
Why I Left the Nazarene Church 

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Preached 8/24/08
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@makolephalane7497 6 лет назад
for by grace are we saved and not by works! This man is leading people astray. The Nazarene is a good bible believing church and has been the tool to save many souls!
@normablake2748 3 года назад
@sandyl220 7 лет назад
I grew up in the Nazarene Church and the Bible was very much part of church. The pastor would preach from the Bible and have everyone follow along in their own Bible as well. In children's church we read from the Bible too. So I don't know why this guys church didn't, that's weird. And our Nazarene church was not liberal at all!! We went to church camp every summer and all those Nazarenes were the same as my home church. It sounds like this guy went to a not your common Nazarene church at that time. But I am glad they were able to help him some.
@kapiatgatas 7 лет назад
I am a Nazarene. My father is a Pastor/Minister, District Superintendent, Missionary, President of a Bible School and a Professor of a Seminary in the Nazarene. Was also a professor of a University. I asked this controversial questions to him what the bible says compared to what I learned from the Nazarene. My father told me this "Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except thru me. John 14:6". I understand where this guy his coming from. He has the right to ask questions about his faith and his understanding of the passages and deserves common sense answers. What I don't like the excuses and behaviors because of a Ministers shortcomings in addressing facts. Especially to many like this fellow who found Christ. But I do like when he felt something different when he bowed down his knees and repented his sins while his wife and others surround him in prayer. That's the Holy Spirit at the works.
@harlandfriendofgod6108 7 лет назад
my dad also a Nazarene pastor, related to a General Superintendent; if I go to hell, it would be because I hate the Cross of Jesus; I have no excuse to criticize or judge anyone; we may go to hell if we ingore "such a great salvation". (this guys says the word "I" just a little too much.
@kapiatgatas 7 лет назад
We have to walk this world like how Jesus did. While satans armies around us. Waiting for little miss steps along the way to lure us into sin.
@Doriesep6622 6 лет назад
If you will do a little historical digging, paying attention to the dates, John was written to shore up Church dogma.
@bpdsweetheart8074 5 лет назад
That is the perfect answer. My nazarene pastor gave me the same answer. He himself said what matters is you believe in him, trust in him and his love, and look to him. I love being nazarene. It's not perfect but its home.
@sarahrich5431 7 лет назад
Hey J R..not every Nazarene Churches are like the one you went to..my Nazarene Church believes in being Baptized. So don't judge all churches like the one you went to.
@GoProHdHero2Camera 5 лет назад
This Nazarene church does baptize or it would not be equipped with a baptistery. Unfortunately the way it performs baptisms is unscriptural. The churches of Christ, those that truly follow the Lord and do His Will, have their origin in the first century and have not been founded by any human - because such have chartered their course wholly on what the Lord commands. People are happy with just taking what they like out of the Bible and forget the rest because they don't like the truth. Untold numbers have lost their lives for defending the Lord's cause! If folks would read their Bibles and study intently what is in there, denominationalism wouldn't be so out-of-hand as it is today! Denominationalism is straight from the Devil! The Church of the Nazarene is right in the middle of it, dressing up as an angel of light doing Satan's bidding by deceiving countless souls into thinking they are saved, being deceived themselves and not even knowing (or caring) about it.
@dregoro6949 3 года назад
@@GoProHdHero2Camera does the Church of Christ believe that Jesus is God, come down to earth?
@GoProHdHero2Camera 3 года назад
@@dregoro6949 First, this comment has been edited because I have added to it a couple times and corrected some errors in the text... Jesus is the Son of God so yes, He is God. One of the most commonly-cited verses, John 3:16 tells us that God sent His only begotten Son [upon the earth] &c. Yes. When people truly do the Lord's Will as set forth in the Scriptures, to the best of their ability and grow in the Lord, I believe, even those not necessarily in the churches of Christ, but that they strive to do His Will, will enter the Kingdom. Likewise, there are some in the churches of Christ that will not because they do not the Lord's commandments nor practice faith like Abraham, Enoch, etc. This is what I see at this point and am actively doing some serious study on this and other things. Thank you for your inquiry. Not everyone in the churches of Christ believe they're the only ones going to Heaven however many do. I am very thankful that, since I wrote the above comment, that a beloved preacher and I have been studying this topic extensively. I re-read my post written about a year ago and I don't think today I would have presented it quite like it is because of the studies I have engaged in since I wrote it. I still believe that denominationalism is error but this is something we in our age, unfortunately inherit, so we must do the best we can with the mess that it is. We must remember that the same thing existed in Judaism in the 1st century and synagogues for example, are not mentioned in the O.T. however we find Christ and the apostles teaching in them. It is just one thing I can think of. There is much more I can say about this but not the space here for this. Who the Lord lets through the gates will depend on the person's heart and not necessarily where that person worships, for those that strive to do His Will will, if given the time, and with steadfast prayer, and diligent study, through God's providence will be shown the way. I strive to learn what God's Will is and not depend so much on church doctrine, unless the Scriptures support it. Even so, the Scriptures are of no private interpretation. Therefore we must be very careful about laying judgement on things that are not so clear or not easy to understand. People not studying is one of the reasons why we have division today. I will not venture any further because it may become controversial and I am not ready for this on a secular platform like this. I am as yet, learning new things that in earlier times, have not considered.
@smartguy8505 6 лет назад
My Father was a Nazarene Pastor for 62 years when he passed away. He was offered and declined 2 District Superintendents positions.He was also on the Trevecca NazareneCollege board. The Nazarene Church does believe in Baptism. It does not believe it is a requirement to be a Christian. The simple fact that the only person who went to Heaven because Christ said he was going to be in Heaven was a thief that had never been Baptized and has no record of doing anything good in his life. This alone completely destroys the requirement of Baptism. I was Baptized myself but not for Salvation The general message of Christ is simple and is only complicated by interpretations of man.
@biblesearch1146 6 лет назад
Please see my two part lesson on should I be baptized again at the link below. Look forward to any comments on them also. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-G0b2DCno7s4.html
@stephenfoster9009 4 года назад
This sincere brother has a couple of issues that form his faith. 1. His understanding of salvation is skewed. We are saved by grace through faith. That happened to him, yet he says he was not a Christian until he was baptized. Scripturally he was saved, but in order to fulfill all righteousness, he needed to be baptized. The Church of the Nazarene he attended had a baptistery, and had candidates scheduled for baptism. His second issue is a wooden, fundamentalist understanding is scripture. To illustrate, what does a fundamentalist do at a stop sign? According to a fundamentalist understanding is scripture they would stop. They would not go, because it is not written that one should go. Reading the Bible and understanding it’s application takes some skill and the ability to see how God works his will in this world. The fact that this church had wholesome activities for their various age groups at that time was awesome. The fact that people rose up to meet him at the altar and pray with him was awesome. As for women preachers, the Church of the Nazarene has the position that God fills and calls woman to the ministry just as he called women to prophesy In the Old Covenant. There are Nazarenes who disagree with the party line on that, who understand Paul’s doctrine to be ubiquitous that a woman shook not have authority over a man, yet no one is excommunicated from the church for it. Overall, the Church if the Nazarene is a diverse, evangelical, holiness, worldwide denomination filling God’s ministry.
@schs1977 5 лет назад
As a 4th generation Nazarene, I am glad you left the Church of the Nazarene. Question for you: When did the Lord anoint you His judge? You are pointing a finger of guilt at the Church of the Nazarene, however you did not notice the thumb is pointing at you!
@thereisnopandemic 3 года назад
A question, is the Nazarene church Arminian or Calvinistic? I ask because all churches as biblical as they claim they are, they all fall into these two categories.
@Davidbodyspam 4 года назад
This is the sort of thing that confuses new believers. How one domination is slightly different then another makes them as lost as atheists.
@thereisnopandemic 3 года назад
The belief who God is. If a church rejects the Trinity it is not in the faith. If the Church Rejects the Gospel it is not Christian. You must believe that by repenting (turning away from loving sin to having a different mindset towards sin) and belief (In Christ sinless life, death and resurrection) to be sufficient to save and keep you saved. Then you’ll be a Christian. Any church that teaches that you can lose your salvation it is denying and rejecting the Gospel of Christ work and promises. That the WORK HE HAS BEGUN IN YOU, HE WILL FINISH IT. So any church that teaches that a child of God can stop being a child of God, it is a damning church. Any church that teaches that, you can continue in unrepentant sin and that The Law is not important it is not Christian. That’s called antinomianism, it is heretical. Yes works does not save us or damns us, but works shows us if we have been accepted by God as adopted child, it is evidence that we have been transformed, someone who is saved, has received a new mindset against sin. You start to hate sin, and when you sin, you eventually will hate it not love it.
@drcharleswchristian 7 лет назад
Here is an example of ignorance meeting arrogance.
@bpdsweetheart8074 5 лет назад
I am a nazarene by choice. No religion is perfect by any means but I felt more accepted by nazarenes than any other religion I tried. Make no mistake though, you can believe in God or a higher power without having a title. You can be saved without identifying as one denomination or another. The important thing is that you believe there is something more powerful than any of us, somewhere that we can go to after our physical lives where there is a place for us in unconditional love. Don't give up your belief due to flawed mankind. Love to everyone reading this comment. You have a place in this world regardless of what you believe in. You are loved by someone you may or may not believe in. You are beautiful and capable of doing great things regardless of those who tell you otherwise. Keep your chins up and keep on keeping on.
@gupman62 5 лет назад
For years when I read the Bible it disturbed my contentment, then one day I realized it was the Holy Spirit at work , convicting me of my sin. Hebrews 4:12...For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
@kimjanecek9575 Год назад
Gods grace Jesus death on cross our humble sorrow asking God to wash us in blood Jesus amen which translated means truth anything added or misinterpreted is cult the false preachers hypocrites got into put fire by God right after Satan that's written in scripture holy bible best be aware of untruth false teaching hypocrites are following false preachers because u read bible and you know what is and isn't in the holy book the end. Period. No excuses no reason to question it is in black and white antichrist ungodly is exact twisting truth. Amen. Truth
@SavedByGrace-oe1ts 3 года назад
Shoutout from Louisville! I've lived here my whole life! But yes! Of course you were saved! The second you put your faith in Christ there at that altar, you were cleansed of your sins and God DID forgive you. The proof of THAT was the changes that began happening in your life, because the Holy Spirit took up residence in you. Your sins were gone and now His Holy Spirit enables you to live a repentant and holy life. If you weren't already forgiven, that could not have happened. I'm so happy you listened and was obedient to God's call to be baptized. As far as reading that verse in Acts 2:38, you have to understand the Greek word being used, and in the context in which it is being used. The word used for "for" is "eis" in Greek. Those who hold to the belief that baptism is required for salvation are quick to point to this verse and the fact that it says “be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ FOR the forgiveness of your sins,” assuming that the word translated “for” in this verse means “in order to get.” But in both Greek and English, there are many possible usages of the word “for.” A good example is, when one says “Take two aspirin for your headache,” it is obvious to everybody that it does not mean “take two aspirin in order to get your headache,” but instead to “take two aspirin because you already have a headache.” There are three possible meanings of the word “for” that might fit the context of this verse... 1--“in order to be, become, get, have, keep, etc.,” 2-“because of, as the result of,” or 3-“with regard to.” Since any one of the three meanings could fit the context of this passage, additional study is required...two Greek scholars, A.T. Robertson and J.R. Mantey have maintained that the Greek preposition "eis" in Acts 2:38 should be translated “because of” or “in view of,” and NOT “in order to,” or “for the purpose of.” One example of how this preposition is used in other Scriptures is seen in Matthew 12:41 where the word "eis" communicates the “result” of an action. In this case it is said that the people of Nineveh “repented at the preaching of Jonah” (the word translated “at” is the same Greek word "eis"). Clearly, the meaning of this passage is that they repented “because of’” or “as the result of” Jonah’s preaching. This confused me at first glance, too. And sadly, this is not communicated very effectively when people ask. I hope this helps, though. Oh and yes! Paul was certainly addressing a local problem there in Corinth. That passage about not permitting women to speak, has been taken out of context so many times that people use it as a free for all. But it was simply a local problem Paul was trying to edify in the problem church there in Corinth. It takes a lot of study before people realize this, though.
@johnvilseck6065 3 года назад
You probably lost many.
@brandonedwards1349 6 лет назад
This really couldn't be called a sermon. It has no redemptive value, nothing leading toward growth in Christ, and nothing of value that leads to a better understanding of Biblical content. This was a rant.
@biblesearch1146 6 лет назад
+Brandon Edwards The lesson is Biblical and encouraging recounting the search of a husband and wife for the truth and their willingness to leave unbiblical traditions when finding it. It is sad so many are content to remain in traditions that have no scriptural basis.
@brandonedwards1349 6 лет назад
The speakers experience of one church (or pastor) seems to cloud an accurate assessment of the Church of the Nazarene. The Wesleyan Arminian Holiness Movement (including the COTN) collectively hold beliefs that are both sound and scriptural. I believe going forward, we may have to agree to disagree.
@americaisajokenow1090 5 лет назад
Christ did not start a new doctrine man did when Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church but still has most still principal. Go back to Hebrew faith run in faith
@shawnlauderdale6502 4 года назад
Amen, the ending is truth! Tell the "truth", the truth is what sets us all free! People are hungry for the truth!
@Outrider74 4 месяца назад
While there are serious issues with the Nazarenes (overemphasis on good works and believing in a form of perfectionism, flirting with liberalism and the charismatic movement, women preachers, department from sacramental efficacy-which John and Charles Wesley both believed in), I would not say that anybody who "walked the aisle" (even though that's really an innovation created in 19th century revivalism) is not de facto a Christian. I left the Nazarene church as well, but I would also maintain that there are very good Christian people within her walls, however problematic some of her doctrines may be.
@shawnlauderdale6502 4 года назад
People don't heal people, God heals people by working through them!
@originaldanman 3 года назад
I grew up, and went to the Nazarene church for over 30 years, but there are some things the Nazarene church approves of that do not line up with scripture. The main thing I disagree with is women preachers, and women deacons, which are clearly not allowed in scripture. Because Phillip had 4 dollars that prophesied, it cannot be deduced that their should be women pastors, deacons, or sunday school teachers. Though I agree with their stance on holiness, I disagree with their definition of entire sanctification, "it's not a been there done that" one time event similar to the false doctrine of OSAS, of which they used to be against (don't know if they still are). IMO the Nazarene church has totally lost it's message, and has become a "seeker friendly" type of church, no different than any other. I found the pastors and members to live no differently than any others I know in the other denominations I've attended. In all of them, there are real Christians, and there are hypocrites; go where God calls you, and believe what the word of God tells you. Don't listen to the words of man when they are not what the word of God teaches.
@biblesearch1146 3 года назад
Thanks for your comment. I am the creater of this channel and have just began uploading an extended series on The Church. Maybe this can provide a lot of Bible answers on this vital subject
@kapiatgatas 7 лет назад
One thing I want to emphasize. The Nazarene Church outside the United States works better because it closer to their culture and values. Here in the United States, being a Minister or a Pastor is often an occupation rather than a service to God. Liberals and radicals has influenced the churches. Conservatives are in decline. Often called bigots and hypocrites if they assert their religious beliefs and values.
@sandyl220 7 лет назад
I have a question. First though, my grandma was like your great grandmother with all those things. My mother was a little bit too. My question is, in the Bible both men and women wore robes, so why is it ok for men to wear pants now but not women? Just wondering.
@greglogan7706 6 лет назад
What do "liberal" or "radical" - AND "conservative" - have anything to with Christ? Hypocrites have nothing to do with asserting religious beliefs and values - the issue is that they are hypocrites.
@Doriesep6622 6 лет назад
Oh, influenced. Aren't you influenced by your hillbilly fundamentalism? Ideas float around. Don't blame some people for being attracted to other ideas.
@smartguy8505 6 лет назад
I won’t get in a dispute over religion, but I must point out that you were apparently were looking at people in the Church instead of Christ. I have been a Nazarene since I came out my Moms belly. My Father was a Nazarene Preacher for 62 years at his passing. My Mom was teaching SS when she was 14. I will never try to convince anyone that the Nazarene Church hasn’t changed over the years and not necessarily for the better. I was Baptized. My parents were Baptized. In there years they never veered off the course. They met at a Revival in South Carolina, she was from Kentucky and he was from Greensboro NC. I have to take issue with a couple of your opinions. First it sounds like you were only a member of one Nazarene Church. The Nazarene Churches relationship to the Wesleyan doctrine was the connection to missions. John Wesley traveled here and went to Savannah Ga. where he got on a raft at Tybee Island to witness to the Indians. Thus the Churches mission was to carry the word of God throughout the world. The Nazarene Church in no way shape or form discourages Baptism and in fact believes the Christian should do it. Sprinkling is used but it was because there were old people, bed ridden people who could not be submerged. Reading from the Manuel when you were Baptized was just because of uniformity( of which I don’t particularly care for one way or the other) choreography and Church isn’t my thing. Now about this Baptism and Salvation. To my knowledge the only person in Heaven that died who is in Heaven because Christ said they were is a thief. The likelihood that he was Baptized is minuscule. My Father always preached that you should dig into the Bible and study, and remember that it said, Let each man work out his own salvation with fear and trembling. As far s On a separate note. What is the Church of Christ view on eating in restaurants on Sunday? As far as women preachers go,I can find nowhere that makes it a sin. “In the last days your sons and daughters shall dream dreams and prophecy. Forgive me if I have a word or two wrong as I don’t have my Bible on me right now. Now. Off subject. Does the Church of Christ believe it’s OK to go to restaurants and eat on Sunday?
@smartguy8505 3 года назад
@@DianeOwens6272 The Nazarene Church has absolutely nothing to do with Catholicism. It was formed as a Mission Church. It was directly taken from the Wesleyan Doctrine. As I said not once was I ever told not to have anything to do with the Church of Christ. In fact my Dad always said that if another denomination could take your people then the Pastor wasn’t doing a very good job. My Dad preached funerals with Church of Christ pastors. I have no idea what you or this pastor are talking about. There is one Bible. It is the only book preached from the pulpit. Denominationalism is idolatry. No building can get you in Heaven. Denominational teachings that believe they are the only ones that are right about everything is kind of leaning towards being a cult. Being a Christian is about having a personal relationship with Christ. The only Bible experts are dead. Only after we die will we know who was wrong and right about which particular issues.
@jdcool11 6 лет назад
Thank you.
@lynda9539 5 лет назад
Some of this completely boggles me . Not coming from the Reformation? Whatever that doesn't matter. I stopped listening when I realized that you have not done your homework.. 1st Corinthians 11:5 talks about women prophesying and then Romans 16 1 and 2 Paul mentions Phoebe as a deacon of the first century Christian Church and I really don't get your baptism problem. I have never heard a Nazarene say that you have to be baptised to be forgiven of sins. Even in your story you go to the minister and ask because Jesus had laid it on your heart to do so. Believe me I've been in Pentecostal churches who believe that you must be baptized and it's a lot different than Nazarene Church. I'm just saying if you're going to criticize the Nazarene church maybe you should pick up a Nazarene manual and actually read through it and look at the scripture references. By the way I am not saying that the Nazarene manual is needed in any way shape or form for you to be a Christian or even to become closer to God. It does give an idea though of where certain beliefs come from. I will tell you a secret there isn't a church on this earth that is completely right. Religion is man-made and that includes the Nazarene Church and the Church of Christ. To be so arrogant as to believe that you are completely right and the person down the road is wrong brings about thoughts of the Pharisees and Sadducees. I would almost bet you that there will be people who went to the Church of Christ or people who went to the Nazarene church or people who went to the Catholic church or people who went to those Baptist Church and so on will be in heaven because the only thing you need to know is that Jesus died for you and through him you will be saved if you just ask. Anything else is just Lagniappe. I hope you find what you seem to be looking for but if you have to tear down a Christ centered church to find it then you may want to keep looking.
@RebeccaPaige 5 лет назад
So are you basically saying you're a legalist?
@sharonlutz1046 2 года назад
Committed Nazarenes know it's not "the Nazarene Church" but the Church of the Nazarene. There's a big difference...
@kmc6506 2 года назад
When I was growing up we were taught to say "Church of the Nazarene," not "Nazarene Church" but nowadays I hear people say "Nazarene Church" I cringe a little
@huntnyc 7 лет назад
Thanks for all comments. I am responsible for content on this RU-vid channel and this sermon was preached by my close friend and brother in the Lord. I am currently preaching a series of lessons on The Church which tries to present the plain Bible teaching without unauthorized denominational traditions. Please give a listen subscribe and make any comments or questions.
@Zagros_GD 7 лет назад
Gary Hunt Hello, I have been raised in the Nazarene church my whole life, I always just went through the motions, I was baptized when I was ~8 and did not understand what it meant, and now I am 16 and struggling with my faith... I would appreciate some advice. Do I need to be baptized again? Can someone trust in the Lord, live a holy life, and share the gospel to others and still not enter God's kingdom sinply because they were not baptized? These questions are heavy on my heart right now.
@biblesearch1146 6 лет назад
+Zagros Thanks for studying here. Can you go to my website at biblesearch.com and look for sermon by searching for should I be baptized again. Please feel free to call or also contact me by email so I can answer any questions.
@Doobleray59 4 года назад
I am not involved with any church but these people you trying to destroy are good people. They are always involved and supportive in our area. We can always depend on them. They are true in their walk, if I ever think of giving up my sinful ways or come my last breath I would call these people. If you can find all your excuses to put down these people then I can use people like you as my reason I am also not sure becoming a Christian is a great step.
@johnvilseck6065 3 года назад
No. Preaching dogma leads people astray. Did not Christ forgive a sinner who was crucified next to Him and say that sinner would join Him. Luke 23:43. Not baptized. Paul said he was glad to only baptize a few because others were using the names of those who had baptized them to create division and forgotten the Salvation message and relied on the act instead of faith in Christ coming as the Son of God in the flesh to die for our sins. Messy business dogma can become. Love the Lord thy God and one another is the greatest thing we can do for the Kingdom of Heaven.
@karensimms4502 5 лет назад
why do you not show your face.
@lindalai9092 3 года назад
I left the Nazarene church years ago
@daryldensford Год назад
I wonder why my comment was deleted. Perhaps too accurate?
@dregoro6949 3 года назад
Does The Church of Christ believe that Jesus was God, come down to earth?
@susannahwhite7561 4 года назад
From observation and history it's best to be independent. Home churches.
@marcobedvilliere 8 лет назад
Jesus came from Nazareth, and the inhabitants called Nazarene. Am i Wrong? Do you have a text that explains the origin of the Nazarene Church because you stated in the sermon that the Nazarene church does not come from the reform. Please help me found the truth about that.
@biblesearch1146 8 лет назад
Thanks for watching this video to learn more about the bible. This was my dear friend who preached this lesson. He was trying to draw a contrast between the Lord's church revealed in the New Testament and the Nazarene denomination from which he and his wife had come. the origin of that church was in response to what they believed was liberal teaching in the methodist church. therefore, the Nazarene church was not originally of the Protestant Reformation which came about as a response to the Roman Catholic "abuses" as they saw them. Instead of following any of these groups, we plead with you and all to carefully examine the new Testament so that we may all know and be united on the Truth of how to become A Christian, live as a Christian, worship and work with a local church as directly only by the apostles. If we do this, we will belong to Jesus' one church, His saved body of people that is not a part of any of these man made denominational churches. Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions. Gary Hunt, Evangelist and web master at biblesearch.com
@americaisajokenow1090 5 лет назад
But not doctrine of catholism
@bpdsweetheart8074 5 лет назад
As a nazarene allow me to explain why nazarene isn't a religion of the reform. We are actually a break off religion founded by wesley for people who wanted to be in church but weren't allowed because of class. He saw it wasn't right to force people away from being saved because of being poor. Personally, I believe we are only called nazarene BECAUSE he was also a flawed human who tried to manipulate people into believing that nazarene was the right religion because of jesus being Nazareth. Now that is my personal belief and I'm sure its askew. Either way, no religion is perfect and there is always something to be contradicted in any denomination. It is the world's biggest man made club. That doesn't mean there isn't something bigger than us though, that just means that we are playing a guessing game with each other until our time comes to meet God, jehovah, Allah, yahweh, whatever you want to call him or her
@greglogan7706 6 лет назад
Oh geez... the church of Christ.... There is a lost foundation.
@Rob-lu2ns 5 лет назад
Acts 10:43-44 KJV To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. [44] While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. Peter was interrupted by the Holy Ghost because the gift of the Holy Ghost was given to these Gentiles by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Galatians 3:14 KJV That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. These Gentiles were saved by grace through faith without water. Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] Not of works, lest any man should boast. Titus 3:4-7 KJV But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, [5] Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; [6] Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; [7] That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
@shawnlauderdale6502 4 года назад
Robert Van Allen Jr. But they were baptized after receiving the Holy Ghost out of obedience, Jesus himself was baptized, to teach us! God is God, it's up to him who he may have mercy on, as the thief on the other cross is concerned!
@nickdeyoung1707 3 года назад
Uh first the church Neil I’ve you can just be forgiven and not change your sinful actions. The church is a joke. They tell a adultery victim it’s there fault. A rape victim to pray for forgiveness for having sex outside marriage. The whole denomination should be set down as a dangerous terrorist group.
@hughmcelroy5823 7 лет назад
I can find no where in scripture where "radio stations" are authorized by the word of God. So this guy used a unbiblical source in seeking out God. This man's "sermon" or "lesson" is filled with error. He is filled with ignorance . The Nazarene church never says we "need to beg God for forgiveness."
@NurseEmilie Год назад
A Spirit-filled Christian who truly wants to live in obedience to the Lord would NEVER get online and criticise a church. There could be people reading this who have gone to the Nazarene Church to see spiritual help. Then he listens to your criticism and becomes confused and never goes back. You will be held responsibile for his soul. How dare you claim to be a Christian and get online and put a church down. You can't tell me God is in what you're doing because I KNOW He isn't. Shame on you !
@prof2yousmithe444 5 лет назад
Well, I made it to 6:19 seconds. His claim, "...the Nazarene Church stands contrary to the teachings of the Bible" is so defaming, so utterly ridiculous, it is not to be believed. It is a Bible-believing church based upon heart-holiness. If it were not I would not be a part of it. Period. I attended an SBC seminary to receive my first degrees in Pastoral Ministries and my second in Ancient Biblical Languages, (Koine Greek and Hebrew). I also possess degrees from a Nazarene Seminary. I spent ten years preparing for ministry and it was a wonderful time in study and seeing people won to the Lord. This man does not understand biblically-based denominations. He is truly leading people down a hole that will lead to damnation.
@greglogan7706 6 лет назад
What is wrong with playing cards???????????
@qhop5726 6 лет назад
Greg Logan. No shit.... they're great for strip poker.
@Doriesep6622 6 лет назад
Oh, influenced. Aren't you influenced by your hillbilly fundamentalism? Ideas float around. Don't blame some people for being attracted to other ideas.
@qhop5726 6 лет назад
Doriesep6622. So, he's a hillbilly and you're a bitch. Got it.
@jsnification 4 года назад
@shawnlauderdale6502 4 года назад
Must be baptized in Jesus name!
@matthewhurst573 7 лет назад
for by grace are we saved and not by works! This man is leading people astray. The Nazarene is a good bible believing church and has been the tool to save many souls!
@Doriesep6622 6 лет назад
They don't care about history or archeology.
@juliewitt7496 6 лет назад
Faith without works is dead.
@sumerbc7409 5 лет назад
My family has been Nazarene for 7 Decades. I KNOW WHAT I SAY!. They are the most hateful judgmental . 'no love', no mercy, and she tore this family apart with her critical sin detector attitude. JUDGE YOURSELF SISTER!!!!!!!!
@prof2yousmithe444 5 лет назад
@@sumerbc7409 I would say your issue is not with the Church of the Nazarene but that local church. I am a Nazarene Pastor and I apologize to you for the hurt people put you through.
@deborahrogersroderick233 4 года назад
@Jonathan Soko Nazarenes are not so heavy into works. Become Christian's number one
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