treated the shots as an idol, IMO. And pharisaically decided to become the enforcers of some imaginary mandate that even the GB didn't call for. But I would still listen to the meetings on Zoom. When they resumed meetings in person, I was concerned with shedding and decided I wouldn't attend in person until at least a year after the shots finally stopped. I didn't want any of that in me if I could help it, and sitting in a small room with 75 other people didn't seem like a good idea to me. Along the way I started trying to find spiritual food that I felt was lacking. I was pleasantly surprised how much knowledge and insights other people had. Things that I had never considered and were never presented during my years of studying the Bible. It was clear that many people of faith took their Bible study far more serious and in depth than the Society ever told us they did. Along the way I discovered how they twisted Scriptures in the NWT to match their 'doctrine', the way they misquoted people in the Trinity brochure, and left pieces of quotes out to leave a different impression than the person quoted ever intended. Deception has no place in an organization that claims to represent God. I needed to get to the bottom of what was the truth as far as the nature of God, because I wanted to make sure I was worshiping Him correctly as best I could ascertain, so I started looking into what the early church fathers taught, as I had always been under the impression that the Trinity concept was created at the Council of Nicea in the 3rd century. So I wanted to see what the church fathers prior to that said... the ones who served alongside John and the apostles, as well as those who served with their disciples. That proved the lie to me about Nicea and what I had been taught. So then I started looking into other basic teachings of the Rapture, the Cross, and other assorted things. When I compared the Reasoning book to the arguments made elsewhere, the Society's arguments were largely laughable. If you want a good laugh, read The Revelation book. That book was also foundational for me as a JW growing up. And then I found out they had been members of the UN for a decade. That explained so much to me with the whole 2020/21 thing. So many of the things they talk about are right in line with the New World Order, it's stunning. They are guiding my bothers and sisters down a false path and that hurts my heart. My mom and my aunts (except one who was DFed long ago) were all a part of this. My mom brought my best friend's mom into it, and I feel bad. Mom was doing the best she could to do what she felt was right, and I feel a level of guilt that my best friends family was involved. He's an elder, and he and his wife are the ones that "soft DFed me ". And I know I will lose them when I leave. But I can't stay in something I believe is false. God is too important. Thanks for your story, brother. I'm glad you still love and seek after God. It saddens me to no end to see the ex JW's that become atheist or agnostic, or just pursue the world as a result of their experience. God's promises are real. His Word is real. I am thankful for the scriptural knowledge I received while in the organization. I am thankful to have known my brothers and sisters as well. I hope they figure this out too. I held my own 'Memorial' this year and I ate the bread and drank the wine as Jesus told us to do. I am so thankful for what He did for us, thankful that my sins are forgiven and I look forward to seeing Him soon.
@vincentgomez7564 3 месяца назад
I appreciate the thoughts you shared. Do not lose heart in your journey out of the Watchtower. The one thing that I learned in my journey and I'm learning it still, is that you need to keep an open mind about everything when it comes to understanding God and everything in the Bible. Feel free to email anytime, if you want to discuss anything. thewreckers82@gmail.com
@vincentgomez7564 3 месяца назад
And I know how it feels to be alone after leaving the Watchtower, so again, feel free to email. Because sometimes, after leaving, we need a fresh perspective on things. Honestly, my understanding of some things has changed even in the last week!
@dougfa3515 3 месяца назад
@@vincentgomez7564 Thanks, brother! It has been an interesting journey so far, and it's going to continue to be. I'm not looking forward to explaining this to my aunts who are still in, or my friends, but it has to happen, so it will. I know it's going to hurt them, and I'm ready for the consequences of my decision. But I'm mostly looking forward to the future, worshipping God in Spirit and Truth. Take care, and thanks for reading my comment and responding!
@gregshell8570 2 месяца назад
GOD is not an organization run by self appointed fallible men. Every false religion twists who JESUS says HE is. Every last one of them.
@CatB-r5c 6 месяцев назад
Great example about the cognitive dissonance and shelving things that don’t make sense. You keep doing it and shelving and shelving and then one day, when you wake up, it’s like “Of course!!!” Mind shattering.
@michaellinden-p4d 2 месяца назад
It doesn't matter 'why' you leave, it's 'that' you leave! Just get away from any form of mind controll!
@dankelly4747 7 месяцев назад
@glenfinch1468 6 месяцев назад
Very similar thoughts and sentiments to my own experience . It’s very traumatic . You have tremendous courage to leave , but a love of truth forces you to make difficult decisions and it costs us dearly but maybe that’s what Christ meant when he said to pick up your torture stake and continually follow me
@Sportliveonline Год назад
Everybody looks at things from thier point of view in relation to what they know at the moment in Time
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
Or God stops you in your tracks, and redirects your course much like what the apostle Paul's experienced.
@rehcoorijola4598 6 месяцев назад
John 8:32. Revelation 18:4..
@kellyblakeborough3371 Год назад
Because you left recently in your opinion are the Jehovah's witnesses still growing in number
@heniiru4187 5 месяцев назад
You made a decision glory to God❤
@jessicawinslet684 10 месяцев назад
Lol so he realized the meddle east god yaweh isn't real lol
@leeenglish6176 Год назад
I believe pastor Dowell has reached you.
@jan75643 Год назад
@granthonis513 8 месяцев назад
Jesus was worshipped 10 times in the New Testament ! All 4 gospel writers record Jesus being worshipped !
@boxelder9147 3 месяца назад
Where at for each of these please
@JoeHinojosa-bd9hu Год назад
They're another HUMAN organization. Many things they teach are good and right. Some things wrong,a few things questionable.
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
I appreciate your thought. I actually will be talking about this very subject at some point.
@JoeHinojosa-bd9hu Год назад
@@vincentgomez7564 JWs screw up a lot, 1914,1918,1925,1941,1975. But they haven't done an Inquisition and burned heretics at the stake yet. Only " spiritually" , by shunning them.
@mattmurdock2868 Год назад
JoeHinojosa... If you know of ANY of the teachings from Watchtower that CAN be found in scripture, or ANY they HAVE gotten right, I would be MUCH interested. Thanks.
@JoeHinojosa-bd9hu Год назад
@@mattmurdock2868 Really? I dislike materialistic atheists more than JWs.For example JWs believe there are absolute standards of morality. Materialists would say Uhhhh...morality,it's all in your head! Depends where you are born,what time in history. Good,evil, just passing relative terms.
@mattmurdock2868 Год назад
@@JoeHinojosa-bd9hu Ok...but the Watchtower "absolute standards of morality" cannot be found in scripture.
@chaddoyle9009 6 месяцев назад
Glad you got out, God bless.
@ShoNuffSoulBro1 Год назад
What was the thing about Russell that you mentioned, that was disturbing to you?
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
Online you can find the cover of Russell's biography. The Proclaimers book admits they did. Well in the old book Jws and the Divine Purpose book, which I had and read, they outright lied and said they would never do that and why they wouldn't.
@Jalle6673 Год назад
​@@vincentgomez7564admits they did what?
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
@@Jalle6673 They admitted that they did indeed right a biography of Charles Russell, after they lied about not writing one in the book Jehovah's Witnesses and the Divine Purpose book.
@Jalle6673 Год назад
@@vincentgomez7564 Oh, ok. I understand now. Thanks.
@SheepDog1974 Год назад
You found "some" lies...😂
@BibliaStory4U Год назад
Any people from india Excommunicated
@HenriettaMRiley 9 месяцев назад
Do you have a story to tell. would love to hear it...dont feel alone...reach out and keep reaching out and tell the community what happened to you. India, Pakistan are huge targets for Watchtower so the public over there should know - ever thought of starting your own YT channel to tell your story and to allow the people in INDIA to know what a cult JWs are? Take care.
@patriciabell3665 Год назад
I want to hear your story ❤
@ucanliv4ever Год назад
There are plenty of people still alive that remember 1914. Unless you live under a rock, you may have noticed things are not well.
@ucanliv4ever Год назад
Evidently you misunderstand, brojito...what part of global lockdown, great reset, cbdc, mark of the beast, Jenn O'Seid don't you understand?
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
Everything you mentioned here, was actually part of my journey. I will share this much later. I found God after he showed me the devil.
@Jonboatjax Год назад
10,000 people die every day around the world for all sorts of reasons. Live your best life because we are but like grains of sand only Family that you were born in is what we need to cultivate and care for not fake friends only true friends that will be beside you for your life not your religion. Wake up.
@thetruthk5138 Год назад
Your information is wrong try 150.000 around the world die everyday around 80 Millon a year which raises more questions about a God of love. The figures quoted are from the United Nations and the WHOrganization
@antonypelling9194 3 месяца назад
I suggest you wake up and do more study and reserch. its more like 1oo,ooo
@nolaweare Год назад
Isaiah 9-17
@factenter6787 Год назад
In the original Hebrew, Psalm 116:15 means "Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His saints/devout ones/pious ones".
@sherrir2531 11 месяцев назад
I feel like we should pick our religious beliefs based on what is truth, rather than on the faults of the people that represent that particular religion.
@Wutevs4 Год назад
Just a little constructive criticism. You’re all over the place in this video. It makes it very difficult to follow along with so much rambling. You should make a script or at least write down your talking points. That way everything can flow easily and it will be more concise and organized
@UKS12345 11 месяцев назад
I would be interested to here what lies you found. I’m on the fence at the moment
@vincentgomez7564 11 месяцев назад
I put a few on the Community tab on my channel. These were the initial lies I found. I recommend watching my "Why I would never go back" videos for more bigger reasons why the Watchtower is nothing but a lie.
@fermonitolagnason970 4 месяца назад
We disfellow sinners
@raymondperez1131 2 месяца назад
Is that the loving thing to do?.
@nightrod2237 Месяц назад
Who did Jesus come to earth for ? The righteous or the sinners? Did Jesus dismiss the sinners or did he spend time with them ?
@raymondperez1131 Месяц назад
@@fermonitolagnason970 Romans 3:23-24 scripture says For everyone has sinned;We All fall short of God's glorious standard,yet God,in his grace,freely makes us right in his sight.Ecclesiastes 7:20 NLT,There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins...
@UKS12345 11 месяцев назад
If 144000 to be taken as literal then why aren’t the 24 elders taken as a literal number? As taught 24 elders represent all anointed.
@Wu-pz6yl Год назад
Whenever people have these videos they never get to the point. All I want to know is why none of the other Stuff
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
I think most feel like I do. The Watchtower, like all religions, is full of lies. To say I left because I found a lie or two, just seems ridiculous. I mean, even a witness, would dismiss a couple of lies viewing it through the "progressive organization" lens. Because once you allow yourself to explore JW Facts, now you have a million reasons to leave.
@CherylArsenault123 Год назад
Another thing I noticed was using the name of Jehovah above all names is WRONG. JESUS is the name above all names. We are to be the witnesses of JESUS. That right there tells a tall tale of who they really are. Saying that Jesus was and is only an angel is not new. The book of Hebrews makes that clear in Hebrews 1. There were Hebrews aka Jews holding to that belief way back in the day and they were corrected with the truth that NO angel was told by God the Father, "thy throne, O God is for ever". It's the same as it is written in (Psalms 110:1, Matthew 22:44, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42-43, Hebrews 1:13) The LORD said to my Lord. Philippians 2:9-11 King James Version 9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: 10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. ............ Hebrews 1:5-8 King James Version 5 For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? 6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. 7 And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. 8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. .......... Psalm 110:1 King James Version 110 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Hebrews 1:13 King James Version 13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
Very good points. As I continue on in my journey, you will see how I feel about everything you mentioned.
@CherylArsenault123 Год назад
@@vincentgomez7564 Amen. It's a wonderful journey. I've been in my journey of God's word in Christ now for 17 years, I've learned so much and I'm still learning. Not from men but from God and his word.
@UKS12345 11 месяцев назад
But people are precious in the eyes of jehovah
@HenriettaMRiley 9 месяцев назад
So why does his organisation treat them like shit? Remember the Org is Jehovah and Jehovah is the org, so if the org treats them like shit...its Jehovah himself that treats them like shit. You cant have your cake and eat it sister....
@NyomoStephan Год назад
😂2 thessalonias 2v3😂😂😂
@ScottRock-mr6qk 9 месяцев назад
Your still leaving??? Dude leave and get over it already. Be done and move on with life.
@vincentgomez7564 8 месяцев назад
I've been out for years now. My channel is about how I became a follower of Christ.
@ScottRock-mr6qk 8 месяцев назад
@vincentgomez7564 You were a follower of Christ before Vincent. You don't think JW'S follow Christ?? Are you joking?? Jehovah is God, and his Son is Jesus, which Jehovah sent to us to teach us his ways. And if you truly want to be a follower of Christ. I suggest you find out who Christ was before he came to earth as a man. Try Zechariah 12:8, Galatians 4:14, and Daniel 3:24-28. That's who Christ was/is. Only he's like Joesph, hea been promoted to a higher position than the rest of his companions. Who are his companions, Vincent??? I don't give a damn that you left the organization because like every religion, and they are no different, they're screwed up just like the rest. But don't you dare turn your back on Jehovah because while their organization is screwed up, their theology is very sound as to who God is and who Jesus was. Except that being Michael thing, I don't ascribe to that, but he was the Angel of Jehovah. Bet on it 😉
@vincentgomez7564 8 месяцев назад
In an earlier video, I shared my experience with the Restoration Fellowship Church. They teach almost exactly what the Watchtower teaches on some basic doctrines. So if you believe that the Watchtower is correct in these views, I recommend examining that group. They have ten basic doctrines or so they all believe in, but that's it. No GB dictating every move you make. They are by far closer to the truth in my opinion. And they don't believe Jesus is Michael.
@ScottRock-mr6qk 8 месяцев назад
@vincentgomez7564 Vince I'll bring honest with because I'm an honest man. I don't and won't follow any religion that says I have to believe this or that. If I did then I might as well be Catholic. Because they have a doctrine that you have to follow. I follow Jesus and his teachings and I worship Jehovah or YHWH or Yahweh or Yod-He-Waw-He or Yehovah or even Yehowah whatever you want to call him. That's who I worship. I appreciate your time and wanting to send me some news. But the reason I don't want to belong to any religion is because most are corrupt and filled with lies, deceptions and doctrines and I won't be apart of any religion because of that. Jesus was a Jew and he didn't say that we had to be apart of any religion because other than the Jewish religion there were pagans and that was pretty much it. So again I appreciate your message if you were directing it to me. But I'm good with who and what I do. Oh and I don't even follow Nondenominational churches either. I'm seriously good with what I do. I have a friend that went to the Jehovah's Witness meetings with me and both of us have stepped away from religion. We studied our tail ends off in the 5 years we were locked up together and since getting out, I and he just talk on the phone and discuss scriptures. Thank you again Vince. I appreciate your time and effort. God bless
@vusimngomezulu2500 Год назад
You left to which way between this 2 ???? Mathew 7:13-14.
@mattmurdock2868 Год назад
Jesus is the Way.
@vusimngomezulu2500 Год назад
@@mattmurdock2868 Jesus is the way for all different churches including exjws apostate according to the Bible???????
@HenriettaMRiley 9 месяцев назад
You lost this battle along time ago VUSIMUSI Jesus is the Way... You still havent learned that.
@vusimngomezulu2500 3 месяца назад
​​@@mattmurdock2868Which church are true according to the Bible in this world? Because many churches are not true according to this scriptures, Matthew 7:21-23,Roman's 10;1-3,2Corintians 11:12-15,2thimoty 4:3-4,2Peter 2:1-3,1John 4:1, and show me a proof from the Bible that exjw's are following Jesus Christ.
@vusimngomezulu2500 3 месяца назад
​​@@HenriettaMRileyWhich church are true according to the Bible in this world? Because many churches are not true according to this scriptures, Matthew 7:21-23,Roman's 10;1-3,2Corintians 11:12-15,2thimoty 4:3-4,2Peter 2:1-3,1John 4:1,and show me a proof from the Bible that exjw's are following Jesus Christ.
@moreflamenco Год назад
Hey bro I lost my faith NOT in Jesus Christ or father God Jahovah I wrote a letter to bethel 1994 about the meaning of the word Generation that Christ was talking about in my research I found an answer at Genesis 15 . Verse 13 then 16 there the answer is 400 years and 4 generations the thumb rule given is one Generation equals 100 years OK that being said where did that last 100 years BEGIN..WE Know the JEWS BEGAN the state of Israel in 1948-49 we are 74 years into the time ALLOTTED in one GENERATION? ..the watchtower printed (a wicked Generation) another story for the gullible not the TRUTH
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
That "wicked generation " one has been forgotten by all witnesses. They pretty much have brushed that one under the rug. It didn't last long at all. I'm so glad you have not lost faith in Christ. I wish so bad a witness would come to me so I can teach him the simple message of the New Testament.
@mattmurdock2868 Год назад
​@@vincentgomez7564 My experience is the diety of Christ is more easily proven from the Old Testament. Witnesses fail to understand...the New Testament is the key to opening the Old Testament.
@mattmurdock2868 Год назад
The borg would frown on the use of that "independent thinking."..what the world calls critical thinking skills.
@raccoons_stole_my_account Год назад
To be a witness, you need to spend your entire life with your head down. They love the sheep illustration. Sheep are dumb, dependent, subservient creatures that lack any ability to protect themselves whatsoever. If you want to have basic human dignity, to know why are you asked to do things, to have the right to show some initiative and creativity, maybe even to be rewarded for those - boom, you are out. Main requirement is no longer met. Last meeting I had with elders ended up in a pure power struggle. They became angrier and angrier with me and in the end one of them said "you know, there's such a virtue as meekness". They told me, plain and simple, obey us because we told you so. Obey without proof, without any explanation, just obey. I said no I don't think I will do that anymore. And since then there wasn't a single call from them, I was completely ghosted and shunned. They are terrified and angered by a emoitionally healthy individual that does not allow himself to be treated like a 5 year old child.
@vincentgomez7564 Год назад
Your last sentence is so true. From what I observed, it almost seems like some are jealous that you have stood up to them and have not allowed them to strip you of your dignity.
@moonsong9472 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for sharing your story and insights with us. So glad Jesus called you out of this organisation and you realised the truth about 'the truth'. Greetings from Aus. 🦘
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